At a meeting of the Parish Council held in the British Legion Room of the War Memorial Hall, Street, Warkworth on Thursday 2 January 2020 at 6.30pm.

Present: Cllrs J. Watson (Vice Chair, in the Chair), R. Cashmore, R. Galilee, Dr J. Hobrough, J. Lilley, G. Popay and H. Wilson

Parish Clerk in attendance – Karon Hadfield 3 members of the public were present

147. Apologies for Absence Apologies were received from Councillors Black and Elliott.

148. Declarations of Interest No declarations were made.

149. AONB Dwelling Review 2019/20 Sarah Winlow from the Coast AONB was in attendance. She explained that the AONB was currently carrying out a review of dwellings in all settlements within the AONB to get a snapshot of occupancy types in the face of current threats such as second home ownership, and insufficient affordable housing and parking. In 2014 when Warkworth had taken part in the last review, the occupancy figures had been 70% permanent residents and 30% holiday homes. For the whole AONB area this had been 55%/45%. Anecdotally, it was believed that these figures had increased and that the review hoped to establish the correct and up to date position. The figures would be used to inform the next AONB Management Plan and the NCC Local Plan.

Members supported this and discussed the boundary of the AONB in terms of what was included within the village when it was originally drawn. It was agreed that the Neighbourhood Plan Group would provide the information being sought by the AONB as this would also help in the development of the neighbourhood plan for the Parish, and that they would report back to the next meeting.

Agreed Action Action as above NP Group/Cllr Dr Hobrough

150. Development Plans and Public Consultation for Warkworth Castle Mark Warr from and James Fell were in attendance. They provided an update to members as follows:-

 There were plans to invest in the Castle, which was of historic importance to both English Heritage and the village in telling the story of Northumberland. Funds had been earmarked by EH for this.  Experts had been on site to carry out research and to check the condition of the building. This had highlighted that the Castle was even more important than previously thought. The condition reports were not yet completed, but EH was now looking at how things could be improved and the views of the community were to be sought via a mailshot to the village.  A visitor survey had been done in the summer, which had confirmed that people wanted to know more about the building and the people who had lived and worked there, so there was work to be done on telling the story of Warkworth better.  The plans remained for improvements to the shop, café and toilets, and the aim was to minimise any reduction to parking spaces.  Regarding timescale, it was expected that work would begin in 2021. This would impact on the 2021 Warkworth Show and discussions had been held with the Committee about this already. It was hoped that the new facilities would be open by Easter 2022. A new website had been set up – [email protected] to the public informed.

Members suggested that it might be useful for EH to engage with the Cricket Club, and also that it would be helpful for both EH and the AONB to be involved in the development of the neighbourhood plan as significant organisations in the area. It was agreed that they be added to the list of organisations to work with.

1 WARKWORTH PARISH COUNCIL – 2 January 2020 151. Public Questions Mr Farrall asked whether the dates of the Finance Committee meetings were on the website. The Clerk advised that they were, as and when they were arranged.

152. Minutes The Chair welcomed Cllr Popay to his first official meeting as a parish councillor. Agreed that the minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held on 5 December 2019 be approved and confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chair.

153. Matters Arising 153.1 Minute No.131.1 – members had met to discuss a potential solution. Another meeting with Northumbrian Water and the watersports group would be arranged to try and progress matters.

153.2 Minute No. 131.3 – Cllr Lilley queried how the information he needed on the size of parking bays could be obtained for the neighbourhood plan. Cllr Dr Hobrough advised that any information the Steering Group needed for the development of the neighbourhood plan would be sought by that Group. The Chair reminded members that the Steering Group would not be a group of the Parish Council, but would have its own governance arrangements and would deal directly with the County Council and other such organisations in its work.

153.3 Minute No. 131.4 – a revised map was needed for the location of the interactive speed sign. The sign had been ordered. The Clerk would raise the two related issues of the speed sign location and the chicane with Highways at the same time.

153.4 Minute No. 131.5 – an issue had been raised by a resident with NCC about poor maintenance standards at the Brewery Lane toilets and a response had been received, which the Parish Council had been copied into. The Clerk read this out to members and reported that NCC had indicated some time ago they planned to make some capital investment in public toilets across the County. It was agreed that the Clerk ask for further details of this from NCC.

Agreed Action Action as above Clerk

153.5 Minute No.133 – some concerns had been reported regarding the door opening mechanism for the noticeboard at Gloster Hill. Members felt this noticeboard should remain locked, which would also prevent it from being cluttered with non- Parish Council material. The new noticeboard at Morwick Road remained open and was being monitored by a local resident.

153.6 – Minute No. 140 – Highways had responded to advise that they could not extend the gritting route as resources were already fully committed. Cllr Watson had challenged this to ask how they dealt with additional routes which were agreed, and he was waiting for a response to this. Also, there was some confusion regarding the extent of the yellow line removal at the top of Castle Street, which Cllr Watson agreed to follow up.

Agreed Action Action as above Cllr Watson

154. Standing Items 154.1 St Lawrence’s Churchyard Walls Project Nothing to report at the moment.

154.2 Neighbourhood Plan – Next Steps Cllr Dr Hobrough reported that a meeting was arranged for the following week between the four members who had led the focus groups in order to pull together the information from the workshops and to think about a form from which a cross section of candidates with appropriate skills could be identified for the Steering Group. A meeting was planned for 13 or 14 January with NCC, and he would report back on progress to the next meeting.

155. Christmas Lights 2020 Members agreed that the time was right for a rethink of the lights display and that some changes would need to be made for Christmas 2020, particularly as it was not yet known what the effect of the Spring pollarding of the trees would be. It was agreed that the date of the Christmas light switch

2 WARKWORTH PARISH COUNCIL – 2 January 2020 on would be Friday 27 November 2020, and that this should be included in the news section of the website.

Agreed Action Action as above Clerk

156. Request for Financial Assistance from Northumberland Theatre Company Members asked that information be sought on the performance venues before making a decision on this matter at the next meeting.

Agreed Action Action as above Clerk

157. Replacement signs to United Reformed Church and Hall Deferred to next meeting.

158. Councillor area reports incl: riverbank erosion and play area

Cllr Dr Hobrough: Nothing to report from the riverbank, though the bank between the Stanners and the boat landing on Mill Walk was not safe. It was noted that work was to be done but couldn’t at the moment as the ground was too wet.

Cllr Galilee: the willow tree on the south side of the river between the bridges was likely to go shortly.

Cllr Watson: The mud on The Stanners was becoming worse and he suggested that a quote be sought to further extend the grasscell area.

Agreed Action Action as above Cllr Watson

Cllr Wilson: there was a raised hydrant lid on the pavement at Dial Place between the Church Rooms and Abbeyfield which was dangerous.

Agreed Action Cllr Galilee to identify owner and report to Cllr Galilee Clerk

Cllr Lilley: his report had been emailed round highlighting the ongoing issues. The path across the playing field was still very muddy. Cllr Watson advised that the view from NCC was that this was a rural path and should be expected to be wet in winter, and it was noted that there was an alternative to use.

159. County Councillor Report Cllr Watson advised that the community governance review requested by Amble Town Council would not be considered by the County Council at its January meeting, and was likely to be February.

160. Planning: Cllr Watson took no part in this item.

160.1 Planning applications: (1) 19/04694/FUL | Proposed development of 1No five bedroom, two storey dwelling house with 1.5 storey attached garage with room in the roof and single storey lean to addition to rear. | 34 Watershaugh Road Warkworth Morpeth Northumberland NE65 0TX – No comments (2) 19/04747/FUL | Demolition of outbuildings and construction of single storey extension to side and associated alterations. Construction of detached garage to side of site. | Woodcroft 7 Morwick Road Warkworth NE65 0TG – No comments (3) 19/04717/VARYCO | Variation of conditions 2 (approved plans), 3 (details of vehicular access), 4 (visibility splays), 5 (Surface water run off), 6 (Construction Method Statement), 8 (vehicle length), 9 (scheme of protection), 12 (CEMP), 13 (Biosecurity Protocol), 14 (Landscape Management Plan), 15 (in accordance with FRA) and 23 3 WARKWORTH PARISH COUNCIL – 2 January 2020 (deliveries/collections) of application 18/03897/FUL. (Amended Description 11.12.2019) | Land North East Of Keepers Cottage Acklington Northumberland. It was noted that this was not in Warkworth Parish. No comments

160.2: Outcomes of recent planning applications Noted.

161. Finance: 161.1 Current Balances £40,409.11 Treasurers Account, £88,507.22 Instant Access Account as at 1 December 2019

161.2. Payments for Approval: The following were approved: Clerk Salary and expenses £249.42 December 2019 HMRC PAYE £52.60 Northumberland County Grounds £8601.42 Council maintenance 2019-20 TP Jones Payroll Oct-Dec 2019 £57.60 Edelweiss Christmas Tree £960.00

161.3. Receipts: 16.12.19 Grays, Village Shop and the Christmas lights £130.00 Hermitage donations and collection box proceeds

162. Correspondence Received: 162.1: CAN News December 2019 162.2: Lesbury Neighbourhood Plan Publicity 162.3: Alnwick, and Rural Neighbourhood Team Letter from Northumbria Police and point of contact details 162.4: NCC Letter re Libraries Consultation Exercise 162.5: AI Overnight Closures Information

163. Information Items: 163.1:NALC Enews 12 December 2019 163.2:NALC Royal Garden Party 2020 163.3:NALC Member Update 18 December 2019

164. Items for next meeting  Request for Financial Assistance from Northumberland Theatre Company  Replacement signs to United Reformed Church and Hall

165. Date and Time of Next Meeting

Thursday 6 February 2020 at 6.30 pm.

The meeting closed at 7.45 pm.

