deposited for public inspection with the clerk of into the several parishes, townships, townlands* the peace for the county of Radnor, at his office at and extra parochial and other places following* Presteigne, in the said county; with the clerk of or some of them (that is to say) ; city of Wor- the peace for the county of Hereford, at his office cester, borough of Worcester, Saint SwithtB, at Hereford, in the said county,- with the clerk of otherwise Saint Swithin's, Saint Nicholas^ Pitch- the peace of the borough of New Radnor, at his croft; All Saints, Saint Alban, otherwise Saint office in New Radnor in the said county; with the Alban's, Saint Helen, The Blockhouse, other- clerk of the peace for the city of Hereford, at his wise the Blockhouse Fields, Saint Paul, otherwise office at Hereford ; with the clerk of the peace for Saint Paul's, Saint Andrew, Saint Michael, Saint the county of Cardigan, at his office at Aberystwith, Michael Bedwardine, Whistones, otherwise Whit- in the said county; and with the clerk of the peace stones, College Precincts, Saint Martin, other- for the county of Montgomery, at his office at wise Saint Martin's, Saint Peter, otherwise Saint Welchpool, in the said county, on or before the Peter's, otherwise Saint Peter the Great, Claines, 30th day of November, 1845; and on or before Tything of Whistones, Saint Oswald, Saint the 31st day of December next, a copy of so George, otherwise Saint George's, Saint Clement, much of the said plans and sections as relates to otherwise Saint Clement's, Saint John, otherwise each parish, in or through which the said railway Saint John's, otherwise Saint John in Bedwardine, and works are intended to be made, together with a township of Saint John in Bedwardine, otherwise book of reference thereto, will be deposited with Saint John, otherwise Saint John's, Wick Epis- the parish clerk of each such parish at his place of copi, Oldbury Tything, Upper Wick, Lower abode. Wick, the bed and shores of the River Severn, or some of them, in the city of Worcester and Dated this 5th day of November 1845. county of the same city, and in the county of Worcester, or one of them ; Cotheridge, Hexvson, Baxter, Rose, and Norton, ~\ Otherton, Povvick, Woodsfield, Hallow, Grimley, 3, Park Street, Westminster, I & j- •, Pitchcroft, Claines, Saint Clement, Saint John in d&m, > Solution. Bedwardine, otherwise Saint John, township of Kington, -' Saint John in Bedwardine, otherwise Saint John, Oldbury, Wick Episcopi, Broadheath, Broadmore Green, outbounds of Saint John in Bedwardine, otherwise Saint John, Upper Wick, Lower Wick, Welch Midland Railway Bill. parish of Leigh; hamlet of Leigh, Cleveland, Bransford, Brockamin, Upper Howsell, Lower OTICE is hereby given, that application is Howsell, Hill End, Leigh Sinton, Link End',. N intended to be made to Parliament in the Sandlin, otherwise Sanlin, Sherridge, Bransford', next Session, for leave to bring in a Bill or Bills Braces Leigh, otherwise Leigh Braces, Newlandy for making and maintaining a railway or railways Great Malvern, Madresfield, otherwise Maddres- from Worcester and Leominster to Carmarthen field, Cleaveload, Hanley Castle, Upper Hanley, and Swansea, with all proper and convenient sta- Lower Hanley, Hanley, Malvern Wells, Saint tions, erections, bridges, wharfs, warehouses, Peter's in Hanley Castle, Little Malvern, Cleve- works, communications, roads, approaches, and load, otherwise Clevelode, Saint Mary's Barnard's- conveniences connected therewith, to commence Green, or some of them, in the county of Worces- in a field of or in the occupation of William Las- ter, Mathon, Evesbatch, in the counties of Here- lett, on the west of and near to the Worcester ford and Worcester, or one of them ; Col waif, and Birmingham Canal, in the parish of Claines, Bosbury, Bosbury, division of Catley, Upleadon, in the city of Worcester, and at or near Worces- otherwise Upland, Ledbury, Wellington, Three ter Bridge, on the western side of the River extra-parochial Pasture Fields and Drain, Park- Severn, in the parish of Saint Clements, in the hold, Coddington, Wellington, Wallhalls, Led- borough and county of the city of Worcester, or bury Borough, Leadon and Haffield, Mitchell" one of them, and also at or near the northern and Netherton, Eastnor, Donnington, Stoke. boundary of the borough of Leominster, in the Edith, West Hide, Weston Beggard, otherwise- parish of Leominster, near a place called the Weston Bagard, Yarkhill, Dormington, Bartestre Broad, in the county of Hereford, and to termi- Monkhide, Tarrington. Little Tarrington, Stret- nate at or near a field of Edward Morris, occupied ton Grandison^ otherwise Stretton Grandisome, by George Goode, in the parish of Saint Peter's, Eagleton, otherwise Egleton, otherwise Eggleton, in the borough of Carmarthen, in the county of Canon Froome, otherwise Canon Frome, Ashper- Carmarthen, and also at or near Rhydygors, upon ton, Pixley, Munsley, Bosbury, Bosbury and Up- the River Towy, in the parish of Llangynnoor, in leadon, Upleadon, Castle Froome, otherwise Cas- the county of Carmarthen, by junctions with the tle Frome, Bishop's Froome, otherwise Bishop's intended South Railway, or by independent Frome, Eagleton, otherwise Egleton, otherwise •termini, and also at or near the Oyster perches, Eggleton, Ullingswick, Much Cowarne, Westhide». jn the parish of Oystermouth, near to the borough Felton, Ocle Pyechard, otherwise Ocle Pilchard, •of Swansea, in the county of ; which Liver's Ocle, Sutton Saint Nicholas, Sutton Saint. «said railway and works, from Worcester to Kin- Michael, Marden, Venn and Vern; Vauld, Fromar-' jiersley, where the same will join the line froia ton, otherwise Fromanton, Sutton Freen, Amber- Xeominster, and be thence continued to Carmar-, ley, Wijtteston, otherwise Wisterstone, Moreton- ihen and Swansea, will pass from, in, through, or I on-L.U£ ciherwise Moreton- upon-Lugg, Pipe and 6056

Lyde, Bullingham, Dinedor, Withington, Preston lyllyn, Llanywern, Llechfaen, otherwise Llech- Wynne, Mordiford, Lugwardine, Bartestre, or vane, Llanhamlach, Llanfrynach, Upper Llan- some of them in the county of Hereford; Hamp- frynach, Lower Llanfrynach, Saint John the ton Bishop, Tupsley, Vineyard, Bullingham, Lower Evangelist, Saint Marys, Cantref, otherwise Can. Bullingham, Shelwick, Huntingdon, Holmer, treff, Nantddu, Christ's College, Castle, Llanfaes, Breinton, Upper Breinton, Lower Breinton, War- otherwise Saint David's, Saint David's Upper, ham, otherwise Wareham, in the city and county Saint David's Lower, otherwise Llanfaes, Llan- of the city of Hereford, and in the county of devally, otherwise Llandefalle North, Llandevalley, Hereford, or one of them ; Saint Peter, Saint otherwise Llandeyfalle South, Llanfillo, otherwise Owen, Saint John the Baptist, Saint Nicholas, All Llanvillo, Talachddu, Llanddew, otherwise Llan- Saints, Saint Martin, Bullingham, Lower Bulling- thew, Llandefailog otherwise Llandefailogfach, ham, Grafton, in the city of Hereford, or within Brecknock Castle, District of Brecknock Castle, the liberties thereof, and within the county of Saint John the Evangelist, Saint John Brecon, Hereford, some or one of them; Pipe and Lyde, Saint Marys, Fennifach, otherwise Vennyvach, Tillington, Burghill, Stretton Sugwas, Credenhill, Battle, Aberyskir, otherwise Aberyscir, Llan- Eaton Bishop, Madley, Kenchester, Bishopstone spyddyd, otherwise Llanspythid, Llanspyddyd, or Bishopston, Bridge Sellers, otherwise Bridge otherwise Llanspythid, Modrydd, Penpont, other- Sqllars, Byford, Mansel Gamage, otherwise Man- wise Capel Bethos, Trallwng, otherwise Trallong, sell Gamage, Brinsop, Mansell Lacy, otherwise Capel Rhyd-y-brew, Devynock, otherwise Defyn- Mansel Lacy, Yazor, Wormsley, otherwise nock, Maescar, Devynock, otherwise Defynnock, Wormesley, Hurstley, Letton, Upper Letton, Senny Llywell, Sclydach, otherwise Ysclydach, Lower Letton, Sarnesfield, Norton Canon, Kin- Devynock, otherwise Defynnock, Cray, Llywell, nersley, Newchurch, Newchurch Hopley's Green, Trayanglaes, Llywell, Trayanmawr, Llywell, Try- and Logaston, Staunton-on-Wye, Weobley, We- anmawr, Trecastle, Trecastle Ward, borough of obley Borough, or some or one of them, in the Brecon, Llywell, Trainglase, otherwise Traianglas, county of Hereford. Truanmawr, otherwise Traianmawr, or some of them, in the county of Brecknock, otherwise And which said railway and works from Leo- Brecon; Mothvey, otherwise Myddfai, Upper minster by Kinnersley, where the same will join Mothvey, otherwise Upper Myddfai, Llanfair ar y the line from Worcester and onwards to Car- bryn, Rhandirissa, otherwise Rhandir Isaf, Cily- marthen, will pass from, in, through, or into the cwm, Lower Cilycwm, Rhandirissa, Lower Moth- several parishes, townships, townlands, and extra- vey, or Lower Myddfai, Llandingat, Ystrad, parochial and other places following, or some of Telych, borough of Llandoveryj Llandingat, them (that is to say), Borough of Leominster, Ystrad, Cilycwm, Lower Cilycwm, Llanwrda, Leominster, otherwise Leominster out Parish, Lower Llanwrda, Mothvey, otherwise Mothfay, Newtown Stagbatch and Cholstrey, Eaton, Hen- otherwise Myddfai, Lower Mothvey, otherwise nor, otherwise Henner and Stretford, Ivington, Mothfay, otherwise Myddfai, Llansadwrn, Upper Broadward, and Brierley, Upper Hide, otherwise Llansadwrn, Lower Llansadwrn, Above-Sauthe, Upper Hide, Hyde Hills, and Wintercott, other- otherwise Sawdde, Pentrecynydd, Llangadock, wise Hide Hills and Wintercot, Wharton, Kira- Esgob-Hall, Quarter-Hall, Velindre, otherwise bolton, Stockton, Kingsland, Longford, Monk- Felindre, Dyffrynceidrich, otherwise Dyffryn land, Stretford, Eardisland, Burton, Hardwick, Cidrich, Vabon, Llandilofawr, otherwise Llan- Birley, Dilwyn, Church Dilwyn, Sellers Dilwyn, deilo-Vawr, Upper Manordilo, otherwise Upper otherwise Sollars Dilwyn, Little Dilwyn, Fawley, Manordeilo, Lower Manordilo, otherwise Lower Haven, otherwise Haven with the Headlands, Manordeilo, Cefentiresgob, and Rhoseraane, other- Luntley, Homme Dewall and Luntley, Newton wise Rhosyraaen, otherwise Tyrescob and Rhos- otherwise Newtown, Newton and Hurst, Weobley mane, Manorfabon, Llandilo Villa, Llandilo Borough, Weobley, Norton Canon, Sarnesfield, Liberty, Llandilo township, Tregib, Trecastle, Kinnersley, Letton, Upper Letton, Lower Letton, Pentrecwm, Llandeveyson, otherwise Llande- Hurstley, Almeley otherwise Almely, Newchurch feisant, otherwise Llandyfeisant, Llangathen, Hopleys Green, and Logaston, Newchurch Ear- Brynhafod, otherwise Brynhavod, otherwise Berth-- disley, Willersley, Winforton, Brilley, Whitney Iwyd and Brynhafod Llan, Blaenynis, Llan- and Whitney Bridge, Clifford, Clifford, Hardwick, Blaenynis and Cwraysgifarnog, Alltygar, Drys- Vowmine, Cusop, or some of them, in the county Iwyn, Llanfihangel-Aberbythich, otherwise Llan- of Hereford; Clyrow, otherwise Clyro, Clirow, fihangel-Aberbythych, Llan, Glynn, Llan, Berrach, otherwise Clyro Bettws, otherwise Bettws Clirow, Kilgernant, otherwise Cilygernant, Llanarthney, or Bettws Clyro, or Bettws Clyrow, Llowes, Trechgwynnon, otherwise Trechgwynnon and Boughrood, Glasbury, some or one of them, in Miawst, Treclase, otherwise Treclas, and Mydd- the county of Radnor ; Hay, Llanigon, Glasbury, fey, Llanegwad, Hernin, Llanegwad, Ernyn, Pipton, otherwise Glasbury, Aberllunfi, other- otherwise Hernin, Egwad Monachty, Llanfihangel, wise Aberllunvey, otherwise Aberllynfi, Bronllys, Abergwilly, otherwise Abergwili, Glantowy, other- otherwise Broynllys, otherwise Broynllis, Tal- wise Glantawy, Veney, Cricklas, Ystyngwilly, garth, Forest, Grwyne Fawr, Grwynefechan, Pwll- Llanarthney, Treclas, Mihathan, otherwise My- y-wrach, Talgarth, Trefecca, otherwise Trefecka, hathan,Llangunnor, otherwise Llangwnnor, other- Llandefailog trergraig, otherwise Llandevailog wise Llangynnor, Coedgain, Penycwm and Pend- trer-graig, Llangorse, Upper Llangorse, Lower doylwn, otherwise Pencwm and Penddailwyn, Llangorse, Llangasty Talyllyn, Llanfihangel Tai- Llandre and Velindre, otherwise Llandre and 605?

Velyndre, Castle Green and Mount Llannewydd, or Upper, Llangafelach, otherwise Llangefelaeh, otherwise Newchurch, or some of them, in the Llanguick, otherwise Llanciwg, Rhyndwy Clydach county of Carmarthen; St. Peter's and Castle Higher or Upper, Rhyndwy Clydach Lower, Green, or some or one of them, in the county oi Blaenegel, Caegurwain, otherwise Caegerwin, the borough of Carmarthen. Mawr, some or one of them, in the county of Glamorgan; Bettws, Higher or Upper Bettws, And which said line to Swansea, in continua- Llandilofawr, some or one of them, in the county tion of the said line from Worcester and Leo- of Caermarthen, otherwise Carmarthen. minster, will commence out of the same line in an arable field at or near Pantyscallwg, in the Also to make and maintain from and out of the hamlet of Cray, in the parish of Devynock, in the said hereinbefore described intended railway to county of Brecknock, otherwise Brecon ; and ter- Swansea a branch railway and works, to com- minate at or near the Oyster Perches, in the mence at or near a place called Ynys-geinon, in parish of Oystermouth, near to the borough of the parish of Killybebyl, in the county of Gla- Swansea, in the county of Glamorgan; which morgan, and after passing the terminus of the said last-mentioned railway and works, will pass Wanncaegerwin branch of the Llanelly Railway, from, in, through, ov into the several parishes, and forming'a junction with the same railway, townships, and extra-parochial and other places to proceed to and to terminate at or near Pwlly- following, or some of them (that is to say), Devy- wrach, in the parish of Llanguick, in the county nock, otherwise Defynock, Glyntawe, otherwise of Glamorgan, which said branch railway and Blaenglyntawe, Llywel, Trayanglas, otherwise works will be made in or pass from, through, or Traianglas, Cray, Llannlyd, Capel Llannlyd, Cell- into the several parishes, townships, extra-paro- wen, Capel Cellwen, Glyntawe, otherwise Call- chial and other places following, or some of them wen, Devynnock, otherwise Defynnock, Glyn- (that is to say), Killybebyl, Llanguick, Alltgreeg, helen, Coelbren, Cribarth, Ellen, otherwise Helen, otherwise Alltygreig, otherwise Alltgrug, other- Llech, otherwise Cwm Llech, Helen and Llech, wise Allt-y-Grig, Caegurwain, otherwise Caeger- Garth, Pallegj Penrhos, otherwise Penyrhose, win, all in the county of Glamorgan ; Bettws in Gurnos, Ystradgunlais, otherwise Ystradgynlais, the county of Carmarthen. Ystradgynlais Higher, Ystradgynlais Lower, Hen Noyadd, or some of them, in the county of Also to make and maintain from and out of the Brecknock, otherwise Brecon ; Cil-y-bebill, other- said hereinbefore described intended railway to wise Killibebill, Cil-y-bebill, Higher or Upper, Swansea, a railway with all proper approaches Cil-y-bebill Lower, Llanguick, otherwise Llan- and conveniences and other works, to commence ciwg, Alltgrug, otherwise Alltgreeg, otherwise at or near to Abercave Farm, in the parish of Allt-y-grig, otherwise Alltygreig, Mawr, Cadox- Ystradgunlais, in the county of Brecon, and to ton, otherwise Cadoxton-juxta-Neath, Dylais, terminate at or near to Tyrllandwr Farm, in the Dylais Higher or Upper, Dyffryn-Clydach, Ynisy- harbour of Swansea, in the hamlet of Saint raond, Cadoxton, Llangefelach, Mawr, Mawr Thomas, in the parish of Swansea, in the county Lower, Rhyndwy-Clydach, Rhyndwy-Clydach of Glamorgan. * Lower,Clase, Clase Higher or Upper, Clase Lower, Penderry, Penderry Lower, Morriston, Trewydd- And also a side branch railway, to commence fa otherwise Trwyddfa, Lansamlet, Lansamlet from the last-named railway, at or near to a place Higher or Upper, Lansamlet Lower, Saint John's called Pvvll-mawr, in the parish of Lansamlet, in juxta Swansea, otherwise Saint John's near Swan- the county of Glamorgan aforesaid, and to ter- sea, Borough of Swansea, Swansea, Saint Thomas, minate at or near to the Old Rolling Mill, on the Town and Franchise of Swansea, Town of Swan- Lower Forest Farm, in the said parish of Lan- sea, Franchise of the Town of Swansea, Franchise samlet. of Swansea, Swansea Higher or Upper, Swansea Lower, Oystermouth, Mumbles and Mumbles And also another side branch railway, diverging Head, or some of them, in the county of Gla- "rom the same railway, at or near to Ynisygeinon morgan. "arm, in the parish of'Killybebill, in the said county of Glamorgan, passing near to a certain place or Also to make and maintain from and out of the works called Ystalyfera,, in the parish of Llan- said last-mentioned proposed line of railway, a juicke, in the said county of Glamorgan, and to branch railway and works, to commence at or :erminate at or near to the Cwmtwrch Railway Ynis-y-mond, in the parish of Cadoxton, other- Wharf, on the north side of the Swansea Canal, wise Cadoxton juxta Neath, or Llansamlet, or one n the parish of Ystradgunlais, in the said county of them, in the county of Glamorgan, proceeding of Brecon. across the Swansea Canal, at or near Grigynis- derw, and terminating at or near Ynistomlyd And also another side branch railway, diverging Farm, in the parish of Bettws, in the county of rom the same railway, at or near to the junction Carmarthen, which said branch railway and works of the rivers Twrch and Tawe, in the said several will pass from, in, through, or into the several parishes of Ystradgunlais, Llanguicke, and Killy- parishes, townships, and extra-parochial and )ebill, in the said several counties of Brecon and other places following, or some of them (that is Glamorgan, or one of them, and to terminate at to say), Cadoxton, otherwise Cadoxton juxta or near to the Cwmtwrch Railway Wharf, on Neath, Ynisyrnond, Lansamlet, Lansamlet Higher the north side of the Swansea Canal, in the said 6058 parish of Ystradgunlais, in the said county of Ford Chapelry, Ford Bridge, Croft, Newton, Brecon. otherwise Newton and Broadfield, Hope under Dinmore, Dinmore, Dinmore Chapelry, Hope And also another side branch railway, diverging Hampton and Winsley, Bodenham, Bodenham, from the same railway, at or near to Ynisyci Farm, Bowley, The Moor, Maurid Bryan, Whitchurch in the said parish of Killybebill, in the said county Maund, otherwise Whitechurch Maund, Marden, of Glamorgan, and to terminate at or near to Wisterston, otherwise Wisteston, Marden, Wis- Yniscedwyn Iron Works, in the parish of Ystrad- teston Chapelry, Venn and Vern, otherwise The gunlais, in the said county of Brecon. Ven and Vern, The Vould, otherwise Vauld, Fromanton, otherwise Fromarton, Sutton Freen, Which said railway and side branch railways, or Amberley, three extra-parochial pasture fields some of them, are intended to be made in and and drain, Wellington, Felton, Pipe and Lyde, pass from, through, or into, the several parishes, Moreton-on-Lug, otherwise Moreton-upon-Lugg, townships, franchises, hamlets, and extra-parochial Sutton Saint Nicholas, Sutton Saint Michael, or other places following, or some of them (that Lyde Priors, Pipe and Lyde, Lugwardine, Tupsley is to say):—Ystradgunlais, Ystradgunlais Higher, Lugwardine, Hampton Bishop, or some of them, Tstradgunlais Lower, Gurnos, Palleg, Penros, in the county of Hereford ; Holmer, Huntington, Garth, and Cribath, in the county of Brecon • Shelwick, Preston Wynne, Wittington, Livers And Killybebill, Cadoxton-juxta-Neath, Ynisy- Ocle, Ocle Pyechard, otherwise Ocle Pychard, niond, Lansamlet, Lansamlet Higher, Lansamlet otherwise Ocle Pilchard, Withington, Felton, Lower, Saint Thomas in Swansea, Llanguicke, Withington Bullingham,Lower Bullingham,Brein- Alltygreeg, BJaenegal, Caegurvven, and Mawr, in ton, Upper Breinton, Lower Breinton, Warham the county of Glamorgan. otherwise Wareham, all in the county of Hereford and in the city of Hereford, or one of them ; Saint Also to make and maintain from and out of the Peters, Saint Owen, Saint John the Baptist, Saint hereinbefore-described line of railway to Swansea Nicholas, Allsaints, Saint Martin, Breinton, Upper a branch or extension railway, to commence at or Breinton, Lower Breinton, Wareham, otherwise near the Oyster Perches, in the parish of Oyster- Warham, Grafton, Lower Bullingham, Bulling- tnouth, in the county of Glamorgan, and to termi- ham, or some of them, in the city of Hereford, nate at or -near the Mumbles Head, in the said and in the county of the city of Hereford. parish of Oystermouth and county of Glamorgan. Also to make and maintain from and out of the And it is intended to apply for powers to con- said proposed line of railway from Worcester and struct a pier or breakwater into the sea at the Leominster to Carmarthen, a branch railway and Mumbles Head aforesaid, together with all neces- works, to commence at or near Coldbrook, or .sary landing-places, stairs, quays, and approachas Pontithil, in the parish of Broynllis, in the county thereto, all in the said parish of Oystermouth and of Brecknock ; and at or near Wern, in the parish county of Glamorgan, and to levy tolls and dues of Llanfihangel Talyllyn, in the county of Breck- for the support, reparation, and maintainance of nock, or one of them, and terminating at or near the said pier or breakwater, and for other pur- the several undermentioned places, that is to say, poses, and to confer, vary, or extinguish exemp- at or near Rurnney works, in the parish of Rum- tions from payment of tolls and dues, and other ney, in the county of Monmouth ; at or near rights and privileges. Sirhowy, in the parish of Bedwellty, in the county of Monmouth • at or near Brynmawr, or Also to make and maintain from and out of the Nant-y-glo, in the parish of Aberystwith, other- said proposed line of railway from Leominster to wise Aberistrwyth, otherwise Blaenau Gwent, in Carmarthen, a branch railway and works to com- the county of Monmouth; and at or near the mence at or near the before described northern Blaenavon tram road, near Llanfoist church, in boundary of the borough of Leominster, in the the parish of Llanfoist, in the county of Mon- parish of Leominster aforesaid, and to terminate mouth, or some or one of them; which said branch at or near a timber yard, on the north side of, or railway and works will pass from, in, through, or at or near to, the basin of the Herefordshire and into the several parishes, townships, and extra-pa- Gloucestershire Canal, in the several parishes of rochial and other places following, or some of them Saint Peters, and All Saints, or one of them, in (that is to say), Bronllys, otherwise Broynllys, -the city of Hereford, which said branch railway otherwise Broynllis, Talgarth, Forest, Grwyne- and works will pass from, in, through, or into the fawr, Gnvynefechan, Pwll-y-wrach, Talgarth, •several parishes, townlands, townships, and extra- Trefecca, Llandefailogtregraig, Llangorse Lower, parochial and other places following, or some of Llangorse Upper, Llangorse, Llangasty Talylyn, them (that is to say): Borough of Leominster, Llanfihangel Taly-lyn, Llany-wern, Llanhamlach, Leominster otherwise Leominster out-parish, Llechfaen, otherwise Llechvane, Llandetty, other- Newtown Stagbatch, and Choistrey, Ivington, wise Llanthetty, Vro, Duffrin, otherwise Dyffryn. Eaton, Hennor otherwise Henner and Stratford, Llangunider, otherwise Llangynider, otherwise Broadward and Brierley, Upper Hyde, otherwise Llangynidr, Duffrin, otherwise Dyffrin, Duffrin Upper Hide, Hyde Hills and Wintercott, other- Blainey, Blainey, otherwise Blainau, Llanelly, wise Hide Hills and Winteicot, Wharton, Kim- Parcel of Maesgwartha, Parcel of Aber-baidan, bolton, Stockton, Stoke, otherwise Stoke Prior, otherwise Aberbidan, Llangattock, Parcel of Wickton and Risbury, Ford, Hamlet of Ford, Prisk, Killey, Prisk and Killey, Penallt, all or 6059

some of them in the county of Brecknock ; Mer- than, otherwise Treffdwn, Llanhilleth, otherwise ther Tydfil, Garth, Heolwormwood, Rumney, Llanhileth, otherwise Llanhiddei, Myheddmain:, . Sirhowy, Tredegar, Nantyglo, , Garth otherwise Mynyddmaen, Penmaen, otherwise :gynid, otherwise Garth gynyd, Brithdir, Cefn, Penmain,ClawrPhvyf,IshIawrcoed, , Ysgwyddgwyn, , all or some of them in otherwise Mynyddyslwyn, Bedwellty, otherwise the county of Glamorgan ; Bedwellty, otherwise Bedwelty, , Upper Bedwas, all or some of Bedwelty, Rumney, Sirhowy, Tredegar, Nantyglo, them, in the county of Monmouth ; Glanrumney, Uchlawrcoed, otherwise Ushlawrcoed, Mammole, Garth, Llanvabon, otherwise Llanfabon, Cefn, otherwise Mamhole otherwise Mammoele, Ish- Eglwysilian, otheswise Eglwys Jlan, Glyntaff, Ener lawrcoed, Aberystruth, otherwise Aberystwith, Glynn, Hendredenny, Park, Rhy-y-Bithan, Gelli- otherwise Aberistwyth, otherwise Blaenau Gwent, gare, otherwise Gelli-gaer, Glyn Cynon, otherwise Aberystruth, Aberystwith Ultra,AberystvvithCitra, Glyn Cunnon, Llanwonno, otherwise Llanwynno, -all or some of them, in the county of Monmouth. Forest,Havoddryinog, Llanwonno, otherwise Llan- \vynno, Glyn Cynon, otherwise Glyn Cunnon, Mer- Also to make and maintain from and out of the thyr Tydnl, Gellydeg, otherwise Gelli-deg, Taff said line of railway from Worcester and Leominster and Cynon, Forest, , Aberdare, Cwirt- to Carmarthen a branch railway and works, com- dare, Llwydcoed, Fforchammon, otherwise Fforch- mencing at or near Alexanderstone, in the parish aman, Cefn Pennar, all or some of them, in the of Saint John the Evangelist, near to Brecon, in county of Glamorgan. the county of Brecknock, otherwise Brecon, and at or near a place called Talybont, in the parish And also to make and maintain from and out of Llandetty, otherwise Llanthetty, in the county of the said proposed line of railway from Wor- of Brecknock, or one of them, and proceeding by. cester and Leominster to Carmarthen a branch way of Abergavenny and Pontypool and termi- railway and works to commence at the River nating at or near a place called Quaker's Yard, in Towy, between the hamlets, of Pentrecwm and. the parish of and Llanfabon, or Llandilo Villa, in the parish of.Llan.dilo Vawr, in. one of them, in the county of Glamorgan, by a the liberty or lordship of Kidwelly, in the county junction with the there, which of Carmarthen, and in a pasture-field belonging to said branch railway and works will pass from, in, John Frederick Earl of Cawdor, and now in the through, or into the several parishes, townships, occupation of David Edwards, in the hamlet of and extra-parochial and other places following, or Llan, in the parish of Llanfihangel Aberbythych, some of them (that is to say), Borough of Brecon, in the county of Carmarthen, and to terminate at Saint John the Evangelist, Saint John the Evan- or near Hirwaiti Urgan, in the parish of Aberdare, gelist Upper, Saint John the Evangelist Lower, in the borough ot' Merthyr, in the county of Chapelry of Saint Mary, Saint David's, Saint Glamorgan, or at or near Werh or Abercaned, in David's Upper, Saint David's Lower, otherwise the parish of Merthyr Tydfil aforesaid, which said Llanfaes, Llanhamlach, Llanhamlach Upper, Llan- branch railway and works will pass in, through, or hamlach Lower, Llechfaen, otherwise Llechvane, into the several parishes, townships, and extra- Uanthew, otherwise Llanddew, Llanthew other- parochial and other places following, or some of wise Llanddew Upper, Llanthew otherwise Llan- them (that is to say) : Cilygernant, Llan, Glynn, ddew Lower, Llanfrynach, Llanfigan, otherwise Cathilas, Cathargoed, Bryngwyne, Borrach, Calli- Jjlanvigan Lower, Penkelly, otherwise Pencelle, ver, Llanfihangel Aberbythich, otherwise Llanfi- Llanfigan, otherwise Llanvigan Upper, Glyn- hangel Aberbythych, Manorfabon, Bryn-y-Beirdd, collwng, otherwise Glynn Collwn, Cantref, other- Glynamman, otherwise Glynman, Tregib, Tre- wise Cantreff, Llansaintfraed, Cathedine, Saint castle, otherwise Trefcastle, Pentrefcwm, other- Michael Cwm-du, otherwise Llanfihangel Cwm-du, wise Pentrecwm, Llandilofawr, otherwise Llan- Tretovver, Blayney, otherwise Blaenau, Cenol, deilo-Fawr, Feremfawr,Glyntay and Blayne, Glyn.~ otherwise Kenol, Cilwych, otherwise Kilwych, taie, otherwise Glyntay, Garn and Feremfawr, Tyr Llanddetty, otherwise Llanthetty, Dyffvyn, other- Rosser, Garn, Piodau, otherwise Piode, Derwidd wise Dyffryn Crawnant, Vro, Llyangyuider, other- and Pistill, Pistyll, otherwise Pistill, Derwydd, wise Llangynidr, otherwise Llangunidr, Blaine, otherwise Derwidd,Llandebieotherwise Llandybie, otherwise Blainau, otherwise Blainey, Vro, Dyff- Bettws Upper, Bettws Lower, Bettws, Cwmanir- ryn, otherwise Duffryn, Crickhowel, Llangattock, man, Llangadock, Vabon, Velindre, Dyffrun Ci- otherwise Llangattoc, Penallt, Prisk, Killey, Prisk drich, Above Sawthe, otherwise Above Sawdde, -and Killey, Llangenny, otherwise Llangennau, Gwinfe,otherwise Gwynfe, otherwise Gwinfe Quar- JLlanelly, Aberbaidan, otherwise Aberbidan, Llan- ter Bach, Llangadock, all or some of them, in the bedr, Llambedr, otherwise Llanbedr-ystrading, county of Carmarthen; Alltgreig, otherwise AJt-y- Maesgwartha, Bythich, Graigwen, in the county Grig, otherwise Alltygrug, otherwise Alltygreeg,, of Brecknock, otherwise Brecon ; Llanwenarth, Mawr, Blaenegel, Caegurwain, otherwise Caeger- Llanwenarth Citra, Llanwenarth Ultra, Llanfoist, win,Llanguke,otherwise Llanguick,otherwise Llan^ Llanellan,otherwise Llanellen,Abergavenny, Aber- ciwg, all or some of them, in the county of Gla^ gavenny, Hardwicke otherwise Hardwick, Llwyn- morgan ; Senny, Maescar, Glynn, Cray, Glyntawe, dee, Llangattock juxtaUsk, Llanover Lower,Llan- otherwise Callwen, Devynnock, Cribarth, Helen, over Higher, Llanover, Goytre, otherwise Goytrey otherwise Ellen, Helen and Llech, Llech, other- Mamhilad, Llanvihangel Pontymoile, otherwise wise Cwm Llech, Ystradgunlais, otherwise Ystrad- Llanvihangel Pont y moyle, Panteague, otherwise gynlais Upper; Penyrhose, otherwise Penrhos, Pantteg, Pontypool, Trevethin, otherwise Treve- Palleg, Gurnos, Garth, Coelbren, Ystradgunlais> No. 20541. L otherwise Ystradgynlais Lower, Ystradgunlais, of Stourport and Lower Milton, or one of thenc otherwise Ystradgynlais, Ystradfellte, otherwise and also at or near the western boundary of the Ystradvelltey Lower, Penderrin, otherwise Pen- borough of Kidderminster, 'at the public road, deryn Upper, Pejiderrin, otherwise Penderyn from Kidderminster to Bridgenorth, in the parish Lower, Ystradfellte, .otherwise Ystradvelltey Up- of Kidderminster, in the county of Worcester, by per, all or some of them, in the county of Breck- junctions with the proposed Stour Valley Railway, nock, otherwise Brecon ; Dulais, otherwise Dy- or by independent termini there, and which said lais Higher, Neath Higher, Cadoxton juxta extension railway and works will pass from, in,, Neath, Rhigos, Middle, Home, Ystraddyfodwg, through, or into the several parishes, townships, otherwise Ystradyfodog, otherwise Ystradvoduck, and extra parochial and other places following, Clydach,. all or some of them, in the county of or some of them ; that is to say, Leominster, Glamorgan. borough of Leominster, Leominster, otherwise Leominster out Parish, Longford, Kingsland,. Also to make and maintain from and out of the Leominster, Kimbolton, Stockton, Kimbolton, said proposed line of railway from Worcester and Wharton, Upper Hyde . otherwise Upper Hide, Leominster to Carmarthen a branch or extension Hyde Hills and Wintercott, otherwise Hide Hilla railway, to commence at or near a Held of Edward and Wintercot, Broa'dwa.rd and Brierley,Ivington,. Morris, occupied by George Goode, in the parish Eaton Henner, otherwise Hennor and Stretford, of Saint Peters, in the borough of Carmarthen; in Eaton, Cholstrey, Newtown Stagbatch, and Chol- the county of Carmarthen, and to terminate at or strey, Newtown, Eyton, Berrington, Moreton, and near Cjuay Bach, otherwise Cei-Bach, in the parish Ashton, otherwise Eye Moreton and Ashton, Eye, of Saint Dogmells, near Cardigan, in the county Leeston, otherwise Luston, Eye, Yarpole, Bircher,. of Pembroke, which said branch or extension Yarpole, Orleton, Orleton, Brimfield, Krimfield, railway and works will pass from, through, or Richards Castle, Richards Castle, Easton, Dirty into the several parishes, townships, and extra- Middleton, Rochford, Upton, Upton Rochford, parochial and other places following, or some of Little Hereford, otherwise Little Hereford and them (that is to say) ; County of the borough of Upton, or some of them,in thecounty of Hereford;. Carmarthen, otherwise Caermarthen, St. Peters, Moor and Batchcott, Overton, Woofferton, other- Castle Green, Abergwilly or Abergwili, Hengil, wise Woolferton, otherwise Woolverton, otherwise otherwise Hengill, Glantowys, Veney, Cricklas, Woffertoh, Richards Castle, Ashford . Bowdler^ and Ystyngwilly, New Church, Llanfihangel-ar- Ashford Carbonell, Serpent, Ashford Carbonel*. Arth, otherwise Yeroth, Vro, Gxviddil, Blaenan, otherwise Ashford Carbonell, Upper Burway otherwise Blaenant, Pencadair, otherwise Pen- Meadow, Lower Burway Meadow, Whitton, Nash, cader, Gwyddgrug, Cwmarles, Llanpumpsaint, with Tilsop and Weston, Buraston, otherwise Cuhwill or Conwil, otherwise Corivil in Elvet, or Boraston with Whetmore, otherwise Wotmore, Cynwyn Elfed, Upper Llangeler, otherwise Upper otherwise Whittnore, Whitmore, otherwise What- Llangeller, Lower Llangeler, otherwise Lower more, otherwise Wotmore, otherwise Whetmore, Llangeller, Penboir,- otherwise Penboyr, Kenarth, Buraston, otherwise Boraston, Buraston, otherwise otherwise Cenarth, or some of them, in the county Boraston and Burford, Burford, Buraston, other- of Carmarthen ; Manordivy, Cilfawir, Kilgerran or wise Boraston and Whitmore, otherwise Whet- Cilgerran, Saint'Dogmells otherwise Llandudoch, more, otherwise Whatmore, otherwise Wotmore, Pantygroes, Kippin Abbey, and Bridgend, or Tenbury Foreign, Tenbury, Tenbury or Tenbury some of them, in the county of Pembroke, and Town, Milson, otherwise Milsom, Neeh Sollers, Llangoedmore, in the county of Cardigan. otherwise Neen Sollars, Boraston, Boraston and Burford, Greet, Ledwyche Meadows, Whatmore,, And it is intended to apply for powers to con- otherwise Whetmore, otherwise Whitmore, other- struct a pier or breakwater into the sea at wise Wotmore, Boraston and Whatmore, Wat- Quay Bach aforesaid, together with all necessary more, Nash, Weston, Tilsop, Nash, • Whitton,. landing-places, stairs, quays, and approaches Stoke, Burford, Greete, otherwise Greet, or some thereto, all in the parish of Saint Dogmells, in the of them, in the county of Salop; Tenbury, Ten- county of Pembroke, and to levy tolls and dues bury Town, Tenbury Foreign, with Kyrewood, for the support, reparation, and maintainance of Tenbury Foreign, Tenbury Foreign, Berrington,. the said pier or breakwater, and for other pur- Sutton, otherwise Sutton Sturmey, Mamble, Bay- poses, and to confer/vary, or extinguish exemp- ton, Aston and Netherton, Knighton Common,. tions from payment of tolls and dues, and other Newnham, Sneads Common, Pensax Common, rights and privileges. Whorlers C omnion, Frith Common, Minith Woods,. Erdiston, Knighton on Teme, otherwise.Knighton Also to make and maintain an , extension or on Teme with Newnham, otherwise Knighton on connected railway, with all proper and convenient Teame with Newnham, Pensax, Lindridge, Stock- stations, erections, bridges, wharfs, warehouses, ton, Eastharr, Orleton, Stanford, otherwise Stan- works, communications, roads, approaches, and ford on Teame, Shelsley Kings, Shelsley Beau- conveniences connected therewith, to commence champ, Shelsley, High Oak, Abberley, Kedmarley, from and out of the said proposed line of railway Great Whitley, Alton, Heightingtoh, Rock with from Leominster to Carmarthen, at or near the Heightington, Rock, Morr, and Coningswick. before described northern boundary of the borough Hollin and Stildon, Lendous, Rock. Astley.Town^ of Leominster aforesaid, and to terminate at or Astley, Dunley, Arely-Kings, Alartley, Hillhamp- near the Mills near Lower Mitton, in the parish ton, Ribbesford, Bewdley, Wribbenhall, Black- 6061 stone, Sandbourne, Hoarstone, Wassal, Eyemoor, office at Carmarthen: with the clerk of the peace Halls, Trimpley, Low Abberley, High Abberley, for the county of Monmouth, at his office at Usk; Abberley, Caldwell, Blakebrook, Saint John Blake- with the clerk of the peace for the county of. brook, Commerton, Heatley Mill, Harborough, Pembroke, at his office at Haverfordwest, in the Blakedown, Wannerton, Hurcott, Stone, Hartle- said county; and with the clerk of the peace for bury, Stourport, Liekhill, - Burlish, Oldington, the county of Cardigan, at his office at Aberyst- Wilden, Aggborough, Upper Mitton, Lower Mil- with, in the same county; and on or before the ton, Saint Mary, Kidderminster, Saint George, 31st day of December, 1845, a copy of so much Kidderminster, Broadwaters, Kidderminster, Kid-' of the said plans and sections as relates to each, derminster Foreign, Kidderminster Borouglv, or parish, in or through which the said several rail- some of them, in the county of Worcester. ways and works 'are intended to be made, to- gether with a book of reference thereto, will .be, And also to make and maintain out of the said deposited with the parish clerk of each such last described line of railway, a branch railway parish., at his place of abode. commencing at or near the turnpike gate on the high road from Lower Mitton to Kidderminster, And notice is hereby given, that it is further near the Warren, in the parish of Wribbenhall, in intended to apply for powers for the Company or the county of Worcester, and terminating at or Companies, or either of the Companies so to be near Comberton Hill, in the said parish of Kid- incorporated, to purchase or take on lease, and. derminster, by'a Junction with the Oxford, Wor- for the respective Companies of Proprietors of cester, and Wolverhampton Railway, or by an the Herefordshire and Gloucestershire Canal, the independent terminus there. Brecknock and Abergavenny Canal,' and the Swansea Canal Navigation, and the Oystermouth And it is intended to apply for powers in the Railway or Tramroad Company, and the Hay said Bill or Bills to make lateral deviations from Railway Company, and any other Companies or the lines of the proposed railways and works to persons to sell, transfer, or lease unto the Com- the extent or within the limits denned upon the pany or Companies so to be incorporated, or one plans hereinafter mentioned, and also to cross, of such Companies, all, any, or either, or any divert, alter, or stop, whether temporarily or portion of the canals, railways, tramroads, stone permanently, all such turnpike roads, parish roads, roads, and other works, and the towing paths, streets, and • other highways, streams, sewers, lands, tenements, and hereditaments of or belong- canals,' rivers, navigations, bridges, railways, or ing to or vested in the said specified canal and tramroads, within the said parishes, townships, other Companies respectively, or any of them, or and extra-parochial or other places aforesaid, or belonging unto, or vested in any other Companies, some of them, as it may be necessary to cross, or persons whose canals or other works, or any divert, alter, or stop up for the purposes of the part thereof, may be required for the purposes of, said railways and works. or be affected by the said proposed railways, any or either of them j and to enter into and perform, And also to authorize a junction with any rail- any other arrangements or agreements in relation, way or railways at the commencement or termi- to the said canals, railways, or tramroads and, nation or on the line or course of the said rail- other works or any of them respectively. And it ways, as before described, or either of them, in is further intended to apply for powers for the the several parishes, townships, and extra-paro- conversion or use of the said canals, railways, or. chial places aforesaid. tramroads and works, or some of them, or some portions thereof, respectively, for the purposes of. And notice is hereby further given, that on or the said proposed railways and works or some of before the 30th day of November, 1845, duplicate them, and also for the extinguishment or altera- plans and sections of the said several railways and tion of the tolls, rates, and duties, made payable works, together with books of reference thereto, by the several Acts of Parliament relating thereto will be deposited for public inspection with the respectively, or some or one of them, and to vary clerk .of the peace for the county of Worcester, or extinguish exemptions from tolls, rates, and at his office at Worcester; with the clerk of the duties, and all existing rights and privileges, in peace for the city of Worcester, at his office at any manner connected with the said canals, rail- Worcester ; with the clerk of the peace for the ways, tramroads, and works, or with any of them, county of Salop, at his office at Shrewsbury, in or the lands and grounds belonging thereto, and the same county ; with the clerk of the peace for particularly to enable the said intended Company the county of Hereford, at his office at Hereford ; or Companies to purchase by compulsion or other- with the clerk of the peace for the city of Here- wise, and to stop up and to divert the waters of, ford, at his office at Hereford; with the clerk of and otherwise discontinue the said Herefordshire the peace for the county of Brecknock, at his and Gloucestershire Canal, and the branch or office at Brecon, in the said county ; with the branches thereof. clerk of the peace for the county of Glamorgan, at his office at , in the said county; with Also the said Brecknock and Abergavenny the clerk of the peace for the county of Car- Canal, and the branch or branches thereof. marthen, at his office at Llandovery, in the said county j with the clerk of the. peace for the Also the said Oystermouth Railway or tram- county of the borough of Carmarthen, at his road, and the branch or branches thereof. L2 Also the said Hay Railway, and the branch or ton-cross, in the parish of Eardisley, in the county Branches thereof. of Hereford •" and the other passed in the 52nd year of the same reign, intituled, "An Act for And in or in connection with the said Bill or enabling the Company of Proprietors of the Hay Bills, application will be made for the alteration, Railway to amend, vary, and extend the Line of amendment, and enlargement or repeal of the the said Railway, and for altering and enlarging .powers and provisions, or some of the powers and the powers of an Act passed in the 51st. year of provisions of both or one of two several Acts of the reign of his present Majesty, for making and Parliament: one passed in the 33rd year of the maintaining the said Railway." reign of his Majesty King George the Third, intituled, "An'Act for making and maintaining And notice is hereby further given, that it is a Navigable Canal from the town of Brecknock to intended by the said Bill or Bills to incorporate a the Monmouthshire Canal, near the town of Pont- company or companies for the purpose of carrying ypool, in the county of Monmouth, and for into effect the proposed works or some part making and maintaining Railways and Stone thereof, and to apply for powers for the com- Roads from such Canal to several Iron Works pulsory purchase of lands and houses, and to vary and Mines in the counties of Breckock and Mon- or extinguish all rights and privileges in any manr mouth;" and the other passed in the 44th year ner connected with the lands and houses proposed of the same reign, intituled, " An Act for enabling to be taken for the purposes aforesaid, and also to the Company and Proprietors of the Brecknock levy tolls, rates, or duties upon or in respect of and Abergavenny Canal to raise a further sum of the said several railways and works, and alter money for completing the said Canal and the existing tolls, rates, or duties, and to confer, vary, Works thereunto belonging, and for altering and or extinguish, exemptions from the payment of enlarging the Powers of an Act made in the 33rd tolls, rates, and duties, and Other rights and year of his present Majesty for making the said privileges. And the promoters of the said under- Canal; and of three several other Acts of Parlia- taking reserve to themselves power to confine the ment, one passed in the 31st year of the reign of his application in the next Session of Parliament to Majesty King George the Third, intituled, "An a part only, instead of the whole of the said rail- Act for making and maintaining a Navigable way and works. Canal from the city of Hereford to the city of Gloucester, with a collateral cut from the.same to And it is also proposed in and by the said Bill the town of Newent, in the county of Gloucester;" or Bills, to empower the said company or com- another passed in the 33rd year of the same reign, panies to be thereby incorporated, to take shares intituled, " An Act to vary and extend the Line of in and subscribe for or towards the making, main- the Canal authorized to be made by an Act passed taining, working, and using the intended railways in the 31st year of the reign of his present Ma- from Gloucester and Worcester to Hereford, and jesty, intituled,'An Act for making and main- from Leomin'ster to Kidderminster, and from taining a Navigable Canal, from the city of Here- Kidderminster to Birmingham, or any part there- ford to the city of Gloucester, with a collateral of, or to purchase, rent, work, or construct the cut from the same to the town of Newent, in the said intended railway* and works, or any part of county of Gloucester,' and to amend the said the same, and to take tolls and duties upon or in. Act.' " And another passed in the 2nd year of respect thereof, and to raise money for the pur- the reign of her present Majesty Queen Victoria, pose aforesaid. intituled, "An Act for enabling the Company of Proprietors of the Herefordshire and Gloucester- And it is further proposed by the said Bill or shire Canal Navigation, to raise a further sum of Bills, to authorize the union and amalgation of the money, and for amending the Acts relating several companies for making the said railways, thereto." And of another Act of Parliament, from Gloucester and Worcester to Hereford, and passed in the 3*th year of the reign of his Ma- from Leominster to Kidderminster, and from Kid- jesty King George the Third, intituled, " An Act derminster to Birmingham, and-the said company for making and maintaining a Navigable Canal or companies so proposed to be incorporated, from the town of Swansea, in the county of upon such terms and conditions as may be mutu-. Glamorgan, into the parish of Ystradgunlais, in the ally agreed upon, and to authorize the company: county of Brecon." And of another Act of Par- to be formed by such union or arnalgation to use liament, passed in the 44th year of the reign of his and work the said last mentioned railways and Majesty King George the Third, intituled, " An woiks, and take tolls in respect thereof. Act for making and maintaining a Railway or Dated this 5th day of November, 1845. Tramroad from the town of Swansea into the. Baxter, Rose, and Norton, Solicitors, parish of Oystermouth. in the county of Glamor- 3, Park-street, Westminster. gan." And also of both or one of two other Acts of Parliament, one passed in the 51st year of the reign of his Majesty King George the Third, in- Brecon and Methyr Junction Railway, in connection tituled, "An Act for making and maintaining a with the Welch Midland Railway. Railway from or near the public wharf of the OTICE is hereby given that application is intended Brecknock and Abergavenny Canal, in the parish N to be made to Parliament, in the next session for of Saint John the Evangelist, in the county of leave to, bring in a Bill or Bills for making and main- Brecon, to or near to a certain place, called Par-; taining a railway or railways, with all proper and con-