Comfort the Suffering

By: Sandro and Mary Accepting the Disabled

Just because somebody has a disability, you should never exclude them

Do not judge the disabled for they might be able to do much more than you think Helping the Hurt

In this society, people may be going through hard times and you don't even know it

Help and pray for the people who are hurting Prayer

I will help you, my God, to not be extinguished in me, but I cannot promise anything in advance.

But one thing, seems clearer and clearer to me: It is not you who can help us, but we who can help you, and in doing so, we help ourselves.

That is all we can save in this age and it is also the only one thing that matters; A little of you in us, my God.

Maybe we can also help to give birth to you in the broken hearts of others.

Etty Hillesum Kindness until the End

Sometimes, you may have loved ones who are suffering severely from illness or injury.

You should not visit your loved ones suffering just to not see them suffer. You will lose all the time you have with them left. Quotes

"Whoever is faithful in a very little is faithful also in much"

-Luke 16:10

“One thing you can't hide - is when you're crippled inside"

"Sometimes one has suffered enough to have the right to never say: I am too happy"

― Alexandre Dumas Think Before You Speak

To prevent people from suffering, think about what you are going to say before you speak it.

You can really hurt people inside by saying words, even if they don't show they are hurt. Video Thanks for Watching