« ' k force to 20 men. The three men theae tan balng nbla to work whan called upon because of other duties. Mrs. Milton F. Wagner of IM Mr. and Mra Roy A. Olsoii and who are now on leave of absence Nurse Aides Mr. and Mrs.' W. H. Hewitt, neigh­ Special Meeting TWO Regulars in the Army and who will return to Uioklng for Shooting Range oampfleld Road gave a birthday The members of the deparement About Town party Saturday evening .for her bors on Fairfield street, celebrated ! the deparment at the end o f , the Member a t the Audit their joint wedding anniversaries! Of 0AGES) PRICE THREE CENTS pay and have them serve until »e- asking to be allowed to use the fg the Manchester ment I. O. O. F.. in Odd Fellows range, brought, the answer that cises on Friday. Mrs. William I-. Fitzgerald of 156 Mrs. Madeline Fuller Howlett i New Local Palrolmcii. placed by the men returning from xl.. I... I t ifamorUl h'8*'*^*y ■"P**' until victory is won, we must seek Air Assault on Ger­ he entered the chamber. Members Aircraft carriers —Numerically Big Advantage for ourselves not gain nor advant­ Toward Going The valley runnlnR from Cassino Some Areas of the House and Senate, diplo­ Te«, Qirlslmas 1943, is just around the cor­ about equal but definiUly Inferior age, but only survival. man Chemical Center. to Rome between towering fog- mats from other lands and fellow in battle potential *>ecause of me New Stresses and Straws covered mountain ma.sses is the cabinet members stood and cheer­ ner and speakiii|i; of men, manpower has dimin­ loss of her beat carriers in the Mid­ Of Initiative "W e know that our New Eng­ I Into Conflict natural road for the Army to fol­ 111 Ukraine ed as Hull wallfed slowly to the way, Coral Sea and Solomons ac­ land economy cannot be insured London, Nov. 18.— (/T*)— low-. rostrurh to be greeted by Speaker ished considerably since Iasi Christmas in all tions last year, forcing her to r*" against the risks of war. We know, American'Liberator bombers And because it is the natural Rayburn and Vice President Wal­ sort to slower, less battleworthy, Roosevelt Points to Ad- too, that after the war New Eng­ ranged far over Norway avenue to Rome the Germans have Reds Give Up Ground lace. converted ships. . land cannot revert to what it was again today, blasting at Hit­ Sub Rosa Assistance to thrown up their heaviest defenses He was introduced by Rayburn linea o f bnsiness aelivily except the war indns- Strength Reduced Third as a statesman who has "interpre­ vanices Made During before. There will be new stresses ler’s far northern war indus­ Allied Armed Forces and massed the greater part of For First Time Since Urges You More Than Heavy crulsepi—Strength reduc­ and strains which will demand their troops in the vicinity, with ted the inarticulate longings ot tries so therefore, yon are urged to shop earlier ed about one third. Year; Wallace, Willkie strong internal bracing . . . try only a few hours after a Rapidly* Carrying Na­ the Apennines on their left flank Siieeessfiil Offensive millions" at home and abroad. A Ught cruisers — Recent con­ "There has been criticism of heavy R.A.F. assault on the stnading aa a guard against the thunder of applause endorsed the than ever for Christmas beeanse Uncle Sam ami struction has not equalized war Speak at * Forum. the conduct of the war on the do­ German chemical center of tion to War Footing. British Eighth Army. Begun 4 Months Ago. tribute. losses but has increased speed and There was applause, too, near Ever Before To:— t ------mestic front. Such criticism, Ludwigshafen. It was the ^ Weather .Vll.i of Kneiii.v hitting power. . Nov. 18.—(A.|— when based upon facts and knowl­ By William B, King Mo-scow, Nov. 18.—(A*) —Con­ the outset of his address when he the expressman want yon to have your packages Destroyers -Shrinkage from 30 second time in three days Ameri­ In addition to holding the strong President Roosevelt says the edge. is highly constructive and fronted with stiff counter-attacks, declared: can bombers had blasted at the Ankara, Turkey. Nov. 17.-- (De­ positions on heights conimanding "We have reached a stage in the to 50 per cent. should be encouraged. The right adverse weather conditions and that must be sent out of town reafly to go before Seaplane carriers—approximate­ United Nations now hold "the su­ to criticize, and by such public section of German war Industry layed)—(/P)-Turkey is moving to­ the valley the* enemy has had a war in which the United Nations ly the same. preme advantage of the initiative" criticism to correct, is certainly hitherto relatively free of aerial ward war with the Axis. friendly ally in thj weather. difficult terrain, the Red Army are on the offensive in every part December 10. .SHOP EARLY At the outbreak of the war in the war and must never lose an essential of democracy, and jpoundings. Steady cold rains have swollen has given up ground in the p. the world. Our enemies are suf­ Turkey's sub rosa assistance to Japan had ten battleships in serv­ A power station at Rjukan. streams and inundated bypasses fering defeat after defeat. The It. one of the rights for which we Allied armed forces, which closely Ukraine for the first time since it ice and three, or possibly four, un­ about 80 miles west of Oslo, and along the Fifth Army’s supply time has come when their desper­ In a me.s!>age to The New York fight. approximates that which the Unit­ began its successful, offensive der construction. The Japanese Herald Tribune’s 12th forum on "We will not^ swallow the idea molybtienum mine at Knalien lines as well as subjecting troops four months ago. ate movement to destroy the We are cooperating in every way we can be­ Naval program between 1937 and were blasted Tuesday. ed Stales gave Britain iq the to exposure In muddy slit trenches. world will be utterly crushed." current problems last night, the of ‘Papa knows best,’ unless we months before Pearl Harbor, is The withdrawal was executed .SHOP WISELY 3940 provided for building four ad­ president recalle'> that a year ago are pretty sure that he does; and Targets Not Identified But for the first time In a week yesterday in the Zhitomir-Koros- An outburst of applause greet- For Sizes and Styles ditional "armoreil ships." These rapidly carrying the nation toward it t l cause practically all lines for gift giving are on he said the turning point of the it seems pretty clear that in some Today's targets were not identi­ a war footing. the skies were clear today and a tyshev sector at the tip of the Red have been variously described as war had been reached. fields our Federal Papas still have fied immediately. bright aun shone on the muddy Army’s salient' i est of Kiev, and (Continued on Page Four) battle cruisers, aircraft carriers a lot to learn.... Last night’s R.A.F. attack on Details of the help which al­ display and everything has been put in order to "The great advances that have ready is being Riven naturally can­ front giving the doughboys and came on the eve ot the first anni­ and heavy- cruisers. The last de­ "New England has been prai.sed the German Rhineland city was been made during the year since not be disclosed, but this corres­ Tommies,^a ^hnnee to dry their versary of the launching of the scription is probably correct. then,” he said, “can be measured highly for its contribution to the carried out along with a raid on clothing. Al.so for the first time great Soviet counter-offensive at handle your gift buying as fast as mc can. Japan started the war with nine, war in production, in finance, and Berlin, hit by Mosquitos for the pondent is convinced that what as .SHOP IN THE MORNING by the fact that now the impor­ only friendly neutrality a few in several days'the Air Force had ,Stalingrad on Nov. 18. 1942. possibly 13, aircraft carriers, of tant events of the war—and in under arms as well as for the dis­ third time in seven days, and other a chance to strike at the enemy. The retreat followed a series of Flashes! which seven were .first class ves­ the building for the peace—are cipline readily acc.pted by its attacks on unnamed targets in months ago is rapidly approaching genuine cooperation. The strain on the troops has heavy Nazi counter-attacks south (I.ate Bulletins ot the (Ab Wire) You will find practically all the well known sels. She also had nine large sea­ b^ing Impelled by us of the United people. western Germany. been great______andI the rugged moun­ west of Zhitomir and —.I*J_ in -.1the.______Fas- plane carriers in addition to a num- Nations and not by our enemies.’’ "Perhaps this praise is i^e- One bomber was lost during the .Making Plans For War tain fighting la underscoring once tov sector, in which ma.sses of and familiar lines of merchandise you have been Speakers at the fina> session at night's operations, as compared That this cooperation may grow tanks and Infantry were used in To Receive $1.10.000 ~ (Continued on Pago Four) the Waldorf Astoria hotel includ­ (Continued on Page Six) with 12 heavy craft lost by the R. into Turkish participation in the M’nntiniied on Page Two) an attempt to slice off the bulge New London, Nov. 18.—(AV— ed Vice President Wallace and A.F. the last time Ludwig.shafen war on an all-out scale is recogniz­ in the Soviet front: A Russian From a sourer close to rival liti­ In the habit of buying al House’ s but quantities, Mail Your Christmas/Cards Wendell L. Willkle. Mes^ges was raided on Oct. 4. ed by the Turkish government, communique .sakl the drive cost gants in the Peter Bennett Plant were read from Prime Minister The world's largest chemical which is making its plans for that the Germans 1.500 casualties and parentage rase came a report to­ sizes and colors may be limited. Quality has Much Whiskey Winston Churchill and Foreign Papers Facing works, operated by the I. G. Far- eventuality. Seekiiiis Visas 80 tanks and troop carriers. day that a tentative settlement And Mail Or Send By Express Minister Anthony, Eiden of Great ben trust, is situated at Ludwig­ (This is the broadest indication C7 ( Advices from London said the had been reached under which the been maiiitaincfl as high as ever wherever it has Britain and from Gen. Charles De shafen, where high explosives are of Turkey's new attitude to come Germans were reported to have 14-year-old son of Pilm Star Con­ Held in Bond Gaulle, president of the French Further Cuts made along with submarines parts, direct from Ankara throuRh a At Bucharest thrown at least 150.000 troops in­ stance Bennett would receive been within our power to do so. Committee of Natk nal Liberation. tanks, trucks and Diesel engines. censorship which, so far aa it con­ to the ’ Zhitomir counter-assault.) i $1.10,000 from a trust fund eatab- All Packages Before Dee- 10-- Must Maintain Initiative The assault was the first heavy cerns Turkey's foreign relations, Ueplh Not Olv^n ! "«•»«> “ *6 .ate Commodore r J Enough in Warehouses The president, whose message Tonnage for First Quar­ attack on Germany since American has been one of the most cautious Morton Plant. This report came was read by Mrs. Ogden Reid, and rigid in Europe. King's find­ TIioiishiuIs of Rlllllilll- j The depth ot the withdrawal while attorneys fo- Miss Bennett Flying B'ortresaes blasted at j was not given in the Ru.ssian com- We suggest that you be extra careful on sizes To Give Every Ameri- vice president jf The Herald Trib­ ter of 1 9 ,4 4 to Be 23 Bremen in daylight Saturday. ings are supported by, information ianq Crowd Consiilatps and for the estate of Commodore une and broadcast nationally, supplied by a man in London with I munique. which confined itself to Plant, mill onaire transportation 12 Quarts Each. Per Cent Under 1941. L,ast night’s secondary raid on 1 the laconic report that the Red In buying any merchandise where size is the gov­ As we approach our ae^nd Christmas at war the de­ ran said that "in the years—and per- Berlin was the 17th Visit the R.A. authoritative connections, who A h RphiiIi of Tpiisions. magnate and his step-son, the late F.’s twin-engined plywood bombers cannot be identified. He said two Philip Plant, continued a series ol mands of war have depl^cl personnel and the possibilities (lontiniiefi on Page Two) conferences preparatory to sub­ Bulletin! (Contlnned on Page Two) Washington, Nov. 18.—(,P) The liaye paid the German capital .since weeks ago that outright Turkish Born, Switzorlnm', Nov. 18. (A’) j erning factor. . nation’s newspapers today faced participation in the war. qualified mitting a settlement to Sujierlor of part-time and tempoftiry personnel to a minimum. This Washlngtoh, Nov. 18,—(J*) Thousands of Rumanians are] further cuts in newsprint which (Continued on Page Six) though it might be, was in the Court Judge- -lames Murphy for —The Justice depnrtmcnt al­ crowding neutral consulates seek-1 approval. holds true of every^ sin ess. To that end we urge every ready has begun an Investiga­ would fix their allowances for the cards). Mine Seized first quarter of 1944 at approxi­ Real war may not become Tur­ ing visas to go abroad as a result' German Fliers to plaiyhis or her Christmas shopping at once tion of the liquor Industry, Convicted in Gasoline Case customer into which n Senate commit­ mately 23 per cent under their Treasury Balance key’s lot for several months. o’f tensions creBleu by the near-| 1941 base' tonnage for a three A few weeks ago 1 was con­ Nassau. Bahamas, Nov. 18.— 1 it a a ^ r ly in the eeasoa aa poasible. tee proposes to Inquire. Dis­ ne.s.s of _Rus.Mia’s Armies, the re -! and to-do month period. ^ Washington, Nov. 18.—<8^—The Attack Samos ’— lust one week after he wa# ar- closing that his office Is out By■ of Partisans ■ * vinced that Turkey would not enter vlval of a dispute with Hungar.v' to determine It there have Excepted from reduction^ made position of the Treasury Nov. 16: the war before spring, but now3w y and increa.sing Indications of a _ _ __ i quitted of the murder of Sir Har- yesterday by the Newspaper Ad­ Receipts, $232,552,687.14; exr am convinced she will be in the ; , . . . , rv. Oakes, debonair .Alfred de EVe^' effort has been made to avail ourselves of all been price-fixing nctivlUes government crisis. and a withholding of supplies Now Fi^iting Fiercely visory committee, . were papers penditures, $463,037,475.03; net war by spring. I have reached1 ,this -A Bucharest dispatch to the I OO lllIiers, D ive-Boinliert* Marigny was convicted in‘magis­ the C M ^m aa merchandise that the market affords but from,the market In order to- using no more than 25 tons in each balance, $16,816,549,530.71; cus­ conclusion despite the fact there Gazette de Lausanne .said 30,000- Adifiatilt Greek trate's court today of Illegal pos­ an nrtlllclnl shortage Against Strong At­ quarter, while those using more toms receipts for month, $18,083,- persons had asked visas to 'Tur­ Is- session o-f gasoline. Mugistriite F, / B u r quantmes are limited on practicaUy every line. There will and thus Increase prices, than 1,000 tons In each quarter 335.96. (Contioued oe Page Two) key, and 35.000 to Si.'itzerland. land Norlh of Loros E. Field said he tto ‘eat nutritional foods.’ in addition to calurie.s, if that ma­ warm attitude toward the Axis. fail oi the island to German at-1 .hshal .i .Stanley PnttsPotta. 'There is no way of telling, be The Germans crashed the par­ quarter of 1941 to produce only tta •This is silly, and. if certain chine ia to run without knocks, Troops Now St Border tacking forces, announced yester­ • • « added, ’ how much will be sold tisan lines between Doboj and net paid circulation, plus three per foods are listed to the exclusion squeaks and' breakdowns. The Budapest correspondent ol* day, constituted s political, set­ Sec Meeting of Leaders Soon straight and haw much will be Tuzia and the Yugoslav bulletin cent for spoilage, nlus the percent­ at others, misleading. For an "Our current Federal food ‘en­ The Gazette spoke ol. reports of a back to the Allies in .Turkey affd London,. Nov, 18—(Al— Belief blenfled wltH neutral splrita and said fighting was continuing in age increaaa & dfrculaUon which article which ia not nutritional ia richment’ program endeavors to concentration of several Ruma­ the Balkans. that President RitoaevelL Prlate coloring matter for sale under new thia region. , .took place between the laat quarter not a food." reatore aome of the lost and de­ nian dlvlsionB on .the border of The News Chronicle put its cri­ Minuter Churchill aad Marshal brand namee. Sharp clashes were reported of 1941 and the laat quarter of Faarntlal Nutrients Affected stroyed salts and vitamins. It Trsmaylvania, the wedge-shaped ticism into blunt terms. “ It is hard Stalin would meet sooa oa aeotfal Senator Overton (D -L «) said near Posusje and In the Cetlna 3942. In a speech prepared, for deliv­ says hothingr about the lost or de­ territory awarded to Hungary in to resist the oonclusion.” it said, ground waa widely rumored M that If analyain of such blends .river valley inland from Spilt. A sliding scale formula alao was ery to the- Institute of Medicine stroyed proteins. A wiser policy 1940 bA Hitler and Mussolini. ‘ithat somebody has blundered." London today, hut without showed them to be deleterious the Units of the 11th Yugoslav bri- proposed under which the first 25 of Chicago's Postgraduate Assem­ would be not to remove or destroy Hungarians professed not to-re- The Daily Mail declared the faii- rdnfinnatiofi. Newepapera bly on Nutrition in 'Wartime, Dr. any essential Ingredient in our ^ ------ad dispatchM from the XC**tinnMI en rage 8U> IConUaoed am Pare Tw si (Coatianed am Vmma HU) ICarlsc^ aald some of the current foods." .(CoBtiniMd on ICoattBiMd oa F a n Xhroel

Jf i / -

■ t-*- i r » N N . t t n m S D A Y , N O V E M B E R IS. 194S PAO« MANCHESl’ER EVBNiJiG nCRAliU, MANCttESTER. CUNNi THUItSDAT,' two in the world, probably will get no miners would, act aa a lever on tended order. Otierrilla tsetiaa" Ipear and pay the billa «n file opportunity to go into action be­ Hold Service Out of DisL Residents Local Guards Cited for Action Hope to End OPA to get the pries increases he CSG Schedule will be shown by models and IM aralnat them. Fifth Army 15; Year Old ~L6cal Boy Turkey Moving fore spring In any event, since believes Juatifled. turea by company commlosiaiMA ^ felson Issues The time limit for pa>'ment of winter definitely is not fighting This objective, of course, offers ■nd non-commissioned officara on these taxes expired on May 16, SO weather in , Thrace, the adjoining no,; inducement to the captive ■and tables during tha f'va-mont)l .Toward Going For Aviator May Vote This Evening * To Take Part ^ine Control mines, which not only sell no coal Is Given Out training period.' days after the Initial date of pay­ ^ Faces Must Discovered in U. S. Navy Axis-held territory, even for foot Tinal Warning ment, after.!,which penalty and In­ soldiers. to the public but are purchasers of Captain Kilpatrick will make terest was imposed. (The Nazi-controlled Paris ra­ coal. With steel capacity at a new quarterly training Inspections of- This is a final warnlnir to those Into Coiifliet Memorial at the Soiitli By a change in the law enacted* follows: A t any other town meet- Hartford County Bat­ Interior Department Of- high, many of the mills owning Capt. Kilpatrick Ims all ten units in the 2nd Battalion Of Germans James Morlconi, son of Mr. and!had j-egistered and that hia age dio said today that Frapz Von ing or at any meeting of any fire, whose automobile tax bills arS as at the last aeaaion of the Legisla­ R c Y ie w captive mines find it necessary to before the annual Federal Inspec­ 1^0 Turn Oyct for Col­ was given as 18 years. With this Papen, Nazi ambassador to Tur­ Church Sunday for sewer or school district or any talions to Hold ficialH Expect Early buy a supplementary tonnage from Onlerfi to Hcadn yet unpaid. Mra. Antonio Moriconi of 59 Irving (f'ontlnimd from Page One) key, has been received by Adolf ture any person owning real es­ tion which will take place during (Uanttnaed from Page One) as proof he left OcMrgia and went other municipal aubdiviaion of any commercial producers. lection All Unpaid atreet is taking his boot training to Maryland where he enlisted in Hitler. Von Papen, one of the Lieut. D. A. Lawreuce. tate to the value of $1,000 or per­ On December 20. Agreement on Wages. Battalion Units. the month of February. town incorporated by any special > ■ with the United SUlea Navy at a the Navy and was sent out for his has been no visible effort by the trickiest of Hitler’s diplomats, re­ sonal property to the value of $500 act, any person who ahall have Auto Tax Accounte. again the fact that war Is a grim government lo prepare the public Cau Banish game for tough reailient y»uth. southern station, but it will be diit boot training. turned to Germany two days ago.) A Memorial service will be held aa shown on tfee aaseaaor'a hooka been_^admitted aa an elector and Manchester States Guardsmen Washington, Nov. 18.—(iF) With Captain _ Archie Kilpatrick, Earlier names of the Congres­ short—because James is (jnly .'6 The fact that he looked pretty for approaemng participation in ^ . One Straw' in Wind of the town, lP)— American aircraft prove his age he went to Georgia born until 1928. until thia necessary preparation a report froth Menemencioglu on Hartford, filed his report of the hia name and located therein or an viewed by Governor Raymond New York, Nov. 18. Miss this mominr , ^ . (OoBtInned from Page One) who was killed when his airplane Operatora representing about od of Nov. 1 to March 31. inclu- I The unpaid list included about attacked two German airfields in and visiting a draft board register­ The Investigators also called on has been taken. his Cairo talks. President Ismet audit. It starts with the announce­ equity in auch real estate, which Baldwin and Adjutant General R. Italia Tomaso Della Fera, 22, of Inpnu also attended the meeting crashed into the sea In the Ha­ ment that the district has no real estate or equity ^hall be of half the nation’s soft coal tonnage sive. 76 accotuits which will be turned the Athens area yesterday while ed, aaying that he was 18. He.gave his parents and made further check The new Turkish po.sition natur­ B. De Lacoiir and the Brigade 20 Henry street, Hartford, and j program that would be carried on heavy rains and flooding rivers re­ and now the necessary machinery which lasted well Into the night. waiian Islands early thia week. charter and was organized the value of at least One thousand accepted Secretaiy Ickes’ invita­ Brigade Training Order No. 51 over to the collecting officer, the the name of his parents and their ally stems from the Moscow con­ Staff. tion to undertake negotiations with John Raymond' Higgins, 21. of 3.56 has also been distributed to all after the war. duced ground operations in Italy, it address. With this information has been started to have him dis­ ference of foreign secretaries and A communique said the party As stated In Monday's Herald he through a vote of the selectmen. dollars and which real estate or First Review Snoocisaful taxpayer to pay the regular tax The general .said the programs was a second lieutenant in the U. S. The new law, read by at least equity in auch real estate shall be the United Mine Workers yester­ Adams street. Manchester, se­ battalion unit. Commanders, and and interest plus fees of $8 of the was announced today. furnished to the draft, board, he charged and returned to sohool in subsequent Cairo talks between group "approved unanimously the The decision to present the two cured a marriage license in the now in effect ranged from estab­ One of the sweeps across to Manchester. Army Air Forces, in which he en­ two lawyers In town, la Interpre­ Ingrand Hat of such town, dis­ day. The notable absentees were the latter are required to study IF NOSE collecting officer. lishing virtually mosquito - free was given a card to show that he Anthony Eden. British foreign sec­ conduct of the government.” Hartford County State Guard bat­ the Southern Coal Operators As.so- Municipal Building in New York this progranv and to present their Greece was made by American Fly­ retary, and Numan Menemenclo- The (Nimmunique also said, ap­ listed on Sept. 21. 1942. He re­ ted that a person, not a resident trict or subdivision last completed talions to the Governor and his Keertved tVamIng "safety aones” around military ceived his wings and commission of the district, who has the quali- in the name of auch person at not ciation and the captive mines which yesteiday. The bride-elect, the training soheduies to 2nd Battal­ hi The records of the tax collec- posts and hospitals to the training ing Fortresses. They hit the Kiev, glu, 'Turkish minister of foreign parently with purposeful lack of staff in field formation came as a are owned by the steel companies. daughter of Alfonso and Cecilia ion Headquarters, Hartford, on or sis airfield In the third attack on affairs. The best Information on details, that "the Turkish for­ as an Army pilot at Spence Field. ficationfe, as mentioned, can vote. less than said amount, or who result of the auccesa of the first C106S UP tot's office show that those whose o f hundreds of civilian doctors to Ga„ on June 30? and was taking Ickes’ aides did not regard the ab­ D. Della Kera, was born In Hart­ before Nov. '20.A tax bills have not yet been paid, that objective in as many days. At Soviets Lose Urges Keeping the subject, however, still is -that eign minister set forth the Turk­ The New Law shall have any personal estlitc in field formation and parade and re­ Lieut. Edu-srd K. Hutchinson cope with malaria in caw of re­ advanced combat training at .the The law, reads aa follows: i such town, district or subdivision sence of the southern group neces­ ford. Mr. Higgins, a native of Winter Training Program have received their regular bills lapses among cured troops. the same time Mitchell mediums Eden made no specific demands on ish line of conduct on the frame­ view conducted by the 2nd Batta­ sarily as a turndown and expressed Lowell, Mass., Is the son of John Tile winter training program of bombed the Kalamaki airfield. time of the accident. He waa a ■ Sec. 80g. Who may vote at town which shall be in said list in the lion in the state armory, Hartford, 10NIGHT and several warning notices to ap- Turkey. work of the treaty of alliance, graduate of Manchester High The War department announced hope that representatives eventual­ S. and" Alice Hlgson Higgins. the State Guard in short one .Specter of .Malaria Feared Cnunter-Attarka Repulsed Some Areas Big Advantage The Moscow conference was so meetings. The second sentence of name of auch person at not less on Nov. 9 before Adjutant Gen­ Put S-*«r**«* Va-tro-nolupeach "Since the war begai., the peo­ with Great Britain.” school, class of 1040B and attend­ yesterday that the Distinguished ly would Join the conference., The wedding took place today month (April) of the usual train­ Despite adverse conditions, the obvious a turning point In the war Similar approval was given the section 270 is amended to read as than five hundred dollars. eral R. B. De Lacour and the bri­ Flying Cross has been awarded nostril. It (1) shrinks swollen ple at home have been fearing the ed Boston University until enter­ Geagraphlral Lines Erased in the City Chapel in this Cltv. ing schedule for the indoor .season, membranes, (3) soothes Irritation, Germans mounted several coun­ that Turkey is believed to feel Jt foreign policy by the independent _ gade staff. to Second Lieutenant Edward K. Harry Moses, spokesman foi- the Deputy City Clerk Murray \V. ending March. .31, andonit Com­ FALSE TEETH specter of malaria brought back ter-attacks on the eastern end of O f Initiative politically necessary to change ing the Air Corps. Given High Praise (3). relieves transient nasal con­ In Ukraine group of the People's party. Rev. W. Ralph Ward, Jr., of the Hutchinson, son of Mr. and Mrs. captives, said however he did not Stand performed the ceretnnny. manders B)e requested to consider gestion . . . and brings grestsr Rock, Slide or Slip? by our ,troops.” he said in an in­ the Italian battle line but all were from her quiet role of neutrality^— Colonel William J. Maxwell, his terview be(ore delivering the pres­ South Methodist church wrlll be In Higher Tjixes Edward B. Hutchinson of 2 Ger­ plan to participate. With Illinois and evaluate military courtesy, breathing comfort. itnjM SS rXSTEETH, an Improved powder repulsed by the British Eighth (Conttniied (rqin Pagn One) which every Turk will remind you 2nd Battalion staff officers and en­ ard street. The award was made and Indiana participating, the new Automotive plants of the Unit­ close ordc. drill, civil disturbance Follow the complete W iC R v to be sprinkled on upper or lower idential address to the National (Continned from P s f* On*) has been of tremendous benefit to charge of the memorial service, and listed men in aMnehester, Hart­ Army. all friends of the young lieutenant “for extraordinary achievement conference erased the geographical ed States now are turning out tactics, interior guard duty, and directions u A n rilates, noldi falee tectli more Orni- Malaria Society, "but there Has Many rivers near the front swept the Allies. Beth Sholom Not^s ford. New Britain and Bristol, and In folder. v JI'IKO'IIOI i V in Pisoe. Do not slide, »llp or been no evidence so far that the Army under enemy pressure, was haps the centuries of peace— that will be dordially welcome. Not Possible in combat or operational mis.slona lines of the Appalachian Negoti­ war materials at the rate of $10,- e.spccially intensive squad and rock No gummy, (rooey, pasty taste out of their banks. are to follow thia war, the forces One unsubstantiated but logical State Guard Reserve units in Bris­ over enemy held territory in ating committee but Mo.ses said he 000,000,000 a year. platoon training in cloac and ex- or feellna. FASTKKTH Is alknllnr disease brought back by several Many small creeks, bridged only abandoning several aettlementa. explanation of the Cairo talks Is thousand troops In the Army*alone of civilization and common de- Tonight tol, Rockville, Thomaston, Granby China, Indo-China and Burma.” had not withdrawn from the Appa­ (non-scltl). Does not sour. ChcOks by tenipuiary structures, were Moscow military observers. that Eden told Menemencioglu that Annual meeting South Man­ and Wethersfield, were highly “plate odor” (denture breath). Get has spread to the civilian popula­ hoWever, believed the withdrawal cencyl the overwhelming majori­ Friday. Nov. 19—Evening ser­ Lieutenant Hutchinson was award­ lachian committee as such. PASTE£TH at any drug store. turned (nto torrents, and the heavy ty of the human race, must always Soviet Russia wanted Turkey aa an vices will be held at 8 p. m. A For­ George GiYes Treasury chester Fire District at Fire Head­ praised for their excellent presen­ ed the Air Medal "in. July for With meetings being held under tion. rains affectively washed out traces was not on a large scale, but was quarters on School street at 8. tation a week ago. Company G of listed men in Manchester, Hait- simply a Uctlcrl maneuver de­ mainUln the InltlaUve. *=Uve war participant to Protect um will follow the services at heroism in combat action. He the Interior department roof, Ickes of the thousands of mines planted which the High school clas will ; Bliinl Notice Asking. Zoning Board of Appeals, Munl- Manchester under command of 1st and his aides will be on hand to ratc among oUr troop# remaining signed to prevent the encircle­ In the historic ..conferences at ciipal Building at 8. is a graduate of Manchester High In the continental United Slates is in front of Cterman positions. Moscow, we have made several antee of Turkey’s adherence to the discuss the subject "Jewish Youth Lieut. William Taggart and Com­ school and was a student at Duke keep the conferees going until con­ Enemy preparations for a coun­ ment of a comparatively small ad­ Allied cause, j The Turkish foreign Will Be Waste of Time Saturday, Nov. 30 pany H, under command of Captain the loweat.ln the history of the long steps forward. We are mak­ in a Christian Environment.” tracts have been written. It la ex­ ter-attack along the middle lector vance guard. minister is said to have replied that Silver tea, (Jibbons Assembly, David McCollum participated in the University. Before entering serv­ Army is proof that large masses of ing substantial advances In an­ Saturday, Nov. 20-^Children’s ice he was employed at the Pratt- pected that any agreements will of the Sangro river front were They explained that a light, mo­ the Turks were already helping the services will be conducted by the LAST TIME TODAY ----- By Jack Bell C. L. of C.. at the Y. review formation. people can be protected from the bile column of tanka and motorized other field, in the conferences now Whitney Aircraft plant. be conditional not only upon War ■mashed by the Eighth Army ar­ beii.g held by the United Nations Allies but were not prepared im­ Junior Congregation at 9:30 a. m. You CM ’t Afford To Bliss Washington, Nov. 18—(iP) Play for benefit of sick veterans. The Military Police battalion, Labor board approval but also on malaria that is present In this tillery a mile northwest of Atesaa infantry had led the Russian drive mediately to accelerate an aggres­ Christmas gifU by Anderson-Shea based in Hartford, will also partici­ country.” Relief and Rehabilitation admin­ Readers: Efram Jaffa and Elaine Treasury had blunt notice from the full government authorization near the villages of Archl and Pe- through Koroatyshev and Zhitomir sive role to a point where the Ger­ Miller. • Post, V. F. lY., at Post rooms. pate in the planned parade and re­ He said that war-developed mos­ and that the bulk of the Red Army istration.” Charles Boyer • loan Fontaine ' Chairman George I D-Ga) of the tier, who ia only 18, completed his of adequate prices. Coal men said rano. Wallace declared that “lack of mans could take revocation. Sunday, Nov. 21 — Religious Wednesday, Nov. 34 view formation on December 20. boot training at Camp Sampson, Ickes told them a contract with the quito repellgnts and sprays and From the entire Fifth Army forces was not able to maintain the Senate Finance committee today Thanksgiving Eve ball of Hose gases capable of killing the insects planning and the selflahnesa of ao- To Go On Helping Alliei school for children at 9:30 a. m. N. Y., in May, was transferred to front only intermittent fire, in pace. Boggy groiind impeded troop Supper M d Game Party Co. No. 1 at Cheney Hall. were doing much to protect the movements and low visibility re­ called hard-headed men can turn Menemencioglu Is further report­ that it will be wasting time if .it e Naval school at Detroit, Mich., which small German boats on the A supper and game party will tries to get Congress to pile more Friday, Nov. 36 Attend Cereiiioiiy AT FIRST troopa. stricted aerial activity, front ad- Peace II into World War lU. ed to have said that Turkey would and later to Norfolk, Va. He was Qarigllano river were hit. was re­ be sponsored by the Slsterltood at aizxSViiTH taxes on the $2,142,000,000 propos­ Annual ball, Memorial hospital formerly a member of the Junior SIGN OF A Protective Elements Limited vices''sald. "We must resolve,” he said, go on helping the Allies sub rosa port^. “that we shall not again produce 7 p. m. Frankfarters will be serv­ ALSO ed in the new revenue bill coming Auxiliary at Hotel Bond. On New Warship town basketball championship "Theae ptbtecUve element* are Gen. Nikolai Vatutin's First and would eventually enter the ed. Everybody will play the game now limited to the armed forces, Carry Out Offensive Patrols World-Wide explosion by allowing \^ar, but the time and conditions DICK PORAN — JOAN DAVIS before the House next week. Tuesday, Nov. SO team, the Royal Blue Juniors. OVB Ukrainian Army, which carried out he or she likes. Combined meeting, Kiwanls. but when they become available to Fighter-bombers and fighters certain private interests to high could only be decided later. in “ H E ’S M Y G U Y ” "It won’t be any' use for the the retreat, has been one of the Monday, Nov. 22—Hebrew for Treasury to ask the committee to Rotary and Exchange Clubs at the Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Chartier The American Geographical everyone after the war, they will carried out offensive patrols along fastest nfovlng Russian units in pressure Congres.s into higher tar­ When Turkey grants air fend adults at the home of Mrs. W. • PLUS raise any substantial- additional of 30 Clinton street have returned Society of New York, organized f e represent the biggest contribution the battle front despite the ad­ the present offensive, begun on iffs while other private interests Naval bases to the Allies It will T 6 6 6 arc financing unsound loans Rublnow at 3 p. m. Miscellaneous Dish Day! ! amount,” George told this reporter. Thursday, Deo. 3 from New York, where they at­ in 1852, is the olde.st geographical of the medical department to the verse weather and light bonibera July 12 in the Belgorod sector. be tanUmount to open warfare. Tuesday, Nov. 23—Religious tended the commissioning of the TABLETS. SAIVL NOSE DROPS people—a contribution even great­ hit industrial Urgets at Piombino abroad at the expense of the smhll This will doubtless not be done Select Your Pleoe From the "If they want to get $10,500,000,- Bazaar of South Methodist W. society in the U. S. Push Forward on Right Flank school for children at 3:45 p. m. Display. Get That Blue Or* S. C. S. new destroyer escort, ”U. S. S. er than blood plasma,” he said. on the west coast opposite Elba. investor.” until Turkey’s coast and large 000 more in the way they have pro­ chard You WMted, Ladles. Riddle,” at the Brooklyn Navy "It la my belief,” he told the so­ Explosions were seen among the While the tip and left flank of Praises 6Ium.'ow .Accord port cities are fully protected posed, they’ll be coming to a Wednesday, Deo. 8 i North Methodist W. S. C. S. Yard, They were among the par­ ciety, “ that It la possible to make blast furnaces and coke ovens of the Kiev salient sagged slightly Willkie praised the Moscow ac­ against aerial as.sault. LAST 'HME TO D AY! ! ! goat’s house for wool.” under the heavy enemy pres.sunc, cord reached by the United States, supper and sale. ents and friends invited, to the b «diy Sisre era ttwsr I the United States a malaria-free the town's Industrial district. There already are developed In The wool analogy waa used be­ ceremony, to inspect the ship and KIDNEYS country, one which will exemplify The Fortresses,* unescorted to other Red Army forces pushed Great Britain. Rus.sia and China fore. when Chairman Doughton (D- Thursday, Dec. 9 htsie IraM. M yes cmm) ssI I Turkey large airports and land­ FRL — SAT. — SUN. Christmas party, St. Margaret’s to enjoy the salad and cold meat Mfy Saw yw wh lor Swgrsww** *<■) to other countries what can be ac­ Elevsls, braved an intense barrage forward on the right flank toward as "a sound foundation on which ing fields which need hardly more NC ) of the House Ways and Means we cat. now build" but urged that First Run In Manchester! Circle, D. of I., at the Y. luncheon served to the guests. IMW AMriwa wWkr issmdurs k wist complished in the eradication of one to pour exploalvea on the hangars, the strategic rail Junction city of than the arrival of Allied bomb­ 1 committee remarked that "you can Mr. and Mrs. Chartier’s younger MUST REMOVE years. Aad whaa yea da pal Pal MaSar of the world’a most aerious die. storage dump#, runways and park­ Korosten to the north it be enlarged to permit all the shear a sheep (taxpaper) every Saturday, Dec. 11 yaaV pM wwtSc piawwa-kaa rkarw Star United Nations to sign a declara­ ing planes and serving crews in NOW PLAYING Christmas party. Local 53, T.W. son, Francis M., is a fireman sec­ eases." ed aircraft. Black columns of The Russians captured the towns order to become bases for far- year but. you can skin him only ond class on the "Riddle,” and the an warSi veiSiia poitonoua mattar to ramaui In your Uood, it disnatches said. gaps in our moral front and still additional from corporations and Attack Samos dorieta you enjoy log plate powder, maycimanissina backacba.rhaomatic pains, gade repulsed a strong German soft spots in our political war­ eoUd fooda? avoid am> a. Economical: amall ba pains, loaa of pip and,anancy. aetUns up The width of the Kiev bridge­ about $1,372,000,000 more in excise 40, ^,60? Want Vim?herraaament o f looao am oaat laaU loDC«r- nuEta, awallins, puAnata under tba ayei, sortie from Kits, northeast of Fliers Sweep Over head, however, left the Red Army fare.” He said the French leaders I levies on liquor, amusements and platoa. Holpe preveat 4. Pure and barmlam headaelMa and nliiin m FTaquant or aeanty (Continued from Page Oi.e) Need N«w P«p, VHalityT eore guoMy — ptaaaaat tatUag. Split. More than 200 Nazis Crete and Rhodes with ample space to adjust its I had been banned from the Moscow HOWARD .other Items. pemiSia with amartinc and bumins aom»- We offer you a profiii^ioii of beautiful (lemignii in Christiiias Cards. were killed here and two enemy positions and to strike out anew talks and declared the Italian peo- I Dmm't Mm m eshewted, poplow fMlteg M iUIAussUi—>64, MmmfkaAiSmt MlifetoA tlmat shows tbara It aomathlns wnns widi And His t George said these boosts looked ure "is bound to have an unfavor­ Rw at •••. TbMMMdo, wl$« fool dI# wbM blood moodo your kidiMsrs *posils ments on BriUah and American tar­ Munsie. Jr. ^Fred Bliah and Ed­ iff pollciea and noted that Britain iRumanla. rather tlisn ' menacing Ptpti'Coli CompMy, Loi| ItlaM City, N. Y. iher neighbors, more logically win Quihn' have taken the lead in Flint-Bruce Style and Comfort is faced w’lth the necessity of heavy Endorse Coupons arrangements for the show, which 7 Franchised Bottler: Pepsl-Cola Bottling Co. of Central Village, Conn. impbrta o f foods and materials. Brown Stamps -* •could be expected to be seeking VITAL TO CAR K O N O M Y ANO PERFORMANCE . . Brown stamp K In Book Three ] To protect the supply of gao6-^ Sid from them in view of the dan­ Will be presented in three parts, aa "To enable us tp.*pay for them." line in case ration booka are lost follows: Part 1, ”Ph What a Beau­ he said, "a large and expanding ex­ becomes valid Nov. 14 with Stamps ger from Russia. ADVISABLE EVERY 10,000 MILES! G, H and J until Dec. 4. j o- stolen, car iwners should en­ Private information from Buch­ tiful Morning” Dances by Country Cleon Corben- port trade ta (vital and It is hoped dorse the face of each coupon In Maid; Part 2, "The Three Wishes;” Is Built for the Years! thafe the spirit of cooperation de­ Green Stamps I arest'said some Rumanian troops Cooted Valves Greenfetampa A, B and C In; ink with the registration number were hein*’ demobilized ^ in expec­ Part .3, "Professor Bookworm A eompimtm de-slucfging lob will do these things for you . . veloped among the United NatlMS of their car and the name of, the Recommends.” during the war may lead to the re­ Book Four valid through Dec. 20 tation *’■. the real cliais with RE-UPHOLSTER for processed foods. Blue stamps state in which it la registered. iktusala ' I come tn about three Miaa Jessaman’s stories will pre­ 1« Give you botfor gatellno ocon* 4. IncTMsa oil oconemy find in moval of many difficulties In the iiniir JJ-i I ^ taSun. •? and Z In Book Two expire Without such endorsement, cou­ months ami that the troopa might cede the puppet show. ChiMren in omy* many fasas allmlnot* ell monetary and commercial apheres pons are invalid. With auch en­ HARTFORD the grades have been invited and a > 2*Pc. Living Room Suites which so hsndlcapped trade be­ Nov. 20. fight with better morale If given h e Reputation Flint-Bruce enjo}*s for upholstered fur­ dorsement, nobody but the legal home leave now. large turnout ia expected. Attrac­ 3. flastor* cemplet* luf^otien ' pumping, tween the two wars.” Sugar niture of ammrt styling and fine comfort ia the natural Cleon Sludge- . Recovered in Denim "Sugar” stamp 29 In back of ration holder can use the coupons. tive printed programa have been to all vital parts of .your Possesslim of unendorsed or loose ' Must Not Give Moving Reason distributed, on which ia a list of result of long and careful endeavor. ‘In ail our years, chain - Pocked Piston All Work Guaranteed! Book Four valid to Jan. 15 for five T angina. 5. Improva tha smoothness of (loupons is s violation of ration Chewing Tobaooo pounds. Do not confuse with stamp suggeated books for boys and girls and sofas built to meet bur stafidards, or custom built to our i, Rings ragulationi,. ’( Madrid. Nov, 18.—(JP)—German under High 8ch(wl age aa well* as 9. nimlnifeta corrosiva and denn- engine performonko, FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS CALL Buatoeaa Booma 29 in’ front of Book Four. Shoes N. B." The only atamps of any mmt 'merchants have been ordered to the older children. own specifications, are the only type we've consented to put aglng chamical daposHs which value in ^ k a One and Two after Fcfrain from advlaing clients and Richmond, Va. — t/f) —^ M. B. Aeroplane stamp number one In on our fioora. That’s something you can count 4>n, when contominata year hibrlccdlng 6. Prelength* Ilf* of your engine. Bowles, secretary of a tobacco Book Three valid for one pair in- Nov. 20 will be any unexpended Wjioleaslera when they have been $683 Damages T* .Dog Number 18 in Book One. good for NEW you have a sofa or chairs to buy! oN. warehouse company, claims the ueflnltely. Stamp 18 In Book One bombed out of their premiaea, dis­ MacDonald Upholstery Co. chewing tobacco bualneas * Is on still valid for an Indefinite peritxl, one pair of rationed show, for an n o RIYO patches from GeAnsny disclosed Twin Falla, Idaho—(JF)—F. L. P Cleon Sludgo' indeftnit* period. When thia stamp today. Henceforth, the German the up grade. . also. To control th# black market, Stewart wants $582 dsmsgea for UT YOUR CHIVROUT DIAUW "DI-SLUltoi YOUR CAR" AND HUR TO Clogged Oil .\merican Industrial Building “ A lot of soldiers are learning loose coupons cannot be accepted and stamps X. Y and Z in Book press announced, , ' merchants injuries he says hia hunting dog p rwo have been used, the book Sheridan K U r IT SIRVINO DIRINDARLY AND ICONOMIOaLY FOR THI DURATIONI 983 M A IN ST. H A R T F O R D T E L . 2-4127 to chew,!’ he said, "Just as they, except with a mail order. whose places of business have received when it was struck by a % Saeon did In the last war, and thou­ covers may be discarded. been destroyed by bombs 'may ad­ truck. His claims; Hospital bill, Fuel OU Mondays, 12 Noon to 9 P. M. . Tuesdays Through Saturdays 9 to fi. SPBD rO UR WAR BOND PURCHASCS—IpoM f the Day of Victory sands of defense plant workers Period One coupons valid to Jan. Christmaa Paekages . vise their clients of their change $25; travel expense, $20: cost of are chewing on the Job because November la Chriatmas mail of address but most not say why 4. Class four worth ten gallons, I hunting the dog two dsyfe after ac­ BUDGET TERMS Availabie . Evening AppointmenU— Phone 2-3254 they can’t tmoke.” cissB five worth fifty gallons. month for gift packages. Restaurant they moved. cident, $12; loss during hunting T lr* Inspecttoa Nov. 2 ^ F a r wsatem statsa. Nov. 24-r-Southsn> and wsatem season, 30 daya at $10 a day, $300; A-car deadUns March 61, B-car ' Dtotreaa Mghal Mtatelu expense for being “ nurse ‘ maid atstes. ' v i ^ C A v ' deadline Jan. 83, C-car deadline during convalescence.” $25. "Hia Nov. 26— Middle and eastern Kansas City—^4^—It happened j Personal Notices j Nov. SO. states. and Grille teeth are all broken,” Stewart OasoHne Just after ' a congressionalcom­ said, “ and I ’m listing this last Dec. 6—^New England atatsa. mittee opened fire, on the Office FIRST IN SERVICE Number 8 stampa in A-Book R e t ie s amount as general damage, $20().” vaUd for three gallona through The oSlca of tbs Local Rattonlng of Price Administration in Wash­ Card of Thanks Board U locatad In th* Lincoln TO THE MUSIC OF ■W« wish to •xpross our ilnctre Feb. 8. B and C coupons good for ington. Kansas Citysns noted Quortcriy Dividead Declared thahki to our friends and neighbors two gallons. Theft and forgery of school oppoalt* tbs post oSioa. Of- th* American flag atop the mu- ^AFUELOIL for kindness and sympathy shown stamps U sabotage of your ration floe hours are aa follows; Monday, >tual building, occupied principally t6 us at the time of tha death of our 10 a. m. to 4:80 p. m.; Tuesday, 2 Wetarbury, husband and fatbar. ,Wa are »a ^ and attempts to sail stamps should HAPPY LOU by tba OPA. waa flying upside iiuarterly dividend of 75 cents per DIAL R!>00 grataful to Delta Chapter R. A. b* reported to the nearest OPA p. BL to A :l6 ^ m.i WsffBssday. 2 down— the universal distreas alg- uiare payable Jan A ’Note Our New Address p. a . to 6:86 p. aa: Thursday. 10 ISoRAGlRLS'yo - . 1. 4944. to RILEY CHEVROLET CO., In(| Manchester Lodge of MMone. Dnlt- offics. Halp beat the black market U lO \0*--- AND HIS ORCHESTRA ,bal. It waa a mistake, Diatrict stockholders of record Dec. 4. ad .Aircraft, Buckland- Brapeh. and by endorsing all coupons tn your a. m.:to 9:16 p. m.: Friday. 10 a. STAGE SHOW! •Director J. G, Gallaway hastened 173-18S A S Y L U M , H A R T F O R D (Opposite T.oew’8 Theatep) all others who sent and 10 I 1943, was declared vesterdav bv loaned the use of car^ ^ poasession “With your license num- m. to 5:16 p. m.; Saturday, 9 P. M. to 1 A. M. MORIARTY PROS. Mrs. Richard Andrews, iber and aUte os aobn as yoif re­ a. m. to 12:80 p. m.—Th# tols- Mtss Olive An'dreWs, phone numbar is 2—048^ Hiss Velma Andrejr*. ceive tbenu, EW eiflN #BERA Lb. MANUHSSOm OUNN. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1943 r*»wi MAN{M1KRT»-'R EVENING flERAl.P. MANCHESTER. (X>NN. THUKSUAY. NOVEMBER 18,104S ruuR J i l l Manas attacked a Japanaae alr- ulKome northwest of Hanoi in Clothes Drive Cross Given Again Heads Grange Urges Plans Fund Reaches Mignano, Italy, Becomes Modern Pompeii Present War F r^ c h Indo-Chlna. All planes re- Pepper Plans Fight tumbi^aafely from both raids, the ;|pive Manchester Boys comim>nl(lue declared. . $22,070 H ere Is Described To Start Here G old M edal To Aid Vets FIRST NATIONAL Japanea^ Claim Four On Moving Doctors ft Meet on Pacific Isle Collection Depot to Be ' Baldwin Presents New 5 5 0 ,(N)0 Servicemen Officials Determined to Army Chaplain, Just Transport^ Sunk Back, Talks to Vets of London, NoV» 18 — (/T) — The Efltablished; Churches Haven Oub Award to Discharged Since Be* SUPER-MARKETS Keep Up Campaign Tokyo radio aaaerted today that 30 wiu Make ^st Formulu Asks Unusaal Set of Cir- Q Q p \^om en To Help Campaign. Former Political Rival ginning of War. Until Quota Gained. World War No. 1. Japanese planes yesterday attack­ stand to Have Con- # a i • cumstances Brings Lo- , _ ed American shipping off Bougain­ gress Grant Funds fori Captain Leon Goraellne, chaplain ville in the Solomons, sinking four Rabbi Berthold Woythaler of Part in Gold New Haven, Nov. 18— (81—Poli­ Bridgeport, Nov. 18— (81—Both cal Soldiers Together PlCK UlllCerS Aa of noon today, Mancheater transports and damaging a freight' national and local plans for re- with the Coast Artillery unit sta­ Temple Beth Sholom hae oonoented Shifting 600,. tical rivals of five years ago e In Hospital. ----- haa reached 61 percent of National er and a destroyer. to aerve aa chairman for Manches­ changed good-natured banter last habllita.tlng returning war vater- „ - 1 War Fund according to Robert tioned here, waa guest speaker kt While returning, the broadcaat No More Than $150,- ans should be made now, the SSrd chance i Mrs. William L raw lo rd ( Hathaway, committee trcuurer. the annual banquet of the Army A said, the raiders encounteitid 100 ter of the nation-wide collection of By James Marlow and George night as Gov. Raymond E . Baldwin annual Oonnecticut Conference of Juat a million to one It was announced .yesterday that Navy club last evening. Special Allied fighters and shot down six. garments for th# war sufferers of Zelke 0 0 0 ,0 0 0 New Move presented the New Haven Adver Social Work was told last night by THANKSGIVING that this Incident will ever happen Is President o ( Local the drive would continue through guest* of the club were First Ser­ Japanese- losses were put at 10 the Allied nations, which drive will Washington, Nov. 18.—(JP) — Using club’s gold medal for Donald Q. Marquis, director of the geant R.iymond. Mosher of Hart­ arain under almilar circum-1 December 1. The High school stu­ planes. Btart Monday, Nov. 22, and con­ Senator Pepper (D -Fla) indicated Out for Relief Need. achievement to Former Gov. Wil­ Office of Psychological Personnel Organization. dent body conducted a quiet cam­ ford and George Flacher of Man­ The Japanese claims were totally tinue for two week#, or to Decern- of the National Research counsi). atancea It could not have been today he would make a last ditch bur L. Cross. FOOD SHOmNC NEWS paign and raised a trifle over 1175. chester and after the meeting all without confirmation from Allied b®r 4v AtlanUc CJity, N. J.. Nov. 18 — Stressing toe responsibility of pre-arranged becauee of the way Mrs. William G. Crawford of The total amount of money col­ three of the present war veterans sources. Tile townepeople will be notified stand if necessary to have Con­ —No more than $150,000,000 The medal "repreaenta, toe love, .toe community in that work, he Don't put off your Thanksgiving shopping. Avoid It 4id happen. Academy street was elected presi­ lected today has reached 132,- got togethar and anjoj^d a gab oii Sunday of this appeal by eUergy- gress grant $1,000,000 to move 600 need move out of this country for affecUon and esteem which toe quoted newly released government •ergeant Tjoe Darllnf: of 8 dent of the Manchester Women's 070.05. fest. They had served In the Tunl ■4 men In all the Proiealant and Ro­ doctors Into areas heeding them post-war relief if toe financial people of the state hold -for you,” ngureli that since Pearl Harbor sin campaign but had never met I the governor declared to his 81- tho last minuto rush. Pleaso shop oariy for your Owrah alreet, aon of Mr. ami Republican Club at it* annual State RaisMt 75 P. man Catholic churches, also the critically. formula now getting top considera­ 550,000 servicemen have been dis­ Connecticut has raised 75 per­ until last night. congregation of Temple Beth Sho­ The money would be used this tion is adopted by the United year-old predecessor, -whose hopes charged. Mra Ler DaiUnjf. write* hie meeting yesterday afternoon in the Thanksgiving food needs, wo have tho valuot now! irent* hoiv he met four other cent of Its quota ana this might Modem W arfare lom. Salvage committee# of Dc» way: Nations Relief and Rehabilitation for a fifth term as governor were The largest number of those, Stjl^neheater bova on a South P a­ small lodge room of the Masonic reach larger flgures after all re­ Aa ii.sual. Captain Goraeline held .Weddings fense Courtoili all over the nation Three hundred physicians and administration. shattered by Governor Baldwin’s 2(H),000, he said, were discharged ly CISC taland (nan\e deleted by c«n- Temple, Mra. ©rawford ha* for turn* .have been turned Into state the attention of the veteran* of are sponaorlng tfee drive. dentiats, appointed to the U. S. That formula asks tost contri­ victory in toe 1938 elecUon. Wilbur T. little because they were over the 38 year headquarter*.' Results as tabulat­ World W ar One throughout hla ” 1 Collection Depot / Public Health aervice. would be buting nations pay not leas than Comments on Similarities old age limit. He listed other tor) In a basa hoipltal where all ear* been a member of the Re­ talk. He described the various Sve were uniler treatment for publican Town committee and la ed and received here show but few Comrnltteee will )>e appointed by - aent into doctor-shortage com­ 10 per cent of their contribution In « In reply, Ex-Governor Cross de­ Wilbur T. LltUe of Shamrock reasons for discharge In order of methods of combat, aa of today, McNuIty-Kcrr their Importance as: Neuro-psy­ minor ailments. an active member of several of the tow,ns or cities reaching the flgures the different religious group# to munities and be paid regular gold or foreign exchange. clared "toia ia an occasion when all Farm, 195 Spencer street, was ■ATION NIWS and brought them all together at Mr, and Mrs. John Kerr of 961 have charge of the collection. Wo­ That could mean for this coun­ parUsan antagonisms fade away chiatric, heart, vision, tuberculosis, Kstracta from Letter local women’s club*. She is at set by the National Committee. health aervice salaries by the gov­ elected Master of Manchester ■ LU I 8 T A M F 8 — X-Y-Z (Book 2) expire Saturday, Nov, 20f)i. the finish of his talk. He told the Rus^cU street, announce the m ar men from these committees will try 90 per cent of our contribution, into cordial friendship,” and com­ and war wounds. Thit la how the letter read nreaent regent of Orford ' Parish Vario^u* organlsati(»ns in Man­ ernment. Use Iham NOW I older veterans that this war had liage of their daughter, Jessie, to serve one day each at the collec­ or $1,350,000,000, could be spent in mented humorously on toe similari­ Grange, P. of H., a t Ita annual The business session of the con­ when it got here: ■ Chapter, Daughters of the Ameri­ chester have now agrked to aid the new devices of death snd that the The other three hundred would •'I had baen under the weather, drive here and Manchester may Lieutenant James C. McNulty, tion depot, 1009 Main street. This receive up to $50U to cover ex­ this country for materials and' ties of the two parties. meeting last night in toe Masonic ference elected Mrq. Samuel C. O R fIN S T A M P S —'A-B-C (Book s i now valid snd expire can Revolution. morale of the American aoldler Harvey of New Haven, chairman Miss Lein Webster presided at yet reach It* quota of J36,a00. son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. atbre will be open from Monday, to penses of moving into toe needy services moving to toe war zones. Though they disagreed on how Temple. Mr. Little during to* DKwnber 20lh nothinc aerloue, but had bean went was unusually high. of the W ar Council Committee on to a hoapital for a checkup. Went yesterday's meeting, at which an- McNulty of Vernon. December 4, InclueWe, also on the locations and then would be given - Seeq Simple by Experts tory should be attained, he said, The Usual Growling The wedding took place No­ evenings the other business houses both parties were in accord on "the years he has been leader of toe Health, Welfare and Recreation, aa •R O W N S T A M P S — G-H-J-K now v .lid . Expire Dec 4lh in on Monday and on Wednesday A nity of stark ruins, silent and lifeless, Mignano, Italy, lies He said that the pi-eaent day sol­ $250 a month for three months to According to toe financial ex­ local branch haa been an enthusi­ was allowerf to .the me.ss hall for vember 9. at three o’clock in the are open. perts it is aa simple as this: fundamental principles of govern­ president to succeed Mrs. Alvin C. nearly burled In wreckage of its own buildings when the tornado of dier has many new weapons to use: Not onlv will serviceable gar­ give them time to get established. astic worker not only in Grange af­ Bruel. dinner.' I had finished eating Hull See§ Ba§iH Chapel at Gowen Field. Boise, First, thla country would be ment, that is, on the laws toat^ PUSH WHOU or IITHII IND (ire and ateel of battle engulfed it. (A P Wlrephoto.) that there was the usual growling' When the House and Senate Ap­ fairs but civic and war projects, Other officers elected included and was talking to a couple of fel­ Idaho. Chaplain Oaynor perform­ ment# of B^l kinds for men, women asked to appropriate, over a pro­ should be enacted and the insUtu- about chow and other thing*. Ho ed the double-ring ceremony. and children be acceptable, but propriations committees last Mrs. Little was reelected lecturer. Johnson Stoddard of New Haven, 7 lows when a chap dropped In the spring were considering the first bable two year period, $!,500.(K)0,- tions that should be established to Of Free Worlil; now in Moscow a highly competent stressed the attention the men arc The bride wore a green vel­ rags will be received to be "sold assure ‘government of toe people, Both are unusually busy people first vice president; Miss Maggie next teat and atked: . of victory, cooperation among* taking in religion regnrdlea* of appropriations bill for 1944, both 000, the expected American contri­ with their agricultural and dairy BROWN L i ' qt United States military mission veteen suit with brown acces­ again for paper stock. Thla will by toe people, for the people.’ Hayton of Greenwich, second vice "You’re Lee Darling, aren t you, peace loving nations in .support what creed. Hla description of the turned down a proposal to Include bution. pursuits but were prevailed upon POINTS TelU of Parleys certain paramount mutual -inter­ headed by Maj. Gen. John R sories and a coraage of cream col­ make it possible for everybody to Second, of that sum $150,000,000 "That is what I sto^ for,” he president; Ellis C. Maxey of New from Mancheeter?" mud in North Africa waa likened $175,000 to provide only 70 doc­ to continue in office. Haven, third vice president; Mrs. PORK LOINS ests will be almost sa compelling Deane." ored roses. help in this humanitarian project. remarked Jocularly, "and that is • " ’I am and you’r* Bufk By- to that of tha mud in France dur­ tors for communities needing will be turned over to toe UNRRA During Mr. Little's administra­ Howard C. Crltchfleld, of Hartford, in importance and necessity as it is Hull paid personal tribute to the Mrs. Yolanda Lubrnovicb who administration, either in gold ' or what my friend, Governor Baldwin, cholaby'a brother-----1 caniw* re­ (Continued from , Pag# Ona) efficiency of Foreign Commiasar ing the last war. them. tion the Grange haa invested up­ Fourth vice president; and Howard today In .support of the war effort.” waa matron of honor wore a win* dollars. says he stands for." n i s H call your Sfet name.’ . V. M. Molotov, who arranged for Is Well Attended colored velveteen autt. brown ac­ Program Oallad Inadequate wards of $2,600 of its funds in War W. Jones, Jr., of West Hartford, LB ed Hull’* eatlmate of Premier Mar­ At the end of the wor, the Third, this country may have Other Speakers Ught-Hearted 5 BROWN POINTS •■’lu re,’ aald the chap, Tm the business of the conference, and Last night'* affair was attended cessories and a corsage of white Manchester Boy The House committee called the The light-hearted comment on Bonds, including $1,000 voted for treasurer. SHOULDERS United and AsaociutecLNatlona will Johnny iyoholaky in your outst, shal Btalin of Ruaaia a t "one of to Britain's Foreign Secretary by about 135 members of the club. surpluses needed in the war zones this purpose last night. The indivi­ the great atatesmen and leaders have the same corrihftn. interest, carnations. Lieut. Leo J. Prane $175,000 program Inadequate and which can be shipped abroad, and former political rivalry was car­ the Mtrtne*.’ Anthony Eden for his qualities of The dinner, chicken and spaghetti, WM best man. On New Carrier unjustiflable and said it was will-' ried'out by the other speakers on dual members have taken an ac­ ■1ST CINTIi CUTS "We chatted a few minute* of thla age." Hull said, "in national security, in was served by Osano. President credited against the remainder of world order under law, in peace, in statesmanship. ■■A reception waa held at the Va­ Ing to consider any plan toe toe program. Including Superior tive part in different collections for 10 BROWN POINTS whan another fellow dropped Into Tribute to Ruaslana Cheered "I found in Marshal Stalin a re­ F'red Larson told the members the projected American^ contribu- toe' war effort and investing in HuU’a tribute to the "epic" the full promotion of the political, lencia hotel, LJeutenant and Mrs. Health service suggested to meet tloh. Court Judge P. B. O’Sullivan, one INVISIBLE’UQUID PORK CHOPS , the group. I knew him right markable personality, one of the th at there would be a special meet,- McNulty are residing at 416 A number of local people lis­ bonds. flf.'iting qualitiea of the Russian economic and social welfare of the doctor need in a "more ade­ Would Keep Men a t Work of Cross’ leading supporters In his prawn great succees fe* away. He waa Bill L e ffe tt who great statesman and leaders of ing next Wednesday evening at the Thatcher atreet, Boise, for. the tened In to Fred Waring'# radio quate manner.” first gubernatorial campaign, and Associate officers of Mr. and Uvea on Orchard etreat. We people also waa chaared. their re.spective peoples-—1»» the It could mean that if this coun­ NO PO IN TS! WHOU or 8ITHIR HAU this age.” club. present. program last night aa it dedl- The Senate committee at that Superior C>jurt Judge Kenneth Mis. Little, who will be installed at U N C O O K ID 7 BROWN POINTS continued to ’hat ’em out and High foreign diplomats, guided principles and spirit of the Atlan­ Following the dinner and pro­ oated to the newly commissioned try has surpluses in wheat, dried HAMS tic charter and the declaration of He said he was deeply impressed time, following toe House lead, Wynne, Governor Croaa’ executive the meeting, December 1 by Paat {- WM fureriiffd when tnoihffr onsp by State department attaches, sat gram Chaplain Qorselinc held ah "S 8. Bataan", the Navy’s new milk, farm equipment and machine SHN IRRinnONS In a body on the House f'oor. Their United Nation*.” by the Russians and the epic qual­ pointed out that toe Senate re­ tools, the American contribution secreUry for part of hia term. Master Irving Wickham are as fol­ WHOU er BITH8R HAU . Joined the group ity of their patriotism. impromptu meeting with Sergeant aircraft carrier. The caramony cently had appointed a aubcom- Among the earlier recipients of lows: TeWevee n e w t "* * * * * M * ll* a CHICKENS wives and famlliea watched from Inteim t Re<|uiree Cooperation Mosher and Flacher and like all Tobacco Growers would be spent in this country for C O O K ID 9 BROWN POINTS "I’m Jimmie King he teld and I a special gallery aection. Hence, he aald, each nation's "A people who will fight against took place at Camden, N. J-, yes­ mittee on health and education to the gold medal to participate in the Overseer, Raymond Thomas; Here’s e Doctor’s fonmila—Zemo—a A LL SIZ IS HAMS veterans they swapped yarn* for a those supplies, thereby keeping at liquid alee come from Manchester. I rec- Bquada of uniformed capltoI po­ own primary interest requires it ruthless aggression, in utter con­ terday. examine the nation’# needs. Pep­ program was Publisher John Pay steward, David Hutchinson; assist­ ■tainlea which appear* invisibla O N I P M C I . ognltod Bycholeky and listened In long time . Allan J. Rice, seaman first work the men who turn out tbe oo akin—^ *o Ushly medicatad that lice kept vlaltora moving conatant- to cooperate with the others in tempt of death, as the men and Rap OPA Policies per was made chairman of the wheat, the milk, farm equipment Jackson of the New Haven Regis­ ant steward, Roger Olcott; chap­ S M O K ID 5 BROWN POINTS a minute when you chape were women of the Soviet union are class, and son of Mr. and Mrs. Subcommittee. ter. first applicatloDa relieve itching, burning SHOULDERS ly through the corridor* for kn these common Interests, which he and machine tools. - lain, Mrs. Iva Ingraham; treasur­ MILK H D talking and finally decided that hour before, Hull arrived. White fighting, merit the admiration and Elmer Rloe of Russell street. Is a Finally toe whole program, ap­ And one of the most hilarious of Emma, Faoriaiis nnd aimflar akin described as "indiapen-suble.” It could be desirable for the er. Mrs. Minnie Strom; secretary, and scalp Mtstion*—due to external Mgnchaater waa wall rapreaentbd. Mra. W. O. Cmwford '"ooden barfiera clos«l off all paa- good will of the peoples of #11 member of the crew df the Ba- proved by toe Health service, was was Frank (Juinlan, aaslstant OPA Mrs. Beatrice Manning; gatekeep­ S U C B D - m A O l A 6 IROWN POINTS ^ Wa war* in th* mtdat of a real Hull said this fact led the Mos- Japanese Yet Able Hartford, Nov. I t .—(IP)— Shade United States to spend more than eauae. Znao also nida healing. Won’t BACON aageways except those leading to miw conference to adopt the four- countries.” ^ tobacco grower* of Connecticut revised upward to toe mlllion- ten per cent ih gold and foreign director for the Bridgeport rent er, William Anderson; Ceres, gahfaat then and I naked King nual report* were giving by the on December 0. 1941, tvm days ■how on skin. Apply any tio*. In 8 FOWL the House floor and gallaries. nation declaration by China. Rus­ who have been .fighting for an in- dollar figure with provisions for exchange. Financial experts say area and former political editor of Evelyn Little; Flora, Evelyn La where he lived and he eaid on Fo*. retiring treasurer, Mra. F. B. To Put Formidable after Pearl Harbor. Seaman 600 doctors and waa re-submitted ALL SIZ IS S K IN U S S S BROWN POINTS U Hull declared that "we can and sia, Great Britain and tbe United . crease in price ceiilnge for their that this country may be short In the defunct Bridgeport Times-Star, Chance: Pomona, Edith 'Anderson; ter otreet, Bycholeky from Union Crockar; the secretary, Mrs. Frank Bandit Escapes With $800 Rice waa In Trinidad to r aliM st a to the House committee then busy *^°^**^ ^ ZEM O O N I P IIC I FRANKFORTS will remain maatera of our own States. crops extended their campaign to­ goods at the end o t the war for who gave his impersonation of Lady Assistant Steward, Anna . atreet and Lagmtt and I almoat Oerlach, other oiftcers and com fate" through cooperation with year. He has visited England. considering supplemental appro­ 3 5 He laid particular stress on the Fleet Into Action day to a denunciation of OPA civilian needs. In that event this Governor O oas previously seen Wolfram: members of executive • MOWN ROINTf B txt dMr neiimbora. mittee chalfhian. other nation* likewise Intent upon Bridgeport, Nov. 18.— — A Ireland and other countriee In the provision wherein the four gov­ policies on all agricultural com­ priations for 1944. country is in the position of beihg only^at gatherings of the legisla­ committee, three years, Fred Man­ HAMBURG "You can bet, folk*, that we ex­ Offlrers Heleeted 'Security. store owner and hia wife were held North Atlantic, doing^onvoy ^ ty . Again Refuses Request tive reporters’ Laurel club. changed all the new* we had and ernments declared that they “rec­ modities. able to increase its currency con­ ning; 1 year, Gustave Anderson. New u m d tr-a rm The meeting elected the full "Aa the provlalona of the four- up by an armed bandit who escap­ (Continued frani Pag* One) While home recently on But on Nov. 4 toe House com­ tha four of ua were about to leave ognized the necessity of eatab- ed with $300 last flight. J, Llati, W. 8. Fuller, preaident of th# tributions in order to keep at home Mrs. Iva Ingraham Is entering STEAKS 4 MOWN FOMTft slate as presented by the nominat­ nation (Ruaaia, Great Britain, Chi be said he expected to go to the mittee again refused the request, her 14th year and Mrs. Beatrice BEEF LIVER the maaa hall when a chap whom liahlng at the earliest practicable proprietor of the delicateaaeh store her of smaller ships described Shade Tobacco Growers Agricul­ the materials American citizens Cream Deodorant 11 UOWN FOIKTS ing committee appointed by na and the United States) declara South Padfle. Hie mother Mrs. saying In effect; w1U be wanting to buy. Manning, her 11th year. Mrs. I bad .toUcad watching ua, came Preaident Lela Webster, namely, tlon are carried into effect," aald ^“1* at 634 Pembroke atreet. told police tenders. tural Association, Inc., issued a Without minimizing the need Baldwin Orders safely over. He came rather alowly and ganlxation, based on the principle Viola Rice. Is eerylng her second Manning is national vice president SIRLOIN - I t . Mrs. H. L. Carr. Mrs. 8. J . Turk- the aecretary of state, "thare will ‘ ““ * the holdup man was abput* 38 Identified Japanese cruisers statement of policy for the aaao- term M prtBWent of the Ameri­ for doctors, toe committee “hesi­ loekad aa though he waa. afraid to of the sovereign equality of all clation today in which the mem­ of the DUVCTW, and prominent In Stops Perspiration GRADI » U 3 3 * ■I5N1 BN ington, Mr*. Q. H. Waddell, Mra no longer be need for spheres of years old, stocky, five feet, eight totaled 35 In 1941. Of these, pro­ can Lejlon Auxl^nry. tated to embark on a program Work Stopped a number of other organizations. f IROWN POINTS beliava what ha aaw. John Plcklea and Mra. L. R. Hor­ influence, for alliance*, for bal­ peace-loving states and open to inches tall and weighed about 180 bably 16 were heavy ships e a rrin g bers predict that present price 12 IROWH FOINIS CHUCK ROAST "Juat 4 minute, fellow*, he like that with doctors to be paid Shower Is Given ton. Officera who will aerva ar* ance of power or any other of the memberahip by all auch states, pounds. eight inch guns. At least four o r oeUinge ere "deetruotlve of indus- tor out of Federal funds.” i. aald. "I think that I know you, special arrangemanta through large and amall.” five more vsssels, probably more tiTf” and will result in reduced PORTERHOUSE » 39< GRADE GRADE, Bycholaky, bacauae you played aa follows; Two days ago Pepper went be­ Prealdant, Mra. William J. Craw which. In th# unhappy paat, the Hull declared this principle will lightly armed ships, were then un­ acreage in 1944. Milk From West For Miss Beccio Hartford, Nov. 18.—(/P)—Gover­ OIADI AA U 49* A U 47* AA baaketball with the Pollah Amerl fore toe Senate committee, also nor Baldwin yesterday ordered all Seven From State 29’ “r -27 ford; first vice president, Mr.s. E nations strove to safeguard their be the foundation atone upon Negro Contralto Bride der construction. M-orking on a supplemental appro­ • can team but are these other Ma^ ■security or to promote their inter- work stopped on the new Con­ rinea here also from Manchester' B. Inman: aecond vice preaident, which the future International or­ There were only 108 known Coming to State priations meoaure, and asked that eata." Bethel, Nov, 18 — UP)— Marian A miscellaneous shower was necticut governor's mansion while Complete Course It wa* Oscar Oeanette. Mra, David Chambers; third vice ganization will be built. Japanese destroyers two years ago Hospital Notes toe $1,000,000 be Included. preaident. Mrs. J. L. Hardy; fourth Guards at the entrance to the Nowhqre, he aald, haa the con­ Anderaon, Negro contralto, and but more ware believed to have He said that If the request la held recently in honor of Miss state and War Production board Inform Their Folks Orphou# Fisher, a drafUman #m- officials determine I f critical ma­ vice prealdertt, Mrs. 8, J. Turking- center House alalc had little trou­ ception of sovereign equality been been laid down In the late thirties. Hartford, Nov. turned down he would go on toe Florence A. Beccio, of * Norman 1 . Does not rot drrisn or men’t RAPES *T feel that this unusual cir- ton; recording secretary, Mr*. F. ble with would-be gate crashers. ployed in a Danbury factory from Wisconsin and Michigan is street by 25 of her girl associates terials will be needed to finish the Camp Lee, 'Va.. Nov. 18— (81 — ihitti. Does not irricite (kin. applied mure widely in recent Japan also had twelve or more Admitted yesterday: Mrs. Ra­ floor of the Senate and offer a bill job. FRUIT’’^ VEGETABLES eUmatance waa enough Incentive Gerlack; assistant secretary, Mrs. Men and women in uniform were years than in the American fam­ (Barden Corp.),/were married torpedo boat! and at least 18 being shipped into to provide toe funds. in the Pioneer Parachute plant at Graduation ceremonies marking 2 , Nowutingtodrf. O n beu(etl for me to write this extra letter. Thomas Rogers; corresponding sec­ the most frequent callers at the here July 34 it waa disclosed last chel Elliott. 133 Biosell street; relieve th* shortage her^ State the home of her sister. Only enough men will be re­ tight aftci shaving. ily of nations. mlnesweepere- 500 to 800 ton Mrs. Dorothy Perkins, Drive B, Usually committee action is fi­ the completion of rigorpua combat You can tell their folk* that they retary, Mrs. Irving Wickham; as­ gate, trying in vain to get near the night by Town Clerk Leonard L. craft—which looked like they were Milk Administrator D. O. Ham nal without further effort on the Mrs. Mary Gardella of School tained on the Job through Satur­ 8- lastaotlf stops penpituion foe RED ,He d*:clared tliut tlic fou,- na- i Silver Lane Homes; Georg* Buck. and administrative supply training are all in for minor ailments, sistant corresponding secretary, House floor without credentials. . Bailey. The couple were mar­ nisrberg revealed today. _ atreet. day to make the building weather- 1 to 3 ditps. Prevents odoi. ■ U H M IB Fe se tiona have thereby "laid the foun-1 capable of performing some of a North Coventry. Senate floor by an individual. The I/WPBIIOII lACH nothing aerioua. Mrs. Ada Carr; treasurer, Mrs. J. Minutes before the aecretary ap­ ried by the Rev. Jack Grenfell, destroyer's duties. The milk la being brought into whole Senate will have to approve Miss Beccio received many beau­ . tight, he said, so that rain can do for specialized quartermaster non­ 4- A pure, vhite, gresse)ess, PEARS "On that small island, some­ datidb for cooperative effort in the Discharged yeeterday: Betty commissioned olTicera of toe Army stainless vanishing ctesm, E. Rand; assistant treasurer, Mrs, peared all spectators were cleared post-war world toward enabling pastor of the Bethel Methodist Connecticut under the committee’* recommendations tiful gifts. She was seated in front no damage to the work already where in the South Pacific, the George Borst; membership chair­ church. Carlson, 63 Walker atreet; Mre. of the fireplace and tbe gifts were completed while the officials c6n-' of the United States were held $. Awarded Approval Seal o f from the long corridor down which all peace loving nations, large and Ethel Lee, RFD 1, Rockville: Ed­ milk purchase - ^ « k on the supplemental appropria- American Institute of Launder. . fiv* Mancheater boys spent the man, Mr*. L. R. Horton; program Hull and other cbalnet officers Marshall islantls now haa beer* operated fer a week set in a beautiful basket decorated fer. here recently at the Quartermaster NATIVI TBtmHI •CHS small, to live in peace and secur­ ward Jackie, 791 Keeney atreet. . tions anyway. in & ^ heins hatmlea* to rest of the aftarnoon and far into chairman, Mrs. Robert H. Smith; walked to enter the chamber. by Connecticut If toe Pepper efforts arq ap­ in pink and blue. A delicious buf­ His order followed a conference school, among whom were seven BEETS ■ the evening exchanging news we ity. to . preserve the liberties and Bloat Ihunage Slight Tar net for Fliers Dischargee] today: Mrs. Qhariea Rsaiatant program chairman, Mrs. l^preeedente<|i Responsibilities rights of civilized existence, and o^ ratlon with toe Milk Admlnls- proved they would have to oe fet lunch'was served and games with officials concerned with the residents of the state of Connecti­ had received from home. Odd that P e a rl. Harbor, Nov. 18.—^" 42< topiorrow night on the Victory ance companies. took his M.A. a t Harvard snd had Windows Broken discuss basic international prob­ i^ops and dump areas- study of toe Ehicycllcal, with On Turkey Price RAISIN BUNS ^ "CO 19* Doll, for which the members have Physicians Unevenly Distributed taught at the U. S. Naval academy been canvassing. The doll is dre.ss- lems in the light of principles to Fires also were started in In­ question period to follow. a « S t a t l e r PURE LARD 3 ■'(OWN POINTS 11* FKc 17* At toe time of Pearl Harbor, and toe University of Wisconsin MARBLE Leaf Coke iach 3 5 * ed in W ar Stamps, the value of At SvnaKojjiie which this country has come to stall" tionf - on the Mill atoll, but physicians were unevenly'distrib­ The next meeting will be held which is equivalent to a W ar Bond. » in give widespread adherence. clouds prevented observation of uted. New York had about 1 to Wednesday evening, December 1, before coming to Yale. Hartford, Nov. 18— (81—Don’t COCOANUT Crmmi Leof EACH 2 4 c OLEO C LO V IR D A U 6 BROWN POINTS HS MtO 17- At the last meeting of the club — — ✓ '"It baa never been my fortune reeulta at Makin. I every 610 civilians; Alabama had at 8 o’clock/qt toe Knights of Co­ He held honorary degrees from pay "drawn” ceiling prices for PUIN'POUND c .k . ioAilSc it was voted to hold the Christmas to attend an international confer­ As Hn the two previous raids, 1 to 1,980. Now New York has 1 lumbus honie, and It is hoped all Yale, Michigan and Wisconsin, •dressed" tupkeys, the State OPA MILK 8VANOBLINI 1 BROWN POINT EACH 3 27« Bridgeport. Nov. 18.— —■ Re­ ence at which there was greater anti-aircraft fire was encountered KLEIK'S GOOD THINGS members Interested will attend. and was president of the Modem TOWELS DARK FRUIT Cnk. PKG 35* jUVty on December 8. in the form i cent vandalism during which West i to 970 and Alabama 1 to 2,640. yesterday warned Connecticut of a pot luck supiier at 6 o’clock, ' but no Japanese planes attempted At toe end of the year 28 states Language Association of America housewives. • M Bfcreek d u b All Fl.vora-Cdntenta End stores operated by Jewish to intercept. The enemy obviously SODAS 3 24* Each member is expected to bring participants to move forwara m a ..with a population of 54,600,000 in 1940. Explaining that very few merchant.* were the targets for red was taken by complete surprise. something in the line of food and a spirit of mutual undersUndlng TO EAT! <-wiU have a ratio of phyalcians less •drawn" birds will be on toe m ar­ PINAST PAMILY lyi* »A0 |.00 paint' smears and swastika -syrnboje But he may not be keeping hia Board of Appeals To Speak at Memorial Exerdsee ket, toe agency repeated that cell­ FLOUR twenty-five cent gift for exchange. were reflected today as pdllce be­ and confidence." -.than 1 to every 1,500 civilians, a Believed Shortealag W ar planes based in these islands, ing prices for "drawn” birds is 64 LUX FLAKES gan inveitigstir.gf the smashing of merely- using them for stepping danger point. FLOUR OOLO M|«>AL or PIUSBURrS JS U lAO I J 9 He aald the Moscow conference Supporting toe .mlUion-dollar To Meet Tonight New Haven, Nov. 18— (81— Prof. cents"* pound and for "dressed’ three windows at Congregation atones In such raids aa were car­ Henry Noris Russell, Princeton turkeys is 54 cents a pound. "U believed to have been proposal, besides toe Health ser- Ml* cm To Seiiil Herakls .Vhavath Aehim synagogue, 715 ried out last week ag&lnat Ameri­ $hop Now For The Week-End observatory director, will speak at "It haa been general retail prac­ , PKOI TEA HOm IiLAND or OOLOiN ROS8 13* Hancock avenue. portant step in the direction both can positions In the Ellice Islands, ,vice, are Dr. Frank Lahey; former jiPM/mses of shortening the war and of mak­ "president of the American Medl- memorial exercises honoring the tice In toe past for your butcher Rabbi Meir Felmsn told Sergeant south of the Marshall and Gilbert ’The Zoning Board of Appeals late Prof. Frank Schlesinger of t-U PKO 23* To Foreign ('.liibs ing provision for the future. ZeaX Association and now chairman will give hearings tonight on five to sell'you dressed turkeys and RITZ CRACKERS Peter Matcra of the detective bu­ groups. Yale university tomorrow. Presi' then to clean toe birds aa a friend­ •f $1 Ijp/Ul from A$MMd reau that two stained glass win­ It is increasingly clear, he con^ of toe directing board of PAAS; applications for changes in zon' lY m 'P borrow unneceamrUy, Beueless Oven and Pol R o r s I s Chicken# the A m y’s Surgeon General Nor- dent Oharles Seymour and Presi- ly service,” toe warning said. "Un­ VU KO 2 1 * dows and a kitchen window were tlnued, that the time A Hearty BreakfHt to Start tha eat, tenderast pancakes you ever ing rules. Kohn Brotoerq.of Hart­ dent-Emeritus Jamea Rowland 'but It a loan Is to your HI-HO CRACKERS when more and mors of the t e r ^ v.man T. Kirk; and organised labor, der, toe price regulations, he murt benefit, get tbeee 4 "estnuT. . . LIFEBUOY The Sorbptlmist Club held its found broken when the sexton via- Day Right. tasted. Ca$uaUie» Heavy ford are asking to 'erect a one- Angell of Yale will also partici­ a-oz nco I | c tory held by the enemy will be r Lahey's PAAS haa named 213 maintain tola service f'ree-of- L A loam ber* estaMIsbe* your H8ALTN SOAP semi-monthly business meeting iled .the synagogue yesterday. Call the family to breakfast Breakfast Pancake* pork Roaft# /■ story building on Spencer street' in pate in toe program. charge.” credit naUemwide, In almost SHREDDED WHEAT last night at the Y. M. C. A., fol­ wrested from hia grasp, “and when On Both Sides *areas aa critically Ir need of doc- an A and rural zone for sleeping with the tantalizing aroma rof 2 cups sifted flour (fP) 400 ether *Panooal' ofllee*. lowing a box lunch at $;30. a cus­ Germany and lU remaining satel­ .-Chungking, Nov. 18— —Un-I 1 tors. quarters for tobacco workers. Sam' 8. ‘Personal* bae tbe esperl- MUSTARD PRIAST PRIPARBD p-oiJAi 13* 4 teaspoons baking powder abated fighting on the central Chi­ Short# Porterhouse anef Sirloin Steak Actor Seeks NstnrallsatioB Named Executive Secretary CAKES tom the club, has decided to adopt Tu Discuks Trailer Comp lites wifi have to go th# way of pancakes aiid sausages. They’ll 1 teaspoon salt uel S. Glangrave of 86 Russell enoe . . . eervee more people na front, with heavy casualtiea on ty m ^ e y ^emller company PTS »OZ1*a far the present. Fascist Italy." hurry to the table with squeals of 1 tablespoon sugar BetM Soldier Wouaded street 1* asking to erect a one-car Los Angeles, Nov. 18—(81—. 15* Naugatuck, Nov. 18—dP)—rBor- The secretary of sU te said th# both B i(^ was announced tonight LAMB LEGS LEMON AND Hartford. Nov. 18— (81—Ap­ B & M BAKED BEANS Miss Marlon Tinker, vice presi­ delight for this "all-out" meal, j 1-4 cup Bpry garage nearer to toe side line than Actor Walter Pidgeon, '45, a na­ pointment of State Rep. Flake H. R TlMt'qul^er yon repay your ough Warden Leo Brophy today by toe high command. The com- ORANGE PEEL m dent, conducted the meeting ih the Moacow dlacuaaione Were concern' 1-2 cup bran ’ SPARE RIBS Washington, Nov. Ig—($1— Pvt. i' now allowed. William B. Hill tive of East St. John, Nsw Bruns­ Ventres (R .) of Avon to be execu­ loan the leee It eocte. *30 fer BELL'S POULTRY SBASOt4R^ aheence of the president. Miss called a special meeting of the ed with many of the new problema Wholesome, nutritious hot cakes, munlqus aald to# Chinese repulsed of 814 Hartford road wants to con­ a weeks eoets 43c. Court of Warden and Burgesses 2 tableapoona corn meal a Japanese counter-attack north­ VEAL etPTLETS Raymond RutMrtiello, eon of Mra. wick, Canada, haa filed a petition tive secretary to State Insurance hUllen Holbrook. which would prise out of such dS' made with enriched flour, bran DATES NUTS vert a single tenement house Into a 4. We epweetete your busl- for Monday night to discusa the 1 egg, beaten east of Yochow. ..Emilio Rubertlello of 246 Green­ for naturallzaticm aa a United Commissioner W, -Ellery AHyn at neee. There le no *We*l«- RINSO BAKER'S VAM ILA 8XT1IACT Among 'the item* of interest in veloproenta. and com meal. Serve with plen­ 1 3-4 cups milk GROUND MEAT wood avenue, BetoeL Conn„ la two-family apartm ent Mra. D. N. States citizen. Since toe actor’s $3,500 a year waa announced lost delnc-you-a-f*vor”attltiideL Federal Housing Administration's No Haeret Agretroaala ty of maple alrup and Just watch Liberator bombers of toe U. S. GRAPES. PEARS regard to the regionel conference Sift flour with baking powder. 14th Air Foro* attacked strategic I among ■ United States soldiers Denalow of 23 Gardner atreet is wife, Ruth,’ la an American citi­ ni|^t. Ventres, an insurance ag­ Uxuie. 810 to ezOA mede on held at the Y. M. C. A., with the proposal to establish, s war work­ "Important agreements were them go for it. - BONELESS ROLLED OATS WHITB SPRAY ers' trailer camp In Linden park. salt and sugar. Cut in Spry targets in to* Hqng Kong area VEAL ROASTS wounded In toe Mediterranean asking to Cdntinue her permit to zen, official*' aald he would be eli­ ent,' represented Avon in the last slgnatuie ahme. Prompt, pri- ^ Z 3‘ kxisl club ae hostena, waa the read­ reached but there were no secret Do It tbe Easy Way fine. Add bran and corn meal. OSANO'S area toe , War department an- conduct a dog keiuiel and Frederick gible to take toe oath of allegiance two General Assemblies and was vsu aarvlce. Senribla pey- ing of a letter from Mias Florence agreements, and none was. suggest' Tuesday for the aeconil time in naanta. A loan of *100 coat*. WHEAT aREAL W M T B S P R A Y Measure the dry ingredients the Coinbine egg and milk. Turn less than 34 hpuf«, aa American COOKED HAM PICKI^BD nc(unced yesterday. McCarthy of 19 Grove street la In 30 days. House chairman of the Insurance qao.M when promptly repaid Mgrtyn of Hartford, regional chair- illt-Rim Victim Identified ed." Uqutds Into (by ingredienta and communique anneuncad today. I MUSHROOMS asking to keep cMckeiu. committee in 1943. In 11 aaonUily eoneeeutlve ka-. .man of Intamatumal relatioim, re- He said the conffirance concen< night before and cut in the ehort- (By tho Piece or Slice) eiiing. That takes no time when stir gently untu blended. . Drop Ths four-anglnad heavy bombers, I pMiMd tor etanmeate o( 810.H eeeb. COFFEE quaating ooplea of Tha Herald con- Wallingford, Nov. 18—(81—Po­ trated on the task of making sure a formation of which had hit Hong I Smith “SUghUy. Improved" Nasi Traffic Estermpted Beeomee „Plane Metal Fitter Tldnliig the report of the banquet that the nations winning the war you u#e creamy Spry—the purer by spoonfuls on hot griddle rubbed l-U BAOB , lice today identified Monday vrith Spry. When cakes puff and Kong only*toe night before, were! t ' . ' Stockholm. i4oy. 18.—(81—Ap­ ■‘.amd conference -here on November night’s hit-and-run . victim as will, along with other peacefully shortening that cuU in quickly, New Haven, Nov. 18.— The Stockholm, Now. 18.—(/P)— Ger­ f t m A m a t COFFEE blends easily. In the morning, bubble, turn and brown on other accompanied by Mitchell medium I parently pressed for reserves, Oer- Downey. Calif., Nov. 1 8 .- '4 and T, to ba aent to a list of clubs James A. Fahey, 69, of Lowell, minded nations, "continue to pe . condition of Oiief ot Police Philip man traffic through Denmark to n)*n authoriUea In occupied Es­ Noaring 80, John Soucek baa bo- riNAlfCE CO. Enaland, Ireland, Canada, India add the beaten egg and milk and aide. Turn only once. bombers Ivhich made a loW level I MACARONI w H n i S P R A Y Mas*. Fahey died in Ideriden hos­ Serve with maple sirup and sweep over toe harbor area, sink-1 Norway waa toitemipted last tonia and Latvia bavj called up come an airplane builder—after SO I oQtar countries, ae well sa the pital a short time after he waa presto! they’re ready for the grid­ KLEIN'S MARKET aisaling hot Bausages, ham or ing an 11.000-ton cargo vessel and I night wheii aaboteurq blew up the 10 classes of reservists for aerriee years me the village smithy^ - at represented at the meeting. found lying on North Colony road. dle. 161 CENTER STREET OPEN UNTIL 8 P. M, main railway signal tower at in the German Army, Swedish MACARONI W M T I S P R A Y Clip the recipe'now. Better be bacon. Makes 18. two 1,000-ton freighters, tbe an-| Medford, Okla. He's taken a Job i<»rtyn wrote that many, of He suffered * fractured leg and Aarinis, advicea from Copenhagen press dlspatchee from BerUn sold as motal fitter at tha Vultee nt declared the confer- prepared for extra servings when (All measurements In recipe nouncement said. shock, Police Lieut. Richard B ar IfaaawhU* Ameetoea iffk tarj .Hid todagg oraft filaoW .ry 68Mb ■ »AmjniK5t1CK i^vuiwuNv* ' UAA** * WM

era.In and out of office, leaders of time to the work if he is elected, reparable damaf* ia done. Con­ *Teen-Age Youths Kiss while the others consider It a part HanchealPr both political parties, and a non- Given Citation Husband in Hospital Rich Classes Rockville Property Suit Expect Large gress will take soundings a little Rationing News Too Much in Theaters time Job. Evening Herald beneath the pressure group sur­ j>artisan public all giving It l,ewl* H. Chapman The meetings of the district face of things. In jthat case It strength and sticeess, which is as By Anthony’ F. Arpnla, Director For Ga:llahtry Reap Harvest 848. Rockville Terms Given , Meet Tonight have always started exactly on Hears of Wife’s Death time and those who are not at the would And, we think, that many It should be. bmce of Price Administration Portland, Ore., Nov. II .— p ta w m o 00, m e /■ » ------. 'Teen-age youths are do­ hall a t '8 o’clock tonight may find ft BiM«n atrMt Americans, perhaps a majority of Austin Briggs Awariled the chief bu8ines.s of the evening T H E HARVEST IS IN ^ ItonobMtM,DObMtM, Ooim.Oon«. Italian Store OwiierH Form er Hu*bRtad Get* ing too much kissing in the­ Gontest for Collector to mliiAa rB^oosoN Americana, are going to judge t>o you write out a shopping list and just ask for these report Blood Donated aters, complains the Parent- over when they arrive. n p j Silver Star for Action ' Both in Service, Man fltaiSanaral Hbau«r this Oongresa by the simple yard­ when you gd to the store for gro- ^ forms, Profiteer at Expense Community Proiperty Teacher Association, ’ which Take Plac*e in South >0—rosadt ~ OotebCT 1, t lil Fire District Volcanoes are situated in areas Mow h Hto Hm H oso stick of what a dollar will buy si* Connecticut cerles and meats? If you do, you - In Tunisian Battle. Wounded in Africa, wants It stopped. * V«bUtb«a m fr r ovaolnc B«o«Pt know It takes only a few minutes. How is your fuel oil allotment O f British anil Yanks. In Rockville O f Rita Hayworth. If managers can't exercise Enel Fire District. of weakness in the earth's crust. and Roltday*. ■ "‘ ••‘ . ** months from now. a year from holding out? W ife Dies as Trans- W M ara — ai I at ICanohaattf, Ooan..25 In fact. It often saves time that Technician Fourth Grade, Aus­ 4udit Is Filed stricter supervision, the asso­ now. Has Congress thought what might otherwise be spent tn trying ■ Here In Connecticut, If you are ciation announced, the wom­ FRESH FRUITS budgeting your ration carefully, tin Briggs, has been awarded the ______X I port Ts Torpedoed. Bari, Nov. 18--(>e)—-In the Los Angeles, Nov. 18.—(e>— Indications point - to a largely a dollar will be worth If Its pres­ to remember the things your pan­ Tolal of 182 Pint* Re­ en will be glad to police the Yankee you should now have uaed no more Silver Star for gallantry in action midst of poverty, starvation and Terms ' of a property settlement attended meeting of the Soutlth ent policies are carried through? try needs. at Thala. Tunisia. Feb. 22, 1943. Town Clerk Atlvertises theaters themselvea. Manchester Fire District at No. By A II. O. than 10 per cent of the fuel oil to Seldom^ If ever, does a husbanc confusion, Italy’s moneyed class­ ported for Fourth Vi*it between Screen Actress Rita Hay­ One manager observed llHr'inay save 7ou*mlTn%,"t!^^’’and which y«5u are entlUed. In other Sergeant Briggs crawled a thous­ 3's house on Spruce street tonight ndVEGETA T h a t I t I h N o w B e a tly tlisplay a gold star for his wlf< es, which never suffered under worth and her former husband, mildly that the campaign is at 8 o'clock. It is the annual HAryttt Um* U htra . . . an* and yards under heavy artillery To Loom City. A4* hat s humptr era* an haMbjfl T h f Gamble On Leros The one apeerh which I.,ong lost In action, but *hia is the cast' Fascism, are reaping a golden Edward- Charles Judson, under 40 years too late; "Sparking, meeting of the diatrict and be­ l.fiOO gallona, and you have burn.~| and maehme-gun ^fire^to^ repair j i For the Public. petting, or - necking—what­ Com* and tt* aur 'Victory Qardan* Tom .kpellacy made in the recent you don't telephone line to the battalion ob­ of Top Sergeant Raymond Moshei harvest of American dollars and sides hearing reports, officers will . . . It’* a maotlng placa far nutri. u: PRBS9 Perhaps, after all, there has Your State OPA ha.*< worked o\it ed 1.10 gallona tST, Rockville, Nov. 18— (Special)— which he received virtually all her ever you call It—-baa been go­ THB Afsjgaif.?.'. servation post. This line was vital British pounds from soldier be elected. tiout, frtth fruits and vtottabla* The Atsoelatei•lated Prese le exelutWe- been too much public optimism Hartfdrd campaign was an iitiiisil- John R. Reid, CPA, who has , of Hartford, a former resident ol total of 182 pints of blood was listed community property In re­ ing on all that time. I’ll give from farms, gfavat an* vj^yare* to the functioning of Sergeant "tourists." Rewon for Interest Ki. ly'eiTlltred to the aee of re^btlea- a1 document, notable for two “p '^^epori "^Bv‘ u sinl'T^ Su^^e^ rr'T ih .n ‘‘\hItTmou‘n''t‘: , completed the audit of the ac- i Manchester. Mrs. Evelyn Mosher donated at the fourth visit of the turn for, among other things,^ a season pass to any P-T-A til tvtr tht nttlen. So vlalt ■* I® tlon of all oewe 2r*A"?2 over the future course of the war. Purchase Report By u f you’d better begin paying, a little Briggs’ battalion and "enabled In this section of Italy under The election of a collector Is ‘ odty . . . tht itltctlan I* ble things. co'iiits of the trea.surer and tax ; hla wife, was a WAC on board s Mobile Unit to Rockville on Wed­ agreeing not to accuse her of woman who can truthfully ... tnd prlctt trt right, brlnelnf to It er act otberwiee oredhed tn We say that not because we dis­ the'^ext time you make Sut a ^hop- more attention to that therinoatat. I thi,thi.s battalionhsttslion to stop the enemy Italian government jurisdiction, nesday, according to the announce­ expected to bring out the voters. this paper aad also the looal news In the first placed it defeiKled. attack," rays the citation. Sergt, collector of the South Manchester United States ship torpedoed oft moral turpitude, have been dis­ say ahe's never been kissed in you big ttvingt tit dtyt a waak. cern any real backward trend in shopkeepers and big store owners ment of E. Fenton Burke, chair- closed in Superior court. Four candidates are in the field, Mbllehed herein hy name, the famous Tony Zazza- ping list, you can join In a state­ Assorted nuts always go with I Briggs was decorated for "untir- fire district, today filed his report Greenland thirteen months ago a theater." Thomas Weir of Summer street, AH rightsIchts ofor repubileatlon of are making 10 time.s a.s much roan of the committee at the close Provisions of the agreement dispatches herein are also the war Itself, but because of ro, whose alleged ‘‘undercover” wide fight to keep down the cost of Thanksglving and Thanksgiving is ing efforts, disregard for his own with the.'tewn clerk. As required Sergeant Mosher was woundec the town's chief air warden, Her­ speetal money in one day aa they made In of the day. One hundred and nine­ were made known upon the un­ feserred British public reaction to the Ger­ control of City Hall was made an the foods your family needs, for de­ just around the corner. But when personal safety, and devotion to by law, the town clerk today is ad­ twice In the North African cam­ bert A. Phelon of Ckiioper atreetf CELERY WHITIarPAiCAL BCH cent living. paign, bayonet wounds and wai ■ a month of the best pre-war tour­ ty-seven persona volunteered and sealing yesterday of an attach­ silent of N. B. A. man capture of Leros. Issued In the campaign by the Re­ you do your holiday shopping this duty." vertising that he has auch a re­ ist year. of these only-15 were rejected. an auditor ol the district, Charles Foil serTloe The form Is designed so that you port that can be Investigated by medically discharged three weeki ment suit filed by Judson 3ept. 8, Bendca Inc. The loss of that island is a set­ publicans. This was unusual be­ year for walnuU, almonds, filberts He Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Store owners are indulging In Willingtoii H. Rogers of Pearl street, a letter cause the best demonstration of, may write down each item you are or pecans, don't pay more than the Howard Briggs, of 77 Uiurel any person Interested. ' ago. Lieut. David Sher of the Navy but subsequently dismissed. McIn t o s h a p p l e s 3 .s Wife’s Letters Stopped an' unchecked profiteering orgy waa in charge of the unit with Cartier and Francis R. McCollum Pobllsbers back which the British could easi­ such control Zazzaro had ever planning to buy, the amount you top legal celling price. street, and his wife, the former The report starts with the' his­ The suit charxed that Miss Hay- Miss Jennie H. Church of Porter street. Jollns Mathews Specitil Agency _ win buy and the price you pay. It The tragic part of this story U at the expense of the British and Mrs. Herbert J. Regan, R. N „ of Mow fork. Chlcaao. Detroit and ly have avoided by never gam­ given was when he dumped Long In case you want to .clip them, Miss Alice Johnson. Uvea at 42 Ha- tory of the district which shows wortfi promised to pay Judson May Give Up Job also contains a s^ ce for the name ahead. While serving abroad Ser­ Americans. thir city in charge of the recovery $500 monthly until $12,000 was CRANBERRIES NATIVE LB, Boetoa. bling on the occupation of the Is­ Tom himself out of the major s hcre are the very highest prices ze! street, Hartford, that there Is no charter and tells The stores arc well stocked and Allen Benrtett substituted for Mr. Rogers has given his notice chair. The famous, .Spellacy res­ of the store in which you shop. you'should be asked to pay: Sergeant Briggs was previously geant Moshbr had been In contacf room. Miss Mollie Nolan, R. N., turned over, but that she had de­ b u r e a o of land In the first place. They did so how It was organized by three Italian shopkeepers have been and Mrs. Addison Dusstnger, R.N., retire from the post office de­ 10 L0 m e m be r •• OtMT ignation of early last summer was There is another space for your Walnuts, 55 cents a pound: pa- given a citation in July for brav- with hie wife by letter. Suddenij faulted after paying only $2,000. mallcarrler Charles Lyon Tuai- CIRCUUITIONS. residents of the district. Frank taking full advantage of the of this city assisted. The Canteen partment and will give hla full MAINE POTATOES BAG gamble, probably In the knowl­ merely one more in the Spellacy name and address, but you don't pcr-shell almonds, 85 cents: soft- cry under fire. He graduated from Cheney, Jr„ F. Ernest Watkins they stopped coming. After a fe « Judson’s lawyers said they drop­ dsy. The Herald Printing Coiapany, have to fill this in If you don't want weeks he made Inquiries througl Christmas spirit. Service of the Red Cross furnished to edge that they might lose If the chain of bluffs. The surprise came si ell almonds, 73 cents; large fU-1 Manchester High school in 1936 and Justus W. Haie by vote of the ped the action* two weeks ago be­ Mrs. Theresa Mackovich of West iBo, aasunjee no financial reaponel- and was formerly empldyed by the. the Red Cross and waa told that Poor Class Paying BUI a lunch for the workers, and also Yellow TMinipi 3u..10« Brapifrilt ViTo^^lfosll* typographical error, ap- Germans did choose to contest the when Zazzaro aldermen called the to. berts, 51 cents; large pecans, 58 selectmen In April, 1897. served sandwiches, coffee and milk cause "a substantial cash settls- WUllngton has just been notified bluff, and accepted the resigna­ cents. Royal Typewriter Co. In Hartford. The report also shows that all his wife waa serving where mat The soldiers are. paying the ment had been reached.” by telegram from the War De­ oearlng in aO’ *'*'**™ *"'?, ^ situation. The gamble was worth We are asking thousands of figured facilities were difficult to handle. monetary bill while the poor Ital­ to those donating blood. Other Emperor Brapes 2l..25‘ ERgllsbWalnuts i*49* ilanehesier Erenlng Herald tion. even though, when that pro.s- All these prices notes against the district have Defense units cooperating were To Turn ')ver Documenta partment that her son. Staff Ser­ while because it was possible that pect threatened. Long Tom used housewives, through civic social and Sent to North Africa ian laboring class is paying the Thursday, November 18 with shells on. been paid, that the collector turn­ the Motor Corps, and the Red Under the property pact disclos­ geant John J. Mackovich was kill­ Carolina Yams 3^*s27<^ WIntnrHIIIClier ssl BB* the Germana might not choo.se to all the political experience at his labor organizations, to keep this Sergeant Mosher served toui bill in misery as the prices of New England ed over money collected by him months In Greenland and when h« Cross administrative staff. The ed when the new attachment suit ed In Italy October 10. O re n g e t command in the effort to have his record for a two-week period. From now to mM-Jftnuary, we clothes and otber essential items Sergeant Henry Borovlcka, sta­ i 2B‘ Duffy Mott Cider «AL. B7» Congressional Directhms argue with It. And if It hadn t When the forma are completed, within the proper time and that shipped out of there he and hi* visit as in the past was at the so­ was filed, Judson who was divorced resignation rejected. Yet, when win be at the peak of the meat these funds were deposited by the skyrocket out of their reach. cial rooms of the Union church. tioned at Camp Bliss, Texas, is been taken, there is little doubt It came time .for him to mak'e his these housewives will send them production season. Realizing this mates were sure they were going The price of a suit of clothes May 22. 1942, promised to turn The present trends of Congres- Given Praise treasurer at once. All bills as paid The next visit Is scheduled for over to Miss Hayworth all docu­ home on furlough. that the British high command one campaign speech, Lx>ng Tom to the Price Panels of their Local Is the time to plan for the days back to the states. However, they of the cheapest quality In two January. HISH-VKHOLE or tfonal policy are disturbing lo War Price and Rationing Boards by the treasurer were found to be proceeded directly to North A f­ ments bearing her signature and The annual community Thanks­ would have been accused of sleep­ was all sweetness and light to­ of decreased output that will fol­ months has risen from 3,000 lira giving service will be held at the PORK LOINS EITHER END-7 POINTS LB, many' respects,- not only because In order and properly drawn and rica and finally landed In Algiers Juvenile Delinquency under his control; not sell or give ing on the opportunities presented ward Tony Z. for auditing. low OPA is encoul aging whole- (about $158 at the pre-war rate WUllngton Hill church at 7 p. tn., The second uniisiml thing With this steady stream of facts For Records that the total receipts for the year While on the battle fronts h« Victory Assembly, Catholic La­ away, circulate or publish any HISH-BE5T CENTER these trends are dangerous in salera to fill their storage freezers of exchange) to twice that dles of Columbus will hold a meet­ Wednesday, November 24. A social by the collapse of lUty. about the Spellae.v - rampaign and figures on cost-of-living com­ from the collector was $68,9711.84 made Inquiries concerning hli matter arising out of their marital themselves, but because they rep- amount. Shoes have gone from ing this evening at 8 o’clock at Its will follow with singing and re­ PORK CHOPS CUT-10 POINTS LI I Nonetheless, the reaction now speech w a s that, although It modities flowing to your Local "*To permit wholeaalara with ade-[ (OontlniMd from Page One) which Included $59,454.75 tn cur­ wife. He knew she waa In the 600 lira ($26.30) to 1,800 ($95) relationship; not to imply directly tvsent a woeful lack of conslst- Board, the Price Panel will find it rent taxes and $397.50 tor tax W AC force but hli letters re­ rooms in the, Professional build­ or indirectly that she had ever freshments of doughnuts and cof­ FANCY railH-AU tIZIf la one of demand for Investiga­ mentioned and defended Zazzn- ousts storage faclllltes to buy ■■ and shirts from 100 lira $5.26) ing. At this time Miss Ellaruth ro by name. It did net do the easy to see where price control In this extra meat, OPA la lending g^rved. But I would swap a bushel liens. There Is a balance of mained unanswered. Finally h« committed an offense of moral fee. Mrs. (Charles Wochomurka is FOWL NO POINTS NEEDED «ncy. tion and debate In Commons, and to 350 ($18). Shoff of the county juvenile court chairman of the social committee LB I Congress, on one hand, is pre­ same for Mayor Dennis O’Con­ your community needs most help. them points. of wordy praise for a pint of a^- $4,986.37 in the treasury. waa wounded and after nine weeki Silk stockings have risen from turpitude under Federal, state or Give Your Ghrocer His Due some people are calling for a gen­ Where charges above the legal The auditor recommends that In a hoepltal In Algiers he wai will give a talk on "Juvenile De­ local laws or that she had con­ of the church. M A PI AAarA-WHITE paring to kill subsidies which nor, who happened to he the ------• aurance that appreciation 75 lira ($3.95) to as much as linquency.” Miss Betty Geseay Is eral’s head. All this would seem actual candliite of Long Tom's ceilings are shown, it will be able After November 80, you England effort will proper files be provided tor the shipped back to the States. 400 ($21). Jewelry trinkets of ducted herself in any manner (Charles Rada of Fort Devens, VEAL LEGS MILK-FED-7 POINTS LB, might keep food prices from fur­ to taka prompt action to bring records and th* Insurance policies Receives Official News chairman of the social committee. Th* t*a fiituation h u improvad but aup* to indicate that British public party. have no problem In knowing just pr*,*«d by action dealgned to pro the type sold In American five and City Court which would cause her to be held Mass., spent th* week-end at his nON HIff VIAl-7 POINTS ther increases. On the other hand, Advance apeculatlon on long those prices back Into line. what you should pay for J**^*J^J | tect and maintain us aga_inat_ the of the district. He gives the value Sergeant Mosher finally waa tent ten* are going to gullible soldiers in scorn. home on WUllngton Hill. opinion had Indeed become so of the district property as $129,230 to the general hospital and while In Three cases were before Associ- pli*8 ar* still r*itrict*d, ao if you can't GRADE AA or A-OVEN ROAST LB, it le engaged In the paasage of a Tom’s speech had It that he was suitcases and, other luggage. On, unreasonable ambitions of those as “ the real thing” tor prices up atu Judge Joseph Nash In the Community property sh'e turiied The town schools will close at 1 SHOULDER complacent about the future willing to mention and defemh I tliink we can reduce our cost and after that date, all who may view the war as an op­ which Included No. 2 house and that institution he received from over, aa part of the agreement. In­ p. m. November 24 for the Thanks­ hin which would directly subsidise of living substantially if every to $50. Kockville City Court on Wednes­ always buy Salada T*a in th* atyl* or sis* UAN MISN nOIK SHOULOM course of the war that It expected O'Connor by name, but that, the must be Ugged with i portunity more than a duty." property at $10,900, No. 3 at $40.- the War Department the telegram Cameras worth 400 lira ($21) cluded all their stock holdings. In­ giving recesa and wUl be in aeaalon the etnell newspapers of tbs coun­ housewife In Connecticut keeps so famlUar to many thousands to­ day. Joseph Zielenskt. 38, of the PICNICS ■OAST-rS POINTS t l , nothing but smooth sailing all the O’Connor campaign managers and-cents celling price established j Food Production Aim 680 and No. 4. at $32,950 and the are selling tor 8,000 ($420.) Park Hotel, was fined $5 and coats cluding 200 shares of (Columbia again Monday, November 29. you lik* it— padkag* or t*a»baga— don't try hy the device of directing the considered that such mention by this report. If you want to join On the food front, M. Clifford fire alarm syatem at $43,950. day—"W T regret to Inform yos Pictures common, 200 shares of Mrs. Harriet (Carter has'return­ FANCY PIISH-AU MZIf way to victory. In that mood, this fight, visit your Local Board by OPA. (These equivalents would be of $8.66 on a charge of intoxica­ Vnited BUtes Treasury to spend Long Tom would be a liability Townsend, a special representa­ that your wife was lost at ata considerably lower under the cur­ tion; Marcella Povolosky, 61, of 20th Century-Fox pictures, pre­ ed from a month’s visit at her blam* your grooarl H* ia doing th* b*at even a relatively minor upset be­ That waa 13 months after Rie has CHICKENS NO POINTS NEEDED LI I $18,000,000 a year advertising rather than an asset. They, ac­ tive of the War. Food Adminis­ rent rate of llra-dollar exchange Ellington was fined $5 and costa ferred, and 160 shares of Metal home In Great Village. Nova Sco­ comes something of a sensation, centing to this rumor, held the tration leclared that America' Americans Blast gone down with the transport. Thi of $9.66 on a charge of Intoxica­ Assemblies Corp. tia. h* can with availabl* aupplias. war bonds In these newspapers Papers Facing official news broke six months af­ as established by the Allied mili­ Veil Cntiett It pointt k* 3 5 * SnetdlaM iV:flLt for which some one must be criti­ view that Long Tom was a lucky flrat aim ahould be production of tary government. This makes tion, and Benjamin Wood, 27, of After her divorce Mias Hay­ Mias Charlotte Brigham receiv­ How does Congress find siib- HEALTH AND DIET a "wen-balanced and generous" ter the sinking. BKINlRtm cized and punished. individual not to be facing Mor- Norway Targets the lira worth one cent.l Ellington, also charged with in­ worth waa reported engaged to ed 81 cards and letters on her 93rd t.3 B * r i i M i f i i i I Mint* tensen himself, and thought that Further Cuts diet for the flghUng. forces, sec Like most of the men who nav* 'UInVoalCiNpe Udies iO wrong in one Instance ADVICE toxication was discharged by the Actor Victor Mature, but she re­ birthday. This doesn’t happen to be prop­ O'Connor would do better stand­ ondly, an adequate diet for civil­ been at the front, Sergeant Moabei Rising Prices Reflected court. t .2 8 * tad an right in another? The an- The rising price* of these lux­ cently married Actor-Producer Or­ Mr. and Mra. Al Bokar and son RIbVetl CNpe er partnership between the people ing on his own feet than he would ians, and thirdly to aend to the (Continued from Pago One) Is not prone to talk. About anyoo* Annual Meeting Tonight son Welles. of Manchester visited Mis* Char­ gwer la that there la one pressure FumMied by the MoOoy (Contlnaed from Pngs One) eUe but himself, sure, "awell bunck ury itema are reflected on the • pt*. IW back home and the military lead­ taking Bpellacy’s approval and Health Service Alliee “ all w# poaslbly can above The annual meeting and dinner lotte Brigham Sunday. Cilvet Liver SB* RedfishpiHaHLi! group agsdnst subsidies on food Spellacy’s record for his own. But that amount.” mid-August, but th*-fir*t since of guye, fine officers, good chow black market, where a" flood of of the Tolland County Farm Bu­ ers out In the field. The latter money has driven essential food Tile E. D. Pinochle club will i pt*.—LI Itema, while there is another prea- whatever the reason, be It O’Con­ Address oatnmunloatione to The tons In each gp. i inIn a speecnspeech prepareaprepared lorfor theaft-u ib »* l- Nov. 3. and what not” but nothing aboul reau will be held this evening at Lamb Shenlder 21* Mickarelc^aTi^I. should not be discouraged from item* to great heights. meet Monday night at the home of nor strategy, or simply that Long Herald, Attention McCoy empted. tonslemoon session, Townsend declared The big R.A.F. bombers’ last trip hlB own experiences. the Grange Hall in Vernon Cen­ Mrs. Bessls Mehr. • pAfrilp LB BUre group In favor of govern­ plied against the n -,,.n,gted that the principal problems of tood ______Sergeant Mosher'was married The economic chaos Is closely Ellington Beef Liver 27* making future gambles of the Tom hlmaelf could muster love for Health Service over Germany was the night— of ter. Dinn^ will 'be served at 7 Miss (Charlotte Service, a stu­ ment largesse for small newspa­ used, and so on up to w est^ ^ ^ I'ibor, farm ms- Nov. 3. when a record weight of thirteen years ago and for a 'time tied up with the political situation same sort. As the war goes on, Zazzaro, who ousted him, but o’clock to be followed by an after Mrs. O. F ' Berr dent at the Boston Conservatory pers. Congress Is not acting on not for O'Connor, who succeeded ?LS".,S5S‘ J S ;. » d .upp.1.., ,nd t.rU- 2,000 (long) tone of explosives waa lived In Springfield but Is now em­ In North Africa inflation was kept dinner program. This will include 498-3, Rockville the opportunities for such gambles Causes of Arthritis in check by the French govern­ of Music spent the week-end 'writh principle, but on the impulses him, there waa the unusual fact dropped on the big Induatrlal city ployed at the AUyn Manufacturlni feats of magic by Dr. William "SAIUT her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gallup will increase. I f they win, they hasm not ^ en worked mhTI | ^‘*Maj. Mai. Uen.Gen. anermanSherman Miles,a>uiea. com-cum- of Duesseldorf. making It propably Company in Hartford. He wants ment which struck hard at the Cheney, Jr., an address by Walter iranemltted to it by pressure of a Democratic campaign speech Service. can shorten the course of the war. In my experience I have found Appeals tor e^ ra L a n d in g general of the First Ser- the world's most hcRvlly bombed to go back Into the Army but has black marketers with closely con­ Stemmons of the University of Honorary bearers for the funeral t e a which did not mention by name wlll be entertained, said WPB, al |o. _ rip^iared in a.nre- The setback party held in the groups. The question is not the Dcmo‘’i''*tic standard bearer. the primary cau.se of arthritis la a Mid thev vice command, declared In a,pre- city outside of Hamburg. been turned down three times Since trolled food and clothing prices Connecticut, musical numbers by of George Peter Wendhelser of But If they lose, the course of though agency pared address that manpower re- In Italy In areas where AMG old seboolhouae at South WUling- Whether something Is right, but This Is, of courm, past his­ toxic condition marked by changes expected a reduction In the numbCT ^ pressing Since then British heavy bomb­ he received hi* medical discharge. Carlton Pease and Clyde Cordsten, Maple avenue, a former Rockville the war la not likely to be length­ ers have been out only twice, at­ ia In control the AMG officials r*' Jr., followed by dancing with mu­ ton last week aponaored by 'the Whether somebody organized Is tory. But, with Long Tom, pjwt In body chemistry. In most cases business man Wednesday morning ened. The Britleh were right In of appeals because of a revision of gf industrialists, but he tacking the Mt. Cents railway Nine vice presidents have be­ quire shopkeepers to keep the sic being furnished by Ernie Forestry Fire aepartment, netted demanding It. It Is a shameful history has a habit of hearing the base quota. _ reminded the conference that the prices of essentia! articles within at 9:30 at St. Bernard's churah $14. 'There were tc nand a half occupying Leros, even If It upon the future. His career has the systemic toxemia la produced tunnel at Modane. France, on the come U. S. presldeiiU; three by Rock’s orchestra. A feature of the h frie for the conduct of any leg- by poisoning from the Intestinal The revision provides that Army already has released 650,- reason. were as'follows; C. Denison Tal- tables In play. First prizes were UITCAKE been a fascinating serlee of new jiight of Nov. 10 and hitting the election, 6 by the death of the dinner will be the serving of home couldn’t be defended against the cott, Frank Friable, Francis S. won by Mra. Leslie Richardson of iaiatlve body. bridges built after the collapse tract arising from faulty elimina­ lishers may add any tonnap ‘ ®" ooo men from acting service, French rail center of Cannes the president. Aiiiee Can Only “Suggest” raised roast beef. U B 2 LB 5 LB German cmmter-attack which did tion. It la well known that the pa­ qulred to cover a gain "Each man." he said, “ Is a po­ following night. In this territory, which is ad Christmas Malls Nettleton, Sherwood Cummlnga, South Coventry and Franklin Nar- As recklessly as It would throw of old ones He was, at the mo­ tion in the last quarter of 1942 over employe. The fact that a Cfisude Mills, Charles Squires, develop. And British generalship, ment he handed In his bluff w - tient with arthritis Is almost In­ Laat night’s assault on Germany ministered by the Italian govern­ The following statement has ratil of South WUllngton. Sand- Clearance Sale aWay price control, at the behest the last quarter of 1941. Some discharged from the Fred Holt, Wllllsm Pstridge, At­ wdehea and coffee were served. public reaction back home to the Ignatlon last summe#,______at the variably constipated. kept the two-way aerial offenalve ment, the AUles can only "sug- been issued by Postmaster Saul 4 7 * 96* 2 eg the farm bloc. Congress Is also ambi­ The constipation Is caused by In­ papers, said WPB, have not applied disqualify him as a from BrlUin and the Mediterran­ Manchester gast” to the king's government Peizer of the Rockville Tost Office torney Donald C. Frisk, Mayor Owen Trask, a leader of 4-H contrary, should fsel free to re' height of a “ for 1942 Increases. But the appeals citizen. These veterans de- Rayinond E. Hunt, Harry Flamm, Mad* wiih>«nly die finotr ingro- OB the *verge of destroying wage tion. It Is quite p ro b a ^ that adequate functioning of the colon ean going full blast and under­ that steps ba taken. in regard to Christmas Mails: work at th* University of (Con­ peat the gamble. and If this organ Is studied with board will not grant any extra ton- every consideration, for they scored the latest warning of Evening Herald Premier Marshal Pietro Badog- "Mall in ' November does not Dr. Thomas F. O'Loughlin, Dr. E. necticut at Storra, conducted both 5 POUND dienti... it’s filled with fruili oontrol, at the behest of one spe­ the drama of that reelghatlon, nage to cover increases In net paid ^g^g offered their services to their nuts handed In In a good tad spot- the Jfcray, certain abdominal con­ worse yet to come. lio never rafuaed to take Allied mean mail on November 30. Re­ H. Metcalf. Dr. Leonard W. Levine services at the churches Sunday in ONLY and end rich with flavor. cial segment of organised labor. circulation after the fourth quar-1 country, and now, through no fault aaasUied AdvertlMiiMnts and Myron Case. The active bear- More Moscow Credit Lines lesa cause, was actttally ^ ditions are likely to be found such At the very moment the suggaotions and Is perturbed by ports from large post offices indi­ the absence of Dr. Horace B. It ia proposed to pass a resolu- as prolapsus, adhesions, kinks or ter of 1942. Previoualy, increases gf own, are no longer useful R. A. F.’s great four-englned . Count su avsraa# wore* to a liBSk the inflation danger, but his gov cate that little Christmas mall has era were; Leland Sloan, Frederick Sloat, who ia In tb* Johnson Me­ 12 OZ signed to give the/ftnal embel- In circulation in one quarter over g military capacity.” tlon giving the railroad unions Plaudits have gone to Bepretary lltament to the Spellacy repu­ a spastic contraction. Any of these jmmbers were roaring through the initials, numbsr* and abbrsviatlons ammant itself lacks the cohesion been started on its way by the H. Arens, John Dailey, Leonard morial hospital, recovarlng from CAKE the previous quarter had warrant- .-j „,u,t hasten to warn you, ^rkneaa toward their target, Al- eaob count aa a word and oowpound and machinery to reach down to public, although the press, radio Ohls, Dominie Yoreo, Otto Yost, iKE the s«act pay rise the govern­ Hull for his part In the Moscow tation for slatemanshlp. ana may play a part In producing a ,, . — afrati-knaiwere tellins the I word* as two words Hlnlmuss cost an acute attack of bronchitis. stoppage of Intestinal wastes with ed tonnage allotment Increases buf cgneral Miles added, "that la only, lied radio ^ tio n s were teiimg ine tbrs# lints. local officials to make them take and business, concerns are coop­ Mrs. Otto Preusse of Highland Th* Valley Bridge club met at 1 JANE PARKER Conference. Inferentlally, credit thus help him on the way to ment’s stabUlzatlon officials re­ a resultant absorption of poisons. this consideration will no longer be t^g beg;inning of thd end, rather people Of Line r«t*i oer day tor ^raneunt action. erating splendidly in spreading the ayenile ha* returned from a visit the home of Mr*. CJeorge Reynold* 1 DATED • DOZ higher political thing*. flHven. than the end itself. Long* hard, Una PLAIN DONUTS fused to approve because It vio­ hae alao gone to President Roose­ That ambition Is not dead no"'- If the faulty condition of the colon from factoriei producing war ma- The new BadogUo cabinet cold­ word that November mailings are with her daughter, Mrs. Arthur in EagleviU*- It was decided to is lift as It is, the paUent may se­ bitter months of fighting are terials for the Germans. BCoetivo Maroh i t . IS ly was received by the political necessary this year if deliveries Guzman, Jr., of Kansas City, Mo. meet monthly In the future initsad Gold, Marbla, Raitin, 1W LB lated the Uttle Steel Formula. velt, as top man In the United and Long Tom, who has rebuilt » ahead; production problems re­ Caeb Cbars* many tltnea. is probably not cure some relief from the arthritis Speaking over the London radio - «».i e‘ Ota leaders of the five parties In Bari. are to be made on ame. The black-out in this town was of bi-monthly. POUND CAKES Fudge, Froited SHver CUT The question here le not whether SUtee foreign policy which did main unchanged. Lest anyone in a broadcast beamed to’^ r o ^ . D‘aV.'! i * Sfflll "The government muat have "While postal officials anticipa­ aversc/to using whatever tools are by careful dieting but le uaually Much Whiskey et* considered very successful Tues­ Mrs. Andrew Tomaako has re­ Chocolate, Vanill* 16 OZ the wage Increaee would be a achieve auch fiotable succeeset. for unable to cause It to disappear think that the war of production a apokeaman for the Allied high , Day ...... ,...... |U|n ateittgtaltt ot* the confidence of the people to be ted that their advice to the public, day night. at hahd. In this case. Tony has already been won, may I point All ordera tor Irrasslar taaartiena turned from the Johnson Memorial fair one or not, but whether Con- Itself and for the whole world, at zard^ Is a kindly little gentleman command named 36 French cltlea effective,” one of the leaders of to mall in November would bring Jacob Loethscher of Main street hospital where she was a patient GOLD LOAF CAKE or Orange Icing CAKE permanently. , , out that even In an operation so and towns -r Including''Paris — will 0* ebargad at tb* on* Um* rat*. no very hea'vy mailings 'until about gresa la going to establish the \Vl(o can’t be deprived of influence When these abnormal Inteatlnal Held in Bond Spoctal rate* for Ions term a *ry tha Action party said In com­ and Harry Sabaika of Somers for several weeks. Moscow. ‘ relatively simple and brief as the which he said would be made tar­ menting on the new technical cab- November 15th, it was hoped that ^nd following by a little states are overcome by suitable ■ay advartlalns slvan open raqnaaL joined some Springfield friends ANN PAGB OZ precedent o f breaking into the na­ To make the credit record com­ conquest of Sicily, our forces lost gets of mass blows by day or night Ad* ordarad eaneallad bafor* th* inat undersecretaries. "Unless the a fair volume would be received Sewing Machines tional oamtalfn publicity, ^ iu * treatment and the colon thereby (CoBttaned from Page One) Wednesday morning and have CHEF Plain Olivet IMPOHTIO JAR 23* tion’s light against inflation for plete, praise ehould also be dis­ up to 46 per cent of some types of In the near future. ird or Itb day wUl b* eharsad esly government baa this confidence It during the first two weeks of the WMITBHOUBC such a Wnaiy and pnerous little returned to a healthy itate whew equipment. Other cltlea where Frenchmen for th* aotua)il numbar of tliImaa tl month. gone to Northern New Hampshire AND direct leglalatlon of pay Increase tributed in two other d ir e c tly . it throwB out waatea promptly, does not make any difference VeteransJ Group BOY-AR-DEE Evap.Milk 1 point POT S' nent cure, as the arthritla gener­ OPA oSlclala said they were it is certain toat many of them cholskl, Florence Streeter. Lillian A Few Sewing Machine Singer Hand legislation without also consider- individual Is Wendell Wlllkle stick to the Jol( our armed forces to a strength U I h u ifiiu i regular meeting tonight at which a tire examiner at $2,600, the U. S. ally returns. working secretly on a program de­ Telephone Your Want Ads will arrive after Dec. 25; and this Linders, Loretta Mason, Jane For­ Motors. Sewing Machine ... .$7.99 KIrkman’e Soap Flakes hho 23* iBg Ita consequences. As Stabillza- ^bo urged the things that Rooec- in the successful treatment of which will aufflce to cnish tha mll- time annual' election of officers will result in disappointment both Cl-vll Service announced yesterday. signed to combat hijacking and il­ 1 tin, Louise Elliott, Dora Modean. 2 2 ‘ 6 2 ‘ ^ ;:“o* 2 4 * To the Editor; arthritis you must first get rid of lU ry forces of Germany and I H R Ad* ar* aocaptad over tb* tat*- will be held. for civilian and for members of Kirkman’s^To Saap tlon Director Vinson warns. If It ^elt should have urged before legal trafficking lij liquor. ARUIfi Ra TB slvan Valerie Sweet, and Helen Accor- PINT To gain victory In minimum the Impure, toxic condition of the Japan,” he declared in s speech bone at tb* CnAROE R, Miss McAdams of Manchester the armed forces who are still in 1 POUND 3 POUNDS 9 «o y *? ’ 1 6 « ia going to change the sUndard* noogevelt dared, or considered It Wherry Offered Place prepared for the second New Eng­ I above as a oonvsniane* t® advar Alleges Film Director Cruel nero. SHARE YOUR UNUSED APPLIANCES WATgR •OT time and with the least caeualtiee bloodstream and thus banish the tiaera. but th* CASH RAINS will has been a recent guest of Mr. this country. Dazzle of etabllization, it should do ®o strategic, .to do so; Without that Senator Wherry (R., Neb.) During the play several selec­ ■ATHBIZEUI 1 for loved ones in service, supplies poleons being carried In the blood meanwhile waa offered the place land War conference. accepted as EUU. PATUKNT It and Mrs. John G. Vergason. "Should the heavy mailing con­ We Buy Any Appliance. Phone for Estimate CAKE I I “ We cannot depend on the col- PAYROLL paid at tb* ousinst* ollics on at na- Los Angeles, Nov. , 18.— (IP>-r- tions will be presented by the V.P. Sweetheart Soap with open responsibility ‘ for Its | fervent crusading on the part of and equipment nvust get to ^helr which are Irritating and Inflaming on the five-man InvesUgatlng Mrs. Raymond Littlefield and tinue into December, It will be Im­ Mrs, Grace La Cava Is suing Film W. Auxiliary quartet, Esther Wol­ In Your Home. 2-1575. YUKON SPARKLING right places conttoually and at the lolnta. Use every helpful meas­ lapee.of the civilian population In tor* tb* savantb day toUowlns tb* son George arc tn Glastonbury at possible to give any assurance of Swan r^ATINQ Soap e%‘?iB* act, not by random and reckless Wlllkie, it la doubtful if the ad­ committee which was declined by these countnes to bring about vic­ drat inaartloD ol oaeh ad, otMrwtae Director Gregory La Cava for di­ cott, Eleanor Freelove, Grace the right time. Essential war ure which will cleanse and purify Senator Danaher (R., Conn.). th* CHARGE RATE will b* eollaot. the home of her parents, Mr. and deliveries by Christmas.. Transj^r- Toumsud and Frelda M(x>Fehouae. yielding to any one pressure ministration would still have tory." he asserted. "Any diminish­ SAVINGS arrer* In vorce, alleging cruelty. She asks ABC FIX-IT CO., 21 MAPLE ST. GINGER ALE LifebttoySoap 3 caxe. 20* Industry must continue with as the blood. Get alj of the elimina­ Other members are Senators Van I ed. No raanonatblllty foi Mrs. George Strang. tation lines are heavily burdened a settlement of $600,000 In com­ Florence Sullivan le chairman of bloc. dared thee Moscow Declarations, ing effort on pur part would most taiaphnnad ada will■ ba aaautttad and« with war materials and personnel and OtHER BEVERAGES little Interruption as possible. The tive organa to working, uae a diet Nuys (D., Ind.), chairman, and munity property and $ the ticket, comrnlttee and tickets Lax Tailet Soap 3cakes20* But It is difficult to find any wnilkie did his missionary work certainly defer auch collapse. If it thair aceuraby cannot b* puaran- and these must have preference 1,000 loss of the war wlU be the work­ of wholesome food, roaka aure of Ferguson (R „ Mich.), Murdock If.g. TiiumtwDttutmmi taed. monthly alimony. may be purchased at the door. Inteatlnal cleanliness by using the (D.. Nev;) and Kilgore (D „ W.Ve.) were Imminent” over Christmas gifts when facili­ Lux Flakes 2*“*''PKGS 19* ^ : s*23* Single Instance of legislation pend-I g^iong the people. '‘ He met with,a er’s loss. Thus any stoppage in ’Ihe general told, the conference Insects Probl^ii ODD LOTS OF APPl.lANCES essential Indiwtry does not enema I f necessary, tad do thU 'They start public hearinga next ties a re ’'limited. Gifts cannot be 4 b’o?s 2 9 ‘ Uig where Congress is conscien- response. Perhaps he was that active combat led to large per- One of a Kind CONTENTS ONlV CAKEB Inconvenience the employer or the long enough and you will relieva week. The liquor industry an­ permitted to interfere with the SweetbeprtSoap 2 13* tiously on the Job for the wel- working with a tld# already In his centagee of lost equipment which boss, Init may even contribute to your’arthritis. nounced through OwBley Brown, . Ill Stored Food tranaport’'.tlon of arms a'hd sup­ fare of this whole country. It is fgyor. But' the fact ia that the Arthritla la a disease of the iresldent of the DiatlU^ Splrlta must be replaced. plies to our fighting forces.’’ the loss of elV we hold dear. As examples, he said, 60 new blithely preparing to pass a tax combination brought about whole body. The, joints can only be Institute, that It welcomes the In­ AOH Meeting Irons • Toasters • V ib r a to r I realise that working, condl rifles must be shipped overseas There will be a meeting of the bill raiaing only ohe-sixth of the shift in the attitude of lions are not ideal now more than hsalod from the inside; healing vestigation. San Francisco. Nov. 18.— (ff) — W e are hopeful,” Brown’s each year for each hundred men In AOH Auxiliary this evening at CHILDREN'S additional revenue the Treasury American public toward this at any other time. The selfl^ comes from a supply of healthy combat. Bighty-flve per ceqt of Protection of America’s vAet 7:30 p. m. In its rooms following blood carrying to the joint the ma- statement said, "that the mal $ 9 .9 9 asked and ought to have. Ita only w'orld of our*. The people them- are just as selfish now. ” the machine ffuna used In combat quantities of stored foods calls for which plans will be completed for LINED, WATER REPELLENT $ 1 .9 9 to the workers had to break up their teriaU needed for repair. Build up truth about the dwindltoi, whiskey offense ss well ss defense sgsinst gopd reason Is that it feels taxes selves began to take over our for- stocks now In government bonded must be replaced each year. He awarding Its Thanksgiviog baskeL homes elsewhere and find It diffi­ the natural recuperative powara, also cited pereentsgea of replace­ Inaects, Dr. E. O. Eselg, Universi­ Mothers’ Club unpopular, especially a year be- policy. They did It in the cult finding .Jiving quarters where use measures that aend a better warehouses will be revealed by the ty of Chdtfomis entomologist, as­ Senate inquiry^ and that confiuing ment of other equipment used In "The Babv’s Bath” U the sub­ tore a presidential election. Republican raaolutlona at Mackl- they go. Doubtlees there are supply of blood through the joints, the invasion of Sicily. serts. ject for the Mothers’ Club meeting and the sick. Irritated joints of Impressions may be ersidlcated. In no Inatance le it waging the Ljac. They did It when the Ful- grievances at their place of em­ There are Insects which can being held this afternoon at the Special G. E. Console Radio ployment and of course many arthritis lose their pain and come bore through Just about every rooms of the Rockville Public JACKETSI good fight against Inflation. To bright Resolution passed the simple things cannot be bought back closer to normal. Ji. type of ordinary food contalnsc Health Nuralng Association. the contrary, It seems the willing House. They did It when the Con at any price, oi* ration stamps are Evan though it may not be pos­ except glass and tin plate, ha told Move Emergency Hoepltal $ 4 9 .9 5 , and eager servant of all thoee nally Resolution went through the reeded. AH those things are sible to ttae away all of the dam­ VOLUNTEER BLANK — BLOOD DONOR SERVICE - the Agricultural Insecticide and T h e emergency hoepltal which age done tad to dissiriva aU tha pressure blocs which are eeekiag, Eanate. They provided the fissen' irritating. . • , Naneheffter Chapter, The American Red CroM Pun^clde assoclatlen. In tests, be haa been established on the lower FuDy Rebuilt. Guaranteed! . bony deformity, it U nearly always added, bugs gnawed through a floor of the old high school build ia pursuit of their own aelflta tial background and support for My appeal to the war worker is A tk ro w DOCTOR about US to stick to his job, now, even possible to return the patient to seven-ply wrapping made of al­ Ing with the Vernon War Council ^ % 9 4 gain, to plunge the whole nation the Hull miaaion to Moscow. And comfort and to a reasonable uae of 1 Want To Donate Blood for tha'^Army and Navy ternate layers of paper, asphalt conditions are not Ideal. It Yon hare SMrited eeoifilaeee ia tall yp« that we mshttain ^ and the Red Cross cooperating, ia EXPERT REPAIR SERVICE Into Inflation. At the behest of then they produced acceptance of certainly not ideal tor thoee In the joint, provided treatment U ramt PbTrieian. Yo« aeaeol, m Mglieat adiieal atasdards: that and cellulose. tc be moved to the third floor of started soon enough and provided • e • eee • • « • 4 »# •••••••$ ^ahbSdTlti* asp^eed 7*tv nraaeri.tion I* eoia- Protection la essential, he ar­ SIZES 2:4-6-8-10-12 tlmae groups, It la against prica I u d support for the results at service.^ The worker sticking to Name .. toe building, but kept in readiness Sewing Machines Vacuums Washera n » « a i his job may mean a shorter war the patient la persistent reeoi-mnsendstionaeoaeamhii------— - paunded prariany m dlractedf gued, because these stores ' of for any emergency. The presonnel 2 i S t 4 7 4 oontrol, a g a i ^ wage control, I Moscow. Thoee wishing a dlscuaalon of your hsallh and waliate. Thue that urn sw* only freah, potast foods are immense, often repre­ will also be kept intact. Thi win .411 Small Appliances CBfM against hlghe^taxation, the three I willkie and the American peo- with lea* ca.sualtle*. Addresa • • • •• • •• < > •••••• 4 drt^t that nor prioas are tsir. ' RETAIL SALESROOM j. W. Cheney. the general treatment of arthritis, we otfs yen to seek hk amine al senting an accumulation of years. mean that the large gymnasium KEEP YOURS IN GOOD WORKING ORDER os a mattar of first iaportaao*. nor aerviee uiirseidlad Why an* i aOKM Btaln things w e. mutt have if we I pie thenuelves were clearly, even 191 Hartford Road. are welcome to tend fo f the article where it was located can again be FOR THE DURATION 2 1 £ 5 1 « on Arthritis which may be obtain­ Phone Aje, 18-20.. Age, 21-60 .. A A ymw yhysictai abnot thk bring yoar noat ptaanripthm to Held on Impersonation CHtnrge used by the pupils In the grade 1 cm m i are to avoid an economic dlaastfir I dominantly, among the architects n« for earefni componmUng* ed by writing to the McOoy Health IVmeryrimi Pnareaaey. Ha Will school at the East district for which would shake American der|of the success at Moscow. The ef- CIO Union Bargaining Agent Bervlea in ear# of this n e w ^ p e r 'Cheek hour yon prefer appointment: New Haven, Nov. lfi—0*)— their various activities, games, MANCHESTER aaocraoy to Its very foundatlMU. fe<^ of knowing this Is not to, take Charged with tUegally woaring and so on. 21 MAFUB Norwich, Nov. 18-—(HI— Bm- and enclosing a THE BRUT ATURTie $ PACIFIC TU CCMPI No one of these things seems, away credit from any one, or be­ drssssd ravstops sad tan oonts. 1 2 - l..a > . M. 8 '6 . • • • • WELDON DRUG COMPANY Navy uniform, Robert A. Oleinas, KTRKET All prlaa* iab)**t I* marbat abaafta. W* raaaav* * * rio4i4 4* Wm ployes of tha Ponemah mills yes­ 18, Springfield, was bound over to K N IT T IN G . MELLS aa the surface, to be politically stow it upon another. The really terday voted 580 to 328 for the Preacription Pharmacist* Th* Tennessee Valley Author It is estimated that a service­ Pill in and mail to the next term of Federal court yes­ ity In 10 years has relocated 875 MANCHESTER GREEN O PE N D A IL Y 9 TO 9 .HAVCHE.HTER fapular, svhich may explain Con- Important thing Is that American CIO Textile Wofkera Union over 901 Main Street Telephone 5.112 terday by U. 8. Commissioner ABC Fix-it Co. man esta 8 1-d pounils of food a American Red Cross, House t Hale Building miles of highway and 97 mile* of trend against them. But it foreign policy has been moving the A F L Union for their bargain ing agent, CIO Director Daniel Uny. as compared with the 3 8-4 Tbomaa A. Grimes railway. Ig to ha hoped that, before ir- ahead on all cyllndera, with lead- Gallagher asdd. pounds be ate as a eivUian. 'IV^NlNtyitfikALU. fffANUHKSrKK. Ou NMh TmjKbilAT, NUVlllMIiJiK 18, I'Jl* PAGE

WTIO—1080 rmi J P n J* WTHT-f--12801880 WDRC—ISBO f O u C t y 8 K p H i O tVKBC—1410 Eastern War- time Chagnot^s Fire Chiefs Pile Up Records at 4:00—WTIC — Backstage Wlfe;|> WDRC —Easy Aces: WTHT — WDRC—Home Front Matinee; Sports Roundup: WNBC — The News; WNBC — White Cross Fighting (^ast Guard.' Speaker; Blue Frolics. 7:45—WDRC — Mr. Keen;. WTHT Favor Bears Jeeper Creepers Miss Helen Estes, Faculty Adviser 4:15—W nC — Stella Dallas; —AME Zion Church. Compiled by Students of Manchester High School WNB(%-Artle Shaw. 8:00—w n c —Maxwell House Cof­ Bowlers Hit Mark THURSDATi" NOVEMBER 18 4:30—WTIC — Lorenzo Jones; fee Time; WDRC —Charles Rug- To Win Over No “World” Next Week WDRC — Ad Liner: WNBC — gles, Mary Astor; WTHT — Etiquette for Prom M. H. S. Squad Time Views toe News, News; Mus(c; WNBC News. Skins Sunday S y m p ath y ' There will be no issue of the 4:45—WTIC — Young Wldder 8:15—WNBC — Lum and Abner. Of 1700 or More Wartime .Topics* Legion of Honor Book Displays Brown; • WNBC—Woody Her­ 8:30—w n c — The Aldrich Fam­ Reviewed in Class High School Wofld next week, man. appy Journey The “High ^hool World" since The Herald will not be Win CISA Title ily; WDRC—Death Valley Days; Bookmakers Impressed extends iU slncereat sympathy Debated in Clid> Are Original published on Thanksgiving 8:00—WTIC —When a Girl Mar­ New.s; 'WTHT — Bereno Oara- to Mrs. Gertnide Lawrence Day and space la limited on ries; WDRC—News; Ad Liner: mell; Castles to the Air; WNBC With Chicago's Win In Past 3 Wee] iven by S & B whose son. Arthur Lawrence, Prom etiquette was discussed to Wednesdays ond Fridays. WTHT—News; Music; WNBC —America’s Town Meeting. •40, last week gave his life In Resolved: Prisoners should be Miss Georgia Greenaway's classes Pete Wigren’s Harriers —News. 9:00—W n c — Kraft Music Ha\l; Last Sunday at N. Y.; Library Oub Members 6:30—WTIC—Just Plain Bill; r the ^elrvlce of his country. drafted into the Armed Services." Friday, Nov. 12. Miss Greenaway Defeat Eleven Teams; WDRC — Major Bowes Amateur “Y” League Leaden alic Qub Program Lieutenant Lawrence was tak­ This was the subject debated Present Facuity - Tea WDRC —-War Commentary; Ad Hour; WTHT —Gabriel Heatter. Sold Out. Yale Preps | ing intensive combat training In the bi-monthly meeting of talked of the right and wrong way Are State Champions. Liner; WNBC—Jack Armstrong 9:15—WTHT—Oracle Field. Team Averages Wit dudes Play and in Hawaii at the time of his the Debating Club, held in 13F on During Book WeeKi\^ to behave at a dance and the stu­ 6:46—WTIC—Front Page Far­ 9:30—WTlc—Joan Da'vls and Jack By Pst O’Brien Tuesday, November 16. Those^ on dents discussed the subject and Sportscast rell ; WDRC—American Wom­ Haley; WDRC —. Dinah Shore; Consistent Bowl death. CJoacb Charles "Pete” Wigren’s en; WTHT—Superman; WNBC Washington, Nov. 18.—(P)— For Hockey | (Choral Reading. ^ the affirmative were, James Fan- Varied and Interesting Bbok iffered some valuable suggestions WTHT — Book Talks, Rabbi Three Teams Qc ana Mary Ralmondo,, while Shir­ M. H. S. Prom being only a By John Toumaud Chx)S8-Country squad won the —Captain Midnight. Feldman; WNBC — Spotlight There was a suspicion around ' waa an important ley Warren and Charlotte Bralth- Week displaya arranged by Library I weel^^away made the subject a Connecticut Interscholastlc Ath­ Evening Bands. tola football-mad capital today Season Now! Bunched After- Fii walte were the opposition. club members were judged by the tlmelyNme. Manchester High’s cross-coun­ letic conference meet last Satur­ 6:00—WTIC — Newe; WDRC — 10:00—WTIC — Abbott and Coe- that Sammy Baugh and the it for at’identa, to haye in or- They ageided that, when buying Weeks Play. A much-needed Increase of sol­ faculty who attended a tea on try team's winning of the Connec­ day at Storrs, Connecticut, by de­ News; George B. Armstead; t ^ : WDRC — The flret Une: Washington Redskins may ns lar to enjoy “Happy .^dumey,” a diers waa one of the points the gowns, thr-gown should match the ticut Interscholastlc champion­ WTHT—News; WNBC—Terry WTHT — Raymond Clapper; '-L-a'- t comedy by "piornton Wild- Wednesday. November 17, from personality o*vthe girl and should feating eleven other teams. slightly less than world beaters Only One Veteran Backi affirmative stressed would devel­ 3:00 to 4:00 Each exhibit, displayr ship closed the most successful and the Pirates. WNBC—Raymond Oram Swing. (Official U. S. Army Signal Corps photo from NEA) Chagnot’s Fire Chiefs, using whlch. with, a verse-choir op If prisoners were drafted, never detract friOT It In any way. fall sports season to recent years. The M. H. S. team Is now on 6:15—WTIC — History in toe 10:16—WTHT — Dale Carnegie; when they tangle with toe Chica­ As '43 Season Nears;: ed In the High school library, had If the girl plans^o go to college, go Bears next Sunday. Soldiers of 66th Division at Camp Joseph T. Robinson, Ark., use jeep as charging sled. They are new method on toe alleys, hav Ing, waa presented by Sock Although Hall. High cerUlnly while the negative asked If these books of a particular type. All The Red and White Harriers cli­ record as the best cross-country Headlines; WDRC — Dinner WNBC — Lilten to Lulu. urged to hit line by Capt. C. R. Goodwin, at wheel, directing training of football team. rolled over the 1700 mark for B u^in as an assembly pro- can't boast of ''bringing home the men were unfit for correct living she should choose sSMlghtly more maxed an undefeated campaign by team In the sUte of Connecticut. Hour Melodies; WTHT—Sports; 10:30—w n c — March of Time; Washington bookmakers were Murdock May Find books displayed are to be found sophisticated gown soH^nt It may laying odds of 5 fb 8 on toe Bears, third week in succession In on November 17. bacon" in football this year. It in normal times, how would they regpularly In the library annexing the C. I. A. C. crown at Twelve teams competed with WNBC—SporU; News. WDRC — Here'! to ' Romance; New Men at College ...t tUfiiy is about “Ma" Klr- has again clinched the C. C. I. L. behave If given another chance In be used there, during Storrs Saturday against a chMM 84 boys running. The course 6:30—WTIC — Strictly Sports; WTHT — Conoert Hour; WNBC and some of them were willing to Wadneaday Y league. A | husband and her family, First prize went to Elinor Dou- man year. WDRC---Jeri Sullivan; WTHT— ■pot a touchdown that Sid Luck- soccer title. Hall has managed these trying times. gan for her "Singing World" pos­ field of eleven teams. The M. H. 8. used, was that of the Connecticut —Wings to Victory. last evening they turned In on their way from New- to hold this championship for the Those serving as Judges w «s Instead of going to the dafiqs in ^deters also went through their University’s freshman squad. World’s Front Page; WNBC — 11:00—News On All Stations. man, Harry Clark. Clyde (Bull­ Army Prepares for Navy New Haven, Conn., Nov. 18 — for team total and only one mea ' to Camden. New Jersey, to George Dougherty and David ter: second went to Mary Sllkow- an automobile this idea was glvan schedule without a defeat and, like Feed Bag Frolics. 11:15—w n o —Harknesa of Wash- dog) Turner and their Chicago Ogden D. Miller, director of ath­ last three years and has closed skl and Lucille Warner with their Several girls could get dressed a There was a small number of her rolled under the 300 t a married daughter, Beulah. this season by defeating Meriden Hartwell, the Club's advisers, the Hill and Dalers, captured the spectators present although this 6:45—WTIC — Lowell Thomas; Ington;''WDRC — Joan Brookel mates would wallop the world letics at Yale, announced today Mazzoli of to® Motor Sales te I haa been very ill. No scen­ and Pvt. Pat Vendrillo, former "Road To Adventure” table. Joe the home of one who lived nearest (5> C. I. L. title. A 7-7 Ue with WDRC—News: WTHT^Muslc; WTHT — Muaie; WNBC — The professional champions. , 2-0. Randy Cole Cunningham and Roger Loucka the bus line and all of their escorts Is the biggest cross-country meet that plans have been formed for however, toppled 389 for ts used for this play; it is Almost any time of the day or Debating Cl\ib member, who was Buheipley High waa the only mark held in Connecticut. . WNBC—Merry Macs. Music You Want. Every seat in Griffith stadium string honors and Pop Gleason „iS entirely in pantomime. The visiting M. H. .u*| Following In the footsteps of his won third with •‘Transportation could call for them there. on thO.Kellymen's otherwise spot­ Herb Stevenson, a jimlor, led 7:00— WTIC — Fred Waring in 11:30—w n c — Music of the New has been sold for two weeks for Stressing Pass Defense toe continuation of the hockey pro- in any place around M. H. S. you When arriving at the Prom, the high single with 147. \ kUdlence enjoyed thei movements final vote was 3-0 in favor of the Mervln and Russell, who and Travel' less record. the Manchester harriers by plac­ Pleasure Time — Fulton Lewis, World; WDRC—Raymond Scott this game between pro football’s g;ram at the University, and an at­ can run Into bunches of girls dis­ Mary Sllkowski's and Lucille couples should first shake hands Jr.; WNBC — News; The House outst^ding opponents. Bryant A Chapman took idieatlng opening the window,, cussing the meriU of Bing Crosby negative. the have been In the Legion of Honor with the receiving line and they ing fifth. Albert Bray, the cap­ and Orchestra. By Frank Eck tempt is being made to schedule J, points away from Moriartjrs ag down stairs and riding m Following the ‘*®*’* * , * 'p r e v i o u s years, Randy Cole has Warner's display entitled "Road to Herb Stevenson paced the Wl- tain, placed sixth. Ward Strange on "Q" Street. 11:45—WNBC — Tommy Dorsey's Starting back in 1937, when the or that dream crooner “Frankie.” Adventure" has small scenes repre­ should also say goodbye to them, grenltes in the State meet by fin­ 7:15— W n c — News; WDRC — Orchestra; News. Redskins l)eat the Bears to gain AP Sports Writer games for a varsity team. ■'hind the good bowling of I To get to the point, a reporter on Judges commented upon also shown that he can live up to upon leaving. During the intermis­ eleventh, Fred Baker fourteenth. West Point. N. Y., Nov. 18 — The program, however, will be a who took toe honors in toe mat Jimmy EUlott played the part r.Mress and handicaps of the w records of being all-round senting - the countries of Chins, ishing fifth to a field that Includ­ Gob McKinney sixteenth, Donald ' Harry James; WTHT —Memory 12:00—w n c — News; Design for Washington's first championship, Neyv Britain High's paper the Holland, Canada, England, Egypt, sion. which is just 15 minutes long, ed 84 runners. Captain A1 Bray I ahc. the eeries has davsloped into a Army's big Una, rated among the modified one with the stress being with 144 for high single and the stage manager, who la a Red and Gold" went around the bators. Lack of AKhtlng "‘"m" 1 athletes and leaders, it is not necessary to go out but Hall, twenty-fourth, and John Listening; News; WDRC for three string totals. The mcbalant, carefree, young man. and ability to leatroy the o P ^ ^all, well-built. Randy is enter- and Hawaii as s theme with was right behind hi sixth place, 7:80—WTIC— Quli of Two ClUes; News; WTHT — News. bitter epofts feud. The Bears have tops in the country, will have its placed on intramural competition, school cond\icting a quia on nenU argument were the^ m^^^ playing gigantic frosty castle as a. back­ the girl may then freshen up her while Ward Strange, lOtli, was the Donovan, fifty-ninth. won two of three regularly sched­ and the varsity will be chosen from men were hotter than a thrMl o enters in the role of a gas Whom do you prefer Crosby or n.akeup and comb her hair. Manchester's score was 62; uled games, but. the Redskins work cut out Saturday when it members of the Navy and civilian alarm fire and really got startsA l itlon attendant when he is critlclsma. Pvt. Vendrillo express basketball team, having drop. next Manchester runndr/ Fred New Britoln’s. 85; Greenwich, 89; Sinatra?" The results proved ed his opinion on the subject oi k second highest scorer last Joe Chinningham and Roger The studenU thought that, in­ Baker, who was 14th, placeij two have copped two out of three de­ faces Navy here in toe 44th meet­ colleges entered in the league. Obrlght was the only conatai that Sinatra wasn't too popular. stead of going somewhere after Hartford. 94; Middletown, 125; Trainees at the three colleges tak­ bowler on Don Willis' taani To "Ma” Kirby, Jean Chltjlan the debate to be with that of me ajgo played center Loucks assembled a display en­ men ahead of "Mac" McKlfiney, cisions in national league title ing between the nation's top ser­ Out of thirty people Interviewed negative. He remarked that flgld for the baseball team since titled "Transportation and Travel.” the dance and cramming two dates Don Hall rounded out the M. H. 8. Plataville, 154; New London Buck- Exiled King of Rumania playoffs. Last year, Washington vice schools. en over by the Army will not be he needed plenty of aaslstanee ave a human, sincere and hu- six were for “Frankie”, twenty- into one evening, it would be bet­ squad by coming in 24th. Bill ley, 161; New Haven Hillhouse, trounced toe heavily-favored Chi­ Besides facing seven stalwart eligible for varsity service, al­ Chambers' gang were on.toe movgl srous characterisation as the oners would prove to be harmful Freshman year. While follow- The oU painted background was ter to make two evenings out of it. i»7: New Haven Commercial, 201. three preferred Crosby and one to servicemen both morally anai ^ ^ College course through high done by Herbert Stevenson. An Bray, a consistant point-getter cagoans, 14-6, for the champion­ forwards in the Annapolis Une, though they will take part In toe and took two points. Obrigl)|t| tier who loves her family and didn't give a hoot! They thought that it Would be a throughout the season, was ill and Weaver and East Hartford, with To Speak on CBS Network ship, sharply reversing toe 1941 toe U. S. Military Academy mules Intramural loop. hit 384 for toraa string honoraj fidantly dlrecto their behavior physically. school, "Ike" was chairman of the airplane was made by Ward great deal of fun to return to one and a neat 154 to cop high sco^l Apple«plcklng waa the style "Resolved: That boys afventeen ^ junior year and Strange and pictures, charts, did not compete. - but foyr men, tied for last place. debacle which toe Bears won, must combat an aerial weapon of Coach Murray Murdoch, hockey's Ideas. up to the Green Mountains a few house for a snack. It was also Captain Bray, Stevenson, and Stonin*ton failed to run. Seven 160 pounds In. Hal Hamberg, the famed "Iron Man," who In toe ing honors for the night Hijl| years of age should be draUed, ^ member of the Hl-Y for the books, a toy locomotive, a C!hina agreed upon that a better time 73-0. M Arthur Kirby, a boy of weeks ago and forty boya from waa the subject debated jast two years, being elected sec- Bill Bray, were the most depend­ men ran fqr all other teams with New York. Nov. 18.—(^ —If allf Again three football games will The Beare beat Washington, mid.shipmcn's 6 foot 9 air-minded eleven years he was with the New scores: en who doesn't care much Clipper built of cypress and scrap could be had if more than one cou­ the first five-places counted. toe announced plans go through, back from Lonoke, Ark. CtwcBota (3) Burlington High school, Burling­ day, November 2. The debators that club in his Senior metal and silhouettes enliven the able runners during the past cam­ be available to network listeners 21-14, in a pre-season exhibition York Rangers never missed a sin ut anything except hla “ag- ton, Vermont, who volunteered to were; Amelia Farr and year. ple went together. paign. Next year’s squad should be Ed Lemleux from Hartford ran Carol, exiled king Of Rumania, is on Saturday. NBC and CBS will contest this year. They tied, and Ask any of the 140,000 football gle contest, has his work cut out N. Barton ...128 Charlea Martin ranged display. At all times the girl controls the equally strong with A1 Bray being the 2.7 mile course In J3;14.2 for to be a part of toe CBS Report to combine for Notre Dame vs. Iowa Frank Merritt John Hennessey Joe Stanowicz fans who saw Army against for him as only one member of his H o w at...... 96 help out, spent seven days rough­ Werbner, afflrmr.tlve, Evelyn Randy enjoys listening to most •'What's Cookin’," the theme situation. If she thinks that money later defeated. Green Bay, wal­ am hllariouB ahouU to loud sobs, ing it to an old stone building Podrove and John Palleln, dance bands during his leisure the only senior in the group- B** first place. Last year he placed toe Natlim to iU weekly broadcast Pre-Flight, the BLU will carry loped Detroit twice, and trounced Psnnsylvanla and Notre Dame and 38 man-squad last year will be Gleason ...... 127 147 jd the audience "loved It.” while they picked apples on near­ live. The members of the CluO K especially Glenn Miller and chosen by Peggy Anderson and shouldn’t be spent for a corsage sides taking the C. I. A. C. and first also. next Tuesday night. These call for Michigan vs. Ohio State and MBS the Ctolcago f^ards, Phll-Pltt, they'll tell you without batting an available. W. Hlllnskl ..13T 188 Caroline Kirby, acted by Con- by farms. The apple picking ex­ acted as judges, and the Harry James. He is also Interested Barbara Dunlop, has Its checked or anything else, it is up to her to C. C. I. L. crowns, Manchester ac­ Coach Pete Wlgren deserves all the broadcast to orlginste from I will have Duke vs. North Carolina.* Brooklyn and New York in regu­ eyelash that one thing the West The single veteran is 20-year old Goodrich .. • •183 106 Kehler, la a young girl of table with mixing bowla, spoons, say so. cursion waa under the dlrtctlon vote was In favor of the negative. gp^rts, and "Blondes.'' After Majorie Kloppcnburg. complished the feat of ending the credit for turning out such a Mexico City, where CArol now la lar league games. Washington Pointers lack is coordination in Capt. Archer Harmon, Jr., of Con­ H. Barton ....104 105 ___who tries to act much old of the football coach; the boya The next debate will be held on the past summer in the recipe and nutrition books. Hartford Public’s reign on the victorious cross-country team. living. I Topics tonight: haa defeated Brooklyn, Green combatting passes. cord, Mass., a regular defense man than aha really la, but aome- cooked their own food, ran their Tuesday, November 30, in 1 Jr . parachute division of Ghe- The "Woman at War” section cross-country situation. The local The M. H. S. Harriers have de­ It will be toe former king's first NBC, 7:30—Ed Gardner for Bob Bay, toe Cardinals, Brooklyn and Coach Red Blaik has been try­ on the 1942-43 team. Although two 624 592 601 lea forgets herself. Connie's own schedule, picked plenty of The election of two team captains Brothers, “Ike” now works by Phyllis Anderson shows pic­ Harriers trounced Hartford twice feated Plainville, New Britain, broadcast since his arrival on the , Burns; 8—Fanny Brice, Frank Detroit and tied Phll-Pltt. ing to remedy that big matter In other members of last winter’s Motor M w (1) Dplats "living the part" made apples, smd hated to return to is also scheduled to take place pgrt-time in a local service sta- tures of a Navy Nurse, Army Creative Writing during the year, once in a triangu­ Bristol, Hartford and Middletown American continent He Is expect­ I Morgan; 9—Bob Crosby for Bing; ■The Beara' 66-7 rout of New By Hugh Fullerton, Jr. >'j>game. . . . That shows the dlf recent practice sessions. It re­ team, Ed Swift, a goalie; and Don Lashlnska ollne a bubbling and amusing, school. They weren't the only Nurse, WAC, Wave, Spar and lar meet and again in the State In four individual meets previous ed to speak about five minutes in ! 9:30—Joan Davis Show; 1 nday, when - Luckman New York, Nov. 18.—(/?)—Tex-1 f®rence between this year’s foot- mains for the big game to show Boynton, a center, are still at Yale, Hair .. earnest, little girl. _ —PhylUs_ . —- Karlin, ,Ati t^ton. „ j ^ j Marine. Also, there are books on meet. heaved seven touchdown passes whether he has been successful or they are members of toe Army ones though. We learn from the ' After graduation Randy would to the state meet. The last time a plea on behalf of his cause and ' bott and Costello; 10:30—March as always does things In a big *’®(* ^^*® fashioned variety not. Howard Pa" Kirby waa acted by John "Gilbert High School News" the ----♦— ------like to join the Navy, and if possi­ First Aid nursing, war Jobs for Done by Eng. Class Manchester won the state cham­ that of his native country. ! of Time. and Clark gained 81 yards on toe way, so It's no surprise to learn' —when the boys wouldp t play Training Program and not eligible Tanner Mn as an ordinary family ble be assigned to a PT boat. women, etc. The Red and White football The broiulcait and arrangements ground baa eatablishad toe Chica­ Looking at the statistics, you for service. Tha rest of tha squad MaszoU paper from Gilbert High in Wto' team had its strongest squad since pionship was six years ago to CBS, 8—Mary Astor and Others: that toe Lone Star state will pre- un>®s® they received their pay find that Arcy is not even among _who doean't say much. He sted. Conn., that regular Satur­ Pictures Make Up Tom Gorman. Mildred McNeill and Lillian 1937. . therefor comprise another develop­ 8:30—Death Valley Days; 9— goans aa favorites for next Sun- sent two championship games envelopes first. ^ waa Inducted into various branches Bohadlk just content to let life go on Moore chose "Careers Ahead" Junior English students of Miss 1938. With Ray Zemanek and Bill (day's clash. Luckman, bound for the country’s first 20 teams In of toe armed forces and toe youths day apple plpklng trips were at William, Bray, Manchester s ment since toe recent announc- Major Bowes Amateurs; 9:30— next week. . . . Besides the Tex^; pa.ssing. Thus, It will be along the K wants to. Hla Impassive -tended by .both boya and girls who which was shown with books, pic­ Isabe’ Worth recently turned their Shaw providing the third man, was unable to run to msnt that a New York publicity Dinah Shore Show; 10—First service In the Merchant Marine, is as-Texas Aggies tilt for the Scrap Collection are stationed elsewhere. 529 B7T 516 iS S and nasal voice amused the Armistice DisplayRunner tures, posters, and charts of voca­ having his greatest season. ground that the Black, Gold and This will mark Murdoch’s sixth were pupils there. Both of these attention to writing familiar es- 137 point, to the State meet because of a bad firm had been employed to further Line; 10:30—Dick Haymes Songs Southwest Conference crown: yerne Atkins of Youngstown, Gray must do most of its maneu­ nes Immensely. schools and all others that helped tional guidance value. cold. He waa missed by all his the former king's standing in the Thanksgiving day, there’ll be ® O., apparently is out to set some year at Yale and during that period Moriarty Bros. (0) Beulah Kirby, portrayed ^by Marie Robba and Sheila RelUy says, short stories, and hlogra- ^ meager 19 scored by the oppon- BLU, 7:05—House on Q Street; vering against toe sailoss. he has compiled a highly-lmprea- out in the farm crisis certainly As a special Armistice Day dis- Is English Topic contes^s. Zemanek teammates. Ward Strange. eyes of toe American people. 7:30—Coast Guard Dance; 8:80— “service title” clash between the' sort of a record in local boxing Comparative scores against No­ NeWoeinb .... 59 105 Ihitlunary Wlrtalla, is the Kirby's play. Room 15F had a number of ^ ___ _ chose “International Book Visit­ phies after studying the works of ents in six Randolph Field Ramblers and the circles. He has been knocked out sive record, his clubs having won LaOiapella, ... 94 185 111 dAUCht^r who lives in deserve a vote of thanks. shattered several records in lead­ Town Meeting, "Domestic Avia­ tre Dame and Penn notwithstand­ the Big Three Championship twice, ing." The center was a large map different authors. Fred Allen has changed his tion After toe War”: 9:30— Both Giaches Southwestern Louisiana Institute In his last four starts. . . . The ing, Army holds a decided edge Farrand .... 138 101 113 den, W w Jersey. Mer sweet- V°the^fiVst’^o rld ^ or A grandfather who was a cham- of the world, with artistic drawings "How Shall We Commemorate ing the Kelleymen. The mite-sized trainees at Son Antonio, Nov. 27.! Hockey Rangers art bidding *20,r tied for it once and lost last year K roll...... 101 100 113 quarterback tallied ten times in MHS ‘Artists’ Visit mind and instead of starting Frankie Masters Band; 10:15— over Navy in total yards both on to Harvord in toe playoffs. and love of her parenta were who had something to do \ylth the plon runner Was described in M ^ representing different countries. Our War Dead" was a familiar es­ another season for CBS from Hol­ Rep. Walt Horan on "CJonfuslon In Ought to’be' quite a game, ^ 000 for an experienced defense- offense and defense. The same Atamian .... 97 113 103 •vldent In her manner. Freshmen Present neace plans which were made aft- Parker's English class, which hM Book jackets about many coun- say written by Donna Boyd. As a two C. C. I. L. games to set a rec­ too, when Glenn Dobbs runs up ^ man In hopes of winning Just one The 1942-43 record Included a peace pi®n» J ___ ' 1 v,„„„ intere.sting facts ord number of tallies in the league Averv Memorial lywood. where he v/ent to look the Market Place"; 10:30—Wings Still Crying holds for rushing. Army, inci­ pair of victories over both toe ' "nightmare at Noon,” a war er the Armistice was signed. ' I been discussing triea were shown. tribute she suggested an addition over a movie script, will get back To Victory. against Alvin Dark. . . , Of, game. . . . Morten Bogue, who dentally, averages 197 pounds T o tals...... 519 556 624 1 8 0 ] ypt«" by Stephen Vincent ^ n e t, The men whose pictures are about their families and Ihem- Good Books Make Good to the Memorial hospital. Among and also set a mark for the school. course, the Arkansas Aggies may will become U. S. Golf Associa­ United States Military Academy Bryant * ChMwiaa (3) One-Act Comedy In accomplishing the schedule on toe air from New York. The de­ MBS, 8—Black Castle, Drama along the line to Navy’s 195. and Princeton, Boston University, toad In "verae choir'' style shown are: Mr. Polqcare. the gelves recently. Movies” was chosen by Lorraine the interesting familiar essays without a loss, the Silk City grid- A visit to the Avery Memorial layed starting date is December 8:30—Human Adventure; 9:30—, Irish Leader Vies With have something to say about that tion president in January, was Among the Army linemen who Wilson ...... 95 J03 188 Book and BuaUn with most of nresldent of the French Republic one of the most interesting sc­ Bowers, Elaine Broda and Edna were "Girls—A Story for Boys." Museum In Hartford was made by championship tag. . . . When the coxswain of toe crew for four have been outstanding this season Clarkson, Springfield and Harvard, Vlttner...... 107 111 118 ' ~ tamben participating. This sters rolled oyer Bristol 39-6 and 12, with Allen expected to return Return of Treasure Half-Hour of while Yale dropped a game to toe B u r r ...... 96 98 121 "Buddy," a comedy in one act, at thatuini. time; Marshal______Petaln. the 1 counts...... wa.s..... =given 1 Glesecke. The poster was covered by Ernest Cartier; "The Struggle Hall 49-0, to hand these schools Miss Hope Henderson and about east around Thanksgiving.... Song; 10:15—Dale Carnegie. Faurot of Seahawks Marines took Angelo Bertelli from vears at Columbia. . . . Nolly are Tackles Frank Merritt and poem depicts the contrast was presented to- members of French general; Albert I, king of cary about her grandfather, Lu- ^ ^ j j folders of "Lassie for Youth,” by La-vrence Robert­ 60- of her art students recenuv. Notre Dame, they also took ten Sams, dean of South Carolina Cantabs, were beaten twice by Fish ...... 118 144 ISO their worst defeats in their games Lieut. Rudy Vallee of the C!oaat Joe Stanowicz and End John Hen­ Dartmouth and once by Boston war-time and peace-time Paint and Powdei at the bl-monthr Beleium; Hon. David L,'oy“ ther H. Cary, a runner of f®' come-Home.” "For Whom The son; "The Eyes Have It," a story with Manchester. Manchester may The proup met Bt the Center, de- lu Usiug ToweL first-rate basketball players, but sports writers, still can outdo the nessey. Merritt has lived up to his Skoog ...... 104 101 97 ___ Excellent articulation ly meeting held on Friday. Novem­ GTO^rgeT’prirlle'''mtol8ter of Great on personality by Shirley Murphy; Guard, who redently made a guest What to expect Friday: younger fellows at picking foot­ College. ----- nown. Rosemary said; Reu Tolls.” "Mrs. Miniver," also claim the state title as Hill- spite the rainy weather, and made appearance In hla former‘s NBC NBC, 9 a. m.—Music From Man­ Coach Moose Krause still has a pre-season notices, so has the 218- „ made the 'lines given ber 12, In the Drama Room. The Rritain- Sir Arthur Currie, com- •'My grandfather, Luther Han- ...Goodbye Mr. Chips,” "Madame "Stage Fright," by Marjorie Klop- the trip to Hartford In three reg- By Bucky O’Oonnor pair of 6-foot, 7-lnch sophomore ball winners. Last week he not pound Stanowicz who played the Totals 530 586 penburg: "Post-War Aviation,” by house. claimants of the crown, has program now run by Joan Davis, hattan; 1 p. m.—U. S. Marine only called North Carolina over the group to unison as dls- play which Included only freshmen, mander'-ln-chlef °*„**’®rto“Fmwi" .son Cary, waa born In the town of G„rie,” "Gone With the Wind," declined an offer to play M. H. S. iiar buses 8ucces.slvely. All ths will get back on toe air Saturday Chicago, Nov. 18—(JP)—Fortu­ forwards and a lot of other good full 60 minutes against Notre Ataet as the lines read Individual­ was under the supervision of Miss forces In France; Vittorio Enian Cumberland, Maine, and became •• and others, William Grady; "Autumn,” a students were In Hartford by Band; 6:45—Front Page Farrell. material. Penn but picked Ohio State to Dame. Ohnoters Slowin poetic description by Sargh Gil­ night. This time he is to be guest CBS, 9:45 a. m.—Of Men and nately for Frank Leahy and Lieut. A. CliamlMin . 106 104 ly. The contreats to pitch and Anna McGuire, the club's director. uele in , king of lUly; . ^ . an orphan at the age of five. Up- Elinor Dougan also made a Zemanek was the 9hicf scorer 10 :00 . beat Illinois “In a thriller." . . . Tackle Battle Pagani’s Top n roy; "The Highway.” by Nancy of Don Ameche'a What’s New Books; 3:15. p. m.—Elizabeth Don Faurot the aoeial dictum that The National Horse show has been A ceto...... 89 55 •hm quality of the separate voices Buddy, played by Alfred Bro- John J. Pershing. on the death of hla parents he poster with jackets of musical with 96 points scored, based on 14 First the art* students assem­ Hour on the BLU network... .Bob it'a not polite to point doesn’t bold pigskin PIckIns Coach Blaik was strong for Jiaalzed the variety of opinion live with an uncle in Eldredge, and 'Time,” by Natalie bled In A well known department Bemis, News: 5—Fifb \.ith Dunn. called off this winter. Apparently Merritt at toe start of toe cam­ 9. Hlllnskl____98 118 deur, thought himself quite a man. the American of went to books to Illustrate her topic, "This touchdowns and 12 point-after- Burns is turning over bis NBC ,BLU. 12:30—Farm and Home Pro­ true In football circles. (Ohio Slate vs. Michigan) 821 the doubt cast on the aecurity After all, seventeen years sf age in France: George V, king of Deadwood, South Dakota. Singing World.''' Musical notes Carpenter. touchdowns. Bill Shaw followed store and Usteneii to an So toe coaches of Notre Dama •The Junior Bucks all the nags worth their oats are paign but now Stanowicz has en­ Umbrella Men Denhup...... 112 116 and self-confidence went hand-in- Great Britain: E. Venlzetos a "While there, he went through Short stories were written by InteresUng talk and deinonstra- program at 7:30 tonight to Ed gram; 2:15—Mystery CThef; 4— racing somewhere while the fans tered toe All-America picture. T. Chambers 108 188 «peeeaed to the group, were cut from black paper as were Shirley Murphy, “The Unforget- with four tallies and one point-af­ Gardner, toe Archie -Of Duffy's, Blue Frolics Comedy; MBS, 10:30 and toe Iowa Pre-Flight Sea- Have bad lots of luck; r Jean Chltjlan hand, until he attempted to tackle creat statesman of Greece, G the excitement of Indian wars and ggy^es of characters In musical ter for a toUl of 25. Red DeguUa tlon on the subject hawks, toe nation's top-ranking But toey'ir probably wish send a million bucks through the Na^vy has fine tackles in Don able Sea Dog”; Jack Robb, "Re­ Ing and painting furniture. Tm because a minor operation has sent a. m.—Shady Valley Folks: 12:30 mutuel machines. Whitmire, who starred for Ala­ Totals ... ___ 513 888 5U 1 0 0 the mystery surrouding his sis­ fral Armando D‘®*' became acquainted with General and Gua Gaudlno scored the other him to a Hollywood hospital. teams, are hard at It tois week They’d never playeu Mich. Zwick Leads Barbers ter’s boyfriend. Buddy, as % mat­ of Ihe Italian army; Mr. Clemen After this war he _pos- | McClelland and Eugeina venge." a story of modem war; two tollies. M. H. S. also scored speaker, Eleanor ^<0^*; p. m.—Edgewood Arsenal Band; pointing their respective unbeaten bama in 1942 and made the AP Don WUUs (1) Edward Smith, "Fantasy and "tranaformanla” and Peter _Hw>t, Burns Is expected back next week. 2:30—Mutual Goes Calling. (Harvard vs. Boston College) All-America third team, and Ed In Triumph; Cargo ...... 96 126 ter-of-fact. had two sisters and ceau. a ^S^^hal^ on collection of ar- 1 g^deur “chow "Stars.” Against a Sand,” written to the style of Poe; two safeties. Seven of Zemanek’a and untied elevens for Saturday’a Harvard’s traditions will be lost Left Out Tavern MHS Goes Oyer had long since given women up as Ferdinand Foch,IToch- UlC niarsimi w* rowheads___^___ ,in ..the w world n r U \ .blue . sUrry______4 ___ backgroundU a x tM they have touchdowns came by means of the artist who started It. Trans- showdown engagement The Marines, always proud of Sprinkle who, soma say, U even Kuhney ...... 108 82 Barbara Cannon, "Kathy’s Dress, formanla la the transforming to on better than Whitmire. Saturday’s Team Loses. McGuire . ....140 109 hopeless. France. "His career started when he assembled "Starcraft,” "When the a modem story In which the girl passing. The Manchester signal- latest class of Volunteer Nurses’ The result should aatabUsh one The Doherty dozen that plays being first, have come up with an­ caller waa the only member ,to ugly old pieces of furniture toto Aides to be trained to Manchester. or to^ other definitely aa the coim- other "first" according to Sgl. Hy game might be a deciding factor Kompanik . . . . 94 — Top in Drive The younger one, Polly, (Shirley entered Oberlln college to stars Come Oue,” "Stars to Steer ends up with a war bond Instead of for Boston. for one of the All-America tackle O'Bright ,. . . . 117 154 Clark) waa a movie-struck roman­ his education. By." and other books. a dress; Nancy Eldredge.. "The score by means of a punt-return Interesting new ones by adding Mrs. Spencer, instructor, will, as try's greatest football team—col­ (Texas Christian vs. Rice) Hurwitz, former Boston sports , The Parachute five met Pa- 1 or an intercepted pass. cheerful, pleasant designs, alt«* lege or aervlcs. A erowd of 50,000 writer. . . . One team in a new berthe. Jim White of Notre Dame Seelert .. — 64 tic young lady of fifteen. Despite stitutlon. hla athletic ability at­ •Indians,” was the subject of Immortal Song”; Harold Hodge, has been her custom, cap the 15 •r. C. U. is no sensation seemi like a certain bet for toe gani's keglers last night at the The goal for the Connecticut her many outbursts about the Sporl’SpoH io * tracted much attention and he Jack Marshall's display. On his —— Ing the gjeneral contoar, and By Aides to toe class. is expected to watch tola unoffi­ And will not Rice to this occa­ league In the Puuth Pacific uaes West Side Rec and found that "The Queen’s! Folly'': George Ka- The Red and White backfleld antiquing them to some c a ^ a cial cnamplonalilp battle at Notre an Infield of three southpawa and other post. Totals ... 652 555 810 161V War Fund was set at $130 and mysteries of love and the moon: was Influenced to spend his re­ shelves are a tom-tom, peace pipe, nehl, "The Case of the Pearl Neck- (Jhaplain Leon Gorsltoe, recent­ sion. The center of the Army and their umbrellas would not work. last week 1175 was collected. The her reasoning concerning the mys­ we maining two years of college was the best rounded unit to the After the demonstration, volun­ ly returned from North Africa, Dame etadium. (North Carolina vs. Duke) one right hander. . . The wrong- After’'a three hark 1 ni®io*"lS j------■ I doudoll maaemade byoy ociumuiwSeminole Ipdiana lace *’ • C. C. I. L. and possibly »he enUra teers were asked for and several Both teama have spotleae rec­ side throwers are first baseman Navy lines will be something to The barber’s apprentices were in Student Council conducted the tery proved to Buddy that some thinks it's three training at Princeton Universltj^ Florida, a blanket and a bowl sAne students wrote biogra­ speak. Last week the Tar Heels toppled watch. Both teams have veterans fare form. The 'Umbrella Men lost Navy Department drive from Monday. Nov. 8 to again with the latest Bowling, While v?orking . . his way through ^ Indians. On ...his lower phies and others wrote on experi­ state. Zemanek is a potential All- of Manchester High’s future ar­ ords of eight consecutive victories. Penn: Elmer Crue, a former Three-Eye women were "Okay." State performer while Shaw was tists accepted the challenge Produotlon Notes The Irish string, however, is far' leaguer, aecond ba. eman Shelby at the snapper-back and guard four points. Mike Zwick was the Monday, Nov. 15 and achieved one The mystery, which finally prov­ towUngi^andtost i® this college. Mr. Cary became tlK ^ collection of books about ences and biographies of friends It is linportant that workers They won't do a thing like that positions. There's Army’s center king pin in this match with 137 hundred per cent In contributions all about one hears from M.H.s. and relatives. Interesting among a lightning-fast fullback. Gaudlno produced some designs of toeir more Impraaalvs. It Includes de­ again. , Farnswortt and third baseman Might Lift Ban ed to be a falae-alarm, concerned world's fastest runner for mdians. and Oegutia handled the passing own based on the Ideas of Peter Production —^Tuesday through transact afiy business at toe Pro­ cisive triumphs over such front- Stanley Antlch. . . . The right­ Cas Myslinski, and Guards Ed high single and 385 for three- to many home rooms. (;nark Seighton (Robert Pillard), girls the past two weeks. The rea­ yards and also for the 220 y®®“ Parker Vetrano. chose "Ships" these was the story of s father duction center this week, for the Murphy and A1 McCorkle who, string total. The Post Office team The total . amount collected In son?' ? ? The "Rec” office an-- dash. He was known m toe i ^ „,any who came from Russia, a tribute and blocking without peer. The Hunt. , . 1. Friday, 10-4:30; Thursday evening ranking teama as Ocorgia Tech, hander Is Pfe. Vernon Magera, the hopeful fiance of Buddy’s elder line boasted of Captain Bob Alvord The students went to lunch at 7-9: Center church. Closed nexf center will be cloaed for toe en­ Michigan, Navy, Army, and Obser\'atlon Poet who pleyi shortstop. like Merritt and Hennessey, will stopped the nish of toe Tavern Wa.shlngtnn. Nov. 18 - (Fi sach room is a.s follows: In Main sister Martha (Barbara Murphy). nounced the news that boyllng will Flying Ghost” and the Prince- ^^p^^ ranging front the MAyflower to a mother, a slste. now with tire Thanksgiving week, reopen­ players, be playing their final games for five by taking three points. Haefs There's a slim but definite poasp building; 31M, *8.30; 28M, *7.!59; X t after our Thanks^v ng vaca­ Metro-'Goldwyn-Mayer, an aunt's and Bob Douglas as a great tackle 1 1 :10, and at 12;0«) met at toe week. Northwestern whUa toe Seahawk The Oklahoma football Ignorant of the theft he was to ton Demon." ■ to the modem submarine. Books combination. Center Tom Gorman, Avery Memorial M ^ u m . The ing on Tuesday, toe 30to. n« hitch. There’s nothing mendrp and Buddy, meanwhile, had nolle °*'rS*twinhv for his English on how to make things do. etc. stood, to some English and Fraacn^ The Seahawks, standing in No. New Orlelins and 1b ready to ship 105 -305 lowing amounts; 22B, *1.32; 23B, since It rains practically three days the Art Club InlUatlons for new haver, 6214 cumulated will be delivered to toe 2 positio.i in toe latest A. D. na­ man. Center Jack Martin of Navy Massaro 93 107- 4ory about the leaves. The coni' ed that Clark had had the rings In out of every five, (or so it seems) membera held Wednesday evening classeA repatriates at the Red Cross in­ out aa C, O. of a Navy gun crew Is .6 (pot 8 and weighs 203 pounds. McDowell ...... 103 100 86- -289' mnndant at each school must de- *6.51; 24B, $.76: 25B. S3.25; '26B, his custody. Mrs Rutledge (Susan i’uplls Select^'To tional poll, have trounced Illinois, on a merchant ship. . . . That Hilllnski ____ 114 114 339 *1,80; 28B. *8,08. The. total, for the tournament can't make much Sand-ca7 l? d ^ u la r b!>wTand afto a woAcd" o f w "A er^au"^!'” ^ In the Art Studio*. Camp and Hoapital formation and massage center to OMo State, Iowa State, lowq, He -will have„ a 19-pound advan­ 111 ■ide whether his men hafe good Trustenitzer) Buddy's mother, progress, since the weaUter ^ hM ^ n m M chct prouenicA to him by Book, and drawing^ of planes Art <31ub members were attired be set up at toe pier. The staff must make him a head coachv^ow.iViow. tage ov >r Myslinski, Army’s team Claughsey ___ — — 86-- 85 thf building, was 521.72. I. I. '46. The word “morale" is much Missouri, Ft. Riley, Marquette and rnough scholastic records to wafr *175.48 was turned over to the, tried to assist In solving these been good this week we ll probably Queen Victoria.” says Rosemary, -were shown. ... smocks, berets, huge bows at Speak on WDRC also will deliver Information and captain and center who is 5-11. rant leaves, and also whether they problems but only added to the the reck and one girl had a large ^diiorial overworkeit nowadays But there Camp Q tant Not a first rater in Icking up against Hennessey Totals ------533 486 511 1530 Connecticut War. Fund. This have the winner for you next At the International « WbeimUm . ars tunas whsn it Is almost neces­ assist those returning to get in toe lot. •P can • be granted, in the case o# general confusion. Finally, Clark paint brush perched behind her touch with relatives, friends and and Bob Mackinnon, Army's ends, . Post Ollice footb.-^ll players, at time# coined tops the soh'TOl goal by forty-five, week . . • ear. A Bohemian atmosphere was The Current Affairs Club met sary to use It. Ws feel it safe to In rolling over eucH oppoeition Hershey Bears Twaronite .... 134 108 100- 342 dollars. The money collected In learned of the supposed robbery ^?!yX'V^th^^ch.:^pA oi severe M anW ^bo^^ Wednesday, Oct 10, and held try- Jr. Red Cross Drive interested organisations. toe Pra-Fllghtare liave scored 235 will be two Navy veterans. Roe dent to the bowl games. and he Immediately explained it to Miss Barbara Ditmars, physlciU France. The trophy for this victory tioned at Sampson N ^ j ,^ r ^ U y affected by gaily checked table­ All over toe nation Junior Red say that a big morala builder Since no one without official Johnston and Captain A1 Chan­ Armstrong ... 97 113 86- 296 school will "oerome a part of ,\Tan- cloths, dripping . candles stuck In outo for the joint-discussion to be among toe troops statlonad to this points against the enemy’s | 2. Cowles ...... 101 105 87--•293 Chestor'.* town goal of *36.300. the satLsfaction of all concernei^,. education teacher, is going to be was a bronze placqus of Joan of 1 held a reunion At A footbaU game held over WDRC on the topic. Cross drives are being conducts authorisation will be permitted Only victory-stsrvsd lows , was Top Hockey Loop nel). The latter, a hard and fast Still Mlaslng Clavaea Miss McGuire believes that counselor for the Junior Girl Re­ tattles, and a refreshment coun­ wldch means campaigiia for toe vioinity is toe chance for enjoyable tackier is considered one of the Marchettl ...... 101 .126 114 341 Betty Carrigan Arc presented by the Racing aub there. - The Road to Tokyo." Four stu­ recreation In their own stotlona To at or near toe pier, the Red Cross shut out. Five teams have scored Wilkie ...... 121 132 110--363 these practice plays are Important serves. Loads of luck Miss Dit­ rf Pwds According to m l e t ^ ter covered with red cloth. dents out of 19 who tried out were Red Cross to schools. In order to suggests that friends and rola- IS or more points each against nation’s best defensive ends. Salt Lake City—(F— PoUea liecause. "they give members mars ! I ! Mr Cary held the ICAAAA -'Vlc" Taggart. Harry Fay. Reg- Squeals, laughter and groans chosen to represent Manchester hAve Manchester High school reg­ make It possible to provds these Uves make arrangements for Faurot’s ex-oollegiate and profea- closed theaters, bowling alleys and the club experience In Interpertlng were heard from the new members istered to Washington aa one con­ recreation to their own'atatlens. To By Ths Associated Press Totals ...... 654 684 497 1635 Champlonahip for the 100 and 220 U ie Pat H u m ^ ^ . W ^^^ High on Dec. 3 with four students meeting repatriates by writing or ■ional stars. Hershey’s Bears are back on toe Eaaler to Get Meat Point* H’est Side ’tavern dance spoU to youths during A ('appella ('lioir the characters of the play- qnd ex­ Quite a while back, ws mention­ vard dashes tot three consecutive Munsell, Ronald Grimason, Flui aa they were duly 'nitiated. Ray tributing to and helping out the men and women in untfifno to telegraphing through Red Croaa Myette ImiUted Miss Jeanne Low. from WilUsun Hall high. these parts, the Camp Md Hospi­ win path and pulUng Away from -Freheit . . . ___ 113 108 92—314 school hours to combat truancy. perience In practicing dramatic ed the fact that those girls late for years and in the meantime captur- Sheridan. Bill Coe, George Wm H- The students selected by Miss Junior Red Crbaa, M. H. K must channelB. Full datalla can be ob­ tha pack In a runaway gallop with But the youngsters still are still the Leaders aass meeting had to French teacher, who was a guest have the 100 per cent membership tal committee is always glad to re­ SykesvUIe, Pa.—(/P)— A lack of Wlnzler ...... 106 95 83—284 Broadcast Dec. 7 technique." ed the Canadian Championship in I burn. Bill Runde, Sherwotw at the party. Olga Krupen, bllnd- Catherine Putnam and Mrs. Mar­ tained from local Red Cross chap­ *9 six victories, one tie and only one ammunition and of animated tar­ Haefa ...... 154 110 104—368 missing classes, the eommlttee Upon their own suggestion, the contribute 1 cent to the fund. Well the year 1890. guson, Benny Paganl and Jw Ph' guerite Campbell were as follows: of every pupil In school. At each ceive any aiHt of gifts which will Last Night Fights which sponsored the move eayn foldecf,- had to atog "I Love You homeroom reachea 100 per cent. It add to toe stock of fun on hand ters. ' ^ - defeat In their firat eight American gets in northwestern Pennsyl­ Sobleskl ...... 90 T()fl 98—294 cast of “Buddy” gave up the morn the fund seems to be getting big­ On September 12, 1891 Mr. loeie got together and talked over Truly” to an operatic voice and Wilfred Dion, Margo Hurley, Hel­ Mall or telegrams for repa­ hockey league starts. vania this season 'is not going to Anderson ...... 120 98 92—310 They’ve gone right on "rug-cuy ng of their Armistice Day hbllday ger every day . . • some blowout Carey won the championship ■ of | oldtimea at M. H. 8. en Ferrell and John Fogarty. Both will be given a sUcker for ItA door Such things as good books (de­ triates should be addressed—“Mr. The latest stride by the Bears Ing”—In hom'ea which parang The A Capella C^oir under the when she hit a high note, a green or window. tective atories preferred), garoea, interfere ^wlth toe usual wild life to rehearse the play. They weren’t they’re going to have at the end of America. i ^ , 1 apple was stuck to her mouth. She teachers agreed all were very John Doe, Gripeholm llapatria'tes, By The Assodatsd Press waa last night’s 4-0 blanking of the Totals 583 518 469 1570 have left for war jobs. . direction of G. Albert Pearssn, good, and it was difficult to make The repreaenUUvea chosen la playtog cards, (score p ^ and Providence, R. I.—Larry Bolvin, banquet of the Henderson Towns Will broadcast for 15 minutes over lacking an audience, since a mem­ the year "Some of the Princeton Demon’s - Senrleemni Can- replied, 0.at she liked apples any­ 6V6ry honwroom will attend mee^ 6-0 New Yortc Chapter; American Pittsburgh Hornets with Goalie chip . Outdoor association— even ber of the cast brought along two records were not allowed to be ra-[ Amqfpg recent "military” vlalt- a decision. pencUa are often lacking), toaga- Red Proas, 815 Lmngton Ave.; 127, Providence, outpointed Aaron Nick Damore registering his third Station WDRC Tuesday, Dec. 7, At the last Leader’s Club meet­ way. Another girl, Helen Cox, had Each student brought out to his toga and act aa active membera of Zina subeqylpUona, ping pong Seltzer. 126, New York, (10). if toe members'. faces may be a • t *:15 p. m. children that were in her custody vealed owing to the prevailing [ on to M. H. 8. were; Joe Thomp- the difficult task of spelling ency- toe organization. Through toem, New York. N. Y.” or c-o Postmas­ shutopt. Dsmore ha* whitewashed little red. The managers an' to watch the rehearsal. ing. a basketball quiz was held, be­ thought that a human being could ,on, '42. just up from the deep clope^ backwards with her left speech the resources and the prep- tablea and equipment, any other ter, New 'York, N. Y. Elisabeth, N. J.->-Johnny Brown, Providence, IndianapoUa and Pitts­ The program will be sponsored cause the good ole’ season Is ap­ aratfon of Japan, but alli were op­ toe rest of the school will be in­ athletic equipment eapeclally foot­ 152H, New York, s to p i^ Bob nounced they found it was ea.sier a departihent store which an- The next play that Is to be pre­ not run as fwt as the wind,” grin South; Marleth Manning, ’42, who hand on the blackboard. formed of toe Club’s latest proj­ burgh in toe first two and on#' half to get meat points than tha 146 Jy tortogs Christmas music by sented to the club Is a mystery proaching again, and the girls will ned Rosema^. recently earned second lieutenant a Miss Low furnished entertain timistic that the final outcome balls right now, musical instru­ Wade. 157H, I-Iewark, (4). weeks of toe campaign. know how to .score and how to would be' favorable to the United ects. Miss Helen Smith, faculty ments, sheet music of popular Ooaldn’t TaOi Back Oakland, Calif.—Dan Moroa rabbits and assortment qf pheas- ted choirs to radio programs, and will be given by both fresh wings, and Tom* Donohue, *89, of ment by leading the group to "Al- hdviaer, wlU.aoon call a meeting of It waa toe third time toe two ante which toe sportamen provid. ha Round Table,” composed of men and sophomore members ear­ keep score, wonder who'll trim the Quartermaster group, Juat or­ (states. songs, records, radios, phdno- 270, Philadelphia, knocked out clubs had met —OP)—Ellis J. Narstto, Edith Anderson, visited M.H.8. on 'Tuesday, No­ Hartford High a* to whether U. 8.. Treasury Flag. The prea- two weeks wlU be devoted to oral party program committee were and Sam McAllister. 1 tion for any im cles offered call fracture she sustained w)(en land, obtained United States citi­ against Hamden, (%nn.. High finale. Fitzgerald waa granted z divorce Gantnooro. Francis vember 16, while oh a three days they’ll show up or not. First enUUon will take place on Betty Nichols, chairman, Olga Jim McOonvUle and Bqb In the Yale Bowl Thanksgiving No games are scheduled in the topics And diacuaslonA of the Thompson are on their way to her at 8311 , thrown frdm a horse., and that zenship, she was sworn into the on hie zllegation that his wife Mafeard Sahubart, Doug- pass. He enlisted to the Army the program will be toter-school Friday morning and the High week’s events. A t least ona top­ Brennan, Shirley Clemaon, Elda Nurses* Aldra Graduation Worthini'.ton "would rave on abo\it "Waves." Her husband, John, is Day moinlng, Jackson, a senior, league until- Saturday night. So hasn’t returned from the circu.s MURPHY’S BOWLING ALLEY . aw. Oaorga KMUi. Paul last March, and Is at presnet stA- mJe-fomvd'stthetlodfnwhtol-fMFW school’B flag wlU be accepted Flora, Lucebelle West, Robert mechanics school not gunners catches on tne baseball team and far the teama have played 32 sne left home tu attend last Aug. by Tom Gorman, president of ic will be written and passed to note, and S#m McAlliater to basic The public is Invited to attend how It was my fault- not the In the Army, stationed at Fort I and aa altamata, John Don- tioned St Camp Pickett, Virginia. competition, following up with during the quarter. (Senoveai anil Ray Myetta. the graduating sxsrclsw of the .horse’s." Monmouth. N. J. is a sorint star. fames and 16 have been tied. lOto. Pat's opinion of Army life is games and that precious item the Student OouncU. ^ 1 J. ApurtM Barbara B t angtoaartog sehooL W U IO N D 8 •dT. “very good.” food. > . I. Ill . ..L- - ......

r-.-..; i'r ■ -.’Ji'- )AT, NOVEMBER 18,1948 MANCHRS'I KR EVKNING HER ALD. WX'NrfTESfrKK: I;tliVNTTTnTTTOtm

who I mean? i Forge Workeht Losing Weight 'Voice From Gallery —Sur)e-:.'my HOI.I) EVERYTHING wife's first husband. Springfield, Maas.--i8>)— The Sense and Nonsense Moore Drop Forge company is A man and his wife will talk it worried about their husky drop over for two hours, then do It the W flsltloas Retribution forge workers losing their figures. SEU Grandmother—Uo, Eleanor, not way she wanted to in the first Bathing Beauty; A gjrl who has another story tonight. The company claims some of Its RENT How nearly now the crime begun place. employes have lost from 20 to 47 AC a wonderful profile all the way It’s baleful, barbarous course has Eleanor - Well, then. Grand­ \sM pounds since food rationing began down. run; mother, just tell me about, your Four things come not back: Good Will: 'The one asset that operation. . ) and has applied for extra meat Thought oft the vexing boasts were The spoken, wprd. ratlonsto fatten up Its heavy Repairing -Birds— Pets Household Goods Wanted— To 58 competition cannot underaelL or heard The speed arrow, diminish. The future . . . workefs. The ration board was 3 ROOMS OF Modern furniture SEWING -MACHINES, vacuums, Loet le the terror of his word. The past Life, sympathetic but offered no extra .SEWING MACHINES, vacuums. F O R SALE — BEAUTIFUL It Is given no man to know what 1041 SPORT DODGE COUPE STOAm WINDOWS and doors In- complete In every detail. Includ­ any electrical appliance regard­ Bank: Large building With mar. "Invincible'’ and ■ “■uper-etrength" The neglected opportunity. coupons to solve the meaty prob­ LOST—VICINITY of Cambridge Irons, and all small electrical ap­ Pekingese puppy, male. H weeks ble columns and high d e ^ s where toniorrow. will bring-forth. __jn^mAT NIGHT on Me- (gray). Excellent condition. Ap­ stalled. rooflng of all kinds, asbes­ ing a combination stove. Reason­ less of condition, ifistimates in At laet have spun their vaunteu lem. atreet, black and gray, white pliances repaired. Genuine parts, old. Only one .eft. Harriwlll Ken­ \ Scotchmen fill their pens. length. But he does not hsve to accept It Bride -I made this-cake all by X m ntroot, pair o t pink iheU ey* ply Ray Paria Filling Station, tos sidt walls, wood shingling, able. Albert’s Furniture (?o., 43 your home. A. B. C.'Fixit Co. 21 faced angora cat. Reward for In­ general repairing, workmanship expert workmiiiahip. Parts for all nels, 698 E. Middle Turnpike on And he who strutted and proclaim­ sight unseen. myself. I^UMS. CaU 4410. ' Main atreet. Allyn street, Hartford. Maple street. Tel. 2-1575. Wh«n th« fat« of two sUfOTS revolv«s about Go.ssip: ’The art of saying noth­ "Vamlsh" Paint Remover formation about, or return of cat. guaraiitced. Write Box W, Herald, makes. A B. C. 'Fixit Co., 21 Route 6. th« 8om« m«n, fh« rosult is o story' of lov« ing in a way that leaves practical­ ed By preparation he can largely con­ Neighbor But who helped you ffjUOSt—A TIGER atriped ^male Mra. Small, 44, Cambridge. FOR SALE -1934 WILLYS coupe, Maple street. I'el. 2-1573. DAVENPORT AND CLUB chair, WAN’TED—USED RUGS—Orien­ ly nothing unsaid. By Allied might ie being tamed. trol it. lift it oitt of the oven ? YOUR CURTAINS carefully laun­ Fort Crooic. Neb. — — S. t. anfora cat v earing a collar with good running condition and Urea. electric range, bird cage and tal or Chinese. Any size or condi­ ond sacrifice fhot hits sfroighf from the heart What the future has In store for Sergt. Harvey A. Kadiih found the dered. Specializing in Neon and Live Stock— Vehicles 42 Deceit and trickery with the sword any man depends entirely on A ba.shful boy only about 15 — two belU attached. Any one 'Announcements 2 William Ott, Snlpalc Lake road, Help Wanted— t'emale 35 stand. Telephone 7436. tion. Will pay cash. Mr. Narslff. • The v/oman was irked at the nameplate on his desk shined to Itnowlng whereabouta of her, Tolland, C3onn. Phone 337-2 Bock- Celanese. Price reasonable. 91 FOR SALE—TWO TEN months 26 Pleasant street. East Hartford. persistent clerk in the store: Upon strange scales weigh their what he places in store for the bought some pretty flowers for a sucli a luster by a subordinate Main street. Tel, 2-1077. reward; future. pteaae call 6046. Last aeen near DUE TO ILLNESS Wm. Oatrln- vUle. WOMAN PKESSER worker want­ old heifers. One fresh milking WE CAN’T EA”! TH EM --so out Woman—I tell you again for the visiting girl. She threw her arms that he decided to preserve its ap­ -tHE DOCTOR^S OAOGHTf RS And he who plunged the Roman around him, and kissed him. ' He ■ Broad atreet. >- aky, junk dealer haa auapended ed. Steady work. Good hours. Ex­ cow. P. Ansaldl, 543 Vernon St. they go. Big 75 lb. Insulated Ice WANTED TO BUY baby stroller tenth time that there Is absolutely pearance, He covered the plate ■ V blade Political Orator—He is braver jumped up and grabbed his hat: bualneaa temporarily for the next 1941 CHEVROLET 6 passenger cellent pay. New System Laun­ t refrigerators. Ceiling price $54.95. in good condition. Mrs. Tflaglio. BY FAITH BALDWIN nothing I want. wlti. varnish. A day later Kadlsh I/>ST—BLACK ONYX ring be­ coupe, 1940 CSievrolet town sedan, Household Services ' Our sale price $39.50. Terms. Ben­ Into the back and prostrate laid than Lancelot, wiser than Socrates Visiting Girl—Oh, don't go! 1 It abveral weeka. dry, Harrison street. Tel. 2-0112. Clerk—How hapri' your hus­ returned to admire his handicraft tween U. S. (Seanera on Main 1939 Dodge 8 passenger coupe, Offered 13-A FOR SALE—PIGS. 8 and 10 son’s Furniture, 713 Main St. band must be. You are a woman An unsuspecting, trusting friend more honest th’an Lincoln, wittier didn’t mean to offend you. and found the nameplate blank. ITSED FURNI'TURE and stoves, Starts in The Herald Tomorrow atreet. and Norman atreet. Call HAVE YOUR BABY photograph­ 1937 Dodge aedan. 1937 Bulck WOULD U K E LADY or couple to weeka old. Call after 5. 5712. in 100 million. Will witness yet his empire’s end. than Mark T>valn, and more hand- Boy—Oh. I’m not offended; I’m The "Varnish” he had used was ‘I wonder if my dad will trust FIVE PARLOR CHAIRS, china bought, solo and exchanged. And France, a captive. Axis chain­ some than Apollo! Do you know going for more flowers. 4041 or 4901. ed in your own home. Call 2-1242 sedan, 1936 Chevrolet aedan. Cole ASHES AND RUBBISH removed. stay with my 3 children from 3 paint remover. me with the car after the war!” GRAIN fCED p i g s ; all sizes, from closet, 8 piece dining room set, Highest prices paid. Jones Furni­ Seasonal Simile: Aa happy as a ed, LOST— MONDAY. WIRE haired for appointment George Dew. Motors—4164.. 2.5c a week. Why mess up your until 12 midnight. Couple can photographer. have room with all housekeeping •suckling to 300 Ib.s. Pure bred portable clothes closet, 2 dress­ ture, 31 Oak street. Tel. 8254. merchant with a full and capable By Liberty again reclaimed. V terrier dog. has Hartford license. yard or cellar? Dependable serv­ CASH FOR YOUR CAR—Any 33 privileges. Call 8897. Duroc boars and sows, with or ers, 9x12 congolcum rug. electric sales staff. — Daniel B. Stroiey. RED RYDER Hanlon EHcapea John Bambogna. 45 Cottage S t to 41. high prices paid. Drive over ice. I>ocal trucking. Drop a line to without rcgistiatlon papers. Make dish washer and rugs. 72 Benton WANTED TO BUY quanity of BY FRED HARMAN AUtomobilea For Sale 4 now to 80 Oakland street. Brun­ Trucking,. 61 Mill atreet. WANTED— WOMAN WITH or us an offer as we are over stock­ street. Tel. 5711. 4* cedar or chestnut posts. Ap­ proximately 8 feet long, suitable ''ciAfiEruL, R ED ' HM^LON>'» 'l?U1 HERE:RE .'ue-l V '5?RR1 ner’s. Open evening until 9. Sat­ without child, willing to share ed. Tel. 4052. GIRL* 2 ‘AI .' J THISTlJI^ VI.LKi I '^ ONE USED NEW Process gas for poultry fence. Phone 0197. FUNNY BUSINESS R 7rE fv.— Hi.'N HE WAS LIKEOf«.-£5E FOR SALE - 1936 PONTIAC urdays 6. Phone 6191—4486. home, do housework, .care for S-MOOT OIS3 ^ P e'W R T ^c> VE.-U>\ im iEI eE$,VERjl 30E5- stove, with oven heat control. sedan very reasonable. Can be 17-B small' child while mother works. ^K5HT _ RETliRf'5 “ ■ DOULLitR.’ <« r - ^ ' irc 5KE ' seen after 7:30 at Moriarty Bros. Roofing Poultry and Supplies 43 Reasonable. Call 5016. Call 4734. Rooms Without Board 59 4 P I EVPK.E'5 SALE Service Station on Center atreet. Ifusiness Services Offered 13 ALL TYPES OF ROOFS repaired. G-. RABBITS OF ALL kinds for sale. HOSPITAL BED B’OR SALE or Maintenance of roof, flashings, LARGE DOUBLE room. Nicely 1941 CHEV. CLUB Sedan radio, WANTED—W’OMAN to cook for Meat rabbits, 35c lb.; also 5 and rent, fully adjustable. Rates rea- m heater, like new: 1940 B'ord 4 ASHES AND RUBBISH removed. and chimneys. For reliable service 6 lb, roosters, 35c lb. Telephone .sonable. Call Keith Furniture. furnished, suitable for 2 or 3 small) family, telephone 3021. girls. 3 minutes from Cheneys. Chapter 24 that she could take a more sensi­ door sedan, very clean; 1939 Mer. call Ed. Coughlin 7707. ' 8152.' Tel. 4169. Call 3444. , Call 5290. Sally, sat motionless and stared ble view of things. COMMON cury convertible coupe; 1936 Ply­ WANTED — EXPERIENCED Saily bad taken only a dozen • • o 0* o . EXPERT RADIO service. Call H. FOR SALE- 18 BARRED Rocks, FOR SALE—3 KITCHEN ranges, at the keys of her typewriter mouth sedan; 1937 Ford coach, young man or girl to make sand­ ROOMS—SINGLE AND DOUBLE steps when someone trok her by Meade. Telephone Manchester Moving— T ru ck in g — some pullets, will start laying 2 coal and 1 oil. Alsu 2 dining almost without seeing them. In in $175; 1935 Olds coupe, $150. wiches. Apply Weldon's Lunch­ beds, kitchen privilege. 237 (Ten­ the arm and swung her around. NAILS 2-0898. Storage 20 soon. $1.75 each. Tel. 7010. room sets, bedroom set, and other fact, she had been sitting like Bninner’a, 80 Oakland street. eonette. ter street. Tel. 2-1561. Girls only. that for quite a few minutes. It It was Peter, and he waa looking Telephone 5191. Open until 8 Items. Call 6339. 8’s to go’s THE AUS'TIN CHAMBERS CO., TRIO OF GEESF including gan­ was almost five o’clocL and every­ at her smilingly, searchingly. • • 09 0 6‘b every night, except Saturdays, 6. Call local and long dUtance moving. FOR SALE—40 YARDS of lino­ A tiny gasp escaped her. • • o o e o yon VIOLIN BOWS rehalred. WANTED— WAITRESS. Apply der. Also broilers and friers. Tele­ Apartments. Flats, thing had been cleaned up for . * ^ o • o Return load system, furniture, leum In good'condition. 50c per “ Peter!” she said, and that waa Z o o * " • Vv I ® 0 O O q/! 5256. Cavey's Grill. phone 4052. the day. Luckily it had been a m C D o * ) ' storage. Dial 6260. yard. 66 Hudson street. Miller. Tenements 63 light day. ail, because her throat felt con­ 0 o o $6.75 HAVE 2,000 BROILERS and pul­ Telephone 2-1873. stricted. lu s . FOR CARPENTER WORK and FIVE ROOM FLAT and store for * She got up and looked out the too Pound Kcfi: repairs call 2-0987. Prices con­ lets to go for Thanksgiving, larg­ window, watching streams of Something in the way she said Repalrtitg 23 Help Wanted— Male 86 est at 3 1-2 lbs. live weight. WINDOW SHADES—VENETIAN rent, also garage, centrally locat­ it, something in the way she was 56 Alexander sistent with good workmanship. blinds. Owing to our very low ed. Call 8453. people criss-crossing Streets, en­ WANTED--MIDDLE AGED man Come and get them. Swanson, tering and leaving buildings. looking at him, drove Pete BOOTS AND HEU BUDDIES You Don’t Say BY EDGAR MARTIN \V ANTED r o TUNE, repair and Bolton. Telephone 37.54. overhead, get our special low Craig’s originally planned words Montgomery regulate your piano or player for factory work. Steady work, FOR RENT—FLAT. 45 Bigelow Somehow Washington was begin­ OIL BURNER SERVICED. Call prices on high grade window from his mind and mouth. Street piano. Tel. .Manchester 2-1)402. good pay. Apply Tober Baseball street. Telephone 6481 after 5 ning to feel like a dead weight OH. OH here. he. O'MORVSsMa. &EE . PROVEa^bOQ 1 HMV , I from 9 until 2. Tel. 2-0998. FOR SALE ROASTING chick­ shades and Venetian blinds com­ Instead he said, "Ypu’re not Hswvi^a A a o u D jo e Ward & Go. Mfg. Co.. Elm street, Manches­ ens, dressed or alive, 214 Gardner pletely Installed Samples furnish­ p. m. on her shoulders—a weight from ___ COHtEs; 9«Q)4E4.bQR. VOO *U«E .00 VOUR COATS,' >iOU'Re colors available. Jack Frost Ken­ ington date, she thought to her­ pered. grasping his arm still HE PROVaaLV DIDN'T OOlN& TO WORK! V tha 1941 Supplement to the Gen­ Parker Street. 8 aeivs of ment by 3 adults. Write Box AB, ' 1 CONTACT OOP WHEW VOU. make it. But ixl nels. 26 Gardner street. NEW MASSEY HARRIS row crop self bitterly. If only she hadn't tighter. I » tyo' CAWT EVEN! eral Statutes. . FOR SALE Summit Street land with 8-rooiii single Electrical Appliances Herald. .FlWD HIM„.SOME Samuel J. Turklngton. tractors on rubber in'stock. Dub­ allowed herself to be swept off The Knd TELL where , hOw.' Town Clerk. house. Steam heat with coal. Radio 49 lin Tractor Company, WUliman- her feet' by Ted Burrows. Now- HE’S faONE? In Bolton, 6-.\cre Farm. 4- One and ‘2-car garages. Bam. WAN'TKD—FURNISHED apart­ Dated at Manchester this 18th tlc. tbat she was able to look back 0 1 room cottage. Fireplace. Chicken coop. S. P. S7.000. FOR SWLE-MAJES'nc radio, in ment or house. Call Lieut. Dana, Adds Gloves to Haul day of November 1943. Manchester 2-0183. upon that slightly bysteridai in­ Electricity. Running xvater I). P. $2,000. good condition. Price $15. Tele­ terlude, from the vantage point of 0 1 CARPENTERS phone 6495. Waniird— To Buy 58 Albuquersue— (,/P)— A mai. en­ and toilet. N o lic i* time, she could see that a good tered the cafe, ate $1.,50 worth of Beech Street. 4-room sin­ Houses for Sale 72 part of what she thought was PRICE ...... $3,925 W.ANTED food and left without paying the gle. Hot-air heat. I). P. Fuel and Feed 4 9 -A WAN’TED— A PLATFORM rock­ love was nothing more than bill, Miss Rafallita Roybal, wait­ REAL ESTATE f o r SALE—8 Rerty Is a rare hiiyl ranged. comer. See Jones. He haa a large heat. 2. To take action in regard to Stock Your W'uiter Supply variety of stoves. New and used. It was all unraveling, now, and dU)BBIU>^ PRICE ...... $5,600 appropriations for the purchase 31 Oak street. Tel. 8254. It gave her a little more comfort. of equipment and for the ex­ Now! FURNITURE She walked out into the bright CAFff? BOLTON EAST HARTFORD— penses, repairs and maintenance sunlight, her heart feeling some­ S-Ro—S ami 3. ’l-car ga Thursday Evenings. 3^ attraetive six room house located on Henry WEEK will be celebrated here rage. Store hoUsi>. Nice size andT througtaoqt tke azUon. Norem- lot with xe.r.v lieautiliil shrub­ street. lliis property is in excellent condjr WE PAY CASH ber 14-10. The challenging elogan, bery. Tills property is one of ADDITIONAL USTINGS "Build the , Future With Books," FOR GOOD thir fliiest in town. Ilon't fall to lion and is owner occupied, assuring prompt A^VAILABLB AT OFFICES. auggeeu that BOOK WEEK 1941 OUT OUR WAT BY J. R. W ILLIAM S OUR BOARDING ROUSE MAJOR HOOPL^ consult IIS on this one! MODERN FURNITURE preeenta greater opportunltiee than occupancy. If you are looking for a real ever. As Katharine F. Lenrbot of Also many othiT listings W E BflY The Children’s Bureau (U. 8. Dept WE-LIl; WO, HE i^eiTKER THAT M OTK-6#ATe M SILK BLOUSE? ay'Hiluhle, al oiir *olliee. We home in pne of Manchester’s finer residential ALLEN & ENTIRE ESTATES of Labor) itnee: "One of the snreit J WE'R6 BUT SORT (50B6, HOOPLE.OiR . KKlEVAl SOL) \WERB gladly weleonie your listings. HERE, STIFFV WITH I ’vt P il in g S d it f o p ABySfAAuLN iSWORAlWT, If yon are moving and have wnyi I know to help our children , SUGAR- locations we invite your inquiry. HITCHCOCK, INC exoeaa itema, call ns. climb over our false political, racial, AKJD IT CVEM PETTHO BRuTe BA'if.TER., BUT VOEREM'T economic and religious barriers, and CEKtA,IWLV HIS HOSS ATE A Y A R D OP A*.'( VOU AVJAR.E &OATS , Maoebester Oflioe: ROBERT M. REID move forward Into a world where IS TOO CLOSE BARBERRS HBD6E. A n)0 ABHOR SILK 7 ----- SEE JONES 851 MLAIN ST. TEL. 3801 people of high courago. and boun­ f e h h i m Ch E vMED u P M.N WIPE' fe RASOM.PERHAPS, POR ‘T he House of a Square Deal ROBERT J. SMITH, INC. & SONS teous goodwill live, le to give them BEST b l o u s e .'—D'y o u (aOATS EAT C5MLVifOLV . 4 , i 963 MAIN STREET WUiimantie Oflioe t good books, and more and more [NEAR. IWE. /A - r v e g e t aB b Cl Ee / I 81 O.YK STKBET 886 MAIM ST. TEL. 1985 M l Main St. Phone 8198 good booke.” REAL ESTATE 3450 - 5343 INSURANCE Mancheeter,- Conn. >SOO P A T - PRODUCTS UM.' ! TELEPHONE 8254 Our boys and girle are eagerly an* ISTHAX TODAV6 Ueipatittg the exbibite and pro­ e g g OM ,SOUR. - grams planned tor them by teach- era, librartani and bookmen with ,VESr,biElGHBORf LANK LEONARD the eo-pperation ot many local MICKEY FINN Food For Thought 10-20 ^ groupc. The pleosare derived from THEN VOU'O BETTER j.l« r fN ! IF THIS IS HE THE BROTHER THE SAME a greater appreciation at books to NOT let HIM KNOW Pattern No. 8490 is designed for suMssslTs groups of young people kTf IS R FAMILY THAT VOU ONCE ONE, . ^ % THAT YOU'RE CLEANIN'^ sizes 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 30. Size 12. Bakes each BOOK WEEK a fresh RE-UNION, rru TOLD ME WAS o eva n Nv ! long or zhort sleeves, 4H yards Veatee (Pattern No. 5628) aizea 12, UP ON THE HORSES i By Mrs. Anne Cabot ozpsriencs for those who share tbs HAVE TO INAlT SUCH A SMART ^ GOOD OLD 39-inch material. . Keep yourself comfortably warm 14, 16, 18 Included, send 10 cents in project with them, and gains new- HE MIGHT START TAKIM* For this attractive pattern, send UNTIL LUNCH time! OAMBLER? —it’s easier to get your essential C?oln, Your Name and Address anc friends every year. BETS FROM THE BOYS, 15 cents, plus 1 cent for postage, the Pattern Number to Ann* 6ET BACK TO YOUR jobs done If you aren’t shivering in Founded in 1919 by the American HIMSELF! in coins, with your name, address, Cabot, The Manchester Evening (MACHINE, PHIL! the cold weather. Wear a closely- BookssHsra' Assn, and the American pattern number and s(ze to* Tho knitted veatee under your heavy Herald, 106 Seventh Avenue, N«* Library Aaon., BOOK WEEK boa Manchester Herald Today’s Pat­ coat when you go marketing, to York 1?, N. T- Enclose 1 cent pact- F’tracted the support of many or- tern -Service, 106 Seventh avenue. yoUr war Industries job— when you age for each pattern ordered. nizatioiis during Its first quarter New York 11, N. Y. Now you can order the new i A.:utury Including Boys' Clubs ot Keep up your wartime sewing, go off for a day In the countryl The model Illustrated is youthful, easy and winter Issue of Anne Cabot i p a rie s . Boy Scouts. Cnibp Fin thua you are helping bring victory Album! Thl$ latest edition feature* Olrln. OM Beonts, PmoBt-Tanebor sooner. You’ll find 52 pages of ab­ to knit and is a grand warmer- upper for wear in the house with a aUmulatlng Gift Bazaar, and a Aseoeintlons and government sorbing sewing news, 102 neW de­ ■gtneiss_ ------snch ns Tbs Cbildrdrsn’s Bu- slacks, too. . series of free patterns . . . it la a signs in the new fall issue of booklet every needle worker wanu! ranu, V. 8. Dept of Agrieulturs, and Mc Ni h i M , "Fashion", just out. A copy is 25 To obtain complete knitUiig in- strt^cUana for the Button-Over Price 15 cents. Un « . A OMh oC WncntioiL cents. i'/

^^AQ« TWBLT« Manchester Evening the Weather F u r ttiif Mm UI of Oetobnr, tSU Forecast ol 1). S. Weather Bureau ed chairman of tl)e commlttea to ment, etatloned here who has Just Chapman Court No. 10, Order The Study Group of the South arrange for the Chrtatmas party returned from duties In Africa. 8,456 Fair tonight and ,«laturda.v; w .}m ■ of Amaranth, will hold Its regular Methodist church wijl meet with Nurses’ Aides which will take the place of thd warmer and windy tonight becom­ A new feature of this graduation Metabcr of the Audit ing somewhat colder by morning; About Towi business meeting li the Masonic Mrs. W. R. Ward, Jr„ at the par­ next regular business meeting. A will be the presentation of their Here Is What’s Needed m w n t Burenii ot Clrcalntlons .1 sllgh(l,v colder Haturda.v. Temple tomorrow hlght at 7:45. sonage tomorrow afternoon at chicken dinner a t the T,, a grab- "stripes” to sixteen members of 2:30. Devotions will be led by Mrs. 1 Following the business meeting Hold Meeting bag and Several other forms en­ the Corps_^who have completed 160 i N. »lio«. or M Twner George McKinney. Miss Anna Manchester— A City of Village Charm refreshments will be served by tertainment are already on ^ the hoitrs of service. la 0n« Of 1,#>e. Va,, 149 Oakland street, left today for Aide Corpa was held Tuesday eve­ the hospital. night. The Master Maaon d«Rree Flat Rock, Mich., a suburb of De­ be conferred and the chair.s ning at the YMCA with eixty mem­ Graduation Exeroteea Joseph Chieoine, of 167 Maple troit. to visit her daughter, Mrs. Several members who recently ANNUAL BENEFIT BALL Old Poland Bdrder; will be occupied by members oi bers present. After a abort busl- the Pratt and Whitney Square street, has entered .Mary J. Maxwell. completed the course of training hospital foi treatment. Mr. Chi- neea meeting, presided over by were present at the meeting and of the Women’s Auxiliary of the Hospital * Mnb. An associate employee at Mrs. Virginia Flavell, president of Of Bomber Armada; . (the P ra tt and Whitney plant jvlll coine. former meat cutter for the Mias Mildred Bcautry, daughter were welcomed into the corps. The be the candidate. Refreshments First National Stores, is employ­ of Mrs. Anna Beaiitry, of 54 P'lor- the Corps, a moat Imereating talk ,4'raduation exercises of this class FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 9:00 O’CLOCK was given by Mrs. Marian DeMara Two Bases Takeii iWlll be served following the de- ed by the Hamilton Propeller di­ ehce street, who was operated up­ are to be held at the South Metho. who ia Chief anesthetist at the Me­ dist church tomorrow evening at 8 • h w work. vision of the United Aircraft Cor­ on for appendicitis a|, St. Francis’ AT HOTEL BOND BALLROOM ' poration. linspital, Hartford, Tuesday, la morial hospital. o’clock, at which tlmf they will re­ doing as well aa can be expected. Typea of Aneuthetica ceive their cape, pins and diplomaa. " PRIZES: FIVE WAR BONDS Capture of Korosten, j Forts Attack Today p fe W ard C. K r„use. wrlo clar­ In the course of an informal dis­ The principal speaker of the eve­ Rechitsa Aids Drive; More Meat inetist with the Arniy Air Force The Polish-Amerlcan basketball cussion of th# varloiui types of ning will be Chaplain Leon Gors- FOR RESERVATIONS CALL MRS. MARTIN ALVORD, Band at Bradley Field. Windsor team will practice at the East^ anesthetics used at tha hospital, line of the Coast Artillery regi­ URKE@ > 33,59 — or Mrs. Charles Burr, 6275 German Counter - At­ FOR SALE! .Side Rec tom orrow evening from Mrs. Demara explained to the Aides '’B-ft' Seen'Raised Locks, is spending a the reasons governing the choice of FOR TICKETS, *1.25 (Tax included), ’phone Mrs. Edwin Liitlwi^bhufen Also Un-l lough at his home, 87 Walnut 7 to 8 o’clock. All members are SMCINTERST (DIU tacks on Lower' Flank Bombers Raid Turks Get requested to attend this aeaalon. anesthetic In any given caae, what * . C. HiSffino, 4946 tier Attack During 1 street. tha various reaction! on tha part of TALL .CEDARS Of Great Kiev Bulge Next Year the patiant might be and what British Night Opera* STOVE Nutmeg Forest, Tall Cedars of steps an Alda might take to assist At Standstill Now. Two Airfields First Hint Lebanon, will hold its annual the patient. Questions fronr the tions; Western Ger­ election Of officers in the Mason­ BINGO But Civilians Not Apt to floor were answered and then Mrs, ic Temple on Monday evening, Moscow, Nov. 19.—(4^— many Hit hy Ameri­ BOARDS OLD DeMara doae her remarka with TOMORROW NIGHT Russian Armies pushed for­ See Much of It as Held by Nazis War Near N ovem ber 22. J. W alter W ilkin­ the comforting reassurance that no AT 8 O’CLOCK HARTFORD can Bomhers Toilav; All Sizes. RECORDS son Is the present Grand Tall Ce­ one need ever worry about the op­ Accldeal ■ad ladeaiaily CaBipa>7 ward towai’d old Poland to­ Government Buying dar of "Nutmeg Forest. The Sen­ eration starting before they “were day from their newly cap­ Virtually Coin|»lt‘le De­ Mt>re Than 350 Block- All Kinds of Stove Pipe. Must be turned In for aal- ior Deputy Grand Tall Cedar, who ORANGE HALL Will Be Heavier Then. Editorial in Popular Is­ vage II you w ant to keep ia next In line fo r election as under." INSURANCE tured bases of Korosten and struction of Elevsis hiistcrs Are Dropped. New and Used Stoves. playing the new ones. Grand Tall Cedar is Selectman Chrtatmaa Plana 23 REGULAR GAMES AT REMEMBER Rechitsa and brought Ger­ tanbul Newspaper Ap­ Mrs. Doris D’ltalla was appoint­ See Kansas City. Nov. 19.— — Si/,c each paid for old reo- Jack. Gordon. $3.00 A GAME FOR 2.'ic! man counter-attacks to a Base at Athens anti pears Step to Pre- Chris J. Abbott, a .director of the LoniJon, Nov. 19.— Open Every Evening, orda Irreepectlve of quantity. 7 SPECIAL GAMES CLARKE INSURANCE standstill on the lower flank Also Hit Larissa Hard. Members of King David Lodge Your Christmas Cards and Packages ' of the great Kiev l/iilge in the United State Chamber of Com­ ' pare People of Nation, The greate.st armada of R. A, of Odd Fellows and Sunset Re- SWEEPSTAKES merce and a member of its Agri­ F. heavy bombers ever dis­ AGENCY must be moiled within a short period of western Ukraine. Capture of Go­ Allied Headquarters, Algiers, KEMP'S bekah Lodge have contributed *5.00 WEEKLY PRIZE mel, White Rusaiaji rail center 25 culture committee, predicted today A nkara. Nov; 18. -1 Delayed 1 — patched t o Germany blasted Inn. generously toward the Ambu­ 175 East Center Street miles east of Rechitsa, appeared Nov. 19— i/Pi - Striking for the JONES Tel S680 *25 WAR BOND 1944 meat production would be 7 ■ New Guinea natives carry supplies over rapids In the Ramu river ne.^r a forward post at which lA't The Turkish ambassador to Berlin and Ludwinrshafen last 76S Main St. lance Fund of the Grand Lodge of time for* delivery by Christmas. Australian troops advancing on Madang make contact with the Japane.se. 'I'he river must be cro.ssed fourth successive day at German Odd FellowB in Connecticut. The Telephone 3665 near. per ceht higher than this year- Berlin returned to confer with hia night, and today U. S. Flying 31 Oak Street MONTHLY PRIZE about 30 times on the way to the post. planes ma.s.sed for a continued a t­ sum of $8,181 has been raised lilS so’’'' Comforting To Be Given Novethber 26 Ketreat L'niler Hall of Shells hut 'American civilians aren’t apt govcrnnient today on conditions In Fortres.ses with lighter sup­ Savings Bonds and Stamps are easy to to see much o^ it, tack in the Aegean, American and already one ambulance has Funeral Service The Army newspaper Red Star Gciinany as the popular Istanbul port attacked western Ger­ been purchaeed. Arrangements said German forces which attack­ Abbott expects a 10 per cent in­ heavy and medium bombers virtual­ • Moderate costs FOR TOP VALUE mail and will increase in value each ed three times in the Korostishev crease in beef, 6 per cent in pork newspaper Tsnin published an edl- many. The Fortress targets are being made for a public pres­ ly criniplctcd destruction of Elevsis toi'ial which appeared to )>e a )>re- were not specified in the first an­ entation of the ambulancee b^ght • Personal attention ALICE OOFBAN IN A NEW HOME sector, 20 miles east of Russian- and 9 per cent in veal, but lamb Army Turns (Known Aa <|ueen Alice) Christmas. held Zhitomir, with superior num­ and .mutton production he bellevra airfield at Athens yesterday and llminary step to prepni-e the Turk­ nouncement. At least 700 heavy Manchester Slaughterhouse through thia f\ind. e Modern equipment Partisans Fight Nazis bombers and perhaps a full thou- , SPIRITUAL aieunjM See the Ones Being Built By bers of troops and tanks, had re­ will show a decline of 14 per cent. bombed another enemy air base at ish people for eventual war against the Axis. sand took part in the night *R. A. Birch Mountain Road e Expert direction Seventh Itaughter ot n Seventh Son treated under hall of Russian ar­ Government purchases will just Larissa on the Greek east coast. Mr. and Mra. Colin Davies, of H. Olin Grant, Postmaster Back Funds The Tiiikish diplomat, Saffet F. attacks. 95 Middle Turnpike, west, re­ B orn.W Ith n VelL GREENBROOKE tillery shells. Counter-attacks In about offaet the expected increase, While a slight tinprovement of WALTER N. LECLERC Arikan, returned while Franz von Blockbusters in Explosive* ceived word today of the aafe ar­ MANCMCSTta, COMU..,,, Readings Unily, Including Sunday. the Zhitomir sector also were re­ th# H.vannls, Neb., livestock pro­ And Yugoslav Natives the weather permitted lively patrol We slaughter Pigs for Farmers on Fridays 40 Tel. 5 t« 9 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. Or By Appolnt- pulsed. These were the areas nctivHly )|nd some artillery duel­ Pa|.en. German ambassador to Two and four-ton bjockbuatera rival In England of their son HOMES, INC ducer and banker said. Govern­ Turkey, was conferring with Adolf were among the explosive* huriinl Staff Sergeant Victor Davies. rienL' In the Service of the Peo­ where the Red Army drew back m ent purchasea in 1944 are fore­ Not Needed ling on the Italian land front, flood­ and Saturdays parting this week. We also ple tor SO Venn. Wednesday in its first retreat ed rivers still prevented large-scale Hitler in Germany—presumably,, oiv._Beriin-.nnd Ludwig^hafen. On Walkei Street cast at about 33 per cent of the Scorr Successes in Ser­ about the Allied Moscow confer­ '^fhe Air Ministry said that 169 Church Street, Hartford, Conn. since mounting its summer offen­ total of all meat produced. action and deep mud still bogged give accurate instructions on how to cure Phoiio 6-2024 For further Information call at sive beyond Belgorod. Gray Outlines down most of the heavy equipment ences and European conditions in more than 350 two-ton blockbuat- Getting Out of Pig Bualnesa Entirely New Complex­ bia aiifl Hercegovina, general. era alone had been dumped upon Alexander Jarvis Co. ollloe «a (The German communique said Abbott, in Kansas City to at­ of the Fifth and Eighth Armies. Center street or ai 26 Alexander Tnnin, whose editor is a mem­ the Nazi capital. your meat and pork. Russian attacks were on a reduced tend a meeting of the United ion Given to War Pro­ But Fall Back in Dal­ The fourth devastating attack on stre e t. ber of the national assembly, has The record-breaking bomber SWITCH TO PRINCESS! scale in the Dnieper bend gnd that States chamber of commerce, said Plan to Ease Elevsis airfield in aa many days Phones: 4112 or 7275 duction to Date and been msintninlng an independent force was believed to have looaed Telephone 2-1500 WANTED TO BUY! German counter-thrusts brdke stiff that novices up around the sand matia Under Pressure. waa made by Flying Fortresses ROOFING Even in theoe daya of ra- le.slstance in the Kiev area, tuioing wiiose bomba were shown in photo­ coi!V-se and its comment therefore in all a total of around 2,500 long hills of Nebraska where he has Needs of Future. tons of bombs upon the two in. ■ Unwer Needs Revised Reinforced German forces on orderly return and adjustment of the front to attack motor convoys, 79 Charter Oak Street Washington, Nov. T9—i/P»—Rep­ Soiithwe.st Pacific Allied'riead- Clearer weather prevailed over fias WhMS — Liquors and Beer Balsam Wool Insulation with indications that the tactical 2 -The Army’s manpower needs the Dalmatian sector blasted the war veterans and employes of war particiilarly in the Ascoli and Telephone 7923 situation is favorable for striking resentative Monroney (D-Okla) partisans oi\t of the town of Tro- Aqtiila areas. Ludwigshafen — home of the have been revised downward by industries to (invate pursuits after quartera, Nov. 19. (Pi- The Al­ world’s largest chemical work*— new Russian successes. told the House today that passage more than a half million men and. gir, Malo Ostrovo and Veliki the war was one of the most im­ Gain some High Ground lied di'ive toward Rabaul has The capture of Korosten and so. opponents of the father draft Drvenik in their drive to clear the COAL COKE OIL of a measure outlawing consumer portant piobleins ever faced by E ighth A rm y iiniLs, feeling theii broken out in fierce Jungle fight­ (Continued on Page Ten) Rechitsa brought the names of two food subsidies would virtually give in Congre.sa promptly seized upon coastal regions although they Way tt.rough rough country to­ New England communities. ing on the Solomon and New 2 Main St. Tel. 5125 of the best knowm Red Army gen­ the president “a mandate to break this as another argument for their were eheokei. in .several other "If a country can lake a man ward the Sangro river on the Adri­ erals back into the news. Tank the line” against inflation. point. th ru sts. from a job or, from school, subject atic flank^ managed to gain some Giiiiipa. flanks, with guns of Commander Van Danllovitch Cher- Taking the floor in the midst of 3—It was disclosed that prelim­ Gen. Josip Broz’’ iTito's) Vngo- him-to extensive medical, phy.sical, high ground north of the village American warships roaring IT .seven or eight chops and use record food production this year. ny of the charge that he murdered Receipts. $60,855,068.64; expen­ Nathan Tufts. Gieenfield nianu- tion line into Vichy French terri­ Atlantic City, W. J., Nov. 19. “ lured man away. It proved successful. It jvorked. Alexander, foreman of the King’s ditures, $226,603,619.66;v net bal­ tory. ' ■ Seedless Grapefruit. 4 - for 29c Pears and Apples ' county grand jury which charged Sir Harry Oakes, his wealthy far i/Pi—Latin A m erican republic*uolica .. * • • . the rest for stewing. We want to continue it for 1944." ther-in-law, recommended that he ance. $16,687,228,702.23. ' '((.’ontlnaed on Page rwo) Intended lo Retain Power* may be among those nations Seanian Crushed to Death Yams, Cgrrots and Beets Jones said the.WFA is insisting that a "state of lawleasness” ex- FRESH HAMBURt; (8 points)...... pound 2!)c iated in Brooklyn’a "Little Hqr- be deported iifiitnediately. The unpublished decree direct­ which will receive agriculture ma­ Pensacola, Fla., Nov. 19— Fancy Baby Beans ^ on all'possible allocation of steel Formally Invited to Leave ing France back, to the democrat­ chinery from the United Relief Francis Lamarr Stifle, seaman 2nd Pork Kidneys — Melts — Dog,Rones, No Points. Fancy Brussel Sprouts, . i for farm machinery for the rer lem,'* waa under a round-the-clock guard today aa police descloaed he The govemor-in-council. rank­ ic constitution of 1875, Marshal and Rehabilitation Administra­ rlass. was crushed to death wbea a CHICKENS FRYERS KOWL Fancy Pascal, Large-Celery Qt. Basket 35c mainder of this year and for 1944. ing executive group of the colony, Pptain stated his intention of re­ tion. patrol bomber ran over his body, Provided Fortunate Backlog had received threatening lettera, With the turkey situation as it is. most peo|ue are one containing a knife with a aev- formally invited both de Marigny Mayo Clinic Doctor Asserts taining powei* chief of state The siibeommittce studying the l*en*acola Naval air station Fancy Spinach and Tomatoes Radishes, Rareripes, Cucumbers '"Farm machinery production for en-inch blade. ' arid de Visdelou to leave. un(il his death, unle.ss the new post-war agrieultural rehabilita­ public relation* office announcrE turning to other'poulary items or ordering Roast Bcef_ thn -year beginning July 1, 1948,’’- De Marigny and de Visdelou tmlay. Stifle, a member of a or Pork for the Holiday. TRIMS Fancy Ealmore Cranberries Numeroiu teleplione calls constitution he drkfted is ratified. tion- is discussing the need to sup­ Turnips, ^bbage. Carrots Jones stated, “will be at the rate threatening his life also have been were charged with possession of Very Few Arc ‘Really WelV It is known privately that the ply these countries with farm bearhipR crew for patrol bombera, If you are send.ing out gift holiday Fruit Baskets, IN MEAL OR CHECKER FORk • ^ ^ ^ aa tn w a a Lb. 35c. of 80 per cent of the high produc­ made to the inaurance executive, gasoline believed ‘stolen and with constitution intended to restore a machinery in order to step up the was following the plane down th* SnMrt.naw,rcady-te- Bananas and Grapes______tion of farm machinery for the police reported. obtaining gasoline from other than democratic regime with hoped for food supplies "of the world to meet ram p lnt«i th e w ater to detach please let us have your order by Monday at the latest. uM wan berdar trim IC a year 1940. Tliis was second only Meanwhile, police worked on official aourcea. - Chicago, Nov. 19—(jP )—V e ry ence held by the Institute of Medi­ improvements over the 1875 legis­ relief needs of the war zones at landing gear Thuraday moruing e q u a l in f o o d Va l u e t o to the production in 1937 which The gasoline figured In’the mur­ when he fell uader a wheel, the at- in a wide variety *f I w v completii.g a report of their inves­ few people in this country are cine of Chicago. lation. By its ponderous word­ the end of hostilities. Some, more Fruit Cakes just arrived. was the highest of many years. der trial. Banker’’John H. Ander­ ing, the old constitution made The discussion confirms anxiety (Ice said. 15 LBS. OF FRESH MEAT dari^w. Wadiabict COOKED SMOKED SHOULDERS pound 29c tigation of the diatrict, adjacent •Jreally well," says Dr. Russell M. "Long term use of the guidance The big production in,those two to the New ^Y.ork Navy Yard, son and de Visdelou testified that which the science of nutrition now possible, its critics contended, here that world food supplies are We have Seedless Texas Grapefruit and Florida years provided a. fortunate backlog which was ordered by Mayor F. H. they were asked by de Marigny to Wilder of the Mayo clinic of offers can advance .he health of turnover after tiimover of French expected to.be short of world food Develop* New Plane Oranges. Feed it Straight or Mixed with Table I,eft-oTers. Rib Corned Beef All Kinds of Cold Cuts of supply to )ielp meet the situa­ LaGUatdia. remove it from his premisea Just Rochester, Minn., and he believes many unhealthy adults to the cabinets and thereby contributed needs. ' .Moscow, Nov. 10 — — Tito LARSEN'S tion of the past year or two when The grand Jury presentment, before hia arrest. improved nutrition for ■ expectant status of more fortunate people to French Inefficlen y and unpre- And the discussion ia not uncon­ •Army newspaper Red fltor h h A FULL LINE OF BIRDS EYE FOODS Cats Go For It In A Big Way, Too! Lamb Beef Veal Pork' agriculture had to share the na­ De Visdelou pleaded guilty, and parednesa for the W ar w’hicb came tested here. The Egyptian delega­ nounced today that Alexaater handed up Mon(lay, blamed La- mothers might help prevent supposedly born with better con­ FEED SERVICE tion's steel'supply with others." Guardia for allowing “a most un­ de Marigny was convicted. stitutions. in 1939. tion says their country is’ also in Vokolev. builder ef the lovtat AI* Shop at Pinehurst Friday and Saturday. Lard - Oleomargarine - Crisco - Spry - Salt Poi’k - Schedules for industries compar­ usual and deplorable state of lavl- Seven Days to Perfect .\ppeal “much disability Which commonly ‘Tijcre is even better reason to Has Created Crisi* a position to step up ita agricul­ Force’s best fighter, the Vok, Into 38 Depot Square ed with the production for 1939-41, leasness” in the area. De Marigny now has seven days diagnosed as constitutional infer­ expect that the application of this The refusal to broadcast ,Pe- tural production, and , is writhia developod a oew pliuM ini’pntoteg Pickled Pigs^ Feet Jones said. Include dairy machin­ To Submit Repo.rt Monday in which to perfect hia appeal. iority and attributed to poor he­ knowledge to the maternal organ tain’s speech over the Vichy ra­ much easier shipping distance of oU other Rnaaloa typeo. Th* Mtote Tekphone 5406 ery , 114 per cent; canning machin­ Police Commissioner LeWis J. Execution of the sentence is de- redity." ism during .pregnancy and its sub­ dio, and the failure of his decree the devastated area*. paper sold that Yokoteq, wlw k66 Checkerboard Feed Store ery, 116 i*er cent; cereal manufac­ Valentine will submit the report dayed from one to three moiiths. ‘The- problem of the semi-Wetl sequent continued application to to appear in the Official Gazette No .tcUou to Assist Egypt beea deciwoted a* a h**n o l a*dWK 1 0 6 3 M A IN ST., OPf». FOREST ST. TEL. 7711 turing equipment, 75 per 'cent; oil to the mayor today. The appeal is to Chief Justice has been shown to be enormous by . the child can prevent much dis­ baa created a crisis. So far there has been no com­ 1st labor, peranonHy proaalaal MMr; imhii mt Qt^emm r ..- \ l\ .‘-'i 2^ pounds 99c extraction equipment, 93 per cent Approximately 5,000 residents Sir Oscar Bedford Daly, who pre- the number of registrants reject­ ability which commonly is diag­ The marshal, according to a re- mittee action to assist Egypt to sknl Joseph StoHs that bo ttoM*- [ 302 MAIN STREET- Fancy Dark Fruit Cakes and fish processing equipment, 117 ed by the Army." Dr. Wilder said nosed as constitutional inferiority Inrreoaa the apood ood roaoi • e r c r n ^ (Ountinued on PMta..Klakt$ ' (Continued ou Psgn Tcn> last night at a nutrition confer­ and attributed to poor heredity.’’ (Conttnued on Pago Eiclit$ (OuntiuuM t use Jfouri o»b»«r nlaggOi ■ 'rv,..

'i i-

L, .V : r’VA«: • * . . C . V.