TOllRIll AIIIIUAT SPRINGBANK INTERNATI(lNAL SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 26th, 1971, LONDON, ONTARIO WORLD RECORD HOLDERS IN ACTION: canada's Jerome Drayton (left) and Great Britain's Ron Hill race stride for stride in last year's thrilling Springbank '12', won by Hill in record time on a final quarter-mile sprint, See inside for a complete pictorial record of this memorable race. High School'3' - 1970 (left to rightl: Joe Sax, Toronto, founh; Larry Brown. E iot Lake, second; Bryan Stride, Guelph, tirst; Jackie Dufresne, North Bay, third; and Ron Vanderi<raats, Toronto, fi{th. (lefr 9"nio^'.19' . 1970- to right) : Oick Packard, Bosron, fou rrh; Tony Sapienza, Bosron, second; An laylor, Kitchener-Waterloo, first; Jim tvlenlove, Detroit, third; and Roland Anspach, Dayton. Ohio. fifth. S1lORTTR !il c0ilrRot Florida Track Club ace Frank Shorter, who was to rank second in the wortd at six miles - 10,000 metresfor 197q raced smoothly to victory against a star,studded Iield in the 1970 Springbank '4%'. (Bight). He was one oI a leading group of lour approaching two miles (lslt to right) Shorter, Grant McLaren, Bob Finlay and Bex Maddaford. But lrom 2% miles onwards (below) the Yale graduate was on his own, heading unconcernedlV towards the tape in his light, driving style. Crossing the finish line, relaxed and smiling (below right), in 19:52, he hardly looked the parr oI a runner who had just ripped a whooping 54 seconds off the race record. l0 AFTER THE RACE - Shorter attentive in post-race interview with Springbank meet director - announcer Dave Prokop. lrr.: ii,eir'i\;'.
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