AND BUTE COUNCIL Argyll Islands Taskforce

Development and Infrastructure Services 23 March 2015



1.1 Caledonian MacBrayne are planning to provide a free Wi-Fi service at all ports and on ferry services, this is currently being developed and should be completed by summer 2015.

1.2 It is recommended that the Taskforce notes the content of this report.

ARGYLL AND BUTE COUNCIL Argyll Islands Taskforce

Development and Infrastructure Services 23 March 2015

Wi-Fi provision by Caledonian MacBrayne


2.1 Caledonian MacBrayne (CalMac) ferries have embarked on the introduction of Wi-Fi services at all of their ports and on their ferries. The service will go live in its first ports shortly and should be fully operational by the summer of 2015. This report provides an overview of the proposed service.


3.1 That the Taskforce notes the content of this report.


4.1 The service is expected to benefit all Cal Mac ports with the focus on the terminal and associated car parks, in some areas Wi-Fi availability may exist beyond the confines of the site for example towards a nearby railway connection. The following ports across Argyll are expected to be covered:

Island Mainland (Lismore) Campbeltown Ardminish (Gigha) Claonaig () Colintraive Criagnure (Mull) (Mull) (Mull) Portavadie (Iona) Tarbert () Tayinloan Port Ellen (Islay) Rhubodach (Bute) Rothesay (Bute) () () Tobermory (Mull)

A continuous Wi-Fi is also planned for all ferries.

4.2 The service is planned to be a free service available to all those in within the reach of the Wi-Fi signal. It is expected that speeds of approximately 5 mbps will be available however users will not be able to stream video due to the constraints of bandwidth.

4.3 In some areas Cal Mac are installing dedicated infrastructure to ensure the service is



5.1 The installation of Wi-Fi at all ports could offer a boost for island communities especially those which currently have poor broadband speed and will be a useful facilities for visitors and those travelling across Argyll.


6.1 Policy – the work accords with the SOA and the EDAP which look to support infrastructure development.

6.2 Financial – there is no financial commitment for the Council.

6.3 Legal – none.

6.4 HR – none.

6.5 Equalities – none.

6.6 Risk – there are no risks to the Council.

6.7 Customer Service – none.

Executive Director of Development and Infrastructure Services – Pippa Milne Policy Lead – Councillor Morton 22 December 2014

For further information contact: Audrey Martin (01546 604180, Audrey.Martin@argyll-