KBA Profile: Laterite Plateau

National Site Name Madayi laterite plateau

English Name

KBA delineation Catchment (multiple level 12)

Focal area delineation No

The whole KBA is a number of laterite plateaus interspersed with small valleys with seasonal streams and rice, coconut, cashewnut and arecanut agriculture. The plateaus are heavily quarried Site description for laterite, mined for clay, and moderately populated. The Madayi plateau is also the source of two larger rivers, the and Peruvamba river which flow to backwaters and estuary which it shares with the River (another KBA).

Management required at Yes catchment scale

Management required at focal area within catchment

KBA Trigger Species

Group Species Criterion1 Criterion2 Criterion3 Notes

Fishes Carinotetraodon travancoricus VU NA NA

Fishes Puntius denisonii EN 15714.06176 NA

Fishes Puntius mahecola NA 16651.9995 NA

Odonata Macrogomphus wynaadicus NA 26655.61097 NA

Plants Dimeria hohenackeri EN NA NA

Plants Eriocaulon dalzellii EN NA NA

Plants Farmeria metzgerioides VU NA NA

Plants Limnopoa meeboldii EN NA NA Plants Nymphoides krishnakesara EN NA NA

Plants Rotala malabarica CR 2141.50938 NA AZE species

Shrimps Caridina chauhani NA 13841.84964 NA

Plants Utricularia cecilii EN 14527.44109 NA

Protected Areas Overlap with KBA

Name Designation Desig. Type Status PA Management Focus

Talakaveri Sanctuary National Designated No freshwater biodiveristy management

Western Ghats World Heritage Site International Inscribed No freshwater biodiveristy management

Potential KBA Stakeholders*

Society for Environmental Education in

Malabar Natural History Society

Indian Naval Academy

Zoological Survey of , Regional Centre

KBA Freshwater Habitats

Habitats (IUCN Classification Scheme) Notes

5.1 Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks(includes waterfalls)

5.2 Seasonal/Intermittent/Irregular Rivers/Streams/Creeks

5.7 Permanent Freshwater Marshes/Pools(under 8ha) 5.8 Seasonal/Intermittent Freshwater Marshes/Pools(under 8ha) AZE species habitat

9.10 Estuaries

Threats to KBA

Conservation actions In (IUCN Classification Needed Notes place Scheme)

1.1 Site/area protection Yes Some traditional sacred groves are protected

2.1 Site/area management Yes

3.1 Species management Yes For AZE plant species

3.2 Species recovery Yes For AZE plant species

4.1 Formal education Yes Yes SEEK run education for students and public

4.2 Training Yes

4.3 Awareness & Yes communications

5.3 Private sector standards & Yes For mining and quarrying codes

For mining and quarrying. Implementation of Wetland (Conservation and 5.4 Compliance and Yes Management) Act 2010 & Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act enforcement 1974.

Conservation actions for KBA

Conservation actions In (IUCN Classification Needed Notes place Scheme)

1.1 Site/area protection Yes Some traditional sacred groves are protected 2.1 Site/area management Yes

3.1 Species management Yes For AZE plant species

3.2 Species recovery Yes For AZE plant species

4.1 Formal education Yes Yes SEEK run education for students and public

4.2 Training Yes

4.3 Awareness & Yes communications

5.3 Private sector standards & Yes For mining and quarrying codes

For mining and quarrying. Implementation of Wetland (Conservation and 5.4 Compliance and Yes Management) Act 2010 & Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act enforcement 1974.

Food Security


Used for food security Score Notes

1. Subsistence

Optional/alternative 1

Essential staple 2

Emergency 0

2. Commercial

Local 2

Regional 1

National 0 3.Migrant fishers 0

Notes For many taxonomic groups

The aquatic plants Eriocaulon kannurense Sunil 2012 and Eriocaulon madayiparense Swapna, Rajesh, Manju & Prakashkumar 2012 are endemic to this KBA, but are not assessed on the IUCN Red List. The laterite Other biodiversity subterranean systems are also important areas for many invertebrates (e.g. shrimps and copepods) with many possible endemic species.

Protected areas overview

1. Balakrishnan, V.C., Palot, M.J. and Rajesh, K.P. 2010. Obersvations on the flora of , a midland laterite hill in District, Kerala. Malabar Trogon. 8 (2&3). 2. River Research Centre. 2013. Report on Monitoring of Fish Diversity of Rivers in Kerala. Kerala State Biodiversity Board, . 98 pp. References 3. Sunil, C.N., Narayanan, M.K.R., Nadakumar, M.K., Sujana, K.A., Joseph, J.P. and Kumar, A. 2013. Eriocaulon kannurense (Eriocaulaceae), a new species from Kerala, India. International Journal of Plant, Animal and Environmental Sciences 3(2):116-120. 4. Swapna, M.M., Rajesh, K.P., Manju, C.N. and Prakashkumar, R. 2012. Eriocaulon madayiparaense (Eriocaulaceae) - a new species from the foothills of the Western Ghats, India. Phytokeys 10:19-23.

Ali, A., Amitha Bachan, K.H., Anatha, L., Dahanukar, N., Jayachandran, K.V., Molur, S., Nameer, P.O., Acknowledgments Raghavan, R., Subbramanian, K.A., Rehel, S.M. and Vinod, T.R.

* Potential KBA stakeholders have not been contacted in any official capacity nor have they endorsed the KBA – they are a list of potential stakeholders to inform any organisation or individual who may want to undertake conservation activities on freshwater biodiversity in this KBA