Town and Country Planning Board of Victoria
1964 VICTORIA EIGHTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING BOARD OF VICTORIA FOR THE PERIOD I ST JULY, I 962, TO 30TH JUNE, I 963 PRESENTED TO BOTH HOUSES OF PARLIAMENT PURSUANT TO SECTION 5 (2) OF THI<: TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING ACT 1961 [A.pprorimate Cost of Reporl.-Preparation, not given. Printing (226 copies), £241.] By Autboniy: A. C. BROOKS, GOVERNMENT PRINTER, MELBOURNE. No. 12.-(2s. 3n.].-8049j64. INDEX PAGE Introduction 5 The Board 6 Legislation 6 Planning Schemes Commenced, in Course of Preparation, or Approved 7 Planning Schemes Examined by the Board 15 Fern Tree Gully District Planning Scheme 16 Phillip Island Planning Scheme 17 French Island Planning Scheme 18 Waratah Bay Planning Scheme 18 Eppalock Planning Scheme 19 Tower Hill Planning Scheme 20 Lake Bellfield Planning Scheme 21 Buffalo Reservoir Planning Scheme 22 Eildon Reservoir Planning Scheme (Shire of Alexandra) 23 Eildon Reservoir Planning Scheme (Shire of Mansfield) 23 Hazelwood Planning Scheme 24 Melbourne Metropolitan Planning Scheme 24 Schemes under Section 605, Local Government Act 25 Land Use Zoning-By-laws under the Local Government Act 25 Visits by the Board 25 Planning Congress-Hobart 26 Staff and Office Accommodation 26 Town and Country Planning Board EIGHTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT 179 Queen-street, Melbourne, C.l. The H onorable the Minister for Local Government, 61 Spring-street, JJlelbourne, 0.1. Sm, 1. In accordance with the proVIsiOns of Section 5 (2) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1961 (No. 6849) the Board has pleasure in submitting to you for presentation to Parliament the following report on its activities during the twelve months ended 30th June, 1963.
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