Index to Volume 124 Compiled by Leslie Cody

Abalone, Northern, 238 Anaxyrus americanus , 302 Red, 238 americanus americanus , 102 Abalone, Haliotis rufescens , in , Further to americanus hemiophrys , 312 the Occurrence of Red, 238 Anderson, R.C. and R.L. Shimek. Arm Deflation in the Rare Abies balsamea , 300 Thorny Sea Star, Poraniopsis inflatus (Asteroidea: Acer negundo , 2,18 Poraniidae), A Defensive Response to other Sea rubrum , 135,173,264 Stars?, 199 saccharinum , 160 Andromeda polifolia , 12 Achillea millefolium , 4 Andropogon scoparium var. scoparium , 174 Aconitum delphiniifolium , 4 Androsace chamaejasme var. lehmanniana , 95 Actitis macularia , 146 Anemone cylindrica , 173 Adiantum pedatum ssp. calderi , 81 multiceps , 17 Aegolius funereus , 129 multifida , 4 Agropyron sp., 204 Antelope, Pronghorn, 209 Aix sponsa , 123 Antennaria sp., 173 , Photographic Evidence of Bobcats, Lynx rufus , in friesiana , 16 the Kananaskis Valley in Southwestern, 260 leontopodioides , 95 Alberta, Scavenging of an Elk, Cervus elaphus , Carcass by rosea , 8 Multiple Cougars, Puma concolor , in Southeastern, Antilocapra americana , 209 242 Aquilegia brevistyla , 57 Alberta, The Evolution of Biological Societies in, 321 canadensis , 173 Alces alces , 54,232,242,258,270 Arabis codyi , 83 americanus , 139 Aralia nudicaulis , 19 Alces alces , Swimming Wolves, Canis lupus , Attack a Swim- Arbutus, Trailing, 173 ming Moose, 54 Arctagrostis latifolia , 12 Alder, 45,145,156,274 Arctophila fulva , 7 River, 105 Arctostaphylos alpina , 5 Speckled, 263 uva -ursi , 8,105,172 Tag, 135 Arenaria capillaris , 4 Alexandraster inflatus , 199 Argus, G.W., 1 Alfonso, N.R., 330 Aronia melanocarpa , 173 Allonemobius allardi , 175 Artemisia sp., 8 Alnus sp., 6,145,274,300 alaskana , 17 crispa , 5 arctica , 21 crispa ssp. crispa , 4 arctica ssp. arctica , 21 incana , 18,135,263 arctica ssp. comata , 2 rugosa , 105 borealis ssp. richardsoniana , 22 viridis , 57 comata , 20 Alopecurus alpinus , 7 glomerata , 17 Ambystoma jeffersonianum , 312 norvegica , 4 laterale , 302 norvegica ssp. saxatilis , 3 Ameiurus nebulosus , 165 norvegica var. comata , 20 Amelanchier alnifolia , 8 tilesii , 15 laevis , 173 Artuso, C. The Diet of the Eastern Screech -Owl, Megascops stolonifera , 173 asio , at the Northern Periphery of its Range, 122 American -Aster, Leafy -bract, 24 Asclepias syriaca , 173 Smooth Blue, 24 Ash, 160 American Waterfowl Management Plan Permanent Basins Ash, G., 321 and in Natural Wetlands, Development and Growth of Asio flammeus , 58 Northern Leopard Frog, Lithobates pipiens , Tadpoles otus , 129 in North, 159 Asio flammeus , at more than 1000 km North of their Current Ammophila arenaria , 156 Breeding Range in Northeastern Canada: Evidence of breviligulata , 153 Range Expansion?, Territorial Behavior of Short -eared Anaphalis margaritacea , 12 Owls, 58 Anas acuta , 29 Aspen, 145 platyrhynchos , 29 Quaking, 174


Trembling, 45,139,274,300 Blackberry, Allegheny, 174 Aster ciliolatus , 13,174 Blarina brevicauda , 124 laevis , 24 Blouin, I., 179 laevis ssp. geyeri , 24 Bluebell -of -Scotland, 173 laevis var. geyeri , 2 Blueberry, Late Lowbush, 174 nahanniensis , 95 Bluestem, Little False, 174 sibiricus , 4 Bobcat, 209,260,265 sibiricus var. pygmaeus , 95 Bobcat, Lynx rufus , Scavenging by a, 265 subspicatus , 24 Bobcats, Lynx rufus , Hunting Black -Tailed Prairie Dogs, Aster, Lindley’s American, 174 Cynomys ludovicianus , in Western , Asterina sp., 201 Observations of, 209 miniata , 200 Bobcats, Lynx rufus , in the Kananaskis Valley in South- Athene cunicularia , 129 western Alberta, Photographic Evidence of, 260 Atkinson, J., Review by, 66 Bonasa umbellus , 45 Avena fatua , 2 umbellus labradorensis , 45 Aythya marila , 29 Bonasa umbellus , in Labrador, Recent Range Expansion of Ruffed Grouse, 45 Bacon, M.M. and M.S. Boyce. Scavenging of an Elk, Cervus Botrychium sp., 4 elaphus , Carcass by Multiple Cougars, Puma con- alaskense , 2 color , in Southeastern Alberta, 242 lunaria , 3 Badger, American, 204 lunaria var. minganense , 3 Balaenoptera acutorostrata , 35 minganense , 2 borealis , 35 pinnatum , 3 Bass, Smallmouth, 165 spathulatum , 3 Basswood, American, 272 virginianum var. europaeum forma heterodoxum , 95 Bat, Little Brown, 124 virginianum var. virginianum forma anomalum , 95 Bayberry, 156 Bourassa, K.J., 104 Bear, Black, 140 Boutleloua sp., 204 Grizzly, 274 Bowman, J., 139 Bearberry, 105 Boyce, M.S., 242 Red, 173 Boykinia richardsonii , 23 Beaver, 135,140,265,274 Branta canadensis , 223 Beaver, Castor canadensis , Dams in Central , Unusual, Braya glabella ssp. purpurascens , 95 274 British Columbia, Further to the Occurrence of Red Abalone, Bedstraw, Marsh, 20 Haliotis rufescens , in, 238 Beetle, 133 Bromus ciliatus , 5 Tiger, 118 ciliatus var. richardsonii , 5 Beetles (Coleoptera: Cicindelidae) in Churchill and Wapusk inermis , 19 National Park, , Subarctic Records and kalmii , 175 Range Extensions of Two Species of Tiger, 118 richardsonii , 2 Bennett, B.A., 71 Bubalus bubalis , 266 Bennett, B.A., and S. Withers. Spiked Saxifrage, Saxifraga Bucephala sp., 28 spicata , Rediscovered in Canada After 110 Years, 57 albeola , 28 Bennett, B.A., P.M. Catling, W.J. Cody, and G.W. Argus. New , 29 albeola × Bucephala clangula Records of Vascular in the Yukon Territory VIII, clangula , 28,179 1 islandica , 28,179 Berger, R.P., 270 Bucephala albeola , Interspecific Mate Choice and Hybridism Betula sp., 9,145 in the Bufflehead, 28 glandulosa , 9 Bucephala islandica , Breed South of the St. Lawrence Estu- neoalaskana , 274 ary in the Gaspé Peninsula, Eastern Canada?, Do occidentalis , 106 Barrow’s Goldeneyes, 179 papyrifera , 46,105,139,300 Buckthorn, Glossy False, 173 Beveridge, L., 151 Buffalo, Water, 266 Bilberry, Dwarf, 106 Bufflehead, 28 Birch, 145 Bufflehead, Bucephala albeola , Interspecific Mate Choice Alaskan, 274 and Hybridism in the, 28 Paper, 300 Bugseed, 246 Water, 106 Alaskan, 246 White, 46,105,139 American, 246 Birdweed, Low False, 173 Hairy, 246 Bison bison , 54,258 Hooker’s, 246 Bison, 54,258 Pallas, 246 Bizecki Robson, D. An Analysis of the Distribution, Ecology, Bugseeds ( Corispermum ) in Canada, An Analysis of the Dis- and Status of Bugseeds ( Corispermum ) in Canada, tribution, Ecology, and Status of, 246 246 Bullhead, Brown, 165 2010 INDEX TO VOLUME 124 401

Bulrush, 160 lupus , 54,140,215,242,256,258 Bupleurum americanum , 17 lupus griseoalbus , 270 Burbot, 105 lupus hudsonicus , 270 , 161 , Packs Following the Death or Disap- Butomus umbellatus Canis latrans × lycaon pearance of a Resident Territorial Male, Double - Caddis, 114 litters in Coywolf, 256 Calamagrostis canadensis , 5 Canis lupus , Attack a Swimming Moose, Alces alces , Swim- chordorrhiza , 5 ming Wolves, 54 deschampsioides , 8 Canis lupus , in July on Ellesmere Island, Proportion of Calves holmii , 2 and Adult Muskoxen, Ovibos moschatus Killed by kolymaensis , 5 Gray Wolves, 258 lapponica , 5 Canis lupus , in Northern Manitoba, Canada, Predation of a purpurascens , 8 Barren -ground Caribou, Rangifer tarandus groenlan- stricta ssp. stricta , 5 dicus , by a Single Gray Wolf, 270 canadensis , 135 Canis lupus , Prolonged Intensive Dominance Behavior Calidris alba , 147 Between Gray Wolves, 215 fuscicollis , 147 Carbyn, L., Reviews by, 191,279 minutilla , 147 Carbyn, L., R. Leech, and G. Ash. The Evolution of Bio- pusilla , 147 logical Societies in Alberta, 321 Callitriche hermaphroditica , 19 Cardamine bellidifolia , 15 Calystegia spithamaea ssp. spithamea , 173 microphylla , 16 Camelina sp., 14 oligosperma ssp. kamtschatica , 95 microcarpa , 2 purpurea , 14 sativa , 2 purpurea forma albiflora , 95 sativa ssp. sativa , 15 Carex sp., 5,81,106 Campanula rotundifolia , 173 amblyorhyncha , 7 Campion, Large -seeded Nodding, 14 aquatilis , 4 Canada After 110 Years, Spiked Saxifrage, Saxifraga spicata , aquatilis ssp. stans , 7 Rediscovered in, 57 aquatilis var. stans , 9 Canada, An Analysis of the Distribution, Ecology, and Status athrostachya , 2 of Bugseeds ( Corispermum ) in, 246 canescens , 4 Canada/Canadian Museum of Nature, Donald Evan chordorrhiza , 5 McAllister, 1934 -2001: The Growth of Ichthyological consimilis , 21 Research at the National Museum of, 330 crawfordii , 6 Canada?, Do Barrow’s Goldeneyes, Bucephala islandica , glacialis , 14 Breed South of the St. Lawrence Estuary in the Gaspé glareosa , 6 Peninsula, Eastern, 179 incurviformis , 2 Canada: Evidence of Range Expansion?, Territorial Behavior incurviformis var. incurviformis , 6 of Short -eared Owls, Asio flammeus , at more than limosa , 4 1000 km North of their Current Breeding Range in lugens , 12 Northeastern, 58 lyngbyei , 7 Canada, October 2010, Annual Meeting of the Alliance of mackenziei , 2 Natural History Museums of, 316 macloviana , 9 Canada, Predation of a Barren -ground Caribou, Rangifer marina , 7 tarandus groenlandicus , by a Single Gray Wolf, maritima , 6 Canis lupus , in Northern Manitoba, 270 maritima var. incurviformis , 6 Canada, Psilolechia clavulifera , a Lichen Species New to, microchaeta ssp. microchaeta , 7 181 microchaeta ssp. nesophila , 2 Canadian Association of Herpetologists Bulletin Association microglochin , 7 Canadienne des Herpetologistes , 196 misandra , 7 Canadian Directory of Expertise in Wildlife Health, Second nesophila , 7 edition, 97 pennsylvanica , 173 Canadian Field-Naturalist , Advice for Contributors to The , petasata , 8 98 phaeocephala , 8 Canadian Maritime Provinces, 1990–2008, Cetacean Strand- podocarpa , 7 ings in the, 32 praticola , 9 Canadian Museum of Nature, Donald Evan McAllister, ramenskii , 2 1934 -2001: The Growth of Ichthyological Research rariflora var. androgyna , 2 at the National Museum of Canada, 330 rariflora var. rariflora , 8 Canadian Prairies, Sex Ratio, Body Mass, and Harvest Rates rostrata , 13 for Five Sympatric Mammalian Carnivores in the, rotundata , 5 204 rupestris , 15 Canarygrass, Reed, 160 salina , 7 Canis latrans , 204,212,242,256 siccata , 173 , 256 , 7 latrans × lycaon subspathacea 402 THE CANADIAN FIELD -N ATURALIST Vol. 124

tahoensis , 2 limbata limbata , 118 tonsa var. rugosperma , 173 limbata nogahabarensis , 118 ursina , 8 longilabris , 118 , 2 , 118 × flavicans longilabris longilabris xerantica , 2 oregona guttifera , 118 Caribou, 139,258 Cinquefoil, Beringian, 17 Barren -ground, 270 Circaea alpina , 18 Caribou, Rangifer tarandus groenlandicus , by a Single Gray Clam, Geoduck, 238 Wolf, Canis lupus , in Northern Manitoba, Canada, Claytonia tuberosa , 15 Predation of a Barren -ground, 270 Clover, Hairy Prairie, 253 Carpodacus sp., 132 Cluff, H.D., 215 Carter 1943 -2010, Brenda, 196 Coad, B.W., 330 Cassiope tetragona , 16 Coad, B.W. Bibliography of Donald Evan McAllister, 336 Castilleja miniata , 12 Cochlearia groenlandica , 5 Castor canadensis , 135,140,265,274 officinalis , 22 Castor canadensis , Dams in Central Yukon, Unusual Beaver, Cockroach, 133 274 Cody, 1922–2009, One Step at a Time … Tribute to William Caterpillar, 133 J. (Bill), 71 Catharus sp., 132 Cody, W.J., 1 Catling, P.M., 1 Colaptes auratus , 123 Catling, P.M. and B. Kostiuk. Successful Re -establishment Colgan 1944 -2004, A Tribute to Patrick W., 357 of a Native Savannah Flora and Fauna on the Site of Collomia linearis , 13 a Former Pine Plantation at Constance Bay, Ottawa, Columba livia , 124 , 169 Columbine, Red, 173 Catling, P.M., B. Bennett, G. Mitrow, F.R. Cook, and Cook, F.R., 71 J. Cayouette. One Step at a Time … Tribute to Cook, F.R., B.W. Coad, C.B. Renaud, C.G. Gruchy, and William J. (Bill) Cody, 1922– 2009, 71 N.R. Alfonso. Donald Evan McAllister, 1934 -2001: Catostomus catostomus , 105,114 The Growth of Ichthyological Research at the commersoni , 105 National Museum of Canada/Canadian Museum of Cattail, 161,263,268 Nature, 330 Cayouette, J., 71 Cook, F.R., Review by, 69 Ceanothus americanus , 172 Coregonus clupeaformis , 105 herbaceous , 173 Corispermum sp., 246 ovatus , 172 americanum , 246 Cerastium arvense , 8 americanum var. americanum , 248 Ceratocephalus sp., 82 hookeri , 246 Cervus elaphus , 242,258 hookeri var. hookeri , 248 Cervus elaphus , Carcass by Multiple Cougars, Puma con- hookeri var. pseudodeclinatum , 248 color , in Southeastern Alberta, Scavenging of an Elk, hyssopifolium , 246 242 nitidum , 246 Chaenotheca furfuracea , 181 ochotense , 246 Charadrius melodus , 154 ochotense var. alaskanum , 248 semipalmatus , 147 ochotense var. ochotense , 248 vociferus , 146 orientale , 246 Charr, Arctic, 114 pallasii , 246 Chenopodium subglabrum , 253 villosum , 246 Cherry, European Bird, 18 Corispermum ) in Canada, An Analysis of the Distribution, Susquehanna Sand, 174 Ecology, and Status of Bugseeds, 246 Chickadee, Black -capped, 124 Corvus corax , 271 Chloealtis abdominalis , 175 Corydalis sempervirens , 106 Chokeberry, Black, 173 Corydalis, Pink, 106 Chorthippus curtipennis curtipennis , 175 Cott, P.A., B.A. Zajdlik, K.J. Bourassa, M. Lange, and A.M. Chortophaga viridifasciata , 175 Gordon. Effects of Forest Fire on Young -of -the -year Chrysanthemum arcticum , 5 Northern Pike, Esox lucius , in the Northwest Ter- Chrysopsis sp., 82 ritories, 104 Chub, Lake, 105,113,269 Couesius plumbeus , 105,113,269 Chub, Couesius plumbeus , in Northern Labrador, Occurrence Couesius plumbeus , in Northern Labrador, Occurrence of of Lake, 113 Lake Chub, 113 Chubbs, T.E. and F.R. Phillips. Recent Range Expansion of Cougar, 242,260 Ruffed Grouse, Bonasa umbellus , in Labrador, 45 Cougars, Puma concolor , in Southeastern Alberta, Scaveng- Cicindela limbata , 118 ing of an Elk, Cervus elaphus , Carcass by Multiple, limbata albissima , 118 242 limbata hyperborea , 118 Couleuvre rayée, 311 limbata labradorensis , 120 Coyote, 204,212,242,256 2010 INDEX TO VOLUME 124 403

Coywolf, 256 Dezhi, L. and Q. Aili, Reviews by, 186,187,190,281,282,283 Coywolf, , Packs Following the Death , 17 Canis latrans × lycaon Dianthus repens or Disappearance of a Resident Territorial Male, Dichanthelium boreale , 173 Double -litters in, 256 depauperatum , 173 Crapaud d’Amerique, 304 Dicrostonyx groenlandicus , 58 Crayfish, 133 Diphasiastrum tristachyum , 173 Crepis sp., 82 Dock, Bering Sea, 13 capillaris , 2 Field, 13 tectorum , 20 Finnish, 13 Cricket, Allard’s Ground, 175 Dodecatheon frigidum , 4 Fall Field, 175 Dolphin, Atlantic White -sided, 34 Crossaster sp., 201 Dove, Mourning, 128 papposus , 200 Dowitcher, 146 Cryptantha minima , 253 Draba sp., 81 Cryptanthe, Tiny, 253 lactea , 22 Curren, K., 384 nemorosa , 12 Cyanocitta cristata , 124 Dragonfly, 133 Cygnus olor , 310 Drepanocladus sp., 10 Cynomys leucurus , 213 Dryas alaskensis , 14 ludovicianus , 209 crenulata , 22 Cynomys ludovicianus , in Western South Dakota, Observa- integrifolia , 17 tions of Bobcats, Lynx rufus , Hunting Black -Tailed octopetala , 23 Prairie Dogs, 209 Dryopteris disjuncta forma glandulosa , 95 Cyperus houghtonii , 175 fragrans , 17 Cypripedium sp., 81 marginalis , 173 acaule , 173 Duck, Call, 29 Cystopteris protrusa , 81 Wood, 123 Cytisus scoparius , 156 Dupontia fisheri , 7 Duravia sp., 12 Dace, Northern Redbelly, 268 Dace, Phoxinus eos , and the Golden Shiner, Notemigonus Eagle, Bald, 223 crysoleucas , in Québec, Northeastern Range Exten- Earthworm, 133 sion for the Northern Redbelly, 268 Echinacea sp., 82 Dalea villosa var. villosa , 253 Editor’s Report for Volume 123 (2009), 197 Dandelion, Northern, 24 Eider, 28 Danthonia spicata , 173 Elaeagnus communtata , 204 Daoust, P. -Y., 32 Elatine triandra , 2 Dasiphora fruticosa , 20 Eleocharis sp., 4 Dawe, N.K., 367 erythropoda , 2 Dawson, F.N., A.J. Magoun, J. Bowman, and J.C. Ray. macrostachya , 2 Wolverine, Gulo gulo , Home Range Size and Denning mamillata , 2 Habitat in Lowland Boreal Forest in Ontario, 139 palustris , 10,160 Deer, Mule, 242,266 Elephant, Asian, 266 White -tailed, 54,139,225,258,265 Elephas maximus , 266 Deermouse, 133 Elk, 242,258 North American, 124 Elk, Cervus elaphus , Carcass by Multiple Cougars, Puma Delphinapterus leucas , 35 concolor , in Southeastern Alberta, Scavenging of an, Delphinus capensis , 35 242 delphis , 35 Elliott, K.H., P.A. Smith, and V.H. Johnston. Aerial Surveys Dempson, J.B., 113 Do Not Reliably Survey Boreal -nesting Shorebirds, Dendroica coronata , 124 145 kirtlandii , 169 Elymus sp., 6,81 petechia , 272 arenarius , 7 Dennstaedtia punctilobula , 81 canadensis , 175 Dermasterias imbricata , 202 trachycaulus , 4 Deschampsia borealis , 6 trachycaulus ssp. glaucus , 95 caespitosa ssp. borealis , 6 Empetrum nigrum , 5 flexuosa , 173 Emydoidea blandingii , 134,263 sukatschewii , 2 Emydoidea blandingii , Habitat Use During Hibernation in Desroches, J.-F. Northeastern Range Extension for the North- Eastern Ontario, Blanding’s Turtle, 263 ern Redbelly Dace, Phoxinus eos , and the Golden Emydoidea blandingii , Over -wintering Characteristics of Shiner, Notemigonus crysoleucas , in Québec, 268 West -Central Blanding’s Turtles, 134 Desroches, J.-F., F.W. Schueler, I. Picard, and L. -P. Gagnon. Enhydra lutris , 241 A Herpetological Survey of the James Bay Area of Epigaea repens , 173 Québec and Ontario, 299 Epilobium angustifolium , 3 404 THE CANADIAN FIELD -N ATURALIST Vol. 124

Equisetum arvense , 57,81,106 Gaultheria procumbens , 173 hyemale , 106 Gawn, M., Review by, 184 Erigeron caespitosus , 22 Gaylussacia baccata , 172 compositus , 8 Geese, Canada, 223 hyperboreus , 22 Gentianella amarella ssp. acuta , 95 ochroleucus , 2 Gephyreaster swifti , 202 yukonensis , 22 Geranium, Bicknell’s, 106 Eriophorum sp., 6 Geranium sp., 82 angustifolium , 8 bicknellii , 106 russeolum , 5 erianthum , 5 vaginatum , 5 richardsonii , 12 Erskine, A.J. Long Persistence and Other Aspects of Variants Geum glaciale , 16 of False Mayweed, Tripleurospermum maritima , at Gilhen, J. Erythrism in the Maritime Garter Snake, Tham- Sackville, , 276 nophis sirtalis pallidulus , in , 99 Erysimum cheiri , 2 Giraffehead, 20 Esox lucius , 104,165 Globicephala melas , 34 Esox lucius , in the , Effects of Forest Goat, Mountain, 225 Fire on Young -of -the -year Northern Pike, 104 Goats, Oreamnos americanus , Mineral Lick Visitation by Eubalaena glacialis , 35 Mountain, 225 Euonymus europea , 156 Godwit, Hudsonian, 146 Eurycea sp., 302 Gold -of -Pleasure, 15 bislineata , 302 Golden -Plover, American, 146 Evasterias troschelii , 202 Goldeneye, Barrow’s, 28,179 Common, 28,179 Falcipennis canadensis , 45 Goldeneyes, Bucephala islandica , Breed South of the St. Falseflax, Little Pod, 14 Lawrence Estuary in the Gaspé Peninsula, Eastern Fern, Marginal Wood, 173 Canada?, Do Barrow’s, 179 Northern Bracken, 174 Goldenrod, Early, 174 Sweet, 174 Gray, 174 Festuca sp., 9,204 Hairy, 174 altaica , 4 Goldfinch, American, 132 baffinensis , 6 Goosefoot, Smooth, 253 richardsonii , 15 Gordon, A.M., 104 Finch, House, 132 Gorsuch, W., 204 Finley, J.K. and S. Huot. Interspecific Mate Choice and Grass, Bluejoint, 135 Hybridism in the Bufflehead, Bucephala albeola , 28 Holm’s Reed, 5 Fir, Balsam, 300 Kentucky Blue, 174 Fleabane, Buff, 22 Northern Rosette, 173 Flicker, Northern, 123 Poverty Wild Oat, 173 Flynn, A., 151 Richardson’s Brome, 5 Fox, Arctic, 58 Short -Awn Mountain -Rice, 174 Red, 204 Starved Rosette, 173 Fradette, P., 179 Sukatschev’s Tufted Hair, 6 Fragaria virginiana ssp. virginiana , 173 Tundra Alkali, 6 Frangula alnus , 173 Wavy Hair, 173 Fraxinus sp., 160 White -Grain Mountain -Rice, 174 Frenette, J. -J., 159 Yellow Indian, 174 Frog, Boreal Chorus, 300 Grasshopper, Boll’s, 175 Leopard, 302 Broad-necked, 175 Mink, 302 Green-striped, 175 Northern Leopard, 124,159 Grizzly, 175 Wood, 124,300 Huckleberry, 175 Frog, Lithobates pipiens , Tadpoles in North American Marsh Meadow, 175 Waterfowl Management Plan Permanent Basins and Migratory, 175 in Natural Wetlands, Development and Growth of Northern Crested Pygmy, 175 Northern Leopard, 159 Pasture, 175 Frostweed, Long -Branch, 173 Rocky Mountain Sprinkled, 175 Two-striped, 175 Gagnon, L. -P., 299 Grenouille des bois, 307 Gale, Sweet, 268 du Nord, 310 Galeopsis sp., 20 léopard, 308 Galium boreale , 57 Grosbeak, Pine, 132 palustre , 2 Rose -breasted, 132 trifidum , 20 Ground -Pine, Deep -Root, 173 Gallinago delicata , 145 Grouse, Ruffed, 45 Garbary, D.J., 151 Spruce, 45 2010 INDEX TO VOLUME 124 405

Grouse, Bonasa umbellus , in Labrador, Recent Range Expan- Juncus alpinoarticulatus , 10 sion of Ruffed, 45 Jung, T.S., and J.A. Staniforth. Unusual Beaver, Castor cana- Gruchy, C.G., 330 densis , Dams in Central Yukon, 274 Gryllus pennsylvanicus , 175 Gull, California, 49 Katydid, Curve-tailed Bush, 175 Herring, 49 Kelp, Bull, 238 Gulo gulo , 139 Kevan, P.G., 118 Gulo gulo , Home Range Size and Denning Habitat in Low- Killdeer, 146 land Boreal Forest in Ontario, Wolverine, 139 Kiss, B.W., S.K. Johnstone, and R.P. Berger. Predation of a Barren -ground Caribou, Rangifer tarandus groen- Haliaeetus leucocephalus , 223 landicus , by a Single Gray Wolf, Canis lupus , in Halichondria sp., 200 Northern Manitoba, Canada, 270 Haliotis kamtschatkana , 238 Knotweed, Douglas’, 12 rufescens , 238 Koeleria sp., 204 Haliotis rufescens , in British Columbia, Further to the Occur- Kogia breviceps , 35 rence of Red Abalone, 238 sima , 35 Haplopappus lanceolatus var. sublanatus forma albescens , Kostiuk, B., 169 95 Hare, Arctic, 215,258 Labrador: Jon Lien 1939 -2010, The Whale Man of New- Hawksbeard, Smooth, 22 foundland and, 384 Hebert, C., W. Nordstrom, and L. Shutt. Colonial Waterbirds Labrador, Occurrence of Lake Chub, Couesius plumbeus , in Nesting on Egg Island, Lake Athabasca, 2009, 49 Northern, 113 Hedysarum alpinum forma albiflorum , 95 Labrador, Recent Range Expansion of Ruffed Grouse, Bonasa boreale ssp. mackenziei forma niveum , 95 umbellus , in, 45 Helianthemum canadense , 173 Lactuca sp., 173 Helianthus divaricatus , 173 biennis , 24 Helictotrichon hookeri , 4 Lady’s -slipper, Pink, 173 Henricia leviuscula , 202 Lagenorhynchus acutus , 34 Hieracium umbellatum , 13 albirostris , 35 Hill, N., L. Beveridge, A. Flynn, and D.J. Garbary. Rosa Lagopus lagopus , 45 rugosa as an Invader of Coastal Sand Dunes of Cape mutus , 45 Breton Island and Mainland of Nova Scotia, 151 Lagotis glauca ssp. minor forma albiflora , 95 Hippasteria spinosa , 202 Lamium sp., 20 Hippophae rhamnoides , 2 amplexicaule , 2 Hippuris tetraphylla , 6 Lange, M., 104 Honckenya peploides , 6 Larivière, S., V. Lester and W. Gorsuch. Sex Ratio, Body Hood, C., 384 Mass, and Harvest Rates for Five Sympatric Mam- Hordeum sp., 204 malian Carnivores in the Canadian Prairies, 204 Horsetail, Common, 106 Larix sp., 11 Houston, C.S., F. Scott, and R.B. Tether. Productivity of laricina , 145 Ospreys, Pandion haliaetus , Affected by Water Levels Larus argentatus , 49 Near Loon Lake, , 1975 –2002, 219 californicus , 49 Houston, C.S., Review by, 185 Lathyrus japonicus , 7,156 Huettmann, F., Reviews by, 63,65,278,284 maritimus , 153 Huntington, J., 384 Lechea intermedia , 173 Huot, S., 28 Lecidea adirondackii , 181 Huynh, H.M., Review by, 62 LeDoux, K.A., 54 Hydroprogne caspia , 49 Ledum decumbens , 5 Hyperoodon ampullatus , 35 groenlandicum , 106 Ledwell, W., K. Curren, J. Huntington, and C. Hood. The Iles, M., Reviews by, 64,189 Whale Man of Newfoundland and Labrador: Jon Lien Impatiens sp., 18 1939 -2010, 384 capensis , 2 Leech, R., 321 noli -tangere , 2 Lemming, Brown, 58 Iris sp., 82 Collared, 58 Lemmus sibiricus , 58 Jay, Blue, 124 Leptasterias hexactis , 202 John, R., Reviews by, 61,66,69,185,193,194,280 Lepus arcticus , 215,258 Johnny -jump -up, 19 Lesquerella calderi , 14 Johnston, V.H., 145 Lester, V., 204 Johnstone, S.K., 270 Lewis, C. Psilolechia clavulifera , a Lichen Species New to Jordan, P.A., R.O. Peterson, and K.A. LeDoux. Swimming Canada, 181 Wolves, Canis lupus , Attack a Swimming Moose, Leymus mollis , 5 Alces alces , 54 Licht, D.S. Observations of Bobcats, Lynx rufus , Hunting Junco hyemalis , 130 Black -Tailed Prairie Dogs, Cynomys ludovicianus , Junco, Dark -eyed, 130 in Western South Dakota, 209 406 THE CANADIAN FIELD -N ATURALIST Vol. 124

Lien 1939 -2010, The Whale Man of Newfoundland and Manitoba, Canada, Predation of a Barren -ground Caribou, Labrador: Jon, 384 Rangifer tarandus groenlandicus , by a Single Gray Lilium canadense ssp. michiganense , 95 Wolf, Canis lupus , in Northern, 270 canadense ssp. michiganense forma peramoenum , Manitoba, Subarctic Records and Range Extensions of Two 95 Species of Tiger Beetles (Coleoptera: Cicindelidae) canadense ssp. michiganense forma uniflorum , 95 in Churchill and Wapusk National Park, 118 canadense ssp. superbum , 95 Maple, Ash -leaf, 18 Lily -of -the -Valley, False, 173 Manitoba, 18 Limnorchis aquilonis , 10 Red, 173,264 huronensis , 2 Silver, 160 hyperbore , 10 Marchantia polymorpha , 106 Limosa haemastica , 146 Marine Turtle Newsletter , 196 Linaria dalmatica , 2 Matricaria ambigua , 16 genistifolia ssp. dalmatica , 20 maritima , 276 vulgaris , 20 Matteuccia struthiopteris , 18 Lion, African, 266 Maystar, 174 Listera sp., 81 Maytree, 18 Lithobates sp., 302 Mayweed, False, 276 pipiens , 124,159,302 Mayweed, Tripleurospermum maritima , at Sackville, New septentrionalis , 302 Brunswick, Long Persistence and Other Aspects of spenocephalus , 311 Variants of, 276 sylvaticus , 302 McAllister, Bibliography of Donald Evan, 336 Lithobates pipiens , Tadpoles in North American Waterfowl McAllister, 1934 -2001: The Growth of Ichthyological Re- Management Plan Permanent Basins and in Natural search at the National Museum of Canada/Canadian Wetlands, Development and Growth of Northern Museum of Nature, Donald Evan, 330 Leopard Frog, 159 McAlpine, D.F., 32 Lithospermum caroliniense var. croceum , 175 McBride, B., Review by, 192 Liverwort, Green Tongue, 106 Mcdevit, D.C., 238 Lobo, N. and J.S. Millar. Photographic Evidence of Bobcats, McKellar, A.E. Female American Redstart, Setophaga Lynx rufus , in the Kananaskis Valley in Southwestern ruticilla , Reuses Red -Eyed Vireo, Vireo olivaceus , Alberta, 260 Nest, 272 Loiseleuria sp., 81 McTaggart -Cowan, 1910 -2010, O.C., O.B.C., PhD, LL.D, Lolium perenne , 156 F.R.S.C., A Tribute to Ian, 367 Lophodytes cucullatus , 28 Meadowsweet, White, 174 Lota lota , 105 Mech, L.D. Proportion of Calves and Adult Muskoxen, Luidia foliolata , 200 Ovibos moschatus Killed by Gray Wolves, Canis Lumbricus terrestris , 124 lupus , in July on Ellesmere Island, 258 Lupinus arcticus , 17 Mech, L.D. and H.D. Cluff. Prolonged Intensive Dominance arcticus forma albus , 95 Behavior Between Gray Wolves, Canis lupus , 215 nootkatensis , 3 Mediaster aequalis , 202 Luzula confusa , 5 Medicago lupulina , 2 Lychnis sp., 82 Medick, Black, 18 apetala var. arctica , 95 Megaptera novaeangliae , 35 apetala var. arctica forma palea , 95 Megascops asio , 122 Lycopodium tristachyum , 173 Megascops asio , at the Northern Periphery of its Range, Lynx canadensis , 140,260,266 The Diet of the Eastern Screech -Owl, 122 lynx , 266 Melandrium macrospermum , 14 rufus , 209,260,265 Melanitta sp., 28 Lynx, Canada, 140,260,266 fusca , 29 European, 266 Melanoplus bivitattus , 175 Lynx rufus , Hunting Black -Tailed Prairie Dogs, Cynomys fasciatus , 175 ludovicianus , in Western South Dakota, Observations keeleri luridus , 175 of Bobcats, 209 punctulatus punctulatus , 175 Lynx rufus , in the Kananaskis Valley in Southwestern Alberta, sanguinipes sanguinipes , 175 Photographic Evidence of Bobcats, 260 Mentha arvensis , 19,106 Lynx rufus , Scavenging by a Bobcat, 265 Mephitis mephitis , 204 Lythrum sp., 81 Merganser, 28 Common, 29 MacKenzie, 1922–2009, Hubert Norman, 97 Hooded, 28 Macrocystis sp., 238 Mergus sp., 28 Magoun, A.J., 139 albellus , 28 Magpie, Black -billed, 242 merganser , 29 Maianthemum canadense , 173 Mertensia maritima , 6 stellatum , 173 paniculata , 11,57 Mallard, 29 Mesoplodon bidens , 35 2010 INDEX TO VOLUME 124 407

Micarea clavulifera , 181 Nova Scotia, Rosa rugosa as an Invader of Coastal Sand Michaud, W.K., R.C. Perry, J.B. Dempson, M. Shears, and Dunes of Cape Breton Island and Mainland of, 151 M. Powers. Occurrence of Lake Chub, Couesius Numenius phaeopus , 146 plumbeus , in Northern Labrador, 113 Nuthatch, White -breasted, 132 Microcalicium arenarium , 181 Nymphaea leibergii , 14 Micropterus dolomieui , 165 tetragona , 2 Microtus pennsylvanicus , 124 tetragona ssp. leibergii , 14 Milkweed, Common, 173 Milkwort, Racemed, 174 Oak, Burr, 174 Millar, J.S., 260 Northern Red, 174 Miller, S.M., 265 Oat, Wild, 4 Mint, Wild, 106 Odocoileus hemionus , 242,266 Minuartia arctica , 17 virginianus , 54,139,225,258,265 rubella , 16 Ontario, A Herpetological Survey of the James Bay Area of Minutes of the 131 st Annual Business Meeting of the Ottawa Québec and, 299 Field -Naturalists’ Club 12 January 2010, 289 Ontario, Blanding’s Turtle, Emydoidea blandingii , Habitat Mitrow, G., 71 Use During Hibernation in Eastern, 263 Monotropa sp., 81 Ontario, Successful Re -establishment of a Native Savannah Montia fontana , 6 Flora and Fauna on the Site of a Former Pine Planta- Moonwort, Alaskan,2 tion at Constance Bay, Ottawa, 169 Mingan, 3 Ontario, Wolverine, Gulo gulo , Home Range Size and Den- Moose, 54,139,232,242,258,270 ning Habitat in Lowland Boreal Forest in, 139 Moose, Alces alces , Swimming Wolves, Canis lupus , Attack Orchid, Lake Huron Green, 10 a Swimming, 54 Orchis huronensis , 10 Moth, 133 Oreamnos americanus , 225 Mouse, House, 124 Oreamnos americanus , Mineral Lick Visitation by Mountain Mudminnow, Central, 269 Goats, 225 Muhlenbergia glomerata , 174 Oriole, Baltimore, 132 Muhly, Spiked, 174 Orphulella speciosa , 175 Mus musculus , 124 Orthasterias koehleri , 202 Muskox, 215,258 Orthilia secunda , 174 Muskoxen, Ovibos moschatus Killed by Gray Wolves, Oryzopsis asperifolia , 174 Canis lupus , in July on Ellesmere Island, Proportion pungens , 174 of Calves and Adult, 258 Osmorhiza depauperata , 19 Myosotis alpestris ssp. asiatica forma eyerdamii , 95 Osprey, 219 Myotis lucifugus , 124 Ospreys, Pandion haliaetus , Affected by Water Levels Near Myrica asplenifolia , 172 Loon Lake, Saskatchewan, 1975 –2002, Productivity gale , 268 of, 219 pensylvanica , 153 Ottawa Field -Naturalists’ Club Awards for 2009, presented peregrina , 174 April 2010, The, 317 Myriophyllum sp., 268 Otter, Sea, 241 Ouellet, J.-F., P. Fradette, and I. Blouin. Do Barrow’s Golden- Nagorsen, D.W., 367 eyes, Bucephala islandica , Breed South of the St. Nasturtium crystallinum , 95 Lawrence Estuary in the Gaspé Peninsula, Eastern Nekola, J.C., Review by, 67 Canada?, 179 Nemiroff, L., T. Wimmer, P. -Y. Daoust, and D.F. McAlpine. Ovibos moschatus , 215,258 Cetacean Strandings in the Canadian Maritime Ovibos moschatus Killed by Gray Wolves, Canis lupus , in Provinces, 1990– 2008, 32 July on Ellesmere Island, Proportion of Calves and Nereocystis sp., 238 Adult Muskoxen, 258 luetkeana , 238 Ovis canadensis , 234 New Brunswick, Long Persistence and Other Aspects of dalli , 232 Variants of False Mayweed, Tripleurospermum mari- Owl, Boreal, 129 tima , at Sackville, 276 Burrowing, 129 Newfoundland and Labrador: Jon Lien 1939 -2010, The Long-eared, 129 Whale Man of, 384 Short -eared, 58 Nomotettix cristatus cristatus , 175 Snowy, 58 Nordstrom, W., 49 Owls, Asio flammeus , at more than 1000 km North of their Northwest Territories, Effects of Forest Fire on Young -of - Current Breeding Range in Northeastern Canada: the -year Northern Pike, Esox lucius , in the, 104 Evidence of Range Expansion?, Territorial Behavior Notemigonus crysoleucas , 268 of Short -eared, 58 Notemigonus crysoleucas , in Québec, Northeastern Range Oxyria digyna , 15 Extension for the Northern Redbelly Dace, Phoxinus Oxytropis campestris ssp. roaldii , 95 eos , and the Golden Shiner, 268 campestris ssp. varians , 95 Notropis hudsonius , 105 deflexa ssp. foliolosa , 95 Nova Scotia, Erythrism in the Maritime Garter Snake, Tham- deflexa ssp. sericea , 96 nophis sirtalis pallidulus , in, 99 maydelliana , 5 408 THE CANADIAN FIELD -N ATURALIST Vol. 124

nigrescens , 15 Pike, Esox lucius , in the Northwest Territories, Effects of nigrescens ssp. lonchopoda , 96 Forest Fire on Young -of -the -year Northern, 104 sericea ssp. spicata , 96 Pine, 169 viscida , 17 Eastern White, 174 Jack, 105,139,145,174,300 Palustriella falcata , 8 Longleaf, 169 Pandion haliaetus , 219 Red, 174 Pandion haliaetus , Affected by Water Levels Near Loon Lake, Pine Plantation at Constance Bay, Ottawa, Ontario, Success- Saskatchewan, 1975–2002, Productivity of Ospreys, ful Re -establishment of a Native Savannah Flora and 219 Fauna on the Site of a Former, 169 Panicum boreale , 173 Pinguicula sp., 81 depauperatum , 173 Pintail, Northern, 29 Panope abrupta , 238 Pinus sp., 135 Panthera leo , 266 banksiana , 105,139,145,174,300 tigris , 266 palustris , 169 Papaver lapponica , 6 radiata , 169 Parker, K.L., 367 resinosa , 174 Parnassia kotzebuei , 4 strobus , 174 Parrya arctica forma albiflora , 96 Pinweed, Round -Fruit, 173 nudicaulis forma albiflora , 96 Piptatherum pungens , 174 Passer domesticus , 124 Pisaster brevispinus , 202 Pedicularis labradorica , 5 ochraceus , 202 lanata forma alba , 96 Platanthera sp., 10 sudetica forma alba , 96 aquilonisa , 10 Peeper, Spring, 302 huronensis , 10 Pellaea glabella var. nana , 96 hyperborea , 2 Penstemon procerus , 8 Platt, S.G., G.T. Salmon, S.M. Miller, and T.R. Rainwater. flavenscens , 110 Scavenging by a Bobcat, Lynx rufus , 265 Perca flavescens , 159 Plethodon cinereus , 302 Perch, Yellow, 110 Plover, Piping, 154 Peromyscus maniculatus , 124 Semipalmated, 147 Perry, R.C., 113 Pluvialis dominica , 146 Petasites frigidus , 15 Poa sp., 204 frigidus ssp. arcticus , 96 glauca , 15 frigidus ssp. nivalis , 96 paucispicula , 16 frigidus ssp. palmatus , 96 pratensis , 174 Peterson, R.O., 54 Poecile atricapillus , 124 Phacelia mollis , 84 Poison Ivy, Eastern, 174 Phacelia, McBride’s, 84 Polemonium acutifolium , 15 Phacocytis sp., 9 boreale forma albiflorum , 96 Phalaris arundinacea , 160 Polygala polygama , 174 Phalarope, Red -necked, 147 Polygonum sp., 12 Phalaropus lobatus , 147 douglasii ssp. douglasii , 2 Phillips, F.R., 45 , 81 Polystichum acrostichoides × lonchitis Phippsia algida , 6 lemmonii , 81 , 6 , 96 langeana ×hagenahii Phleum alpinum , 11 Polysticta stelleri , 28 Phlox alaskensis , 17 Polytrichum sp., 174 Phocoena phocoena , 33 Pondweed, Floating, 4 Photinia melanocarpa , 173 Horned, 4 Phoxinus eos , 268 Poplar, 45,274 Phoxinus eos , and the Golden Shiner, Notemigonus cryso- Balsam, 28,46,274 leucas , in Québec, Northeastern Range Extension Populus sp., 3,45,135,145,274,300 for the Northern Redbelly Dace, 268 balsamifera , 28,274 Phyllodoce sp., 81 tremuloides , 9,45,139,174,274,300 Phyllophaga sp., 124 Poraniopsis inflatus , 199 Physeter macrocephalus , 35 Poraniopsis inflatus (Asteroidea: Poraniidae), A Defensive Pica hudsonia , 242 Response to other Sea Stars?, Arm Deflation in the Picard, I., 299 Rare Thorny Sea Star, 199 Picea sp., 300 Porpoise, Harbour, 33 glauca , 18,145,274 Potamogeton sp., 268 mariana , 105,139,145,274,300 natans , 2 Pigeon, Rock, 124 Potentilla anserina , 3 Pike, Northern, 104,165 arenosa , 18 2010 INDEX TO VOLUME 124 409

arguta , 8 crebridens , 17 Québec and Ontario, A Herpetological Survey of the James crebridens ssp. hemicryophila , 2 Bay Area of, 299 egedii , 8 Québec, Northeastern Range Extension for the Northern fruticosa , 4 Redbelly Dace, Phoxinus eos , and the Golden Shiner, hookeriana , 17 Notemigonus crysoleucas , in, 268 hyparctica , 16 Quercus sp., 135 nivea , 17 macrocarpa , 174 palustris , 19 rubra , 174 pensylvanica , 4 subgorodkovii , 17 Rabbit, Cottontail, 209 uniflora , 22 Raccoon, 204 Pouliot, D. and J. -J. Frenette. Development and Growth of Rail, Virginia, 124 Northern Leopard Frog, Lithobates pipiens , Tadpoles Rainette crucifère, 305 in North American Waterfowl Management Plan faux -grillon boréale, 305 Permanent Basins and in Natural Wetlands, 159 Rainwater, T.R., 265 Powers, M., 113 Rallus limicola , 124 Prairie Dog, Black -Tailed, 209 Rana sylvatica , 124 White -tailed, 213 Rangifer tarandus , 139,258 Prairie Dogs, Cynomys ludovicianus , in Western South tarandus groenlandicus , 270 Dakota, Observations of Bobcats, Lynx rufus , Rangifer tarandus groenlandicus , by a Single Gray Wolf, Hunting Black -Tailed, 209 Canis lupus , in Northern Manitoba, Canada, Predation Primula borealis , 24 of a Barren -ground Caribou, 270 borealis forma albiflora , 96 Ranunculus codyanus , 83 Procyon lotor , 204 nivalis , 16 Prosopium cylindraceum , 114 pallasii , 8 Pruitt 1922–2009, William O., 97 pygmaeus , 15 Prunus sp., 81 Raven, Common, 271 padus , 2 Ray, J.C., 139 pumila var. cuneata , 172 Redroot, Prairie, 173 susquehannae , 172 Redstart, American, 132,272 virginiana , 18 Redstart, Setophaga ruticilla , Reuses Red -Eyed Vireo, Vireo Pseudacris crucifer , 302 olivaceus , Nest, Female American, 272 maculata , 302 Regulus sp., 132 triseriata , 313 Renaud, C.B., 330 Pseudoroegneria spicata , 22 Rhamnus cathartica , 156 Psilolechia sp., 181 frangula , 173 clavulifera , 181 Rhus vernix , 135 leprosa , 181 Ribes hudsonianum , 18,57 lucida , 181 Rice, C.G. Mineral Lick Visitation by Mountain Goats, purpurascens , 181 Oreamnos americanus , 225 Psilolechia clavulifera , a Lichen Species New to Canada, Robin, American, 132 181 Rorippa sp., 81 Ptarmigan, Rock, 45 Rosa sp., 204 , 45 acicularis , 19,57 Pteraster tesselatus , 202 blanda , 174 Pteridium aquilinum , 81,174 multiflora , 156 Puccinellia langeana , 6 nitida , 174 phryganodes , 5 rugosa , 151 tenella , 6 virginiana , 151 tenella ssp. langeana , 2 Rosa rugosa as an Invader of Coastal Sand Dunes of Cape tenella ssp. tenella , 6 Breton Island and Mainland of Nova Scotia, 151 vaginata , 8 Rose, 204 Puccinia codyi , 83 Shining, 174 Puffinus puffinus , 385 Smooth, 174 Pulsatilla patens , 8 Roughley, R.E., 118 Puma concolor , 242,260,266 Rubus acaulis , 18 Puma, 266 allegheniensis , 174 Puma concolor , in Southeastern Alberta, Scavenging of an chamaemorus , 5 Elk, Cervus elaphus , Carcass by Multiple Cougars, idaeus , 19 242 pennsylvanicus , 175 Pussytoes, 173 Rumex acetosella , 13 Pycnopodia helianthoides , 201 arcticus , 5 Pyrola secunda , 174 beringensis , 2 410 THE CANADIAN FIELD -N ATURALIST Vol. 124

crispus , 13 bronchialis , 16 domesticus var. pseudonatronatus , 13 bronchialis ssp. codyana , 83 fennicus , 13 cernua , 16 longifolius , 13 codyana , 83 pseudonatronatus , 2 galacifolia , 57 Rush, 135 hyperborea , 2 oppositifolia , 23 Sagebrush, Boreal, 21 radiata , 16 Salamander, Blue -spotted, 302 reflexa , 15 Redback, 302 rivularis , 15 Two -lined, 302 rivularis ssp. arctolitoralis , 2 Salamandre à deux lignes, 303 rivularis ssp. hyperborea , 15 à points bleus, 302 rivularis var. flexuosa , 15 Salicornia sp., 81 spicata , 57 Salix sp., 11,45,105,135,145,160,263,274,300 tricuspidata , 8 alaxensis , 4 tricuspidata forma woodruffii , 96 arctica , 7 arctolitoralis , 16 bebbiana , 11 hyperborea , 16 candida , 12 rivularis , 16 dodgeana , 14 rivularis ssp. arctolitoralis , 16 farriae , 2 rivularis ssp. rivularis , 16 fuscescens , 5 Saxifraga spicata , Rediscovered in Canada After 110 Years, glauca , 17 Spiked Saxifrage, 57 glauca ssp. acutifolia , 12 Saxifrage, Arctic Coast, 16 glauca ssp. stipulifera , 2 Pygmy, 15 glauca var. stipulata , 12 Spiked, 57 hastata , 11 Saxifrage, Saxifraga spicata , Rediscovered in Canada After hastata var. farriae , 11 110 Years, Spiked, 57 humilus , 174 Scaup, Greater, 29 ovalifolia , 8 Scheuchzeria sp., 81 phlebophylla , 17 Schizachyrium scoparium var. scoparium , 174 planifolia , 11 Schoenoplectus acutus , 160 prolixa , 12 fluviatilis , 160 pulchra , 12 Schueler, F.W., 299 reticulata , 4 Sciurus carolinensis , 266 richardsonii , 22 Scoter, 28 rotundifolia , 21 White -winged, 29 scouleriana , 18 Scott, F., 219 sphenophylla , 12 Scouring -rush, Submerged Common, 106 stipulifera , 12 Screech -Owl, Eastern, 122 Salmon, G.T., 265 Screech -Owl, Megascops asio , at the Northern Periphery of Salvelinus alpinus , 114 its Range, The Diet of the Eastern, 122 fontinalis , 114,269 Scudderia curvicauda , 175 namaycush , 114 Sea -Buckthorn, 19 Sand -verbena, Small -flowered, 253 Sea Star, Thorny, 199 Sander vitreus , 269 Sea Star, Poraniopsis inflatus (Asteroidea: Poraniidae), A Sanderling, 147 Defensive Response to other Sea Stars? Arm Defla- Sandpiper, Least, 147 tion in the Rare Thorny, 199 Semipalmated, 147 Sea Stars?, Arm Deflation in the Rare Thorny Sea Star, Por- Solitary, 145 aniopsis inflatus (Asteroidea: Poraniidae), A Defen- White -rumped, 147 sive Response to other, 199 Sarracenia sp., 81 Seburn, D.C. Blanding’s Turtle, Emydoidea blandingii , Saskatchewan, 1975–2002, Productivity of Ospreys, Pandion Habitat Use During Hibernation in Eastern Ontario, haliaetus , Affected by Water Levels Near Loon Lake, 263 219 Sedge, 135 Saunders, G.W., 238 Alpine Tundra, 7 Saussurea angustifolia , 23 Curved -spiked, 6 angustifolia ssp., yukonesnis , 96 Dry -spike, 173 densa , 23 Loose -flowered Alpine, 8 nuda , 2 Mackenzie’s, 7 nuda ssp. densa , 23 Pennsylvania, 173 nuda var. densa , 23 Ramens’s, 7 , 23 Shaved, 173 × tschuktschorum Saw -wort, Dwarf, 23 Slender -Beak, 6 Saxifraga sp., 6 Tahoe, 8 2010 INDEX TO VOLUME 124 411

Sedum sp., 82 oleraceus , 2 lanceolatum , 4 oleraceus ssp. uliginosus , 24 Selaginella sibirica , 15 Sorbaria sp., 82 congestus , 10 Sorghastrum nutans , 174 lugens , 4 South Dakota, Observations of Bobcats, Lynx rufus , Hunting Service -Berry, Allegheny, 173 Black -Tailed Prairie Dogs, Cynomys ludovicianus , in Running, 173 Western, 209 Setophaga ruticilla , 272 Sow -thistle, Common, 24 Setophaga ruticilla , Reuses Red -Eyed Vireo, Vireo olivaceus , Sparrow, House, 124 Nest, Female American Redstart, 272 White -throated, 130 Shears, M., 113 Spartina sp., 306 Sheep, Bighorn, 234 Spermophilus parryii , 3 Dall, 232 Sphagnum sp., 135,300 Shimek, R.L., 199 Spharagemon bolli bolli , 175 Shiner, Golden, 268 Spider, 133 Spottail, 105 Spiderwort, Western, 253 Shiner, Notemigonus crysoleucas , in Québec, Northeastern Spike-rush, Common, 160 Range Extension for the Northern Redbelly Dace, Bald, 10 Phoxinus eos , and the Golden, 268 Pale, 10 Shrew, Northern Short -tailed, 124 Soft -stem, 10 Shrike, Northern, 132 Spiraea alba , 174 Shutt, L., 49 Spirea sp., 135 Sidebells, 174 Sponge, 200 Silene acaulis ssp. subacaulescens forma albifora , 96 Spruce, 274 acaulis var. albiflora , 96 Black, 105,139,145,300 macrosperma , 14 White, 145 soczavana , 14 Squirrel, Arctic Ground, 3 soczavana var. macrosperma , 2 Gray, 266 uralensis ssp. ogilviensis , 14 Red, 133 uralensis ssp. porsildii , 14 Staniforth, J.A., 274 uralensis ssp. uralensis , 14 Starling, European, 123 Silver, R.S., N.K. Dawe, B.M. Starzomski, K.L. Parker, and Starzomski, B.M., 367 D.W. Nagorsen. A Tribute to Ian McTaggart -Cowan, Stellaria crassifolia , 10 1910 -2010, O.C., O.B.C., PhD, LL.D, F.R.S.C., 367 longipes , 22 Silverberry, 204 media , 20 Skunk, Striped, 204 Stenella coeruleoalba , 35 Sloan, N.A., D.C. Mcdevit, and G.W. Saunders. Further to Stipa sp., 204 the Occurrence of Red Abalone, Haliotis rufescens , nelsonii , 8 in British Columbia, 238 richardsonii , 8 Slug, 133 Stomphia didemon , 200 Smelowskia borealis , 23 Strawberry, Virginia, 173 borealis ssp., jordalii , 96 Strongylocentrotus sp., 238 media , 17 Sturnus vulgaris , 123 Smew, 28 Stylasterias forreri , 202 Smilacina stellatum , 173 Sucker, Longnose, 105,114 Smith, C.M., Review by, 183 White, 105 Smith, P.A., 145 Sumac, Poison, 135 Snake, Eastern Garter, 99 Sunflower, Woodland, 173 Garter, 302 Swan, Mute, 310 Maritime Garter, 99 Sylvilagus sp., 209 Snake, Thamnophis sirtalis pallidulus , in Nova Scotia, Symphoricarpos occidentalis , 204 Erythrism in the Maritime Garter, 99 Symphyotrichum ciliolatus , 174 Snipe, Wilson’s, 145 laeve var. geyeri , 24 Snowberry, Western, 204 subspicatum , 2 Solaster dawsoni , 199 subspicatum var. subspicatum , 24 stimpsoni , 202 Solidago canadensis , 12 Tamarack, 145 hispida var. hispida , 174 Taraxacum sp., 24 juncea , 174 alaskanum , 16 multiradiata , 4 ceratophorum , 24 nemoralis var. nemoralis , 174 hyparcticum , 2 Solomon’s Seal, Starry False, 173 officinale , 19 Somateria spp., 28 Taxidea taxus , 204 Sonchus arvensis , 154 Tea, Labrador, 106 arvensis ssp. uliginosus , 24 Teaberry, Eastern, 173 412 THE CANADIAN FIELD -N ATURALIST Vol. 124

Tern, Caspian, 49 pennsylvanicum , 172 Tether, R.B., 219 vitis -idaea , 5 Thalictrum sparsiflorum ssp. richardsonii , 96 Valerian, Garden, 20 Thamnophis sp., 99 Valeriana officinale , 2 sirtalis , 99,302 officinalis , 20 sirtalis pallidulus , 99,311 Veronica wormskjoldii forma albiflora , 96 sirtalis sirtalis , 99,311 Viburnum edule , 57 sirtalis sirtalis /pallidulus , 313 Viola adunca var. adunca , 174 sirtalis sirtalis /parietalis , 313 arvensis , 19 Thamnophis sirtalis pallidulus , in Nova Scotia, Erythrism fimbriatula var. ovata , 174 in the Maritime Garter Snake, 99 saggitata , 174 Therrien, J.-F. Territorial Behavior of Short -eared Owls, selkirkii , 18 Asio flammeus , at more than 1000 km North of their tricolor , 2 Current Breeding Range in Northeastern Canada: Violet, Arrow -leaf, 174 Evidence of Range Expansion?, 58 Hook -Spur, 174 Thiel, R.P. and T.T. Wilder. Over -wintering Characteristics Vireo flavifrons , 272 of West -Central Wisconsin Blanding’s Turtles, Emy- olivaceus , 272 doidea blandingii , 134 Vireo, Red -Eyed, 272 Thimbleweed, Long -Head, 173 Yellow -Throated, 272 Thompson, I. A Tribute to Patrick W. Colgan 1944 -2004, Vireo olivaceus , Nest, Female American Redstart, Setophaga 357 ruticilla , Reuses Red -Eyed Vireo, 272 Tiger, 266 Vireo, Vireo olivaceus , Nest, Female American Redstart, Tilia americana , 272 Setophaga ruticilla , Reuses Red -Eyed, 272 Tillaea sp., 81 Vole, Meadow, 124 Toad, 312 Vulpes lagopus , 58 American, 302 vulpes , 204 Eastern American, 102 Toadflax, Dalmatian, 20 Walleye, 269 Tongue, Adder’s, 2 Wallflower, Common, 15 Touch -me -not, Spotted, 19 Warbler, Kirtland’s, 169 Western, 18 Tennessee, 132 Toxicodendron radicans ssp. radicans , 174 Yellow, 132,272 Tradescantia occidentalis , 253 Yellow -rumped, 124 Trichoptera sp., 114 Water -lily, Pygmy, 14 Trientalis borealis , 174 Waterwort, Eurasian, 19 Trifolium repens , 156 Waxwing, Cedar, 128 , 4 Way, J.G. Double -litters in Coywolf, , Triglochin maritima Canis latrans × lycaon Tringa flavipes , 145 Packs Following the Death or Disappearance of a solitaria , 145 Resident Territorial Male, 256 Tripleurospermum maritima , 276 Whale, Humpback, 39 Tripleurospermum maritima , at Sackville, New Brunswick, Long -finned Pilot, 34 Long Persistence and Other Aspects of Variants of Minke, 39 False Mayweed, 276 North Atlantic Right, 37 Tripterocalyx micranthus , 253 Northern Bottlenose, 39 Trisetum spicatum , 15 Pygmy Sperm, 39 Trout, Brook, 114,269 Sperm, 35 Lake, 114 Whale Man of Newfoundland and Labrador: Jon Lien Tursiops truncatus , 35 1939 -2010, The, 384 Turtle, Blanding’s, 134,263 Whimbrel, 146 Turtle, Emydoidea blandingii , Habitat Use During Hiber- Whitefish, Lake, 105 nation in Eastern Ontario, Blanding’s, 263 Round, 114 Turtles, Emydoidea blandingii , Over -wintering Characteris- Wilder, T.T., 134 tics of West -Central Wisconsin Blanding’s, 134 Willow, 45,105,145,160,263,274 Typha sp., 268,300 Blue -green, 12 angustifolia , 161 Farr’s, 11 latifolia , 263 Gray, 12 Prairie, 174 Umbra limi , 269 Wedge -leaf, 12 Urchin, Sea, 238 Wimmer, T., 32 Ursus americanus , 140 Wisconsin Blanding’s Turtles, Emydoidea blandingii , Over - arctos , 274 wintering Characteristics of West -Central, 134 Utricularia vulgaris , 268 Withers, S., 57 Wolf, 54,242,256 Vaccinium angustifolium , 172 Barren -ground Gray, 270 caespitosum , 11,106 Gray, 140,215,258,270 2010 INDEX TO VOLUME 124 413

Wolf, Canis lupus , in Northern Manitoba, Canada, Predation Woodpecker, Downy, 132 of a Barren -ground Caribou, Rangifer tarandus groen- Hairy, 132 landicus , by a Single Gray, 270 Woodsia glabella , 17 Wolffia sp., 81 Wren, House, 132 Wolverine, 139 Wolverine, Gulo gulo , Home Range Size and Denning Habi- Yellow -perch, 159 tat in Lowland Boreal Forest in Ontario, 139 Yellowlegs, Lesser, 145 Wolves, Canis lupus , Attack a Swimming Moose, Alces alces , Yukon Territory VIII, New Records of Vascular Plants in the, Swimming, 54 1 Wolves, Canis lupus , in July on Ellesmere Island, Proportion Yukon, Unusual Beaver, Castor canadensis , Dams in Central, of Calves and Adult Muskoxen, Ovibos moschatus 274 Killed by Gray, 258 Wolves, Canis lupus , Prolonged Intensive Dominance Zajdlik, B.A., 104 Behavior Between Gray, 215 Zannichellia palustris , 2 Woodcock, T.S., P.G. Kevan, and R.E. Roughley. Subarctic Zenaida macroura , 128 Records and Range Extensions of Two Species of Zonatrichia albicollis , 130 Tiger Beetles (Coleoptera: Cicindelidae) in Churchill Zygadenus elegans , 17 and Wapusk National Park, Manitoba, 118

Index to Book Reviews

Botany Zoology Arlott, N. Birds of the West Indies, 279 Guomuo, Z., J. Peikun and X. Qiufang. Carbon Sequestration Beeke, T. The Birds of Dalian: With Special Focus on Jin - and Transformation in Bamboo Forest Ecosystem, shitan National Holiday Resort, 65 186 Bird, D.M. Birds of Canada, 64 McPherson, S. Pitcher Plants of the Old World, 187 Buckley, P.A., E.B. Massiah, M.B. Hutt, F.G. Buckley and Yinxin, W., H. Hongjun. Freshwater Algae in China, 281 H.F. Hutt. The Birds of Barbados, 184 Cartron, J. -L.E. Raptors of New Mexico , 185 Environment Cleere, N. Nightjars, Potoos, Frogmouths, Oilbird, and Cioc, M. The Game of Conservation –International Treaties Owlet -nightjars of the World, 185 to Protect the World’s Migratory Animals, 190 Gailus, J. The Grizzly Manifesto: In Defence of the Great Dodd, K. Amphibian Ecology and Conservation: A Hand - Bear, 63 book of Techniques, 69 Grimm, F.W., R.G. Forsyth, F.W. Schueler, and A. Karstad. Fanghao, W., G. Jianying, Z. Feng. Biological Invasions in Identifying Land Snails and Slugs in Canada, 67 China, 282 Hilmarsson, J.O. Icelandic Bird Guide, 278 Longjun, C., Y. Xiaohui. Desertification and Its Control in Simpson, K. and N. Day. Birds of Australia –8th Edition, 183 China, 283 Svensson, L. Birds of : Second Edition, 61 McIntyre, A.D. Life in the World’s Oceans: Diversity, Dis - Thompson, B. III. Identifying and Feeding Birds, 280 tribution, and Abundance, 284 Tingay, R.E. and T.E. Katzner. The Eagle Watchers: Observ - Tape, K. The Changing Arctic Landscape, 69 ing and Conserving Raptors Around the World, 66 Primack, R.B. Essentials of Conservation Biology (Fifth Edi - Troyer, W. Bear Wrangler: Memoirs of an Pioneer tion), 189 Biologist, 62 Van der Weijden, W., P. Terwan, and A. Guldemond. Farm - Miscellaneous land Birds Across the World, 66 Dorling Kindersley Ltd. The Practical Naturalist. Explore the Wonders of the Natural World, 192 Electronic Systems: Web Sites Theberge, J. and M. The Ptarmigan’s Dilemma: An Explo - DENDROICA –An Aid to Identifying North American Birds, ration into How Life Organizes and Supports Itself, 194 191 Feather Atlas, 193