Exhibit C. Pointe Coupee Power Park Deed Report
ENTRY NO. 52 • .l~ - lb 222 RECEIVED & FILED ‘75 flUG’~.09 DONATION OF USUIRUCT CLERK OFCdu~’~ti0E STATE OF LOUISIANA, I PARtsit or roui’r ~ PARISH OP POINT! COUPE!. /4 BE IT ~ that on this _________ da7 of A4 ~ , 1975, before me, Joseph P. Jewell, Jr., a Notary Public, duly Comm sioned and qualified in and for the Pariah of Pointe Coupe., State of Louisiana and in the presence of the witnesses hereinafter named and undersigned, personally came and appeared: - RICHARD S. GLYNN and Mrs. LUCILLE PRICE GLYNN, born Price, who declared that they are married to each other, residing together, domiciled in the Parish of Pointe Coupee, State of Louisiana, hereinafterdesi~ated as “donors”, whose permanent mailing address is declared to be: Ventress, Louisiana, who declared that they have granted, given and donated and do by these presents grant, give, confirm and donate, inter vivoe, unto:, (1) Mrs. BBRl~ADEng ST. ROMAn? SICARD,born St. Romain, widow of Euseb. 3, Sicard, domiciled in the Parish of Points Coupe., State of Louisiana, whoa perlianent mailing addrese is declared to bE: Ventrees, Louisiana 70783, and - (2) ROLAND CUNE and Mn. GERTIE SICARD OLIN!, born Sicard, who declared that, they are married to sa&h other, residing together, domiciled in the Parish of Point. Coupe., State of Louisiana, whose permanent mailing address is declared to be: Ventrsss, Louisiana 70760, the said Mrs. Bernadette St. Ronain Sicard, Roland dine and Mrs. CERTIE SICARD CLINE, being herein— after designated aa “Don~es,”* hers present accepting for themselves, the folZáwlrigdescribed property, to—wit: The USUPRUC! of the following described property,to—itit: A certain lot or parcel of land with all buildings and im provements thereon, situated in tha Pariah of Pointá Coupe., Louisiana, in Section Sixteen (16),.Township.Four (4) South, Range Eleven (11) East, which lot or parcel of land has a front of one hundred ninety—two (192) feet on the right of way of the Public State Highway which runs along the public levee of the Mississippi River, (now known as La.
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