biBECTvRY.] EA~T RIDING . BEMPTON. 447 ' bf the Ru. William :Meredith Lane ~LA. rector, 1888- county court district -and Skirlaugh union. 'The ~901: in 1904 a new organ chamber and chancel arch ancient chapel of St. Nicbolas, which had been in ruins' were built and choir stalls provided: there are 400 for more than a century, was rebuilt in 187Q at a oost of sittings. The register dates from the year 1564. The £soo, and is an edifice of red brick in the Early Englisl:t living is a rectory, net yearly value £6oo, with resi­ style, consisting of chancel, nave and north porch, and dence, including 520 acres of glebe (35 1 in , 130 has one bell in the western gable: the stained east win... m and 45 in Dunnington), in the gift of the .Arch­ dow wa~ inserted by J\Irs. Ansley in memory of her bis'hop of York, and held since 1905 by the Rev. George husband, George John .Ansley esq. who died in 1879: Wilberforce Trevor M ..A. Of Durham University. The the chancel was enlarged in 1903 at a cost of about Wesleyan chapel was erected in 1868, at a cost ot /;9oo, £Ioo: there are sittings for 40 persons. Here is also and will seat 250 persons ; there is also a CongregatiOnal a Wesleyan chapel, erected in 1858, at the cost of chapel, erected in I814, with 100 sittings, and a Primitive Samuel Clarkson esq. and seating 40 persons. Robert Methodist ehapel, erected in 1873, with 150 sittings. Dixon esq. who is lord of the manor, is the chief land­ Statute fairs for hiring were held here yearly, early in owner. The soil is strong loam; subsoil, clay. The November, but are now discontinued. The trustees of principal crops are wheat, oats, peas, barley and tur­ the late Thomas Prickett esq. are lords of the manor nips. The acreage is 845; rateable value, £86g; the and principal landowners. The soil is clay and loam ; population in I9II was 68. the subsoil, clay and sand. The chief crops are wheat, Parish Clerk, Barnett Frankish. oats, barley and beans. The area of the township is 3,624 aeres of land and I of water; rateable value, Letters through Hull, via Seaton, arrive at 8.45 a.m. ; £3,822; the population in I9II was 65I in the township dispatched at 4 p.m. week days only. Beeford, about and 816 in the parish. 2~ miles distant, is the nearest money order & tele· Parish Clerk, John Warkup. graph office Post, M. 0. & T. O.ffice.-Francis Robert Wharram, sub­ The -children of this place attend the school at Bew­ postmaster. Letters arrive from by mail holme cart at 8 a.m. ; dispatched at 4·55 p.m. week days only Wall Letter Box, West end, cleared at s p.m. week days LISSETT is a chapelry and township, in the parish of only Beeford-cum-Lissett, in union and county Public Elementary School (mixed), <>rected in 188o, en­ court district, 3 miles north from Beeford, 7 south from larged in 1902, for rso children; average attendance, Bridlington and 4 from Burton Agnes station on the 120; Laurence S. Bielby, master Scarborough branch of the North Eastern railway. Th&­ Conveyances.-George Grantham's omnibus to Driffield, ancient parochial chapel of St. J ames, completely thurs. 12 noon; George Shawcross, to , tues. restored in 1876 at the expense of the lord of the manor 7 a.m and the Rev. Canon George Trevor D.D. rector r87r-8B. Motor omnibus leaves daily for Beverley; on thurs. for is a building of rubble stone, consisting of chancel, Dri:ffield nave, south porch and a western turret containing a Carriers to bells : there is a house for the use of the curate, erected Beverley-Francis Smith, sat by Major John William Dent, of Ribston Hall, who is Bridlington George Grantham, sat. ; William Wilson, lord of the manor, and, excepting the rector, sole land­ Richard Twiddle, Joseph Bower & Martin Cowton, owner. The soil i"l strong loam; subsoil, loam. The wed. & sat. in summer & sat. in winter principal crops are wheat, oats and barley. The area is Driffield-Francis Smith, mon. & thurs I,I5I acres of land and I of water; rateable value, Hull-G. Grantham, mon. ; George Shawcross, thurs £1,321; the population in 19II was 97· Letters through Driffield, via Lowthorpe, arrive at 8.30 DUNNINGTO~ is a township and village in the parish a.m. ; dispatched at 4.40 p.m. ; no delivery of letters of and 2! miles south-east from Beeford, 6 miles north- on sundays. Beeford, 3 miles distant, is the nearest west from Harnsea terminal station on the Hull and Horn- money ord~r & telegraph office Ilea branch of the Korth Eastern railway, 8 miles south- Public Elementary School (mixed), enlarged by Major east from Lowthorpe station on the Hull and Bridlington J. Dent in 1900. Now under the East Riding Educa- branch railway, 12 north from Bevetley and 13 from tion Authority; average attendance, so; Mrs. Reginll Bridlington, in the division of the Riding, Chant, mistress BEEFORD. Hawkins William Joseph, farmer \Vilkinson Eliza (Miss), dress maker PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Hopper Henry, farmer Wilkinson Frank, market gardener & Bowman John Hornby William, shopkeeper seedsman, assistant overseer & clerk Knowles Rev. Samuel (Congrega- Jefferson Francis Henry, saddler to the Parish Council tional), The Manse Jefferson Sarah (Mrs.), confectioner Wilson Thos.painter, glazier & shpkpr Morison Donald M.B JOTdan Sarah Ann (Miss), farmer, Wilson William, carrier Trevor Rev. George Wilberforce M.A. Breamar fann (rector), The Rectory Lawtey William, Black Swan P.H DUNNINGTON. coMMERCIAL. Lownsbrough John, blacksmith Alien Edward, farmer, Westfield Morison Donald M.B. & C.M.Glas.sur- Dixon Robert, Dunnington manor " .Allman Frank, joiner & wheelwright geon, & medical officer & _Public '\7ac- Dixon Robert, farmer & landowner,. .Atkinson Fras. joiner & wheelwright cinator Frodingham district,Driffield Dunnington manor (telegrams. .Atkinson Mary (~frs.), dress maker union, & 4th district, Bridlington through Beeford) Barr Robert Thomas, bricklayer union & .Admiralty surgeon & agent Foster John, farmer, Lodge farm Bayes William, farmer Morley Oliver, blacksmith Marson Dickinson, farm bailiff to. Beckwith Jane (Mrs.), farmer Oxtoby John, Ship inn Robert Dixon esq Biglin Benjamin, butcher Postill Edwin .Allison, watch maker Richardson Edwin, farmer, Dunning· Bo~r Jsph. markt. grdnr. & carrier Ranksley John, farmer ton grange Broumpton Christopher, farmer, Rec- Ransome George, fellmonger Robin!!on Jsph. Mark, Fredk. J:ts. &" tory farm Reed George R. farmer, Manor Arthur Edwin,frmrs. Dunningto:t;l ht> Broumpton Thos. frmr. Moor grange Reed Thomas Danby, farmer, Beeford Seaman Fanny (Mrs.), shopkeeper Brown William, farmer grange & Woodhouse farms Cowton Martin, market gardener & Shawcross Geo.carrier& omnibus prpr LISSETT. carrier Sims Thomas, farmer Brown Frederick, farmer Danby Joseph, farmer Smith Francis, carrier Chant George J. registrar of birtba Fowler Pexton, Tiger P.H Storey Sarah (Mrs.) & Son, farmers, & deaths for the sub-district of Fowler Raney, shopkeepe.l" Crow grange Skipsea, Driffield district Gibson Edward, farmer Twiddle Richd.mrkt. gardnr.& carrier Ushaw .Anne (Mrs.) & Elvidge Her~ Grantham George, carrier & omnibus Warkup John, shoe maker farmers proprietor Warkup Thomas, miller (wind) Walker John, wheelwright Hall James William, bricklayer Watt Matthw. frmr. Ingham's bridge Wright William Leonard, farme,., Hawkins Joseph, farmer, Breeze farm Wharram Francis Robt. grcr. Post off Manor house & Tithe farm EEMPTON is a township, village and parish on court district of Bridlington, rul"al deanery of Bridlington. the l!ea coast, with a station on the Scarborough archd('aconry of the East Riding and diocese of York. and Hull section of the North Eastern railway, and The church of St. Michael, an edifice in the Norman and is 3! miles north-north-east from Bridlington and Decorated styles, was rebuilt in 1829, on the north side 2i north~west from FJamborough, 19-! from Scar· of brick, and on the south side, with the t-ower, of ston~: borough, !1:0 south-east from Filey, 15 north-east from it consists of chancel, nave, aisleS', south 'porch 1lnd ti Driffield, 34! from Hull and 26! ne.rth-east from Beverley : western tower containing :~ bells : the font ia a fine it is in the Buckrose division of the Riding, -wapentake example of Early English: hi i86g the chutch was en­ and petty sessional division of Dickerlng, union and county tirely re-pewed, and in 1906 was restored, when the north