The Texas Star Newsletter for the Texican Rangers A Publication of the Texican Rangers An Authentic Cowboy Action Shooting Club That Treasures & Respects the Cowboy Tradition SASS Affiliated PO Box 782261 May 2020 San Antonio, TX 78278-2261 Officers Hello Texican Rangers

President A.D. 210-862-7464 [email protected]

Vice President

Bexar Bill Brocius Have you heard - The Texican Rangers 210-310-9090 will resume their 2020 shooting season [email protected] June 13th & 14th! The Texican Rangers board is making provisions to have a fun, Secretary safe shoot. Tombstone Mary On Saturday May 23rd, I shot at the 210-262-7464 Green Mountain Regulators in Marbles [email protected] Falls. It was very well run by club officers Lewie Ledslinger and Whiskey Kid. The Treasurer Safety measures that were in effect for the General Burleson match was spot on. Effective - not 210-912-7908 overboard. They had hand sanitizers [email protected] available for all of the shooters at all of the stages, and 3 separate handwashing Range Master stations! This coming Saturday there will be 5th Colorado Horseshoe Saturday matches at Green Mountain 719-231-6109 Regulators outside of Marble Falls, Texas [email protected] Riviera Pistoleros in George West and at

the Tejas Caballeros outside of Blanco. Communications The first Saturday in June have matches Dutch Van Horn at the South Texas Pistoleros in San 210-823-6058 Antonio and the Plum Creek Shooting [email protected] Society in Lockhart.

I suggest you check each club’s website for details if you are planning on shooting any of these dates. For the Texican Ranger match on the second weekend we will post on our web and email to our members the safety measures and items that we suggest you bring for the match. We will have a workday June 9th. The targets are set and painted. We will be mowing and weed whacking, and general clean up! A.D. President, Texican Rangers

The Battle of Plum Creek By Quintana Following the Council House Fight, a group of Comanches led by the Penateka Comanche War Chief Buffalo Hump, warriors from his own band plus allies from various other Comanche bands, raided from West Texas all the way to the coast and the sea. These Comanches were angered by the events of the Council House, in which Texans had killed the Comanche Chiefs after the Texans had raised a white flag of truce. The Comanche army comprised of warriors, women and boys totaling approximately 1000 people started south toward the level plains that fell away to the Gulf of Mexico. They passed San Antonio, raiding ranches and settlements along the way, until they reached Linnville at Lavaca Bay. They broke into John Linn's warehouse, loaded with goods waiting shipment to San Antonio. The Indians loaded all manner of merchandise onto horses and mules, now numbering in the thousands, and proceeded back north on a route that would take them to Plum Creek. The men rode with women's parasols, stovepipe hats, ribbons and all kinds of goods stolen from the warehouse. The warriors rode in the lead with the horse herd and the women and children followed with the pack mules. Flankers were spread out along the column. The procession created towering clouds of dust. As they approached Plum Creek, they were met by an army of Texans who opened fire and charged. In the ensuing battle, more than 80 Comanches were killed, many were captured, and the rest scattered in all directions. Buffalo Hump continued to raid white settlements until 1856, when he led his band into the Brazos River Reservation. The town of Linnville never recovered from the Great Raid, most of its residents moving to Port Lavaca, the new settlement established on the bay three- and one-half miles southwest by displaced Linnville residents.

Decorations Day, the Forerunner to Memorial Day By Dutch Van Horn/Regulator 51153 On May 5, 1868, General John A. Logan, leader of an organization for Northern Civil War veterans, called for a nationwide day of remembrance later that month. He proclaimed, “The 30th of May 1868, is designated for the purpose of strewing with flowers, or otherwise decorating the graves of comrades who died in defense of their country during the late rebellion, and whose bodies now lie in almost every city, village and hamlet churchyard in the land.” The date was chosen was chosen because it wasn’t the anniversary of any particular battle. On the first Decoration Day, General James Garfield made a speech at Arlington National Cemetery, and 5,000 participants decorated the graves of the 20,000 Union and Confederate soldiers buried there. Many Northern states held similar commemorative events and reprised the tradition in subsequent years; by 1890 each one had made Decoration Day an official state holiday. Southern states, on the other hand, continued to honor their dead-on separate days until after World War I. By the late 19th century, many communities across the country had begun to celebrate Memorial Day, and after World War I, observers began to honor the dead of all of America’s wars. In 1971, Congress declared Memorial Day a national holiday to be celebrated the last Monday in May.

Today even with the Pandemic, Memorial Day is celebrated at Arlington National Cemetery with a ceremony in which a small American flag is placed on each grave. It is customary for the president or vice president to give a speech honoring the contributions of the dead and to lay a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. More than 5,000 people attend the ceremony annually.

Old West Gunfights By Dutch Van Horn/Regulator 51153 The modern-day misconception of "Old West gunfights." First off, it's not all the fault of Hollywood and the movies. Many years before cinema was even invented, dime novels were printed up, enthralling their eager and avid readers. These pulp novels were extremely popular and carried the written accounts of legendary Old West gunslingers Wyatt Earp, Doc Holliday, Wild Bill Hickok, Buffalo Bill, Bat Masterson, etc. The authors would simply dream up fictional accounts of the exploits of these famed heroes and embellish things that actually did happen. It wasn't only the authors doing this embellishing, as many of the actual participants themselves would "color" their own stories for the sake of a good story. Newspapers, too, would dress up the tales of Old West gunmen in order to boost sales (no kidding? A newspaper not telling the truth? Gee, I'm mortified at that one!). The fact is Old West gunfights were few and far between. In popular Western television shows like Bonanza, The Big Valley, Have, Will Travel, and Rawhide, the gunfight is a routine event, taking place about as often as we currently witness a politician being dishonest or your luggage being late coming on the carousel when you arrive at the airport. In some seasons of the longest-running Western TV series ever, Gunsmoke (1955-1975), a formal Hollywood gunfight takes place during the show's opening credits. The typical Hollywood gunfight, in TV or in the movies, is two cowboys meeting on the street, usually about ten, twenty, or maybe twenty-five feet apart. They formally wait for one of the two to take a first shot. This signals that the fight is on and gives the second cowboy (almost inevitably the hero, the lead, the "good guy") the right to then draw. This second guy, also almost inevitably, wins the fight. Actual facts (I know, this is a redundancy, but I wanted stress) about the Old West are tough to pin down. The following facts do appear to be true. Actual gunfights in the Old West were exceedingly rare. When they did occur, not one, but several gunshots were usually fired. Often onlookers were hit. And, no one knew who actually won the fight until several minutes after the gunshots, as it took a while for all the gun smoke to clear in the air. Unlike in the movies, easy shots were often missed. Often the two just continued firing until they had completely emptied their pistols. Most experts on the Old West also agree, it was not the "fastest gun" who won. Most gunfights went to the more accurate shot. But even above speed and accuracy, a "cool head" took precedence and was the single most valuable asset for a gunman. Although many Old West legends have "fast gun" reputations, it appears that John Wesley Hardin, Wild Bill Hickok, Doc Holliday, and Billy the Kid were actually really fast guns. But even famous "quick draws" didn't go the formal route in their gunfights. Why? It was still too risky for a "fast draw" or a "good guy" to lose. Much more frequently than the typical Hollywood face-to-face draw, a cowboy would gun a guy down at the most opportune point. Meaning, if he got a drop on his enemy, if he was unarmed, or even if it meant shooting him in the back. The typical Hollywood gunfight distance too, was often varied. Sometimes two opposing gunmen would be very close and would circle each other, like caged animals, before opening fire on each other.

In 1865, in one of the few actual documented gunfights (with evidence and valid testimony), James Butler Hickok ("Wild Bill" Hickok) had a bad quarrel with Davis Tutt in Springfield, Missouri. The fight was over a debt. At around 6PM, the two advanced on each other in the town square. The men drew guns at a distance of around 50 yards and blasted away. Tutt missed. Wild Bill didn't. Tutt fell with a bullet through his heart. Hickok was tried for manslaughter and acquitted. A sensational account of the gunfight appeared in Harper's magazine in 1867. This account made Hickok a national celebrity.

This fairly "Hollywood" gunfight, although it did occur, was a rarity. The 50-yard distance was questioned by skeptics but was verified by several onlookers. Another "mistake" Hollywood makes about gunfights is the "gun in the holster" myth. True, gunfights were sometimes conducted with the opponents' guns in their respective holsters, but often the guns were held in belts or in their pockets, and sometimes just tucked into the front of their pants. It was rare, but sometimes the two duelists would just stand up and face each other, each man clutching his gun in hand, no holster draw, no nothing. Oh, and there is one gunfight factor Hollywood did get right: "liquid courage." A great number of Old West gunfights were not the result of some noble cause, like "defending a woman's honor" or some such deal. The consumption of whiskey, liquor, and booze had a hand in a great percentage of shoot outs in the town square. Still, despite knowledge of the truth. most of us enjoy a good TV or movie gunfight. They're dramatic, they're romantic, they're exciting, and I guess we like them because almost inevitably the good guy wins. And this isn't always so in real life, is it?

The Man with No Name Gun By Dutch Van Horn/Regulator 51153 The Man with No Name gun was Colt six-gun with the silver rattlesnakes on the grips. It first appeared in an episode of the TV western Rawhide, which starred Eric Fleming as Trial Boss Gil Faver and, a very young, Clint Eastwood as Segundo (second in command) Rowdy Yates. It was the second episode of the series called “Incident at Alabaster Plain,”. It aired on Jan. 16, 1959.

In the episode Rowdy acquired the gun. Guest star Mark Richman played Mastic, a vicious killer who challenged Rowdy to a gunfight. Faver intervened but in the end, Rowdy went after Mastic, who fled to the bell tower of a mission after robbing and murdering his stepfather. Faver yanked on the bell rope and the bell knocked Mystic out of the tower and he fell to his death. Faver retrieved Mastic’s Colt, which had the silver rattlesnakes on the grips, and gave it to Rowdy. Clint Eastwood used the snake-handled Colt, a 5.5-inch barrel .45 for use with Hollywood 5-in-1 blanks, for the rest of the Rawhide series. When the series ended, Clint Eastwood kept the gun as a memento. When Eastwood was hired to star in his first “Spaghetti Western,” A Fistful of Dollars, he used the snake- handled Colt with his personal Andy Anderson custom Walk-and-Draw rig. He continued to use the snake- handled Colt in For A Few Dollars More. The sterling silver rattlesnakes, coiled and ready to strike, were supplied on the custom grips by Andy Anderson of the North Hollywood Gunfighter shop. It is unknown who crafted the original snakes, but they were definitely professionally made by a silversmith. And that is how an iconic handgun came about.

Tombstone Mary, Secretary Regulator/Life #19524 The category awards standings for 2020 have been updated. The following matches were used to calculate the current annual awards list: September Sunday 2019 October Saturday 2019 January Saturday 2020 – drop stage 6 January Sunday 2020 – drop stage 5 February Saturday 2020 – drop stage 4 February Sunday 2020 – only shot 5 stages March Saturday 2020 – drop stage 2 March Sunday 2020 – drop stage 1 There are 6 more opportunities to qualify for a club category award. You must shoot 5 matches in one category to qualify. The annual awards list is attached for your review. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at: [email protected] Secretary Tombstone Mary

Texican Rangers Annual Awards Worksheet 2019-2020 Match Total Alias Category Date Time A.D. S 2/8/2020 154.23 A.D. S 3/15/2020 160.37 A.D. S 2/9/2020 161.40 A.D. S 3/14/2020 161.80 A.D. S 1/12/2020 168.57 A.D. S 1/11/2020 172.72 A.D. S 10/12/2019 178.22 ABILENE SS 10/12/2019 158.35 ABILENE CDL 3/14/2020 179.05 ABILENE CDL 2/8/2020 188.33 ABILENE CDL 1/12/2020 192.69 ALAMO ANDY C 9/15/2019 89.52 ALAMO ANDY C 3/15/2020 99.32 ALAMO ANDY C 3/14/2020 99.42 ALAMO ANDY C 2/9/2020 101.40 ALAMO ANDY C 10/12/2019 104.70 ALAMO ANDY C 2/8/2020 105.77 ALAMO ANDY C 1/12/2020 105.79 ALAMO ANDY C 1/11/2020 250.44 ASUP SLEEVE ES 1/11/2020 151.07 ASUP SLEEVE ES 2/8/2020 152.99 BADLANDS BRUCE ES 3/14/2020 170.91 BADLANDS BRUCE ES 2/8/2020 171.61 BADLANDS BRUCE ES 10/12/2019 175.36 BADLANDS BRUCE ES 1/11/2020 186.52 BADLANDS BRUCE ES 3/15/2020 205.57 BAMA SUE GD 3/14/2020 324.27 BAMA SUE GD 1/11/2020 360.98 BANDERA KID DSS 1/11/2020 201.60 BESSIE JAMES DL 10/12/2019 259.69 BESSIE JAMES FNL 3/14/2020 178.14 BESSIE JAMES FNL 3/15/2020 193.93 BESSIE JAMES FNL 2/9/2020 208.88 BESSIE JAMES FNL 1/12/2020 212.48 BIFF MCCREE WL 3/14/2020 200.71 BIG IRON PATNODE BW 3/14/2020 102.05 BIG JOHN MESQUITE DS 3/14/2020 220.47 BIG JOHN MESQUITE DS 1/11/2020 236.30 BIG JOHN MESQUITE DS 10/12/2019 245.94 BIG JOHN MESQUITE DS 2/8/2020 268.71 BISBEE JACKSON CB 1/11/2020 185.51 BISBEE JACKSON CB 2/8/2020 232.61 BISBEE JACKSON CB 3/14/2020 234.66 BISON JIM CB 10/12/2019 130.76 BISON JIM CB 1/11/2020 136.54 BISON JIM CB 3/15/2020 149.62 BISON JIM CB 3/14/2020 155.71 BLACKY VELA CDS 2/8/2020 263.31 BLACKY VELA CDS 10/12/2019 276.16 BLACKY VELA CDS 2/9/2020 301.44 BRAZOS BELLE DSL 2/8/2020 130.06 BRAZOS BELLE DSL 3/14/2020 149.17 BRAZOS BO FN 2/9/2020 102.31 BRAZOS BO FN 3/15/2020 103.24 BRAZOS BO FN 1/12/2020 104.53 BRAZOS BO FN 3/14/2020 104.92 BRAZOS BO FN 10/12/2019 120.73 BURLY BILL BROCIUS DS 3/15/2020 158.75 BURLY BILL BROCIUS DS 1/12/2020 170.18 BURLY BILL BROCIUS DS 3/14/2020 171.22 BURLY BILL BROCIUS DS 10/12/2019 173.38 BURLY BILL BROCIUS DS 1/11/2020 174.82 BUSTER S 2/8/2020 138.60 CANYON ST. CLAIR C 10/12/2019 247.64 CANYON ST. CLAIR WL 3/14/2020 198.76 CHARLIE REYNOLDS CDL 3/14/2020 175.05 CHARLIE REYNOLDS CDL 10/12/2019 207.30 CHARLIE REYNOLDS CDL 2/8/2020 210.96 CHARLIE REYNOLDS CDL 1/11/2020 214.50 CHARLIE REYNOLDS CDL 2/9/2020 242.32 COL. CALLAN ES 9/15/2019 143.09 COL. CALLAN ES 3/14/2020 175.08 COL. CALLAN ES 2/9/2020 183.54 COLORADO HORSESHOE SS 9/15/2019 146.50 COLORADO HORSESHOE SS 3/15/2020 165.42 COLORADO HORSESHOE SS 1/12/2020 167.58 COLORADO HORSESHOE SS 2/9/2020 168.71 COLORADO HORSESHOE SS 2/8/2020 171.47 COLORADO HORSESHOE SS 10/12/2019 173.16 COLORADO HORSESHOE SS 1/11/2020 178.21 COLORADO HORSESHOE SS 3/14/2020 180.17 COWBOY SMALL GFS 1/11/2020 142.53 CRAZY CLYDE ES 1/11/2020 331.68 CRAZY CLYDE ES 3/14/2020 656.47 CROOKED BULLET GFSS 2/8/2020 114.80 CROOKED BULLET GFSS 3/14/2020 141.52 CROOKED CREEK SAM FN 1/12/2020 169.55 CULEBRA BLAZE GF 2/8/2020 204.57 CULEBRA BLAZE GFS 1/11/2020 219.81 DIGGIN GRAVES CB 3/14/2020 280.93 DIGGIN GRAVES CB 2/8/2020 281.03 DIRTY DOG DALE S 10/12/2019 181.90 DIRTY DOG DALE S 9/15/2019 188.43 DIRTY DOG DALE S 3/14/2020 224.16 DIRTY DOG DALE S 1/11/2020 246.47 DIRTY DOG DALE W 3/15/2020 195.97 DIRTY DOG DALE W 1/12/2020 202.34 DIRTY DOG DALE W 2/8/2020 233.56 DIRTY DOG DALE W 2/9/2020 281.14 DIRTY SALLY SSL 1/11/2020 271.15 DIRTY SALLY SSL 2/8/2020 273.99 DIRTY SALLY SSL 3/14/2020 307.02 DIRTY SALLY SSL 10/12/2019 340.78 DOC O'BAY D 10/12/2019 146.36 DOC O'BAY D 3/14/2020 155.11 DODGE CITY MIKE S 3/14/2020 139.86 DODGE CITY MIKE S 1/11/2020 148.51 DOUBLE OOT GP 3/14/2020 211.20 DOUBLE OOT GP 3/15/2020 247.50 DRAGON HILL DAVE CC 10/12/2019 134.18 DUSTY LEATHER CB 1/12/2020 145.83 DUSTY LEATHER CB 1/11/2020 165.18 DUSTY LEATHER SHS 9/15/2019 208.12 DUSTY MINES CC 3/14/2020 203.39 DUSTY MINES CC 1/11/2020 321.94 DUTCH VAN HORN SS 10/12/2019 118.06 DUTCH VAN HORN SS 3/14/2020 118.62 DUTCH VAN HORN SS 2/8/2020 125.43 DUTCH VAN HORN SS 1/11/2020 137.53 EATON CROWE S 1/11/2020 207.04 EATON CROWE S 2/8/2020 213.77 EL PASO LEE GP 2/8/2020 351.09 ENGIN WRANGLER DB 3/14/2020 299.19 FIREFLY JUDD DSS 10/12/2019 331.19 FRANK LONGSHOT CB 3/14/2020 154.11 FRANK LONGSHOT CB 3/15/2020 155.87 FRANK LONGSHOT CB 1/11/2020 230.30 GENERAL BURLESON D 9/15/2019 200.93 GENERAL BURLESON GFS 1/12/2020 199.76 GENERAL BURLESON GFS 2/9/2020 215.54 GENERAL BURLESON GFS 3/15/2020 250.26 GUNNY BUCKSHOT OO GFS 2/8/2020 178.46 HAWKEYE DSS 3/15/2020 235.24 HAWKEYE DSS 1/12/2020 238.76 HAWKEYE DSS 2/9/2020 241.40 HAWKEYE DSS 10/12/2019 247.68 HAWKEYE DSS 1/11/2020 253.62 HAWKEYE DSS 2/8/2020 291.58 HOOLIHAN DS 3/14/2020 216.59 HOOLIHAN DS 2/8/2020 217.01 HOOLIHAN DS 1/11/2020 228.03 HOPALONG HERBERT FC 3/14/2020 146.25 HOPALONG HERBERT FC 10/12/2019 156.50 HOPALONG HERBERT FC 1/11/2020 171.25 HOSS CDL 2/9/2020 168.57 HOSS CDL 3/15/2020 178.22 HOWDY NABOR FCD 3/14/2020 206.63 HOWDY NABOR FCG 1/11/2020 204.05 HUNNY BUCKSHOT OO GD 2/8/2020 341.56 IVORY VENOM CG 3/14/2020 140.75 JOHN CHISUM ES 2/8/2020 333.15 JUDGE GEEPEE ES 10/12/2019 313.24 JULY SMITH F 1/11/2020 148.16 JULY SMITH F 10/12/2019 149.36 JULY SMITH F 2/8/2020 160.35 JULY SMITH F 3/14/2020 162.06 KETTLEMAN GF 3/14/2020 151.38 KICKSHOT SS 2/8/2020 113.69 KICKSHOT SS 3/14/2020 117.58 L.W. HANNABASS F 1/11/2020 256.77 L.W. HANNABASS F 2/8/2020 265.68 L.W. HANNABASS F 3/14/2020 280.52 LA SOMBRA 11T 1/12/2020 359.50 LA SOMBRA C 10/12/2019 384.01 LA SOMBRA S 3/14/2020 251.63 LA SOMBRA S 1/11/2020 289.29 LA SOMBRA S 2/8/2020 313.70 LADY GRAVES BWL 3/14/2020 233.36 LADY GRAVES BWL 2/8/2020 269.96 LADY GRAVES CG 10/12/2019 250.22 LADY GRAVES CG 1/11/2020 310.71 LAW DAWG S 1/11/2020 346.85 LAW DOG FCD 1/11/2020 429.36 LEDD SPREDDER GF 2/8/2020 657.26 LEFTY LORENZO ES 3/15/2020 172.22 LEFTY LORENZO ES 3/14/2020 186.08 LEFTY LORENZO ES 2/8/2020 190.32 LEFTY LORENZO ES 2/9/2020 192.96 LIL MAGILL BWL 10/12/2019 162.99 LITTLE BIT SASSY SSL 9/15/2019 339.65 LITTLE BIT SASSY SSL 3/14/2020 349.65 LITTLE BIT SASSY SSL 2/9/2020 405.88 LUCKY NICKEL ES 1/11/2020 194.89 LUCKY NICKEL ES 2/8/2020 238.19 MAD DOG MCCOY FCD 10/12/2019 177.90 MAD DOG MCCOY FCD 1/11/2020 181.28 MAD DOG MCCOY FCD 3/14/2020 193.62 MAD DOG MCCOY FCD 2/8/2020 250.31 MAJOR SAMUEL CLAYTON ES 2/8/2020 264.43 MARSHAL JAMISON 11M 3/15/2020 179.26 MARSHAL JAMISON S 3/14/2020 143.68 MARSHAL JAMISON S 1/12/2020 181.30 MARSHALL BROOKS SS 3/14/2020 187.64 MARSHALL BROOKS SS 9/15/2019 209.11 MARSHALL BROOKS SS 10/12/2019 212.94 MARSHALL BROOKS SS 2/8/2020 241.93 MAVERICK MCCOY D 1/11/2020 227.51 MAVERICK MCCOY D 2/8/2020 266.44 MIA JAMESON BWL 3/14/2020 160.88 MIA JAMESON BWL 1/12/2020 185.19 MINNESOTA CLAY CB 1/11/2020 285.64 MINNESOTA CLAY CB 3/14/2020 308.63 MINNESOTA CLAY CB 2/8/2020 321.82 MINNESOTA CLAY ES 10/12/2019 324.40 MOOSE MCCOY DSS 1/11/2020 188.21 MOOSE MCCOY DSS 10/12/2019 197.23 MOOSE MCCOY DSS 2/8/2020 212.66 NEWT RITTER 11T 1/12/2020 190.96 NEWT RITTER 11T 3/15/2020 176.77 NEWT RITTER DS 3/14/2020 174.38 NEWT RITTER DS 1/11/2020 181.58 NEWT RITTER DS 2/8/2020 188.74 NEWT RITTER DS 2/9/2020 190.11 NEWT RITTER DS 10/12/2019 193.62 ONE EYED RANDY SS 1/11/2020 364.69 PANHANDLE COWGIRL WL 2/8/2020 105.63 PANHANDLE COWGIRL WL 1/11/2020 109.36 PANHANDLE COWGIRL WL 3/15/2020 116.33 PANHANDLE COWGIRL WL 2/9/2020 119.48 PANHANDLE COWGIRL WL 1/12/2020 139.25 PANHANDLE COWGIRL WL 3/14/2020 139.66 PANHANDLE COWGIRL WL 10/12/2019 142.32 PICOSA KID ES 1/11/2020 117.13 PICOSA KID ES 3/14/2020 120.13 PICOSA KID ES 10/12/2019 130.54 PREACHERMAN LEE S 1/11/2020 213.85 PULLIN TRIGGERS CDL 1/12/2020 205.42 PULLIN TRIGGERS CDL 1/11/2020 218.18 PULLIN TRIGGERS CDL 2/9/2020 225.04 PULLIN TRIGGERS CDL 2/8/2020 257.11 PULLIN TRIGGERS GF 9/15/2019 188.13 RUBY REDHEART SSL 3/14/2020 552.40 RUBY REDHEART SSL 10/12/2019 590.76 RUSTY BANG STICK CDL 1/11/2020 231.96 RUSTY BANG STICK CDL 2/8/2020 241.11 RUSTY BANG STICK CDL 3/14/2020 277.91 RUSTY SHACKLEFORD BW 3/14/2020 109.08 RUSTY SHACKLEFORD BW 1/12/2020 168.67 SCOOTER CB 2/8/2020 203.41 SCOOTER CB 3/14/2020 209.73 SCOOTER CB 1/11/2020 227.21 SCOOTER CB 10/12/2019 244.28 SHAKES MCNEIL SS 1/11/2020 396.01 SHERIFF ROBERT LOVE 11M 3/15/2020 150.23 SHERIFF ROBERT LOVE ES 1/12/2020 140.64 SHERIFF ROBERT LOVE ES 3/14/2020 145.97 SHERIFF ROBERT LOVE ES 10/12/2019 148.19 SHERIFF ROBERT LOVE ES 1/11/2020 150.70 SHOOTIN STAR FNL 9/15/2019 230.71 SHOOTIN STAR SL 2/8/2020 254.73 SHOOTIN STEEL S 3/14/2020 138.13 SHOOTIN STEEL S 10/12/2019 141.15 SHOOTIN STEEL S 2/9/2020 141.67 SHOOTIN STEEL S 2/8/2020 151.22 SHOOTIN STEEL S 3/15/2020 151.22 SHOOTING IRON MILLER 11ML 3/15/2020 145.65 SHOOTING IRON MILLER FNL 1/12/2020 138.69 SHOOTING IRON MILLER FNL 10/12/2019 143.39 SHOOTING IRON MILLER FNL 3/14/2020 144.38 SHOOTING IRON MILLER FNL 1/11/2020 158.30 SHOW ME CDS 3/14/2020 328.66 SKINNY F 2/8/2020 237.41 SKINNY FC 1/11/2020 174.16 SKINNY FC 1/12/2020 179.60 SKINNY FC 10/12/2019 201.52 SKINNY FC 9/15/2019 244.94 SKYHAWK HANS ES 9/15/2019 99.53 SKYHAWK HANS ES 3/15/2020 112.19 SKYHAWK HANS ES 1/11/2020 121.43 SKYHAWK HANS ES 10/12/2019 123.32 SKYHAWK HANS ES 3/14/2020 126.13 SKYHAWK HANS ES 2/8/2020 132.08 SNAKE SHOT BB 1/11/2020 559.29 SQUAW MAN GFS 10/12/2019 303.97 SQUAW MAN GFS 1/11/2020 327.28 SQUAW MAN GFS 2/8/2020 331.11 SQUAW MAN GFS 2/9/2020 425.53 SUNNY GIRL GD 2/8/2020 146.14 SUNNY SPURS FNL 3/14/2020 135.55 SUNNY SPURS FNL 2/8/2020 151.13 T BONE PAUL SS 1/11/2020 130.50 T BONE PAUL SS 10/12/2019 136.27 T BONE PAUL SS 2/8/2020 141.38 TEXAS MAVERICK S 1/11/2020 199.94 TEXAS MAVERICK S 3/14/2020 210.50 TEXAS RAISIN GF 10/12/2019 411.36 TEXAS SARGE FCD 1/11/2020 318.70 TEXAS SARGE FCD 2/8/2020 352.95 TEXAS TERROR CB 10/12/2019 304.49 TEXAS TERROR CB 3/14/2020 340.16 TEXAS TONY CDL 1/12/2020 446.65 TEXAS TONY F 1/11/2020 418.84 TEXAS TONY F 2/8/2020 486.73 THE LAREDO KID DSS 1/11/2020 618.35 THE LAREDO KID DSS 1/12/2020 684.32 THE TEXAN CB 2/8/2020 175.75 THREE FINGERED DUTCHMAN FC 1/11/2020 161.78 THREE FINGERED DUTCHMAN FC 10/12/2019 184.73 THREE FINGERED DUTCHMAN FC 3/14/2020 198.02 THREE FINGERED DUTCHMAN FC 2/8/2020 208.95 THUNDER MOUNTAIN CB 3/14/2020 290.08 THUNDER MOUNTAIN CB 10/12/2019 296.20 THUNDER MOUNTAIN CB 2/8/2020 322.86 THUNDER MOUNTAIN CB 1/11/2020 359.44 TOMBSTONE MARY SL 10/12/2019 170.01 TOMBSTONE MARY SL 3/14/2020 184.82 TOMBSTONE MARY SL 2/9/2020 246.07 TOMBSTONE TERRY S 2/8/2020 390.23 TWO SPURS GFS 2/8/2020 107.00 TWO SPURS GFS 3/14/2020 107.69 UNCLE NICK WILSON ES 2/8/2020 297.39 UNCLE NICK WILSON ES 10/12/2019 343.08 UNCLE NICK WILSON ES 3/14/2020 378.20 VERDADERO SS 3/15/2020 112.71 VERDADERO SS 2/9/2020 130.92 WHISKEY KID FC 1/12/2020 101.98 WHISKEY KID FC 3/15/2020 108.58 WHISKEY KID FC 1/11/2020 110.84 WHISKEY KID FC 2/8/2020 116.60 WHISKEY KID W 10/12/2019 111.72 WHISKEY KID W 3/14/2020 114.60 WHISKEY KID W 2/9/2020 120.36 WILD BILL MCMASTERS BW 2/8/2020 190.63 WILD BILL MCMASTERS S 3/14/2020 189.99 WILDCAT BOB ES 3/14/2020 125.91 WILDCAT BOB ES 3/15/2020 136.20 WILDCAT BOB F 2/8/2020 194.51 WILDCAT BOB F 1/11/2020 235.86 YUMA JACK F 9/15/2019 165.39 YUMA JACK F 3/14/2020 189.50 YUMA JACK F 1/12/2020 190.40 YUMA JACK F 1/11/2020 193.49 YUMA JACK F 2/8/2020 244.08

BOOYAH BULLETS email your order: [email protected] or text it to us @ 512.927.6743 Dodge City Mike 512.801.8424 Price List effective 03.07.19 Caliber Weight Config. Price/500 Price/1000 .38 100 RNFP 34 68 105 FP 35 70 125 RNFP 38 76 125 FP 38 76 130 RNFP 39 78 158 RNFP 42 83 158 FP 42 83 158 SWC 42 83 .380 100 RNFP 35 69 .38-55 245 RNFP 64 127 .41 215 SWC 54 108 .44 180 RNFP 45 89 240 SWC 57 114 .44-40 200 RNFP 49 98 .45 COLT 160 RNFP 49 98 180 RNFP 45 89 200 RNFP 49 98 250 RNFP 58 116 9MM 124 RN 38 76 125 CN 38 76 40 S&W 180 FP 45 89 .45ACP 200 SWC 49 98 200 RN 49 98 230 RN 56 111 45-70 405 FPT 120 240 Parting Shots Sayings and Proverbs

1. Admitting failure like drinking bitter tea. 19. Drop of plain water on thirsty tongue more () precious than gold in purse. (Charlie Chan in 2. After dinner is over, who cares about spoon? Egypt) () 20. Easy to criticize, more difficult to be correct. 3. Always happens – when conscience tries to (Charlie Chan at the Race Track) speak, telephone out of order. (The Black 21. Elaborate excuse seldom truth. (Castle in the Camel) Desert) 4. Ancient ancestor once says, “Even wise man 22. Every maybe has a wife called Maybe-Not. cannot fathom depth of woman’s smile.” (Charlie Chan Carries On) (The Shanghai Cobra) 23. Favorite pastime of man is fooling himself. 5. Ancient proverb say, “One small wind can (Charlie Chan at Treasure Island) raise much dust.” (Dark Alibi) 24. Fear is cruel padlock. (Charlie Chan at the 6. Bad alibi like dead fish – cannot stand test Wax Museum) of time. (Charlie Chan in Panama) 25. Foolish rooster who stick head in lawn 7. Best to slip with foot, than with tongue. mower end in stew. (Charlie Chan at the (Charlie Chan at the Circus) Race Track) 8. Blind man feels ahead with cane before 26. Grain of sand in eye may hide mountain. proceeding. (Charlie Chan’s Courage) (Charlie Chan in Paris) 9. Boy Scout knife, like ladies’ hairpin, have 27. “Great happiness follows great pain.” many uses. (Charlie Chan’s Secret) (Charlie Chan at Treasure Island) 10. Cat who tries to catch two mice at one time, 28. Hasty deduction, like old egg, look good goes without supper. (Charlie Chan’s from outside. (Charlie Chan’s Secret) Greatest Case) 29. Man cannot drink from glass without 11. Charming company turn lowly sandwich touching. (Charlie Chan in Paris) into rich banquet. (Charlie Chan in Reno) 30. Man, never born who can tell what woman 12. Confucius has said, “A wise man question will, or will not, do. (Charlie Chan in Reno) himself, a fool, others.” (Charlie Chan in 31. Mind, like parachute, only function when ) open. (Charlie Chan at the Circus) 13. Cornered rat usually full of fight. (Shadows 32. Optimist only sees doughnut, pessimist sees Over Chinatown) hole. (Charlie Chan in Paris) 14. Curiosity responsible for cat needing nine 33. The ignorant always loud in argument. lives. (Charlie Chan at the Circus) (Docks of New Orleans) 15. Deception is bad game for amateurs. 34. The impossible sometimes permits itself the (Shadows Over Chinatown) luxury of occurring. (Charlie Chan’s 16. Deer should not toy with tiger. (The Golden Chance) Eye) 35. Theory like mist on eyeglasses – obscures 17. Detective without curiosity is like glass eye facts. (Charlie Chan in Egypt) at keyhole – no use. (Charlie Chan in the 36. Tongue often hang man quicker than rope. Secret Service) (Charlie Chan at Monte Carlo) 18. Dreams, like good liars, distort facts. 37. Like having TV set on Honeymoon, not (Charlie Chan in Shanghai) necessary. Texican Rangers Regulators Tombstone Mary 2003 A.D. Texaz 2004 Dusty Lone Star 2008 Handlebar Bob 2010 Dusty Chambers 2010 Sheriff Robert Love 2012 Grouchy Spike 2013 Agarita Annie 2016 Joe Darter 2016 Nueces Slim 2016 Skinny 2016 Dirty Dog Dale 2017 Dutch Van Horn 2017 Shooting Iron Miller 2017

May Birthdays Bluebonnet Nell 5/01 Marshall Willy 5/04 Pullin Triggers 5/04 Texas Sarge 5/05 Texas Tony 5/08 Shootin Steel 5/08 Bessie James 5/10 Whiskey Kid 5/16 Frontier Faith 5/17 Faye Starr 5/18 Sierra Cheyenne 05/29 Lucky Nickel 5/30 June Birthdays Leon Springs Bill 6/2 Rusty Bang Stick 6/4 La Sombra 6/6 T.H. Boland 6/8 Thunder Mountain 6/9 Nueces Slim 6/16 Quintana 6/18 Mad Dog McCoy 6/19 Skinny 6/21 Colorado Horseshoe 6/27 Burly Bill Brocius 6/30

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2020 Feb 24-Mar 1 Winter Range Mar 14-15 Round Up May 30 SASS Texas State Wild Bunch Championship June 18-28 End of Trail Sep 3-5 Comancheria Days Sep 23-26 Comin’ At Cha Oct 24-25 SASS Texas State Black Powder Championship April 28-31 SASS Southwest Regional Land Run

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