THE GAZETTE, MAY 12, 1908, S497

its character altered on re-exhibition from white i- 3. To authorize and provide for the conduct by fixed to white occulting. the County Council of local inquiries as to the Note.—" Posn. Approx." has been placed necessity or expediency of and the making by •against this light and elevation omitted in its the County Council of Orders creating water new position on the chart. districts and constituting water committees, Charts affected.—No. 976, Manila Bay; No. 2577, the Philippine Islands; No. 943, Molucca and also specifying or prescribing the area of Passage to Manila. which any water district is to consist, the name Publications.-—List of Lights, Part VI, 1908, and representation, the mode of election and page 137, No. 669; China Sea, Vol. II, 1906, appointment of members and the date of first pages 317, 320; Eastern Archipelago, Part I, meetings of such water committees, the basis 1902, page 62 ; Supplement, 1906. upon" which and the mode in which each local Authority.—Manila Notices, Nos. 15 and 17 authority entitled to representation thereon shall of 1908. contribute towards the expenses of the water By command of their Lordships, committee, and all other provisions which appear A. Mostyn Field, Hydrographer. necessary and proper for bringing into .operation and giving full effect to the Order. Hydr.ographjc Office,, Admiralty, London, 4. To provide for confirmation by the Local 6th to 7th May, 1908. Government Board of any Orders so made. 5. To regulate the procedure to be adopted in respect of the creation of such water districts In Parliament.—Session 1908. and water committees and define the functions HOLDERNESS WATER. and powers of such water committees, and to (Additional Provision.) require the Company to be incorporated by the (Powers to County Council of the East Riding Bill to afford and to empower any such water of to Create Water Districts and committee to take a supply of water in bulk on to Constitute Water Committees for Providing such terms and conditions as may be prescribed a Supply of Water within such Water Districts or provided for in the additional provision. and to Local Authorities to make application 6. To empower such water committees to to County Council in respect thereof; Power prepare a scheme or schemes for the distribution to Water Committees and Local Authorities of water within their respective water districts. to Borrow Moneys and to Local Authorities 7. To confer upon any water committee all or to Apply Funds ; Incorporation, Amendment some of the rights^ powers and privileges of an or Repeal of Acts ; other Purposes.) urban district council under the Public Health "TVTOTICE is hereby given, that application is Acts with respect to the construction of water- -L^ intended to be made to Parliament by works, including the carrying of water mains, Petition for additional provision for leave to and to provide that any local authority entitled introduce into the Bill now pending in Parlia- to be represented on any water committee shall ment under the above name or short title (here- for the purposes thereof exercise all or some of the inafter called " the Bill") clauses and provisions powers and duties and have all or some of the to effect all or some of the following purposes rights and privileges (including the levying of (that is to say):— rates) of a local authority under the said Acts. 1, To empower the County Council of the 8. To authorize any such water committee or (hereinafter called committees to borrow money for the purposes of " the County Council") to create one or more their order on the security of the contribution of water districts comprising the whole or any the local authorities represented thereon or other- part of the districts of any two or more local wise, and empower the respective local authorities authorities within the limits of the Bill (which represented on such water committee or com- limits comprise the borough of , the urban mittees to apply their -funds and to raise the districts of and , the rural necessary moneys in such proportions on such districts or Patrington and Skirlaugh, the security and on such terms as to repayment or parishes of KUnwick, Lund, Beswick, Holme- otherwise as may be prescribed by the additional on-the-Wolds, Lockington, Aike, South Dalton, provision. Scorborough, Leven, Etton, Leconfield and 9. To incorporate and apply, with or without Arriun, Eske, Routh, Cherry Burton, Moles- modification, or render inapplicable all or some .croft, and Hull Bridge, Bishop Burton, of the provisions of the Public Health Acts ; Weel, Meaux, Walkington, Thearrie, Wawne and the Lands Clauses Acts ; the Waterworks Woodmansey, and Parks, all in the Clauses Acts, 1847 and 1863; the Local Loans rural district of Beverley and the parish of Act, 1875 ; -the Local Governments Acts, 1888 Preston, in the rural district of Sculcoates, and 1894; and all Acts amending those Acts and the parish of Middleton-on-the-Wolds, in respectively. the rural .district of , all in the East 10. To Vary or extinguish all rights and privi- Riding of the county :of York), .and to constitute leges inconsistent with or that may in any way for any water district a water committee con- interfere with the objects of the additional pro- sisting of members of such local authorities and vision and to confer -other rights and privileges. of persons ito be appointed by the County Council 11. Printed copies of the proposed additional for the purpose of taking a supply of water in provision may be obtained at the offices of the bulk from the works .proposed to be authorized undersigned. by the Bill and of providing a supply .of water. Dated this 7th day of May, 1908. twithin such water .district. 2* To -enable any local authority whose district ERNEST A. KITE, Palace Chambers, Bridge- street, Westminster, S.W., Solicitor for is wholly or partly within the said limits by l resolution to be passed at a meeting of such " tie authority to make an application to the County JOHN KENNEDY, W.S., 25, Abingdon- Council for the creation of a water district and •street, Westminster/ S.W.& Paxlia- the constitution of_ajjwater committee, mentary Agent,