VOLUM E 1, ISSUE 1 JANUARY 2007 PAGE 1 Q LD MA G PIES http://qld.magpies.net/

Join Our Army in 2007

W elcome to the first THE NEW COMMITTEE newsletter of The Qld M agpies Sup- porter Group. The Qld M agpies offi- At the end of 2006 we revamped the com- cially started in 2005, when a need mittee with some new and exciting people arose for a new group to take over as to help with the organisation of the club. PLAYER the Official Collingwood Supporter Darrin Dinsdale has been helping out in an unofficial capacity for a while and now SPONSORSHIP Group in Queensland. The group was started with the aim of bringing to- moves into the Secretary position with an Congratulations to , the gether people from all over the state eagerness to get things done. John W ood 2006 Winner , who share in the passion and tradition has been to most functions in 2006, and was w h o w a s of the Collingwood Football Club. After keen to help out and he now represents the proudly spon- two seasons of securing and introduc- club as Assistant Treasurer and Head of sored by the ing members into the group, we are Fundraising. M att Rohan was nearly in- Qld Magpies. now at a stage to really blossom as a volved in the original committee, but now In 2007 we will club as our m em bership grows he joins the team as the new Treasurer. W e once again be throughout the state. Last year we had offer many thanks to Louis M eerleveld, our sponsoring a over 50 people fly to M elbourne for the previous treasurer, for his time in helping Collingwood Anzac Day game, which is a fantastic the club get itself cemented into its current player. After effort and it shows the enormous pas- position. Peter Lynskey is our new advertis- over 50 votes sion we all have for our club. Our func- ing man and already has some great ideas from members tion “Anzac Eve @ The Lexus” was a on improving our membership, while Neil were received Frost is the new Assistant Secretary of our narrowly won to be- great evening, with a highlight with his stories of years gone team. They all have joined president Ken come the recipient of this year’s Dinsdale as the Qld M agpies head into sponsorship. by with some insight into his Grand Final losses. was also a 2007 with some fresh ideas and enthusiasm Let’s hope we to help build the club into something we can win two special guest and he gave us some in- formation about the new recruits and can be very proud of. Please give your full Copeland's in support to these guys, as these are all vol- two years from what to expect when the boys hit the untary positions and ones that are thankless our sponsored ground for the big game. Other guests at times. Any support you show is always players, and included author Glen M cFarlane and appreciated. W e all hope to make 2007 a with Heath comedian Kieran Butler who performed very exciting year, especially as we have Shaw, I get some his M elbourne Comedy Festival the Pies up here twice, which is going to the feeling Show “Collingwood Ruined M y Life” there is a very for the guests. Kieran will be bringing make the year exciting and profitable for good chance his show to Qld in 2007 performing the club. prior to the major function on M ay 26th. that we could do be doing just that. Player Profiles Name: M att Rohan 2007 an Exciting Year for Collingwood Fans! Board Position: Treasurer Nickname: M atty (very original) In 2007 we get to see when the Pies take on apple Hotel on the Sat- Favourite current player: Alan Didak our team play twice, the Lions. Currently we urday afternoon. W e Favourite past player: Gavin Brown something that is a very are looking at three also have the opportu- Favourite Collingwood memory: rare occurrence indeed functions plus the game nity to have breakfast Other than 1990 it was Carrara in 1991 in Queensland. Their at the Gabba for a jam- with the players on the for Pies v Bears game. Daicos kicked first appearance is on packed weekend of morning after the game. 13 and Darren M illane threw Steve February 23rd at Collingwood Festivities. W hat a great opportu- Reynoldson's (Bears player) boot up Carrara. W e have Kieran Butler is bring- nity for anyone coming into the stand where it landed on the booked the facilities at ing his unique Colling- to Brisbane that week- seat next to my brother and I. Emerald Lakes Country wood comedy show to end! It will be two ex- Best sporting highlight - Club which is directly Brisbane, which is citing days full of participant: Breaking my school un- across the road from the something any Colling- Collingwood entertain- der 16 boys 800m athletics record and ground.. Later in the wood fan should not ment. By securing our then the 1500m record on the same year we are organising miss. Our major func- VIP M embership you day. a series of events for tion is moving to the will be able to attend all Best sporting highlight- spectator: the M ay 26th weekend newly renovated Pine- the functions. Queensland's first Sheffield Shield win Email qldmagpies@ magpies.net to be added to our email database to keep upto date. PAGE 2

Dauth Park The Dauth Park Extension In 2007 we have made a choose a venue was some- Please note in commitment to Dauth Park where between the two the right hand column the at Beenleigh as our home locations. All the venues preliminary dates for our Join us @ Dauth venue for our minor func- we tried have had good minor functions at the club. Park on these dates. tions . In the past we have and bad points and the These gatherings are a tried Springwood, M t Gra- main reasons we are stick- great way to meet other Sat M arch 31 vs Roos vatt and Southport football ing with Dauth Park in 2007 diehard fans and feel SEASON OPENER-day clubs and all had varying is because they have been some atmosphere when game degrees of success, but the extremely accommodating watching a game. Bring Fri Night April 13 vs one thing they all have had towards us, and are cur- the family along to the day Richmond in common is their loca- rently going through a games, while the night tion. W ith the research we major renovation that will games can be a chance to W ed April 25 Vs Essendon have done, it is quite obvi- benefit us in the future. It have a night out. After the ANZAC DAY-day game ous that most of our mem- was also important that we game the club stays open, bers are situated some- find a venue that accom- often with music, dancing M on June 11 vs Demons where between Brisbane modates children for some or for those who like to QUEEN’S B’DAY-day game and the Gold Coast. Ide- of our members and Dauth gamble, they have plenty Sat Night July 28 vs Lions ally, the best place to Park is able to do that. of pokies as well. Sat Night Aug 25 vs Sydney Tipping Competition The major Last year’s tipping compe- holding another one this rounds wins another prize prizes this tition was well fought out year and it is included in and the overall winner will and was a very popular our membership prices win the third major prize. year… exercise. After finishing this year, so if you are a Once again the competi- the competition as tied member of Qld M agpies, tion will be run online at Three leaders, Steve Terrell beat you are eligible to enter. afl.com.au and you will autographed M att W ilson to win the There will be three major need internet access to put signed Guernsey after prizes this year, all being your tips in weekly. By Collingwood their m argins where signed C ollingw ood having a winner in rounds Guernsey’s! counted. Congratulations Guernseys. The winners 12—22 it will give every- Steve on winning the com- will be divided as follows: one the chance to win, petition, it was a tough Leader after 11 rounds even if you have a bad year and you did ex- wins the first major prize. start, or join late. tremely well. W e will be- W inner in the second 11

Pre-Season Function The New VIP M embership Our pre-season function will This year we are very will also get priority ac- be held at the Emerald Lakes happy to offer a new level cess to holding up the ban- Golf Club on Feb 23rd, start- of membership. The new ner if we are asked to help ing at 4.15pm. It will go for VIP membership gives you out again, as was the case just over 2 hours. Our special access to all our functions when a dozen of our mem- guest will be Blake Caracella. on our huge M ay 26th bers got the chance in Blake will be appearing at weekend vs the Lions. This 2005. This is a fantastic 4.30pm SHARP, so make sure will include our comedy package and will make you get in early enough to see show with Kieran Butler, your weekend full of him, as he will be heading the Pregame function at Collingwood, perfect for back to join the match commit- the Pineapple and the those that are traveling tee by 5.pm. Tickets are $50 breakfast function with the from far away and want to and include entry into function players. Also included will make the whole weekend and game, bbq steak sanga or be entry into the game at COLLINGW OOD!!! For snags and car parking. This the Gabba, a stubby anyone that is interested will also be our sign on day for cooler, a Collingwood or accom m odation, please this year’s membership. There Qld M agpies shirt and pri- contact me for some de- will be a kids raffle and some ority access to anything tails, there are motels very other great raffles and prizes else we have on offer close to the ground. o n o f f e r as well, especially if throughout the year. You y o u join up on the day.