The University Visitor: a Guest from Another
George Szlawskl even the heightened participation rates since 1945 10. R. Over, "Women Academics in Australian Universi THE UNIVERSITY VISITOR: ties", Australian Journal of Education, 25, 2, 1981, Senior Industrial Officer have not brought the same improvement to the A GUEST FROM ANOTHER Health Commission of Victoria status of women in society at large. p. 170. (Formerly FAUSA Industrial Officer) References 11. ibid., p. 170. AGE 1. Cited in E. Byrne, Women and Education, Tavistack, London, 1978, p. 11. 12. ibid., p. 174. 2. Sydney URiversity Union, Recorder, July 1982. 13. Enrolments, all degrees: Australian universities, being largely modelled on ment in the Court of Kings Bench but which was 1950 1960 1970 1980 their British counterparts, have in the majority of subsequently approved by the House of Lords 3. E. Boehm, Twentieth Century Economic Develop 24,224 41,836 108,906 151,238 cases acquired the office of University Visitor. The when reversing the judgement of that Court, stated: ment in Australia, Longman, 1971. ASS University Statistics, 1950-1980. purpose of this paper is to examine the need, the The office of Visitor by the common law is to 4. ibid. implications and the extent of recourse to the Visitor 14. ibid., 1961, 1980. in Australian universities so that an opinion can be judge according to the statutes of the cof/ege and to expel and deprive upon just occasions 5. 1945 figures are excluded from the long term compari formed about the usefulness of this office. and to hear appeals of course. And from him sons because of the relative absence of men in and him only the party grieved ought to have wartime.
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