Agenda and Meeting Minutes AMS Weather Analysis and Forecasting Committee Conference Call

Monday June 15, 2020 11 AM EDT/10 AM CDT/9 AM MDT/8 AM PDT

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1. Roll Call -- agenda and notes distributed via email

Becky Adams-Selin x Katie Magee x

Stephanie Avey x Justin McLay

Robert Banks Christopher McCray x

Martin Baxter x Shawn Milrad

Alicia Bentley x Louisa Nance x

Stephen Bieda x Joseph Slezak

Clark Evans x Sara Sienkiewicz x

Chasity Henson Jennifer Tate x

Aaron Hill Testbed Jerry Wegiel

Joseph Koval x Andrew Winters x

Ryan Lagerquist x Nusrat Yussouf x

Matthew Beitscher x

Austin Coleman x

2. Farewell to a star member!

3. Mitchell, ESP, and Reichelderfer Award discussion a. Results from Katie Magee (Mitchell Award chair), and Robert Banks (ESP Award chair) b. Feedback from award criteria rubrics from award committee members i. Mitchell: explicit definition of weather forecasting activities 1. Might want additional criteria if applicant pool gets large 2. Add the discussion on “weather forecasting activities” to rubric - email Katie c. Feedback from award criteria rubrics from AMS? i. Nothing yet from Awards Oversight Committee/STAC; Clark intends to follow-up with Genene Fisher shortly. Clark recently shared the rubrics with Melissa Burt (chair of AMS’s new Culture and Inclusion Cabinet and member of the AMS Council).

4. 2021 Annual Meeting Model Center Updates Symposium a. Determination of in-person Annual Meeting still TBD; decision expected late June b. Update from chair, Stephanie Avey, co-chairs Alicia and Matt i. Co-chairs - Alicia Bentley & Matt Beitscher ii. Call for papers here ​ 1. Will have Monday/Tuesday sessions (7 total) 2. Abstracts due Aug 3rd iii. Student travel grant award ($500) 1. Can be changed to poster/presentation awards if needed iv. Holding off on “invited speakers” until additional guidance from AMS 1. Have funding for 10 abstracts

5. 2021 WAF/NWP Conferences (now 2022 WAF/NWP Conferences) a. Results of poll of WAF committee members and WAF/NWP conference committee members: strong support for delaying 2021 stand-alone WAF/NWP conference to be part of the 2022 AMS Annual meeting. i. Also exploring an additional, mini virtual option to still occur in summer 2021. Would welcome suggestions for potential form this would take. Still awaiting AMS determinations about virtual resources 1. Note: Mountain Met conference this summer is entirely virtual b. Additional updates from chair, Aaron Hill i. We will likely incorporate a named session to honor Bill Lapenta. Not yet sure what this would look like with a virtual conference… ii. Mountain Met. conference will be virtual this July --> Guinea pig if we want to go virtual next summer iii. Not much more to add until AMS says yea/nay on virtual “conference” summer 2021 c. Note: 2022 AMS Annual Meeting theme is likely to be “Environmental Security.” i. Feedback for that theme to STAC? ii. Ideas for incorporating that theme into our conferences? iii. Clark sent theme draft via AMS Community and UWM listservs; feedback to STAC requested by July 1

6. New Chair/Vice-Chair recruitment a. My and Clark’s terms as Chair and Vice-Chair will be expiring in January! b. We will be searching for a new Chair and a new Vice-Chair. If you are interested, please let me know. c. Our goal is to have the new Chair/Vice-Chair lined up before September, when we will need to focus on the STAC award and recruiting new members.

7. 2020 AMS STAC Award a. STAC has determined committees can now award their committee awards yearly, instead of every two years. b. We have been rotating between the three award options, so this year will be the “Outstanding Service Award” for an individual who has made significant ​ contributions to the STAC Committee/Board or in service to the larger community in the Committee/Board discipline” ​ c. STAC deadline of 1 Oct for these awards, so will to solicit nominees beginning in August, with a deadline of 11 Sept., we can discuss at our 23 Sept. committee meeting. We will set up a dropbox link for nominees to submit their information. d. Before opening to nominees, we’d like to establish an award rubric for this award as well that we can share online. i. i.e., should we limit ourselves to “service to the WAF committee” or “service to the larger community”? Note: we had previously decided current committee members cannot receive awards. 1. Larger community 2. Differentiate between previous awards and what this specific award means 3. Do we need a Numerical Weather Prediction award? We have prediction/forecaster awards already. Perhaps the Distinguished Scientific Technological Award could become a NWP and related tools award. 4. Ask the nominators to define what service means to them into their discipline’s context. Inclusive. 5. Keep limited to statement and CV.

8. New members a. Will set up a dropbox link for new member applicants. Deadline of 9 October, so we can review/poll and finalize decisions at our 19 Oct meeting. New members will participate in our 18 Nov meeting if possible. b. Current proportions: 7-private industry; 6-government (1-military); 8-academia; 1-student. Leaving: 2 private, 1 government/military c. 10-women; 13-men. Leaving: 1 woman, 2 men. d. Work for better representation of underrepresented minorities

9. subcommittee a. Current members: Aaron Hill, Katie Magee, Shawn Milrad, Sara Sienkiewicz, Matthew Beitscher b. Upcoming schedule - maintaining monthly member responsibility for social media (alphabetical) i. Who was last “scheduled” pre COVID? I think it was Chasity... ii. July -- ? (Aaron Hill) iii. August -- ? (Joseph Koval) iv. September -- ? (Ryan Lagerquist) c. Posting ideas over the next few weeks/months: i. Call for papers for Model Center Updates Symposium ii. Award nominations (August), new member nominations (September) d. Aaron has set up a TweetDeck account to ensure multiple committee members can access i. Goal of posting to both Twitter and equally, as met community seems to prefer Twitter ii. Email Aaron to get access (username and password) for Tweetdeck. You need a twitter account to access. I will add you as a temporary poster for the Facebook account e. Goal of one post per week (at least): Katie and Aaron will maintain an ​ ongoing list of subjects, topics available for you to choose from when tweeting/posting i. List of topics ii. Bi-monthly member highlights (ongoing) 1. Please submit your information if you have not done so: iii. Profiles of companies, weather service organizations, and university research groups detailing what WAF/NWP research is going on across the weather enterprise iv. Operational forecasts from NOAA, NHC, CPC for relevant seasons and topics of weather (e.g., Hurricane outlooks) v. Ongoing projects from all sectors (e.g., testbeds, field projects) vi. Relevant recent weather events f. Subcommittee will send reminders for each month along with login information and link to google doc for ideas.

10. Web Updates a. Add to News/Announcements: i.

11. AMS Glossary reports a. No ongoing Glossary reviews at this time. b. Email [email protected] if interested in joining the subcommittee (current ​ ​ members include chair Jennifer Tate, Justin McLay, Sara Sienkiewicz, Nusrat Yussouf)

12. Next Meeting (all times Central): a. 15 July 2020 at 12 pm Central