DATE : 18/11/2019 CLARE COUNTY COUNCIL TIME : 11:01:01 PAGE : 1 P L A N N I N G A P P L I C A T I O N S PLANNING APPLICATIONS RECEIVED FROM 11/11/19 TO 15/11/19 under section 34 of the Act the applications for permission may be granted permission, subject to or without conditions, or refused; The use of the personal details of planning applicants, including for marketing purposes, maybe unlawful under the Data Protection Acts 1988 - 2003 and may result in action by the Data Protection Commissioner, against the sender, including prosecution

FILE APP. DATE DEVELOPMENT DESCRIPTION AND LOCATION EIS PROT. IPC WASTE NUMBER APPLICANTS NAME TYPE RECEIVED RECD. STRU LIC. LIC. 19/879 Peter Carroll P 11/11/2019 to RETAIN partial demolition of the existing building on site and PERMISSION to demolish remaining walls along with sheds and to construct a new two storey dwelling house, relocate existing vehicular entrance and all associated site works Derreen Co. Clare

19/880 Gerard & Gearoid Kenny P 11/11/2019 to construct a slatted house incorporating a feeding passage and calving area along with all other necessary ancillary and associated works Ballygeery East Labasheeda Co. Clare

19/881 Fergal Kenny P 11/11/2019 to construct a slatted house incorporating a calf creep and access passage along with all other necessary ancillary and associated works Moyfadda Labasheeda Co. Clare

19/882 Alan McNamara P 12/11/2019 for the development of an extension to existing dwelling which will include a side and rear extensions and all associated site works Drumline Newmarket on Fergus Co. Clare DATE : 18/11/2019 CLARE COUNTY COUNCIL TIME : 11:01:01 PAGE : 2 P L A N N I N G A P P L I C A T I O N S PLANNING APPLICATIONS RECEIVED FROM 11/11/19 TO 15/11/19 under section 34 of the Act the applications for permission may be granted permission, subject to or without conditions, or refused; The use of the personal details of planning applicants, including for marketing purposes, maybe unlawful under the Data Protection Acts 1988 - 2003 and may result in action by the Data Protection Commissioner, against the sender, including prosecution

FILE APP. DATE DEVELOPMENT DESCRIPTION AND LOCATION EIS PROT. IPC WASTE NUMBER APPLICANTS NAME TYPE RECEIVED RECD. STRU LIC. LIC. 19/883 Caroline Maloney and Robert P 13/11/2019 to construct a single private dwelling house and Tackaberry garage, with effluent treatment system, new entrance from public road, and all associated site works including local diversion of the existing -Cahircalla-Ennis North ESB overhead 38kV line, including erection of two new ESB masts Gleann na Coille Shanaway Road Claureen Ennis Co. Clare 19/884 Cratloemoyle Partnership P 13/11/2019 to demolish part of an industrial unit comprising of a single storey office block and to construct a two storey office block extension, with external company signage, to construct a warehouse extension, provide a cladding finish to the north east elevation of the existing building, to replace the existing septic tank system with a new packaged wastewater treatment system and polishing filter, external hard and soft landscaping and all ancillary site works Cratloemoyle Co. Clare

19/885 Maureen O'Grady R 13/11/2019 to RETAIN development consisting of attic conversion c/w velux windows and associated site works O'Dea's Road Co. Clare DATE : 18/11/2019 CLARE COUNTY COUNCIL TIME : 11:01:01 PAGE : 3 P L A N N I N G A P P L I C A T I O N S PLANNING APPLICATIONS RECEIVED FROM 11/11/19 TO 15/11/19 under section 34 of the Act the applications for permission may be granted permission, subject to or without conditions, or refused; The use of the personal details of planning applicants, including for marketing purposes, maybe unlawful under the Data Protection Acts 1988 - 2003 and may result in action by the Data Protection Commissioner, against the sender, including prosecution

FILE APP. DATE DEVELOPMENT DESCRIPTION AND LOCATION EIS PROT. IPC WASTE NUMBER APPLICANTS NAME TYPE RECEIVED RECD. STRU LIC. LIC. 19/886 Padraig and Anne Giblin E 13/11/2019 to Extend the Appropriate Period of Planning Permission P09/849 for mixed use tourism, recreational and commercial development Co. Clare

19/887 John Franklin R 13/11/2019 to RETAIN boundary wall with entrance gates Summerhill Meelick Co. Clare

19/888 Caitríona Mulkere and P 13/11/2019 for development which will consist of the Dermot Vaughan construction of a dwelling house, garage, a proprietary waste water treatment system and ancillary site works Carrownacloghy Co. Clare

19/889 Paul and Aoife Coleman R 13/11/2019 to RETAIN garage and all associated site development works and services as constructed Ballyblood Co. Clare DATE : 18/11/2019 CLARE COUNTY COUNCIL TIME : 11:01:01 PAGE : 4 P L A N N I N G A P P L I C A T I O N S PLANNING APPLICATIONS RECEIVED FROM 11/11/19 TO 15/11/19 under section 34 of the Act the applications for permission may be granted permission, subject to or without conditions, or refused; The use of the personal details of planning applicants, including for marketing purposes, maybe unlawful under the Data Protection Acts 1988 - 2003 and may result in action by the Data Protection Commissioner, against the sender, including prosecution

FILE APP. DATE DEVELOPMENT DESCRIPTION AND LOCATION EIS PROT. IPC WASTE NUMBER APPLICANTS NAME TYPE RECEIVED RECD. STRU LIC. LIC. 19/890 Patrick McGrath R 13/11/2019 to RETAIN attic conversion, fenestration and materials changes together with all ancillary site development works and services Einagh Co. Clare

19/891 Eanna Kelly P 13/11/2019 to construct dwelling house, garage, carport with loft, treatment system and provide new entrance to public road Kilmacduane East Co. Clare

19/892 Board of Management St P 13/11/2019 for single storey two no. classroom SNU unit John's National School extension, and extension to existing GP hall and staff room areas at existing school and associated site works Cratloe Co. Clare DATE : 18/11/2019 CLARE COUNTY COUNCIL TIME : 11:01:01 PAGE : 5 P L A N N I N G A P P L I C A T I O N S PLANNING APPLICATIONS RECEIVED FROM 11/11/19 TO 15/11/19 under section 34 of the Act the applications for permission may be granted permission, subject to or without conditions, or refused; The use of the personal details of planning applicants, including for marketing purposes, maybe unlawful under the Data Protection Acts 1988 - 2003 and may result in action by the Data Protection Commissioner, against the sender, including prosecution

FILE APP. DATE DEVELOPMENT DESCRIPTION AND LOCATION EIS PROT. IPC WASTE NUMBER APPLICANTS NAME TYPE RECEIVED RECD. STRU LIC. LIC. 19/893 Karen Quinn and Douglas R 14/11/2019 to RETAIN the following items: the single storey Culligan extension to the rear of the dwelling; the workshop to the rear of the stables/storage shed; the fuel store to the rear of the dwelling; the front entrance onto the public road and the concrete roof tiles, both of which differ to the conditions granted originally by ref P95/461; the detached stables/storage shed which is built as a mirror image to that granted originally by ref P97/1654 and PERMISSION to create an exit door on the ground floor of the dwelling to the right gable and all ancillary site works associated with the development on site Croagh North Co. Clare H91 VK6Y 19/894 Thomas Garry P 14/11/2019 for development consisting of the construction of a new silage slab, loose house and associated site works Fortfergus Co. Clare DATE : 18/11/2019 CLARE COUNTY COUNCIL TIME : 11:01:01 PAGE : 6 P L A N N I N G A P P L I C A T I O N S PLANNING APPLICATIONS RECEIVED FROM 11/11/19 TO 15/11/19 under section 34 of the Act the applications for permission may be granted permission, subject to or without conditions, or refused; The use of the personal details of planning applicants, including for marketing purposes, maybe unlawful under the Data Protection Acts 1988 - 2003 and may result in action by the Data Protection Commissioner, against the sender, including prosecution

FILE APP. DATE DEVELOPMENT DESCRIPTION AND LOCATION EIS PROT. IPC WASTE NUMBER APPLICANTS NAME TYPE RECEIVED RECD. STRU LIC. LIC. 19/895 Health Service Executive P 15/11/2019 for a change of use from Nursing Home to Mental Health Intellectual Disability Day Service. PERMISSION is sought for additional car parking on site and all associated works above and below ground Inisgile Gortatogher Co. Clare 19/896 Cignal Infrastructure Ltd P 15/11/2019 to construct a 24m monopole type telecommunications support structure enclosed within a 2.4 metre high palisade fence compound together with associated ground equipment cabinets and associated site works Lissykenthy House Tomara Quilty Co Clare

Total: 18