Picture a beautiful vaiw farms are not required In level as a 3n this valley. schools Is comprehensive and satis- floor. ml'es in extent fmm w A acres devoted to Intensive factory. ' lorth to south, and 12 from to 18 miles farming yield such heavy me, surrounded on returns, The telephone, te'egraph and mail all sides hv .! that the valley Is soon mountains. Arrange certain to ha facilities of the Grande Ronde Valley to have flow entlre'y cut up into through the center small farms. True are all that could be wished. Two a sparkling, clear this is not as yet the case, telephone river, fed by numerous but much companies, the Pacific tributary progress has di- mountain been made In that States and the Vergere, operate streams. Provide a soil that rection. It must knows no crop be remembered that systems. The latter reaches com- failures. Build rail- these sma I ! roads so farm possibilities have prehensively through the farming dis- din as to furnlsli convenient but recently transportation been demonstrated. And tricts, and is an independent company. from all parts of this the fact I - ssKlM' must be taken into considera- The former has most of the busl-- valley. Erect telephone and telegraph cly ! r ae tion that this valley has long-distan- ' lines. reeclved but ness and affords con Endow this favored spot with a meager " advertising. well-nig- amount of nections to all points on h perfect the Pacific climate. Supply Thousands of people have passed by Coast. a g, Industrous and pros- me wonderful opportunities here to There are six rural free delivery perous population. Dot the valley locate In sections of far less merit. routes In the valley, . and star with attractive towns and three villains The first settlers of the valley came routes, so that the mall service reaches Hulse Photo. ADAMS AVENUE. LA GRANDE. every part of this Immediate section. J.a Grande I IBr-.- division estss r Twu li. Ln Ciraiuie has a live commvislal Grande. ' 7rJ,"r"se"sswp''" F. it. routes leave La O. R. A N, a fact of vital Interest o Grande, and one club of strong membership whljh has It Is the distributing and shipping ' each leaves from manufacturing enterprises seeking a very Allcel, Summervltle, Elgin and North Deen successful in its efforts to point for the whole of Wallow location. It Is surrounded by fertile ' ward civic advancement. county. In the Immediate vicinity Powder. There are star routes from farms and orchards, and trad- sul is the The press Is represented by dally in the town are many Union to the Cove, Union to Cornu- ing center for populous saw mills. Their V a territory. and two weekly newspapers, w ;'.' ,1 .".. '. J.''. ' '; copia, and Hllgard to Starkey,' ,ch combined cut haa averaged 25, 000,00 The business section Is well-bui- lt (see lose no Transportation facilities are unusu- opportunity to set fortl the feet annually for the paat five years. street scenes) and the many rr trcan-tll- e city's advantages. ally complete. (See article on Rail- A. flour mill la an Import houses are heavily stocked with ' roads). Thsre are four graded schools. ant Industry. The houses) excellent goods. There are numerous mercantile Crops are heavy and certain. (See churches of all the usual denomina are numerous and prosperous. Thar maiiufajturlng plants, the urlnclDal tions and ample lodges on Fruit-Growin- ana fraternal Is a well conducted bank with ample) article Farming and on ones being the sugar factory blet societies. capital. One of the best equipped which pays out $30,000 monthly when Irrigation systems are In Union. plaining mills In Eaatem Oregon to operation In operation each fall; the George M. about to be put In. (See Union Is one of the most attrtctlve 'ocated at Elgin. The city has aa ex and article Palmer Lumber company, whose mlU on Irrigation). appearing Grande Ronde Valley towns cellent water system and la lighted will be In operation by next March population Lands are not held exhorbl-ta- nt and its will exceed 1,500. bv electricity. at an with a pay roll of $10,000 meanly; s figure. Considering the proven It has a large woolen n.llt t rnlng A fertile, farming section finds la brewery, a creamtry. a foundery and out very net value of crops here, lands very salable blankets, wh' ih Is E'gln adequate trade facilities. On are machine shops, and a large brick low priced they an important manufacturing Miter-pris- e. farming district, known as and it Is certain will yard. Of course there are numerous Cricket steadily Increase In value. A creamery is Flat, U considered to be unequalled smaller manufacturing enterprises, d, Labor Is. fairly plentiful and well-pai- d. tfher Industries Include a wheat land. There are numerous or 3 Including a bottling works, steam i n county, of lar?e flour mill, and four planing chards. ). 1 m u Union which this IBS) laundry, ul ,;(.. 1. I j several clgnr factories, monu-n?nt- mills. Several ssw ml'ls are soon to iua - i t valley Is a part, ranks third In the Ceve. works, wood and Iron work- be M J state In point of number of men em built, and Union's outlook Js very The Cove and vicinity has a pPU t ing shops, etc. The extensive railroad bright. ployed, and most of them are at work The residence section an- - lotion of about 600, and In the iuds i shops, round house, yards, etc., a pears T u In valley. have , like one vait orchard, io num- - nwnt of many Is the "Garden Spot" ths payroll of $20,000 a month of Social advantages are equal to those ciuub ro me con trees, ata the the Grande Ronde Val'ey. The cove) PI CITY HALL. LA GRANDE, USED AS COUNTY COURTHOUSE. of the middle western states. No modern convenience there enjoyed is possessing all modern conveniences. In here the 60's and the railroad did absent here. When you have pictured these allur- not reach here until more than twenty The people of the valley are decided- ing conditions you have only repro- years after that. ly g. There Is practically duced what actually In exists the Mest of the Increase In population no Grande Ronde Valley. crime, and the little that occurs and deve'opment of resources has oc- Is promptly punished by duly con- Words svem to but meogerly express the curred within the past few years. stituted authorities. Jfi unusual good features of this won-'Krful- ly From now on the Grande Ronde Val- Climatic conditions are superb. The productive valley, and every ley will rapidly acquire the popula- summers are quite long, but at no time distant reader of article is per- this tion to which It Is entitled by Its ad- Is the heat excessive. In winter snow sonally urgd io come see how and vantages. The foundation has been falls and Ice forms! but sero weather Nature and man have combined to well laid, and the work of building Is Infrequent and always of short make of It the "Garden Spot" par ex- has alreadv begun. duration. cellence of the Northwest. The following table gives a conserv- The air Is extraordinarily pure and ative estimate of the value of the healthful, and sunshine Is 'he rule. The Grande Ronde Valley lies In main products of this valley for 1905: Cyclones and extremely violent storms about the center of Union county, Commodity. Value. are unknown. HARVESTING Oregon. Union county Is largely Wheat GRAIN IN THE GRANDE RONDE VALLEY. V $1,000,000 The mountains surrounding the val-e- y mountainous: in fact only about one-ha- lf Lumber 640.000 The Land .country are heavily timbered, and from Office for immediately the is reany a valley within a valley, and of its area Is capab'e of cultiva- Sugar 265.000 this district Is located here. re- - Is them come many cold, clear streams. There town as fertile as Jtny pk.t of the the singular fertility of Its soil, amplo tion, but that half Is singularly fer- Oats and barleys. 250.000 mains a great deal of government land valluy. The valley seems to be endowed by Catherine and Little creeks water supply, and equable ollmabs. tile. The Grande Ronde Is the larg- Ca'tle 260.000 every i:i Union, Wallowa and Baker nun- - which How through ' Nature with possible advantage the center of in. favor It aa a producer of the highest est of the five valleys of the county, Hogs 200.000 ties, and all filings and proofs be town, that can be utilized by man. mrit afford ample water fur Irrigat- trades of frul. and vegetables. It wilt and the most Important from the view- Horses and mules 100.000 In- made In La Grande. ing a great ""he various towns of the valley deal of land. soon have railroad facilities, and may point of development. Hay 120,000 The beautiful residence Is The clude: La Grants Union, Elgin. sect'on Experiment ihen oe expected to grow with extra-- Is not reclaimed land. In the sense y. ever It Fruit 150.000 Cove. Is'and City, Imbler. Allcel. Nib-le- a source of commendation and Station is located at Union, and It haa ordinary speed nt Into an Important trad of being arid or wlth-Ve- Sugar beets 100.000 approval on the part of v'sltors. been and will North Powder. Summervllle, Perry be of great value to the ing point. It already haa i. commer water. While water helps all Dairy products 75.000 Lirge, well-k"- pt lawns and id Hllgard. attractive farmers and stockrulHvrs of this val- clul club which looks after the beat scropg. there are hundreds of valley Poultry 50,000 They prosperous, shade trees are the rule. Many of the ley. are one and all Interests of Its cltlsens. Cove is la farms which produce well without Potatoes $0,000 lo- residences would be creditable a Is and most of them afford desirable in Union located on the Central corporated. has Its own city hall, and Irrigation. Where water can be ob- Wood 20.000 In- olty of much larger slse. Railway cations for various mercantile and of Oregon which connects is well equipped with scnools tained, however, It greatly- - Increases The streets are well graded an4 dustrial enterprises. and to miles away with the O. R. & N. churches. One of the Important gen- productiveness, and with the Irrigation Total $3,150,000 carefully looked after. Sprinkling road, La Grands. this part of the system having erating s atlnns of the Grande Rondo systems already In existence and It Is thus very evident the val- wagons lay the dust, all long that La Grande, the largest, with a popu- and rubbish teen In operation. Electric company Is soon to be Installed, the bulk of ley Is not by any Is sys- located at Cove. those means undeveloped, lation of about5.000. is the county seat collected and removed. A fine There Is no resource or advantage 8ummervile, the land can and will be Irrigated. and viewed In the light of thesefig- of Unl.m county. was tem of electric lights Is furnished by common to tho Here made the Grande Ronde Valley Sitnimervlllo Is 1 miles north It Is no exaggeration to say that ures the claim Is not unreasonable the Grande Ronde Electric conipanv. not enjoyed by front first settlement In the valley, and here thin thriving place. la Grande, and will shortly be the Grande Ronde Valley draws tri- thnt It Is one of the most prosperous will The city owns Its own water svst n. reach always be the most Important Considerable building Is being done, ed by the Central Railway of Oregon. bute from a'l of Union county, and Is sections of the United States. cltj Hclunlng a pumping plant. This Is and Is the town growing. A new bank It has excellent watPr power. The destined 10 become one of the most Not only are all of the towns of this The citizenship Is about to bo augmented, or rsther re has alert and pro- Just been orgnnlzed and lis brick present population Is about 200. ThO densely populated sections of the valley adequately equipped with gressive. placed, by a gravity system which will stone Imbued with faith In the and building Is In course of con- town has several stores,, and la state. Union county's population Is educational facilities, but In the coun- city's bring the pure waters of Reaver creek tho future, and po'iessed of that struction. site of a pine needle fiber factory. Sflflno and of that number fully 16.000 try srhools are maintained st conven- spirit enterprise a distance of 18 ml'es to La Grande, at Union tt that mear. growth has a wide awake commer-da- t The country Immediately surround '"llve In the Grand Ronde Valley. Large ient points. The system of county and development. an esilmntod cost of $160,000. cltlst-- ns club, and Its are determin- Ing the town Is specially adapted t The business section already has a ed to build a city there. Its two and that InJustry has newerage system which Is short)' to bo weekly newspapers will help. ready become Important there. Con greatly extended. Elgin. slderab'e fruit s raised In the vicinity, The City Hall (sen Illustration) Is Kl iln. located on the Grande Ronde there being several falr-slie- d 1 now owned by La Orando com- and leased River and Elgin branch of the O. R. & mercial orchards. to Union tounty for term years In the mountains) a of N. company's line, is a hustling, busy, and foothills nearby, a a courthouse. orTlees there Is quite The i the growing town of 4.600 people, second body of tlmljer cliy officers which Is now beln are down town. only In commercial Importance to La rapidly cut. );t..

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