"For almost the entire course of the 20th century, unknown to the public, doctor s and medical researchers have been proving in both laboratory and clinical test ing that our own is an enormous source of vital nutrients, vitamins, hormo nes, enzymes and critical antibodies that cannot be duplicated or derived from a ny other source. They use urine for healing , heart disease, allergies, au to-immune diseases, diabetes, asthma, infertility, infections, wounds and on and on -- yet we're taught that urine is a toxic waste product. This discrepancy be tween the medical truth and the public information regarding urine is ludicrous and, as the news releases you've just read demonstrate, can mean the difference between life and death to you and to your loved ones." Martha Christy In , urine is called "shivambu": "Had our shivambu rishi (sage), gr eat devotee, propagator and mighty supporter of shivambu movement, centenarian f ormer Prime Minister of India, respected (late) Morarji Desai not boldly and emp hatically declared before the world that lie drank his own urine regularly and t hat was the secret of his longevity and exuberant health, the most valuable and beneficial information that is being given to you through this booklet, which ca n prove to be a boon to our poor country and which is capable of curing a host o f diseases ranging from common cold to cancer and arthritis to AIDS, would have remained hidden in some unknown quarters and the entire mankind would have been deprived of shivambu. Really speaking, late Shri Morarjlbhai by his frank and ho nest declaration has accorded world recognition, glory and greatness to this fre e yet priceless therapy otherwise considered to be nauseating. The whole world s hall ever remain indebted to him for rendering this great humanitarian service. " G.K.Thakkar more on shivambu Self Therapy methods

Excerpt from Nexus Magazine Healing with Urine is not a dirty and toxic substance rejected by the body. Urine is a by-pro duct of blood filtration, not waste filtration. Medically it is referred to as " plasma ultrafiltrate". It is a purified derivative of the blood itself, made by the kidneys--whose principal function is not excretion but regulation of all the elements and their concentrations in the blood. Urine can be compared to leftov ers from a meal, and this metaphor may help us understand why our bodies excrete elements that are valuable to our health and well-being. Nutrient-filled blood passes through the liver where toxins are removed to be ex creted as solid waste. Eventually, this purified "clean" blood undergoes a filte ring process in the kidneys, where excess water, salts, vitamins, minerals, enzy mes, antibodies, , uric acid and other elements not usable at that time by t he body are collected in the form of a purified, sterile, watery solution that i s urine. The function of the kidneys is to keep the various elements in the bloo d balanced. The important elements in the blood are not filtered out because the y are toxic and harmful to the body, but simply because the body does not need a particular concentration of an element at that specific point in time. It is th is very regulating process of the kidneys that allows us to eat and drink more t han our bodies need at any one time. Urine is considered to be an invaluable source of nourishment and healing that p erhaps has been too controversial or not financially rewarding enough for it to be talked about and encouraged as a potent medicine. One's own urine, a living f ood, contains elements that are specific to one's body alone. The body is consta ntly producing a huge variety of antibodies, hormones, enzymes and other natural chemicals to regulate and control its functions and combat imbalances that one may not be aware of. -- Clinical studies have proved that the thousands of critical body chemicals and n utrients that end up in urine reflect the individual body's functions. When re-u tilised, these chemicals and nutrients act as natural vaccines, antibacterial, a ntiviral and anticarcinogenic agents as well as hormone balancers and allergy re lievers. The information that urine contains therefore cannot be duplicated or d erived from any other source. Just as nature produces no two people who are exac tly the same, there are no two urine samples in the world that contain exactly t he same components.more "Don't take this therapy lightly. Multiple sclerosis, colitis, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, cancer, hepatitis, hyperactivity, pancreatic insufficiency, psoriasi s, eczema, diabetes, herpes, mononucleosis, adrenal failure, allergies and so ma ny other ailments have been relieved through use of this therapy. After you over come your initial gag response (I know I had one), you will realize that somethi ng big is going on, and if you are searching for health, this is an area to inve stigate. There are numerous reports and double blind studies which go back to th e turn of the century supporting the efficacy of using urine for health." Biome d Urine therapy can be a very effective healing modality. Sometimes when all else fails, urine therapy will turn a person around. Excerpt from Biomedx.com Ms. Christy was sick. Very sick. For a very long time. Pelvic inflammatory disea se, ulcerative colitis, Chron's disease, chronic fatigue syndrome, Hashimoto's d isease, mononucleosis. She had severe infections, two miscarriages, chron ic cystitis, severe candida, endometriosis, adrenal insufficiency, serious chron ic ear and sinus infections, food and chemical allergies. And that wasn't the ha lf of it. She had every conceivable medical test, her share of surgery, and drug s - plenty of them. Then she tried all forms of alternative therapy. , herbs, mega-vitamins and liv-cell treatments in Mexico. After traditional medic ine failed to work, she and her husband spent over $100,000 trying to get her we ll with alternative approaches. Nothing worked. And then one day, her husband brought home a little book that told of how indivi duals had been cured of even the worst diseases with a seemingly strange and lit tle-known natural therapy. Soon afterwards, she began the therapy herself. From the first day she began, she received almost instantaneous relief from her incur able constipation and fluid retention. Within a week, her severe abdominal and p elvic pain was gone. The chronic cystitis and yeast infections (internal and ext ernal) soon disappeared and her food allergies, exhaustion, and digestive proble ms all began to heal. After a few more months, her colds, flu, sore throats and on again off again viral symptoms disappeared. Her hair which had fallen out by the handfuls after her fifth surgery became thick and lustrous. Her weight norma lized, and her and strength came back. After nearly 30 years of non-stop illness, Martha Christy was whole again. What was this therapy that she had discovered? What was this therapy that has he lped seriously ill patients gain complete remissions from their afflictions? Wha t was it that she actually did? Well, here it is. She orally and medicinally re- consumed her own urine.read the rest: Urine Therapy: Your Own Perfect Medicine b y Martha Christy UROTHERAPY FOR PATIENTS WITH CANCER Joseph Eldor, MD Cancer cells release various antigens, some of which appear in the urine. Oral a uto-urotherapy is suggested as a new treatment modality for cancer patients. It will provide the intestinal lymphatic system the many tumor antigens against whi ch antibodies may be produced. These antibodies may be transpierced through the blood stream and attack the tumor and its cells. Learn more about tumor antigens in urine What is urine therapy? How does it work? "Urine therapy has been practised for thousands of years and has merely fallen a bit into obscurity in the last century. However, urine therapy may seem to be u northodox and perhaps revolutionary, it does not introduce anything new or origi nal. It has been known throughout the centuries both in the West and in the East . Dr. Evagelos Danopouolos of Greece reported that urea found in urine has anti- cancerous properties. The urea seems to disrupt the ability of cancer cells to g roup together and kills them by upsetting some of their normal metabolic activit ies. Urine therapy has been used to treat of the skin, cervix, lungs, ey es, breast, and liver. The first question that probably comes to mind is whether urine is not a toxic substance and how a toxic waste product could ever be of a ny benefit for your health. Well, urine is NOT a toxic waste product and this ha s been scientifically proven. 95% of urine is water, 2.5% consists of urea and t he remaining 2.5% is a mixture of minerals, salt, hormones and enzymes. Toxic su bstances are being removed from the body through the liver and intestines, throu gh the skin and through the outbreath. Excerpt from the Medical Alternative Netw ork "No matter how hard it may be for you to stomach, the fact is that knowing the t ruth about this incredible natural substance(urine) will be one of the most cruc ial health facts you'll ever learn. And one of the most remarkable things about this incomparable natural therapy is that the medical community has already been aware of its astounding efficacy for decades, and yet none of us has ever been told about it. Why? Maybe they think it's too controversial. Or maybe, more accu rately, there wasn't any monetary reward for telling people what scientists know about one of the most extraordinary natural healing elements in the world. " Ma rtha Christy Urine Therapy An Amazing Untold Story by Martha Christy There is an extraordinary natural healing substance, produced by our own bodies, that modern medical science has proven to be one of the most powerful natural m edicines known to man.The extensive medical research findings on this natural me dicine have never been compiled and released to the general public before now, b ut those who have been fortunate enough to hear about this medicine and use it h ave found that it can produce often astounding healing even when all other thera pies have failed. more UROPATHY The Most Powerful Holistic Therapy by Martin Lara Urine therapy (Uropathy) is one approach to health that is 100% safe to use, it is extremely effective, has never harmed anyone and it is absolutely free of cha rge. It cannot be controlled and you truly benefit from using it. Thousands of u rine therapy advocates certify that this is a healing modality that activates de lymphatic system which detoxifies the body and starts the true process of heali ng and regenerating the body. Once you become familiar with UROPATHY and start u sing your urine, you will be able to fight individual diseases, prevent and reve rse the conditions that make you susceptible to all types of health problems inc luding: childhood diseases, allergies, common cold, flu, hepatitis, arthritis, h ypertension, all types of infections and fevers, cancer and the opportunistic in fections associated with AIDS. Learn to perpare a strong and powerful formula against most diseases. This simpl e formula has been used against all allergies, for all types of fevers especiall y for babies and infants. It is effective against the flu, common cold, dry skin , eczema, psoriasis and all other skin problems. Learn more about urine's healin g properties for: Hypertension, Hepatitis, Gall Stones, Lyme Disease, Dysentery , Arthritis, and Cholera

The Miracles of Urine Therapy by Dr. Beatrice Bartnett & Margie Adelman The Therapy outlined in this book is an entirely drugless system of healing; the only ingredient is a substance manufactured by the body, rich in minerals, salt , hormones, and other vital substances, namely human urine. This book includes c ase studies of patients successfully treated with urine therapy. It also provide s scientific proof of the efficacy of urine as well as an in-depth look at the h istory and metaphysical roots supporting Urine-Therapy.

UROTHERAPY FOR PATIENTS WITH CANCER Joseph Eldor, MD Cancer cells release various antigens, some of which appear in the urine. Oral a uto-urotherapy is suggested as a new treatment modality for cancer patients. It will provide the intestinal lymphatic system the many tumor antigens against whi ch antibodies may be produced. These antibodies may be transpierced through the blood stream and attack the tumor and its cells. "Every one of us has a right to know that our bodies produce an invaluable sourc e of nourishment and healing that we can utilize to heal ourselves and to mainta in our lives and our health in both everyday circumstances and in emergencies an d life-threatening situations." Your Own Perfect Medicine" by Martha Christy In this extraordinary how-to book, Martha Christy examines research findings and testimonials relating to urine therapy, and includes step-by-step instructions to using urine therapy at home. In its examination of this ancient therapy which has been around for over 5,000 years, Your Own Perfect Medicine makes use of in formation from urologists, neurologists, immunologists, pediatricians, dermatolo gists and university researchers to state its case for urine therapy. Ms. Christ y also answers the important question, "why haven't the thousands of findings on urine therapy been publicized?" This book is a valuable tool for the growing nu mbers of consumers who are determined to take control of their own health. From the Back Cover: It's the most astounding proven natural cure that medical s cience has ever discovered-and yet none of the incredible research findings on t his incomparable natural medicine have ever been revealed to the public! Now, fo r the first time ever, learn to use this simple method and read about the startl ing and amazing medical cures that prestigious researchers and doctors themselve s have witnessed in clinical use of this inexpensive, incredibly effective yet v irtually unknown natural medicine. You owe it to yourself to permanently change your health for the better with the most proven, simplest natural cure in existe nce-Your Own Perfect Medicine! read an excerpt of Your Own Perfect Medicine

SELF-THERAPY METHODS Excerpt from Nexus Magazine Healing with Urine Therapy The middle stream of fresh, warm, morning urine is the most potent, and drinking it mixed with freshly squeezed orange juice is probably the fastest way to acco mplish this task, although it is best not to mix urine with other foods or drink s or to take it within an hour before or after eating. Oral drops of fresh urine can be placed directly under the tongue. Urine therapi sts suggest their patients start with 5 drops of fresh morning urine on the firs t day, increase to 5 or 10 drops on the second day, and take 10 drops on the mor ning of the third day and the same amount that evening before going to bed. Once patients feel comfortable with this therapy, they can gradually increase the am ount as they see fit to obtain the results required for their body's condition. Over time, they can learn to adjust the amount that is needed by observing their reactions to the therapy; their dosage may become as much as one full cup at a time! Self-urine may be used as eye drops and ear drops, in foot baths and even as eff ective enemas. Nose drops can help loosen mucus and clear up blocked nasal passa ges. Gargling with it is helpful for a sore throat, and inhaling it relieves sin us and respiratory congestion. Taken internally, it has a laxative and diuretic effect, as it cleanses the digestive tract. Dr John Armstrong (author of The Water of Life) emphasises the need to massage w ith urine. He insists that cures work faster and more effectively in those who a re bathed, massaged, rubbed and soaked in their own urine. He highly recommends it for more serious illnesses, since urine is absorbed through the skin and the hormonal and protein-based contents are slowly reabsorbed into the system, bypas sing digestive juices that otherwise may have neutralised their potency. In this way, it also works as an excellent cosmetic for moisturising and healing skin b lemishes, burns and scar tissue. However, for this usage, it is preferable to us e urine that is 4 - 8 days old. The smell of ammonia in the old urine is not tox ic but actually beneficial if used topically only, and not taken internally.

Free ebook online: Shivambu-Gita by Dr. G. K. Thakkar

PDF format: Free ebook: Shivambu-Gita by Dr. G. K. Thakkar (you need Adobe Rea der on your computer to read the ebook)

HTML format - Free ebook: Shivambu-Gita by Dr. G. K. Thakkar If you don't have adobe reader or if you use WEBTV click on the HTML format - it is a large file, a bit slow to download. Uropathy for Animals We are firm believers in urine therapy as we have seen amazing results in all ar eas...for example, our greyhound dogs each had different kind of wounds suffered from falling, barb wire at the dog park, etc. They have very thin skin and any tumble can give them an abrasion that is significant. I believe that we were giv en all different kinds of experiences with our animals and with people around us to prove the great healing of urotherapy. Read the testimonial Puppy is urinating on the laptop!!! From the Biomed x website: Very briefly, here are two ways to do urine therapy. This is in no way a complet e discussion of how to use the therapy, but simply an introduction. 1) Use your own urine in a homeopathic fashion. First, collect midstream urine in a clean cup or container. This should be a cle an catch, meaning the genital area (important for women in particular) has been cleaned beforehand. To 1/6 ounce of distilled water in a sterile bottle, add one drop of fresh urine. Cap and shake 50 times. Take one drop of this mix and add to another 1/6 ounce of distilled water and shake 50 times. Take one drop of thi s mix and add to 1/6 oz. of 80 to 90 proof vodka which acts as a preservative. Place three drops under the tongue hourly until there is obvious improvement or temporary exacerbation of symptoms. As improvement progresses, lengthen the inte rval between treatments. After 3 days, suspend treatment to avoid pushing the im mune system. Treatment is resumed if progress remains static or relapse occurs. 2) Begin with oral drops then increase dosage as needed. Use fresh urine drops direct. For some cases, sub-lingual drops work well. (Should always use fresh urine immediately upon collection. You should not boil or dilute the urine in any way. You must use it in its natural form) Start by taking 1-5 drops of morning urine on the first day. On the second day, take 5-10 drops in the morning. On the third day, take 5-10 drops in the morning , and the same amount in the evening before you go to bed. Once you feel accustomed to the therapy, gradually increase the amount as needed for obtaining results for your condition. As you use the therapy, you will lear n to adjust the amount you need by observing your reactions to the therapy. It m ay be that you'll work up to actually drinking an ounce or two at a time.

The Fountain of Youth by Bob Silverstein, N.U.T. (Naturopathic Urine Therapist) This strange behavior, called "urine therapy," or "auto-immune therapy," or "int rinsic medicine," or simply "UT," and also known in India as "amaroli" (the prac tise itself) and "Shivambu" (urine, the "water of "), has a well-documented , proven record of its power to heal an amazing variety of ills, with no negativ e or harmful effects. Urine is a divine nectar, with supernatural qualities. Aft er all, as the Bible says, "the life (or life-force) of the flesh is in the bloo d," and as urine comes from the blood, it contains that "life-force." Imbibed fr esh and warm, it is a living food, and a nourishing drink, that is also cleansin g, as well as medicinal. Urine is anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-viral. I t is used in cases of AIDS (only AIDS anti-bodies in urine); cancer; fatigue; an emia; all sorts of urinary diseases, for weight-loss, colds and flu, candida, di abetes, digestive problems, jaundice, etc. It is medically-proven against polio, rabies, and tuberculosis. The list of diseases for which it is effective is ver y long, and around 175 known diseases are said to respond to this kind of therap y. (See longer, partial list at end of this report). Urine therapy is truly a "p anacea" (i.e., a "cure-all" or "universal remedy")

Golden Fountain : The Complete Guide to Urine Therapy Golden Fountain : The Complete Guide to Urine TherapyTHE GOLDEN FOUNTAIN by Coen van der Kroon "Briefly, if urine is ingested and/or rubbed into the skin, it purifies blood an d tissues, provides useful nutrients and sends the body a signal about what is i n or out of balance. This last effect is called (oral) auto-immunization. This b rings us at a last important feature of urine. Urine itself is, as said, not a t oxic waste product. It does contain however minute particles connected with poss ible disease processes in the body. These minute particles are mainly antibodies , which upon re-ingesting can help the body to react on specific pathological si tuations. Urine therapy has proven helpful in a great number of various diseases , ranging from a simple cold and a throatache, to tuberculosis and asthma, from minor skin problems such as itching, to more serious skin diseases such as eczem a, psoriasis and even skin cancer." he Golden Fountain, the most complete book to date on urine therapy, is the resu lt of those investigations. It includes detailed case histories and a user-frien dly guide to its application in the treatment of specific ailments, including ca ncer, tuberculosis, skin complaints, eye infections, wounds, burns and scars. Co en van der Kroon discovered that the use of urine as medicine in one form or ano ther can be found in many medical traditions of people or tribes who are in clos e contact with nature. Native North Americans, gypsies and Eskimos are among tho se cited in his book. Coen van der Kroon covers almost all questions concerning urine therapy and its history in his book The Golden Fountain; The Complete Guide to Urine Therapy. (C oen van der Kroon is a health consultant, living in Amsterdam, Holland.

Ayurveda & : Amaroli An explanation of the practice of Amaroli, Shivambu, or Auto-Urine Therapy follo ws. This practice comes from Yoga and is the use of one's own urine as food, med icine, restorative, transforming agent and immune system booster. It is sometime s called 'Your Own Doctor'. Amaroli is very simple to do and increases the power of the immune system, strengthens the Aura and improves skin health. Spiritual aspirants will find that the mind is less inclined to behave like a monkey, spir itual energy is kept high, and progress towards samadhi is smoother. The effects are magnified if the practitioner has a Yoga practice and an Ayurvedic diet and lifestyle.

Three million Chinese drink their own urine Beijing, June 1, 200: More than three million Chinese drink their own urine in t he belief it is good for their health, the official Xinhua news agency reported on Friday. Participants at a recent seminar on the practice in the northeastern city of Shenyang were told that urine contains many active ingredients which str engthen the immune system, Xinhua said. "Urine contains no bacterium and is more sanitary than blood," Yang Liansheng, a professor from the Liaoning Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine, was quot ed as saying. Engineer Zhu Jinfu told the seminar he had been drinking his own u rine since he was 13 and had lived a healthy life for the last 58 years, Xinhua added. Many of his forefathers had also lived to a ripe old age thanks to urine therapy, he said. (Reuters)

Urine Therapy: Nature's Elixir for Good Health Urine Therapy: Nature's Elixir for Good HealthUrine Therapy: Nature's Elixir for Good Health by Flora, Ph.D. Peschek-Bohmer, Gisela Schreiber, Flora, Ph.D Pesch ek-Bohmer An introduction to urine therapy 's amazing effectiveness in treating a wide arr ay of physical complaints. Contains effective treatments for acne, asthma, hair loss, indigestion, infections, migraines, warts, wrinkles, and many other common ailments. Examines the historical use of urine therapy in the United States, Eu rope, and Asia. Includes a program for overcoming initial aversion to urine ther apy. If you are like most people, trained from their earliest years to regard urine a s a mere waste product, the thought of using it for its healing powers may seem shocking. Yet urine has long played an important role in the holistic medical tr aditions of societies all over the world, and is even mentioned in the Ebers Med ical Papyri of ancient Egypt. For centuries people have been availing themselves of urine's incredible curative powers for ailments ranging from anemia to warts . Urine is free, sterile, and acts homeopathically to "prepare" the immune syste m. Urine Therapy includes many case histories of people who have successfully tr eated their ailments with urine, along with cogent explanations of why urine doe s what it does, how to ensure that the wastes flushed out with your urine aren't taken back in, and why urine may be the best tonic available for your immune sy stem. In addition to protocols for using urine to treat a wide array of diseases , the book offers a program that teaches you step-by-step to overcome any initia l aversion to urine therapy. Still playing an important role in the medical syst ems of countries as diverse as Germany, Japan, and India, this surprising health treatment has been gaining popularity in the United States. Making Your Own Medicine by Roy Oakes How common is the use of urine? It is used in the manufacture of hormones, diure tics, and cancer fighting drugs. As urea, it is one of the primary ingredients i n many face and skin creams---just read the labels---because it is one of the be st moisturizers available. As a medicine, it can be used as an extract, injected , topically and in oral applications. Scientific research on urine therapy start ed at the turn of the last century and continued until shortly after World War I I, when drug companies realized there was more money to be made in urine extract s than in promoting its self-healing properties. Dr. Williams states that urine is probably the most specific customized medicine you will ever have available. He refers to the remarkable story of Martha Chris ty, who for years suffered a long list of chronic ailments untreatable by conven tional medicine. She reluctantly agreed to try urine therapy and experienced alm ost immediate relief. She went on to document not only her story but those of ma ny others in her book " Christy cites numerous medical and scientific studies th at have been conducted on urine, as well as testimonials from numerous converts, and provides a good resource for understanding the benefits and supporting evid ence for using urine therapy. Home Cure also offers a source book for physicians . For me the most compelling argument for trying urine therapy was its benefit in the treatment of HIV/AIDS.

World Conference on Urine Therapy April 30 to May 4, 2003

Water of Life Water of Life by John W. Armstrong "The universe keeps gifting us with blessings and we often miss them. Our educat ion or culturization gets in the way. I really think the best things in life are free. The Water of Life by John Armstrong is a beginning, an opening door, that will hopefully change opinions. The cases presented are not only interesting th ey are convincing." an amazon.com reviewer

Urine: The Fountain of Youth The main theory is that it helps build immunity to disease, much like a vaccinat ion. Martha Christy recommends starting off with just a few drops, applied topic ally to the skin. Urine is helpful for acne, eczema, psoriasis, ringworm, sores, fungal infections, insect bites, snake bites, wounds, burns, abrasions, and eve n gangrene. Urine is also is a rich source of hormones, especially DHEA and mela tonin, and other sex hormones including testosterone, androgen, and estrogen. mo re

From the mailbag at Shirley's Wellness Cafe Testimonials about the amazing healing power of UT

Healing diabetes, improving blood circulation, and much more Additional testimonials about the healing powers of one's own urine AIDS - Gangrene - Hepatitis - Asthma - Tooth Abscess - Prostate Cancer - Enlarge d Prostate - Food Poisoning - Malaria Disentery - Parasites - Amebas - Multiple Sclerosis - Fibroid Tumor - Epilepsy - Allergies - Fever - baby with Consumption - Breast Lumps Testimonial from the BB discussions group about urine therapy "Lately, when Grandma (92 years old) had a very badly bruised spot on her ankle, mom was at the end of her wits to get it to heal. The doctor's antibiotics didn 't help, neither did colloidal silver, peroxide, grapefruit seed extract, or man y of the herbs (echinacea, chaparral, etc.). Then when mom said it was looking l ike gangrene was setting in, I remembered the books saying that applying urine w as about the single most effective treatment for gangrene. Grudgingly, I mention ed it... mom said it couldn't hurt... and within three days I got a call telling me that since she soaked a cloth with grandma's urine and kept it applied (chan ging it a few times a day), it looks like the infection was gone and there was h ealthy pink skin forming at the edges already. This after about 5 or 6 weeks of downhill slide. Mom was thrilled, as was grandma, whose ankle no longer hurt." The simple use of ones own urine "Armstrong began urine therapy after a long and agonizing journey in which docto r after doctor proved unable to cure him of his TB symptoms. On the contrary, hi s condition only worsened. He decided to try urine therapy for two reasons. Firs t of all, a quotation from the Bible stimulated his curiosity: "Drink water from your own cistern, flowing water from your own well." (The Book of Proverbs 5:15 ) Secondly, he had childhood memories of his mother smearing urine on his face w hich was swollen from a bee sting, and of his grandfather treating animals with urine. Recently, a lot of books have been published on urine therapy, especially in Germany, and some of those books have been written by regular doctors." SCIENCE AND UROPATHY After innumerable clinical and laboratory tests carried out over several years i n Japan, China, U.S.A. Switzerland, and many other European countries, it has be en conclusively proved that over and above urea it contains enzymes (of differen t kinds), vitamins, antibodies, amino acids, valuable salts and minerals, carbon ates, bicarbonates, pigments, carbohydrates and hormones. more Urine Therapy: the medical community has already been aware of [urine's] astound ing efficacy for decades, and yet none of us has ever been told about it. Why? M aybe they think it's too controversial. Or maybe, more accurately, there wasn't any monetary reward for telling people what scientists know about one of the mos t extraordinary natural healing elements in the world Tom Brokaw, NBC Nightly News, October 16, 1992: "In Egypt, rescue workers found a 37-year-old man alive in earthquake rubble. He survived almost 82 hours by drinking his own urine. His wife, daughter and moth er would not and they died."

Share information about natural alternative to conventional medicine with your f riends Share information about natural alternative to conventional medicine with your f riendsQuestion? Comment? Need support? Meet people of like-minded - Join a UT di scussion group. It's free Discussion of all therapeutic aspects of the ancient p ractice of Urine Therapy also known as Amaroli, Shivambu, Auto-Urine Therapy and Uropathy. Discussion of general holistic health practices is encouraged, especi ally with regards to how they interact with Urine Therapy. Our community is glob al, encompassing practitioners of UT from around the world. I invite you to part icipate in our on going discussion of this 5,000 year old healing art and discov er the transformative powers of your own body. * UROTHERAPY FOR PATIENTS WITH CANCER Joseph Eldor, MD * BB discussions group about urine therapy * THE URINEIST SOCIETY: A Support Group for Practicioners of Urine The Road To Better Health may begin with a Healing Crisis As you move toward better health with natural healing programs (such as uropathy ) and better nutrition, healing begins to occur. As part of the healing process the body will begin to discard toxic residues which have built up in your body o ver the years. The healing process usually does not occur without repercussions

Urine therapy is not just for humans... Click on the chimp picture to view this brief movie of a chimp doing UT. It is a mazing - animals are so smart! If you don't have DSL be patient, the download ma y take a minute or two (over 800 KB mpg file size) (not for the squeamish or chi ldren under 18 years of age) "Cooper also mentions that a celebrated breeder of cattle and horses succceeded in getting his animal's skin into an astonishing condition of fineness by giving them about a tablesoonful of old human urine with every meal." John Henry Clark e M.D Urine Therapy The simple use of ones own urine - Transmutation: The 'Healer Within' - Urine pr operties & efficacy? - Damar Tantra- ancient UT Sutra - UT- psychological factor s - UT- suggested programs - Tibetan urinalysis - Urine UT Doctor in India: [email protected] Dr. Nila Sanghvi is the author of "Shivambu - Urine Therapy" phone 91-33-474-8308 address: 39, Chakraberia Rd (south), Bhowanipur, Calcutta, India 700025 Chinese Association of Urine Therapy 72, Wu Kon Lio Road, Wuku Industrial Park, Taipei Hsien, Taiwan, R.O.C. Tel: G88 6-2-2988446 Fax: G886-2-2996990 Uroterapia a Mexican Site in Spanish, English Italian, French. nformation on fas ting too. & Yoga: Amaroli Excellent resources on UT Additional Books on Uropathy: # Urine-Therapy : It May Save Your Life; Beatrice Bartnett; Paperback # Urine Therapy; John F. O'Quinn; Paperback # The Miracles of Urine Therapy; Beatrice Bartnett, Margie Adelman; Paperback A large collection of UT books from Amaroli Books You can also order these books from amazon.com You can also mail-order these books from the Bodhi Tree bookstore (in Los Angele s) at 800 825-9798 or you can email the Bodhi Tree bookstore

Urine Therapy and Medication (allopathic drugs) There are differences of opinions: "It is generally not recommended to combine urine therapy with the use of (presc ribed) chemical, allopathic medicines or recreational drugs. The combination may be dangerous to your health. If you are taking any form of allopathic medicine, begin with the external application (urine massage) until you are free of all m edication, if possible. If it is not possible or safe to stop the use of certain medicines, start with taking a few drops of urine internally or use a homeopath ic tincture or gently rub fresh urine into the points of your ears. Keep looking and feeling very carefully how you and your body are reacting on th e treatment. When suffering from a serious illness or, generally, when in doubt, consult a good natural doctor." The simple use of one's own urine This from Martin Lara author of "Uropathy"p.155 "Although I don't recommend mixi ng medicines with urine therapy, there have been cases of individuals who were v ery ill at home or in a hospital--some dying of AIDS, cancer and other diseases -- who wer receiving chemotherapy when they decided to s tart using their urine. These people had nothing to loose and they took a chance by drinking their urin e while they were taking medications. In these cases, something truly amazing ha ppened: urine seemed to be such a powerful stimulant to the immune system that m edications were completely neutralized and expelled from the body in a matter of days. These individuals reported miraculous improvement over a few days. The he adaches, pains in the body, diarrhea, vomiting, lack of appetite and physical de cay afflicting them usually improved in a few days. And simultaneously, these pe ople developed a tremendous appetite. These people stated that they felt an imme diate improvement when they started using their urine. In many cases they recove red so quickly that their doctors were completely baffled. In a few days they we nt home where they could resume their sleeping habits and take control of their health and their lives. After going home, several individuals gained as much as 25 pounds within a month of practicing uropathy, eating better food and taking g ood care of themselves. I really don't know how each person will react and I ask that you be very careful before making a decision with respect to medications."

***************************************************** Amaroli is an important technique of yoga which was first used in conjunction wi th many of the advanced practices. Today, however, amaroli is better known as a therapeutic process and people everywhere are asking how it can be used. First of all, amaroli must be learned from a qualified teacher who has thorough knowledge of the practice. The method of taking amaroli varies from person to pe rson. In some cases it is the fresh substance and in others the preserved substa nce that should be used. Sometimes only the first urine of the day is taken, and in other cases it is taken up to lunch time. In the case of fast growing diseas es like cancer, we tell the patient to drink everything. Amaroli becomes very powerful if you take care of your diet. Whatever purpose yo u use it for, you must avoid proteins of every nature. It is also best to avoid too much sweet, sour, spicy or pungent food. Raw food and certain fruits like ba nana, papaya and citrus fruits are very good in the practice of amaroli. Remembe r that the raw foods have better value for building up the bodily resistance and fighting disease. Those who take amaroli after lunch must discontinue the pract ice one hour before and three hours after each meal. It is also a common rule be fore practising amaroli, to make an application on the head and soles of the fee t, that is, you have to anoint the head and feet. In the past, yogis used amaroli because when meditation is practised for long ho urs, the inner body temperature falls. Under such circumstances, the practice of amaroli maintains the digestive system. Meditation also has an effect on the cardiovascular system, and the blood pressu re can drop suddenly. If it falls gradually, this does not matter so much, but a rapid fall adversely affects the cardiovascular system. Amaroli safeguards agai nst this. Therefore, if you practise meditation for long periods, you should tak e amaroli for this reason. Scientific discoveries have revealed that amaroli contains up to twenty four dis tinct groups of hormones. One of these is uricode which is important for maintai ning the health of the cardiovascular system. This is why the advanced yogis too k up the practice of amaroli. Female yogis also practised amaroli because long term use influences the levels of prostaglandin hormone in the reproductive system. These hormones destroy the ova before they have matured. By the practise of yoga and especially hatha yoga, all the impurities are thrown out of the body as it is cleansed. When the body is pure, its power of immunity is lost. So a yogi can sometimes suffer from contagious diseases because his sy stem contains fewer antibodies. Thus amaroli was practised by great yogis to mai ntain a certain 'level of antibodies in the body. These yogis could remain in a cave for three months and nothing would happen to them, but if an ordinary man d id this, he would get a lot of skin problems. If you want to practise amaroli, you must find someone who knows the science and can teach you properly, but this is basically how to start. Have a simple fast for one day. You can take fruit juice, and raw or boiled vegetables, however, a total fast is better. If your intestines are not clean, empty them by enema or g lycerine suppository. If you know the short version of shankaprakshalana, taking six glasses of warm salty water, that's the best way. Next morning when you get up, take the midstream of the first urine. This is eno ugh to start with, and you can continue taking this for one month. If you don't have any positive or negative reaction, then start to use the second urine also, sipping a little water in between. Don't drink the water, only sip a little, no t more than half a cup. Continue twice per day for another month. During this ti me you will definitely have either a positive or negative reaction. If it is pos itive, increase the intake to three times each day, sipping water in between. If there is a negative reaction, find out what it is due to. Perhaps it is caused by improper diet, or maybe you are suffering from some disease. In this case, re duce to the previous quantity. If the reaction is positive, increase by one roun d. In my opinion, three rounds is sufficient. Continue this for many months. Then o nce in a year or so, leave your home and stay alone somewhere in the countryside , fix your diet and practise amaroli the whole day, for one week only. If there is a positive reaction every day, continue. If there is a slight negative reacti on, go back to the stage up to which you did not get that reaction. You will not have any problem then. You have only to eliminate the excessive protein from the diet and continue this practice with total patience. Even if it takes one, two or three years to come up to the full practice of amaroli, it is still a rewarding period. It will help you in meditation and also in maintaining good health. **************************************** This is some very interesting info that i first learnt about in Dr Swami Vivekan anda Saraswatis course in rishikesh India. Which i sceptical at first but thought it needed more reserch - this is an email reply from one of australias top scie ntists - im posting this as it might be of interest to some people in this tibe but also id love to get any feed back on this topic:-) abc.net.au/science/k2/moments/ Karl Kruszelnicki ( this is dr karl the scientist i told u about:-) www.abc.net.au/science/k2/aboutkk.htm stevie URINE DRINKING BOOK Youd probably have to be mighty thirsty to drink your own urine, but millions of people do it every day. Recent research shows it might not be such a crazy idea - and this research could lead us to the jet lag pill. People have been drinking their own urine for thousands of years. A few Prime Mi nisters of India, Morarji Desai and Mahatma Ghandi, did it every day. According to Paul Keating, Queen Beatrice of The Netherlands actually drank a glass of pig urine on Dutch TV, to prove that Dutch pork was of the highest standard. Some supporters of urine-drinking claim that it is mentioned in the Bible. Prove rbs 5: 15 says Drink thy waters of thine own cistern , while John 7: 38 says Out of his belly shall flow rivers of living waters. However, some old Indian documents are very definite about the benefits of drink ing your own urine. The ancient yogic text, Damara Tantra, refers to a technique called shivambu kalpa vidhi, which means literally urine revitalising technique. In this text it says a se nsible man gets up early in the morning when three quarters of the night has pas sed (about 3 or 4 AM), faces east and passes urine. The initial and concluding f low of urine is to be discarded. The intermediate flow is to be consumed. This i s the most suitable method. In other words, drink your own mid-stream urine, very early in the morning. They called this habit amaroli - and it was supposed to hel p them meditate. But other people claimed medical benefits from urine. As recently as 1863, the h abit of injecting urine was mentioned in a book called The Physiological Memoirs of Surgeon-General Hammond, U.S. Army. He recommended using a hypodermic needle a nd syringe. Today in , the healing use of urine is called uropathy. It is claimed to cure everything from cancer to AIDS. Its used in every form imaginable . Patients are supposed to drink it, squirt it into various body orifices to use it as an enema or a gargle or a douche, dribble it into their eyes and ears as drops,. If theyre a little shy, they can start off with just sniffing urine. Cert ainly many athletes claim that washing your feet with urine heals blisters very rapidly. Normally, your body makes about 1 ml of urine per minute - about a small glassfu l every hour. Urine is about 95% water and about 5% solids. These solids include vitamins, proteins, enzymes, salts, uric acid, prostaglandins, and a recently-d iscovered hormone called melatonin. Melatonin is the probably the reason the ancient yogis drank their own urine. Me latonin is made by the pineal gland, which the French philosopher and mathematic ian Descartes called the seat of the soul. As a drug, melatonin has a wide range of effects. If you eat it or drink it or s niff it, you can get everything from mild sedation, pain relief, sleep, a feelin g of emotional balance, increased visual imagery, and feelings of elation right up to an alteration in your ability to estimate time. Melatonin is produced by the pineal gland only when your eyes are shut. In your blood, the levels of melaton in peaks around 2 AM, but there are significant quantities made between midnight and 6 AM. It turns out that beta blockers, a drug commonly given for high blood pressure, prevent this night time release of melatonin. This might explain why beta blocke rs sometimes cause nightmares. Now the yogic ritual is to get up at 4 AM, drink your own urine and then meditat e. Any urine made after 2 AM is loaded with melatonin, and this melatonin might relieve some of the physical pain of sitting motionless and cross-legged for two hours. It would certainly make your meditation easier if you also had increased visual imagery, and feelings of elation. Also the melatonin helps to reset your body clock, and it fools your body into thinking that it has had enough sleep. In fact, scientists are looking at using melatonin as a pill to protect you agai nst jet lag, by re-setting your body clock. The yogic texts also say that the urine of children is superior to that of adult s. The pineal gland in children produces more melatonin, and this is why childre n sleep longer than adults. The urine of children has much more melatonin than t he urine of adults. The extra melatonin would help the meditation. The yogic texts also say that you should drink your own urine every day for over a month before you get the full effect. Studies have shown that you need to tak e melatonin for about a month to lock in your sleep cycles. So the ancient yogic texts were right. A glass of urine a day could keep the str ess away. Drinking your own urine could be very handy if you have a big project coming up, and need to burn the candle at both ends. If urine becomes really val uable, maybe recycled lemonade will cost more than fresh lemonade. PINEAL GLAND - BIOLOGICAL CLOCK The pineal gland is a small white gland buried nearly in the centre of the brain . It is shaped like a tiny pinecone, is about 8 mm long, and weighs about the sa me as a house spider - about one tenth of a gram. Parts of the pineal gland turn to calcium quite early in life. Doctors who see t his calcium on X-rays have long called it brain sand. They found it useful as a ma rker of the mid-line on X-rays of the skull. Brain sand is found in 30% of peopl e aged 10-20 years, and in 80% of people over 30 years old. During the day, the pineal gland turns tryptophan into serotonin. At night, it c onverts the serotonin into melatonin - the chemical that helped the early yogis meditate. So the pineal gland turns information about light (and how many hours of light there are each day) into the hormone, melatonin The pineal gland is quite small in animals that live near the Equator - where th e days are always 12 hours long, and the timing for breeding is not so critical. But near the North and South Poles, the timing is more critical, and the pineal gland is larger. In the newborn elephant seal, the pineal gland takes up 50% of the brain weight! THE HISTORY OF THE PINEAL GLAND Practically all animals with backbones over the last 500 million years have had a pineal gland. The pineal gland feeds information about the length of the day a nd the season to the master clock elsewhere in the brain. In the tuatara, the primitive New Zealand lizard, the pineal gland sits just ben eath the skin on the skull. In some lizards the pineal gland is exposed to dayli ght through a clear window on the back of its head. Perhaps the pineal gland is the famous third eye of the mystical East. Herophilus, in the fourth century BC, claimed that the pineal gland was a valve th at regulated the flow of thought out of little storage bins in the brain. René Descartes, around 1640, believed that the rational soul lived in the pineal g land. He claimed that information about events in the real world entered the eye s, and then passed by strings in the brain to the pineal gland . The pineal gland reacted by sending humours down hollow tubes to various muscles of the body . He w as very close to the truth. In 1918, a Swedish anatomist, Nils Holmgren, found that some cells in the pineal gland of the frog and the dogfish were surprisingly similar to the light-detect ing cells in the retina. In 1958, melatonin was isolated by Lerner and his colleagues at Yale University. The chemists took 4 years to extract the melatonin from the collected pineal gl ands of 200,000 cattle. MELATONIN - THE DRACULA HORMONE Scientists call melatonin The Dracula Hormone because the blood levels are much hi gher at night. They also call it The Hormone of Darkness for the same reason, and also because we know so little about it. Daytime blood levels of melatonin (in people of all ages) are 17-43 pmol/l. Nigh ttime levels depend on your age. They are around 1080 pmol/l in children aged 1- 3 years, 520 pmol/l in children and adolescents 8-15 years old, and they gradual ly drop until they reach levels of about 86 pmol/l in adults aged 50-70 years. Melatonin production is completely switched off by very bright light (about 2,50 0 lux). Typical indoor lighting is around 250-500 lux. Outdoor brightness ranges from 10,000 lux (cloudy day in northern Europe) to 80,000 lux (sunny day near t he Equator). JET LAG AND MELATONIN Jet lag is the disruption of your internal body clock. You want your breakfast por ridge when everybody else wants dinner. About 15% of travellers never get jet la g, 15% will be bed-ridden by it, while 70% can get by, but dont feel great. You n eed about one day to reset your clock from the shock of crossing one time zone. So it will take you 12 days to recover from flying halfway around the world over 12 time zones. The standard advice depends on which way you are flying. If you are heading EAST over six or fewer time zones, expose yourself beforehand to natural morning lig ht for about 3-4 hours. But if youre planning to cover more than six time zones, avoid the morning light and get the midday light. If you are heading WEST over s ix or fewer time zones, expose yourself to natural afternoon light for about 3-4 hours. But if youre planning to cover more than six time zones, avoid the aftern oon light and get the midday light. But this could all change when the melatonin pill becomes available. If you take melatonin in the morning, it delays your body clock. If you take melatonin in t he afternoon or early evening, it advances your body clock. So adjusting for jet lag could be as easy as taking a pill at the right time! URINE - CLEANER THAN SALIVA? Most people think that urine is full of germs. Theyre wrong - urine has fewer ger ms than your mouth, or the water you get out of a tap. Normally, urine is sterile. This medical jargon means that there are no significan t numbers of bacteria. If you were to take a few millilitres of urine, and add s ome germ-free food-for-bacteria, no bacteria would grow. But if you were unlucky to have a Urinary Tract Infection, then there would be bacteria in your urine. These bacteria would grow in the presence of bacteria-food. A microbiologist cou ld recognise these bacteria, and test to find which antibiotics would kill them. Then your doctor would prescribe the most appropriate antibiotic. So while your urine might not seem very delicious or tasty to drink, at least it has fewer bacteria than your own saliva. URINE-DRINKING IN TAIWAN About 200,000 Taiwanese drink their own urine every morning. This movement began when Chen Ching-chuan met an old war friend, after 14 years separation. To his surprise, his old friend had not aged. His friend said he had been drinking his own urine - so Mr. Chen followed his example. Mr. Chen ran into trouble with the local police, when he recently had to apply f or a new identification card. He looked 44 years old, not 64 - but luckily, a fr iend gave the needed identification. The urine-drinking movement is now so popul ar that it even runs a Urine Therapy Hot Line. REFERENCES: The Pineal Gland by Richard J. Wurtman and Julius Axelrod, Scientific American, Ju ly 1965, pp 50-60 Melatonin Supplementation from Early Morning Auto-Urine Drinking, by M. H. Mills a nd T. A. Faunce, Medical Hypotheses (1991) 36, pp 195-199 A Glass of Urine a Day keeps the Stress Away by Gail Vines, New Scientist, No. 181 0, 29 February 1992, p.14 Melatonin - the Hormone of Darkness by Robert D. Utiger, New England Journal of M edicine, Vol 327, No 19, 5 November 1992, pp 1377-1379 DAMAR TANTRAFri, August 25, 2006 - 6:58 PM Auto-Urine Therapy (Shivambu Kalpa): The Indian version as detailed in the DAMAR TANTRA.

O Parvati! I shall expound to you the recommended actions and rituals of Shivamb u Kalpa that confers numerous benefits. Those well versed in the scriptures have carefully specified certain vessels for the purpose. (1) Utensils made from the following materials are recommended: Gold, Silver, Copper , Bronze, Brass, Iron, Clay, Ivory, Glass, Wood from sacred trees, Bones, Leathe r and Leaves. (2, 3) The Shivambu (one's own urine) should be collected in a utensil made of any of t hese materials. Among them, clay utensils are better, copper are by far the best . (4) The intending practitioner of the therapy should abjure salty or bitter foods, s hould not over-exert himself, should take a light meal in the evening, should sl eep on the ground, and should control and master his senses. (5) The sagacious practitioner should get up when three quarters of the night have e lapsed, and should pass urine while facing the east. (6) The wise one should leave out the first and the last portions of the urine, and collect only the middle portion. This is considered the best procedure. (7) Just as there is poison in the mouth and the tail of the serpent, O Parvati, it is even so in the case of the flow of Shivambu. (8) Shivambu (auto- urine) is heavenly nectar, which is capable of destroying senili ty and diseases. The practitioner of Yoga should take it before proceeding with his other rituals. (9) After cleansing the mouth, and performing the other essential morning functions, one should drink one's own clear urine, which is the annihilator of senility an d diseases. (10) One who drinks Shivambu for the duration of a month will be purified internally. Drinking it for two months stimulates and energizes the senses. (11) Drinking it for three months destroys all diseases and frees one from all troubl es. By drinking it for five months, one acquires divine vision and freedom from all diseases. (12) Continuation of the practice for six months makes the practitioner highly intell igent and proficient in the scriptures, and if the duration is seven months, the practitioner acquires extraordinary strength. (13) If the practice is continued for eight months, one acquires a permanent glow lik e that of gold, and if it is continued for nine months, one is freed from tuberc ulosis and leprosy. (14) Ten months of this practice makes one a veritable treasury of luster. Eleven mon ths of it would purify all the organs of the body. (15) A man who has continued the practice for a year becomes the equal of the sun in radiance. He who has continued for two years conquers the element Earth. (16) If the practice is continued for three years, one conquers the element of Water, and if it is continued for four years, the element Light is also conquered. (17 ) He who continues the practice for five years conquers the element Air, and he wh o continues it for seven years conquers pride. (18) Continuation of the practice for eight years enables one to conquer all the impo rtant elements of Nature, and continuation of it for nine years frees one from t he cycle of birth and death. (19) One who has continued the practice for ten years can fly through the air without effort. One who has continued it for eleven years is able to hear the voice of his sour (inner self). (20) He who has continued the practice for twelve years will live so long as the moon and the stars last. He is not troubled by dangerous animals such as snakes, and no poisons can kill him. He cannot be consumed by fire, and can float on water just like wood. (21) O Goddess! I shall tell you now about other variants of the therapy. Please list en attentively. He who takes powdered amrita (gaduchi, Tinospora Condifolia) mix ed with Auto-Urine habitually for six months, is freed from all disorders, and a cquires happiness. (22, 23 cont...) Powdered haritaki (harade, Terminalia Chebula) should be assiduously taken with Shivambu. This combination destroys senile degeneration and all diseases. If thi s practice is continued for a year, it makes one exceptionally strong. (...23, 2 4) One masha (about one gramme) of sulpher be taken along with Shivambu every morni ng. He who continues the practice for three years will live as long as the moon and the stars last. His urine and feces will whiten gold. (25) The powder of the Koshtha fruit should be mixed properly with Shivambu and taken in the prescribed manner. If this practice is continued for twelve years, one's body will be free from the ravages of old age such as wrinkles on the skin, and whitening of the hair. One acquires the strength of a thousand elephants, and l ives as long as the moon and the stars continue to exist. (26) If powdered pepper and Triphala Choorna (mixed powder of Terminalia Belavica, Te rminalia Chebul and Phylonthus Embica) mixed with Shivambu are taken regularly, one acquired a radiance like that of the gods. (27) The essence (bhasma) of mica and sulpher should be taken with Shivambu along wit h a little water. This cures al disorders caused by malfunctioning of the digest ive system and all disorders caused by the Vata humour. He who takes such a mixt ure regularly become strong, acquires a divine radiance, and can cheat time (esc ape the ravages of time). (28, 29) He who takes Shivambu daily and excluded salty, sour and bitter food from his di et acquires divine accomplishments quickly. Freed from all ailments, and possess ing a body comparable to that of Shiva Himself, he disports himself like the god s in the Universe for an eternity. (30

************************************************ DRINK TO YOUR HEALTH - URINE THERAPY Wealthy French women bathed in it, Chinese doctors used it to soothe sore throat s, and now you - all squeamishness aside - can drink it to cure what ails you. Swami Vivekanandas first book, Damaru Tantra, published in April 2009, is a trans lation and commentary of the ancient text describing the benefits of urine thera py for therapeutic as well as spiritual results. Order your copy of Damaru Tantra 15 includes shipping: Odds are you're among the 27 million Americans who recycle. Separating bottles, cans, plastic containers, newspapers, maybe even composting your kitchen and gar den scraps, are just a few of the ways you can show respect for your earthly hom e. But would you be willing to take the act of recycling a step further and inte rnally honor your bodily home, if it meant you'd have more energy, a stronger im mune system, and an ageless complexion? Of course you would. Well, what if I sai d you can have all this and more for the mere cost of - a cupful of urine? A lit tle hard to swallow? Well, it's true. It's urine therapy (UT), and all it takes is eight ounces a day and an unwavering pledge to throw out some of the distaste you associate with the human filtering system. That's what I did, and now, four years later, I'm a different person. I'm more i n tune with my body's needs and functions, and no longer anemic or hypoglycemic. I rarely get colds, haven't had the flu in years, and the yeast infection that had long been plaguing me is gone. UT has even heightened my connection to my da ily yoga practice. I now feel as healthy and strong as my headstand. Even so, I admit that the road to health involved more than a few dead ends. I i nitially heard about urine therapy when I was living in Japan. I was interviewin g Dr. Ryosuku Uryu, a respected naturopath, for an article in a Tokyo magazine. The interview proceeded just fine until he mentioned "pee drinking." I laughed, and he launched into an earnest monologue on the virtues of urine the rapy. Weeks later, still haunted by his heartfelt narrative of personal and clin ical success, I decided to give urine a more serious look. At Dr. Uryu's counsel , I began the therapy gradually, rubbing my urine on my face at night (I refused to use it in the morning because I was terrified people would smell me on the t rains), until I'd worked up enough courage to actually drink it. I can still rem ember the effort it took not to throw up that first morning. Believe me, it was all downstream from there. If you got rid of it, why put it back? Contrary to what we learn in biology, urine isn't a dirty byproduct of intestina l work. Instead, it's a highly usable, sterile fluid that comes from the kidneys . The main function of the kidneys is to balance and filter the blood. Urine, th e kidneys' byproduct, is made from life-sustaining ingredients, like vitamins, m inerals, proteins, enzymes, hormones, antibodies, and amino acids - estimated to be thousands of compounds in all. For example, urine, also the primary componen t of amniotic fluid, contains DHEA (the wonder steroid heralded with antiaging a nd anticancer properties), allantoin (added to creams and ointments to promote w ound healing), factor S (used to naturally induce sleep), gastric secretary depr essants (which combat ulcer growth), urokinase (an enzyme known to dissolve bloo d clots), and, of course, urea (a key constituent in many antibacterial substanc es). Some scientists even suggest that uric acid, the most touted property of ur ine, may be an instrumental ingredient that allows humans to live longer than mo st other mammals. While this culture continues to call it pee, piss, wee-wee, tinkle, and number o ne, there are others who speak more poetically of urine, calling it, among other things, the soma beverage, the mother of medicine, the water of life, living wa ter within, life elixir, the water of Shiva, and the water of a thousand flowers . Whatever its name, this drugless self-remedy appears in all the ancient religi ous and medical texts of recorded history - the earliest of which is attributed to the 5,000-year-old vedic text known as the Damar Tantra. "Drink waters out of thine own cistern, and running waters out of thine own well ," proclaims a proverb from the Old Testament. "The soma beverage is a universal remedy," declares the Atharva Veda. Hippocrates taught people to support their body's intrinsic defenses and to try natural interventions, such as urine, befor e resorting to stronger measures. The Romans, according the historian Suetonius, valued urine so much that the emperor placed a tax on every drop collected from public reservoirs. Wealthy French women bathed in it, and Chinese doctors used it to soothe sore throats. And, in the 19th century, French chemist Fourcroy dev oted an entire volume to the properties of human urine, because, in his words, t he "urine of man ... has furnished the most singular discoveries to chemistry .. . as well as to the art of healing." UT even managed to sneak into American lore. In 1810, for example, a Dr. Richard Hazeltine wrote of a proven healing agent used by "affectionate" mothers (as we ll as himself) called a "buttered flip" - a mixture of recent urine, hot water, honey, and a little butter. In addition, there are isolated stories of Native Am ericans using it, and tales of European and African-American grandmothers massag ing it into their skin to stay beautiful. More recently, TV archived the benefit s of urine therapy in 1978 when India's former prime minister Moraii Desai told a shocked Dan Rather and his 60 Minutes viewing audience of the remarkable effec ts of drinking urine, going so far as to say UT was the perfect way to help the millions of Indians unable to afford medical care. Whose urine is it anyway? Unequivocally the most primitive and primordial form of internal medicine, urine was isolated as a healing agent around 1773. UT has since been supported by doz ens of successful research trials. According to Martha Christy, author of Your O wn Perfect Medicine, urine is highly respected by mainstream medical scientists and researchers, even if the general public isn't aware of its benefits. To see for yourself, check out the list of ingredients in face creams, shampoos, antiba cterial ointments, sleeping medicines, diuretics, estrogen supplements, and othe r grooming products and over-the-counter medications on the shelves today. You w ill find many of the components of urine listed there. Although I like to avoid conspiracy theories, it's hard not to wonder why so few people know about urine therapy. Could it be there's no money to be made from i t? Christy reports that the bulk of the scientific research on UT has been finan ced by the pharmaceutical industry "with the hope of isolating substances for sp ecific cures so they can be produced artificially and marketed as a new product. " The Ares-Serono Group, one of the world's largest fertility-drug companies, pr oduces the fertility hormone drug Pergonal from the urine of post-menopausal wom en in Italy, Spain, Brazil, and Argentina. In 1992 the company reported earnings of $855 million, and women pay up to $1,400 per month for this urine extract. T he U.S. company Enzymes of America uses a special filter to collect the proteins from men's urinals in the 10,000 portable outhouses owned by its subsidiary fir m, Porta-John. They've turned their collections into a pricey heart attack medic ine called Urokinase. Yet, even supposing money and patents weren't an issue, a manufactured substance is no match for what comes out of your own body. No matter what companies claim , no synthetic works as well as your own urine: You and only you produce the nat ural vaccines, anticancer agents, hormone balancers, and allergy relievers in th e exact forms you need. Furthermore, milligram per milligram, urine is a better supplement to your diet than vitamins, because the vitamins in urine have alread y been digested and synthesized. Besides, your own urine won't produce any lasti ng side effects - unlike, for example, urokinase, which causes abnormal bleeding . On top of all this, your urine has antibodies that can stop a disease long bef ore recognizable signs or symptoms could be detected by modern technology. UT tackles the root of a problem or imbalance rather than merely masking its sym ptoms by reinforcing the autoinoculation - or more simply, homeopathic - actions of the immune system. As cells discharge traces of diseased substances and allo w them to escape into healthy tissues, leukocyte activity increases and creates a powerful antigen serum, remnants of which are passed into the urine. To take o ne of Christy's examples, let's say you take a pill to help you sleep, even thou gh, unbeknownst to you, your insomnia is caused by an undiagnosed food allergy. Thanks to the pill, you start sleeping again, but after a while, fearful of beco ming over-reliant on the drug, you stop taking it. Boom, you're back to counting sheep. Using UT, both of your ills - sleep deprivation and food allergies - can be overcome at once. Your urine offers the exact antibodies you need to eradica te your allergy and provides factor S to naturally induce sleep. All this for fr ee. Please pass the pee For the truly faint of stomach, a homeopathic tincture acts as a safe prelude to UT. The more adventuresome can start out with one ounce and slowly work up to s ix or eight ounces daily. Drink your urine first thing in the morning, since hor monal secretions increase at night, when the body is totally relaxed and repairi ng itself. Always collect the intermediate flow and drink it right away; don't b oil or dilute it, as this destroys or reduces urine's most beneficial properties . Some experts suggest waiting at least 15 minutes after UT before eating or dri nking - although I have to admit I bend the rules a little and brush my teeth im mediately afterward. Personally, I like to create a ritual around drinking my urine. Although this so unds a bit weird, I go into the bathroom alone and pee into a round glass cup (a special one with the earth etched on it). Before drinking, I hold it to my hear t, close my eyes, and connect with the intrinsic power of my body, thanking myse lf for healing. In this way, I begin every day in communion with myself. UT works best with adequate sleep, meditation, and exercise, and, like any other natural technique, it requires patience, discipline, and self-love. Also, the b etter your diet, the better the taste, although even within the parameters of a clean, preferably vegetarian, diet - one free of refined sugars, caffeine, nicot ine, preservatives, and drugs (since these substances can cause toxic build-up) - the flavors of urine will vary: The morning after miso soup, my urine tastes p articularly strong and salty; likewise, after curry, it tends to be spicy sweet. Although it does come out bitter at times, the only time I have any real diffic ulty is when I eat asparagus (I'll let you figure this one out). Most of the tim e, it has a subtle, slightly salty taste, and its color reminds me of an oaky, f ull-bodied chardonnay. Although I didn't experience it, the first-time recipient of UT will sometimes u ndergo a "healing crisis." Anytime during the first month, you may experience di scomfort while the body releases long-held toxins. Symptoms like headaches, naus ea, rashes, fever, diarrhea, vomiting, boils, and sweating are just part of the natural release process and well worth the final results. The best way to get th rough the detox period is to monitor your body's changes and regulate your UT in take accordingly, cutting back the amount until your symptoms subside. Other effective uses of urine include: topical applications (it's best to store it for a couple of days first, because bacterial fermentation enhances its heali ng effects), rubbings, foot baths, enemas, gargling, douching, eye and ear drops , and sniffing. I still use my urine as a nighttime face treatment. I have uncov ered studies showing that urine, more specifically urea, increases the water bin ding capacity of the skin, and I often get compliments on my smooth, clear compl exion. Believe it or not, I've even read that spraying fruits and vegetables wit h a urine and water solution will keep them bug- and fungus-free, and, most impo rtantly, will cleanse them of chemical sprays. Both externally and internally, urine functions as an excellent antidote for inf ections, skin ulcers, wounds, burns, snake bites, and insect stings. I learned t his - long before I heard of UT - on a summer field trip to the beach. About 10 of us were walking along the water with a counselor, when one my friends stepped on a dead jellyfish. Much to my amazement, the counselor lifted up his shorts ( carefully, so none of us kids saw anything) and peed on my friend's swelling foo t. Within seconds my friend forgot about the jellyfish and started screaming abo ut the treatment. To this day, I wonder if this unusual act of first aid was the seed that prepared me to accept urine therapy some 17 years later. It may save your life But more than just a rescue aid or supplement for the healthy, UT is also for th ose with chronic, acute, even severe illnesses. A practicing urine therapist in the 1930s and '40s and author of The Water of life, a nonscientific book of case studies, Dr. John Armstrong showed that urine fasts could heal just about any d isease that wasn't caused by traumatism or structural defects. He was especially fond of urine fasts, believing them superior to other liquid fasts because of u rine's ability to rebuild as well as cleanse. And he could make such claims, sin ce he not only cured others using urine fasts, but he cured himself of both tube rculosis and diabetes - something years of allopathic treatments had failed to d o. As with all "do it yourself" healing, UT recipients often become infused with a vitality they feel compelled to share. Powerful testimonials support every book I have read about UT, the most convincing of them coming from those whom convent ional medicine had sentenced to death. Christy writes of a woman with an inopera ble uterine tumor who drank nothing but her urine for seven days and made the tu mor disappear, and of another "terminal" patient with metastatic cancer of the l iver who, in the throes of hepatitis and a high fever, decided she had nothing t o lose by drinking her morning urine: "By the fifth day, I felt more energetic, by the 10th, I returned to the doctor. He couldn't believe I was alive." The testimonials of PWAs (people with AIDS) are especially potent. In Urine-Ther apy: It May Save Your Life, author Beatrice Bartnett, a naturopathic and chiropr actic physician who cofounded the Water of Life Institute in Florida, cites a ca se of a man whose T-cell count went from 285 to 489 in four months while treatin g with UT alone. Other books document successful results from using UT to combat Karposi's sarcoma lesions, thrush, intestinal parasites, Epstein-Barr, herpes, diarrhea, and colitis. Researchers believe that UT works so well with AIDS and i ts opportunistic viruses because the urine of a PWA not only has anticancer agen ts, such as DHEA, retine, antieoplastons, uric acid, H-11 extract, and HUD (huma n urine's derivative), but it also contains the antibodies to HIV-1, a fact disc overed in 1988 by Dr. Alvin Friedman Kien at the New York University Medical Sch ool. In study after study, UT comes across as nothing short of miraculous. It fights free-radicals, eases morning sickness, acts as a diuretic, and has redressed a r emarkable number of ailments, including arthritis, hair loss, jaundice, eczema, leprosy, gangrene, malaria, venereal diseases, menstrual irregularities, candida , warts, prostate problems, obesity, asthma, migraines, toxemia, rabies, peptic ulcers, multiple sclerosis, and heart disease. Some even profess it enhances spi ritual growth. The general theme is one of a therapy that works when all others have failed. UT is a medicine we always have at our disposal (so to speak), one that can actu ally save our life in an emergency. During Jordan's Nine-Day War, Newsweek repor ted that the Red Crescent, the Islamic equivalent of the Red Cross, told the nat ion on public radio: Your children are expiring of thirst; we cannot help you ex cept by telling you that you may be able to save their lives by letting them dri nk their own urine. A friend of mine benefited from a similar understanding when he became sick in the middle of an unauthorized bicycle tour through the back r oads of China. In his words, "I was alone, feverish, completely dehydrated, and unable to get help for myself. Then I remembered urine therapy, and after a few weeks of my own urine, I was strong enough to continue my ride." I don't know ab out you, but I'd say pee drinking sure beats the alternative in these two situat ions. I realize accepting UT as the saving water of life or as the elixir that allows yogis to traverse great deserts doesn't mean you're ready to wake up tomorrow an d have yourself a cup of pee. Even so, whether you're curious or completely gros sed out, vast rewards are waiting. Give yourself a chance to get comfortable wit h the idea. When I got started, I imagined myself as a baby floating in the wate rs of my mother's urine, but if this doesn't work for you, try returning to the recycling analogy. Think of UT as composting, where leftovers are miraculously t urned into prized nutrition. Remember, nature rarely wastes a thing. Blake More is a poet and freelance writer living in Mill Valley, California. RESOURCES Your Own Perfect Medicine by Martha M. Christy (Future Med, Inc., Scottsdale , Ariz., 1994) The Water Of Life: A Treatise on Urine Therapy by J.W. Armstrong (Health Sci ence Press, Essex, England, 1971) Urine-Therapy. It May Save Your Life by Dr. Beatrice Bartnett (Water of Life Institute, Hollywood, Fla., 1989) Return to articles ************************************* Introduction: "In February 1996 the First World Conference on Urine Therapy took place in Indi a (in May 1999 the second world conference took place in Germany). The fact that a number of allopathic doctors also visited these conferences show s that this remarkable and sometimes despised therapy, which for a long time was almost forgotten, is coming back to the forefront. And rightly so. Urine therapy is very effective, and it is always available and quite inexpensiv e, to say the least, which is absolutely wonderful in a world which sees itself confronted with increasing health- as well as financial problems. But what is this urine therapy? How does it work? What are its roots? What has t he medical world to say about it? And, not the least important, how do you go ab out it? Coen van der Kroon covers almost all questions concerning urine therapy and its history in his book The Golden Fountain; The Complete Guide to Urine Therapy. (T he book recently appeared at Amethyst Books/Gateway Books; ISBN 0-944256-73-2; 1 52 pages; illustrated; £8.95 or $14,95). In the following article connections of urine therapy with the yoga traditions a re explored. Also practical tips are given for the application of urine therapy in daily life . You will find more detailed application programs here. Meanwhile, the below is a reasonable starting point. If you haven't done it yet, you might be convinced, after reading this article o r The Golden Fountain book, to take a sip from your own golden nectar... If not, it's definitely worth reading anyway! What is urine therapy? How does it work? Urine therapy means using (your own) urine externally or internally as a way to promote or maintain your health. The first question that probably comes to mind is whether urine is not a toxic s ubstance and how a toxic waste product could ever be of any benefit for your hea lth. Well, urine is NOT a toxic waste product and this has been scientifically proven . 95% of urine is water, 2.5% consists of urea and the remaining 2.5% is a mixture of minerals, salt, hormones and enzymes. Toxic substances are being removed fro m the body through the liver and intestines, through the skin and through the ou tbreath. The main function of the kidneys is to keep the composition of the blood in opti mal balance. When there is to much water, the kidneys will remove it. But that d oesn't make water into a toxic waste product. Only the substance urea can be poisonous when present in very large amounts in t he blood. However, this is irrelevant in the practice of drinking urine, as urin e is not immediately put back in the bloodstream. In the small amounts urea gets back into the body, it is purifying, clears up excess mucus and has a number of specific, very useful effects. Moreover, it has a wonderful healing and tonifyi ng effect when applied to the skin. You can find urea in many skin products as one of the main components- specifica lly in many woman cosmetics. Furthermore, urine is entirely sterile after secretion and has an antiseptic eff ect. We are talking here about urine from the point of view of somebody who foll ows a reasonably healthy diet, and who does not use chemical drugs or allopathic medicines. Urine therapy is a method based upon the principle of 'natural cycle s'. As long as we do not interfere chemically with the body's natural cycle, the bod y produces urine which is perfectly suitable for re-cycling. If you ingest a gre at deal of chemical substances - and these days all kinds of processed food cont ain chemicals - part of this will end up in the urine, in which case the composi tion of the urine changes. Normally, however, urine is a healthy substance which contains healthy, harmless and nourishing components. Some natural cycles take place more quickly than others, but the cycle in genera l is the foundation of all life. If we let nature run her course, there will be no waste, and a disturbed equilibrium will always come back into balance. Just a s we are capable of disturbing a natural equilibrium, we can also do our part in helping nature recover her balance. In order to support such a recovering of ba lance, we are equipped with a wonderful, natural 'house pharmacy': our own urine provides us with a swift and safe method for using the powers of the natural cy cle. What exactly are the effects of urine therapy? Briefly, if urine is ingested and/or rubbed into the skin, it purifies blood and tissues, provides useful nutrients and sends the body a signal about what is in or out of balance. This last effect is called (oral) auto-immunization. This br ings us to a last important feature of urine. Urine itself is, as said, not a to xic waste product. It does contain however minute particles connected with possi ble disease processes in the body. These minute particles are mainly antibodies, which upon re-ingesting can help the body to react on specific pathological sit uations. Urine therapy has proven helpful in a great number of various diseases, ranging from a simple cold and a throat-ache, to tuberculosis and asthma, from minor ski n problems such as itching, to more serious skin diseases such as eczema, psoria sis and even skin cancer. Urine therapy in the East: therapy or way of living? Urine therapy has been practiced for thousands of years and has merely fallen a bit into obscurity in the last century. However much urine therapy may seem to be unorthodox and perhaps revolutionary, it does not introduce anything new or original. It has been known throughout the centuries both in the West and in the East. Especially within yoga and tantra t radition the use of urine has been kept alive. It served partially as a real 'th erapy', a method to cleanse the physical body of impurities, but also as a way t o further spiritual growth. As such it should be considered more as a spiritual practice or lifestyle.Very illustrative in this sense are the following remarks: Swami Satyananda Saraswati states in 'Amaroli - The Way of the Yogi', the prefac e to the book Amaroli (Amaroli is the practice of ingesting ones own urine): "I am fully acquainted with the topic of amaroli and have had personal experienc e with its use. Of course, I did not use it for therapy but in order to perfect vajroli kriya, and I am convinced that those who want to perfec t vajroli will have to go through the process of amaroli. Since 1943, right up to 1978 (date of publication of the book Amaroli), I have n ever seen bad results from the use of amaroli, either in therapy or for vajroli. Just recently a very ill gentleman approached me and asked me my opinion on ama roli. I suggested that he try it for himself and see what happens. Now, two mont hs later, he has recovered completely. From the healing point of view, if amaroli proves to be less dangerous than the therapeutic use of drugs, synthetic hormones and various other assorted chemical substances, if it proves less corrosive and nutritionally harmful than Coca Col a and 7-Up, if it is less dependence-producing and intoxicating than alcohol, le ss distasteful than eating gelatin, manufactured from the hooves and tendons of animals, then I am sure it will be a boon to humanity. I personally feel that we must state the facts on amaroli in as straightforward, clear and direct a manner as possible. Then mankind may just possibly find that there are many other benefits hidden in the science of amaroli than originally believed." (From: Amaroli, S. S. Saraswati, Bihar School of Yoga, Bihar 1978, ou t of print) Some time ago, my attention was drawn to an article in the reputable English wee kly journal The New Scientist. It was about the research done by two Australian scientists into drinking morning urine by Indian yogi's and its possible positiv e effect on meditation practice. The hypothesis is that this might be due to a h ormone found in morning urine called melatonin.

Urine therapy in the West Apart from these effects within meditation context, the use of urine is very pra ctical as far as curing all kind of ailments and diseases is concerned. This pra ctice has been known all over the world and in many cultures. The Greeks and Rom ans were acquainted with the use of urine as a medicine. But also later in histo ry there are many references to urine as being helpful to combat illnesses.A goo d example can be found in a major German encyclopedia (Johann Heinrich Zedler's Grossen Vollständigen Universallexikon, 1747), in which the author offers the foll owing tips concerning the use of urine as medicine: "Useful substances can be found in human as well as animal urine... Human urine has strengthening and curative characteristics concerning many deficiencies: "For example, a mixture of potato- and sulphur-powder, mixed with heated, old ur ine helps against hair loss. One should rub this mixture into the scalp; this sl ows down loss of hair (calf's gall can be added if necessary). "One can best heal injuries to the eyes with honey dissolved in the lightly boil ed urine from a young man. One should wash the eyes as often as possible with th is fluid. "All kinds of throat inflammation can be helped by gargling with urine to which a bit of saffron has been added. "Trembling hands and knees can be helped by washing and rubbing one's own warm u rine into the skin directly after one has urinated. "In the beginning stages of dropsy, one should drink one's own morning urine on an empty stomach for a prolonged period of time. This also helps against jaundic e." In this century it was the Englishman John Armstrong who was the urine therapy p ioneer with his work and with his book The Water of Life, famous both in West an d East. Armstrong realized that the powerful medical world entertained other ide as about the usefulness of urine. Even so, he was exceptionally persistent in his conviction and enthusiasm concer ning urine therapy, probably because through urine therapy, he cured himself of tuberculosis which had been declared 'incurable'. Armstrong began urine therapy after a long and agonizing journey in which doctor after doctor proved unable to cure him of his TB symptoms. On the contrary, his condition only worsened. He decided to try urine therapy for two reasons. First of all, a quotation from the Bible stimulated his curiosity: "Drink water from your own cistern, flowing water from your own well." (The Book of Proverbs 5:15) Secondly, he had childhood memories of his mother smearing urine on his face wh ich was swollen from a bee sting, and of his grandfather treating animals with u rine. Recently, a lot of books have been published on urine therapy, especially in Germany, and some of those books have been written by regular doctors. This s hows that there is a development towards a little bit more understanding and acc eptance from people working within the regular medical field. The authors of these books show, just like Armstrong did, how versatile the appl ication possibilities of urine are. It works wonders in many minor problems and diseases such as ear- and eye infections, burns and bruises, allergic conditions (hay fever), fungus infections of the skin, warts, etc.. But it also can help t he immune system to cope with more serious conditions such as chronic colds, flu , stomach problems, bronchitis, etc.. Furthermore it has proven very helpful in the treatment of a number of very serious, immune related diseases, such as chro nic and severe allergies, asthma, cancer, M.E. and AIDS. In these cases it did d efinitely not always lead to long term healing results, but it often alleviated symptoms to considerable extent and sometimes indeed resulted into remarkable im provement of the dis-eased condition. Urine therapy and yoga tradition Let's go back to the Indian history, where even much older texts describing the practice of urine therapy are available. A presumably 5,000-year-old document ha s been found which describes the practice of urine therapy in different respects . In this document, there are many references to herbs and medicines still used in present day Ayurveda. This document consists of 107 verses (slokas), is calle d Shivambu Kalpa Vidhi ('the method of drinking urine in order to rejuvenate'), and is part of a document called Damar Tantra. (The entire text can be found in Chapter 7 of The Golden Fountain) Shivambu literally means the water of Shiva, t he highest god in the Indian pantheon. The name Shiva means auspiciousness. In I ndia, at least among urine therapists, one often speaks of drinking Shivambu, wh ich simply means drinking the water of auspiciousness. They also sometimes jokin gly refer to it as 'Morarji Cola', as India's former prime minister Morarji Desa i used to practice urine therapy. He openly advocated this therapy and said Indi a would be well off when more people would use this extremely inexpensive and ef fective way of treatment. These are the opening verses of the Damar Tantra text, in which the god Shiva begins to speak with his wife Parvati: Verses 1 - 4: "Oh Parvati! (The God Shiva speaks to his wife Parvati.) Those who practice this method can enjoy the fruits of their meditation and this method. For this, cert ain actions have been recommended along with certain types of utensils. The Shiv ambu is to be drunk from pots made of gold, silver, copper, brass, iron, tin, gl ass, earth, bamboo, bones, leather, or a bowl made of plantain leaves. The urine should be collected in any one of the above mentioned utensils and should be dr unk. However, earthen pots are the best for use." Practical instructions are given on how to collect and ingest urine, and advice on what is best to eat if you drink your own urine. It has to be kept in mind, h owever, that this document was written for those who practice yoga, work intensi vely with their body and soul and adapt their food to this lifestyle. Neverthele ss, the following verse contains some helpful general guidelines for everyone wh o uses urine therapy. Verse 5: "The follower of the therapy should avoid pungent, salty ingredients in his meal s. He should not over-exert himself. He should follow a balanced and light diet. .." Urine was equated with a divine drink which had the power to exterminate all kin ds of illnesses and ailments. The following verse suggests that physical purific ation is connected with a life of meditation. Verse 9: "Shivambu is a divine nectar! It is capable of abolishing old age and various ty pes of diseases and ailments. The follower should first ingest his urine and the n start his meditation." As said before, drinking urine is not the only way to apply urine therapy. A num ber of verses discuss the importance of massaging with urine. For example: Verse 48: "Shivambu should be applied to the whole body. It is exceptionally nourishing, a nd can relieve all ailments." Verse 87: "Oh Parvati! If he massages his body thrice a day and night with Shivambu, his c ountenance will be shining and his heart will be strong. His body and muscles wi ll be strong. He will float in pleasure." This last text is special because it connects physical purification with purity of spirit and state of mind. Verse 87 is an especially good example of this beli ef. The hormonal component seems to have a positive effect on the state of mind. Various people with whom I have spoken felt noticeably more emotionally stable, high-spirited and vital after they started urine therapy. Probably this partly has something to do with the aforementioned hormone melatonin. Other ancient texts which are part of the religious and spiritual heritage of In dia also contain fragments about and refer either to urine therapy or to 'amarol i' ('nectar of immortality'). A few examples: 3;96-97: "In the doctrine of the Kapalikas, amaroli is the drinking of the midstream, lea ving the first for it is too pungent (too much bile) and the last, which is usel ess. He who drinks amari, snuffs it daily, and practices vajroli, is said to be practicing amaroli." Gyanarnava Tantra, Chapter 22: "After realizing the exact knowledge of dharma and adharma,every aspect of the w orld becomes holy - stool, urine, ovum, nails, bones, are all holy things in the sight of that person who has explored mantra. O Parvati, different deities are living in that water from which urine is made, then why is urine said to be cont aminated?" Harit, Chapter 1 on Urine: "Human urine is basic, bitter and light. It destroys diseases of the eyes, makes the body strong, improves digestion and destroys coughs and colds." Bhawa Prakasha, Verse 7, Chapter on Urine: "Human urine destroys poison, properly used it gives new life, purifies blood, c lears skin troubles, is sharp in taste and contains many salts." Yoga Ratnakar, Mutrashtakam Verse 11: "Human urine controls bile in the blood, destroys worms, cleans intestines, cont rols cough and calms nerves. It is sharp in taste, destroys laziness and is an a ntidote to poisons."

How to apply urine therapy? Below you will find internal and external applications. Please also review our p ractice programs page for more information. Internal application Drinking - Morning urine is best. Take the middle stream. You can start with a f ew drops, building up to one glass a day. Good as a tonic, as a preventative and in minor illnesses. Fasting - Drink all the urine you pass, except for the evenings, otherwise you w on't get any sleep. You can also take some extra water. The urine will quickly c hange its taste into almost neutral. Fasting on urine and water cleanses the blo od. Toxins are removed through liver, skin and outbreath. Gargle - Gargling with urine works wonders when having a throat-ache. Also good for toothache and generally when having a cold. Enemas - Urine colenemas and enemas work very well in cleansing the colon and in providing a direct immune stimulant. Vaginal douche - Helpful in e.g. yeast problems, white discharge, etc.. Ear- and eyedrops - Ear infections; conjunctivitis, glaucoma. For the eyes, dilu te the urine with some water. Sniffing urine/Neti - Sinusitis and other nose problems. Very good preventative for colds and to clean the subtle channels in the head. External application Massaging/Rubbing - You can use either fresh or old urine. Old urine (4 to 8 day s) is generally more effective, but it has a strong to very strong smell. Massag ing the whole body is a very important complementary treatment when fasting. It nourishes the body through the skin and helps against increased heartbeat. You c an leave the urine on or wash it off after an hour or so, just with water or wit h a mild, natural soap. Fresh urine as an after shave gives you a beautiful soft skin. But it is also very helpful and healing in all kind of skin problems: itc hing, sunburns, eczema, psoriasis, acne, etc.. Gentle rubbing of urine into acupressure points (e.g. on the ears) - very useful when reactions are otherwise too strong, e.g. with very heavy allergic reaction . Footbaths - Any skin and nail problems of the feet (athletes foot, ringworm, etc .) Compress - When rubbing is not appropriate, this is another way of applying urin e on the skin. Hair- and scalp massage - Renders the hair soft and clean. Sometimes stimulates new hair growth. Some guidelines and warnings: It is generally not recommended to combine urine therapy with the use of (prescr ibed) chemical, allopathic medicines or recreational drugs. The combination may be dangerous to your health. If you are taking any form of allopathic medicine, begin with the external application (urine massage) until you are free of all me dication, if possible. If it is not possible or safe to stop the use of certain medicines, start with t aking a few drops of urine internally or use a homeopathic tincture or gently ru b fresh urine into the acupressure points of your ears. Keep looking and feeling very carefully how you and your body are reacting on the treatment. When suffer ing from a serious illness or, generally, when in doubt, consult a good natural doctor.

Transmutation and the healer within [By Coen Van der Koon] "It has always been a kind of vocation for me to connect East and West, ancient and modern, spiritual heritage and science. So with urine therapy: it has a rich history, certainly here in the East. It is connected with spiritual practice as well as with modern scientific research. A good example is the research project at the University of Newcastle, England, into the effect of drinking morning ur ine by Indian yogis on their meditation practice. This paper is meant to make an other such a small connection. Over the years, urine therapy has proved to be an effective tool for healing. Mo st urine therapists, some of whom have been practicing urine therapy for decades , have never sought an explanation for why it works: their own experiences were sufficient proof. For some time now, however, there has been increasing interest in the search for a scientific explanation. This is because urine therapists be lieve it is important for urine therapy to be acknowledged as a valid method of treatment: doctors should be well-informed about the effects of this therapy so that as many people as possible can benefit from it. Since members of the medica l world demand an explanation, the interest in scientific research has grown. Another reason for this growing interest is that a number of 'mainstream' doctor s have also had positive experiences with urine therapy, which is reason enough for them to investigate how and why it works. This is not a recent development: in the 1930's, for example, the German pediatrician Martin Krebs successfully tr eated many patients with urine therapy, and subsequently published the results As a physician, he was convinced that urine therapy was an effective method of t reatment, but he also realized that other doctors would not readily accept this fact since it conflicted with the scientific dogma which formed the foundation o f their profession. A good deal of research has already been conducted within the medical world into the composition of urine and its separate components. The researchers Free and Free published a report listing two hundred substances found in urine. They poin t out that these are only the most significant substances, and that urine probab ly contains thousands of components. Several substances found in urine seem to be of value as medication, some of whi ch have already been processed and used as such. The fact that certain individua l components of urine are effective does not prove that urine therapy is effecti ve. Conversely, however, it can be assumed that the components which have a part icular effect as an individual substance, have the same effect when taken as a c omponent of urine. In certain cases it could be imagined that the combination of these substances with other components of urine reduces or cancels out the effe ctiveness, but this is not the most obvious conclusion. We can, therefore, reaso nably assume that if an individual substance displays a certain characteristic, it will also have this characteristic as a component of urine. The more individu ally effective substances found in urine, the stronger the argument that urine a s a total entity has a therapeutic effect. A condition of this argument is that urine as a total entity does not contain substances with an obviously harmful ef fect: as yet there is no evidence to suggest that such substances have been foun d in urine. The small amounts of possibly toxic substances which can be found in urine largely seem to have a positive effect on the immune system. If urine did contain extremely harmful substances, it would be difficult to explain how many people (myself included) who drink their own urine every day for years could st ill be in exceptionally good health. So research has not yet been conducted on u rine as a total entity which can be therapeutically applied. Still unanswered ar e questions regarding how and why urine therapy works, since urine is used here as a total entity. A number of hypotheses have, however, been suggested which can serve as the basi s for further scientific research. One of those hypotheses I would like to propo se here. This hypothesis deals with the immunological effect of urine therapy an d its deeper energetical dynamics. It deals with the so called 'healer within'. Urine therapy has often been associated with spiritual practice which might make it seem a bit magic. But, as science is discovering today, ancient spiritual id eas come very close to today's most recent discoveries in the field of quantum m echanics and vibrational healing methods. But back to the basics: Urine therapy (using self-produced urine) can be conside red to be an extension of the methods of Jenner and Pasteur. An important task of the immune system is to rid the human body of diseased or u nusable substances that have developed during the course of an illness. When the se substances reach healthy tissue, the serum or blood becomes stronger, the act ivity of leukocytes (white blood cells) increases, and the patient probably reco vers. This phenomenon is known as auto-inoculation or self-vaccination and can b e seen as mother nature's method of healing an illness without external interven tion. Urine therapy can be seen as a form of self-vaccination: certain bodily su bstances which have been removed from the body, some of which may have been prod uced as a result of illness, are re-introduced into the body in small amounts. T hese substances are re-absorbed into the blood through either the intestines or the skin. According to this hypothesis, the immune system is then given the chan ce to react appropriately. The doctors Remington, Merler and Uhr have demonstrat ed that a particular part of urine-protein is able to eliminate certain pathogen s. This discovery supports the assumption that urine therapy can be used to treat o r prevent certain illnesses. In the early nineteenth century, Dr. Charles Duncan conducted research into with self-produced substances, including urin e therapy. He demonstrated that patients suffering from gonorrhoeic urethritis (infection o f the urinary tube as a result of the venereal disease gonorrhea) produce their own medication in the form of their own discharge. Auto-therapy was applied here by placing a drop of a patient's discharge directly on the tongue, in order to stimulate the body's natural powers. This method had a strong healing effect at every stage of the illness: if applied at an early stage, it could cause the gon orrhea to disappear. Auto-therapy is based on the principle that the body can us e all fresh, self-produced, unaltered diseased tissue substances which originate from the micro-organisms causing the illness. Seen in this light, patients have their own medication in exactly the form constructed by nature to heal their co ndition. The results of Dr. William D. Linscott's research suggest that auto-the rapy strengthens and stimulates the immune system, in particular with regard to the T-cells. The T-cell population of several patients who initially displayed a low T-cell count increased after treatment with urine therapy. Workable affordable health care. The Transmutation theory Most of what has been said here will be valid from a strictly mechanistic point of view. The transmutation theory, though, needs a new, holistic paradigm which is based more on the dynamics of energies. In recent scientific research, a shift is visible from reductionism to holism. I t is beyond the scope of this paper to go into this matter. I nevertheless want to take the new paradigm fully into account here in trying to find explanations for the effectiveness of urine therapy. Urine can be considered to contain an ex act holographic picture of the body fluids and tissues. The biofeedback of this holographic information by re-ingesting the urine may well inform the energy sys tem in a way which helps restoring a disturbed balance. The medical doctor and u rine therapist Abele cautiously discusses the possible effect of urine as hologr aphic feedback: "The question rises as to whether urine could possibly be consid ered to be a sort of liquid-hologram. Once the body has been made conscious of u rine in an unconventional way (such as it being reintroduced into the body by in tramuscular injection) the whole organism evaluates it and subsequently updates its own regulating mechanisms (at least in specific cases)." The theory of transmutation implies that the body is capable, through energetic exchange within the body itself, to transmute certain substances or molecules in to other ones. 'Short-circuiting' the system by ingesting one's own secreted bod y fluids might stimulate the transmutational forces within and challenge the bod y to transform unusable substances into usable ones without being constantly dis turbed by new external input. It could possibly go as deep as to restructure dis turbed DNA. This would specifically apply to fasting on urine. An important aspect here is the theory of structured water. The body consists fo r the biggest part of water and so does urine. Not all water is the same though. The molecular structure of water can be less or more organized and in the latte r case one speaks of structured water. The more it is organized, the better all kind of enzymatic processes can do their job. These enzymatic processes, in thei r turn, are responsible and necessary for the digestion, absorption and transmut ation of all nutrients. It is scientifically proven how water in biological systems becomes more organiz ed. Water also becomes more organized through exposure to sunlight and through c lose contact with crystals. The body is both a receptor of sunlight and it conta ins a high amount of solid and liquid cristallinelike substances. Also body flui ds themselves form fluid crystals. Urine is thus a cristallinelike substance containing a high amount of structured water. This structured water, when taken in again, promotes better enzymatic fu nctioning and it has a higher solubility for minerals. A higher amount of struct ured water in the body system is correlated with better health and more energy. The fact that urine is a liquid crystal substance, particularly because of the v arious salts in it, implies that it contains crystalline vibrations completely i n tune with the vibrational condition of the body. Re-ingestion might give the b ody valuable vibrational information needed for two things. Healthy vibrations w ill strengthen the already existing, healthy body resonance. 'Diseased' or stres s-vibrations will counteract any unhealthy resonance in the body. It is known th at disturbing sounds of any sort can be counteracted best by confronting it with the same sounds. The vibratory patterns of the body, both in the bones (solid c rystals) and in the tissues and fluids (liquid crystals), play an important role in the process of transmutation. The resonance field of a crystal can make a pr otein, for example, change its form into one that is more useful for the body, o r easier adaptable by it. Seeing urine as a liquid crystalline like substance containing a high amount of structured water may help understanding its healing qualities on the more subtle levels. This is just one little step in trying to explain the energetical effect of urin e therapy on the human organism. This way of thinking should be considered as a kind of scientific, modern 'alchemy'. There is nothing wrong or scary about this terminology and the way of thinking t hat goes with it. It is nothing new and at the same time highly modern. It provi des a chance to scientifically explain urine therapy in its fullest potential, w hile at the same time taking into account its rich, spiritually associated, hist ory. Urine therapy confronts us with a very concrete 'healer within' which works both on a mechanistic and on an energetic level. The latter implies that urine, as a holographic substance, can affect all levels of being, from the physical, throu gh the electromagnetical fields of the emotions and the mind, up to the subtler genetic vibrational information of the soul. In this sense urine therapy can be verily seen as one of the divine manifestations of cosmic intelligence. Thus the ancient name Shivambu Kalpa, a name and a therapy to be treated with ap propriate respect. ***************************************************** The Damar Tantra is an ancient work. It contains a detailed description of the system of therapeutics utilizing 'Shivambu', i.e. Auto Urine Therapy, as expounded by Lord Shiva to His Divine Consort the Goddess Parvati. There are 107 sholkas or verses in the meter called 'anushtup chnadas'. It is asserted in the Damar Tantra that all diseases can be cured by Shivambu (one's own urine), and all mankind can retain health and strength through the regular use of Shivambu. For the convenience of the readers, only the English translation of the Tantra verses are presented here.

Auto-Urine Therapy (Shivambu Kalpa): The Indian version as detailed in the DAMAR TANTRA.

O Parvati! I shall expound to you the recommended actions and rituals of Shivambu Kalpa that confers numerous benefits. Those well versed in the scriptu res have carefully specified certain vessels for the purpose. (1) Utensils made from the following materials are recommended: Gold, Silver , Copper, Bronze, Brass, Iron, Clay, Ivory, Glass, Wood from sacred trees, Bones , Leather and Leaves. (2, 3) The Shivambu (one's own urine) should be collected in a utensil made of any of these materials. Among them, clay utensils are better, copper are by far the best. (4) The intending practitioner of the therapy should abjure salty or bitter foods, should not over-exert himself, should take a light meal in the evening, s hould sleep on the ground, and should control and master his senses. (5) The sagacious practitioner should get up when three quarters of the nigh t have elapsed, and should pass urine while facing the east. (6) The wise one should leave out the first and the last portions of the uri ne, and collect only the middle portion. This is considered the best procedure. (7) Just as there is poison in the mouth and the tail of the serpent, O Parv ati, it is even so in the case of the flow of Shivambu. (8) Shivambu (auto- urine) is heavenly nectar, which is capable of destroyin g senility and diseases. The practitioner of Yoga should take it before proceedi ng with his other rituals. (9) After cleansing the mouth, and performing the other essential morning fu nctions, one should drink one's own clear urine, which is the annihilator of sen ility and diseases. (10) One who drinks Shivambu for the duration of a month will be purified int ernally. Drinking it for two months stimulates and energizes the senses. (11) Drinking it for three months destroys all diseases and frees one from al l troubles. By drinking it for five months, one acquires divine vision and freed om from all diseases. (12) Continuation of the practice for six months makes the practitioner highl y intelligent and proficient in the scriptures, and if the duration is seven mon ths, the practitioner acquires extraordinary strength. (13) If the practice is continued for eight months, one acquires a permanent glow like that of gold, and if it is continued for nine months, one is freed fro m tuberculosis and leprosy. (14) Ten months of this practice makes one a veritable treasury of luster. El even months of it would purify all the organs of the body. (15) A man who has continued the practice for a year becomes the equal of the sun in radiance. He who has continued for two years conquers the element Earth. (16) If the practice is continued for three years, one conquers the element o f Water, and if it is continued for four years, the element Light is also conque red. (17) He who continues the practice for five years conquers the element Air, a nd he who continues it for seven years conquers pride. (18) Continuation of the practice for eight years enables one to conquer all the important elements of Nature, and continuation of it for nine years frees on e from the cycle of birth and death. (19) One who has continued the practice for ten years can fly through the air without effort. One who has continued it for eleven years is able to hear the v oice of his sour (inner self). (20) He who has continued the practice for twelve years will live so long as the moon and the stars last. He is not troubled by dangerous animals such as sna kes, and no poisons can kill him. He cannot be consumed by fire, and can float o n water just like wood. (21) O Goddess! I shall tell you now about other variants of the therapy. Ple ase listen attentively. He who takes powdered amrita (gaduchi, Tinospora Condifo lia) mixed with Auto-Urine habitually for six months, is freed from all disorder s, and acquires happiness. (22, 23 cont...) Powdered haritaki (harade, Terminalia Chebula) should be assiduously tak en with Shivambu. This combination destroys senile degeneration and all diseases . If this practice is continued for a year, it makes one exceptionally strong. ( ...23, 24) One masha (about one gramme) of sulpher be taken along with Shivambu eve ry morning. He who continues the practice for three years will live as long as t he moon and the stars last. His urine and feces will whiten gold. (25) The powder of the Koshtha fruit should be mixed properly with Shivambu a nd taken in the prescribed manner. If this practice is continued for twelve year s, one's body will be free from the ravages of old age such as wrinkles on the s kin, and whitening of the hair. One acquires the strength of a thousand elephant s, and lives as long as the moon and the stars continue to exist. (26) If powdered pepper and Triphala Choorna (mixed powder of Terminalia Bela vica, Terminalia Chebul and Phylonthus Embica) mixed with Shivambu are taken reg ularly, one acquired a radiance like that of the gods. (27) The essence (bhasma) of mica and sulpher should be taken with Shivambu a long with a little water. This cures al disorders caused by malfunctioning of th e digestive system and all disorders caused by the Vata humour. He who takes suc h a mixture regularly become strong, acquires a divine radiance, and can cheat t ime (escape the ravages of time). (28, 29) He who takes Shivambu daily and excluded salty, sour and bitter food fro m his diet acquires divine accomplishments quickly. Freed from all ailments, and possessing a body comparable to that of Shiva Himself, he disports himself like the gods in the Universe for an eternity. (30). ****************************** (Coen Van Der Kroon) Urine consists of 95% of water, 2.5% of urea and the remaining 2.5% is a mixture of minerals, salts, hormones and enzymes. Only urea , the substance after which urine is named, can be poisonous when present in the blood. However, this is ir relevant in the practice of drinking urine, as urine is not immediately put back in the bloodstream. In small amounts urea gets back into the body, it is purify ing, and clears up excess mucus. Urine is entirely sterile after secretion and h as an antiseptis effect. One of the liver's most important functions is detoxification of the blood. The liver removes poisonous substances from the blood and either stores them or secr etes them into the gall bladder. In the latter case, the poisonous substances en d up as bile in the intestinal canal. They then leave the body in the form of de fecation. After the blood is detoxified by the liver, it flows to the kidneys. The kidney's most important function consists of balancing out all elements in t he blood. They remove all superfluous vital substances from the blood, and filte r out a surplus of water. This water and the vital substances consequently form urine. In order to save energy and bring the blood into balance, the kidneys rem ove unused enzymes from the blood. The same goes for hormones, minerals and othe r substances. It is clear that urine is full of vital elements, which can hardly be called waste products. Human urine has strengthening and curative characteristics concerning many defic iencies. A mixture of potato and sulphur powder, mixed with heated, old urine he lps against hair loss. One should rub this mixture into the scalp; this slows do wn loss of hair. All kinds of throat inflammation can be helped by gargling with urine to which a bit of saffron has been added. Trembling hands and knees can b e helped by washing, and rubbing one's own warm urine into the skin directly aft er one has urinated. An universal and excellent remedy for all distempers inward and outward. Drink your own water in the morning nine days together and it cure s the scurvy, makes the body lightsome and cheerful. It is good against the drop sy and Jaundice, drunk as before. Wash your ears with it warm and it is good aga inst deafness noises and nost other ailments in the ears. Wash your eyes with yo ur own water and it cures sore eyes and clears and strengthens the sight. Wash a nd rub your hands with it, and it takes away numbness, chaps and sores and makes the joints limber. Wash any green wound with it and it is an extraordinary good thing. Wash any part that itches and it takes the itch away. Wash the fundament and it is good against piles and other sores. More than any other method, urine therapy represents the principles of natural medicine. One's own urine is a spe cific medicine for anyone who is ill. It is made for him or her personally and i s just right for what he or she needs at the present moment, because it changes its composition all the time. It is not only something that cures, but it also s ustains health when taken as a preventative. Taken energetically, one could cons ider urine to be an exact hologram of both healthy as well as diseased body flui ds. All information from the body fluids is collected and stared in the urine. O ne's own urine is the best medicine for the kidneys that we could imagine. It is clear for any hotistic health practitioner that all cycles within the body are interconnected, and this means that the healing of one of those cycles will have a positive effect on the others. Urine was often used at the front, for lack of other medication and as a disinfectant for surgery instruments. A Russia doctor treated many people from far and wide, and was able to alleviate or completely cure illnesses with nothing else than urine therapy, while other methods up unti l then had failed. Drinking urine is a good alternative wherever water is scarce. It not only satis fies the need for liquid, but also actually keeps the body healthy. Some time ag o there was an earthquake in Egypt. A survivor was pulled out of the rubble in C airo after being trapped for three days. The man had kept himself alive by, amon g other things, drinking his own urine and he was in excellent condition. I hear d another story about a man who kept himself alive with his own urine for a week in a collapsed mine. At the time of his rescue, he looked fine and was in extra ordinary health. I also recently read an article about an Italian athlete who wa s lost in the Sahara for ten days. Upon returning to the civilised world, he tol d how he had drunk his own urine for lack of other liquids. He had kept himself alive by eating desert plants and insects and drinking his own urine. Shipwrecke d people can drink their own urinr to surtive, although one should not wait unti l the body is almost dehydrated before doing so. Drinking urine is also a smart way to survive in situations in which water is unsafe to drink. During earthquak es and floods, water is often infected with pathogens, while urine is always sce nic Drinking polluted water can cause serious, often fatal, illnesses Urine is a perfect alternative: if drunk fresh, it quenches thirst without present-ing any danger and is always available - any timer anywhere. Moreover, it will help com bat possible diseases. Soldiers have survived long periods in the wilderness by drinking their own urine, and soldiers in the Foreign Legion are sometimes instr ucted to rub their own urine into their skin in order to build up resistance to illness. Soldiers sometimes also uri-nate into their shoes before starting on a march, as urine apparently helps prevent blisters. The method of using urine for (new) shoes was often applied in the past and today I sometimes meet people who know how to get their shoes fitting by using this versatile fluid. It is genera lly not recommended to combine urine therapy with the use of (prescribed) chemic al allopathc medicines or recreational drugs. The combination may be dangerous t o your health. If you are taking any form of allopathic medicine, begin with the external application (urine massage) until you are free of all medication, if p ossible. Urine therapy consists of two parts: internal appication (drinking urine) and ex ternal application (massaging with urine). Both aspects complement each other an d are important for optimal results. The basic principle of urine therapy is the refore quite simple: you drink and massage yourself with urine. Even so, there a re a number of different ways to apply urine therapy. After your initial experie nces, you will be able to determine. Throughout the civilized world, blood and b lood products are used in the medical world without evoking the repugnance assoc iated with urine. We often use prepacked cells, plasma, white blood cells and co untless other blood components. Urine is nothing other than a blood product. We see ba-bies being breastfed and we are not filled with re-pugnance. We drink cow 's milk and eat cheese from cows, goats and other animals without a second thoug ht. We eat dairy products in the form of blue cheese (moulded) or as sour drinks such as yogurt and buttermilk, not to mention all the other bizarre things whic h are considered to be delicacies. If it is not the color (and it is not, becaus e we drink wine, beer and fruit juice of the same color);and if it is not the sm ell (and it is not, because we consume considerable amounts of cheese which smel l much worse) and if it is not the temperature, then perhaps it is the taste. Ho w many people do you know who have drunk enough urine to really know what it tas tes like? Probably not too many. Those who regularly drink their own urine say i t. But taking urine into your mouth might be too big a step to begin with. Rubbi ng a drop into the and first smelling your own urine can help you to overcome pa rt of the barrier. Really, it often does not smell bad at all. Many people even like its sometimes sweet odor. More extensive massaging of urine into your skin is also a good way to become accustomed to your life water. How can you overcome feelings of aversion to drinking your own golden elixir? Start by drinking a dr op then a sip each day and slowly build up to a fill glass of urine. This is the most comfortable way to allow your body, mind and soul to become accustomed to this therapy. Another method, which I myself used, is to begin by fasting for a few days. The urine is then so watery that after the second glass you will notice only a sligh tly salty taste, which makes it much easier to let go of the idea that urine is dirty or at least tastes dirty. If you still cannot bring yourself to drink your own urine pure, mix a dash of it into a glass of fruit juice or mix it with wat er and honey. Then try to switch over from the dilution to drinking urine pure. Collect the middle stream of the first morning urine. The small amounts at the b eginning and ending of urination do not have to be collected. The first part rin ses the urinary passage clean, so the urine will be as sterile as possible. The last part sometimes contains sediment and is of little value. Only your own, fre sh urine should be used. You are comfortable with. This may vary from one to sev eral glasses per day. If you drink your urine not only in the morning but later in the day as well, the urine from approximately one hour after eating is usuall y the best. Do not eat up to thirty minutes after drinking your urine. After a m eal wait for at least an hour before drinking any urine. A higher level of hormo nal discharge takes place at night when the body completely relaxes and restores itself. Morning urine is therefore the most rich in vital substances. No extra diet restrictions apply if you drink one glass of morning urine per day, but a d iet low in salt and (especially animal) protein is prefer-able and it will ensur e that your urine tastes and smells milder. However, if you drink urine several times a day, a diet low in protein and salt is essential. A lot of fresh fruit a nd vegetables are recommended. Before a fast: Two days before the fast, decrease the intake of protein-rich and heavy foods, especially fried and fatty foods. Fruit and raw vegetables are eas ily digestible and ensure that the intestines clean themselves so the actual fas t can easily begin. In this period, start drinking greater amounts of urine. Ac tual fast: In this period, exclusively drink water and urine. It is best if you do not work during the fast. Although some exertion is possible, rest and relaxa tion are important in order for the purifying process to take place undisturbed. In the beginning, stay with drinking the middle stream. Alternated with urine, pure, clean water can be drunk. Once the fast has been in progress for some time , all the urine can be drunk. In this period, you will urinate quite easily (uri nating every fifteen minutes is not unusual). A complete body massage every day with old, heated urine is highly recommended. Urine massage is good for blood ci rculation, and massaging with old urine also ensures that you do not have heart palpitations during the fast. Furthermore it serves as a way of feeding the body through the skin, immediately into the muscle and lymph tissue. During fasts, u rine enemas are highly recommended. Many illnesses begin in the intestines and i t is vey important to get rid of toxic waste products stored in them and to keep them clean. After a fast: This period is necessay in order to slowly and caref ully return to a normal and natural eating pattern. You should take at least one week to gradually and carefully readjust your eating hab-its. The best way to e nd a fast is to stop drinking urine and water at the end of the afternoon. After one hour, drink a glass of orange juice, lemon juice with water, grape juice or apple juice. The next day, drink another glass of fruit juice during lunch. Fro m this time on, start eating juicy fruits. The following day, eat vegetable brot h, steamed vegetables and rice. This is a good way to return to your old pattern of eating, excluding the unhealthy habits. If fasting exclusively on water and urine is too great of a strain, consume one light meal per day. This fast proceeds according to the same basic rules as a co mplete fast, except for a few differences: 1) Eat a light meal consisting of wholemeal bread, brown rice with steamed vegetables, raw vegeta-bles or fruit preferably at the end of the afternoon. Che w the food well. 2) Refrain from eating or drinking (including urine or water) one hour befo re and after the meal. During a chronic illness, the body often has a high level of toxicity, which mea ns that poisonous substances can be found in the tissues. Administering an enema is a good way to remove poisonous substances from the body, and especially from the intestines. Furthermore, a number of substances found in urine are better a bsorbed by the body in this way than by oral ingestion. Urine should be kept in the mouth for twenty to thirty minutes or, when that see ms too much, as long as possible. Gargling with urine is an effective way to fig ht gum problems or other month and tongue disorders. In addition, toothaches dis appear quickly and teeth stay healthy. It can help heal aphts quite fast. After gargling, spit the urine out again. Painful, burning and tired eyes can be relieved by applying a few drops of fresh or boiled urine to the eyes. Eye cups with urine are also quite useful. It is s ometimes wise to dilute the urine used for eyedrops with a bit of water. Eyedrop s are very helpful in cases of conjunctivitis. Irritation due to the wearing of contact lenses can disappear or be relieved by this treatment. Regular eye treat ments with urine therapy may improve eyesight. You can use four-day old urine fo r earaches or ear infections, as old urine enhances the effect of this method, b ut fresh urine will do as well. Put some drops in the ears and close them with s ome cotton wool dipped in oil. Salt water or urine is sniffed in the nose from a small bowl. Sniffing urine is the most effective treatment for a stuffed nose, other sinus disorders such as sinusitis, and problems with the uppermost part of the respiratory canal. This method also affects the eyes positively. If pure ur ine is too strong, dilute it with water. A 1/1.00.00 solution of urine should be placed under the tongue. Begin with two drops a day and increase this amount to ten drops a day. It is best to keep urine in a dark brown glass bottle which ca n be closed with a cork or some cotton wool, or glass pot with the top or lid pl aced on top of it (rather than screwed on). In this way the bottle or pot is clo sed while allowing air in, which is necessary for the fermentation process. When I go on vacation, I always keep a bottle of old urine on hand as a first aid re medy for wounds. It works excellently. Simultaneous compresses on the anus and a bdomen are very effective in the treatment of hemorrhoid. A mixture of clay and urine applied directly to the skin, can be used in the treatment of skin disease s. For those who value smooth, flawless skin and a healthy appearance massaging fre sh urine daily into the skin in the morning or in the evening is recommended. Th is is the secret of many a sex symbol and beauty queen. You can use this method during your morning shower. It is also extremely effective as an aftershave loti on. If you can smell the urine after using it as an after shave use a (natural) perfumed body or skin lotion. I rub fresh urine thoroughly into my skin in the m orning before I take a shower and pay extra attention to my face and hair. Skin becomes soft and smooth, and hair lustrous and clean. A foot bath is good for th e circulation and can also affect the entire body, as reflex zones are situated under the foot. Both heated, old and warm, fresh urine are suitable for these pu rposes. If you plan to take a foot or hip bath, collect your urine over the cour se of one day so that you have enough to fill a washtub half-way. You can dilute the urine with water to increase the amount of liquid in the washtub. This is an excellent remedy for dandruff, lifeless hair and even baldness and ha ir loss. Massage urine briskly into the scalp, allow it to be absorbed for thirt y minutes to an hour, and then wash it out with lukewarm water (do not use soap or shampoo). Hair becomes clean and lustrous. If you do not rinse out the urine, the effect is even more powerful. You can use both fresh and old urine for this . Your hair will, however, become more beautiful and vital. Those who apply urin e therapy often do not turn grey but retain their original hair colour at a late r age. If intensively applied, hair might grow again on bald spots. While practicing the more intensive form of urine therapy follow a diet low in p rotein and salt. Avoid refined pre-processed and synthetic foods such as sugar, white flour, and canned foods. Herbs (also in herbal tea) might cause the urine to taste sharp and bitter making it more difficult to drink. Some urine herapist s advise against drinking milk, primarily because dairy products are processed a nd contain unnatural additives, and because milk produces a great deal of mucus in the body. In general, it is advisable to decrease the intake of acid-producin g foods and to increase the intake of alkaline-promoting foods. Reduce the use o f alcohol, tobacco and caffeine to an absolute minimum. Urine therapy is most be neficial if your diet contains no alcohol, tobacco products, coffee, junk foods & meat. Rub the infected areas with urine. Let the urine soak in for one to two hours an d then rinse with water. If this method is not effective, place compresses on th e areas. Never squeeze or puncture pustules or blisters. They usually disappear with correct treatment after three to seven days. Vomiting particularly occurs when urine tastes and smells very strong and unplea sant, such as is the case with fever, jaundice and a number of other diseases. I n some cases drinking urine can be extremely unpleasant. However, if you drink a s much urine as possible, the urine will quickly become thinner and taste more p leasant. Vomiting is good in so far as it cleans the stomach, so there is no cau se for worry. After vomiting, you will be less tense and feel better. If vomitin g continues even after the stomach is empty, call in professional help. After vo miting out urine, rest and consume only some light liquids, such as water with l emon juice. Once wellrested, continue with urine therapy. Fever is actually the most thorough way for the body to discard unwanted substan ces. Reduce the amount of urine to be ingested, depending on how high the fever is, and get a lot of rest. If necessary, temporarily cease urine therapy until t he fever has come down. During a cleansing process the body sometimes removes excess mucus from the lung s and bronchial tubes. If a great deal of mucus is released, reduce the amount o f urine to be ingested or stop temporarily. Start inhaling urine through the nos e, as this clears the upper part of the bronchial tubes. Avoid milk and dairy pr oducts, as well as all mucusproducing nutrients such as fat and carbohydrates. T his can occur as a result of the extra energy the body must exert in order to ex crete the surplus of poisonous substances. Pregnant women can practise urine the rapy with the following restrictions. The first morning urine should NOT be inge sted. After drinking water, tea or milk, you may drink the second or third flow. The urine should be light in colour, not too sharp or bitter and not too concen trated. Women can drink their urine during their menstruation period. Many women experience this as unpleasant, in which case it is better to stop for a few day s. It is always best to consider what feels good for yourself. It is advisable to monitor and balance your pH, i.e. the acid/alkaline condition of your body, especially with intensive application of urine therapy & fasting. Your urine pH should ideally vary from approximately 5 (more acid) to 8 (more a lkaline) during the course of a day. When there is a tendency to either overacid ity (acidosis) or overalkalinity (alkalosis), your body is not functioning corre ctly. Everything you eat and drink has an effect on your body and consequently on your urine. The healthier your dietary habits are, the better your urine will taste. Urine therapy in itself does not perform miracles. Unless you provide your body with the essential nutrients, it will not possess the raw materials needed to m aintain good health. If you eat healthly and consciously, your urine will contai n many essential nutrients which can be reused. Even so, the body may have a def iciency of certain nutrients if they are not supplemented by a complete range of foods. In the long run, this may result in illnesses and ailments. The human bo dy is not made to digest and absorb the many harmful additives to which we are n owadays exposed. Chemical products and radiation added to food products have bee n proven to be harmful.The recommended range of foods consists of fresh vegetabl es and fruit, whole grains, seeds, nuts, bean, natural sweeteners such as honey, and a limited use of dairy products. It is advisable to follow a vegetarian diet during intensive application of urin e therapy. This means that it is best for you to refrain from eating all meat an d dairy products, or at least reduce this to a mini-mum, especially if you pract ise the therapy for an extended period of time. This also applies if you are fas ting or if you drink several glasses of urine per day. If you continue to eat me at, you probably have a high concentration of nitrogen wastes, uric acids and ot her acidic substances in your urine, which are not helpful when reingested in th ese large amounts. A surplus of these substances in the blood can lead to an abn ormally high degree of acidity. The body consequently acidifies, creating a bree ding ground for illnesses. The above mentioned substances in high concentrations cause the urine to taste extremely unpleasant. If you wish to keep eating meat, the best meat products are fish and fowl, free of hormones. Avoid foods contain ing refined flour products, white sugar and white rice. These nutrients also aci dify the blood and body. Avoid processed & radiated foods, and foods which conta in colorings or flavorings. Unfortunately, it is not easy to come by good, clean water. Tap water is full of harmful substances, such as fluoride, chlorine and aluminium. It is advisable, especially for drinking & to use purified water from bottles or containers. You can also purchase a good water filter. It is more difficult to come by fresh air . You can, however, go to a wooded area or the beach for the exer-cise you need. Exercise (in moderation) is important. It increases the heartbeat, stimulates t he circula-tion and strengthens the muscles. It also deacidi-fies the blood. Mos t importantly, it should form a part of your daily routine, and preferably a ple asurable part. The idea that urine is a poisonous waste product is not based upon fact. It has been scientifically proven that, besides water, urine consists mainly of mineral s, hormones and enzymes which are not harmful to the body. The body can reuse ma ny of these substances. Urine is simply a healthy liquid which is filtered out o f the bloodstream. What at one moment was part of the blood can be found in urin e a split second later. Certain substances are then filtered by the kidneys and secreted as raw materials, which can be directly absorbed by the body upon renew ed intake by way of drinking or massaging. The kidneys filter hundreds of litres of blood per day (approximately 1700 liters). The greatest part of the filtered urine, the socalled 'preurine', is directly reabsorbed into the blood. Excess s ubstances and the end products of nitrogen and protein metabolism together with water form the one to two litres of excreted urine. The kidneys are not intended to remove poison-ous substances from the body - the liver, intestines, skin and exhalation take care of this. Obviously, the food you consume finds its way int o the blood, and therefore into the urine, which is why it is important to follo w a healthy diet. Urine is a sort of information card which registers the condition of the blood. When that information is carried back to the body, the body can consequently rea ct according to this feedback; it will normally do this in an appropriate and pr ecise way. The body is an extremely advanced and intelligent system. The intestines donot absorb all the substances we consume and they are able to m ake a selection. To a certain extent, they select what is useful to the body and excrete the rest through defecation. Certain substances are converted by the ba cteria in the intestines into other substances which the body can use or absorb better in that form. You might ask if urea will not cause any poison-ing symptom s when taken in again. Although urea is poisonous when present in very large amo unts in the blood, only relatively small amounts of urea are ingested when you d rink urine This does not end up directly in the blood, but rather in the intesti -nes, and primarily has a purify, cleansing effect. The bulk of it does not show up as urea in the blood, but is converted into the highly useful substance glut amine. It is indisputable that the urine from ninety percent of the population is almos t entirely free of all bacteria (sterile). Doctors and pathologists confirm this . This is simply because urine does not come into contact with anything until it is excreted, and furthermore contains substance which kill bacteria. In the oth er ten percent, micro-organisms can be found, which can be caused by a latent il lness or infection of the kidneys or urinary passages. Drinking urine which cont ains a certain amount of micro-organisms can nevertheless be considered harmless . We constantly eat, drink and inhale bac-teria. A large number of bacteria perm anently exist in our body, and they generally do not make us sick. Externally ap plied, urine is an excellent antiseptic remedy. Fresh urine is sterile & therefo re excellent for cleaning wounds. Old urine contains ammonia & other substances which ensure that the infection & decay are combated. Nature works in cycles, aflowing matter to re-turn to its original substance and be reused for construction. Many substances still floating through the blood in compounded form are filtered by the kidneys and return to their original substa nces. In this way they can easily be re-absorbed by the body. Once again, I refe r to the example of a tree which lives off its fallen leaves. Nature possesses a n infal-lible capacity for recycling, of which urine therapy is a remarkable, bu t sadly forgotten. I would again like to point out that we have all experienced this urine cycle as a fetus in the womb. For almost nine month, we drank our own urine in the form of amniotic fluid. This liquid was an important contribution to the development of our bodies. Drinking urine is certainly not strange. It is the foundation of our existence. Rational thinking has completely suppressed many natural human instincts. For ex ample, all animals void eating if they are sick. Many illnesses can be quickly c ured in this way, since digesting food requires a great deal of energy. By not e ating, we can direct much more energy towards the recovery process. Human beings , however, often continue eating when they are sick. On top of that, the patient is often advised to eat especially well, even if he or she is absolutely not hu ngry. Urine therapy and healthy dietary habits go together. As already mentioned, no s ubstance which has not earlier been consumed will appear in the urine. A change in dietary habits as part of urine therapy undoubtedly plays an important role i n a possible healing process. Exclusively change your dietary habits. Urine ther apy also has an extraordinarily positive effect if you fast exclusively on water and urine, in which case you completely refrain from eating. The same results a re achieved with a urine and water fast in one week as with a juice or water fas t in two to three weeks. The fact remains: the substances you eat, drink or othe rwise ingest are important, especially regarding longterm health. Applying urine therapy while maintaining unhealthy dietary habits is like lighting a candle to the sun. The taste of urine partly depends on what you have eaten and drunk the previous day. If you eat a great deal of animal proteins, use a lot of spices or drink st rong herbal tea, your urine will probably have a strong taste. Also, when your b ody is out of balance, i.e. if you are sick, urine often tastes stronger than no rmal. While applying urine therapy it is wise to reduce the intake of especially animal proteins and strong herbs and spices. If you wish to gradually become ac customed to the taste, mix urine with water or fruit juice or mix a spoonful of honey into the urine. The remedy, urine, is not lucrative. Urine is free and alw ays available for those who need it. In a world which money talks, urine therapy can appear be threatening to those who earn their living by manufactunng or pre scribing medicine. In short, urine therapy does not fit in the current economic picture of scarcity. Many people believe we are healthier nowadays thanks to adv ances in medical science. This is partly true.The flip side of the coin is that we have had to give up a great deal of freedom and independence. The enormous ef forts of medical science are partly based upon the failure to really cure illnes ses. Fighting symptoms is considered to be crucial, but this does not take care of the cause. Urine therapy, being a real nature cure, not only reduces the symp tom, but also deals with the cause of the illness. When you are convinced it wor ks for you, the reluctance to talk about it will gradually subside, and maybe ev en disappear. Perhaps you will start to enjoy talking about it, as I do. You can be sure that you will be surrounded by plenty of laughter, which in fact can be rather pleasant. The odor of urine is much less repulsive than most people thin k since most associate urine with public toilets. Actually, it often smells rath er pleasant when applied fresh on the skin. I myself regularly use pure urine as aftershave and hair lotion. The majority of useful, vital substances is found in the morning urine. This is because at night, while you sleep, your body is totally relaxed. This deep relax ation gives the body the chance to carry out its recovery activities. The decomp osition products partly end up in the urine and can be reabsorbed and used for n ew build-up processes. This process of filtering by the kidneys returns the soca lled raw decomposition products to their original substances, which can subseque ntly be absorbed and re-used by the body. Certain hormones are also released dur ing sleep, a number of which are intended to bring about the above mentioned dee p relaxation. Reabsorbing these hormones ensures that we are more rested during the waking hours. It saves the body energy because it does not have to manufactu re these hormones again. Ingestion of the morning urine, which is full of hormon es, regulates the entire hormonal process. These hormones have the particular fu nction of maintaining hormonal balance. In theory, it is best to use exclusively your own urine, especially if internall y applied. However, if you are in a state of shock and cannot urinate, the urine from somebody else can safely be administered. If possible, use the urine from somebody of the same sex. Different hormones can be found in the urine from a ma le than in that of a female. For certain illnesses, it seems to be beneficial to ingest the urine from children. The urine from a child is often very pure, espe cially if the child follows a healthy diet. In some cases, the urine fron a chil d can also be used in the external massage application for the seriously ill who cannot produce enough of their own urine. Urine from different people usually does not differ much in its ingredlents, whi ch is why the urine from one person will also to some extent work for somebody e lse. However, your own urine contains personal, characteristic substances and pr ovides the particular information the body needs in order to carry out the heali ng process as effectively as possible.

In general, it is no problem to combine urine therapy with any other form of nat ural treatment. This also applies to the use of nutritional supplements as long as they are natural. One should refrain from any chemically manufactured supplem ents. Experience has shown that the use of vitamin supplements in combination wi th the practise of urine therapy can considerably cut down the amount of supplem ents you need to take, because of the recycling effect. Many substances, such as vitamins and enzymes, act as carriers for other. Urine therapy can also be seen as a form of self-vaccination: certain bodily substances which have been remove d from the body, some of which may have been produced as a result of illness, ar e rein-troduced into the body in small amounts. These substances are reabsorbed into the blood through either the intestines or the skin. According to this hypo thesis, the immune system is then given the chance to react appropriately.

In the early nineteenth century, Dr. Charles Duncan conducted research into ther apies with self-produced substances, including urine therapy. He demonstrated th at patients suffering from gonorrhoeic urethritis (infection of the urinary tube as a result of the venereal disease gonorrhoea) produce their own meditation in the form of their own discharge. Auto-therapy was applied here by placing a dro p of a patient's discharge directly on the tongue, in order to stimulate the bod y's natural powers. This method had a strong healing effect at every stage of th e illness: if applied at an early stage, it could cause the gonorrhoea to disapp ear. Auto-therapy is based on the principle that the body can use all fresh, sel f-produced, unaltered dis-eased tissue substances which originate from the micro -organisms causing the illness. Seen in this light, patients have their own medi cation in exactly the form constructed by natute to heal their condition. Ten effects of Urine Therapy: Reabsorption and reuse of nutrients, Reabsorption of hormones, Reabsorption of enzymes, Reabsorption of urea, Immunological effect , Bactericidal and virucidal effect, Salt therapy, Diuretic effect, Transmutatio n theory, Psychological effect. The filtering process in kidneys should break down this tissue to its original m aterials, after which it can be reused by the body to build in new tissue. Reabs orption can be a means for the body to generally conserve energy: reingestion of hormones gives the body the chance to reuse at least a number of these, so that it is not necessary to expend energy on manufacturing new hormones. Hormones ar e actually extremely powerful molecules, the production of which requires a grea t deal of energy. Once produced, they are able to cause a complete alteration in the balance of bodily processes, the personality, the emotions and the state, o f mind, even if only a few molecules are released. So even the slightest reabsor ption of hormones may well have a powerful effect on our state of health and lev el of energy. I have already referred to research on the effects of melatonin, a hormone found in urine which possibly has a calming effect. Melatonin also has a powerful ant i-cancer effect. Some people recommend to use the first urine after sexual inter course. During the process of sexual stimulation certain hormones are released i n the higher endocrinal glands which have a regenerating effect on the body for men as well as women. On research conducted on the enzyme Urokinase, positive results can be expected from the effects of enzymes in urine as a total entity. Urokinase causes vasodil ation and resembles nitroglycerine in its ability to strengthen the bloodstream from the coronary artery to the cardiac muscle. Urokinase is extracted from urin e and brought on the market as medicine on a large scale. Besides water, urea is the main component of urine and is a decomposition produc t of converted proteins. A person excretes approximately an average of 25 to 30 grams of urea per day. We come in contact with urea at an early age, as a fetus in the womb. The level of urea in amniotic fluid, which consists for the most pa rt of urine from the fetus doubles in the last two months of pregnancy. Before w e are born, we drink well over half a litre per day of this liquid. The fetus al so breathes it in; this is essential for proper development of the lungs. Scars disappear after an operation on a foetus in the womb due to the healing capaciti es of the urea in the amniotic fluid. Bactena are not yet active in the intestinal canal. Once we are born, the intest inal flora start to work, which have a special role in the conversion of urea. S cientists estimate that 25% of the urea in an adult finds its way into the intes tines, where it is decomposed into ammonia by intestinal bacteria. The body reus es a certain part of urea; the extra supply created by applying urine therapy in creases the gultamine level in the body. This consequently strengthens the immun e system and specialised organs, and at the same time heals damages to the diges tive tract. Urea has the capacity to moisten the skin and regulate its condition one of the reasons why it is processed in many skin creams. Some pharmaceutical companies use horse urine for the production of urea and they actually have lot s of horses in their factory. Early urine is not toxic, although some toxic substances might be present in uri ne in small amounts, especially if one is ill. This small amount of toxic substa nces possibly contributes to the effectiveness of urine therapy. If toxic substa nces enter the body, body's defence mechanisms are called into action (the immun e system). If substances which leave the body via the urine are the same as thos e involved in the illness process, they can stimulate the defence system to atta ck and in this way fight the illness. This might explain why urine therapy has p roven so helpful in treating allergies. The practise of drinking and massaging w ith urine allows antibodies greater access to the body, which stimulates the imm une system. Applying urine to a fresh cut or scrape prevents infection and keeps flies away (important in coun-tries with a warm climate). Urine compresses from fresh or old urine help to combat infections and often cause them to disappear. Although urine does not entirely prevent the growth of bacteria in the urethra (infections often arise), it clearly has a powerful antiseptic effect when exter nally applied. Salt solutions remove old mucous embedded in the mucous membranes. If one drinks a salt liquid, part of the sait goes into the body, where it dissolves the surp lus of mucus in the lungs and in other organs. As a salt liquid, urine also has a laxative effect and is recommended to relieve constipation. As it moves throug h the intestinal canal, the salt detaches waste and draws water into the intesti nes, as a result of which bowel movement becomes easier. According to this theor y, drinking urine, like drinking salt Water, accelerates the metabolism. It remo ves a surplus of sugar from the blood and draws out toxic substances from cells. In this way, urine therapy is a good cleansing technique. Using urine instead o f salt is also more effective because urea and ammonia are organic solvents: the y dissolve fats and other natural bodily secretions. These substances probably e nsure that the cous membranes and body cells are powerfully affected. By ingesting urine, one stimulates the body not only to excrete part of these me tabolic products at an accelerated rate, but also to convert another part into u seful substances. A previously mentioned example of this is urea, which is conve rted through ammonia into glutamine. The theory of transmutation implies that the body is capable, through energetic exchange within the body itself, to transmute certain substances or molecules in to other ones. Short-circuiting the system by ingesting one's own secreted body fluids might stimulate the transmutational forces within and challenge the body to transform unusable sub-stances into usable ones without being constantly dist urbed by new external input. This would spe-cifically apply to fasting on urine. Another important aspect is the theory of struc-tured water. The body consists for the biggest part of water and so does urine. Not all water is the same thoug h. The molecular structure of water can be less or more organized and in the lat ter case one speaks of structured water. The more it is organ-ized, the better a ll kind of enzymatic processes can do their job. These enzymatic processes, in t heir turn, are responsible and necessary for the diges-tion, absorption and tran smutation of all nutrients. Urine is thus a crystalline-like substance containin g a high amount of structured water.

This structured water, when taken in again, promotes better enzymatic functionin g and it has a higher solubility for minerals. A higher amount of structured wat er in the body system is correlated with better health and more energy. The fact that urine is a liquid crystal substance, particularly because of the various s alts in it, implies that it contains crystalline vibrations com-pletely in tune with the vibrational condition of the body. Reingestion might give the body valu -able vibrational information. Healthy vibrations will strengthen the already cx -isting, healthy body resonance. Diseased or stressvibrations will counteract an y unhealthy resonance in tbe body. It is known that disturbing sounds of any sor t can be counteracted best by confronting it with the same sounds. The vibratory patterns of the body, both in the bones (solid crystals) and in the tissues and fluids (liquid crystals), play an important role in the process of transmutatio n. The resonance field of a crystal can make a protein, for example, change its form into one that is more useful for the body, or easier adaptable by it. Applying your own bodily substances in an attempt to heal can lead to a consider ably broadened outlook on the intelligence and power of the body, and can increa se your ap-preciation and love for yourself as a physical and spiritual being. I nstead of regarding excretions (re-ally just a part of yourself) as enemies, you regard them as your helpers. This healthier way of seeing yourself might well h ave a powerful healing effect on your body. Urine therapy confronts us with a ve ry concrete 'healer within' which works both on a mechanistic and on an energeti c level. The latter implies that urine, as a holographic substance, can affect a ll levels of being, from the physical, through the electromagnetic fields of the emotions and the mind, up to the subtler genetic vibrational information of the soul. ***************************************** Universal Tao on Urine Therapy The Holy Water http://www.universal-tao.com/article/urine_therapy.html Complete Guide Urine Therapy (Coen Van Der Kroon) Urine consists of 95% of water, 2.5% of urea and the remaining 2.5% is a mix ture of minerals , salts, hormones and enzymes. Only urea , the substance after which urine is named, can be poisonous when present in the blood. However, this is irrelevant in the practice of drinking urine, as urine is not immediately put back in the bloodstream. In small amounts urea gets back into the body, it is p urifying, and clears up excess mucus. Urine is entirely sterile after secretion and has an antiseptis effect. One of the liver's most important functions is detoxification of the blood. The liver removes poisonous substances from the blood and either stores them or secretes them into the gall bladder. In the latter case, the poisonous substance s end up as bile in the intestinal canal. They then leave the body in the form o f defecation. After the blood is detoxified by the liver, it flows to the kidney s. The kidney's most important function consists of balancing out all elements in the blood. They remove all superfluous vital substances from the blood, and f ilter out a surplus of water. This water and the vital substances consequently f orm urine. In order to save energy and bring the blood into balance, the kidneys remove unused enzymes from the blood. The same goes for hor-mones, minerals and other substances. It is clear that urine is full of vital elements, which can h ardly be called waste products. Human urine has strengthening and curative characteristics concerning many d eficiencies. A mixture of potato and sulphur powder, mixed with heated, old urin e helps against hair loss. One should rub this mixture into the scalp; this slow s down loss of hair. All kinds of throat inflammation can be helped by gargling with urine to which a bit of saffron has been added. Trembling hands and knees c an be helped by washing, and rubbing one's own warm urine into the skin directly after one has urinated. An universal and excellent remedy for all distempers in ward and outward. Drink your own water in the morning nine days together and it cures the scurvy, makes the body lightsome and cheerful. It is good against the dropsy and Jaundice, drunk as before. Wash your ears with it warm and it is good against deafness noises and nost other ailments in the ears. Wash your eyes wit h your own water and it cures sore eyes and clears and strengthens the sight. Wa sh and rub your hands with it, and it takes away numbness, chaps and sores and m akes the joints limber. Wash any green wound with it and it is an extraordinary good thing. Wash any part that itches and it takes the itch away. Wash the funda ment and it is good against piles and other sores. More than any other method, u rine therapy represents the principles of natural medicine. One's own urine is a specific medicine for anyone who is ill. It is made for him or her personally a nd is just right for what he or she needs at the present moment, because it chan ges its composition all the time. It is not only something that cures, but it al so sustains health when taken as a preventative. Taken energetically, one could consider urine to be an exact hologram of both healthy as well as diseased body fluids. All information from the body fluids is collected and stared in the urin e. One's own urine is the best medicine for the kidneys that we could imagine. I t is clear for any hotistic health practitioner that all cycles within the body are interconnected, and this means that the healing of one of those cycles will have a positive effect on the others. Urine was often used at the front, for lac k of other medication and as a disinfectant for surgery instruments. A Russia do ctor treated many people from far and wide, and was able to alleviate or complet ely cure illnesses with nothing else than urine therapy, while other methods up until then had failed. Drinking urine is a good alternative wherever water is scarce. It not only s atisfies the need for liquid, but also actually keeps the body healthy. Some tim e ago there was an earthquake in Egypt. A survivor was pulled out of the rubble in Cairo after being trapped for three days. The man had kept himself alive by, among other things, drinking his own urine and he was in excellent condition. I heard another story about a man who kept himself alive with his own urine for a week in a collapsed mine. At the time of his rescue, he looked fine and was in e xtraordinary health. I also recently read an article about an Italian athlete wh o was lost in the Sahara for ten days. Upon returning to the civilised world, he told how he had drunk his own urine for lack of other liquids. He had kept hims elf alive by eating desert plants and insects and drinking his own urine. Shipwr ecked people can drink their own urinr to surtive, although one should not wait until the body is almost dehydrated before doing so. Drinking urine is also a sm art way to survive in situations in which water is unsafe to drink. During earth quakes and floods, water is often infected with pathogens, while urine is always scenic Drinking polluted water can cause serious, often fatal, illnesses Urine is a perfect alternative: if drunk fresh, it quenches thirst without present-ing any danger and is always available - any timer anywhere. Moreover, it will help combat possible diseases. Soldiers have survived long periods in the wil-dernes s by drinking their own urine, and soldiers in the Foreign Legion are sometimes instructed to rub their own urine into their skin in order to build up resistanc e to illness. Soldiers sometimes also uri-nate into their shoes before starting on a march, as urine apparently helps prevent blisters. The method of using urin e for (new) shoes was often applied in the past and today I sometimes meet peopl e who know how to get their shoes fitting by using this versatile fluid. It is g enerally not recommended to combine urine therapy with the use of (prescribed) c hemical allopathc medicines or recreational drugs. The combination may be danger ous to your health. If you are taking any form of allopathic medicine, begin wit h the external application (urine massage) until you are free of all medication, if possible. Urine therapy consists of two parts: internal appication (drinking urine) an d external application (massaging with urine). Both aspects comple-ment each oth er and are important for optimal results. The basic principle of urine therapy i s therefore quite simple: you drink and massage yourself with urine. Even so, th ere are a number of different ways to apply urine therapy. After your initial ex periences, you will be able to determine. Throughout the civilized world, blood and blood products are used in the medical world without evoking the repugnance associated with urine. We often use prepacked cells, plasma, white blood cells a nd countless other blood components. Urine is nothing other than a blood product . We see ba-bies being breast-fed and we are not filled with re-pugnance. We dri nk cow's milk and eat cheese from cows, goats and other animals without a second thought. We eat dairy products in the form of blue cheese (moulded) or as sour drinks such as yogurt and buttermilk, not to mention all the other bizarre thing s which are considered to be delicacies. If it is not the color (and it is not, because we drink wine, beer and fruit juice of the same color);and if it is not the smell (and it is not, because we consume considerable amounts of cheese whic h smell much worse) and if it is not the temperature, then perhaps it is the tas te. How many people do you know who have drunk enough urine to really know what it tastes like? Probably not too many. Those who regularly drink their own urine say it. But taking urine into your mouth might be too big a step to begin with. Rubbing a drop into the and first smelling your own urine can help you to overc ome part of the barrier. Really, it often does not smell bad at all. Many people even like its sometimes sweet odor. More extensive massaging of urine into your skin is also a good way to become accustomed to your life water. How can you ov ercome feelings of aversion to drinking your own golden elixir? Start by drinkin g a drop then a sip each day and slowly build up to a fill glass of urine. This is the most comfortable way to allow your body, mind and soul to become accustom ed to this therapy. Another method, which I myself used, is to begin by fasting for a few days. The urine is then so watery that after the second glass you will notice only a s lightly salty taste, which makes it much easier to let go of the idea that urine is dirty or at least tastes dirty. If you still cannot bring yourself to drink your own urine pure, mix a dash of it into a glass of fruit juice or mix it with water and honey. Then try to switch over from the dilution to drinking urine pu re. Collect the middle stream of the first morning urine. The small amounts at t he beginning and ending of urination do not have to be collected. The first part rinses the urinary passage clean, so the urine will be as sterile as possible. The last part sometimes contains sediment and is of little value. Only your own, fresh urine should be used. You are comfortable with. This may vary from one to several glasses per day. If you drink your urine not only in the morning but la ter in the day as well, the urine from approximately one hour after eating is us ually the best. Do not eat up to thirty minutes after drinking your urine. After a meal wait for at least an hour before drinking any urine. A higher level of h ormonal discharge takes place at night when the body completely relaxes and rest ores itself. Morning urine is therefore the most rich in vital substances. No ex tra diet restrictions apply if you drink one glass of morning urine per day, but a diet low in salt and (especially animal) protein is prefer-able and it will e nsure that your urine tastes and smells milder. However, if you drink urine seve ral times a day, a diet low in protein and salt is essential. A lot of fresh fru it and vegetables are recommended. Before a fast: Two days before the fast, decrease the intake of protein-rich and heavy foods, especially fried and fatty foods. Fruit and raw vegetables are easily digestible and ensure that the intestines clean themselves so the actual fast can easily begin. In this period, start drinking greater amounts of urine. Actual fast: In this period, exclusively drink water and urine. It is best i f you do not work during the fast. Although some exertion is possible, rest and relaxation are important in order for the purifying process to take place undist urbed. In the beginning, stay with drinking the middle stream. Alternated with u rine, pure, clean water can be drunk. Once the fast has been in progress for som e time, all the urine can be drunk. In this period, you will urinate quite easil y (urinating every fifteen minutes is not unusual). A complete body massage ever y day with old, heated urine is highly recommended. Urine massage is good for bl ood circulation, and massaging with old urine also ensures that you do not have heart palpitations during the fast. Furthermore it serves as a way of feeding th e body through the skin, immediately into the muscle and lymph tissue. During fa sts, urine enemas are highly recommended. Many illnesses begin in the intestines and it is vey important to get rid of toxic waste products stored in them and t o keep them clean. After a fast: This period is necessay in order to slowly and carefully retur n to a normal and natu-ral eating pattern. You should take at least one week to gradually and carefully readjust your eating hab-its. The best way to end a fast is to stop drinking urine and water at the end of the afternoon. After one hour , drink a glass of orange juice, lemon juice with water, grape juice or apple ju ice. The next day, drink another glass of fruit juice during lunch. From this ti me on, start eating juicy fruits. The following day, eat vegetable broth, steame d vegetables and rice. This is a good way to return to your old pattern of eatin g, excluding the unhealthy habits. If fasting exclusively on water and urine is too great of a strain, consume one light meal per day. This fast proceeds according to the same basic rules as a complete fast, except for a few differences: 1) Eat a light meal consisting of wholemeal bread, brown rice with steamed v egetables, raw vegeta-bles or fruit preferably at the end of the afternoon. Chew the food well. 2) Refrain from eating or drinking (including urine or water) one hour befor e and after the meal. During a chronic illness, the body often has a high level of toxicity, which means that poisonous substances can be found in the tissues. Administering an e nema is a good way to remove poisonous substances from the body, and especially from the intestines. Furthermore, a number of substances found in urine are bett er absorbed by the body in this way than by oral ingestion. Urine should be kept in the mouth for twenty to thirty minutes or, when that seems too much, as long as possible. Gargling with urine is an effective way to fight gum problems or other month and tongue disorders. In addition, toothaches disappear quickly and teeth stay healthy. It can help heal aphts quite fast. Af ter gargling, spit the urine out again. Painful, burning and tired eyes can be relieved by applying a few drops of f resh or boiled urine to the eyes. Eye cups with urine are also quite useful. It is sometimes wise to dilute the urine used for eyedrops with a bit of water.Eyed rops are very helpful in cases of conjunctivi-tis. Irritation due to the wearing of contact lenses can disappear or be relieved by this treatment. Regu-lar eye treatments with urine therapy may improve eyesight. You can use four-day old uri ne for earaches or ear infections, as old urine enhances the effect of this meth od, but fresh urine will do as well. Put some drops in the ears and close them w ith some cotton wool dipped in oil. Salt water or urine is sniffed in the nose f rom a small bowl. Sniffing urine is the most effective treatment for a stuffed n ose, other sinus disorders such as sinusitis, and problems with the uppermost pa rt of the respiratory canal. This method also af-fects the eyes positively. If p ure urine is too strong, dilute it with water. A 1/1.00.00 solution of urine sho uld be placed under the tongue. Begin with two drops a day and increase this amo unt to ten drops a day. It is best to keep urine in a dark brown glass bottle wh ich can be closed with a cork or some cotton wool, or glass pot with the top or lid placed on top of it (rather than screwed on). In this way the bottle or pot is closed while allowing air in, which is necessary for the fermentation process . When I go on vacation, I always keep a bottle of old urine on hand as a first aid remedy for wounds. It works excellently. Simultaneous compresses on the anus and abdomen are very effective in the treatment of hemorrhoid.A mixture of clay and urine applied directly to the skin, can be used in the treatment of skin di s-eases. For those who value smooth, flawless skin and a healthy appearance massaging fresh urine daily into the skin in the morning or in the evening is recom-mende d. This is the secret of many a sex symbol and beauty queen. You can use this me thod during your morning shower. It is also extremely effective as an aftershave lotion. If you can smell the urine after using it as an after shave use a (natu ral) perfumed body or skin lotion. I rub fresh urine thoroughly into my skin in the morning before I take a shower and pay extra attention to my face and hair. Skin becomes soft and smooth, and hair lustrous and clean. A foot bath is good f or the cir-culation and can also affect the entire body, as reflex zones are sit uated under the foot. Both heated, old and warm, fresh urine are suitable for th ese purposes. If you plan to take a foot or hip bath, collect your urine over th e course of one day so that you have enough to fill a washtub half-way. You can dilute the urine with water to increase the amount of liquid in the washtub. This is an excellent remedy for dandruff, lifeless hair and even baldness an d hair loss. Massage urine briskly into the scalp, allow it to be absorbed for t hirty minutes to an hour, and then wash it out with lukewarm water (do not use s oap or shampoo). Hair becomes clean and lustrous. If you do not rinse out the ur ine, the effect is even more pow-erful. You can use both fresh and old urine for this. Your hair will, however, become more beauti-ful and vital. Those who appl y urine therapy often do not turn grey but retain their original hair col-our at a later age. If intensively applied, hair might grow again on bald spots. While practicing the more intensive form of urine therapy follow a diet low in protein and salt. Avoid refined pre-processed and synthetic foods such as sug ar, white flour, and canned foods. Herbs (also in herbal tea) might cause the ur ine to taste sharp and bitter making it more difficult to drink. Some urine hera pists advise against drinking milk, primarily because dairy products are process ed and contain unnatural additives, and because milk produces a great deal of mu cus in the body. In general, it is advisable to decrease the intake of acid-prod ucing foods and to increase the intake of alkaline-promoting foods. Reduce the u se of alcohol, tobacco and caffeine to an absolute minimum. Urine therapy is mos t beneficial if your diet contains no alcohol, tobacco products, coffee, junk fo ods & meat. Rub the infected areas with urine. Let the urine soak in for one to two hour s and then rinse with water. If this method is not effective, place compresses o n the areas. Never squeeze or puncture pustules or blisters. They usually disapp ear with correct treatment after three to seven days. Vomiting particularly occurs when urine tastes and smells very strong and un pleasant, such as is the case with fever, jaundice and a number of other disease s. In some cases drinking urine can be extremely unpleasant. However, if you dri nk as much urine as possible, the urine will quickly become thinner and taste mo re pleasant. Vomiting is good in so far as it cleans the stomach, so there is no cause for worry. After vomiting, you will be less tense and feel better. If vom iting continues even after the stomach is empty, call in professional help. Afte r vomiting out urine, rest and consume only some light liquids, such as water wi th lemon juice. Once wellrested, continue with urine therapy. Fever is actually the most thorough way for the body to discard unwanted sub stances. Reduce the amount of urine to be ingested, depending on how high the fe ver is, and get a lot of rest. If necessary, temporarily cease urine therapy unt il the fever has come down. During a cleans-ing process the body sometimes removes excess mucus from the lungs and bronchial tubes. If a great deal of mucus is released, reduce the amo unt of urine to be ingested or stop temporarily. Start inhaling urine through th e nose, as this clears the upper part of the bronchial tubes. Avoid milk and dai ry products, as well as all mucusproducing nutrients such as fat and carbohydrat es. This can occur as a result of the extra energy the body must exert in order to excrete the surplus of poisonous substances. Pregnant women can practise urin e therapy with the following restrictions. The first morning urine should NOT be ingested. After drinking water, tea or milk, you may drink the second or third flow. The urine should be light in colour, not too sharp or bitter and not too c oncentrated. Women can drink their urine during their menstruation period. Many women experience this as unpleasant, in which case it is better to stop for a fe w days. It is always best to consider what feels good for yourself. It is advisable to monitor and balance your pH, i.e. the acid/alkaline condi tion of your body, espe-cially with intensive application of urine therapy & fas ting.Your urine pH should ideally vary from approximately 5 (more acid) to 8 (mo re alkaline) during the course of a day. When there is a ten-dency to either ove racidity (acidosis) or overalkalinity (alkalosis), your body is not functioning correctly. Everything you eat and drink has an effect on your body and consequently on your urine. The healthier your dietary habits are, the better your urine will ta ste. Urine therapy in itself does not perform mira-cles. Unless you provide your body with the essen-tial nutrients, it will not possess the raw materials neede d to maintain good health. If you eat healthly and consciously, your urine will contain many essential nutrients which can be reused. Even so, the body may have a deficiency of certain nutrients if they are not supplemented by a complete ra nge of foods. In the long run, this may result in illnesses and ailments. The hu man body is not made to digest and absorb the many harmful additives to which we are nowa-days exposed. Chemical products and radiation added to food products h ave been proven to be harmful.The recommended range of foods consists of fresh v egetables and fruit, whole grains, seeds, nuts, bean, natural sweeteners such as honey, and a limited use of dairy products. It is advisable to follow a vegetarian diet during intensive application of urine therapy. This means that it is best for you to refrain from eating all mea t and dairy products, or at least reduce this to a mini-mum, especially if you p ractise the therapy for an extended period of time. This also applies if you are fasting or if you drink several glasses of urine per day. If you continue to ea t meat, you probably have a high concentration of nitrogen wastes, uric acids an d other acidic substances in your urine, which are not helpful when rein-gested in these large amounts. A surplus of these substances in the blood can lead to a n abnormally high degree of acidity. The body consequently acidifies, creating a breeding ground for illnesses. The above mentioned substances in high concentra tions cause the urine to taste extremely unpleasant. If you wish to keep eating meat, the best meat products are fish and fowl, free of hormones. Avoid foods co ntaining refined flour products, white sugar and white rice. These nutrients als o acidify the blood and body. Avoid processed & radiated foods, and foods which contain colorings or flavorings. Unfortunately, it is not easy to come by good, clean water. Tap water is ful l of harmful substances, such as fluoride, chlorine and aluminium. It is advisab le, especially for drinking & to use purified water from bottles or containers. You can also purchase a good water filter. It is more difficult to come by fresh air. You can, how-ever, go to a wooded area or the beach for the exer-cise you need. Exercise (in moderation) is important. It increases the heartbeat, stimula tes the circula-tion and strengthens the muscles. It also deacidi-fies the blood . Most importantly, it should form a part of your daily routine, and preferably a pleasurable part. The idea that urine is a poisonous waste product is not based upon fact. It has been scientifically proven that, besides water, urine consists mainly of min erals, hormones and enzymes which are not harm-ful to the body. The body can reu se many of these substances. Urine is simply a healthy liquid which is filtered out of the bloodstream. What at one moment was part of the blood can be found in urine a split second later. Certain substances are then filtered by the kidneys and secreted as raw materials, which can be directly absorbed by the body upon renewed intake by way of drinking or massaging. The kidneys filter hundreds of l itres of blood per day (approximately 1700 liters). The greatest part of the fil tered urine, the so-called 'pre-urine', is di-rectly reabsorbed into the blood. Excess substances and the end products of nitrogen and protein me-tabolism toget her with water form the one to two litres of excreted urine-. The kidneys are no t intended to remove poison-ous substances from the body - the liver, intestines , skin and exhalation take care of this. Obviously, the food you consume finds i ts way into the blood, and therefore into the urine, which is why it is importan t to follow a healthy diet. Urine is a sort of infor-mation card which registers the condition of the bl ood. When that information is carried back to the body, the body can consequentl y react according to this feedback; it will normally do this in an appropriate a nd precise way. The body is an extremely advanced and intelligent system. The intestines donot absorb all the substances we consume and they are able to make a selection. To a certain extent, they select what is useful to the body and excrete the rest through defecation. Certain substances are converted by th e bacteria in the intestines into other substances which the body can use or abs orb better in that form.. You might ask if urea will not cause any poison-ing sy mptoms when taken in again. Although urea is poisonous when present in very larg e amounts in the blood, only relatively small amounts of urea are ingested when you drink urine This does not end up directly in the blood, but rather in the in testi-nes, and primarily has a purify, cleansing effect. The bulk of it does not show up as urea in the blood, but is converted into the highly useful substance glutamine. It is indisputable that the urine from ninety percent of the population is a lmost entirely free of all bacteria (sterile). Doctors and pathologists confirm this. This is simply because urine does not come into contact with anything unti l it is excreted, and furthermore contains substance which kill bacte-ria. In th e other ten percent, micro-organisms can be found, which can be caused by a late nt illness or infection of the kidneys or urinary passages. Drinking urine which contains a certain amount of micro-organisms can nevertheless be considered har mless. We constantly eat, drink and inhale bac-teria. A large number of bacteria permanently exist in our body, and they generally do not make us sick. External ly applied, urine is an excellent antisep-tic remedy. Fresh urine is sterile & t herefore excellent for cleaning wounds. Old urine contains ammonia & other subst ances which ensure that the infection & decay are combated. Nature works in cycles, aflowing matter to re-turn to its original substance and be reused for construction. Many substances still floating through the bloo d in compounded form are filtered by the kidneys and return to their original su bstances. In this way they can easily be re-absorbed by the body. Once again, I refer to the example of a tree which lives off its fallen leaves. Nature possess es an infal-lible capacity for recycling, of which urine therapy is a remarkable , but sadly forgotten. I would again like to point out that we have all experien ced this urine cycle as a fetus in the womb. For almost nine month, we drank our own urine in the form of amniotic fluid. This liquid was an important contribut ion to the development of our bodies. Drinking urine is certainly not strange. I t is the foundation of our existence. Rational thinking has completely suppressed many natural human instincts. Fo r example, all animals void eating if they are sick. Many illnesses can be quick ly cured in this way, since digesting food requires a great deal of energy. By n ot eating, we can direct much more energy towards the recovery process. Human be ings, however, often continue eating when they are sick. On top of that, the pat ient is often advised to eat especially well, even if he or she is absolutely no t hungry. Urine therapy and healthy dietary habits go together. As already mentioned, no substance which has not earlier been consumed will appear in the urine. A cha nge in dietary habits as part of urine therapy undoubtedly plays an important ro le in a possible healing process. Exclusively change your dietary habits. Urine therapy also has an extraordinarily positive effect if you fast exclusively on w ater and urine, in which case you completely refrain from eating. The same resul ts are achieved with a urine and water fast in one week as with a juice or water fast in two to three weeks. The fact remains: the substances you eat, drink or otherwise ingest are important, especially regarding longterm health. Applying u rine therapy while maintaining unhealthy dietary habits is like lighting a candl e to the sun. The taste of urine partly depends on what you have eaten and drunk the previ ous day. If you eat a great deal of animal proteins, use a lot of spices or drin k strong herbal tea, your urine will probably have a strong taste. Also, when yo ur body is out of balance, i.e. if you are sick, urine often tastes stronger tha n normal. While applying urine therapy it is wise to reduce the intake of especi ally animal proteins and strong herbs and spices. If you wish to gradually becom e accustomed to the taste, mix urine with water or fruit juice or mix a spoonful of honey into the urine. The remedy, urine, is not lucrative. Urine is free and always available for those who need it. In a world which money talks, urine the rapy can appear be threatening to those who earn their living by manufactunng or prescribing medicine. In short, urine therapy does not fit in the current econo mic picture of scarcity. Many people believe we are healthier nowadays thanks to advances in medical science. This is partly true.The flip side of the coin is t hat we have had to give up a great deal of freedom and independence. The enormou s efforts of medical science are partly based upon the failure to really cure il lnesses. Fighti-ng symptoms is considered to be crucial, but this does not take care of the cause. Urine therapy, being a real nature cure, not only reduces the symp-tom, but also deals with the cause of the illness. When you are convinced it works for you, the reluctance to talk about it will gradually subside, and ma ybe even disappear. Per-haps you will start to enjoy talking about it, as I do. You can be sure that you will be surrounded by plenty of laughter, which in fact can be rather pleasant. The odor of urine is much less repulsive than most peop le think since most associate urine with public toilets. Actually, it often smel ls rather pleasant when applied fresh on the skin. I myself regularly use pure u rine as aftershave and hair lotion. The majority of useful, vital substances is found in the morning urine. This is because at night, while you sleep, your body is totally relaxed. This deep r elaxation gives the body the chance to carry out its recovery activities. The de composition products partly end up in the urine and can be re-absorbed and used for new build-up processes. This process of filtering by the kidneys returns the so-called raw decomposition products to their original substances, which can su bsequently be absorbed and re-used by the body. Certain hormones are also releas ed during sleep, a number of which are intended to bring about the above mention ed deep relaxation. Reabsorbing these hormones ensures that we are more rested d uring the waking hours. It saves the body energy because it does not have to man ufacture these hormones again. Ingestion of the morning urine, which is full of hormones, regulates the entire hormonal process. These hormones have the particu lar function of maintaining hormonal balance. In theory, it is best to use exclusively your own urine, especially if inter nally applied. However, if you are in a state of shock and cannot urinate, the u rine from somebody else can safely be adminis-tered. If possible, use the urine from somebody of the same sex. Different hormones can be found in the urine from a male than in that of a female. For certain illnesses, it seems to be benefici al to ingest the urine from children. The urine from a child is often very pure, especially if the child follows a healthy diet. In some cases, the urine fron a child can also be used in the external massage application for the seriously il l who cannot produce enough of their own urine. Urine from different people usually does not differ much in its ingredlents, which is why the urine from one person will also to some extent work for somebo dy else. However, your own urine contains personal, characteristic substances an d provides the particular information the body needs in order to carry out the h ealing process as effectively as possible. In general, it is no problem to combine urine therapy with any other form of natural treatment. This also applies to the use of nutritional supplements as l ong as they are natural. One should refrain from any chemically manufactured sup plements. Experience has shown that the use of vitamin supplements in combinatio n with the practise of urine therapy can considerably cut down the amount of sup plements you need to take, because of the recycling effect. Many substances, suc h as vitamins and enzymes, act as carriers for other. Urine therapy can also be seen as a form of self-vaccination: certain bodily substances which have been re moved from the body, some of which may have been produced as a result of illness , are rein-troduced into the body in small amounts. These substances are reabsor bed into the blood through either the intestines or the skin. According to this hypothesis, the immune system is then given the chance to react appropriately. In the early nineteenth century, Dr. Charles Duncan conducted research into therapies with self-produced substances, including urine therapy. He demonstrate d that patients suffering from gonorrhoeic urethritis (infection of the urinary tube as a result of the venereal disease gonorrhoea) produce their own meditatio n in the form of their own discharge. Auto-therapy was applied here by placing a drop of a patient's discharge directly on the tongue, in order to stimulate the body's natural powers. This method had a strong healing effect at every stage o f the illness: if applied at an early stage, it could cause the gonorrhoea to di sappear. Auto-therapy is based on the principle that the body can use all fresh, self-produced, unaltered dis-eased tissue substances which originate from the m icro-organisms causing the illness. Seen in this light, patients have their own medication in exactly the form constructed by natute to heal their condition. Ten effects of Urine Therapy: Reabsorption and reuse of nutrients, Reabsorpt ion of hormones, Reabsorption of enzymes, Reabsorption of urea, Immunological ef fect, Bactericidal and virucidal effect, Salt therapy, Diuretic effect, Transmut ation theory, Psychological effect. The filtering process in kidneys should break down this tissue to its origin al materials, after which it can be reused by the body to build in new tissue. R eabsorption can be a means for the body to generally conserve energy: reingestio n of hormones gives the body the chance to reuse at least a number of these, so that it is not necessary to expend energy on manufacturing new hormones. Hormone s are actually extremely powerful mol-ecules, the production of which requires a great deal of energy. Once produced, they are able to cause a complete alterati on in the balance of bodily processes, the personality, the emotions and the sta te, of mind, even if only a few molecules are released. So even the slightest re -absorption of hormones may well have a powerful effect on our state of health a nd level of energy. I have already referred to research on the effects of melatonin, a hormone f ound in urine which possibly has a calming effect. Melatonin also has a powerful anti-cancer effect. Some people recommend to use the first urine after sexual i ntercourse. During the process of sexual stimulation certain hormones are releas ed in the higher endocrinal glands which have a regenerating effect on the body for men as well as women. On research conducted on the enzyme Urokinase, positive results can be expec ted from the effects of enzymes in urine as a total entity. Urokinase causes vas odilation and resembles nitroglycerine in its ability to strengthen the bloodstr eam from the coronary artery to the cardiac muscle. Urokinase is extracted from urine and brought on the market as medicine on a large scale. Besides water, urea is the main component of urine and is a decomposition pr oduct of converted proteins. A person excretes approximately an average of 25 to 30 grams of urea per day. We come in contact with urea at an early age, as a fe tus in the womb. The level of urea in amniotic fluid, which consists for the mos t part of urine from the fetus doubles in the last two months of pregnancy. Befo re we are born, we drink well over half a litre per day of this liquid. The fetu s also breathes it in; this is essential for proper development of the lungs. Sc ars disappear after an operation on a foetus in the womb due to the healing capa cities of the urea in the amniotic fluid. Bactena are not yet active in the intestinal canal. Once we are born, the in testinal flora start to work, which have a special role in the conversion of ure a. Scientists estimate that 25% of the urea in an adult finds its way into the i ntestines, where it is decomposed into ammonia by intestinal bacte-ria. The body reuses a certain part of urea; the extra supply created by applying urine thera py increases the gultamine level in the body. This consequently strengthens the immune system and specialised organs, and at the same time heals damages to the digestive tract. Urea has the capacity to moisten the skin and regulate its cond ition one of the reasons why it is processed in many skin creams. Some pharmaceu -tical companies use horse urine for the production of urea and they actually ha ve lots of horses in their factory. Early urine is not toxic, although some toxic substances might be present in urine in small amounts, especially if one is ill. This small amount of toxic su bstances possibly contributes to the effectiveness of urine therapy. If toxic su bstances enter the body, body's defence mechanisms are called into action (the i mmune system). If substances which leave the body via the urine are the same as those involved in the illness process, they can stimulate the defence system to attack and in this way fight the illness. This might explain why urine therapy h as proven so helpful in treating allergies. The practise of drinking and massagi ng with urine allows antibodies greater ac-cess to the body, which stimulates th e immune system. Applying urine to a fresh cut or scrape prevents infection and keeps flies away (important in coun-tries with a warm climate). Urine compresses from fresh or old urine help to combat infections and often cause them to disap pear. Although urine does not entirely prevent the growth of bacteria in the ure thra (infections often arise), it clearly has a powerful antiseptic effect when externally applied. Salt solutions remove old mucous embedded in the mucous membranes. If one dr inks a salt liquid, part of the sait goes into the body, where it dis-solves the surplus of mucus in the lungs and in other organs. As a salt liquid, urine also has a laxative effect and is recommended to relieve constipation. As it moves t hrough the intestinal canal, the salt detaches waste and draws water into the in testines, as a result of which bowel movement becomes easier. According to this theory, drinking urine, like drinking salt Water, accelerates the metabolism. It removes a surplus of sugar from the blood and draws out toxic substances from c ells. In this way, urine therapy is a good cleansing technique. Using urine inst ead of salt is also more effective because urea and ammonia are organic solvents : they dissolve fats and other natural bodily secre-tions. These substances prob ably ensure that the cous membranes and body cells are powerfully affected. By ingesting urine, one stimulates the body not only to excrete part of thes e metabolic products at an accelerated rate, but also to convert another part in to useful substances. A previously mentioned example of this is urea, which is c onverted through ammonia into glutamine. The theory of transmutation implies that the body is capable, through energe tic exchange within the body itself, to transmute certain substances or molecule s into other ones. Short-circuiting the system by ingesting one's own secreted b ody fluids might stimulate the transmutational forces within and challenge the b ody to transform unusable sub-stances into usable ones without being constantly disturbed by new external input. This would spe-cifically apply to fasting on ur ine. Another important aspect is the theory of struc-tured water. The body consi sts for the biggest part of water and so does urine. Not all water is the same t hough. The molecular structure of water can be less or more organized and in the latter case one speaks of structured water. The more it is organ-ized, the bett er all kind of enzymatic processes can do their job. These enzymatic processes, in their turn, are responsible and necessary for the diges-tion, absorption and transmutation of all nutrients. Urine is thus a crystalline-like substance conta ining a high amount of structured water. This structured water, when taken in again, promotes better enzymatic functi oning and it has a higher solubility for minerals. A higher amount of structured water in the body system is correlated with better health and more energy. The fact that urine is a liquid crystal substance, particularly because of the vario us salts in it, implies that it contains crystalline vibrations com-pletely in t une with the vibrational condition of the body. Reingestion might give the body valu-able vibrational information. Healthy vibrations will strengthen the alread y cx-isting, healthy body resonance. Diseased or stressvibrations will counterac t any unhealthy resonance in tbe body. It is known that disturbing sounds of any sort can be counteracted best by confronting it with the same sounds. The vibra tory patterns of the body, both in the bones (solid crystals) and in the tissues and fluids (liquid crystals), play an important role in the process of transmut ation. The resonance field of a crystal can make a protein, for example, change its form into one that is more useful for the body, or easier adaptable by it. Applying your own bodily substances in an attempt to heal can lead to a cons iderably broadened outlook on the intelligence and power of the body, and can in crease your ap-preciation and love for yourself as a physical and spiritual bein g. Instead of regarding excretions (re-ally just a part of yourself) as enemies, you regard them as your helpers. This healthier way of seeing yourself might we ll have a powerful healing effect on your body. Urine therapy confronts us with a very concrete 'healer within' which works both on a mechanistic and on an ener getic level. The latter implies that urine, as a holographic substance, can affe ct all levels of being, from the physical, through the electromagnetic fields of the emotions and the mind, up to the subtler genetic vibrational information of the soul.


Urine: The body's own health drink? Some claim it cures everything from colds to cancer, while stranded hiker Paul B eck drank nothing else for six days and survived. So does urine have genuine hea lth benefits? Maxine Frith investigates Tuesday 21 February 2006 Tweet inShare Print A A A Email For its advocates, it is a miraculous elixir that has replaced the morning coffe e as their first drink of the day; for most other people, it is bodily waste tha t should strictly confined to the toilet bowl. But is drinking one's own urine r eally as good for you as its fans believe? Last week, British hiker Paul Beck was stranded in the Spanish mountains for six days - and survived by drinking his own urine. The 33-year-old slipped and disl ocated his hip while walking. As he waited for rescuers to find him, he tried to exist on powdered chocolate and raw oats, but eventually resorted to urinating into a cup and drinking a few drops a day. He said: "It was pretty awful but in all I did it around five times to keep myself hydrated." And last year, yachtsmen Mark Smith and Steven Freeman spent 11 days stranded in the South China Sea after their boat capsized and put their survival down to ur ine. But apart from possibly helping to keep one alive in extreme circumstances, is d rinking urine really good for your health? Auto-urine therapy, or urotherapy as it is sometimes known, dates back to severa l ancient cultures and even, arguably, the Bible. Egyptian medical texts and Chi nese and Indian documents mention the benefits of drinking one's urine, while th e Aztecs used it to disinfect wounds. Contrary to popular perception, urine is not a by-product of the body's waste di sposal system but of blood filtration. Nutrient-filled blood passes through the liver, where toxins are removed and excreted as solid waste. The purified blood then goes through another filtering process via the kidneys, where components fo r which the body has no immediate use are collected in a sterile, watery solutio n. For that reason, it is highly sterile, consisting of 95 per cent water and fi ve per cent nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, proteins, antibodies and ot her beneficial ingredients. Advocates of auto-urine therapy believe that this combination can help cure ever ything from the common cold to cancer, boosting energy levels and sexual perform ance along the way. While the practice has always been popular in China, India a nd South-east Asia, a small but growing band of Western fans are also downing a daily dose. Books with titles such as The Golden Fountain all extol the virtues of urine. One of the prime movers in the movement, Martha Christy (author of Your Own Perf ect Medicine) says that the first toilet visit of the day is the most beneficial . She recommends a regime beginning with five drops of "fresh morning urine" und er the tongue before gradually increasing the dosage to as much as a cupful, mor ning and night. Urine can also be used as eye and ear drops, for gargling with o r in the bath. Ms Christy, who claims that drinking urine cured her of a host of medical proble ms, says that doctors have deliberately not highlighted the benefits of auto-uri ne therapy because there are no profits in it for them. But there is little firm proof for the claims made about the therapy and medical experts have remained unconvinced. Dr Michael Stroud, an expert in nutrition at Southampton University and who has been in many extreme situations during his r ecord-breaking expeditions with explorer Sir Ranulph Fiennes, says that people w ho believe that their urine can cure them of Aids and improve their complexions are "daft as brushes". Sceptics have even poured cold water on the theory that it can save lives on the high seas or frozen mountain tops. They say that the concentration of nutrients such as sodium will take more water to get rid of than is present in urine - me aning it will dehydrate you rather than helping to keep you hydrated. Helen Andrews, of the British Dietetic Association, said: "There are no health b enefits to drinking your own urine, and in fact I think it could be quite detrim ental. Each time you put it back it will come out again even more concentrated a nd that is not good for health as it could damage the gut. If you are stranded, your body will try to conserve as much water as it can. Drinking your urine woul d be like drinking seawater." Perhaps the last word should be left to that embracer of all things alternative, Jennifer Saunders' character Eddy in the sitcom Absolutely Fabulous. "It's urin e therapy darling; it's not to be sniffed at." Bring your own - the guide to urotherapy * Urine is 95 per cent water, but it also contains small quantities of nutrients including calcium, folic acid, iron, magnesium and zinc. * The actress Sarah Miles is an aficionado of drinking her own urine, while the author JD Salinger was also a fan. * Self-urine therapy dates back 5,000 years to ancient India, where it was known as "shivambu shastra" and seen as a way of rejuvenating body and soul. * Male porcupines use their urine to soften the female's quills before mating, w hile vultures urinate on their legs to cool themselves. * Advocates claim it has antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral and anticancer pro perties. * Research in the 1990s claimed that drinking urine could cure jet lag. * It is highly sterile. The Aztecs used it to prevent wounds becoming infected. * The practice is particularly popular in China, where millions of people drink a daily dose of their own urine. * In Cameroon, people were banned from drinking their own urine in 2003 amid hea lth concerns. They were warned that transgressors would be prosecuted. * Some fans believe the Bible recommends urine therapy. A verse in Proverbs advi ses: "Drink waters from thy own cistern, flowing water from thy own well."

********************************************* THE WATER OF AUSPICIOUSNESS: SHIVAMBU KALPA VIDHI Extracted from the Damar Tantra Verses 1-4 Oh Parvati! (The God Shiva speaks to his wife, Parvati.) Those who practise this method can enjoy the fruits of their meditation and this method. For this, cert ain actions have been recommended along with certain types of utensils. The Shiv ambu is to be drunk from pots made of gold, silver, copper, brass, iron, tin, gl ass, earth, bamboo, bones, leather, or a bowl made of plantain leaves. The urine should be collected in any one of the above mentioned utensils and should be dr unk. However, earthen pots are the best for use. Verse 5 The follower of the therapy should avoid pungent, salty ingredients in his meals . He should not over-exert himself. He should follow a balanced and light diet. He should sleep on the ground, and control the senses. Verse 6 Such a trained man gets up in the early morning when three quarters of the night has passed, stands facing the east and passes urine. Verse 7 The first and concluding flow of the urine is to be left out, and the intermedia te flow of urine is to be collected. This is the best method. Verse 8 The follower of the therapy should only use his own urine; it is called Shivambu dhara. However, just as the mouth and the tail of the serpent contain poison, si milarly the first and the concluding flow of urine are not wholesome. Verse 9 Shivambu is a divine nectar! It is capable of abolishing old age and various typ es of diseases and ailments. The follower should first ingest his urine and then start his meditation. Verse 10 After getting out of bed, the face and the mouth should be washed with water. Af terwards one should drink ones own urine quite willingly and cheerfully. All the ailments subject to from the very birth will be completely cured. Verse 11 If this method is followed for one month, ones body will be internally cleansed. Drinking it for two months stimulates and energises the senses. Verse 12 If this method is followed for three months, all types of ailments will disappea r and all miseries will evaporate. After following this method for five months, the follower will be completely healthy and will be bestowed with divine eyesigh t. Verse 13 After six months of following this therapy, the follower will be exceptionally i ntelligent. After seven months, the follower will be extraordinarily strong. Verse 14 After eight months the human body will possess divine lustre like that of shinin g gold which will be permanent. After nine months of continual use, tuberculosis and leprosy will perish. Verse 15 After ten months of continued use, the follower becomes practically the treasury of lustre and brightness. After eleven months the follower becomes pure, both e xternally and internally. Verse 16 After one year of continued use, the follower acquires solar shining. After two years, the follower can conquer the element of earth. Verse 17 After three years of practicing this therapy, the follower can conquer the eleme nt of water. After four years, the follower can certainly conquer the element of lustre. Verse 18 After five years, the follower can conquer the element of air. Seven years of us e makes the follower capable of conquering his ego. Verse 19 After eight years of working with this method, the follower can conquer all the five important elements of the universe. Nine years of this method will make the follower immortal. Verse 20 After ten years of experimentation, it will be possible to float in the air with ease. After eleven years, the follower will be able to listen to the movements of the internal organs of the body. Verse 21 Experiments for the duration of twelve years will enable one to be as long lived as the moon and the planets. Dangerous animals such as serpents will not affect one in any way; serpents poison will not kill the follower. One can float on wat er just as wood floats and he will never drown. Verses 22, 23 Oh Goddess! I shall tell you of some other aspects of the therapy. Listen to me carefully. If taken for six months continually, the powder of Amrita (Tinospora Condifalia) dissolved in Shivambu, will make a man free from human ailments and he will become perfectly happy. Verse 24 The powder of Haritaki (Terminalia Chebula) mixed with Shivambu should be taken regularly for one year. It puts a stop to old age and disease and if used for on e year makes a man exceptionally strong and healthy. Verse 25 Shivambu should be taken with one gram of sulphur. If this is followed for three years, man may acquire longevity as long as the moon and planets exist. The uri ne and excreta of such a man may become white and gold. Verse 26 The stomach powder, Kostha , should be taken with Shivambu continually for a period of twelve years. The tokens of old age such as wrinkles on the skin, g rey hair, etc., vanish. Man will have the strength of ten thousand elephants and will live as long as the moon and the planets exist. Verse 27 The mixture of pepper, terminalia belavica, terminalia chebula, if taken with Sh ivambu will enable man to acquire divine lustre and brightness. Verses 28, 29 The extract of mica and sulphur should be dissolved in Shivambu and taken regula rly. It relieves the ailment of dropsy and rheumatism. Man becomes strong and di vinely lustrous. He can enjoy longevity and can compete with death. Verse 30 A follower who takes Shivambu regularly and avoids pungent, salty and sour thing s, can promptly enjoy the fruits of his meditation and this method. Verse 31 He becomes free from human ailments. He assumes a divinely lustrous physique lik e that of Shiva; he can recreate the universe and can lead a divinely pleasant l ife. Verse 32 A meditator who lives on the juice of neem leaves and Shivambu attains the statu s of yogi and possesses the divinely pleasant lustre full of bliss. Verse 33 The powder of neem bark and pumpkin gourd dissolved in Shivambu taken for a year relieves man from all types of ailments. Verse 34 The mixture of lotus roots, mustard seeds and honey should be taken with Shivamb u. It makes the human body exceptionally light and energetic. Verse 35 The fruits of the moha tree and a tri-mixture of the herbs in verse 27 should be taken in equal proportion and dissolved in Shivambu. This is capable of relievi ng old age and all kinds of diseases. Verse 36 Rock salt and honey in equal proportions should be taken first in the early morn ing, followed by Shivambu. This makes man lustrous and he acquires a body with d ivine attributes. Verse 37 Sulphur, dried fruit of Amla (Phylonthus Emblica) and nutmeg powder should be mi xed together and taken daily, followed by Shivambu. All pains and miseries vanis h. Verse 38 The follower should regularly drink milk and Shivambu. If this is done for seven years, all human ailments perish and the body becomes well nourished and strong . Verse 39 He who takes Amritaka powder (the extract of tinospora condifolia) and then Shiv ambu can conquer death. Verse 40 He who drinks the mixture of Shivambu and honey or sugar is relieved of any type of ailment within a period of six months. His brain power becomes brilliant and his voice becomes melodious. Verse 41 The powder of dry ginger taken first directly followed by Shivambu definitely re lieves any disease. Verse 42 He who first chews on the leaves of Viter Nirgundi and then drinks Shivambu will be bestowed with diving eyesight. Verse 43 The powder of mansheel should be dissolved in Shivambu and the solution applied to the body. This makes man free of ailments and his hair becomes black (again). Verse 44 Now, oh Parvati, I shall tell you about the process of massage. If such massage is carried out, the follower can enjoy the fruits of his meditation and his life style and will experience spiritual growth. Verse 45 The Shivambu should be boiled in an earthen pot and extracted to one fourth its quantity. It should then be allowed to cool. This extract can be used for the bo dy massage. Verse 46 The following mantra should be recited during the use of Shivambu. When collecti ng the urine in an earthen pot, the following mantra should be recited: Om Rhim K lim Bhairavaya Namaha (salutes to Bhairav). The pot filled with Shivambu should t hen be taken into the hands. When drinking urine from the pot the mantra to be r ecited is Om Shrim Klim Uddamaneshwaraya Namaha (salutes to Uddamaneshwara). The f ollower will be away from all sins and defects. Verse 47 While passing urine, the mantra to be recited is Om Sarvam Sristhi Prabhave Rydra ya Namaha (salutes to God Rudra). Verse 48 Shivambu should be applied to the whole body. It is exceptionally nourishing and can relieve all ailments. Verse 49 The follower can acquire divine power with this process. A yogi can become the K ing of Gods. His movements will be unprevented. He will have the strength of ten thousand elephants. He can eat and digest anything. Verse 50 Urine which has not been boiled down to one fourth its volume should never be ap plied to the body; if done so, it makes the body weak and invites ailments. [Ed. note: Although the text states using urine that has not been boiled can have ha rmful consequences, research and experience have demonstrated that this is not t he case, and that fresh urine as well as urine which is not boiled down but whic h is even four days old, produces excellent results during external use. This is also true for boiled down urine as suggested by the text.] Verse 51 Unboiled urine should never be used for body massage. If the extract of Shivambu is used for the massage, it is very wholesome for the body. The follower can ac complish many things. Verse 52 The follower can conquer death by drinking Shivambu and massaging with one fourt h extract of the same. Verse 53 His urine and excrement can impart a white colour to gold. If Shiro-Amrit and de w are mixed in the extract of Shivambu and if the mixture is applied to the body , the man will become exceptionally strong and will be free from any type of ail ment. Verse 54 A follower should drink Shivambu every morning regularly for a period of three y ears. This and avoiding bitter, salty and pungent things in his meals will enabl e him to conquer passion. Verses 55, 56 Chickpeas should be roasted and taken with unrefined sugar followed by the intak e of Shivambu. Urine extract should also be applied to the body. After six month s the human body becomes quite light and energetic. Verse 57 Oh wife of the highest of Gods! Roots of Piper Longum and one gram of black pepp er should be taken first and afterwards Shivambu should be drunk. Within one mon th, the voice will become melodious and all ailments will vanish. Verse 58 The follower should first take the powder of dry ginger and then drink Shivambu. It makes him exceptionally strong. He may acquire the strength of ten thousand elephants. His youth will even attract divine females. Verse 59 Oh wife of Shiva! Terminalia Chebula should be roasted and then powdered. It sho uld be taken first, followed by the intake of Shivambu. The followers body will b e cleansed, his mind will be ever cheerful and he can attain divine lustre. Verse 60 He who drinks Shivambu after taking a mixture of equal proportions (powdered) of Amrita, Triphala, Kadu, dried ginger, cumin seeds and the roots of Piper Longum while following a diet of rice and milk will have insight in the Scriptures wit hin one year. Verse 61 If this experiment is followed for a period of one year, the follower will becom e very strong and brave. If he follows this for a period of three years, he will become, as it were, a god on earth. He will enjoy the fruits of this practise, will become a good orator and all the universe will be visible to his eyesight. Verse 62 The follower who drinks the mixture of Shivambu and the powder of the five parts of the Sharapunkha (Devnal) plant will become the master and authority of medit ation. He will enjoy utmost pleasure in life. Verses 63, 64 Oh great Goddess! Shivambu should be taken with the powder of dried ginger, suga r, ghee, honey and the juice of Nirgundi leaves. Within one month, the body beco mes healthy and strong and after one year he will enjoy the fruits of this metho d and mediation. Verse 65 The follower should take white and black sesame seeds (in equal proportion) mixe d with Karanja seeds (Pongamia Glabvi) and the juice of neem leaves. This should be followed by Shivambu, which will enable the follower to achieve the fruits o f this method and meditation. Verses 66, 67 Opium should be roasted on an open fire; 1/32 of this should be taken along with the Shivambu. He will then be able to control ejaculation and will be unconquer able in sexual intercourse. He can control his breath, passion, anger and other mental emotions. He can enjoy longevity. Verse 68 Oh Goddess! Triphala Churna, Nirgundi leaves and Turmeric should be mixed togeth er, followed by Shivambu. Within a period of three months, the follower of the t herapy becomes a symbol of learning and enjoys excellent eyesight. His body beco mes divinely lustrous. Verse 69 Bhringaraj and honey should be mixed and taken first, followed by Shivambu. The follower, after six months, will be free of old age and will have excellent (for e)sight. Verse 70 The neem bark, roots of Chitraka (Plumago Zeylancia) and the roots of Piper Long um mixed together should be taken with Shivambu and within six months the follow er of the therapy attains divine power. Verse 71 The root of Apamarg (Achyranthus Aspara) and Chakramarda (Chenopadium Album) and the juice of neem leaves should be taken, followed by Shivambu. Verse 72 He will be relieved from all ailments and the tokens of old age, such as wrinkle s and greying hair. He will possess excellent and long eyesight within a distanc e of miles and miles. Verse 73 He will be able to listen for a very long distance. He can read the mind of othe rs. O Goddess, even the most beautiful Princess will be attracted to him. Verse 74 A very small quantity (one grain) of Nerium Odorum should be taken with Shivambu and within a year epilepsy and other mental disorders will disappear. Verse 75 The juice of white Gunja (Abrus Precatorius), the leaves of Sharapunkha (Devala) , sees of Chenopadium Album and roots of Mahalung should be taken in equal propo rtions and all mixed into a fine powder. Verses 76, 77 This powder should be dissolved in Shivambu and small pills be prepared with the mixture. Every day one pill should be taken followed by a sufficient quantity o f Shivambu. The follower of this therapy will be relieved from human ailments of all types within one month. Verse 78 The gum of the Banian Tree (Ficus Bengalensis) should be mixed with the powder o f the seeds of Karanja (Pongamia Glabra). A small quantity of opium should be ad ded to this mixture. It should be taken early in the morning followed by Shivamb u. Verse 79 Within six months, the follower of this therapy will become as young as a lad of sixteen years. He can disguise himself by appearance and non-appearance to his desire. Verse 80 The juice of the leaves of Kavali, honey, sugar and ghee should be mixed togethe r. If it is taken regularly in the morning, the signs of old age disappear promp tly. Verse 81 Cumin seeds, turmeric and white mustard seed should be powdered together and tak en regularly. This also helps to conquer old age. Verse 82 Black Moringa Pterygasperma, Jatamavasi, mustard seeds should be dissolved in ho ney and ghee and then taken regularly. It gives divine countenance. Verse 83 Kalnemi Veesh (Guggul) and the roots of Bhargika (Clerodendron Serrotum) should be dissolved in butter, and taken with Shivambu. It will definitely give shining countenance. Verse 84 Jalakesar moss and the seeds of Sapindus Laurifolius should be dissolved in Shiv ambu and taken regularly. Within one year old age will be under control and the follower will acquire a radiating personality, like that of the famous King Uday an, the King of the Vatsas. Verse 85 Oh Goddess, if in the early morning the follower nasalizes his own urine, the ai lments arising out of Kapha, Pitta and Vata will vanish. He will have a healthy appetite and his body will become strong and healthy. Verse 86 If the follower o the therapy massages his body thrice a day and thrice a night with Shivambu, he will definitely enjoy longevity. Verse 87 Oh Parvati! If he massages his body thrice a day and night with Shivambu, his co untenance will be shining and his heart will be strong. His body and muscles wil l be strong. He will float in pleasure. Verse 88 Oh Parvati! He who massages his body at least once a day with Shivambu will be f ull of strength and bravery. Verse 89 Within three years his body will be shining with lustre. He will be well versed in arts and science. He will have an impressive voice with good oratory powers, and will live as long as the moon and planets exist. Verse 90 Oh Goddess, now I shall narrate the procedure of seasonable behaviour with the v iew to avoiding diseases and ailments. Verse 91 Oh Parvati, during the Spring the powder of Terminalia Chebula should be taken w ith honey; dry ginger and honey should also be taken and afterwards Shivambu. Verse 92 Twenty types of ailments arising from Kapha, twenty-four types of ailments arisi ng from Pitta and eighty types of ailments arising from Vata will vanish with th is treatment. Verse 93 Oh Great Goddess, during the Spring, pungent and spicy foods are to be avoided. This helps to attain sound health. Verses 94, 95 Oh Great Goddess, during the summer the Haritaki (Terminalia Chebula) and pepper should be taken in equal quantities and should be taken with unrefined sugar fo llowed by Shivambu. This will relieve all kinds of ailments; the body will becom e light, eyesight will be sharp and at the end the follower will derive the frui ts of this method. Verses 96, 97 During the rainy season (July-August), Haritaki (Terminalia Chebula), rock salt and roots of pepper should be taken in a powder form, followed by the intake of Shivambu. The body will be strong and will attain shining lustre. If he takes th e powder mixture in milk, even fire will not harm him. He will not be burn by fi re. Verses 98, 99 During the Sharad season (September-October), Haritaki (Terminalia Chebula), cry stal sugar and Terminalia Belavica powder should be mixed together and taken, fo llowed by Shivambu. This method cleanses the body, keeps it free of disease and allows the follower to move quickly. And oh, wife of the King of the Gods, the f ollower will quickly master the practise of yoga. Verses 100, 101 During the Hemanta season (November-December), dry ginger, dried fruit of Anvla (Phylonthus Emblica) and Haritaki (Terminalia Chebula) should be mixed into a fi ne powder followed by Shivambu. If taken regularly, deficiency of minerals in th e body is corrected, eyesight brightens, oratory powers and knowledge are acquir ed. Verses 102, 103 During the Shishir season (January-February), pepper, Haritaki (Terminalia Chebu la) and dry ginger should be mixed and taken, followed by Shivambu. It will cure various diseases, the follower will acquire the strength of a hundred elephants and the signs of old age will vanish. He will attract all living beings. Verses 104, 105, 106 Oh Goddess, during the process of the intake of Shivambu, the following things s hould be strictly avoided: vegetables in the form of leaves, flowers or legumes, grains that cause flatulency; and starchy, pungent, sour and salty foods. Sexua l intercourse should also be avoided. This will help to accomplish the fruits of this method. Behaving against these rules will put man in unexpected difficulti es. Verse 107 Oh my beloved Parvati! I have narrated the details of Shivambu Kalpa. This is it s technique. Attempts should be made to keep it a secret. Do not tell anyone. ************************************* URINE & UREA Therapy By Walter Last I have been fond of urine therapy for many years but except as a homoeopathic re medy, I have rarely mentioned it to patients as our social conditioning invariab ly prompted a strong negative reaction. The many and varied case histories described by John Armstrong in his 'The Water of Life' are certainly impressive. However, this book was first published fifty years ago, Armstrong did not have any academic qualifications and without the s trong support of other therapists, there were not many convincing reasons for pa tients to try this method. This has changed dramatically in recent years with the publication of the severa l more books on urine therapy. Very good are the self-published books by Martin Lara at http://users.erols.com/martinlara/, 'The Miracle of Urine Therapy' by Dr Beatrice Bartnett and especially 'Your Own Perfect Medicine' by Martha Christy. Martha Christy's Experience Martha Christy cured herself of a host of incapacitating illnesses, including in testinal inflammation or Crohn's disease, chronic fatigue syndrome, thyroid diso rder, severe chronic kidney infections, food and chemical allergies and severe e ndometriosis. The conventional approach with drugs and six operations did not help and probabl y intensified her problems. Natural therapies worked for a while, but a difficul t pregnancy disabled her again and this time even the natural therapy she tried was not good enough, including $US 15,000 spent in an alternative cancer clinic in Mexico for bleeding pelvic tumours. Most of the time she had to stay in bed until one day she was introduced to urin e therapy and before long, all her health troubles were over. Instead of just writing another 'How I Did It' book, she went to university libr aries and hired a research firm to search the scientific and medical literature for publications on the use of urine and products derived from it. She was amazed by what she found. There were not just hundreds but rather thousa nds of published articles. There are probably more articles published about urea , the main ingredient of urine, than about any other organic substance. Mrs Chri sty devoted a large part of her book to explaining and summarising this scientif ic and medical evidence and also provided detailed references of published paper s. In addition, she lists many testimonials of individuals as to the effectiveness of urine therapy in overcoming AIDS, Candida, Cancer, Colitis, Depression, Diabe tes, Immune deficiency, Multiple Sclerosis and other diseases. Scientific Evidence The most amazing aspect of urine therapy is its effectiveness in such a wide ran ge of different diseases. There are several reasons for this. For one, urine contains antibodies and immun e stimulating factors against all viruses, harmful bacteria or fungi that we may harbour in our body. The researchers stated that even minute amounts of antibod ies, sometimes so low that they cannot be detected with conventional methods, ar e effective in preventing and treating diseases. There are reports investigating and describing the curative effects of urine the rapy on a wide range of infectious, fungal and viral infections, such as hepatit is, poliomyelitis and AIDS. Urine is especially effective against allergies, aut oimmune diseases and other disorders of the immune system. To switch off an allergic reaction one must put a few drops of urine under the t ongue, collected during the reaction, or the urine may be homoeopathically dilut ed and some of it kept in the mouth for a few minutes. When drinking urine routinely, allergic reactions may not occur at all, thus doi ng away with the need to identify which substance one has been reacting to. Curing Cancer 'Child's Play'! Cancer, too, responds very well to urine therapy. Very effective appears to be t he urine fast employed by Armstrong. His first cancer patient was a nurse who had herself cared for over fifty cancer patients. She knew that any cancer pain is mild as compared to that experienced from the regrowth commonly occurring after medical intervention. Usually visible tumours such as with breast cancer disappeared within three week s, but sometimes even in one week. Armstrong called curing cancer 'child's play' except if patients had already received chemotherapy or radiotherapy. I also know personally of several cases of cancer cures exclusively or mainly du e to urine therapy; sometimes the addition of urine therapy to a natural cancer program appeared to be responsible for the successful outcome. Martin Lara has a n interesting breast cancer cure with urine injections on his site http://users. erols.com/martinlara/. Most of the scientific cancer reports concentrate on urine extracts of anti-canc er agents. One such extract is called H-11, another HUD, others Retine, DHEA hor mone or Anti-neoplaston. While good results were reported with all of these, it is very expensive to trea t patients in this way and the treatment would be even more effective and much c heaper if all of these cancer-fighting ingredients of urine were used together b y ingesting whole urine. Surprisingly, uric acid is not just the villain causing gout; it is also a prove n anti-cancer agent and rejuvenating factor. However, the crown of the cancer-fi ghting urine ingredients may actually belong to urea, the most common chemical i n urine. Benefits of Urea Only recently has it been discovered that the concentration of urea in the blood has a key role in regulating at least 7 major pathways. Urea levels are low wit h cancer and many other diseases. The frequency of cancer and especially of mult iple tumours and metastases increases greatly if urea levels are low. Urea is not just a waste product or the end state of the protein metabolism as c ommonly assumed. Biochemical research has shown that urea, both from internal so urces or externally supplied, is used by the body as a raw material to synthesis e amino acids and proteins. This is especially important for patients with kidney failure. These deteriorate quickly on a diet containing normal amounts of protein, but do much better if t he diet is extremely low in protein, below 20g per day. Another research report states that patients with kidney failure on very low pro tein intake show progressive clinical improvement when receiving added urea, whi ch then becomes the main source of nitrogen for protein synthesis. Urea may thus be the main reason why urine therapy and especially urine fasts are so successf ul with kidney failure I believe that it is the best and sometimes the only successful therapy. One of my patients with kidney failure continued to deteriorate on a fast of fresh vege table juices, but was cured when fasting on urine for 2 weeks. Another helpful factor is the role of urea as the best natural diuretic and far better than synthetic ones. This is not only important for those with deem or fl uid retention because of kidney or heart weakness but especially with fluid pres sure on the brain or spinal cord or in the eye with glaucoma. With this, additional urea is important with brain tumours, stroke, meningitis a nd other inflammations of the brain and spinal cord. One report cites the case o f a massive brain tumour reappearing 3 months after surgical removal of another brain tumour. The patient received 256ml of 30% urea. After 2 hours the tumour h ad completely disappeared. When applied externally, urea has a very beneficial effect on wound healing, inc luding infected wounds, burns and ulcerating tumours. The urea crystals may be d irectly packed into the wound or a strong or saturated solution may be applied. In this way, urea removes the foul odour often associated with an ulcerating tum our or other dead or putrefying tissue. Urea Pioneer The use of urea in cancer treatment was pioneered by E V Danopoulos, a Professor of Internal Medicine in Athens. Urea was notably effective with liver cancer an d in preventing the development of metastases or secondary tumours. He used 45g of urea daily in 6 divided doses for 40 days and then 20g in 3 doses for 2 years . 45g correspond to 6 rounded teaspoons, while 20g are about 3 teaspoonfuls. The results were published in The Lancet in 1974. But as it happens so often with discoverers of cheap cancer cures, Danopoulos lo st his position after this publication and was forced to retire. Other research has shown that the effectiveness of urine in killing microbes depends largely on its concentration of urea and is better, the higher it is in urea. Other Beneficial Ingredients Another important reason for the effectiveness of urine is its content of countl ess hormones, enzymes, vitamins, trace minerals and other valuable biochemical. Some companies make a fortune by extracting some of these substances from collec ted urine on a large scale. The fact is that urine is not a waste product full o f harmful substances as is commonly believed, but instead a treasure-trove of ju st the right bio-chemicals that we need for our condition. The main function of the kidneys is to regulate the concentration of all these c ountless bio-chemicals in our blood. Any unwanted surplus is as harmful as any d eficiency. However, any hormone or enzyme removed as surplus at one time may be in short supply a few hours later. Furthermore, with advancing age, our hormone and enzyme production declines to s ub-optimal levels while the kidneys become less and less efficient in retaining needed ingredients. Therefore, it greatly helps, especially with chronic degenerative diseases and a dvancing age to recycle these valuable hormones and enzymes. Urine Rejuvenates Urine ingestion is frequently praised as possibly the best rejuvenation therapy known to us. It certainly rejuvenates the hair and the skin. The youthful appear ance of many Buddhist monks is ascribed to their routine urine ingestion. It seems that historically all cultures have used urine for medicinal purposes. It is praised in ancient Egyptian papyri, was used in ancient Rome, in China, In dia, America as well as European countries. The Journal of the American Medical Association states that in 'primitive medicine' there is scarcely a disease that has not been treated with the external or internal use of urine. A 5000-year old Sanskrit text describes in a religious context in 107 verses the virtues of urine. In one verse Lord Shiva, the great destroyer and re-generator , says that he who drinks urine sweetened with honey is cleared of any ailment w ithin 6 months. He attains brilliant brainpower and his voice becomes melodious. One well-known urine ingredient is melatonin, the hormone of the pineal gland. I t regulates our body rhythms linked to the dark-light cycle. It is produced in t he night and mostly expelled with the morning urine. However it is now highly va lued as protecting us from cancer and ageing. Melatonin sales in California are said to top aspirin sales. But why pay much money for just one beneficial ingred ient when there are thousands for free? Problems may arise from ingesting large amounts of urine if one takes medicinal or recreational drugs as these drugs may be recycled and cause an overdose. The same may happen if one ingests other toxic substances. However, harmful substanc es are not necessarily reabsorbed and may just cause diarrhoea instead. How to Use Urine There are various ways to use urine but generally it is advisable to start with small amounts. This is not only to get accustomed to the taste of it, but also t o slow down any healing reactions. These occur commonly with methods that genuin ely improve our health. Reactions may manifest as diarrhoea, vomiting, nausea, skin problems or a tempor ary flare-up of old health problems prior to their final elimination. Start with a few drops or a teaspoonful. These may be swallowed immediately and you may wash it down with some water or juice or eat a piece of fruit. However, with allergies and immune disorders it is more effective to leave the diluted ur ine under the tongue for a few minutes. An allergic reaction can best be stopped or neutralised by collecting the urine when the symptoms are worst, however in practice you try to use it as soon as yo u notice the first symptoms. Some researchers suggest that the proper dose can be found by slowly putting sin gle drops under the tongue until the taste and temperature of a drop can no long er be distinguished. This is then the neutralising dose. Each subsequent day you may double the previous dose or the number of times you take them per day until you reach your target amount or the dose that you are comfortable with. A suggested amount for general health improvement and rejuvenation are 2 or 3 cu pfuls daily. More may be temporarily used to overcome serious diseases, especial ly AIDS and other viral, bacterial or fungal infections, cancer and kidney disea ses. Drink only on an empty stomach well before meals as a large amount or stron g urine after a meal may cause digestive upset. You may also need to take half a teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate one or more times daily before meals to minimise allergy problems due to overacidity. In these cases ingest about one litre, the more the better, while for a limited period, say several weeks, try to drink all or most of your urine, except in the evening so that you do not have to get up at night. However, that may only be s uitable during a cleansing period. My favourite way to flush the kidneys is to drink 1 to 2 litres of urine before breakfast. Start drinking all the urine when you first wake up, lets say around 5 o'clock. Then you may urinate again and drink another lot about 6.30 and then again at 8 o'clock. Either drink sufficient in the evening so that the first mor ning urine is not too concentrated or otherwise dilute strong urine with suffici ent water. If the urine is cloudy, as it easily happens during a healing reactio n, you may use only a small amount. If the body is reasonably clean, then the ur ine does not taste offensive and reflects the aromas of the previous meal. The s econd morning urine, especially after drinking a fair amount of liquids after ri sing, is usually very mild and better to get accustomed to then the first mornin g urine. Martin Lara (http://users.erols.com/martinlara/) describes injecting 1 ml of fre sh urine once or several times into a muscle, e.g. thigh or buttock. This is esp ecially recommended for cancer, strong viral infections and other serious diseas es, it also helped to eliminate asthma. The Urine Fast The most powerful form of urine therapy is a urine fast which combines two of th e most effective natural healing methods, urine therapy and fasting. This is the method routinely used by John Armstrong and described in his book The Water of Life. Armstrong had amazing results with this method and I also found it very ef fective. A main advantage of a urine fast over a water fast is a greatly increas ed amount of energy so that the fast can be continued for a much longer period. I believe that it is also more effective than a fast or cleanse on vegetable jui ces. During the urine fast you drink all of your freshly voided urine and initially s ome added water to bring the daily volume to about 5 litres. However, I suggest to gradually increase the ingested amount to full intake already before starting the fast while gradually reducing the food intake to just a few pieces of fruit or vegetable salad and fresh vegetable juices. It is possible that this combination, a small amount of fresh fruit or vegetable s and juices together with ingesting almost all of your urine is already suffici ent to cure your problem. If after a week or two you feel that you do not make e nough progress, you may then proceed with a strict urine fast for 1-4 weeks. You end the fast by using again only a small amount of fresh raw fruit or vegeta bles for another week or two, gradually increasing the amount and variety of fre sh food. As with all fasts or cleanses, it is important to keep the bowels moving daily. Initially I suggest using a tablespoon of Epsom salts together with a crushed cl ove of garlic for several mornings or evenings when starting with a greatly rest ricted food intake. This will help to avoid or minimise unpleasant cleansing symptoms, such as weakn ess, pain or nausea. However, in many cases the ingested urine will already over -stimulate the bowels with liquid discharges and then no further action is neede d. Ingest only your own freshly voided urine. Normally urine is light yellow, clear and sterile, especially if collected mid-stream, but during reactions it may be come offensive and cloudy. When ingesting a large part of your urine you should check to make sure that it is not too acid. The morning urine normally is slight ly acid, but during the day it should be slightly alkaline. You can buy litmus or pH paper from a chemist. Litmus paper is red when dipped i nto an acid solution and blue when alkaline, neutral or pH 7 is in between both colours. With pH paper you get a colour chart to compare. If the urine remains a cid during the day, which usually happens with allergies and a weak sugar metabo lism or if eating much fruit, then take 1/2 teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate once or several times daily in water, but not within 3 hours after meals, until the u rine remains alkaline during the day. However, those with cancer should use potassium bicarbonate (from a chemist) ins tead of sodium bicarbonate. If the body is too acid, sometimes the emotions beco me overly sensitive with a tendency to inflammations, mouth ulcers and strong sk in reactions. With cancer, oedema and infectious diseases the effectiveness of urine therapy c an be increased by taking daily 1-6 teaspoons of urea (e.g. in water or juices) in divided doses; you may take 3-6 teaspoons when only a small amount of urine i s ingested and progressively less with larger urine intakes, leaving it off comp letely when nearly half or more of the daily urine is ingested. Homoeopathic Urine A final possibility is to use urine in homoeopathic form. The simplest way to pr epare it is as follows: To one teaspoon of non-chlorinated water add one drop of fresh urine. Shake it v igorously in a small bottle about 50 times with a sharp downward stroke. One dro p of this mixture is then added to another teaspoon of water, shaken again and t hen the whole procedure repeated a third time. Place 3 drops under the tongue se veral times daily. When it is used up, wait a few days and then prepare a new ho moeopathic remedy. In order to find the most effective potency add one more step to each subsequent preparation of the remedy, that is dilute it a fourth, a fif th and a sixth time and so forth. Start with such higher dilutions, say sixth po tency, especially if a remedy is made from fluid such as pus derived from a dise ased part of the body. An alternative method is even simpler and recommended as an introduction to urin e therapy and at times when cupfuls of urine are not tolerated. To 1 tablespoon of morning urine add 4 or 9 tablespoons of non-chlorinated water . Shake 50 times with a sharp downward stroke, and take a spoonful several times during the day; keep in the mouth for a minute before swallowing. Martin Lara (http://users.erols.com/martinlara/) developed a universal remedy supp osedly effective against all microbes. Dilute 2 drops of urine with 1 tablespoon of non-chlorinated water. During an infection keep one drop of this under the t ongue every 2 hours. Homoeopathically energised remedies should not be exposed to strong magnetic or electromagnetic fields. Keep this urine remedy only lightly covered in a cool pl ace but not in an electric refrigerator, and make up fresh daily. Social Considerations The main problem when starting urine therapy is our social conditioning. You may overcome that by reading and contemplating about the expected health benefits. The taste of urine is not normally offensive, except if the body is rather pollu ted or when fasting or with strongly concentrated urine. Therefore, dilute stron g urine, start with a small and gradually increasing amounts or have a day on fr uit before starting to ingest urine. Minimise salt and strong spices in the diet when on urine therapy. An easy way to drink urine or any other unpleasant fluid for beginners is by bre athing only through the mouth and possibly pinching the nose until the mouth has been rinsed with water or juice or a piece of fruit may be eaten. External Use For skin problems such as burns, wounds, gangrene, psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis , fungus problems ageing skin as well as over inner tumours, inflammations and d iseased organs a urine or urea pack or a combination of both is very effective: keep the affected area covered with a folded cloth well moistened with urine or concentrated urea solution, put another cloth or plastic sheet on top, renew sev eral times daily. Urine becomes more alkaline when standing for a few hours and is then more effec tive than fresh urine for external applications. However it also smells much mor e and fresh urine seems to be adequate in my experience. With gangrene, dead fle sh, skin infections and open cancer and ulcer sores it is even more effective to saturate the applied urine with urea, that also removes offensive odours. With weeping or suppurating wounds, especially if associated with foul odour, it is a lso very beneficial to cover the area with dry urea crystals. Urine can be concentrated by leaving it for several hours in a flat dish in the sun or a warm place. This has been recommended by Armstrong for friction rubs to rejuvenate ageing skin. Armstrong also recommended urine packs over tumour site s or diseased organs in addition to rubbing the body daily for two hours with sm all amounts of urine. The main problem with urine packs is the offensive odour. You may try to prevent it by sealing the pack with a good tape, such as duct tape. You may completely seal it and keep the pack moist by injecting fresh urine several times a day wit h a syringe. References 1. Armstrong, J.W., The Water of Life. Health Science Press, Rustington, Su ssex, England 1971. 2. Bartnett, Dr B, The Miracles of Urine Therapy, Water of Life Institute, Box 22-3543, Hollywood, Florida 1988. 3. Christy, M, Your Own Perfect Medicine, Future Med, Inc Scottsdale Arizon a 85267, 1994.Lara 4. Tietze, H.W., Urine the Holy Water, Phree Books, P O Box 34, Bermagui So uth, 2546 Australia, 1996. ***************************************** urine therapy Drink water from your own cistern, flowing water from your own well. (The Bo ok of Proverbs 5:15)* But Rabshakeh said, Hath my master sent me to thy master and to thee to spea k these words? hath he not sent me to the men that sit upon the wall, that they may eat their own dung, and drink their own piss with you? (Isaiah 36:12)* (See also 2 Kings 18:27)* More than three million Chinese drink their own urine in the belief it is go od for their health, according to the official Xinhua news agency. Urine therapy refers to one of several uses of urine to prevent or cure sickness , to enhance beauty, or to cleanse one's bowels. Most devotees drink the midstre am of their morning urine. Some prefer it straight and steaming hot; others mix it with juice or serve it over fruit. Some prefer a couple of urine drops mixed with a tablespoon of water applied sublingually several times a day. Some wash t hemselves in their own golden fluid to improve their skin quality. Many modern J apanese women are said to engage in urine bathing. The truly daring use their ow n urine as an enema. Urine is not quite the breakfast of champions, but it is th e elixir of choice of a number of holy men in India where drinking urine has bee n practiced for thousands of years. The drink is also the preferred pick-me-up f or a growing number of naturopaths and other advocates of "nature cures." The main attractions of this ultimate home brew are its cost, availability and porta bility. It is much cheaper than that other "water of life," whiskey (uisge beath a), which also has been hailed for its medicinal qualities. Unlike whiskey, howe ver, urine is always available, everyone carries a supply at all times, and, for most people, there are no intoxicating side effects. Furthermore, the urge to o verindulge is almost absent when drinking urine. The same can't be said for goo d single malt such as Highland Park or a good whiskey such as Black Bush. Many advocates claim that urine is a panacea. There is practically nothing it wo n't cure. Urine is said to be effective against the flu, the common cold, broken bones, toothache, dry skin, psoriasis and all other skin problems. It is said t o deter aging and is helpful with AIDS, allergies, animal and snake bites, as thma, heart disease, hypertension, burns, cancer, chemical intoxication, chicken pox, enteritis, constipation, and pneumonia. Urine is said to be effective agai nst dysentery, edema, eczema, eye irritation, fatigue, fever, gonorrhea, gout, b loody urine, smallpox, immunological disorders, infections, infertility, baldnes s, insomnia, jaundice, hepatitis, Kaposi's sarcoma, leprosy, lymphatic disorder, urticaria, morning sickness, hangover, obesity, papilloma virus, parasitoses, gastric ulcer, rheumatism, birthmarks, stroke, congestion, lumbago, typhus, ga stritis, depression, cold sore, tuberculosis, tetanus, Parkinson's disease, foot fungus, and diabetes and other endocrine related diseases. Some enthusiasts see urine therapy as a divine manifestation of cosmic intelligence. They use urine to unleash their kundalini, sending it straight into the third eye, bringing ins tant enlightenment.* With such wondrous properties, it is amazing that science bothered developing me dicine when it had the key to good health already in the bottle, so to speak. Ea ch of us is a walking pharmacopoeia. Homer Smith (Man and His Gods) once wrote t hat "man is a machine for turning wine into urine." Little did he know that man is a machine for turning just about anything into a medicinal tonic. According t o urninophiles, the medical establishment has conspired to keep us ignorant of t he wonder drug we all carry in our bladders. One self-proclaimed expert on the s ubject claims ...the medical community has already been aware of [urine's] astounding effi cacy for decades, and yet none of us has ever been told about it. Why? Maybe the y think it's too controversial. Or maybe, more accurately, there wasn't any mone tary reward for telling people what scientists know about one of the most extrao rdinary natural healing elements in the world.* This is a common argument from defenders of alternative therapies: the greed of medical doctors leads them to conspire against chiropractors, chelation therapis ts, etc. The evidence for this conspiracy wouldn't fill a specimen beaker. Part of the alleged conspiracy to keep us ignorant of the wonders of our own wee wee is the fact that many people think urine is poisonous. Urine is generally not to xic and you will not die of uremic poisoning if you start your day off with a cu p of your own golden fluid. However, it hardly seems fair to blame the medical e stablishment for the general public's ignorance on this matter. In any case, jus t because something is not toxic does not mean it is good for you. Hair is not t oxic, either, and even though it might be a good source of roughage, it is gener ally not desirable to put hair in food. Furthermore, while it is true that some of the constituents of urine are being u sed and tested for their potential or actual therapeutic value, it does not foll ow that drinking one's urine is therapeutic. It may be discovered that one of th e chemicals in human urine is effective for fighting cancer. However, drinking one's own urine is not likely going to supply enough of any cancer-fighting subs tance to do any good. It is also true that some of the substances in urine are g ood for you. For example, if you are ingesting more vitamin C (a water soluble v itamin) than your body needs or can process, you will excrete it in your urine. It doesn't follow that drinking your urine is a good way to get vitamin C into y our body. An orange or a tablet might be preferable. However, if you are urinati ng excess vitamin C, what do you think your body will do with the vitamin C you ingest with your urine? If you guessed that it would get rid of it, you guessed right. The reason your urine contains vitamins and minerals is that your body di dn't need them or couldn't use them. You might as well pour water into a full gl ass as reuptake your excess vitamins and minerals. Even urea, which can be toxic in very high doses, occurs in such minute quantities in the average person's ur ine that there is very little chance of poisoning from drinking one's own urine . Unfortunately, however, not everybody can just jump right in and start drinking their own urine without negative side effects. The Chinese Association of Urine Therapy1 warns that Common symptoms include diarrhea, itch, pain, fatigue, soreness of the s houlder, fever, etc. These symptoms appear more frequently in patients sufferin g long term or more serious illnesses, and symptoms may repeat several times. E ach episode may last 3-7 days, but sometimes it may last one month, or even wor se over 6 months. It is a pity that many give up urine therapy because of such bad episode [sic]. Recovery reaction is just like the darkness before sunrise. If one persists and overcomes the difficulty, one can enjoy the eventual happin ess of healthy life. These same people advise that "All kinds of throat inflammation can be helped by gargling with urine to which a bit of saffron has been added" and "drinking one ounce of urine . . . is more beneficial to the average person than a fully staf fed multi-billion dollar medical center." I was unable to find their evidence fo r these claims. Perhaps the evidence was produced at the First World Conference on Urine Therapy which took place in India in February 1996. Or maybe it came up in 1998 during the Second World Conference on Urine Therapy held in Germany. religion and urine The origin of this unusual practice seems to be certain religious rites among Hi ndus, where it is called amaroli in tantric religious traditions. The tantric tr adition is known for flouting conventional behavior as a means of establishing t he moral superiority of its practitioners. It is also possible that this practic e is related to superstitions based on sympathetic magic. Since urine is emitted from the same bodily organ used in sex, perhaps it was thought that by drinking one's urine one was swallowing some sort of sexual energizer. In any case, it is unlikely that Indians some 4,000 years ago had scientific reasons for drinki ng their own urine. In Siberia, some found drinking urine was a way to continue the hallucinogenic a nd spiritual effects of special mushrooms: In many regions where the fly agaric was consumed, it was a very expensive a rticle of trade-so expensive that frequently a tribesman traded a reindeer for o ne or two mushrooms. At certain times and in some areas, the mushrooms were natu rally rare and hard to find. During the long Siberian winters, the more affluent tribesmen were able to store up supplies of the dried mushrooms in large quanti ties for winter consumption. The poorer individuals, none the less anxious to us e the agaric, were often frustrated by the cost and limited supply of the plants . Whether as a result of this scarcity or not, these people discovered that th e urine of an intoxicated person was capable, when drunk, of inducing a similar intoxication in another individual. The effects from the urine are said to be on ly slightly less inebriating than of the dose of the mushroom itself. An early a ccount of this curious practice states of the Koryaks that "when they make a fea st, they pour water on some of these mushrooms and boil them. They then drink th e liquor, which intoxicates them; the poorer sort, who cannot afford to lay in a store of these mushrooms, post themselves on these occasions round the huts of the rich and watch the opportunity of the guests coming down to make water and t hen hold a wooden bowl to receive the urine, which they drink off greedily, as h aving still some virtue of the mushroom in it; and by this way they also get dru nk." Not only is the urine of another person drunk but an individual may utilize his own urine, frequently still warm, thus prolonging the action of the original mushrooms or renewing their effect several times. A drunken Koryak may even car ry his own urine with him on a reindeer trek to continue his intoxication as lon g as possible.* This gives new meaning to the Beatle's line: "Get high with a little help from m y friends." blood, amniotic fluid, and urine Another rather unscientific notion which seems to be accepted by urinophiles is that urine is really blood, since it is the byproduct of blood filtering by the kidneys. It is unlikely that if you need a blood transfusion that urine will wor k just as well. Another misleading claim being made by urninophiles is that amniotic fluid is no thing but urine: fetal urine. If it is good for the fetus, it should be good for all of us. Here is what urine expert Martha Christy has to say on the subject: . . . the amniotic fluid that surrounds human infants in the womb is pri marily urine. Actually, the infant "breathes in" urine-filled amniotic fluid con tinually, and without this fluid, the lungs don't develop. Doctors also believe that the softness of baby skin and the ability of in-utero infants to heal quick ly without scarring after pre-birth surgery is due to the therapeutic properties of the urine-filled amniotic fluid. Some of the chemicals found in amniotic fluid are not going to be found in most urine samples. It is misleading, to say the least, to claim that amniotic fluid is "primarily" urine. It would be more accurate to say that they are both primar ily water. I don't know what doctors she is talking about, but most parents will tell you that when their babies came out of the womb their skin was anything bu t beautiful. Comparisons to wrinkly prunes are quite common. So is comparison to one's skin after being in the swimming pool for a long time. The baby's skin be comes soft only after it has been out of its liquid environment for some time. T here is a reason for that, according to Kim Kelly, a naturopathic doctor and nur se from Seattle. Newborns don't produce oil from their sebaceous glands until se veral weeks after their birth, which is why they often appear to have dry, flaky skin. Rather than amniotic fluid contributing to soft skin, according to Kelly, babies in the womb are protected by vernix, a creamy substance that serves as a barrier between the baby and the amniotic fluid. So, unless your urine is full of vernix, using it as a skin lotion is unlikely to work as a moisturizer. the nature of urine What is urine? Urine is usually yellow or clear, depending upon a person's healt h and diet. It usually has an ammonia-like odor due to the nitrogenous wastes th at make up about 5% of the fluid (the remaining 95% is water). Certain foods can affect the odor, however. For example, asparagus breaks down into several sulfu r-containing compounds that imparts a putrid odor upon excretion.* Urine is a slightly acidic fluid which carries waste from the kidneys to the out side world. The kidneys have millions of nephrons which filter toxins, waste, in gested water and mineral salts out of the bloodstream. The kidneys regulate bloo d acidity by excreting excessive alkaline salts when necessary. The chief consti tuent of the nitrogenous wastes in urine is urea, a product of protein decomposi tion. Urea is, among other things, a diuretic. Average adult urine production is from one to two quarts a day. The bladder, where urine is stored for discharge, holds on average about 16-20 ounces of fluid, though the average discharge is a bout half that amount. In addition to uric acid, ammonia, and creatine, urine co nsists of many other waste products in minute quantities. Being a waste product does not mean that a substance is toxic or harmful. It mea ns that the body cannot absorb the substance at the present time. We might think of many of urine's constituents as if they were leftovers from a meal. We could throw the excess food away or we could eat it later after diluting it substanti ally with water and putting it in the blender. With urine, unfortunately, we can not ingest waste products in the form they had when first ingested. For most people most of the time, one's own urine is not likely to be harmful. H owever, it is not likely to be healthful or useful except for those rare occasio ns when one is buried beneath a building or lost at sea for a week or two. In su ch situations drinking one's own urine might be the difference between life and death. As a daily tonic, there are much tastier ways to introduce healthful prod ucts into one's blood stream. See also alternative health practice. 1 72, Wu Kon Lio Road, Wuku Industrial Park, Taipei Hsien, Taiwan, R.O.C. Tel: G 886-2-2988446. --- If you want on time success, use our 117-102 book exam product and exam 642-983 training study guide. You can also use our superb exam pass resources like exam 70-647 braindumps along with exam 642-971 audio exam and JN0-332 dumps. --- reader comments further reading websites Redurine.com Urine Therapy - The Doctors "Why Bogus Therapies Often Seem to Work" by Barry L. Beyerstein, Ph.D. Quackwatch "Taking the Piss - Is Urine Drinking a Good Idea? Paul Willis interview Dr. Robe rt Farnsworth, a leading Australian urologist The Restaurant of Urine-Altering Cuisine (humor) news stories From culture to : The moral paradoxes of India's Hindu right (A new sof t drink featuring cow urine as its central ingredient is part of a radical Hindu movement in India that wants to eliminate all things Western, like Coca Cola. G au Jal, or Cow Water, is being touted by the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) a s a healthy alternative to major soft drinks like Coke and Pepsi.* Many Indians consume cow dung and urine, believing that they are conducive to good health. Gr oups like the RSS pose the greatest dilemma for democracies: free speech allows advocating the end of equality and freedom. Such groups are noticeable in non-de mocracies, like the Taliban in Afghanistan, but they can wreak havoc even in the world's largest democracy, India.) Thais drink urine as alternative medicine - BBC * Yes, I know, I've taken this quote out of context. I'll do anything for a joke . Apparently, the true message of the passage is to warn against adultery. As fa r as I know, not even Deuteronomy or Leviticus advise drinking urine. However, n either calls it an abomination, either. Last updated 19-Dec-2011 ******************************** AN AMAZING UNTOLD STORY There is an extraordinary natural healing substance, produced by our own bodies, that modern medical science has proven to be one of the most powerful natural m edicines known to man. Unlike many other natural medical therapies, this method requires no monetary investment or doctor's intervention and can be easily acces sed and used at any time. The extensive medical research findings on this natural medicine have never been compiled and released to the general public before now, but those who have been fortunate enough to hear about this medicine and use it have found that it can produce often astounding healing even when all other therapies have failed. This book tells of the doctors, medical researchers and the hundreds of other pe ople who have used this extraordinary medicine throughout our century to cure a huge variety of common illnesses and combat even the most incurable diseases. Th is is the extraordinary untold story of a natural healing substance so remarkabl e that it can only be called our own perfect medicine. My own experience with this little-known natural medicine began as a result of m y search for an answer to many years of serious chronic illnesses that had begun very early in life. Like thousands of people today, I had developed chronic, de generative disorders that couldn't be helped by conventional medicine and which threatened to destroy permanently my ability to work, function and simply enjoy life. When I was young, I suffered through the same measles, mumps, chicken pox and co lds that everyone else did. And like other children, I played hard, worked hard, and dreamed of the day when I would become a vigorous, emancipated teenager, ju st like everyone else. But, for me, that particular dream wasn't going to come t rue. One beautiful July morning at the age of 12, I awoke with a start. Suddenly, sur prised and frightened, I realised I was lying in a dark red pool of blood that w as so large it had soaked through even the thick layers of my mattress. Tremblin g and weak, I pushed myself up out of bed and felt a horrible, wrenching pain te ar through my abdomen. My worried mother came running in answer to my screams, but, after assessing the situation, said there really wasn't much she could do about the pain of my firs t menstrual period. But what neither she nor I knew at the time was that what sh ould have been a natural transition to adolescence and menstruating was, for me, going to become a waking nightmare that lasted almost 30 years. At the onset of each one of my monthly menstrual periods I would invariably end up either in my doctor's office or at the emergency room of the hospital screami ng with pain, bleeding copiously and passing huge clots of blood. For several months after my 'periods from hell' began, my mother chauffeured me around the city from doctor to doctor with no success until our family doctor fi nally instituted a monthly regimen of painkillers such as Demerol or Darvon inje ctions and then sent me home with a big, round bottle of full-strength prescript ion codeine with which I proceeded to dope myself senseless for the next eight t o 10 days. This same cycle was repeated every month for almost 20 years. Throughout adolescence, the simple everyday functions of getting up and going to school were an often monumental and utterly exhausting effort for me. Unlike th e rest of my family and friends, I had marked periods of extreme exhaustion. I b ecame extremely susceptible to colds and flu and felt bone-chillingly cold all t he time-even in the warmest summer weather. By the age of 14, the effort of combating severe chronic pain and fatigue while trying to keep up normal activities became impossible. I collapsed and had to be hospitalised and removed from school for several months. But even after a huge battery of medical tests and innumerable visits with doctors and specialists, no one was able to diagnose what was causing my problems. After many weeks I returned to school and struggled through the high-school year s with the aid of generous amounts of codeine and other strong painkillers that my doctor willingly prescribed. But by the time I left home for college, the sym ptoms of bleeding, exhaustion, pain and digestive problems became so bad that I often was unable even to leave my room or take part in daily activities. I kept up the Demerol injections and codeine for many years and added to my regi men several other new painkillers and drugs which had been developed for menstru al problems. But the problems continued unabated, and in the ensuing years I dev eloped myriad other serious health problems. During the years from age 18 to 30 I was diagnosed with pelvic inflammatory dise ase, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease or ileitis (a chronic, painful inflamma tion of the colon), chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), Hashimoto's disease (a disor der of the thyroid gland) and mononucleosis. I had severe chronic kidney infections, two miscarriages, chronic cystitis, seve re candida and external yeast infections along with marked adrenal insufficiency and serious chronic ear and sinus infections for which I was prescribed antibio tics on an ongoing basis for several years. Food and chemical allergies also bec ame a big problem, and even though I ate almost nothing because of my extreme fo od allergies, I actually kept gaining weight, which only added to the discomfort of all the other health disorders with which I was dealing. The bottles of drugs I had taken during this time could have filled a small land fill, but none of my illnesses or disorders had been resolved and, in fact, they were more debilitating than ever. It seemed as though I had become nothing more than a walking encyclopaedia of disease, and the worst part about the entire si tuation was that no matter how many failed drug therapies I tried, any visit to the doctor's office only resulted in another discouraging failure. Another big problem was the drug side-effects. I felt like a ping-pong ball, bou ncing from one drug to another as my doctors kept prescribing more and different drugs to counteract the side- effects of the ones I was already taking. By the time I turned 30, the natural health movement was really picking up speed , and, desperate for any solution, I tried out the Adelle Davis nutrition regime n, , , care and every herbal preparat ion and drug-free natural health therapy that I could find. Within two years, my chronic cystitis cleared up and the menstrual pain and blee ding markedly decreased. The ulcerative colitis also responded and the sinus inf ections disappeared. I felt that I was slowly and surely regaining strength and health and even beginning to experience a portion of the energy and vigour that 'normal' healthy people enjoy-and all without drugs. When I conceived my son at 34 and made it through the first trimester without mi scarrying, I felt as though I'd conquered the final health frontier. Unfortunate ly, in my burst of enthusiasm, I underestimated the impact of pregnancy on my un derstandably frail health, and the birth for which I had so carefully prepared w as a near-fatal disaster requiring emergency surgery. As it turned out, even despite all the illness and pain I'd gone through in the years before the birth, all of it seemed like child's play after I ran head-on i nto the serious complications of a difficult childbirth. For months after the birth I hounded my gynaecologist, complaining of unremittin g and severe abdominal cramps, cystitis and horribly painful menstrual periods. My natural health treatments would give temporary relief but, mystifyingly, didn 't seem to have the same beneficial and lasting effects that they'd had before m y pregnancy. I underwent every conceivable medical test, each of which came back negative, bu t the problems just didn't go away. My doctor flinched every time I walked in th e door and then sent me back out again with increasingly severe assurances that the pain was "unwarranted" and probably all in my head. After alienating every doctor in town with my complaints, I finally gave up and decided to 'suffer in silence' until one hot summer day, almost 24 months after the birth, I suddenly fell screaming with pain on my living room floor in front of my terrified two- year-old. I literally had to crawl to the phone to call my husband. When he carried me, screeching, into my OB's office, the doctor clicked his tongue disapprovingly. "Now it can't be that bad, dear. We just checked you out a few months ago," he cajoled. He gave me codeine and sent me home. Forty-eight hours later I was in the operat ing room having emergency surgery for multiple-ruptured ovarian tumours. A couple of days after the procedure, my doctor sauntered into my hospital room with a conciliatory grin on his face. "Gee," he drawled apologetically, "we had no idea anything like this was going to happen. Your ovary looked horrible-engor ged to the size of a grapefruit. No wonder you were hurting. Sorry you had to go so long without help but, you know, the tests just never turned up anything. An d oh, by the way, the pathologist found a little endometriosis in your right ova ry." Endometriosis is an incurable women's disease in which uterine tissue for some u nknown reason detaches itself from the uterus, moves to other locations in the b ody and attaches itself to other organs or body tissue. This misplaced uterine t issue spontaneously bleeds in response to hormonal changes, causing internal ble eding, scarring and often excruciating pain that can destroy the woman's ability to live and function normally. This disease is not uncommon among women, but it is incurable, at least by conventional medical standards. My "little" endometriosis turned into the monster that ate Tokyo. Three months a fter my doctor had 'successfully' operated, I was again sitting in the ultrasoun d room at the hospital, watching as several new endometrial tumours appeared on the monitor screen, accompanied by the usual excruciating pelvic pain, internal bleeding, constipation, haemorrhagic cystitis and acute exhaustion. After the ultrasound I decided to contact a doctor who was recommended to me as an expert on endometriosis. He told me that he felt that my health problems had originally stemmed from undiagnosed severe endometriosis and an underactive thyr oid which had probably been present since adolescence. He recommended an immedia te hysterectomy, which I underwent. The day after the operation, the doctor visi ted me and compassionately whispered that I would "never have a problem with end ometriosis again". But he was wrong. Twenty months later, I had more tumours and another operation. Three months afte r that, the pain, tumours and internal bleeding reappeared and I was scheduled f or what would by now have been my sixth surgical procedure in five years, which I refused to undergo. Desperate and seriously debilitated, I flew to Mexico where I spent $15,000 on a n intensive course of intravenous megavitamin and live-cell therapy at one of th e alternative cancer clinics which had offered some hope for my case. For weeks, doctors poured nutrients and natural medicines into my veins and mouth. I watch ed as many of the cancer patients around me seemed to get better and better with the treatments. And I did, too-for about two months. I spent my 40th birthday hopelessly sick and in bed, which was where I stayed th at entire year. The drugs, operations and Mexican treatments had completely fail ed, and my usual herbs and homoeopathic remedies, although they gave temporary r elief, seemed almost useless against the disease. And by now, even though I had health insurance, my husband and I had spent over $100,000 of our own money, and still I couldn't even get out of bed. I had one last surgery which removed another large bleeding tumour. When I got h ome from the hospital I weighed 89 pounds and developed a post-surgical infectio n which required several courses of antibiotics. After taking the antibiotics, I developed an extremely severe case of candida (yeast infection). My hands and a rms became covered with a horribly itchy fungal infection that nothing could rel ieve or cure, and I remained generally exhausted, bedridden and in intense pain. Because of the surgeries, I was also experiencing early and severe menopausal sy mptoms: hot flushes, mood swings, water retention and depression. But because en dometriosis is exacerbated by oestrogen, my doctor recommended that I refrain fr om taking oestrogen supplements which she said would have relieved the severe an d very unpleasant symptoms. Several months after the surgery, the all-too-familiar endometrial symptoms retu rned. My doctor assured me that all was well, but when I asked for and received my surgical records from the hospital I found she had written that "all attempts to remove endometriosis will be done, but complete surgical care can rarely be guaranteed; the patient may require further therapy for endometriosis, medically or surgically". For my exhausted and bewildered husband and myself, this progno sis seemed like an insurmountable and final defeat. I had one more heart-to-heart talk with a gynaecologist who told me, "Given the severity of your case, the reality is that you could be facing a lifetime of cor rective surgery." Given the state of my health at the time, I couldn't envision that "lifetime" meant anything more for me than a few additional years of mind-n umbing pain and misery before my body finally gave out. After nearly a lifetime of illness, these last episodes in my late thirties and early forties seemed like the final blow, and in all honesty I felt that there w as no way out and no hope in sight. No matter how many times I'd been assured by my doctors that drugs and surgery would cure the endometriosis and my other dis orders and make it possible for me to live a normal life, the doctors had been p roven wrong. A few weeks later when I heard that one of my friends from the cancer clinic had died in his sleep, I felt sad for his family but happy for him because he was f inally free of his pain and suffering. In many ways I felt that he was the lucky one and I almost wished that the same thing would happen to me. It seemed that death would have been a blessing, especially so that my family could be freed fr om the seemingly never-ending burden of my illness and be able to get on with th eir lives. Sitting alone and discouraged one morning, I glanced up dismally from a book I w as reading when my husband came into the room. "I've got something else we can t ry, honey," he chirped enthusiastically, and proceeded to describe his conversat ion with a woman who had cured herself of a serious and reportedly incurable kid ney disorder by using an unusual therapy. "Whaaat!" I responded after he told me what the therapy was. "I don't think so," I said, and went back to reading my b ook. But after several more days and many more horrible episodes of pain and drugs, m y husband handed me a small book and said, "You've got to try this." I picked up the book and began to read. The small, unpretentious-looking book was full of fascinating stories about peop le who had been cured of even the worst diseases with a seemingly strange and li ttle-known natural therapy. The therapy seemed incredibly effective, yet I still felt reluctant to try it. But as I read further on in the book, the stories wer e so compelling and the therapy was so simple that suddenly it didn't seem stran ge or preposterous to me any more. And at this point in my now nearly futile exi stence, I knew I had absolutely nothing to lose by trying it-so I did. From the first day I began the therapy, to my immense surprise I got almost inst antaneous relief from my incurable constipation and fluid retention. Within a we ek, my severe abdominal and pelvic pain was unbelievably gone. The chronic cystitis and yeast infections (internal and external) soon disappear ed, and food allergies, exhaustion and digestive problems all began to heal. After a few more months of the therapy I noticed that, amazingly, my colds, flu, sore throats and viral symptoms, all of which had resurfaced and become chronic after the surgeries, now rarely made an appearance. My hair, which had fallen o ut in handfuls after my fifth surgery, became thick and lustrous, my weight norm alised and my energy and strength increased so markedly that I was even able to work again. Last summer I hiked four miles into the Grand Canyon. For the first time in many years I can swim and even comfortably ride horseback or on my mountain bike for hours at a time-all formerly unimaginable activities. Much to my own and my fam ily's amazement, I am back at work. After 30 years of almost non-stop illness, I have a rich, full life again-and all because of an unbelievably simple and effe ctive natural medicine that almost none of us even knows exists. This natural therapy became, for me, a priceless gift of health, as it has for m any others. It gave the fastest, most dramatic results of any natural or manmade medical treatment I have ever tried and was truly the miraculous happy ending t o my long story of illness and failed medical treatments. By using this simple, natural medicine, along with other natural healing approaches such as homoeopath y, herbs, good nutrition and rest, I have been able to remain consistently disea se-free and I feel better and stronger than I have ever felt in my life since th at fateful day in July so many years ago. And even though this natural medicine seemed so peculiar to me at first, I later discovered to my surprise that medical researchers have been intensively studyi ng and using this medicinal substance for decades. As a matter of fact, unknown to the vast majority of the public, this incredibly simple and wonderful natural treatment is a well-proven medical therapy that ha s been used extensively and successfully throughout the 20th century by doctors and researchers from many different branches of medicine all over the world and has been shown to be amazingly effective in treating a huge variety of illnesses . It's time that all of us should know about this therapy and about the medical re search findings on this truly remarkable natural medicine-which is why I have wr itten this book. Up until this point, whenever anyone wrote or talked about using this substance for healing, they've been told that it's just an unproven folk remedy or old wiv es' tale. But, as you'll discover in the following pages, this is completely untrue. The t ruth is that doctors and medical researchers for years have scientifically prove n the tremendous effectiveness of this natural medicine. They just haven't told us about it-for reasons which we'll discuss later on in the book. This simple, natural method may seem less glamorous than commercial drugs and sp ace-age surgical techniques because it's not glorified by the press or hyped by sophisticated, sugar-coated advertising themes. But when all the manmade medicin es in the world can't help, people like myself have been eternally grateful to f ind that nature has provided this safe, painless solution to even seemingly incu rable illnesses. WHAT MODERN SCIENCE KNOWS ABOUT A MIRACLE MEDICINE (AND ISN'T TELLING) So what is this mystery miracle medicine and why don't any of us know anything a bout it? If the body really does produce such an amazing substance, and doctors and scientists have used it to heal people, where are the news reports, the acco lades, the commercials, the media hype? You want to know the answer? Then prepar e yourself by first opening your mind. Let go of your initial disbelief and prec onceptions and get ready for the best-kept secret in medical history. This extraordinary miracle medicine that numerous doctors, researchers and hundr eds of people have used for healing is human urine. Surprised? Now before you scream "I don't believe it!" consider this. Whether yo u know it or not, you've already re-used and reingested your urine-large amounts of it for a long period of time-and it's one of the reasons you're alive today. As medical researchers have discovered: "Urine is the main component of the amniotic fluid that bathes the human fet us. "Normally the baby 'breathes' this urine-filled amniotic fluid into its lung s. If the urinary tract is blocked, the fetus does not produce the fluid, and, w ithout it, the lungs do not develop." (G. Kolata, "Surgery on Fetuses Reveals They Heal Without Scars", The New Yo rk Times, Medical Section, 16 August 1988) This is a fact that probably none of you without a medical background know, but the reality is that urine is absolutely vital to your body's functioning, and th e internal and external applications of urine have proven medical ramifications far beyond anything that we, the general public, can imagine. What amazes people most when they first hear about the medical use of urine is t hat they've never heard of it before. To the vast majority of mankind, urine is nothing more than a somewhat repugnant 'waste' that the body has to excrete in o rder to function. But as you'll discover, urine is not a waste product of the body but, rather, an extraordinarily valuable physiological substance that has been shown throughout the history of medical science right up until today to have profound medical us es that most of us know absolutely nothing about. One of the first things we need to clear up is the common perception of urine. U rine is not what you think it is. As a matter of fact, you probably have no idea what urine is or how your body makes it. In reality, urine is not, as most of us believe, the excess water from food and liquids that goes through the intestines and is ejected from the body. I know th at we generally think of urine in just this way: you eat and drink, the intestin es 'wring' out the good stuff in the food, and the urine is the leftover, dirty, waste water that your body doesn't want, so it should never, ever be reintroduc ed into the body in any form-right? Wrong. No matter how popular a conception, this commonly shared scenario may be, it jus t isn't true. Urine is not made in your intestines. Urine is made in and by your kidneys. So what does this mean, and why should it change the way you feel abou t urine? In layman's language, this is how and why urine is made in the body. When you ea t, the food you ingest is eventually broken down in the stomach and intestines i nto extremely small molecules. These molecules are absorbed into tiny tubules in the intestinal wall and then pass through these tubes into the bloodstream. The blood circulates throughout your body, carrying these food molecules and oth er nutrients along with critical immune-defence and regulating elements such as red and white blood cells, antibodies, plasma, microscopic proteins, hormones, e nzymes, etc., which are all manufactured at different locations in the body. The blood continually distributes its load of life-sustaining elements throughout t he body, nourishing every cell and protecting the body from disease. As it flows through the body, this nutrient-filled blood passes through the live r where toxins are removed and later excreted from the body in the form of solid waste. Eventually, this purified, 'cleaned' blood makes its way to the kidneys. When the blood enters the kidneys it is filtered through an immensely complex an d intricate system of minute tubules, called nephron, through which the blood is literally 'squeezed' at high pressure. This filtering process removes excess am ounts of water, salts and other elements in the blood that your body does not ne ed at the time. These excess elements are collected within the kidney in the form of a purified, sterile, watery solution called urine. Many of the constituents of this filtere d watery solution, or urine, are then re-absorbed by the nephron and delivered b ack into the bloodstream. The remainder of the urine passes out of the kidneys i nto the bladder and is then excreted from the body. So, you say, the body's gotten rid of this stuff for a reason-so why would we wa nt to use it again? And here's the catch. The function of the kidneys is to keep the various elements in your blood balanced. The kidneys do not filter out impo rtant elements in the blood because those elements in themselves are toxic or po isonous or bad for the body, but simply because the body did not need that parti cular concentration of that element at the time it was excreted. And medical researchers have discovered that many of the elements of the blood t hat are found in urine have enormous medicinal value, and when they are reintrod uced into the body they boost the body's immune defences and stimulate healing i n a way that nothing else does. As medical research has revealed: "One of the most important functions of the kidney is to excrete material an d substances for which the body has no immediate need..." (A. H. Free, and H. M . Free, Urinalysis in Clinical and Laboratory Practice, CRC Press, Inc., USA, 19 75, pp. 13-17) For instance, the kidneys filter out water and sodium from the blood into the ur ine. These are both vital life-sustaining elements without which your body canno t function. But both elements could be lethal if there were too much water or so dium in your blood. Now what about potassium, calcium and magnesium? These are familiar nutrients th at we ingest in our food and vitamin pills every day, but they're also in your u rine. These nutritional elements are extremely valuable substances to the body, certainly not toxic, and yet the kidney excretes these elements into the urine. Why? Because it's taking out the excess amounts of potassium, calcium, etc. that are not needed by your body at the time they are filtered out. Actually, it is this regulating process of the kidneys and the excretion of urine that allows us to eat and drink more than our bodies need at any one time. "The principal function of the kidney is not excretion, but regulation... Th e kidney obviously conserves what we need, but, even more, permits us the freedo m of excess. That is, it allows us to take in more than we need of many necessit ies-water and salt, for example-and excrete exactly what is not required." (Dr S tewart Cameron [Professor of Renal Medicine, Guy's Hospital, London], Kidney Dis ease: The Facts, Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, 1986) But this isn't the end of the story. Scientists have discovered that urine, beca use it is actually extracted from our blood, contains small amounts of almost al l of the life-sustaining nutrients, proteins, hormones, antibodies and immunisin g agents that our blood contains. "Urine can be regarded as one of the most complex of all body fluids. It con tains practically all of the constituents found in the blood." (A. H. Free and H. M. Free, Urinalysis in Clinical and Laboratory Practice, CRC Press, Inc., USA, 1975, pp. 13-17) Many medical researchers, unlike most of us, know that far from being a dirty bo dy-waste, fresh, normal urine is actually sterile and is an extraordinary combin ation of some of the most vital and medically important substances known to man. Now this fact may be unknown to the vast majority of the public today, it is no thing new to modern medicine. To us, the public, urine seems like an undesirable waste product of the body, bu t to the medical research community and the drug industry it's been considered t o be liquid gold. Don't believe it? Read this: "Utica, Michigan - Realising it is flushing potential profits down the drain , an enterprising young company has come up with a way to trap medically powerfu l proteins from urine. Enzymes of America has designed a special filter that col lects important urine proteins, and these filters have been installed in all of the men's urinals in the 10,000 portable outhouses owned by the Porta-John compa ny, a subsidiary of Enzymes of America. "Urine is known to contain minute amounts of proteins made by the body, incl uding medically important ones such as growth hormone and insulin. There is a $5 00-million-a-year market for these kinds of urine ingredients. "This summer, Enzymes of America plans to market its first major urine produ ct called urokinase, an enzyme that dissolves blood clots and is used to treat v ictims of heart attacks. The company has contracts to supply the urine enzyme to Sandoz, Merrell Dow and other major pharmaceutical companies. Ironically, this enterprise evolved from Porta-John's attempt to get rid of urine proteins-a majo r source of odour in portable toilets. "When the president of Porta-John began consulting with scientists about a u rine filtration system, one told him he was sitting on a gold mine. "The idea of recycling urine is not new, however. 'We thought about this,' s ays 26 Whitcome of Amgen, a Los Angeles biotechnology firm, 'but realised we'd n eed thousands and thousands of litres of urine.' "Porta-John and Enzymes of America solved that problem. The 14 million gallo ns flowing annually into Porta-John's privies contain about four-and-a-half poun ds of urokinase alone. That's enough to unclog 260,000 coronary arteries." ("Now Urine Business", Hippocrates magazine, May/June 1988) But urokinase isn't the only drug derived from urine that, unknown to us, has be en a financial boon to the pharmaceutical industry. In August of 1993, Forbes magazine printed an article about Fabio Bertarelli who owns the world's largest fertility drug-producing company, the Ares-Serono Grou p, based in Geneva, whose most important product is the drug Pergonal which incr eases the chances of conception. Guess what Pergonal is made from? "To make Pergonal, Ares-Serono collects urine samples from 110,000 postmenop ausal women volunteers in Italy, Spain, Brazil and Argentina. From 26 collection centres, the urine is sent to Rome where Ares-Serono technicians then isolate t he ovulation-enhancing hormone." (N. Munk, "The Child is the Father of the Man", Forbes Magazine, 16 August 1993) Ares-Serono earned a reported $855 million in sales in 1992, and people pay up t o $1,400 per month for this urine extract. Obviously, most of us are operating under a gross misconception when we wrinkle our nose at the thought of using urine in medicine. Urea, the principal organic solid in urine, has long been considered to be a 'wa ste product' of the body. It's even been considered to be dangerous or poisonous , but this, too, is completely untrue. Like any other substance in the body, too much urea can be harmful, but urea in and of itself is enormously valuable and indispensable to body functioning. Not only does urea provide invaluable nitrogen to the body, but research has shown t hat urea actually aids in the synthesis of protein, or, in other words, it helps our bodies use protein more efficiently. Urea has also been proven to be an ext raordinary antibacterial and antiviral agent and is one of the best natural diur etics ever discovered. Urea was discovered and isolated as long ago as 1773 and is currently marketed i n a variety of different drug forms. These are a few more examples of commercial medical applications of urine and ur ea in use today: Ureaphil: diuretic made from urea Urofollitropin: urine-extract fertility drug Ureacin: urea cream for skin problems Amino-Cerv: urea cream used for cervical treatments Premarin: urine-extract oestrogen supplement Panafil: urea/papain ointment for skin ulcers, burns and infected wounds Another urine-related product ingredient is carbamide. Carbamide is the chemical name for synthesised urea. Where do you find carbamide? In places you'd never t hought of, such as in products like Murine Ear Drops and Murine Ear Wax Removal System which contain carbamide peroxide, a combination of synthetic urea and hyd rogen peroxide. Medical researchers have also proven that urea is one of the best and only medic ally proven, effective skin moisturisers in the world. In many years of laborato ry studies, researchers discovered that, unlike just about all other types of oi l-based moisturisers that simply sit on the top layers of the skin and do nothin g to improve water retention within skin cells (which gives skin its elasticity and wrinkle-free appearance), urea actually increases the water-binding capacity of the skin by opening skin layers for hydrogen bonding, which then attracts mo isture to dry skin cells. This is a remarkable fact considering that women spend billions of dollars a yea r on outrageously expensive skin moisturisers whose ingredients, even in tightly controlled double-blind comparison tests, don't even come close to hydrating dr y skin as well as simple, inexpensive urea. So, as surprising as it seems, urine and urea do have an amazing, voluminous his tory in both traditional and modern medicine. An article, titled "Autouro- therapy", published in the New York State Journal o f Medicine (vol. 80, no. 7, June 1980), written by Dr John R. Herman, Clinical P rofessor of Urology at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York City, poi nts out the general misconceptions regarding urine and its medical use: "Autouropathy (urine therapy) did flourish in many parts of the world and it continues to flourish today... There is, unknown to most of us, a wide usage of uropathy and a great volume of knowledge available showing the multitudinous ad vantages of this modality... "Urine is only a derivative of the blood... If the blood should not be consi dered 'unclean', then the urine also should not be so considered. Normally excre ted, urine is a fluid of tremendous variations of composition... "...Actually, the listed constituents of human urine can be carefully checke d and no items not found in human diet are found in it. Percentages differ, of c ourse, but urinary constituents are valuable to human metabolism..." Look up urea in a medical dictionary. In Mosby's Medical and Nursing Dictionary, urea is defined not as a useless body waste but as a systemic diuretic and topi cal skin treatment. It's also prescribed to reduce excess fluid pressure on the brain and eyes. Uric acid, another ingredient of urine, is normally thought of as an undesirable waste product of the body that causes gout. But even uric acid has recently bee n found to have tremendous health-promotion and medical implications. Medical researchers at the University of California at Berkeley reported in 1982 that they have discovered that: "Uric acid could be a defence against cancer and ageing. "It also destroys body-damaging chemicals, called free radicals, that are pr esent in food, water and air and are considered to be a cause of cancer and brea kdowns in immune function. "Uric acid could be one of the things that enables human beings to live so m uch longer than other mammals." (O. Davies, "Youthful Uric Acid", Omni magazine, October 1982) Urine is a critically important body fluid that has fascinated medical science t hroughout the centuries. Medical scientists study urine with tremendous intent b ecause, unlike the public, they know that it contains innumerable vital body nut rients and thousands of natural elements that control and regulate every functio n of the body. So, whether we know it or not, urine does have an extremely important and undisp uted place in medicine-and not just as a diagnostic tool or as an ingredient of various synthetic drugs. Your first reaction once you've read the convincing research demonstrating urine 's often startling medical uses may be a willingness to use it as long as it's a ltered enough to make it unrecognisable. Many people might consider a synthetic or chemically altered form of urine-such as urokinase, the blood clot dissolver- as preferable to using it as a natural medicine. But, there are many reasons for using urine in its natural form rather than as a synthetic drug or extract, not the least of which is the fact that there is no synthetic equivalent for individual urine, and never will be, owing to the treme ndous complexity and uniqueness of each person's urine constituents. Just as nature produces no two people who are exactly the same, there are also n o two urine samples in the world that contain exactly the same components. Your own urine contains elements that are specific to your body alone and are medicin ally valuable ingredients tailor-made to your own health disorders. How can that be? It is because your urine contains hundreds of elements that are manufactured by your body to deal with your personal, specific health condition s. Your body is constantly producing a huge variety of antibodies, hormones, enz ymes and other natural chemicals to regulate and control your body's functions a nd combat diseases that you may or may not know you have. Modern research and clinical studies have proven that the thousands of critical body chemicals and nutrients that end up in your individual urine reflect your i ndividual body functions, and, when re-utilised, act as natural vaccines, antiba cterial, antiviral, anti-cancer agents, hormone balancers, allergy relievers, et c. (Talk about the perfect preventive care treatment!) Many doctors have discovered and shown that it's extremely important to use our own natural urine in healing because extracts or synthetic drug forms of urine d on't contain all of these individualised elements that address our personal, ind ividual health needs. Another reason that many doctors have emphasised the use of the natural form of urine is that it does not produce side-effects whereas synthetic drugs and thera pies all produce side-effects, many of which are extremely dangerous. As an example, the urine-extract drug called urokinase, which is used to dissolv e dangerous blood clots, can cause serious abnormal bleeding as a side-effect; b ut natural urine itself, which contains measurable amounts of urokinase, has bee n used medicinally even in extremely large quantities without causing side-effec ts. If you're not familiar with just how pervasive and extreme the risk of chemical drug-taking is, go to the library and look up a copy of The Physician's Desk Ref erence for Non-prescription Drugs (Medical Economics Data Productions Co., Inc., 1993, 14th ed.). This is the doctor's guide to every prescription and over-the- counter drug on the market, and every one of them is accompanied by a long list of ominous and frightening potential side-effects. On the other hand, in almost 100 years of laboratory and clinical studies on the use of natural urine and simple urea in medicine, extraordinary results have be en obtained, but no toxic or dangerous side-effects to the user have ever been o bserved or reported by either researchers or patients using the therapy. As we've learned, urea, which is the principal solid ingredient of urine, has be en synthesised and medically used with excellent results and with no side-effect s. But again, research has shown that whole urine can cure many disorders that u rea cannot, because urine contains thousands of therapeutic agents such as impor tant natural antibodies, enzymes and regulating hormones that urea alone does no t contain. Urine therapy not only has dozens of successful research trials supporting it, b ut also thousands of success stories from people all over the world. As many peo ple today have discovered, conventional medicine held no answers for either thei r chronic or acute illnesses and health disorders-but urine therapy did. About the Author: Martha Christy is a nutritional and natural health-care consultant, medical rese arch writer and editor, and author of the international bestseller, Learn to Con trol Stress with the Stress Test. Her other books include Reconstructing The Rea l You, Even Good Foods Can Be Bad For You (Personalizing Your Nutrition), Balanc ing Your Body's pH, Simple Diagnostic Tests You Can Do At Home, and Homeopathy a nd Your Own Perfect Medicine. **************************************** URINE THERAPY by Devendra Vora, M.D. Chapter 8: Health in Your Hands Volume 1 Even the allopathic doctors in the west, have accepted that to fight and clear t oxins from the body, our own body creates antibodies. Now, during sleep the comp uter of our body manufactures such medicine according to specific requirements of the individual and is present in a big quantity in the first urine in the mor ning. And so, if the first urine is drunk, the body will get all its requirement s, salts, etc. This is the principle of this therapy. Realising its great medici nal value, costly life saving injections are prepared from urine in Japan. It may be surprising to note that even in the religious scriptures like Shivpura n, Mahabharat, Bible, etc., it is mentioned that this urine is the nectar of lif e and details about how to drink the same are very well narrated in Shivpuran. E ven the culprits know the benefit of the urine. Whenever they are caught, the fi rst thing they do, is to drink their own urine, so that when they get a heavy be ating, they can recover from it very soon. Even in long fasting, it is advised t o drink one's urine. Sri Morarjibhai Desai, the former Prime Minister of India and a great propagator of this Urine therapy, used to drink his urine and massage the same on his body for 40 years till his death at the age of 100. That was the secret of his reddi shness till the last minute. His skin was healthy and had no wrinkles. It was sm ooth and glowing. At the age of 61, cataract started in his eyes. He started using his urine, as e ye-wash and cured his cataract and had no need to get cataract removed till the age of 91-thus he prevented cataract formation for 30 years. In all types of chronic diseases, it is advisable to drink one's urine. Dr Beatr ice Barter of U.S.A claims to have cured even patients of AIDS with urine therap y. I am of the opinion, that if treatment mentioned in this book for cancer of b lood and thalasemmia is combined with this urine therapy, the problem of AIDS ca n be controlled quite easily and rapidly. How to Use : Let the first few drops pass. Then collect the urine in a clean gla ss /tumbler or in hands and drink it. For Eyes : Keep it in an eye glass or in the palm and use it as an eye wash afte r the urine has cooled down. It is effective to keep eyes in good condition and to cure the beginning of cataract. Teeth : For any types of problems of teeth-even when teeth are shaking, gargle t his urine for at least five minutes. Massage it on the gums. Care of Hair : Massaging of urine on hair and scalp makes the hair soft and silk y, clears dandruff, germs, etc. It can be applied on the face before a shave as a shaving cream and it will give a clean smooth shave and afterwards can also be used as after shave lotion. Suc h an application enhances the glow of face, and so can be very well used by both men and women. It will be found to be one of the best shampoos. Skin Problems : It is one of the best medicines for the skin. In the book, the u se of urine in syphilis, gangrene, white spots, etc. has been separately explain ed. How to Apply on Skin : Warm the first urine, let it cool down. The crust has to be removed. Soak cotton in this lukewarm urine and massage it on affected parts for 2 to 5 minutes. Before doing so, massage ice on the affected parts for 2 to 3 minutes. Afterwards, wash with clean water. At the same if two to three cups of green juice is drunk daily and colour treatm ent is taken the results are astounding; it even cures white spots. Precaution : Before using self urine, please get it Tested'. It should not conta in 'Sugar' or 'Pus'. If it contains sugar or pus, take the treatment to cure the same, and do not use your urine till then. ****************************************

Yep, urine for a surprise Dorothy, and no we're not in Kansas anymore. Urine therapy can be a very effective healing modality. Sometimes when all else fails, urine therapy will turn a person around. We will be covering some of the reasons why this may be so, and in that regard will lightly touch on homeopathy and isopathy. Both of these concepts are often discussed by holistic practitione rs. You will get a deeper understanding of isopathy as it is touched on here if you take the Rot & Rust Tour in one of the educational sections of this website.

YOUR BODY'S OWN MEDICINE Sometimes you may find, that as much as you try to eat right, to take the approp riate nutritional supplements, to exercise, to drink plenty of pure water - you still just don't get better or solve your particular health challenge. When you cannot find a practitioner in your sphere that is able to get to the core of wha t ails you, these are the times when you may need a little extra help. In that l ight I'd like to review homeopathy/isopathy and your body's own medicine. Homeopathy In definition, homeopathy is: A therapeutic method, which clinically applies the Law of Similars and uses medically active substances at infinitesimal doses. Ok, so lets say you get sick with the flu. By using the Law of Similars, you wou ld give yourself an additional dose of some same or similar flu virus, and this would stimulate your immune system to go into battle. That's using the Law of Si milars. However, in homeopathy, you never take the similar substance full streng th. You take an infinitesimally smaller amount. Actually, it is so small as to b e unmeasurable by physical scientific instruments. To get to such a small level, the original substance goes through a dilution pro cess. For example, suppose you were making a flu remedy. You would take, for ins tance, 99 drops of distilled water and add one drop of flu virus. You would vigo rously shake that solution 50 to 100 times (homeopaths call this succussing). Th en you would take a drop of that solution and add it to another 99 drops of wate r and shake again. Then take a drop of that solution and do it again, and again, and again, etc. By the time the homeopath is through with this process, any sci entific laboratory could analyze the solution and all they would say is that the substance is just water. BUT, and this is a big but, the power of the remedy is in the vibrational imprint that has been stamped on the water itself by the ori ginal flu drop and through each successive generation. And this is where we get into quantum physics and subtle energy, areas where our physical sciences are no t yet capable of going. When the body is given a homeopathic remedy, it is stimulated into action, not b ecause of the physical or chemical nature of the substance, but because of the e nergetic nature. The body receives new vibratory information and acts accordingl y. Now to anyone trained in the physical sciences, this is not provable. But whe ther you believe this yourself or not is irrelevant, the fact is, homeopathics c an be a very powerful healing resource when used correctly. Isopathy In the Rot & Rust educational tour in the microscopy section, we have a discussi on about the colloids of life in the blood. These are hypothetical constructs wh ich say if the terrain of the blood (i.e. the bloods pH balance, mineral balance etc.) gets shifted, the elemental forms, the colloidal particles known as the p rotits or somatids, will change their shape to adapt to the new environment. Wha t they change into can be pathogenic (disease producing) to the body. This is the biological aspect to the disease process in the body as espoused by some thinkers. When Professor Enderlein (ref. Rot & Rust) was doing all of his r esearch in this area, he believed the developmental life cycle of an internal pa rasite to be real. He knew that disease was brought about by a shifted internal metabolic balance. To get well, you had to rebalance that metabolism. Understand ing these concepts, in relation to also theorizing a totally biological nature o f disease, he developed biological preparations to speed the healing process. To day these preparations are made primarily by companies most notably out of Germa ny. As biological preparations, they work on a supposedly unique level. If microbes do indeed evolve in the blood to a pathogenic level, then to get well, you woul d want to de-evolve those same microorganisms back to a stage where they no long er present a problem.. The primary way to do this is through diet (i.e. rebalanc e pH). But in severe situations, you could accelerate the process biologically. This is where Enderlein's remedies would come into play. He theorized that if yo u have a microbe at one late developmental stage in the body that is causing pro blems, you could introduce the earlier stage of that same type of microbe and th ey would mate and become a lesser form. This is how his isopathic remedies work (iso meaning equal or same). Enderlein's so-called protit was seen as a colloid of life--a progenitor to late r stages of development if the pH of the blood gets thrown off. To de-evolve the later pathogenic stages, the re-introduction of new cultured young protits back into the blood, would see the pathogenic forms become lesser, apathogenic forms . This is the basis for Enderleins isopathic remedies. It claims to promote gent le and effective self healing through biological means. Understanding these two concepts of homeopathy and isopathy, is going to lead to a further understanding of just what the power may be that is behind the effect iveness of the medicine your own body produces. The Product of Your Own Metabolism The first time I was exposed to the concept that the body makes its own medicine , it was through a friend who was introduced to it through an eastern Indian "gu ru" type of fellow. I thought it was interesting but a wacky kind of idea and I never thought about it again - until I came across a book. The book is entitled, "Your Own Perfect Medicine" by Martha Christy. She has an interesting story to tell. Ms. Christy was sick. Very sick. For a very long time. Pelvic inflammatory disea se, ulcerative colitis, Chron's disease, chronic fatigue syndrome, Hashimoto's d isease, mononucleosis. She had severe kidney infections, two miscarriages, chron ic cystitis, severe candida, endometriosis, adrenal insufficiency, serious chron ic ear and sinus infections, food and chemical allergies. And that wasn't the ha lf of it. She had every conceivable medical test, her share of surgery, and drug s - plenty of them. Then she tried all forms of alternative therapy. Homeopathy, herbs, mega-vitamins and liv-cell treatments in Mexico. After traditional medic ine failed to work, she and her husband spent over $100,000 trying to get her we ll with alternative approaches. Nothing worked. And then one day, her husband brought home a little book that told of how indivi duals had been cured of even the worst diseases with a seemingly strange and lit tle-known natural therapy. Soon afterwards, she began the therapy herself. From the first day she began, she received almost instantaneous relief from her incur able constipation and fluid retention. Within a week, her severe abdominal and p elvic pain was gone. The chronic cystitis and yeast infections (internal and external) soon disappear ed and her food allergies, exhaustion, and digestive problems all began to heal. After a few more months, her colds, flu, sore throats and on again off again vir al symptoms disappeared. Her hair which had fallen out by the handfuls after her fifth surgery became thick and lustrous. Her weight normalized, and her energy and strength came back. After nearly 30 years of non-stop illness, Martha Christ y was whole again. What was this therapy that she had discovered? What was this therapy that has he lped seriously ill patients gain complete remissions from their afflictions? Wha t was it that she actually did? Well, here it is. She orally and medicinally re-consumed her own urine. Whoa! Gag! She did what? That's what I thought when I first heard about this. But I also absolutely neede d to know more. What I discovered is that urine is not the substance we think it is. In her book, Martha Christy explains what urine is.... In Layman's Language Urine is not, as many believe, the excess water from food and liquids that goes through the intestines and is ejected from the body as "waste". It is much diffe rent and much more. When you eat, the food you ingest is eventually broken down in the stomach and intestines into extremely small molecules. These molecules ar e absorbed into tiny tubules in the intestinal wall and then pass through these tubes into the blood stream. The blood circulates throughout your body carrying these food molecules and othe r nutrients, along with critical immune defense and regulating elements such as red and white blood cells, antibodies, plasma, microscopic proteins, hormones, e nzymes, etc., which are all manufactured at different locations in the body. As the blood circulates, it passes through the liver where toxins are removed an d later excreted from the body in the form of solid waste. Eventually, this now purified "cleaned" blood makes its way to the kidneys. When blood enters the kid neys it is filtered through an immensely complex and intricate system of minute tubules called nephron through which the blood is literally "squeezed" at high p ressure. This filtering process removes excess amounts of water, salts and other elements in the blood that your body does not need at the time. These excess elements are collected within the kidney in the form of a purified, sterile, watery solution called urine. Many of the constituents of this filtere d watery solution, or urine, are then reabsorbed by the nephron and delivered ba ck into the bloodstream. The remainder of the urine passes out of the kidneys in to the bladder and is then excreted from the body. The function of the kidneys is to keep the various elements in your blood balanc ed. When your body doesn't need something at a particular time, it is excreted - not because it is toxic or poisonous or bad for the body, but simply because th e body does not need that particular element at the time. Medical researchers have discovered that many of the elements of the blood that are found in urine have enormous medicinal value, and when reintroduced to the b ody, they boost the body's immune defenses and stimulate healing in a way that n othing else does. A Nutrient Rich Powerhouse In 1975, one of the founders of Miles Laboratories, Dr. A. H. Free, published hi s book Urinalysis in Clinical Laboratory Practice, in which he remarked that not only is urine a sterile body compound (purer than distilled water), but that it is now recognized that urine contains literally thousands of compounds. Among t he urine constituents mentioned in Dr. Free's treatise is a list of nutrients th at will knock your socks off. Here's just a few... Alanine, Arginine, Ascorbic acid, Allantoin, Amino acids, Bicarbonate, Biotin, C alcium, Creatinine, Cystine, DHEA, Dopamine, Epinephrine, Folic acid, Glucose, Glutamic acid, Glycine, Inositol, Iodine, Iron, Lysine, Magnesium, Manganese, M elatonin, Methionine, Nitrogen, Ornithane, Pantothenic acid, Phenylalaline, Phos phorus, Potassium, Proteins, Riboflavin, Tryptophan, Tyrosine, Urea, Vitamin B 6, Vitamin B12, Zinc/ Stories have been told of individuals who have both lived and died by being trap ped in places without food and water for days. Those that survived did so becaus e they drank their own urine, those that perished did not. The ones that died pr obably could not overcome the mis-informed thoughts that urine is a waste produc t of the body. It's not. It's just a substance the body secretes that contains e lements not needed at the time. Despite what you may have been led to believe about urine, pharmaceutical compan ies have grossed billions of dollars from the sale of drugs made from urine cons tituents. Research is happening every day in labs attempting to isolate specific elements of urine so they can create new drugs and patent the substances. For i nstance, Pergonal is a fertility drug made from human urine. 1992 sales of this drug were reported at $855 million while it costs a patient $1400 a month to con sume. Urokinase, a urine ingredient, is used in drug form and sold as a miracle blood clot dissolver for unblocking coronary arteries. Urea, medically proven to be one of the best moisturizers in the world, is packaged in expensive creams a nd lotions. Take the M out of Murine eye drops and what do you have? Yep. It's m ade from carbamide - another name for synthetic urea. A Powerful Healer To get some understanding of how urine can be such a powerful healing substance in and of itself, let's take a look at how urine therapy has been known to compl etely eliminate allergies. We read where researchers have discovered that allergic responses are caused by "renegade" white blood cells that inappropriately attack substances even when th ey may be no threat to the body. So it is the activity of these renegade white b lood cells, called antigen receptors, that needs to be corrected in order to cur e the allergy. In 1982, studies published by Dr. William Linscott (in Basic and Clinical Immuno logy) showed that when these antigen receptors (or renegade white blood cells) a re reintroduced into the body, the body actually developed antibodies to these a ntigen receptors, and the antibodies then stopped the allergic response. Realizing that the urine of allergic individuals contains the allergy causing an tigen receptors, researchers thought that to re-introduce the urine back to the allergic individual would mean antibodies would be produced which would then sto p the allergic response. And that is exactly what happens. Allergies have been c ompletely turned around with urine therapy. Using urine in this way to cure the allergy, is one form of isopathic treatment. You're using the same substance that is causing the allergy, to be reintroduced to the body to have the body manufacture its own antibody to it. If you grasp t his point, you may be able to see the ability of this therapy to be used in just about any illness the body may experience. More Electrons for Your Body Most of the time when a measurement of any given urine sample's oxidation and re duction reading (the ORP value) is taken, it often shows the urine in a reduced state. Chemically this means that there are more electrons (the charge is reduce d in the negative direction). We like to say that the flow of life moves on the flow of electrons. If there are a lot of electrons in the urine, then where are they coming from? Yep, from you. So if your papa ever said, child, you're pissin g your life away--might there be more to that statement then meets the ears? Fre e electrons can be given to free radicals to fight oxidation so perhaps urine th erapy also works along these lines. Something to think about. Or maybe it is jus t that things are better the second time around - they've already been processed somewhat once. Concepts From the Isopathic Thinkers To take this isopathic idea a bit further, let's come back to the theories of Gu enther Enderlein and his biological perspective. As you'll recall, Enderlein dev eloped remedies that were based on his observations that how we get sick is a fu nction of the blood pH getting thrown off causing microbes in the blood to grow into pathogenicity. His biological remedies involved re-introducing the small co lloids of life, or the protits, back into the body to mate with the pathogenic f orms so they would de-evolve back into a non-pathogenic state. Mmm. Now let's take this idea in relation to urine therapy and expand it to meet this biological framework. Urine therapy has been able to cure seemingly incurable d isease states. Why is that? Well here's an idea. The colloids in your blood that are the protits/somatids, are very small particles. In fact they are so small a s to be unfilterable by something like the kidneys. Though researchers haven't b een looking, perhaps one of the invisible constituents of urine are these colloi d particles that naturally just get passed through the kidneys out of the blood. When one consumes their own urine through the process of urine therapy, they ar e receiving a dose of these pure colloids. These biologically proceed to support the immune function, and possibly lead to taking the pathogenic microbes in the blood back down to apathogenic states. In this way, urine truly becomes the bod y's own perfect medicine. Now Enderlein's theories have never been proven using modern scientific procedures to verify his ideas, and at some levels has been co mpletely dis-proven, but nevertheless people still believe them. Maybe the power of belief in this instance overcomes what factually may not be real. Open Minds Can Open Doors Don't take this therapy lightly. Multiple sclerosis, colitis, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, cancer, hepatitis, hyperactivity, pancreatic insufficiency, psoriasis , eczema, diabetes, herpes, mononucleosis, adrenal failure, allergies and so man y other ailments have been said to be relieved through use of this therapy. Afte r you overcome your initial gag response (I know I had one), you may realize tha t there might just be something to this and if you are searching for health, thi s is an area to investigate. There are numerous reports and double blind studies which go back to the turn of the century supporting the efficacy of using urine for health. The recurring points to all of the medical research done to date on urine indica tes that it is completely sterile. If it becomes contaminated it happens after i t leaves the body. Urine is a by-product of blood filtration, not waste filtrati on. Urine contains compounds that are very specific to the individual from which it comes. It is antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, antineoplastic (anticancer), anticonvulsive, and antispasmodic. It is totally non-toxic. With research that could fill volumes, you may be wondering why you haven't hear d of this before. Well, urine is abundant (everyone has their own supply), it's free, and it can't be patented. Reasons enough? How to Do It Very briefly, here are two main ways that are suggested to do urine therapy. Thi s is in no way a complete discussion of how to use the therapy, but simply an in troduction. 1) Use your own urine in a homeopathic fashion. First, collect midstream urine in a clean cup or container. This should be a cle an catch, meaning the genital area (important for women in particular) has been cleaned beforehand. To 1/6 ounce of distilled water in a sterile bottle, add one drop of fresh urine. Cap and shake 50 times. Take one drop of this mix and add to another 1/6 ounce of distilled water and shake 50 times. Take one drop of thi s mix and add to 1/6 oz. of 80 to 90 proof vodka which acts as a preservative. Place three drops under the tongue hourly until there is obvious improvement or temporary exacerbation of symptoms. As improvement progresses, lengthen the inte rval between treatments. After 3 days, suspend treatment to avoid pushing the im mune system. Treatment is resumed if progress remains static or relapse occurs.

2) Begin with oral drops then increase dosage as needed. Use fresh urine drops direct. For some cases, sub-lingual drops work well. (Should always use fresh urine immediately upon collection. You should not boil or dilute the urine in any way. You must use it in its natural form) Start by taking 1-5 drops of morning urine on the first day. On the second day, take 5-10 drops in the morning. On the third day, take 5-10 drops in the morning , and the same amount in the evening before you go to bed. Once you feel accustomed to the therapy, gradually increase the amount as needed for obtaining results for your condition. As you use the therapy, you will lear n to adjust the amount you need by observing your reactions to the therapy. It m ay be that you'll work up to actually drinking an ounce or two at a time. Note: We do not answer any questions about urine therapy. This is only here for informational purposes. For answers to any questions you may have, get the book entitled, "Your Own Perfect Medicine" by Martha Christy.

No statements on this website have been evaluated by the U.S. FDA or any other s tate governmental agency. No products listed herein are intended to assess, assa y, analyze, diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease or assist in the assessmen t of health of any human being or animal. This includes any hardware, equipment, software, or other tools shown or illustrated for any form of physical measurem ent or biofeedback, which sole purpose is for education and research in the heal th sciences and is intended solely for the use of private individuals engaged in their private activities, or strictly for education and research purposes by li censed health care professionals acting in their licensed capacity and respectin g the laws, statutes, regulatory and contract provisions of their license, compl iance to which is solely their responsibility. Any services and/or products we promote, sell, barter or trade is done so privately with the recipient's informe d consent only. The information provided on this site is purely for informational and research p urposes and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or ot her health care professional nor is any information contained on or in any produ ct label, packaging, book, pamphlet, pdf file or other site resource or product of Biomedx. No information on this site, nor use of any product shown on this s ite, is intended for the diagnosis or treatment of any health problem, for healt h assessment, for prescription of any medication, or for any other health treatm ent. You should consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, before taking any medication, or if you ha ve or suspect you might have a health problem. You should not stop taking any me dication without first consulting your physician. Review our site use statement for additional information. ********************************** Metastasized Ovarian Cancer,-This story is about Elizabeth Muller, a lady who go t angry with the medical system and chose to follow the advice of a plumber who recommended using urine therapy instead of the treatments of a fully staffed, mo dern hospital in California. Elizabeth lived in New York and she liked to listen to a radio program called Na tural Living with Garry Null on which I have been a guess 5 times. The station i s WBAI, public radio, 99.5 FM, at noon every weekday. On this particular day she was taping the program not knowing that the information on the tape would be cr ucial for her a few months later. She was in her fifties and had already gone through menopause, but she started b leeding while visiting a sister in California where her ordeal began back in 199 5. Her sister insisted on her being examined by her gynecologist who somehow con vinced Elizabeth to have a hysterectomy. Since she would not be having any more babies, this would reduce the risk of fibroid tumors and cervical cancer. The doctor was so smooth and swift that she agreed to have the uterus removed ev en though she probably did not need to go through that surgical procedure and sh e had been reluctant. I dont know if she knew then that 85% of all the hysterecto mies done in the United States were unnecessary, but that is not important for t he details of this story. What is important is that since hysterectomies were ro utine, no one bothered to check the patient for any other problems. While removi ng the uterus the surgeon discovered that her ovaries had become cancerous and t hat the cancer had already spread into the surrounding tissues. Though he had done this type of operations before, she was already anaesthetized , and everything else was ready to go, he did not remove the cancerous ovaries, as medical procedures suggest when the doctor has not been previously authorized by the patient. He left them intact and closed everything up as though there wa s nothing wrong or life threatening. Then they took X-rays and did other exams t o determine how serious the condition was. The following day the surgeon comes to see Elizabeth while she was recovering an d still gazed by the painkillers and anesthesia. He swiftly described the morbid discovery and outlined the surgical procedure that was planned for that afterno on or the next day. Elizabeth asked him how come he did not remove the cancerous ovaries while he was removing the uterus. A few more cuts and stitches would ha ve eliminated the threat and there would have been no need to go through anesthe sia and surgery all over again. When he told her that taking the initiative and removing organs without the know ledge and authorization of the patient was unethical and against the rules of th e hospital, Elizabeth went into a rage. She grabbed the ice-water bucket in the table nearby and threw it at the swift, son of a bitch (her own words) while blu rting out "Who the hell is the medical expert here," "You persuaded me to remove a perfectly good uterus and then leave rotten ovaries inside" "Forget about it, I wont let you touch me again, butcher." He knew she was very determined then, a nd there was no chance of him ever getting near her again. That was the last thing Elizabeth said to that doctor. The medical staff, psychologist, priest, sister and everyone else who had a smoo th voice came over and tried to persuade her into having the surgery done. They explained that she had a serious problem and that something had to be done, but Elizabeth would not change her mind. She was not going to have surgery again, specially at that hospital. Other surge ons came to talk to her, they even offered to send her to nearby hospitals, but she refused again and again. The last time the room was full of delegates trying to convince her, she replied "I am going back to New York, find a tape that contains a program in which a plu mber was talking about urine therapy. Then I will contact this guy and follow hi s advice because he made more sense than all of you guys put together" Well, she found the tape, and attended two of the seminars I used to conduct the n. She purchased a rectal implant syringe, the small bottle I suggest for the Un iversal Remedy and a copy of my book "UROPATHY, The Most Powerful Holistic Thera py" and went home to work of her recovery. The note indicated part of her ordeal and miraculous recovery. I called her back and that is when she revealed the triumph over ovarian cancer using the holisti c, natural and autotherapeutic remedies she found in my book "UROPATHY, The Most Powerful Holistic Therapy" and suggested to her in my seminars. Elizabeth did n ot use the injections of urine. I was not confident enough about them when she a ttended my seminars. Brain Tumor inoperable,-The name of this man escapes my memory but I went to vid eo tape his testimony and recovery while visiting Nicaragua in December 2001. He had been hospitalized because of an inoperable brain tumor that was growing rap idly. The tumor was putting pressure in the part of the brain that controls musc les, therefore he was paralyzed and all the muscles were becoming atrophied for lack of activity and control. By the time Jose, one of the people saving lives and promoting urine therapy in Leon, Nicaragua, came over looking for him because he needed a helper for a cons truction job. They were friends since childhood and when Jose saw his condition he immediately went back home to get some syringes and start the treatment. Ther e was no time to lose. Jose was applying the injections every week or so when they should have been app lied every three days for reasons that will be described in the chapter Why are a utotherapeutic remedies so effective. By the time the patient himself was able to talk again he asked Jose to apply th e injections every three days because he felt great for 72 hours after each inje ction. After nine treatments, the paralyzed man who had been a vegetable near death, wa s able to walk around the neighborhood and take care of himself. Jose continued to apply the treatments for several months as I was writing this book and on Apr il First, 2002 I spoke to him to find out how the patients were doing. The brain tumor stop growing and his friend was able to go on living a life that is quite normal. The children decided to take him to see a specialist and Jose stopped visiting him. He is not able to tap dance or climb coconut trees, but considering that he is i n his seventies, which is very old for people in a third world country like Nica ragua, and that his funeral was supposed to take place a year a half ago, he is doing very well. This man is able to take showers on his own, he eats with his own hands, and get s dress in the morning without assistance and for all these things the family is grateful. Terminally advanced Breast Cancer,- This is the story of a very heroic woman who deserves 5 starts for putting up with the treatments that helped her survive an unprecedented breast cancer condition that had spread throughout the entire bod y and was affecting all her organs. Her name is Juana Lucia Vasquez Espinoza and she is from Leon, Nicaragua. Her ordeal started four of five years before I met her when tumors started developing in her left breast. She is a poor woman, mar ried with 9 children and for reasons I dont understand, she did not seek medical attention when it must have been obvious that there was a problem in a breast th at became too large. By the time she went to see a doctor, the breast looked like a bowling ball with several tumors popping out in the upper / outer quadrant. When the doctor looke d at her, he shook his head from side to side in disbelieve and disgust. The onl y thing he said was, Why did you wait so long? He ordered X-rays of the breast, thorax, abdomen, lungs and everything else, alo ng with the usual blood and urine tests. When he analyzed the results of all the exams, he realized that there was nothing he could do for Juana Lucia. The canc er had spread into the lymph nodes and into the chest muscles near the heart. It was also affecting the lungs, kidneys, liver, spleen, and pancreas. Most of the patients treated who were only half as bad, did not recover. The only thing tha t could save Juana Lucia was a miracle. Any treatments or attempts to operate on her would be a futile waste of time. She had waited too long. The other doctors she went to see thought her situation was hopeless. The last doctor, a brother of the guy I was staying with, held hands and prayed with her. Christian friends from a nearby church came over to the house and prayed with he r because it was obvious that she would be meeting Jesus Christ soon. She had be en in bed for 8 months or so and she used to ask God to make a decision with her life because she was desperate in limbo waiting to die, but death would not com e. She did not really want to die because of several girls that were too young t o leave behind. Her children were the most important thing in life and she could not bare the thought of leaving them orphans. The miracle she was praying for came along with a red and a blue cap on the head s of Jose and Roberto, two men who had improved their own health after reading c opies of "UROPATIA, La Terapia Holística Más Poderosa" the Spanish version of "UROPA THY, The Most Powerful Holistic Therapy" which I finished writing in 1996. Jose and Roberto had been promoting the use of urine therapy as an alternative t reatment for common maladies and serious diseases. They had improved the health of many people in the country and had even saved the lives of patients whom supp osable had incurable diseases. The health of everyone who used urine improved an d most people recovered completely from their maladies. Jose and Roberto explained that ingesting some of her urine several times a day, and applying pure urine injections intramuscularly in the leg or buttock, were the treatments suggested for conditions such as hers. Since she was desperate, h ad no money to try anything else, and had nothing to lose, she agreed to let Gods helpers start the treatments. Jose and Roberto never asked her for money or any other kind of compensation. In this book I will only describe the treatments that are most effective to assi st the bodys own disease fighting and self healing instincts so that these instin cts themselves fought serious and terminal diseases such as cancer. Except for t he "Brief introduction to Uropathy" chapter, I will not dwell too much in the co ncept of urine therapy. That has already been done in "UROPATHY, The Most Powerf ul Holistic Therapy" a self-published book that has been read in dozens of count ries around the world. That book was put together at home in a semi automatic bo ok binding machine I built as a hobby at home. The publishing houses do not inve st money in a book on health written by a person without a medical background. The most effective treatments described for her condition were pure urine, and d iluted-puss injected intramuscularly. Pure urine injections have to be applied a t intervals of two-days, and diluted puss or whatever pathological discharge, ev ery week when it is available. When Jose and Roberto went to see Juana Lucia, there was no puss or any other ki nd of discharge available, therefore they started applying injections of pure ur ine. For more information on how the injections are prepared, read the chapter t hat bares that title. They didnt know too much about the treatments and pretty mu ch depended on her feedback to determine the frequency of the injections. They i nitially did it every week or so. Juana Lucia told them she felt good for about three days after each injection so they applied them observing the shorter inter val. A couple of weeks into this ordeal the tumors developed a small opening as they surfaced and some puss dripped out. Jose and Roberto agreed to prepare an inject ion of diluted-puss as described in the autotherapy chapter of Uropathy. This wa s the first time they had followed the instructions in the book to apply diluted -puss. They didnt know what was going to happen when they applied this particular treatment, but they trusted what they read. The simplicity of all the autothera peutic remedies made them accessible to everyone and proved to be of great value assisting the self healing and disease fighting instincts of the body. A few days after the diluted pus injection were applied, the body who is after a ll the greatest physician that ever lived, was able to surface the tumors and a big gash opened up as the body eliminated all the puss in the tumors. It is impo rtant to mention that they had no alcohol or sterilized equipment besides the sy ringes and some clean gauze donated to Juana Lucia at the hospital as an act of kindness to a dying woman. Jose and Roberto used her own urine for everything. O ne of her daughters was instructed on how to clean and dress the wound every day or whenever it was necessary. The child was very brave but she was happy to be of any assistance to help her mother live. To assist the cleansing process Jose and Roberto applied urine directly into the opening of the tumors to flush out the puss out from the inside. The wound open ed up more and Roberto relates how big it was since he was able to use the four fingers of the right hand, not the thumb, to clean the wound. Juana Lucia was im proving steadily and her body craved for soup. No one understood what the cravings meant at the time. They just gave her the so up she wanted. I explained to them while I was there to film hers and other test imonies, that the body was asking for salt and water to replace the liquids she was losing as the body cleansed itself and to boost the immune system. The breast started getting smaller as the body was healing itself in a process d escribed in my book that is called "The healing crisis." Juana Lucia was definit ely getting better, but there was a very strong smell of decomposing matter or r otten flesh coming from the wound. When her grown up children came to visit, the stench was horrendous even before they entered the house. Consequently, they be came concerned with the well being of their mother. They didnt understand the healing-crisis, a process during which all the toxins a re expelled out by the body itself. They thought the treatments were causing mor e harm than benefit, and concerned for their mother they argued with Jose and Ro berto. Her children threatened to do serious bodily harm Jose and Roberto continued app lying the treatments. Thinking that she knew enough to continue the treatments o n her own, and avoiding a confrontation with her children, they stop coming to a ssist her and that is when she found out how effective these remedies were. It is very important to say that when autotherapeutic remedies are used, the pat ient feels little or no pain during this kind of ordeal. Pain comes from dying c ells warning the body of the progress of the infection and because of stretching skin as tumors grow. Since Juana Lucia was hydrating herself better, was consum ing real-salt (no table salt in her town) and there were no more cells dying, th ere was no pain as long as she was getting the urine or diluted puss injections which are a powerful antidote to the venom of the malignant microorganism that c ause cancer. However, after the argument between her children and the naturists, as she calle d them, there was no one there with enough guts to apply the injections. Once th e body was unable to develop antibodies against the malignant microorganism that were causing the tumors because it was no longer receiving the vaccines (urine) every three days, the infections started getting worse, malignant bacteria star ted killing the cells of the body again, and Juana Lucia started feeling a lot o f pain. I decided to write this book and describe the specific treatments for cancer of the breasts and other parts of the body, because when I finished writing "Uropatía , La Terapia Holística Más Poderosa" in 1996, I had not figured out yet that urine w as the best cancer treatment available to humans. Most people feel complacency a nd disgust towards urine, but the ingredients this blood-byproduct contains make s it priceless because it replaces many of the drugs doctors have to give termin al patients. It is the ultimate weapon you could ever use against malignant bact eria, therefore urine is the greatest of all antibiotics. Since it also contains hydrogen peroxide, Ribonucleases, and Lysozyme (HIV-killing proteins) Urine is also a great antiseptic and disinfectant. Other ingredients make it a great slee ping aid, an anti-inflammatory, a muscle relaxant, a painkiller, and many other things I have not figured out yet. Without the aid of urine, the pain became intense and Juana Lucia had to go back to the same doctor that had predicted imminent death in a few months, before sh e started getting the injections of urine. He was shocked to see her again, but this time the shock came from seeing that she was still alive, and after noticin g that the breast was only two thirds as big or perhaps half its previous size. He is the best cancer doctor in Nicaragua and he knew that it was not possible t o improve conditions such as hers, or to save the life of anyone who had waited that long with the most advanced medical equipment known, which he had, or with anything else short of a miracle. To satisfy his curiosity the doctor had the same type of X rays and analyses don e the first time she came to see him. This time he was even more shocked when he saw that there was no trace of cancer in the lymphatic system, none in the surr ounding tissues, or in the rest of her organs. She was completely clean except f or the tumors that remained in her breast, which by the way, were healing very n icely. The guys at the clinic cleaned up the wound, gave her some antibiotics an d mild chemotherapy. But Juana Lucia did not feel as good with these treatments as she had felt while getting the injections of urine that support the body inst ead of harming it and destroying the intestinal flora, as antibiotics and chemot herapy do. To find out why autotherapeutic remedies are so powerful, read the "What is auto therapy" chapter in the books Uropathy, Breast Cancer and Prostate cancer. When she came back home from the hospital, Juana Lucia was radiant, full of hope and satisfaction after learning that the miracle she prayed for had taken place and she was going to recover. The urine injections saved her life and though th ere were still tumors to heal in the breast, she knew the cancer was in remissio n in the rest of the body. Since the treatments had been effective, Jose and Rob erto were asked to continue applying the urine injections. After 8 weeks or so, Juana Lucia woke up soaked in bodily fluids discharged from the wound. She called her daughter to bring her a clean towel, a light and a mi rror. When her daughter inspected the wound she was shocked in amazement. The wo und was pink inside and there was no trace of the tumor or puss left on it. From then on it was just a matter of waiting for the body to heal the wound. I can t ell you that it did heal very nicely as you see illustrated in the photograph of her left breast. Another important detail to mention is that while the immunization process is as sisted, the wound does not get infected and the patient feels little pain, or di scomfort. Pain is an alarm-signal body cells send to the brain when they are dyi ng. As long as the body is able to develop immunity against the microbes threate ning its cells it feels no pain. The Universal Remedy applied every two hours or so, or applying 1cc, intramuscular injections of urine every 48 to 72 hours acc omplishes the same thing too. Her testimony was recorded on video tape (she only speaks Spanish) and it is in my possession to provide the support, assistance and evidence women need to have faith in these procedures, and to make the right decisions if they ever have to face similar situations. Aids-1,- Several years ago, Max Caicedo was in Puerto Rico visiting his family f or what he believed was the last time because doctors had given him a month or t wo to live. Mr. Caicedo was dying from opportunistic infections caused by AIDS. He had been taking medication for several years and was close to death. He was v ery weak and needed a wheelchair. A loving niece in New York had faith that he w ould recover, somehow. She recorded a lecture I gave on radio in New York and ru shed the tape to her uncle. There was no time to loose. Caicedo had lost faith a nd had already paid for funeral services and a cemetery plot. He listened to the tape and decided to try it since he had nothing to lose. He threw away all medi cations and started to drink his urine as suggested. This is a decision that he will never regret because it saved his life. Withing three days, he had eliminat ed more excrement than in the previous six months. All his aches and pains were gone by the first week and his appetite and desire to live were back 100 percent . Within 10 days he had no need for the wheelchair and was gaining weight. Six w eeks after the radio interview, he attended one of my monthly lectures to descri be his positive experience with Uropathy. Caicedo was a new man who had gained 3 0 pounds. Six months later, he had visited Mexico, Miami and was on his way to S pain. He visited his doctors occasionally to make sure everything was okay and t o see the baffled looks on their faces when they saw how healthy he was. Lumps in the breast,-Linda discovered strange lumps in her breasts while getting dressed for a party. She was a single mother, 43 years old and her two children were becoming teenagers. They needed her more than ever therefore she decided t o fight with all her might. She did not have medical insurance and a friend advi sed her to go to the clinic at the local hospital to have some tests done. After going through several X rays the doctor asked for permission to do a biopsy. Sh e was reluctant. Therefore, he started mentioning the statistics and how quickly breast cancer spreads and kills its victims. She wanted to be informed of her o ptions, but demanded impartial information instead of gestapo-type tactics to sc are her into submitting to surgery, chemotherapy and radiation. After all, there was no proof of the tumor being malignant, it was just a dark spot on an X ray. The doctor insisted on Linda making a quick decision, but she knew that, althou gh this could be a life threatening situation, s approach was not really the best choice. Linda asked for more information on the actual caus e of breast lumps and breast cancer, but the doctor had no explanation other tha n saying that it was a common problem with women her age and that it could be ge netic. Linda recognized the doctors good intention, but she was getting frustrate d with his constant pressure into doing tests and going through surgery. She mad e an appointment to do a biopsy four weeks later, the doctor insisted, but could not persuade her to do it sooner. A friend of hers invited her to one of Martin Laras workshops to get a different point of view with respect to her condition. Though Mr. Lara is not a physician, she was able to understand that her problem was directly associated with the lymphatic system malfunctioning which resulted in the body not being able to eliminate all the waste produced by the cells in t he muscles, bones, joints and organs that make up a human being. Martin Lara is extremely resourceful person and a plumber by trade. Therefore, he knew exactly how the lymphatic system works in the body since it is very similar to the sewer system of any large city. The only difference is that instead of calling buildi ngs by different names he calls them muscles, bones, joints, eyes, ears, liver a nd lungs. And instead of using medicines and toxic substances Mr. Lara uses urin e, a blood byproduct that does not place additional burdens to the body. Linda s tarted using the ultimate universal remedy every two hours, the rectal implants every morning, she applied compresses with stale urine every night mixing the ur ine with eucalyptus oil to eliminate the smell, she rubbed fresh urine on the sk in three times a week and she drank three to four ounces of urine three times a day. In addition to all these applications, she improved her diet and made some changes in her lifestyle. Four weeks later Linda went to see the doctor for the biopsy that was scheduled previously. They proceeded to take the pre surgery X r ay and discovered perfectly healthy specimens. Nurse, Nurse, called the doctor. Do we have the right folder for this patient? Why! Yes doctor, the nurse replied . Linda was smiling cynically. She knew the lumps were gone, but she wanted the doctor to confirm it. The biopsy was not necessary since she eliminated the prob lem instead of dealing only with the symptoms as the doctor wanted. Aids-2,- Quique Paladino had full-blown AIDS in 1985 with ulcers of the mouth an d sores in the esophagus and stomach. He also had Kaposi's sarcoma on his face a nd inside his mouth, and a terrible case of athlete's foot that was reaching his knees. Paladino was a pharmaceutical drug salesman with access to all kinds of medications, but every medication he tried was useless against his health proble ms. One night he Attended a conference on uropathy, but the idea of drinking his own urine or applying it to the skin repulsed him. Paladino could not sleep at night because the ulcers on his legs were franticall y itching and driving him insane. He would scratch in a frenzy causing more inju ry and bleeding. In an act of desperation he applied urine to his legs ignoring his education and medical training. Urine stopped the itching in minutes and for the first time in months he slept more than six hours. A week later the ulcers that tormented him for more than three years were almost gone. A few weeks later the ulcers in his mouth disappeared and several months after that the Kaposi's sarcoma lesions he had on his face were gone. His quick recovery motivated him t o do some research and he was stunned when he discovered close to 800 references to urine as a therapeutic agent. He was so fascinated with the information disc overed that he organized "The Water of Life" monthly meetings at the Gay Lesbian Community Center as a support group to share his positive experience with other AIDS patients. Liver Disease,- Mark woke up in the middle of the night with a lot of pain, a sw ollen abdomen and high fever. This was the third time he had hepatitis. The day before he had eaten some food that was sitting in his stomach all afternoon and evening before he went to bed. I will be forced to take another week off, though t Mark, just like it happen in the two previous occasions. Although this time th e condition appeared to be worst and he may need more than a week to recover. Af ter a night of agonizing pain he was debating whether or not to go to the hospit al since they could do nothing more than keep him in observation for a few days while giving him intravenous antibiotics. That is what happened in the two previ ous occasions. He remembered reading in the book "UROPATHY The Most Powerful Hol istic Therapy" something about a deficiency of certain nutrients been related to his problem. Mark had a craving, but he could not identify it. He went to the b athroom and prepared the Universal Remedy using two drops of urine and a tablesp oon of water and applied a few drops of the mixture under the tongue as instruct ed in the book UROPATHY. Then he stumbled to the kitchen and looked in the refrigerator. There was nothin g in it that would satisfy his craving. He looked around the kitchen for anythin g else that could calm him down to no avail. I will drink a cup of hot water, he though, since he had no desire for coffee or tea and later I will decide whethe r or not to go to the hospital. As he reached over for a mug, a jar containing s ea salt caught his attention and somehow he decided to take half a teaspoon of s alt and drink it with the warm water that was boiling in the pot and then he wen t to bed. He slept like a baby a few hours more than usual. About ten in the mor ning the hot sun awakened him. It was Saturday and he started planning the day's agenda. Suddenly, he remembered being sick and touched his stomach. Strange, he thought, the pain, fever and inflammation were gone by 90% and he felt relative ly good. He called Martin Lara and discovered that a deficiency of certain ingre dients in natural salts, which he had not consumed in several years, were the ba sic substances required for the stomach to produce hydrochloric acid that was st rong enough to digest what he ate the afternoon before he became sick. Since tha t day he started using sea salt in his foods and has not had any more problems w ith hepatitis in more than three years. Malaria,- Michael M. was concerned about the smoke that he was breathing daily a nd the effects it could have on his health. He heard a radio interview I gave in 1992 and attended one of my lectures. To test his endurance, he would time how long he could hold his breath, which was usually about a minute. To clear his lu ngs he decided to breathe the vapors of boiling urine five to ten minutes every day after work. Four days later, he developed a severe "healing crisis" that for ced him to stay home three days. Two weeks later, he started breathing vapors ag ain, but this time he had no healing crisis. Uropathy had increased his oxygen a bsorbing capacity so much that he held his head under water for more than three minutes to show his coworkers what urine had done for him. In October 1995, I received a letter from Mr. Maloney who was vacationing in Ind ia. He had been very careful with the water and food there because tourists ofte n developed malaria, cholera, dysentery and food poisoning due to lack of toilet paper and poor sanitary conditions. During a religious ceremony he was compelle d to drink water from a sacred well and developed dysentery since the water was contaminated. By the time he had the first symptoms he was on a train to a city 48 hours away. Vomiting and diarrhea started a few hours after departure and he started to drink an abundant amount of urine hoping to control or eliminate the problem. (He should have used diluted urine under the tongue). Although the cond ition improved some, he started to worry because there was no medical attention available for more than 40 hours. He had a copy of the first edition of this boo k with him and he started reading the chapter on AUTOTHERAPY. I explained how Doctor Charles Duncan prepared vaccines using the pathological d ischarge caused by the disease, feces in this case. Maloney prepared the vaccine in a couple of hours and administered it to himself. Relieve was almost instant aneous. He felt a warm feeling come over his intestines and he gradually started recuperating. A few hours later it was all over, and except for some intestinal gas the next day, there was no other problem. He was very appreciative to have read about the vaccine because he feared what could have happened if he had to b e admitted into a hospital in India. He had no other problems during the rest of the trip and in his letter he thanked me for including this life-saving informa tion in my book. Tooth Abscess,- Jose Martinez had a bad infection in a tooth that needed root ca nal or extraction. The infection caused his face to become inflamed and he had a lot of pain. He obtained temporary relief with pain killers but he was getting desperate. He remembered reading in the urine therapy book that holding a mouthf ul of urine for a few minutes was an excellent treatment for this type of proble m. He used the remedy every four to six hours as recommended just as if he was t aking medication. He was desperate and wanted to see if this simple remedy would work before going to the emergency room at a local hospital. He recalled the ta ste of urine being repulsive, but the pain was unbearable. Besides holding urine in his mouth, he also put a rag soaked in urine on his face. Within minutes, th e pain started diminishing and two hours later the inflammation started subsidin g. He prepared the ultimate universal remedy and used it as instructed, every th ree hours, for a few days before seeing the dentist and all the while the pain a nd the infection were under control. His dentist could not believe Martinez's st ory and though she will never admit it in public, she now mentions the applicati on to patients who are allergic to, or do not like using antibiotics. High fever, undiagnosed-Lourdes V. had a fever of 104 degrees two days in a row. She did not want to go to the emergency room because during a previous visit to get treated for food poisoning she lost her baby and ended up getting three ope rations. She almost died in the hospital and she was deadly afraid of those inst itutions. By the time her mother was notified of the situation, Lourdes was dehy dration and desperate. Her mother insisted on taking her to the emergency room a t the local hospital, but she refused. If you dont want to go to the hospital, he r mother replied, then your must drink a glass of urine right away. Crunching he r teeth, she complied by drank all the urine she passed the next time she had to urinate. Within 20 minutes, she started sweating and the fever started going do wn and down to about 85 degrees. She slept for six hours. Upon awakening she had diarrhea and her temperature was normal. Now that she has seen first hand how p owerful urine therapy is, she uses her urine regularly. Epilepsy,- While visiting Palmira, Colombia, one of my students described what h appened one afternoon when the 11-year-old child of a friend had an epileptic se izure. While the family hysterically looked for medication for the child, my stu dent quickly went to the bathroom and put 10 drops of his urine in a dropper and immediately applied it under the tongue of the sick child. He activated the chr onometer in his watch to see what happened since this was an experiment to see i f the urine could help in this case. Within 30 seconds the epileptic attack stop ped and two minutes later the child was back to normal. By the time the family o btained the medication the child was out of danger. They were baffled to see how quickly he recovered and wanted to know what on earth was so effective that the child recovered so miraculously fast. At first they thought my friend was jokin g, then they thought he was trying to poison the child. They could not believe t hat all this time they had been powerless to deal with the situation when they a lways had the treatment at hand. six months later the child has not had another epilepsy attack after learning to drink a little urine (two to four ounces) ever y morning. Kidney Stones,- Frank and I exchanged several Emails in an effort to answer seve ral questions concerning the use of the urine therapy for the health problems th at were bothering him. One of the problems was kidney stones for which I suggest ed drinking 6 to 12 ounces of morning urine with one third of a flat teaspoon of sea-salt. He was reluctant at first but passing a kidney stone was not the kind of experience he was willing to go through again. I suggested urinating in a cl ear glass so that he could look at the bottom for sediments. He started drinking the suggested remedy and a week later sent me an email to describe what had hap pened. He explained that on the 8th or 9th day there were pieces of kidney stone s the size of a grain of white rice in the glass and he prayed to thank God for not having to endure the pain of passing another kidney stone. Consumption,- Angy, 70, had been in a hospital for three months with ailments as sociated with old age. Her friend attended one on my lectures and told Mrs. Angy to start drinking some urine mixed with juice every time she went to the bathro om. She remembered her grandmother using urine to treat ailments when she was a child and decided to give it a try. She quickly recovered her appetite and withi n a week, she was out of the hospital. She attended one of my conferences soon a fter and increased her intake to about three ounces of urine every day. A month later, she discontinued her medications and was very active in church. She was e ating very well and gained about 20 pounds. Three months later, I saw her at a N ew Year's party. She had dyed her hair and she was dancing happily. A year later , she was doing fine and was very happy to be able to take care of herself. She explained that what motivated her was the though of going to a nursing home and not been able to be on her own. Cystitis, antibiotic resistant- Mary Lou had antibiotic resistant cystitis, for more than four months. Cystitis is a bladder infection that causes an intense bu rning sensation when people urinate. She had tried taking antibiotics, but reli ef was only temporary at the beginning. After a while the bacteria causing it ha d developed resistance to the antibiotics and there was nothing her doctors coul d do for her. They just told her to learn to live with it. That is when she star ted trying alternative procedures but the ones she used offered no permanent ben efit. A friend of hers told Mary Lou to call me because I could help her. Jenny, her fr iend, was not confident enough to explain all the details of the universal remed y and she did not want to turn Mary Lou off to the one approach that would defin itely get rid of the condition. It took me 45 minutes to convince Mary Lou to prepare and use the universal reme dy. She said that she would definitely try it. Well, she did and started using i t. By the first time she had to urinate after using the universal remedy, the bu rning sensation was gone. We spoke two months later and Mary Lou told me that th e condition had not bothered her since our first conversation. Several men have tried the universal remedy for cystitis too and they all have h ad the same miraculous results. Some of the people who use it suggest that I cal l the universal remedy the miraculous remedy instead, because it replaces all an tibiotics. Parkinson's disease shaking- I met Frank at a construction site in Manhattan, an d I noticed that he was shaking out of control. After an inquiry I discovered th at he have had Parkinsons disease for about three years. When I mentioned that th e universal remedy has been effective controlling the symptoms of Multiple Scler osis, lyme disease and other allergies he promised to try placing a drop of urin e under his tongue. Frank told me that he would definitely try it because the me dications for Parkinsons disease were very harmful and did not really help the pr oblem. The drugs caused a lot of damage to the liver, the intestines, the pancreas and the kidneys. But that was not all. The medications also caused hallucinations an d he did not want to continue taking them. I met Frank three days later and I im mediately noticed that he was not shaking. He immediately hugged me and asked me to sit down so that he could tell me what had happened. The morning after I tol d him to put a drop of urine under the tongue, he did it. At first it appeared t hat nothing was going to happen. But about 30 minutes later Josephine, his wife, noticed that the shaking had diminished almost completely. She asked Frank, Wha t was happening? He told her that he was testing a new drug and that it appeared to be working. A nyway, the shaking stopped for 45 minutes on the first try. He did it again the next morning and the shaking stopped for 4 hours. On the day I met him for the s econd time I gave Frank a small bottle with a dropper so that he could carry it around. Since that day, the shaking has been brought under control in 20 to 40 m inutes, but it always stops. Further research is being conducted on this particu lar illness. Antibiotic resistant COLITIS- Antibiotic Related COLITIS is alarmingly becoming a very common disease. This disease threatens every person that goes into a hosp ital in America and in most other places in the world. Doctor have no cure for t his disease because they are the ones who cause it. If you read de Mercks Manual, you will discover that what causes this is an indiscriminate use and abuse of a ntibiotics given to hospitalized patients. Believe it or not, they give very hig h doses of antibiotics to most patients in an effort to protect them from develo ping Colitis. Unfortunately doctors dont realize that building up the immune system is the only way to protect the patient. But instead of boosting the bodys defenses, they use antibiotics which destroy the intestinal bacteria which are the ones that prote ct the colon from the malignant bacteria. Antibiotics wipe out entire colonies o f good bacteria from the intestinal wall living the area unprotected and vulnera ble to the bad guys. I discovered this problem in "The Merck Manual" recently while researching the h ealth problem that was afflicting a close relative who had been hospitalized. So many antibiotics had been used on her that all the benign bacteria in the intes tine had been wiped out completely as confirmed by the doctor who was taking car e of this patient. Without the good bacteria to control them, harmful bacteria c ause deadly infections in the colon resulting in a build up of pus around the re ctum. The standard medical treatment for this type of infections is a very high dosage of the strongest antibiotic in the arsenal of doctors, VANCOMYCIN. But, once th e bacteria develop resistance to it there is nothing to help the patient. Since there is nothing the doctors can do for them, the bacteria usually decompose the colon requiring a colostomy bag, or a colon reconstructed from a piece of the s mall intestine. A patient who was sent to me in desperation received almost instantaneous relief from the pain and discomfort by using the universal remedy. I also recommended high dosages of sea-salt, plenty of fiber and urine injections. There were other suggestions but it would take too much time to list them all here. The patient had constant diarrhea but recovered almost completely in one week. Lyme Disease,- Muriel had been suffering with Lyme Disease for more than 5 years when I met her accidentally. I was supposed to visit 515 W26 Street and 512 W29 Street to investigate complaints concerning the plumbing work in the buildings. I ended up going into 515 on W29 Street and while there I started talking to th e super about my book and the treatments I suggest for viral diseases. That is w hen Muriel walked into the elevator. I explained to her that I was not a doctor or a physician but the treatments sug gested had worked for a man who had Lyme disease for 10 years and subsequently c ured himself with one injection of fresh urine intramuscularly. It sounded a lit tle bizarre to Muriel but the disease had just flared-up keeping her out of work for a week or so and she was desperate to try anything. Lyme is a viral disease deemed almost incurable by doctors requiring a strong do sage of antibiotics for a year. The virus is hard to kill because it hides in th e nervous system where it mutates and flares-up every three months or so. A urin e injection is effective against this and all other viral diseases because urine passes through the brain barrier and help the nervous systems cells build resist ance against the virus. I suggested she do a Urine Therapy search on the Internet and that she purchased my book to get more information. She read more about the treatment and applied as suggested. Four weeks later I met the super of the building in the subway and he told me that Muriel was doing great with a single application. Gangrene,- Margarita, 70, had gangrene in one leg and doctors wanted to amputate it. She was directed to apply a urine-soaked towel to her leg three or four tim es a day, and to drink seven to 15 ounces of urine per day. Although skeptical, she started to follow the instructions and noticed an improvement by the second day. Her condition improved every day and her leg was almost normal two weeks la ter. Emphysema,- is the condition that Mickey, my friend and previous employer Mickey has been battling for the past 10 years. He had always been constipated long be fore emphysema manifested and when I suggesting drinking water with salt he said he would definitely try it. After two weeks of taking this miraculous remedy hi s condition improved dramatically giving him a lot of vitality and making him go to the bathroom with much more regularity. He had not felt as good for a couple of decades. Fibroid Tumor,- Mery Garcia, 55, was without apparent health problems. She began to drink urine out of curiosity, and after two weeks she had labor pains. She d ischarged an ugly-looking, egg-sized blood clot. She was not aware of any previo us problem before the discharge. A week later she had a healing crisis in the fo rm of a strong cold that lasted about three weeks. During this time she was disc harging phlegm and mucus through the mouth and nose. I recommended that she eat raw garlic to accelerate the cleansing process. She wondered where all the phleg m was coming from, to which I replied that since she had been using antibiotics for more than 10 years, that phlegm had accumulated in her body. It took four we eks to cleanse her body. Prostate Enlargement,- Three years ago, John started having problems with the pr ostate gland. He had to urinate frequently during the day and had to get up two of three times at night. He went to the doctor and did not like what the doctor said about his problem. It turns out that half the matured men who go to the doc tor do so because of prostate gland problems. John had an honest doctor who told him that the best thing to do for prostate problems is to learn to live with it . The doctor explained that medication alleviates some symptoms, but created a h alf dozen other problems, and every man eventually required surgery. When he hea rd the prognosis and the word surgery, John decided to try urine therapy as desc ribed in the book UROPATHY The Most Powerful Holistic Therapy by Martin Lara. Af ter three weeks of drinking one to three ounces of morning urine and controlling fluid intake he no longer has to get up at night to urinate. "Martin, you have been telling me for more than a year to drink a little urine every morning as a way to prevent all health problems and get rid of any existing problem that had not manifested symptoms yet" said John. "Reading the book is what convinced me. It turns out that I really needed this remedy and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for being so persistent". I suggested that John use the rectal implant syringe once a day for a couple of weeks to eliminate the real problem which is an atrophied sphincter and improper sitting position that prevents a complete b owel elimination. The sphincter is supposed to eliminate all excrements in the r ectum, however because of malnutrition, lack of fiver and ignorance with respect to bowel management, some feces remains on the inside of the anus right next to the prostate gland and that is the real cause of all prostate problems (and hem orrhoids). The implant syringe flushes out the stagnated feces and heals the pro state gland and all the problems associated with this condition. Once you are ta king a full spectrum nutritional supplement and the rectum is clean, the muscle in the rectum (the sphincter) and the prostate gland will regenerate themselves. John purchased a rectal implant syringe from me promised to read the book again to take better care of his health. Prostate Cancer,- Andrew Douglass, 60, had prostate problems and the first doct or who saw him diagnosed cancer. After a few tests he recommended surgery and ch emotherapy. Douglas did not like those options so he decided to get a second opi nion. He did not like the second opinion nor the third, fourth or the tenth. Tho ugh the chance of complications with the general anesthesia or impotence were sl im, he was afraid of the surgery. And then there was also the emotional problem of an orgasm without ejaculation as a side effect of the operation. Since every prostate specialist wanted to operate on him he decided to look for alternatives and somehow found me. I explained to my audience that prostate cancer was only the symptom of another problem which was very simple to solve: stagnated-feces in the rectum and descen ding colon. This problem is also what causes yeast-infections, fibroid tumors, c ysts and cancer of the ovaries and cervix. I also described that the waste accum ulates in these organs because the muscles in the rectum and descending-colon be come atrophied after years of dehydration and lack of fiber in the diet. Normally there are no excrements in the rectum. When the body is ready to elimin ate its waste, it sends it to the rectum and sends signals of pressure in this a rea. If the person does not go to the toilet and eliminates the waste, the muscl es of the rectum send it back to the descending colon. But when the muscles of t he rectum are atrophied the waste remains in this organ. That is when yeast infections and prostate problems begin. And if this condition is not corrected, that is what would eventually cause cancer and death to the p erson. The stagnated waste becomes an incubator for malignant bacteria and very harmful parasites that rot all the organs around and eventually spread throughou t the body. The toxins these pathogens produce are extremely harmful and they al so reduce the blood oxygen level as the body tries to neutralize them. Everyone in the room was speechless after this revelation. Douglas, the guy with the problem asked me what I suggested for a person with his problem. I simply r eplied, flush it out using a special instrument I devised called a "Rectal Impla nt Syringe." This instrument is used to introduce pure urine directly into the p roblematic area. Many people introduce coffee, wheat-grass-juice or other prepar ations in the form of enemas however, I explained, I am a lazy and resourceful g uy and I use what is at hand. Since you go to the bathroom every morning to defe cate and urinate, use your urine for the implants since it is already there and it is great for this purpose. In the beginning I suggested applying the implants twice or three times a day un til the stool discharged has no odor. From them on do it once every morning, dri nk at least a cup of urine and use the universal remedy throughout the day. In a ddition to these suggestions he was supposed to follow other common-sense guidel ines such as drinking enough water to have pleasant urine all the time, eating m ore vegetables, dry brushing, urine rubs and other suggestions you will find in the cancer-fighting-chapter. At the time Douglas used a douche-bag his wife was no longer using. He noticed i mprovement within a couple of days. Two months later he went to visit some of th e doctors who wanted to operate on him and after checking the blood tests they c ongratulated him. There were still traces of the problem, but he was on his way to recovery. They could not believe that he recovered without surgery or medication. The doctors s howed no interest what so ever on the procedures Douglas used. He told them anyw ay even though he knew they would never reveal that information to other people. Douglas continued using the implants and a year later had no trace of the probl em. Rosacea- Penelope had Rosacea, a condition that swells the capillaries in nose a nd facial skin making it appear very pink or red. When she blushed, the conditio n remained for over 10 days. She was 35 years old and had tried everything her d octor suggested and even changing her diet for a macrobiotic one to no avail. Wh en a friend of hers suggested urine therapy, she thought it was bizarre. After r eading Uropathy, the most powerful holistic therapy she was convinced that this ap proach could help her. She started drinking half a cup of urine every morning an d in two weeks her condition was under control. When she blushed, the skin would still become a little more pinkish than normal, but it went back to its normal appearance 20 minutes later instead of lasting for days. She called me to share her testimony with me and to offer hope to the rest of the people who may be aff licted by this condition. Parasites, Amebas,- Pedro Alvarez' body was invaded by amoebas 10 years earlier and he was suffering the corresponding discomforts since then. Alvarez collected his urine one night and kept it in the bathroom for about 15 hours, then drank it the next day. By misunderstanding the instructions of a friend, who told him to drink fresh urine, he accidentally discovered a new application of urine ther apy for amoebas and tape worms. Surprisingly 15-hour-old urine did not taste tha t bad, he explains, but he immediately drank a tall glass of juice because he fe lt strange. Within 10 minutes or so he had abundant diarrhea. Alvarez was forced to stay close to the bathroom for the next two days. The diarrhea was so bad th at he feared dehydration, but he knew to drink a lot of water with a pinch of se a salt. He spent the weekend at home drinking water and diluted fresh fruit juic e. Monday morning he went back to work almost completely recovered. Three years later he hadn't had any more amoeba-related problems. Apparently the fermented u rine of a person with parasites is so effective that it even removes the eggs of these parasites. Influenza,- Donald had a troublesome health for the past 4 years or so when he f elt all the aches and pains associated with Influenza or flu symptoms. Every joi nt in the body ached intensively and this was his first time feeling that way. I recommended a couple of bowls of chicken soup and complained that it was not po ssible. That is when I suggested to prepare the Universal Remedy and to drink a 16-ounces mug of warm water and half of a flat teaspoon of sea-salt instead of t he chicken soup since real-salt and water are the two main ingredients, or rathe r the most important ones, to boost the immune system. He drank it and slept lik e a baby that night. In the morning he was able to go to work feeling very good. Asthma,- Mr Tavarez, 17, had his first asthma attack when he was one year old. H is breathing was very difficult and it sounded as though he was asphyxiating. Th e asthma attacks usually lasted several hours. Their physician recommended the f amily relocated to another, less polluted city, but the child continued sufferin g daily asthma attacks. Amongst other problems, the disease caused asthmatic def ormation of the thoracic box. On the first visit he was given a 2 cc (cubic cent imeter) injection of his own fresh, unfiltered and unprocessed urine and this ap plication was so effective that the child had no asthma problems for a month. Th e next asthma attack occurred four-and-a-half weeks later while playing football in school. The problem lasted several hours until a second injection was applie d. Within five minutes the youth was completely calmed. There was irritation, in flammation and a burning sensation localized where the injection was applied. Th e reaction lasted about 30 hours. There were no complications for the next two-a nd-half months until the fall when he developed the flu and a mild asthma attack . The youth had several mild attacks until the end of April. That is when the th ird and last injection was applied. He had a mild localized reaction for 24 hour s, but never again suffered from asthma...... Note: The injections were applied only when symptoms reappeared because t hat is when anti-allergenic substances are present in urine. Asthma-1,- Socrates, 4, had weekly asthma attacks, eczema and constant eye infec tions since he was one year old. When he received a small urine injection there was localized irritation. The child recover by morning and he was good enough to go to school. His excrement was somewhat liquefied and he urinated frequently b ut he did not have an asthma attack for several weeks. He then began to cough a lot and vomit. There was a whooping cough epidemic in town. A second urine injec tion was applied. The child had localized pain in the area of the injection. At night he continued coughing and expelling great quantities of phlegm and mucus. He felt weak and had a lot of gas. This condition improved little by little as t he child continued expelling phlegm and mucus. Three days later the child was mu ch better. He had a little cough, but that was nothing compared to the whooping cough or asthma the other children in the neighborhood had. His excrement was no rmal and the child had no more gas. A month later, the child's mother told the d octor that he was doing very well. He has not had an asthma attack since the fir st injection. When a doctor examined the child the eczema and the infection of t he eyes had disappeared completely. Allergies,- Mr. Vazquez, 44, suffered twice a year from hey fever or pollen alle rgies. With one injection of urine applied on the buttocks he remained allergy-f ree for over six months. A second injection kept him allergy-free for the rest o f the year. During the following season he successfully used the ultimate univer sal remedy instead of the injections. Multiple sclerosis Jim had multiple sclerosis since 1981 and had tried everythin g to fight the disease. He heard about urine therapy and attended a lecture in 1 992. The next day, he drank one ounce of urine. He felt a burst of sublime energ y that made him feel very good and energetic for about three hours. During this time he did several things he wanted to do around the house. After the three hou rs, his wife ask him to take her out to run some errands but he was feeling a li ttle tired. Then, she suggested that he take another ounce of urine. He did and off they went. He had the same burst of energy the second time around. He has be en drinking his urine ever since and doing fine. Food Poisoning,- Lourdes V. had a fever of 104 degrees two days in a row. She di d not want to go to the emergency room because during a previous visit to get tr eated for food poisoning she ended up getting three operations. The standard pro cedure hospitals use turned a simple problem into a life-threatening condition t hat nearly killed her. By the time her mother was notified of the situation, Lou rdes was desperate. Her mother insisted on taking her to the emergency room at t he local hospital, but she refused. If you don't want to go to the hospital, her mother replied, then your must do something else: You must drink a glass of uri ne right away. Crunching her teeth she complied by drinking all the urine she pa ssed the next time she had to go. Within 20 minutes, she started sweating and th e fever started going down. Four hours later her temperature dropped to about 85 degrees and she slept for six hours. Upon awakening she had diarrhea and her te mperature was normal. Now that she has seen first hand how powerful this treatme nt is, she uses her urine regularly. Heart Burn,-A close friend of mine named Gene, who happens to be in medical scho ol, had been suffering with severe heart-burn for more than 5 years. His aunt Co okie, a very close friend of Fanny, told him to drink a mug of water with half-t easpoon of sea-salt. Gene drank it and 5 minutes later the condition that annoye d him for half a decade disappeared. Imagine that. A condition that can be elimi nated with pennies worth of real-salt a month gets rid of a problem for which a very prestigious teaching hospital in New York City is offering surgery. Auto-intoxication,- Tom, a close friend of mine, had been having constipation pr oblems for over 20 years. It is very likely that he may have been suffering from autointoxication by then because he had problems with the gall bladder, hernias and coronary arteries blockage. I suggested using urine therapy but he found me too difficult to accept. When I discovered the importance of sea-salt I suggest ed using this salt. He accepted to try consuming a flat teaspoon a day as sugges ted and a couple of weeks later shared with me his wonderful experience. He was now having regular bowel movements every day and even twice a day which was very unusual for him. Another friend afflicted by autointoxication is Tommy, a plumber who does a lot of work in the five boroughs of New York City. When we met on February 2002, he could not even get out of the car due to lack of energy and a strong desire to g o to sleep. Among the health problems he mentioned were; chronic low back pain, arthritis, bloating, indigestion, constipation so bad he had bowel movements eve ry 4 days, and though he did not know it at the time, he was also swollen badly for sev ******************************** UROTHERAPY FOR PATIENTS WITH CANCER Joseph Eldor, MD Theoretical Medicine Institute P.O.Box 12142, Jerusalem, 91120,Israel


Cancer cells release various antigens, some of which appear in the urine. Oral auto-urotherapy is suggested as a new treatment modality for cancer patients. It will provide the intestinal lymphatic system the many tumor antigens against which antibodies may be produced. These antibodies may be transpierced through the blood stream and attack the tumor and its cells.

The philosophy of cancer

Microbes were known long before the germ theory of disease was invented. It was not the discovery of germs that revolutinized medicine, but the invention of a philosophy of medical explanation that permitted germs to be causative agents of disease (1). Burnet and Thomas (2) postulated that specific cell mediated immunity may have evolved in vertebrates specially for defense against the "enemy within" rather than against infecting microorganisms and parasites. Most human cancers appear to lack truly tumor-specific antigens. The same neoplastic cell can express several different tumor antigens. For example, relatively cross-reacting tumor-specific transplantation antigens have been demonstrated in many chemically induced tumors (3). Tumor-associated differentiation antigens are shared by neoplastic and embryonic cells (4). The extent to which human patients react immunologically against their cancers has been a subject of much controversy (5). Paul Ehrlich, in 1909, said:"I am convinced that during development and growth malignant cells arise extensively frequently but that in the majority of people they remain latent due to the protective action of the host. I am also convinced that this natural immunity is not due to the presence of antimicrobial bodies but is determined purely by cellular factors. These may be weakened in the older age groups in which cancer is more prevalent" (6).

Tumor antigens in urine

Human melanoma cells express membrane antigens distinct from those of the normal ectodermal counterparts (7). Urinary-tumor-associated antigen (U-TAA) is one such antigen. This high-molecular weight glycoprotein was first described when melanoma urine was found to react with autologous antibody (8). The antigen has since been detected in the urine of 68% of melanoma patients. In addition, high levels of U-TAA are found to correlate positively with disease occurrence in surgically treated patients (9). Prostatic specific antigen (PSA) has become an important laboratory test in the management of prostate cancer. PSA levels can be as readily obtained from voided urine as from serum samples (10). Quantitative urinary immunocytology with monoclonal antibody (mab) 486p 3/12 proved to be valuable for diagnostic use in bladder-cancer patients` urine, especially in the followup of patients with superficial bladder carcinoma (11). Quantitative urinary immunocytology is a general tool to test the diagnostic usefulness of mabs, assuming that normal and malignant cells differ in their quantitative expression of a given antigen. Selective criteria for selecting mabs for diagnostic approaches should ask not for tumor specificity, but for different quantitative expression of antigen in the tissues or cells in question. Gastric juice oncofetal antigen determination, due to direct shedding of antigens into the fluid around tumor tissues, appears to accurately indicate the presence and degree of gastric mucosal damage and to be to a slight extent influenced by unrelated factors (12). Patients` age, for example, modifies CEA serum levels (13). A monoclonal antibody (mab) against a human colorectal adenocarcinoma cell line has been raised (14), which reacts with sialosylfucosyllactoteraose (15) corresponding to the sialylated blood group antigen Lewis (a). The antigen defined by this antibody, CA50, is elevated in the serum of many patients with gastrointestinal tumors (16), with a sensitivity for gastric cancer ranging from 20 (17) to 65% (18). CA50 (a tumor-associated gangliosidic antigen) levels have been determined by an RIA test in serum, gastric juice and urine of patients undergoing upper gastrointestinal tract endoscopy. Sensitivity and specificity were respectively 23% and 89% for CA50 determination in (19). Soluble forms of membrane proteins such as cytokine receptors or cellular adhesion molecules (CD14, TNF receptor, CD25, IL-6 receptor, IFN-ç-receptor and CD54) have been detected in human body fluids. They may have important functions in immune regulation by blocking receptor/ligand interactions. The human adhesion receptor CD58 (LFA-3) is expressed on most cell types. A soluble form of CD58 (sCD58) was purified from human urine and partially purified from supernatant of the Hodgkin-derived cell line L428 (20). Urinary organ-specific neoantigen from colorectal cancer patients has been used to make a monoclonal antibody, BAC 18.1 (21). Organ-specific neoantigen originates in the colon and is excreted into the urine, so the BAC 18.1 binding levels in the urine may be a diagnostic aid for colorectal cancer. The polyamines spermidine, spermine and their diamine precursor putrescine are ubiquitous constituents of mammalian cells that are fundamentally involved in normal, malignant and induced proliferative states. The polyamines and ornithine decarboxylase (ODC), the rate-limiting enzyme of the polyamine metabolism, were found to play an important role in tumor promotion (22). The suggestion that polyamines play an important role in colorectal cancer was confirmed by studies that found elevated polyamine concentrations in blood or urine (23) of patients with colon carcinoma. Sensitivity of urinary polyamines for colon cancer were highest for total spermidine (92.1%), acetylated putrescine (84.5%), total putrescine (84.0%), N1-acetylspermidine (79.3%) and N8-acetylspermidine (78.6%), but in all these cases specificity was lower than 65% (24). In patients with successful curative surgical treatment all preoperatively elevated urinary polyamine concentrations markedly decreased and returned to normal, whereas they were elevated and increased further in patients with proven relapse of the tumor and/or metastases in different organs (24). The function of the CD44 gene is severely damaged, beginning with the very early pre-invasive stages of tumor development. This can be used as a means of tumor detection and diagnosis both on solid tissue specimens (25) and on exfoliated cells in clinically obtained excreta and body fluids (26). Urine cell lysates obtained from patients with bladder cancer can be discriminated from normal urine lysates (27) using Western blotting with a monoclonal antibody against the standard form of the CD44 protein.


Zbar and Tanaka (28) first reported on animal immunotherapy based on the principle that tumor growth is inhibited at sites of delayed hypersensitivity reactions provoked by antigens unrelated to the tumor.They injected living Mycobacterium bovis (strain BCG) into established intradermal tumors and caused tumor regression and prevented the development of metastases. For optimum therapeutic effect contact between BCG and tumor cells was necessary. The ability of tumor immune lymphocytes to localize specifically to tumor offers a possibility for therapy which has been utilized over the past several years (29). The rejection of murine tumors expressing tumor-specific transplantation antigens has been shown to be mediated primarily by immune cells (30). Some 6 to 7% of transplant recipients may develop cancer as a consequence of iatrogenic immunosuppression (31). Studies on the ability of patient lymphocytes to lyse tumor cells in short term (2-8 hr) isotope release assays have shown that lymphocytes from cancer patients can generally destroy only tumor cells from the same patient (32-34), unless the effector cells are not cytolytic T cells but, for example, Natural Killer cells or Lymphokine Activated Killer cells, in which case neoplastic cells representing many different types are sensitive. Immunotherapy is believed to be capable of eliminating only relatively small amounts of neoplastic cells and, therefore, the failure to induce a regression in patients with excessive tumor burden is not unexpected (35,36). One approach of immunotherapy is to "xenogenize" tumor cells by virus infection. Another is to culture tumor infiltrating lymphocytes with interleukin-2 and reinoculate them into the host with cytokines (37). The introduction of recombinant vectors expressing cytokine genes into tumor infiltrating lymphocyte cells (38) or into the tumor cells themselves (39) may enhance the migration of effector immune cells into the tumor with consequent immunomediated control. The considerable heterogeneity in the expression of tumor associated differentiation antigens by cells within the same tumor constitutes a problem for any immunotherapy, since it facilitates the escape of antigen-negative tumor variants. An alternative approach toward increasing the immune response to tumor-associated differentiation antigens is to treat the host to be immunized so as to abolish a "suppressor" response. Such treatment can be provided in the form of sublethal whole body x-irradiation (40), injection of a drug such as cyclophosphamide (41), or by the administration of certain anti-idiotypic antibodies (42). Anergy is defined as a state of T lymphocyte unresponsiveness characterized by absence of proliferation,IL-2 production and diminished expression of IL-2R (43,44). Most available data support suppression as a mechanism of oral tolerance (45,46). Immunological suppression is classically demonstrated by the suppression of antigen-specific immune responses by T lymphocytes (47,48).


Oral administration of S-antigen (S-Ag), a retinal autoantigen that induces experimental autoimmune uveitis, prevented or markedly diminished the clinical appearance of S-Ag-induced disease as measured by ocular inflammation (49,50). Gut associated lymphoid tissue has the capacity to generate potent immune responses on one hand, and to induce peripheral tolerance to external antigens on the other (51-53). Both processes require antigen stimulation (53), involve cytokine production (51) and might occur at the same time - the first leading to potent local and systemic immune responses, while the latter leads to systemic antigen-specific nonresponsiveness (54). The generation of acquired immune responses in the small intestine is believed to occur in Peyer`s patches (51,55). Orally fed protein antigens are found in the blood within 1 hr of feeding (56). Peripheral tolerance is not induced locally, but rather is induced systemically upon transfer of intact antigen, or its peptides, into the circulation (57-59).Oral tolerance may be induced by a single feeding of a protein antigen (60,61) or by several intermittent feedings (46,62). In order to test whether feeding on autoantigen could suppress an experimental autoimmune disease, the Lewis rat model of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis was studied (63). With increasing dosages of GP-MBP, the incidence and severity of disease was suppressed, as well as proliferative responses of lymph node cells to MBP. Antibody responses to MBP were decreased but not as dramatically as proliferative responses. Thus it appears that oral tolerance to MBP, as to other non-self antigens (45), preferentially suppress cellular immune responses. It appears that homologous MBP is a more potent oral tolerogen for experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis than heterologous MBP (64). Tumor cells may escape immune recognition in immunocompetent hosts by clonal evolution.Attention could be directed to activate the resident immune effectors to break the anergy or tolerance.


Subcutaneous urine injections was practiced in 1912 by Duncan (65) from New York under the name of auto-pyotherapy for urinary infections, and in 1919 by Wildbolz (65) from Bern for diagnostic purposes. Cimino (66) from Palermo reported in 1927 on the use of auto uro-therapy for urinary infections. Rabinowitch (67) in 1931 described this auto-urine therapy for gonarthritis. Jausion et al. (68) used this kind of therapy in 1933 for desensitization and endocrinological problems. They treated with auto urotherapy injections patients who suffered from migraine, pruritus, asthma, urticaria, eczema, psoriasis, etc. Day (69)in 1936 treated patients with acute and subacute glomerulonephritis by injection of an autogenous urinary extract. Sandweiss, Saltzstein and Farbman (70) reported in 1938 that an extract from urine of pregnant women has a prophylactic and therapeutic effect on experimental ulcers in dogs. Shortly thereafter the same group noted that an extract from urine of normal women has a similar beneficial effect (71). In 1926 Seiffert first described the construction of ileal loop conduits for urinary diversion (72). Bricker in the 1950s popularized the use of the ileal loop as a means of supravesical urinary diversion following exenteration for pelvic malignancy in adults (73). Ureterosigmoidostomy as a means of urinary diversion was used widely from 1920 to 1955. It was this type of implant which Hammer first reported in 1929 associated with tumor (74). Peyer`s patches are immunocompetent lymphoid organs which participate in intestinal immune responses (75). Epithelial cells within the crypts of the small bowel are one of the fastest dividing cells in the body and yet they show one of the lowest rate of malignant transformation (76). Stem cells in the mucosa of the small bowel can divide every 8 to 12 hours (77). Tapper and Folkman (78) demonstrated that exposure of intestinal segments to urine causes marked lymphoid depletion in the segments. These studies give additional support to the idea that a lymphocyte suppressive factor exist in urine (79). The continued presence of urine bathing the intestinal mucosa appears to locally inhibit regeneration of the Peyer`s patches. Starkey et al. (80) detected in human urine a material that is biologically and immunologically similar to epidermal growth factor that causes proliferation and keratinization of epidermal tissues. The increased susceptibility of the colon to cancer associated with the existence of an implanted ureter has been theorized to relate to 3 factore: 1. The role of the urine in the colon (81,82). 2. The mechanical effect of the fecal stream on the stoma (83). 3. The age of the anastomosis (84). Adenocarcinoma of the colon mucosa is a recognized complication of ureterosigmoidostomy. The tumor, which develops adjacent to the junction of the ureter with the bowel, occurs 500 times as often as in the population at large and, in children so operated , 7,000 times as often as in all persons under age 25. The latency period is 5 to 50 years (81,85-87). It is common knowledge that malignant tumors may disappear spontaneously although very infrequently (88-90). Usually it is accepted that this could be due at least partly to an immunological reaction (91,92). Renal adenocarcinoma is one of the cancer types in which such spontaneous regressions have been described most frequently (88,90). Urinary extracts from patients with aplastic anemia (93) and idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (94) are capable of stimulating megakaryocyte colony growth in culture, and when injected into rats could also induce thrombocytosis in peripheral blood and megakaryocytosis in the spleens of these animals. Stanley et al. (95) demonstrated that rabbits immunized with human urine concentrates from leukemic patients developed antibody which neutralized the mouse bone marrow colony stimulating factor in human urine and human serum.


Henry Sigerist said, more than 50 years ago:"I personally have the feeling that the problem of cancer is not merely a biological and laboratory problem, but it belongs to a certain extent to the realm of philosophy... All experiments require certain philosophical preparation. And I have the feeling that in the case of cancer many experiments were undertaken without the necessary philosophical background, and therefore proved useless" (96).


Urotherapy is suggested as a new kind of immunotherapy for cancer patients. Unlike the clonal immunotherapy the urine of the cancer patients contain the many tumor antigens which constitute the tumor. Oral auto-urotherapy will provide the intestinal lymphatic system the tumor antigens against which they may produce antibodies due to non-self recognition. These antibodies may be transpierced through the blood stream and attack the tumor and its cells.


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Higgins P, Weiner HL. Suppression of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis by oral administration of myelin basic protein and its fragments. J Immunol 1988;140:440-445 64. Miller A, Lider O, Al-Sabbagh A, Weiner HL. Suppression of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis by oral administration of myelin basic protein. J Neuroimmunol 1992;39:243-250 65. Jausion H. Sur l'auto-ouro-therapie. Journal D'Urologie 1935;39:58-59 66. Cimino T. Premiers essais de vaccine-proteine-therapie des infections non gonococciques ni tuberculeuses des voies urinaires a l'aide des injections sous-cutanees de l'urine purulente du sujet, sterilisee par l'ebullition (ouro-therapie). Rivista Sanitaria 1927;186 67. Rabinowitch IM. Auto-urine-therapy in gonarthritis. Vratchebnaia gazeta 1931;35:677-8 68. Jausion H, Giard R, Martinaud G. L'auto-ouro-therapie. La Presse Medicale 1933;76:1467-1470 69. Day HB. Treatment of glomerulonephritis by antigen. Lancet 1936;1456-9 70. 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Its practitioners ta lk of Shivambhu, auspicious water of Lord Shiva, a Hindu god and promote it as a n inexpensive way to gain health and vitality << Go to Main Article "Ways of using AUT" Drinking: Morning urine is best. Take the middle stream. You can start with a few drops, b uilding up to one glass a day. Good as a tonic, as a preventive and in minor ill nesses. Fasting: Drink all the urine you pass, except for the eveningsotherwise you wont get any sl eep. You can also take some extra water. The urine will quickly change its taste into almost neutral. Fasting on urine and water cleanses the blood. Toxins are removed through liver, skin and exhalation. Gargle: Gargling with urine works wonders when having a throat-ache. Also good for tooth ache and generally when having a cold. Enemas: Urine enemas work very well in cleansing the colon and in providing a direct imm une stimulant. Vaginal douche: Helpful in cases such as yeast problems, white discharge, etc. Ear and eye drops: For ear infections, conjunctivitis, glaucoma. For the eyes, dilute the urine wit h some water. Sniffing urine/Neti: Sinusitis and other nose problems. Very good preventive for colds and to clean t he subtlechannels in the head. External application Massaging/rubbing: You can use either fresh or old urine. Old urine (4 to 8 days ) is generally more effective, but it has a pungent odour. Massaging the whole b ody is an important complementary treatment when fasting. It nourishes the body through the skin and helps against increased heartbeat. You can leave the urine on or wash it off after an hour or so, just with water o r with a mild, natural soap. Fresh urine as an after-shave gives you a beautiful soft skin. It is also helpful in all kinds of skin problems such as itching, su nburns, eczema, psoriasis and acne. Gentle rubbing of urine into acupressure points (for example, on the ears) is us eful when reactions are otherwise too strong accompanied by heavy allergic react ion. Foot baths: Any skin and nail problems of the feet (athletes foot and ringworm) Compress: When rubbing is not appropriate, this is another way of applying urine on the skin. Hair and scalp massage: Renders the hair soft and clean. Sometimes stimulates ne w hair growth.

************************************* It is well documented that in 1978, Morarji Desai, then prime minister, spoke a t length on 'CBS 60 Minutes' explaining how urine therapy was the 'perfect' medi cal solution for the millions of Indians unable to afford medical treatment. He claimed drinking his own urine cured his piles. Earlier this year, the RSS's cow protection department invented a new urine-based soft drink it hoped would prom ote its 'health-giving' properties to a wider market. It was about to be markete d late this year. But with the poll prospects of the NDA drowning in the Ganges, the idea of such a funky drink has gone whiffy in the summer heat. Wikipedia te lls us that in Roman times, there was a tradition among the Gauls to use urine t o whiten teeth and that in China, the urine of young boys was regarded as a cura tive. The French customarily soaked stockings in urine and wrapped them around t heir necks in order to cure strep throat. A religious Sanskrit text in India cal led the Dhaamara Tantra under the heading of 'Shivaambu kalpa vidhi' is known to contain 107 stanzas on the virtues of urine as a medicament. We all came upon this earth nourished by the amniotic fluid that bathes the huma n foetus, of which urine is the main component, in our mother's womb. But, besid es inducing a scatological distaste, the very idea of using one's urine as drink able water must make everybody puke. The idea can't be scoffed at though, as lat e last year a urine processor was delivered by NASA to allow astronauts to live on the international space station via the space shuttle Endeavour. This equipme nt converts urine and sweat into drinkable water. Samples of the processed urine , sweat and condensation were to be brought back to earth and to be tested, so t hat the 'purified' water could be made of use later. Water is such a precious co mmodity that one can't help thinking about how, back home, we don't care a hoot about making water in public. For India, with the help of the new-fangled urine processor, water conservation has immense possibility. How many gallons of 'puri fied' water could we recycle had this fabulous contraption been imported or indi genised in India, which, detractors say, happens to be the largest public lavato ry in South Asia? And for those who earn their living by the sweat of their brow , not a drop of their labour, literally, could have been lost.

************************** "Don't take this therapy lightly. Multiple sclerosis, colitis, lupus, rheuma toid arthritis, cancer, hepatitis, hyperactivity, pancreatic insufficiency, psor iasis, eczema, diabetes, herpes, mononucleosis, adrenal failure, allergies and s o many other ailments have been relieved through use of this therapy. After you overcome your initial gag response (I know I had one), you will realize that som ething big is going on, and if you are searching for health, this is an area to investigate. There are numerous reports and double blind studies which go back t o the turn of the century supporting the efficacy of using urine for health." Your Own Perfect Medicine by Martha Christy You may think that when it comes to alternative health therapies - you've he ard it all. But there is one natural therapy you've probably never heard of - even thoug h it's one of the most powerful, most researched and most medically proven natur al cures ever discovered. No matter how hard it may be for you to stomach, the fact is that knowing th e truth about this incredible natural substance will be one of the most crucial health facts you'll ever learn. And one of the most remarkable things about this incomparable natural therapy is that the medical community has already been awa re of its astounding efficacy for decades, and yet none of us has ever been told about it. Why? Maybe they think it's too controversial. Or maybe, more accurate ly, there wasn't any monetary reward for telling people what scientists know abo ut one of the most extraordinary natural healing elements in the world. But no matter why the medical establishment has chosen to keep his invaluabl e information a secret, it's time that every man, woman and child be told about the only health tool in the world that is always available to everyone and never out of reach - physically or financially. So I want you to sit back, open your mind and get ready to hear the incredible medical facts about human urine - the facts that will change your life. What You Don't Know Can Hurt You Every one of us has a right to know that our bodies produce an invaluable so urce of nourishment and healing that we can utilize to heal ourselves and to mai ntain our lives and our health in both everyday circumstances and in emergencies and life-threatening situations. Two news articles from the past that recently came across my desk vividly il lustrate the absolutely tragic consequences of the public's lack of information and our completely unfounded misconceptions regarding our bodies' own perfect me dicine: Tom Brokaw, NBC Nightly News, October 16, 1992: "In Egypt, rescue workers found a 37-year-old man alive in earthquake ru bble. He survived almost 82 hours by drinking his own urine. His wife, daughter and mother would not and they died." Associated Press, July, 1985: I don't think there's any question that these women and the child would not have died had they simply been aware of the truth that not only would their own urine not harm them, but would, in fact, have provided a power-packed combinatio n of liquid nutrients and critical immune factors that would have sustained them in good health until help arrived. The Medical Proof For almost the entire course of the 20th century, unknown to the public, doc tors and medical researchers have been proving in both laboratory and clinical t esting that our own urine is an enormous source of vital nutrients, vitamins, ho rmones, enzymes and critical antibodies that cannot be duplicated or derived fro m any other source. They use urine for healing cancer, heart disease, allergies, auto-immune diseases, diabetes, asthma, infertility, infections, wounds and on and on -- yet we're taught that urine is a toxic waste product. This discrepancy between the medical truth and the public information regarding urine is ludicro us and, as the news releases you've just read demonstrate, can mean the differen ce between life and death to you and to your loved ones. When I contracted a crippling, incurable disease early in life, I used every available conventional medical and alternative healing method over the course o f many years without success. When an acquaintance suggested I try "urine therap y" I though she'd lost her mind, but with no options left, I swallowed my prejud ice and decided to give it a go. To my own (and everyone else's) amazement, my h ealing was so rapid and so profound with urine therapy that no question remained in my mind that someone in the medical community had to know more than they wer e telling about this incredible body substance. And as a matter of fact, they di d know more - a lot more. After many months of haunting university libraries, scanning countless micro fiche files and poring over piles of medical journals, I had amassed a small mou ntain of astounding research studies, findings and files on the use of urine in medicine and healing, I discovered, among numerous other things, that urine, far from being a toxic body waste, was actually a purified derivative of the blood made by the kidneys which contains, not body wastes, but rather an incredible ar ray of critically important nutrients, enzymes, hormones, natural antibodies and immune defense agents. At the end of it all, as I sat tiredly in my chair eyeing the stacks of rese arch papers covering my desk, I realized that the medical community had pulled o ff one of the biggest hoodwinks in history. Take for instance the doctor who rep orted that "urine acts as an excellent and safe natural vaccine and has been sho wn to cure a wide variety of disorders including hepatitis, whooping-cough, asth ma, hay fever, hives, migraines, intestinal dysfunctions, etc. It is completely safe and causes no side effects." (J. Plesch, M.D., The Medical Press, 1947); or the oncologist who reported that "a patient with intractable ovarian cancer was treated with Human Urine Derivative and is now completely well and enjoying the rest of her life." (Dr. M. Soeda, University of Tokyo, 1968). These remarkable findings were published in medical journals - but did you ever hear about them? And what about the immunologist who, after extensive clinical and laboratory research stated: "It was rapidly appreciated that undiluted urine administered orally was therapeutically effective for Immune Therapy and was initiated when i t became obvious that an allergic condition had become uncontrollable." (Dr. C.W . Wilson, 1983, Law Hospital, Scotland). Or the Harvard medical researchers who discovered that active "antibodies to cholera, typhoid, diphtheria, pneumonia, p olio, leptospira and salmonella have been found in the unconcentrated urine of i nfected individuals." (Lerner, Remington and Finland, Harvard Medical School, 19 62). What abut the Scandinavian researcher who, in 1951, conclusively proved tha t human urine can completely destroy tuberculosis? It's a deadly disease, and is now resistant to antibiotics. Isn't it time someone told us that our own urine is medically proven to be anti-tubercule? Then there's the research into wounds and burns using urea (the primary soli d component of urine). As only one research study among many reported: "In Ameri ca, urea has been used for the treatment of various infected wounds and it has b een found to be extremely efficient...even the deepest wound can be treated effe ctively.... Urea treatment has been successful where other treatments have faile d. For external staph infections we found urea preferable to any other dressing. ..there are no contra-indications to its use." (Dr. L. Muldavis, 1938, Royal Fre e Hospital, London). Now these medical reports are only a few of the more than 50 research studie s I compiled and published in the book Your Own Perfect Medicine, but they certa inly give an indication of the importance of what we've never been told about ur ine by the medical community. As far back as 1954, the Journal of the American M edical Association (July issue) reported that "More scientific papers have proba bly been published on urine than on any other organic compound." Another publica tion revealed that "more than 1,000 technical and scientific papers, related onl y to low molecular weight substances in urine, appeared in medical and scientifi c literature in one single year." All this fuss about a substance that we're tol d is nothing more than a body waste? I think one of the most interesting pieces of information on urine I came ac ross was the fact that the amniotic fluid that surrounds human infants in the wo mb is primarily urine. Actually, the infant "breathes in" urine-filled amniotic fluid continually, and without this fluid, the lungs don't develop. Doctors also believe that the softness of baby skin and the ability of in-utero infants to h eal quickly without scarring after pre-birth surgery is due to the therapeutic p roperties of the urine-filled amniotic fluid. Reports on the extraordinary external benefits of urine abound as well. Medi cal studies relate remarkable cases of stubborn or "incurable" chronic, severe e czema that miraculously disappear with urine therapy. Because urine is both anti -viral and anti-bacterial, it's ideal for treating cuts, wounds and abrasions of all kinds. Acne, rashes, athlete's foot and fungal skin problems respond dramat ically to urine soaks and compresses as well. (You'll find complete instructions for using urine therapy internally and externally in Your Own Perfect Medicine. ) For home use or emergency treatment care for wounds, poisonous bites or stin gs, and even broken bones, urine is an incomparable, proven natural healing agen t that provides instantaneous therapeutic benefits under any circumstances. For years, people have said to me, "Well, I have heard of people surviving b y ingesting their own urine, but I thought it was just a myth." Myth it isn't. M edical fact it is. As Dr. John R. Herman remarked in his article which appeared in the New York State Journal of Medicine in June, 1980: "Auto-uropathy (urine t herapy) did flourish in many parts of the world and continues to flourish today. ...there is unknown to most of us, a wide usage of uropathy and a great volume o f knowledge available showing the multitudinous advantages of this modality. Act ually, the listed constituents of human urine can be carefully checked and no it ems not found in human diet are found in it. Percentages differ, but urinary con stituents are valuable to human metabolism." Your Body's Own Super-Nutrition Therapy In 1975, one of the founders of Miles Laboratories, Dr. A.H. Free, published his book Urinalysis in Clinical Laboratory Practice, in which he remarked that not only is urine a sterile body compound (purer than distilled water), but that "it is now recognized that urine contains thousands of compounds, and as new, m ore sensitive analytical tools evolve, it is quite certain that new constituents of urine will be recognized." Among the urine constituents mentioned in Dr. Fre e's revealing treatise is a list of nutrients that will knock your socks off. As Dr. Free comments, the ingredients listed below are only a few critical nutrien ts found in urine: Alanine, total ..... 38 mg/day Arginine, total ..... 32 mg/day Ascorbic acid ..... 30 mg/day Allantoin ..... 12 mg/day Amino acids, total ..... 2.1 g/day Bicarbonate ..... 140 mg/day Biotin ..... 35 mg/day Calcium ..... 23 mg/day Creatinine ..... 1.4 mg/day Cystine ..... 120 mg/day Dopamine ..... 0.40 mg/day Epinephrine ..... 0.01 mg/day Folic acid ..... 4 mg/day Glucose ..... 100 mg/day Glutamic acid ..... 308 mg/day Glycine ..... 455 mg/day Inositol ..... 14 mg/day Iodine ..... 0.25 mg/day Iron ..... 0.5 mg/day Lysine, total ..... 56 mg/day Magnesium ..... 100 mg/day Manganese ..... 0.5 mg/day Methionine, total ..... 10 mg/day Nitrogen, total ..... 15 g/day Ornithine ..... 10 mg/day Pantothenic acid ..... 3 mg/day Phenylalanine ..... 21 mg/day Phosphorus, organic ..... 9 mg/day Potassium ..... 2.5 mg/day Proteins, total ..... 5 mg/day Riboflavin ..... 0.9 mg/day Tryptophan, total ..... 28 mg/day Tyrosine, total ..... 50 mg/day Urea ..... 24.5 mg/day Vitamin B6 ..... 100 mg/day Vitamin B12 ..... 0.03 mg/day Zinc ..... 1.4 mg/day As you read over this extraordinary list of nutritional elements, you can be gin to understand why the stories you may have heard of people surviving on thei r own urine are true. But what about other elements in urine that you've heard a bout? Clearing Up the Misconceptions If you asked a person on the street what uric acid is, he or she would invar iably answer that it's a toxic body waste. No so, say medical researchers at the University of California at Berkeley who in 1982 reported they had discovered t hat "uric acid destroys body-damaging, cancer-causing free radicals and is consi dered to be one of the physiological factors that enable human beings to live so much longer than other mammals." But what about urea? Urea is in urine and isn't that the toxic stuff that ca uses uremic poisoning? Actually, medical researchers discovered many decades ago that urea, far from being a toxic body waste, is an incredibly versatile, far-r eaching and effective medicinal agent. In numerous medical studies, it was shown that urea is one of the most potent non-toxic virucidal agents ever discovered. In one particular study, the rabies and polio virus [sic] were killed so quickl y and efficiently by concentrated urea, that even the laconic researchers themse lves were surprised: "Urea is such a relatively inactive substance and certainly not a protoplasmic poison such as are most virucidal agents, that it is in a wa y surprising that rabies and poliomyelitis are killed so easily by urea solution s" (McKay and Schroeder, Society of Experimental Biology, 1936). In reality, Urea is an FDA-approved medicinal agent that doctors and researc hers utilize in an amazing variety of therapeutic modalities. Because of its rem arkable and comprehensive anti-neoplastic (anti-tumor) properties, it's presentl y being used in anti-cancer drugs and is extensively studied for use in cancer t reatments. The urea compound drug, glicazide, is used successfully by the medica l establishment in treating both insulin-dependent and non-insulin-dependent dia betics. As a natural diuretic, urea is unparalleled, and is a proven and accepted tr eatment in cases of edema or swelling such as excess cerebral and spinal pressur e, glaucoma, epilepsy, meningitis, even premenstrual edema and many other disord ers in which excess fluid is a problem. As one American neurosurgeon reported re garding a patient who nearly died form complications following brain surgery: "U rea was administered intravenously as an emergency measure. Within 20 minutes fr om the start of injection, her blood pressure had returned to normal....from thi s time on her recovery was uneventful. In this case, urea was definitely life-sa ving, because prior to its administration, the patient's survival was unlikely. In many similar instances urea was found to be life-saving" (Dr. M. Javid, Unive rsity of Wisconsin). The Physiological Answer to a Therapeutic Mystery The medical findings on urine and urine constituents are overwhelming, and y et it's difficult for most people to understand why our bodies excrete elements that are so obviously valuable to human health and well-being. The commonly-asked question, "If your urine is so good for you, why does you r body excrete it?" is best answered by looking into how our kidneys function. A s your blood moves through the circulatory system, it flows through the kidneys at a rate of about 1200 ml of blood per minute. Inside the kidneys, the blood is continuously filtered through a huge system of minute tubules called nephron wh ich sift out excess water, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, salts, and hundreds of o ther elements including vital antibodies, urea and uric acid. A large portion of these key physiological elements are reabsorbed into the bloodstream, but a certain amount of critical blood constituents are pooled by t he kidney into a liquid which doctors refer to as a "plasma ultrafiltrate" (we c all it urine). Much of this sterile, nutrient filled ultrafiltrate, or urine, is reabsorbed and some remains in the kidney for a period of time and is eventuall y released into a tube called the urethra which empties the urine into the bladd er where it is finally excreted. Now you're probably wondering why the body excr etes valuable nutrients, water, hormones, enzymes, etc. that are critical to bod y functioning. Doesn't it make more sense to retain these elements? If urine is a collection of such life-sustaining elements, why does the body get rid of it? The answer is that the kidneys excrete a portion of urine as a way of removi ng certain key elements in your blood that are simply not needed at a specific p oint in time. For instance, you've just been out jogging. You come home and have one or two big glasses of water to drink. Now at this point you've probably tak en in more water than your body actually needs. But not to worry -- your kidneys will balance the amount of water delivered into your bloodstream by your copiou s water drinking and through the urine will excrete whatever amount of water fro m the blood that isn't needed at the time. Now water is certainly a life-sustaining element the body cannot do without. So why is it excreted from the body? The answer is obvious. There are times whe n there's too much water in your system and it needs to be excreted. It's a physiological fact that in order for us to function normally, the amo unts or concentrations of every element in our blood must be carefully and stric tly controlled and this is done by the kidneys. Too much water in the blood is f atal. Too much salt in the blood is deadly. As wonderful a nutrient as vitamin C is, too high a concentration of it or any nutrient could kill you. This is why the kidneys excrete valuable elements from the body -- too much of any good thin g isn't good for your health. The same is true of urea. People who have heard of uremic poisoning are surp rised when they read the medical research showing urea to be a widely-used, FDA- approved medicine. But just like any other element in the blood, urea only becom es dangerous to the body when the kidneys are damaged or diseased and can't prop erly balance the amount of urea (and all other substances) in the bloodstream. Your kidneys aren't doing damage to your body by getting rid of particular e xcess nutrients, they're just simply excreting the precise amount not presently needed by your body at a given time. And the same goes for practically every nut rient, enzyme, hormone, antibody, etc. that are critical to your survival -- the kidneys keep what your body needs at a certain time, and excretes what it isn't momentarily using into your urine. And as medical scientists and doctors have d iscovered, these urinary ingredients extracted from the blood can be therapeutic magic bullets. A Billion Dollar Industry Despite what the public has been led to believe about urine, pharmaceutical companies have grossed billions of dollars from the sale of drugs made from urin e constituents. Pergonal, a fertility drug made from human urine, earned a repor ted $855 million in sales in 1992, and sales ($1400 a month per patient) have in creased yearly. Urokinase, a urine ingredient, is used in drug form and sold as a "miracle blood clot dissolver" for unblocking coronary arteries. Urea, medical ly proven to be one of the best moisturizers in the world has been a boon to cos metic companies who package it in expensive, glamorized creams and lotions. Ever used Murine ear drops? They're made from carbamide -- another name for syntheti c urea. When you look at the real facts, the tragedy of the general disinformation c ampaign on urine is surpassed only by the irony of our unwitting, and often incr edibly expensive purchases of what we all mistakenly but firmly believe to be ou r bodies' "useless" and "offensive" waste-product, urine. New Acceptance for a Misunderstood Therapy Because of the nearly all-pervasive public misunderstanding about what urine is and how it can be of immense medical benefit to us, the often amazing anecdo tal stories of healing and survival via urine have been routinely ignored, ridic uled or have been written off as "old wives' tales." But when people learn the r eal facts, these stories take on a significance that not even doctors are now wi lling to ignore. Since the first release of Your Own Perfect Medicine, rather than the doubt and derision I expected to encounter, I was amazed at the tens of thousands of p eople who have willingly accepted the information in the book. Many people (incl uding doctors) have come forward to tell me about their own experiences or about news stories they've read that tell about using urine medicinally and in surviv al situations: Dr. David G. Williams, Alternative Newsletter, August, 1994: "Several months ago I watched the movie Alive. It's the true story of a South American soccer team whose airplane crashed in snow-capped mountains in th e dead of winter. The team was stranded for a couple months and survived only by eating the flesh of those who had died either during the crash or later from in juries. A portion of the movie focused on two individuals whose initial wounds p rogressed into serious infections. Knowing no way to treat these two, the survivors could only attempt to comfo rt them. Eventually the infection led to death. Watching the intense suffering o f these people made me wonder if there was more that could have been done to sav e them. I now feel it's very possible that these two people, and thousands of ot hers around the world would still be alive if they had been aware of the therape utic effects of urine. With urine therapy, you get all the benefits of urea plus the additional ant ibodies, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, hormones and more." Dr. William Hitt, Clinica Hitt, Mexico January, 1995 "Experience has shown that intramuscular injections of urine are the bes t methods for handling a myriad of immunological illnesses including psoriasis, basal call carcinoma, asthma and many other disorders." Reuter Report August 14, 1990 "Four Sri Lankan commandos who drifted in a boat more than 1,000 miles t o Thailand after they had been ambushed and given up for dead were given a raptu rous welcome when they returned home. 'They managed to survive on the boat by ca tching turtles and drinking urine,' a military officer said." Kyodo News Service, Tokyo July 30, 1990 "A male cook was pulled out of the rubble of the Hyatt Hotel early Monda y morning, 14 days after a powerful earthquake devastated the northern Philippin es, officials said. Dry, with only minor bruises on his body, he told reporters he survived by drinking his own urine." At a time when new viruses and bacteria are outwitting even the best efforts of space-age medicine, and increasingly frequent natural disasters put basic ne cessities out of reach, the facts about the one medical and survival tool that t he FDA can't regulate and that's always there when you need it most, may well be come the greatest survival lesson any of us will ever learn. The author of this article, Martha Christy, is a medical research writer, na tural health consultant and author of Your Own Perfect Medicine, as well as seve ral other books on natural healing. Your Own Perfect Medicine is available for $ 23.90 from FutureMed, Inc., Box 13837, Scottsdale, AZ 85265, or call 1-800-800-8 849.
