The End Times as Seen Through the and Zephaniah Susie Shellenberger Ministries

“Let your remorse tear at your ______and not your garments. Return to the Lord your God, for he is gracious and merciful. He is not easily angered; he is full of kindness, and anxious not to punish you.” (Joel 2:13 TLB)

“Who knows? Perhaps even yet he will decide to let you alone and give you a ______instead of his terrible ______. Perhaps he will give you so much that you can offer your grain and wine to the Lord as before!” (Joel 2:14 LB) NOTES “Sound the trumpet in ! Call a fast and gather all the people together for a solemn meeting.” (Joel 2:15 LB)

One of these is not like the other. Mark the one that is different.

In verse one, a trumpet was used to a. head up the brass section of the orchestra. b. play rock music. c. sound an alarm. d. play the national theme song.

In verse 15, the trumpet is used to call an ______.

“Bring everyone—the elders, the children, and even the babies. Call the bridegroom from his quarters and the bride from her privacy.” (Joel 2:16 LB)

Circle the ones NOT called to be at the above assembly. NOTES “The priests, the ministers of God, will stand between the people and the altar, weeping; and they will ______, “Spare your people, O God; don’t let the heathen rule them, for they belong to you. Don’t let them be disgraced by the taunts of the heathen who say, ‘Where is this God of theirs? How weak and helpless he must be!’ ” (Joel 2:17 LB)

Now we’ll move into a ______of deliverance.

“Then will the Lord be jealous for his land and pity his people.” (Joel 2:18 KJV)

“He will reply, ‘See, I am sending you much corn and wine and oil, to fully satisfy your need. No longer will I make you a laughingstock among the nations.’ ” (Joel 2:19 LB)

At that time, the Lord will give them ______, wine and oil. They’ll be satisfied and no longer be seen as a reproach among the heathen.

“I will remove these armies from the north and send them far away; I will turn them back into the parched wastelands where they will die; half shall be driven into the Dead Sea and the rest into the Mediterranean, and then their rotting stench will rise upon the land. The Lord has done a mighty miracle for you.” (Joel 2:20 LB)

Joel mentions a future army. You can get more details from 38-39.

“Fear not, my people; be glad now and rejoice, for he has done amazing things for you.” (Joel 2:21 LB)

The believers will be called the Bride of Christ. NOTES “Let the flocks and herds forget their hunger; the pastures will turn green again. The trees will bear their fruit; the fig trees and grape vines will flourish once more.” (Joel 2:22 LB)

This ______hasn’t come yet.

“Rejoice, O people of , rejoice in the Lord your God! For the ______he sends are tokens of forgiveness. Once more the autumn rains will come, as well as those of spring.” (Joel 2:23 LB)

“The threshing floors will pile high again with ______, and the presses overflow with olive oil and wine. And I will give you back the crops the locusts ate!—my great destroying army that I sent against you.” (Joel 2:24-25 LB)

We’ll be transformed—we’ll become like ______.

“Once again you will have all the food you want. Praise the Lord, who does these miracles for you. Never again will my ______experience disaster such as this.” (Joel 2:26-27 LB)

Now, we’re going to see the promise of the ______. “After I have poured out my rains again, I will pour out my ______upon all of you! Your sons and daughters will prophesy; your old men will dream dreams, and your young men see visions. And I will pour out my ______even on your slaves, men and women alike, and put strange symbols in the earth and sky—blood and fire and pillars of smoke.

“The sun will be turned into darkness and the moon to ______before the great and terrible Day of the Lord shall come. Everyone who calls upon the name of the ______will be saved; even in Jerusalem some will escape, just as the Lord has promised, for he has chosen some to survive.” (Joel 2:28-32 LB)

Joel had said that if the people repented, the Lord would save them from judgment. (2:12-14).

All this points to the ______of God.