^ g s FEDERAL ELECTION COMMISSION o Q In tiie mstter of: finr U.S. Senate MUR /U S-n <7>p<

COMPLAINT ? *• 1. JohnatlmC. Gay bring3 this compiaim befine the Federd^ ^ ("FECQ aeeking an immediate inveatiggtion and enfiiroenicat action againat Rand Paul fig U.S. b Ml Senate fiir direct and aerious violations of tbe Fedend Election Campaign ^ GgasUagat ^ 2. Conqplainam Johnathan C. Gay is a dtizenoftfae of America and a P ^ registered voter and residentoftii e Gonunonwealtii of Kentucky. As aieglstered voter, Mr. Gay is entitled to receive infiiimation contained in reports of receipts and disbursements required by tiie FECA, 2 U.S.C. § 434(aX2); 11C J'.R. § 104.1. Mr. Gay is hacmed iwlien a candidate, political committBe or odier regulated entity &0s to report campaign finance activity as required

by tiie FECA. .<5>^rarv Airimi STATTS 11 l9(im),quotlngBs^B^s,y^424V.S. 1, 6M7 (L97^ (political committees must disclose oontributors and disburseoients to help voters understand ¥dio provides iRAucb candidates iwhhfinandd Mr. Gay is fintfaerharme d ^itai tiie FEC fiub to property administer tiie FECA's repoitmg requirements, 1^ ability to review campaign finance infinmation.

3. Rand Paul fiwU.S. Senate is tiie prindpai canqpaigncominittoe of candidal tiie Rand Paul and, aasiidb, is sidgect to fhe jurisdiction 2 U.S.C.§ 431(5). Violations and Radiation of Supporting Facts COUNT I: FAILURE TO DISCLOSE COORDINATED COMMUNICATIONS 4. lUoid Pad fiir U.S. Senate fidled to disekise in any of its FEC Reports certain ui- Idnd contributions, ui the finrn of coordinated commimications. See Rand Paul for Senate, FEC Fom 3- filed October 14.2009 and Januarv 28.2010 (attached hereto as BiMliit ^ 5. FEC reguhdonsreqdre tiiat a cooidinated commumcation, include O Ul solidtsfiw and promotes and supports a particular candidate, must be rqxirted as m-k^ ^ contributions. See, 11CJJL § 10921 and 11CJJL f 104.3(aHb).

mails and communications are obvious solicitations, endorsements, and promotions fiir Rand Paul or his prindpd cainpaign commitiee. One e-mail specifically instructs recipients to contribute to Rand Pad's September 22,2009 'teoneybomb'* on-line, day-long fimdraiser, and two otiier e-nuuls spedficdly instruct redpients to contribute to Rand Pad's December 16,2009 "moneybomb" on-line, day-long fimdnuser. The e-mails were sent, upon infonnation and belief, to Ckmgressman Ron Pad's own list of contributors. If so, these actions wodd dso constitute an impeimisdble use 1^ Rand Pad fiir U.S. Senate of a contributors list for solidtation of campdgn ^ contributions. &e AO 1979-3. No ui4dnd contributions have been disclosed by Rand O U.S. Senate rehdng to these coordinated conrnnmications with Congressman Ron Pad. These fM ^ fidhnes to disdose demonstrate that, witii respect to tiiese issues. Rand Pad fiirU.S. Senate ^ violated, at a minimum, 11 C.F.R. 1109.21. Q 8. Hie oiganization Citizens Organized Agamst Additiond Spending and Taxes CCOAST*) sent a fiwiling on behalf of Rand Pad on or about August 3,2009 (attadied hereto agBahOiltDy TMs mailing, in the finrn of a letter and endoaures, asked fig pledges of support fiir Rand Pad and induded a rqdy envelope directed to Rand Pad fig U.S. Senate's primary cainpaign address of"1332 Andrea Street, Bowling Green, KY 42104." Hiis address is tiie address on FEC Form 3 as wdl as the listed addreaa on tiie Rand Pad fig U.S. Senate'a ofiBdd website wwwjandnaiil7010.canL The coorduiated commimication between COAST and Rand Pad fig U.S. Senate is dear upon tddng notice tiiat tiie retuni address fig COAST listed ^ actud mailing is identicd to the Rand Pad fig U.S. Senate's campdgn address. Ihaddition, COAST later sent einail solidtations; including one on December 16^2009, to ito contributor list supporting Rand Pad figUJS . Senate and mstnKting redpicnte to contribute to December 16b 2009 "^noneyboinb^ onrUne, day-long fimdraiser (e-nudl attadied hereto as IdUUD- No in-knd contributions have been disdosed ly Rand Pad fiarUeS. Senate rdating to these ooordmated conununications witii COAST. These fidhnes to disdose demonatrate tiiat. witii respect to tiiese issues. Rand Pad fig U.S. Senate violated, at a muiimum, 11 C.F.R. § 10921. 9. The website www.randpadgraphs.com provides red time updates of contributions to tiie Rand Pad fig U.S. Senate campaign. Tbe webdte is devdoped by someone who, upon information and belief, is not an empkiyee of the campdgn (see documento attached Q) heretoasK^mF). The content ofthe ran^ndgrqihswdiate is duectiy coordinated with the 6 Ki Rand Pad fig U.S. Senate campaign. As an exaniple, during tiievariou s "mon^bomb" ^ fimdraisers, this website provided red tune updates ofcontributions to the Rand Pad fig ^ Senate campaign. Furthermore, the canipaign numagerfiu'Rand Pad fig U.S. Senate, David G Adani8,fiequentiypostolmks to botii tiierandpadgraph s webdte and tiie webdte

www.gBnd8teaPBrtv.CQm on his Facebodc and Twitter accounta promoting the wehmtea (aee documento attached hereto as BiUiLfi)* No in-kudconliibutions have been disdosed ly Rand Pad fig U.S. Senate rdating to these coordmated connnunications. This fiulure to disdose demonstrates that, with reqiect to this issue. Rand Pad fig U.S. Senate violated, at a min^ 11 C.FJL§ 10921. Additiond mqigppercooiduuded activity between Rand Pad figU.S ^ Senate and certam 501(cX4) entities is set figtii below in Count m, lS(x). COUNT Us FAILURE TO MAKE APPROPRIATE PAYMENTS/REIMBURSEMENTS 10. Tiiere are at least two instances ofthe Rand Pad fior U.S. Senate cainpaign fiuling to disdose on ito FEC Rqiorto where it reunbursed or pakl eiqiienses aa reqm regulationa (11C J.R. § 102.9; 11 CF JL part 104): (i) paymg rent to Akhemy, LLC; and (ii) rdmbursing eiqieiises to Owensboro Dermatology PSC. 11. The Rand Pad fig U.S. Senate campaign plyaicd headquarters (aa cited in paragraph 8 above) is owned ly a company named'^Alcfacmy.LLC'' Alchemy, LLC is Rand Pad's holding company fig his rentd properties (demonstrative documento attached hereto as mttJH)- Tlie FEC Reporto filed by Rand Pttd fig U.S. Senate (and attached as SddttA to this Compiaim) fid toindicat e that any rem is being pakl by Rand Pad fig U.S. Senate to Alchemy, LLC. This fiulure to disdose this economic anangemem violates FEC regulations. 12. ()wensboro Dermatology PSC distributed a mdler and hosted a reoqition with ^ Rand Pad on Sqitember 1,2009 (nuder attadied hereto aafiUHtl)'^0 evidence of HI 1^ idmbursemem ofexpenses to Owensboro Dematology is firand in the Rand Pad fig U.S. Senate ^ FBCReporte. This omission is in violation of FEC regulations. ^ COUNT DI: FAILURE TO CONTAIN THE PROPER DISCLAIMERS O ^ 13. Rami Ban! fiw U.S. 5ggn«te MieA tn mehiHe the pmper ittwelwrngw wupwreH hy tlwi FEC on numerous campaign materials it sem or placed in the public donuun (see documento altiHnhftd hereto as J^^^^^^^. 14. Federd hw reqdres that conmiumcations on bdudf of the candidate or his campdgn must contain certain discldmers. See, i.e., 2 U.S.C. § 441d; 11C J JL § 110.11. 15. Rand Pad fig U.S. Senate has fiuled toinclud e the proper disclaiiners on the following canipaign materials in violation of FEC regulations: (i) two mass mailing pieces fijom Rand Pad lack the required disdaimer on the first page and fid tolis t the required finandd diachumer on the contribution/kqdy finni;0 9 a newqiaper advertiaeniem dat^ 2009 overtly supporting Rand Pad over otiier candidates lacks tiie required disclaimer; (iii) an August 3,2009 COAST mailer and a December 16^ 2009 COAST e-mail sdidtation lade required discldmers: fivl the wwwjandpBdpaphs.com and www.nmdsteBpartv.oom wdisites and rdated Twitter and Facdxxik conrnnmications fiom Rand Pad figU.S. Senate campaign manager, David Adams, regardingthoa e wcbailes lade the required disclaimers; (v) an Owensboro Dermatokigy nudtec^nvitation lacks the required disclaimer, {yi) robocalls made on Januaiy 22,2010 and February 26,2010 by Rand Pad lade tiie required discldmer; (vii) a radio advertisemem nude and narrated ly Rand Pad hdks the required disclaimer, (viii) a tdev^ advertisemem made on behalf of Rand Pad lacks the required disclauner as it dearly indi^^ tint "Rand Pad fig U.S. Senate" approved the advertisemem instead of tiie candidate himsdf; ^ (ix) a Januaiy 26,2010 e-mail commimication fi«m "Andy Demers, Politicd Duectoi^ sem firom Ml an einail address fior "Rand Pad, US Senate Commitiee" lacks the required died fSI ^ M«d.2.2010»«»aeooimunkirti«fh»iO«MAA^ ^ comributors or members promoting a Modi 23,2010 "Give Me Liberty Mon^Bo^ O required disclaimers and fiirther violates FEC regulations as Rand Pad for U.S. Senate ia colluding witii the 501(cX4) entity "Campaign fig Liberty." Cqdes of tiiese materials are all attadied hereto as nydhiU- 16. These documente demonstrate that various required disdaimeig were not induded on nunienwis campdgn materiala and Rand Pad fig U.S. Senate violated, at a minnnu^ U.S.C. § 441dand 11CLFJL § 110.11. Conclusion Jdmatiian C. Gay requesto tiim tiie Fedeid Election Commisdon conduct an investigation into these dlegations, dedare the Respondem tohav e viokted tiie Federd Election Canipaign Act and applicdile FEC regulations, impose sanctions appropriate tothes e violations, and tdce sudi finther action as may be deemed qipropriate. f^J Respectfidly submit in (M ^ JO] fM I •'^^ ^ I "•^T HaMUreeMHTTOsr Q I, JdmattumC.Gay.here»yveri&tiurt tiie Statemems made in tiie attadied Com^

aie, iqxm infigmation and bdie( true.

Swompursuamto 18U.S.C. § 1001.

Nl HI Ul

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rJ2 Vrvmi "Congressman Ron Pad" Date: December 14,200912:07:26 PM EST To:< > Subject; We need yonr help on December 16th Rap^piTo! Congressman Ron Pad jmhvh JnafiBttgcp20.com Congressman Ron Paul Dear Friend of Liberty, December 16*^ is a specid date. It is the anniversary of the Boston Tea Party vdien early American patrioto alixd 19 to tiie tyranny of tiie King George. In 2007, we made history together ly raismg ^ day. HI Now, we need to nudw this December li^qieddly hdfdngpnqid my son, Ran4 to on (Xfffdlow lovers of Uberty are orgamzug a Money Bomb fior Rind and we need ym fM ^ Pleaae viait hia webaiteL www.RandPaul2010xom this Wednesday. December itf^ and donate. A auccessfiJ day Q wiU laundi Rand imo the homestretdiofMs primary with tiie moi^ H Rand urunnkig a tremendous rsce in Kentudy and is currenttyleadfaig hi the pdls. Send WadringtonwouM be the greatest victory fig linuted govenimem and the Constitution Imsghie the Senator Rand wodd be! He wodd fight to end undeclared wars, buigeoning defidto and the earpanainn nf gnvemment tfiat thneatena all nf mir fteednma.Ami , Rami'a rfgerinn wli awyi n ffiigaMig^ fn fliy estdilidmiem tiim we are takmg our countiy bade and tiie pave tte way fig lywniy^PamiPpiilOjfli (f ^m to leam more.

I Ixipe you can hdp ly donating to Rand tins Wedneaday, December 16^. I Imow I wiU be. Toge take our country back one contribution m a tune.


Ron Pad


YouaresdMoibedtotiusnewdetteras . Pleaae dide here to modify your meaaa^ prefierencea or to unaubacribe fioman y fiiture mrilings. We will respect all unsnhacribe requests.

EzUbit B pramoto Raid FftnPs cgtablldimait oppoiieBt

e. ivPEOP

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Exhibit B M Adv. pid by dKCoBBinn to iMhct ROB Fad

You are subscribed to this newsletter as . Please didc here tonuxiH y your message preferences or to unsdiscribe fimm any fiiture mailmgs. We wiU reqied dl unsubm

01 »H Ki (Nl 01 fM

Exhibits o fM Ul fSI UM IM pari tar lUL SMbi onpiion k off to • apnton B« you. UM pab sDidfeM toMot e thu vbtorr b a CD F Mid IIM MVMli VIM OTM W HI

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r. Vyou cnltmkiBon


IMhru&l til Rand A Roo Ml Rally ftr lte RopiUicam in Lousville - Bvallirite h^://nllyfti4Mrapil)licinkcvHdfantBi0Oin

Rand Paul 20101 U.S. Senate

^ B ^ 1 T ^

1 <.; -1 > ' /"k, CLEAR V i 1 •:»V K E li T L


Up HI fM Ul fM 01 fM Thia evBm liaa ondadi tfkyRndnMlfDrUS

Ticket laiomiatloa

UUNIIIIY Jnuay 10. am •«R4dD0 PV - ddOB PM NM ,Mdtonyi )MflMdoor.VouMqfi VMlBfO

OiyPMlpiLaM Raly for tlie RepubUcans ,icir4n MMOtoJMMdlbrb^^ YihDo|Mipqiwa| •nandaB toMfMNMNalv MraM lOmrPM^iMNb iCr.MHiMin ftrMotoadliH^aifer tofto HoaladBy Donor gaUiering PouiferUBl Aantfa toMm aB WapioM an M isni M qMd a and MAaM by Rtod Padflar UB OMrti Campaign with Itend and family Q10 AM MM oVwf Raid Plail for U8 SailM maiti VVMlil r.tolM|HMni1 •MH of Mum TMiOMMk avsiM by IMS host

lofl i; "Rand Pad fiir US Senate" Date: January 24,2010 9:19:38 PM EST TP:

Scpabilami hi Lostevile (ta 30, a01€) BadWTo; davidffllrandp«"iMin emu CaAuediiBenail? Click hem:

fM Ul fSI 01 fSI

You aie InvHsd to tlw IWIowIno event Rand & Ron Paul Rally for the Republicans In Louisville

Sataiiday, January 30,2010 from 4.-00 PM - 0:00 PM (ET) Locations Kentucky Fair and ExpoaWon Centsr - South Wing Entrance 007 PhOnpe Lane LoulevllleblOr40200

For more bibrimlion click here

'I his emu* w.i«' -ten *w- l.tciUbriluL iimi n i'n«. VO!UI:MI b* piihl-»li. IVJUNVI. i:v.-Biiik- •wiJ piiwr i^i! s'writ licit Your IWtnb WRh nvndNfte (Ttick hcit m •i-Kif-vrhr num etvnp In- "

EihibitC gt^. r^n.g—nMia.1 Itiia W—1 ^iprffl^«y9ff(qr.^p,i^ilfi^y.fg^.„r^ Date: Wed, Jan 27,2010 at 1:13 PM Sulgect: WdVe Getting the Band BadL Together! To:

Congressman Ron Paul

Dear Friend in Liberty,

Big things are brewing in KentuckyI i^n Aa you know/ my aon Rand ia running for United Statea Senate and he haa a fsi tremendoua ahot at winning. Dick Axney, the National # Ki Concerned Women for JUnerica, Gun Ownera of Americaf Red State.com and Steve fsi Forbea are all aupportlng Rand. Rand ia alao leading in the polla and 01 fundraiaing. Believe me/ the Big Govemment eatabliahment ia ahaking in their <^ boota. or Q Ne have a chance to elect the moat the moat pro-Liberty, pro-Conatitution, anti- ^ Big Govemment Senator in a generation. And thia Saturday, you can provide ^ tremendoua helpl I will be traveling to Louiaville on Saturday, January 30^ to hold a Ballar fos the Rtwrtil I nana at the Kentucky Expo Center. Together, %re can send a powerful measage to the political inaidera that we are ready to take our country back. For more information, pleaae viait www.RandPaul2010•com. Joining ua Saturday will be apecial gueat Aimee Allen, to perform the Ron Paul — now Rand Paul — anthem. Z can't wait to hear her aing again. I am sure many of you remember her performance at the Rally for the Republic. Aimee ia a very apecial entertainer and ia aure to provide tremendous energy to our event.

Again, I hope you can join Rand, Aimee Allen and me thia Saturday at the Kentucky Expo Center in Louiaville. It prondaea to be an event to remember.

In Zfiberty,

Ron Paul

P.S. If yoa WOBM like to aivpoit Read, bm are uoabte to nidn it Sahnday, contribntionB at hi^ TrTnnr.Rniffinil2g1ftiWin ir** ^ n—iAMiiii

MMr. Waarbf riiHiahlii MBoahaBtorwi* l-BIMCTWMJL

YOU are subscribed to fills newsletter as . Please click hne to modifir yonr i praftrBnpeff ftr fft uMubterBw ftffwi any ftrturtmaflfng y • We will rwrpwt all ^-Tw^iwi**^ Twpwirt* ExfaibitC C.O.A.SX GUzens OfffmlzidAgdnstAdditional Spending and Taxes

August 3, 2009

fsl Ul fSI 01 Dear fsi Mbst often, when we write you a letter about someone, we're writing about their votes for higher taxes, or other ways in o vrtiich politicians sell out the taxpayers. Today, we're writing about aoeething a little different. Some men and wonen In public life go so far above and beyond as heroes of the taxpayerSf that they deserve to be recognized. One of those very special few is Dr. Rand Paul. That's why today, Citi-aens Organized Against Additional Spending and Taxes is excited to bestow the Taxpayer Defender Award upon Dr. Rand Paul for his fifteen years of leading the fight for lower taxes in Kentucky. Rand Paul founded the' grassroots action groi^ Kentucky Taxpayers Dbited in 1994. £ro8tete i^lgiA&xam -' eaOh year. "A* • Every siiigle^iegif] raoliwi on tax and ^pending issues each session;'flbi0ev:' fji^n in^tiUia been.to inform voters who etpMle. tltp fjjiiihiit the ^£9 Govezuaent allies in Frankfort.: . These retiiK^^ -mi^^sii^fe^ l^MB -used by groins end candidates tel . • f »• ror exai«>Uf>/|lk^^^ for ttie State Senate, Rand Paul KTU helped persuade Brett to aign the pledge. Hia opponent refused and KTU placed targeted radio ada in the final days of the canqpaign. Guthrie'a challenger called and complained that he'd never received the pledge. KTU produced a aigned mail receipt with the candidate'a wife's signature. With 24 hours to go until the election, the candidate capitulated and signed the pledge and the ads were pulled. Guthrie won the race by 124 votes. Many st:ate legislative races were won by uaing the Taxpayer Scorecard in canipaigna. dimloped the Scorecard to provide a ratings pf "- stdte i&'tbra on their voting record on tax and spending ieauee. One candidate, Paul Marcotte of Northern KY, produced a campaign brochure headlining that his opponent got a ZERO from Kentucky Taxpayer a United. Paul Marcotte won that race and aerved aeveral terina in Frankfort. In addition to hia efforts with KTU, Rand Paul haa alao been a frequent guest in the aiedia, including on Kentucky Tonight with Bill Goodman and haa become a well known political analyst becauae of hie work on the Taxpayer Pledge. Some of the media elite, doing the bidding of the Big GovetnijiUit liberals, have criticized Dr. Paul for hia ""absolutist* stand on raiaing taxea.

- ?I^£9HU99P'^^^ that, ^If ife conclude that goyemmeat i,e^,. •^^^SlSSKSf&^^ ^ raijftioig texeei'' - ^t^-..- '^ Paiii^. cfo^n ;m that there are many abaolutes worth defendiil9#.. i:iiciu!dirlg. the first anendaent., He never backs .idoe^ f-^, from

jaay many of .ua believe that even, a UttM eene^rir' * vreng, aeuiy of us in th^ Tax iAovenain€-Mkiis«e thiat/gj i);-has 9r


Mike Moreland Norm Davis Brenda Wehzmarm Brett Gaapard KY COAST Tak^ckBY TakeBackThiaNation KY Taxpayers Union

EihlUtD (Nl Ull (M 9) fSI ""ST O


t 0 op (>J Ul

01 rsi sr

O 01 fM Ki rvi 01


0 Having trouble vtewlng this email? ntekhmm Youtn reoelving this emsll because of your lelatkmshlp with COAST. Please amflm your continued Inleiest In reoehring emaH hom us. You may imillhfTlilP If you no longer wish to raoslve our emails.

Nl lii (N 01 fM Money Bomb Today! ST d COAST enoouragos you to psrticipats in toda/s "mon^ bomb" fbr Kentucky HI Senate candMate Rand Paul. Rand Is In a tough primary race. Htfs already outmised hh opponent, but neods to kesp hb Isad. If youVs ever found yourself complaining about all the RINOs in the Republicen Party, hertf s your chance to help restoie R to Rs true oonservattva roots.

1. Click here to go to Rand's Tea Party pagel You can rsad about the campaign and link to other Rand Paul uiebsltos. 2. Contribute whatever you can afford! Therar^ no minimum, and no mudmum efther. Rand readins the cuirsnt eoonony Is tough, but MB exactty the right personto hel p you ksap more of your money by ftarcfrig the govemmsnt tospsndlssBofR.

3. Follow the action herel A continuous ttekarwU llstthe namss of leosnt donore, ss wsll sstotal oontributtons . You csn wstch progress In lesI tims. Thsnks for csring, snd for oontinuing to bnprave our psrty snd oountry.. Check us out online:

• GQCQASTonTWttter • COAST on Facebook • fflASLBIfig

EmaH MMksHng by Exhibit E lef2 This email was sent lo . . by i Update PiBn'e/Enell Mdma I instant ramovalwit h SBbUoaitoQlba'' I PHyty nniiiy. Tsv IT Faac

Paid for by COAST Candidates PAQ Nsik Miller Tkeasurar 13630 Zumstein Avenue | andnnaU | OH 14520a

fM Nl Ul fM 01 fM sr sr o

ExUbttE 2or2 Red tme doBSdon ncltai te Riad Panlli 2010 Seasto Cnpsiad 1 DONATEl About Nowa MonayLPomba Contaet


Nl Nl Ull (Nl Ql fM


Exhibit F sr Ul fSI 01 rsi sr sr o

Exhibit F Ul Nl Ul (N 01 fM


Nl Ul I fM r Ql UM ST I sr I p I


I IN Ml Ul fM 01 (Mi qr sr O r-l CO !^ Ki fM Pl fM sr


HI 0* Nl

M III!! I i jl I l! |i i Orgsnlzstlon Numbsr 0607366 N«ns ALCHEKfY,LLC Profit or Non-Profit Unknown Compsny Typs KIX: - Kientax% Undted liabffit^ Gonqiany Slahia A-Active Standing G-Good stsis KY FlisDste 3/2/2005 o Orgsntastion Dste 3/2/2005 sr ijMt Annusi Rsport 4/1V2009 LO fM Principal Offloe 200 LAKESIDE WAY 01 BOWLING GREEN, KY 42103 fM sr MsnsgsdBy MembeiB sr RsgislBrad Agsnt RAND PAUL o 200LAKESIDEWAY BOWLING GREEN, KY 42103

Cunent Ofiiosis RAND PAUL iMsmlisr KELLEY PAUL Msmbsr RON PAUL Msmbsr RONNIE PAUL

Inittad OfHcsis st Tims of Formsllon Orgsninr BANPPAW

Exhibit H Images Avallsble Online Dooiinanto Iliad wlh the Office of tha Secretary of Slate on Sapient aaacannadimaoaaorPDFdociinBnta. DoainardBfled prio rto Saptamber 15,2004 wH become avalablaaa the Imagaa ere created. 4/14/2009 1 psge m PDF AnnusI Rsoort mmm 1 psgs m PDF Annusl Rsoort 2/12/2007 Ipsge m EQE Annual Renoit S/22/2006 1 psge m PDF Annusl Rsoort 3/2/2005 3 pages m EQE Artldaa of Oraanbniton

HI Activity History sr File Dste Effective FHing Org. Rsffsienosd Ki 4/14/2009 8:22:49 AM 4/14/2009 Annusl Rsport (M Annusl Report 01 mmm M»M PM mmooa fM 2/12/20071:32:31 PM 2/12/2007 Annusl Itoport 5/22/2006 8:57:07 AM 5020006 Annusl l^sport o Add H 3/2/200510:14:10 AM 3/2/2005 rH

Csrtlficsiss AvaiiaUe pertMcate of Ey«fffrn^ f ^^TM^ Click on a osrtificste tRIsto purchsss R. CsrtHcstss sre $10.00, psysbis by credR csrd or prepaid account They are stored andretomsd as PDF documents. You must have Adobe PDF Resderto prin t the documsnL

Exhibit H 1 IS 8


fM sr i 1^ (N 01 fM sr sr o




Nl sr Ki fM 01 fM sr sr RAND PAUL U.S. SENATE 2010

Dear Friend:

Bis Govenunent, Big Media aod Career Politicians have grown quite comfbrtable with Congress by, fbr and ofthe special interests.

Our payback is coming.

ST As 1 like to tell folks at events, we've coming to take our countcy back! Ul Because ofthe hard work of thousands of "leave me alone" individuals, we have a real fM chance to win in iCentncky. o> fM And we have the establishment scared to deatfi. ST •"T O Just a few months ago, my cainpaign was dismissed, and the ideals you and I treasure were ridiculed and derided. But today, it*s a diffinent aloiy. I've traveled to every section of Kentucky. I've given over 150 speeches and this hard woric is showing dividends, (see adjacent poll results) Suppon MMDaHkBly OOP FriumyVoMfi I think you've probably seen some of die | headlines, but ifnot, I'm writing to tell you two I things: The momentum is on our sute. Andyou have I still have a LOT of woric to do to win this nee to be die next Senator from Kentucky. First, I want to diank you. Friends like you launched diis campaign, helping me laJse - neariy Sl millkm in the first six mondis. thafs- abnost unheard of. Tlcy Onyion Then, knowing he had real ttouble on his Sonne: Fkibiie Micy MKm, DBC. 2L 2009 bands, my opponent, diehandpiGked choice of DC insUteit,b^gan attacking me. That's how die career politidaas act You know the drill. My policy poaitiona were twisted and nuschanttleriaed and attacked. I was attacked fbr having die gall to critidze the Bank Baikmt and let voters know dut m^ Repabllcans voted feri t My opponent attacked me by chdmiqg that I waa not a KentucUan. I reminded die voters (Over,plssae) A TRUE CONSERVATIVE, A REAL REPIJBLICAN PaM for by Rand Paul for U.a Senate K \ \ 1) ( () Al diat "I've been a KentocUanknger dumbed been a RepubUcan." I reminded voters dut my oppanent waa until Ihhiy reoendy a Democntt and had piMicly si9^^ Fortunately, folks 80 ftr have been able to see duough it all. In ftct, all diey've done is shine flte ligbt on my cqiponent's record, views and Big Govemment buddiea. As you know, dte estsblishmentkyves telling candidates like me widi pro-freedom viev^ dut we'tet win." Thy tdl us white dieym^'VyBe? (sohMtimea) wife our viewa,tfa^'ve dedded to be "^xacticd" and support more rmodeiateP* candidatea wito can and who can lieat die Democrats." When I hear diat I just roll my eyes. Iknowyoudotoa ^ This iaa noe you and I CAN win. And one we snnply must Ul rsj And ills ftmqr, even dw polls show it now-to the moat recent pollSk I'm ahead of BOTH 01 potentid Demoent opponents. fM ^ But oar wolkiajurt beginning. And I hope you'll keep figjhting whh nwaa we get doaw Q and doaer to electton di^. HI WehBvetobepnpared. My opponent is no doubt readyn^ his vidona TV ada to tiy to tear ua down widi Eea and distortions. I Iwve my ada rea^y to go - aome will even be up aa you read dus. But tomak e sun I can nm diem aa widdy aa poadble^ I'm goiag to ask for your h^ In Mttdi, aupporten of nuae are hsnring a one day''GIVE ME UBERT^ Aa yon nuQr know* Blnch 23rd ia flteanaivcrsai y of Pfttrick Hdny'a ftmo^ lauiidiad a wvohitMB and lie^ied give ua oar freedom. I cantfliink of abetter dytokfadcQgf dte find sttetoh of flte campaign. Becanaeflut*s what thia campaign is itoit Ubaity. Taking bade our govemment rmjuatonemanofoouna. But flteg^fldngia to our yatem, one man wifli principles and gate can do a lot Aa you know, one U.S. Senator can cleai^ be lite diflbrence hi maay of fltebattle s y^ I are flgbliiig fiv fieedonin ^ now. The tnifli iSft felks anwid flte oooidiy are addiy fediqi b and flay're flmidi^ fiv m limited government, pro-freedom message. Peopte are johuag our figbt and nHyhig toou r K'a not hanl to aee why. Out nationd ddit is over $12 nULUONddten. Ubsmploymenttefaidoidiie^Kgita nationwide with no real end in sight Recently, economic forecasters were saying wc were beginning to lum a comer economically, and we should be "out of the woods" in just a few monlhs. Now, thcy*rc saying lhal nuybe wc were right that President Obama's $787 BILLION dollar slunulus migbt not have worked as hoped - and that even more eoononuc gloom is likely on thc way. Integlnethat

(0 Isn't it funny how taxuig, spending and borrowing doesn't cure eoononuc woes canaed 1^ Kl . laxigg, spending and bonowhigl 0) fM Needlesa toaay , if deded, I won't mardi toth e beat offlw same old Big Govemment dnims. If elected, I will work hard to: wfdi nqr wife K^y sod nc e Defaet and, tf nMeaierv. wark to 1 the Xap and Itoc" Bill, socialized medicine and dte PATRIOT acf. Step the growth af gnvgrnment spending, reshicdve regulations and involvement in our lives; Andit the Federel Reserve which, I believe, will serve as an important first step toward finally ending the Fed once and finr dl; Cntta«e«! dte money you earned is youis - not sonw Wsshington, D.C. politician*^ or bureaucrat's. And we have tostarv e tfiu federd beast, cutting offdie source of ita power; Snppnrt ail ahUyht Bateqtjjjd Bjiifgiif ^iiiendmMit diat could not be broken except frir in timea of DECLARED war ao politicians won't be tempted to keep spending like drunken saiten;

e Sti>p on^nHnn §•> iwi^mm^f hv SyhHny for t^rm Hmlf mnA ^ityinff that any company recdvmg fbderel flindscou M not lobby the federal govemment for Uie duration of the contract Of course, my strong positions aren't making ms friendseverywhere . As I told you, die Wuhington, D.C. politicd establishment is determined to destroy my campaign - not tomentio n dte tdeala that you and I stand for. But they're firightened of my campaign. They've been frightened ever since people started fighting back through the Tea Parties and odier public protesta and town halls. They know we're coming to take our govemmem bade. TowinflteUihidNre'smudiniorewoiktobedone. There's many more anaeks coming, and diere's still maiiy more folks out diere I need toreac h with my pro-freedom, strong conservative message. So today, I hope I couitt oa you to support my canipaign frv U.S Senate. Of course, $2^ per pcnon ($4^800 per mairied coupte) is flwmaximu m conlribntion legd under flBdenlbw. But whatever you do - $501^ $250, $100i $50, or $35- win hdp tremendoualy. I'd especially Uke to ask you to Join m flte neat "Vnony bonds" fiv ny campaign on rs MBdi23id. sr ^ If you join fellow anpportanmflds ^ oaedByfinidfdser,wecBnoooeagBmdi0w ^ flte estd>Hshnwntflwirhi|^ priced lobbyhta "(iT and QteddinleieBtnioiMy doesnt scare us. sr 2 Your support OB Mardi 23rd wiM ensure fluaou r canipaign baa the needed fhnda to go up OBflteairwiflihardhittmgTVads,aBdha8dteabiUtytobeginnnilandmpersQnconM maay voten as poasibte befbre the May ISfli primaiy. WB know the other side wiU have dieir money. They always do. And I'm aihdd of wlat wiU happen because the cstabUahmem te ao Beared of our canqasg^ It'a not just flte odier campaigna. Youaodlbofliknowthatbia-nwneyapeddtotersstacan ooote te wifli mUlteas of ddbn of so-called "TDdqtendentf* ada and tiy to oven^ end. I dont want tose c that happen I'm hopefid fliat wifli yonr helpy I'U be victoriona tom y nee fiar dte U.S. Senate and flut I wiUtnily ignite a flrestonn fbr Uberty all over flte oountiy. Infitel,I'mhopefidwe'redotegfliat Aadl'mhopeftdwecaawmfldsnce. Butleantdo it wiliioiit your Iw^ So pleaae nish nte your moat generau CQBliibudon of $500, $250, $100, $50 or $35, or donate onUne on Msidi 23idl Yountelibaity,

RandPtefl 1332 Andrea Stteet BowUsg Green, KY42104 Rand Paul for U.S. Senate Statement of Support

To: RasdPted finr US Senate From: 1332 Andrei Sheet Bowiteg Green, KY 42104

Piaaaa add my email addreas to your dart Uat: DaarRaad, ^ lagired WMi your pio-Ebei^ message gddiigaqiport; flte Waring^

HI HI America needs someone who wUIflpeak the tniti^ someone wlto win make the rigtecfaoiw however difficdt or uapoputer they fflifljht be. We need a red defender offlwCoBBlitudonte the Senate. I befieve you win be that kmd of Senator. Steoe the support of dte nationd Uberty moveaient tevil d to your auooeas^ I'm read|y to support you with a gsneioua donation oC

• $25 QISO QSTS QOlhsrS

FTC iciiricto oantributiosi to no nm than $2,400 finmi an uidlv^^ Fhsseniflike your chedk psysbis to: 'JhnuflWyhf £UL Aaads* or fin out tho credit caid finmbdo w

n QViia •MaitewaI d QlKaoovc r Q Aatericanfiapnaa

Cted# Amount: $ BJIBUiUOn UBS. 9

Sisnalun: Date:

CoHtributioBa or gjfte to tite Band Pted finr U.S. Seaito aw not dechictibto as duiritahte contributions fisr FedtedinoQBte tax puiposes. RAND PAUL U.S.1SENATE 2010 Dasr FslkMr RspubDcan, In Just the paat 3 monttw, IVe traveled to over 20 oounfles and spoken to thoussnds of Rspubltasns. ButI'veyetto mast ONE of them who supporlsd ttis Bsnk Bslknit. UnfortunalBly. over half our Re(MJbltoan leadsrshlp^ voted for ttdsIIOQ^fiag e monslrosHy, whteh sItoiMs govemmsnt fbr 01 sr ttis first flms tobu y sod own privstebusinssssB. Andflils Ul WBsnt just fisr banksj;- ttwsulornobit o industry snd even fM mlnortly iNOsdcssisre are now ssMng for money finom the 0* BsnkBsRout. fM. My nsms te Rsnd Paul, snd I'm mraiing tor the US Ssnate - sr I absolutsly wouM have voted no to ttisBsn k BsHout Bill and IVs ssM so from flis bsghnbig.

OurRepidiHcsnRstformspsclfiGsllyssyswBdonlbsllevelnbslllngoutlhllsdbudnesses. Wsneed jeadera who pay attention and aupport our platfbnn. You SSS, the thiesto oome more snd more mmiy day. Ths Bsnk BsikMJt BIN msy have bean ths worst pteos of togtetation In a generetton. NotonlydoosR SHGW dbed govemment ownership of banks, but K Is bsing hiterprsted to cover almost arming. \ But tttere'h more oombig. ThaliwhyifssolmportBntKBnbiGkyssndstruesinsll^^ oonsdiutfonanst oonssnraMve toth e Senste ttfls ysar. i . IWianOpMBBs ypM ao^^ ths sulomobils Industry, ttw sdmbiisballon ussd ttie Bsnk 9 '^''MOIAIODS^^ companies enyway, even though the IsgidMon never mentions sutomobiles. II f^reshtant Obsnm, te turn, (wsd ttie Bsnk BsHout BU to inodMy Chrysler's bsnkruptc^ AFL-CIO unton to lespAog ususl bsnkniptcy taw, ssssnttaRy stsaling funds ttist shouM have gone to preferred bondhoktore Ike ttie Ibacher'a Penston of Indtana. The Bank Baltout BIH to ttie'gtt f ttmtkeep s on ghdng. And not snough Senstom in Wbshtegton DC sre ll0illiig OUR iMrtilsB. 11. Itte now very dssr. Our f^epubUcan Primary for ttie .US Senate InKY wUI be s tttank: stiuggte between the IneUers snd the outsMers. Between ttxm who want lower taxes and ttiosewh o (Over, plesss) ATRl}£ CONSERVATIVE, A REAL R£PI}BUCAN PaUtari dont BelweensmaH govemmsnt snd Ug govemment Behveen ttioee who will fight to rein in an out of oonbol Fed and ttiose who wont. The insktors dont stend for anyttiing. They Just want tomaintak i ttieir power. It mattere not tothe m what a candktate stands for, only that ttie candMate have an 'R' after their name. Tm here to ssy ttistth e Rspublcsn Psrty to sn empty vessel unless we schJsHy make ttiat 'R' msan somettiteg. During eight yesre of RepubRcsn control of ttie White House, ttie Senate, and the House of Representativee, ttieFedere l Debt doubled from $5 trtllton to$1 0 trilltan. Q Aa a party, we have been good at voting against higher taxes but not so good at voting against deficit Ki\ e|tesidlng« lllBa ^

lb pay for the debt we doubted the monetary base last year. Through frecttonal reserve banking, ttiat base can midfiply anottiar ten4btea e It teaka Into ttie aoonorny. We may hagte tope y fx tfitoii|BS8hredeb t teth e near ftitore ttirough elgnHkantlnflaflon. Ipiedtetwe wBI see prtpiw ijrtg^aef^ 1079 or worse wRhinbsoyeeis. ri If yott are fihe^ne; lhadratod by yaare of RepubHcans tsllteg us ttisy vdfi brisnoe Ita ttisn goteg ofF to WMdngton and voNng for ttwsam e pork barrel pragreme ttieDemoorat e give UBI condder supporting my run for offioe. There are tewway s s Republlcsn csn win s gsnsral etoctton In KY. Fbst, you osn give up your prindptee and nm to ttw oenter adopt the DernocTBt ptaltorm and piomtoe ttiaftyo u can get rnore fsderal pnfecte than the Denmrate. Or, you can stay tnis to your prindplee end present our Ueas and ptartffonn te a way ttwtappeat o toindependerfl s and rnodaralBB. We may loee manyof ttwee tedependente by appearing not to care or act in afiBcsly rsspondbte way. ThapubHcBBasusasbetegtefimoroftBXcutobutnotbelngtefiBnmrororvoU^ te fsderal ependlng. Many tedapenctente are ahnply ftusttated flscsloonaurvattvo B who no tongsr hsUsve that ftopuMteans

(Over, plaass) Repubficsns must regste our boltovBblllty as a party if we wtoh to regain a majority h oNher ttieHous e or ttie Senate. LIkewtoe, I am confident you and I can grow the RepubHcan Party by artteulattng ttiat ttw debt toultimatel y flnenoed by printing money and ttiatI t leads tohighe r prices HI ttw grocery store or at ttwpump . The Ibika ttwt gat hurt most by Ihfiation are ttwworidri g dass and sentor dflzena on fixedInoomss , prsctoaly ttie groupe ttiatDamocrat e continue toattrsc t more than Republtoane. I ttdnk our mesBsge doesnt need to be dbout handoute but ndher how big govemment and debt causes prioss to risefo r consumers. 1 beHeve most woriung fM fdkB are praud and not tooUngljfv a nanny state ttwtooddiaattiem ftom oadte tograve . Ittitek Ki Ml fefinwfil oome to ttw RepubUcai^ party In dioveB If we artteutato our message better. - - fM 0) i know I cen win ttitobecaua e I dont see tosuoBa s RepuUtean or Democrst I sse ttilngsno t rM stridiy teparOsa n but In terms of Iknited govemment or expandve govemment freedom or sr dato power. I wHI rstoe the money nscssssry to win ftom KMucky and around ttie nation,beginnin g thte race, I have appeared on nationalTVfive flmssan d on naUonalradte and prin10t 0 times. I But I cant win wMhout you. I csn wte If you, ths RspUbttcsn psrty primsry voter, dedde ttiat no one teD C togote g to tdl you how to vote and tfwtyo u want tosen d a maseage not Just to Washington but to our Party ttiatw e want telly ooneenrettve, HihNed govemment JenhrBonten primdplss to rspressnt our psrty. rmsskteg for your hdp. TheedahBshmentandttw quo and thrsatens ttwpowe r of tesktare.Ptoes e send teyou r oonti1bulton,bte or sinall, or ahnply send te ttw vohmteer form so we can ooum you te our flgMfo r IbnKed federd govemrne^ - and tha proBperily ttwymak e posdbte for afi. to Liberty. j

Rand Paul. M.D P.S. I'm nmning for ttwU S Senete te KY to tekeo n ttw Whshteglon estabfishmant and stend up for oonsUtottonaigovemrnant and lberty-prind|deB whtoh rnattar to ttw peopte of Kentoc^^ 1 want to woric for you, not any apactal Interest I hope youll Jote my fight agatest ttwBi g Govemment BeKway Inddere by rBtomteg your votentser form, and If you can afford tt,Indudln g a generous contributton tom y csmpaign. RAND PAUL U.S. SENATE 2010 DBclaration ofSuppnrt Farm To: Dr.fiandPaid 1332 Andrea Stteet Bowhig Green, KY 42104

tfl Ki Dear Rand, Ki fM 01 I agna! EstaMshmantpoilttctanste bote parttos are bankmpttng our natton and fleeting

• Voung for you on May 18tti. 2010 te ttwRepubHca n Primary,

a Ptacteg a Rand Paul ft)rU.S . Sanete sign tem y yard.

• Vbtantsering foryou r campaign.

You can Gdi me at (Phone #)

• Maldrw a oaneious oonlrtiutton oft $

Plaasemeke checks pgyabte to TfiBBdffBMflbr OSL


Ftetard BscOon Law rsqdrsB ttist ws odtoct ttwEmploys r snd OocupsHon or sny j donorghdngovsriaoaThtoteftxmsHontousBdftriaporttngpurposssonly.

EmotevBr OceunaSon! I Pdd ibr hy Rand Pad ter UA Baneto

NDPAUL2010.COM erge st* of those rehtioih •Hit* ulluT cnthboia- This Holiday Season, Shop with us at caiiie u|i. UiM! of < in loM'c whether tt IIM* Itir VS to cmn- Violet's C-Ottage alionsinWafmiiand unties," Jeweltsud. om Hne in can we NEW HOUDAY HOURS !liiT wrvioe for Ihe .ies tint we coUefr I'ilianiofeefficieni wagF8 thd ndse •rKairuBUhiiis have ireparing for dw catt.>ilhqjpeii& sr mg lo Sania, Mau- Ul vxKCiilive dinctor Ul der County UnMed fM Mike SdiiimK her 01 rt in Wamn Couii- rsi (til inlcfvicwed for sr on of interim dinee- ST Q HI

Watch our next U.S. Senator, Dr. Rand Paul, "ON THE RECORD'' program with Pat Crowley ICN6 Sat 12/1211:00-11:30ann ICN6 Sat 12/12 2:30-3:00pm ICN6 Sat 12/12 7:00-7:30pm ICN6 Uw Diquliir/Jiirartnpr mager Kevin Stacy SMa apaitnwnt. Sat 12/1210:00-10:30pm ICN6 Sun 12/13 8:30-9:00am ICN6 C.Q.A.S.T. QttEerts OrganizedAgainst Additional Spending and Taxes

August 3, 2009

Ul Ul

O)' Most o£ten, when we write you a letter about soneone, we're ^ writing about their votes for higher taxes, or otber ways in ^ wliicli politicians sell out the taxpayers. ^ Todayr we're writing about something a little different. Sonw men and women in public life go so far above and t>eyond as heroee of the taxpayera, that they deeerve to be recognized. One of t±08e very special few is Dr. Rand Paul. That'a why today. Citizens Organized Againat Additional • Spending and Taxea is excited to bestow the Taxpayer Defender Award upon Dr. Rand Paul for his fifteen yeara of leading the fight for lower taxes in Kentucky. Rand Paul founded the graasroots action group Kiintucky Taxpayers United in 1994.

•. ^^i^tt&•••yaiar. • -..c -^v.. ]Bvei^y aingle legialator ia ranked on tax and iiqpendiiig issues aedh aeaaion. These- tankinga have then i& tbm baefr to inform votera who ataaidB up for- theft againat the iBiir GdyeiTssent allies in llrankfort • Theae ratinga and votea have bftdjo beab. used by groups and candidates to unseat lilseral afcate lejgriiaietora. Vor exaoqple, in Bfett Quthrie'a firat* raee for the State

I ir^htKU Tl Senate, Rand Paul KTU helped persuade Brett to aign the pledge. His opponent refused and KTU placed targeted radio ads in the final days of the campaign. Guthrie's challenger called and complained that he'd never received the pledge. KTU produced a aigned mail receipt with the candidate's wife's signature. With 24 hours to go until the election, the candidate capitulated and signed the pledge and the ads were pulled. Guthrie won the race by 124 votes. Many state legislative races were won by using the Taxpayer Scorecard in canqpaigns. Ki Ki fM Mlg^.'i0f9^if'l^ -.the aboreoatd- to preyj^- -a i;a^.ll^-^ pr*-- 01 stdte^'lVigi^Tators on their voting record on tax and speiiding . . "i.!^ fNI issues. 'ST CP One candidate, Paul Marcotte of Northern KY, produced a campaign brochure headlining that his opponent got a ZERO from Kentucky Taxpayera United. Paul Marcotte won that race and served several terms in Frankfort. In addition to hia efforts with KTU, Rand Paul haa alao been a frequent guest in the media, including on Kentucky Tonight with Bill Goodman and haa become a well known political analyst because of his work on the Taxpayer Pledge. Some of the media elite, doing the bidding of the Big Government liberala, have criticized Dr. Paul for his "^absolutist* stand on raiaing taxes.

^^%^^j^SI^ISB^^ .t)Mit, conclude ^h«t goveriuneiit- ii| ,^ IM -in -yiSK^ot --of. raiaing -^texea?' Rand-. %a££^^rpiiii(dte^ thdt there are many absolutes worth defending, inciudidg. the first amendment. He never backs down .ifrom defendliig Kentucky Taacpayers. The same way aiany of us believe that even a IJ^ttle cenaoffship ia wrong, many of ua in the Taix moy^teiilht believe that, governatent has grown so incredibly large tlTat any call to increaae taxes ia Vtpinf, Particularly, since even stable rates continue to provide an increaaed revenue. In Kentucky^ the atate'a revenue haa increased

I Exhibit Jl on average over 4% per year without- raising ratea. In the recent budget battle in Frankfort, Rand Paul led the charge against raising taxes even when many Republicans gave in. Dr. Paul wrote an editorial that was quoted in statewide media coverage asking, ^Whatever happened to Republicans being the party that calls for reducing spending during periods of budgetary abortfall?" Dr. Paul pointed out that the so-called shortfall was merely a reduction in proposed increases in spending. ^ For these reasqnsand many more, COAST is very pleased to J^r" award^R^nd Paiil^tSfcirSSSS'nKI^^ 01 • o>i If you want Taxpayers have a voice in Washington, please ^ contact Rand Paul and urge him to run for Senate on the limited Q government principlea we all ahare by sending in a note in the H enclosed envelope. H And please let Dr. Paul know you appreciate his efforta in support of Kentucky Taxpayers.


Nike Moreland Norm Davia Brenda Wehimann Brett Gaapard KY COAST TakeBackKY TakeBackThiaNation KY Taxpayera Union

Exhibit J| CO ll Ul Ml fvi Ql 19 J tr ( ? ^ r I I f I u I I [ 8 f Ha I If

If 01 lii Ul fM

CD o CD Ul 04 0) fM o HI H

ExUbitJ 1

V *»<•!

CD Ul fM 01 fM -.1

O Having trouble viewing this email? aiAhmm You'ro raeelving this emsll because ef your relatlonsNp with COASTPfess. e fionOiiii your eonUnued Inteiest In reoelving emsll fmm us. You may laaulBOlIm ir you no longer wish te rseslva our emails.

fM (0 Ul

If you VB everfound yourssir oompistekig sbout sil the HMHte th s Ftopubltesn Psrty, hsrs^s your.chsncsto hsi p rssters Rto ito tius conssnarthie roote.

1. Click here to go to Rand's Tea Party pagel Youcsn rBSd sbouttoo csmpsign snd linkto othsr l^nd Paul wsbsHss.

2. Contribute whatever you can affbrdl TherBTs no mteknum, snd no mudmum sKhsr. Rsnd leslizes ths current eoonorny is tough, but he's exactly the right personto hel p you keep more of your money byforcteg th e govemment to spend less of H

3. Follow the actton herel AoontlnuouB tteksr wli Bat ths nsmss of rsosnt donors, ssnvell sstotel contributtons. You csn watch progrsss in rssi tteis. Thsnksfor csring , snd for oontteutegte hipravs our psrty snd oountiy..

Check us out online:

•fiOCQAST on Twitter • satSLsmlassbask • SSaSLBSag

Bnail MafkBHng by Exhibit J lct2 This email was sent to . . by i upHtw prnfiin/R—ii AtiHiMB I Instant lemovat with SafleUauiteaUm"' I edaaoLEaUot TRY IT FREE

Paid for by COAST Candidates PAC, Nailc Miller Tieasurar 13630 Zumstein Avenue | Ondnnatl | OH 145208

Wl to Ki fM 01 CM

Exhibit J 2 of 2 asd tiBK doaaioB tneUig te Rsad PaBh 2010 SeBMs Caspalvil I DONATEl About News •Kiney__BonBM wonoici

WEO, SEPTEMBER 23 ' (> r I [ V n () M D

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Q Effial nst dlspbykig esfiedly? VIsw a In your brosnoK

OO Ki fM 01 fM «^r O Calling all Rand Paul 20io supporters and volunteers!

Help kick OfT our voter contact progrenn by going door-te-door wWi Rand Raul and Ms femllyl Join ua on January 30th at 10:00 AN aa we go doop-to-door In LouMIe dobig a brief, 2 queaUon voter aurvey. Tlila voter contect progiam la the weyto carry Rand Paul over the top In the Republican primary, and you can helpl

Meet ua at the wei-Mart parfdng lot at 7101 Cedar Springa Blvd. (1-265 Gena Snyder FWy at BardatDwn Rd) bi LaulsvlUe on the morning of the Rally Far The Republicana aa we Uck our campaign Into high gearl We'll coUect voter dote fhim 10:00 A.M. until 2:00 P.M., and then make our wayto th e Rally at the Kentucky FWr and Expo Center.

And es an added Incentive, the top volunteers who coDect the moat Voter ID'S wHI get an InvRatkmto a prfveto recepUoii with Dr.^ Rand and Ron Paul beftora tha Rally For Hie RepubHcanal

Pleeae wear neutrel dothing (no campaign ahbta, buttona or aUckera). DelBlb WHOi All Rend Raul 2010 aupportera end volunteera WHATi Mdr off our voter contact program by gobig Door 7b Door with Dr. Rand M and Ibmllyl WHBNi Sahufday, January 30di 2010 O 10:00 AM EST WHESBi WUMart peridng lot, 7101 Cedar Sprtnga Blvd, Lwlavllle Kf 40291

ExhIbltJ Thank you,

AndyDamera MMcalDbector

Ybu sre tessMMHWi smsl because yeu suppled your anuS sdriren ta us st www.wndlasul2010xom er at i event wah aamfM. Ilbu can be rasMMod^^ to Mt I GuBUUBjJdsH I, Rand M fly US Ssnats CDimnRtBa ^, 1332 Andrea Sbeat ^ aowtteOrasn^Nnbidiy 42104 CO m ^ OapyreM(Qaef0esfltfAHrfftrlSSBnalsOamniltae4ff«eMs Ql fM


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