IN THE COURT OF THE V ADDITIONAL SESSIONS JUDGE, PRESENT: SMT. PREMA RAJESWARI Spl. Judge for trial of offences under Scs/STs (POA) Act-cum- V Addl. Sessions Judge, K A R I M N A G A R.

Wednesday, the 26th day of August, 2020. Cr.M.P.No.131 of 2020 in Crime No. 105 of 2020 of Veenavanka P.S. Between: 1. Motam Raju, S/o. Ravi, age:32 yrs, Occ: Agriculture, R/o.H.No. 3-90/2, Veenavanka village and mandal . 2. Motam Vishnu @ Vishnumurthi, S/o. Jeeramulu, Age:41 yrs, Occ: Agriculture, R/o.H.No. 3-90, Veenavanka village and mandal Karimnagar District. 3.Motam Srinu @ Srinivas S/o. Jeeramulu, age: 39 yrs, Occ: Agriculture, R/o.H.No. 3-90/1, Veenavanka village and mandal Karimnagar District. ….Petitioners/Accused No.2, 4 & 5 and The State through Station House Officer, Veenavanka P.S. ….Respondent/Complainant.

Offences under Section 341,294(b), 323, 324, 506 r/w 34 IPC 1860 and Sec.3(1)(r)(s), 3(2)(va) of Scs/STs (POA) ACT 1989 (As Amended by Act 1 of 2016) PETITION FILED UNDER SECTION 439 OF CR.P.C. This petition coming before me on today for hearing in the presence of Sri T.Pranab Kumar, Advocate for the petitioner/accused and the learned Public Prosecutor for the state, having been heard and stood over for consideration to this day, the Court made the following:

:: O R D E R:: 1. The bail application is filed under Section 439 Cr.P.C., praying the Court to enlarge the Petitioners/Accused No.2, 4 & 5 on bail pending investigation.

2. Notice given to Public Prosecutor, who reported that the entire investigation is completed, victim filed no objection to grant bail. 3. Heard both sides. 4. Now the point for consideration is:- Whether the Petitioners/Accused No.2, 4 & 5 can be enlarged on bail ?

5. POINT: The learned counsel for the petitioner/ accused No.1 submitted that on 23-07-2020 at 18.00 hours at the outskirts of Veenavanka village and on 29- 07-2020 at 15.00 hrs the complainant lodged a report stating that A1, A2, 2

A3 & A4 all are r/o of Veenavanka village and mandal, having armed with Sticks and Axes criminally trespassed into the land of complainant along with Cage Wheel Tractor B/No.AP-36-W-0399 damaged the planted paddy filed with the cage wheel then the complainant, his sons and Gellu Rajaiah asked them as to why they are damaging the planted paddy field with the cage wheel. Then they abused him in filthy language by alleging that he has no right in the land, they trod his 20 gt land with the help of Tractor and while they are cutting off the 50 mtrs pipe line, he intervened then A1, A2, A3 & A4 caught hold of him tight and beat him with sticks and hands on his head & damaged the current motor and threatened with dire consequences. Thereby requested for necessary action.

Basing on the above report the police Veenavanka P.S. registered a case in Cr.No.105/2020 for the offences punishable under Secs.341,294 b, 323, 324, 506 r/w 34 IPC 1860 and Sec.3(1)(r)(s), 3(2)(va) of Scs/STs (POA) ACT 1989 (As Amended by Act 1 of 2016).

6. On the other hand, Public Prosecutor who reported that the entire investigation is completed, victim filed no objection to grant bail.

7. Perused the record. It is seen that the present crime was set in motion on 23-07-2020. C.D. Part I discloses that the alleged offences are Under Secs. 341,294(b), 323, 324, 506 r/w 34 IPC 1860 and Sec.3(1)(r)(s), 3(2)(va) of Scs/STs (POA) ACT 1989 (As Amended by Act 1 of 2016). C.D Part I further discloses that the entire investigation is completed, victim filed no objection to grant bail. In view of the circumstances and as the charge sheet is filed, I am inclined to grant bail to the Petitioners/Accused No.2, 4 & 5 .

8. In the result, the petition is allowed and the Petitioners/Accused No.2, 4 & 5 are ordered to be enlarged on bail on their executing a self bond for a sum of Rs.25,000/-(Rupees twenty five thousand only)each with 2 sureties for a like sum each to the satisfaction of learned II-Addl.J.M.F.C.,.

Typed to my dictation, corrected and pronounced by me in the open Court on this the 26th day of August, 2020.

V Addl. Sessions Judge, Karimnagar.

To 1. The II-Addl. Judicial Magistrate of First Class,Huzurabad. 2. The Station House Officer, P.S. Veenavanka.