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2000 TRAI{SACTIOI\}5 Americal\ OTOLOGICAL SOCIETY, II{C 2000 TRAI{SACTIOI\}5 AMERICAl\ OTOLOGICAL SOCIETY, II{C. 2000 ,% t:\ €., E ax VOLUMT 88 ONE HUNDRED THIRTY-THIRD AN}JUAL MEETiT{C Onlalro Wonln CtrurtR Manirro:r ORr-,rNno, FloRrna Mev 13*14,2000 -db,.Y LrprrNcorr WTLLTAMS fc Wu<rNs CONTFNTS ANNUAL PHOTOCRAPH vtl 2OOO OFFICFITS vill 2001 0rncERS v[t INTRODUCTI0N or AW,{RD or MlRtr wtF.lNER: RoBTRT H. JAHRSD0ERTIR, M.]. IX Charles Luetie, M.D. AWARD OF MERIT RECIPIE\]TS 1949*2OOO cuESTS OF HOt{OR .1 949*2000 SCITNTITIC STSSIONS 2OOO PRTSIDENTIAL ADDRESS . C. Cary jackson, M"D. INTqODUCTION OT CUIST OF HOI'JOR: DTRALD f. SRACKMANN. M.D. C. Cary lackson, M.D. RI:MARKS Or CUEST 0r H0NOR Deralcl E. Brackmann, M.D. PRTSENTATION OF PRESTD[N1TIAL CITATION: WltLlAM B. WILLIAMS, ESQ. C. Cary Jacksr:n, M"D. R[SPOT{ST OT PRT$iDENTIAL CITATION RTCIPILNT \Alillianr B. Williams, Esq. MIDDLT ffiRIMASTOID -I. FTLINE IMMUNOD[':ICIENCY VIRUS*MIDIATTD CTNI TI'1IRAPY OF MID}LE TAR MUCOSA L,LLLJ.rTI I C Hamid R. Djalilian, M.D., Yasuhiro Tsu[:roi, M.D., wesley obritsch, antj Jizhen Lin, M D, :. ANALYSIS OF THI DYSFUNCTIONAL EUSTACHIAN TUB[ BY VI}EO II"{DOSCOPY" Dennis s. Poe, M.D., Ashraf A. Halawa, M.B.B.ch., M.s., and osama A. Razek, M.B"B.ch., M.s. 3. I.,{S[R STAPEDOTOMY WITH CONSTRVATION OF THE STArr}IAL TTNDON. Rodney C. Perkins, M.D. 4. CURREI\IT USE OT IMPLANTS MIDDLL EAR SURCERY Robrrt A" Coldenberg, M.L)", and'N John R. In'rmett, M.D., t A"C"S. DISCUSSION PERIOD l: MIDDLI IARIMASTOID TO 5. ViBRATORY SAMPLI MACNETOMtrTRY OT ST,APTS PROSTHESFS TO ASSESS MR SATEIY ANil COMPATIBIIITY 12 Mark J. Syms, M.D., and Derrick W. Peterman, Ph.D. MID}L[ EAR PROSTI'1ISIS DISPLACIMENT I1\ HICH STRENCTH MACNTTIC TITL}S '13 Michells D. will!ams, M.s.4, Patrick J. Antonelli, M.D., F",{.c.s., and Lorna williams, M.D, PROCNOSTIC fACTORS ll'l OSSICULOPLASTY: A STATISTICAL STACII"iC SYSTEM . 1r4 John L. Dornhofier, M.ll., and Edward K. Cardner, M.D" lI1 DISCUSSION PIRIOD ll: tullDDLE EARIMASTOID 15 PANEL DISCUSSION: CHOLESTTATOMA 16 S. ANTTRiOR SUBANN]ULAR T-TU1]T FOR PR.OLONCTD MIDDLE TAR VINTILATION DURINC TYMPANOPLASTY: LONC-TIRMFOLLOW-UP.... .."..." 22 Ravincjhra C. Illuru, M.D., Ph.D., Reena Dlranda, M.D", Joel A. Coebel, M.D., F.A.C.S., and I. Cail Neely, M.D., f.A.C.5. 9" DELAYID FACIAL PALSY ATTIR STAPEDECTOMY Z4 Xianxi Ce, M.D.. and ]ohn l. Slrea, Jr., M.D" 10. INCIDINCI OT FACIAL NERVE DIHISCENC,E AT SURCIRY TOR CHOLESTIATOMA 25 Samuel H. Selesnick, M.D., F.A.C.S., and Aiaslair C. Lynn-Macrae, M.S. DrSCUSSION ptRl0D lll 26 n4i^vrtnrs DrsrAsr "11. A COMPARISON OT HIARINC RTSULTS IN INI RATYMPANIC IINTAMICIN THTRAPY 27 Michelie L. Facer, D.(J., Ci;lin L. W. Drisr:o:1, M.D., Stephen C. Harner, M.D., Ceorge W. Iacer, M.D", Charles W. Beatty, M.D., and Thonras J' McDonalcj, M"D. 12. tMPACT Or Mf NTERTS DlSl-A5E ON QUALITY OF l-lFE 28 .lolrn P. Anderson, Ph.D., arrd jeffrey P. l-{arris, M.D., Ph.D. ] 3. THT WANINC ITOLE OF \IFSTIBULAR NERVE STCTION AND LAI3YRINTI-{HCTOMY TOR INTRACTABLE MENIER['S DISIASE 2q Anis A. Ahmadi, 8"5", Patrick J. Antonelli, M.D., and Ceorge T. Singleton, M.D. DtscusstoN PERIOD lv: mrxllnrs DlstASr 30 IMPLANTABLE DEVICTS "I4. IMPTANTATION OT THE SEVTI?TLY MALFORMED COCHLTA 32 Andrew J. Fishman, M.tf ., J. Thomas RolantJ, M.D., Ceorge Alexiades, M.D., and Notll L. Cohen, M"D. i5- THE MAI\ACTMI-I\I OF FAIi.NDVANCTD OTOSCLEROSIS IN IHE ERA OT COCHLEAR IMPIANTATION )1 Michael ]. Rucker"rstein, M"D., M.S.. F.A.C.S., i(ristine O. Rafter, M.A., and Douglas C" Bigelow, M.D. 16" IS COCHLEAR IMPLANIATION POSSIBLE AITER ACOUSTIC TUMOR RTMOVALI 34 Aziz Belal, M"D. 17. ADULT COCHLTAR IMPLANT PATIINT PTRTORMANCE WITH NEW ILECTRODT 35 IECHNOLOCY " . Terry Zwr:lan, Ph.D., Paul R. Kileny, Ph.D., Sharon Smith, M.S., Dawna Mills, M.S., and Mary loe Ogberger, Ph.D. DISCUSSION r[RIOD V: IMPLANTABLE DEVICIS 36 .I8. HLARINC R[}-JABILITATION US INC THI BAHA BONE.ANCHORED HEARINC AID: RESULTS IN 40PATIENTS..". 3B Lawrence R. Lustig, M.D, H Alexander Arts, M.D., Derald [. Bracknrann, M'D., Howard F Francis, M.D., Tim N4olony, M.D., Cliff A. Megerian, M.D., Cary F^ Moore, M.D. F.A.C.S., Karen M Moore, M.A., Trislr Morlovt,, M.A., Williarrr Potsic, M.D., Jay-f. Rubenstein, M.l)., Sharmilla Srireddy, M.S., Charles A. Synrs llt, M.D., F.A.C.S., Cail lakahashi, David Vernick, M"D., Plrillip A. Wackym, M.D., F.A.C.S., John K. Niparko, M.D. '19 EDITOR'S NOIf; Abstract was nol presentecl at the meeting. 20. UPDATE ON CONSTRVATIVI MANACEMENT OT PATIENTS WITH ACOUSTIC NEUR()MAS . , . 40 Dick l. lloistad, M.D., ceorge A. Melrrik,,\4.D., Bulent MamikoglL.r, M.D., cathleen A. O'Connor, M.5^, and Richard J. Wiet, M.D., F.A.C.S. 21. COMPARISON OF THE I(I_67 AND C-TOs STAININC PATTTRN IN CLOMUS IUCULARE AND C LOMUS TYMPANICUM TUMORS 41 Mohammed Mujtaba, M.D., l. Thomas Roland, M.D., Dennis C" Pappas, M.D., ancJ Dearr I Hilman, Ph.D" DISCUSSION PERIOD Vl: HEARINC LOSS/|NNER IAR *2 HfAtrrNG rOSSy'rNNrr rAn 22. ETANIRCEPT TI--IIRAPY FOR IMMUNT-MEDIATID COCHLIOVESTIBULAR DISORDERS: PREI-IMINARY RESULTS IN A PILOT STUDY 44 l{yon K. choi, M.D., M.P.H., Dennis 5" Poe, M.D., and Mahboob LJ. Rahman, M.D., ph"D. 23. RISK TACTORS TOR HEARINC LOSS II*,] NTONATES 45 Stilianos E. Kountal<ir, M.D., Ph.D., John Skoulas, M.D., Diane phillips, M.S., arrd C. y. jgserph Chang 24. LI)OCAINE PTRFUSION OF THE iNNER TAR PLUS IV LIDOCAINI FOR TINNITUS 46 john J. Shea, |r., M.D., and Xianxi Ce, M"D. ROLT 25. OF IMAfiINC IN THI CLINICAL DIACNOSIS OF INNIR EAR DISORDtRS 47 Arvind l(umar, M.D., Mahmood Mahfee, M.D., Scott W" DiVenere, M.D., and Han Soo Bae, B"S" DISCUSSION PERIOD Vll: HIAR|NC tOSS/tNNIR EAR !t8 PANET DISCUSS:ON: ACOUSTTC NfUROMA 50 H t sTo?AT H OLOAy/VrSn B U LAR D I SORD qRS/AN ATOMY 26. AN INIERACTIVE THRIE-DIMINSIONAL COMPUTTR MODTL OF THT TEMPORAT BONE . " 5{1 Masayuki lnouye, M.D", Joseph Roherson, M.D., Kevin Montgomery, ph.D., ancJ Michael Stephanides, M.D. 27. HISTOPATHO1OCY OT RESIDUAL AND RECURRINT CONDUCTIVT HEARINC LOSS FOLLOWI NC STAPE DECTOMY 59 Joseph B. Nadol, Jr., M.D. 28. I-'IISTOLOCIC STUDI[S OF THE POSTTRIOR STAPEDIOVESTIBULAR JOINT IN OTOSCLEROSIS llt saumil N. Merchant, M.D., Armagan rncesulu, M.D., Robert J. clynn, sc.D., and Joseph B. Nadol, Jr., M.D. :9. A COMPARISON OF ENC RESUTTS WITH POSTUROCRAPHY FINDINCS FROM THE BALANCETRAK 5OO 62 Manali Amin, M.lf., Marian Cirardi, M.A., Horst R. Konrad, M.D., and Larry F. Hughes, ph"D. 3I}. A VESI"IBULAR PHENOTYPE rOR WAARDTNBURC'S SYNDROMT? 53 t-. o. Bl,rck M.D.. I .A.C.S., 5. C. Pesznecker, R.N., K. Allen, M.S., and Claire Cianna, ph.D" D: scussloN P:RloD vl I I : H I SToPATHoLocy/vrsI s u tAR DrsoRDlRSlANAToMy INTRODUCTION OF NEW PRISIDENT: A. ,ULIANA CULYA, M.D 65 C. Cary Jacl<son, M.D" REMARKS OF NTW PRESIDENT 65 A. Juliana Culya, M.D. EXTCUTIVE SESSIONS 66 Business Meeting Repttrts Secretaqz-Trsasu rer 6b b7 Ed itor-l-rhrariarr t)7 Board o{ Trustees of A(JS Rtse;rch }'urd . Americarr Board of Otolaryngology . 67 Anrerica r.l Academy of ()ttllaryrrgology 67 American College o{ SLirg,r:ons 68 Ar,vard of Meril C*mnittee t)o Audit Comnritiee 6B |l.) Nominating Comtliueo . ln Memorianr Cesar Fernanciez, M.D" 7A W. Hugh Powers, M"D. 72 Menrbers l\clr Mt'n rbr'rs 73 Artrvc 75 77 Senior . ?o Imerilus 78 ,Associate 79 Correspondirll . " . Hr;norarv 79 Deceased t}0 Index Subject u.l Author {}2 \r1 ro ,/' _U ^4,:,i c .,,Y, .iU 't<f \).1 - -= ^ ,J, tr r t ^,F-:fiJrL>L.Y i\i*-rt + a) . J- f .=-\ L- ^; J "- * -d o - o.=J:) - -:! 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