Encyclopedia of THE

Gabor Agoston Georgetown University, Washington, D.C.

Bruce Masters Wesleyan University, Connecticut

EfFactsOnFile An imprint of Infobase Publishing CONTENTS

Editors and Contributors vii Alemdar Mustafa Pasha 29 B List of Illustrations and Aleppo 30 Baban family 70 Maps xvii Alexandrette 32 Baghdad 70 Alexandria 33 bailo 72 xxi Acknowledgments Algiers 33 Balkan wars 73 Note on Transliteration Ali Emiri Efendi 34 banks and banking 74 and Spelling xxiii Ali Kusc,u 35 Barbarossa brothers 77 Introduction XXV Ali Pasha, Mehmed Emin 36 Barbary states 78 Ali Pasha of Janina 37 Basra 78 aliya 38 bathhouse 79 Entries A-Z Alliance Israelite Universelle 38 80 A American Board of Bayezid II 82 Commissioners for Bedouins 84 Abbas I 1 Foreign Missions 39 Beirut 86 Abbas Hilmi 2 amir al-hajj 40 Bektasi Order 88 Abbasid 3 Anatolian emirates 40 Belgrade 89 Abd al-Qadir al-Jazairi 4 Anaza Confederation 42 Black Sea 89 Abduh, 4 Anglo-Ottoman Convention 42 91 Abdiilaziz 5 Ankara, Battle of 43 Brankovic family 93 Abdiilhamid I 5 Antioch 44 Bucharest, Treaty of 94 Abdiilhamid II 6 Antun, Farah 44 Buda 94 Abdtilmecid 9 Arabistan 45 budgets 96 Acre 9 Arab Revolt 45 Bulgaria 99 administration, central 10 architecture 46 Bulgarian National administration, provincial 13 Armenia 51 Awakening 102 Adriatic Sea 17 Armenian Apostolic Church 53 Bulgarian Orthodox al-Afghani, Jamal al-Din 18 Armenian Massacres 54 Church 103 agriculture 19 ashraf 55 Bursa 105 ahdname 21 Atatiirk, Kemal 56 Biiyuk Suleyman Pasha 106 22 Auspicious Incident 60 Byzantine Empire 107 Ahmed II 24 Austria 61 Ahmed III 24 ayan 64 C Ahmed Cevdet Pasha 26 Azak 67 Caffa 112 Alawi 27 al-Azhar 67 Cairo 112 28 al-Azm family 68 caliphate 114 iv Contents

calligraphy 115 Dawud Pasha 177 Greek War of capitulations 118 death and funerary culture 177 Independence 240 caravan 119 debt and the Public Debt H caravansaray 120 Administration 180 243 cartography 120 dev§irme 183 hahamba§i 246 Caucasus 124 dhimmi 185 Haifa 246 Celali revolts 127 Dinshaway Incident 186 hajj 246 Cem 128 Dolmabahce Palace 186 Hama 248 censorship 130 dragoman 188 249 ceramics 132 Drava River 188 harem 249 Cezzar Ahmed Pasha 134 Druzes 189 al-Hashimi, Faysal charity 135 Duwayhi, Istifanus 190 ibn Husayn 251 coffee/coffeehouses 138 al-Hashimi, Husayn ibn Ali 251 Committee of Union and Eastern Question 191 Progress 139 hayduk 252 economy and economic Hejaz 253 condominium 141 policy 192 Hejaz Railroad 253 , conquest Edirne 195 historiography . 253 of 142 Edirne, Treaty of 197 Hungary 255 constitution/Constitutional education 198 Hiinkar Iskelesi, Treaty of 258 Periods 144 Egypt 204 Husayn-McMahon contraband 145 England 206 correspondence 259 conversion .145 enthronement and Copts 147 accession ceremony 207 I corsairs and pirates 148 Euphrates River 209 ibn Abd al-Wahhab, Cossacks 149 Evliya Celebi 209 Muhammad 260 court and favorites 151 ibn Saud family 261 court chronicles 154 F Ibrahim I 262 court of law 156 fallah 211 Ibrahim Pasha 264 Cretan War 157 family 212 ihtisab and muhtesib 264 Crete 158 Farhi family 215 illustrated manuscripts Crimean Tatars 158 Fatih mosque complex 216 and miniature paintings 265 161 fatwa 217 illustrated manuscripts in Croatia 163 finances and fiscal structure 217 the Topkapi Palace Cromer, Lord 164 firearms 218 Museum 270 cuisine 165 Fondaco dei turchi 220 imperial ideology 273 Cyprus 165 France 221 intelligence 276 Fuad Pasha 2-25 Iran 278 D Iraq 282 Dalmatia 168 G Ismail, Khedive 283 Damascus 168 Galata 226 Ismail I 284 Damascus Incident 171 Gaza 228 286 Damascus Riots 172 Germany 228 Izmir 290 Danube Province 172 ghaza 231 Danube River 173 Gokalp, Ziya 232 J dar al-harb 174 Grand Bazaar 233 Jabal al-Druz 294 dar al-Islam 175 grand vizier 235 al-Jabarti, Abd al-Rahman 294 daridfitnun 175 Greece 236 Jacobites 294 Davud Pasha 177 Greek Orthodox Church 238 Janbulad Ali Pasha 295 Contents v Janbulad family 296 Mahmud II 345 Mustafa Kamil 412 296 Malta \ 347 Mustafa Resid Pasha 413 Jassy, Treaty of 298 mamluk 347 mutasarrafiyya 414 Jeddah 298 Mamluk Empire 348 Jerusalem 299 markets 349 N Jews 300 Maronites 351 al-Nabulusi, Abd al-Ghani 415 jizya 303 martolos 353 Nadir Shah 415 Mawali Bedouin Nahda 416 K Confederation 353 Najaf 416 kadi 304 Mecca 354 Najd .417 kadiasker 305 Mecelle 355 Namik Kemal 417 Kamanice 306 medicine 357 Napoleon Bonaparte 418 kanun 306 Medina 362 Naqshbandiyya Order 419 Karadjordje 307 362 nationalism 420 Karaites 308 Mehmed II 364 navy 425 Karbala 308 Mehmed III 368 neomartyrs 429 Karlowitz, Treaty of' 309 Mehmed IV 370 Nestorians 430 Katib Celebi 310 371 newspapers 431 al-Kawakibi, Abd Mehmed VI 371 Nizam-i Cedid 434 311 al-Rahman Mehmed Ali 372 nomads 436 Khayr al-Din Pasha 311 Melkite Catholics 373 North Africa 438 312 khedive menzil/menzilhane 374 novel 439 312 Kizilbas merchant communities 375 313 U Knights of St. John merchants 376 Koprulii family 313 Gazi 442 Mevlevi Order 377 Kosovo, Battle of 317 444 Midhat Pasha 378 Kiiciik Kaynarca, Treaty of 317 Osman II 446 military acculturation ' 379 Kurds 318 Osman III 447 military 382 Kuwait 320 Osman Pazvantoglu 447 millet 383 Ottomanism 448 384 L missionaries Ozi 449 385 language and script 322 missionary schools 388 P Lausanne, Treaty of 323 Mohacs, Battle of law and gender 325 Moldavia 389 palaces 451 Lawrence, T.E. 328 money and monetary Palace School 452 systems 391 Lebanese Civil War 329 Palestine 452 394 Lebanon 329 Mosul Pan-Islamism 453 Miihendishane 395 Lepanto, Battle of 331 parliament 456 396 Levant Company 333 mukataa Phanariots 457 396 libraries 333 Philiki Hetairia 458 Murad II 399 Libya 336 photography 459 Murad III 401 literature, classical plague 462 Ottoman 337 Murad IV 403 Poland 464 404 literature, folk 339 political satire 465 literature, late Ottoman 340 music 404 population 467 Mustafa I 409 presidio 469 M Mustafa II 410 • Prime Ministry's Ottoman al-Maani, Fakhr al-Din 344 Mustafa III 411 Archives 469 344 Mustafa IV 412 printing 471 vi Contents

Q Sharif of Mecca 527 U al-Qazdaghli household 475 Shaykh al-Balad 528 al-Ujaymi, Hindiyya 575 Shia Islam 528 Ukraine 576 R Shihab family 530 ulema 577 Ragusa 477 slavery 530 Uniates 578 railroads 478 Sobieski, Jan 533 Urabi, Ahmad Pasha 578 Rashid Rida, Muhammad 484 Sokollu family 534 Uskoks 579 reform 484 Spain 536 reisulkiittab 486 Suez Canal 538 V relazione 487 539 Venice 581 revolutionary press 487 Vienna, sieges of 583 Siileyman I 541 Rhodes 489 Vlachs 585 Siileyman II 547 Rifaiyya Order 489 Sunni Islam 548 W Russia 489 Svishtov, Treaty of 549 wagon fortress 587 Russo-Ottoman War of Sykes-Picot Agreement 550 Wahhabis 587 1768-74 492 Syria 550 Wallachia 588 Russo-Ottoman Wars 494 waqf 590 S T warfare 591 al-Tahtawi, Rifaat 551 Salafiyya 500 weights and measures 595 salname 501 takfir 551 Weizmann, Chaim 598 Salonika 502 Takiyiiddin 552 World War I 598 al-Sanusi, Muhammad 504 Tanzimat 553 al-Sayyadi, Abu al-Huda 505 Tawfiq, Khedive 555 Y Yazidis 602 sciences 506 tax farming 555 Yemen 602 511 telegraph 557 Young Ottomans 603 Selim II 513 temettuat 558 Young Turks 604 Selim III 514 Tersane-i Amire 559 Seljuks 515 Timur 562 Z Serbia 517 Timurids 563 Zahir al-Umar 607 Serbian Orthodox Church 519 tobacco 564 Zand, Karim Khan 608 Sevres, Treaty of 520 Topkapi Palace 566 Zionism 608 sex and sexuality 522 trade 568 Ziya Pasha 609 §eyhulislam 524 Transylvania 570 Shabbatai Zvi 525 Tripoli (Lebanon) 571 Chronology 612 Shadhliyya Order 525 Tripoli (Libya) 572 Glossary 616 Shahrizor 526 tugra 572 Shammar Bedouin 526 Tunis 573 Bibliography 620 sharia 526 Turkey 574 Index 624