Boys and Girls Welcome to SUNDAY SCHOOL ONLINE Parents are welcome and even encouraged to teach this lesson to your kids!

“These words, which I am commanding you today, shall be on your heart. You shall TEACH them diligently to your sons and shall talk of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you rise up.” Deuteronomy 6:6,7 Let’s begin this lesson by talking to God in prayer! “. . . My house shall be called a house of Pray and thank prayer for all the God For: nations . . .” Mark 11:17 Calvary Chapel Downey Wisdom, Blessing and Protection for Pastors, Staff and Congregation

RAIN (Don’t for get to thank Him for the rain!) All who are in authority (President, Leaders, Teachers, Police, PARENTS, etc.) “This is good and acceptable in the sight of God, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of truth.” I Timothy 2:1-4 END THE CORONA VIRUS Pray for people who are sick! Pray that the unsaved will seek after God!

Strong in faith

Grounded in God’s Word and prayer

Provide for them and their family


Love their persecutors “And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” Mark 16:15

Pray for our missionaries that God would bless, protect, provide, encourage, give strength and bold- nes, and lead many lost people to Christ. Pray for whatever is on your heart. Make your own list. And kids, remember, with all the restrictions going on . . .

Our church may be empty, but

Jesus’ tomb is empty too! Be encouraged! Kids, every Sunday morning in ”Big Church,” Pastor Jeff has all the people in the service read a Psalm together with him before preaching. So let’s do that as well before we get into the lesson. If you have your , you and your parents can read Psalm 69 and see how it applies to today’s lesson. If you don’t have a Bible, you can read the following: Psalm 69:1-4, 13-18 1 Save me, O God! 13 But as for me, my prayer is to You, For the waters have come up O Lord, in the acceptable time; to my neck. O God, in the multitude of Your mercy, 2 I sink in deep mire, Hear me in the truth of Your salvation. Where there is no standing; 14 Deliver me out of the mire, I have come into deep waters, And let me not sink; Where the floods overflow me. Let me be delivered from those who hate 3 I am weary with my crying; me. My throat is dry; And out of the deep waters. My eyes fail while I wait for my 15 Let not the floodwater overflow me, God. Nor let the deep swallow me up; 4 Those who hate me without a And let not the pit shut its mouth on me. cause are more than the hairs 16 Hear me, O Lord, for Your lovingkindness is of my head; good; They are mighty who would Turn to me according to the multitude of destroy me. your tender mercies. Being my enemies wrongfully; 17 And do not hide Your face from Your Though I have stolen nothing, servant, For I am in trouble; Hear me I still must restore it. speedily. 18 Draw near to my soul, and redeem it; Deliver me because of my enemies. Review From the Previous Lesson on Nehemiah



!Walls ! See the wall? It's "knee-high" to help you remember this book called Nehemiah ("Knee-High-Miah"). Nehemiah wasn't really a giant in size. But he did a giant job! He led the Jews in rebuilding the Walls around . ! They had already built a new temple. But the city where the temple was, Jerusalem, wasn't safe. Back then a city was only safe if it had a high wall around it, like a fort. (Have you ever built a fort out of sticks or sand?) Walls around cities kept enemies from coming in. So without a wall, Jerusalem was in trouble! ! God knew that. So He had Nehemiah come from the faraway land called Persia (the Persians captured it from the Babylonians) where most of the Jews had been living in exile. The Persian king let Nehemiah lead another group back home to Jerusalem. ! When they got back home, they started right away to build the wall. Nehemiah was in charge. Even though some enemies were against rebuilding the high wall, it was finished in only 52 days! The city was safe! And the Jews were happy that God brought Nehemiah to build the wall. Key Word: WALLS

According to Nehemiah 2:7, what were the letters for? Besides the ”letters”, what else did God put on the heart of the king to provide for Nehemiah’s journey? GOD IS THE GOD OF Nehemiah 2:9 MORE THAN ENOUGH! Who were the two dudes who were Nehemiah 2:10 opposed to Nehemiah and why? How long was Nehemiah Nehemiah 2:11 in Jerusalem before he did anything? When did Nehemiah Nehemiah 2:12 inspect the old city walls? Were the people of Jerusalem Nehemiah 2:17,18 willing to help build the wall? What a great rallying call: “Let US rebuild, that WE may no longer be a reproach!” God instilled in Nehemiah the importance of teamwork: GOD + NEHEMIAH! Nehemiah was now instilling that message to the people: GOD + NEHEMIAH + THE PEOPLE = TEAM EFFORT!

WHAT A GREAT LESSON FOR YOU, BOYS AND GIRLS! How could they possibly have said otherwise, knowing that not only had the king blessed the work, but GOD was behind it all! Nehemiah’s enemies tried to scare him by calling him a traitor ! But they didn’t realize the inner strength Nehemiah had from all his praying and fasting! You were asked to memorize this verse . . . DID YOU DO IT? Who did Nehemiah say would Nehemiah 2:20 give him and his people success? And notice he didn’t just say, “The God of heaven might give us success.”

He said, “The God of heaven WILL give us success.” This Weeks Memory Verse:

Isaiah 26:3 ” Thou will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on Thee; because he trusteth in Thee.” This Weeks Memory Verse:

Isaiah 26:3 ” Thou” = God the Father This Weeks Memory Verse:

Isaiah 26:3 Guard or ” . . . will keep . . .” = Protect This Weeks Memory Verse:

Isaiah 26:3 ” . . . him in perfect peace” = Inward quietness, not worrying even though you have problems. This Weeks Memory Verse:

Isaiah 26:3 ”. . . whose mind is stayed on Thee” Keep thinking about God instead of worrying about your problems . . . after all, HE keeps HIS mind on YOU! This Weeks Memory Verse:

Isaiah 26:3 “ . . .because he trusteth in Thee.” He believes in God to work out his problems. Isaiah 26:3 ” Thou will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on Thee; because he trusteth in Thee.” This Week’s Lesson: Nehemiah – Pt 3 “”The Builder With a Confident Heart” Lesson Scriptures: :1 – 4:23

Who pitched in to Nehemiah 3:1 build the Sheep Gate? The people knew this was an “ALL HANDS ON DECK” Project! GOD Jews Nehemiah was behind it, but they had to do their part! Just look at all the people, men and women who participated in Nehemiah 3:2-32 building the walls and gates! And many officials even worked Nehemiah 3:2-32 alongside the common workers! Nehemiah was a great leader who made all the assignments for the workers.

Besides being part of a city’s protection against invaders, city gates were places of central activity in biblical times. It was at the city gates that important business transactions were made, court was convened, and public announcements were heralded. Chapter 4 Who showed up again and was angry Nehemiah 4:1 and started mocking the Jews? When he was “mocking the Jews” he was actually mocking the work of God! Stop and think about that for a moment! Have YOU ever mocked a work of God? Just a couple weeks ago we saw others who were mockers! Do you remember them? Kids, we have the New Testament writings to show us what God thinks about “Mocking” Him! Ol’ Sanballat was ignorant! Sanballat even started Nehemiah 4:2 spreading his hatred to others. Read Proverbs 6:16-19 which lists some things that God HATES! What on that list describes Sanballat? Nehemiah 4:3 And what did Sanballat’s ol’ pal, have to say about Nehemiah’s efforts to rebuild the walls? Nehemiah 4:4,5 Instead of asking the people for help, who did Nehemiah turn to in time of need? Nehemiah went to the Lord with his problems. He may have even been thinking about our Psalm today! Psalm 69 14 Deliver me out of the mire, And let me not sink; Let me be delivered from those who hate me, And out of the deep waters. 15 Let not the floodwater overflow me, Nor let the deep swallow me up; And let not the pit shut its mouth on me. 16 Hear me, O Lord, for Your lovingkindness is good; Turn to me according to the multitude of Your tender mercies. 17 And do not hide Your face from Your servant, For I am in trouble; Hear me speedily. 18 Draw near to my soul, and redeem it; Deliver me because of my enemies. “The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man AVAILS MUCH!” (James 5:16b) These words, effectual and fervent, literally mean “stretched out.” Visualize a horse jumping over a barricade, stretched out as he leaps. It’s like an athlete who’s running for the gold, and he bursts for the tape and stretches himself out for the goal. James says that’s the way we are to pray. Our prayers are to be on fire! They’re to be stretched out, and I don’t mean stretched out on your bed half asleep. We’re to be striving for the goal, eager, earnest, fervent, and impassioned in our prayers. God forgive our cold, lukewarm, milk-toast, take-it-or-leave-it prayers.

Who did the angry mob Nehemiah 4:7,8 conspire to fight against?

Poor Nehemiah, he had to put up with all the complaining from his own people . . . NOT JUST HIS ENEMIES ! I wonder if he thought about all the complaining Moses had to put up with from his own people while leading them, the Israelites to the Promised Land? Again, the enemy thought they were only going up against the Jews . . . but they were really going up against the GOD of the Jews!

The workers were really afraid because they complained to Nehemiah 4:12 Nehemiah _____? times!

That nasty Satan, the devil, goes crazy when he sees God’s people at work . . . And he will do anything to try to stop it! In Nehemiah 4:12, 13 he tries to use Israel’s enemies to strike fear into their hearts! And once again the devil underestimated the power of a man of prayer . . . and Nehemiah was definitely a prayer warrior! “. . . The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much.” James 5:16

Did Nehemiah do anything about their concerns?

Nehemiah 4:13 And check out what Nehemiah said to the people: To be a good fighter, you must put your “Spiritual Armor” on EVERYDAY! He’s ready! Are you?

Nehemiah had prayed so much that he was ready for anything! In fact, why don’t you stop right now and pray and thank God for His protection and for giving you armor!

Nehemiah 4:15 And what was the result of Nehemiah’s encouraging words? Nehemiah sounds more like a Nehemiah 4:16 General than a Builder! What were the two assignments Nehemiah 4:17 given to the workers? What was to happen when the Nehemiah 4:18-20 workers heard the trumpet sound? Nehemiah 4:21,22 What was the new plan for the workers? Nehemiah 2:20 – “The God of Heaven will give us success!”

Nehemiah 4:15 – God frustrates the plans of the enemy! GOD has his fingerprints all over this project! Why do you think Nehemiah’s men took their spears with them Nehemiah 4:23 to get water? To spear fish? Nehemiah’s men kept their weapons with them! Your armor doesn’t do any good hanging in your closet! And never go anywhere without Your SWORD OF THE SPIRIT!

Ephesians 6:17

That’s why we MEMORIZE scripture! Great job, kids! (and mom and dad) So this week, when you feel like you have “enemies” coming against you . . . 1. Put on your armor!

(which you should do every day when you get up!) 2. Get on your knees and PRAY! Kids, your assignment for next week is to read Nehemiah, Chapters 5:1 – 6:14. We will see what happens when Nehemiah’S enemies continue coming against him! *Just a reminder: These basic practices will help you grow closer to Christ, love Him more, and help you share His love with others:

1. Read God’s Word (the Bible) daily – this is how He speaks to you. As you learn more about Him and obey His Word, you will become more like Him. 2. Pray daily – “Teach us to pray,” the disciples asked Jesus, and He taught them the simple prayer in Luke 11:1-4. Prayer is simply talking with God. 3. Share your faith – once you have experienced new life in Christ, you will want to share His love and forgiveness with others. 4. Attend a Bible-believing church – this will help you grow in your new life in Christ, as you learn from the teaching of God’s Word, and be encouraged together with other believers. PLEASE LET US KNOW If you have questions or concerns, please call 1-562-803-5631 or email us at [email protected]

We’re here to help you understand the love that Jesus is offering you for free, no matter who or where you are.

Lesson 3 THE BUILDER WITH A CONFIDENT HEART Nehemiah 3:1 - 4:23

Memory Verse: ISAIAH 26:3 "Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on Thee; because he trusteth in Thee."

Review Question: Who did Nehemiah tell Sanballalt and Tobiah would give the people success in building the wall? The G____ of H______(Nehemiah 2:20). ______

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God had equipped Nehemiah to accomplish a task that no one thought possible! But Nehemiah combined PRAYER with PLANNING and PREPARATION for success. For real service to God, Nehemiah TALKED with God and WALKED with Him.

1. Even the priests got involved and built the S______G______and part of the wall. That gate is where the S______A______were brought in to the temple (Nehemiah 3:1). All the Jews participated in building the wall, and many worked right near their H______(Nehemiah 3:10,23,28,29,30).

2. Although Nehemiah is not mentioned in chapter 3 where the workers are listed, he was still at work checking the progress and E______people whenever he could. 3. Sanballat and Tobiah insulted the workers and tried to discourage them and intimidate (scare) them. Nehemiah did not trade insults with them, but did what he always did . . . P______first (Talk with God), then went into action by setting up a guard day and night (Walk with God). (Nehemiah 4:9)

4. Because Nehemiah prayed, God gave him the plan to have H____ the workers build the wall while the other half stand guard with W______. Even the builders carried T______in one hand and a W______in the other. (Nehemiah 4:16-17)

5. Nehemiah had the T______stand near him while the work was going on to sound the alarm if there was any attack anywhere along the wall. But he told the people that, "Our G______will fight for us!" (Nehemiah 4:18-20) You, too, can have peace when you trust God to take care of your enemies! Nehemiah PRAYED to God and turned his enemies over to Him. Romans 12:19 states, "Never take your own vengance . . . 'I will repay, says the Lord!'" TALK WITH GOD! . . . WALK WITH GOD!