Open access Review J Immunother : first published as 10.1136/jitc-2020-002086 on 1 April 2021. Downloaded from Current strategies to circumvent the antiviral immunity to optimize cancer virotherapy

Dong Ho Shin,1 Teresa Nguyen,1 Bulent Ozpolat,2 Frederick Lang,3 Marta Alonso,4 Candelaria Gomez-­Manzano,1 Juan Fueyo1

To cite: Shin DH, Nguyen T, ABSTRACT Two recently published phase 1 clin- Ozpolat B, et al. Current Cancer virotherapy is a paradigm-­shifting treatment ical trials demonstrated how infection of strategies to circumvent the modality based on -media­ ted oncolysis and gliomas with replication-competent­ adeno- antiviral immunity to optimize subsequent antitumor immune responses. Clinical trials cancer virotherapy. Journal (AdV) or recombinant polioviruses of currently available virotherapies showed that robust for of Cancer triggers immune responses that rapidly antitumor immunity characterizes the remarkable and 2021;9:e002086. doi:10.1136/ eradicate the therapeutic viruses in most jitc-2020-002086 long-­term responses observed in a subset of patients. These data suggest that future should patients, yet induce remarkable and long-­ incorporate strategies to maximize the immunotherapeutic lasting anti-­tumor effects in just 20% of the Accepted 02 March 2021 5 6 potential of oncolytic viruses. In this review, we highlight patients. A phase III of the the recent evidence that the antiviral immunity of the oncolytic herpes simplex virus (HSV) talimo- patients may limit the immunotherapeutic potential gene laherparepvec (T-­Vec) for the treatment of oncolytic viruses and summarize the most relevant of advanced also demonstrated approaches to strategically redirect the immune response a 16.3% durable response rate and a 33% away from the viruses and toward tumors to heighten the 5-­year survival rate,7 whereas this regimen has clinical impact of viro-immunothera­ py platforms. efficiently seroconverted all patients within 3–4 weeks, suggesting a successful induction of antiviral immunity.8 INTRODUCTION Therefore, a distinct discrepancy exists The is exceptionally between the prevalence of anti-viral­ immu- equipped to identify and destroy patho-

nity and the dearth of the subsequent anti- gens, and when successfully directed against cancer-­derived antigens, can elicit powerful tumorous immunity that can be attributed to many factors. Virotherapy is now accepted anticancer effects. Accordingly, the discovery 9 that bacterial infection led to tumor regres- as a form of immunotherapy, and despite © Author(s) (or their sion in some sarcoma patients laid the foun- the fact that oncolytic viruses (OVs) have employer(s)) 2021. Re-­use dation for cancer immunotherapy.1 A similar been shown to reverse immunosuppres- permitted under CC BY-­NC. No principle underlies the use of tumor-selective­ sive tumor microenvironments, factors that on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. commercial re-­use. See rights limit other conventional immunothera- and permissions. Published by viruses today. In response to viral infections, BMJ. the intracellular (IFN) response pies, such as T-­cell exhaustion, may also be 10 1Department of Neuro-­Oncology, triggers innate immune responses, including of relevance to virotherapy. To overcome The University of Texas MD activation of natural killer (NK) cells and these limitations, combination therapies of Anderson Cancer Center, phagocytes. Viral antigens transported to the immune checkpoint inhibitors with cancer Houston, Texas, USA 2 lymph nodes by antigen presenting cells elicit or other immune modulators have Department of Experimental been explored, and multiple clinical trials Therapeutics, University of Texas robust adaptive cellular immune responses, MD Anderson Cancer Center, activating virus-specific­ naïve and memory are currently testing the effect of combining 11 Houston, TX, USA B-­cells and T-­cells.2 3 Activated B-cells­ secrete OVs with immune checkpoint inhibitors. In 3 Department of Neurosurgery, antibodies that interfere with the viral life addition, OVs can face different challenges The University of Texas MD from other forms of in Anderson Cancer Center, cycle, including internalization into target Houston, TX, USA cells and intracellular translocation of viral that viruses are highly immunogenic and, 4 4Department of Pediatrics, proteins. T-cells­ exert cytotoxic effects on therefore, are subject to rapid destruction by Clinica Universidad de Navarra, virus infected cells. Thus, the broad target the immune system. Since virotherapy’s clin- Pamplona, Navarra, Spain spectrum of the innate immunity steers the ical efficacy can depend on sufficient initial Correspondence to deployment of a shaped, virus-specific­ adap- virus replication, novel strategies to restrict Dr Juan Fueyo; tive immune response for specific and long-­ the immune destruction of viruses and redi- jfueyo@​ ​​ term protection against viral infections. rect the dominant immune response towards

Shin DH, et al. J Immunother Cancer 2021;9:e002086. doi:10.1136/jitc-2020-002086 1 Open access J Immunother Cancer: first published as 10.1136/jitc-2020-002086 on 1 April 2021. Downloaded from cancer cells may be necessary. In this review, we discuss regard, bioengineered cell membrane nanovesicles how engineering less immunogenic and “stealth” OVs or embedded with preS1 ligand significantly enhanced the developing selective immune tolerance for viral antigens delivery of AdV to tumors expressing the preS1-specific­ may enhance the anticancer effect of virotherapies. receptor sodium taurocholate cotransporting polypep- tide, suppressed the secretion of inflammatory cytokines interleukin 6 (IL-6) and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α SHIELDING OVS FROM THE INNATE AND ADAPTIVE HUMORAL and protected the virus from neutralizing antibodies.19 IMMUNITY Caution is required with this approach, however, as phys- While several studies have shown the importance of the ical barriers to encapsulate OVs may hinder the interac- immune system for long-lasting­ tumor control using tion between viruses and tumor cell receptors to reduce 22 OVs, preclinical and early-stage­ clinical trials have also infectivity. In addition, potential limitations for manu- suggested reduced virus replication and earlier clearance facturing coated viruses include potentially high costs, in immunocompetent hosts.12 As some OVs are adminis- limitations for large-­scale production, and stability during 23 tered systemically to treat inoperable tumors or dissemi- storage. nated metastases, the rapid neutralization of viruses by the humoral immunity including the complement system and Cellular carriers antibodies represents a considerable obstacle for virother- Cells loaded with OVs ex vivo and injected back into apies. Complement proteins and antibodies facilitate the patients offer a different approach to protect OVs. destruction of infected cells by interacting with effector Cellular carriers derived from endothelial cells, T-cells,­ cells or inhibiting cellular receptor binding, endosomal mesenchymal stromal cells, tumor cells as well as mesen- escape, nuclear transport of viral genomes and envel- chymal, neuronal, menstrual blood-derived­ and adipose-­ oped virion budding from host cells.4 13 Furthermore, derived stem cells have been explored to deliver vaccinia OVs derived from prevalent viruses like AdV or HSV face virus (VV), vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV), MV, HSV, 24–32 more significant risks of neutralization by predeveloped AdV and reovirus. Carrier cells derived from solid antibodies.14 15 This section discusses three main strate- tumors can be easily infected with OVs but a safety gies to avoid the hindrance by the humoral immunity: concern for injecting cancer cells into patients may limit 24 protective coatings, cellular vehicles, and viral genome further clinical development. Due to their loading capa- modifications, as shown in figure 1. We then examine the bility, immune evading phenotypes, and intrinsic tumor alternate view that humoral immunity may be beneficial tropism, mesenchymal or neuronal stem cells are attrac- for OV efficacy. These strategies mitigate both antibody-­ tive candidates as cell vehicles. In brain tumors, presence mediated and complement-­mediated neutralization.16 of the blood-brain­ barrier and the influx of blood and cerebrospinal fluid following tumor resection impede Coatings successful virus delivery during systemic and intratumoral

Protective coatings are a straightforward approach to virus injections. Cellular carriers can provide a solution physically shield OVs and is one of the most intuitive to such delivery problems. Oncolytic AdV ICOVIR17 strategies to counteract soluble immune factors. Various loaded onto mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) with tumor types have been explored, including chemical polymers, tropism showed significantly enhanced viral delivery liposomes and cell-derived­ nanovesicles.17–19 These coat- to brain tumors, reduced tumor growth and increased ings can protect OVs from both passive and active immu- animal survival.33 Intracarotid injection of oncolytic HSV nity in immunodeficient and immunocompetent hosts. loaded onto MSCs, but not the virus alone, tracked meta- on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. Graphene oxide protected virus (MV) from static melanoma lesions in the brain, and prolonged the neutralizing antibodies and enhanced oncolysis, offering survival of mice.27 High costs associated with loading cells a survival advantage in subcutaneous HeLa-­bearing mice with OVs ex vivo may be reduced using off-the-­ ­shelf, allo- with passive immunity through antiserum injection.17 geneic stem cells.30 Delivery of OVs using cellular carriers Layer-­by-­layer deposition of ionic polymers also protected is already being investigated in the clinical arena.34 For MV from antibodies and showed improved virus activity instance, MSCs loaded with AdV were shown to be safe in and tumor control in immunized, immunocompetent pediatric and adult solid tumors.35 A phase I/II study of mice with subcutaneous lung carcinoma.20 Coatings not an oncolytic MV delivered with MSCs to ovarian cancer only protect OVs from preexisting antibodies but also is ongoing at Mayo Clinic (NCT02068794). Another can limit the production of new antibodies. Liposomes phase I trial at MD Anderson Cancer Center examines used to encapsulate the Getah-like­ alphavirus M1 or the the delivery of our adenoviral construct Delta-24-­RGD plasmid DNA of AdV protected OVs from antibodies in to gliomas using human MSCs (NCT03896568). Neural vitro and reduced the production of neutralizing anti- stem cells are used to deliver oncolytic AdV to malignant bodies in mice after systemic virus administration.18 21 gliomas at the Northwestern University (NCT03072134). Systemic delivery of OVs can also be limited by untargeted T-­cells are another attractive candidate carrier for OVs. dilution of the effective virus dose in the system. Coat- Compared with stem cells that home to stromal regions, ings can be engineered to incorporate tumor-targeting­ T-­cells deliver OVs to tumors through direct contact.26 ligands that facilitate OV trafficking to tumors. In this Chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T-cells­ can also be used

2 Shin DH, et al. J Immunother Cancer 2021;9:e002086. doi:10.1136/jitc-2020-002086 Open access J Immunother Cancer: first published as 10.1136/jitc-2020-002086 on 1 April 2021. Downloaded from on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright.

Figure 1 Methods to circumvent antiviral immunity. Oncolytic viruses (OVs) exert their effect by infecting the cancer cells, replicating, and inducing oncolysis. Iimmunogenic cell death of the tumor subsequently activates anti-viral­ and anti-­tumor T cells. However, viral activity is limited by the humoral, innate and adaptive cellular immune components of the host. Several approaches aim to counteract each arm of the immune system to protect the viruses and maximize tumor regression. OVs can be shielded from the humoral immune responses of B cells and the complement pathway through encapsulation OVs in protective coatings and cellular carriers, genetic modification of the viral capsid to reduce expression of common viral epitopes, and administration of bispecific engagers that can bind neutralizing antibodies and tumors cells on different ends. To confer OVs stealth characteristic, the innate immunity can be tamed through the inhibition of the anti-viral­ interferon (IFN) pathway, the natural killer cells and antigen presentation. T cell immunodominance from viral antigens can be overcome through nanoparticle-­enveloped viral antigens and tolerogenic dendritic cells. ISG, interferon-stimulated­ gene; ISRE, interferon-­ stimulated response element; MHC, major histocompatibility complex; NK, natural killer; TAP, transporter associated with antigen processing.

Shin DH, et al. J Immunother Cancer 2021;9:e002086. doi:10.1136/jitc-2020-002086 3 Open access J Immunother Cancer: first published as 10.1136/jitc-2020-002086 on 1 April 2021. Downloaded from as vehicles to transport the OVs to the tumors. Oncolytic Bispecific engagers can also be used to ensure safety VSV or recombinant VV could be loaded onto murine associated with nonspecific viral infection and augment T-­cells or human HER2-CAR­ T-cells­ without impacting tissue-­specific delivery. Bispecific fusion protein that CAR expression, T-­cell viability or functionality.36 targeted the viral hemagglutinin-­neuraminidase protein of the NDV, on one end, and the IL 2 receptor, on the Genetic modifications of OVs other end, blocked the native cell binding and retar- Most neutralizing antibodies target a limited number geted the virus to IL-­2R positive lymphoma cells both of epitopes on an antigen. Identifying and genetically in vitro and in vivo.46 47 Bispecific T-cell­ engagers also modifying such epitopes on OVs could help evade pre-­ increase T-­cell interaction with OV infected tumors and existing antibodies from prior virus exposure. For AdV, are rapidly moving to clinical trials as reviewed by Slaney the hypervariable regions (HVRs) of hexon are the domi- and collages.48 Interestingly, some studies report that nant epitopes for B-­cells in humans.37 Replacing HVRs pre-­vaccination can augment the efficacy of virotherapy. negated the activity of serotype-­specific antibodies.38 NDV-immunized­ mice showed more effective clearance Directed clonal evolution can be used to select a clone of subcutaneous melanoma when compared with naïve with low seroprevalence and high oncolytic potency. mice.49 However, immunization led to decreased virus Clonal expansion of oncolytic AdV dl1520 produced replication, suggesting that the preexisting antibodies the clone ColoAd1 with a 10-fold­ lower sera inhibition limit oncolysis. The observed therapeutic benefit was and a higher oncolytic ability.39 VV produces a partic- dependent on increased activities of NK cells and CD8+ ular form of virions called extracellular enveloped virus T cells, indicating that the humoral immune response is (EEV) that are protected from neutralizing antibodies by still a hurdle that should be overcome. the host-­derived lipid bilayer. Introducing a point muta- tion in the A34R gene resulted in more EEV production Section summary that enhanced virus spread and production of progeny In summary, cumulative evidence suggests that protecting virions, protected the virus from neutralizing anti- OVs from the host’s humoral immune response may 40 bodies, and prolonged animals’ survival. In a different improve the persistence of virus in the system and increase approach, deglycosylation of VVs reduced TLR2-mediated­ the chances for the development of a robust antitumor pathogen recognition signaling and protected the virus immune response. Some studies suggest otherwise that 41 from neutralizing antibodies. For HSV, replacement of immune responses against the virus enhance their anti- residues 2–24 with antiepidermal growth factor receptor cancer efficacy. Although there is evidence to support (EGFR) single-chain­ variable fragment (scFv) and point both sides of the argument, it seems clear that most of the mutations P54Q and T213M in the viral glycoprotein D current literature agrees that inhibition of the humoral 42 decreased the binding of neutralizing antibodies. immunity is essential for successful viral replication if the therapeutic virus should be administered systemically. The alternate view: beneficial roles of antibodies Although neutralizing antibodies are generally detri- mental for virus replication, some recent evidence suggests that they may not play a decisive role at sufficiently high THE DOUBLE-EDGED EFFECT OF SUPPRESSING THE INNATE doses of virus. Systemic injection of AdV, Newcastle disease IMMUNITY virus (NDV), HSV, VV and reovirus in clinical trials have The innate immune system recognizes and provides demonstrated virus delivery to tumors and induction a quick response to a diverse array of foreign antigens. on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. of antitumor immunity, although to a limited degree.43 Pattern recognition receptors activated by viral DNAs and Importantly, a window-of-­ ­opportunity clinical trial prior RNAs recruit adaptor proteins and phosphorylate tran- to resection of colorectal cancer metastases in the liver scription factors to induce the type I IFN response.50 RIG-­ showed that intravenously injected oncolytic reovirus was I-­like RNA helicases also bind to viral RNAs and activate transported to tumors despite the presence of neutralizing mitochondrial antiviral signaling, which exhibits a prion-­ antibodies.44 Further investigation revealed that CD11b+ like conformational switch to activate and propagate the cells facilitated the uptake of the reovirus-­antibody antiviral signaling cascade.51 Expression of IFN-­related complex, and expansion of such cell population using genes halts viral replication, activates cytokine produc- Granulocyte-­macrophage colony-­stimulating factor (GM-­ tion, and recruits NK cells to kill infected cells.52 The CSF) augmented the in mice with melanoma, innate immune system also steers the activation of the but only in the presence of neutralizing antibodies.25 In adaptive immune response by orchestrating the presen- a different strategy, pre-existing­ neutralizing antibodies tation of viral and tumorous antigens. Since activation can be exploited through bispecific engagers that bind of the adaptive immune response against tumor-­derived to neutralizing antibodies at one end and to tumor cells antigens is critical for OV efficacy, the specific roles of at the other end. Bispecific engagers retargeted antibody-­ each component of the innate immunity in relevance to bound AdV to tumors, attracted activated NK cells and tumor therapy is often debated. This section discusses CD8+ T cells to tumors, and improved the survival of mice how the intracellular IFN pathway, NK cells and the with subcutaneous polysialic acid expressing tumors.45 antigen presentation pathway affect virotherapy.

4 Shin DH, et al. J Immunother Cancer 2021;9:e002086. doi:10.1136/jitc-2020-002086 Open access J Immunother Cancer: first published as 10.1136/jitc-2020-002086 on 1 April 2021. Downloaded from IFN pathway OV-­mediated tumor lysis. On the other hand, NK cells Many cancer cells have defects in the type I IFN pathway interfere with viral replication and may offset the effect of that make them more permissive to OV replication OVs. NK cell depletion nullified the expression of inflam- compared with noncancerous cells.50 Furthermore, matory genes responsible for rapid clearance of oncolytic IFN-α can antagonize OV by reducing replication and HSV, and improved the survival of mice with glioblastoma blocking virus-mediated­ apoptosis.53 Accordingly, treat- xenografts and syngeneic tumors.67 Furthermore, NK ment of cancer cells with inhibitors of the IFN response, natural cytotoxicity receptor knock-­out (Ncr1-/-) mice such as the IKK-2 inhibitor, TPCA-1 or the JAK1/2 inhib- exhibited better response to HSV therapy.67 In a similar itor, ruxolitinib, augmented the replication of respira- approach, OVs can be engineered to express transgenes tory syncytial, influenza, measles and mumps viruses.54 including E-­cadherin, which binds to NK inhibitory Ruxolitinib treatment, in conjunction with oncolytic receptor, or UL141 cytomegalovirus protein, which down- HSV significantly enhanced CD8+ T cell activation in the regulates the NK activation signal.68 69 These engineered tumor microenvironment and prolonged the survival of OVs suppressed NK activity and tumor infiltration, poten- mice with malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors.55 tiated viral spread, and prolonged the survival of animals A clinical trial at Mayo Clinic is currently testing the with glioblastoma or hepatocellular carcinoma. effect of combining oncolytic VSV expressing IFNβ The contradicting results highlight the NK cells’ with or without ruxolitinib for patients with stage IV or complex role in OV therapy that may depend on the recurrent endometrial cancer (NCT03120624). Due to treatment kinetics and the activation of specific subpop- neurotoxicity of VSV observed in some mice, IFNβ was ulations of NK cells. Suppression of NK cells during the incorporated into the viral genome to suppress viral repli- initial phase of virus replication, followed by activation of cation in non-­cancerous tissues. Ruxolitinib resensitized NK cells to elicit adaptive immune responses, can maxi- cancer cells that are resistant to VSV-­IFNβ.56 Numerous mize virotherapy’s efficacy.62 Thus, transient depletion of studies are testing the effects of other small molecules endogenous NK cells prior to oncolytic HSV treatment that converge on the IFN pathway as reviewed by Phan followed by exogenous NK cell injection post virus treat- et al.57 IFN-binding­ decoy receptors also augmented ment yielded the maximum efficacy in mice with patient-­ oncolysis, improved survival and decreased the number derived primary glioblastoma.70 of colorectal carcinoma metastases in mice treated with The recent development of chimeric antigen receptor oncolytic rhabdoviruses.58 While reports of enhanced engineered NK (CAR-NK)­ cells may offer a new opportu- virus efficacy on inhibition of the IFN function are prom- nity to unleash the full potential of NK-­mediated tumor ising, measures to ensure safety should be considered. clearance without compromising virus replication. NK For example, arming the Semliki Forest virus with the cell activity can be redirected from virus-infected­ cells VV-­encoded type I IFN decoy receptor B18R resulted in towards cancer cells by engineering the NK receptors. neurotoxicity in vivo due to uncontrolled viral replication In this regard, the combination of HSV with NK cells in healthy brains.59 Further investigation is required to expressing EGFR-­CAR significantly enhanced the thera- clarify which antagonists of the IFN pathway show the peutic efficacy compared with either monotherapy in a broadest therapeutic index. Chemical compounds also murine model of EGFR+ breast cancer brain metastasis.71 offer solutions to the inhibitory effect of the IFN pathway. Virotherapy enhances NK cell infiltration into tumors Vanadium compounds suppressed the antiviral type I and may aid the homing of CAR-­NK to tumors. IFN response while promoting the proinflammatory type

II IFN response, and enhanced the replication of RNA Antigen presentation pathway on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. viruses like VSV, measles and sindbis virus, increasing Antigen presentation can be modulated through inhibi- their antitumor effects.60 Dimethyl fumarate and related tion of the transporter associated with antigen processing fumaric acid esters also inhibited the type I IFN response (TAP). HSV-mediated­ expression of a TAP inhibiting and in combination with oncolytic VSV led to better protein, bovine herpesvirus UL49.5, reduced Major survival of tumor-­bearing mice.61 histocompatibility complex (MHC) expression on cell surfaces, diminished recognition of infected cells by NK cells immune cells, prolonged viral persistence and improved The role of NK cells during OV therapy seems to be survival of mice bearing subcutaneous bladder or breast highly context-­dependent.62 On the one hand, NK cells .72 reinforce OV therapy by exerting their cytotoxic effect on virus-­infected cancer cells. Consistently, enhancement of Section summary NK activity or trafficking through OV-induced­ transgenes The strategies described in this section address the or pharmacological treatments resulted in greater tumor complexity of the interactions between OVs and different regression.63–65 Depletion of NK cells or inhibition of NK components of the innate immunity. Despite some perforin activity during oncolytic HSV therapy reduced reports of unwanted toxicity during attempts to manipu- tumor lysis.66 NK depletion also abolished the antimel- late the IFN pathway, many proposed strategies, including anoma effect of an oncolytic Maraba virus treatment.65 small molecule inhibitors, resulted in improved efficacy These studies support the role of NK cells in augmenting without compromised safety. Furthermore, more studies

Shin DH, et al. J Immunother Cancer 2021;9:e002086. doi:10.1136/jitc-2020-002086 5 Open access J Immunother Cancer: first published as 10.1136/jitc-2020-002086 on 1 April 2021. Downloaded from are required to clarify whether contradictions in the liter- viral vectors for provide deep insights into ature are based on the contextual roles of NK cells or this crucial angle of virotherapy. This section discusses the timing of their activation during OV treatment. New three strategies: nanoparticle delivery of viral antigens, insights will be helpful in determining when the innate tolerogenic dendritic cells (DCs) and CAR T-­cells, as immunity should be manipulated in clinical trials. shown in figure 1.

Nanoparticle delivery of viral antigens METHODS TO SUBVERT T-CELL IMMUNODOMINANCE BY VIRAL Nanoparticles typically range between 10 and 100 nm ANTIGENS and can be used to deliver payloads such as cancer Preclinical and clinical evidence supports the critical role therapeutics, proteins, peptides, oligonucleotides and of T-cells­ in tumor regression after OV infection.11 OV imaging agents. An ideal nanocarrier should be safe, efficacy is suppressed in immunodeficient mice and upon non-­immunogenic, biocompatible, biodegradable, CD8+ T cell depletion.73 Furthermore, arming OVs with bypass rapid hepatic or renal clearance and should pref- T-­cell activators such as OX40L or GITRL magnifies their erentially target preferred tissues or tumors for maximal antitumor effects.74 75 Consistently, the combination of efficacy. Nanoparticles made of biodegradable nanoma- OVs and immune checkpoint inhibitors yield improved terials vary from natural or synthetic to polymers, carbon results compared with either monotherapy.11 76 77 While nanotubes, metal-­based and silica-based­ nanoparticles. many clinical trial results are pending, a phase 1b trial Each of the nanoparticle system has its own unique tissue testing (T-V­ ec) combined with distribution, cell uptake and toxicity based on their phys- the anti-PD-1­ antibody, pembrolizumab, showed favorable icochemical features, including charge, size, shape and changes in the tumor microenvironment, resulting in a hydrophobicity. 62% overall response rate and a 33% complete response Liposomal nanoparticles are a popular nanocarrier rate in metastatic melanoma.78 Results from a phase I/ system that have been extensively employed to enhance II clinical trial (NCT02798406) testing the combination the efficiency of drug delivery to tumors due to their high of our Delta-24-­RGD and anti-­PD1 antibody, pembroli- degree of biocompatibility during systemic administra- zumab, are encouraging with a 6-month­ overall survival of tion.82 Positively charged or cationic liposomes are highly 91% and 47% of the patients showing clinical benefits.79 effective in capturing negatively charged molecules Despite the undeniable contribution of T-cells­ for such as oligonucleotides, and negatively charged lipo- virotherapy, one overlooked aspect of virus-induced­ somes are rapidly cleared from circulation and captured antitumor immunity is the distinction between the viral by macrophages. Neutral nanoliposomes composed of antigen-­specific T-cells­ and the tumor antigen-specific­ dioleoyl phosphatidyl-choline­ provide robust delivery of T-­cells. Viruses are quickly eliminated by the immune the payload following systemic administration of peptides system after injection, and the tumor bulk that has not and oligonucleotides.83–85 The net surface charges (nega- been virus infected is slowly destroyed by the tumor-­ tive, positive or neutral) play important roles in their specific immune cells. Ultimately, T-­cells against tumor adjuvant activity when admixed with protein antigens. antigens are responsible for complete eradication and Systemic delivery of antigens using nanoparticles can long-­term protection from tumors. Many of the current closely mimic apoptotic bodies that are cleared to induce strategies indiscriminately boost T-­cells that target tumor immunological tolerance. During the natural process of and viral antigens. Still, evidence suggests that an over- apoptotic cell clearance, ‘eat-­me’ signals such as the local- whelming immune response against the highly immu- ization of phosphatidylserine (PS) on the cell surface on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. nogenic viral antigens may outcompete and suppress triggers the uptake of apoptotic cells by professional the subdominant tumor-­specific T-cell­ response due to phagocytes such as macrophages and immature DCs. immunodominance.80 Vaccination with tumor-associated­ Antigen presenting cells use multiple receptors, including antigens is a viable approach to boost anti-­tumor immu- members of Tyro-3, Axl, and MER (TAM) receptor nity that has been explored, for example, with oncolytic kinases, Stabilin-2, CD36 and CD68 to recognize the ‘eat Maraba virus.81 However, this approach requires a priori me’ signals. Phagocytosis of the apoptotic cells promotes knowledge of tumor antigens for each patient or cancer the release of anti-inflammator­ y signals and presenta- type. As such, strategies to restrict the anti-viral­ immune tion of autoantigens in a tolerogenic fashion by DCs. response will be critical to restore the balance of immune Membrane-­associated ligands on apoptotic cells interact responses and enhance the antitumor effect of OV with receptors on DCs to disrupt TLR signaling and block therapy. DC maturation.86 Other phagocytic pathways indepen- As noted, immune suppression during the initial dent of PS, including integrin-based­ systems or scavenger phases of OV infection may enhance viral replication receptors, also mediate apoptotic cell clearance.87 and support tumor clearance. However, a non-specific­ Studies indicate that uptake of liposomes by macro- immune suppression is not ideal because it prevents phages increased production of transforming growth the activation of tumor-specific­ T-­cells. Antigen-­specific factor-β,88 consistent with the cytokine profile of immu- immune tolerance has not been well explored in the nosuppressive M2 type of macrophages.89 Furthermore, context of OV therapy, but studies on autoimmunity and copresentation of antigen and ligands of B-cell­ sialic

6 Shin DH, et al. J Immunother Cancer 2021;9:e002086. doi:10.1136/jitc-2020-002086 Open access J Immunother Cancer: first published as 10.1136/jitc-2020-002086 on 1 April 2021. Downloaded from acid binding immunoglobulin-like­ lectins on a liposomal OVs can be engineered to facilitate CAR T-cell­ therapy. nanoparticle induced antigen-specific­ tolerance.90 Lipid For example, Ad5Δ24.RANTES.IL-15 secreted chemokine based liposomal nanoparticles expressing PS mimicked RANTES, also known as CCL5, that attracted GD2.CAR apoptotic bodies and induced antigen-specific­ immune T-cells­ to the tumor, and cytokine IL-15 that prolonged tolerance.91 Biodegradable polymers like poly(lactic-co-­ ­ the persistence of CAR T-cells.­ This resulted in increased glycolic acid) were recognized by scavenger receptors survival in a neuroblastoma mouse model compared with MARCO, resulting in uptake and presentation of anti- either monotherapy.100 gens to induce immune tolerance.92 To enhance the efficiency of tolerance induction, nanoparticles can be Section summary loaded with immunosuppressive molecules, such as IL-10 Strategies aiming to make T-­cells strong allies of the OVs or 2-(1′H-­indole-3′-carbonyl)-­thiazole-4-­carboxylic acid have the potential to produce a vertical impact in the methyl ester (ITE).93 94 In the context of virus-­specific viroimmunotherapy field. The combination of T-vec­ with immune tolerance, synthetic particles encapsulating immune checkpoint inhibitors improved the results of rapamycin synthetic particles carrying rapamycin T-­vec in metastatic cancers of melanoma. However, in most (SVP-­Rapa) when coadministered with adeno-­associated viroimmnotherapy trials, the anti-viral­ CD8+ T cell immune virus vectors prevented the induction of anticapsid response probably interferes with the development of a humoral and cell-­mediated responses, caused toler- robust antitumor immune response. To avoid this inter- ance, enhanced transgene transduction and allowed for ference, and in an attempt to shift the antigen immuno- repeated vector administration.95 dominance from viruses to tumor antigens, investigators should explore methods to generate immune tolerance to Tolerogenic DCs virus epitopes. Additionally, DCs can be targeted directly As described previously, antigen presenting cells play a to acquire the necessary tolerance to virus antigens. In a central role in inducing immunological tolerance. Tolero- different approach, genetically engineered T-cells­ can be genic DCs can be generated through various methods inde- combined with the administration of the virus. In this case, pendently of nanoparticles and can suppress T-cells­ through the viral infection may generate a chemotactic tumor envi- different mechanisms. A direct method to induce antigen-­ ronment to attract CAR T-cells­ to the tumor. Furthermore, specific tolerance involves extracting DCs with tolerogenic viruses expressing cancer antigens can be combined with properties and exposing them to antigens of interest ex CAR T-­cells targeted to those antigens to decrease off-­target vivo, followed by their reinfusion. Immunosuppressive effects and facilitate the migration of the ectopic T-cell­ corticosteroids combined with DC maturation cytokines population to the tumor. TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-6 and PGE2 generated tolerogenic DCs in vitro.96 Tolerogenic DCs were also generated through internalization of immunoglobulin-coated­ AdV leading to CONCLUSIONS pyroptosis and secretion of cytokines that promoted the The paradigm-­shifting discovery of oncolytic virotherapy semimaturation of bystander DCs.97 Incomplete matura- as a particularly effective form of immunotherapy has tion of DCs induced immune-­suppressive regulatory T-cells­ prompted a series of new concepts and theories that should and increased viral persistence.97 Interestingly, vaccination improve cancer virotherapy. A plethora of new strategies will during the early stages of immune development can also potentially augment the oncolytic and anti-­tumor effects induce tolerance through tolerogenic DCs. Subcutaneous by modulating the host immune response. Approaches to injection of VSV in newborn mice could show, for the shield viruses from humoral immunity include protective on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. first time, that OV-specific­ tolerance was induced, which coating, cell vehicles and genetic modifications of the virus. resulted in improved viral persistence and enhanced OV We should remember that suppressing the innate immunity efficacy.98 Despite the intrinsic limitations of this neonatal may result in a double-edged­ effect, as in the case of NK approach for human application, development of tolero- cells. In the modulation of the T-­cell mediated immunity, genic vaccines against common OV antigens using immu- it might be essential to facilitate the immune tolerance of nosuppressants is an interesting possibility. Overall, the use virus antigens that can be achieved by systemic delivery of of tolerogenic DCs is interesting from a therapeutic perspec- dominant antigens of the OV, infusing tolerogenic DCs and tive because it would bypass the need for a non-­specific and combining viruses with antitumor CAR T-cells.­ potentially dangerous that would have In conclusion, strategies designed to redirect the immune a deleterious effect on OV therapy. system from the virus to the tumor may be of great relevance to improve the prognosis of patients treated with OVs. Any CAR T-cells attempt should be made to generate an alliance between Combination therapy involving OVs and tumor-specific­ CAR the therapeutic virus and the host’s immune system to work T-­cells is another strategy to redirect the immune response together against the tumor. This new knowledge should towards tumor antigens. OV infection should generate propel new modalities of immunotherapy and virotherapy conductive conditions to attract ectopic T-cells­ to the tumor of primary and metastatic solid tumors. Now, more than through secretion of cytokines, overcome immunosup- ever, the pace of advance in these exciting scientific fields pression, and have a global immune effect.99 Furthermore, is accelerating.

Shin DH, et al. J Immunother Cancer 2021;9:e002086. doi:10.1136/jitc-2020-002086 7 Open access J Immunother Cancer: first published as 10.1136/jitc-2020-002086 on 1 April 2021. Downloaded from Twitter Marta Alonso @pumorister 18 Wang Y, Huang H, Zou H, et al. Liposome encapsulation of M1 to reduce immunogenicity and immune Contributors DHS and JF contributed to the conception; DHS researched literature; clearance in vivo. Mol Pharm 2019;16:779–85. all authors contributed to the writing, editing and review of the manuscript. 19 Lv P, Liu X, Chen X, et al. Genetically engineered cell membrane Funding This work was supported in part by NIH/NCI grants P50 CA127001, F31 Nanovesicles for delivery: a versatile platform CA228207, and R01 CA256006; the Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of for cancer virotherapy. Nano Lett 2019;19:2993–3001. 20 Nosaki K, Hamada K, Takashima Y, et al. 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10 Shin DH, et al. J Immunother Cancer 2021;9:e002086. doi:10.1136/jitc-2020-002086