[email protected] FOR DETAILS Book_ID Book_Title Subject Author_name Publisher_na 0006 TOS-MCR NO.127171 DT.19-07-2010 Others XX XXme 0018 DICTIONARY OF ACCOUNTANTS Managem Kohler PHI/ND 0025 Calculus with Analytical Geometry. Mathsent Johnson PHI/ND 0037 Inventory control Theory and Practice. Managem Starr PHI/ND 0044 TOS-MCR NO127305 DT.13.08.2010 Othersent XX XX 0048 Electronic Engineering materials and devices Electronic Seeley TMH 0051 Electron tube circuits Electronics Seeley TMH 0062 Production and Operations Management Managems Levin TMH 0067 Advance Calculus Mathsent Widder TMH 0069 Semiconductor Controlled Rectifiers. Electronic Gentry PHI/ND 0070 Introduction to Electronics. Electronics Branson PHI/ND 0076 Electrical Machines. Electricals Draper PHI/ND 0085 Dictionary for Science. Reference Uvarao ELBS 0091 Dynamics Part-I MechanicBooks Ramsay ELBS 0102 Symbiosis. Generalal Cheng PHI/ND 0108 Performance and design of DC machines. ElectricalEnglish Clayton PHI/ND 0114 Manufacturing Technology. Mechanic Huurst ELBS 0121 Control System for technicians. Mechanical Bryan. PHI/ND 0137 Office Management. Managemal Denyer PHI/ND 0147 How to study. Generalent Maddox PHI/ND 0157 Introduction to Partial differential Equations. MathsEnglish Stephenson PHI/ND 0160 HB of Industrial Engg. And Management. Reference Ireson PHI/ND 0165 Managing a Contemporary Introduction. ManagemBooks Massie PHI/ND 0167 Motion and time Study. Workent Mundel PHI/ND 0208 Refrigeration and air conditioning. MechanicStudy Jordon PHI/ND 0212 Engineering Economy. Managemal Theuson PHI/ND 0224 Electrochemical devices for energy conv.ent Electrical Toro PHI/ND 0241 Manufacturing processes material and production Mechanic Rusinov PHI/ND 0247 Elements of Practical Statistics.