United States V. Salerno, 868 F.2D 524 (2D Cir 1989)
Page 1 868 F.2d 524, 27 Fed. R. Evid. Serv. 868 (Cite as: 868 F.2d 524) Cases (Formerly 165k25.1, 165k25 Extortion and United States Court of Appeals, Threats) Second Circuit. UNITED STATES of America, Appellee, Extortion 164T 22 v. Anthony SALERNO, Carmine Persico, Gennaro 164T Extortion Langella, Anthony Corallo, Salvatore Santoro, Ral- 164Tk18 Federal Offenses ph Scopo, Christopher Furnari and Anthony Indel- 164Tk22 k. Threat or duress. Most Cited icato, Defendants–Appellants. Cases (Formerly 165k25.1, 165k25 Extortion and Nos. 91–106, Dockets 87–1075 to 87–1078, Threats) 87–1082 to 87–1085 and 87–1208 to 87–1215. Argued Sept. 9, 1987. Extortion 164T 26 Decided Jan. 31, 1989. 164T Extortion Defendants were convicted in the United States 164Tk26 k. Attempts. Most Cited Cases District Court for the Southern District of New (Formerly 165k25.1, 165k25 Extortion and York, Richard Owen, J., on Racketeer Influenced Threats) and Corrupt Organizations Act violations and other In prosecution for extortion and attempted ex- charges. One defendant appealed and limited appeal tortion, it is not necessary to prove victims' actual to two issues. The Court of Appeals, 865 F.2d fear of retaliation, but only an attempt to instill 1370, entered an en banc opinion and remanded. fear; moreover, Government need not prove attempt Appeal was then taken by all defendants. The Court to instill fear of violence but need only prove at- of Appeals, Mahoney, Circuit Judge, held that: (1) tempt to instill fear of economic harm. 18 U.S.C.A. evidence was sufficient to sustain extortion and at- § 1951(a).
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