
GNU Autotools Managing Packages the GNU-way

Herbert Valerio Riedel GNU Project Autotools overview

Life without the Autotools

Handcrafted Makefile

Need to customize Makefile or some config header file for each platform/feature customization

Files for .tar.gz packages need to be selected for archiving manually

For each new package, you have to perform the same tedious tasks again Autotools overview

...and now with the Autotools framework

Simplify package management (build, install, uninstall, regression testing, packaging)

Simplify multiplatform support

De-facto standard for and open source packages But!

Using a Framework means less freedoms

Bad Autotools usage is worse than plain Makefile Autotools overview

Autotools as perceived by enduser...

Requires sh, compiler and implementation

./configure -–help (configure switches)

./configure && make (detects system features && builds default targets)

make check (optionally)

make install

make clean

make uninstall overview

...and on the developer's side

Requires , , make, sh, aclocal, autoheader, automake, , libtool

Developer basically writes Makefile.am and configure.in and the Autotools does the rest Autoconf


Each platform has other characteristics or features

Writing custom configurations for each platform does not scale very well Solution

Test for features (not platforms!) with the help of some supporting (feature-)testing framework. Autoconf


Autoconf processes a template file named configure.ac or configure.in and creates a , which is usually shipped with the package.

When started on the target system, the configure script performs the tests defined in the template file. Autoconf

Structure of configure.in (recommendation) AC_INIT(hello.cc) checks for programs checks for libraries checks for typedefs checks for structures checks for compiler characteristics checks for functions checks for system services AC_OUTPUT([Makefile ...]) Autoconf

Example project

Simple ++ project

Makefile.in, configure.in, hello.cc

Detects compiler environment and presence of ISO C99 header

To be processed with autoconf

To be configured with ./configure

To be finally build with make all

Clean up with make clean or make distclean Autoconf

Example configure.in AC_INIT(hello.cc) VERSION=”0.1” AC_SUBST(VERSION) AC_PROG_CXX AC_LANG_CPLUSPLUS AC_CHECK_HEADER(stdint.h,, AC_MSG_ERROR([ISO C99 required])) AC_OUTPUT(Makefile) Autoconf

Example Makefile.in CXX := @CXX@ CXXFLAGS := @CXXFLAGS@ DEFS := @DEFS@ -DVERSION=\"@VERSION@\"

.PHONY: all clean distclean

all: hello

hello: hello.cc $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(DEFS) hello.cc -o hello

clean: rm -f hello

distclean: rm -rvf hello *~ autom4te* config.* Makefile Autoconf

Example hello.cc #include

#if defined(HAVE_STDINT_H) # define __STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS # include // ISO C99 feature #else # error ISO C99 header needed! #endif

int main (int, char *[]) { const int64_t bigval = (INT64_C(1) << 63) - 1;

std::cout << "bigval = " << bigval << std::endl;

return 0; } Autoheader


¡ @DEFS@ becomes overpopulated

¡ Build output log with long lines hard to read

¡ Maximum supported command line length by OS Solution

¡ Pull all @DEFS@ as #define's into an header file and #include it at beginning of each source file Autoheader

Enabling use of autoheader

¡ Add AC_CONFIG_HEADER(config.h) right after AC_INIT in configure.in

¡ Add #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif before any other header includes in source files

¡ Make sure to provide search path with -I. flag

¡ Run autoheader after autoconf Automake


¡ The Makefile.in template files for Autoconf's ./configure script still need to be written by hand, even though they have recurring patterns.

¡ Preparing distribution tarballs (what files to ship?) Solution

¡ Generate Makefile.in from a template Makefile.am file with Automake preprocessor. Automake

Enabling Automake support in the C++ example

¡ Add AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE(name,version) to configure.in right after AC_INIT


¡ Create Makefile.am


¡ aclocal && autoconf && autoheader && automake –add-missing Automake

About package strictness

¡ foreign No strictness.

¡ (default) Requires INSTALL, NEWS, README, COPYING AUTHORS and ChangeLog to be present.

¡ gnits Same as gnu, requires THANKS file and Performs some additional formal checks. Automake

New example configure.in AC_INIT(hello.cc) AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE(hello,0.1) AM_CONFIG_HEADER(config.h) AC_PROG_CXX AC_LANG_CPLUSPLUS AC_CHECK_HEADER(stdint.h,, AC_MSG_ERROR([ISO C99 required])) AC_OUTPUT(Makefile) Automake

Example Makefile.am bin_PROGRAMS = hello hello_SOURCES = hello.cc # That's all! Automake

Some more complex Makefile.am SUBDIRS = doc EXTRA_DIST = BUGS ChangeLog.old noinst_PROGRAMS = hello bin_PROGRAMS = good-bye cat++ hello_SOURCES = hello.cc util.hh util.cc good_bye_SOURCES = bye-main.cc lib.c lib.h good_bye_LDADD = -lxml good_bye_CFLAGS = -Wall -O6 cat___SOURCES = cat++.cc dog.hh dog.cc Automake

Some provided make targets

¡ make all

¡ make check

¡ make install

¡ make uninstall

¡ make clean

¡ make dist

¡ make distcheck Automake

Testsuites - make check

¡ Test result based on runtime exit code (0 = passed, 77 = ignored, else failed)

¡ Example Makefile.am Fragment: TESTS = test1 test2.sh EXTRA_DIST = test2.sh

check_PROGRAMS = test1 test1_SOURCES = test1.cc lib.cc lib.hh test1_CFLAGS = -DTEST

¢ Also used by make distcheck! Libtool


£ Building and installing (shared) libraries is highly platform dependent Solution

£ Abstract library handling with libtool Libtool

Short example # Automake native (static) library lib_LIBRARIES = libmuh.a libfoo_a_SOURCES = foo.c bar.c doo.h # Libtool based static/shared library lib_LTLIBRARIES = libkuh.la libkuh_la_SOURCES = foo.c bar.c doo.h bootstrap & autogen.sh

¤ Useful to put the aclocal, autoconf, autoheader, libtool and automake invocations into a shell script. ¤ Usually not included in source distribution tarball. (what for?) ¤ Usually kept in CVS (together with all other non-generated files) Further reading

¤ Autoconf Manual ¤ Automake Manual ¤ Libtool Manual ¤ GNU m4 Manual ¤ GNU make Manual ¤ GNU Coding Standards ¤ Software Release Practice HOWTO