Federal Aid; Higher Education; Low Income Groups; Program Evaluation; *Tutorial Programs; Vietnamese People IDENTIFIERS *Operation
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DOCUMENT RESUME ED 244 000 UD 023 529 AUTHOR de Silva, Deemathie TITLE OPERATION SUCCESS. Program Overview and Performance, 44 Academic Year 1983. INSTITUTION Wichita State Univ., Kans. PUB DATE Jan 84 NOTE 177p.; Some figures may not reproduce clearly. PUB TYPE Reports Descriptive (141) EDRS PRICE MF01/PC08 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS Adjustment (to Environment); Asian Americant; *College Students; Cultural Activities; *Economi cally Disadvantaged; *Ethnic Groups; Federal Aid; Higher Education; Low Income Groups; Program Evaluation; *Tutorial Programs; Vietnamese People IDENTIFIERS *Operation. Success; Wichita State University KS ABSTRACT This report is a comprehensive description of a Federally-funded Special Services program known as Operation Success at Wichita State University. The program began in 1970 and is designed to assist students from low income families and/or who are the first in their families to attend college. Part Iof the report describes program philosophy and goals, plus the current organizational framework, staff development and training, and program communications. Part II summarizes student enrollment and presents demographic data on students who received assistance through the tutoring component during the Epring, Summer, and Fall semesters of 1983. Part III summarizes the tatorial, cultural, research and evaluation, Vietnamese, and fundraising components of the program. It also provides a detailed analysis of program survey data, summarizes _scholarships awarded to students, and describes the Tutor Appreciation Awards banquet. Numerous charts, tables, figures and organizational models are utilized throughout the report. 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OPERATION SUCCESS PROGRAM OVERVIEW AND PERFORMANCE Academic Year 1983 Deemathie de Silva Program Counselor Wichita State University January 1984 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Number Table of Contents iii Preface Introduction Part I - PROGRAM OBJECTIVES ANDORGANIZATIONAL FRAMEWORK Mbdel of Program GOals and Objectives Philosophy of the Program Organizational Chart 7 11 Program Work Ideals Professional Development and Training ofStaff 13 19 Newsletter Part II - STATISTICAL INFORMATION StUdent Enrollment Statistics 23 Summary of Enrollment, Spring 1983 25 Summary of Enrollment Summer 1983 33 Summary of Enrollment, Fall 1983 41 Tutorial Component Statistics 49 Summary of Tutorial Cotgonent;Spring 1983 50 Summary of Tutorial CoMpbrient; Summer1983 58 Summary of Tutorial CoMptinent; Fall1983 64 Part III COMPONENTS OF OPERATION SUCCESS Tutorial Component 73 Awards and Scholarships 91 4 II Page Number Cultural Component 97 CUltUral ACtiVities; 1983 101 Re..search and Evaluation Component 102 Forms 108 A Success Story 123 A Study on Probationary Students 125 Tutor Perception Survey 135 Program Survey by Studentsi Summer 1983 153 Student-Counselor Conferenres, Spring 1983 155 Fund Raisins Component 157 Vietnamese Component 159 iii Preface Beginning in 1970; a federallyfunded program entitled "Specialservidee opened its doors on the Widhita StateUniversity campus. It was deSigned to tutoring; provide financial assistancecovering tuition fees; books, personal meeting federal pov- and counseling to 300 WiChitaState University students today are still utili- erty-level guidelines. Almott 14 years later; students unique and per- zing the supportiVetervicesthat has made Special Services a changed; the underlying sonal'prograM. Although the services offered have assist those philosophy still remains the same; Our program is designed to Office of studenta meeting the followingfederal guidelines defined by the Education. 1. First Generation 2. Low Income 3. Physically Disabled attracted studentS from various ethnic,social; and educational backgroundt are is the one-on-one tutorial ser- to our program. The service most students seek vice; but they also receive assistance in peercounseling; cultural ekpOSUrt; various free typewriter service, limitedbook loan program, and information on Contribute towards minority scholarship:J. currently, we are fundraising monies to Scholarship Program; our newly ettablithedLeSlie Rudd Academic Incentive Tutoriaii Our program will continue toconsist of three main cOmrionentst Cultural, and Research & Evaluation. We plan to add a computertutorial-assisted meeting the program in the fall of 1984. Each component has beem"successful in both in quality and quan== goals of the program; Our program has grown each year, tity of service.). lv With this in mind; I feel the commitment on behalf of thestaff and students; allow for a positive educational environment. This environment has allowed over 3;000 students to utilize the services that haVe made OPERATIONSUCCESS a program which promotes equal educational opportunity. 412/0 _ Mario Ramos; April; 1984 Program Director INTRODUCTION The fifth Program Overview and Performance report ofOPERATION SUCCESS provides a comprehensive and detaileddescription of the activities of the Special Services PrograM atWichita State University; covering Spring, Summer, and Fall academic semestersof 1983. The organizational framework of OPERATION SUCCESSConsists of five components: the Tutorial Component, the CultUral component;the Research and Evaluation Component, theViethaMOSO component; and the newly formed Fund Raising Component. As seen in the illustration on page one, the five components ofOPERATION SUCCESS are mutually suppor- tive and complementary. Together the components provide a supportive framework for assisting the disadvantaged, studentin successfully completing his or.her college education; __ The Tntbrial Component is the backbone of the programthrough which ihdiVidUaliZed tutoring is made available to enrollees. The Cultural Component sponsors activities, such aseducational visits and cultural events; to provide students with additionallearning experiences. The Research and Evaluation Component collectsand analyzes both quantitative and qualitative data in order to formulate effective.strategies to best serve the disadvantaged student. The Vietnamese Component serves students from that culture who are in need of tutorialassistance. Finally, the Fund Raising Component operates to helpcounteract budgetary constraints. Vi This comprehensive report is available toWichita State University faculty; administratorsi and the Wichita communitywith information on ,activities and a performance report of OPERATION SUCCESS. The report is divided into threo parts. Part I covers the program model goals and objectives, and philosophy of the prograM. It also contains the current organizational framework, program work ideala, proceduresfor the pro- fessional development and training of the staff; and programcommunications through tl!e newsletter. Part II provides a summary of studentenrollment during the Spring, Summer and Fall semesters of1983. It also contains demographie profiles and statistical data on studentswho received tutorial assistance through the Tutorial Component. Part III provides a summary of the Tutotial; Cultural; Research and Evaluation;Fund Raising and viotna- mese Components; The detailed analysis of the Program SurVeyof Spring; Summer; and Fall of 1983 is alsoincluded in this section. This section also has information on scholarships awardedto students enrolled at OPERATION :'7UCCESS as well as the Tutorappreciation awards banquet. This report is an attempt to providetho reader with details of OPERATION SUCCESS a.inual activities bycompiling information, incorpora- ting charts; tables; figures, flow charts;and organizational models. This report will not onlybe useful toSpecial Services Program Personnel jn formulating fUture strategies thatwill better meet the needs of diS- advantaged ettidehtS, but will also assist incomparative studies den-6 here and elsewhere in the nation to :urtherimprove programs that assist the diadvantaged student; 9 vii I want to express my appreciation to the Directorof OPERATION SUCCESS, Mario Ramos, for his Ohcoutagetent and assistance inthe preparation of this fifth report. I also want to thank the program secretary, Hercilia RetindS, Student Assistant AudreyKrug, Tutor- Advisors Elizabeth Freund; Rebecca Pegg and Faeq Shaikhand Research Assistant, Clara Freund; for their assistance throughthe va;:ioUs stages in the preparation of this report; Deema de Si1.4a_ Program Counselor April 2; 1984 PA RT PROGRAM OBJ ECTIVES AND ORGANIZATIONAL FRAMEWORK Mociel of PrograM Goals and Objectives Philosophy of the Program Orpnizational Chart Program Work IdealS Profsional Development and Training, Itcwsletter 1 Ii OPERATION SUCCESS Special Services Program Wichita State University RESEARCH AND EVALUATIONCOMPONENT CULTURAL COMPONENT TUTORIAL COMPONENT 1