St Ninian’s News The magazine of St. Ninian’s Troon November, December 2018 &

No. 224 January 2019

‘And she gave birth to her firstborn son and wrapped him in bands of cloth, and laid him in a manger…. ’ Luke 2: 7




Welcome to St. Ninian’s. We believe God’s love is expansive and unconditional and that through Christ God calls us to love one another as God loves us. We celebrate the worth, dignity and gifts of every person as a child of God, and seek to bear witness to this in everything we do.

Gathering for Worship

Sunday 8.00am Holy Communion

10.30am Sung Eucharist

4.00pm Healing Service: Second Sunday of the month

There are activities at the back of the Church for the children and refreshments served in the Hall following the Sung Eucharist

Wednesday 10.00am Holy Communion

Friday 5.30pm Evening Prayer

We look forward to welcoming you

The is unavailable on Monday & Tuesday as these are his Sabbath Days. If you require any assistance on these days please contact the Lay Pastoral Assistant or Church Wardens (their details are on the back page)

 01292 313731  [email protected]

St. Ninian’s Church website:

Facebook: Saint Ninian’s Episcopal Church Troon


Our Rector, Tom Montgomery, is currently unwell and will be off work until January. We continue to remember him in our prayers. We have been asked by the Diocese not to contact him at this time to enable him to have complete rest. During this time our Interim is the Revd. Mary Jepp from Kilmarnock and in the event of any pastoral matter needing attention you can contact either Mary or Norma Livingstone. Mary’s telephone number is 01563 535997.and her email address: [email protected].

We would also like to acknowledge the tremendous support being given to St Ninian’s by clergy from throughout the Diocese.

A seasonal thought from The Parsonage, Holy Trinity Episcopal Church, Kilmarnock

Dear Friends,

When I was a little girl part of our Christmas preparations was baking the most wonderful of treats. Mum would start collecting all the special ingredients long in advance of December and I think almost as soon as we went back to school, plans would be made as to what would be baked that year. I especially remember wonderful cut out biscuits with piped icing. Happy memories but also memories that sometimes can bring a tear to my eye, as I remember Christmases with deep snow, expeditions to the deep woods in search of the perfect Christmas tree, skating on frozen lakes and most of all my parents and all the efforts they made to make Christmas special.

I expect as we age and we remember times past, Christmas may have a bitter sweet edge. I know from experience that sometimes in the commotion of the great feast we can feel overwhelmed by the joy of Christmas, sometimes there is just too much tinsel and too many lights. I think, however, it is important that we do remember, that we express our emotions and also give thanks. But it is also important for us to be aware of the present and those in need in our world, realising that in small ways we can change the world. This Christmas I pray that we all open our eyes to those in need and we change both their lives and ours by reaching out.

Yours in Christ, Revd. Mary Jepp



ADVENT FOUR SUNDAY 23 DECEMBER 8.00am Holy Communion 10.30am Sung Eucharist

CHRISTMAS EVE MONDAY 24 DECEMBER 8.30pm Sung Eucharist with Carols

CHRISTMAS DAY 10.30am Sung Eucharist

SUNDAY 30 DECEMBER 8.00am Holy Communion 10.30am Ecumenical Service Troon Old Parish Church

EPIPHANY SUNDAY 6 JANUARY 8.00am Holy Communion 10.30am Sung Eucharist




All copy to Linda Rayner at [email protected]

Thank you!

5 EPISCOPAL VACANCY - DIOCESE OF GLASGOW AND GALLOWAY The Rt Rev Dr Gregor Duncan retired from his post of the Office of Bishop of Glasgow & Galloway on 11 October. The Most Rev Mark Strange, Bishop of Moray, Ross & Caithness and Primus of the Scottish Episcopal Church issued a Mandate announcing that the See is vacant, thus starting the process of electing a new Bishop, as set out in Canon 4 of the Church’s Code of Canons.

The first meeting of the Electoral Synod took place on Saturday 3 November at Holy Trinity & St Barnabas Church, Paisley, which I attended. This meeting was preceded by a celebration of the Eucharist and was chaired by the Primus.

Followed this first meeting there was a private meeting of the Preparatory Committee. Membership from the Diocese were elected at a Synod Meeting on 22 September and are Nicolette Wise from St Margaret's, New Galloway, Kennedy Fraser from St James the Less, Bishopbriggs, the Rev Andrea Hagenbuch from St Andrew's, Milngavie and the Rev. Canon Sandy Montgomerie from the North Ayrshire Team, along with representatives from the Province.

The Primus will propose a series of dates for the process to move forward, “once these have been accepted by the Committee the hard work really begins” says Bishop Mark, who continues “I intend keeping the Diocese and the wider Scottish Episcopal Church (SEC) informed of the progress of Canon 4 so that at various stages throughout the process the thoughts and prayers of many from across the SEC and beyond can help in the task of finding a new Bishop for the Diocese of

Glasgow and Galloway.” During the Episcopal Vacancy the Interim Bishop will be the Most Rev Mark Strange, who will be assisted by others when necessary.

The Diocesan Description - a document, necessary for the Episcopal Election and containing information about the life and worship of our Diocese and the charges within it is available to read at the back of the church.

Thus the process of electing a new Bishop has begun. So it is an interesting period of time for the Diocese of Glasgow and Galloway. One which I will be involved with as your Lay Representative. Nigel Rayner

BISHOP’S VALEDICTORY SERVICE On Sunday 7 October people from across the Diocese gathered at St Mary's Episcopal Cathedral, Glasgow to wish Bishop Gregor well upon his retirement. Bishop Gregor retires after eight and a half years of being the Bishop of the Diocese of Glasgow and Galloway. We thank him for his faithful service and pray for him as he embarks on a new chapter of his life and ministry.

6 Dear Friends, Once again I wish to express my grateful thanks to you all for the generous gift you gave me on the occasion of my retirement from sacramental ministry. I have been greatly privileged to serve as a priest for some forty years and I have received many blessings during my whole life. Praise God.

So many of you have wanted me to know that you have appreciated my ministry and have shown this in kind. You have been very generous and I do wish to say a very big 'thank you'.

God bless you all. Bertie Collie

BISHOP’S LENT APPEAL 2018 In memory of Chris Zochowski, the former Diocesan Secretary, Bishop Gregor donated the Lent Appeal cheque to MND Scotland at the beginning of October.

Congregations from the Diocese raised an unprecedented amount of £15,437.83 to help MND Scotland and sustain the fantastic services provided by the charity. We pray for continued support and increased awareness, as MND Scotland brings dignity and care to people and families.

DEDICATION OF THE OLIVE TREES Following the Sung Eucharist on St. Ninian’s Day two olive trees were dedicated in memory of David Henderson & Ray Greenwood. Helen Henderson and Jennie Greenwood have gifted the trees to the glory of God and in remembrance of two faithful members of our community. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Thanks are expressed to Bill Davies, Sylvia Henderson, Maggie Lamont, Evan McLaughlin, Ken Welsh and Shona Wilson for photographs included in this magazine.

7 MESSY CHURCH Joan Lennox, who had chaired Messy Church meetings almost since its inception, has moved away from Troon, and Sandra McCallum volunteered (thankfully) to take her place. In addition to chairing the meetings, Sandra will report on Messy Church to Troon Churches Together. At the last meeting Helen Hogg, the Youth Worker at St. Meddan’s, reported on the small survey that had been carried out with all the families attending. The results were very positive, most finding the experience very welcoming, and the activities and crafts on offer, very enjoyable. There were two minor caveats; one was that communications could be improved, and the other was the possibility of providing games for older children – particularly boys. This will be addressed by the committee.

In October Messy Church took place at St Meddan’s and the theme was The Paralysed Man.

The arrangements for the meetings up until Christmas are as follows: Sunday 11 November - Portland Church and the theme will be “Remembrance.”

Sunday 2 December - Troon Old Parish on a Christmas theme.

The first Messy Church of the New Year will be held at St. Ninian’s on the Sunday 27 January , when we will be looking for help with putting out tables, catering, and clearing up after the event. Norma

LIGHT UP A LIFE The Ayrshire Hospice Light up a Life service will take place at Our Lady of the Assumption and St. Meddan at 7.30pm on Wednesday 21 November. This is an opportunity to remember loved ones and if you wish, to light a candle in their memory. It is hoped that a choir from St. Patrick’s School will be singing and there will be refreshments in the hall after the service.

There is also a Christmas Concert where you can remember loved ones on Sunday 25 November at 7.00pm in the Grand Hall Kilmarnock. Tickets priced £10 (under-16’s £6) are available from Lynne 01292 288488 or by emailing [email protected]. The Concert includes the Salvation Army Band, Isle of Cumbrae RBLS Pipe Band, A Choired Taste, Wellington School and soloists Ron Swanson & Olive Lindsay.

8 CHRISTIAN AID In place of the annual Christian Aid Coffee Morning, a Bridge Afternoon was held on Friday 19th October in the halls of St Ninian’s Church and the Troon Christian Aid Committee would like to thank the members of St. Ninian’s for the use of their halls and all friends who came along to support the event.

This was a most enjoyable afternoon with 13 tables of 4 playing Bridge and supporters from the churches providing a generous afternoon tea. Our thanks go to all who helped or supported this fundraiser, for attending, providing baking for the tea and for donating prizes for the raffle. Generous raffle prizes were donated by Piersland House Hotel, Marine Hotel, Kirstie’s Flowers and Morrison's and our thanks go to them for their support. Over £600 was raised and will be sent to Christian Aid where money given through the Harvest Appeal 2018 will be match funded by the European Union. Every £1 donated will be worth £5 for life-changing work in Ethiopia, Burkina Faso, Honduras and Malawi. That suggests a donation of £3,000 from our event in Troon.

A number of visitors who had not previously seen the ‘Wall Hanging’ were very impressed by its scale and detail of the artistic and needlework skills involved.

There will be a Bag Pack in Morrison's, Troon on Saturday 29th December. This will be the next Christian Aid event but other than the date I have no further information at the moment, however we will be looking for volunteers nearer the time. Ken Welsh


The Patronal Lunch took place on Sunday 16 September and thanks are expressed to everyone who provided food, helped in the Kitchen and supported the event.

10 THE CREATIVE COMMUNITY GROUP Now the Wall Hanging is complete we have had to consider our future plans, so "The Creative Community Group" has been created. The initial Wall Hanging project was part of St Ninian’s Mission Action Plan to reach out into the community and hopefully we will be able to continue in the same vein with our new group.

A decision was made at our recent meeting to have future sessions on the first Saturday of every month in the Church Hall from 11am - 1pm, and so the next two dates in 2018 are Saturday 3rd November and Saturday 1st December. In 2019 we start with the first Saturday in February.

We also discussed the type of creative work we would like to do. Anna (who made St. Ninian on the Wall Hanging) has kindly offered to teach us some of the amazing embroidery techniques she uses and hopefully this will start next year. We also discussed running workshops by people outwith the group and within the group. Tizzy is going to show us how to do relief printing on Saturday 1st December. Other items considered were bag making, card making, lino cutting, cross stitch, crochet, smocking, twiddle muffs and free motion embroidery.

On discussion we realised that we have a lot of skills within the group and if we have a particular interest we could tap into the experience of one of the other group members. We are planning to have a resource folder with project ideas for people to dip into and for them to use the materials we have gathered over our years making the Wall Hanging.

The Creative Community Group is open to all members of the community - any age, gender, faith or none so please come along to join in with our lively group . Shona Wilson

WALL HANGING OPEN DAY There will be a second Open Day to view the Wall Hanging and talk to the Needle Workers involved, on Saturday 8 December from 11.00am - 1.00pm . Tea and coffee will be served and the Brochure (£3), postcards (80p) and blank cards (£1.50) will be on sale. These can also be purchased any Sunday morning, please speak to a member of the Team if you are interested.


SOUTH AYRSHIRE FOODBANK This is Reverse Advent Calendar devised by the South Ayrshire Foodbank. Once collected the items can be handed in at various places across Ayrshire. Locally the donation points are:

Sainsbury’s, Ayr Road, Prestwick 8am - 10pm ~ Co-op, 155 Dundonald Road, Troon 7am - 10pm

Co-op Funeralcare Templehill Troon 8.45am - 4.30pm

New Life Church, Prestwick Tues 12.30pm - 2.30pm & Fri 12.30pm - 2.30pm

Troon Old Parish Church Tues 12pm - 2pm & Fri 12pm -2pm

Donations can also be handed in at Troon Ladies Circle Food Drive at Morrison’s, Troon on Sunday 16th December

HOLY TRINITY KILMARNOCK Holy Trinity Kilmarnock are holding their Christmas Fair on Saturday 1 December from 1.30 - 4.00pm. Admission is £2 and will include refreshments.

They will also have a Carol Service at 3.00pm on Sunday 16 December.

All are most welcome at both these events.



NOVEMBER 4th ALL SAINTS/ALL SOULS SUNDAY Pentecost 24 (Twenty third after Trinity) 8.00am Holy Communion 10.30am Sung Eucharist

7th 10.00am Holy Communion

11th REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY 8.00am Holy Communion 11.15am (approx.) Joint Service, Troon Old Parish (10.30am Sung Eucharist at Holy Trinity Kilmarnock)

14th Margaret of Scotland (from 16th) 10.00am Holy Communion

18th Pentecost 26 (Twenty fifth after Trinity) 8.00am Holy Communion 10.30am Sung Eucharist

21st 10.00am Holy Communion

25th Sunday next before Advent (Christ the King) 8.00am Holy Communion 10.30am Sung Eucharist

28th Andrew, Apostle (from 30th) 10.00am Holy Communion

DECEMBER 2nd First Sunday of Advent 8.00am Holy Communion 10.30am Sung Eucharist

5th Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary (from 8th) 10.00am Holy Communion

9th Second Sunday of Advent 8.00am Holy Communion 10.30am Sung Eucharist

12th 10.00am Holy Communion

16th Third Sunday of Advent 8.00am Holy Communion 10.30am Sung Eucharist

19th 10.00am Holy Communion

23rd Fourth Sunday of Advent 8.00am Holy Communion 10.30am Sung Eucharist

24th Christmas Eve 8.30pm Sung Eucharist with Carols

13 25th Christmas Day 10.30am Sung Eucharist

26th No Service

30th First Sunday after Christmas 8.00am Holy Communion 10.30am Ecumenical Service at Troon Old Parish Church

JANUARY 2nd No Service

6th Epiphany 8.00am Holy Communion 10.30am Sung Eucharist

9th 10.00am Holy Communion

13th Second Sunday of Epiphany 8.00am Holy Communion 10.30am Sung Eucharist

16th Kentigern (or Mungo), Bishop (from 14th) 10.00am Holy Communion

20th Third Sunday of Epiphany 8.00am Holy Communion 10.30am Sung Eucharist

23rd The Conversion of Paul, Apostle (from 25th) 10.00am Holy Communion

27th Fourth Sunday of Epiphany 8.00am Holy Communion 10.30am Sung Eucharist

30th 10.00am Holy Communion

FEBRUARY 3rd The Presentation of the Lord (Candlemas) 8.00am Holy Communion 10.30am Sung Eucharist

6th 10.00 am Holy Communion

10th Sixth Sunday of Epiphany 8.00am Holy Communion 10.30am Sung Eucharist

13th 10.00am Holy Communion

17th Seventh Sunday of Epiphany 8.00am Holy Communion 10.30am Sung Eucharist



November 4 10.30am N. & L. Rayner J. Deason L. Rayner

November 11 10.30am REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY AT TROON OLD PARISH ECUMENICAL SERVICE November 18 10.30am D. Rocks D. Sutherland P. Steed C. & K. Philips November 25 10.30am J. Stack L. Rayner N. Livingstone M. O’Leary December 2 10.30am I. Stack J. Deason D. Rocks L. Rayner December 9 10.30am A. McIndoe N. Livingstone P. Steed H. Henderson & J. Greenwood December 16 10.30am R. & J. Keene P. Steed L. Rayner

December 23 10.30am J. & E. Cassidy T. Davies R. Keene

December 24 8.30pm N. Rayner H. O’Leary C. Phillips P. Dowson & M. O’Leary

December 25 10.30am D. Sutherland W. Davies L. Rayner A. & D. Baguley


January 6 10.30am D. Rocks A. Livingstone N. Livingstone J. Keene & S. Henderson January 13 10.30am D. Williamson C. Philips D. Rocks M. O’Leary & L. Rayner January 20 10.30am J. Stack E. McLaughlin P. Steed McLaughlin Family January 27 10.30am A. McIndoe R. Macdonald L. Rayner K. & M Welsh

February 3 10.30am R. Keene P. Dowson R. Keene C. & K. Phillips February 10 10.30am J. Cassidy D. Sutherland C. Phillips J. Greenwood February 17 10.30am N. Rayner J. Deason N. Livingstone H. Henderson & M. Lamont February 24 10.30am D. Sutherland N. Livingstone D. Rocks I. Stack & V. Bryant



J. Greenwood A. & N. Livingstone November 4 N. Livingstone November 11

D. Rocks J. Greenwood November 18 D. Sutherland P. Dowson

N. Rayner K. & M. Welsh November 25 I. Stack D. Rocks S. Henderson December 2 D. Sutherland D. Wilson R. Robinson J. & N. Pritchard December 9 J. Cassidy N. Livingstone A. & N. Livingstone December 16 J. Greenwood J. Deason R. & J. Keene December 23 A. McIndoe J. Stack December 24 P. Dowson N. Rayner December 25 C. Phillips

December 30

M. O’Leary M. Lamont January 6 I. Stack H. Henderson D. Rocks J. & E. Cassidy January 13 D. Sutherland R. Robinson M. & H. O’Leary January 20 J. Cassidy N. Livingstone J. Greenwood January 27 J. Greenwood P. Dowson J. Deason P. Anderson February 3 A. McIndoe I. Stack J. Stack A. & D. Baguley February 10 P. Dowson

N. Rayner Milne Family February 17 C. Phillips I. Stack K. & M. Welsh February 24 D. Rocks



NOVEMBER 4th All Saints/All souls Isaiah 25: 6 - 9 (Psalm 24: 1 - 6) Revelation 21: 1 – 6a John 11: 32 - 44

11th Remembrance Sunday Job 19: 21 - 27 (Psalm 90) 1 Corinthians 15: 51 - 57 John 6: 37 - 40

18th Pentecost 26 1 Samuel 1: 4 - 20 (Psalm 16) Hebrews 10: 11 - 14 + 19 - 25 Mark 13: 1 - 8

25 th Last after Pentecost – Christ the King 2 Samuel 23: 1 - 7 Psalm 132: 1 - 12 Revelation 1: 4b - 8 John 18: 33 - 37


DECEMBER 2nd Advent Sunday Jeremiah 33: 14 - 16 (Psalm 25: 1 - 10) 1 Thessalonians 3: 9 - 13 Luke 21: 25 - 30

9th Advent 2 Malachi 3: 1 – 4 Philippians 1: 3 - 11 Luke 3: 1 - 6

16th Advent 3 Zephaniah 3: 14 - 20 (Psalm 146: 4 - 10) Philippians 4: 4 - 7 Luke 3: 7 - 18

23rd Advent 4 Micah 5: 2 – 5a (Psalm 80: 1 - 7) Hebrews 10: 5 - 10 Luke 1: 39 - 45

24th Christmas Eve Isaiah 52: 7 - 10 (Psalm 98) Hebrews 1: 1 - 4 John 1: 1 - 14

17 DECEMBER 25th Christmas Day Isaiah 9: 2 - 7 (Psalm 96) Titus 2: 11 - 14 Luke 2: 1 - 14

30th First Sunday after Christmas 1 Samuel 2: 18 - 20 + 26 (Psalm 148) Colossians 3: 12 - 17 Luke 2: 41 - 52

JANUARY 6th The Epiphany Isaiah 60: 1 - 6 (Psalm 72: 1 – 7 + 10 - 14) Ephesians 3: 1 - 12 Matthew 2: 1 - 12

13th First Sunday after Epiphany (The Baptism of the Lord) Isaiah 43: 1 - 7 (Psalm 29) Acts 8: 14 - 17 Luke 3: 15 -17 + 21 - 22

20th Second Sunday after Epiphany Isaiah 62: 1 - 5 (Psalm 36: 5 - 10) 1 Corinthians 12: 1 - 11 John 2: 1 - 11

27th Third Sunday after Epiphany Nehemiah 8: 1 – 3 + 5 – 6 + 8 - 10 (Psalm 19) 1 Corinthians 12: 12 – 31a Luke 4: 14 - 21

FEBRUARY 3rd Fourth Sunday after Epiphany Jeremiah 1: 4 - 10 (Psalm 71: 1 - 6) 1 Corinthians 13: 1 - 13 Luke 4: 21 - 30

10th Fifth Sunday after Epiphany Isaiah 6: 1 - 8 (Psalm 138) 1 Corinthians 15: 1 - 11 Luke 5: 1 – 11

17th Sixth Sunday after Epiphany Jeremiah 17: 5 – 10 (Psalm 1) 1Corinthians 15: 12 – 20 Luke 6: 17 - 26

18 FINANCE REPORT - OCTOBER 2018 The financial year 2017/18 ended on the 30 th of September and, at the time of preparation of the initial draft accounts, total income was shown to be £113,900 and total expenditure £166,300 resulting in a deficit of £52,400.

Total income was £13,000 higher than the prior year having been augmented significantly by legacy receipts during the year, however this was partially offset by a fall in net income from Sandilands as a result of two flats being unoccupied pending repairs.

Repairs and maintenance for the year totalled £47,800 being nearly 4 times the amount incurred in the prior year. This is due to the fact that all payments for repairs to the buildings, which were carried out during the prior year in response to the quinquennial report, were made during the year under review.

Total expenditure was £52,100 higher than the prior year mainly as a result of the payments for building repairs. Payments of restricted funds were also higher than the prior year and included payments in support of Holy Trinity Kilmarnock, Toilet Twinning and Tom’s triathlon charities. Support payments to Holy Trinity Kilmarnock only commenced late in the third quarter of last financial year, while the year under review comprises 12 months of payments.

By the 30th of September 2018 the Holy Trinity Kilmarnock Support Fund had received a total of £22,134 and had paid out a total of £7,750.

Jolyon Stack Treasurer

PROPERTY REPORT – OCTOBER 2018 The missing Rosemary Roof Tile has now been replaced (Car Park Side) and the surrounding area checked. The gutters have also been cleaned out at the same time.

Two trees had branches damaged due to the high winds early in September, the damaged branches have been removed.

The wooden Memorable Benches will be refurbished over the winter months.

General maintenance has continued as necessary.

Roger Robinson Property Convenor

19 THE FUTURE OF TRAIDCRAFT Traidcraft started life in Newcastle in 1979 as a “Christian response to poverty”, importing handcrafts and food items from poorer parts of the world. Its signature role was, and is, to offer small producers and craftspeople across the globe a fair price and improved living and working conditions.

Crucially, the price always includes a small premium over and above the going rate, which has enabled these communities to provide improved healthcare facilities, schools, water, production and marketing. The Company’s core activity has always been based largely on the work of volunteers, who are engaged in running stalls in local Churches and other outlets on a regular basis and also on sales from its bi-annual catalogue. These comprise at 50% of total sales, with the remainder coming from shop sales and charity outlets. Unfortunately, trading losses have accumulated in the last few years, to the point that the future of the Company is in doubt, with the likelihood of redundancy for the existing employees at their HQ in Gateshead.

The situation was highlighted at the Scottish Roadshow held in October in St. Meddan’s Church. Those who attended will have seen the wide range of goods on offer and heard the current position outlined by senior staff, who despite their real concerns, are hopeful that a way forward can be found which would enable the Company to keep faith with the thousands of small producers and craftspeople who depend upon it for their livelihoods.

Fortunately, Traidcraft Exchange, the charitable arm of the movement, is currently in a sound position and will continue to operate its campaigning and fund-raising role wherever possible. It is therefore essential that sales of Traidcraft goods are maximised in the remainder of this year and in particular in the run-up to Christmas, so as to give the Company the space it needs to try to turn matters around. Thank you.

TRAIDCRAFT SHOPPING There are many lovely items in the new Traidcraft catalogue and particularly gifts and decorations for Christmas.

One such item is Swazi Candles and we visited their factory shop in a Craft Village near Mbabane in Swaziland on a recent trip to South Africa.

As you will read in Val’s article above it is particularly important that we try and support Traidcraft this Christmas. Linda

20 FELLOWSHIP The new season of the Fellowship got off to an excellent start in October when Joe Cassidy gave an illustrated talk about the St. Ninian’s Walker’s exploits along the Cotswold Way last May.

The next meeting will be the annual Beetle Drive on Tuesday 4 December . This is a fun night that offers the chance of great fellowship and is good for those with a competitive nature!

The following Tuesday, 11 December , there will be the Christmas Supper at Scotts, 6pm for 6.30pm. The Classic Christmas Menu of two courses, (starter & main) is £17.95. Please sign the list on the Welcome Desk if you would like to come to this.

Due to changes to the advertised syllabus, details of the January meeting are not currently available but will be advertised in the Pew Leaflet once they have been arranged. The first meeting of the New Year will be on Tuesday 8 January. At the meeting on 5 February Mary Jepp will be recounting tales of an Itinerant Teacher.

All are welcome to any of the meetings which start at 7.30pm in the Church Hall. Linda

CHURCH FLOWERS The Flower Team at St. Ninian's would like to thank everyone who has supported and helped with the decoration of the Church throughout 2018. Special mention should be made to everyone who helped with our most recent, beautiful Harvest Festival.

Our next Festival is the decoration of the church for Christmas. We would welcome donations of foliage or money towards the flowers. You can donate using the small brown envelopes on the Welcome Desk marked 'Flower Fund' and completing a Gift Aid form if this is appropriate. The envelope can be placed in the Offertory Bag.

Thanking everyone for their continued support.

Iolanthe Stack, Susie Smith & Maggie Lamont The St. Ninian's Flower Team.

21 THE CRAFT GROUP With Christmas around the corner the craft group are busily preparing some fun crafts for the craft stall at the Christmas Fair. There has been lots of laughter already and also much quiet concentration, especially when making the folded material candle holders. We continue to meet at 51 Bentinck Drive, every Thursday, until the Christmas Fair, so do come along and join in the fun. Iolanthe Stack

KNIT N’ NATTER The Knit n’ Natter group continues to meet in the Choir Vestry, on the last Thursday of each month.

Their focus has changed from sending blanket squares, hats and wrist warmer to South Africa to knitting Twiddle Muffs for local Nursing Homes. These are used by Dementia suffers as they like the different textures and buttons and pom-poms that are sewn onto them. There will also be Muffs on the Craft Stall at the Christmas Fair which might make ideal Christmas presents for anyone suffering with dementia.

The next meeting is on Thursday 29 November at 1.45pm, then there will be a break for Christmas and meeting again in January. Dates will be published in the Pew Leaflet.


Reflections of the Harvest Festival

The Harvest Flower Team, led by Lynne McLachlan, did a wonderful job decorating the church for the Harvest Festival and our thanks go to everyone involved.


We plough the fields, and scatter the good seed on the land, but it is fed and watered by God's almighty hanhandd :d:: he sends the snow in winter, the warmth to swell the grain, the breezes, and the sunshine, and soft, refreshing rain.

All good gifts around us are sent from heaven aboveabov e ;;e; then thank the Lord, O thank the Lord, for all his love.


Helen & Joyce HI THERE..! MAKE A NOTE..! will be running the Jewellery ST NINIAN’S CHRISTMAS FAIR is on Stall. SATURDAY 24 NOVEMBER from 1.30 - 4.00pm Mike will be running a Stall SEE YOU THERE…! selling seasonal bulbs (311662) Please help by baking for the Cake Stall

Sandy & Lynne (317895) are looking for items, such as Emma Cassidy candles, (316757) would toiletries, DVD’s love new or nearly etc. for an new, scarves, ‘Anything Goes’ gloves, purses and The Stall small purse Holders bags...sorry no

would large bags Any kind of love your because of limited bottle, (as support! space. long as it’s full!) for the Norma Tombola (311552) Stall Any knitted or needs crocheted items prizes for would be the Grand Janet (314130) & welcome for the Draw! Knitting Stall Linda ask you to please bring a 2019 Moira (317438) Items can Calendar back be left at from your the back of Holiday, or Away the church Day, for the Calendar Stall.

25 ST. GEORGE’S CATHEDRAL, CAPE TOWN On a recent trip to South Africa we visited St. George’s Cathedral in the centre of Cape Town. It is the oldest Cathedral in southern Africa and is the Mother Church of the diocese. The original Church had been built in the style of St Pancras Church in London and it was opened at Christmas 1834, and was made a cathedral in 1847 in anticipation of the arrival of the first Anglican Bishop in Africa, Robert Gray. However, he didn't like it! Both Bishop Gray and his successor William West Jones, wished for a grander cathedral. The foundation stone was laid in 1901 by the future King George V but construction did not begin until 1906. The completion of the north transept in 1936 finally brought the Architect Herbert Baker's design to life.

It is known as the “People’s Cathedral” for its role in the resistance against apartheid, as such it serves many people of diverse backgrounds, both within and outside their own congregation.

Among the many fine Stained Glass windows is the most recent one ‘Christ in Triumph over Darkness and Evil’, the Great West Window and was erected in memory of Earl Mountbatten. The centre panel was erected in 1982; the two side panels on the left and right were added in 2001. Linda



20.05.38 – 18.10.18

Malcolm was born in Birtley, Co. Durham, much loved elder son of John and Margaret. His younger brother, sadly died when Malcolm was still quite young. He wasn’t the greatest of scholars, but once he left school and went into the drawing office of the local fuse company he had found his metier.

Malcolm was a very loving person, and the people that he loved most in the world were all together at his funeral: Karen and Paula, his daughters from his first marriage; Rosemary, his adored wife, and their children, Alex and Ellen, as well as their partners.

The family were great caravanners, and visited every nook and cranny of the British Isles, and it was a bit of a family joke that once the children left home, the domestic holidays suddenly became more exotic, with trips to Singapore and China!

Malcolm was a man of many interests and talents, which he used well both before and after his retirement. He served on Troon Community Council, and was instrumental in the regeneration of the seafront Play Park; he was involved in the Troon Town Twinning, and the Petanque, as well as the Troon Art Club.

Whatever he turned his hand to, he did very well; from the perfectly decorated rooms, to the precisely aligned stripes in his grass!

Most of all, Malcolm was a family man, whose driving force was to be the best dad ever, to being a friend to his enlarged family, and then taking great delight in his grandchildren.

Despite suffering from Mouth Cancer, having a heart operation, and then a rare operation for Pancreatic Cancer in his later years, Malcolm dealt with them all with energy and determination, and still kept up his involvement with family and friends, as well as with his various interests.

He will be sadly missed by all who were close to him, as well as by the whole community of Troon.

May he Rest in Peace and Rise in Glory.


Church Register


3 November 2018 Sophie, daughter of Jennifer and Craig Boyle


11 August 2018 Tina Morrison and Steven Wallster

13 October 2018 Michelle Gilmour and James Scanlon


26 October 2018 Malcolm John McKinlay

We extend our congratulations to all who have been granted the gift of children,

to all who have been married

and our condolences to all who have been recently bereaved.

May the God of love hold each one in his care.




























Charity number: SC012611