Absa Limited (Incorporated with limited liability in under registration number 1986/004794/06) ("Absa Bank") Bond Issuer Code: ABMN Share Code: ASA Preference Share Code: ABSP

Fitch Downgrades South African ("Fitch")

Notice is hereby given that Fitch has on 15 January 2013, downgraded some of South Africa’s biggest banks. However, Absa Bank has been relatively unaffected by this downgrade, with its local and foreign currency long-term Issuer Default Rating (IDR) affirmed at ‘A-‘ and its National Long-term rating upgraded to 'AAA(zaf)' from 'AA+(zaf)'.

The Viability Ratings (VR) of Absa Bank, Absa Group Limited (Absa), FirstRand, Bank, Investec Limited (Investec), Group Limited (Nedbank Group), Nedbank, SBSA and Group Limited (SBG) have been downgraded by one notch following the one-notch downgrade of South Africa's foreign currency IDR to 'BBB' The downgrade of the banks' VRs reflects the major banks' concentration to South Africa, a high proportion of liquid assets invested in government securities and a weakening operating environment as indicated by the downgrade of the sovereign rating. The sovereign rating is now effectively acting as a cap on these banks' VRs at this rating level because of their strong links with South Africa.

The rating actions are as follows: : Long-term foreign currency IDR: affirmed at 'A-'; Outlook Stable Short-term foreign currency IDR: affirmed at 'F2' Local currency Long-term IDR: affirmed at 'A-'; Outlook Stable National Long-term rating: upgraded to 'AAA(zaf)' from 'AA+(zaf)'; Outlook Stable National Short-term rating: affirmed at 'F1+(zaf)' Viability Rating: downgraded to 'bbb' from 'bbb+' Support Rating: affirmed at '1' Senior unsecured debt: Long-term foreign currency rating affirmed at 'A-'; Short-term foreign currency affirmed at 'F2' Senior unsecured notes National Long-term rating: upgraded to 'AAA(zaf)' from 'AA+(zaf)'

Absa Group Limited: Foreign currency Long-term IDR: affirmed at 'A-'; Outlook Stable Foreign currency Short-term IDR: affirmed at 'F2' Local currency Long-term IDR: affirmed at 'A-'; Outlook Stable National Long-term rating: upgraded to 'AAA(zaf)' from 'AA+(zaf)'; Outlook Stable National Short-term rating: affirmed at 'F1+(zaf)' Viability Rating: downgraded to 'bbb' from 'bbb+' Support Rating: affirmed at '1'

Absa Banks’ credit ratings are also available for download from www.absa.co.za. 16 January 2013

Debt Sponsor Absa Bank Limited (acting through its Corporate and division)