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H m W M t h ir 9,109 ; •« 0; & : ngM MtaieheUw^^A CUy o f Vitiag0 Chmm

V0L.LXVUN0.1 !•) Ma n c h e s t e r , c o n n ^ SATURDAYybcroBEH'ii, i m € (TWELVE PAGES) TRICE THREE CENTS Five Aboard Bpmber Beveritjlge Attacks United > ^andlUig of Reich

Grash; I^wby, England, O ct <*^-aa *^Horrlblf mesa" and ’It la coit- To Support Lord Beverlcge, Liberal., and I tag us much In repuUUon for ds- author of Britain's cradle to tbs mocracy, tolerance, Jdatloa and grave social ascurity plan, de­ bohdr, clared today that democracy can­ H«%-eee Suffering laCa-ltabla not be taught In Oermany through "Severe Buffering In Garmany on "repression and proscription.” vma Inevitable after defeat,” ha Of Land to Hung; declared, "but we are doing many The Potsdam agreement h* .A said In a Speech prepared for a ‘ things not InevlUbIs. . . . T Uberal rally, nulUfied that ” mag-t-1 "In the Atlantic charter—a Czech Cdpipromise Pro* Two Acddentfl in Tea nifleent liberal document” — the magnificent liberal documant—wa Striker Jailed in Stiidlo Disorder Atomic Backfire ■ '■ Atlantic charter—and ”we are. go­ proposed ae aims for all naUona posal X to ' Tranafer Soup Fog Eight Mil^ t ing back In victory on what we improved labor standards and eco­ saw In war." nomic advancement: For all 2(MLmM> Mayl^ara to Apart in Virginia Beveridge said conditions (h During Night; Pfahes, British apne ot ‘Germany wars In (Coetiniied Ca Page Fmr| H^gary Throngli Bi- Attempting to Land teral /Agreement Under 300*Foot Ceil­ Court to Decide Be Backed ^irst; ing, Strikie .Within America Will Ipaist Period of 40 Minutes Fate of Steers Shift ’ Be Voluntary' Alexandria, Va.,' O ct 12^— Paris, Oct. 12.—(A>—Lieut, ijcn. Walter B. Smith tdd (/P)—^Two plane crashes in a New York, Oct. 12—(ffV—While ^ to obtain meat outside of cuato- the Peace conference today pea soup fog eight miles a herd of Texas atecra graaed Idly ^ a ^ trade aourcee. that the United States was apart last midnight killed all In a Fluahlng, (j^eens, paalure taU Bsplalne Idea B«4ilnd Order ready to back the transfer of five aboard an Army bomber toning up on New York dty grtM , Harold N^Oohen, OPA rsglonat some Magyar-populated areas bu; spared 26 persons who their owners, the Oenerd^lSteei enforcement executive, explained Products corporation, andJUle UPA taht toe idea behind toe order was of Cxech^ovakia to defeated crawM from the blazing squared off today tot~9/VRgal bat­ that the Idea behind the order waa lungary if necessary. Smith, wreckage of a big EUwtern tle to decide their fatol available could be distributed ntoSt :he U. S. ambassador to Rua*- Airlines DC-4. The planes, ’The 88 steers were purobased by equitably through customary ^trade ■la, aald toa United States would atterapUns to land under a 800- ’Ibomas F. Keams, president of toa circles. support Csachoalavakia’a oompnt- foot c^ n g, atruck within 40 mln- emnpany, to., provide meat for flla But said John J. MeQlnty< attor­ mtea propoaal to tranafer 800,00t utaa of aack other In the acrub 160 employes, but toe OPA Invoked ney for the corporation, yeatarday: Magyars from Csach Urrttocy to pine counUyalde near here, a few When the three men, above, aBegedly tried to aell photoa of the atomic a ruling adilch said amqrgency “ No law—GPa or otoerwiao— Hungary through a bUaUtal nlJea aouth o f Waahlngton. bomb to a Baltimore, Md., newipaper for 87.000, the FBI stepped pt' slaughtering was banned for has been brought to our attention igracmant Appareatljr Bit* Lamber PH# and arrested them on a cW gc of publlriilng photographs of the big groupa not previously In thi llva- "Bvary effort should ba mada,” B^wltneaaaa aald the DC^, eo secret. Left to right are farmer Amw Cepl. James Bamea RUU. 86, stock buainess who purchaaa cattla . (Oenttaned an .Pngs FOnr) Ganaral Smith declared, "through , route from Miami to New YeVk Chattanooga, Tenn.; George Wallace OoBaer, 28, Bel Air, Md., a for­ minor territorial changae If naea*. via Atlanta, apparently hit a mer Pfe. in the A. A. F.; and Miles Frederick DaubCnheyer, 26, also •ary, to reduce to the minimum . farmer’a lumber pile aa the pilot of Bel Air, once a flight cadet. A Department of Justice statement the number of people torced to groped blindly through the denae ■aid toe pictures of toe bomb were obtained by one of the men while leave toqlr ancoetrsl homee" under fo g fo r, a landing. The ahip ca­ he was serving with a bomber squadron In the Paciflo In 1945. (NEA Outlaw Bands Flee. •uch an agreement” reened againat a well houae, rip­ telephoto). ______atrtag Ot aiav apeeitiM ped Into a SAOO-volt high tension power line craahed In a valley and To Rug^d Terrain Smith’s statement was aand- bunt into Samea. wlchad between a atrtag ot Slav Debrla waa atrewn over half a One o i some 60 pickets arrested at HoHywOod's Tadhnleolor studto epeechaa which opened plenary sea- mile o f Um wooded muddy terrain Political Campaign during a new outbreak of violence In toe Jurtedictional dispute between wm dabato on the paaeo paA toe Salonika, Greece, Got. 12—MPV—^ The first official announcement rival AFL movie unions te carried to a patrol wagon by police Who Hungary—tha fourth «C five treat* about five miles aouth of here. at action by armed vUlagera ‘It waa Incredible that anybody Heedqxiarteni of the. Greek Third bi^e up lines of oMrchlng plekete. (AP wtrepboto). _ _ _ _ ies to be cooatdeved. Blav delegatee Army announced today that out­ againat lefttet bands cams from urged Hungary to Jeta more aolld* t out alive,” aald one ot. the the Tillage of Baalt oa. the Gulf of SIt peraona to reach the acene.'" r Ranges Par Afield law bands ta central Macedonia ty with too Blav-Penabtea group at ‘The plane'a winga were ripped hid been cut to pieces and rem­ Voloi aoutheeat of Larisa. The gov- etatee. nants were fleeing to cover ta rug­ emmsat. which recently dtecloeed oft and the cabin fuselage waa T ------— ^ Marine E h^eers Ease TIm United Btotea titeiatod that burning furiously halfway down Communists in Yugo­ ged torfata traund Mout Olympus. a plak to arm civilians, said two aay tranafar o t Hungariana fMaa the hllL Part o f a wing lay In Its most optimlaUe-eoramu- villagsra and one gendarme were Caechoelevakla be vAuntary a»d Truman A ction nlque alnca mopping up^ began wquafled ta a cltarti In which abend 1,000 feet away on the hilltop. ■ / slavia and Philippines by Mlatoral agreement, Barith eakt One of the puna’s four motora aeveral weeks ago, .fha military was put to flight Settlement Conditions ahd would be watdUiig to ••• O ld waa 500 feet ott to the alda Little Included; Snow Says aald attacks by bands believed to Am otoig To AveM Starvatfea It was aarrtai out with "leatralnt* placea of ateel were scattered all On IVIf^at Lack be aimed at reestablteblng “ The army aald bands now srere "F or huatealtarlaa riaaeaw w* over the Arid.” Housing Obstructed etrengto ot the Elas eonld ba rs- jdjUMng to avoid...... starvation, The gard^^ aa a falhira. coffinusique on mopping up qpe»- New Negotiating Policy. ara unal^ to>rqkjetth tbvor.qp- €Xwi)kii Off PMMMfffffs A«im>rttlea several times hav4 tions «4>orted a sharp rsouctionnin Cwital Hotels m tiMwtlig ta a itdaty, at paSM One by one ttw atowacSMa Mlaa Expected Soon By The Ansoclatcd PreM Ppena for Pwr the prtael^ of torcM IrieBnr at reported the .eetsuN of documents srUvity ot the bands snd predict- popidatlona hy nnUateral kcUoa.* Betty CaeMra, SS, o t Allentown, The political campaign in and plans whleh they aald showed ed "full auecess’’ for tte central Pa., aecked off the Si adidt pea- Connecticut ranged far afield flible Resumption o t Hit by Strike he esM, adding that he hoped the aen^^rs as they emerged from the President Ponders Argu­ atforta to reorgantsa the teftlat re- — aaetofid o f bUateiral negottatSoa today, and included such sub­ slstanoe Army- (Oenttaned On l%gs Fanr)- Talks With Op^lorti escape hatch of the flaming fuaa- ments in Favor of and ..'■j.S:' would be uaed ta dealing with lage. Then she shephered them jects as (Communists in Yu­ Service at 18 o f Waflk •ome other dteagreemente betweeh to the top of the hill for safety Against Easing or goslavia and Communists in New Yoi‘k ,,O ct. .12.— Hungary and Roaaanla—which has in case of an exploaUa. the Philippines. It was Gov­ A new negotiating policy for­ ingtonV HoatelrWi bean awarded heavily Megyar-pop* Mra. Marvin Edwards of Sweet- Scrapping of Controls ulated iMitham Traneylvenli boro, N. J., came out with her ernor Baldwin, Repuhlican mulated by GIO Marine Engi­ On Cafeteria Style Hungary ‘ ’Uneatlaflaaaoty** Tenanfl candidate fo r '^United States neers, easing their conditions shoes torn off by the plane’s Im^ WariUngton, O ct 12—(fl^ P real- /■■■ .1. ■■■sJ Yugoalav and UheohMlovali dOo> pact, but with her lO-months-bld senator, who talked about the gmtam MtttaA In Miate atStO* dbaL’riuinan.today pondered argu­ :'or settling the 12-day-oId . Washington. Oet;il2-;<«)r—ll»a son safe In her arms.------“ Ruaatan —’Tha^lewcd. In addition td the meatlsse, they would not retlirp to the peace The AFL eonvenUon was In re- Washlagtea. Get. it.—-<#>— BfiP- not be fqretold. oeaa today unUl Monday after Bimuiael Ccller (D., N. T.) argefl Ms seaalona with raportera. these matters.” Tha niajorlty predictions ware lasUtuUon of two meatless days a Btaaaen advocated: table until.toe government called L Removal of aU controls, cell reaching toe half-way nark in Its today that the 88,766,666,666 Brit­ Frae Trial Gemtnateed YsMhhig Te United Stetoa based on toe aasqmpUdn that the week ta all public eating placea te ttff Ita drive on Kalgan. a city of Dr. V^audta Clark Fry, presi- tags subsidies a^'restrlctlona------from 'ivab greater etrateglc value than program. ish lean be fraeea •• leag aa Gieab He empbaalaed that the United voters would hew closely to party recommended^by Forgier Gov, The receee eunw after delegatee Btateg. conatituUoa guarantoea dant of the church and former Unas. If tote proved to be com­ m eat \ / their political capital at Yenan. Britahi "eonttauee ta rebuff PijP*' free trie! end that the Supreme Akron, O., minister reported that pletely true, toe cIlArier would be Harold E. Btasten of Mtanaaota aa 2. Bnltetmentnt ^f . voluntary c^ Oen. Chou En-Lal, who walked gave formal endoraament to a re­ dent Truauw'’ on the Paleenaa European Lutheraiw arc looking a method of relieving tha meat operation of the people, as a whole out on peace talks In Nanking port urging eetaWtehment o f an qaeetMa. "XB assBeya ereditafil to vourt has sat aal r) If five stops be proposed were fel- •0-dajr'supply by sny user. « Ou Paee Blthtb iff PhM SaMI N'. ■.V’ Tt^ ■ z

.;*■ i^ W iV E E R IZ, 184% TREiai nAMCHCSTCit pvBwiNO in£IUll4$, lUui|CHSliTER« OONFf, SATUBDAT, OCIDBEB 1Z» !««• ■ / MANCHESTER EVENING RERALD. MANCHESTES, CoNN.* 5ATU1 ./ ■ • . ------■ TT- II " ■ * ------■’ - ' ------r - ^ ------* ^ rH' •■'''■ ------teaclteto’ mqetlng lvt}ib rtnirch OddT" Tomorrow'a will p. m. ; >iiBuml*.v Will VdmeiTa Day," IcoUectton 'will be' made by tee che«tcr In tha aftacwMB. fevra. GuateTB Hate«>*i'» **®P Alvar, artlclea tor.te* Chrlattoaa baiaar: .Pearion Fund. _ flAROLD Jr^LEESE AGENCY cat terminal leave. 7:80 p. pa>^on'a Clutybowllng_ 11:00 -- -io a.m.—ChureW.a.m.—ChurcB time "te** ^ t;th h 'Mrs.'Mr*. GaiGae' l|[lm6nc*lll a ^ {ila rria d Couples club^ For Cl^ei^ Way to Khooia will ha cloaad tor the day County Y Program IRCLS Mra. Ridyard as to be CoUteted, call Ea>l *Tt*a Aa Eagg To Raneaaber Aa LEND LBASC” AflopU Its Crest on the 25th for tea tjathauf «on- ^,-ltofrtllCroaa. alao.V)f H ^ Rlvwr at Murphy’s 4»j5y»r. _ «ry Mra. Hjalmar Carteoii W Bufiitler. la a patient at jilewlngton Vetaraba^ t-aS B m.—Wadtear wtU charge. t*L 6469. WRItlNG ALL LINES OP INSURANCE ventlon, which tvlU ha held aa uau- SUN. • MON. AND TUES. 7:30 p.m.-4to*etal evening Alt' In the come ,ty ire Invlt- al In varioua pirta od tea atato. The Hartford County.' T.W,CA. Hama. • NOW ^ ENDS SUN.* m i T t a 'o t o - PROPERTY OWNERS. ATTENTION! 01(1 Scout Troop i? decided up­ ♦be totted la tee wertdy buUetln. Ice sponaorednyl^ered by Ou Oovanant-ffl I®*® l® re observance of Oiarrh Of The Naiarene Z ’' ‘ Shortage of Housing A meeting of tea W eU M e farm and the Hartford Omi^ T.M.OIA. NOTHING LIKE 4T Caster 7:80 p. m.— Training LeSgiM with Allred pteaon>ln these specialr ------rvices which will A'Opmprebenqtare Prraonaf Llablllty Policy PriMecta Ton, Tnnt on the JaoQuIl aa ita eroat and yel­ FIRST SHOWING! MUtetor BL toaeee'e Batads CSteoBe School tor Eaat Hartfobdand Man- with 446 'Haln *treet low Uaa togWfedUi green unlfortni. Bureau group waa hold •naAJtiaa- ara; joining to aponsbr tea appaar- CMfferd oarer charge. Tli* speaker of the eve­ cohttnue thwftigh thic month and Wife, Your- 41illdi>en. and Any Relativee Uvtag WItk Task day evening at tea homa h f IVIR ilPOMil FiederHi at. We Dtreeter .e< Bev. WaitaM J. Daaa. Pastor cheater Mqthodlat c h u r ^ First Rev. Jamee iA. Young, pastor 9tO,0«M WORTH of PTetoCtlon tor Only |I0.«0 a Tear or 98A4 • at tea optnlnf Swaung of the new «/ire in Hartford, thla Coming MancheMer Rev. rtedmdek MeLaaa, Aaqiatairt ning will be Rev. Biteeett Sweden- tee SundaJ’s in Novambar, Intermodlato troop tete.week. The Fxlward A. Foote, with tee making Mim-WtllEWIt aearion to ba held in SouUrteureh. berg of Haddam Neck. Conn. 8|^ Year When Pnrchaaad fob n 3-Year Term. / -IfMioBii AM odation o t Uanchasler Vatarsiud Tuem^ afternoon and avanteg ^ 8ter. Befeart J. 4ffaod, Fly*'oounea, flrat, TTi a WtitaM’a Sunday aervicea: troop meeta Tuhraday ^terpooD* of coata aa the feature. Mra. Alban dal musih-wlll be furnished W PHONE M37 OR WRITE 88 WALKER STREET Service Caster Emmy Sweybruck, world Morning aarvlee 11:00 a. to. Bbetety of Chrtetlan Sarvlca, Mrs. 'Doarordla Lnttaanui 9:80 p. m.—Church etfhool, Study TRaal Estate Boards at tea HoUlatar aehool under'the BlUard waa inatnictor. Bha- la at­ i)ale Book rNEnHiini <1^ Itobert Widham, Jr., and the Hm - erdni and Winter Straata FOR COMPI-ETE/PARTliirtru1-AR8! I-. \ I ea CMiar s t m t . tending the Tolland Oounty coat renownid teacharrdaalfiiar, te a MB Prehida. "Arioao"—Bach. Sunday R Charlaa Johnabn. teacher. the BUde with uar Claaees for all leadorahlp ot Mr% Olivo Recave. let turc. demonatrxuoa and Inatroo F«r amiltits. 7. 8:30. «:M and t l :d*m Neek String R®v. Karl Richter, F v M r W ould Rdiw Rents to (Wnt ta Mnnteipnl Buildteg) making achooL Pnmphlfta ware Mooday, Oct. 14 Hymn, “O Day of Root and 'nuraday, 9:00 p. m.—Rummage ba, served following th* o o c ^ . ages. Tannyaoh McFali. supertn- *U ii not the Premiam, bat the Protection that-C^i All d>rta In tela troop are in the lion claba in BtencHteg.todaBqsM. Ja tha upstairs church. Chfidroa’a .Marjorie I. GaffMg tendant.. 'Talapbana SSSt and 5441 tendirfaot rank and ara working given out giving valuahla^hdvtee lT o fe 4 ^ Zwcybruck. s patlva of PatTay *'AmeriCana spaak",Hb|- Oladnasr’—Maaon. ____ mU. ^ p ^ r e d by th* Stanley The-ixdiea bf th* church wUltoteK Force M bdng how to do praeticaf week and at Anteom. 'T Walked Today maaaaa in lower church, 8:80 and -Mlniator of Muale '' }0;45 a, m.—Morning Worahip. for* thalr aaeond claaa rank. To ViehP* whefa aha aaiabUahad am} Uataf auditorium. . •:45. the nddeaeaiy Items for th* r a fr * ^ ■ Director—l^athan B. Gtetch* the aame time gtva your eoala a Meeting aponsored 4>5f HolUater, Wketo Jeans Wallied''—O’Hara. * ^ tiir d a y . 6:45 p: m.—Oiolr re- menta. A Special welcom# Sermon by the pastor: "The WU- obtain thia rank they muat do rondutied an untqua aChoo| tor Bnhiy B. Tartniry. soprano. 6:$0 a. m. "Sunday School and oil. OanBothteg in all the ten flelda of •■claaay': appearanoa Which ‘%lll creative with chUdrao, will Highland Park ahd Manchaater PLVfe hesrsaL nata pt Our Bplrit." ‘ keep them from looking home Anthem. "Turn Te Beta to Me* Bt. BHdg*t% B. C. Bible classes. K. Richter, suparin- 6 ;w p. m.—N. V. P. S. MUs WuhiBfton, Oct i» — Aaai^taiit Dtractor ^ Walter SoDuUng: Arta and Crafta, Com­ com* f® M artf^terough tea eour- Green P.T^t/S. T ^ N a lch Kntertatamantl Bov. Mmas B. Ttaomlaa, PMto made, or iBcklprln atvla. Other Maatteg, Manchaater Garden GALB PHIL enter—Harker. BoMUMtol LtataWM Tueeday,. *6:MI p.m.--J3oeiflrBi*- tondent.'pro tem. Mart cm E: Janas, president. H oulM slMrUMT munity Ufa, Health and . Safety, teey of the Amertedn^Tayon Com­ Bev.' Bvonlalaw Oadarowahl ai 10:15 a.-m. Morning Worship. IlM NftUoaia Anedatioe of secretary—BUnbath Waah- ciaaeaa will fpBow. Mira. Albert Ctelg Cahur church houaa. Spaak- ■tGflM '■ BEGAN Hymn. "Jaous Gallo Ua"—Jude. ChBNii fit. Oppeolto Blyrtle tlon instruction. 7:80 p. m.—^angeliatlc service. H o m a m a k in g, IntahiaUonal pany, Sermon, ‘*8omo Inflnltlvto of Bov. atebart X. OarTaB, Aaatetanta Oixler of Servto* . . lUol BaUU BoftcAi c o m today etewich. ' Frlendahlp, Uteratu'ra and Drama- Conlidge win antartate tea group Profeiter Zweybruck Is tea au­ Mra. Robert J. Scott. „ CONNIE BOSWELL Bov. Theodor* Pataner, Psator Tueadfiy, 7:80 p.hy4-Cholr Paotor’B aubjeett^/’The Way to DR. ROBERT LYBURN Counaelltny: 10 to IS noon; 1 on the 14th and ooata win ba cut. thor of aeveral boolUr tha li **SwinK Parade Of 1946** lito." " Ctnnnoo WJ Helelag, hearaal. / / Prelude "Gran(rQhorua’’ Gullmant Rlghtaouaneas." wltk wlia^. Jt Uiinka, ta a way to : tlpa, Muaic and Dancing, Nature, Tuesday, Oct. 18 "To Bo" (Matteow 8:48). MaaoM on Sunday at 7:80, 9, 10 Anthem "Gloria" ; ...... Moaart «uw tlia houolnf ihortafo. j to 4 p. m:: S to 13 on Satur- teg^ Out-od-Doora and Sporta anU(^ TbdTbomaa Arr. by'HoUoer Thy W oi^', Bach. eouaneoa is life; snd In the path' Mlnlater ad Interim wSUra n a y aould doubla up. about tea hawina haw teortan. Carroll Dunham, r., aaaaaaor; ■treat auditorium. Sponiorshlp of welcome. Sermph aubject, "False and True Bat tha boarda, te a l«»»tby Ua aaya tea maanlnf which the withdraw hla name In (Unr ot Mr. Offertory— way thbeof .there ia no death." board of tax review, Clarance V. Nutmeg Foraat, Tall Cadara of E A S T W O O D • END* TODAY The Week' Glory," Ernest Coeman. Orgaatet ShUeteeat warn aeatiiat letting the geramwant puta an Sgana In I*" ■ Vliltora ware prwpntTTrom Man- Woodward but after aovetol votaa, Lebanon.' "Othera" ^ . Shields SelecUona from the Blbld Include ... ■.* lUthbun; Brat aalaotman, Win- Mr. Holt won but on tha Sflfe bal la a i — Baal Harttori Monday— _ Poatlude— Poitlude: Choral—Roellinann tee following: “How long wilt thou AU Work Pone ■UbBa ba '^bamboaolad.’* boualsg ahortaga la ^ o t to cheater GrangjiJtoMtnaaa the de­ Thuraday, Oct. 31 ‘THE BIG SLEEP*^ 7:00 p. m.—Boy Bcouto, Troop 7:p.m.. Mission aetvlce aponaor- <%urch school at 0:30 a. m. * TBajr alia tla ta the oiaat Uiort- truaUd. throp S. Porter; aaeond, Laroy lot. Mr. Holt is X fairly American Laron's Hallowe’en -"Arioso” ...... Handel sleep, O sluggard? when wilt thou Morning worahip, 10:45 a. m. Klmiay, andoraad by both partlea; gree worit-at the matting of El- n U B "THE INNBB OIBOLB” 28. Emost Irwtn. Koutmaster. ed by tee MiasionXry Circle. Thei with the hosatag ahortago, rurthar, Barnard aaya, "no good dent in Columbia.but a man partlea for children in varioua parte 7:00 p.' m.—Girl Seouto. Troop Sermon— , arise out of thy aleep?" (Provarba Prelude, Andante In G—Merkel. third, Clarkaon P. Bailey; agent Ilng^ph'ISiange Wedneaday night. wide expertencae Havlnb been an' Inevitable Standards, for speaker wlU be Mias HUdegarde 8:9). both oa .poUtlca. la aoootnptWMg taf trying to temr town. 1. .MlM Emily Smite, leader. Swanson, for a number of years Anthem, "O Lord, How Mani­ B y E x p er ts The MoaMtat ad' tha boar^ booala ovarybedy." town dapoalt fund, Oladya Miner, Strict Deputy WUbur Little arid engineer for International Tela- Batarday, Nov. 3 Free Men. (Correlative passagea from the fold—Barnby. 7:45 p. m.—Loyal Circle King*a in the Mission Field in India, and CRriatlan Science textbook', "Sci­ Emoat Patetaen In- Bayd iTB aiaard od PMladalpbte. n# doaan't aay directly who la •hdoraad bv bote partlea; grgnd'' Mra. Little, IpvenUa Deputy, were phone and Telegraph In South 8, Margaret's Circle D. Daughters, Mra. Rachel Hlden, 6H)0 p. m. Youth Fellowship Offertory, Come Unto Ma— Aurora; Philip Clark, Rdm<^ Hour la the Social Room. /The soon to leave for Africa. ence and Health with Key to the vltaa Ton To Oet CompMla Detelta tiytog to do tea baraboanUhg. . among tea^Sueata. Morton E. America and Europe tot more than of 1. 'Brltlah-Amertcan Club. leader. Froellch. ^ O a a way to raWaya t*a^loaitog llo, Gardner Shorey, twelve yeara. Mr. and M n. Holt WALTZES HOPS Devotional period will b* In Tlie week:- Scripturea," by Mary Baker Eddy, About The D. A. V. TMspRoo* Prornptar Scrvica Without Any ThompaeqtMoiMdtt'k voty waleomc y, Nov. 13 Tueaday— . Monday., 3:30 p.m.. Girl Bcouta Baptismal service. Ataaaad laaawdtataly ia ta gat ltd Can, and Philip Jfim tn , Gearga have just returned from a 11,600 charge of the First Department. Include thp' foUowlng (p. 347): Poitlude, Fugue In B Flat Ma­ 7491. MestlagB Every Seeend and meaoaga that tea State Ovaraaer, FrlandtyvClrcle Basaar, South 10:00 to 11:00 a. m.—Paator’a meeting. The dream that matter and error ad rant oontral. Kramer, Dampefma; raglatrar of mile automobile trip over tha Vnl EVERY SAT. NIGHT office houre. The topic for dteCtiaaioK will be jor—Bach______Psnrtta Tneaday At State Artaory, Publir Recordi Mr. Roberta, who haa been very ill Methodiit church Scout Room at A "Being a Real Person” Which will 6:30 p.m.. Boy Scouts will meet are something must , yield to rear Sacrifica of Quality •Thara te ooar oonauteptlon of votara, HartM L. Gray; board of In the hoapltal. haa raoovprad and ted States. Mr. Holt atatas that In 8:18 P. St. to U MMalgfet 6:80 p. m.—Girl Bcouta, Troop Sunday at 6 o’clock tho Mu Sig-1 * ^* **' all that tour there waa only one ^ M oaA ^ Nov. 18 be presented by Clifford Dolaen 8:00 p.m., Baethoveh Glee Club ■on and reviMtlon. Then mortala M r Mtetteg apaoo. Wa have aov- adu^ttra, Robert B. Foote, Ray- returned to hla home, WMIneaday. G Clef Club 18th annual con­ 7. Misa Irene Morrison, leader. ma Chi aoclety will meet at the a n i auniM p a ^ wta>, baoauaa Smite, Rapubileana, Harold place which might appeal to him and ^ e discuoalon Wfll be opened ;rehersal. - will behold the nothingness of The Orange voted the Home Eco- cert, Emanuel Lutearan church. 7:80 to .8:80 p. m.—Board of Tueaday, 3:15 p.m.. Brownies church for a social and buaineaa ad B bsib raatA a n oMa to buy R. Kean, d.; eonatablaa, Joaaph aa much as Columbia aa a perman­ by Louise Perasem knd Billy Kee- ■Icknesa and sin, dnd sin and alck- nomica committee oould put on a WedaoMlay, 1 ^ . 37 — Ctaiiatlan Education at the par­ meeting. ^ roeeUng. AU young padpls of tte Battar Claaning ■ten Jtauabu apaoa than thalr Uh W. Harry Bngland to X Griff Ing, Chartpa Rathbun, Harry ent residence and that was Port­ St Mary’s Hdl i^ey. Thla will be interesting. nesa will ' dteappexr from con- aupper on November 2 for the Jer- Annual Turkey, O o ^ and Pig sonage. 8:00 p.m., Senior Luther League church are invltod to attend. Sana nsuld nenaally aUow. iSright, pnporty on Rlrkham, Julaa Rcblllard, Leo land, Oregon. .8:00 p. m.—Buaineaa and Pro- The regular monthly Council ■ciouanesa.” The Week aey Cattle Club. BaU of Hose Co. No. 1 BMFD-at Main Strstt meeting w ill. be held wlte the meeting Omitted. Next meeting to ***Appr(Mdmataly tb00,000 Uvliig atraat , Mowalakl, d.,-Albert Turgeon, d., Juntlcea of. the peace named fn Chaney hall. feaoiahal Women’s tflub. Wednesday there will be a Mite whleb wan daaignad for two Tha Allan Ra^ty Oomaany to Dale Abom, aon of Mr. ahd Mr*. tha caucus ware Newton B-. Smith. Quarterly (inference this month be joint Halloween party with Jun­ Gospel Hall At Raosonabla Pricat Julaa RabUlard, d., Joaaph Ben- Empaon Abom of Maple atreet, haa East Hartfont Conn. 8:00 p. m.-i-Oroup C,-Mra. Wil­ ior Luther League on October 29th. ar aaon paopla a n now oeeuptod John P. MeASatay and Virjhala alngar, d. Paul Myhave'r and Donald Wood- Thnraday, Nov. *8 liam Aatley, laadar. Refreahmenta Tuetday,' 7:48 p. m. Th* First 415 Center Street - 1Hf YEAR by eoly one panea baeauaa of MeAnaany, property bn Hackma*' cnllotad for a year and a half In the Ward. Thanksgiving Day Road Raee, Parking in the Ranr. will be served, and a social time ()uarteriy Conference will be paid Wedneeday, 7:30 p.m., Emanqel Sunday: Out of approximately 400 votera Army. Ae haa gone to Fort Dix, Choir rehersal. elaaea niita. V " tack atraat. only 848 VO tea ware oaat, eqaallng ' Harvey S. Ccllina, chairman of sponsored by Army and Navy clu ^ WUl follow the buaineaa meeting. in the Social room. Dtet.- Supt 10:80 a.m.—Breaking of Bread. aMa.sd..thia feted. Xdward and Oraea Baaaatt to N. J„ where he will be aasifened to the Republican Town committee Wedneaday, Dee. 4 ■’ The hootesaes wlU ba Mra. Grace Oatn will be present and preside 8:00 p.m.. Board of Deacons at 12:15—Sunday school. 1946 MANCHESTER about $8 par cant. Charlea M. Lar- a permanent post. the home of'Mr. and Mrs. Hilding al A Landon The Snt of the comnlunlty dan­ dial In t^tlon ia extended to all Thla may become a very strong CaU4386 jnnuifeatoiy bo anUaUo fw aat- W b with Clarkaon F. Bailey aa mod­ Mlaa Fannie Barber, aocompan- coming year. at^ ux, property on Lenox atreatc ces, for raaldanta and their invited men interested In 'joining this troop with your help. Mloaloa Sonday Before 6 P. N. SanM nad athota. ^ erator. Tha two budget aa pre­ ted Mlaa Marlon Pease and Mrs. guests only, w ^ 'ba held to-night Bridgeport, Oct. 13—f/P)—Mrs. -A Mefroalni Rongotl, group. The entertainment will WMlneoday, 7:30 p. m. The 9;00 a. m., Sunday aehool''and "Thata unita wauld taka the pared, waa accepted. Roada and PratC apant Wedneaday In WU' at Yeomans Hall. Theto will be 32, of Brook­ feature Albert BiMee of Windsor, Leadmbip Training Institute will Buckingham Cdngregational „ a S n e B tha ImaMdteto houateg B. Kvelya Reed and Edith B. bridgao ware taken care of. Pro- llamaburir, Maaa., aa gueeta pf Mrs. round and square dances and It line, Jjfasa., and her daughter, / Church .. Bible claaa. Here’s One Sure Way of Jeohna, 8, were patients at St. formerly principal of th* Glaston- hold Its flrat aetolon at South 4:00 p. m.. Mission Festival Eaton to Corrado Pugllal, leeae of caada of the Bale of the Jagger and Calvin McCray. > ^ . Is hoped this will be the beginning Club b i ^ I ^ b acbool. Mr. Endee haa Methodist church. Rev. Philip M. Roee, Minister llHMit digging furtbar Into the alort apaw at lOTT Mate atreet for Gull achoolhouaea were approved The Republican yl®®!®” "'•t Vlneant'a hospital today, auffaring Service. Guest preacher. Rev. of a veralSed recreationat program a widoapnad 'reputation for hla Thursday, 7:16 p. m. The Youth Walter G. Bninn, Ciiaplaln. Klnga IteiiaiiU ahortaga, and Unking It ahoe repair eaUblUhment at ytarly aa going into’ tha aehool fund, caucua Thuraday .bight at 8 p.m. for the town, both young and old. from oarloua injuries Incurred 10 a.m.—^ u rch school. whan they fell from a moving auto­ aleight-of-liaiid performances. Choir WiU rehearae at the church. County hoapltal. New York, the M thtSa aaarolty ad meat. Barnard rantat of 1480, payabU at $40 a amounting te about $808. It In the Ellington Town Hall for the Evan 8. Kullgien will be in charge Chianti 7:45 p. m. The Senior Choir will 11 a jn .-^ orn ln g worship. The Making Veterans Happy! mobile on tee Merritt parkway In Tburftey-7- largest acute, general hoapltal in aaya: mante. waa voted to widen the road be­ purpoae of nominating a Candida^ of thf^dance. 8:W to''4:00 p. m.—Paator’a of­ theme of tee service la. "Looking REMINDER... for repreaant^ilva and justice of Fairfield jreatarday. State police Preaenta have ite regular rehearsal In the Back_pp bur Sowing." tee world. , .r *thir awn atudtn tadloato that Marrlaga IntonMona tween tha $oldltra' Park and the Mlaa Katharine Chrlatof has ■aid tha child opened the door of fice hours. Social room. New members are tt wa w an nllowad to buUd 700,000 town clark'a ‘ office by about 10 peace. / closed "Rose Cottage" her sum­ 8:00 p. in.—Brush-up course In The ^nance (tommlttee of the 10:00 a. m. (not 11)—Annual Mary Margant Sullivan, 38 Ed Simon Cohen waa nominated for a car being driven by Mra. Eva DANNY DANIELS Incited. church/1a sponsoring a card party Misalon Festival Service In the Ger­ or SOOAOO unita a ya«r without tha gartoa atnot and Don B. Dalay of feat to the tnteraectlon, by taking mer home in Columbia Center and e o n t ^ t bridge, aponaored by Friday, 6:30 p. m. Family ------I ad s oranteaasttJuatAa wa reprcaentatlve and Carl'A.-Qoelxr^ George of Bropkllne.„and her moth- MUBIG tor 'Aeaday evening, Oct. 15, at man language. __ ' 43 Church atraat mfiTJohn Henry m altce off the B."Or'Lord place “left: WednwBdsy to wtum to her ar lunged artar her. Mra. Rongetl, m SE N C l ' Grom B, Mra Hoisted Tiffany, Night'With *—Pot-luck” supper. j ______^ bo- ing, Edwin Finance, Mrs. Walton home in Baltimore, Md. She was IB "ROSE ROOM" THI3 elgh^ o’clock In the social room. Lalater. Navy, of 185 Hackmatack frontage, atato, owned. Thla will American bom widow of a Greek ktator. Bring whatever you wleh and cof­ Thy committee consiats of Mra. Quarryvllle Methoifist Church fa n tea war, fii two yania tte allow care, to paea each other In Abom, /Theodora Palmer and Alvin accompanied to New York by Miss atraat and Helen Inna Annlallo, PeteraOn for the Juatice of the soldier killed during the war, waa fee will be served. Following the William Avery, Mrs. Ben Avery, Route 44, Bolton Whole houateg ahortaga would ba batter aafety. Zening of the town Katherine Ink, who will spend a p. m.—Cherub choir (ages supper there will be a movie that Evary Monday US Bldridga atn at haVo appUad Pcaci*. on the danger Hat with a severs CLUB CHIANTI ra. Herbert Whlttemord and John E. Pest, Mlnlater waa approved after a good deal of few days vtsising her brother, concussion, and har daughter Buf­ / 7 and I ), Mra. Edward Lrawia, will be itnerestlng both for the * Ria'Ta Mltkar . for naarrlaga lleahaaa at tho town • Rbbert E.,Hyde, Chairman of the Pasturing — !re. Philip M. Roae. . « dlacuajrio^ and n comtmiialon of Harry Ink before returning home. fered a pooalble skull fracture. Tha choir mother. old and young. Further word. Church aehool. 9:30 a. m. n h ia 1b the ptadn olmpla fact clark'a otece. Republican Town Committee call­ DMITRI COUNT 4:00 p. m.—Chapel choir (ages Sva membera woe adopts: John Horace F. Coyle of Chicago la child's condition was "fair," hoa­ about this evening will appea/ -Covenant Congregational Church Morning worship. 10:45 a. m. ed tho meeting ahd Joeeph DeGarll ■pending two weeka at his homa on And Hla Violin And Hte Drums • to 13). Mra. Jamas McCaw, Jr. Now A. Markham to aarvo Ova ytarr, waa elected chalrmap and Mra. pltal authorities aaid. later. Plan to be there. / 43 Spruce Street Robert L. AHyn, four yaara, C. West street and haa a* hla guaata, choir mother. Reynold G. Johneon, Pastor Talcottville Copgiegsttonal JarvlB Clapp, clerk. F. 8. Thompson and J. S, Acworth, Shows and Dancing Every Thuraday, F r ii^ , Bat 6:48 p. m.—Annual meeting of Denial IVay, .thraa yaara, John E. Chrvatal Ann Skinner la rcald- South Methodist Church/ Ernest Johnson, Jr., Organist " Church Hortonr-two yaara, and Edward also of Chicago. ITALIAN-AMEIUCAN GUIS the MwchesUr Council, Boy Ing at Wilder Hall, while attending LEGAL BEVERAGES Rev. W. Ralph Ward. Jr„ Mjbiatar Rev. Ctaarlcs G. McCallteter, W. Raymond, one year. A Mra. William Tipper of Mont- ficouta of America. Group B of WARNER Mount Holyoke College thia year. Dane*—Miller’s Hall 14 DEPOT SQUARE p h o n e ; / Main atreet ♦ Hartford Today, 8:00 p.m,—Covenant-Hl Minister aalary achedule waa adoptedy Tha clatr. N. J. haa been apandlng a the Women’s Federation wiU serva 9:40 a. m.—(Jhurch school. Mr. and Mra. Wlllla P.-Torrey, Tolland Tumplha tea dinner. The meeting will fol George G. Aahton, Minlpiter of League meeting at the home of RANGE flrat aalectman will be aRowod few days at her summer home on Modem sad 0$$ Fi^hloa Maurice Swenson, 60 Birchwood S 10:45 a. m.—Morning worship. Jr,, are the parents of a daughter Hebron Road. low. Music OPTICAL GO. $6001 eerend-and tl>lrd. $2O0 each; born at the Monchcatar Memorial Dane 8:00 p. m.—Vlrst, meeting of tea Road, Eaat Hartford. The pastor will deliver the sec town clerk. $180,'' aaaaatora. $50 The Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Baeky*a Meleay Boya Sunday, 9:50 a.m.—(^urch Bible ond of the series of aerihona on iO Asylam Street and FUEL hoapital. Lucene Hennequin has been named Drama club. Anyone Interested In Morning Woialiip, 10:45 a. m. on. each. There ara thra%' aaaesaora, Robert Blair, eon of Mr. and Every Saturday N l^ tt aehool. SeconiT Sunday In Banner the subject, "W hat Can We Be­ James F r a n c i s . ___ joining tete group te cordUUy In­ Preludsa—“ Meditatim In P Sharp / Hartford board of tax review, $60. Tax col­ Mto. Stanley Blair who was injured 8 to 13 P. M. M inor".. .Alexandra Oullmant School Campaign. lieve?" Laat Sutlday his topic was DIAL 5186 Everett Hammer baa returned vited to attend this meeting. Mrs. 11:00 a.m. — Morning worahip. "Wbdt Can We Mlleve About OPEN 24 BOUR8 lector, two par cant, of taxea eol- *ome Weeka ago in a colllalon with Joaaph Skinner wtU preside. "Introitua". .Sigfrld Karg-Elert lactad. a car while he was riding a bicycle Proceaxional Hymn—"All Hail the Leroy H. GatOlteU. who with hla has recovered from tea Injuriea Power of Jea)U’ Name” . . . . family Itaa llvad/ln Habton for the The Salvntloo Army MORIARTY BROTHERS ao he waa able to bo brought M l Metal Street .. Miles- Lane paat four yeanl, baa accepted a home from tee Rockville City hoa. Uw Lsvtl At Cantor snd Broad** Aijxtaet sad Mrs. BIctaid AtweU Benedlctua Ea Dooafife'ln F . . . new poaltlon, iiftior covering Maaa- pitnl where he haa bean since OG-MfVE(OAK GRILL — MEANS FIN E ENTERTAINMENT!) /..... Herbert J. Tlly achuaetta a|M Oonnacticut for aix l>olng Injured. \ 0:30 a. m., Sunday school. Sacrament of Baptism year# for / the American Home Sporta , . Hymn— '0 For a Thousand Ton­ FOoda, Inc., of New York. Ha will VERNON INN 11:00 a. m., HoUneoa service. gues to Sing” Aamon be employ^ by ' tea Beech-Nul 7:00 p. m.. Open Air service. THE GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST, THE ‘Tor Those Who Like tkc Better Things In Life” How Long SirtcoM 7:30 p. m-. Salvation meeting Offertory Anthem — "To Whom Packlpg Company of qanaioharle. Then Will Ye Liken God?” . WORLD’S SAVIOR AND FRIEND. N. 'Y-, arid hla dutlea are taking Boy Scout, Notes The Week Pa AirCe TRAFFIC ROTARY TALCOTTVILLB Monday, 7:00 p. m., Cub meet- ...... Horatio Parker IS THE WORLD’S FIRST AND LAST HOPE. him to weatem MoaaachuaeU*. dfai ♦ YouVe Had A Sermon—"Where la 'Your Faith ?’’ which will nacaoattata hla removal, In an effort to teach 7 new Just S Miles From Manchester ...... Rev. W. Ralph Ward, Jr. with hla family, who will join him r, 7:00 p. m., Songster r^ OUR TROUBLED AND DARKENED WORLD The Manchester Trust Go. in a new home later on. The members of Troop 88 camping > Recessional Hymn—“From Ocean Qatcholla have taken a very ac- .ind hiking the troop haa planned K g . GOOD kOO p. in.. Band rehearsal. Unto Ocean"...... Lancashire IS HAVING ITS LAST CHANCE TO Uve part In town and civic afralrs. n .series-of hikes during late Sep­ neaday,' 2:00 p. m.. Home Poatlude—"Toccata per I’Eleva- TURN TO THIS GOSPEL FOR COMFORT. and wUl ba greatly mlaaad by the Laqtato maotlnf. xione’’ . . . Girolamo Frcacobaldl tember and continuing through Sunday Dinner S.^p p. m., Gor|>s Cadet cUas. 9:30 a. m.—Church School aes' HELP AND HOPE. Offers You A Chance To townipaopla. • T IM E ? ^ ^ October. The flrat of teaoa hikes 7:3Bp. m., Younf'Peeplefe meet­ ilon. , ■ /- Arrangemanta are being made tiM. Homing Prayer. 8*r- ed a tetal of eight blue rlbbona. and 01 Sal's Hut. On tea way bark AND HIS ORCHESTRA 7:i$0 p. m.—Epworth Orel* will , TOMORROW AT 4 P. M . AT / . Onr MW adeatMe met ■even fed ribbons, one yelldw and the boya were giyeh Inotrucfioti in a o n by te* Rector. Musical meet in te* Bey Seoul room. Ho«t- repayment pmrjiod will make your dream edn and eunlpment one white, tor hla four pair* of identlflcatlon of trees. \ AND eotltaia of tete service: eaoaa: Mlaa Marion Brookings and van ot quality work dot, steers, and one yoke of oxen ex- The next htee te planned for 0 IToeeaalonal— house a reality.. ) \. Dessert rood the Omnipotent;’’ Mtea Marion Jessaman. ^ te a minimum amount of hlblted at six fairs In the state thU tober 1$ and wlU be for the Lioli THAT SENSATIONAL SINGER 7;40 p. m.^Gleaners wfll meat Hma. aivo ua a oaU 5lon- Patrol for tee purpose of study-1 Hymn— » ZION dayl Home Made Pastry . . • Featuring Southern Pecan Pie "How Wondrous and Great Cayi of Thanks LmhcIhioii Served * Daily - Mias Emily, kteaman. laadar. - A CORDIAL INVITATIQNIS EXTENDED TO ALL . . . . BaO Ortete. Crowns" “ — No Cpver or Minimum ! fieouler Bvente 7:00 p. mi—Boy Scout*. / ESPECIALLY TO T I ^ E WHO HAVE NO CHURCH HOME W* vl4& to thank ell nf nur frlenili. 6;15 p ra —8tqnl*y Group will nelahbora end relellve* for thrlr Klhd- Waablngton. Oct. 13—(gh-Onr^ Team captqlaa aiid other mam- Fellowahip LtmehaM. Wlil Be Served'After the 4 O’CIoek Mlaiion n**( and *ympethr ehown ii« il~ihe dell Hull. 75-year-oki former WINES — LIQUORS — BEERS herf ot th* Every.Memb*r Can- lq«v* tee church for their myp- time-of th« oceth of our wile, mother retary of atato, waa raportedV to j GOOD FOOD — SNACK OR DINNER! "M* eouMaittoe will attend * t ^ rid*. All mambera ara asked ^ Service TonflfflW Afternoon, To Which AU Ara Invited!' ■hd *l*l*r, Mra. Kortn* H. Dlckt<'ii. CQCKTAIL LOlWGE OPEN SUNDAYS par'maetliw aponaored Iw the Dl- to bring their artlclea for the rum­ We e*peeiellr thaak tho*e for th* have passed tee Immediate crisiA in i KITCHEN OPEN TIL ONE A. M. ^ 'beautiful floml. tributes amt th* u(* his Uteeas today after aufferingXa ; vlaion of m g r a m add Budget of mage sale. ■ ' ®«"CI^M«h.Ian'CInirohof,Ths MniW STfTEM 'Of their c«r*. ■ atroke on Rapt. 88. Physician* aX 12.NOONT0 9P.M . tea^ Hartford Archdeaconry at tha Wedneaday, 8:80 p. m.— Study Lutheran Hsnr Heard Sunday Betheada Naval hoapiUI sold Hull. Church of The Good Shepherd, Group will meet with Mra. Ward . AftermHMim‘'l2 :it. WONS. and BE, OSr A OBNTER ST. . Jsie«e..'Bick*on. Cynthii imt LuncHeoiu^ DaU» Hartford, Thuraday at 6:30 p. m. ' ait th* parsonage. Devotion# Ih .1 T I.. /" T ■ river 800 Othsr Statiosg.* Kurt, Mr. end Mra Em* contlnuea to show gradual impi^ye-1 PaUreoa ead tainilv. « . 'mant and te resting dmaforubly. ' Local parish organiutiona meat charge of ,Mra, Fitch Barber, pro­ at their usual hours, which ara to gram In chars* of Mrs. Insx Truax '■.P "1 /

. > , -w > ti ft' • <

. f MANCHESTEK^sVe n ING HEPAl D. MANCHESTER, CONN., SATUKUAY, OUTOlWJR 12, 194$' PAGE FI VB M A l^C « f.9 l bK E,vt,M?«U »1BRALIJ..MA^I;HBSTER. CUXN.. *5AXt;RUAI, OcrURER IZ, 1940 ------— ------' : . ■ < " vonx *j} MS I RocVvine a t y •l>o«plt*l fotUiwtttii a lahort Ulnea*. He'waa born Janu- Woments Club RofltvilJe I ary 12. 18M >" ftockvUl* the aon Cancer Drive The Doctor Says: I of the UU Adolph and AufusU Cordell Hull: ‘^Father of the UnitedNatiom ’’ < Mucha > Broil. In addition to *an> Opens Season RMttas n en* ^ Tests ClMCk qUnltsd States hsvs had sj^adsiL Iductina a farm, he railed pheaa> Speaker Heard % X-ray sxsminstlens msda of tlwir Nektfn M^d lanU. He vaa prealdent of the chests In th* test flv* yosrpr ' Of * Farmer! Miliing Co.. Inc., of Rock- CoBtnopblitBn G roni* By WBBam A. 0*Bt4em MJX svsiy 1,000 persons so entominsd, \ille and tice preaident of the S U te, Mr*. Parrish Kelley 13 snowsd evidence ot 6 ibltrculoste Holds Interesting Ses­ Written For NBA Servtes b Candidate I Game Breeden Aaaociat|6n. } CtvMi AetflMHu Reftiee t* Most hospitsls psrfoqm s num- snd 13 of otlwr chest dteesss. - ■ tI Mr.Mr BroU lleayea e a ^ «hia udfe. Mra.i, f k a o r e ^ n r i i i r r h Bines one peraoii .ln svtry 10 ' I Ruth HolUlw l ^ n • dsufhttr, sion; Special Gnests bsr Of cU nl^ Isboratory tests m enters s hos^tsl each year, th* Mn. H|ch«rd Soroptim ist O ub fUipghm R«pubUc»ni. »«„«»„ 'S ^ b «. every patisnt si tbs ttm / of his adoption by. sU hospitals ot a itm- The Brat moetlng of th* new sdmlaalon..Th* Amariesn Hoapitsl tlne X-ray chest sxsnttnstlon ZZ The Manchaater Boroptinitat. would uncover many cases of un­ NomlMte Him IK5f«S Chib haid Ha monthly dinner-meet­ season of the OotoopoUtsa club Association, tha United Ststas ing laat evkning at the home of was held yesterday In the Robbina Public'Health ServtOe, aiid ths suspected tubsKuloste a* well am ■ • JadfC of Probate . Broii or Laton. c»ui.. National Tuberculoela Association of other chsit dlssskea id e a l l e n g t h f o r h a ir ^ ^/'several n^phctf*^^ Wet**; Mra. Laalla Vaughn, Bolton Cen- room of the Oentcr Church Parish waiters North -Ends Drug Store Bert Gibson The funeral will he held Sunday I Vaughn and aeveral other \ rscommend that sn X-ray cheat A R tf Rtyle ihoald bt eoncciuMi with Urc rather thaR ftockMIte, Oct. IJ—(8pecl«T> House. The meeting opened at 13:30 oeamlnation be conducted at the Question: I am s patient In at 1 pm. at the Ladd Funeralof the Women'a Society with' a solicited luncheon under tubsrculoste sonatortum. My physl- ItMfrth 8Rd th t h ^ r flhould be nhaped to fall iRto the llRe At tin 1 Home.-Home Rev. ForrertForreat Mtianr. Mueaer, pM. paa- •olton ChNigregailonal f sdme tlm a tusiness Keeps Posted on Vitamins Is Car Expert set iQr R.new faBhiofi. Fine hair In not dlflkalt when it ' -conv*ntloi htld^J^d^y nlu , - Union CDhsPocatioiiAl- - church, prepared apd aerved a de- the direction of the Executive The purpose of these twts'and cten tells ms that 1 ora recovering Ueiona maai. aa one of their proj- Beard with Mra. C. B. Bichman In X-ray examiiisUooa Is to detect satisfactorily. It I should stay on it hetUhy. Do eone in for • conmiltatioa tt no chnrfc, charge. The tables were taitefuUy disease which is not discovered by after my dtosase te arrested, would of c o u rtt. acta for earning money for church M ancheater Fi According to Bernard J. Hatit, t^iDig store la on quote*, they 'go W ith N^w Autos Slow K «2?5i M S*,1 KSSSI o™.. HU. decorated with garden flowera, and physical examlna^tton. In some In­ it not be poeslbl* for me to qofl- out simoat oa fast pa they ora urf- improvemente. t Im general end invocation was offered by Mrs. tract another Infection trov^ one owner of the Murphy drug store lo­ • f the O ty Oouiicil «nd h u been : Superior t oart •-» v tkt I SecoraUona of beautiful fall stances the'condition la mild, whUe Offering Special cated at 4 Depot Square, psopte pseked. Aik about them to* nskt In Arriving Keep the acUva-in Republican Party circle*. Mra, Norma Bell, or thia Sowera and autumn foliage edd« j which he Is generally known. Mra. Veira Burnham Introduced girl gave enthualaatle reports of aifii^it of hemoglobin (red col-' ^raised, and this fact gives you ity? Mr. D'Agoatlno te now. able you go, and to supplement theM AND .ACiXSSORIES ; Speaking at the ' The case of Oedige 8. TIghe, of oring m itter), and the white cells Ihither protection. to eay that doth*h,a*»»t In on Mon­ A full stock of all reputable pat­ toJ>e avaMobl* but for a compara­ end tha- apeaker of the evanlng, Mr*. the week's actlvltlea whibh cover­ shorUgca, It Is excellent Idea to ent medicine* are kept at the Mur­ tively few persona .this year sn4 Dry Clffontrt rally Friday evening at the Sykra Ellington wae, continued to next Parilah Kall*y. hf IM Parker ed leeture* by outstanding apaak- are counted, for an IncreaM in day or ’Tueedoy con. If necessary, take some sort Of vitamins regu­ AuMtorium. Lieut. Governor wii- ^ yvedneedey morning when be In* / their number denotes probably tn- be ready for you for th* week-end. phy Drag Store and thoae ora sold unlem yoti «r* vary fortunate and ELECTRIC WELDED.^ Btraat, who la the naw part-time era on various Inatruetlve and in­ larly. You will And any aumbsr at fair trade prices. A service much bert 8no>e, Democratic candidate. me court that be had ee- m adias aocial worker, engaged spirational Bubjecta. as well as re­ fectien. To Teach Dancing You may be sure of on* thing, If lucky Indeed, your old cor will have i ^ M UtrtH y RE(!AI’ riRF» fer Goeernor, placed a large aharc; « loan and would be able to . Laos commonly performed are Mr. D’Affoatino offers thl* aarvlce, of excellent vitamins at th* Mur­ appreciated Is the pick-np aervlc* to do. not only for thla vear but through the efforta of the Snr«p- creation and entertainment. In fact phy Drag Btor*. You eqa^ obtain at the Murphy Drug Store. If you 'af the blame for the preaent de*- j uj, me amount In arrCara due timlet Club, pioneera In tjie lorni Hull, at It, h law gfafleat bi C halraw ftm 'PitaiwHIa Orgaaiaer an4 capteia ef Spaa-^ WMh M n. Ball, hla cloaeat a i- every minute something waa plan­ ' counts of tha r ^ biqpd' cells and the offer te mad* with the full e*- perhspa next year os well. '■* ’reWfhoRe 7254 RE8. ^ r a U hauling altuation upon the wife, fl.OOS by Wedneadhy. vtoar thrancbeut bJa earcer. examination under ths microscope At 2 Rec Centers euronce that no let dowil In ' the them in pUl, capsule or liquid form have a j>re*crlption to be filled and Because of this, more snd more « participation In the nationwide CnmberUag Taaacaace, Natleaal ^maaBllaa Kv lIBt; Wi-AaMsiesa War esmpaay. ned for them. They expressed and If you bavs not token them cqanot get It tb the store. Just lUpubIlean party, and Mra. Ch**e a motion to place the cape of of etalned smeaw w the red and tjrpe ot work done . t o suffered. It people are trying to be careful of ciaacer campaign. Mra. Kelify, a thanks to the Cosmopolitan Club regularly you will be really amos- phone Mr. Harf or^.he will have CAMI Going Woodhouae aleo eUtad th a t. juanIta 1. White agalnat Charlaa graduate of' the Unlveratty of Linrolneeque Cordell Hull, who i duce himaeif by saying: "t*m Hull, 31. At the outbreak df the Span- trade agreements. Known for their part In making it poo- whlU celU. ^ ' M iu a* o Wheeler, teacher of te OTly of tet* that this work could their old enra, nursing them along ------uh-Amerlcan War, he organised a hi Some hospKaU require that a ed at the wear they pep you up. It picked up and,/when the pre­ ■nd one of the very beat way* In Expffrf Dry A l l W S U P P L Y Ulg rriim t altuatibn waa dua to i w. WhlU on the unconteated UM MichJlehigah, and also tratoiad at the | waa Sectatary of State for an un from the' United Stataa," then sit sible for thejn to have this oppor­ rhythm and modem donee, be d ^ a* quickly, but with still scription Is flIleA h the fact - that the Republican*' waa granted, Vnlvoraity of CThIcago, baa had precedented 12 year*, was bom In down^^ithout Mremou} volunteer company of mountain­ greatest single contribution was tunity. blood te st for syphilis be per- been engaged by tbs Recreation onoUMr Employe* added to the The question now ariiiaq "What which to do thl* te to take your ear N ^ ln d |l*ed Tlra» eer* and fought In Cuba as their hia reciprocal trade treaties. Hull torm oiym all entering patients. kliLd.of vitamin do I need?” and right to your jdoor, ever te Bert OllMon’e Oarage lo­ ptymled the houaing proJecL An Work Party much axperleni-e In hdeMtala, state Tennessee mountt'n log cabin; neighborly chat. Hila waa ii Following thaee reports the bus-' oominittee to teach cloasea at the ever growing staff of expprta and go many mothers art using the luiad epeaker was former health dapartment W(wotii and with In Overton County, Oct. 3.' 1871 “ .latelyffollowing tha diaaatroua i captain. He wa* a circuit Judge for has been called the "real father imens are filed by num- two Recreation Centers. She will with new equipment being added of course this question can beat be cated at 185 Main street and have Claob Jng Servic* 29jikw>eIt SL Tel 2-11.19 Another week-end work w rty of the United Nationa." Whea ill Incas meeting waa presided over Modi-Sweet baby medlclnea these Wilbur U Croee who re- la beingg haM by membersmembera 'of Stan­ tumor cUnica in WlUlmantlc, Der­ Tall, angular, alow to apeak and dbn Economic Conference whan tlw four years, going from county to by Mra. Marjorie Straw, the new <'to avoid idenUflcatlon with have classes with adults and tf oe fast 0* it oon be obtained, thte answered by your doctor, however, him overhaul It and put it In ahapa ^administration failed to back u^county In a hofse-drawn . buggy, health Anally compelled him to liy patient’s name, thus avoiding dsye. and on* of the most popular for winter driving. to vMU to Rockyllle on ley Ooboea Poat No. 14. American by, Newington, Hartford aiid the thrifty of words when/he did president. She flrat called atten­ there ora enough younger people service can no#'iaftly b* promised there ore a nupaber of good vttor Items is the cough medicine. Thte jMeiluue oecaalona Fonner SUte Legion at their naw home on West newhr aatwllshed on# In thie town, cauUoua, aincere, without affeeth- hla proposals for currency etablli before being sent to the House of proffer hia resignation. In.Novem­ 'embarrassment when sjrphlHr is interested wlU have q class for the patrons of the Moncheater Dry mins on the market, and untssa Learned Thr*ugh Experieoce - PreflcrIptkRM Rgpertlp Ritmresentatives in 1907. Entering ber, 1944, President Roosevelt, in tion to the loss ot on* of'the mem­ discovered. / medldne goes down the most etub- There are some things that can­ ^Labor OoBiaileaioner Joaeph U. street. The bulldoaer has completed which will have a saaa|on Monday tion-'Hull carried his folksy ways satlon. Young Hull waa prowl-of bera by death, Mrs. Mary Mald- them also. Cleaner*. you require spectel core you will borii youngster like e charm end Tone, candidata for the V. . Sen­ lU work, and Ibne and fertlUxer at th# Memorial hospital. and sometimes his mountain dia- > hla skill at log-rafting. He walked the Senate In 1930. he "retired .In accepting it, .said he hoped Mr. A single positive test is not con­ NUaa Whseler feels that certain Have you ever driven over to And Mr. Hart gted to advise you- not he learned except through exr SERVICE Killed — AteBracF — 8 1933 to become Franklin D. Roose­ Hull would be able to preside over ment. The membera stood with clusive. Several tests must be it^reoUy works. Other Itoma ora perience and Mr, Gibson hoe etr- ate stated "If we cen bomb during have been apread. There la etUI Mra. Burnham In praaenting Mra. lect Into the halle of the/ihlghty. 113 mllee each way daily to attend bowed heada in tribute to her. dance movements performed cor­ 98 Well* street to the busy horns on the kind that will furnteh jrou baby cream, hahy oU, rash lotion, r# oaotst wbae vee beoif^ n ed BffkhtRcy Oodlilpl Kelley, called attention of the He made dlplomaUc hiatolry at the; Montvale College In Cellna, Tenn. velt's S«c**tary of State. Through­ the flrat aeaslon of the United Na­ made before the syphilis diagnosis of th# Manchester Dry aeanersT oil of the necaaeory vitamin*. Why toinly hsd vesra of axpcritnc* In war, we cen build during peace.'' work to ba dona before the plenhad out hla'career, Cordell Hull work­ tions organisation, declaring "That memory while Mrs. Eleanor Bm can be confirmed. rectly are superior to any other and diaper cream. If you haven't IrneMea wa ,ha iw y ..Wreefeera Wrei Baaguet TaWght aeedlag of the cleered land naat Soroptlmlsta to tte fact that\lt 1933 Pan-American CQsfference a t ' He also attended Cumberland Unl- form of exercte*. She .. .will use You will find them so very ple**- net drop in at ths Murphy Drug working on all makes of cars. H* and 8 RaivVeRarytea 1 rnteka at waa through tha soUcItatlon and Monteviaeo when, evftn before hla I versity, a Tennessee law school. ed constantly toward International (honor) should go to you ax^.tha nett played aoftly "Nearery S iy X-ray examination of the chest become acquainted with Medlt does a good csrefUl .Job and hla Stanley Dobosa F<^ No. 14, weak. Kvery committee chairman one person In all the world who God To Thee.’* may disclose unsuspected tuber­ modem dance technique to develop, opt and cpnrteous at the plMit, Store soon and talk about vlto- Sweet try it and eee how well it ••fvla* and-" for* r .eaor em Thf J. Murphy is urged to Inform the membera of Itttarast of Dr. D. C Y. Moora. trunks were unpacked, he paid Hull waa admitted to the bar when ' understanding and world peace, control, ease, expressivensas, snd jUrt aa anxious to jms that th# mlhs with Ms. Hart? WItk meat prices ore reaannable and if you AaMrtcan Legion will entertain the htad of tha local Haalth Board, folksy calls upon fhe delegates o f, ho waa 30 and elected to the Ten-, using the two strongeet weapons has done moat to make this great The call for the'fall me^Uim ot culosis, heart diseaae, canker, or will work with the children. ■re wlae you will not put off too D n tK S t o r e laembera of tha AuRrican Legion the naad for workers and to bring plan for peace an sffecUva facL" the State Federation w u ree& It other conditions. energy In the wtele body. There work te don* the wajr it should be and other foods so short toe only It te on added convenience when nPBN DAY a pdrtner for tha wack-end work. that the club adopted the program smaller countries. Ho would Intro-i naaaee legtolatura^bcfoM ha waa > at his comniqnd: - diplomacy and will be exercises to train ths torse that it te a real pfeonii* to do way to kftp healthy In too fall long having him tqne uq .vour cor Nr, 4 Depot SfiBart . Junior baadball team this evening of cancer education and the Col­ will be held trt.3ridg*Jmrt,on Cteto- Beginning tuberculosis does not ■bopping at the Murphy Drug tor the winter e|ie*d.. NioMrrt at a kaaquet In the GAR hall. The Meeting PiMtponed ber 17 and will bp/kttended by the cause symptoms until the diaeaae for good corrtege snd fluency of business with them. Weather you and winter months qkead te to Stora to pay your electnc light The meeting of the Junior FUli lection of funds as its major proj- phone 7354 or go ovey In person, You know how hard it Is to get Complete FMRfRiB ^Wrvkt fbllowing are In charge of arrange- act nearly flve yeara ago. prealdent and vlra-presldent. Mra. is fairly weU eataUiahed, and dis­ movement, exerclees for the te n euj^lsmsat those foods with vtto- bill, for tiM Moncheeter Electric / C O O K ’S and Game Club scheduled for to­ to develop oontred, precteion, quick- you may be c e ^ n the work wOl mu Company maintain a branch offlc Urea — practloallv impossible to ' a a n ta Carlo Oeneeeal, Earl day waa postponed to October IS. Inirreat Is Widespread Straw and Mrs. J. V. Lamberton. covery In the earliest stage offers buy new. JIre* snd yet one of the "Always Op TM SppBfd" Krause, George Brigham, James Mn. Kelley gav a number of The next meeting of the Cosmo­ the 1^ chance of cure. neee snd techniques for the whole be token oOrc of in a manner you Stia Carry Choeolateq ^ here. Thte eavea a lot of ton* am SERVICE STATION PatrM a Miller body to develop balance, elevation, will enjoy, when you ore buying your needed things that win wear them out Orenna and wmiam Oarroll. atatlsUca, ahowlng the widespread politan Club will X Manchestet A small growth in the limg may The question has been Hked foster than any other single thing ' Oraao Phan* 1881 ■enwrd J. Hart, Prap. daha IUt M Patricia Miller, three year old interest and action now being meeting, npeakCra .to be Chariu be benign. It malignant. It can be and coordinatlen. OH Whiter Oanaeato drugs or vttomlns, pay tha electric ’Thee* exerciaee are for the mll- By th* way./before long It will whether or hot th* Morphy Drug light bill. Is so often neglected. What Is John Knybel, M. af Bnipele Lake ^ugbter of David and Oladira timen everywhere, looking toward House representing the School removed. thtsT Simply haling your car aarttnn of ToUand diad Friday at 'T^apman) Miller, of 18 Liberty the control of th% dread disease^ Board, and Richard Martin whc In case of heart disease, the liona who never feel quite well, be time to thibk of taking winter Store etiU receives ehipmenU of Stop In-at-the Muiphy Drui garments oqt of storsge snd Mr. those gqM Whitman, Burham and Store soon and ***• tor youroel whsale out of alignmant—that one Aha RockviUa Ctty hoapltal fol* Btrael uled Friday night *t St. which Is sscond to heart allmenis will, talk on the Town Charter, ehaps' of the heart on X-ray ex­ whose feet continually ache, who Item will take miles snd mllee of leartag a loug tUnasa. He wee born Francia hospital In Hartford. She In the eauf*. of death. She itqM timely subjects to become familial amination may reveal the kind of have tired backs end tired eyes, D’Agostino requests that, his Brady and Sebraffto ' eheootetss. Just what a well stocked store It HAVE YOUR HOT CANNING waa born In Manchester, Novem­ patrons give three days* notice on They, certainly do, but because te and enjby its friendly aervtee-r- good rubber off the Urea and by l l a ^ 3b, iSSa. In Poland and that th an are 83 clinics noW In with before the Novem-ber election. heart disease which la present., who suffer a eerlei of colds, who tha time you con diaeerp tha wear «ama to thli country aa a young ber 8, 1848. Bestdea her parenU Connecticut, and It. Is planned that Roatlne X-rays Valuable wake up grOggy and cranky In the these c«wt8. they ora so dslidous and beoaurn, you wilt Ilk* It and toe courteous AIR FURNACE she laavaa a stater, Joan. FunariU In hospitals where routine. X-ray This Is th* time of the year when Uk* all otosr otores, toe Murphy wgy In which Mr. Hart sorves you. on the tlree youraelf, toe damage SUPPLIES flua, living la ToUand SO yean. no one wUI have to travVI more morning end only half live through la done..v Why not be sensible and 74)iwrt I . ‘>Re waa a member of It. Joseph's services vrill be private. They wrill than 30 mllaa to any of them. chest examinations are made, the day. Anyone who has danced we pock away our summer blank­ cleaned, ehed^ed and church. He Uavea hts wife, Mre. be held Monday morning with 'Few Obsem ^ances ' phjraiciana have found them of the ets and put away the Summer slip drive oil’er to the Sitn of the Big Advtoei Periodir Checkup In the modem way with knowledge alligator overnight bag-'— which Bear at 185 Main street and have Anna (Jawonhl Knybel; eight burial In Grove Hill cemetery. Tha speaker advtaed periodic greatest value In discovering dis­ of the range of the body to move, cUven and draperies and we hope remained eloeed, in her hand, in put In condition- for aoaa, Joaepli af TbompaonvilU. ease which w6s not evident on you will not pock them away with­ your wheete^aligned on tfie Big r n d t flora checkupe by the family physician. Oil C olum bus Day khowSi that the phyMcM reward* tbe test^wtth appropriate hospi­ Bear Alignment machine? The w i n t e r . / Tbny of BpritwSald, rrank. MUa. She said cancer Is qurable physical examination. are great • / out flrat calling 7354 and having O artaa, Hanry. Victor and Albert / Twenty million adults In the them thoroughly cleaned. Yopr tal effem: a 849 hondmadq nlght- adjustment te s simpis msttor and Beveridge Attaeki ogniaed early and treated prompt­ Miss Wheeler, herself, hoe stud­ gown,/6 lace oeveriet for tbe bed, fer th* time apent. you will feel af Tcflasdl. Sve dai^Uaa,. Mra. ly by competent physicians or Observance of Oolumbus Day in ied Modem Done# In New York blankets are cleaned by a new pro- ■ Cnn . / . Moncheeter Joaq* BobMB, Mra. m bert Jaml- Manchester was limited to th« ceaa that fluffs them to their origi­ a bal^ plUow. (The tetter wh(m, and wip Actually’be repaid In ex­ clinics. The only medically ap­ with Chartes Weldmon, Hshys Ruth figured, would be typical of tra driving miles, from your tlrao. aon, Mra. Itoland Beara, all of Handling of Reich proved meUtoda of treatment aiv closing i of those offices which ob- Holm and Mbrths Graham. Bh« al­ nal Boftnesa and fop a cost of .15 NORMAN B EN li H edarts Mr*. John May of Hert- cento per bag, they will be sealed ■y -vlctor or we|ght, ' persistent Indigestion, to sM the doctoFs Julius Hortt School of Music In spent 86,dam agreement of July, 1848, we and told of casas that had come Jone. The staff of the Manchester beauty's'winning tost te a simple red htghllghto. Sleepless hours at under her personal attention, M ART r . Dry Cleaners are really experts and and If ymrhave Jind troubls, w* Toon Grawid / I set out Inatead on a policy of With Edward B. gi \tm. Ml ■adanacrataiy and i "UneelhcseM" was the way auay the great aeeratary ------...... First Shoes bit ef action and dialogue not over night; anxious days of rearranging suggest that you call 5013 snd - Tei 8227 < 78IM I forcibly lowering the atandani of which might have been cured if MePARTLAND you win benefit by sending your two minutes' Ipng. She comes out closets, weeding and fertilising her taken In Ume. Anartnieai 84 Q work to such an establishment. « make an appointment to have hip? Lawn Mowers Shirpentd Notice ' UfO In Germany: Wa have been Flrat mention of human foot- the door of a hospital where she rose garden, singing opera at her work on your cat. / Wtr WIB Gladr GIve Yea I engaged-under that agreomant in Mrs. Kelley In addition to her whoae term.would-be .aevi >ara-4~^ot«ri>-^lt bhuae- a permanent na­ Mlaa- -Taylor,~Twbo 'Svere ■ arrested., . Onolen Drive wear'Is said to have been roads.In Reasonable prices, for skilled hex. undergone _sii operation , per: piano, fihe prayed_Ftiiall)r.-on « work at the viinic and. in coop­ on disorderly conduct charges PHONE 3854 work'la the motto df the Manchest­ "Have .ybtlr brakes been tested ------Blafirleal UltHne* ' blowing up ablpyarda and disman- and wiio wimld be electOd'I^.^JoInt tional assembly. If It Is rejected, fo r s Hindu manuscript a religions formed by Ravic (Charles Boyer), couple of hours' notice, the' tesL lately 7 Many n motorist boa heen tllnx factoriea, wt. have cut off eration with the Public Health 6cs.iiun of the Council and Asiem a third Constituent assembly will after a fight had developed, be­ composition, written mom than er Dry Cleaners and Mr. D’Agoe- Lloyd Bridges, substituting for J ^ e n Boyer saw the teat he Re-CandUfoned lening Bsard of Appeals association, will ba glad from tlno spares no money or Wmrk In somewhat embarrassed at being bualneaB communication between Approval Seen bly; and a premier, appointed by be elected to draft still another tween them over the eye rolling 6-ROOM SINri - William F. No agents.'/ besides Ipfi'ld Beritomn since With eodi bottle was a card bear­ For general ropair work depend berlTtn at 8:00 oa the fol­ hospital. Socialists and rightist parties tion .ay.Htem by which France aims Curry, 27, Im* been warned by Yakima, Wash'— (Ab — .P. A. For Rag*. Bandlsd lepers,' TREE SURGERY ever It Is poaalble 'to g e t. it, the reading “Arch" eight months ago. ing two Unee of the dialogue: "How quires the removal frOm any poet Mra. Elisabeth Ubert, presliertt Oliver heard a radio report op a very best fluids are used and every upon the work turned nut at Gib­ pRintlnp. PaperhBni|lR|, BILL'S TIRE lowing appUcatMss: of .reeponatblllty, public or private, which oppose it. A previous con­ at giving her colonies and over­ Chief Judge John D. Hlllery of do you feel?" "I^lke win*;" son’s Oarage st 185 Main street. of the Soroptimist club ^ncl a stitution was reject^ by a ma­ seas territories more freedom in city court to "control those rolling Are a warehouse where his wife E BOX G. Scrap MeUls, Etc. Conn. State Liecnfle precaution token to see that thla Thla one time radio singer In her and ; AppUeaUon of Cbarlta W. Luce of any man who baa been more number of the member* plan to worked. ' He rushed out of the cleaning eatobliahment does the You will toallv And the prices fair Floor* aiid Cellingo X for perralaeloa to use land on Mld- than a nominal Naat. jority of more than a million votes .self-government. eyes of yourti." Miss Ruth Tay­ ■ TREES TRIMMED native St. Joseph. ^Mo., reads Notre Dame’s Dosketball team tor thq work done here, the servic* "This poliey only makci xenite attend the' iUth regional confer­ la.Ht May. The referendum will be follow­ lor, ' 40, complained to the Judge house, leaving the door unlocked. E HERAI.D CaO ok Write AND REMOVED Work better than Just "good”. Get philosophy os some flb novels. She iBothlled «nd REPAIR SHOP dla Tnniptka Cast, for biialneu ence I In Bellows Falls, Vermont. His wife was safe: \ but when he acquainted with ' the Manchester won 17 games and Jpst four dur­ good and best of all, yohr old car Refiniahod. purpeeei. Continued bearing. Jn a' totalitarian atata In which no Big IUnknown In Balloting ed by elections on Nov!^ 10. If yesterday that Curry "rolled his Lawns Treated for believea the CMnSie Lao-toe's ing Elmer Ripley’s onc-y6ar ten­ will lost until you con nroudly step ^ m , H. G r o ^ Prop. one baa influence unless hr la an October 38 and 3T. Mrs. Frances the constitution is approved, tbe oyes at me.’’ Both Curry and returned the radio was gone. Dry Cleaners if you have not al­ Gonenil.Carpenter Work. continued hearing on the appll Puahe of Hartford la regional di­ The big unknown in tomorrow's Japanese Beetle Grabs ready done ao, phone 7264 and aee counael, "The way to do Is to he." ure. \ Into your long awaited new car. cation of John HoMltcb tor per-! official.'' balloting, however. Is the'drawing, z Wm. Ottrinsky To do the re)e of- Kate was to be Coloinbia Bkyelcfl rector and Mra. Ubert Is a mem­ how experts really do a cleaning Kate herself. Kate was wssIthyL " r We Repfii Everythtat mtaaton to have if Baer pei;nlt In ber of the board. power of de Gaulle, who has con­ 182 Bteell 8L TeL 5879 JOHN S. WOLCOTT Job. connection with groeary store at , , demned the charter on the grounds z V atje would have the' best of every­ Afoond t ^ Prepertjr.. U ^STIrco Summer Street. Residence ** C iO lirt tO IJeC IC le it does not give the executive thing. • C»MFLBTE 88Mbs%m !• «. ^ Drive Out To The/Beautifully & SON, INC. 'Aquarium Menace Repaira Serv^ aene. power, and does not aaparata the I TeL 8887 - 6083* 180 Bfahi S t For her vltol two mlnutoe, Ruth AppIleaUon of w. iiiia^d Keith: ieglalsture. Judiciary and execu- { “NOTED FOR ’ PROF. WHIZS QUIZ ! The water tiger, ^ i c h hoa wore brand-new .things from the ROOFING R. S. PORTERFIEIi) Acetimrieo for Mynlaalou to convert a two Fate of Steers l^"**-'*’*' tlye branches in such a fashion as ' \ Redecorated pincers and sucks out the blood akin out. Her slip—she usually HERVICB 178 Oak Grave Street fantiiydly dwellingdwellli Into a four famitv to provide France a strong gov- FINE FOOD" of Its victim,.la one of the worst wears rayon-^waa MIk; hsr nylons ■ Ad NEW o n REPAIR 180 Spruce St. Pkonc 2-0659 To Rugged Terrain 'eniment. COMBINATION RANGES "right out of tissue 'paper." Her TeL 4752.4891.11716.2 0967 dwelling on a lot amaller In site (Continuod from Page One) ^ enemies of aquarium tropical fleh. Aaphalt than aonlng regulations permit, I Rfcognixing the power o f, de AND OIL HEATERS dark' wool suit was simple, and I Shingle*— r..\CELLENT WINEB — LIIJI ORs AND BEER atralght-cut; . from the etore’s at 63-85 Pearl Street Residence'j which prohibits any individual or iCibtlaMd rnra* P a n I Gnulle's challenge of hia MRP - Ntw and Uned Composition— B aone. \ corporation from contracting with i party leadership, Prealdent alterations room she (Aitotobd two KEIP yOlfP CAR And Thl Boofa Application of.„,Charles A. Cur- another individual or corporation, Macedonia operations within 20, Crorgos Bldault laat night urged YANKEE POT ROAST VEAI, < I TI.F.fX RR01LER8 ELECTRIC HEATERS BABY VOIIR CARl extra matcliing gold ^ttons snd CHIMNBVA- ^ G I B S O N ’ S KRAUSE'S bin for porrotaeion to keep yhich- days. The announcement said thr nation to approve the cohall- CALVES’ LIVER ANO ONION8 GRILLE had a Jeweler foahipn them Into a t flGHTINO/A^ Fla riiin o r— even though those service* might B A L L R O O M R TAURANT ' RANGE BURNERS earrings: that would be like Kate. f 'ona at M Clinton Street, Resi­ involve th* elaughtcriug of a^frw many ammunition dumps hsd been intion to "in.-nire civil peace In the FIllEU Mt'ALLOPS FRIED CLAM8_ I UUTTRRB r ' (;a r a g e Gj ie e n h o u s Es dence B aon*. seised and doatroyad. republK'* and protect "the Inde- CHROME STOVE PIPE H4VK IT Her black suedef pumps were I* M UllMwm Prng cattle. D.ANCK TO T H E T U N E S O P TU P "SW I.N O SIERS” 26 VILLAGE STREE ROCKVILLE borrowed from a frien d who also Hy llsvtog tl ServtcaO At Ott Ha^yfarO Rn*A MnaHiretri Applieatton of Kenneth A. Mil-, Not Bought For Itodco Press reports told of «n attack prndenoe of the nation." E. V. Coucihlin JONES’ SE R V IC E D happens to wea/ Ruth’s hard-to* ■Ml aitoulMw Jar, for peHnlsslon to use building j "The corporation dcuisn't Inteml by a leftist band under a Captain j„ lomorrow’s referendum— in s t r e e t TF.LEPHONB 3823 A/AKI'C 888 Woodbind Rtreet Opecwiisiaa la MNW' YpslIantI on a _ylllage six miles „ h an estimated 20,000.000 per- S5-S7 OAK find 7AAAA Bike. She filled her VACM 3 isTAniiN , PHONE 7787 Givrvra I'o Pfeime on Hartford Road east of No. 422! to have a ooupleof cowboys out Dancing Saturday Night! FURNITURE StO RE AT ' 437 flaritord Rood IM 8B REAM for a Welding Shop.. .Biiatnesa t^tbere laaaotng them. They weren't northwest of Greven In western , .n)i\s will vote - two ballots, both | WRm aHgfimral Orm-r. rm 47 - I QUAUTY Paflteuri7.«fd Milk. Floora' ABDiicatinn nr ' Mesder. regional adminlstrStbr, three years th Jail and fined S4f>0 |,A»"cnihlv, the other toe our workmanship and 'Oil Balanc^ Preefaton Aiffliij Raadad and HIGH GRADE Window Gloss Jhortty of Town of Manchaatar for by a military court for “Insulting r '’' ***' Republic. aaseinblv APPETIZERS port* naed. Come In and *ee -Expert Tire and Tube P R I N T IN G ! ySitiger Milk From Local FarSaat Boflajshed permiaalmiaeion to erect tempoyary final warning In the matter. th. ..-thniatiM*' ! alone would have fulli legislative enr diaplay of Hew Home and Putty 100 "We will proceed." he said, "with the authorlUaa. ReMlrint fhe prtattog JOSEPH S. MURAWSKi units on property of the Tomsto Juice Grapefruit Juice ■ Sowing Machines asid New and Uflied Hree |eh we do tor Sewiltg Cf nfer OAK (iROVE DAIRY P R IN tIN G Town of Manchester'lwxkted nbrilf whatever enforcenjent action I* ne- ' - I recommend legislation of Its own,; ; Cream of Asparagus Soup - ports for on miGie*. For yonr y o u will Fred II. tteahev. F nm f Paiatcr and pecoralop oC Middle Turnpike. East, In tha+‘=**“cessary *'y tf *'"■oUr ‘"'e.Ugators investigators find a ospvimloaee, we pick np and and Tube* , Batteries 832 HsIr 8L ToL 88R I t BS8EX RT. I'HO.NE 3ri)l85 dettver. prove ratto 383 Oakland Mraei JtiM AND tllM M kJtriA f Stove and rasr of the Atmshouae Mid bound- violation of the slaughter control Haiui lsHehl ' paHarit bv the Aa«embly. Texaco Gae and OH ceetory. h» MaRchfitor TELEFHOHil'. 4888 Free Estlmnles! \ f sd On the- west by th* Mark Hew­ order, pf any other violation "of an r A pre'sldent of the republic, . ’ ENTREES PRINTING, OPA.ifdar.” ^ ^ riwa* N w«i Furnace Pipe itt aetata on tbs eqat by C^ear- Out U> Vela MANCHEStEII TIRE I Pnmipl aoe (Mkavai Prutiag slew Development and on the Roast Sirloin of Beef Sirloin Steak* A P W SQMCECft/ Oet nl. a n Blada north by Sunnyaida Development, Glt'M Away Ire Cream Bara ( ' PorterhoudeiSteaks iind RECAPPING JX ). CAPITOL said Units to be located two W (CosMaaoa From Page One) .^1 MAi'U iT.f \ Raked Virginia Ham Fillet Mignon 4|oallty Bervtaei — F O R - GRiNDiNc; ro . CDMMIINITV PKKS.V LARiEN'S each lot ahd cloaer to the street Eagle Rock. Calif,— It was ‘’lAMCHtSTt'R A. B NmNn** j is Her* a Held day for the small try. School congregatlona raise their full qftoia Broiled Lamb Chopx ' , Broiled Swordfish lh ^ Z S rs 'Broag Street A Itoort W im ' ‘ FEED SERVICE - and MdeiUnca than aonlng regula- 4 From Ceater Street — At the WILLIAM U. SCHlEl.INt’E Main St. Tf I 7958 Car.INn Nam one Na a«’h.w,i ttona allow. The dwellings would was Just out wh^ a coupe and an of {5,000.000 for Lutheran World Special Evangelisticf Services K i ; P ,AXO OtLlVtOY “Wben’Thlnga Are Dull feiephnae 8777 .11 Depot Square TeL SjlOjI ba , underataed and would be ice cream truck collided. Amhu- Action end the 8 ^,500,000 budget 'lhxae*«Hgia 185 fipraee Stsaet IbC MMb Oupont, Point Products ^ 38‘x34', one story high units. laneea and (Kilice cars raced up. for operation of h ■ ds and sgen- I VEGETABLES Our Roflinefla la Good” T ■4»l* af CowMetlent ^ Then the coupe caught Are. En­ cles. String Beans Creamed]Pei Buttered 6irrot8 i ■ - - V ' SAWS OF AI L KINDS gines reapondifd. The truck driver Dr. Morris' We^ of Chicago; ex- Potatoes (WALLPAPER . : SKI AND KIliED. T, P. Holloron AppUMtien of Craftsman Auto climaxed the'excitement by , giving egutlve secretary of the Student- Mashed, Boiled or Hqm< ’ iDESOTO,. J*LYMOUTH ManclMter Body Works for approval of oarU-> ;away melting ice cream bars from Service dSomhUasion of the Nation-', -V / EVER* FRESH FUNERAL H O M E Boats for used car dealer’s license hia overturned vehlclw ^ al .Lutheran counrll. rhaiged ■ 3 /.) CENTER s t r e e t — TOWN PESSERT Sheet Mefot Froxen_Fo^jy«blnet» a t 833-834 Charter Oak Street pagahtskn was the-,prevailing phii. ' S E R V I C E a n d GENUINE PARTS ' PICTURE FRAMING Service Sfofion AA aon*. Defend Ugbt to Bob HolT ^ .osophy on college canipiiscs. | Chocolate Pudding.- Ice Cream ELECTRIC LIGHTING Ideally J. F. Peardyii of Muiii'Ii o Ut I'oiilintieti Nightly, .Mqiiduy T hough Frh .Apple Pie Works 174 W ^ Center StfloeCv .any lrn«* to* mwy AppUcatton of Union Motor*, He said there wa* "a coneplracy ' Tea Coffee > . ' Milk EXP^I^U TO M O B^ REPAIR WORK .. AND p o w e r p l a n t s for. CarUflests of Approval Kumamoto, Japan iJP\— Throe of silence concerning gcMl in nuai- day al 7:45, Siiiidat at 7. Prcachiiig the Gosprl of the-^Gratbe of God Copper er itRhmlied BAetto .-+■ ass'- ^ TELEPHONE 8469 mra. llleMaattve flora hundred Japanese high , school ern secular education" and tidded ' ‘ g r a v e l y , I’R AfrniRS ^ ^ asw aar doaler'e Ucenae at 137 .\r. troBirkB mt4jBtmdmetoro. ^ •otan and flervtea.! ' JlpDioa BtiaaL Buatneaa sons. girle'went out on strike t^ a y ln that “Its effect la tq make God WB CATER TO ‘ dafenao'of a woman’s right Xo bob appear unimportant to colltg* *tu- 1 Some Are Interested—-Some Are Coneemed.^ What About You?, ^BANOUBTS, WEDDINGS. SOaALS, ETC. r ROY*$ Alr-4»BditlMiiaB p Speelelly BRIGGS AND STiiAnDN Speciolixing In ^anatad may at- her balr. Th* Kumamoto principal denta.-, K . _ I Hot tJk ffiniRCtB iBBtBlled e n g in e s a m h iil a n c b service •tuck by Jm tradition and dla- A Prudent Man Forseeth the Etil and Hidcth Himaeif; But the Simple P a s s j^ and Are All type* flheel » etal woHi Itelea and iervteo Generol Motor DAY AND NIGHT •. mlssod three teadiera who had Alexandria, Egypt, became a Punished. Prov. 22::t. - — ' -< COCKTAIL ipot Squoiw Garpgff JOHNSON PAINT CO. Any Make Msnd nr PnWar recommefidod that th* girii dis­ naval base more than 3.000 vr^ra 21 Yeejra^ Expertenre - Ckalnaan. "•1 • ■ ■ ' ' . ' ■ 241 NO. N A m STREET TEL. Atm •99 MAIN dTREM / , fEL 6954 loTSSlliinatii flbarflaflsd 175 Ctmiof S t ' Kfcopfl card the old bun for the bob. ago, .when AJagander the di-eat' LOUNGE 228 Cwiter 8L Phone i4 |8 qr Pagfltnd. " Repoir Work 1^Io Ahmrd, - Whereupon the girt studbnte walk­ founded It to aid la cbiME WITH YOl'R limi.K AND TEST THESE STIRRING MESSAGE!^ n I g HTLY! Becratara. ed otjL , hla campaign. . / ■ A' ■■ 'J i I — against R«ri^ V‘,l. T ■r J ■ i - f /, •\ V 'n . . . . . ■ * * - ■ .. y MANCHESTER EVENING HEBALD. MANCHESTER, C0NN„ SATUKUAl/OLTUBER 12,T»4% PAGE MANUMESIt^ fcVKNING HERALD; iUNpHtSTER. C O S S .. I t . 1M « __ - ' • ’- ^ __ —— ■------1-. ^ ,.- .■■■.— . ' !■ ...... a-' " -'V'. Photographs Trio Hi*Y Delegates blSck In U»« «-»y of thU >de« I* tlw aadp Itava parfactad a ••gilded _ What It M^anM \. . . . ~ ^ w n i ^ i w a WE ARE MOVING tHIS MONTH f f t B t t r attituda of Ruwrt*. wWeg ha* jnlaatle " which wobfd have a range 0 * m m e i t l 8 Riter Roaii r WURD^lidd Today's Radio Free Under ^otids To Attend (eaitic adoptad a dupremaly , rtitlonaHat far graatdr than that of tlif y. ***• TO 332-334 CHARTER OAK ST. / ^J^iiilcolin MoHan Liquidating Subsistence Home^i^ds Eaatera Standard llrraUi polj^ atnaa the wai, and which rocketa the Oarmana deveiojied ''Baltimore, Oct. l2 - ip. Three COLUMN Twenty-aeven Hartford County im today the icorld'a tcadlng aa- during i1l«' war. Ilinoa wa' were A■■ former editor of Tift Herald, nOw reUied,^'^»taa weakly hft men. arreeted and charged by the young - people. representing the B.. Dobaoh - lt#»-fronwood ia a $1.»T».000 pro-1 house. ChaiiaatMi. w , V*.. IM; J ;0 0 \- WDRC — Nawa; WKMB? 8:45—WDRC — Charles Coiling- ponent of.thr tragic and outimxled able, with the aid trf -Gei man convictiona on mattaia, major or minor„ from hla home on The wood: WONS—Treasury SUIute: Dapiurtmant of JuaUca with an at-i n ^ W n m a o f . J*ct of 1 » hoiMo on 1.8M acioa. I San Famaado, RaaadivCaHf, 4«. - Newa: People Know Every­ tempt to sen unaulhorlxed pKotp By Ko, Easayaa (For Hal h® Would hava CS.OOO.-! ^ CRAnf'>IAN ahibbolath of individual acvarcign- acianttata w« have ImpoVted, for baH'ra of thar Niaatft fUaar. « Waahington--<^The government a T y ^ rt Vatlay has 1S7 homes oa 1 .-i and Wichita aardaaa,\W IM ta thing: WON8 — Checkerboard WTHT—Labor, U. 8, A.; WTIC I fhanghal. OCL If-oW-Amejl: «.»*® ‘?.»*"«.**l!S*'i ^ K o S o l* tha purpoaa, to ptart where \ the Jaatbofta; Nawa; WTHT --- — New England Forum of tha. I g m t l vttda. Tet. if Ruaala woUid not ——— p— ' —— BUbalatenca hpmeateada hava ggg acrea. It cfMt •S.080,000. ' Falla, Tait. Cl. \ v the State Ort«l<*» I. U*1 'Opte in. thia would aa an Idea rev.- Oarmana left off, that prediitvm u aeema to me that ^ iy o r Aatigiiea grown op largaat ta tha Cumbailand , The rest of the U News; WTIC—News. Air. 1:15 — WDRC —*U. S. Marine 7:00 - WDRC — Sweeny and Conference AUVO BCDT 8H0^ omtipnary enough and idealiatic aeema likely to prove highly ai''* i o'Dwver of Ne^ York,,gftnmonlv A woman friend of otini hha justti Individualindividual tenants andana home-noma- Tann., noma no longer w m sfi by Uftlp^' Hopkins __ aver* awiiiM ^teetpl ammant, aoma In tha Show; WKNB—Treasury 8a- March: WONS — Hawaii Calla; Mrt Hfll>«a|r* Rn|*rt«'*t Ux enough . and soundljr principled curaCa> . pnppoaed'to', be just an ordinary WTHT — It's Tour Buainosa; toasted I The fluatered newcomer roxy | Grammar Mhool'in New Haven. DUKETT BROTHERS “ «t>. ItaaeMaUt. Omb.. m disposal and aoms atllT luft;'' WTHT—Saturday Aftar- The men. George W allace^m er, i enough hr justify Its organisation We wouldn't atnise her retarv toWii' p iliticia'h althoiif "Why noon Sm nade; WTIC—Metodlea W n c -O u r Foreign Policy. I wept to try hi* luck ta aoma other The deiegaUa will consider such ilaaa lfi][>i Maftaty miinity i laitloS relatives. They p„ihed oiit to fend LacaUan DctertatoCd Type FPHA are: 28, and Milas Frederick Dauben- ®®®«kfa*t 10 or 20- Ghineao cltv. On the hooka, a two-1 topics aa ’’Bulltirng and Scheduling without Rit*ha. \There would oej Patterson of having made a pari- j{fent sign|Acince.>' as either a in Thrae-Quartcr Tima. 7:15—WTHT -Elmer Davta. . Even *0, Jrf it isn't a. Export Pointing ond Color ll^luR RATfM^ live lo a sixteen room hotm that j^r themaeivca aa rapidly aa aalea The homesteads are of two gen- Aberdeen O a r ^ Newpofi 'f:30—WDRC — Vaughn Moaroe heyer, 26. both pf Bel Air. Md.. and dollar bill/the black market ftaan. day ateamahip. trip on a-Uhlneae ‘ the Hi-Y Chib Program;" "Know a vaat difference between such a j flat speech, and we wouldn't hlamo-Mntc^nsn. humanltatian hr econ- ,, ,hjicv.‘«-hl6ck full of the rarest can ^ arranged. eral typaa Newa. Va., IM homaa; Arthuiv J:30 — WDRC— Grand Central CapL James Bhrpe# Rike, Chatta­ veaael coats CtlS.OOQ rU, S. $4,401,. Your Dutie* a* an Officer," . and \ Sutton: WKNB—Swadiah - Am- Orchestra; WONS — Arthur ciai wizard fixes you with a bai^ democratic a’oild federation of other natlona for atill thinkini.' npnJifThaa displayed i^^clearer iin- of sntjqiie ,furniture,. every ' The government spent WS.700,- •'stranded 1 date, W. Va., IM; Cahaba. Trvua- Hale: WTHT Green Hornet; nooga. Tenn., wet# arraateU' by but bookings are closed. However, i-will disciiaa plana for the forth- Blonding. Complote Refinishing. and Thi'Tirat were located 1 v»jja. Ala.. MT;^mberIand. sflcan Hour; WON8—Band Pa- f(iV e y y ind cahniy. diacounta tha ______OM______Taar^ ______I *-l» states and what Seemif to be the phat America, with its dranmt w ^istsK ding. of the mea't altiiatlon , uf k and shard of which la in tha the entire program near WTIC—curtain Time. Faderal Bureau d t Inveatigatlon cvirr^cy like a "naed. tootjibruah. if he ia nliling to pay U. 8. Y3$ i coming Hi-Y You(h and Govern- All Typea of Wracks Complateir Repaired Like Newt ‘ ■ ¥ir«n«mv wnn i nri iiaic aaaUCll, ^ lATtfa llwflUltriMl r#nljcnf IHa /Wb V|II€, Tflin.* 209« Ql€ffv think nntk ■ probably wofi't get hilf thatwm% much,, large induatrUl centers ao Um oc- 5 , t,*T* I and MUltary Intelligbince agenu 'on at the going exchange tatq « in the hlark market, |ie linda there i meht program. |n the afternoon W elding present power poMllca 4lne-up 'exploiUltton of Ita capacity to flin,: than aity of the top flight bia heirloom citaa. Theyey think noth-, .ddition, it loaned aoma cupents could add to their I n ^ c a | -^ atton ai Farm and Home 7:45—WONS — Naw Sngland in a Jlp from Tha BalUmore News- actually i* plenty of apace. : they will attend, the Yale va. Co- WBMmSm Waahlnjgton. Cluneae dollars to one U. S., I against Rutala. Such a fedei^on daatruction around the w-orld, is -hot- in tlioae categories. Q’DwyeV' ,„j; ahhut it beLsiise.I. ao far pa th e: money to individuals and to pro- by growing most of their own I 130; Hlghtown, ” • Jn • Post taU Wadneaday. Some vialtnra are surprised to lumbla football gaiue^anit in the 12? SPRUCES ST. TEL. 2-1348 ■ OST la concerned.' iacla for improvements. These food. .IOC; Lake County, WaulMga^ 1^5 ^ WON8 — Description of 8:00—WDRC — HoUyWood Star e hands- you hilla that look like learn that it costa considerably , evening at the closing banquet will P ^ ' •a'asoluairalii j would be it'rong enough toJft.jyafd^{.atHt arming not only to Ita own wrote or wired to President Tru­ piesrni ceiieratlon la concerned,' jacla for Improvements, loatpn vA Harvard Football •lime: WONS — Twenty Ques* The FBI said the men had a^ they had been used as Inneraolea ^ n,ere .Ihance baaad,.on nC- ^teeth, but pretty cloar to theirs. man mging that gover^'ent they have never known'anything I being repaid, or have The ''stranded'' homeateads ware • Gaika; WTHT—Football Game - proached the newspaper in an more to unload and dellvar a cargo hear an address "High School “ ‘ been replaced by purcha^ loans. tlopa: WTHT—Stump thr. Auth­ tempt to aeU alx pictures. take;K on ! for Chinese army ahoea, i(M:ally than to ship it across the ; Groups in Our India YMCA" by B. 'a atiMlWiaa erwnta-i 'a iS's paaa< aaS , tionaltstlr p rigaia w rea''W«at'**»' •*' aawuai evltably havepave to peraiiada the 'pirsrnt emergency, and provide, (ary value, at existing pileas. Provided S.IS5 Homes in or could be developed. 1ST, and Westmoreland, Town: Ned Calmer; WONS—Ju­ “moat detrimental aecurity . 'l*® ‘* everything, Apartment rental could Those attending and the clubs aiftawwa aaraia. aia aiaajeatfv^ burg. Pa., WTIC—Tw.ta announced. venile Jury: WTHT — Famous ------^ 95 cents, butnever a dollar. Shang­ be considered fairly redaonabla. if f t Ruaalana. as the present confused ' for theii' slaugbtSring by the same must run far into the thoussnda However, the homesteads were That la the wray it has worked e t the United 8tates.'*^r 87,000. they repreaent, ara; Ellsworth HU run •ereiee efietit af W. R A Sfr*ic» Connecticut 2:15 -I- WKNB. A Football Game; Jury Triala; WTIC — Truth or Early announcemepta yesterday hai's (Ininclal foundattona shift It were not for the U. 8. 85.000 Y (South Wlndaoc), Harry Grlndla, !"«• w! and aalficontraihctory worda apd; I authority, . of dnllara. .But none of.the sccu- not built to make money. They out too. Among other ont*DMlsas, New Britain ba. Btamford.- lika''diMert aanda, 'with the value FOR SALE were to provide home#, and they horaeateaders hava Cftablished a Consaquencea. of the arfesta aald Uie photographs to U. S, $10,000 or more, demand­ Mchard Cooper, Glenn ColUna, ______- . .. actioiu of the western p ow er^ O o That would liava baan a simple mulation has ever been put on 2:80—WDRC —\F0otball Game; 8:00 -r WDRC — Hit Parada; were on tha atomic bomb but a la, -of .American money (here. It'a ed aa "key money” —to obtain en­ J have .done so for 3.13A famiUes. fumtture factory, a quarry, an inn. Army va. M lchl|^ ; WTIC—The called gold) aubject to more chang­ Robert Stalgar, with their adviaor, ! not «xm llk.ly te'^per.uada dhem. . enough prpcaading undar the chief sale. dalrlas. a panta factory, a wood­ TEDAKII.I-’S - WONS—Gold and Sllvar Mln- tar bureau atatment Isw ad/ ta try into the dwelling. . George Dawaon; Bloomfield Hl-Y, Y ai^kee Aa one Department of Agricul­ Baxters. \ \ atrela; WTHT — Gangbustera; es than an old maid's mind. No one can guarantsa that the GARAGE-GAS STATION working plant, a hosiery mill and Washington agCi further f ^ y had Betty Chrtotenaen and Claire Sten- Most of ua have known, for a ; executiva'a war powers, but it It haa overflowed Into the big ture .offlcia?^ explained ' the idea RefrigenitiHir Service 2:45—w n c —Football, Game. w n c—Roy Rogers An unidentified but expert en­ renter will get hto "key money” L MKMMKM aUlHS SlIRRSti V)k By A. H. O. recently, "We went out to help ■avcral poultry buainessea. d laclq ^ tM pictures “were not ner; Flainville HI-Y, August Brass, CIM.1II ATIuN* ______long time, that only in ^ e crea­ I saemingiy wsa bsyond .ths Imagi- IJCMMad. 4:00—WKNB—News; Btkn Kfn- graver somewhere in the city be­ returned upon leaving the place. Good Pitying Proponilion for Live Wire, All Arodnd barn on the premisea, where there these people help themselvea.They ladnatrles FlBanced, Tod ^ 9:30—WONS — Leave It to the' of ttw atoniic bomb ifaelf. but weie i Donald Caaidy, John Gould: Enfield tion of one world does there lid [ Only the other day Wa were ^ nation of Mr. .Truman or any'one ^ among other anti4|uatlan ^ Domeatie aad (kwsaservtal ton. . \ Glrta; WTHT—Sherlock Holmes; of matertU and Klatbd equipment gan turning out a remarkable like- As one veteran Shanghai biisinesa- Mechanie. ;* rac Mtraie Khntua Uutuasar. lao.. were people who couldn't get The Farm Security Admlnlstrst 4:15—WKNB—Birthday ClUb. less' Of a U. 8. $50 bill, which re­ man put it. no one here can. guar­ 'Hi-Y, Joseph Cimine, William 1 so aaSairai resisina'ioi'iy tui any'real-chance Pf survival for|h«klng rhctuiical quMtlona con- else in authority In Washington.; treasures, five or six hardwood credit it private banka in the de­ tion, during ita regime ag father I0fl7 BarnaWe Avaaaa w n c —Can You Top Thia. to tha ^o m ic bomb.” v,- Thotapzon, Benjamin AUaroo and Central Location. Priced for Qnick Sale! V traagraaS'ai* aaaaar*aa W-••• TelepboM Harfford i -flMfl 4:80—WDRC — StricUy SWtag: 8:45—WDRC— Columbia Work­ sulted overnight, ta a aubatanUal antee anything. the world in t ^ atomic age. The i the nature of the pi esent It would have needad action, and bedsteads, out of uae for many pression days. of the homestead family, made WKNB — Sunsat -and Vihs; reduction of the value of the real William Egan; Manchester HUY, larVaaaiafitB nptilfi' Monday The anawerem is! enco goes to war veterans. Ad-1 10:4{AVirDRC — Talks; WTHT — was a big day yesteiday lor the Robert OolMna. Jsne Stllsa and we weria wriUrfg about the other Hnitiial industry baa cnglneeied. "The homestead plan was wide­ SOtJMKNK * FLAGG —Dennis Day. worth only 89.80 ter 39,860 Chl- hto 83rd birthday. A nativa of M nratT to what tt daacrlbea ae '*’*'* ■omrhow grow and develop in shelved throughout and the i ly'attacked when the projecta vance payments in full or part are , 8:80—WONS — Odorf* Towne'a Musib/, 220 dttoens of thia tiny Ozark If it baa aeen more Newark. N. J., and a fireman here Richard Yerirngton. <>»y- . I encourag^ and tinder contracts ; INC. ll:0 0 -/N ^ a on all stationa, Attending with the group will be ih a growing movement aiming !U«« •«»<« ^ “»• iMtl'’nkllat rlval- For what the town ele< tlona Aphthous Beef shelves are packed With china and were first proposed. Opponents In Orchestra. town and a busy one <®® ' wearwear, - atthoialthough undamaged and aince 1919, Lynch leavea hto widow. _ _ _ , Congress were particularly vehe*-- the payments may not run more ' 834 Center St. Tel flifft 11:05—wibRC—Nawa; FObtnoUa; DooUttle. former commander of the a son. a daughter, hia mother and' Wmer T Thient exemiUve ^ e - Amaricaos towaid the vlalon of a I •««* •»<«P»cl«na which are said la that the state election - is When Americana think of a beef gla.ssware of det^tating beauty' Evaalag relatively clean, it's worth only ment, declaring the whole thing than 40 years. Interest is three per'! 8:00—Newa on all atations. WONS—Commitalt«, ealabhsb a single air arm to pre­ These cases resulted ta 921 con- obtain hla release from ths insti­ would be political weakneaa, and .CTMsed tbeir aortnal vote la stoutly abetted by the cattle laia- andsmost money-changers on the ^Tm waoknesa of this proposal' maay tewns wbefb the elerUona of tbe government's various nmil 50; Greenwood, Bessemer, Ala„ vent a “wasteful duplicity of com­ btock market view with dark sua- vicuona. tution. \. strength. • Its wesknass not political strength, for Mr. were routine and w1wre their era and the big fattenara. many . And Ita occupants have no con-, p^nj^cts 83; Houston Gardena, \ Houston, CARPENTEteS mands. effort and money.” acknisness of possessing anything Talent-Filled Programs {liclon any currency other than / la t|iAt it la a hugs step forward Truman and hla Democratic ad vis-, rauae ha* been tradlllnnally yeara ago wangled through Con- The homesteads werf vitarted TeW., 100; Longview, WSah., 80; For Inside Finish Work DooUttle. who arrived for the American. bopeleaa. to excite envy. They-know, theo­ during the depression yeafa of thq ML Olive, Ala., 75; Palme^ale, taremcmlea in hia own B-35 plane, fa r . tha world to taka, involving,; era to rim arid yield on the meat , gresa a law forbidding the Impot^ The Philippine peso, while worth iaaua. It, may well be, of course, that ,ir*r retically, that thera are people early 1930a aa work relief projeets Ala., 102; Phoenix, Alls.,, (O; R ^ - Boost Community Chest to araplt^cd as an oil company ex-, 50 cents American anywhare in s> it woulA tha prwtlcal abandon­ iuch Democratic vitality was 1»tl«n of live animala or dre and were for low-income families. Bricklayers acutlm. the iatofids, is treated like an out­ ment of nAUbOAllat. sovarelga^ea aa aeema to be hinted, they somehow just a response to local meat - derived from animala,nals, difua-! plaei a high money value on They range in aiac from one-half ,0111; aiich things, but they are not In- cast in Shanghai. Thdae Chinsae ;.and asUeoAUat dfinlas." 'Itl celli^ga frotn meat and lasues, but that is not a likely ex- pected of aufferlng from apl^ o to five acres. Plasterers Naw Yerk. Oct. 12—liP)— LateSager, starting a naw sports aeries who can be persuaded to accept MUECEMVEDI opd I tirested in tbe quotations. The From that humble, hopeful hs- strength la. by the same token, turn'the nation over to the tender planatloh. It occurred even where., , bettei known as "foot THE liatenar: tonight are to get to Include quasttons and anawera; the peso at all discount it draa- mercies of those who are conduct- the local altuatinn was routine • 7^meaa- woman head of the outfit Is glnning, many of the projects have Apply qhance tr tune in on a talent* MBS 2:15 sixth gama of the World South Coveatrv Ucafiy. that it would accomplish, in one and unexciting. It may disappear 1 ***'»*••''•" Thia w*s/a -veiainwi that ah* become huatliiig communitisa with MEMORL' L COMPANY when it come* to the atnte elec^lure thot few Moplc In this coun-; F*®y*<*- hut ^ e explained that the flUad spacial praaentatlon. Orig­ Series from St. Louto, same sched­ A'buslnesaman, who concluded a step wbat tbe nations of the world ! meat strike, they Industries managed co-operatively SHO E BO X inating from Hollywood, it to be­ ule to be in effect Tuesday , if a U. 8 / 810,000 deal recently, deliv­ lA R L O A D O F tlona and atate Issuex^ That la try~at that time c*ic<(/to op|)ooc,! haa never sold any of her antiques by the real dents. Jahfjs Realty Co. Tha Coventry Garden Club will 470 Center St., C^r. of Proctor RiL Telephone 7782 a n iww trying unaucceaafurfy •« P»»«‘ West Hartford Center D over Road ing presented on behalf of the aeventh Is needed for n decision; hold a combined annual meeting ered the money In 810 and $20 “because she has never needed the A Bureau Drawer Existence Oomnautilty Cheat drive. ) NBC ♦ First of two two-hour 'Tto- bllla, all requested. Nearly $4,000 . "MEMORIALS OF DISTi;4CTI0N" Z IN F IN O E l TelaphonR 4112 or 7271 pnd trip to the Brlatot Nurseries I world peaco—through at) kinds of-I I! American people ma.v turn thelr^^uj^ a ,ip the old tnule still. s is ; - In those —•• days, ■“> to fouer the infant money." In the meantime, the projecta Three networks have listed parts radeFof Stars” as a sampling of and viat to Wbtheraflcid Flower was retiipied as unaccaptable. The “FINK SHOES notes wero neither old nor dam­ WE OFFER I suppose the real reason ‘s have beeh, pdssed around from of tha profram, CBS to ba on the Fall and Winter aohewe; Show October 14. Ail those desir­ Indirect and Umormis methods ’''**®*^®*"^ of meat i Even ipme inipdrtant than the Industrlos" of the/United States one government agency to .an­ from 11:10 to 12, MBS from 11:80 NBC ;S0 Album of Familiar. Mu­ aged—Juab not crisp enough. OUR Into a vote against (he IJerao- j demonstrsllon of Democratic vl somewhat different. I- think it FROM FINE SOURCES” ing to attend are requested to meet GRAPES ilfera,- bovraver darjtig U maV be and defanpre9' ara ns Bobe Hope, Btag Croaby, to My Hobby, dramatisation of fuithar details. There will be a on U. S. dollars. A loanNof U. S. w e could take it, 4ve would ke. mean that they are willing to do i voting procedure. In many towns, only necaass^ to-.tcll the--, public, life and might find it dlfficidt to! T il • 85,000 on good security brings I e Monument YOUR almost anything in order to buy .and again,In some towns where Identlal order which was susjftnd- Frank Blnatra, Red Skelton, Jack heroic deeds by Americans. sman fee for automobile fare and ■ m it . / in addition/ that Argentina cat- idjiist herself to being without ed during the var. Benny, Ralph Edwards, Art Link- a flfta-cent fee tor admtoalon to U. S. 1400 a month intefesL AI Engraving LEISURE— some votes in November. i «•" • ‘•tualiy no excitement them. millionaire, in Chinese cuhency MUSGAtBi* and Kawawaak pdiata out that thia! - i Invdived In the oampsign, where tta were yklwayp infected with FPHA has iold 17 to homestead letter and many others to join in. the Wathersfleld Flowar Show. WE WILL' associations, rirased seven to ten- | ,1 Lunch may either be carried or (less than. $250 y. .8.) caii. g e t' povameat has, in different forms Yet. however, much this ma.v the result was cut and diled, there aphUlou^In order to make them Sonie day, sooner or later, there ^ ARtm Coal Minea Get C$180,000 a monthXtatereat on his s'Cleansing of GLADLY f ha tba aetlon for which the meat was a surprising total vote .cast, believe/that In default of such a , ne art auction in t ^ t big old ants with options to purchase,, Also coming up,tor the week­ plana made to dine out. ' Monuments i aitd dlflafdnt organlsationa, bean turned one civer to a Texas town end: Mra. Lucy Wren of West New C$1,000,000. If he the loan ride GIVE YOU industry is campaigning, bow a total far higher than that of ban Uwy would all die a-mner or | nonfie and antique dealers Will lO O K I N O m ^ A U C A N t l I diijoyklg 8 aurprtainir ffrowth in 1943, the laat comparable atate and still operates' six. j Tonight—CBS 7:30 Vaughn Meat Increase York, N. J., is spending tha week­ A F'ftEC much of a favor would the Tru- Monroa orcheatra in a new Fall a Beautiful i Aaaerfka in tha past faw months. election year. That^. would seem late^froni eating Argentina beef. • have a Held day. But theis ta lit- The history of the homesteads -GOOD... end with Mr. and Mrs. William Monumenfa - MTIMATEI goes'back t'j the NationaT Indus­ adrtaa after recently completing a Liondon, Oct. 12—OR—^ t a ln ’a Loaaer. “UNCHANGING .- At tha top of aetrte of theac man adratniatrbtlon really be do-< to indicate that there'Ta this year, 'bis was a good aigument. the tie likelihood that It will be hell s m i c i ? s of Latest THROUGH THE YEARS" tag the American people? Actual- !a good disposition to use the vot- trial Recovery;. Act of 1933. This ODD\, JOBS suBtoqer reidacement on- KBC; imderground coal • mtaW ware Try-outs for the casting of the CAR PAINTING aovemanta, than ara men like c'kera and the cattlemen wall | during the lifetime of this gqnera- ABC 8:80 Sherlock Holmes returns Designs, > act created the Subsistence Home-, | Do A’oU'Wani Your Storm- granted a 78 per cent increase ta Coventry Playera' forthcoming srmer Bupieme Court JusUca ly. In tb ^ ^ o r t to «•* vote^ ; new, for it was preciaely th<- tion of occupants. Several families steads Division In the Depart-' from vacqUon after moving off their, meat ratlong-laat night by. a production, will take place., at the Get Our Efliimalfl..___ Y O U '^ N DEPEND ON OUR WORKMANSUIP-AB WE HAVE_ F ru it windows. On?, ‘Owen Roberta, csrtalnly one of It would be Biirrendertag the,.wel-^ tlona ia certain to be hemtby for —n»* one- that bf«n m tvc-_couid_ uye .quite comfortably for ment.of .Inteiior. - H B8. T bin Conway to reptode govammant worried over an ta- Nathan Hale Community Center /^BEN'IN THE MEMORIAL BUSINESS FOR 14 YEARSI .ftaataat—«nd~ Bsoit dlatw- ■antlNT people to...the ‘ Both state c«impal|^ haadquai^ In 1935 :he projects were trana-^j Your Windows W’uhed? Basil Rathbone aa Holmes; CB8 creaalngty critical coal shortage Monday evening pt 8 p.m. Regular S O l.m K N K tSi FLAGG 46 PURNELL PLACE tO N E 5175 ceatBilly employed a lltUe earlier, a Iprig tlm^^n the pi-occeda of the and proapactlve members may lipparsntly unlimited greed of on a-t*^ Tha Democi»taiDeihocrata who 7J®™!uv-thewefo dalcv intaraata in faitcning > private sale of only a few of those ferred' to the Resettlement Ad- Saturday night Serenade, cele­ which threatens to throw, thou­ ■ \ INC. \ OPEN SEVEN DAYS A WEEK. I g u l a ^ public aervanta In Ameri- actually ta a dismal mood at their By ®a"T ‘" ‘'"‘"a 11 , mlnlatratlon, which in 1938 wga Your Floors Waxed? Wa'ra fameus for quielu brating tenth anniversary; MBS participats; /*- R ea today, Robert Uiitchina, who dependable aervtoa at sands of industrial employes out 884 Utetet 8L Tel. 8l01 special .tnuteat..^ Uonceltably, -lfj„t»t^ cohvention, hava received at ion the country the Infamous re-1 trrssuiaa. | placed under the Department of Your Curtains I-aui^red? 10 Chicago Theater of the Air of work. Tha meeting of the Kart W, ■ I V ...... ^.baa takan laava a* praaldenl of dfcontrol came InmiefUately, aU ! iMiit rolM ehot inJhe erm, end ■trictlona on oleomargarine. ' Agriculture and a year later wea the atatlok sad aa tfea atartlnf another season with “The Green Post and Auxiliary will be Your Cellar or A'our Attic road. Can as aa.v tlfta. /The F6od Ministry also granted : r tba University of Chicago becatiae of ua cmild get a ateak hv elei llon ’ they are now beginning to think i . , _ — ^ aw ^ » gobbled up hv the Depei^ment'e Vagabond King.” the aame Increase—from 28 to 48 held at the Legion rooms, Town Neoe Ever Took Fever .riepned? Wa handle aa.Tthlag Irma Sunday—ABC 1:15 -p. m. Leo haU, WaH street, Monday evening f bo nioliaea that unless adults a n day. But thare can ba no aiteia-Ntme Ever Took Fever Atrsv OuH teathera^ . Security Admimatratlon. cents worth of meat per week per month if not Impoaalbla, |Lfter all. Aa a matter of fact no human General Jan CliilHUaan SmutH Thr home«tondM were turned over adjnatmenta to overbaala, Durodier, Bn^kljm Dodgera, manr person—to canteens serving em­ at 8 p.m. ! aducated into < sa\1ng themselvfa tion of the basic situation in our \ AnA a lth o i^ illpan .Beingbeing haahas ever contr,acted!contracted ^ hlatorv of a chanainir' I® FPHA In-1942 for dispoasl. AVE CAN DO it: ployes In heavy Industry. The Volunteer Firemen will meet ‘ now whatever education cmi ba meat supply, which ta that this leaders may disroqnt lawn this Monday evening at the flre- fUTRm SNO CHANCES-/ ORDERED aphthous fever from eatlnff the mind. . ’As a Boer leader he'once | Three Rivera Project Maple given today's youth will come too country la going to have less meat idactlon resalta prl- The oldest p^ject la Three Wv- houaa for a regular business meet­ F 6 r p a te ! / flesh of cattle Ihit, had foot and ing, b late, the noted industrial elder than it wants to '^ l, perhaps for vaMy they are grateful thought hia people coiilik-lick Brlt- ers Gardens at Three Rivers, iVx. Super Service For the Matron forr theoi. The ilmt of mouth disease. Tkat_ fact has ain. He ga\e up that notion. N .it|It opened in January, 1935, con- CALL 8791 Most P opular! Mra. T- F. Little, of New Brit­ statesman Owen D. Young, and several yaara to come. Another tkeae leaders hi red' the been well est*bllsheA’ii»Hce. though Salve Veadrillo ain is spending the weekend at glut such aa we had laat Jiily and lung ago he waa the originator of i 1sln*<1 .5® home* over 180 the home of Mr. and Mra. C L. i Raymond Swing, the radio com- appareat ave ttf Rc- It'ljS known that milk from FOR d e t a i l s : V MAPLE STREET MY ‘U iie iD od l* J Q D A Y i publtaan workei aad caiidtdBtea the Idea that the thing for Britain! .p,o wav' TEI' n ffi Little and family. mentator wbo haa, of all hla va- August would have to be followed aphthoiia cows is highly Infective, by new famine. • from the ng. Tbey have to do whs to organize a •western the first to be taken over by the PRICES REASONABLE! William Louto Roberge observed I rled oollqaguea, been cloacst to the been trying, tbalr own way. aa arc butter ami cheese 'mads hto eighth birthday Tuesday and sombre realities and reaponatbtu-; Furthermore, it is to be ques­ bloc" of which no one bad heard j town at which It was eatabliahed. to, get It |K Mitchell, Robert Boynton and hto , had plenty of outbreaka of foot Va., both of which opened.in June, Stage Door Restauildit rooms finished, 2 unfinished upstaira. "in (%lcago it is equally Im^rtaiit 4A-get it lickri of many yenrs; it uas fereiue. If he'keeps on trying, couslna, Nancy and Jackie'Plckett, • Yes, thousands of shrewd home oomert are get­ ( world acale, and ttasL and jnouth diiease, quits on our 68 .MORGAN ST. HARTFORD of Willimanttc. HfiUowe’an deco­ / at a leaaonabla price. hard to be gleamy. long enough he may hit on some- i 4! a few weeks agd, the Most \ Rev. But/the lowh elactlon retiiiua own; which haye baen aUmped ■ • / - - rations, favors, and hats were ting ready for next Winter note/ They’re stocking If there ta any way to do that. thing good...... More scallop-' used for the occasion. / Ready to move ini , These homes have difl What these would-be aetlei.a Old by fedeial and atata govern- ('onveniept for You On A'our Shopping Days up with ‘hlue coal’ while they'are sure of delivery^ W ‘ i . ; of the party mood had not • hern iiig permits were Issued on flun- James' A, Griffin, patholic Biftop' inrid controls. ' In H artford. ‘blue eosl’ is the cream of Pennsylvania anthra­ Gar Wood air conditioning furnaceg with oil iiig conducted by the moat inter _• ahl/ to accomplish. They created dsy. for .Niantlc River waters, * ’ Although it has few natural har­ 2 of SprlngfielA lll^.,^pealed\foi-i in the face of the strike iioiv be I an/ iiiinicdiate reaped for the op. We could bring in as many Attention! bors. Argentina has an Atlantic cite. It is especially cleaned, sized and prepared, to e.sts, that is the kimi of policy the than on «n,v\prevlpiis day since j burner. All cop|>er'tiibiug plupibiiig, stand­ S cieatidn of a )eg«l^ij&p;tilid*d ' poHitiqn. To the miiclv gic.sti i iii uisand Argentina staara aa we coastline of 1,610 miles. ^ make home heating aosy and eco^micit. It de­ Trumaii a^dminist ration slmuid peace of mind of their le,adoi-«. pciiiiit.s wcie required—about a I '' world federation, declgiing Uhat ncedetrsml turn them Into excel­ Garages and The Food Is Excellent livers quick beat off cold mornings as Mon as you ard fixtures. Hardwood maple flooring. seek, if it la seeking the weltare Ropubllcana everywhere are now thousand. There won'tao many | b world unity and nationalism 'aie lent beef without thh allghlcst open the draft . .-j, burns slowly and steadily for of the county ahead of votes. ' aware of the fad that they ne*-d scallopt next Sunday. . . A; And Is Prepared By "NINO,” ^ as incompatible aa lira and w a\ to do a UtUe work. They can t daiixer to the health of our peo­ Service Stations! hniirs and hours withont attention. If you wad to Cjm he bought on a G. I. Loan with small down •te r .’ " Perhaps, In the cud. there would quite iinderatand how the IViiio- neigljhnr tiled for flatfish the oth-1 WelI(Rnown Alancheater. ple. so long 'as we kept out the We Do the Followlnjc .be sure of a cosy, comfortahle, hearthfully healed 1 Still more' Interestingly, News- be mure voteii in it. tnu. / (lats got up I off Ahe floor, hqi thrv er d«\ a^d found them. Much payineiil. realixe that ’la the situation luilili cows. But thst would eailier Ihftn iihiial. Not Yflfy big. Machine Shop IVork:' J^ADIO USERS! home next Winter, nq matter what happen*, fill • w J week quotes the nation's leading .N^'hat the 'I'limian Inmiaii s(limni.st!lx-i the Defnocratii pepffed up, the Dernocrata pcp;lcd lircifk the Srect industry's monop­ ,bid liiige enough to be served as i your bin with 'blue coal’ n o w . ^ public opinion polls as showing . tion now seems to ire consideriirg------.....nMand the Republicans serious at Valveg R^flced oly; ami that would require at I'an ti.Mi. That's mors'than can* '■^4 three separate but. barmohioiis re- ■ In ita political panic, is abject sur- ! last, the eamppUm sevh’* likely least a modicum of courage in an Blucka Reseated . -aulu. \ ■ A , be- .saiil of the anappcr blues. Ex- Prompt, Expert render to the meat strike. Ti,at' 'J*'’’* **•* ®*”'’**’*’”** ***^*”’" ^'*"^ election year. j . Water Pumps Rebuilt One pbil shewed tliat flt'ty-two would cerUliily please the strik-i u-pt for a .couple of tldita the Radio Repairs «.o*B -M nacotf H>o*i»» t o d a y i Call V I. . rndoiimecli.v, f50, there are alill -niipi'eva have been barely big W A K tE D per cent those polled favored era, hut it a qiie.stiim imw mVnh IS 1 enough long horned cnltla on those Passenflcr Car and Truck American Mrticipatloii ilf^ ta would a plan thrill thojje uho uoii|d ! enough to give to a caL . , . - Economical Prices O pen Fof fiiii Vast rahg'ea in nertharn Mexico. Brake Drums Turned lor all countrim -to liquidatehave their to pay for it. ^ I , That l<■aollltlou of the Conserva- (Trucks a Spccialt.v) WOMEN OR MlN TO WORK suihII and light perhaps but alill/^e^ung in Blackpool I' Guaranted G orge CriSfin rate bmpd' fbri-ea in fa­ 6 rouraa ta Boating beef animala, to greatly reliv.ve United States vor of "biK.,ta^rnaUonal( police! 9 0 Days Not Armed To The Teelh Kditor, The Herald: - Brake Shoe* Relincd IN MANCHESTER THE W. G. GLENNEY CO. Tel..2-0466^ Aa the Hadfoi-d Power Sqiiadinii , the -pibletn need* of a 8>*'** uiaiiy 'out ju British imperial af- force. Only M'jw^cent were op­ lievi'i,. ' Popular Brake Shoe. Sett Coal — Luniber Manona’ Supplies — Paint Secrcjlaiy of War Robert - P in ntftrUnf Ihclr fall rUsscH Ni>iHi,' Aritfriran*. The time will tails i- thr- nei-vieat thing I’ve posed to It, k'lth. lo p e c c e n t un­ I nt^lr in Stock Wrapping Roses, Shrubs a^d 386 NO. MAIN 8T. - TELEPHONE 4148 decided.Another po^ ' .showed 54: per cenl-<^U*rSOn told the aimiiaV ronven- we would appreciate it If you would an.vhow, when beef imaid since TexSa Oulnan’a cus­ Or edrne to Columbui^ S|. ' Will he there all be kind enough to extend our j,, ,uch form lli.it 8097 belieVlng thst the UN akould be tlofr'of^thdAniern an Ktderalloii vitation to these cUna-ie.- to vcmi tom of hailing her bi|[ butter and king Pina Fitted By Mrs, Aaoa Oabat day Saturday and Sunday. , . hey, will’ conalst entirely . i Fruitboaring Plants Tha erase to growing for authen­ transformed into a world g o v ern -; of Lalwr/thafAt was jUit iriie, as i Hiihsdribers. cRg < iH'iter all around. If 'wc li.ui a.’.uinat Barney^ jpidticld f ■ ,, Here to a baautlfuUy fitting day- armed forces of all yountpleB. Only ! some foreign i>oWei»'' *cGood pay woman will like. It haa excellent hto or her wardrobe thia season. H'KKY FINN Playing SaW y.per cent undecided. 1 teeth." To prove his cdn.t^ (in, held once a week for almut i2 }"noii> iijio ^jhe ihance.to see hintfpread, like linnysnd careful attention to de­ Knitted in heavy dark worsted and / WHY DON'T HggR COMtO ^ S&'uW»lSw2ia . I ■~BUU another poll ahqw^ 63 per j Secretary Patterson point * f(j \veeKE/T!?8 course is given free »u.v steaks atjall. led paint, all' over a'track. He • FOR R E N t tail., Oontraatlng 'binding gives a enlivened by the famous ''Snoyk-^ MCAUCf TR|« I Good Working Conditions t n u y look. flake and Reindeer" design in Wf IceiFOOIN ROAP MUST M eaot baUavtag that tba United Na^, that ws have an amij; of 'and anywta'4®*®®***®*' in-hoating ^ ~'Km 1 Beasoa tried hard enouflh to give them I Generatora and Starters is welcome Ip h itM l. FananTNo. 8087 comes in aisaa white, this particular sweater 1$ 8 UNTIL (MB . BWAffMMS WITH Uena ahduld adopt a plan to era- only a million men. as compa»d Thankta*vS'0‘*„'>n^Xli»bce7 i re Anyho'v. when Mr- Truman , as­ long ago the thrill they want f»r. | Rebuilt M ust Be 16 Yeors^of Age 88. 88. 80. 88, 84. 88. 88, 50 and 82. wiiinef! You'll need 18 ounces of COM! COFB •LOOKIN'FOR ata * rtpraasntativc world thii to a Russian army of five million. main • ; sured Mayor O’psfysvt ^ . . Well, thU ta Hurricane, fliae 88, 8 7«8 yards of 85 or 88- dsrJt..woQl end a amall amount of UBjAND I'M NOT CordlaIl.y yours Week: you'll doubtleaa know'how I : Ridge Reamer and inch. white weot. Design la worked in by TAKM'ANV CMANCfS grass ampowmed to. seljUe, Iwlth f In the very next hrestb, how­ [Mikesman, thaC his admiiii.'>jiia- For this pattern, send 25 cants. the use of force If necessli^’, ail - James J. Gleeaon, Sirreturv dolng "evciythiog p ll I'loved iij' down her# before i , Wheel Ptiljyr Coll At Office i . Or "carrying” white wool along nilth O f OBM' FLUfiKffO 1 ever, Secretary Patterson p a sted ^ Hartford Power !-qorfdt,.n ■* -t* • In Coins, your name, addreiw, size your basic cotqr. Design chart is l>. problems between individual coun- rtneat into tli.* lmtili^i.«n lell you,. Mayl>e I’U be aeeitig-j desired, and the Pattern Number th a t^ e recent flights ol the Truc­ ' ■ - . i sibl^.. .. . Come In and'^Consult ()ur included In the-tnstrucUons. tfia s.. ' Mill if I don't blow away. ' to Sue BurnetL The Evening Her­ ulent' Tuitle and the iDiVamboi Doesn’t Bother To sio|, | n. jihupa, he . Doctor of M olor^ ^ Phone Mr. Reeks, Man. 4161 To obtain compte'tc knitUng in­ - flueb poUa, curiously M. M. ald, 1150 Ave. Americaa, New 3733 enough, | would soon be beaten. That mesiVt - ^ , ' 'VVllhoiut daiiAge tSHhe baij( «. . John O’Addsrio j Vork 19, N. V. structions. chart, gauge' for in- •liffw. iha Amariqan paopis a lot of course, that w-a would soon be Send an additional twenty-five creasinjk or decreasing sice of ,li(^''^Urtiv? HirW AriuanT.trM^ counts of the cattle ( R.ver Road, Relndaar Sweater (Pattern No. sloaar to Uie reaUty of tha prqa- showing the world. that- wc could op, the porch ol the recorder'*-ur. the leedlng-lot fatteneis oi -J; (•enU for the Fall and Wtatar ( lasua of Ftahion—52 aftwe of the 80881. Mm s 84/ and 88 (Ivan, sand Pottertpn^s ■•t world/ sltuaUoq than most CBtry (jur atom ^ bomb for .even flee and told a prtjxiner he was J ungodly proflta of the atoi k.\ai d ' ------■ -* CAMPBELL t8 esnU ta 'Cbta plus 1 cant podt- staartesL moat waarabla pat|a|Bs' Up8ii Hianulajrs *tli f >00 P. M. ara aM atat^raen gfeator distances than- Auntralia taking t o l ^ “^ ers a no heed for Dackinx hoiiaa pirate*.' B-lt'a iDreami you'll see fashions by well sge, Your Name. Addreas and the' •youatiu toLty KVbget wet. Run out to yv* ti.l my > 4 carl Hr j ***** •** “***“ *1 J- ..iialx AUTO SUPPLY riofftd Sal. Ai S.rtn p m . siM avtr-hava ^esMd,;,^^^ to Ohio or ila'wail to Oalni. as fHs/aa you can." ThV p„.-„„er ">«» we could *• with « , mml i. fcHl of , apfcMllng th.e coii- kuU'^n ' SI ;o'«ia . . .-special beauty Patlein Number to Anne Cabot. — r-. That is the svay th eh l* a --ta Aiid fiirm- ihsl point .ScciclnRv i d'*!- ritShever.- he didn't bother to , i atnsXicu;, oy Andrc'w« Jai l;.y.. , n ./iuent in .5 t^2 hmifa ket* the goal 2lPBi»M«ell SI reel and h(»i ,;!4I Main Street Patterson, went on to iuoniiac liij i "'h**® ‘I®*'**' "y*"* *• booli. J * ' ' Uoday police “Of ncRrb> ataleal . ^ - hmnhours, « almost aa’fast as the siih Open .Thursday I'alli 9 p. m. •N. T. ------i||^ r ta n t •tuashhAg audience that this coUnUy would on the lookout for lum. man'wa nfffd right nois. i makes tha trip. / .- . ' ( t V ■... • . . ' ✓ s 1 3 e v e n i n g HBEALD, lU jfCSBB^R. c6 n N^ SATURDA^WjTOBER 12,1942 MANCHESTEK GVEM n u h e r a l d . HANCHES’i’KK. LUNN^ SATURUAY, OCTOBER 12. 1942 lUUtCHEBTE^ PAGBUra — ov aald payment ef.1 Five on Bomber Moroeoo, ThnnM ^ idglit and bunt Vets’ Housing V ■ Americans Ready Uone by the A*!* BdilU^n Into flames. |g Hdnodred Guest was "Inconceivable" ■ ■d'l. RatMrt*' reaeWag here todev A c tio n ••additional burden" Die in Crash; To Support Shift T h e Boltog Fawpt-Taachef ag- seldilleplaiie, aJv-63, hH a 1 ^ Plan Ad vanced Pressure Back on as^ Red Sox Win9 6 country to econotflle aide while Sytag ia a feg. There •;ceteatiPphe." ^ aoclatlon b4ld lunnonthlylU atoet- iOilM ratLack Infjng Wedheade.w^dheaday evening la tha 26 Others Savi wet* BO survivac*. Of Czech Ar^aa bMisdnt of tha'QuarryvlMe Math Among those killed were CarlHi C. Treat 36, nesriy appointed U. 8. Next Step le Hearing M R S RiRiiiers Frpff Natigation odiff cfiurch. Fire PreventloB week (« »n , Wai observed with a program ar­ vice consul at Casablanca.lance. (be On Zone Exception on iBarbar Hill'Trials ICBBtlmid freai Page One) O f DfOiuhe D teried ^Brecheen 'Last Ditch’ ranged by Mrs. Fred Johnson. * the plane efteTihe paaseqgera had wif* and daughter ot Howard El- to Bucharest, Oct. IS—(ffV— Ooy- tlng. Americaa conaul-dealgnatc at Next ThurMlay Top N. Rritain D m . To„N trt: ^ ^ rag* O m } aura at Hungary*a "gateway MKa Uabeth Mcponald of the g ei.«u t aild aald: tha Balkans,"’• " aaylng ■ some powinowers emment aourcae today dtcried tha Connecticut University Bxtenaioa “ ■ '’b r i g h t . 1 wa* right oa Caaablanca. Today and Tomorrow rylng to play one Balkan arucle for frae narigatlen of the •erviM spoke of haaarda in tha Elttng mtased the fatal crash be­ An actual change of sons arlll. r mwii to ttM U tft iadw trr* Danube rivar which tha Parla cause ha was foreed to remain tn Jb c m I pottUon for raBond of country against another,' home, and how to keep B*gM* to Gush OM not be nooesoary to legalize the Bob Brty Leads Local Meduskey and Hurlburt Other Diuiublan eountries. Simlc Peace conference wralA* Into the Then he began to gu*h blood Paris on ofBeiel bualneee instead proposed veterans' boualng project afcldente at 0 minimum. of accompanying hie famOv to SrORTS sold, were waiting fPr Hungary "to Romanian treaty. John .Senkbell of BMlpiPd VM- from the mouth. . CapUln Mor- on the almahouae property, the je Attendance Ex­ Handers Home Yester- H c b H Speaking Pro­ ' : maitr Map *• BM4y free harself oomplatoly from her The CommunlM oMMal newspa­ rt« and hla co-pllot.- P. K. Zeper-^ Casablanca. Town Plan Oommlaeion ruled yeo- Fish (ft Game Notes To Face Boo Ferriss per, Hcantela, In sin sditorlal re- imteer Fire Department aroused TVpat's home was nt 2611 Girard dny; Scope l 8 • 37 gram; Movirt Follow lioi lolofjr Awdw oop loUl ycotor* revlBlonlBt eotsplex"—nferring to cbneiderable Intortot concemlnr nick, alao of Ml*ml. were repofted tferday. Th* Board of Appeals oa pected at 2-Day Events rynwray Park. Baston— One. of or « tMt an aeaaon. ' the !■» bo night In rnul With o n p )/ deslroe for enrentual nvlalons in yard'd as expreseing the gevam- by Baatem Alrlllne* offiriaU to avenue, Evanston, lU. Zoning will now to aaked to mighty home run hitter aald. tTtft M & m todop. Whot It n ment view, eald tha DafUiba was a causes o{ flrsrind gave inatnietion At Gnik Club in Wap- the greatest home run bitteffe the Dobson Limits Cards Hungafp*e favor, M to>h4t to do In tha event ot bava ba«n the only one# Injured. grant a aonlng exception, which is Manchaater High’s harrtare won *Utmmy would you like to be The annual ieftbsll League baifi Arm Fodi GoNI PoBot n u * ha lUacloonl bjr Mr. T n im ^ matter concerning only tho atatee the only aonliig step neceaaary. gaifia has svtr known. Jamas quet will to held tonight at 7 jjaazTWliUe, from oCflcUlo who He added that "the only hln- waa an Informative aad Harrow ea" their escape fiwm an easy victory yesterday over flmmected with basebaUT" thla To Four Hits( Cronin’ s (briisBe to navigation on the Dan­ along the river. Samlng death had been, ihost of Political Camitoign The petition of the Manebester P » i ___ _ Emory Foxx, ex-nuijer league writor aaked dark haired Jimmy. o'oloek at the Itallah American ha«w whot wont on ot pooUrte^o A high government oaolal, wb ^Urfatlngtalk. New Britain’s ctomi country equad. Oub. Howard Kollet, n-gfiam wki* ube cotnee from the western Alllea The hosteaaes, Mrs. Fred Luck the passengers expressed wilUng- Housing Authority aad th* special ftrot ^eseman and new • popular "I sure would. I know one thing. .Subs in Top Form; oSlM t diaetiancn-« tin moot lo> slant that the ’This wsskeiid' aU the roads for with a point soort of 13 to 87. apeakers will Include Joe Mc- nsr for th* CardtnJw dnta»«» aaa thora Gono eondleUiig nporta by their detention of num i took the ^ ...... p , - - I Fred Johnson eerved ra­ to fly on immediately to Rages Far Afield Veterans' Housing eommlttoe for Boaton eportecastar. Is one of the I know more about baaabaU than their destinations beyond Wash­ thla excsptiop wilt to given a^pub- IhunterT'aBd dog lovaia load to the Bob Bray, star of th# B ^ a ^ many familiar big namoa preaent tho type of work that 1 am now Ouskay. TMCA director and Char­ PoUet Chased in First ahipa on the'upper Danube" the government toWodndetelualve freshmenta at tha close of tha pro- BMtor Bart ToM bafoiwyw. -iT.^Sf=K saw l:M .. American «one of Austria). ington. Dense fog conUnusd lie hearing at the Appeal Board’s trbar Hill Gun Club la South Whit* squad, rempsd in Srst 18 for the world aerlee. doing. Foxx eald. ley Hufiburtr cosoh of the Amer­ control of the Df^ulM by riparian ' fram (Qaattaabd ftwm Fags Oae) asoonda ahaad o f Ms toammate. ican League eleven. Mark Helmea As Al Braale Stops teidaya gotao that Ms aim TranoB Is iBcUaad toward boom Wanto Tngeolavta Oenanitod through the night, however, pra- regular meetlag next Thursday iWIndaor. Laat evening the draw- Leaning on the better’s cage As far as predloUona went Jim­ etatea night Charlls wait*. B a ^ k o t the will be th* toaatmastar, f s l t u ^ a a it did In t t BM>dUleoUon of tin pnnart nm t BImlo damabded that tha For­ vantlng any flight* from National lings for today’s Stakas were held the Boston Red iktt were going my summed up the aeries as a good Sox; Slaughter Hurt praoomably In eign. MlnUrten* Counett epflault Roth theee;aoitrees also protast- . • « « • •ragard to Marshal Tito , of Tugo- Hardware CRy equail waa tha Srat Officlala of the league are Herb Loula last weak. •tfport. _ . ^ 1st the club house and tha Opan through their batting drill wtor 009 with both toama llabla to win. TugoaUria before giving flnal ap­ ed thetrea^ provistom for moat-1 A fa rille E n g in C e r S Five of eight New York bound •lavla "who accapts out goods and In, but bafero anothar Nm«r Britain "TMi soriea la too abort to make Btoronaon, president; Chff Magnu- PoUst burlsd Uw epaniag 'fayow-natlon t r a d s between c5 aquipinsnt-.vrhlla at the same time iPuppy States got undar way. on to the third game. Fmix. Mr. Dou­ By Jack MNad proval Cb the declirtonB of the enn- pssaangers went on hy train at 8 Gipital Hotels runner had ewesed the SnlHi IbiA ble X, watched Mg Rudy York aall any atatementa," Foxx iront en to sen; vio* president; Alton Oowica, game of. th* serlea and waa da* damm t. Beating ^ a d lx and other nations. his guns qrbj...... ting dowB Amer- hadule, thia morning at 10 a m. ferenoe, reached bringing the Ease Conditions A m„ while othera found accom- nine M HE. runners had counted. several bells ever the leftfleld ratoto when queried on tha sub- saorotery and Earl Tost, treasurer. Bn Route to S t Louis, Oct 13. ^••ted 8 to f when Rih^ Tovk a SSoi;? m got tho erroneous method of out-voting.^ BBodatlona In Washington hotelA lean plaiMA lay’s afternoon compatltlon will It waa one of tha eaaleet wine A spaghetti and ehlckrn dinner homsrsd tn Uw tenth i m Im . "^damae J. KeeUng, formerly of " W r ^ oni jnaricaa) agency fence end their was emotleo en (F>- Hatty (tka Cat) Brecheen ImpioMloa the preetdent tapP* extreme ruthlnsneea." In tha night's firat and mora Hit b\ Strike Ito In the Amateur All Age dlvl* of the local team this season: will bo sarvad by Faganl with bm>- Pollst failed to last an fil i n g ^ was sa&dtng notes of pro- Foxx’s face. v itlcaily all baaaball BMn ra- stands bstwssii tbs Bosten Rad poaed to o mlddle-gronnd pro(pBia Manchester, manegsr of Dr. Vlado Cleinentle oTCsecho- (tkmtlBued front Fag* Obs) triigle accident, the B-25 Army |alon and will find most of tha leed- vlaatollowlng. ysstarday In Uw Son • tol tol office of the Prudential Inaur- tost to Uto, agaacy was Tha summary: Several yaara baok. F om w*a glve out any dope on tha Son and tha 1S48 world ehamplon- riovaMa epoKe of ‘^thTuluattafac- A b o u t T o w n plana waa en route ■ ifrom Rich {VwUmm»4 r w a rag* Om ) Itag dogs In thia section competing wtnnar aa they a n w ritl^ dpaolal win. Aftor taMng a i ancs Oompeny for the peat . » busy leading goods onto ahlti* to lBv|timeB t o Meetlag Osas Coantry Smaaary the Red Sox big drawtng card In tha handaonw aeuthpnw aat **Wben'*o*reporter noted ^ t left tory Mate pf our,r4ietlono even at the operators were not mvailaMe mond, Va., to Andrews field, Md, Ifor the elegant trophies which this sans ban park. Today, Jim­ gtorlao tot etany magaalnae and aMp as Um tramt-waary baaaball outright decontrol or ratantlon of years, was honored recently wlw Members of tha PUgrim Fellow- to ssnt to 'nto," daclared the S*v; Ihave been diaplaytd locally for ’The meahera ot the DUworth- 1* Bray, M 14.03 next to Th* Herald man In Uw pressnt" wKb^Hungaiy. sajjng for comment last night herg/ A t 11:26 F. the Army craft emor, citing this alleged bicladiit btaakdomi of nagotlatloos far my is forgotten to a eartaln ax- nawapapen. caravan baada back- to Sports­ the prieir* price Hde os the only a timtlmonlal dinner at the b e l w ^ of the Hungarian ehip have been Invited by tho CYP Ithla past-waek. With Frank Weed Cornell Poet, American Legion ~t. Waite, M ...... 14:17 proas ’bon. In New York, Joseph Curiran, reported heavy fog and asked par- aa evidence of what he called lack new union oontracts to' replaoe 8, Bajeok, NB ,••,.■••••••. 14:30 tent York waa one of the big . D*g*nl Dolag* man's Park. •tternotiTee, t ^ offlelol replied: Wavarly Inn In Cheshire, given by Jmt In this matter W such Club of Center churph to attend president of the CIO Natkxial those which expired BepL 30. land Dave Rogers of Brookflald cordIhUy Invite the members of Box Sc^ Tbs Card ao* bad ao com* miaalon to land at National air­ of coordination within President 4* Pandlaton, M 14:87 guns in the Aifieriean League the WMtay Kurawakl’s right arm, re Out In front of the St. Louis ^ t - e right" - his ataff In honor of his 25 yeareof ee jfctf^'provoke a very serious dis* lU meeting tomorrow at six Msritlip# union, aald the U n i The unlona aaked wage Increases Ijudging the dogs In this ataka, the Manchester Division of the ment on hla arm after bstog port. Washington, or at tha Army's Truman’s admlnistfAltlon. Oohnectleut Sportamen'i AasocU- 8, Hooker, M 14:47 year Dbuble X emaahad out 68 Ms throwing wM*. Is erooksd. Ihls cardinals by a 8-3 margin in One b l Pelnte DIeeBeeed servloe with the company. In thW scptlon Of pentrsl o’clock, to be follewed l ^ a social time commission waa "responsible of 15 cento en hour for employee laome of the flnaet amateur com- is no handleap to th* Oardlnal blasted although reports mid Bolling field, acroaa the Potomac OoBMBBalete Greatest Prehleni tion to attend a social meetlnf .to '8. MoKlimeyi M 14:88 ^rcuit btowB, two short of Babe gam*A Joa Cronin’S Son need but I t It known, howerer, thot the dituiar waa alao attended by C 3 i^ Europe." time with refreahmanta. The meetr for continuation of the strike" hy who don't get tips and 10 cents an IpetlUon of the aeeeon is due for Buth’s ell time record of 6g tMrd baseman from threwliig or ha waa boUwrad before tka tophar L. Dunntngen, district man­ „______, ing of the Fallowahip tomorrow river. Told to wait a moment that Cidonel Mucci, who became a be held at the Post Home on Le«ii- 7. SkKkmiatar, M ...... 14:59 ona mors viotory to clinch the Mg ■aaeltilltlT of ImporUnt neat to He aeld ‘‘the world should ac- the engineers and tha A FL Mae- another plane was coming In to national hero for hla exploits in hour for those arho do. The hotel Itoday. * Having added a few pounda. taatUag. Al BarUek, jraung^ Outortdgh, n . ager, aiid by the aasUtant^trlct cepT what he lemtod "the cooper-' nftemoon will be omitted, ard street, Monday evening, Octo­ g Yates, M ...... *•••••♦ 18:11 priss. '%Sp eoM the BhorUge wae one M tera. Mate# and Pilot*. land, the B-25 circled away and tha PhlllpplneA eald th* Oommu- aaaodatlon. representing the 13 Tomorrow’s events will com- 8. Brown, M ,,,,,.*.**,i, 18:18 Foxx is atill on the portly aide, aa moat colorful umptro* tn th* Fasky, Bs That ona viotory must be earn­ the pointa dlecueoed by the cabinet manegera of the N ew ^lteln of ation and alHancv ^ the Slav na- j * Curran said In a atatoment th# nista constituted the greataat whose contracts had sxptred, of­ Imence at 8 tn tha morning. If the ber 14. A eerles of three fllma on waa In hla prime with Oonnfe Jon. la tha same' fellow who DIMagglo, rf Qmord le HoimM of Bonion nothing more was heard from It "Fishing,” ''Hunting," and "Boat­ 10. Anderson, M ...... 15:14 ed tomorrow over Brecheen, a moat conalderaUon waa flee. ^ , dona, who suffered more In the ••U 8. Maritime commlarion has until It crashed In a wooded aiaa problem ooiifrontlag the Mfinds' fered S cent and 2ti cent hourly Iweather permlU, and will open Mack's Fhlledelphla AtMeUoo aad worbod many gaaaea ia tMa soetlon WIIHams, If crafty laftiwnder who holds a 8-0 Mr. K eaU ng/liea lived In war. with the flovlet union ’ street, John 'B. Wolcatt and Btpart failed diamaljy in its rasponsIhU ing" will be shown. 11. JoHnlnge, NB ....*•••• 18:37 In Uw second provoking oulte an aahetJnr to bring In freah neat about six mllea aouth of tha air administration: He predicted that IncreaseA. Iwlth the competition tn the Open 13. J. Renkin, NB 15:38 the Sox. Foxx served aa a mem- the past two yean wMla tn the York, lb- seriaa shutout W Uw dtclalon wtll argument AigiiBtina, a eourae which Bristol to fX the peat 22 Ukrainian Foreign Mlnlater d . Segar of Main street, afe at­ tty to settle thla strlka" because tha PhiUpplna govsmmeat would Botela DecOaa ComproalBa iDerby Stakes. All dogs hi thla OhrlsIoB Meetlag Higgins 8b tending tha convention bf the Nat­ port I g Pontillo, M 15:88 tor of the Philadelphia FMIa for a Coast Guard and stotlenad tn Haw ba hanging tn Um balanoa unUl a npidd require renoval of a ban lm> years, haring moved from 'Man­ Dmitri MSnullaky denounced any It "welched on the committment to foreed to come to grip* with A governiBant ooncUlatiaQ per­ levent have, bean whelped alnce There will to a meeting of the Btretob before taxing tho radio London. Every fsn In tha pMh enn Oblbsraon. rf fiiignmsal nl PlMo attempt to reduce Hungarian repa- ional Bxehanga Club In Atlantic Farmers living In the -Isolated 14'. Owens, M 18:41 aevaatb gaua ia played Tuesday. id beoauae of a hoof and n ou ^ ch e s te r ^ 1924. He la well known made to the unions providing for "the Communlat banmts there suaded the unlona to compromiaa January 1. 1945, and will feature Conn. Sportsmen’s Aaaoc., Wed- job In Boston. hoar a strike eallad'to the eelorful Fartw, 0 Cronin haa Hated an "either or" Parte* sUd Into Uw plato aa In ^Prodanttal clrclse as ha has retionrto Russia aa "an unfriendly Oky, N. J. which oBans today and application on It# west coast vat- area said they heard the plane cir­ I g Coleman, M 16:43 aaa threat Argentina already end put'them down," probably at t and 4 oeAtA but the hotels ds- iny dogs whose performancaa neadey, Oct. 16, at the Res­ Ifi, Flaherty, M 15:83 FOXX broke Into the mejora with Barllqk' Sportoaater Jim Britt, one Dobson, p pitching aalaotlon, refusing to go rooU* oataiwr Jao OnragMa took haa offered to aMp 4.000,000 pounda sd one of the bast Prudan- act."' ' ^tinuea through October 15. Mr. sels the terms of tha contract to cling around about three, or four Terry Mooro’a peg and hinged *t- « times “and then suddenly It blew with bloodibsd. ^ollned, asaertiilf It would add 31>- now will have a lot to do with taurant, Wilson, Conn. It ia hop- 17, Spalding, M ••••*•.,*.. 18:00 the A’l as a catcher. He was of the play by pisy snnouneen of any further than to say It will m of oanned nnat, wlddi la not oo^ ilsl officea In tha country. WarBa of EeoBoaile Collapse Segar is a past prealdent of the to negotiated between tha strik­ Colonel Mucct eald t b ^ never 000,000 a year to operating coptA ad all delsgates from the local divi­ later converted Into Mm, Uyinx for * teg. Plate Um* local and atate organlaations. Mr. up In th* sir." .iheir future brilliance ln,the Shoot- 18. Grady, M...... 10.01 first base- tha aai______rlaa on th#_____ sir. Is busy aaoh Toteli S3 81137 7 8 8 Mlokay Harris or Dava (Boo) acadhy the bda; Mr, Keating la a mamber of tho The United BUtoa has led a flght ing unions and the aaat coast op­ was a greater general *Tn the his­ The base pay rates ot the work­ ling Dog flald.:.A cash guarantee o f sion will attend. man and for yean was one of the .gfiy pollecttng up to tSa minute Louis (NL) Ferriaa. plrs La* Ballanfant ruled' rnitoo . AmaHean Lagton, tha Oilppgnaa Wolcott Is a dalagato and Mr. Hol- NamM Withheld by Army 10. Henry, M ..,*••.•*•*•• 18:03 pcopoiala procnp In committee for a minority pro­ erators.” tory of our country” than Gener­ ers Involved vary widely. dollars is to be divided pro- No Stooklnff Trial 30. OtfUo. M ...... 16:14 moat feared battei* In the laagueTI material from the plgyen ^ tham< Bcbdandleost, 3b 4 Naw Playar* CMsk ■ate and OarMHols pro(Msted Mt* oritMamI OB both the pid country Oub. Tha KnlghU of Op- posal to reduca the figure from mea an altemate, le taking the The CIO engineers aaked for a The Army withheld the names al Mac Art) ur. “and there never Some of the capital's finest bos- There will to no etoeklns trial' terly> Vvtn I^mr. wkn ssMom place of Peat President Charlea J. ■portionately between the first 31. tVochng M 10:34 Jlmi^ alao caught a few games selvea for use lator In tlM day. Law Mooro, cf Boston cllmbad back Into tb* froata. X lumbua, Fourth Oegrea, and le a 1^,000,000 to 1200,000,000, warn­ closed shop and a 35 per cent •of those aboard'pending notifica­ will to." teleries wer# ringed by th# plriut tomorrow. However, 300 bird# for Oannle Maoii and perrormad Fonseca, busy taking action shots drtvtr’a aaat on yoaterday'a 8-8 wranglm with usmlroa, kicikMI up ______tamed Felber who was eleo a delegate. wage Increase and the AFL. union Ithree place winners. 33. ’Tenguey, NB ...... 10:39 Muatol, lb a fuss aftor Oamgioln Mwwod Mza' Taft (lUOhle) past president of the Pdquabock ing that Hungair might be sent In­ tion of next of kin. Houatag Sbartaga Major Prebieaa lineA will to released. You can atUl aquaUy aa well at tha hot oornar, of Um pisysn and plays for Ms win aa three Red (ten playtrs who for a percent raise. Sunday Program 33. Weller. M ...... 10:31 ■laughtsr, rf splk* marks on u s taft fiossaim. the auggMted lihportatlon of Ar- OoK Club. .Mis home la at 1«4 to economic collapse by heavy de- so wriui* police and Army offielaU Ueutenant Governor Snow, Involved wer* the Btatler, May­ Tha flnal and climaxing ataka watch tha bird dogs work how- tMrd base. World •srtao of 1848 film. I ^ o n l bad not flgur*d prombwnUy In manda upon bar. Manchaater Garden Club mem- campaigning In WllUroantlc last 34. Sawyer. M ...... 10:88 Dusak, If It was a Mg run iar Uw B M o gontlMbeaf "aboehlng." Me added Btesrha street In Brtetol, where war* atUl making their way to .ignlng in flower, Wsrdman Park, Washing­ •111 to run Sunday afternoon with avar, as tha Barbar HUI Gun Club 38. Toomey, M 16:44 Wa aaked Foxx if he missed the Red Son players, hsadad by Rudy KurowakI, 8b pr*-aert*s dlscuaalon wrappM up Si h atetm eet! ha reriflss with his wife and hla "The attitude of the United tore are reminded bf the meeting night, called the housing ahortage had Uad Uw aooro In Uw top o f Uw the remnento ®f the bomber, the ton, Willard, Hay-Adanu, Lafay* Ithe ateging of the Open All Age la holding a flald trial oa thair 36. Kayes. M . aeeeeeeee 16:56 game, and if ao, to what extent York and Bobby Dosrr, a n buay the fifth gam* all by thamselvoa. *mn peaalbla daatruetlon of the States la governed not hy moral Monday evening et etoht o’clock In Agree to Meet "toe major problem before Oob- Oaraglela. c second on Harry Walker’s douWa son. Mark, the latter having ra- pilot of the Eastern Airlines ettA Carleton, Bhoreham, Raleigh, ISUke. Jack McKee of Wethers- club grounds In South Windsor. 27. View. M ...... 17:03 ^‘I don’t feel too bad on the side- taking shots of playen from both Joa Doba^ aa ovanookad eUzt- Breatoch burineae la the U. S. Pantly matriculated at Tala Onl- conceptions but by conalderatlona the Robbins room of C w itr Church nectlcut,” and eald: Walksr, If-rf to left foUowlng Johninr Pesky's house, when the gueet speaker will To Plan Election Craft fiaclded to set It down at Na­ Roger Smith, Lee Sheraton, Har­ Ifield and Alec LonghI of Avon will Get Permit At Le*^* 38. Coughlin. M . 17:07 llnee. I played a good many tasraa and ealabritlao en hand for Marion, ss Ing pltobar, throw a four-Mttor la woeid be of httle Importanoa coib> vanity aa a fraahipan. o f a praisUcal.,order," Manullaky tional airport because of the "The Wagner-Bllender-Taft set rington, New Colonial, Continen­ years. I havan’t touchad a ball ecmping his first sarias effort Don two-bass error on Joo Oaragtoin's said. "Never were elalma against to Mrs. Robert T. Bcott of Hart­ Plttsbufgh. Oct. 1 3 -< g i- ^ p - which would have relaforced the lbs on hand to judge this compeU- If you did not attend th* mast­ 29. Campbell, M . re.aeeaee 17:08 tha gamoa. Fellat, p grounder. Walker drove kom* alt pared to loalin an olaotlon.” weat)ier.. tal, Martinique, Ambassador and ing of tha Manchester Division 80. Donovan, M .. 17:83 Gutteridge, a laat mtmite aub tor Wilbur lA Roe, mnaklng for the an enemy so modest." ford. Mn. Scott will speak on laaentaUve# of four union# and of program that we need so badly |tioA which will feature most of Brasls, p three runs, tb* other two with a "I waa sstaep when auddejUy I Annai^lls. this week you can get your hunt­ . Soma. M .... 18:00 the ailing Bobby Doarr, eama up Matlenal Independent M4et Peek- Kalgan In August of 1945 shoi^y He added that "the great Oen- house piaata. Memtora ere asked the Duqueana# Light Co. agreed waa. held up In the 79th Congress. |the leading dogs tn the Shooting 81 x-Jones ninth Inning Mngls. after Japan eurrenderod. TOe to meet with National Labor Be- felt the plane drop right oUt from Many are the "other homes" of ing permit at Lse’a E ^ Station S3. C. Rankin. NB ■ * e * e e e a 18;O0 with two big bite, on* of wMoh era aapodatlen. told a reportar tint trallaslmo Stalin Insisted that to bring unusual house plants, Republican members of that com' aenetora, congressmen and cabinet |Dog Clasa tn Connecticut, Mesaa- Beaalsy, p drove bom* tb* U*-br*aklaf run FoUowlng Oulhamen'B Mout la dty became the major link flower arrangements or speclmeoa latlun# board officials today to under me," said one of the pas- |chuaetts, Rhode Island and New on East Center street Lee also baa 88. Orinth. NB .. 18:80 aeeeptaaoa of tho ArgeaUne nffer Hungarian reparations be as light niittee In charge of that bill refus membera. Milfcrd Town Team In tb* second Umlag wid L*on Oul Uw stxuirUM Sea anpUed Uw tween Cnramunlat aonea In Man­ of flowers or plants. Guaata urlll he plan an election which will decide aengera, 34-year-old C. H. EHllott, iTork States. the 1946 pamphlets on Hunting 34. Tied#, NB . . . e#e«.9 e«ge 18:83 Tbtals 88 8 4 3411 1 8 erouM ha a "naot unfortunata aolu- ■ noaalble." •d to let It get. out of comiUittee The pickets made a 15-minuto 30:43 benion, an add*d starter In right eruahar In Uw savenUi ertth n churia and Inner Mongolia. ' Manulanullsky alao touched on the welcomed. the collective bargaining agency druggist of Rome, Qa. and onto the floor bf the House. Phsaaanta for the trial have Laws and Ragulationa printed by 35. Bartott. M eeeeeeee* Boston (AL) n o 001 80x—8 thrao-run Meat on doutalm bp I ttw" to tho pMMan. Communlat dlapatchoe ffon* of 1,700 striking company em- "Wa seemed* to somersault .half "courtesy withdrawal” while Sec­ 36. BreZnlak, M 31:07 field, smashed a bom* run tnat other economic aore spot In tha This policy of obstruction wss not |toen carefully aelected to guaran- The State Board of Fisheries and fit. Louis (NL) <• 010 000 008—8 gave Dobson a mora ooiatortabla DIMagglo and Pinky H* " WoBM lajnro Meat ladnatry Uni, capital of the R*da’ "Hber- ployap. iNdozen time* before we finally retary of Labor Schwellentoch, Game. All the shooting areas in Score; treaty—the majority proposal for Miss Marion E. Cotter of East only a political trick, but it was who lives In the Wardman Park, lu e the beat possible performance At~^ebo Tomorrow Two bass hits, Wsiksr, Muslal, Dl- working margin tn the idxth. intenUonal walks aad n p e rilin g e u e h InporUUpn atod area" in Bbauntung prov­ freedom of commerce on tha Dan­ Centei* street and Mlaa Ann# Low­ The employee In dispute are am­ h.to i t ’The cabin lights were on, 'and Connecticut ar* shown on a little Maheheater .... be "aery Injurtona to the an act of Injustice toward the boya came home from hla ofllce. For­ Ipf the competing d o^ . All the Magflo, Higgins; horns runs, Cul H o i^ PoUst didn't have a tMag error by Marty MastOB on a vrflfi ince. aald government warplanes ube. Manullaky charged that ry of Main atreet, West Hartford, ong the 3.2QO memtora of tha Inde­ L think the pilot had tha landing who had - made aacrlflcee for the [Mrda are fully matured aad da- soap. Naw Britain ea**pe4 eeei bsrson; stolen bases, Blsughtsr, throw. neat Induatfy.'* La Roe ealdi pendent Association of Employes mer Commerce Secretanr Henry gion eleven haa loekad batter with and waa hammered off th* MU In made two bombing and etraflng at “aUtea like the United fitatas and art apendlng the wvek-end as gear down. At first, there was Just Jvetoped and are beautifully fsath- Thought T* Safety “ Townleg” Meet Legion Culberson, Pesky; sscrifless, Dob­ Bnoo glaugbter^ Mt 4r «ho itohfi “Why encourage foreign meet tfolia on the dty Wodnsedey, of Duqueane Light apd Asaoclated country.” A. Wallace, another Wardman each paaalaf gam*. ona tMrd of an Inpdng after allow­ Great Britain want to dictate their guesta of Mias Jane Hutchinson of a mild bump, like in a normal Formation of the new poliUcal lered out In bbth wing and tall. Local hunters should rtv* spec­ w elbow bp 0 pttolMd ball In when On only thing needed la lift- There wee eomo dasaege. ^ t no Companies who walked out 19 day# Park resident, had to cancel a din­ Ckwey AaxStary Leagw H eterang time of th* gam* son, DiMsgftor doubls playa ing ttars* Mta and ons run. fioma will to the Danublan atatea" but Needham, -Maas., formerly of this landing, and then we were thrown party—the OI independent party imc ial thought to safety while hunt­ At 2 p. m-t Visitors haa b««n moved up fifteen mJnutea fourth umlag. was fionssd *ut sd tag geverament.regulatlona.” casualUea, |ha d la p a t ^ added ner party for hla daughter Jean, IIT beauties are strong Psrtoa to resky, Marion to emotive nUef pitching by Al that the Danube atatea "Intend to town. ago In a demand for a 20 per cent all topsy-turvy." was announced In Bethel by Ernest libera and will thrill tha ing this year. More huntsn will-to to 3 o’clock. Uw ganw la tka ssveatk mM iw> Whoa the oontroveiay over free Uiemaelvss from economic de­ pay. raise which wmuld boost the whose w ading la today. Ortndere (8) Boait Heavy Line With Beboendienst to Muslsl; ssrnad Braale waa All that aavad ' tba ouirent ehprtaga ran on, the Agn- Highly Praise fftewardeaa Miller, one of the chief spokesmen President Trumaij’a brother, J. IdjXrctator* when they are afield thla yaar than In any otbar Mooi-ehouse <.. 86 101^02— 290 'Btartlnf Lineup. runs, I t Louis (NL) 0, Boaton Cards from s flrst-lnnlng rout As ported laat Bigkt IMu* WM aome pendence.” The meeting of the combined ^verage pay from 31.18 to 31.41. an for the group headed by Henry O. ryear. Lat's kaap Manchaater. free Bull i>oggart, Stowi* Atkinson, doubt about Ms playing gsmtay. cuiture department came up with a Wonder tf Threat Once Hungary la dealt with, only All the paaaengers highly prais­ Vivian Truman, was registered at Iffushed from tha cover and taka off J. Mordavaky . 90 ^ 94— 368 SebooL G. I. Playen (AL) 5; Isft on basss. S t Loute It wss they Uad up Uw gsms in groups 6t the Memorial Hoapital hour. Klotz a# chairman. of hunting accidents. Also rsapset AI Vlncok and fiwodo Satanonson their half of the second nut one* The Son’a atUng o o o m t makaev Wport indicating that houaewlvni tha treaty with Finland will re­ Women a Auxiliary will be omit­ “ No Progress blade" ed Stewardess CamerA who help­ the §tatler. Also'caught there lln thair full flights to seak further Demko ...... 87'"^83 76— 348 (NL) 8, Boaton (AL) 11; barila oil may fare aome better at butcher Will Be Carried Out ed each one to descend from the The group haa succeeded,In ob­ with nobody to make the beds were lhaven from the ever searching th# landowner’s property. They are Fawcett ... .^."S3 71 107— 36g Seeking to Improve their eee- will oomprlaa th* h>e*la atartlng balls, off Braala 8. (York 8, Dl- Boston grabbed Uw lead In Its Bobby Doarr, w m i Peiping. Oct. 12—(P )- Neutral main to be read, toreahtd out and ted Monday because ot the tumor Negotiation^ to end the strike tocklMd. D ofg»rt will oaU the sunw hla place to tho ahooe tn the montha ahead. approved before the full confer­ blazing plane, then went forward taining a place on the ballot for Countess Waldeck of Belgium and Idogs. good enough to 1st ue use the land Magglo, Psrtos, Culberson), off half of tb* same frame, ft was evi­ obaerveW'Wonderad today whether clinic at the hospital on that day. continued today but all sides Mid the Nov. 5 election for Ha candid­ ton’e record, the Blue .'' and Gold aignala from tiU qnarttrback slot. a two-day rest a The gepartment’e Bureau of ence can turn five treaty texts The next meeting of the Auxiliary and l?d the pilot and co-pllot to Baroneaa van Panhugea of Hol­ I An umuual feature In connec- to hunt on. -Misuse will fesult In Totel ------348 339 378—1063 Dobson 8 (Mboro 3. Kurowski 3. dent to most of tb* 85,898 speC' Chlang Kai-Shek would carry out "no progress had been made." ates for Justices of the peace, judge land. the loss of tho lend for next year. Drill Freeses (4) Amtrican Legion eleven will pair Vlncek and ffalmonaoa will divide Slaughter, Jones, Bebosndlsnst, tators that It waa not going to ba Severn algialae Bconomea aald that during the over to the Rig Four foreign min will to held a waek from Monday, The tndependent association la the door. ^ Itlon with the trial this fall, will bq three montha endlag Oct. l ship- hla throat to tend government of probate and atfta ropresenta- One Statler guest has had It a Ithc .exhibit o f game birds and We need all tha lend we have and MeCrudan .. .. 98 104 108— 307 off egainat the fRlford "Townlee" the punting eaeignment Dusak). by Brasls 4 (WlUtams a S t Louis day. laters for final action. October 21. one of the four union# who»e Parts of the plana burst Into Little, Is Known of the Inveding menta of etooker and feeder cat- troops against Yanan, the Gom- two separate blazes aome 300 Uve. The town is now represented lot tougher In foxholeq. He wa* lamMl animals on the club grounds more. IGelnschmidt ..108 m 86— 300 tomorrow afternoon.at Mt. Nebo. 3. Dobson 3), by Beaalsy 1 (V oik); Tad WUllama drove in hla firat Andent peoMS thaugkt ckher Treaties Completed names’ ace to appear on the ballot Milford team. A letter to Manager Bids idUtfBiaBB Dm WttR b o into 11 midwoftam com belt rounlat capital, to follow up flan. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Horsmann, by Herbert B. Wanderer (R), the well known GI cartoonist. Bill Itomorrow. Among the game birds Be A Good Sportamaa ' Weiss ...8 7 113 94— 383 Breaking even Ir. throe previous Pollst 8 Mta. 1 run of Uw aerie* with a flrst-ln- Fu Tao-Yl'a quick capture yester­ Treaties with Italy. Romania The othere are District 50 of the yards apart, one within 150 feet Herb Wright of the locale In d lcx^ pltoMng summary, ■ ...... ■ 1 o o t M - (erred riehoa, aad whan | atatee were 36 par cent greater apd Bulgaria have been completed of Brockton, Mass., are spending of the home of C. H. Proffit. whose, Houae majority leader Mauldin. . ' lare several different varietie* of Ee a good sportsmen. ^ not Brophy .... ., 95 98 94— 887 starts, a win, a loss and a Ua. the run In 1-8 inning, Brasls 7 In hits. nlng alngla that knookad day of the Reds’ big military base, AFL-United Mine Workers, the Miller said the party was com­ Handed Linen# With Key# that the dub le composed of former let and Gutterldg* aeoi under Uw taiigu% gave th* ] than during the eorreepondlng pe- since final plenary sessions of the a few days with Mrs. Katherine family had retired for the night. Ifheaaant* and other game bird* trespass on cloaad areas.-Do not local# will attempt to get their S runs in 9 tS . Beaalsy t M t 0 petltlaber for the election; the posed of World War 1 and II veter­ At aome of the hotels guests break down fences, >6ve gates .380 425 333—1187 Mgh echool and servloe players Parte* with UwUa-broaklaf tally of pradlsUea. riod'laet vear. conference began Monday, with Roth, Of Cooper atreet, mother of AFlrtntematlonal Brotherhood of "When I heard the crash. I look­ ■native to this area. Thla exhibit, is Totel attack in high gmr. Wltti. miner with a Mg llfie. runs in 1; Mt by piteber, by Dob­ Theee are cattle which will go Kalgan waa cqpturad Just three Mrs. Horsmann. ans who were resentful of opposi­ whose cancellation# hadn’t reach­ opan or bars downT Do not build weeks to tha day after Chlang'a .dclegataa winding up action On Blamrtcal Workera. and the CIO- ed out the window and thought the Ibeing presented ' through the changes in the Une and badiflald Than wtH be plenty of free park­ son (Blsughtsr); wild pitch, Bsas- to the aiaughtor market during the Bulgarian treaty at 1:15 a.m. tion given to a veteran seeking a ed them in time were handed bed Icourteay of Judson Williams of Area or laave ru5f>iah. Many of the MUms (0) ir; losing pitchary Brasls; um* forpea opened their offenalye U ^ ty Workera of America, . whole countryside was. ablaze,” taxi pcrinlt and who were aroused linens along with iheir room key#. since the opening game, tha Le- ing space'’avaUabla at tha field. the coining wlntor,. eiurlng tod tcidi^r Ilf the third ^mnaecuUve -Manchaater .Aaacmblyi No, 19, land owneratiava posted land near R i c e ...... 107 73 88— 365 ...... , ' agrinat that robuhttlhoua ledoubt .iaich'brthtJi'tofia elalma It haa Proffit said.- "We ooukUfeel .the becauge;“Mlllertold hewzpapermen,- "T here were exceptions. A t the iLong Hill, Eaat Hartford, who raa, Bwsnfant (HL) plats, Hub- aummer. - They are graln-fod and after midnight session. Order of Rainbow for Glrla, viU Iraiaes the*# birds on a conimer- their hqmte but have graatad per- Johnson ...... 74 74 103— 251 uimejlv provide a better grade of In Chabar province. Within a enrolled a majority ot the 1.700 aa heat inside the house." B wounded veteran was denied a job Willard a tired stenographer said: urd (AL) lb, BarUek (N fd / 3b, Over Ruaslan opposition anfl meet In the Maaonlc Temple Mon­ mlsplelit to himt the rest of thair Gibbon ...... 80 81 81— 883 Bsrry (AL) 3b; time, 3:38; attond. raegt than graae-fed anlmala. month, government tnxips carried day evening at seven o’clock. The memtora. , Proffit summoned ambulances as high school custodian and It was "Yea. we’re aecommodatlng the |clal scale. splitting, 15 to 6. on east-west A public address system which IjuidT Donnelly ...... 110 106 88— 308 ancs, 80,983 said. / AppndM^ INgtcedt to Make out two parts of Chlang'a threat lines, the conference wrote Into program will Include the Initiation The NLRB decision to hold the from Alexandria and also called given to a nqn-veteran "who had New York Giants football team. Lang* ...... 87 84 88— 387 to captura the Reda’ thrte chief election w'sa handed down yester­ tha fire department. It was neari I will to used to keep, the crowd Inr Bands to Bfi Bstunad Cushman Runs« Kicks » —Jones Mttod tor Brasla In The bureau eald oauUoualy that the Bulgarian treaty—aa It had of candidates. no totter'quallflcatlona." Imagine It—60 of them!” Again thla yaar bands found en horantT "ohnfuaian and uncerUln- dtlee—Chengteh, eaptal of Jehol day lea# than 24 hour# after a ly Uirae hours later before firemen Arthur 'hlloUon, the veterans’ The reporter remarked that 60 I formed aboqt the events tolng^run 8t»u _ Into the Romanian—a clause to |and the names o r the competing tbs lags of the cock pheasants Ibtal ...... 468 437 468—1374 ty la the Uveatock end meat altu- province; Kalgan and Yenan— If throw the Danube liver basin open Mrs. Hasal Anderson WlU alng hearing on the petition had -been succeeded In extinguishing the nominee for atate representative, didn’t seem like many people, after GaUpen (4) ntl9B---lne)udlng speculation and thay did not accept peace terms. Boloa and the Junior Choir will held here. The speed with which flamea. wea endorsed by Democrats at their |doge and their handlers,^aloiig with should to toturned to Lae'*>JteK> Hall to a 26>6 Win Cravnt to world shipping. »”• Station. Edch band turned tn will Colombsro .... FT Ktt 81— 380 poaorbie lifting of price controls— Chengteh fell early In the cam­ One big question was left for sing chorus numbers at the spe­ the NLRB acted, waa considered Still there waa Drugglat Elliott, convention last night after having "Who’s talking about people?-* lotber Imrtlnent unfouncementa. / ______Team, N c ^ (3) iThe ayztem will aldo to used to an' entitle you to a chance on three Tomlinson ...... 88 109 108— 310 aa appraisal of the cattle feeding paign. - ___ tha foreign mintatera—whether cial meeting tomorrow evening at recognition of the aeriouaneaa of searching vainly for hla baggage. been defeated by Wanderer U3 snapped the stenographer as she Ferguson ...... 105 89 96— 390 gaa ...... -..M 80 18-388 pounce the wkmarp on the draW' prises that will to drawn after the M etcalf. ------.^108 108 135—884 situation la difficult to make." Bulgaria's border with Greece seven o’clock of the Mtaslonary tha power strike situation, which He said It contained 325,000 tn votes to 16 in a bid for nomina­ wrestled an armful of sheets and Rocod ...... 95 101 108 - 304 West Hartford Star NOW Adamy 104 83 101—387 But tho report did make the ahould to fixed along the line of Circle at Emanuel Lutheran haa Idled 50,000 worker#, halted cash and checks for 327.965 which tion at the Republican convention pillow cases. "Bid you ever try |lnga of th p-ft^e tickets which win seaaoil- McLsugMln . . . 09 00 111— 800 pelat that on the- baria of factors church. Mlaa Hlldegarde Swanson, bus and atreet car transportation, be waa taking to New .York to buy Thursday nighL making 60 beda?” |be hi^iP^t the conclusion o f the ^ Help to Needed Uang* 96 100 104—306 Ashton^s Condition January, 1941. Scores Twice in Second Summary^ M. Schubert ....n o —110 noiiany most important In making Nine nattona favored this— who Is on her way to tha jnlsr and la slowly exhaueUng atreet supplies for hla firm. ig on Sunday. A little help la needed tomorrow Total ...479 491 814—1484 a la n c a o t a substantial increase France, Norway, the United States aloa field In Africa, and la tha guait lights of Pittsburgh and neighbor­ Earth’s Creature* Canada’s Rivera 1 arrangement* for taking care morning at the ekast field to help QnaHer to Wipe Out Ban In M U e feeding—and hence tn iof the large number of apectator* Totel . . ...801 485 004 1490 Is Reported Good and Russia and five Slav alater of Rev. Theodore and Mra. Palmer, ing eltles. prepare it for next Sundajr’a Msnhey' (8) Johnson . WE%i. PAY 16 Killed in Craeh Early M. H. L^Lead tonm N*. 8 ,’. The Krajewekl ...... 110 114 103— 837 1>M^ Jr...... 108 115 128—853 63 Tahnor strept Policeman John vote waa regarded as at leaat a hold a Boclel for all oM and new America must unite a^ln st Coro- the ^wetators aad competing of the individual priaea aa Wril aa midway of the second quiwter. rt ms'vV for higher wagea will fol .members tomorrow evening at the munlim and aupport the democrat­ Georgette . * 1 0 85 $8— 178 flnal score wee 36-6. •anatrom . . . Robinson M u i^ y ...... 98 104 104—801 Cavagnaro repotted. temporary—and certainly a tur- Mail Your I handlers. the complete report of the compe­ Neism .....1..J01 71 103— 375 B, Sdhubaift . . . 02 93 85—M9 church. Boys and" glrla of high ic tdeal.x and a program for im­ Cushmaii first staged a 66-yard ra Oeneral Clark an- Mr. Ashton, who'^recently cele­ prislng—victory for Greece, alnce r .Followings the completion of the tition wOI be carried In M on d i/s Attomay It left the way open for continued school age of the church are cor­ proved llvinif conditions. The con­ sprint for a touchdown and than, Boy ...... Patch nounced In a etatenient that "tha brated hie 78th birthday last Fri- I event* on Sunday afternoon, the Herald. Totel ..454 507 471—1483 v .r ” : Total ...... 471 600 688 1504 day waa croasliig Main street from efforts to win border territory dially Invited to join th# club. vention asked C*anada to cooperate in the final minutos of tho haU. fib Cole Motors FBI has no Investigation of In thla aim and aaked that country after he had kicked to ManeneS- .... Talarskl Team No. 4 (8) ,t shortages." a point near Dennont street when from Bulgaria / Quahman ...... 03 94 83—368 tha eurreat strack. Rueaell. the driver of the The nation! voted, 13 to fl. with Miss Theda Mlkolowskl of Ma­ to Join the present Pan-American ter on the latter’s 25, Mancheater ’ih Moonan Y O C O I P O N T IA C DEALER Bnfeioei it of OPA ragula- ther street wa# honored with a fumbled end a pass from Johnny Custer ...... 100 100 100—800 added, "la not the ra- car was proceeding 'north on three abiUntiona. to require Bul­ union. Ads To \ The Nalaon .. • • • < ..... Ksansy ...... 94 60 97—371 tlone, Main etredt and Ashton wss struck greenback shower Wednesday Poaraon to fitu Hunter cUcked, rb TMtferd eponslbUli of tha FBI." garia to defortify whatever Hunter taking the peas ia Man- Dwjrar ...... 96 108 138—336 and-thrown. 35 feet, having appar­ boundary Is astabllahed with night, given by her mother, Mrs. INVEST IN... Hunter .. C. Botterton P H O N E 4 1 * 4 N O W ’ Dummy • a see•* II 93 06—850 ently wajkaid Into the side of the Alex Mlkolowskl who was aealat- N o te * w h o chestar’B end aone, to make the fb Greecd and to demoUah any w*a- Somewhere, in or around Manchefftc t h e r e 18 someone aeon 13-6. Cuabmaa booted tha car, Officer Ceyagnaro reported. ed by her daughter, Mre. Francet HSU ...... 6 14 f 0 —86 Peace pons that could to fired into Dwyer and daughtor-ln-law. Mra. •aeond plaoamant to mako the ‘Totol .463 469 498 1433 Tlie Injured man waa taken to Greace. Birth..yesterday, a daughter tel Manchester . .J.. . . 6 6 0 0— 8 Memorial hospital by Qulah’s Am­ Edmund M lkolow ^. Guaata HEALTH AND RECREATION! balttlms soore, 14-d, Halt Tha dalegatee votod I125.ooo.ooo Mr. and Mra. William Murray, *• wants what you have to sell or haa -t^r sale something you are Touebdowns:* Keeney, Cuibffmn Talks Doomed bulance. The driver of the car In-' In Bulgarian reparations, to be were present froim Hartford and M. H. 0. Beerod First this town. Oamea were enjoyed Flower atreet. ^ ___ 3, Hunter, Haverty; points ftpi volved waa not held. , Manehsetor got away to a good tiy after touchdown, (Xtsbman (3) paid to Greece and Yugoslavia lii kpd prise winners wrere Mre. Mil- Admitted vesurday; Lai^nro anxious to purchase. . . . - / . Xt y o u r r e c r e a t io n c e n t e r s atart but fumble* a p o ^ their *f- tOsattaaed trmm Page Oae) equal (Sharea within alx years In ton Strong and Mra. Regina La- Copeland. 14 Hackmatack street fo rt Hall had4 ttomod eteged a-*- drive of (placement). farm products,. Cttal, llvmtock and Cou. The hoetesaaa a col­ -Mrs. Martha OateA 154 Hlghumd 50 yards to the aad White Referee, McOratb; umptro, Tou^ isetmo Chlaing Kel-Bhok tiirough rallro^ aqulpmant. ktreet. Georg# OoeklfT, Rocinwe. mey; linesman, Weir. i M ^ l b o r o u g h or acheme of yellow and sfhlle and thna late In tha opening staaaa, tBtarmedieriea tbet If the goVemr Bulgaria'* liability for restltu: a large white wedding hell with Richard Klein.’ 192 Branford IWeet EAST S ID r WEST SIDE but a fumble wiped out the threat 8uiMUtuUons^ HaU — Bulaa, Bient captured Kalgaa, China tlon for Allied property aeltec} or streamers. They perved aand- Peter Balirkl, 63 fpSiicer 9treet (?ef Together Via Classifieds 22 School Strtft aa OU Lewis, rssinr* cantor, r*> Paarston.’ Haverty, Schumann, would be split'wide open and the A birthday party for the ,benefit damaged In the wer was fixed V and Philip Ashton, SO D*lmont llOCmUrStmt Augustins, Corronl, Weiner, Hib­ responelbtlity would Ue with the wichea, cake and coffee. Miss covered for Maaebsotor on Ms five. of tha Richmond Memorial Library 75 per cent bf...... the full vehia. nu Mlkolowskl wUl he Btoriisd on street. Bob Guatefson got awsy a daagor- bard. Bcbultleas; ends Snell. Han­ government. AaaoelMlon Is being held Saturday, linal't OB Armed Force* Admitted today: Betty Steiner, Ratea: ll-ceiiU a line per one insertion, 9 cents « line per three cock; tackles, Wantworth, Lawta; In addition to Its position on November 80 to’ James O’Reilly claarlng punt and HaU was p # ^ . evening. October 19.’ In military arUclea approved of too Florence etreet In S t Bridg­ 20 Ferndale Drive, ' OFFICIAL OPEHING, MONDAY FVFNING, OCT. 14 lead for clipping, ridding ’ tho guards, Tarbox. Surganor, Weld- the Important eaet-wsM Pelplng- T^e local Grange Is sponsoring Discharged yesterday: M rs. BPlyiian railway, the city was a without diacuaslon. Bulgaria was et*# church.' fnnertions, 7 cents a line per six insertions*-' of Immediate danger man; canters, Rogera, J. Welde- .» Hallowe’an parly on Saturday limitai) to an army of 96.800 men. Father Hsrmln. 51 Lynnmore l; '' Refreshments FOR Al l i aad for the quarter. man. Manchester—Backs Aslngsr, hqb far highways loading both to ' Drive, Mf#. Ruth Btaddon Md Siberia through Outer Mongolia fvanlng, October 26 and everyone a Navy bf 8,500 men and 7.2(h) In the third quarter Cushman GuMatoon, Dans, Edmondsan; Is welcome. < M a y P r o tiw l ••daughter,'19 Jackson Campbell, Buckland, L, Bot­ and the Oommunlat-hold aone of ton* of shipping and an Air Force Write advertisement on thifi Form.'plgcing one word m each space. Count five again carried over tor the second aartbem MaaMiuria. of 5,300 men, TO oombet planes and Gwendolyn Hurt *nd *on, 396 Main ACTIVITIES.. a touohdown, aeooUng around hla terton; tackle, Johnston,' Hsrmon, The Mtnlstry at National Da- Ouninaa SUeat la Holdup 20 transport plane*. In addition, atri-et. Mr*. Rose Bonrelle and *on. average words to each line. Minimum chtrge—8 lines. Mail with Checlf-j,# right end (mm reverse fof- 35 yards Turklngton; gusid, Kelley: cantor, Trial Methods , )2.l Eldridge street. Joyce Man­ tenaa annowieed that Kalgan was the coaference voted. 14 to 6. to ' 0 B^KETBALL • SHUFFLE BOARD BOW LINC^ and the counter. Ho mlaaed tha l*twia. captured today, a few hours aftor Chicago—{/Pi ■—• The man who prohibit Bulgaria . from o.:^-ning j ner. 281 Hillstown Road. Money OHer or Stamps, " ' ‘ .Maoamant however, and the score weed waa flaMied from the front walked into a Loop liquor store Ig­ motpr torpedo boat*. She also (CeaUaaafi ftana Page One) DUcharged today: 8ld- • VOLLEY BALL • CALISTHENICS T R A C K stood 30-6 at the end of tho tMrd Got L'nexpeotad R«Uef ro*in«ky, 11 Carrol DfWO ond J«An that tha S n t of Gen. Fu Tbo-Yrs nored Manager William Schwartra waa forbidden to have any atomic I v' : • BADMINTON ' • SWIMMING C H E C K E R S quarter. to e ^ drave Into the city from tha graetlngi He walked to -the coun­ tomb matorial. |dared, “ 1* deeply Inherent In the Martin," 33 Harvbrd Road. Manchester w#a in danger twice Aurora, U1.~WR^ Realtonu ltf f ^ *• • WRESTLUVG . D A R T S In the final quarter but wormad ter and produced a platol—hut . 'Bulgaria further wa* required.' American syatoro. Th* very eaaence t • miK)OR QUOITS tka WUder atreet neighborhood didn't say anything. Tton he hand' despite Slav oppoaiUon. to steer I o f our procaas of law I* that In aiple 8ched*l# ' ; -t • PING-PONG • B O X IN G C H E SS . out of danger each time, until, who are aufferlng from the ■ meat The BmtAiCbmqiuBlat defeases ad Bchwartx, 46, a paper bagi claar of a monopoly in civil avia­ triaU w* shall Uan over hack- Monday, tMmor cUnto at 10, ^ III ll 1 with the bml on the one-toot line, shortage got soma untMtetod Mg to the Boutheaet aad thia ao' Schwarts told central police he tion and to ayold race discrimina-' warda In being fair to the defen­ Tuesday, Tonsil and ^ad*nold at . POOL AND OTHIR TAILR GAMWI and after two Un* bucks failed. Usf fromTth* aklaa. *w ln g.^ tiy by Kalgan’a bank door may dant la the atmot^hei* of the court 10 a. m. ' . Bob Hibbard teased to Jerry Hav. got the idea and stuffed 3187 tn tlon. ' V '.r ■ c - ' avening, tlw n was s auddro wUd hiva taken the gwrlaon by aur- currency into the tog and handad room. In forbidding demonstration Wednesday, WjeU baby clinic at arty ever Manchester’s left end, for bonking and ducks began flutter­ vOm, although it was known that It to the bandit. Ybe silent gun­ of specUtorA to th# opport^lnity the YMCA fromll-4. . the flnal marker, fihultieaa’ Un* ...... clinic at ■1 F A C IL m E S FOR... V ing to tbs ground by tha dosan, n w eniaBMia were approaching. man motioned tor Schwarts to lie Hope for RevUion of'fadng anAcroes-examlnIng vnt- j Thursday, ^re-natal . * • *4 buck tor the extra point faUad some of them Injured. fitartlsd Ilie apparent aaae with which on the floor behind the counter sind neosea. ^ ' 4 ■' and the final score wa# 86-6. O fTt^Claueef 3 1 SHOWERS — BATHS ~ DRESSING ROOBIS — AND SMALL MEETINGS Joaldants bagged five of t h e m ^ Leu DBBcmn, on the outside In No. 6. trylRff to get by Johnny Cfirpeu^a the . the geswmmeat Army took Xal- then he vanikhed. « "It U that aspect *f the thing— Friday. Well babjr Tha statistic# showed HaU rush, for* they could recover thslr saw iBdtoeted, however, that the Parti, O ct 13— Tap Bul­ on which eoe can’ have no final ing 223 yard# to MsncAestcr's 56 ton school toficher. In 7», who Is pulling sway from Bill Troutwin* In 58 and C M ! ' hoapital from J-3. , i equlUbrium. It was believed a s t M mtmfmmX, taWqg to the Saw It la A Zoo garian cablnst niemtor* expreaaed evidence unUI a rw ert o ja deUtled \ . * . ;* 22.0(1 yards; HsU made 10 first downs flock flow too tow and, blinded by hons to thn wbaelsr “OITy"on thA poIe. \ ------1 the city. hope today thet the C0)incil of record# are *vallaM *^hich cau- OpbIM OlwwH^ ' V ,■ 1 to Manchester’s (our and Hall net­ MEMBERSHIP T m™ Ushts, bseame sntenglsd In telc- This neen* i* J**t one of tho many cxcl ting moBicnts when thn aUglltF ‘anaa tf tha faU Iha firat bison ever seen hy p Foreign Mlnistora would revU* the aea ue coneern and deep worrj-. ’ r , ...... b*'*...... 1(3*00 ted 54 yard# by pssring to Man- p M * and power ttnsa at tha and of nego- srhite man waa not etaadlng ma- territorlaraiid reparaUona clauaea He declined to / y dlreetiy ' l^lantlats. to thMr M r figato nti A ooasaMmiat 'stpebaemaa R A TES. • • j u n i o e n b R b e i i s h i f .I1.S 0 chaater’a Ji. Jeetically in Its prairlea ' domain, In the Bulgarian peace treaty. whether oMdal action would be with growth eontral o f ■ ^ Bm rthit t m $ o o Chaaga' Ping-Naa. hlghieat-raaking but 'in a BOO, In 1521,, vwhen Cor­ Foreign Mlnlater Georgul Koull taken when—*nd Jf—■ formal r*. have made ^ulldogA *alawnder^ Natural hot water from many at tha dalagMIan ramatn tes and hla men visitedd In -Ana- c h e v ^ d refusal to ratify Bulgar- po..port ..la m e lv ^ . ---However, , inforn’...... and rath grow t’.vlc* **”**^*% of'Iceland's volcanic springs I# CHEBRY PilRK ». . Nick’a Senile* Ststloij hss been Hahktiis. rapfiad: "Wp husc. the Axtac capital of Mexico, ta’a fronfRr* #* of January. jDti ^ dlplometlc pouives said Ui*: r' .....sir#,. through...... Injeetton^, ----- • ""111 “I. piped to provide taCalr for office j MubsUluted for the Cooper Btrsel watt aa4 aee. they saw it In the menagerienageric of i was "poiliticel"peliticel opporiuiiirmopportuniam ■'■ 1 j port wviiwt» newimdetermine the next step (r#m(r*m pituitaryI gland# m eaum an| fNROLL NOW! buUdtngs, howM and public. S.wlln Tavern in the l-at of teift)# of th* THIS SUNDAY a f t e r n o o n A T 2 : Montexusu* " I Finance Minister Ivan Stephan- ] by this countlX* J ihsep. auag peels. -1iWeat West Sid*Uda BowlingBo> U sfu *.

i-: •J*-

MAlTCHESn^ BViaTINO ETKRAi X MANCUU r KR. OONNh BATURDAt, OCTOBER “It, 194t PAOl U V EN /' MAWCMBB-l'fiR BVBPtiN&'MERAU}, ||4!tC H B »n5». WJWR, 8ATURUAY, OCrUSER IZ, 194» Juliette -i- I refuted ,Henry two rODNKRVILLE FOl.KS B t PONTAINI months ago, and he’s towa drink­ Articles for Soli Bsaschold Goods II 62 ing ever since. Whato4 A etoe^ SanlnM* RamcM OffareS Sense and Nonsense^ 1 think-that's carry* ACFA*8paada* camara with aaaa, rURNACfS IN STOl^ g ^ ty Room a n d board to prlvata O l d ..MAN RENNIE’d RA ^ET MotarcydM / 1* BUCtn'KIt Motora, rapami -; and p ia n o ' ru N t|4 a Mfolrtag. Muallgt ^palaaa. pipa “ d blow«. homa. Prafer waat aide of town. QastiBed Skade of Sycamore M k Aboirt A CMtoeia Irtto r Old Lady (visiting dud* ranch) lag a celebration too far. Playar planoa Jtp. John fliurt, Kodaebroma adaptor, |88. Her* 1* on# that make* tense, A good ndtto for eacih of ua to raartndina. All arork fuarantard Phono 3-8038. Da ,.ViAo Company. 18 Bannatt Middla-agod man. Wrtta Box B, —What’a that funnjr atu* oa the '*7, dr ’t» FORD coach or Cackarham, 88 atraat Harald. •tow *1 "Ike Ptetiic Sat* reads to an totorsatltig way and sheep? Root befota uz is; / Aca Btaetiie Motor Rapaii* 331 OWmoa, Watarbury. 8*8888. “i Tree 8re«n tUai*M“ "Do right an.d fear no man." •odan. Top prleo paid. Can *♦ North Main airaat oppoalU Da- Dial 4818. Advertisaiientt •» PERCY A^ARKS It to snUrtly conatructsd of the Guide—Wool IBU. pot WtrSIlC# 00 N0ftll BClKMN BBAUtTFT Your home arith vana- E *y Pwc, Mv%(i tuw Siin* >> US* Swilii. Im n s Jes at popular songa: date line, Old U dy—Wool—Humph, r u POR RALE—14 atorm Bnatnasa fAt Reformer (speaking)—Frleads, *>T K eoe S9to. oalf-aarvlca groeary, fruit, vaga- height 36' na 8784 batwaan USED irURNITURE bought aad Caivto, ri^a attUad dowh with "TU a«)d Bart a w in," Gayle 1 am hem to save the glrla at fo n t ToB«y ToSeO lacly daaigncd and duraMy built tabla and maat atora on main 9 s. m. and m. dally. (3 ffoora aad basement). 3760 Twilight,” "When Shadows R ^ ,’’ city! Junior — That’s what Moths* to your own raqulramanta. For ■old. Tha Red Shop. 56 Hudson square feet Bat Oeorga Marlow CI-ASSIK1ED ADVT. II mother ‘and father to tha Uv- auggeatod. Tm Jukt-A-Wsarln' For Wu, to wants to know. \ highway to thriving aMsufactur- straet Moore's Used Fumitura I > m HUIIRS: , rqoni. “I don’t know what "No. M ton’t Bart’a problem." TSU Me Tne Old. Old 8^ . " "Tm Men’e Volos*-That‘a OK Save prompt toatalii-tion can 8*’0988, If Ing town, coihplataly mtodclad, A WOODEN axa^Uva daak, wnl- at Marlow's, 869 Main etract. OM a blonde, wlU you? OLASSinSD ADVT. tIastoaM Sameas OITcrad IS BO aitawar call 3*1888. Bblpabapa nut flnish, Mx dra4*ara. good eon- Phona 7281. 8:3UUin>—huni of monoy to pretty good, toa 1. a l l m a k e s bumora claanad aad atraiced. famous cream separator, Amar- MARRIED Couple desire small Bohme, Warren, avenue. _, but they know everybody to Ignored her. FtaaUy a ptoc* of Salesman (with, a wink at h 9tt wsAm va- WAITRESS Wanted. Day s apartment fumlehed or unfum- th M ? I think aome cards bavs I calM yw "Hy Sweetheart, out chlnaa rapalrad. 10 y w f a a ^ Jo a a ^ W. Banna. Pbona %-Olil. Apply to paraon. Cwitar Raauur* tca's flnest. AU electric, easy to he world. There are all kinds of got mixed up already." dainty linen was wafted to the companion)—Does It have good as* WOXnn>—On.y f«Jt SUtoon hat operaU. CloM skimming. Bench ished. Can 2-1394. Mple they juat have to aak—tar- *T Never Knew," "Ol The Menl” lactlvltyT lanca. Call, A- Irawar, 8<^8. TERRTS Hbusahold aervlce. Don't ant 809 Main atraat seco nd -h a n d lumbar, toanlra Mra. BarUett'e laugh w aa'the T f 1 But Knew," "The Men 1 floor almost directly to front of tbs WUata U yfX . CaU «J81.______model. 852.75. Montgomery Ward Subarbsn for Sale bly impoitant people, you know, friendliest sound Oayle had ever young man: *■ Old Fellow—Wen, I was listen* LOCAL Movtog and ha put oft that odd lob around the 24 Lyneas atraat Talephoaa 6884. NAVAL Aviator with four years' .je kind you juat can’t paae over, Love" waa "DreamtoS” "For The I ASSISTANT to bookkaaper, girl Co, 824-328 Main street beard from her. "You shouldn’t Two of Us?” "When You Feel A Widow (murmuring softly)—Oh. to' to a quartet the other night, an* eral trucking at raaaonabla IwuM or offlco. Let Terry do it over 30, high school graduate, service needs 8 or more room ap- A THREE Room'hideaway, locat­ float of them won’t be able to Tvs drupped my handksrcmaf! 1 didn’t Uke the tenor, ao I Just AsootmccBraBto Wa do anything from eellar to partm ent CaU 3-1289. ed in outskirts of town. Largel tan, of courae, but they've got to bo doing any of -this, my dear. UtUe Longing In Tour Heart” for Phona t817. comjMrctal courya, or soma GsrdiMi— F s n s —> IS ||^ You’U come to your wedding ex- “The Uttls Grey Homs In Tht Young Man (turning a cold un­ tuns him out snd listened to the attta. Phono 7800. pre^ous office asparlanca. Kind­ Musical Inatrumefits 66 lot. Has many possibilities, veryl aeked. Then Bart has a mllHon responsive eye on her)—Madam, three of them. Prodaetx M AMERICAN Couple, Working reasonable. S. A. Beeckler,| xrlanda, |>aople ba’a itayed with haucted, simply exhausted — and West" "For Two" then “Blue ly snawar to own handwriting, PIANO Accordions. New and used. nights need furnished room, Uiat'a not fair to Bruce, you know. Birds Bring Back My Happtoeas." my weakneaa to liquor! FREE—Four pretty Malteae h it-, REFRIGERATION SERVl* stating education nnd prevloua agent. Phone 6969." 1 who’re stayed at Sycamore— RANGE BURNERS serviced. Service and lessons.’ ChCstcr Ac­ kitchen privileges. Write Box Q. I prep school friends and colleg*, Now, let Ine think. But, of course. 'T Think Tot Absolutely Won­ tana. Pbona 3*0877, for HOUSEHOLD TMapbone 8940. business expariaaoa If any. Box WINTER Cabbage. Gaorga GU- Rave you room for MIm HoOandt A tourist waa prowttag around bert Smith atraat Buckland. cordion Company, 91 Union Herald. nde and people Uke th a t And derful" snd 'T Hate To Loos You" an old Scottish churehjmld. Hla Social Situation$ yypiARPIQ LQgh 18 prograaato» REFRIGERATORS V, Harald. ■traet Phone 3709. Wanted—Real Eatata 771 __ 1 there are ail the relatlvea and Or is then a hotel?" aad "If You Loved Anybody But IG Maehtoaa, vacuum elean- Telephone 8088. WANTED by three adults, rent "We've got room — but, Jfln. Ma" r d think “There’s Nothing On eye caught this epitaph: Ara you ooa of tha tbOuaaadt to aad amali appUaneaa repair- V^MAN abtrt praasar wanUd. pld family friends—and, oh, It's "Lord, She Was Thin." iKohrtoatnr Ertgldalra Coldapot KIEFFER Pears for canning. A BEAUTIFUL, smaU grand of 5 or 6 rooms or house. Call PRIVATE Family wishes to buy 6-1 htmdrede before you get Bartlett, you can’t opan Miss Hol­ The Level Any More” and "ODnse- A a Mtaattont A houos guest your oommuBlty arho aJao ara A.B.C. Applianca and Service Oood hours, no Saturday work. 8089. room single or double. Will wsitj land, can you?” Tourist—I say, Sexton, what a auffartof from loaa of haartogf Croaalay Orunow Norga OJL 81.80 basket. Oltoaek Farm, lano, mahogany case, fine i brough with It." quecss" would be, Td need "Sym­ strange iuscriptlon? forgetfully isavea soma smell poa* - O e ^ 81 Mapla street Phone Vacation with pay. Now System Sion and tone. Fully guaranteed. for occupancy. Write Box 8M.1 1 -can for a few days. I ean pathy." saaaton to your homo. Why dalayT find out how you Montgomary Ward Laundry, Harrison streat. South Main atraat Phona 6131. "Will they aU come.io Calvin?" get somebody to take her place Sexton-That'a right, sir. He 3-ltn^ Pick up aad dallvery serv. Bring own baskets. Also a brand new spinet piano Herald. Kent asked. rAU the way You haven't Torgotten" the ' Wrong Wayi Decide that y toe ean balp youraelf aa ae many lea. Farma and I.and for Sale 71 temporarily. I think ahe can bo "Dreams Of Long .^ o ," "Sdreet- didn’t• 4^ •• have room for the Isttor ^ a ra haua to *U»n8 Mr/Wmt. COBfHERaAL EXPERIENCED bookkeeper, ex- for Immediate delivery. A. L. New York and Philadel- there by tomorrow morning quite won’t tether to send It to him O fte n s o m e purn fo o l city f e l l e r w il l ta k e PEARS For Sale, $1.40 n basket Owen Music Co., 1274 Main INDUSTRIALLY aonsd property. PKOHEH'rt V wnera -U you «?" bsait Days?" to "Every UtUs untesa be writes and aaks you to. Uok 3*8044 for a fraa apaech hoar* REFRIGERATION and cellent salary and eonditlona considering capttauslnt on thal easily, aad then you Juat leave Movement” you were "Teastag." Only quaUflad naad reply. CaU InqiUre 56 Irvlag atraat Phone street Hartford. Phone 2-6787, Large lots, in center of town. S. 'AU the way from Boston and It’s Up To You! Bight Way: Send It to him . — HIM FOR A NICE BOAT RIPE. tog taat CoBttBctiai 14 3-08T7r present 1 market oontaet us.1 leston, South Carolina. I told everting- to her, everything! "Love Me Just Because" snd qulcUy as possible, so that b* wUl MtNsasei EveiMa ______SERVICE Manchaatar 3-1888. A, Beechler, agent Phone 6969. We pay cop cash for raaldaotlatl She knows exactly what to do. "AU I Can Do- Is Just Lovs You" See that man who owns tha mlU? work of all kinds, TWG-Mechanically perfect player there wouldn’t be rpom for He has climbed the business hUL not bavs to aak for It SCIENTIFIC planoa. Priced very reasonable. FOR SALE—A few choice lot' in or commercial property Fori to Calvin, and he said they’d And ahe’ll prtog the detectives "TiU Tha Sands Of The Desert Roofa, additions end alter* WANTED—DenUl hygtcnlit fuU with her." You can too. If you do your, bit. REFRIGERATION CO.. INC. or part time. Write, stating quall- PICK TOUR oam \umlpa. $1 Also small piano 40" high 44 AA A and B cones. Reasonably quick action communieata wlthl ive right after the wedding, Grow 0)W." "Keep The Home atlona. AL new construction. ua. Phone 7728-8329 or 8-0930, orl ’‘Detectives T" Gayle’s qusstlon FlTM Bunitog" and "SmUe, Smile, For life la what you make of It, G8S1*'’DEAN’S Paraonal Sanrlea 87 Oah S t lUnehaaUr 8-138S 3-0388—3*1889. flcatlona. Poet Office Box 306, bushsl. I%ona 4609. long, beautiful rosewood case. priced, good locations. S. A. told Mrs. Bartlett w* slmpfy MeiBorlM BT BDGAII IIA im !l Slaffart The Plano Shop. 6 Pearl street Write Brae-Bum Realty Ob^ 8| mid not have a reception." was hardly mon than an amaasd Smite." BOOTS AND HKR BUDDIES adantlSo claanlng of ruga, Manchester. BUTTERNUT squash for yOur Beechler, agent. Phone 6969. gasp. See the peddler to hla ea rl Phone 6382. Open 6-9 p. m. only. South Main street. Manchcator. 'We'll have to." her mother "Thers’a A Long, Long TraU" to I CAM WtMft oiaury. walla, wtodowa and . MAKES of aowug maehtoaa MAID, Private floor, housekeeping arintsr'B supply at Joseph NovelU, TWO BUILDING loU In fine resf- Id, alghlng. "Don’t you think "Oh, but you must havs them. "The Road To 'Home, Sweet With smiling face and' happy HABOLY AHAM Htfllll joba. Manchaatar 840S. axpartly rapalrad. Siagar Sawing Florlsto— 16 Mountain road, Olbatonbury. dcnttal section. Very does to Cen­ PROMPT action oh aU realtyl The presents. JrdU know. They Home," but when you are "Home­ heart? toA»Y_ UTTVA duties. Apply Mrs. Bucklsr, Hsn- , Jim?" / must be guarded. And, oh yes. TO « t t Machlna Oa 888 Miato atraat NICE BLUEILUB BprueaB p n ^ trass.tn Ras' chestar Memorial hospital. Wcarinff Apparel—Fora 6' ter, transportation, churches and transactions. Singles, doubles andl •1 don't aee any way out of IL ward Bound" ‘TU Be Waiting'' He doe) his work as well aa beflL T at 8888. ■tores. AU tihprovements and businesses for sale. Suburban! 'ou can't let people drive all the Miss Holland will not accept any with "A UtUe Love, A U ttte Kiss" For life It what you make of It AatoMMUles fsr Sals 4 1 •onabla.I. 4* to 0’6’ h i ^ aacclimated payment, rm lending her to you. and “Sooner Or Later” "Sometime" —Joosph Raney. vnnwY Phona 3-1681 or Inquireinquin 341 High RouselioM Goods 61 CAMEL HAIR girl's cost, polo trees. Ideal tor 2 two-family Realty Co., Realtore, 49 Parktos| jny from New York Juat to look HALVA! TOM ALBERT JACOBS—Aabaa Help Wsntc4—Msis 36 housaa. Oopd Investment for post atreet. Telephone 8318. tt a' wedding for a few minutes, And now forget all your, prob­ "Some Suqday Morning"—"If . TViThb rubbUh ramovad. Light trueUng, •treat, waat \ style, size 12. Call 5166. lems. Miss Holland wU* taka ca n Dreams CMns True”—"Don’t TelL" Movie Director—How old are 36th ANNIVERSARY war security. May be purchased would seem aa lf_we didn’t of all th* details snd tho pnsents DIecrtmlnathag Uaad Car Buyar: | Tat 8887. C96trSANTHEMUM 'Ckiuquata. BLACK Imitation Partlsn lamb oii easy terms. Priced reasonable. WANTED—SmaU farm to Glas«| ivw any hoapitaUty. We can't get "Please Keep Me Young In Your you? WANTED—Painters, stsady win­ CELEBRATION SALE tonbury or Bolton within mUe of I a In hen, thou^." He snapped and th# press—everything." Heart." ”You're TTie Ideal .Of My Pretty Extra Girt — Make a ALL APPMANCBS aonriood aad Four acres of hardy plants. In NEVER IN 35. YEARS have we as­ coat, reasonable, size 40. Inquire «kwM 'WUUmantic 2687W bar- Gayle thanked her and brought Dreams" and "1 Want The Right DE OQBMIER bloom, dslpblnlums, hard^aatars, ter work. Raymond Flska. 3364. 838 Summit street or phone 4531. tw4cn 8—8 p. m. for appolnt- bus line, -with 6 or 6 room housal ftogart. “ I know! We’U have rough guess. rapalrad, bumaia. rafrigaratora. sembled such a vast collection of and bam. Within 83,000. WiU ar-| at tha Inn." the expensive conversation to To Love You." Movls Dtrsetor—Thirty? ^MOTOB SALES raagoo. waaharL ota. AU w chryaanthamums. galUardtiL ate. SALESMAN. Handle sideline. attractive merchandlae at such menL cloae{ but once Miss Holland had "God Be With You mU We Meet Aspdragus. Mary Washington. THREE PIECE all wool lady's range own mortgage. Write Box I “Jtot, Father," Oayle walled un- Pretty Extra Girl—^h , now guarantaad. Motro Sendeo Oo. Adult games, novelties. Interest­ savings. ReducUona run as high SV, Herald. ' appUy, ‘i t ’U bnak you—food for arrived, the cost c i the call Again." 88-81 ^ 100-83.78, ona yaar, suit practically new, size 13. Seemed as nothing in comparison you're getting too rough. OHan tha Mow Cara for Tour Tal Maacheatar 8*0888. ing commission basis. ' Plastic aa 40% 1 You ean share In these Phone 7397. TWO LOTS, 100 X 280. Inquire 86 lundrede and h u n d m a I won’t A "Fond Farewell." limpoettoai. JUl Ara Ouarantaedl abrubk Woodland Gardens, Parts, Inc., 308 East 27th, Nsw values even If you don’t have to the value received. The little "K-K-Ka-Katyj" Woqdiud atraat Talapbona 84M Irving street or telephone 2-0877, tve I t You can’t do I t” womsn’e efficiency was unbeliev­ I^dnaas and courtesy would be THE B1ANCHB8TER York. cash. An “Albert" account gives "Yea, w* can," Mrs. Kent said, seen oftener ii some people didn’t 1848 Btodkhaltar O ub Obupa you the opportunity to buy at Wanteil—To Buy 58 'and we will. And don’t look so able, and to a morning ehe had Woman — Does your husband > (A Baaotiful Car) brought order and something m mletake tha former for weaknees FLOOR COVERING WE’RE LOCKING FOR the .lowest prtoea and convenlen- Hooscs for Sale 72 TWO-FAMILY kglc, Oayle. After all, you aren’t ever take advice? and the later for cowardice. t o t f NaMi 4-Door Sedan Roo6 bk—Repsiriiif 17-A ly pay out of your Income. Use Sm a l l OU burner for furnace, Inq to Yale for your fourth year, semblsd calm to the distracted Neighbor— OccasIbnaUy, when ‘(Xiha Now) All-Around Machinists wi(ji controls. In good condition. Kent household. Gayle frankly BTf.T.BAMUII COMPANY your account durtnk these OCCUPANCY November 1. Good DUPLEXES ' that would have cost ua a nobody is looking. Diner—I went aome raw oystora. | AIXY OOP Gift for Gas 1S41 Bulek 8-Door Toipodo REPAIR or raplaca asphalt shin External Grinders ANNiypSARY Phone 6467. six room single, to fine condition, it deal mon." expnsaed her wonder and od (Baoallont Condltioa) glss. Mato, composition or tin Internal prinders mimtion. "Do" others and others will They must not be too large or rtaoM ir CELEBRATION. DAYS! coal steam heat, two car garage. FOR SALE too small; not too salty and not 1S41 nyaaouth 4-Door Sodas IS NOW LOCATED AT roofa chimnoya flaahlnga. eaves- urret Lathe Operator* Fine location, $13,000. John S'. The 'arrangements for the recep- Miaa Holland merely smiled. "do” you. 000 44*0 (Juat Ovathaulod) troughs. E, V. Coughlin. 390 Our Anniversary Special. WANTED—One pump shotgun. One located at Maadiceter Ion were easily enough made, “T^ls Is pnctlcally routine to me. too lo ft 'Iliey must be cold, and 1 ijrine Lathe Operators BisseU, Croee street. South Cov­ I do much the same thing every am in a hurry for them. ISSS OMaanobOa 4-Door Sadan 66 COTTAGE STREET Woodland atraat 7707... 'Complete 3-Room Outfit CaU 6218 after 6 p. m. entry. Phone Willimantlc 3324. Green near acbool. boa * aad nd then Oayle thought the great- Only a short time, ago architects (Bjanr On Thia Ona) 11 Press Operators time we have a big ball or were promising us dream houses; Hard-Boiled Waltreas—Yes, sir. CHIMNETS rebuilt and rapalrad $386 D’ANOHBSTEK'S bldeet dealers atore. Sevea rooms eadi a|Ma, ■t problem was settled. Within XSS4 Ford OonvortibU Ooupa (OFF OAK STREET) Ral^ial Drill Ciperators - ket a Living Room Suite com- SIX ROOMS, modem Cape Cod. fall bathrooma. Reasonably week of Uia wgdding, however, garden party. Tha presents are ■nd that's exactly what they aUU Win you have them with or with- Maw T op. Roo&ng. AU work guaranteed. N In raga tnagazlnee, paper and priced. waa heiplcm with confusion, an extra detail; that'a all." are. out pearl^t BYoach Operators ite with aU the trimmings; a ■crap metals has 3 trucks to Pine Acre Terrace. Occupancy 30 (To Be OoBtlnaed) ' / \ ^ A L L 6688 O’: La Roe# Co. Phono 8-0788. CSi) MillingXMachine Operators ^ droom Suita complete with all days.'Owner leaving town. Write ntless details wen piling up Opas TnaMhy and FNdto JTO SiS? | any tlma call at your home any time and One Just a short diataoee ind her and her parents, but CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER the trimmings; and a Breakfast pay you higheet prices Wm. Os- Box W, Herald. from Mata aad East OeMer fares t S u 88M 84 MAPLE ST.' Automate Lathe Ofierato^ Suite complete u’lth all the trlm- the help of frlendz they man- Father—Are there half ICAMpBESTER FOR FREE ESTIMATES CHIMNEYS and Oraplacas expert­ Tool ahd Die Makers trinsky, 182 Blasell street phone Streeta Seven rooms one aide, to handle them until the for children? ly cleaned and repaired. Twenty- mings; You get EVERYTHING 8879. six rooms one aide. ExceOeat Tlekat SeUer — Tee, under Jm LAWN Mowara, band aad power, Gauge Makers "■you need to etart A NEW home. .mta began to prrlve. Then, PONTIAa 1848 ate, cuMom aadan two yeara of expertanca. Well oondltlon and locattoa. „ildered, aU three surrendered, twelve. * abarpaaad, re a re d . Engines recommended. Manchester Chim­ Tool rinde: During our 35th. Anniversary Sale, CASH FUR pianos or musical ln- anupv. Good condition through­ you wUl receive, free of charge, Can ns for. appotatment. bat could they do with, so many 'Father,— That’s OK. Tv# only out. .OPA pries. MUlar Motors sarvload. Garden tractor* repair­ ney Experts. Phone 3-0848. Aircraft Shi ^et ^ t a l Men strumants, regardless of'“•gs, flve. ed. Knives, ahaara, hglr ellppara, q gift, regardless of the size of coadiuon. Highest possible ents, such valuable preMnteT 888 O htar e ^ t comer Adams Pattern and iel Makers— your purchase. INSURE IHcKinney Brothers •treat Opaa A mowing machinal and biowsr KOOFINQ. elding'-4Uid paw eeU prioas, .Tba„ Plano Shop. 6 Pearl With knlvaa aharpanad. Saw* fUad and Inga our spedaltisr. Hlghaat qual atreet Phone 6333 REALTORS...... FUNNY BUSINESS 3887 FORD, H-*on pickup. Racofi* sa t Band saw blades waldad and Ity matarlale uaad. Workmanihip Excellent oppOihit unities ara offered a -l -S e - ^ - ’-s McKINNBY BROTHERS Real Estate laenraaoe VagamnnoeMmwM motor; new brake*, ax- for sale.- Capitol Grinding .Com* guaranteed. A. A. Dion, Inc, to skilled and semi •killed men to 43 ALLYN STREET, Real Estate aad laearaaoa Telephoae 6060 this rapUlty growing HARTFORD V t MERRILL BLOHBMI obDant Ursa OPA prioa. MUlar pany. Pbona 7988. 399 Autum street TaL 4880. ndust:TV. W- Rooms Withdttt Board 59 806 MAIN ST. TEL. 6060 808 Mala S t, Maacheater, Conn. PRKCKI-B8 AND HIS PRIEN08 Ta Local RKs MOT Motora, 858 Center atraat corner tereatihg work, good ^ y , ploassntpfei Open Evenings By Appointment — HAVE Tour atorm wtodowa and KOUFINO — SpactalUIng tn eurrpOndlngB and m odm working WARM Pleasant room for busl- ID L*tff YOU f t S f^ A S lp f. strast Opsn avanlnga to conditions. Our sm plo^ent rep- nese girl. Come before 2 p. in. MY eu e s r doom paintsd and mpsirtd now. pairing roofs of aU kinds, also ^ ^ \ / StfTUffeANO- 1 ee 1)48 A.______^ qaii 6683. new roofs. No Job too email o f ..r^scntntlves will gladlyXgive you 9 x 9 WINE rug and pad, rimoi^j-^unj^y ^ 9 south Hawthorne 4KIER rtf MEATBAU-f large. Good work, fair orioe FreS^ fult Information on any\ job for new. Phone SS34. street. Kitchen prlvilegea and laARD w as tiOSf 1848 PANEL truck for hire. Write which you qualify. Appw Mon­ Laundry. WHISTLED AT I e*Uipatee. ' CaU Howlay, M4n MAHOGANY flnlsb, Duncan 6Y FLOiSiS Bu i PU Herald. cheater 8361. days through Fridays — 8\ A. M. WARM AIR FURNACES to 4:45 P M. Offlea Is locsM on Phyfe dropleaf table with two FIOGEWUOIDOK . 1839 CHEVROLET ^ p a . Good CLEANED AND REPAIRED extenilon Icafc. Four Winsor Package Stoe For Sale AOVANTASeOF WtUow Street. Just off Main ^reet, chairs, mahogany flnish. Ons eoadltloq, Oalt 6318 \aftor 8 v a n c a m p BROTHERS PsintiBK—Pspemg 2 East Hartford. WOMENS RIGHTS \ baby carriage. AU practicaUy STAFFORD ONE OF THE BEST IN TOWN DURMO ------249 North Main Street \ new.. Phone 8323. SEASON. AND 1941 FORD, two-door, axeaUant Telephone 6244. PROPERTY tom ers attention PRATT & WHITNEY SPRINGS, CONN. SUBSTANTIAL CASILREQUIRED N ^ NONtlbO V mechanical condition. OPA price. PaperhangtoA end p^tottog, in AIRCRAFT FLOOR problems solvod with DRY GOODS STORE. Well HAppyABourir. MUlar Motors, 688 Oentar atraat aide or outalda. Large savlnga East Hartford. Connecticut linoleum, asphalt tlla. oouator stocked. Main Street location, FOR PARTICULARS PHONE MAN. eomar Adams street Open ava- OLD FLOORS SANDED New block "caUlhgd. EaUmatci Expert workmah*hlp. fraa aaU- low rent Owner going Into 5329 ntoga to 8. Laytof aad ftnuhlhg. rumtsMd fraa. PpMa Apaa 72M A MAN FOR gaa etatloq attend­ mates. . Open evenings Jonas wholeeale line. ’ J. B Jansen, ant. Would like one experienced \F^lrT •-« Oak s tra it Phone in t e r io r FetoUng, wall paper GARAGE AND GAS STATION. BRAE-BURN REALTY CO.V Tat WUitmantlc 9928. avenlnia. but not necessary. Gorman Motor 8,-1041. New building about 90% com­ Aoto AecMBortes—'Ttres Ing, celllngamanUhed shd Ooor* 380 Main street Exclusive Agents LAWN and power, mowers ah*r^ Phone Edpbrd R. Price. 3-1008. WR BUT and oell gtMd uaad plete. A major oU company will - f eeroplete and equip for the right NBW nitBS, saw recaps, used anad aad raVuUt AU gas ajigtoaa furniture, oombtoatioa raagaa, RED RIUER Celebrating RY KRKD HARMAN Urea aad tubas. Expert vulcanis­ outboard jaotors, g ar^ trac­ in t e r io r and eatarlor decorat HIGH SC7HOOL boy, wlUtog to do gas ranges and beatais.' Jonaa* party. Ideal for GJ. mcchaal- uSECTSEt ing, 8^ hours mcapplng aarvics. tors. pumpa and electrical ap- tog, (ooftng, Boor sanding, gen odd - jobs. Phone 7897. Furniture Store, 86 Oak. TlKwe eaUy Inclined. Manchastor Tire and Recapping pUancas rapalrad Quick depend­ aral repalrtug. Pre-war prices, 3-1041. ALSO A RESTAURANT AND " ^ m p a a y . Broad street Tele­ able aarvica. Pick up and deliver. work guarantoad. Get o u rj^ . DINER, both doing a big bosl- phone 8889. Open I a. m. to 7 The Do-AU Company. Telepbona (fiiotes now. Wabatar. 6968, ” Sitoatlofia Waated— GRUNOW refrigerator, saoond- ness, for sale, on Mato Street hand, new parts good oohdlUon FOR SALE 3-3808. PAINTING and Paperhangtog. Femsiu BEAUTIFUL 40-AORE FARM. 5 foot box. CaU 3-0131 8 a. m. to 8-room house, 3-oar garage, 4-ROOM CAPE COD, Fireplace. Steam Hast. Screens / Intarinr and axtarior dgeoratora. A TRUSTW'ORTHT, raflnod mld- 5 p. m. SHEET METAL WORK raaaonabla prieea. CaU for free large bam, mUk room, chlc^ea and Storm Windows. Doors Weatheystripped. Can Fin* dle-sged lady wlshSs work as s coop, cattle room for.IS head; /0-/S9 Hot Air Furnace Repairing. saUmaUa Laaeh R Fogll. Mas- sitter. Telephone 3-3088. FOR SALE—New hot watar boU- tractor and farm Implements; ish Two More On Second Floor As Family Grows. House .M.see.M.enT. Houses. BnUdtog Lota, Aercqge, Repairing. and raflbtshsd. Oommerctsl and ELECTRIC refrigaratw. alactric V ll' FLINT And What EfeaT BY MICHAEL O’MAIXEY and RALPH LANE 10 PAINTERS industrial apraylng. Have your .stove, used eteam fugnaca uaad, and Shore Property LIsttoga. STUART j. WASLIY NOkMAN BENTZ porch and lawn furniture spray­ CURTAINS thundered- Called for metal utility cabtoato. Mattreasas WORRY 8$00Mf$ YOU, ed and storad for the annter at and delivered. Phon* 8-3807. all sizes. Jones Fumitura Stora, A. R. FRASSfNELU 755 MAIN ST.' TEL. 6648 MI$S HIT. 8UTI iMMlDin 877 ^ru ce Street' DO A lo r OF ff. Applx ______TW. 8968 low cost A good anamel Job on a 36 Oak street Real EsUto — Insamnca car as tow as 880. Tbomaa J. Mc- 68 GRANT AVE. TEL. 800 I BCri^lOELLO AND Schulte. Klimsy. Phona 3-0106. Situations Waatod— 30 GALLON hollar with Holyoka STAFFORD SPRINGS. CONN. ITT'j U$T THAI I Wm. Dickson & P.U.C, Ucense to'do Conn, atate Mato 39 gas heater,-885. TaUphana I WOUlONt WANT Any* OUT OUR WAY BY J. R. WILLIAMS , OUR BOARDING HOUSE MAJOR HOUPI.E CNTBRTOR and axtorior painting. 0446. 7MIN6 TO moving, local trucking. Ashes HAHBI to and waste removed. Phone Also papsrhanglng. Prompt serv w a n t e d —J ob of any deecrlpUon Son GAS.RANGE, very good sondttlon YOU OAR* s h l j t u p But. TrttGGs (voi/Ro I.‘0 <30, ONO/J [tULTSiy- 2-1888. ^ lea. Fair prlaa. Workers compen­ on Saturdays by grSduate en­ -M-YlrtlOH- SSsu MaioSL TcL 2-0920 I sation, public Uablllty Insurance gineer, 27. Chur available. Phone Color, cream and graatt. Raason- FOR RENT - 4 ROOMS UNO A N ’ G IT m e Lb&icAL A, L.BOsnmo '______^______\ BLEtTTRIC and Acetylene arald- carried. D. B. Frechette. Phone 2-0468. . able. Phone 7808. ^ M 6 O U TA ADABA8SADOR.TOOO W6i2 lOSVS) E V E K I^ H ER B .* i IN A N D «ee IF MAKIUA 1 l a m p **«- tog. No Job too large ov too 7680: t h e n A S T amaU. AU work guaranteed. HOSPITAL Bade- or wbaal-chalra WAS C0OL6O OFF.*-*- ONE SUM p^j PAINTING and paperhangtng. Doga—Pots '"Blrda ,.,41 for rent pr sale. Ratos rawn- For Professional Purposes. ___ out thik. DUEGTIONS O ME AN' Parker Welding Oo, lee Middle jaiwt Ultiud AFTER, ARB vOu Turnpike, West Tel. 8926. Oood work. RaMona^lc ■'■to*. I2'x able. If you naad a atoap h o a^ Alterations and decorations to suit tenant. Can be leased I M O U T.' , AN ACe DIPLOMAT. HER BACK. FIELD M« REAL ESTATE 14’ room jwparad, 812. Inoludes DOBERMAN'PINSCHER puppies, to. give your back a flrg# support, as a complete unit or in part. Apply: A lot mors on WOCLD60 oid-twe ANTIQUES mfiniihad and‘.i'^>alr- papar a t 60o a roll. Raymond perlgreed. Threa and one-half we have them to two aiaaa Phone bar mind than UP HIGWERIW, FIRST - That Toe May Own— ■ months old. Raasonable. Tele­ • t t m ad. Ruith or splint scats replaced Flaka. Phona 8884. Keith's Fumitura. 4188. Young* n u n to learn VfeninA well’ / A CA TS/j gouNce/ Tlamann. 189 South Mato etiaat phone Hartford 7-6444. Phone 1848. 30 GALLON hot water UBk ( ^ e CANARY Birds. Wayhe- dog food: yi»T old). Taco hot water kMtor. the printing tra d e . Braeburn Estates Prtvata iBs^clIona 28 / 1 h a v e TOUR etwsrs • thoroughly tropical flsh, turtle food, flsh gas hot water heater._ Phone Telephone 5329 * WASH ruims Ab Old Conntry by LESLIE TURNER claanad arith oui power sawar VIOLIN INSTRUCTION. Solo or­ food, bird cages, Ebco Pet Shop, 6661 after 6 p. m. Good opportuhity for Tax have yaar awa Maaa aa rear 403 Center atreet, corner B,8Mm4« /AMO YOU OAR to valaaa—4aaaaaa iarlvad. atp.. eleaiisr Cuttjpg head removas all chestral and beginners, at your \ 'p' ■ roots. Csj Nygren. plumber, IS to Manchesterhn Tuescisys Grlawold street. Open evenings. fiBSUNLVMii Phone / 33. » young man to learn a fnOMTIMI 1HKT80M ateam Otter, pump mechanic. 18 en0,11 1 Pj9!LA'S Refrigeration eesvice guaranteed. " Betlmeies chec,rtul- ataSar Stma* • Domestic, commercial, repairs on l> given Tha Pienc .''jfo'p. « P«;ar Jarvis Company . BisseU Street i LYDALL & FOULDS PAPER CO. aU makes. Day and night service. 18118 «t 1811 street. Phiiibe 6332,,'Open 6-9 p WORK HORBE for asLe. Phai-.e Tel. 4112 OP 7275 ~ ------—4 - 88 Birch itrettL.Thona 8-1428. m.'"oalg. ^ i 613L -..X ./ VI ■ U ■ f '