



Penny Anderson Associates Limited ‘Park Lea’ 60 Park Road Buxton Derbyshire SK17 6SN

Project Manager Paul Fisher BSc (Hons), MIEEM

July 2012

This project has been undertaken in accordance with PAA policies and procedures on quality assurance.


Ref. No.120256 Kevin Burns July 2012 Triangle Farm Upland Breeding Bird Survey



1. INTRODUCTION...... 3 2. LEGISLATION RELATING TO BIRDS...... 4 EU Birds Directive ...... 4 EU Habitats Directive ...... 4 Wildlife and Countryside Act ...... 5 Birds of Conservation Concern 2009 ...... 6 Local and UK Biodiversity Action Plan Species ...... 6 3. METHODOLOGY...... 8 Desk Study ...... 8 Field Work ...... 8 Survey Constraints ...... 9 4. RESULTS ...... 11 Desk Study ...... 11 Statutory Protected Sites...... 11 South Pennine Moors Special Protection Area (SPA) ...... 11 South Pennine Moors Special Area of Conservation (SAC) ...... 11 Leek Moors SSSI...... 12 Thorncliffe Moor SSSI ...... 12 Protected Bird Species ...... 12 Field Study...... 13 Incidental Sightings...... 13 5. POTENTIAL IMPACTS UPON THE TARGET SPECIES OBSERVED AND RECOMMENDATIONS FOR MITIGATION...... 14 Habitat Loss...... 15 Displacement due to Disturbance ...... 15 Barrier Effect...... 16 Collision ...... 16 6. CONCLUSION ...... 18 7. REFERENCES:...... 19


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1 details the target species identified and the reason for their inclusion...... 9 2: Survey Timing and Conditions ...... 13


1 Upland Bird Survey Visit 1 & 2 2 Predicted Extend of Construction Related Disturbance


I Bird Species recorded within 2km of the turbine locations. II Records received of target species occurring in the 2km search area III Breeding Bird Survey Map 2004 IV Breeding Bird Survey Map 2009 V Species recorded across the 2 survey sites

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1.1 Penny Anderson Associates Ltd (PAA) was commissioned by Kevin Burns, to undertake an Upland Breeding Bird survey at Triangle Farm, Thorncliffe, to support a planning application. The survey was commissioned at the request of Natural England. It is proposed to construct a single 55kW wind turbine, of 34.6m tip height and 25m hub height, within an area of agricultural land to the east of Triangle Farm (SK 02668 59297), approximately 3km north-east of the town of Leek.

1.2 The development would require construction of a 6m x 6m concrete pad, which would then be partially buried, in order to anchor the turbine. A temporary ‘floating road’ would be laid over existing vegetation for the construction phase. No widening of the gateway access into the field is proposed. Cabling would be buried within an approximately 0.5m wide trench, which would be dug between the turbine location and the farm buildings.

1.3 This report describes the methodologies applied in undertaking the study, describes the bird species recorded during the survey visits, the potential of the proposal to impact negatively upon the local breeding bird assemblage and the nature conservation value of the adjacent South Pennines Moors Special Protection Area (SPA) and Special Area of Conservation (SAC).

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2.1 Many of the bird species which may reasonably be expected to occur within the habitats present on and around the site and survey area, are protected through various European and United Kingdom legislation and policy and included on conservation lists. Some species are included by more than one list within the legislation.

2.2 The following is a summary of the relevant legislation and conservation listings.

EU Birds Directive

2.3 Directive 2009/147/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 30 November 2009 on the conservation of wild birds (this is the codified version of Directive 79/409/EEC as amended) is the EU’s oldest piece of nature legislation and one of the most important, creating a comprehensive scheme of protection for all wild bird species naturally occurring in the Union. It was adopted unanimously by the Members States in 1979 as a response to increasing concern about the declines in Europe's wild bird populations resulting from pollution, loss of habitats as well as unsustainable use. It was also in recognition that wild birds, many of which are migratory, are a shared heritage of the Member States and that their effective conservation required international co-operation.

2.4 The directive recognises that habitat loss and degradation are the most serious threats to the conservation of wild birds. It therefore places great emphasis on the protection of habitats for endangered as well as migratory species (listed in Annex I), especially through the establishment of a coherent network of Special Protection Areas (SPAs) comprising all the most suitable territories for these species. Since 1994 all SPAs form an integral part of the NATURA 2000 ecological network

2.5 The Birds Directive bans activities that directly threaten birds, such as the deliberate killing or capture of birds, the destruction of their nests and taking of their eggs, and associated activities such as trading in live or dead birds, with a few exceptions (listed in Annex III - III/1 allows taking in all Member States; III/2 allows taking in Member States in agreement with European Commission).

EU Habitats Directive

2.6 The Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC was adopted in 1992. The main aim of this Directive is to promote the maintenance of biodiversity, taking account of economic, social, cultural and regional requirements. While the Directive makes a contribution to the general objective of sustainable development; it ensures the conservation of a wide range of rare, threatened or endemic species, including around 450 animals and 500 plants. Some 200 rare and characteristic habitat types are also targeted for conservation in their own right.

2.7 The Directive provides for a ban on the downgrading of breeding and resting places for certain strictly protected animal species. Exceptions to the strict protection rules can be granted under very specific conditions. The Habitats Directive also establishes the EU wide Natura 2000 ecological network of protected areas. For these areas it provides a high level of safeguards against potentially damaging developments. Together with the Birds Directive, the Habitats Directive forms the backbone of EU nature protection legislation.

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Wildlife and Countryside Act

2.8 All wild species of breeding birds and their nests are protected under Part 1 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act (WCA) 1981, as amended by later legislation including the Countryside and Rights of Way (CRoW) Act 2000. This legislation applies in England and Wales.

2.9 Part 1 (Section 1:1) of the WCA states that:

'If any person intentionally,

(a) kills, injures or takes any wild bird;

(b) takes, damages or destroys the nest of any wild bird while that nest is in use or being built; or

(c) takes or destroys an egg of any wild bird,

he shall be guilty of an offence.'

2.10 Part 1 (Section 1:5) of the WCA (amended by the CRoW Act 2000) refers to specific birds listed on Schedule 1 of the WCA, and states that:

'If any person intentionally or recklessly,

(a) disturbs any wild bird included in Schedule 1 while it is building a nest or is in, on or near a nest containing eggs or young; or

(b) disturbs dependent young of such a bird,

he shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a special penalty.’

2.11 Schedule 1 includes birds such as hen harrier (Circus cyaneus), merlin (Falco columbarius) and peregrine (Falco peregrinus). Please refer to the WCA for a complete list of Schedule 1 species.

2.12 Some provisions are made to allow the killing and taking of certain species under certain circumstances, as follows:

 Birds listed on Schedule 2 (Part 1) of the Act may be taken or killed outside of the ‘close season’ for each individual species (the ‘close season’ is defined by the Act). This includes various wild duck and geese species.

 Birds listed on Schedule 2 (Part 2) of the Act may be killed or taken by authorised persons at all times. This includes species such as carrion crow (Corvus corone), black- billed magpie (Pica pica), feral pigeon (Columba livia) and greater Canada goose (Branta candadensis). An ‘authorised person’ is defined as a person who has written authorisation to undertake the act from the relevant statutory authority. The written authority is in the form of a licence, either a general licence which covers a number of the more typical ‘pest’ species, or an individual licence for other individual species. In England these licences are issued by Natural England and in Wales by the Welsh Assembly Government.

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Birds of Conservation Concern 2009

2.13 “Birds of Conservation Concern 3” (Eaton et al 2009) quantifies the population status of 246 species of bird that breed regularly in the United Kingdom. The species have been reviewed against objective criteria and placed upon one of “three lists green, amber and red indicating an increasing level of conservation concern”. Eaton et al (2009) provides a full description of the criteria used for inclusion and the species on each of the lists. In summary, they are:

 Red list species are those that are Globally Threatened according to IUCN criteria; those whose population or range has declined rapidly in recent years; and those that have declined historically and not shown a substantial recovery;

 Amber list species are those with an unfavourable conservation status in Europe; species whose population or range has declined moderately in recent years; those whose population has declined historically but made a substantial recent recovery; rare breeders; and those with internationally important or localized populations; and,

 Species that fulfil none of the above criteria are green listed. These species are not included in the evaluation.

2.14 The population status of birds is reviewed every five years to keep track of changes in abundance and range. The new lists are based on the most up-to-date information available.

Local and UK Biodiversity Action Plan Species

2.15 These are bird species of conservation concern which are selected as priority species when evaluated against population and distribution data.

2.16 An action plan for each species meeting the criteria has been developed to set specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-bounded targets for the species concerned. Each plan has been costed and then finalized by consensus across the full range of statutory and non-statutory organizations represented on the UK Biodiversity Group. The BAP identifies the work that is necessary to improve the adverse status of these species.

2.17 The UK Biodiversity Group has agreed that the following principles apply to each priority species.

 each species should be the subject of targeted action;

 action for any species should be framed within either a dedicated action plan or a conservation statement;

 species which have not been recorded for the last 10 years should have a conservation statement, making search for that species the key requirement. If found as a result of this search, the species will then be subject to an action plan; and,

 species whose conservation needs may be delivered through existing habitat or species action plans, or those in preparation, should have a conservation statement, making the link to the related plan and setting biological targets for that species.

2.18 Table 1 in the following section identifies the target species and the relevant legislation, policy and listings.

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2.19 Please note: the above text provides a brief summary of the legislation and policies with regard to breeding birds in England and Wales and the original Acts, subsequent amendments and documents referenced should be referred to for the precise wording.

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Desk Study

3.1 Statutory and non-statutory authorities were contacted to gather local and site-specific ecological information. The desk study returns will enable the proposed development site to be placed within the wider ecological context. The search zone encompassed a 2km radius from the centre of the site.

3.2 The Multi-Agency Geographic Information for the Countryside (MAGIC) website was queried for information on statutorily protected sites, such as Special Protection Areas (SPA) Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) and Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) along with the presence of ancient semi-natural woodland in the search area.

3.3 The Staffordshire Ecological Record (SER) was consulted to obtain records of protected species and the location of any non-statutory protected sites. In addition, the National Biodiversity Network (NBN) ( was queried for records of protected animal species and the local and national Biodiversity Action Plans (BAPs) were reviewed to provide details of priority species and habitats.

3.4 Liaison and consultation with Natural England, regarding site specific data and methodology was maintained through the project period.

3.5 It is important to note that the desk study results where available, provide an indication of the species present in and around the site and do not confirm current presence or absence of any particular species.

Field Work

3.6 The habitats within the survey area are variable; the methodology needed to recognise this habitat variation and its variable functionality for breeding birds.

3.7 Guidance from Natural England resulted in an approach which was based upon an amalgamation of the Brown and Shepherd (1993) method for censusing upland breeding wader populations and the O’Brien and Smith (1992) method for censusing lowland breeding wader populations. In addition to waders, all raptors were recorded.

3.8 The Brown and Shepherd methodology is based upon constant effort, surveying for 20-25 minutes in each 500x500m quadrat of open land and 0.8 -1.0 minute per ha. for enclosed fields. The route through the relevant habitat in each quadrat was to a large degree pre-determined from aerial photographs and the phase 1 habitat map. The route ensured that all parts of each quadrat were approached to within at least 100m. Regular scans of the survey area were made along the route.

3.9 The O’Brien and Smith method is a generic method covering several species of lowland wader. The timing of visits depend upon the geographic location of the survey area. In northern England three visits are required between mid-April and mid to late-June. This method requires that each field is walked so that the observer is able to get within 100m of every part of the survey area. Survey constraints are identified subsequently.

3.10 The two methodologies were tailored to meet the needs of the survey and to address site specific conditions. A transect approach was used throughout the survey area and birds were

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recorded in the exact locations they were observed rather than allocating them to the centre of a field as O’Brien and Smith suggest.

3.11 A number of target species were identified as a result of consultation with Natural England and an assessment of the desk study data returned. Target species were identified by reviewing the relevant legislation relating to birds and the habitats and cross-referencing with statutory designations in the surrounding area and the habitat assessment produced in PAA’s report of May 2012, “Triangle Farm: Extended Phase I Habitat Survey report. Species were therefore selected on their legal protection, conservation status and likelihood of occurrence.

3.12 Those species of sufficient size and level of conservation status that construction and/or operational impacts would be considered to have the potential to negatively impact upon the local breeding population and/or nature conservation value of the site.

3.13 All species observed, including passerines were recorded and mapped in the field so that a decision could be made as to which additional species may need to be included in the assessment.

Table 1: Details the Target Species Identified and the Reason for their Inclusion.

Likely WCA SPA Red or Common Scientific Annex UK occurrence (1981) Qualifying Amber Name Name I BAP within survey Schd 1 Species listed area Peregrine Falco N/A Medium falcon peregrinus * * Falco Merlin Amber Medium columbarius * * * Circus Hen harrier Red Low cyaneus * * * Short- Asio Amber High eared owl flammeus * Golden Pluvialis Amber Medium plover apricaria * Calidris Dunlin Red Low alpina * Numenius Curlew Amber High arquata * Vanellus Lapwing Red High vanellus * Galinago Snipe Amber Medium galinago Falco Kestrel Amber High tinnunculus

Survey Constraints

3.14 The requirement for a bird survey was established after a response to consultation with Natural England, received on the 16/05/2012. The instruction to undertake the survey was received on 25/05/2012 and the first visit was undertaken on the 28/05/2012. This meant that the first visit date for both methodologies was outside the optimal period of early-April to mid-May.

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3.15 It is considered that the weather conditions during the breeding season of 2012 was such that breeding activity was most probably a little late. Furthermore, it is possible, due to the exceptional weather conditions during the 2012 breeding period that the data derived from the survey are from an atypical year and therefore not representative of normal breeding activity within the survey area and the wider landscape.

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Desk Study

Statutory Protected Sites

4.1 Four statutory protected sites lie within 2km of the proposed turbine location.

South Pennine Moors Special Protection Area (SPA)

4.2 Part of the South Pennine Moors SPA lies approximately 215m to the north-east of the proposed turbine location. This is the southern most unit of the Leek Moors SSSI, which covers an area of approximately 66,000ha from Ilkley Moor in the north to the Leek Moors in the south.

4.3 This site qualifies under Article 4.1 of the Birds Directive (79/409/EEC) by supporting populations of European importance of the following species listed on Annex I of the Directive:

4.4 During the breeding season;

 Golden Plover (Pluvialis apricaria), 752 pairs representing at least 3.3% of the breeding population in Great Britain (count as at 1990);

 Merlin (Falco columbarius), 77 pairs representing at least 5.9% of the breeding population in Great Britain;

 Peregrine (F. peregrinus), 16 pairs representing at least 1.4% of the breeding population in Great Britain; and,

 Short-eared Owl (Asio flammeus), 25 pairs representing at least 2.5% of the breeding population in Great Britain.

South Pennine Moors Special Area of Conservation (SAC)

4.5 The site also qualifies under Article 4.2 of the Bird’s Directive (79/409/EEC) by supporting populations of European importance of the following migratory species:

4.6 During the breeding season;

 Dunlin (Calidris alpina schinzii), 140 pairs representing at least 1.3% of the breeding Baltic/UK/Ireland population

4.7 Part of the South Pennine Moors SAC (also unit 211 of the Leek Moors SSSI) lies approximately 215m to the north-east of the proposed turbine location. This is the southern- most unit of the site, and part of the Leek Moors SSSI, which covers an area of approximately 65,000ha from Ilkley Moor in the north to the Leek Moors in the south.

4.8 The site is designated for its habitats of European importance including a range of dry heath communities, impoverished blanket bogs and sessile oak (Quercus petraea) woodlands along with wet heath and transition mires.

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Leek Moors SSSI

4.9 Unit 211 of the Leek Moors SSSI lies approximately 215m to the north-east of the proposed turbine location. The SSSI is subsumed within the above described European sites due to its bird and vegetation interest features.

4.10 More specifically, the Leek Moors SSSI comprises an extensive tract of semi-natural upland and upland fringe vegetation, typical of the Southern Pennines and supports several plants and animals at the southern limits of their English distribution. The primary habitat types of interest are blanket mire, dwarf shrub heath and unenclosed acidic grassland.

4.11 The mire communities of Axe Edge support a large, regionally significant population of golden plover and the wider site is of great importance for upland breeding birds including merlin and dunlin.

Thorncliffe Moor SSSI

4.12 Thorncliffe Moor lies approximately 200m to the south of the proposed turbine location. This site is outwith the European sites described above and the Leek Moors SSSI. The site is designated for its extensive spring-fed fens which are the largest and most floristically diverse examples known of their type in Staffordshire and are uncommon within the western . In addition dwarf shrub heath and acidic grassland communities are also present.

Protected Bird Species

4.13 A large quantity of bird species data were received from the Staffordshire Ecological Record (SER). Appendix I presents the species list returned. There are many common and widespread species which would not be considered in this assessment due to their low sensitivity and/or conservation status.

4.14 Appendix II refines this list to those species deemed to be relevant to this particular study and Table 1 identifies those species identified as potentially occurring target species and their relevant conservation and legislative status.

4.15 An SPA qualifying species, the short-eared owl occurs frequently in the wider area and just beyond the survey area, spanning 1994 to 2010.

4.16 An SPA qualifying species, the golden plover are shown to occur intermittently within 1.5km of the site between 2003 and 2010.

4.17 Single records for peregrine falcon (2005), merlin (2005) and hen harrier (2008) were returned for the search area.

4.18 Frequent records exist for curlew, lapwing and snipe within the search area between 1972 and 2011, although the last snipe records were 1.5km to the north east in 2010.

4.19 Natural England provided breeding bird survey maps of the fields around Triangle farm for 2004 (Appendix III) and 2009 (Appendix IV). The 2004 survey identified 3 lapwing records, 3 snipe records and 2 curlew records within or immediately adjacent to the 2012 survey area. A survey of the same area in 2009 identified a single curlew record in the 2012 survey area and a further 4 records between 200 and 500m from boundary of the 2012 survey area. It is not clear whether the records represent breeding pairs or individuals.

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Field Study

4.20 The table below describes the timing of the surveys and the prevailing weather conditions.

Table 2: Survey Timing and Conditions

Date and Time of Survey Visit Conditions on Survey

Monday 28th May 2012 (08.00 – 11.30) Gentle breeze, clear sky, light haze. 10 to 130c

Friday 29th June 2012 (07.30 – 11.00) Stiff breeze, low cloud and fog. 11 to 140c

4.21 Figure 1 details the locations and behaviour of the target species recorded. Table 1 identifies the conservation and legislative status of the birds mentioned.

4.22 A single target species, curlew, was identified within the survey area across the two survey visits. A further target species (lapwing) was observed outside (c. 50m north) of the northern boundary of the survey area. A further 14 species were recorded across the survey area. Appendix V details the species observed upon each of the two survey visits. Bird activity across the survey area was low on both survey visits; however, activity was reduced on visit two.

4.23 Curlew records ranged between 250 and 500m from the proposed turbine location, and all curlew observations were made within 250m or closer, of the eastern boundary of the survey area.

4.24 Cuckoo, a red listed species, was heard singing from and seen in the north east and south west quadrats on visit 1. The closest record to the proposed turbine location was of 3 birds, c. 300m from the turbine location, calling and displaying in flight across the north western and north eastern quadrats.

4.25 A raven flew high through the north east quadrat, heading north on visit 2.

Incidental Sightings

4.26 The surveyor, as well as undertaking the survey visits, passes through the centre of the survey area periodically when travelling to work.

4.27 Short-eared owl was observed within the survey area in the north east quadrat, on 2 occasions, approximately 2 weeks prior to the first survey visit. On both occasions an adult was hunting along the wide, vegetated verges. Two lapwings were observed on 12th June in the north-west quadrat.

4.28 Kestrel, an amber listed species, was observed within the north-western and north-eastern quadrats on at least 4 occasions between the first and second visits.

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5.1 Only two target species were observed, curlew within the survey area and lapwing recorded just outside, it. However, in order to ensure that wherever possible risks are removed or reduced, and that best management practise is applied, the current literature, where available, has also been reviewed with regard to those target species that have previously been recorded in the survey area.

5.2 Impacts arising from the proposal would be derived from both the construction phase and the operational phase. Recent studies have established that for some species the impacts generated at the construction phase of a development are greater than the operational effects (Pearce-Higgins et al., 2012).

5.3 At construction measures should be taken to reduce the potential for disturbance when considering:

 the way in which the site is access;

 whether this will be permanent or temporary;

 the area of habitat to be cleared;

 the disposal of any spoil generated, and;

 the timing, duration and thus intensity of disturbance of works.

5.4 Operational considerations would be of:

 noise disturbance, possibly from the noise of blades disrupting songs;

 physical disturbance possibly from maintenance activity, and;

 collision.

5.5 Numerous studies have been undertaken to ascertain the likely and actual impacts of turbine/wind farm development upon birds and other species. Despite these studies, there is little information upon the generality of impacts upon particular species (Pearce-Higgins et al 2012).

5.6 It must also be recognised that much of the research and information regarding the effects and impacts upon birds from wind farm development is derived from studies of multiple turbine “farms” rather than single, domestic use turbines.

5.7 Drewitt and Langston (2006) state that “the effects of a wind farm on birds are highly variable and depend upon a wide range of factors including the specification of the turbine, the topography of the surrounding land, the habitats affected and the number and species of birds present”.

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5.8 Whilst Pearce-Higgins et al (2012) states that in his study “the impacts from wind farms were largely unaffected by technical specifications (turbine height, number and generating power) and are therefore widely applicable”.

5.9 However, when extrapolating from the current literature and understanding, it should be recognised that scale is a determining factor when considering the potential impacts from this proposal.

5.10 It is recognised that there are 4 areas where impacts may be observed, they are;

 Habitat loss;

 Displacement due to disturbance;

 Barrier effect, and;

 Collision.

Habitat Loss

5.11 Habitat loss is not considered to be an issue at either the construction or operational phases. The development would require construction of a 6m x 6m concrete pad, which would be partially buried, in order to anchor the turbine. It is recommended that sufficiently sized turves are removed from the footprint and laid over the concrete base so that only a 2m x 2m footprint will be visible. This reduces habitat loss to a 4m2 area of grazed pasture.

5.12 A permanent surfaced access road is not proposed, however if necessary, due to ground conditions, a temporary ‘floating road’ would be laid over existing vegetation. No widening of the gateway access into the field is proposed. Cabling would be buried within an approximately 0.5m wide trench, which would be dug between the turbine location and the farm buildings.

5.13 Working areas should be kept to the minimum required.

Displacement due to Disturbance

5.14 Pearce-Higgins (2012) found that curlew and snipe densities declined on sites during the construction phase and did not recover during the operational phase. The study concluded that results for breeding populations suggest that the main negative effects of wind farms may be through disturbance displacement during construction. Although Yalden and Pearce-Higgins (1997) suggest that displaced individuals may not be lost to the breeding population but simply breed elsewhere. As bird densities in the survey area suggest that the habitats are not at carrying capacity, although this is not conclusively stated, it could reasonably be concluded that any displaced individuals may breed in nearby habitat.

5.15 It is therefore important that the proposals design takes account of the potential for disturbance and takes measures to avoid or mitigate. The potential for disturbance from this proposal is considered to be greatest at the construction phase, however, this disturbance is considered to be very localised. Figure 2 “Predicted extent of construction related disturbance”, identifies a zone of disturbance during constructions using contour lines and sight lines. When cross referenced with desk study and survey results it can be seen that in the 2004 survey data provided by Natural England, both snipe and lapwing were present within this but that desk

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study data and subsequent surveys have not identified target species within the zone of disturbance.

5.16 Langston and Pullan (2003) “Windfarms and Birds”, is a literature review and analysis of the effects of wind farms on birds. A number of studies (Winkelman 1992, Ketzenbrg et al 2002, Thomas 1999) found that there was no significant effect of breeding lapwing densities with regard to distance from turbines, when compared to reference sites.

5.17 There are several reliable studies which show that amongst other species curlew can suffer disturbance at up to 600m from even a small wind farm and Winkelman 1992 found significantly smaller numbers of birds feeding and roosting when turbines were operational, with the effects being recorded at 500m from the turbines. Langston and Pullan (2003) state that “generally the studies show that breeding waders are not disturbed by the presence of turbines” but that this should be viewed with a little caution as it is not clear to what extent turbines deter new recruits to the wader breeding population.

5.18 Although the risk of disturbing birds through the construction period is considered to be low it is recommended that construction is undertaken outside of the breeding bird season. During the winter months particularly, the habitats within the survey area and beyond would support fewer species and individuals at an arguably less critical time of the year.

Barrier Effect

5.19 The barrier effect, whereby flyways are blocked or hindered is not a consideration for this proposal. Whilst it is recognised that birds may alter their flight to avoid a turbine, a single turbine would not constitute a barrier to movement. The cumulative effects of similar proposals that are in close proximity may result in a manifestation of this effect, however, at the current time the closest single turbine to the proposed site is c. 2.5km to the south along the Blakelow Road.


5.20 Direct mortality or lethal injury can result from collisions with rotors, towers, nacelles and associated structures as well as from the effects of vortices created by the moving rotors (Drewitt and Langston 2006). Drewitt and Langston recognise that the majority of studies investigating collisions have found “relatively low levels of mortality” but highlight the fact that for birds of conservation concern and long-lived species even low levels can be significant.

5.21 It must be recognised, based upon the studies undertaken and the fact that birds occur within the survey area that the risk of collisions cannot be ruled out. It is however considered a low risk given the low frequency of collisions in the studies reviewed which were of multiple turbine wind farms, compared to the scale of the proposal at Triangle Farm. Additionally, the local landscape allows a reasonable line of sight of the turbine. This conclusion is further supported by the apparent low bird density of birds around the site, which recent surveys indicate.

5.22 If collision is considered to be a greater risk, management of the sward in the vicinity of the turbine may help to reduce numbers of hunting raptors and breeding birds. Short swards, either grazed or mown are less attractive to breeding waders and offer less cover for voles and other small animals, making such habitat less attractive to raptors such as short-eared owl and merlin. Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH 2010) advise that a short sward of 15 cm but preferably 10cm will help to keep prey numbers low. This measure is advised to reduce habitat functionality for clear fell areas with regard to short eared owl and merlin when constructing wind farms. There is very little information regarding collisions and short-eared owls specifically.

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An American study has shown a relatively high proportion of birds killed by collision are owls (Erickson et al 2001). This study stated that of 841 mortalities at wind farms, 41% were diurnal raptors and 11% were owls. These data however are collected from multiple turbine sites.

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6.1 In considering the potential effects of a single turbine upon the bird assemblage recorded in the survey area upon the populations of qualifying species and upon the nature conservation value of the adjacent designated sites, the risks are considered to be low.

6.2 The importance of impacts of wind farms on birds depends upon whether they result in effects at the population level (Pierce-Higgins et al 2009). For species of conservation concern, even small increases in mortality may be significant either from individual wind farms or the cumulative effects of multiple wind farms.

6.3 There is undoubtedly the potential for disturbance during construction and for collisions during the operational phase. It is, however, important to recognise the scale of the proposal, the mitigating measures that will be put in place and the frequency with which birds occurred, not just around the turbine but within the entire survey area and beyond.

6.4 It is concluded that, with appropriate ecological oversight, the production of prescriptive method statements and adherence to best management practise, there would be a low risk, at the construction and operational phases of population level effects upon any of the target species recorded and that the nature conservation value of the adjacent SPA/SAC/SSSI (300m away), would not be reduced either during the construction or operational phases.

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Brown and Shepherd (1993). The Brown and Shepherd (1993) method for censusing upland breeding wader populations.

Drewitt, A. A., and. Langston. R. H. W., 2006. Assessing the impacts of wind farms on birds. Ibis, 148, 29-42.

Eaton, M. A., Brown, A. F., Musgrove, A. J., Hearn, R., Aebischer, N. J., Gibbons D. W., Evans, A. and Gregory, R. D., 2009. Birds of Conservation Concern 3: the population status of birds in the United Kingdom, Channel Islands and the Isle of Man. British Birds, 102, 296-341.

Erickson, W.P., Johnson, G.D., Strickland, M.D. Young, Jr., D.P., Sernka, K.J. and Good, R.E. (2001). Avian Collisions with Wind Turbines: A summary of existing studies and comparison to other sources of avian collision mortality in the United States. Western Ecosystems Technology Inc. National Wind Co-ordinating Committee (NWCC) Resource Document.

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Langston, R.G and Pullan, J.D. (2003). Windfarms and Birds: an analysis of the effects of wind farms on birds and guidance on environmental impacts criteria and site selection issues. Report written by Birdlife International on behalf of the Bern Convention. Council Europe Report T-PVS/Inf.

O’Brien and Smith (1992). The O’Brien and Smith (1992) method for censusing lowland breeding wader populations.

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Thomas, R. (1999). Renewable Energy and Environmental Impacts in the UK: Birds and Wind Turbines. Unpublished Master of Research Degree Thesis, University College London, UK.

Winkelman, J.E. (1992b). The Impact of Sep Wind park near Oosterbierum (Fr), the Netherlands, on Birds 2: nocturnal collisions risks. RIN-rapport 92/3 – DLO- Instituut Voor Bos-en Natuuronderzoek, Arnhem, The Netherlands.

Winkelman, J.E. (1992d). The Impact of Sep Wind park near Oosterbierum (Fr), the Netherlands, on Birds 2: disturbance. RIN-rapport 92/5 – DLO- Instituut Voor Bos-en Natuuronderzoek, Arnhem, The Netherlands.

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Ref. No.120256 19 Kevin Burns July 2012 Triangle Farm Upland Breeding Bird Survey


401900 402000 402100 402200 402300 402400 402500 402600 402700 402800 402900 403000 403100 403200 403300 403400 0 0 0 0 9 9 9 9

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3 3 Legend C!_U !C Proposed turbine location 0 0

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3 3 Visit 1 Species R!!N BH Black-Headed Gull

0 0 CK Cuckoo 0 0

6 L!B 6 9 9 CU 5 5 Curlew 3 3 C!_K L. Lapwing Visit 1 - Bird Flight 0 0 0 0 5 5

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3 3 British National Grid Projection: Transverse Mercator False Easting: 400000.000000 False Northing: -100000.000000 Central Meridian: -2.000000 ISO A3 Scale Factor: 0.999601 ´ Latitude Of Origin: 49.000000

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B!H Penny Anderson Associates Ltd, Parklea, 60 Park Road, 0 C!U 0 Buxton, Derbyshire, SK17 6SN. 0 0 Telephone 01298 27086 9 9

8 8 Project Name 5 5

3 3 Triangle Farm Discipline Ecology Title: 0 0 0 0

8 8 UPLAND BIRD 8 8 5 5

3 3 SURVEY VISIT 1 & 2 0 0

0 0 Scale Drawing No.

7 7 1:5,000 Figure 1 8 8

5 5 Drawn By Originator Date 3 3 CC PF 19/07/2012

PAA Ref. Revision G:\ A

401900 402000 402100 402200 402300 402400 402500 402600 402700 402800 402900 403000 403100 403200 403300 4034R0e0produced from Ordnance Survey Data © Crown Copyright [2012]. All rights reserved. A ISO A3 (402668,359297) APR 2012 APR Figure 2 Revision Meters SRs British NationalBritish Grid Scale Factor: 0.999601 Factor: Scale Ecology Central Meridian: -2.000000 Latitude OfLatitude Origin: 49.000000 False Easting:False 400000.000000 Projection: TransverseProjection: Mercator False Northing: -100000.000000False Originator Disturbance Kevin Burns 01538Tel: 300 262 893 255 07976 Mob: [email protected] Predicted Extent of JL Construction Related 1:2,500 Triangle Farm, Thorncliffe, Nr Leek, Staffs. Leek, Nr Thorncliffe, Farm, Triangle ´ 5 Proposed turbine location location turbine Proposed buffer turbine proposed 150m grassland acid Unimproved B1.1 semi-improved grassland Acid B1.2 semi-improved grassland Neutral B2.2 grassland Improved B4 grassland Marshy B5 grassland semi-improved Poor B6 heath shrub dwarf Dry acid D1.1 Acid/neutralE2.1 flush perennial Ephemeral/short J1.3 BuildingJ3.6 oligotrophic - water Running G2.3 hedgerow Defunct J2.2.2 FenceJ2.4 Wall J2.5 Aerial photography: (c) 2012Microsoft Corporationanddata itssuppliers

!!! 0 1020304050 G:\BUKE01_TriangleFarmStaffs\Maps !!! Project Name Discipline Title: Scale ByDrawn Ref. PAA Contains Ordnance Surveydata©Crown copyrightand database right 2012 No. Drawing Date

Penny Anderson Associates Ltd, Associates Anderson Penny Parklea, 60 ParkRoad, Derbyshire, SK17Buxton, 6SN. Telephone 01298 27086



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APPENDIX I Bird Species Recorded within 2km of Turbine Locations

Appendix I. Bird species recorded within 2km of the turbine locations. (Source SER)

Common Name Location Detail Grid Ref. Date Abundance Long-tailed Tit SK05 24/09/2005 2 Count Warslow-Manifold Valley-Grindon- Long-tailed Tit Warslow SK05 18/09/2005 6 Count Long-tailed Tit Coombes SK05 12/06/2005 1 Count Long-tailed Tit Coombes SK05 29/05/2005 Long-tailed Tit Coombes SK05 04/05/2005 2 Count Long-tailed Tit Coombes SK05 27/04/2005 Long-tailed Tit SK05 17/04/2005 Long-tailed Tit Swallow Moss SK06 01/01/2008 1 Count Sky Lark Thorncliffe SK0158 01/04/2009 1 Count Sky Lark Morridge SK0257 04/04/2010 8 Count Sky Lark Morridge SK0257 01/04/2009 4 Count Sky Lark Thorncliffe - Triangle Farm SK0259 24/02/2009 1 Count Sky Lark Thorncliffe - Triangle Farm SK0259 2004 16 Count Sky Lark Big Wood SK0260 2004 4 Count Sky Lark SK026599 30/06/2006 1 Count Sky Lark SK026599 30/06/2006 1 Count Sky Lark Mixon Hay SK0357 05/06/2010 15 Count Sky Lark Mixon Hay SK0357 09/05/2010 9 Count Sky Lark Mixon Hay SK0357 15/04/2007 12 Count Sky Lark Feltysitch SK0359 05/06/2010 30 Count Sky Lark Feltysitch SK0359 09/05/2010 22 Count Sky Lark Feltsitch SK0359 2004 14 Count Sky Lark Mermaid Inn SK0360 2004 12 Count Sky Lark field to rear of Mermaid Inn SK0360 12/05/2000 Sky Lark Strines SK0361 2004 8 Count Sky Lark near Mixon Hay SK036575 11/03/2002 6 singing/mati Sky Lark Mixon SK0457 11/06/2011 5 Count Sky Lark Mixon SK0457 01/05/2011 4 Count Sky Lark Royledge SK0459 2004 18 Count Sky Lark Merryton Low SK0460 22/04/2009 1 Count Sky Lark Manifold Valley Wetton Mill/Ecton area SK05 23/07/2005 May 1972 - Sky Lark Brund area SK05 November 1972 Common Name Location Detail Grid Ref. Date Abundance Sky Lark Three Shires Head area SK06 25/03/2005 Sky Lark Ramshaw SK06 25/04/2002 1 Count of sin Sky Lark Axe Edge Moor SK06 19/07/2000 Eurasian Teal Mixon SK0457 22/01/2011 4 Count Mallard Mixon Hay SK0357 14/11/2010 4 Count Mallard Mixon Hay SK0357 09/05/2010 7 Count Mallard Feltysitch SK0359 09/05/2010 2 Count Mallard Mixon SK0457 22/01/2011 14 Count Warslow-Manifold Valley-Grindon- Mallard Warslow SK05 18/09/2005 31 Count Mallard Coombes SK05 27/04/2005 Mallard SK05 17/04/2005 Mallard Three Shires Head area SK06 25/03/2005 Pink-footed Goose Morridge SK0257 24/10/2010 200 Count Pink-footed Goose Royledge SK0459 18/11/2008 300 Count Meadow Pipit SK024587 19/05/1982 Meadow Pipit Thorncliffe - Triangle Farm SK0259 28/12/2009 1 Count Meadow Pipit Thorncliffe - Triangle Farm SK0259 24/02/2009 1 Count Meadow Pipit SK028593 14/06/2003 Meadow Pipit SK033597 30/08/1978 frequ Meadow Pipit Mixon Hay SK0357 14/11/2010 2 Count Meadow Pipit Mixon Hay SK0357 05/06/2010 11 Count Meadow Pipit Mixon Hay SK0357 09/05/2010 2 Count Meadow Pipit Feltysitch SK0359 05/06/2010 40 Count Meadow Pipit Feltysitch SK0359 09/05/2010 30 Count Meadow Pipit Feltysitch SK0359 28/12/2009 1 Count

Meadow Pipit Leek & Upper Hulme Army Training Area SK0359 23/04/2005 15 Count

Meadow Pipit Leek & Upper Hulme Army Training Area SK0359 23/04/2005 15 Count Meadow Pipit SK0361 15/03/2005 1 Count Meadow Pipit Mixon SK0457 11/06/2011 2 Count Meadow Pipit Mixon SK0457 01/05/2011 4 Count Meadow Pipit Royledge SK0459 28/12/2009 2 Count Meadow Pipit Manifold Valley Wetton Mill/Ecton area SK05 23/07/2005 Meadow Pipit SK06 06/01/2008 1 Count Common Name Location Detail Grid Ref. Date Abundance Meadow Pipit Three Shires Head area SK06 25/03/2005 Tree Pipit SK05 07/05/2005 Common Swift Coombes SK05 12/06/2005 2 Count Common Swift Coombes SK05 03/06/2005 3 Count Warslow-Manifold Valley-Grindon- Grey Heron Warslow SK05 18/09/2005 1 Count Grey Heron Manifold Valley Wetton Mill/Ecton area SK05 23/07/2005 1 Count Grey Heron Coombes SK05 04/05/2005 1 Count Grey Heron Swallow Moss SK06 01/01/2008 1 Count Short-eared Owl Thorncliffe SK0158 20/10/2010 1 Count Short-eared Owl Ley Field SK0158 06/12/2008 1 Count Short-eared Owl Upper Hulme SK0160 24/04/2004 1 Count

Short-eared Owl Morridge (Bottomhouse to Mermaid road) SK022573 14/12/2011 Short-eared Owl Morridge SK022573 14/12/2011 Short-eared Owl Morridge SK0257 06/11/2011 3 Count Short-eared Owl Morridge SK0257 06/12/2010 1 Count Short-eared Owl Swainsmoor SK0261 31/12/2008 1 Count Short-eared Owl Mermaid Inn SK0360 08/03/2010 1 Count Short-eared Owl Mermaid Inn SK0360 12/10/2008 1 Count Short-eared Owl Mermaid Inn SK0360 09/12/2007 1 Count Short-eared Owl Mermaid Inn SK0360 20/04/2007 1 Count Short-eared Owl Mermaid Inn SK0360 04/12/2005 1 Count Short-eared Owl Gliding Field SK0360 01/11/2005 1 Count Short-eared Owl Mermaid Inn SK0360 24/09/2004 1 Count Short-eared Owl Mermaid Inn SK0360 28/03/2004 1 Count Short-eared Owl Strines SK0361 21/05/2007 1 Count Short-eared Owl SK0361 26/11/1988 1 Count Short-eared Owl Merryton Low SK0460 04/02/2009 3 Count Short-eared Owl Merryton Low SK0460 28/03/2005 1 Count Short-eared Owl SK06 09/02/2002 1 Count of Adult Little Owl Thorncliffe SK0158 29/10/2003 1 Count Little Owl Roaches Gate SK06 11/06/2008 1 Count Bohemian Waxwing Thorncliffe SK0158 05/01/2001 2 Count Greater Canada Goose Coombes SK05 27/04/2005 Greater Canada Goose SK05 17/04/2005 2 Count Common Name Location Detail Grid Ref. Date Abundance Common Buzzard Thorncliffe SK0158 23/02/2008 1 Count Common Buzzard Upper Hulme SK0161 12/06/2005 1 Count Common Buzzard between Thorncliffe and Mermaid SK0259 05/01/2008 3 Count Common Buzzard Mixon Hay SK0357 14/11/2010 1 Count Common Buzzard Mixon Hay SK0357 05/06/2010 1 Count Common Buzzard Mixon Hay SK0357 09/05/2010 2 Count Common Buzzard Feltysitch SK0359 05/06/2010 1 Count Common Buzzard Royledge SK0459 28/12/2009 2 Count Common Buzzard Warslow Moors SK05 16/02/2008 1 Count Common Buzzard SK05 24/09/2005 1 Count Common Buzzard Coombes SK05 03/06/2005 1 Count Common Buzzard Coombes SK05 04/05/2005 1 Count Common Buzzard SK05 21/03/2000 1 Count Common Buzzard Three Shires Head area SK06 25/03/2005 Lesser Redpoll SK0059 17/05/2009 1 Count Common Linnet Thorncliffe SK0158 15/05/2007 6 Count Common Linnet Upper Hulme SK0161 2004 4 Count Common Linnet Morridge SK0257 02/04/2011 7 Count Common Linnet Thorncliffe - Triangle Farm SK0259 2004 2 Count Common Linnet Feltysitch SK0359 05/06/2010 3 Count Common Linnet Feltysitch SK0359 09/05/2010 3 Count Common Linnet Feltysitch SK0359 24/05/2009 2 Count Common Linnet Feltsitch SK0359 2004 4 Count Common Linnet Mermaid Inn SK0360 2004 6 Count Common Linnet Mixon SK0457 11/06/2011 2 Count Common Linnet Mixon SK0457 01/05/2011 2 Count Common Linnet Royledge SK0459 2004 10 Count Warslow-Manifold Valley-Grindon- Common Linnet Warslow SK05 18/09/2005 1 Count Common Linnet Manifold Valley Wetton Mill/Ecton area SK05 23/07/2005 Common Linnet SK05 07/05/2005 2 Count European Goldfinch SK011592 09/09/1982 European Goldfinch SK023592 July 2005 European Goldfinch Mixon Hay SK0357 05/06/2010 1 Count European Goldfinch Mixon Hay SK0357 09/05/2010 7 Count European Goldfinch Feltysitch SK0359 05/06/2010 4 Count Common Name Location Detail Grid Ref. Date Abundance European Goldfinch Feltysitch SK0359 09/05/2010 2 Count European Goldfinch Mixon SK0457 01/05/2011 7 Count Warslow-Manifold Valley-Grindon- European Goldfinch Warslow SK05 18/09/2005 15 Count European Goldfinch Manifold Valley Wetton Mill/Ecton area SK05 23/07/2005 European Goldfinch Coombes SK05 04/05/2005 2 Count European Goldfinch SK05 17/04/2005 European Greenfinch SK05 24/09/2005 2 Count Warslow-Manifold Valley-Grindon- European Greenfinch Warslow SK05 18/09/2005 1 Count European Greenfinch SK05 07/05/2005 European Greenfinch Coombes SK05 07/05/2005 2 Count Eurasian Siskin Mixon Hay SK0357 14/11/2010 2 Count Eurasian Treecreeper SK05 24/09/2005 1 Count Eurasian Treecreeper Manifold Valley Wetton Mill/Ecton area SK05 23/07/2005 Eurasian Treecreeper Coombes SK05 04/05/2005 1 Count Eurasian Treecreeper Roaches Plantation SK06 24/05/2008 1 Count White-throated Dipper Nether Hay SK0060 24/01/2011 2 Count Warslow-Manifold Valley-Grindon- White-throated Dipper Warslow SK05 18/09/2005 1 Count Eurasian Marsh Harrier Mermaid Inn SK0360 26/04/1994 1 Count Hen Harrier Bradshaw Moor SK0159 06/03/2008 1 Count Hen Harrier Merryton Low SK0460 12/02/2008 1 Count

Hen Harrier Warslow Moors area SK05 28/02/2008 1 Count of Adult Male Hen Harrier Warslow Moors SK05 16/02/2008 1 Count

Hen Harrier Swallow Moss SK06 22/11/2008 2 Count of Adult Male

Hen Harrier SK06 30/01/2005 1 Count of Adult Male Rock Pigeon Mixon Hay SK0357 14/11/2010 3 Count Rock Pigeon Feltysitch SK0359 05/06/2010 1 Count Rock Pigeon Feltysitch SK0359 09/05/2010 10 Count Rock Pigeon Feltysitch SK0359 30/10/2001 14 Count Stock Pigeon Mixon Hay SK0357 05/06/2010 2 Count Stock Pigeon Feltsitch SK0359 01/06/2006 24 Count Common Name Location Detail Grid Ref. Date Abundance Stock Pigeon Mixon SK0457 11/06/2011 2 Count Stock Pigeon Mixon SK0457 01/05/2011 2 Count Stock Pigeon Mixon SK0457 22/01/2011 4 Count Stock Pigeon SK05 07/05/2005 Stock Pigeon Three Shires Head area SK06 25/03/2005 Common Wood Pigeon Thorncliffe SK0158 24/11/2010 110 Count Common Wood Pigeon Mixon Hay SK0357 14/11/2010 11 Count Common Wood Pigeon Mixon Hay SK0357 05/06/2010 10 Count Common Wood Pigeon Mixon Hay SK0357 09/05/2010 6 Count Warslow-Manifold Valley-Grindon- Common Wood Pigeon Warslow SK05 18/09/2005 3 Count Common Wood Pigeon Coombes SK05 29/05/2005 Common Wood Pigeon Coombes SK05 07/05/2005 1 Count Common Wood Pigeon SK05 07/05/2005 Common Wood Pigeon Coombes SK05 04/05/2005 8 Count Common Wood Pigeon Three Shires Head area SK06 25/03/2005 Common Raven Thorncliffe SK0158 12/04/2007 1 Count Common Raven Thorncliffe SK0158 30/01/2006 14 Count Common Raven Upper Hulme SK0160 03/06/2004 5 Count Common Raven Upper Hulme SK0161 12/07/2006 2 Count Common Raven Old Mixon Hay SK0258 29/03/2008 1 Count Common Raven Old Mixon Hay SK0258 20/04/2006 2 Count Common Raven Old Mixon Hay SK0258 24/01/2005 1 Count Common Raven Thorncliffe - Triangle Farm SK0259 28/12/2009 1 Count Common Raven Thorncliffe - Triangle Farm SK0259 24/02/2009 1 Count Common Raven Big Wood SK0260 March 2007 3 Count Common Raven Big Wood SK0260 June 2006 2 Count Common Raven Big Wood SK0260 April 2006 2 Count Common Raven Mixon Hay SK0357 14/11/2010 2 Count Common Raven Feltysitch SK0359 28/12/2009 1 Count Common Raven Feltysitch SK0359 24/05/2009 2 Count Common Raven Feltysitch SK0359 30/10/2001 1 Count Common Raven Mermaid Inn SK0360 05/04/2009 2 Count Common Raven Mermaid Inn SK0360 18/05/2008 Common Raven Mermaid Inn SK0360 April 2007 2 Count Common Raven Mermaid Inn SK0360 20/11/2005 2 Count Common Name Location Detail Grid Ref. Date Abundance Common Raven Mermaid Inn SK0360 14/11/2005 9 Count Common Raven Mermaid Inn SK0360 19/04/2004 2 Count Common Raven SK05 24/09/2005 Common Raven SK05 07/05/2005 2 Count Common Raven Coombes SK05 07/05/2005 1 Count Common Raven Coombes SK05 27/04/2005 Carrion Crow Thorncliffe - Triangle Farm SK0259 28/12/2009 9 Count Carrion Crow Thorncliffe - Triangle Farm SK0259 24/02/2009 2 Count Carrion Crow Royledge SK0459 28/12/2009 26 Count Carrion Crow Royledge SK0459 22/01/2009 2 Count Carrion Crow SK05 24/09/2005 Warslow-Manifold Valley-Grindon- Carrion Crow Warslow SK05 18/09/2005 6 Count Carrion Crow Manifold Valley Wetton Mill/Ecton area SK05 23/07/2005 Carrion Crow Coombes SK05 03/06/2005 2 Count Carrion Crow Coombes SK05 07/05/2005 7 Count Corvus corone subsp. corone Old Mixon Hay SK0258 24/01/2005 2 Count Corvus corone subsp. corone Mixon Hay SK0357 22/01/2011 15 Count Corvus corone subsp. corone Mixon Hay SK0357 14/11/2010 14 Count Corvus corone subsp. corone Mixon Hay SK0357 05/06/2010 18 Count Corvus corone subsp. corone Mixon Hay SK0357 09/05/2010 16 Count Corvus corone subsp. corone Feltysitch SK0359 05/06/2010 24 Count Corvus corone subsp. corone Feltysitch SK0359 09/05/2010 32 Count Corvus corone subsp. corone Feltysitch SK0359 28/12/2009 9 Count Corvus corone subsp. corone Feltysitch SK0359 30/10/2001 33 Count Corvus corone subsp. corone Mixon SK0457 11/06/2011 11 Count Corvus corone subsp. corone Mixon SK0457 01/05/2011 8 Count Corvus corone subsp. corone Mixon SK0457 22/01/2011 8 Count Rook Mixon Hay SK0357 14/11/2010 5 Count Rook Mixon Hay SK0357 05/06/2010 85 Count Rook Feltysitch SK0359 05/06/2010 2 Count Rook Mixon SK0457 11/06/2011 60 Count Rook Royledge SK0459 28/12/2009 1 Count Rook SK05 07/05/2005 20 Count Rook Coombes SK05 04/05/2005 30 Count Rook Three Shires Head area SK06 25/03/2005 Common Name Location Detail Grid Ref. Date Abundance Eurasian Jackdaw Thorncliffe - Triangle Farm SK0259 28/12/2009 1 Count Eurasian Jackdaw Mixon Hay SK0357 05/06/2010 10 Count Eurasian Jackdaw Mixon Hay SK0357 09/05/2010 7 Count Eurasian Jackdaw Feltysitch SK0359 28/12/2009 1 Count Eurasian Jackdaw Royledge SK0459 28/12/2009 6 Count Eurasian Jackdaw Royledge SK0459 22/01/2009 6 Count Eurasian Jackdaw SK05 24/09/2005 Warslow-Manifold Valley-Grindon- Eurasian Jackdaw Warslow SK05 18/09/2005 Eurasian Jackdaw Manifold Valley Wetton Mill/Ecton area SK05 23/07/2005 Eurasian Jackdaw Coombes SK05 03/06/2005 3 Count Eurasian Jackdaw Coombes SK05 07/05/2005 2 Count Eurasian Jackdaw Coombes SK05 04/05/2005 20 Count Eurasian Jackdaw Three Shires Head area SK06 25/03/2005

Common Cuckoo Leek & Upper Hulme Army Training Area SK0359 23/04/2005

Common Cuckoo Leek & Upper Hulme Army Training Area SK0359 23/04/2005 1 Count

Common Cuckoo Leek & Upper Hulme Army Training Area SK0359 23/04/2005 1 Count Blue Tit Mixon Hay SK0357 22/01/2011 6 Count Blue Tit Mixon Hay SK0357 14/11/2010 2 Count Blue Tit Mixon Hay SK0357 05/06/2010 2 Count Blue Tit Mixon Hay SK0357 09/05/2010 4 Count Blue Tit Feltysitch SK0359 05/06/2010 2 Count Blue Tit Feltysitch SK0359 09/05/2010 4 Count Blue Tit Feltysitch SK0359 30/10/2001 1 Count Blue Tit Mixon SK0457 11/06/2011 4 Count Blue Tit Mixon SK0457 01/05/2011 4 Count Blue Tit Mixon SK0457 22/01/2011 13 Count Blue Tit Royledge SK0459 28/12/2009 4 Count Blue Tit SK05 24/09/2005 8 Count Warslow-Manifold Valley-Grindon- Blue Tit Warslow SK05 18/09/2005 5 Count Blue Tit Manifold Valley Wetton Mill/Ecton area SK05 23/07/2005 Blue Tit Coombes SK05 12/06/2005 4 Count Common Name Location Detail Grid Ref. Date Abundance Blue Tit Coombes SK05 03/06/2005 1 Count Blue Tit Coombes SK05 29/05/2005 5 Count Blue Tit Coombes SK05 07/05/2005 4 Count Blue Tit SK05 07/05/2005 Blue Tit Coombes SK05 04/05/2005 10 Count Blue Tit Coombes SK05 27/04/2005 Blue Tit Three Shires Head area SK06 25/03/2005 House Martin SK023592 July 2005 House Martin Mixon Hay SK0357 09/05/2010 2 Count House Martin Feltysitch SK0359 05/06/2010 3 Count Warslow-Manifold Valley-Grindon- House Martin Warslow SK05 18/09/2005 Great Spotted Woodpecker Royledge SK0459 28/12/2009 1 Count Great Spotted Woodpecker SK05 24/09/2005 1 Count Warslow-Manifold Valley-Grindon- Great Spotted Woodpecker Warslow SK05 18/09/2005 3 Count Great Spotted Woodpecker Manifold Valley Wetton Mill/Ecton area SK05 23/07/2005 Great Spotted Woodpecker Coombes SK05 03/06/2005 1 Count Great Spotted Woodpecker Coombes SK05 29/05/2005 1 Count Great Spotted Woodpecker SK05 07/05/2005 2 Count Great Spotted Woodpecker Coombes SK05 04/05/2005 1 Count Great Spotted Woodpecker SK05 17/04/2005 1 Count Lesser Spotted Woodpecker SK05 07/05/2005 1 Count Reed Bunting SK0059 14/06/2009 1 Count Reed Bunting SK011592 09/09/1982 Reed Bunting Thorncliffe SK0158 15/05/2007 2 Count Reed Bunting Thorncliffe SK0158 12/04/2007 3 Count Reed Bunting Old Mixon Hay SK0258 15/04/2007 1 Count Reed Bunting Thorncliffe - Triangle Farm SK0259 2004 2 Count Reed Bunting Big Wood SK0260 2004 2 Count Reed Bunting Mixon Hay SK0357 05/06/2010 4 Count Reed Bunting Mixon Hay SK0357 09/05/2010 5 Count Reed Bunting Feltysitch SK0359 05/06/2010 3 Count Reed Bunting Feltysitch SK0359 09/05/2010 1 Count Reed Bunting Mermaid Inn SK0360 2004 2 Count Reed Bunting Strines SK0361 2004 4 Count Common Name Location Detail Grid Ref. Date Abundance Reed Bunting Mixon SK0457 11/06/2011 1 Count Reed Bunting Mixon SK0457 01/05/2011 2 Count Reed Bunting Mixon SK0457 22/01/2011 2 Count Reed Bunting Brindley Croft SK0459 24/05/2009 1 Count Reed Bunting Swallow Moss SK06 01/01/2008 1 Count Reed Bunting Three Shires Head area SK06 25/03/2005 European Robin Thorncliffe - Triangle Farm SK0259 28/12/2009 1 Count European Robin Mixon Hay SK0357 14/11/2010 6 Count European Robin Mixon Hay SK0357 05/06/2010 6 Count European Robin Mixon Hay SK0357 09/05/2010 1 Count European Robin Feltysitch SK0359 05/06/2010 3 Count European Robin Feltysitch SK0359 09/05/2010 1 Count European Robin Feltysitch SK0359 28/12/2009 1 Count European Robin Feltysitch SK0359 30/10/2001 1 Count European Robin Royledge SK0459 28/12/2009 3 Count European Robin SK05 24/09/2005 12 Count Warslow-Manifold Valley-Grindon- European Robin Warslow SK05 18/09/2005 33 Count European Robin Manifold Valley Wetton Mill/Ecton area SK05 23/07/2005 European Robin Coombes SK05 12/06/2005 3 Count European Robin Coombes SK05 29/05/2005 2 Count European Robin Coombes SK05 07/05/2005 3 Count European Robin SK05 07/05/2005 European Robin Coombes SK05 04/05/2005 6 Count European Robin Coombes SK05 27/04/2005 European Robin Three Shires Head area SK06 25/03/2005 Merlin Mermaid Inn SK0360 25/11/2005 1 Count Merlin Merryton Low SK0460 24/10/2010 1 Count Merlin Merryton Low SK0460 08/04/2007 1 Count Merlin Elkstones Village SK05 25/10/2008 1 Count 1 Count of Adult Merlin Swallow Moss SK06 01/01/2008 Female Peregrine Falcon Thorncliffe SK0158 17/06/2005 1 Count Peregrine Falcon Upper Hulme SK0160 30/05/2011 3+ Count 1 Count of Adult Peregrine Falcon Roaches Ridge SK06 21/03/2008 Female Common Name Location Detail Grid Ref. Date Abundance Eurasian Hobby Mermaid Public House Morridge SK0360 13/05/2008 1 Count Common Kestrel Thorncliff SK0259 14/11/2010 1 Count Common Kestrel Thorncliffe - Triangle Farm SK0259 28/12/2009 1 Count Common Kestrel Thorncliff SK0259 25/06/2009 1 Count Common Kestrel Thorncliff SK0259 11/04/2009 1 Count Common Kestrel Thorncliffe - Triangle Farm SK0259 24/02/2009 1 Count Common Kestrel SK0259 Blackshaw Moor SK0259 23/09/2005 1 Count Common Kestrel SK026603 29/08/1978 Common Kestrel SK033597 30/08/1978 1 Count of Adult Common Kestrel Mixon Hay SK0357 14/11/2010 2 Count Common Kestrel Mixon Hay SK0357 09/05/2010 1 Count Common Kestrel Feltysitch SK0359 05/06/2010 1 Count Common Kestrel Feltysitch SK0359 28/12/2009 1 Count Common Kestrel SK0361 26/11/1988 1 Count Common Kestrel Mixon SK0457 11/06/2011 1 Count Common Kestrel Mixon SK0457 01/05/2011 1 Count Common Kestrel Royledge SK0459 28/12/2009 1 Count Common Kestrel Merryton Low SK0460 24/08/2011 1 Count Common Kestrel Merryton Low SK0460 24/11/2010 1 Count Common Kestrel Warslow Moors SK05 01/01/2008 1 Count Warslow-Manifold Valley-Grindon- Common Kestrel Warslow SK05 18/09/2005 2 Count Common Kestrel SK05 07/05/2005 1 Count Common Kestrel Three Shires Head area SK06 25/03/2005 Pied Flycatcher Nether Hay SK0060 04/05/2011 1 Count

Pied Flycatcher Upper Hulme SK0160 03/06/2004 1 Count of Adult Male Pied Flycatcher Coombes SK05 12/06/2005 2 Count Pied Flycatcher Coombes SK05 04/06/2005 1 Count Pied Flycatcher Coombes SK05 03/06/2005 1 Count Pied Flycatcher Coombes SK05 29/05/2005 2 Count Pied Flycatcher SK05 07/05/2005 8 Count Pied Flycatcher Coombes SK05 04/05/2005 3 Count Pied Flycatcher Coombes SK05 27/04/2005 Pied Flycatcher SK05 17/04/2005 1 Count Chaffinch Mixon Hay SK0357 14/11/2010 2 Count Common Name Location Detail Grid Ref. Date Abundance Chaffinch Mixon Hay SK0357 05/06/2010 12 Count Chaffinch Mixon Hay SK0357 09/05/2010 12 Count Chaffinch Feltysitch SK0359 05/06/2010 2 Count Chaffinch Feltysitch SK0359 09/05/2010 1 Count Chaffinch Mixon SK0457 11/06/2011 7 Count Chaffinch Mixon SK0457 01/05/2011 8 Count Chaffinch Mixon SK0457 22/01/2011 6 Count Chaffinch SK05 24/09/2005 3 Count Warslow-Manifold Valley-Grindon- Chaffinch Warslow SK05 18/09/2005 5 Count Chaffinch Manifold Valley Wetton Mill/Ecton area SK05 23/07/2005 Chaffinch Coombes SK05 12/06/2005 2 Count Chaffinch Coombes SK05 03/06/2005 3 Count Chaffinch Coombes SK05 29/05/2005 7 Count Chaffinch Coombes SK05 07/05/2005 3 Count Chaffinch SK05 07/05/2005 Chaffinch Coombes SK05 04/05/2005 10 Count Chaffinch Coombes SK05 27/04/2005 Chaffinch SK05 17/04/2005 Chaffinch Three Shires Head area SK06 25/03/2005

Common Snipe Upper Hulme SK0160 03/05/2005 1 Count of Adult Male

1 Count of egg/ovum; 1 pair Count; 4 Count Common Snipe wetter parts SK019586 19/05/1982 of Nest Common Snipe field 1 acid/neutral flush SK020591 10/09/1999 1 Count of Adult Common Snipe SK024587 19/05/1982 Common Snipe Thorncliffe - Triangle Farm SK0259 28/12/2009 1 Count Common Snipe Thorncliffe - Triangle Farm SK0259 14/04/2007 1 Count Common Snipe Thorncliffe - Triangle Farm SK0259 2004 2 Count Common Snipe Blackshaw Moor (within national park) SK0259 10/09/1992 2 Count of Adult Common Snipe SK026599 30/06/2006 1 Count Common Snipe SK026599 30/06/2006 1 Count Common Snipe SK026603 29/08/1978 6 Count of Adult Common Snipe SK033597 30/08/1978 4 Count of Adult Common Name Location Detail Grid Ref. Date Abundance Common Snipe Mixon Hay SK0357 12/04/2007 1 Count Common Snipe Feltysitch SK0359 05/06/2010 7 Count Common Snipe Feltysitch SK0359 09/05/2010 1 Count Common Snipe Feltysitch SK0359 28/12/2009 1 Count Common Snipe Feltysitch SK0359 24/05/2009 1 Count Common Snipe Royledge SK0459 28/12/2009 2 Count Common Snipe Brindley Croft SK0459 24/05/2009 1 Count May 1972 - Common Snipe Brund area SK05 November 1972 Common Snipe Three Shires Head area SK06 25/03/2005 1 Count Eurasian Jay Thorncliff SK0259 29/10/2005 1 Count Barn Swallow SK023592 July 2005 Barn Swallow Morridge SK0257 04/04/2010 1 Count Barn Swallow Mixon Hay SK0357 05/06/2010 3 Count Barn Swallow Mixon Hay SK0357 09/05/2010 12 Count Barn Swallow Feltysitch SK0359 05/06/2010 9 Count Barn Swallow Feltysitch SK0359 09/05/2010 8 Count Warslow-Manifold Valley-Grindon- Barn Swallow Warslow SK05 18/09/2005 Barn Swallow SK05 07/05/2005 Barn Swallow Coombes SK05 04/05/2005 4 Count Barn Swallow SK05 17/04/2005 Willow Ptarmigan Upper Hulme SK0160 03/01/2005 1 Count Willow Ptarmigan SK0258 1969 - 1972 Willow Ptarmigan SK0359 1969 - 1972 Willow Ptarmigan SK0361 1969 - 1972 Willow Ptarmigan SK0459 1969 - 1972 Willow Ptarmigan Merryton Low SK0460 13/02/2010 2 Count Willow Ptarmigan Merryton Low SK0460 04/01/2009 6 Count Willow Ptarmigan SK0460 1969 - 1972 Willow Ptarmigan Swallow Moss SK06 01/01/2008 1 Count Lagopus lagopus subsp. scotica Swainsmoor SK0261 31/12/2008 1 Count Great Grey Shrike SK0059 17/04/2008 1 Count Mew Gull Mixon Hay SK0357 14/11/2010 15 Count Common Grasshopper Warbler Bradshaw Moor SK0159 14/06/2009 1 Count Common Grasshopper Warbler Feltysitch SK0359 24/05/2009 1 Count Common Name Location Detail Grid Ref. Date Abundance Pied Wagtail SK028593 14/06/2003 Pied Wagtail Mixon Hay SK0357 14/11/2010 1 Count Pied Wagtail Mixon Hay SK0357 09/05/2010 1 Count Pied Wagtail Feltysitch SK0359 05/06/2010 3 Count Pied Wagtail Feltysitch SK0359 09/05/2010 1 Count Warslow-Manifold Valley-Grindon- Pied Wagtail Warslow SK05 18/09/2005 3 Count Pied Wagtail Three Shires Head area SK06 25/03/2005 Grey Wagtail Thorncliffe SK0158 15/05/2007 1 Count Grey Wagtail Thorncliffe SK0158 03/05/2005 2 Count Grey Wagtail Thorncliffe SK0158 29/10/1995 1 Count Grey Wagtail Mixon Hay SK0357 14/11/2010 1 Count Warslow-Manifold Valley-Grindon- Grey Wagtail Warslow SK05 18/09/2005 1 Count Grey Wagtail SK05 07/05/2005 2 Count Grey Wagtail Coombes SK05 27/04/2005 Grey Wagtail SK05 17/04/2005 1 Count Grey Wagtail Three Shires Head area SK06 25/03/2005 Yellow Wagtail Mixon Hay SK0357 21/04/2008 1 Count Spotted Flycatcher Blackshaw (east) SK0160 14/08/2007 1 Count

Spotted Flycatcher Upper Hulme SK0160 12/06/2004 1 Count of Adult Male Spotted Flycatcher Coombes SK05 29/05/2005 1 Count Spotted Flycatcher Roaches Plantation SK06 26/05/2008 1 Count Eurasian Curlew Nether Hay SK0060 2004 4 Count Eurasian Curlew Upper Hulme SK0160 02/04/2010 2 Count Eurasian Curlew Upper Hulme SK0161 2004 2 Count Eurasian Curlew SK0161 17/04/1992 1 Count May 2003 - Eurasian Curlew SK023592 September 2003 Eurasian Curlew SK024587 19/05/1982 Eurasian Curlew Morridge SK0257 04/04/2010 1 Count Eurasian Curlew Old Mixon Hay SK0258 17/04/2007 2 Count 1 Count of Eurasian Curlew SK026603 29/08/1978 calling/vocalising Eurasian Curlew SK033597 30/08/1978 1 Count of Adult Common Name Location Detail Grid Ref. Date Abundance Eurasian Curlew Mixon Hay SK0357 05/06/2010 5 Count Eurasian Curlew Mixon Hay SK0357 09/05/2010 2 Count River Hamps Western - Watershed north Eurasian Curlew of Onecote SK0357 1992 Eurasian Curlew Feltysitch SK0359 05/06/2010 7 Count Eurasian Curlew Feltysitch SK0359 09/05/2010 4 Count Eurasian Curlew Feltsitch SK0359 2004 2 Count Eurasian Curlew Mermaid Inn SK0360 2004 2 Count Eurasian Curlew Mixon SK0457 11/06/2011 1 Count Eurasian Curlew Mixon SK0457 01/05/2011 1 Count Eurasian Curlew Royledge SK0459 2004 2 Count Eurasian Curlew SK05 26/05/2002 1 Count of Adult Eurasian Curlew Three Shires Head area SK06 25/03/2005 Whimbrel Mermaid Inn SK0360 27/04/2005 1 Count Northern Wheatear Thorncliffe SK0158 10/09/2005 8 Count Northern Wheatear Upper Hulme SK0160 2005 5 Count Northern Wheatear Upper Hulme SK0161 17/04/2009 3 Count Northern Wheatear Old Mixon Hay SK0258 07/05/2007 1 Count Northern Wheatear Feltysitch SK0359 09/05/2010 7 Count Northern Wheatear Mermaid Inn SK0360 27/04/2005 1 Count Northern Wheatear Brindley Croft SK0459 24/05/2009 1 Count Northern Wheatear Three Shires Head area SK06 25/03/2005 5 Count Great Tit Mixon Hay SK0357 14/11/2010 3 Count Great Tit Mixon Hay SK0357 05/06/2010 1 Count Great Tit Mixon Hay SK0357 09/05/2010 1 Count Great Tit Mixon SK0457 22/01/2011 6 Count Great Tit SK05 24/09/2005 7 Count Warslow-Manifold Valley-Grindon- Great Tit Warslow SK05 18/09/2005 6 Count Great Tit Manifold Valley Wetton Mill/Ecton area SK05 23/07/2005 Great Tit Coombes SK05 12/06/2005 1 Count Great Tit Coombes SK05 29/05/2005 3 Count Great Tit Coombes SK05 07/05/2005 2 Count Great Tit SK05 07/05/2005 Great Tit Coombes SK05 04/05/2005 6 Count Great Tit Coombes SK05 27/04/2005 Common Name Location Detail Grid Ref. Date Abundance Great Tit Three Shires Head area SK06 25/03/2005 House Sparrow Mixon Hay SK0357 22/01/2011 2 Count House Sparrow Mixon Hay SK0357 05/06/2010 2 Count House Sparrow Mixon Hay SK0357 09/05/2010 9 Count House Sparrow Mixon SK0457 22/01/2011 3 Count House Sparrow Royledge SK0459 28/12/2009 9 Count House Sparrow Coombes SK05 04/05/2005 1 Count Eurasian Tree Sparrow Mixon Hay SK0357 05/06/2010 2 Count Warslow-Manifold Valley-Grindon- Eurasian Tree Sparrow Warslow SK05 18/09/2005 1 Count Grey Partridge SK021600 29/08/1978 3 Count of Adult Grey Partridge Old Mixon Hay SK0258 15/09/2011 3 Count Grey Partridge Felty Sitch SK0359 22/03/2008 1 Count Coal Tit Mixon Hay SK0357 05/06/2010 3 Count Coal Tit Mixon Hay SK0357 09/05/2010 2 Count Coal Tit Mixon SK0457 22/01/2011 3 Count Coal Tit SK05 24/09/2005 3 Count Warslow-Manifold Valley-Grindon- Coal Tit Warslow SK05 18/09/2005 2 Count Coal Tit Coombes SK05 03/06/2005 1 Count Coal Tit Coombes SK05 29/05/2005 Coal Tit SK05 07/05/2005 2 Count Coal Tit Coombes SK05 04/05/2005 3 Count Coal Tit Coombes SK05 27/04/2005 Coal Tit Three Shires Head area SK06 25/03/2005 Common Pheasant Thorncliffe - Triangle Farm SK0259 24/02/2009 1 Count Common Pheasant Mixon Hay SK0357 05/06/2010 2 Count Common Pheasant Mixon Hay SK0357 09/05/2010 1 Count Common Pheasant Feltysitch SK0359 05/06/2010 3 Count Common Pheasant Feltysitch SK0359 09/05/2010 3 Count Common Pheasant Mixon SK0457 22/01/2011 7 Count Common Pheasant River Hamps area SK05 20/01/2008 4 Count Common Pheasant Manifold Valley Wetton Mill/Ecton area SK05 23/07/2005 Common Pheasant Coombes SK05 03/06/2005 1 Count Common Pheasant Coombes SK05 29/05/2005 Common Pheasant Coombes SK05 07/05/2005 1 Count Common Name Location Detail Grid Ref. Date Abundance Common Pheasant SK05 07/05/2005 Common Pheasant Three Shires Head area SK06 25/03/2005 Common Redstart Solomons Hollow SK0058 2000 Common Redstart SK0059 14/06/2009 1 Count Common Redstart SK0059 17/05/2009 1 Count Common Redstart Nether Hay SK0060 2004 4 Count Common Redstart Thorncliffe SK0158 07/05/2007 1 Count Common Redstart Thorncliffe SK0158 April 2002

Common Redstart Upper Hulme SK0160 24/04/2004 2 Count of Adult Male Common Redstart Blackshaw (east) SK0160 2004 4 Count Common Redstart Upper Hulme SK0161 2004 6 Count Common Redstart Old Mixon Hay SK0258 07/05/2007 2 Count Common Redstart Swainsmoor SK0261 2004 2 Count Common Redstart Mixon Hay SK0357 05/06/2010 4 Count Common Redstart Mixon Hay SK0357 09/05/2010 10 Count Common Redstart Mixon Hay SK0357 21/05/2007 3 Count Common Redstart Feltysitch SK0359 09/05/2010 1 Count Common Redstart Mermaid Inn SK0360 2004 2 Count Common Redstart Strines SK0361 2004 2 Count Common Redstart Mixon SK0457 11/06/2011 7 Count Common Redstart Mixon SK0457 01/05/2011 5 Count Common Redstart Brindley Croft SK0459 24/05/2009 1 Count Common Redstart Manifold Valley Wetton Mill/Ecton area SK05 23/07/2005 3 Count Common Redstart Coombes SK05 03/06/2005 2 Count Common Redstart Coombes SK05 29/05/2005 2 Count Common Redstart SK05 07/05/2005 2 Count

Common Redstart Roaches Plantation SK06 26/05/2008 1 Count of Adult Male Common Chiffchaff Mixon SK0457 11/06/2011 1 Count Common Chiffchaff Mixon SK0457 01/05/2011 1 Count Common Chiffchaff SK05 24/09/2005 3 Count Warslow-Manifold Valley-Grindon- Common Chiffchaff Warslow SK05 18/09/2005 2 Count Common Chiffchaff Manifold Valley Wetton Mill/Ecton area SK05 23/07/2005 Common Chiffchaff Coombes SK05 29/05/2005 9 Count Common Name Location Detail Grid Ref. Date Abundance Common Chiffchaff Coombes SK05 07/05/2005 4 Count Common Chiffchaff SK05 07/05/2005 20 Count Common Chiffchaff Coombes SK05 04/05/2005 3 Count Common Chiffchaff SK05 17/04/2005 Wood Warbler Coombes SK05 27/04/2005 Willow Warbler SK011592 09/09/1982 Willow Warbler Old Mixon Hay SK0258 20/04/2006 1 Count Willow Warbler Thorncliffe - Triangle Farm SK0259 12/04/2007 3 Count Willow Warbler Mixon Hay SK0357 05/06/2010 9 Count Willow Warbler Mixon Hay SK0357 09/05/2010 6 Count Willow Warbler Feltysitch SK0359 05/06/2010 6 Count Willow Warbler Feltysitch SK0359 09/05/2010 1 Count Willow Warbler Mixon SK0457 11/06/2011 7 Count Willow Warbler Mixon SK0457 01/05/2011 9 Count Willow Warbler Onecote Moor - east SK0457 12/04/2007 2 Count Willow Warbler Manifold Valley Wetton Mill/Ecton area SK05 23/07/2005 2 Count Willow Warbler Coombes SK05 12/06/2005 1 Count Willow Warbler Coombes SK05 29/05/2005 9 Count Willow Warbler Coombes SK05 07/05/2005 2 Count Willow Warbler SK05 07/05/2005 Willow Warbler Coombes SK05 04/05/2005 4 Count Willow Warbler SK05 17/04/2005 Black-billed Magpie Thorncliffe - Triangle Farm SK0259 28/12/2009 2 Count Black-billed Magpie Thorncliffe - Triangle Farm SK0259 24/02/2009 1 Count Black-billed Magpie Mixon Hay SK0357 14/11/2010 1 Count Black-billed Magpie Mixon Hay SK0357 05/06/2010 6 Count Black-billed Magpie Mixon Hay SK0357 09/05/2010 3 Count Black-billed Magpie Feltysitch SK0359 09/05/2010 1 Count Black-billed Magpie Feltysitch SK0359 28/12/2009 2 Count Black-billed Magpie Feltysitch SK0359 30/10/2001 2 Count Black-billed Magpie Mixon SK0457 11/06/2011 5 Count Black-billed Magpie Royledge SK0459 28/12/2009 7 Count Warslow-Manifold Valley-Grindon- Black-billed Magpie Warslow SK05 18/09/2005 3 Count Black-billed Magpie Manifold Valley Wetton Mill/Ecton area SK05 23/07/2005 Black-billed Magpie SK05 07/05/2005 Common Name Location Detail Grid Ref. Date Abundance Black-billed Magpie Three Shires Head area SK06 25/03/2005

Green Woodpecker Thorncliffe SK0158 24/04/2004 2 Count of Adult Male Green Woodpecker Upper Hulme SK0161 24/07/2005 1 Count Green Woodpecker Upper Hulme SK0161 12/06/2005 1 Count Green Woodpecker West flank SK01756010 29/08/1978 Green Woodpecker SK01756010 29/08/1978 Green Woodpecker Old Mixon Hay SK0258 03/08/2009 1 Count Warslow-Manifold Valley-Grindon- Green Woodpecker Warslow SK05 18/09/2005 1 Count Green Woodpecker Manifold Valley Wetton Mill/Ecton area SK05 23/07/2005 1 Count Green Woodpecker Three Shires Head area SK06 25/03/2005 Snow Bunting Mermaid Inn SK0360 05/11/1995 1 Count European Golden Plover Morridge SK0257 08/04/2011 50 Count European Golden Plover Morridge SK0257 22/04/2010 5 Count European Golden Plover Morridge SK0257 04/04/2010 22 Count European Golden Plover Mixon Hay SK0357 15/04/2007 10 Count European Golden Plover Feltysitch SK0359 09/05/2010 1 Count European Golden Plover Gliding Field SK0360 01/11/2005 26 Count European Golden Plover Gliding Field SK0360 22/11/2003 150 Count European Golden Plover SK039592 January 1979 Marsh Tit SK05 07/05/2005 Hedge Accentor Mixon Hay SK0357 14/11/2010 2 Count Hedge Accentor Mixon Hay SK0357 05/06/2010 4 Count Hedge Accentor Feltysitch SK0359 05/06/2010 1 Count Hedge Accentor Mixon SK0457 11/06/2011 2 Count Hedge Accentor Mixon SK0457 01/05/2011 2 Count Hedge Accentor Coombes SK05 03/06/2005 1 Count Hedge Accentor SK05 07/05/2005 Hedge Accentor Coombes SK05 04/05/2005 4 Count Hedge Accentor Coombes SK05 27/04/2005 Hedge Accentor Three Shires Head area SK06 25/03/2005 Common Bullfinch Upper Hulme SK0160 02/02/2008 1 Count Common Bullfinch Mixon Hay SK0357 14/11/2010 1 Count Common Bullfinch Mixon SK0457 11/06/2011 1 Count Common Bullfinch Mixon SK0457 22/01/2011 4 Count Common Name Location Detail Grid Ref. Date Abundance Goldcrest Mixon SK0457 01/05/2011 1 Count Goldcrest SK05 24/09/2005 3 Count Goldcrest SK05 07/05/2005 3 Count Whinchat Thorncliffe SK0158 10/09/2005 1 Count Whinchat Thorncliffe SK0158 20/08/1995 4 Count Stonechat Old Mixon Hay SK0258 13/11/2004 2 Count

Stonechat Elkstones Village SK05 01/03/2008 2 pairs Count of Adult Stonechat Roaches Gate SK06 21/06/2008 2 Count 04/06/2008 - Stonechat Roaches Gate SK06 30/06/2008 2 Count

Stonechat Swallow Moss SK06 17/03/2008 1 Count of Adult Male Stonechat Three Shires Head area SK06 25/03/2005 2 Count Eurasian Woodcock Thorncliffe - Triangle Farm SK0259 24/02/2009 2 Count Eurasian Woodcock Gliding Field SK0360 01/11/2005 1 Count Wood Nuthatch SK05 24/09/2005 2 Count Warslow-Manifold Valley-Grindon- Wood Nuthatch Warslow SK05 18/09/2005 8 Count Wood Nuthatch Manifold Valley Wetton Mill/Ecton area SK05 23/07/2005 Wood Nuthatch Coombes SK05 12/06/2005 3 Count Wood Nuthatch Coombes SK05 03/06/2005 1 Count Wood Nuthatch SK05 07/05/2005 6 Count Wood Nuthatch Coombes SK05 04/05/2005 1 Count Wood Nuthatch Coombes SK05 27/04/2005 Eurasian Collared Dove Upper Hulme SK0160 13/10/1995 112 Count Eurasian Collared Dove Upper Hulme SK0160 26/09/1995 86 Count Eurasian Collared Dove Mixon Hay SK0357 09/05/2010 1 Count Eurasian Collared Dove Royledge SK0459 28/12/2009 1 Count Warslow-Manifold Valley-Grindon- Eurasian Collared Dove Warslow SK05 18/09/2005 2 Count Tawny Owl Blackshaw (east) SK0160 14/08/2007 1 Count Tawny Owl Hen Cloud SK0161 11/03/1984 Tawny Owl Hen Cloud SK0161 11/03/1984 Tawny Owl Hen Cloud SK0161 1984 Tawny Owl Hen Cloud SK0161 11/03/1983 Common Name Location Detail Grid Ref. Date Abundance Tawny Owl Hen Cloud SK0161 03/03/1983 Tawny Owl Hen Cloud SK0161 1983 Tawny Owl SK0161 July 1977 Tawny Owl SK01756010 29/08/1978 Common Starling Thorncliffe - Triangle Farm SK0259 28/12/2009 7 Count Common Starling Mixon Hay SK0357 22/01/2011 50 Count Common Starling Mixon Hay SK0357 14/11/2010 260 Count Common Starling Mixon Hay SK0357 05/06/2010 2 Count Common Starling Feltysitch SK0359 28/12/2009 7 Count Common Starling Feltysitch SK0359 30/10/2001 80 Count Common Starling Royledge SK0459 28/12/2009 60 Count Warslow-Manifold Valley-Grindon- Common Starling Warslow SK05 18/09/2005 37 Count Common Starling SK05 07/05/2005 Common Starling Swallow Moss SK06 01/01/2008 1 Count Blackcap Mixon Hay SK0357 05/06/2010 3 Count Blackcap Mixon SK0457 11/06/2011 3 Count Blackcap Mixon SK0457 01/05/2011 1 Count 1 Count of Breeding Blackcap SK0458 02/07/2009 possible; 1 Count Blackcap Manifold Valley Wetton Mill/Ecton area SK05 23/07/2005 2 Count Blackcap Coombes SK05 29/05/2005 2 Count Blackcap SK05 07/05/2005 12 Count Blackcap Coombes SK05 04/05/2005 1 Count Garden Warbler Solomons Hollow SK0058 2000 Garden Warbler SK0059 14/06/2009 1 Count

Garden Warbler Upper Hulme SK0160 12/05/2004 1 Count of Adult Male Garden Warbler Upper Hulme SK0161 17/05/2009 1 Count Garden Warbler Mixon Hay SK0357 05/06/2010 1 Count Garden Warbler Mixon SK0457 01/05/2011 2 Count Garden Warbler Coombes SK05 03/06/2005 1 Count Garden Warbler Coombes SK05 04/05/2005 1 Count Common Whitethroat Thorncliffe SK0158 11/06/2007 1 Count Common Whitethroat Upper Hulme SK0161 14/06/2009 1 Count Common Whitethroat Upper Hulme SK0161 17/05/2009 2 Count Common Name Location Detail Grid Ref. Date Abundance Common Whitethroat Mixon SK0457 11/06/2011 3 Count Common Whitethroat SK05 07/05/2005 Winter Wren Royledge SK0459 28/12/2009 2 Count Winter Wren SK05 24/09/2005 5 Count Warslow-Manifold Valley-Grindon- Winter Wren Warslow SK05 18/09/2005 12 Count Winter Wren Manifold Valley Wetton Mill/Ecton area SK05 23/07/2005 Winter Wren Coombes SK05 29/05/2005 5 Count Winter Wren Coombes SK05 07/05/2005 3 Count Winter Wren SK05 07/05/2005 Winter Wren Coombes SK05 04/05/2005 4 Count Winter Wren Three Shires Head area SK06 25/03/2005 Troglodytes troglodytes subsp. indigenus Mixon Hay SK0357 14/11/2010 1 Count Troglodytes troglodytes subsp. indigenus Mixon Hay SK0357 05/06/2010 3 Count Troglodytes troglodytes subsp. indigenus Mixon Hay SK0357 09/05/2010 4 Count Troglodytes troglodytes subsp. indigenus Mixon SK0457 11/06/2011 6 Count Redwing Mixon Hay SK0357 22/01/2011 23 Count Common Blackbird Thorncliffe - Triangle Farm SK0259 28/12/2009 2 Count Common Blackbird Thorncliffe - Triangle Farm SK0259 24/02/2009 1 Count Common Blackbird Mixon Hay SK0357 22/01/2011 6 Count Common Blackbird Mixon Hay SK0357 14/11/2010 2 Count Common Blackbird Mixon Hay SK0357 05/06/2010 1 Count Common Blackbird Mixon Hay SK0357 09/05/2010 1 Count Common Blackbird Feltysitch SK0359 05/06/2010 4 Count Common Blackbird Feltysitch SK0359 28/12/2009 2 Count Common Blackbird Mixon SK0457 01/05/2011 5 Count Common Blackbird Mixon SK0457 22/01/2011 6 Count Common Blackbird Royledge SK0459 28/12/2009 7 Count Common Blackbird SK05 24/09/2005 1 Count Warslow-Manifold Valley-Grindon- Common Blackbird Warslow SK05 18/09/2005 1 Count Common Blackbird Manifold Valley Wetton Mill/Ecton area SK05 23/07/2005 Common Name Location Detail Grid Ref. Date Abundance Common Blackbird Coombes SK05 12/06/2005 1 Count Common Blackbird Coombes SK05 03/06/2005 2 Count Common Blackbird Coombes SK05 29/05/2005 7 Count Common Blackbird Coombes SK05 07/05/2005 2 Count Common Blackbird SK05 07/05/2005 Common Blackbird Coombes SK05 04/05/2005 4 Count Common Blackbird SK05 17/04/2005 Common Blackbird Swallow Moss SK06 01/01/2008 4 Count Common Blackbird Three Shires Head area SK06 25/03/2005 Song Thrush Thorncliffe - Triangle Farm SK0259 28/12/2009 1 Count Song Thrush Mixon Hay SK0357 05/06/2010 1 Count Song Thrush Feltysitch SK0359 28/12/2009 1 Count Song Thrush Manifold Valley Wetton Mill/Ecton area SK05 23/07/2005 Song Thrush Coombes SK05 29/05/2005 3 Count Song Thrush SK05 07/05/2005 Song Thrush SK05 17/04/2005 2 Count Song Thrush Three Shires Head area SK06 25/03/2005 Fieldfare Old Mixon Hay SK0258 18/04/2010 50 Count Fieldfare Thorncliffe - Triangle Farm SK0259 28/12/2009 22 Count Fieldfare Mixon Hay SK0357 22/01/2011 27 Count Fieldfare Mixon Hay SK0357 14/11/2010 50 Count Fieldfare Feltysitch SK0359 28/12/2009 22 Count Fieldfare Feltysitch SK0359 30/10/2001 41 Count Fieldfare SK0361 26/11/1988 150 Count Fieldfare Mixon SK0457 22/01/2011 66 Count Fieldfare Royledge SK0459 28/12/2009 16 Count Ring Ouzel Three Shires Head area SK06 25/03/2005 Mistle Thrush Thorncliffe SK0158 14/09/2001 6 Count Mistle Thrush Thorncliffe - Triangle Farm SK0259 28/12/2009 1 Count Mistle Thrush Mixon Hay SK0357 05/06/2010 4 Count Mistle Thrush Mixon Hay SK0357 09/05/2010 3 Count Mistle Thrush Feltysitch SK0359 28/12/2009 1 Count Mistle Thrush Feltysitch SK0359 30/10/2001 2 Count Mistle Thrush Royledge SK0459 28/12/2009 1 Count Mistle Thrush Roaches Plantation SK06 24/05/2008 1 Count Mistle Thrush Three Shires Head area SK06 25/03/2005 Common Name Location Detail Grid Ref. Date Abundance Barn Owl SK0059 15/07/2009 1 Count Barn Owl SK010591 10/04/2008 Barn Owl Thorncliffe SK0158 27/10/2010 1 Count Barn Owl Thorncliffe SK0158 25/10/2008 1 Count Barn Owl near Mermaid Inn SK0360 13/07/2006 Barn Owl road verge, Reapsmoor SK06 August 2001 1 Count of in flight Barn Owl on road SK06 1999 Northern Lapwing Nether Hay SK0060 26/03/2003 1 Count Northern Lapwing Bradshaw Moor SK0159 14/06/2009 2 Count Northern Lapwing Bradshaw Moor SK0159 14/06/2009 2 Count Northern Lapwing Upper Hulme SK0160 03/05/2005 8 Count Northern Lapwing Upper Hulme SK0161 29/03/2008 4 Count Northern Lapwing SK016595 20/08/1999 10 Count of Adult Northern Lapwing Morridge SK0257 11/04/2011 Male Northern Lapwing Morridge SK0257 13/03/2011 17 Count

Northern Lapwing Morridge SK0257 07/03/2011 4 Count of Adult Male Northern Lapwing Morridge SK0257 04/04/2010 5 Count Northern Lapwing Thorncliffe - Triangle Farm SK0259 07/05/2011 2 Count Northern Lapwing Thorncliffe - Triangle Farm SK0259 2004 4 Count 1 Count of Breeding Northern Lapwing The Lumbs, Morridge SK030600 May 2000 probable River Hamps Western - Watershed north 25/06/1992 - Northern Lapwing of Onecote SK0357 05/07/1992 200 Count of Adult River Hamps Western - Watershed north Northern Lapwing of Onecote SK0358 1992 River Hamps Western - Watershed north Northern Lapwing of Onecote SK0358 1989 - 1990 Northern Lapwing Feltsitch SK0359 2004 2 Count 35 Count of Breeding Northern Lapwing near Mixon Hay SK036575 11/03/2002 probable Northern Lapwing Mixon SK0457 11/06/2011 1 Count Northern Lapwing Royledge SK0459 2004 2 Count May 1972 - Northern Lapwing Brund area SK05 November 1972 Common Name Location Detail Grid Ref. Date Abundance Northern Lapwing Three Shires Head area SK06 25/03/2005 1 Count of in flight; 2 Northern Lapwing Ramshaw Rocks SK06 25/04/2002 Count of displaying Northern Lapwing Axe Edge Moor SK06 19/07/2000 2 Count of in flight

APPENDIX II Records received of target species occuring in the 2km search area

Appendix II. Records received of target species occuring in the 2km search area

Common Name Location Location Detail Date Easting Northing Short-eared Owl Tittesworth CP Thorncliffe 20/10/2010 401500 358500 Short-eared Owl Tittesworth CP Ley Field 06/12/2008 401500 358500 Short-eared Owl Heathylee CP Upper Hulme 24/04/2004 401500 360500

Short-eared Owl Staffordshire Peak District (overview) Morridge 06/12/2010 402500 357500 Short-eared Owl Onecote CP Mermaid Inn 08/03/2010 403500 360500 Short-eared Owl Onecote CP Mermaid Inn 09/12/2007 403500 360500 Short-eared Owl Onecote CP Mermaid Inn 24/09/2004 403500 360500 Short-eared Owl Onecote CP Mermaid Inn 12/10/2008 403500 360500 Short-eared Owl Onecote CP Gliding Field 01/11/2005 403500 360500 Short-eared Owl Onecote CP Mermaid Inn 04/12/2005 403500 360500 Short-eared Owl Onecote CP Mermaid Inn 28/03/2004 403500 360500 Short-eared Owl Onecote CP Mermaid Inn 20/04/2007 403500 360500 Eurasian Marsh Harrier Onecote CP Mermaid Inn 26/04/1994 403500 360500 Hen Harrier Tittesworth CP Bradshaw Moor 06/03/2008 401500 359500 Merlin Onecote CP Mermaid Inn 25/11/2005 403500 360500 Peregrine Falcon Tittesworth CP Thorncliffe 17/06/2005 401500 358500 Eurasian Hobby Onecote CP Mermaid Public House Morridge 13/05/2008 403500 360500 Whimbrel Onecote CP Mermaid Inn 27/04/2005 403500 360500 Snow Bunting Onecote CP Mermaid Inn 05/11/1995 403500 360500 European Golden Plover Staffordshire Peak District (overview) Morridge 22/04/2010 402500 357500 European Golden Plover Staffordshire Peak District (overview) Morridge 04/04/2010 402500 357500 European Golden Plover Onecote CP Mixon Hay 15/04/2007 403500 357500 European Golden Plover Onecote CP Feltysitch 09/05/2010 403500 359500 European Golden Plover Onecote CP Gliding Field 22/11/2003 403500 360500 European Golden Plover Onecote CP Gliding Field 01/11/2005 403500 360500 European Golden Plover Highmoor (west of) January 1979 403950 359250 Fieldfare Onecote CP Old Mixon Hay 18/04/2010 402500 358500 Fieldfare Onecote CP Mixon Hay 14/11/2010 403500 357500 Fieldfare Onecote CP Feltysitch 28/12/2009 403500 359500 Fieldfare Onecote CP Feltysitch 30/10/2001 403500 359500 Barn Owl Anzio Training Camp 10/04/2008 401050 359150 Barn Owl Tittesworth CP Thorncliffe 27/10/2010 401500 358500 Barn Owl Tittesworth CP Thorncliffe 25/10/2008 401500 358500 Barn Owl Onecote CP near Mermaid Inn 13/07/2006 403500 360500 Eurasian Curlew CP Nether Hay 2004 Eurasian Curlew Heathylee CP Upper Hulme 02/04/2010 Eurasian Curlew Heathylee CP Upper Hulme 2004 Eurasian Curlew Ferny Knowl, Warslow Moors 17/04/1992 May 2003 - September Eurasian Curlew Whitehouse Farm (verges south of) 2003 Eurasian Curlew Thorncliffe Moor: Sheepwalk (south-west of) 19/05/1982 Eurasian Curlew Staffordshire Peak District (overview) Morridge 04/04/2010 Eurasian Curlew Onecote CP Old Mixon Hay 17/04/2007 Eurasian Curlew Hurdlow (south-east of) 29/08/1978 Eurasian Curlew Morridge: Feltysitch (moorland west of) 30/08/1978 Eurasian Curlew Onecote CP Mixon Hay 05/06/2010 Eurasian Curlew Onecote CP Mixon Hay 09/05/2010 River Hamps Western - Watershed Eurasian Curlew Onecote CP north of Onecote 1992 Eurasian Curlew Onecote CP Feltysitch 05/06/2010 Eurasian Curlew Onecote CP Feltysitch 09/05/2010 Eurasian Curlew Onecote CP Feltsitch 2004 Eurasian Curlew Onecote CP Mermaid Inn 2004 Eurasian Curlew Onecote CP Mixon 11/06/2011 Eurasian Curlew Onecote CP Mixon 01/05/2011 Eurasian Curlew Warslow and Elkstones CP Royledge 2004 Eurasian Curlew Coombes Valley Nature Reserve 26/05/2002 Eurasian Curlew Quarnford CP Three Shires Head area 25/03/2005 Common Snipe Heathylee CP Upper Hulme 03/05/2005 Common Snipe Thorncliffe Moor: Leyfields (south-east of) wetter parts 19/05/1982 Common Snipe Whitehouse Farm (south-west of) field 1 acid/neutral flush 10/09/1999 Common Snipe Thorncliffe Moor: Sheepwalk (south-west of) 19/05/1982 Common Snipe Tittesworth CP Thorncliffe - Triangle Farm 28/12/2009 Common Snipe Tittesworth CP Thorncliffe - Triangle Farm 14/04/2007 Common Snipe Tittesworth CP Thorncliffe - Triangle Farm 2004 Blackshaw Moor (within national Common Snipe Heathylee CP park) 10/09/1992 Common Snipe Blackshaw Moor (east) 30/06/2006 Common Snipe Blackshaw Moor (east) 30/06/2006 Common Snipe Hurdlow (south-east of) 29/08/1978 Common Snipe Morridge: Feltysitch (moorland west of) 30/08/1978 Common Snipe Onecote CP Mixon Hay 12/04/2007 Common Snipe Onecote CP Feltysitch 05/06/2010 Common Snipe Onecote CP Feltysitch 09/05/2010 Common Snipe Onecote CP Feltysitch 28/12/2009 Common Snipe Onecote CP Feltysitch 24/05/2009 Common Snipe Warslow and Elkstones CP Royledge 28/12/2009 Common Snipe Warslow and Elkstones CP Brindley Croft 24/05/2009 Common Snipe Manifold Valley (overview) Brund area 972 - November 1972 Common Snipe Quarnford CP Three Shires Head area 25/03/2005 Northern Lapwing Leekfrith CP Nether Hay 26/03/2003 Northern Lapwing SK05 Bradshaw Moor 14/06/2009 Northern Lapwing SK05 Bradshaw Moor 14/06/2009 Northern Lapwing Heathylee CP Upper Hulme 03/05/2005 Northern Lapwing Heathylee CP Upper Hulme 29/03/2008 Northern Lapwing Blackshaw Moor 20/08/1999 Northern Lapwing Staffordshire Peak District (overview) Morridge 11/04/2011 Northern Lapwing Staffordshire Peak District (overview) Morridge 13/03/2011 Northern Lapwing Staffordshire Peak District (overview) Morridge 07/03/2011 Northern Lapwing Staffordshire Peak District (overview) Morridge 04/04/2010 Northern Lapwing Tittesworth CP Thorncliffe - Triangle Farm 07/05/2011 Northern Lapwing Tittesworth CP Thorncliffe - Triangle Farm 2004 Northern Lapwing Heathylee CP The Lumbs, Morridge May 2000 River Hamps Western - Watershed 25/06/1992 - Northern Lapwing Onecote CP north of Onecote 05/07/1992 River Hamps Western - Watershed Northern Lapwing Onecote CP north of Onecote 1992 River Hamps Western - Watershed Northern Lapwing Onecote CP north of Onecote 1989 - 1990 Northern Lapwing Onecote CP Feltsitch 2004 Northern Lapwing Onecote CP near Mixon Hay 11/03/2002 Northern Lapwing Onecote CP Mixon 11/06/2011 Northern Lapwing Warslow and Elkstones CP Royledge 2004 May 1972 - November Northern Lapwing Manifold Valley (overview) Brund area 1972 Northern Lapwing Quarnford CP Three Shires Head area 25/03/2005 Northern Lapwing (overview) Ramshaw Rocks 25/04/2002

Northern Lapwing Staffordshire Peak District (overview) Axe Edge Moor 19/07/2000

APPENDIX III Bird Survey Map 2004

APPENDIX IV Bird Survey Map 2009

APPENDIX V Species Recorded across the 2 Survey Visits

Appendix V. Species recorded across the 2 survey visits

Visit recorded Common Name Scientific Name Behaviour upon Target Species Up to 4 individual birds observed and another 2 birds calling - all within the 2 Curlew Numenius arquarta eastern quadrats on visit 1. Visit 1 Other Species Observed Black-headed gull Larus ridibundus Flying over survey area Visit 1 Bullfinch Pyrhula pyrhula Singing from cover in Q2 Visit 1 Corvus corone Foraging, loafing and flying across survey Carrion crow corone area Visits 1 & 2 Continuous flight displays between 3 adults across the survey area and site. Repeatedly flew through the turbine location at c.30-50m height. Also singing from southern most Cuckoo Cucculus canorus edge of Q2. Visit 1 Lesser black - backed gull Larus fuscus Single bird flying high over survey area Visit 2 Carduelis Singing in Q1, 2 and 4 and flying across the Linnet cannabina survey area Visits 1 & 2 Anthriscus Meadow pipit pratensis Present across the survey area Visits 1 & 2 Single bird flew high across the north of the Raven Corvus corax survey area Visit 2 Emberiza Singing from Juncus patch in Q4 and calling Reed bunting schoeniclus from the NE corner of Q1 Visit 1

Robin Erithacus rubecula Singing in south east corner of Q4 Visits 1 & 2 Foraging, loafing and flying across survey Rook Corvus frugilegus area Visits 1 & 2 Singing and display flights across the survey Skylark Alauda arvensis area Visits 1 & 2 Phylloscopus Willow warbler trochilus Singing from scrub in Q2 Target Species observed adjacent to but outside the survey area

Northern lapwing Vanellus vanellus Calling and loafing in field c. 75m north of Q3 Visit 1

Key Red Text = Red listed species Amber Text = Amber listed species Park Lea, 60 Park Road, Buxton, Derbyshire SK17 6SN

Registered Office as Above Registered in England & Wales Company No. 4223109 Directors: Mrs P Anderson Mr P Worrall Mr C Anglish