'Picli~O ;Abd' 'Prelid'ehf Travel To· Coprivi
~ '."eIllAY~ ANGOLAN GOVJT.'"C~ L:: l!S \ F. OB ~ NEWj SAN~T,IOHS, ' TOROMBA,CASECONTINUES * SUPER SPORT"* ' PiCli~o 'Prelid'ehf travel to· Coprivi ;abd~:; .. :;::~. .. '. Caprivi and b~krUni~tostro~g P1eetingtraditionalleaders, and . ists,mainlyftom Government· near the port. According to ra STAFF REPORTER opposition from local chief visiting the giant Pldico projects owned media, on a tour ofPidico dio reports Bassan bas also an· Bonilace MalJlili. which were started too late this work in Jobannesburg and Mo· nounced a N$l00 million print PRESIDENT Sam ~ujoma and Last nlgbt ~resldent ~ujoJp~ year for a harvest an,d are now UllQbique. Ingp~ for Windhoek althougb top staff of a foreign inveStor and ' regional Governor telix postponed until the ne:xl season. in recent montbs Pidico bas Ndadi Tsboombe, managing di are set to meet traditional lead Mukasa were reportedly meet· Ithas Dot yet proved possible to taken Namibia'sinvestmentscene rector of one oftbe local compa ers in theCaprivi to smooth the log at the town's Zambezi Lodge .reach Pidico m*,nagi!lR director bystonn. nies ihvolved, has denied this. way for planned agrlcul~ure hotel after the Preside~~arrh'ed)foham~HassantOanswerq9es , Tbe controversial company Lawyers acting for Ilassan schemes. .. ti'omRundu.Riotlng, appa:rentlydons abaut tbe ba~kground.nd helped With much of tbe Walvis have twice issued press releases Projects, Industrial Develop· in opposition to the fann project; otber details of Pidico. Bay reintegration celebrations threatening to sue a local Sun· ment and Investment Company has caused at least one deatb. ...... Accordingtosolpereportsheis and Pre$ldent SamNujoma inau~ day newspaper which wrote dls- (l-Idico) has beenaward~ two The President's sthedule in.
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