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An insight into the leading offshore law firms expressed in their own words from their company websites.

Appleby : h�p://www.applebyglobal.com

We are an offshore law firm with around 470 people, including 60 partners, opera�ng from 10 offices around the globe. We advise global public and private companies, financial ins�tu�ons, and high net worth individuals, working with them and their advisers to achieve prac�cal solu�ons, whether in a single loca�on or across mul�ple jurisdic�ons has its origins in a number of jurisdic�ons. The original Appleby prac�sed in and was established by Major Reginald Appleby, who commenced prac�ce in the late 1890s Appleby today is one of the world’s leading offshore law firms. The Group has offices in the key offshore jurisdic�ons of Bermuda, the Bri�sh Virgin Islands, the , , the , , Mauri�us, and the , as well as a presence in the interna�onal financial centres of Hong Kong and Shanghai Appleby has been ranked as one of the world’s largest providers of offshore legal services by number of lawyers in The Lawyer’s 2016 Offshore Survey. Appleby delivers sophis�cated, specialised services, primarily in the areas of Corporate, Dispute Resolu�on, Private Client and Trusts, Regulatory and Property. The Group advises public and private companies, financial ins�tu�ons, and high net worth individuals, working with these clients and their advisers to achieve prac�cal solu�ons, whether in a single loca�on or across mul�ple jurisdic�ons

Bedell Cris�n : h�ps://www.bedellcris�n.com

Our interna�onal offices in Jersey, Guernsey, London, BVI and enable us to accommodate complex transac�ons and handle cross-border deals, disputes and inves�ga�ons Bedell Cris�n is an award-winning law firm with exper�se in Jersey, Guernsey and BVI law and the agility to drive success for our clients in a fast-moving world Our lawyers are consistently ranked as leaders in their field by Chambers and Legal 500 legal directories, and have built an excep�onal reputa�on for achieving tangible success for our clients. Whatever the requirement, we ensure our clients have ready access to the right support and level of exper�se

Carey Olsen : h�ps://www.careyolsen.com

Carey Olsen is a market leading offshore law firm. We deliver excep�onal services to our clients from the key offshore financial centres of the Bri�sh Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands, Guernsey and Jersey. We also have offices in Cape Town, Hong Kong, London and Singapore We employ over 360 people and our 49 partners head up a total complement of 200 lawyers We provide legal services in rela�on to all aspects of Corporate and Finance, Trusts and Private Wealth, Investment Funds, Insolvency, Restructuring and Dispute Resolu�on We work with an extensive range of clients, including directors, insolvency prac��oners, global financial ins�tu�ons, investment funds, private equity and real estate houses, corporates, trustees, governments and private individuals Carey Olsen also works with leading onshore legal advisers on interna�onal transac�ons and cases involving our jurisdic�ons

Conyers Dill & Pearman : h�ps://www.conyersdill.com

Conyers Dill & Pearman is a leading interna�onal law firm with a broad client base including FTSE 100 and Fortune 500 companies, interna�onal finance houses and asset managers. The Firm advises on Bermuda, Bri�sh Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands and Mauri�us laws, from offices in those jurisdic�ons and in the key financial centres of Dubai, London, Hong Kong and Singapore Through our global network we provide responsive, sophis�cated, solu�on-driven advice to clients on ma�ers including: Corporate, Capital Markets, Mergers & Acquisi�ons, Banking & Finance, Insurance & Reinsurance, Investment Funds, Private Equity & Venture Capital, Asset Finance, Li�ga�on & Dispute Resolu�on, Insolvency & Restructuring, and Private Client & Trust Affiliated companies (Codan Management, Codan Services, and Codan Interna�onal) provide registered agent, registered office, corporate director and secretarial services, as well as specialised company management services Conyers’ interna�onal network of licensed trust companies (Codan Trust) undertakes a broad range of trust administra�on services for private clients and corpora�ons

Harneys : h�p://www.harneys.com

Harneys is a leading interna�onal offshore law firm. We provide advice on Bri�sh Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Cyprus and Anguilla law to an interna�onal client base which includes the world’s top law firms, financial ins�tu�ons, investment funds and private individuals Our commitment is to absolute quality, unparalleled responsiveness and client service. Independent legal directories consistently put Harneys in the top �er of offshore law firms and describe our lawyers as a�en�ve, commercially aware and responsive. In 2016 Harneys was named Offshore Law Firm of the Year by The Lawyer for its market leading strategy, commercial strength, legal innova�on, excep�onal client service and jurisdic�onal leadership Our network is the largest among offshore law firms with more than 12 loca�ons including market facing offices in Hong Kong, London, Montevideo, Sao Paulo, Shanghai, Singapore, Tokyo and Vancouver. Our wide network allows us to provide reliable and �mely service on even the most complex cross border transac�ons and disputes. Key areas of prac�ce include: Investment Funds, Banking and Finance, Dispute Resolu�on, Insolvency and Restructuring, Corporate and Commercial, Trusts and Private Client Harneys was established in 1960 in the Bri�sh Virgin Islands. The firm opened its first interna�onal office in 2002 in London, a development which marked the beginning of a period of successful expansion resul�ng in the award-winning global firm of today Harneys’ associated corporate and private wealth services business, Harney’s Fiduciary, delivers a full complement of corporate and fiduciary services in Bermuda, the Bri�sh Virgin Islands and the Cayman Islands. Our product offering also includes New Zealand, Hong Kong and Barbados and we are expanding regularly in line with the evolving needs of our clients We hold trust licenses in several jurisdic�ons and offer a broad range of fund, trust, and fiduciary services to the world’s leading law firms, corpora�ons, financial ins�tu�ons and private clients. As a result, we have earned a reputa�on for excellence worldwide

Maples and Calder : h�p://www.maplesandcalder.com

Maples and Calder is a leading interna�onal law firm advising financial, ins�tu�onal, business and private clients around the world on the laws of the Cayman Islands, Ireland and the Bri�sh Virgin Islands. We are a full service firm and our lawyers regularly feature in leading directories as specialists in their areas of exper�se Our worldwide offices offer mul�na�onal clients and interna�onal law firms local access to our global services Wherever you may be, you will find highly qualified, experienced lawyers ready to work with you in a convenient �me zone. With specialists in all of our prac�ce areas, Maples and Calder are proud of our reputa�on as an innova�ve, entrepreneurial firm and we strive hard to maintain it

Mourant Ozannes : h�ps://www.mourantozannes.com

Mourant Ozannes is one of the leading offshore law firms. We advise on the laws of the BVI, the Cayman Islands, Guernsey and Jersey Our clients include many of the world’s leading financial ins�tu�ons, public companies, corpora�ons and fund promoters as well as high net worth private clients. We are chosen regularly to work alongside the most respected interna�onal law firms with whom we enjoy deep and longstanding rela�onships Mourant Ozannes provides award-winning offshore legal advice from our offices in the key interna�onal finance centres of the BVI, the Cayman Islands, Guernsey, Jersey, Hong Kong and London. We provide offshore legal services in the BVI, the Cayman Islands, Guernsey and Jersey Mourant Ozannes specialises in: Banking & Finance, Corporate, Employment, Financial Services & Regulatory, Funds, Insolvency & Restructuring, Insurance, Interna�onal Trusts & Private Clients, Li�ga�on, and Property

Ogier : h�ps://www.ogier.com

Ogier provides prac�cal advice on Bri�sh Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Guernsey, Jersey and law through our global network of offices. Ogier is the only firm to advise on these five laws. We regularly win awards for the quality of our client service, our work and our people We get straight to the point, managing complexity to get to the essen�als. Our global network of offices covers every �me zone. We are the only law firm to advise on BVI, Cayman Islands, Guernsey, Jersey and Luxembourg law Ogier employs 350 employees including 50 partners

Walkers Global : h�p://www.walkersglobal.com

Walkers is a leading interna�onal law firm. We advise on the laws of Bermuda*, the Bri�sh Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands, Guernsey, Ireland and Jersey Walkers delivers clear, concise and prac�cal advice based on an in-depth knowledge of the legal, regulatory and commercial environment in Bermuda, the Bri�sh Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands, Guernsey, Ireland and Jersey Walkers advises on the laws of Bermuda, the Bri�sh Virgin Islands (BVI), the Cayman Islands, Guernsey, Ireland and Jersey (). We are experienced in all types of interna�onal and cross-border transac�ons covering a broad range of sectors with a par�cular focus on both conten�ous and non-conten�ous Corporate and Finance law, Investment Funds, Private Equity, Structured Products, Capital Markets, and Trusts Walkers Professional Services provides registered office, corporate, and fiduciary services from Bermuda, the Cayman Islands, Dubai, Hong Kong and Ireland. Working together with Walkers law firm, Walkers Professional Services delivers a seamless integra�on of legal, corporate and fiduciary services *Walkers works in exclusive associa�on with Taylors in Bermuda, a full service commercial law firm providing advice on all aspects of Bermuda law.

Source: Text is sourced from corporate websites and is therefore the property of the relevant law firms (January 2017)

Note: Hamilton Recruitment has an specialist arm for offshore legal jobs. Visit us today: www.hamilton- legal-recruitment.com

If you are a lawyer or chartered accountant and interested in working in the Bermuda/Caribbean region, visit our jobs portal to see the latest vacancies. Our site also includes a downloadable All You Need to Know guide which will tell you all you need to know about living and working offshore.

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