zur Erlangung des Grades eines Doktor-Ingenieurs der Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik an der Ruhr-Universität Bochum

by Ralf Zimmermann Bochum, June 2015 Copyright 2015 by Ralf Zimmermann. All rights reserved. Printed in Germany. To my beloved wife, Heike.

Ralf Zimmermann Place of birth: Cologne, Germany Author’s contact information: [email protected]

Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christof Paar Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany Secondary Referee: Prof. Dr. Tanja Lange Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, Netherlands Thesis submitted: June 10th, 2015 Thesis defense: July 13th, 2015 Last revision: March 16, 2016

v vi Source: “Piled Higher and Deeper” by Jorge Cham

vii viii Abstract

Today, we share our thoughts, habits, and acquaintances in social networks at every step we take in our lives and use network-based services like smart grid, home automation, and the Internet of Things. As the connectivity and data-flow between sensors and networks grows, we rely more and more on cryptographic primitives to prevent misuse of services, protect data, and ensure data integrity, authenticity, and confidentiality — given that the primitives remain secure as long as the data is considered useful. History shows the need for well-performed cryptanalysis not only on the theoretical level but also by utilizing state-of-the-art technology: By applying the best implementation of suitable attacks to cutting-edge hardware, we derive upper bounds on the security level of cryptographic algorithms. This allows us to suggest adjustments of security parameters or to exchange primitives at an early stage. The focus of this thesis is an analysis of the effects of hardware acceleration using clusters of reconfigurable devices for cryptanalytical tasks and security evaluations of practical attacks. As not all tasks are equally suitable for hardware implementations, this thesis covers different areas of cryptography and cryptanalysis in four major projects, i. e., algebraic attacks on stream ciphers, post-quantum cryptography, password search, and elliptic curve cryptography: The first project, Dynamic Cube Attack on the Grain-128 Stream Cipher, introduces a new type of algebraic attack, based on an improved version of cube testers, against the Grain-128 stream cipher and required special-purpose hardware for the attack verification. The second project covers Password Search against Key Derivation Functions and evaluates the security of two of the current standards in password-based key derivation: PBKDF2 and bcrypt. We analyze the effects of special-purpose hardware for both low-power attacks and well-funded, powerful adversaries. In the third project, Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm Problem on sect113r2, we target the ECDL computation on the sect113r2 elliptic curve, which is a non-broken SECG standard binary elliptic curve. We implemented Pollard’s rho algorithm in combination with the negation-map technique on FPGAs to increase the efficiency of the random walk, which has not been done before. The last part consists of the project Information Set Decoding against McEliece, in which we designed the first hardware-accelerated implementation of an Information Set Decoding attack against the code-based cryptosystem McEliece. We present a proof-of- concept implementation of ISD on reconfigurable devices and discuss the benefits and restrictions of our hardware approach to provide a solid basis for upcoming hardware implementations. The results of the projects show that special-purpose hardware is a very important platform to accelerate cryptanalytic tasks and — even though the speed gain heavily depends on the algorithm and the choice of the hardware platform — that it plays a key role for practical attacks and security evaluations of new cryptographic primitives. Thus, a lot of effort is spent to decrease the effects of massively parallelized and energy-efficient attack implementations.

ix Abstract

Keywords Cryptanaysis, Reconfigurable Hardware, FPGA, Cluster, High-Performance Computation, Im- plementation.

x Kurzfassung

Hochleistungsrechner aus rekonfigurierbarer Hardware für Anwendungen in der Kryptoanalyse

Heutzutage haben wir uns angewöhnt, zu jedem Zeitpunkt unsere Gedanken, Gewohnheiten und Bekanntschaften in sozialen Netzwerken zu teilen. Hierzu nutzen wir netzwerkbasierte Dienste wie das intelligente Stromnetz, ferngesteuerte Haustechnik oder das Internet der Dinge. Im gleichen Maße, in dem die Verbindung zwischen Mensch und Netzwerk sowie der Datenfluss an- steigen, wächst die Bedeutung eines verlässlichen Schutzes vor Datenmissbrauch. Dazu vertrauen wir auf kryptographische Primitive, die wir zum Schutz von Datenintegrität, -authentizität und -vertrauenswürdigkeit einsetzen. Diese Primitive müssen dabei so lange als sicher gelten, wie die Daten potenziell Verwendung finden können. Die Geschichte hat gezeigt, dass Kryptoanalyse nicht nur eine theoretische Bedeutung hat, sondern auch unter Berücksichtigung des aktuellen Standes der Technik erfolgen muss. Durch die Verwendung optimaler Angriffe in Kombination mit der modernsten Hardware lässt sich das Sicherheitsniveau kryptographischer Algorithmen nach oben abschätzen. Dadurch können frühzeitig Anpassungen an die Sicherheitsparameter oder der Austausch von Algorithmen vorgeschlagen werden. Der Fokus dieser Arbeit liegt in der Analyse der Einflüsse der Verwendung von Hardwarebe- schleunigung durch Hochleistungsrechner aus rekonfigurierbarer Hardware für die Anwendungen in der Kryptoanalyse. Zudem werden die daraus resultierenden Auswirkung auf die Sicherheits- abschätzungen untersucht. Da nicht alle kryptographischen Primitive gleichermaßen für eine Hardwareimplementierung geeignet sind, werden in dieser Arbeit vier Projekte aus verschiedenen Teilgebieten der Kryptologie, insbesondere aus dem Bereich der Stromchiffren, effizienter Pass- wortsuche, Elliptischen-Kurven-Kryptographie und Post-Quantum Kryptographie dargestellt: Im ersten Projekt wird ein neuer algebraischer Angriff, der auf einer verbesserten Version der Cube Tester basiert, gegen die Stromchiffre Grain-128 beschrieben. Die Validierung des Angriffs unter Verwendung eines Simulationsalgorithmuses erfordert darauf spezialisierte Hardware, da ein Software-Ansatz nicht effizient genug ist. Das zweite Projekt beschäftigt sich mit der effi- zienten Passwortsuche gegen Schlüsselableitungsfunktionen und untersucht die Sicherheit von zwei der derzeitigen Standards in der Passwortableitung: PBKDF2 und bcrypt. Dabei werden die Auswirkungen von spezialisierter Hardware für energieeffiziente Angriffe und Kontrahen- ten mit entsprechenden finanziellen Mitteln analysiert. In dem dritten Projekt geht es um die Berechnung des diskreten Logarithmus auf der elliptischen Kurve sect113r2, die eine bislang nicht gebrochene Binärkurve der SECG Standardkurven über dem F2113 ist. Dabei wurde der parallele Pollard’s Rho Algorithmus zum ersten Mal in Hardware in Kombination mit der Ne- gation Map Technik implementiert, um die Effizienz der Random Walk Iteration zu erhöhen. Der letzte Abschnitt handelt von der ersten hardwarebeschleunigten Implementierung eines In- formation Set Decoding Angriffs auf das Post-Quantum Kryptographieverfahren McEliece. Die Proof-of-Concept Implementierung dient dabei als Grundlage für die Diskussion der Vorteile

xi Kurzfassung und Einschränkungen durch den Hardware-Entwurf, die signifikante Unterschiede in der Wahl der Parameter und Optimierungen nach sich ziehen. Die Resultate der Projekte zeigen, dass in den verschiedenen Bereichen der Kryptoanalyse der Einsatz von Hardwarebeschleunigung unterschiedliche große Auswirkungen mit sich bringt. Dennoch rücken Hochleistungsrechner und hochparallele Implementierungen immer stärker in den Fokus der Sicherheitsforscher, da die relativen Kosten für die Durchführung von Angriffen immer attraktiver werden. Dementsprechend wird inzwischen bei der Definition neuer krypto- graphischer Primitive viel Wert auf Maßnahmen gegen Vorteile eines Angreifers durch massive Parallelisierung und energie-effiziente Implementierungen gelegt.

Schlagworte Kryptoanalyse, Rekonfigurierbare Hardware, FPGA, Hochleistungsrechner, Hochgeschwindig- keitsberechnungen, Implementierung.

xii Acknowledgements

This thesis is the result of the last 5 years, which I spent at the Chair for Embedded Security at the Ruhr-University Bochum, at conferences, workshops and summer schools all around the world, and by commuting far more than 100 000 km on countless (usually delayed) trains between Mainz and Bochum. Here, I would like to express my gratitude and thank those, who made all of this possible and enjoyable. First and foremost, I would like to thank my family for all of the support throughout the years and thank my wife, Heike, in particular, who managed to act as a counterbalance and married me in spite of my unrealistic years-to-graduate estimation, the long long-distance relationship, and the work I brought home frequently to ruin her plans for our weekends. Thank you for all your support, your faith, and your love. Coming back to academia, I am very grateful to my supervisor, Christof Paar. Aside from the scientific guidance, helpful advices, and the contribution of research ideas, you always managed to motivate and encourage me. Thank you very much! I would also like to thank my thesis committee, especially Tanja Lange, who provided me with advices and suggestions whenever I met her. I am very grateful for the wonderful working atmosphere at our chair and want to thank my colleagues and friends. Special thanks go out to my long-time office-mate, Schnufff, who taught me countless lessons such as the value of gigantic coffee cups, the fine art of well-timed procrastination, and the efficiency of working as/with a programming rubber duck team-mate. Furthermore, I would like to thank Nicolas Sendrier, Peter Schwabe and Bo-Yin Yang for providing me with the opportunity of research stays, Christiane Peters for her endless efforts explaining code-based cryptography (and the attempts at keeping skepticism out of her voice), and my co-authors (in alphabetic order) for the joint research work: Daniel J. Bernstein, Itai Dinur, Markus Dürmuth, Susanne Engels, Tim Güneysu, Stefan Heyse, Markus Kasper, Tanja Lange, Ruben Niederhagen, Peter Schwabe, Adi Shamir, Friedrich Wiemer, Tolga Yalcin. A very big “thank you” goes to those (un)lucky enough to proof-read my thesis in the various stages of writing: Ruben Niederhagen, my wife1, Erik Krupicka, Christian Kison, and Sonja Menges. Last but not least, I want to thank our team assistant, Irmgard Kühn, who manages so many of the administrative tasks, keeps it off our backs, and always has a warm smile and a friendly word when a deadline is near. . .

1In for a penny, in for a pound!

xiii xiv Table of Contents

Imprint ...... v Preface ...... viii Abstract ...... ix Kurzfassung ...... xi Acknowledgements ...... xiii

I Preliminaries 1

1 Introduction 3

2 High-Performance Computation Platforms 9 2.1 Introduction ...... 9 2.2 General-Purpose Computing on Graphics Processing Units ...... 10 2.3 Application-Specific Integrated Circuits ...... 13 2.4 Field-Programmable Gate-Arrays ...... 13

II Cryptanalysis using Reconfigurable Hardware 19

3 Dynamic Cube Attack on the Grain-128 Stream Cipher 21 3.1 Introduction ...... 21 3.2 Background ...... 22 3.2.1 The Grain Stream Cipher Family ...... 22 3.2.2 Cube Testers ...... 23 3.2.3 Dynamic Cube Attacks ...... 24 3.3 A New Approach for Attacking Grain-128 ...... 25 3.4 Implementation ...... 29 3.4.1 Analysis of the Algorithm ...... 29 3.4.2 Hardware Layout ...... 33 3.4.3 Software Design ...... 34 3.4.4 Results ...... 36 3.5 Conclusion ...... 37

4 Password Search against Key-Derivation Functions 39 4.1 Introduction ...... 39

xv Table of Contents

4.2 Background ...... 41 4.2.1 Password Security ...... 42 4.2.2 Password-Based Key Derivation ...... 43 4.2.3 Processing Platforms for Password Cracking ...... 45 4.3 Attack Implementation: PBKDF2 (TrueCrypt) ...... 46 4.3.1 GPU Attack Implementation ...... 48 4.3.2 FPGA Attack Implementation ...... 49 4.3.3 Performance Results ...... 52 4.3.4 Search Space and Success Rate of an Attack ...... 53 4.4 Attack Implementation: bcrypt (OpenBSD) ...... 54 4.4.1 FPGA Attack Implementation ...... 55 4.4.2 Performance Results and Comparison ...... 57 4.5 Conclusion ...... 61

5 Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm Problem (ECDLP) on a Binary Elliptic Curve 63 5.1 Introduction ...... 63 5.2 Background ...... 64 5.2.1 Discrete Logarithm Problem ...... 65 5.2.2 Binary Field Arithmetic ...... 65 5.2.3 Elliptic Curves ...... 67 5.3 Attack Implementation ...... 70 5.3.1 Target Curve ...... 71 5.3.2 Non-Negating Walk ...... 72 5.3.3 Walks modulo negation ...... 72 5.3.4 Expected runtime ...... 73 5.3.5 Hardware Implementation ...... 74 5.4 Results ...... 77 5.5 Conclusion ...... 78

6 Information Set Decoding (ISD) against McEliece 81 6.1 Introduction ...... 81 6.2 Background ...... 82 6.2.1 Code-Based Cryptography ...... 82 6.2.2 The McEliece Public-Key Cryptosystem ...... 83 6.2.3 The Niederreiter Public-Key Cryptosystem ...... 83 6.2.4 Information Set Decoding (ISD) ...... 83 6.3 Attack Implementation ...... 84 6.3.1 Modifications and Design Considerations ...... 85 6.3.2 Hardware/Software Implementation ...... 87 6.4 Results ...... 90 6.4.1 Runtime Analysis ...... 90 6.4.2 Optimal Parameters ...... 91 6.4.3 Discussion ...... 92 6.5 Conclusion ...... 93

7 Conclusion and Future Work 95

xvi Table of Contents

III Appendix 99

A Additional Content 101 A.1 Algorithms ...... 101 A.2 Tables and Figures ...... 102 A.3 Listings ...... 103

Bibliography 109

List of Abbreviations 123

List of Figures 125

List of Tables 128

List of Algorithms 129

About the Author 133

Publications 135

Conferences and Workshops 137

xvii xviii Part I



Chapter 1 Introduction

Thinking back two decades, we were skeptical about emerging online services like online-banking, which promised that the transactions are as secure as the classical bank-transfers. Nevertheless, we noticed the benefit and comfort for daily life and became more comfortable about being connected and accessing the internet from our homes. Soon, the high demand for fast and always- available access to the internet created new fields of research and economy. In the following years, new types of data acquisition hardware were added and today, we are constantly accessing information from surrounding networks and share information in return. These changes in our behavior demanded rapid improvements in our infrastructure: While we used personal computers for work and did access the internet before, the advances in mobile telecommunication technology and high-performance mobile devices provide us with the tools to use online services not only occasionally but constantly: Today, we share our thoughts, habits, and acquaintances in social networks at every step we take in our lives. Navigation systems compute routes not only based on offline maps, they frequently query live-data from the sur- rounding users to locate possible traffic jams. Using home automation, we are able to access information about our home, e. g., the room temperature or the state of our stove, and change them without being physically near the house. Following the idea of the Internet of Things, we create an information-based network, where objects communicate without human interaction and slowly replace the need of powerful, centralized computers in our lives. To achieve this, we can query information from additional sensors, microcontrollers or radio-frequency identi- fication (RFID) chips built into common, non-electronic devices. A prominent example is the “smart fridge”, which notifies the user that certain products are empty and may automatically order the missing products online. A different, much more subtle area, where we start broad- casting information, is the vehicle-to-vehicle communication: The ultimate goal is to remove the human-error component and increase road safety. To achieve this, we add new technol- ogy like camera-based pedestrian collision detection systems and let our vehicle communicate with its surrounding vehicles and back-end servers. This allows computers to predict dangerous situations and initiate evasive actions. But these advances and innovations come at the cost of new risks and threats on different severity-levels: We need to cope with dishonest members in the networks or our surroundings, trying to misuse the information we share. A good example of such attempts are the improved phishing attacks: Well-built clones of payment or other e-commerce websites, which trick victims to enter name, address and credit card information, which we encounter almost on a daily basis. These attacks aim at identity theft or credit card fraud, following a criminal intent. On the other hand, we encounter highly advanced malware, which poses a threat on a different level as it opens backdoors for multiple purposes from industrial espionage to mass-surveillance.

3 Chapter 1 Introduction

Since the revelations of Edward Snowden starting in 2013, the public view on global, unfiltered mass-surveillance changed from science fiction of the paranoid to currently practiced technol- ogy [Gre14]. The documents released to the public1 — and the corresponding information on governmental surveillance programs — reflect the downside of our global, free-for-all network: The possibility of automated information extraction from multiple sources covering almost all aspects of daily life leads to high-quality profiling via data collection. This type of data acqui- sition is very dangerous, as people freely share a lot of seemingly unconnected information with their friends on social networks: Their thoughts, discussions on news or recent events, pictures, and locations. Linking these with emails, voice mails, instant messenger communication, and bank transactions shows the potential of information collection and espionage. In order to live with these risks of information misuse, we adjusted the way we look at digital data: While we trusted others to respect the privacy and property before, we now consider storage and transportation of digital media as insecure and compromised. This leads to a completely different point of view on security and countermeasures: Everything we store or transfer via public networks needs additional security, which is usually gained by thoughtful use of cryptographic primitives. These algorithms and protocols may prevent misuse of services, protect data and ensure data integrity, authenticity and confidentiality.

Crypt ology Cryptography Cryptanalysis

Asymmetric Symmetric Hash / KDF Protocols Classical Context-based Implementation

MD5 AES SHA RipeMD DES Algebraic Whirlpool Linear Blowfish Differential ECC RSA PBKDF2 Brute-Force Passwords McEliece bcrypt Salsa scrypt Social Engineering RC4 Grain PINs

Figure 1.1: An overview on cryptology and the subfields cryptography and cryptanalysis. Note that the classification does not cover all aspects of the fields and the algorithms and types mentioned are given as examples.

While the idea of simply applying some form of cryptography to solve the security and privacy issues is very tempting, we need to understand the different parts of cryptology, the derived security definitions, and the intended use-cases. Figure 1.1 shows that the science of cryptology is split into two areas: cryptography and cryptanalysis. The area of cryptography covers the art of building cryptographic primitives, which belong to different classes of algorithms and protocols: Asymmetric and symmetric ciphers convert meaningful messages (called plaintext) into random-looking sequences (called ciphertext) using a secret key, which is required to revert the transformation. While asymmetric or public-key cryptography uses different keys for the sender and intended recipient, symmetric ciphers require the same key for encryption and decryption. Other classes cover cryptographic hash functions,

1Archived at the Electronic Frontier Foundation (visited April 2015)

4 message authentication codes, key-derivation functions, and protocols, e. g., key-exchange or zero-knowledge protocols. From the end-user’s perspective, cryptography offers a wide variety of secure algorithms in combination with the intended use-case, requirements, and security parameters. This creates the tight link with the field of cryptanalysis, which focuses on the analysis of these cryptographic primitives and their structure, develops different methods to attack them, finds security weaknesses or proves if an algorithm is secure under certain assumptions. The crucial part is the definition of a secure algorithm: In [Sch95], Schneier states that “an algorithm is unconditionally secure if, no matter how much ciphertext a cryptanalyst has, there is not enough information to recover the plaintext. [..] only a one-time pad is unbreakable given infinite resources. All other cryptosystems are breakable in a ciphertext-only attack, simply by trying every possible key one by one and checking whether the resulting plaintext is meaningful. This is called a brute-force attack.” In practice, we use such brute-force or exhaustive key-search attacks only if no better approach exists or if we are able to limit the keyspace. Nevertheless, this will break every algorithm — given a good verification, e. g., a known plaintext-ciphertext pair, and enough time and resources. In the area of provable secure cryptography, a formal description of the adversary model is required and followed by a formal proof of security. Given the resources and assumptions about the adversary follows that the hardness assumptions of the system hold true. While this is a formal approach, the practical security may be different: The adversary model must match the real adversary’s abilities including future advancements and include every restriction imposed on the surrounding interfaces, e. g., physical access, network interfaces or allowed information leakage. Even given a very detailed model, there is still the risk that the engineers implementing these schemes will skip the conditions of the formal proof and rely on the security reduction to work in any case. The different views on theoretical and practical security lead to controversial views on provable security in cryptography [KM07, Gol06, KM06, Dam07, Men12]. Going back to the generic case (as we do not cover provable secure cryptography in this thesis), we can derive from the existence of brute-force attacks that modern cryptography is at best computationally secure. This means that the algorithms or their underlying hardness problems withstand all practical attacks within the lifetime of the secret against the best known attacks considering both the state-of-the-art and in the time to come technology and resources, e. g., memory and storage capabilities, power consumption and supply, computational power, or the adversary budget. Apart from the advances in technology in terms of more powerful and cheaper processors, com- putationally secure algorithms suffer from an always-existing threat: A major break-through in science may enhance existing or even create new fields in cryptanalysis, e. g., the public devel- opment of differential cryptanalysis in 1990 [BS90] or the practical importance of timing attacks [Koc96] for side-channel analysis, and/or completely break the underlying security problems. Once large quantum computers are available, this will be the case for most of the commonly used public-key cryptosystems, as they are based on the Discrete Logarithm Problem (DLP) or the integer factoring problem: Shor’s algorithm on a quantum computer [Sho97] solves these mathematical problems efficiently. While quantum computers with these abilities do not yet exist, researchers have been working in this field for more than three decades. During the last years, large companies and research institutes started investing heavily into quantum comput- ing, e. g., IBM announced a US$ 3 billion budget in July 2014 for computing and chip material

5 Chapter 1 Introduction research covering quantum computers. In addition, intelligence agencies such as the National Security Agency (NSA) also research on quantum computers secretly: According to the docu- ments made public by Edward Snowden on January 2nd, 20142, parts of the US$ 79.7 million project “Penetrating Hard Targets” covers research in quantum computing. These developments show the need for well-performed cryptanalysis both on the theoretical level as well as with state-of-the-art technology: By using the best implementation of suitable attacks on cutting-edge hardware, we can derive upper bounds on the security level of crypto- graphic algorithms and suggest upgrading the security parameters or abandoning algorithms for specific tasks.

Context of the Thesis: We know from the history of cryptanalysis that the impact of up- coming technologies is a critical aspect to consider. Special-purpose hardware, i. e., dedicated computing devices optimized for a single task, have a long tradition in code-breaking, including attacks against the Enigma cipher during World War II [Bud00]. If we review the history of the more recent (DES), which was published in 1975 with a call for comments and standardized in 1977, the 64-bit key (limited to 256 different key combinations) seemed safe for decades to come. Nevertheless, in the same year, Diffie and Helman considered DES broken [DH77] using a theoretical special-purpose hardware attack. They estimated the costs of the machine at about US$ 20 million at the time of writing, but predicted the costs of the same machine to drop towards US$ 200 000 within 10 years and suggested using 128-bit keys to withstand such attacks. While their predictions were deemed unrealistic and the DES was not officially completely broken within that time-span, the algorithm was successfully attacked in 1997 with a distributed software-attack. In 1998, a machine based on Application Specific Inte- grated Circuits (ASICs) with the name Deep Crack — consisting of 1856 DES-Chips dedicated to brute-forcing DES keys — needed 4.5 days on average to recover the key at a one-time cost of about US$ 250 000 [Fou98]. Eight years later, the Cost-Optimized Parallel Code Breaker and Analyzer (COPACOBANA) — based on Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) — broke DES in 6.4 days on average with an investment of only US$ 10 000 [KPP+06]. These results indicate that special-purpose hardware is useful in cryptanalysis, especially when the number of operations is in the range of 250 to 264 operations. In case of a lower complexity, central processing unit (CPU) clusters are sufficient, e. g., in case of the linear cryptanalysis attack against DES [Mat94], which required 243 DES evaluations. Nevertheless, even if the com- plexity of an attack exceeds 264 operations, the feasibility depends on the budget and attacking + target: [BCC 13] presented an efficient solver for polynomial systems over F2 and concluded that a system with 80 variables (280 operations) should not be considered secure with the current computing technology. Usually, the overall cost of large-scale attacks on cryptographic functions — and thus the feasibility of the attack — is dominated by the power costs. For this reason, specialized hard- ware achieves excellent results due to its low power consumption, especially when compared to general-purpose architectures. This makes special-purpose hardware very attractive for crypt- analysis [GKN+08, GPPS08, GNR08, ZGP10, GKN+13].

2cf. (visited April 2015)

6 The focus of this thesis is an analysis of the effects of hardware acceleration using different FPGA families and FPGA clusters (like the COPACOBANA and its successor, the RIVYERA) for cryptanalytical tasks and security evaluations of cryptosystems.

Research Contribution: As not all problems seem equally suitable for hardware implementa- tions, this thesis covers different areas of cryptography, i. e., algebraic attacks, post-quantum cryptography, password search, and elliptic curve cryptography in four major projects:

Dynamic Cube Attack on the Grain-128 Stream Cipher: This chapter introduces a new type of algebraic attack on the stream cipher Grain-128, which is based on an improved version of cube testers [ADMS09]. With the removal of previously existing restrictions on the key, the required computational power exceeded the capabilities, the simulation algorithm required a highly-optimized hardware design instead of a software implementation. The project was completed in 2011 as a joint work with Itai Dinur, Tim Güneysu, Christof Paar and Adi Shamir. The results were published in [DGP+11] with the focus on the theoretical aspects, whereas the implementation details were published in [DGP+12]. In the context of this project, my contribution was the analysis of the reference software implementation, the development of an optimized hardware architecture together with a multi- threaded Linux hardware/software co-design running on the RIVYERA-S3 FPGA cluster to verify the efficiency of the new attack and evaluate different parameter sets.

Password Search against Key Derivation Functions: This project evaluates the strength of differ- ent Password-Based Key Derivation Functions (PBKDFs) against dedicated hardware attacks. In 2012, we completed the first project — an evaluation of PBKDF2 using TrueCrypt, an open source full disk encryption (FDE) software and the standard for Windows FDE at that time, as the target. This was a joint work with Markus Dürmuth, Tim Güneysu, Markus Kasper, Christoph Paar and Tolga Yalcin and was published in [DGK+12]. The second project con- centrated on an FPGA implementation of bcrypt, one of the two major Key Derivation Func- tions (KDFs) besides Password-Based Key Derivation Function 2 (PBKDF2). This was a joint work together with Friedrich Wiemer and was published in [WZ14] end of 2014. In the scope of both projects, my main contribution was the implementation of the KDFs and the resulting optimization on FPGAs. In addition, we analyzed the success rate and power consumption of different attack types, focusing on low-power password hashing using the recent Zynq FPGA as well as on massive parallelization with the RIVYERA-S3 FPGA cluster. In both projects, we implemented the fastest known attack against the chosen key-derivation functions available at that time.

Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm Problem (ECDLP) on a Binary Elliptic Curve: In this project, the focus changes towards public-key cryptosystems and the first hardware-implementation of the parallel Pollard’s rho algorithm using negation-map in hardware. The target of the attack is the Standards for Efficient Cryptography Group (SECG) standard curve sect113r2. This binary elliptic curve was deprecated in 2005 but resisted all attacks until March 2015 [WW15], when Wenger et al. independently implemented an attack on the same curve. The research project started in 2013 as a joint work with Tanja Lange and Daniel J. Bernstein. During the project time, Peter Schwabe, Susanne Engels and Ruben Niederhagen joint, and the first

7 Chapter 1 Introduction implementation was published as the master thesis of Susanne Engels. Ruben Niederhagen is currently implementing a modified design to improve the published results. In this project, I designed the FPGA implementation together with Susanne Engels and optimized the implementation afterwards. I implemented the basic negation-map and changed the design to work on the RIVYERA-S6 cluster.

ISD against the McEliece Cryptosystem: In the scope of Post-Quantum Cryptography, we exper- imented with the design of a hardware-accelerated implementation of an ISD attack against code- based cryptosystems like McEliece or Niederreiter. We showed that hardware-support requires significantly different implementation and optimization approaches than Lee and Brickel [LB88], Leon [Leo88], Stern [Ste88], or Bernstein et al. [BLP11a], May et al. [MMT11] and Becker et al. [BJMM12]. This project was a joint work with Stefan Heyse and Christof Paar, which we finished in 2014 and published the results in [HZP14]. This project consisted of two parts. The first part was an analysis of the existing algorithms and the improvements published during the last years with the goal of mapping the CPU- based algorithms to hardware. The second part contained the modification of the algorithm and implementation as a hardware/software co-design. I contributed to the first part and was working on the hardware design and optimization targeting the RIVYERA-S6 FPGA cluster.

In the context of these projects, the thesis evaluates if — and to which degree — special- purpose hardware and the available choices of such hardware platforms are suitable for cryptan- alytic computation that pose a threat to currently established cryptosystems. In this context, we consider different adversaries and give an overview of potential risks.

Structure: The thesis is divided into two parts, followed by an appendix. Part I consists of the preliminaries, covering both the introduction and motivation to the task of high-performance computation (HPC) in cryptanalysis in Chapter 1 and information on different HPC platforms available and used throughout this thesis in Chapter 2. Please note that due to the amount of different areas touched by the four projects, the background in these chapters is not suitable as a self-contained introduction into the different areas: It does not include in-depth details, e. g., the mathematical background of code-based cryptography, and instead focuses on the required infor- mation to understand the concepts and design decisions of the project-related implementations. Part II presents the four different projects in detail. We start with an algebraic attack on the stream cipher Grain-128 in Chapter 3 and review different methods to derive cryptographic key material from human-entered passwords and implement attacks on the PBKDF2 and bcrypt algorithm in Chapter 4. The second half of the projects covers public-key cryptography: Chapter 5 contains an attack on the ECDLP of a 113-bit binary elliptic curve, while Chapter 6 covers the first hardware implementation of an ISD attack on the post-quantum cryptosystems McEliece and Niederreiter. The thesis concludes with suggestions for future work and closing remarks in Chapter 7.

8 Chapter 2 High-Performance Computation Platforms

In this chapter, we consider different hardware platforms usable for cryptanalysis and discuss their strengths and weaknesses. We start with general-purpose platforms, i. e., standard CPUs, and continue with more specialized hardware, i. e., Graphics Processing Units (GPUs), Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs), and Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs).

Contents of this Chapter 2.1 Introduction ...... 9 2.2 General-Purpose Computing on Graphics Processing Units ...... 10 2.3 Application-Specific Integrated Circuits ...... 13 2.4 Field-Programmable Gate-Arrays ...... 13

2.1 Introduction

With the definition of computational security and the feasibility of an attack, benchmarking the runtime of an attack implementation using state-of-the-art technology and predicting the impact of architectural changes in technology are essential elements of the security evaluation. The most common source of computational power is general-purpose hardware like the CPU of modern desktop systems. Those processors offer a wide variety of instructions to implement different programs and algorithms. We can see from the processor manuals of Intel1 and AMD2 that the processor instruction sets were constantly modified and extended over the years. These modifications include the architecture re-design from register sizes of 16-bit to 32-bit to 64-bit as well as special instruction extensions like floating-point unit, SSE instructions, or the recent AES-NI addition to support Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) computations. With these in mind, we map algorithms to the architecture and optimize the implementation with special instructions, e. g., the fused-multiply-add instruction. A major advantage of general-purpose hardware is the common availability and thus smaller upfront-costs compared to customized, problem-specific solutions. In addition, when we im- plement algorithms on CPUs, we have multiple programming languages and both open source

1cf. manuals.html 2cf.

9 Chapter 2 High-Performance Computation Platforms as well as commercially supported tool-chains available to choose from. This leads to a good acceptance of the platform and a small time-to-market. Multiple projects already exist, which utilize idle CPU resources in a distributed-computing approach: They split large, difficult problems into small chunks, which are then assigned and solved by computer nodes. BOINC3 is a prominent example for such a distributed computation network in science. A more dedicated and efficient approach are high-performance computation (HPC) supercom- puters and supercomputer centers like the Jülich Supercomputing Centre (JSC)4, which hosts JUQUEEN, a 458 752 core super-computer with a peak performance of 5 872 Tflops/s. In the TOP500 Supercompter List5 of November 2014, JUQUEEN reached the 8th place. The current 1st place holds Tianhe-2 (MilkyWay-2) with 3 120 000 cores and a peak performance of 54 902 Tflops/s. Of course, the workload generated from public projects is divided between many dif- ferent (scientific) problems instead of full-time cryptographic attacks. Still, the military uses supercomputers for this purpose, e. g., as part of the National Security Agency (NSA)’s Longhaul system6. Nevertheless, massive computational power requires thoughtful implementation with paral- lelization in mind in order to fully unlock its potential and use the resources efficiently. In the context of a single computational node, i. e., a single CPU, and a very specific task, i. e., a cryptanalytic algorithm, we usually require only a small subset of the capabilities in terms of instructions and available registers. This leads to two observations: First, parts of the hardware are unused (in the context of a given algorithm). This may cover both wasted area as well as wasted power, as the chip is not utilized optimally; second, the architecture may become a limit- ing factor, e. g., the number of available registers or chip-internal structures and mechanisms like pipelining, branch-prediction, and caches for highly-parallel tasks or incompatible register-sizes like 32- or 64-bit registers for large-integer arithmetic.

To improve the overall usage of the available hardware and increase the performance of very specific implementations, we move from general-purpose to special-purpose hardware. In the following sections, we will introduce two different implementation targets: Using GPUs for general-purpose computations as well as FPGAs together with the more specialized ASICs.

2.2 General-Purpose Computing on Graphics Processing Units

With the invention of dedicated Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) and the broad availability today, we have access to a high-performance, special-purpose hardware co-processor for the CPU: It highly improves the speed of the specific task of transforming vertices to pixels, which was initially done by the CPU. When GPUs emerged, they used (with small exceptions) a defined fixed-function Application Programming Interface (API). These functions directly mapped to dedicated hardware inside the GPUs, going through the fixed-function pipeline, i. e., Vertex control and conversion, transform and lighting, triangle setup, rasterization, shading, and the

3cf. 4cf. 5cf. 6cf. a-1010361.html

10 2.2 General-Purpose Computing on Graphics Processing Units frame buffer interface. This provided programmers with easy-to-use, task-driven functions and did not require special knowledge of the underlying hardware, still with graphics processing as the main task. Shader-based GPUs changed the approach and provided more direct access to the rendering pipeline: Using a special shading language, the developers were able to write programs executable in the shading transform and lighting stage. With this access to more generic instructions, the fixed-function API was mostly used for backwards compatibility. This change also opened the specialized hardware for non-graphic computations, which is referred to as General-Purpose Computing on Graphics Processing Units (GPGPU). Within the last decade, the field of HPC using GPUs slowly became a new target of the major GPU manufacturers, i. e., AMD (formerly ATI) and NVIDIA, and programmers have access to well- documented APIs and new hardware architectures optimized for parallel computation. There are two major standards for heterogeneous, parallel computing on GPUs: NVIDIA’s CUDA7 and the OpenCL8. Depending on the target environment, CUDA may be a better choice for NVIDIA-only systems, as the development and support of the architecture and drivers is maintained by the same company. Nevertheless, using OpenCL is officially supported by NVIDIA: The support is included with the GPU drivers and they offer NVIDIA OpenCL SDK samples9 for Windows, Linux and Mac. In this thesis, we used an NVIDIA GPU programmed in CUDA in the Password Search project (cf. Section 4.3.1), as those were the available out-of-the-box GPU clusters at that time. Please note that GPU architectures are rapidly changing, e. g., the NVIDIA Maxwell generation improved on-chip boolean logic computation. Thus, a detailed review is beyond the scope of this introduction. We focus on the CUDA terminology and the Tesla GPUs.

CUDA Terminology and Code Execution Basics CUDA and its compiler use a subset of the C programming language with GPU extensions. The language defines two models, which are important to maximize the efficiency of GPU acceleration: A programming model and a memory model. The device code is compiled as kernels and while multiple kernels may be queued, only one kernel runs at a time with many threads executing its code in parallel. Comparing GPU and CPU kernels, the GPU model uses thousands of parallel threads for efficient computation and performs the creation and switching of threads with minimal overhead. Threads of the same kernel are combined into blocks, which are grouped into a grid. The threads inside each block have access to a per-block shared memory and can use this memory for thread-interaction within the block. CUDA also provides block-wide thread-synchronization mechanisms. The scheduling scheme of CUDA is independent of the actual hardware. To achieve this, it provides a multi- dimensional indexing theme: Blocks inside a grid have either one or two dimensions, while threads inside a block may have either one, two or three dimensions to identify them. The overall dimensions are parameters of the CPU code launching the kernel. When the GPU starts a kernel, it assigns the blocks to Streaming Multiprocessors (SMs). Each SM consists of registers, caches, warp schedulers and cores for integer and floating point operations. A warp is a fixed-size chunk (recent GPUs use a warp size of 32) of the pending blocks, where all threads inside the

7cf. 8cf. 9cf.

11 Chapter 2 High-Performance Computation Platforms warp execute the same instruction on the hardware. Thus, a warp executes Single Instruction, Multiple Data (SIMD) vector operations. The schedulers change contexts between the threads and issue the next instruction. Please note that due to the SIMD operations, all threads per warp either execute the same instruction or diverging threads skip the execution, i. e., in case of different branches. CUDA defines different types of memories usable on the GPU: A long latency, large global memory, which is used to transfer data between the host and the GPU. The global memory may be accessed from all threads. Access to the per-block shared memory is faster than the global memory. For the smallest latency, the threads use their local registers, though these registers are very limited in their number. While the general rule is to avoid accessing the global memory when possible, the GPU contains a latency-hiding mechanism: In case a high-latency instruction is executed, the warp scheduler may execute additional warps in the meantime. This latency-hiding improves the performance drastically: It is possible for the GPU to completely hide the delay if there are enough other instructions on a SM.

NVIDIA Tesla C207010 : In Chapter 4, we used a very specific GPU: The Tesla C2070, which was released in Q3 2010. The device consists of 14 SMs with 32 computing cores each. Therefore, this architecture provides 14 × 32 = 448 dedicated cores within a single GPU. In terms of bandwidth and computational power, the card achieves a memory transfer rate of 144 GBps and the cores are clocked at 1.15 GHz, reaching a single-precision floating point peak performance of up to 1.03 Tflops/s. Comparing this to a modern CPU of the same time, the 2011 i7 98011, the 3.6 GHz chip achieves about 86 Gflops/s.

Limitations of GPU Programming: As mentioned before, we use CUDA as the API to work on the graphic processor and thus, the code may be used on different NVIDIA devices. Nev- ertheless, we can optimize the code for the target architecture of the specific GPU model and increase the efficiency. To achieve the best results, we need to know the limitations posed by the architecture and how to deal with them. The following considerations are derived from the Tesla C2070 device itself: The maximum number of blocks per SM is restricted to 8 with a maximum number of 1 536 assigned threads. As each SM contains 32 768×32-bit registers and 49 152 bytes of shared memory, this restricts the number of parallel threads depending on the resource usage per thread: A design using all of the 1 536 threads in parallel is limited to at most 21 registers and 32 bytes of shared memory. These restrictions influence the performance of the design: If the kernel requires more registers, additional variables are stored in global memory, which has a significantly higher latency compared to the registers. If the per-block shared memory limit is critical, the number of threads per block decreases and the warp scheduler may fail to hide high latencies.

In comparison to standard CPUs, GPUs offer a very high number of parallel cores per device with comparable clock frequencies, combined with a fast memory-architecture and latency-hiding mechanisms. The main drawbacks are the considerably higher power consumption of GPUs and

10cf. C2070 Datasheet: pdf 11cf.

12 2.3 Application-Specific Integrated Circuits the architectural and device-specific restrictions, which have a direct impact on the suitability of the device as a target platform for a specific algorithm.

2.3 Application-Specific Integrated Circuits

Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs) are hardware chips dedicated to exactly one specific task and contain a static circuit. GPUs started as specialized (co-)processors, i. e., they had a very specific task without general-purpose processing. Today, GPUs are fast, general- purpose multi-core platforms with special instructions for graphic processing programmed in high-level programming languages or assembler. ASICs on the other hand are not programmable, as they are designed as integrated circuits: This means that the target algorithm is transformed to a combination of logical functions and storage elements and then implemented with standard-cell libraries. Usually, such a chip contains volatile storage elements, e. g., flip-flops, latches or SRAM, non-volatile memory (if required for the task), Input/Output (I/O) pins, i. e., to communicate with the outside world, and the algorithm-specific control logic, e. g., designed as a Finite-State Machine (FSM). The complete absence of general-purpose features or generic APIs leads to very straight-forward, small, and fast designs. This changes the implementation approaches and restrictions compared to CPUs and GPUs: While there are still limitations derived from the available chip-area, cell libraries, and cell technologies, the designer creates an algorithm-specific architecture, e. g., by defining the number of available registers, their sizes and distribution, or builds specialized co-processors. These create an optimal basis for the specific target algorithm, for example by providing unusual register sizes like 81-bit registers in case the target requires it. Such dedicated chips outperform any other implementation, as they use exactly the area the circuit requires and waste no power for additional tasks: Compared to CPUs or GPUs, the design will only perform essential operations in every clock cycle, as there is no overhead for branch predictions, context switches, instruction pipelines or latency-hiding. Though this approach provides the best possible performance and — when produced in high quantities — low unit costs, the development process is much more complex than programming in software: Before the design is built, the designer needs to carefully verify the correctness of the circuit, usually by building several prototypes, testing them in the target environment, and iteratively optimizing the design. In addition to the complexity, the upfront cost for the toolchain licenses and the different standard cell-libraries (depending on the technology) as well as the costs to produce the prototypes make hardware design less attractive for rapid prototyping.

2.4 Field-Programmable Gate-Arrays

Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) combine the performance and inherent, true par- allelism of a gate-level hardware implementation with the flexibility, simple development, and reconfigurability of a software-based approach. Compared to the ASIC, it provides reconfigurable logic in hardware. Using these, the FPGA is programmed and may be reprogrammed to work on a different algorithm and allows reuse of the same hardware. These reconfigurable logic consists of logical building blocks, I/O pins, and — depending on the device — include additional fea-

13 Chapter 2 High-Performance Computation Platforms tures such as multiple clock domains or dedicated hard blocks, e. g., dedicated memory blocks, PowerPC cores, high-speed transceivers, or signal processing cores. The designer builds upon these resources and creates a chip with an application-specific ar- chitecture. Two major programming languages exist to implement on FPGAs: and Very High Speed Integrated Circuit (VHSIC) Hardware Description Language (VHDL). The developer builds hardware modules using these languages and describes the hardware either in structural or behavioral models and combines those using signals and wires. The toolchain starts with a synthesis stage, where the design is transformed from a high-level language to the register-transfer level and identifies logic macros, e. g., a multi-input XOR. Afterwards, the translate and map stage breaks these information down to the underlying structure of the target device using the logical resources and delay information of the specific FPGA. In the last stage, the place and route, the tools physically place the logic on the chip, optimize this on-chip placement and reduce the signal routes. Please note that in contrast to software im- plementations, which execute low-level instructions with the clock frequency the CPU or GPU provides, a clock-synchronous hardware design of an algorithm updates the full circuit in every clock cycle. Thus, the signal routes have a direct impact on the maximum clock frequency of the design: The longest route a signal travels in one clock cycle from a source register to the destination register defines the critical path, which defines the maximum clock frequency. The designer needs to carefully optimize the critical path and thus the on-chip routing. Please note that the automatic, probabilistic optimization is usually not sufficient and manual optimization is required. As this design process and even more the optimization steps require several iterations, FPGAs provide a very interesting rapid-prototyping, low cost approach: Implementations ben- efit from the implicit parallelization (parallel circuits truly work in parallel) and the low power- consumption of hardware implementations in combination with the flexibility of reusing the same chip for different approaches or multiple algorithms.

FPGA layout: The FPGA-specific building blocks and naming conventions depend on the FPGA vendor. While there exist many different vendors, two large companies take up about 90% of the market share: Altera and Xilinx12. The FPGA clusters we are using throughout this thesis are successors of the Cost-Optimized Parallel Code Breaker and Analyzer (COPACOBANA) [KPP+06]. This cluster was built in 2006 by two groups from the Universities of Bochum and Kiel using 120 Xilinx Spartan-3 1000 FPGAs. It demonstrated the potential of low-cost reconfigurable hardware for cryptanalysis with a brute-force attack on DES for less than US$ 10 000. Since 2007, SciEngines GmbH13 produces and supports the cluster and its successors. We continue with the description of the internal building blocks with respect to the Xilinx devices and toolchain. Most of the FPGA area is occupied with a generic structure consisting of Configurable Logic Blocks (CLBs) and Interconnects. Figure 2.1 shows the layout of a small Xilinx Spartan-6 device, the XC6SLX16-CSG324-2C. The blue area covering most of the device are the CLBs. Each CLB comprises a fixed number of slices. The number of slices per CLB and the exact content of a slice depend on the target FPGA. All slices contain a basic structure, while several slices contain additional features. The basic layout of a slice contains Look-Up Tables (LUTs) to implement boolean functions, multiplexers to select signals, and Flip Flops (FFs) as

12cf., Key Documentation: Investor Factsheet (April 2015) 13cf.

14 2.4 Field-Programmable Gate-Arrays storage elements. In addition to the CLBs, the small Spartan-6 also contains 8 independent clock regions and two types of dedicated hard cores: Two rows of Block RAM (BRAM) (pink) and two rows of Digital Signal Processing (DSP) cores.

Figure 2.1: Exemplary picture of an FPGA layout of a Xilinx XC6SLX16 FPGA. Most of the device’s area provides CLBs (blue). The I/O pins are located outside, surrounding the programmable area. The FPGA contains 8 independent clock domain regions. This small device contains two types of hard cores, physically distributed in columns: BRAM (pink) and DSP cores (cyan).

As mentioned before, FPGA optimizations are tightly linked to the target device. It is very important to know the exact type, structure, and available elements, as we cannot easily reuse designs previously optimized for one architecture. A good example are the dedicated hard cores, as they are physically distributed over the chip area. In our example, we have two columns of memory cores, which pose an area-restriction on the logic, which processes the input and output data. A different FPGA might use four smaller columns, which may not change the total memory but has an effect — negative or positive — on the placement and the signal routing. While we can create generic implementations, these designs will most likely not utilize the full potential of all available hardware structures. In the worst case, the implementation results in

15 Chapter 2 High-Performance Computation Platforms an over-mapping of the physical resources and does not fit within the hardware at all, e. g., if the new target provides less memory or not enough logical resources. Change from a smaller to a larger device is less problematic, but usually requires manual, device-specific changes to increase the performance.

We will now briefly discuss the different FPGAs clusters used in this thesis and provide a short overview of their features and the devices they utilize.

RIVYERA-S3: The first successor of the COPACOBANA, called SciEngines RIVYERA S3- 5000 [GPPS09], is populated with 128 Spartan-3 XC3S5000 FPGAs, each tightly coupled with 32MB of Dynamic Random Access Memory (DRAM) memory for direct access from the fabric. Each of these FPGAs provides a set of logic resources consisting of 33 280 slices and 104 BRAMs. These slices are the core of the reconfigurable hardware, as they allow the implementation of complex boolean functions in reconfigurable hardware. The Spartan-3 Series uses slices, which contain two 4-input LUTs and two FFs each. The XC3S5000 does not contain any DSP cores for fast integer arithmetic, which are only part of specific Spartan-3A and more recent FPGAs.

CTL XC3S5000-8CTL XC3S5000-8 CTL XC3S5000-8

External Data XC3S5000-2XC3S5000-2 XC3S5000-2

XC3S5000-1XC3S5000-1 XC3S5000-1 Module 1 Module 2 Module 16 Ethernet Core PCIe i7 920 FPGA FPGA Backplane FPGA

Host PC Ring Bus

Figure 2.2: Architecture of the RIVYERA-S3 cluster system.

Figure 2.2 provides an overview of the architecture of the RIVYERA special-purpose cluster: Eight FPGAs are soldered on individual card modules that are plugged into a backplane, which implements a global systolic ring-bus for high-performance communication. The internal ring- bus is further connected via Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI) Express to a host CPU — an Intel Core i7 based PC — which is installed in the same 19" housing of the cluster. Apart from the change of the FPGA from the smaller Spartan-3 1000 FPGAs of the COPACOBANA to the largest Spartan-3 FPGAs, the new bus system is the most important addition to the cluster. More complex cryptanalytic designs like [ZGP10] were slowed down considerably due to the interface-bottleneck.

16 2.4 Field-Programmable Gate-Arrays

RIVYERA-S6 The second generation of the SciEngines RIVYERA cluster featured the more recent Spartan-6 XC6SLX150 FPGAs and increased the optional DRAM to 2 GB. This cluster exists in multiple versions: We use a small prototyping variant with 8 FPGAs, called FORMICA, and have access to two 64 FPGA versions. The most notable difference to the RIVYERA-S3 firmware is the ability to simulate the design including the full API, which drastically reduces the debugging time. Apart from the improvements for the designer, implementations benefit from the new version of the Spartan FPGAs: The devices contain 23 038 slices, 268 × 18-Kb BRAMs and 180 DSP cores. Please note that in contrast to the Spartan-3, each slice now features four 6-input LUTs and 8 FFs and the CLB layout changed: The Spartan-6 uses three different types of slices, distributing the additional slice features differently. With these changes, the half-equipped Spartan-6 clusters outperform the fully-equipped RIVYERA-S3 cluster even with the lower number of FPGAs available in our machines.

Xilinx Virtex-6 and Series-7 FPGAs The FPGAs of the latest generation were not available in large clusters during the implementation time of the projects. As the Virtex-Family contains the high-performance FPGAs, we use an Virtex-6 evaluation board for runtime estimations in Chapter 6 and two members of the 7th series in Section 4.4: The low-cost Xilinx zedboard and the high-performance Xilinx VC707 Evaluation Kit. The FPGA on the zedboard is a Zynq-7000 XC7Z020. It is located in the low-power low-cost segment. The device consists of a dual-core ARM Cortex A9 CPU, while the fabric area and re- sources are comparable to an Xilinx Artix-7 FPGA. The zedboard allows easy access to the logic inside the fabric and memory modules via direct memory access. It provides several interfaces, e. g., AXI4, AXI4-Stream, AXI4-Lite, or Xillybus and is a good choice for hardware/software co-designs and provides a self-contained system. The Virtex-7 on the other hand offers a five times larger fabric area and seven times more memory cores at the cost of more power consumption and a higher device price. In the context of HPC, this allows the implementation of fully-unrolled designs previously limited by the area constraints.

17 18 Part II

Cryptanalysis using Reconfigurable Hardware


Chapter 3 Dynamic Cube Attack on the Grain-128 Stream Cipher

This chapter introduces a new type of algebraic attack on the stream cipher Grain- 128, which is based on an improved version of cube testers [ADMS09]. With the removal of previously existing restrictions on the key, the required computational power exceeded the capabilities. The simulation algorithm required a highly-optimized hardware design instead of a software implementation. The project was completed in 2011 as a joint work with Itai Dinur, Tim Güneysu, Christof Paar, and Adi Shamir. The results were published in [DGP+11] with the focus on the theoretical aspects, whereas the implementation details were published in [DGP+12]. The content of this chapter is based on both papers and structured as follows:

Contents of this Chapter 3.1 Introduction ...... 21 3.2 Background ...... 22 3.3 A New Approach for Attacking Grain-128 ...... 25 3.4 Implementation ...... 29 3.5 Conclusion ...... 37

Contribution: In the context of this project, my contribution was the analysis of the reference software implementation and the development of an optimized hardware architecture. This included a multi-threaded Linux hardware/software co-design run- ning on the RIVYERA-S3 FPGA cluster to verify the efficiency of the new attack and to evaluate different parameter sets.

3.1 Introduction

The algorithm Grain-128 [HJMM06] belongs to the class of stream ciphers. It is the 128-bit variant of the Grain scheme, which was selected by the eSTREAM project in 2008 as one of the three recommended hardware-efficient stream ciphers. Considering the different attacks on Grain-128 published at the time of the project, related- key attacks on the full cipher were presented in [LJSH08] and — by using a sliding property —

21 Chapter 3 Dynamic Cube Attack on the Grain-128 Stream Cipher

[CKP08] improved exhaustive search by a factor of two. The only single-key attacks substantially faster than exhaustive search either attacked a reduced number of rounds [EJT07, FKM08, ADMS09, KMNP10, Sta10] or a specific class of weak keys [DS11] with dynamic cube attacks. The attack on this particular subset of weak keys — containing the 2−10 fraction of keys, in which ten specific key bits are all zero — is faster than exhaustive search by a factor of about 215. For the remaining 0.999 fraction of keys, there is no known attack faster than exhaustive search. In this work, we verify an improved scheme called Dynamic Cube Attack, which is based on cube distinguishers. It introduces dynamic variables and — with their help — removes all of the restrictions previously applied to the key. This proves to be challenging, as a large number of iterations and evaluations is necessary: With the increased dimension parameter of 50, each evaluation works on 250 output bits of Grain-128 after the initial setup-phase of the cipher. This becomes infeasible on the previously used CPU clusters, as they lack the computational power to verify the correctness of the attack algorithm. To solve this issue, we exploit the hardware-oriented and highly parallel implementation properties of the algorithm and use a special-purpose hardware instead of a software implementation. At the time of the project, we had access to a RIVYERA-S3 with 128 Spartan-3 FPGAs. We defined two different project goals: Foremost, we wanted to verify the attack algorithm. In addition, in case the massive parallelization leads to enough computational power, we aimed at testing the effect of different parameter sets. Those sets were derived from the previous publications and our secondary goal was to experimentally tweak them and increase the overall efficiency of the attack.

3.2 Background

In this section, we will introduce the required background information and reference to more detailed descriptions. We start with the target algorithm, Grain-128, and continue with cube testers and dynamic cube attacks as introduced in [ADMS09] and [DS11], respectively.

3.2.1 The Grain Stream Cipher Family

Grain is a family of stream ciphers submitted and revised during the ECRYPT II - eSTREAM project. The strengthened version Grain v1 was recommended in 2008 as one of the hardware- efficient stream ciphers. The ciphers were introduced by Hell et al. in 2006 and updated during the following years in two variants: Grain uses an 80-bit key [HJM07] and Grain-128 a 128-bit key [HJMM06]. By construction, Grain-128 is a very small and efficient stream cipher, which targets highly constrained hardware environments. It uses only a minimum of resources in terms of chip area and power consumption: The basic components are a 128-bit Linear Feedback Shift Register (LFSR) and a 128-bit Nonlinear Feedback Shift Register (NFSR). The feedback functions of the LFSR and NFSR are defined as si and bi, respectively, with

si+128 = si + si+7 + si+38 + si+70 + si+81 + si+96

bi+128 = si + bi + bi+26 + bi+56 + bi+91 + bi+96 + bi+3bi+67 + bi+11bi+13 +

bi+17bi+18 + bi+27bi+59 + bi+40bi+48 + bi+61bi+65 + bi+68bi+84.

22 3.2 Background

The corresponding output function of the cipher is X zi = bi+j + h(x) + si+93 j∈A where A = {2, 15, 36, 45, 64, 73, 89}

and h(x) = x0x1 + x2x3 + x4x5 + x6x7 + x0x4x8.

Per definition, the remaining variables xi, 0 ≤ i ≤ 8 correspond to the tap positions: bi+12, si+8, si+13, si+20, bi+95, si+42, si+60, si+79 and si+95.

Figure 3.1: Overview on the Grain-128 initialization function as needed for Cube Attacks. This function consists mainly of a linear and a non-linear feedback shift register, both of width 128 bits. The figure is derived from [CKP08].

Figure 3.1 shows the initialization setup of the algorithm and gives an overview of the im- plementation aspects in hardware. Grain-128 is initialized with a 128-bit key and with a 96-bit Initialization Vector (IV), which are loaded into the NFSR and LFSR, respectively. The remain- ing 32 LFSR bits are initialized with ’1’. The state is then clocked through 256 initialization rounds without producing an output, feeding the output back into the input of both registers.

3.2.2 Cube Testers In almost any cryptographic scheme, each output bit can be described by a multivariate master polynomial p(x1, .., xn, v1, .., vm) over GF(2) of secret variables xi (key bits) and public variables vj (plaintext bits in block ciphers and Message Authentication Codes (MACs), IV bits in stream ciphers). This polynomial is usually too large to write down or to manipulate in an explicit way, but its values can be evaluated by running the cryptographic algorithm as a black box. The cryptanalyst is able to tweak this master polynomial by assigning chosen values to the public variables (which result in multiple derived polynomials), but in single-key attacks he cannot modify the secret variables. To simplify our notation, we ignore the distinction between public and private variables for the rest of this subsection. Given a multivariate master polynomial with n variables p(x1, .., xn) over GF(2) in algebraic normal form (ANF) and a term tI containing variables from an index

23 Chapter 3 Dynamic Cube Attack on the Grain-128 Stream Cipher subset I that are multiplied together, the polynomial can be written as the sum of terms which are supersets of I and terms that miss at least one variable from I:

p(x1, .., xn) ≡ tI · pS(I) + q(x1, .., xn) pS(I) is called the superpoly of I in p. Compared to p, the algebraic degree of the superpoly is reduced by at least the number of variables in tI and its number of terms is smaller. Cube testers [ADMS09] are related to high order differential attacks [Lai94]. The basic idea behind them is that the symbolic sum over GF(2) of all the derived polynomials — obtained from the master polynomial by assigning all the possible 0/1 values to the subset of variables in the term tI — is exactly pS(I), which is the superpoly of tI in p(x1, .., xn). This simplified polynomial is more likely to exhibit non-random properties than the original polynomial P . Cube testers work by evaluating superpolys of carefully selected terms tI , which are products of public variables, and trying to distinguish them from a random function. One of the natural properties that can be tested is balance: A random function is expected to contain as many zeros as ones in its truth table. A superpoly that has a strongly unbalanced truth table can thus be used to distinguish the cryptosystem from a random polynomial by testing whether the sum of output values over an appropriate boolean cube evaluates as often to one as to zero (as a function of the public bits, which are not summed over).

3.2.3 Dynamic Cube Attacks Dynamic Cube Attacks exploit distinguishers obtained from cube testers to recover some secret key bits. This is reminiscent of the way that distinguishers are used in differential attacks to recover the last subkey in an iterated cryptosystem. In static cube testers (and other related attacks such as the original cube attack [DS09] and AIDA [Vie07]), the values of all the public variables that are not summed over are fixed to a constant (usually zero) and thus they are called static variables. However, in dynamic cube attacks, the values of some of the public variables, which are not part of the cube, are not fixed. Instead, a function is assigned to each of these variables (called dynamic variables) that depends on some of the cube public variables as well as on some private variables. Each such function is carefully chosen in order to simplify the resulting superpoly and thus to amplify the expected bias (or the non-randomness in general) of the cube tester. The basic steps of the attack are briefly summarized below. For more details we refer to [DS11], where the notion of dynamic cube attacks was introduced.

Preprocessing Phase: We first choose some polynomials that we want to set to zero at all the vertices of the cube and show how to nullify them by setting certain dynamic variables to appropriate expressions in terms of the other public and secret variables. To minimize the number of evaluations of the cryptosystem, we choose a big cube of dimension d and a set of subcubes to sum over during the online phase. We usually choose the subcubes of the highest dimension (namely d and d − 1), which are the most likely to give a biased sum. We then determine a set of e expressions in the private variables that need to be guessed by the attacker in order to calculate the values of the dynamic variables during the cube summations.

Online Phase: The online phase of the attack has two steps that are described in the following.

24 3.3 A New Approach for Attacking Grain-128

Step 1: The first step also consists of two substeps: (1) For each possible vector of values for the e secret expressions, sum the output bits modulo 2 over the subcubes chosen during preprocessing with the dynamic variables set accordingly and obtain a list of sums (one bit per subcube). (2) Given the list of sums, calculate its score by measuring the non-randomness in the subcube sums. The output of this step is a sequence of lists sorted from the lowest score to the highest (in our notation the list with the lowest score has the largest bias and is thus the most likely to be correct in our attack). Given that the dimension of our big cube is d, the complexity of summing over all its subcubes is bounded by d2d (using the Moebius transform [Jou09]). Assuming that we have to guess the values of e secret expressions in order to determine the values of the dynamic variables, the complexity of this step is bounded by d2d+e bit operations. Assuming that we have y dynamic variables, both the data and memory complexities are bounded by 2d+y (since it is sufficient to obtain an output bit for every possible vertex of the cube and for every possible value of the dynamic variables). Step 2: Given the sorted guess score list, we determine the most likely values for the secret expressions, for a subset of the secret expressions, or for the entire key. The specific details of this step vary according to the attack.

Partial Simulation Phase: The complexity of executing online step 1 of the attack for a single key is d2d+e bit operations and 2d+y cipher executions. In the case of Grain-128, these complexities are too high and thus we have to experimentally verify our attack with a simpler procedure. Our solution is to calculate the cube summations in online step 1 only for the correct guess of the e secret expressions. We then calculate the score of the correct guess and estimate its expected position g in the sorted list of score values by assuming that incorrect guesses will make the scheme behave as a random function. Consequently, if the cube sums for the correct guess detect a property that is satisfied by a random cipher with probability p, we estimate that the location of the correct guess in the sorted list will be g ≈ max{p × 2e, 1} as justified in [DS11].

3.3 A New Approach for Attacking Grain-128

Please note that Itai Dinur and Adi Shamir constructed the new attack, which is the basis for the implementation and the experiments in the following sections. The starting point of our new attack on Grain-128 is the weak-key attack described in [DS11]. Both our new attack and [DS11] use only the first output bit of Grain-128 (with index i = 257). The output function of the cipher is a multivariate polynomial of degree 3 in the state and its only term of degree 3 is bi+12bi+95si+95. Since this term is likely to contribute the most to the high degree terms in the output polynomial, we try to nullify it. Since bi+12 is the state bit that is calculated at the earliest stage of the initialization steps (compared to bi+95 and si+95), it should be the least complicated to nullify. However, after many initialization steps, the ANF of bi+12 becomes very complicated and it does not seem possible to nullify it in a direct way. Instead, the idea in [DS11] is to simplify (and not nullify) bi+12bi+95si+95 by nullifying bi−21 (which participated in the most significant terms of bi+12, bi+95 and si+95). The ANF of the

25 Chapter 3 Dynamic Cube Attack on the Grain-128 Stream Cipher

earlier bi−21 is much easier to analyze compared to the one of bi+12, but it is still very complex. The solution adopted in [DS11] was to assume that 10 specific key bits are set to 0. This leads to a weak-key attack on Grain-128, which can only attack a particular fraction of 0.001 of the keys. In order to attack a significant portion of all the possible keys, we use a different approach, which nullifies state bits produced at an earlier stage of the encryption process. This approach weakens the resistance of the output of Grain-128 to cube testers, but in a more indirect way. In fact, the output function is a higher degree polynomial, which can be more resistant to cube testers compared to [DS11] and forces us to slightly increase the dimension d from 46 to 50. On the other hand, since we choose to nullify state bits that are produced at an earlier stage of the encryption process, their ANF is relatively simple and thus the number of secret expressions e that we need to guess is reduced from 61 to 39. Since the complexity of the attack is proportional to d2d+e, the smaller value of e more than compensates for the slightly larger value of d. Our new strategy thus yields not only an attack, which has a significant probability of success for all the keys rather than an attack on a particular subset of weak keys, but also a better improvement factor over exhaustive search (details are given at the end of this section). In the new attack, we decided to nullify bi−54. This simplifies the ANF of the output function in two ways: It nullifies the ANF of the most significant term of bi−21 (the only term of degree 3), which has a large influence on the ANF of the output. In addition, setting bi−54 to zero nullifies the most significant terms of bi+62 and si+62, simplifying their ANF. This simplifies the ANF of the most significant terms of bi+95 and si+95, both participating in the most significant term of the output function. In addition to nullifying bi−54, we nullify the most significant term of bi+12 (which has a large influence on the ANF of the output, as described in the first paragraph of this section), bi−104bi−21si−21, by nullifying bi−104.

Table 3.1: Parameter set for the attack on the full Grain-128, given output bit 257. Cube Indexes {0,2,4,11,12,13,16,19,21,23,24,27,29,33,35,37,38,41,43,44,46, 47,49,52,53,54,55, 57,58,59,61,63,65,66,67,69,72,75,76,78,79,81,82,84,85,87,89,90,92,93} Dynamic Variables {31,3,5,6,8,9,10,15,7,25,42,83,1} State Bits Nullified {b159, b131, b133, b134, b136, b137, b138, b145, s135, b153, b170, b176, b203}

The parameter set we used for the new attack is given in Table 3.1. Most of the dynamic variables are used in order to simplify the ANF of bi−54 = b203 so that we can nullify it using one more dynamic variable with acceptable complexity. We now describe in detail how to perform the online phase of the attack given this parameter set. Before executing these steps, the following preparation steps are necessary to determine the list of e secret expressions in the key variables, which we have to guess during the actual attack.

Preprocessing Phase

(1) Assign values to the dynamic variables given in Table 3.1. This is a very simple process, which is described in Appendix B of [DS11]. Since the symbolic values of the dynamic variables contain hundreds of terms, we do not list them here, but rather refer to the process that calculates their values.

26 3.3 A New Approach for Attacking Grain-128

(2) Given the symbolic form of a dynamic variable, look for all the terms, which are combi- nations of variables from the big cube.

(3) Rewrite the symbolic form as a sum of these terms, each one multiplied by an expression containing only secret variables.

(4) Add the expressions of secret variables to the set of expressions that need to be guessed. Do not add expressions, whose value can be deduced from the values of the expressions already contained in the set.

When we prepare the attack, we initially get 50 secret expressions. However, after removing 11 expressions — which are dependent on the rest — the number of expressions that need to be guessed is reduced to 39. We are now ready to execute the online phase of the attack:

Online Phase

(1) Obtain the first output bit produced by Grain-128 after the full 256 initialization steps with the fixed secret key, all the possible values of the variables of the big cube, and the dynamic variables given in Table 3.1. The remaining public variables are set to zero. The dimension of the big cube is 50 and we have 13 dynamic variables. Thus, the total amount of data and memory required is 250+13 = 263 bits.

(2) We have 239 possible guesses for the secret expressions. Allocate a guess score array of 239 entries (an entry per guess). For each possible value (guess) of the secret expressions: a) Plug the values of these expressions into the dynamic variables, which thus become a function of the cube variables, but not of the secret variables. b) Our big cube in Table 3.1 is of dimension 50. Allocate an array of 250 bit entries. For each possible assignment to the cube variables: i. Calculate the values of the dynamic variables and obtain the corresponding out- put bit of Grain-128 from the data. ii. Copy the value of the output bit to the array entry, whose index corresponds to the assignment of the cube variables. c) Given the 250-bit array, sum over all the entry values that correspond to the 51 subcubes of the big cube, which are of dimension 49 and 50. When summing over 49-dimensional cubes, keep the cube variable that is not summed over to zero. This step gives a list of 51 bits (subcube sums). d) Given the 51 sums, calculate the score of the guess by measuring the fraction of bits, which are equal to 1. Copy the score to the appropriate entry in the guess score array and continue to the next guess (step 2). If no more guesses remain, go to the next step.

(3) Sort the 239 guess scores from the lowest to the highest score.

To justify step 2.c, we note that the largest biases are likely to be created by the largest cubes and thus we only use cubes of dimension 50 and 49. To justify step 2.d, we note that the cube summations tend to yield sparse superpolys, which are all biased towards 0, and thus we can

27 Chapter 3 Dynamic Cube Attack on the Grain-128 Stream Cipher use the number of zeros as a measure of non-randomness. The big cube in the parameter set is of dimension 50, which has 16 times more vertices than the cube used in [DS11] to attack the weak key set. The total complexity of the algorithm above is about 50 × 250+39 < 295 bit operations. It is dominated by step 2.c, which is performed once for each of the 239 possible secret expression guesses. Given the sorted guess array, which is the output of online step 1, we are now ready to perform online step 2 of the attack, which recovers the secret key without going through the difficult step of solving the large system of polynomial equations. In order to optimize this step, we analyze the symbolic form of the secret expressions: Out of the 39 expressions (denoted by s1, s2, ..., s39), 20 contain only a single key bit (denoted by s1, s2, ..., s20). Moreover, 18 out of the remaining 39 − 20 = 19 expressions (denoted by s21, s22, ..., s38) are linear combinations of key bits or can be made linear by fixing the values of 45 more key bits. Thus, we define the following few sets of linear expressions: Set 1 contains the 20 secret key bits s1, s2, ..., s20. Set 2 contains the 45 key bits, whose choice simplifies s21, s22, ..., s38 into linear expressions. Set 3 contains the 18 linear expressions of s21, s22, ..., s38 after plugging in the values of the 20 + 45 = 65 key bits of the first two sets. Note that the set itself depends on the values of the key bits in the first two sets. Altogether, the first three sets contain 20 + 45 + 18 = 83 singletons or linear expressions. Set 4 contains 128 − 83 = 45 linearly independent expressions, which form a basis to the complementary subspace spanned by the first three sets. Note that given the 128 values of all the expressions contained in the 4 sets, it is easy to calculate the 128-bit key.

Key-Recovery Phase: Our attack exploits the relatively simple form of 38 out of the 39 secret expressions in order to recover the key using basic linear algebra. Consider the guesses from the lowest score to the highest. For each guess:

(1) Obtain the value of the key bits of set 1: s1, s2, ..., s20. (2) For each possible value of the 45 key bits of set 2: a) Plug in the (current) values of the key bits from sets 1 and 2 to the expressions of s21, s22, ..., s38 and obtain set 3. b) Obtain the values of the linear expressions of set 3 from the guess. c) From the first 3 sets, obtain the 45 linear expressions of set 4 using Gaussian Elimi- nation. d) For all possible values of the 45 linear expressions of set 4 (iterated using Gray Coding to simplify the transitions between values): i. Given the values of the expressions of the 4 sets, derive the secret key. ii. Run Grain-128 with the derived key and compare the result to a given (known) key stream. If there is equality, return the full key.

This algorithm contains 2 nested loops and is performed g times, where g is the expected position of the correct guess in the sorted guess array. The outer loop (step 2) is performed 245 times per guess with an inner loop of 245 iterations (step 2.d) The outer loop contains linear algebra (step 2.c), whose complexity is clearly negligible compared to 245 cipher evaluations of the inner loop.

28 3.4 Implementation

In the inner loop, we need to derive the 128-bit key in step 2.d.i. In general, this is done by multiplying a 128 × 128 matrix with a 128-bit vector that corresponds to the values of the linear expressions. However, note that 65 key bits (of sets 1 and 2) are already known. Moreover, since we iterate the values of set 4 using Gray Coding (i. e., we flip the value of a single expression per iteration), we only need to perform the multiplication once and then calculate the difference from the previous iteration by adding a single vector to the previous value of the key. This optimization requires a few dozen bit operations, which is negligible compared to running Grain- 128 in step 2.d.ii, as this step requires at least 1 000 bit operations. Thus, the complexity of the exhaustive search per guess is about 245+45 = 290 cipher executions, which implies that the total complexity the algorithm is about g × 290. The attack is worse than exhaustive search if we have to try all the 239 possible values of g and thus, it is crucial to provide strong experimental evidence that g is relatively small for a large fraction of keys. In order to estimate g, we executed the online part of the attack by calculating the score for the correct guess of the 39 expression values. Then, we estimate how likely such a bias is for incorrect guesses if we assume that they behave as random functions.

3.4 Implementation

In this section, we will describe the implementation — both in hardware and software — of the attack simulation from Section 3.3 for correct guesses to provide experimental evidence of the attack properties. We start with a stripped-down version of the simulation algorithm and outline the program workflow in Section 3.4.1, discuss the hardware layout and the software design in Section 3.4.2 and Section 3.4.3, and present the implementation results in Section 3.4.4.

3.4.1 Analysis of the Algorithm Before we start with the implementation, we review the simulation algorithm shown in Algorithm 12 in the appendix. It was derived from a simplified version of step 2 of the online phase as the initial basis of the software implementation and is only performed for the correct key. Algorithm 1 describes the simulation algorithm with respect to an implementation in hard- ware. To simplify the description, we use the function getBit(int, pos), returning the bit at position pos of the integer int, and setBit(int, pos, val), setting the bit at position pos of integer int to val. All input arguments are included in the parameter set in Table 3.1. Please keep in mind that — while the parameters are provided by the table — the attack is also an experimental verification of this parameter set. Thus, it is important that the implementation should be flexible enough to allow changes and pose as few restrictions as possible to these values. The algorithm will compute the cube sum of d + 1 bits, i. e., of size 51 bits with our parameters. First, we select the key, for which we simulate the attack or verify the attack properties. Afterwards, we need to choose the polynomials, which nullify certain state bits and reset the IV to a default value. In the loop starting at line 5, we iterate over all 2d combinations. Each time, we modify the IV by spreading the current iteration value over the cube positions (line 7) and evaluate the polynomials — boolean functions depending on these changing positions — and store the resulting bit per function at the dynamic variable positions (line 10). Now that the IV

29 Chapter 3 Dynamic Cube Attack on the Grain-128 Stream Cipher

Algorithm 1 Dynamic Cube Attack Simulation (Algorithm 12), Optimized for Implementation

Input: 96 bit integer baseIV, cube dimension d, cube C = {C0,...,Cd} with 0 ≤ Ci < 96 ∀Ci ∈ C, number of polynomials m, dynamic variable indices D = {D0,...,Dm} with 0 ≤ Di < 96 ∀Di ∈ D, state bit indices S = {S0,...,Sm} with 0 ≤ Si < 96 ∀Si ∈ S. Output: (d + 1) bit cubesum s 1:IV ← baseIV 2: s ← 0.

Key Selection 3: Choose random 128 bit key K. 4: Choose key-dependent polynomials Pj (X) nullifying state bits Sj .

Computation 5: for i ← 0 to 2d − 1 do 6: for j ← 0 to d − 1 do 7: setBit(IV, Cj , getBit(i, j)) 8: end for 9: for j ← 0 to m − 1 do 10: setBit(IV, Dj , Pj (i)) 11: end for 12: ks ← first bit of Grain-128(IV, K) keystream 13: if ks = 1 then 14: s ← s ⊕ (1|not(i)) 15: end if 16: end for 17: return s. is prepared, we run a full initialization (256 rounds) of Grain-128 (line 12) and — in case the first keystream bit is not zero — we XOR the current sum with the inverse of the d bit iteration count, prefixed by a 1 (line 14).

Read parameters Choose random key Update worker cube

2d times

Evaluate polynomials and Update worksum Compute Grain-128 update dynamic variables

Figure 3.2: Cube Attack — Program-flow for cube dimension d.

Now that we analyzed the algorithm itself, we need to think about the overall implementation in a hardware/software scope. Figure 3.2 describes the basic workflow, which uses a parameter set as input, e. g., the cube dimension, the cube itself, a base IV, and the number of keys to attack: The program selects a random key to attack and divides the big cube into smaller worker cubes and distributes them to worker threads running in parallel. Please note that for simplicity the figure shows only one worker. If 2w workers are used in parallel, the iterations per worker are reduced from 2d to 2d−w.

30 3.4 Implementation

The darker nodes and the bold path show the steps of each independent thread: As each worker iterates over a distinct subset of the cube, it evaluates polynomials on the worker cube (dynamic variables) and updates the IV input to Grain-128. Using this generated IV and the random key, it computes the output of Grain-128 after the initialization phase. With this output, the thread updates an intermediate value — the worker sum — and starts the next iteration. In the end, the software combines all worker sums, evaluates the result and may chose a new random key to start again. We can see that the algorithm is split into three parts: First, we manipulate the worker cube positions and derive an IV from it. Then, we compute the output of the Grain-128 stream cipher using the given key, data, and derived IV. Before we start the next iteration, the worksum is updated.

Grain-128: The second part is straight-forward and is the most computationally expensive task. It concerns only the Grain implementation: With a cube of dimension d, the attack on one key computes the first output bit of Grain-128 2d times. As we already need 250 iterations with the current parameter set, it is necessary to implement Grain-128 as efficiently as possible in order to speed up the attack. Taking a closer look at the design of the stream cipher (see Section 3.2.1), it yields much potential for an efficient hardware implementation: It consists mainly of two shift registers and some additional logic. Using bit-slicing techniques on CPUs increases the efficiency but is not as efficient as a small and fast FPGA implementation as proposed by Aumasson et al. [ADH+09] when implementing cube testers on Grain-128.

IV Generation: To create an independent worker, the implementation also needs to include the IV generation. This process takes the default IV and modifies d + m bits, which is easily done in software by storing the generated IV as an array and accessing the positions directly. Changing the parameters to compute larger cube dimensions d˜ > d or to allow more than m polynomials poses no problem either. Considering a possible hardware implementation, this increases the complexity a lot. In contrast to the software design, we cannot create a generic layout, which reads the parameter set: We need multiplexers for all IV bits to allow dynamic choices and even more multiplexers to allow all possible combinations of boolean functions to support all possible polynomials. As this problem seems very easy in software and difficult in hardware, a software approach of the IV generation seems more reasonable at first glance. In combination with the hardware implementation of Grain-128, this leads to a significant communication overhead to supply many hardware workers with IVs every few clock cycles. This negates the effect of the simplicity of a software implementation. In order to compute the cipher, we need a key and an IV. The value of the key varies, as it is chosen at random. The IV, on the other hand, is modified in each iteration. To estimate the effort of building a fully independent worker in hardware, we need to know how many dynamic inputs we have to consider in the IV generation process: Without restrictions, the modifications are very inefficient in hardware. The IV is a 96-bit value, where each bit is set according to one out of three input sources. Figure 3.3 shows the multiplexer design for a given index i in hardware: The current IV bit receives the value either from the base IV position (light grey) provided by the parameter set,

31 Chapter 3 Dynamic Cube Attack on the Grain-128 Stream Cipher ... 0 p ... 0 cnt(0) 0 base(i)

0 1 2 d-w-1 m-1

pm-1 cnt(d-1)


Figure 3.3: Necessary Multiplexers for each IV bit (without optimizations) of a worker with worker cube size d − w and m different polynomials. This is an (m + d − w + 1)-to-1 bit multiplexer, i. e., with the current parameter set a (64 − w)-to-1 bit multiplexer. from a part of the current counter spread across the worker cube (grey), or from a dynamic variable (dark grey). As the choice used for each bit changes not only with the parameter set, but also when assigning partial cubes to different workers, this input to the IV bit is not fixed and cannot be precomputed efficiently. Thus, we need to create an (m + d − w + 1)-to-1 bit multiplexer for each bit, resulting in 96×(64−w)-to-1 bit multiplexers for our current parameter set. The first two input sources are both restricted and can be realized by simple multiplexers in hardware. The dynamic variable on the other hand stores the result of a polynomial evaluation. Please note that the polynomials used in this step are not pre-defined polynomials, as they are derived at runtime (cf. Algorithm 1, line 4) and depend on the input key. Thus, a generic hardware implementation must realize every possible boolean function over the worker cubes. Even with tight restrictions, i. e., a maximum number of terms per monomial and monomials per polynomial, it is impossible to provide such a reconfigurable structure in hardware. As a consequence, a fully dynamic approach leads to extremely large multiplexers and thus to very high area consumption on the FPGA, which is prohibitively slow. Another approach would be to utilize the complete area of an FPGA for massive parallel Grain-128 computations without additional logic. In this case, the communication between the host and the FPGA will be the bottleneck of the system and the parallel cores on the FPGA will idle. Therefore, we need to choose a different strategy to implement this part in hardware, which is described in the Section 3.4.2.

Worksum update: At the end of one iteration, the worksum is modified. To simplify the syn- chronization between the different threads, each worker updates a local intermediate value. In order to generate (d+1)-bit intermediate values from the (d−w)-bit sums, we prefix the number not only by a constant ’1’ but also with the w-bit number of the worker thread. Please note that in the actual implementation, we do not use (d + 1)-bit XOR operations: If the number of XORs is even, we need to prefix the constant, otherwise, we need to prefix zeros. Thus, a simple 1-bit value is sufficient to choose between these two values. When all workers are finished, the

32 3.4 Implementation

final result is computed using an XOR operation over all results.

Overall, the complexity of the algebraic attack is too high for a single machine and a cluster of some kind is necessary. As the most cost-intensive operation concerns the 2d computations of the 256-step Grain initialization, an efficient hardware implementation is bound to outperform bit-sliced CPU implementations. Thus, we decided to implement and experimentally verify the complex attack on dedicated reconfigurable hardware using the RIVYERA-S3 special-purpose hardware cluster, as described in Section 2.4. For the following design decisions, we remark that this cluster provides 128 Spartan-3 FPGAs, which are tightly connected to an integrated server system powered by an Intel Core i7 920 with 8 logical CPU cores. This allows us to utilize dedicated hardware and use a multi-core architecture for the software part.

3.4.2 Hardware Layout In this section, we give an overview of the hardware implementation. As the total number of iterations for one attack (for the correct guess of the 39 secret expression values) is 2d, the number of workers for an optimal setup should be a power of two to decrease control logic and communication overhead.

Cube Attack Worker Worker FPGA number System IV generator d-11 d-11 Grain-128 7 FPGA number Grain-128

worksum Grain-128 Worker Worker control Partial d d-11 cubesum partial cube sum (System)

Figure 3.4: FPGA Implementation of the online phase for cube dimension d.

Figure 3.4 shows the top level overview. Each of the 128 Spartan-3 5000 FPGAs features 16 independent workers and each of these workers consists of its own IV generator to control multiple Grain-128 instances. As it is possible to execute more than one initialization step per clock cycle in parallel, we look at the implementation results to find the most suitable time-/area trade-off for the cipher implementation. Table 3.2 shows the synthesis results of our Grain implementation. [ADH+09] used 25 parallel steps, which is the maximum number of supported parallel steps without additional overhead, on the large Virtex-5 LX330 FPGA. Analyzing the critical path in our full design, we see that

33 Chapter 3 Dynamic Cube Attack on the Grain-128 Stream Cipher

Table 3.2: Synthesis results of Grain-128 implementation on the Spartan-3 5000 FPGA with different numbers of parallel steps per clock cycle.

Parallel Steps 20 21 22 23 24 25 Clock Cycles (Init) 256 128 64 32 16 8 Max. Frequency (MHz) 227 226 236 234 178 159 FPGA Resources (Slices) 165 170 197 239 311 418 Flip Flops 278 285 310 339 393 371 4 input LUTs 288 297 345 420 583 804

the impact of the cipher implementation is negligible regardless of the choice of parallel steps and we can optimize the area consumption instead. The IV generator requires three clock cycles per IV. If we use 25 parallel steps in the Grain instance and add another clock cycle to process the output and relax the routing, we end with a total of nine clock cycles per cipher computation. Thus, we can provide three Grain instances with one IV generator and keep them working all the time. The results of the cipher instances are gathered in the worksum control, which updates the worker-based partial cubesum. The FPGA computes a system-wide partial cubesum from all of the worker-based sums and returns it upon request. As mentioned before, it is not possible to create an unrestricted IV generation on the FPGA. To circumvent this problem, we locally fix certain values per key. This enables us to reduce the complexity of the system, as dynamic inputs are converted to constants. The drawback is that we need to generate the different FPGA code depending on the parameter set and — more importantly — on the key we wish to attack. By looking at the discussion on the dynamic input to the IV generation, we see that by fixing the parameter set, we already gain an advantage on the iteration over the cube itself: By sorting these positions and a smart distribution among the FPGAs, we reduce the complexity of the first part of the IV generation. By setting the base IV constant, we can optimize the design automatically and with the constant key, we remove the need to transfer any data to the FPGAs after programming them. Nevertheless, the most important unknowns are the key-dependent polynomials. While we do have some restrictions from the way these polynomials (consisting of and and XOR operations) are generated, we cannot forecast the impact of them: Remember that we use 13 different boolean functions in this parameter set. Each of these can have up to 50 monomials, where every monomial can — in theory — use all d positions of the cube. Luckily, on average, most polynomials depend on less than 5 variables.

3.4.3 Software Design Now that we described the FPGA design and the need of key-dependent configurations, we will discuss the details of the software side of the attack. In order to successfully implement and run the attack on the RIVYERA cluster and benefit from its massive computing power, we propose the following implementation. Figure 3.5 shows the design of the modified attack. The software design runs on the integrated CPU on the FPGA cluster. It is split into two parts: We use all but one core of the i7 CPU to generate attack specific bitstreams — the

34 3.4 Implementation

Read parameters

Choose random key and Wait for next bitstream generate VHDL constants Try different strategies different Try

Program RIVYERA and Generate FPGA bitstream wait for results

Queue bitstream Store results for RIVYERA

Figure 3.5: Cube Attack Implementation utilizing the workflow from Figure 3.2 on the integrated CPU of the RIVYERA FPGA cluster. configuration files for the FPGAs — in parallel in preparation of the computation on the FPGA cluster. Each of these generated designs configures the RIVYERA for a complete attack on one random key. As soon as one bitstream was generated and waits in the queue, the remaining core programs all 128 FPGAs with it, starts the attack, waits for the computation to finish, and fetches the results. With the partial cubesums per FPGA, the software computes the final result and evaluates the attack on the chosen key to measure the effectiveness of the attack. In contrast to the first approach, which uses the generic structure realizable in software and needed a lot of communication, we generate custom VHDL code containing constant settings and fixed boolean functions of the polynomials derived from the parameter set and the provided key. Building specific configuration files for each attack setup allows us to implement as many fully functional, independent, parallel workers as possible without the area consumption of complex control structures. In addition, this allows us to strip down the communication interface and data paths to a minimum: Only a single 7-bit parameter is required to separate the workspace of all 128 FPGAs, to start the computation and finally receive a d-bit return value. This

35 Chapter 3 Dynamic Cube Attack on the Grain-128 Stream Cipher efficiently circumvents all of the problems and overhead of a generic hardware design at the cost of rerunning the FPGA design flow for each parameter/key pair. Please note that in this approach the host software modifies a basic design by hard-coding conditions and adjusting internal bus and memory sizes for each attack. We optimized this basic layout as much as possible for average sized boolean functions, but the different choices of the polynomial functions lead to different combinatorial logic paths and routing decisions, which is bound to change the critical path in the hardware design. As the clock frequency is directly linked to the critical path, we implemented different design strategies as well as multiple fallback options. These modify the clock frequency constraints in order to prevent parameter/key pairs from resulting in an invalid hardware configurations. As a consequence, the fallback path in Figure 3.5 tries different design strategies automatically if the generated reports indicate failures during the process or timing violations after the analysis phase.

3.4.4 Results

In this section, we present the results of our implementation. The hardware results are based on Xilinx ISE Foundation 13 for synthesis and place and route. We compiled the software part using the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) 4.1.2 and the OpenMP library for multi-threading and ran the tests on the i7 920 CPU integrated in the RIVYERA cluster. The hardware design was used to test different parameter sets and chose the most promising set. The resulting attack system for the online phase — consisting of the software and the RIVYERA cluster — uses 16 workers per FPGA and 128 FPGAs on the cluster in parallel. Therefore, the number of Grain computations per worker is reduced to 2d−11, i. e., 239 with the current cube dimension. The design ensures that each key can be attacked at the highest possible clock frequency, while it tries to keep the building time per configuration moderate.

Table 3.3: Strategy Overview for the automated build process. The strategies are sorted from top to bottom. In the worst case, all 16 combinations may be executed.

Global Settings Worker Clock (MHz) 2.4× Input Clk 120 2.2× Input Clk 110 2.0× Input Clk 100 RIVYERA Input Clk 50 Map Settings Placer Effort Placer Extra Effort Register Duplication Cover Mode Speed Normal None On Speed Area High Normal Off Area Place and Route Settings Overall Effort Placer Effort Router Effort Extra Effort Fast Build High Normal Normal None High Effort High High High Normal

Table 3.3 explains the different strategies in more detail: Each row represents one choice of settings, while the three setting groups represent the impact on the subsequent build process. The design is synthesized with one of the four clock frequency settings. When the build process reaches the mapping stage, it first tries the speed optimized settings and runs the fast place and route. In case this fails, it tries the high effort place and route setting. If this also fails,

36 3.5 Conclusion it tries the Area settings for the mapping and may fall back to a lower clock frequency setting, repeating the complete build process. As the user clock frequency of the Spartan-3 RIVYERA architecture is 50 MHz, the Xilinx Tools will easily analyze the paths for a scaling factor 1.0 and 2.0. We noticed that the success rate for the 125 MHz design (2.5 times the input clock frequency) was too low and removed this setting due to the high impact on the building time.

Table 3.4: Results of the generation process for cubes of dimension 46, 47 and 50. The duration is the time required for the RIVYERA cluster to complete the online phase. The Per- centage row gives the percentage of configurations built with the given clock frequency out of the total number of configurations built with cubes of the same dimension.

Cube Dimension d 46 47 50 Clock Frequency (MHz) 100 110 120 120 110 120 Configurations Built 1 7 8 6 60 93 Percentage 6.25 43.75 50 100 39.2 60.8 Online Phase Duration 17.2 min 15.6 min 14.3 min 28.6 min 4h 10 min 3h 49 min

Table 3.4 lists the experimental results of the generation process and the distribution of the configurations with respect to the different clock frequencies. It shows that the impact of the unknown parameters is not predictable and that fallback strategies are necessary. Please note that the new attack tries to generate configurations for multiple keys in parallel. This process — if several strategies are tried — may require more than 6 hours before the first configuration becomes available. Smaller cube dimensions, i. e., all cube dimensions lower than 48, result in very fast online phase and should be neglected, as the building time will exceed the duration of the attack in hardware. Further note that the duration of the attack increases exponentially in d, e. g., assuming 100 MHz as achievable for larger cube dimensions, d = 53 needs 1.5 days and d = 54 needs 3 days.

3.5 Conclusion

In this project, we presented a new and improved variant of an attack on the Grain-128 stream cipher. It is the first attack which is considerably faster than exhaustive search and — unlike previous attacks — makes no assumptions on the secret key. Cube attacks and testers are notoriously difficult to analyze mathematically. While previous implementations with lower cube dimensions were successfully tested using CPU clusters, the evaluation of the new attack was limited by the restrictions of the CPU implementation. In order to experimentally test the attack, find and validate suitable parameters, and to verify the complexity of the attack, we required a different implementation approach: Due to its high complexity and hardware-oriented nature, the attack was developed and verified using the RIVYERA-S3 hardware cluster. Our design makes use of both the integrated i7 CPU and the 128 FPGAs and heavily relies on the reconfigurability of the cluster system. We performed this simulation for 107 randomly chosen keys, out of which 8 gave a very significant bias in which at least 50 of the 51 cubes sums were zero. This is expected to occur in a random function with probability p < 2−45. We estimate that for about 7.5% of the keys,

37 Chapter 3 Dynamic Cube Attack on the Grain-128 Stream Cipher g ≈ max{2−45 × 239, 1} = 1 and thus, the correct guess of the 39 secret expressions will be the first in the sorted score list (additional keys among those we tested showed smaller biases and a larger g). The complexity of online step 2 of the attack is thus expected to be about 290 cipher executions, which dominates the complexity of the attack (the complexity of online step 1 is about 295 bit operations, which we estimate as 295−10 = 285 cipher executions). This gives an improvement factor of 238 over the 2128 complexity of exhaustive search for a non-negligible fraction of keys, which is significantly better than the improvement factor of 215 announced in [DS11] for the small subset of weak keys considered in that attack. We note that for most additional keys there is a continuous trade-off between the fraction of keys that we can attack and the complexity of the attack on these keys. Apart from the verification of the attack, this is the first published implementation of a complex analytical attack (compared to exhaustive search) successful against a full-size cipher using special-purpose hardware. It also uses the reconfigurable nature of the hardware to supply the necessary flexibility, while still aiming for optimized results.

38 Chapter 4 Password Search against Key-Derivation Functions

This chapter considers the strength of different Password-Based Key Derivation Functions (PBKDFs) against dedicated hardware attacks. In 2012, we completed the first project — an evaluation of PBKDF2 using TrueCrypt, an open source full disk encryption (FDE) software, and the (at that time) standard for Windows FDE, as the target. This was a joint work with Markus Dürmuth, Tim Güneysu, Markus Kasper, Christoph Paar, and Tolga Yalcin and was published in [DGK+12]. The second project concentrated on an FPGA implementation of bcrypt, one of the two major Key Derivation Functions (KDFs) besides Password-Based Key Deriva- tion Function 2 (PBKDF2). This was a joint work together with Friedrich Wiemer and was published in [WZ14] end of 2014. The content of this chapter is based on both papers and structured as follows:

Contents of this Chapter 4.1 Introduction ...... 39 4.2 Background ...... 41 4.3 Attack Implementation: PBKDF2 (TrueCrypt) ...... 46 4.4 Attack Implementation: bcrypt (OpenBSD) ...... 54 4.5 Conclusion ...... 61

Contribution: In the scope of both projects, my main contribution was the imple- mentation of the KDFs and the resulting optimization on FPGAs. In addition, we analyzed the success rate and power consumption of different attack types, focusing on low-power password hashing using the recent Xilinx Zynq FPGA as well as on massive parallelization with the RIVYERA-S3 FPGA cluster. In both projects, we implemented the fastest known attack against the chosen key-derivation functions available at that time.

4.1 Introduction

In the modern world, we constantly use online services in daily life. As a consequence, we provide information to the corresponding service providers, e. g., financial services, email providers, or

39 Chapter 4 Password Search against Key-Derivation Functions social networks. To prevent abuse like identity theft, we encounter access-control mechanisms at every step we take. Although it is one of the oldest mechanisms, password authentication is still one of the most frequently used authentication methods on the internet even with the emerging advanced login-procedures, e. g., single sign-on or two-factor authentications, and it will be in the foreseeable future. Alternative technologies such as security-tokens and biometric identification exist but have a number of drawbacks that prevent their wide-spread use outside of specific realms: Using the example of security tokens, they require a well-established management infrastructure, which is a demanding task for internet-wide services with millions of users. Tokens can be lost and a stan- dardized interface is required to use them on every possible computing device including desktop computers, mobile phones, tablet PCs, or smart TVs. Biometric identification systems require extra hardware to read the biometrics. In addition, false-rejects cause user annoyance, and many biometrics are not suitable secrets, as demonstrated for commercial unlocking mechanisms like Apple TouchID1. Passwords on the other hand are highly portable, easy to understand by users, and relatively easy to manage for the administrators. Still, there are a number of problems with passwords: Arguably, the most delicate aspect is the trade-off between choosing a strong password versus a human memorable password. Various studies and recommendations have been published presenting the imminent threat of insufficiently strong passwords chosen by humans for security systems [BK95, NS05, WAdMG09]). To authenticate users for online services, their passwords are stored on the corresponding authentication servers. As a consequence, an attack on these password databases followed by a leak of the information poses a very high threat to the users. In case the passwords are stored in plain text, this authentication method is a single point of failure, as it efficiently renders all additional security means useless. Examples of password leaks are the eBay2 or Adobe3 password leaks, where several million passwords were stolen. To prevent these attacks or at least raise the barrier of abuse, the authentication data must be protected on the server. Instead of storing the password as plaint text, a cryptographic hash of the password is kept. In this case, a successful attacker has to recover the passwords from the stored value, which should be — in theory — infeasible due to the properties of the cryptographic hash function. Nevertheless, guessing attacks are the most efficient method of attacking passwords, and studies indicate that a substantial number of passwords can be guessed with moderately fast hardware [Wik12]. To prevent time-memory trade-off techniques like rainbow tables, the password is combined with a randomly chosen salt and the tuple

(s, h) = (salt, hash(salt, password)) is stored. Improvements to exhaustive password searches with the aim to determine weak pass- words exist. As passwords are often generated from a specific character set, e. g., using dig- its, upper- and lower-case characters, and may be length-restricted, e. g., allowing six to eight characters, the search space may be reduced considerably. This enables password recovery by

1cf. 2cf. 3cf.

40 4.2 Background brute-force or dictionary attacks. Recently, more advanced methods, e. g., probabilistic context- free grammars [WAdMG09] or Markov models [NS05, CCDP13] were analyzed to improve the password guesses and the success rate and thus reduce the number of necessary guesses. Apart from the generation of suitable password candidates, the implementation has a high impact on the success. On general-purpose CPUs, generic tools like John the Ripper (JtR)4 or target-specific tools like TrueCrack 5 — addressing a specific algorithm, in this case TrueCrypt volumes — use algorithmic optimizations to gain a speedup when testing multiple passwords. To further improve efficiency, not only the CPU may be used: Modern GPUs feature a large amount of parallel processing cores at high clock-frequencies in combination with large memory. As a prominent example, oclHashCat 6 utilizes this platform for high-performance hash computations. The major problem remains that hash functions are very fast to evaluate and thus enable fast attacks. Password-hashing functions address this issue. These functions map a password to key material for further usage and explicitly slow down the computation time by making heavy use of the available resources: The computation should be fast enough to validate an honest user, but render password guessing infeasible. One key idea to prevent future improvements in architectures from breaking the efficiency of these function are flexible cost parameters. These adjust the function in terms of time and/or memory complexity. The only standardized Password-Based Key Derivation Function is PBKDF2, which replaced the previous PBKDF1 and is part of the Public-Key Cryptography Standard (PKCS), published in the Request for Comments #2898 [IET00]. Non-standardized alternatives are bcrypt [PM99] and scrypt [Per09]. While the three functions are considered secure to use, each has its own set of advantages and disadvantages. This led to the Password Hashing Competition (PHC)7 in 2014, which aims at providing well-analyzed alternatives. Another purpose is the discussion of new ideas and different security models with respect to the impact of special-purpose hardware like modern GPUs, ASICs, or FPGAs. The remaining chapter is structured as follows: Section 4.2 discusses the problems and algo- rithms required for the attack implementations. The attacks are split into two parts: Section 4.3 describes the implementation of cluster-based password-search against PBKDF2 in the context of the TrueCrypt FDE Software, followed by Section 4.4 with the details on the hardware- accelerated, low-power password-search against bcrypt. The chapter closes with the conclusion in Section 4.5.

4.2 Background

In this section, we introduce the background information required for the attack implementa- tions. We start with a short discussion of the general problem of password security (cf. Section 4.2.1, then introduce the two target PBKDFs (cf. Section 4.2.2) and end with the related work in the context of processing platforms for password cracking (cf. Section 4.2.3).

4cf. 5cf. 6cf. 7cf.

41 Chapter 4 Password Search against Key-Derivation Functions

4.2.1 Password Security The widely accepted best practice for password storage on authentication servers enforces the use of a salted cryptographic hash h := H(salt, pwd). In an offline attack on passwords, an attacker has access to the value h and tries to recover the password pwd. Another case is the online guessing attack, where the attacker is restricted to a login prompt or similar mechanism, which may keep track of and restrict the number of guesses and apply a penalty on brute-force attempts. In the following, we focus on offline attacks only. The basis of attacking password-based systems is the assumption that user-generated pass- words usually consist of a pattern or specific structure, e. g., a composition of words from a source language and numbers or special characters. This leads to the conclusion that — with knowledge of the structure — an attacker may use a very effective shortcut to brute-forcing. Consequently, guessing attacks, are very efficient: The attacker first guesses a password candi- date, computes the hash function, and compares the output to the stored value. This has been re- alized early and password guessing has been deployed for a long time [BK95, Wu99, ZH99, KI99]. In a dictionary attack, the attacker obtained a list of words that are likely to appear in passwords. These lists range from simple language dictionaries to person-specific lists gathered via social engineering. The attacker may use additional mangling rules, e. g., appending special characters at the end or using transformations like leetspeak. Pentesting tools such as JtR implement dictionary attacks and already include large dictionaries of common passwords, often grouped for different languages to better meet specific target requirements. More recent work by Weir et al. [WAdMG09] is a generalization of the idea of mangling rules: Patterns that constitute extended mangling rules are extracted from real-world passwords using probabilistic grammars, which are context-free grammars with probabilities associated to production rules. Then, these structures are used to generate passwords, based on these structures and a dictionary as before. Another efficient way to guess passwords, first proposed in [NS05], is based on Markov models. These are based on the observation that in human-generated passwords — as well as in natural languages — adjacent letters are not independently chosen. They follow certain regularities, e. g., the 2-gram th is much more likely than tm. In other words, the letter following a t is more likely an h than an m. In an n-gram Markov model, the probability of the next character is modeled in a string based on a prefix of length n − 1. Hence, for a given string c1, . . . , cm, we write m Y P (c1, . . . , cm) = P (c1, . . . , cn−1) · P (ci|ci−n+1, . . . , ci−1). i=n To work with probabilistic models, we need a training phase and an attack phase. In the training phase, the model derives the conditional probabilities from leaked plaintext password lists, e. g., the RockYou password list, available password dictionaries, or from plain English text. In the attack phase, the algorithm generates password candidates that follow the Markov model and defines and applies pattern-filters specifically linked to the context of passwords to increase the success probability of the guess. An example for such a pattern is that the numeric part of alpha-numeric passwords is likely to be at the end of the password, i. e., as in password1. Another way to speed up the guessing step uses rainbow-tables [Hel80, Oec03]. An imple- mentation of rainbow-tables in hardware is studied in [MBPV06]. As the use of KDFs prevents rainbow-tables, we do not focus on this aspect in the rest of the chapter.

42 4.2 Background

A final problem, which is closely related to password guessing, is the estimation of the strength of a given password. This is of high importance for the operator of a service to ensure a certain level of security. In the beginning, password cracking was used to identify weak passwords [MT79]. Later, so-called pro-active password checkers followed [Spa92, Kle90, BK95, BDP06] and online services like The Password Meter8 compute a hardness score of a given password. However, most pro-active password checkers use simple rule-sets to determine password strength and thus do not reflect the real-world password strength [WACS10, KSK+11, CDP12]. More recently, Schechter et al. [SHM10] classified password strength by counting the number of times a certain password is present in the password database. Also, Markov models seem to be promising predictors of password strength [CDP12].

4.2.2 Password-Based Key Derivation To reduce the chances of password guessing against a single hash function output, the password hash is typically generated using special password-hashing functions. With the release of PKCS #5 v2.0 and RFC2898 [IET00], a standard for password key deriva- tion schemes based on a pseudo-random function (PRF) with variable output key size has been established. The specified Password-Based Key Derivation Function 2 (PBKDF2) has been widely employed in many security-related systems, such as TrueCrypt 9, OpenDocument En- cryption of OpenOffice 10, and Counter Mode with Cipher Block Chaining Message Authentica- tion Code Protocol (CCMP) of Wi-Fi Protected Access 2 (WPA2) [IEE07]. The PRF typically involves an Hash-based Message Authentication Code (HMAC) construction based on a crypto- graphic hash function that can be freely chosen by the designer. In addition to the password, the PBKDF2 requires a salt S, a parameter for the desired output key length kLen, and an iteration counter value c that specifies the number of repeated invocations of the PRF. Out of the other two widely used KDFs bcrypt and scrypt, the latter builds upon PBKDF2. In this chapter, we focus on PBKDF2 and bcrypt and refer to [DK14] for a comparison of password guessing attacks on FPGAs and GPUs including scrypt.

PBKDF2 The PBKDF2 takes a predefined PRF 11 and requires four inputs to generate the output key kout with kout = PBKDF2PRF(Pwd, S, c, kLen), where Pwd is the password, S the salt, c the iteration counter, and kLen the desired key output length. Algorithm 2 shows the PBKDF2 pseudo-code. The main concept is to repeatedly use a PRF to generate intermediate values and increase the computation time. In order to generate an arbitrary output length from a limited-length hash function, the computation may be repeated with a different counter value to compute more key-material. As all intermediate values are used, we are able to tweak the time needed for the computation by adjusting the value of the iteration count c. This has a direct influence on the possible attacks:

8cf. 9 10 11As mentioned before, this is typically an HMAC construction

43 Chapter 4 Password Search against Key-Derivation Functions

Algorithm 2 Pseudo-code of PBKDF2 as specified in [IET00, 5.2] Input: Pseudo-random function PRF of output length hLen, intended output length dkLen, password P , salt S, iteration count c  dkLen  Output: derived key dk consisting of l = hLen blocks Ti 1: for i = 1 to l do 2: U1 ← PRF(P , S || i) . i encoded in 4 byte (most significant byte first) 3: Ux ← U1 4: for j = 2 to c do 5: Uj ← PRF(P , Uj−1) 6: Ux ← Ux ⊕ Uj 7: end for 8: Ti ← Ux 9: end for 10: return dk ← T1 || ... || Tn

If we select an adequately high number of iterations, the time per password guess increases and renders generic attacks, i. e., simple brute-force attacks, less effective. In practice, common values for the iteration count range between the recommended minimum of 1 000 [IET00, 4.2] and 4 000 iterations. Please note that PBKDF2 does not specify the pseudo- random function. The RFC suggests the use of an HMAC construction [IET00, B.1] but does not limit it to specific hash functions. For example, in our target TrueCrypt, we are free to choose between HMAC using RIPEMD-160, SHA-512, and Whirlpool. bcrypt

Provos and Mazières published the bcrypt hash function [PM99] in 1999, which is at its core a cost-parameterized, modified version of the Blowfish encryption algorithm [Sch93]. The key concepts are a tunable cost parameter and the pseudo-random access of a 4 KByte memory. bcrypt is used as the default password hash in OpenBSD since version 2.1 [PM99]. Additionally, it is the default password hash in current versions of Ruby on Rails and PHP. bcrypt uses the parameters cost, a 128-bit salt, and a 448-bit key as input. The key contains the password, which may be up to 56 bytes including a terminating zero byte in case of an ASCII string. The number of executed loop iterations is exponential in the cost parameter as defined in the EksBlowfishSetup-Algorithm: The computation is divided into two phases: First, Algorithm 3 (EksBlowfishSetup) ini- tializes the internal state, which has the highest impact on the total runtime. Afterwards, Algorithm 4 (bcrypt) encrypts a fixed value repeatedly using this state. In its structure, bcrypt makes heavy use of the Blowfish encryption function inside the ExpandKey calls. Blowfish (cf. [Sch93]) is a standard 16-round Feistel network, which uses SBoxes and subkeys determinded by the current state. Its blocksize is 64-bit and during every round, an f-function is evaluated: It uses the 32-bit input as four 8-bit addresses for the SBoxes and computes (S0(a) + S1(b)) ⊕ S2(c) + S3(d). EksBlowfishSetup is a modified version of the Blowfish key schedule. It computes a state, which consists of 18 32-bit subkeys and four SBoxes, each 256 × 32 bits in size and used later in

44 4.2 Background

Algorithm 3 EksBlowfishSetup Input: cost, 128-bit salt, key (up to 56 bytes) Output: updated state 1: state ← InitState() 2: state ← ExpandKey(state, salt, key) 3: loop 2cost times 4: state ← ExpandKey(state, 0, salt) 5: state ← ExpandKey(state, 0, key) 6: end loop 7: return state

Algorithm 4 bcrypt Input: cost, 128-bit salt, key (up to 56 bytes) Output: password-hash 1: state ← EksBlowfishSetup(cost, salt, key) 2: ctext ← “OrpheanBeholderScryDoubt” 3: loop 64 times 4: ctext ← EncryptECB(state, ctext) 5: end loop 6: return Concatenate(cost, salt, ctext) the encryption process. The state is initially filled with the digits of π before an ExpandKey step is performed: After adding the input key to the subkeys, this step successively uses the current state to encrypt blocks of its salt parameter and updates it with the resulting ciphertext. In this process, ExpandKey computes 521 Blowfish encryptions. If the salt is fixed to zero, the function resembles the standard Blowfish key schedule. An important detail is that the input key is only used during the very first part of the ExpandKey steps. bcrypt finally uses EncryptECB, which is effectively a Blowfish encryption.

4.2.3 Processing Platforms for Password Cracking We will now briefly discuss the related work on different password cracking platforms with respect to our two target algorithms. We start with a generic view and then move to TrueCrypt for PBKDF2 and in the end focus on bcrypt. The simplest and most commonly used platform for breaking passwords is the personal com- puter, as implementing password cracking on a general-purpose CPU is straightforward. How- ever, due to the versatility of their architecture, CPUs usually do not achieve an optimal cost- performance ratio for a specific application. As an example, there are a number of cracking tools for TrueCrypt compiled for x86 CPUs, but only few go beyond re-using the original TrueCrypt code. An example is TrueCrack12, which reports 15 passwords/sec on an Intel Core-i7 920, 2.67GHz. Other processing platforms exceeded the performance (and cost-performance ratio) of conven- tional CPUs for specific applications such as password cracking: Modern GPUs combine a large

12cf., 2012

45 Chapter 4 Password Search against Key-Derivation Functions number of parallel processor cores, which allow highly parallel applications using programming models such as OpenCL or CUDA. Their usefulness for password cracking was demonstrated in particular by the Lightning Hash Cracker developed by ElcomSoft13, which achieves — for sim- ple Message-Digest Algorithm 5 (MD5)-hashed password lists — a throughput rate of up to 680 million passwords per second using an NVIDIA 9800GTX2. Further work like IGHASHGPU14 and [Sch10] report similarly impressive numbers with about 230 million SHA-1 (pure) hash operations per second on an NVIDIA 260GTX GPU. TrueCrack reports 330 passwords per second (pps) on an NVIDIA GeForce GTX470, the press release of Passware Kit 10.115 reports 2 500 pps, and [Bel09] stated that ElcomSoft software cracks 52 400 pps on a Tesla S1070 with 4 GPUs for WPA-PSK, which essentially is PBKDF2 using only SHA-1. Another cost-effective platform for processing parallel applications is Sony’s PlayStation 3 (PS3), which internally uses an IBM Cell Broadband Engine (Cell) processor. The processor contains a general-purpose CPU and seven streaming processors with a 128-bit SIMD architec- ture. Bevand [Bev08] presented a Unix crypt password cracker based on this processor. However, the Cell processor is slightly outdated in comparison to recent GPU and FPGA devices. Thus, we did not include the Cell processor in our tests. Another way to tackle the large number of computations for password cracking efficiently is the deployment of special-purpose hardware. Moving applications into hardware usually provides significant savings in terms of power consumption and provides a boost in performance at the same time, since operations can be specifically tailored for the target application and potentially be highly parallelized. Given that password guessing is amenable to special-purpose hardware architectures and is highly parallelizable, FPGAs are a promising platform for password cracking. While FPGAs were not used to implement PBKDF2 before, this platform has been targeted for bcrypt: With the goal of benchmarking energy-efficient password cracking, [Mal13] provided several implementations of bcrypt on low-power devices, including an FPGA implementation in December 2013. Malvoni et al. used the Xilinx zedboard (cf. Section 2.4), which combines an ARM processor and an FPGA, and split the workload on both platforms: The FPGA computes the time-consuming cost-loop of the algorithm while the ARM manages the setup and post- processing. They reported up to 780 pps for a cost parameter of 5 and identified the highly unbalanced resource usage as a drawback of the design. In August 2014, [MDK14] presented a new design, improving the performance to 4 571 pps for the same device and parameter, using the ARM only for JtR to generate candidates and to transfer initialization values to the FPGA. When they further optimized performance, the zedboard became unstable with heat and voltage problems. Due to these issues, they also report higher theoretical performance numbers of 8 122 pps (derived from cost 12) and 7 044 pps (simulated using the larger Zynq 7045 FPGA).

4.3 Attack Implementation: PBKDF2 (TrueCrypt)

In this chapter, we motivate and discuss the implementations of a fast password guessing attack against PBKDF2 on GPUs and FPGAs. In our evaluation, we have targeted TrueCrypt. It is a

13cf. (visited 2011-11-16) 14cf. (visited 2011-11-16) 15cf. encryption-in-record-time-99539629.html (visited 2011-11-16)

46 4.3 Attack Implementation: PBKDF2 (TrueCrypt) free open-source FDE software using PBKDF2 with fixed sizes of 512 bits for the password and salt. For consistency, we consider recent TrueCrypt versions, starting with Version 5.0 (released February 5, 2008). Since then, TrueCrypt uses AES-256, Serpent, and Twofish in XEX-based tweaked-codebook mode with ciphertext stealing (XTS) mode as block ciphers and generates the keys using either RIPEMD-160, SHA-512, or Whirlpool as supported hash functions. The number of required HMAC iterations are 2 000, 1 000, and 1 000, respectively and the corre- sponding number of hash computations are 4 003, 2 002, and 4 002. The variation in the number of hash executions is due to the input block sizes of each hash function. TrueCrypt supports different block-cipher algorithms and combinations of these algorithms. In the best case for the attacker — when only one encryption algorithm is used — we require 512 key bits of key material. In the worst case, the key material increases to 1 536 bits. As TrueCrypt does not store any information about the algorithms used in its header, the verification process requires the decryption of a specific sector using all combinations of block ciphers and key derivation algorithms.

PW XOR 0x36..36 Salt CNT|Padding

Hinit H H H

PW XOR 0x5C..5C Padding

Hinit H H H

PW XOR 0x36..36 Padding

Hinit H H H

PW XOR 0x5C..5C Padding

Hinit H H H

999x / 1999x Figure 4.1: An abstract view of the PBKDF2 scheme employed in TrueCrypt. Each box denotes one iteration of the hash compression function. Two rows together map to one execution of an HMAC.

Figure 4.1 shows a simplified block diagram of the PBKDF2 scheme used in TrueCrypt: The HMAC algorithm is repeatedly chained such that the outputs of all HMAC computations add to the derived key. If the desired output key length is larger than the output of the hash function, this scheme repeats multiple times with different counter value CNT. Depending on the input and output length, two cases should be distinguished: If the input length of the hash function H is smaller than its output plus the padding rule, then the HMAC construction requires at least six

47 Chapter 4 Password Search against Key-Derivation Functions computations of H. This is the case for Whirlpool. Otherwise, each HMAC result requires four calls to H, i. e., in the cases of RIPEMD-160 and SHA-512. As the password in each chain of the HMAC computations is the same, the result of the leftmost compression functions — corresponding to the hash of the password xor 0x36..36 or 0x5C..5C, respectively — will not change. Thus, we can compute the values once and reuse them for all subsequent HMAC computations using the same password. Furthermore, the salt value never changes during the complete attack and we can reuse the hashed salt for the HMAC chains using different counter values. These two observations reduce the required number of computations for a password evaluation to one half and one third for an HMAC with four and six invocations of the compression function, respectively.

4.3.1 GPU Attack Implementation This section provides details about the GPU implementation. Please note that this implemen- tation was mainly done by Markus Kasper and is provided in a shortened version for the sake of completeness. For the full details, we refer to [DGK+12]. For the experiments, we used a machine equipped with four Tesla C2070 GPUs by NVIDIA (cf. Section 2.2). To implement the PBKDF2, we decided to aim at an implementation that avoids high-latency access of the main GPU memory by using only fast registers and shared memory. The other major strategy was to avoid redundant computation as detailed in Sec- tion 4.3. In the following, we briefly provide the implementation-specific algorithm details as an overview of the functions RIPEMD-160, SHA-512, and Whirlpool.

RIPEMD-160: The state of the RIPEMD hash function has a size of 320 bit, which is divided into a left and a right part, each consisting of five 32 bit values. Both parts can be processed independently. For this reason, we decided to let two threads team up to process the hash computation of one key candidate. The kernel uses an overall of 40 registers and 5 376 bytes of shared memory (64 passwords * (16 registers for inputs + 5 registers for outputs) * 4 bytes per 32-bit value) and runs with 128 threads per block. This allows 6 blocks in parallel per SM and a total of 5 376 passwords that can be processed in parallel on each GPU.

SHA-512: The state of SHA-512 consists of eight 64 bit values. Compared to the RIPEMD-160 state, this complicates the computation of the compression function in two ways: The native 32- bit architecture is not optimal for the computations and the number of registers and large amount of shared memory necessary to store all internal values generate additional latency. For this reason, our SHA-512 implementation uses only 64 threads per block and compiles to 63 registers per thread and 4 096 bytes of shared memory per block. Please note that 63 registers per thread are the upper bound the hardware can handle and the implementation results in an additional spill of used variables into the slow device memory. As with the RIPEMD implementation, this kernel also processes 5 376 passwords in parallel.

Whirlpool: The state of Whirlpool is of the same size as in the case of SHA-512, which again leads to high register usage. We designed the Whirlpool hash function with a table-lookup implementation using eight (256 × 32)-bit lookup-tables stored in shared memory. We employ 128 threads per block, each using the maximum of 63 registers. The shared memory usage of

48 4.3 Attack Implementation: PBKDF2 (TrueCrypt) each block is 16 384 bytes per block and only 4 blocks will run in parallel on each SM. Each block processes 128 passwords, such that we achieve 7 168 passwords that are processed in parallel.

Wrapper Implementation

We use a host system powered by two Intel Xeon X5660 six-core CPUs at 2.8GHz with enabled Hyperthreading and AES New Instructions (AES-NI) instruction support. It is equipped with four Tesla C2070 GPUs connected by full PCI Express (PCIe) 2.0 16x lanes. We use CUDA Version 4.1 and the CUDA developer driver 286.19 for Windows 7 (x64). The host system generates the passwords in a single thread, writing them to a memory buffer. We schedule passwords in chunks of size 21 504, i. e., 14 · 6 · 4 = 336 blocks for RIPEMD-160 and SHA-512 and 14 · 6 · 2 = 168 blocks for Whirlpool. We selected the block numbers to be small multiples of the maximum number of concurrent blocks on the GPU for all implemented kernels. This way, the GPU hardware should always be fully occupied with respect to the number of scheduled blocks for maximum performance. The derived key material is copied back to the host memory to test for the correct decryption of the TrueCrypt header. As the host system is idle during the GPU computations, the password verification (which is much less computationally expensive) can be hidden within the kernel execution time of the GPU computations. For our experiments, the implementation on the host system reuses large parts of the cryptographic primitives from the original TrueCrypt implementation sources. To overlap memory copies between host and GPU with computations, we employed four streams per GPU. Furthermore each stream alternately uses four sets of password and result buffers. This way the GPU can process the next password chunk without having to wait for the host to finish checking the latest generated key material. The implementation is capable of generating both 1 536 bits and 512 bits of key material for a password and an HMAC candidate function, matching the worst case in the TrueCrypt specification.

4.3.2 FPGA Attack Implementation

In our FPGA-based attack on TrueCrypt, we implemented the PBKDF2 scheme on the RIVYERA-S3 cluster, balancing the different parts of the algorithm in terms of area and speed. In accordance with the goal of the PBKDF2 algorithm to derive a key using a hash function and perform encryption/decryption afterwards, sufficient key material has to be generated by running the hash function n times. An optimal strategy is to connect several copies of a hash function in a pipelined design in order to get the highest possible throughput. However, the high number of iterations n (1 000 to 4 000) makes this approach impossible. The three hash functions used by TrueCrypt need a different number of clock cycles to com- plete processing and also have different critical paths, resulting in different processing times. Partitioning parts of an FPGA between these three hash functions would result in a slower and more complex design. Therefore, we chose to implement individual systems for each hash func- tion used and distribute them among multiple FPGAs. This also adds flexibility to implement higher percentage of a favored algorithm, e. g., in case the used algorithm is known or has a higher probability.

49 Chapter 4 Password Search against Key-Derivation Functions

F 64 I 32 PBKDF2 PBKDF2 F Twofish O 64 R REG A AES M F Serpent 64 I 32 PBKDF2 PBKDF2 F O

Figure 4.2: Top-Level view of the FPGA design featuring dedicated PBKDF2 cores and — op- tionally — on-chip verification using all block cipher combinations.

Implementing the KDF

The Password-Based Key Derivation Function 2 relies on repeated executions of a hash function in HMAC construction, where the result of each HMAC is accumulated starting with an initial all-zero key, until the final key is derived at the end of all HMAC runs. The inputs to the PBKDF2 are the password and a salt (see 4.2.2). The lengths of the password, salt, and the number of HMAC runs depend on the specific implementation. We designed three independent single-iteration cores, one for each of the three target hash functions, optimized for time-area product. The other important parameter is the number of key bits that can be generated by each PBKDF2 module. It is equal to the predefined message digest size of the incorporated hash function, which is 512 bits for both SHA-512 and Whirlpool, but only 160-bits for RIPEMD-160. This means that while three instances of either SHA-512 or Whirlpool cores are sufficient to supply the worst case of 1536-bits key (required for Twofish, AES, and Serpent combination), the same can be accomplish with ten instances of the RIPEMD- 160-based PBKDF2 core, making it the most critical part of the whole design. Implementing for FPGAs, the predefined topology of resources is the most limiting and hence the most important factor. It is imperative to come up with a balanced design that uses both registers and BRAMs to the highest possible ratio while losing minimum cycles for additional Random Access Memory (RAM) access. For this purpose, the initial values, constants, and hash results are stored in the BRAMs, while registers are utilized for storage of internal iteration variables within each hash function in all our hash cores. As mentioned above, we have developed three different FPGA designs — each targeting one hash function as shown in Figure 4.2 — and distributed them among the 128 FPGAs on the RIVYERA cluster. The design uses a 64-to-32 bit input First In First Out (FIFO) queue to split the data from the RIVYERA bus to the local bus architecture and switch between the system clock domain and the computation clock domain. All PBKDF2 units are initialized using the salt from the TrueCrypt header and the password candidates are distributed among the available units. After receiving a password, each unit immediately starts processing. As soon as a unit finishes its execution, its result is written into a dedicated memory, where the optional cipher blocks can access it and perform the on-chip test phase. An additional 64-bit register stores all information on the current FPGA operations, which the host application can access at any time. Since using

50 4.3 Attack Implementation: PBKDF2 (TrueCrypt) area for a dedicated on-chip test is not suitable for all hash functions, the option to write the derived keys back to the host PC for offline key tests is also supported in order to save resources for more on-chip key derivation units. The password list, generated by a password derivation program, is transmitted by a host program (running on the Core i7 in the RIVYERA) to the FPGAs using the PCIe architecture. Each of the three PBKDF2 units implements the scheme in Figure 4.1 with minor differences. The basic idea is to first hash the password XORed with inner padding as well as the password XORed with the outer padding and store the two results in memory as they will be repeatedly used during further iterations as initial values of the hash function. The next step is to hash the combination of salt and key number (which is 1 ≤ n ≤ 3 for SHA-512 and Whirlpool and 1 ≤ n ≤ 10 for RIPEMD-160) in order to obtain the input value for the next run of the hash core. In all of the following runs, the output of the previous run is the input data, and one of the two stored password hash results (in alternating order) is the initial value. The output of every second hash run (chaining variable) is accumulated (starting with all zero value) to get the final derived key. In the following paragraphs, we present the specific details for each different algorithm.

RIPEMD-160: The RIPEMD-160 based PBKDF2 core uses a 512-bit input message and hashes it by mixing with a 160-bit chaining variable, which is updated in 80 rounds. After the update finishes, the chaining variable is added to the previous hash value. The internal round function is similar to that of SHA-1. However, the RIPEMD round function has two parallel paths, which store the results in two parallel 160-bit registers. The final hash result is stored in BRAMs. At the end of each round, the previous hash result — read from the RAM in 32-bit words — is added to the corresponding word of the update value from the current hash run and then written back into the memory. While this causes additional cycles, it saves more than 160-bit of registers and 128-bit of adders, resulting in further time-area product optimization. The total cycle count for each hash run is 95 cycles, in comparison to the ideal case of 80 cycles. The RIPEMD-160 core is run twice for the SALT and key number due to its 512-bits input block size. Since the total number of key iterations is defined as 2 000 for RIPEMD-160, this results in a total of (5 + 1 999 · 2) · 95 = 380 285 cycles for key derivation per core, each of which occupies 1 032 slices (461 FFs, 1 764 LUTs) on a Xilinx Spartan-3 FPGA.

SHA-512: Each SHA-512 PBKDF2 core operates on 1 024-bit message blocks and generates a 512-bit message digest. The intermediate hash values and the internal chaining variables are processed on a 32-bit datapath, which is not only compatible with the existing 32-bit BRAMs, but also minimizes delay paths. The only drawback is the number of cycles per hashing, which is 200 instead of the ideal case of 80. However, this time-area product optimization is well justified with an increase in the achievable frequency and a corresponding reduction in area. Each SHA-512 based key derivation requires 1 000 PBKDF2 iterations, which correspond to a total number of (4 + 999 · 2) · 200 = 400 400 cycles for key derivation per SHA-512 PBKDF2 core, each of which occupies 1 001 slices (897 FFs, 1 500 LUTs) on a Xilinx Spartan-3 FPGA.

Whirlpool: The structure of Whirlpool significantly differs from the structures of the other two cores. It not only generates a 512-bit message digest, but also processes 512-bit message blocks. The internal structure of Whirlpool resembles a block cipher with two identical datapaths in

51 Chapter 4 Password Search against Key-Derivation Functions parallel; one as key expansion module, the other as message processing module. The internal structures of each path are identical. However, the key expansion module uses hash input to generate round keys, while the message processing module uses message inputs together with round keys to generate the next state of the hash. Each iteration computes the Whirlpool hash function four times due to its equal input and output blocksize. We implemented a word-serial implementation, processing the hash (key) in 64-bit chunks. This considerably reduces the overall area and needs 9 cycles per round for 11 rounds in per computation. In total, the Whirlpool PBKDF2 core needs (6+999·4)·99 = 396 198 cycles for the full key derivation and occupies 6 013 slices (1 131 FFs, 10 878 LUTs) on a Xilinx Spartan-3 FPGA.

4.3.3 Performance Results In this section, we will present the performance results for the experiments and compare the two platforms: GPUs and FPGAs. We measured the performance for each of the three hash functions and distinguish between the worst case (i. e., 1 526 bit of key material) and the best case (i. e., 512 bit of key material) of TrueCrypt’s password derivation. The latter case corresponds to a single encryption algorithm, e. g., AES-256 in XTS mode, while the first one corresponds to a cascade of all three ciphers.

Table 4.1: Implementation Results of PBKDF2 on 4 Tesla C2070 GPUs RIPEMD RIPEMD Hash RIPEMD SHA-512 Whirlpool SHA-512 RIPEMD SHA-512 Whirlpool SHA-512 Whirlpool Whirlpool Key length 1536 bit 512 bit pps (max) 29 330 35 246 16 980 8 268 72 786 105 351 50 686 23 366 pps (w/ I/O) 27 591 29 892 12 153 6 585 51 661 54 874 36 103 19 627

GPU Implementation Table 4.1 contains the performance results for each of the hash algo- rithms. In addition, we provide the performance of the implementation when calculating all three PBKDF2 variants for each password. These values clearly show that the implementations scale linearly: The performance boost for the smaller key sizes corresponds to the difference in the number of blocks that need to be hashed to derive the desired output lengths, i. e., 4 vs. 10 rounds for RIPEMD and 1 vs. 3 rounds for SHA-512 and Whirlpool. When deriving 1 536 bit of key material per password for each of the three hash algorithms RIPEMD-160, Whirlpool, and SHA-512, our fastest implementation using a hardcoded salt was able to derive the key material at 8 268 pps, i. e., about 714 million passwords per day (ppd) and 21.4 billion passwords per month (ppm). Using only the TrueCrypt default settings of RIPEMD- 160 and AES-256 in XTS mode, i. e., 512 bit of key material are generated, the performance boosts to 72 786 pps, 6.29 billion ppd and 188 billion ppm. Our fully implemented TrueCrypt cracker tool consists of the password generator, the key derivation and the decryption of the header data to verify the material. Unfortunately, this implementation suffers from a performance drop due to post-processing of key material on the host. We observed a maximum speed limit of around 55 000 pps, which is the speed of the password generator we used in our experiment. This limitation can be leveled by further opti- mizations. For the sake of completeness, we also provide the performance figures of the full tool.

52 4.3 Attack Implementation: PBKDF2 (TrueCrypt)

Please note that our numbers, as all specific implementations, may only provide a lower bound: Implementations using other GPU architectures or further optimized code are likely to improve the results.

FPGA Implementation In the case of the FPGA-based password search, we use different FPGA configurations for the best case (single block cipher) and the worst case (cascade of all three block ciphers).

Table 4.2: Implementation results and performance numbers of PBKDF2 on the RIVYERA cluster (Place & Route) without on-chip verification. Please note that the numbers reflect the worst-case and uses the lowest clock frequency valid for all designs instead of target-optimized designs. Hash RIPEMD SHA-512 Whirlpool RIPEMD SHA-512 Whirlpool Clock cycles per PBKDF2 380 285 400 400 396 198 380 285 400 400 396 198 Key length 1536 bit 512 bit PBKDF2 units 4 11 3 9 32 15 Hash cores per PBKDF2 10 3 3 4 1 1 FPGA resources (Slices) 29 753 31 773 18 380 28 227 31 943 29 528 FPGA resources (%) 89% 95% 55% 84% 95% 88% pps per FPGA 386 957 265 828 2 784 1 325 pps on the RIVYERA 41 104 122 496 33 920 105 984 356 352 169 600

Table 4.2 shows the place and route results. With respect to a single instance, the RIPEMD design derives 368 pps for 1 536 bit output and up to 828 pps for 512 bit output on a single FPGA, respectively. This scales to 47 104 and 105 984 pps on the full 128 FPGA cluster, taking only this hash algorithm into account. The SHA-512 implementation is slightly faster and computes 957 and 2 784 pps per FPGA, respectively, and achieves a throughput of 122 496 and 356 352 pps for the 512 and 1 536 bit case on RIVYERA, correspondingly. Even though the current Whirlpool implementation does not utilize the complete FPGA logic optimally due to the PBKDF2 block size, it is more than 50% faster than the RIPEMD scheme for 512 bit. In order to test all three hash functions for TrueCrypt, we utilize the full RIVYERA sequentially, as the reprogramming time is negligible. As with the GPU implementation, the bottleneck in our experiments was also the host-based password generation and the throughput drops slightly due to offline verification. Hence, with the remaining logic on the FPGA, we built an on-chip verification as the number of clock cycles necessary to perform a key derivation is large compared to the number of cycles required to compute the ciphers. With this approach, all cores of the host CPU can produce password candidates in order to minimize this bottleneck.

4.3.4 Search Space and Success Rate of an Attack In order to determine the actual influence of the number of guessed passwords from the last section, we calculated the percentage of passwords an attack can break on average with that number of guesses. To this end, we use an implementation of a Markov-based password guesser. As training set used to derive the Markov model, we used a random selection of 90% of the RockYou password list. The test set consists of the remaining 10% of the RockYou list — still more than 3 million passwords. Figure 4.3 shows the fraction of passwords guessed correctly (y-axis) for a given number of guesses made (x-axis). These results were obtained by running the password generator indepen-

53 Chapter 4 Password Search against Key-Derivation Functions

0.7 passwords guessed






0.4 0 2e+09 4e+09 6e+09 8e+09 1e+10

Figure 4.3: Fraction of passwords guessed correctly (y-axis) vs. the total number of guesses (x- axis). dently of the hashing engine. The reason for this approach is that otherwise, we need a valid TrueCrypt header for every password in the test set, i. e., a small container with the correspond- ing header — which is prohibitively time-consuming to generate. From the numbers in the previous section we can estimate that — in the absolutely worst case — we can guess more than 65% of the passwords from the RockYou list in a week and more than 67% in a month using our implementations. Given the numbers from the Tables 4.1 and 4.2, we can estimate upper and lower bounds of the password cracking performance. In the worst case, we will use 50 000 pps, while the fastest PBKDF2 implementation achieved a throughput of around 580 000 pps. Given these boundaries, we estimate that it is feasible to analyze somewhere in the range of 1.32 × 1011 to 1.52 × 1012 billion passwords per month. This corresponds to an worst-case estimate of about 20 days to exhaustively search for a password with 7 characters chosen from an alphabet of 52 symbols by using only a single RIVYERA system.

4.4 Attack Implementation: bcrypt (OpenBSD)

In the second part of the attack implementations, we focus on bcrypt — which we described in Section 4.2.2 — as the target function in the scope of efficient password-guessing attacks. In this project, we implemented a practical and efficient bcrypt design on a low-power FPGA- platform. Compared to the previous implementations on the same device (cf. Sect. 4.2.3), we achieved a performance gain of 8.35 and 1.42, respectively, and outperformed the theoretical upper bounds by more than 60%. In addition, we implemented a simple on-chip password generator to utilize free area in the fabric, which splits a pre-defined password space and generates all possible brute-force candidates. This creates a self-contained, fully functional system (which may still use other sources for password candidate checking), which we compare to other currently available attack-platforms.

54 4.4 Attack Implementation: bcrypt (OpenBSD)

4.4.1 FPGA Attack Implementation

In this section, we describe our FPGA implementation of a multi-core bcrypt attack, capable of both on-chip password generation and offline dictionary attacks. We start with the general design decisions, the results of an early version of our design and discuss the choices we made to improve the overall design. An efficient implementation should result in a balanced usage of the available dedicated hard- ware and fabric resources and maximize the number of parallel instances on the device. In the case of bcrypt, using one dual-port BRAM hardcore to store two SBoxes saves LUT resources, results in high clock frequencies and relaxes the routing without creating wait-states. To increase the utilization of the memory, we focused on shared memory access without adding clock cycles to the main computation. In the final design, one bcrypt core occupies three BRAM blocks with two additional global memory resources for the initialization values. This leads to an upper bound of 46 cores per zedboard (ignoring any extra BRAM usage of the interface). Considering a brute-force attack to benchmark the capabilities of the FPGA, the interface can be minimalistic. We use a bus-system with minimal bandwidth capacity, resulting in a small on-chip area footprint. For this scenario, we chose the following setup: During start-up, the host transfers a 128-bit target salt and a 192-bit target hash to the FPGA. These values are kept in two registers to allow access during the whole computation time. After filling the registers, all bcrypt cores start to work in parallel. The password candidates are generated on-chip. After the attack has finished, a successful candidate is transferred back to the host. Our earlier design was built out of fully independent bcrypt cores. Each core contained its own password register as well as the memory for the initialization values. This effectively removed all cross-dependencies and resulted in very short routing delays and thus high clock frequencies. Due to Blowfish’s simple Feistel structure, only a small amount of combinatoric logic was needed since the main work is done via BRAM lookups. Nevertheless, storing the password in fabric consumes far too much area and resulted in an unbalanced implementation. However, the timing results indicated that more than 100 MHz should be possible. In order to reduce the area footprint, we tried to share resources and analyzed the algorithm for registers that are not constantly accessed by all cores. We first removed the initialization memory and used the free register resources to implement a pipeline and buffer the signals such that the critical path was unaffected by the change. Due to the required memory access and the dual port properties, we also combined four bcrypt cores with one password generator and password memory. These quad-cores can schedule password accesses with negligible overhead. These changes reduced the area consumption by roughly 20% at the cost of one additional BRAM resource per quad-core. Figure 4.4 shows the resulting design using multiple parallel and independent quad-cores. Every bcrypt core starts its operation with the initialization of the 256 SBox entries. Within this timeslot, the password generator produces four new password candidates and writes them into the password memory. By using the dual-port structure of the memory, two bcrypt cores access their passwords in parallel. While these first two cores use the BRAM, the second pair of cores is stalled. This leads to a delay of 19 clock cycles between both pairs. The bcrypt core spends most of the time within Blowfish encryptions, as these are used 512 times during the ExpandKey and 3 times during the EncryptECB steps. Thus, optimizing the Blowfish core heavily improves the overall performance. A naïve implementation needs two clock

55 Chapter 4 Password Search against Key-Derivation Functions

50 MHz 100 MHz bcrypt bcrypt bcrypt bcrypt Salt Register quad core quad core quad core quad core

bcrypt bcrypt bcrypt bcrypt

Interface quad core quad core quad core quad core

quad core Hash Register Password bcrypt bcrypt bcrypt Generator core core quad core Password bcrypt Memory bcrypt bcrypt quad core core core

Figure 4.4: Schematic Top-Level view of FPGA implementation. The design uses multiple clock- domains: A slower interface clock and a faster bcrypt clock. Each quad-core accesses the salt- and hash registers and consists of a dedicated password memory, four bcrypt cores and a password generator. cycles per Blowfish round: One to calculate the input of the f-function — and thus the addresses to the SBox entries — and one to compute the XOR operation on the f-function output and the subkey. Figure 4.5a shows the standard Blowfish Feistel round. We moved the XORs along the data- path, changing the round boundaries. This delay allows us to prefetch the subkeys from the memory and resolve data-access dependencies to reduce the cycle count to one per round. The resulting Blowfish core is depicted in Figure 4.5b. All of the three XOR operations — the f-function’s output and the subkeys PA and PB — are computed in every round, removing all multiplexers from the design. Please note that this modification changes the Blowfish algorithm, as it leads to invalid intermediate values. To counter this behavior, we use the reset of the BRAM output registers to suppress any invalid results of the XOR operations during the computation. This design leads to a very minimalistic control logic and thus a very small Blowfish design in terms of area. Concerning the critical path, the maximum delay comes from the path from the SBox through the evaluation of the f-function. We have roughly a fourth of the available slices left once we reach the limit of available memory blocks. With the remaining resources, we build an on-chip password generation circuit: In its simplest form, this is very efficient on-chip, as it only requires a small amount of logical resources. Figure 4.6 provides a schematic overview: For each password byte, one counter and one register store the current state. The initialization value differs for each core and determines the search space. The logic always generates two subsequent passwords and enumerates over all possible combinations for a given character set and maximum password length. When the state has been updated correctly, it is mapped into ASCII representation and written into the password memory. The generation process finishes during the 256 initialization clock cycles, leaving enough time to buffer the signals and ensure a low amount of levels-of-logic.

56 4.4 Attack Implementation: bcrypt (OpenBSD)

din Lefti Righti addrcnt addrcnt S0 0 1 1 0 P f rst rst i S1 S2 Left Right S3 sbox f addr PB PA Left Right i+1 i+1 dout (a) Note that the final XOR operation may (b) The computation of the delayed f-function be moved along the datapath. By delay- is integrated into the left half and the result ing it to the next round, we can resolve of the modified datapath forms the memory data dependencies and compute one Blow- address for the next f-function. fish round in one clock cycle more effi- ciently.

Figure 4.5: An overview of the highly sequential datapath inferred by the Feistel-structure of one Blowfish round in comparison to the implementation realized on the FPGA.

Please note that with this design, even a slow and simple interface capable of sending 320 bits and a start flag can use the system for brute-force attacks. A more complex interface — capable of fast data-transfer or even direct memory access of the BRAM cores — easily enables dictionary attacks, as new passwords are transferred directly into the password memory during the long bcrypt computation. The on-chip password generation may be removed or modified to work in a hybrid mode.

4.4.2 Performance Results and Comparison In this section, we present the results of our implementation. We used Xilinx ISE 14.7 and — if needed Xilinx Vivado 2014.1 — during the design flow and verified the design both in simulation and on the zedboard after Place and Route.

Table 4.3: Resource utilization of design and submodules. LUT FF Slice BRAM Overall 64.8% 13.06% 93.29% 95.71% Quad-core 2 777 720 801 13 Single core 617 132 197 3 Blowfish core 354 64 71 0 Password Generator 216 205 81 0

Table 4.3 provides the post place-and-route results of the full design on the zedboard. We implemented the design using ten parallel bcrypt quad-cores and a Xillybus interface. The design achieves a clock frequency of 100 MHz. The optimizations from Section 4.4.1 reduced the LUT consumption to roughly 600 LUTs, the amount of BRAMs to 3.25 per single core. Therefore,

57 Chapter 4 Password Search against Key-Derivation Functions

C_CE(0) C_CE(1) C_CE(n-1) Cnt c Cnt c Cnt c

Reg c Reg c Reg c

R_CE(0) R_CE(1) R_CE(n-1)

int nc c 2 8 32 doutA asc sel shiftreg int nc c 2 8 32 doutB asc shiftreg

Figure 4.6: Schematic view of the password generation. The counter and registers in the upper half store the actual state of the generator. The mapping to ASCII characters is done by multiplexer. It uses a cyclic output for bcrypt and generates two passwords in parallel. we can fit ten quad-cores — and thus 40 single cores — on a zedboard, including the on-chip password generation. The bcrypt cores need a constant number of c cycles for the hash generation, in detail:

cReset = 1 cInit = 256

cDelay = 19 cPipeline = n, (n = 2)

cbf = 18 cupdateP = 9 · (cbf)

ckey xor = 19 cupdateSBox = 512 · (cbf)

cExpandKey = ckey xor + cupP + cupSBox = 9 397

cEncryptECB = 3 · 64 · (cbf − 1) = 3 264 Following these values, one bcrypt hashing needs

cbcrypt = cReset + cPipeline + cInit + cDelay+ cost+1 (1 + 2 · cExpandKey) + cEncryptECB = 12 939 + 2cost+1 · 9 397 cycles to finish. This leads to a total of 614 347 cycles per password (cost 5) and 76 993 163 (cost 12), respectively. In order to compare the design with other architectures, especially with the previous results on the zedboard, we measured the power consumption of the board during a running attack. We used hashcat and oclHashcat to benchmark a Xeon E3-1240 CPU (4 [email protected] GHz) and a GTX 750 Ti (Maxwell architecture), respectively, as representatives for the classes of CPUs and GPUs. Furthermore, we synthesized our quad-core architecture on the Virtex 7 XC7VX485T FPGA, which is available on the VC707 development board, and estimated the number of available cores

58 4.4 Attack Implementation: bcrypt (OpenBSD)

Table 4.4: Comparison of multiple implementations and platforms considering full system power consumption. cost parameter 5 cost parameter 12 Hashes Hashes Hashes Hashes Second Watt Second Second Watt Second Power (W) Price (US$ ) zedboard 6 511 1 550.23 51.95 12.37 4.2 319 Virtex-7 51 437 2 571.84 410.43 20.52 20.0 3 495 Xeon E3-1240 6 210 20.70 50.00 0.17 300.0 262 GTX 750 Ti 1 920 6.40 15.00 0.05 300.0 120 [MDK14] Epiphany 16 1 207 132.64 9.64 1.06 9.1 149 [MDK14] zedboard 4 571 682.24 64.83 9.68 6.7 319 with respect to the area a new interface may occupy. We assume a worst-case upper bound of 20W as the power consumption for the full evaluation board. For the CPU and the GPU attack, we also consider the complete system. While there are smaller power supplies available, we consider a 300W power supply, which is the recommended minimum for the GPU to run stable.

105 H s H 104 Ws




100 Virtex-7 [MDK14] [MDK14] Xeon E3-1240∗ GTX 750 Ti∗ zedboard (estimated) Epiphany 16 zedboard

Figure 4.7: Comparison of different implementations for cost parameter 5. Left bars (red) show the hashes-per-seconds rate, right bars (green) the hashes-per-watt-seconds rate. Results with ∗ were measured with (ocl)Hashcat. The axial scale is logarithmic.

Table 4.4 compares the different implementation platforms for cost parameter of 5 and 12. For better comparison, Figure 4.7 shows the performance and efficiency graphically only for the first case. Our zedboard implementation outperforms the previous implementation from [MDK14] by a factor of 1.42, computing 6 511 pps at a measured power consumption of only 4.2W compared to the 6.7W of the previous implementation. Thus, this implementation also yields a better power efficiency of 1 550 pps per watt, which is more than twice as efficient as the previous implementation. The CPU attack on a Xeon processor computes 5% less pps at a significantly higher power consumption. Even considering only the power consumption of the CPU itself of 80W, the efficiency of the zedboard is still about 20 times higher. The estimated Virtex-7 design shows that the high-performance board is a decent alternative to the zedboard:

59 Chapter 4 Password Search against Key-Derivation Functions it outperforms all other platforms with 51 437 pps and has a very high power-efficiency rating. The drawback is the high price of US$ 3 495 for the development board. To analyze the full costs of an attack, including the necessary power consumption (at the price of 10.08 cents per kWh16), we consider two different scenarios. The first uses the fairly low cost parameter of 5 for a simple brute-force attack on passwords of length 8 with 62 different characters and requires the runtime to be at most 1 month. We chose the considerably low cost parameter for comparison with the related work, as it is typically used for bcrypt benchmarks. However, this value is insecure for practical applications, where a common choice seems to be 12, which is also used in the related work. Thus, we use this more reasonable parameter in the second setting. Here, the adversary uses more sophisticated attacks and aims for a reduction of the number of necessary password guesses and for a reduced runtime of one day per cracked password: We consider an adversary with access to meaningful, target-specific, custom dictionaries and derivation rules — for example generated through social engineering. In Section 4.3.4, we trained the Markov model on a random subset of 90% from the leaked RockYou passwords to attack the remaining 10% and estimated that 4 · 109 guesses are needed for about 67% chance of success. We use this as a basis for the computational power.


break-even 15 CPU∗ GPU∗ ∗ 10 CPU+GPU Virtex-7 zedboard 7 [MDK14] Epiphany [MDK14] zedboard

Total costs in US$ 1 0005 000

5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Number of attacked passwords

Figure 4.8: Total costs in millions USD for attacking n passwords of length 8 from a set of 62 characters using logarithmic scale. Each attack finishes within one month. Both the acquisition costs for the required amount of devices and the total power costs where considered.

Figure 4.8 shows the costs of running brute-force attacks in the first scenario. To achieve the requested number of password tests in one month, we need 13 564 single CPUs, 43 872 GPUs, 10 361 CPUs + GPUs, 12 999 zedboards or 1 645 Virtex-7 boards. The figure shows the total costs considering acquisition costs (fixed cost) and the power consumption. It reveals the infeasibility of CPUs for attacking password hashes and even more clearly the efficiency of special-purpose devices. Even high-performance FPGAs like the Virtex-7 are more profitable after only a few password recoveries than a combination of CPUs and GPUs.

16Taken from the “Independent Statistics & Analysis U.S. Energy Information Administration”, average retail price of electricity United States all sectors.

60 4.5 Conclusion


30 break-even CPU∗ 20 GPU∗ CPU+GPU∗ 15 Virtex-7 zedboard 10 [MDK14] Epiphany [MDK14] zedboard Total costs in US$ 1 000 7

20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 Number of attacked passwords

Figure 4.9: Total costs in thousands USD for attacking n passwords of length 8 from a set of 62 characters using a cost parameter of 12 (which is commonly recommended) using logarithmic scale. Each attack finishes within one day, with a dictionary attack where 65% are covered (4 · 109 Tests).

Figure 4.9 shows the costs of attacking multiple passwords in the second scenario. Here, we need 30 CPUs, 102 GPUs, 23 CPUs + GPUs, 38 zedboards or 4 Virtex-7 boards. Even though we consider a much higher cost parameter and require a runtime of one day per password, the attack is considerably less expensive due to the better derivation of password candidates. With the higher cost parameter our current zedboard implementation does not yield similar good results and thus [MDK14] implementation is currently better suited for this attack when mounted on a zedboard: Their implementation can conceal an interface bottleneck due to the initialization of the bcrypt cores. As our implementation does not suffer from this bottleneck in general, we can run several cores on a bigger FPGA without negative consequences. Please note that the Virtex-7 — after amortizing its acquisition costs — outperforms every other platform (reaching the break-even point with [MDK14] zedboard after attacking about 1 500 passwords).

4.5 Conclusion

In this chapter, we examined the feasibility of extensive password-guessing using hardware ac- celeration and implemented guessing-attacks for two of the three major key-derivation functions used in practice: PBKDF2 and bcrypt. While carefully chosen passwords are essential to pro- tect systems relying on password-based authentication, key-derivation functions should render password guessing attempts useless. In the case of PBKDF2, even though it was specifically designed to prevent simple brute-force attacks, we showed that parallel hardware platforms are capable to search through a significant number of passwords per second (356,352 pps for SHA-512 case). We tested our experiments with TrueCrypt as the target platform, using a Markov-based password candidate generation. Our results indicate that GPU clusters have a better cost/performance ratio than FPGAs, mainly due to the low prices of the wide-spread use of GPUs.

61 Chapter 4 Password Search against Key-Derivation Functions

In the second part of this chapter, we presented a highly optimized bcrypt implementation on FPGAs. We used a quad-core structure to achieve an optimal resource utilization and gained a speed-up of 42% and — due to lower power consumption — increased power-efficiency by 127% compared to the previous results on the same device. In the design we presented, the critical path is still within the Blowfish core, resulting in a moderate clock-frequency of 100 MHz. A possible improvement would be a pipeline of the encryption within a quad-core, interleaving the computations of the core. This may help shortening the critical path, allowing higher clock frequencies and more bcrypt cores running in parallel due to the shared resources. We showed that it is possible to utilize the remaining fabric area to implement a small on-chip password generation, which is adaptable and may be combined with a dictionary attack, e. g., for prefix and suffix modifications. These possibilities should be evaluated and further analyzed, as the password generation has a high impact on the success rate. Even more important, using only off-chip password generation, i. e., by using a CPU to generate passwords and transfer them to the FPGA, introduces two potential bottlenecks: The software implementation itself and the data bus. With the combination of off-chip creation and on-chip modification, it should be possible to reduce the risk of these bottlenecks even in large and highly parallelized clusters: We can use the password generator construction for simple mangling rules and relax the interface or dedicate several cores to brute-force attacks, while others work on a dictionary. This leads to more possible trade-offs in terms of interface speed vs. area consumption. Analyzing the security of the two key derivation functions, we notice that both use a pa- rameter to determine the cost of an attack: The iteration counter c for PBKDF2 and cost for bcrypt. While PBKDF2 uses excessive hash computation suitable for GPU parallelization, bcrypt requires more memory in favor of FPGAs. Due to the advancements in technology outlined by Moore’s law, we do not consider it sufficient for a secure system to use a constant number of iterations throughout the entire lifetime of an application or a secure system. We therefore recommend to replace this constant with a dynamic variable that is stored in each respective application instance and which is adjusted over time according to technological scaling effects. The parameter should be lower-bounded by the computational resources of the least-capable target platform of the application. Note, however, that even recent “low-end” processing devices (e. g., smart phones) often provide powerful multi- core ARM processors performing at more than 1 GHz. To validate our bcrypt experiments and derive a cost-estimation for different attack scenarios, we considered modern versions of CPUs as well as GPUs and benchmarked the (ocl)Hashcat bcrypt implementation on these platforms. We compared the total costs of low-power and high-performance devices in two scenarios: Simple brute-force with a fixed runtime of 1 month (cost 5) and an advanced attack with a timeframe of 1 day (cost 12). In both cases, the high power consumption of CPUs and GPUs renders large-scale attacks infeasible, while our FPGA implementation not only outperforms these devices but also requires significantly less power.

62 Chapter 5 Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm Problem (ECDLP) on a Binary Elliptic Curve

In this chapter, the focus changes towards public-key cryptosystems and the first hardware-implementation of the parallel Pollard’s rho algorithm using negation-map in hardware. The target of the attack is the Standards for Efficient Cryptography Group (SECG) standard curve sect113r2. This binary elliptic curve was deprecated in 2005 but resisted all attacks as of today. In February 2015, Wenger et al. inde- pendently implemented an attack on the curve sect113r1, which is a slightly smaller curve. The research project started in 2013 as a joined work with Tanja Lange and Daniel J. Bernstein. During the project time, Peter Schwabe, Susanne Engels, and Ruben Niederhagen joined, and the first implementation was published as the master thesis of Susanne Engels [Eng14]. Ruben Niederhagen is currently implementing a modified design to improve the published results.

Contents of this Chapter 5.1 Introduction ...... 63 5.2 Background ...... 64 5.3 Attack Implementation ...... 70 5.4 Results ...... 77 5.5 Conclusion ...... 78

Contribution: In this project, I designed the FPGA implementation together with Susanne Engels and optimized the implementation afterwards. I implemented the basic negation-map and changed the design to work on the RIVYERA-S6 cluster.

5.1 Introduction

In the area of public-key cryptography, Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) plays an important role as small and efficient cryptographic algorithms. In contrast to other asymmetric cryptosys- tems like RSA, ECC requires significantly smaller key-sizes to achieve comparable security levels. This makes it a viable choice for constrained devices. A prominent example in Germany are

63 Chapter 5 Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm Problem (ECDLP) on a Binary Elliptic Curve the new German passports, where ECC is used for authentication. It is also used in internet protocols such as the Transport Layer Security (TLS) [IET06] or the Secure Shell (SSH) [IET09] protocols. Cryptanalysts strife to analyze the security of the Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm Problem (ECDLP). In November 1997, Certicom presented the first ECC Challenge1. It contains a pre-exercise and two challenge levels. The exercise contains a 79-bit, an 89-bit and a 97-bit challenge, which were solved between 1997 and 1999. The first challenge level contains a 109-bit and a 131-bit challenge, while the second level is comprised of a 163-bit, a 191-bit, a 239-bit, and a 359-bit challenge. As of 2014, only the 109-bit challenge has been solved over prime fields and binary fields. The most complex, currently running challenge is the ECC2K-130 [BBB+09]. Refer to [Nie12] for detailed information of a GPU and Cell implementation of the attack. There have been successful attacks on other ECDLP challenges: The largest ECDLP over prime fields was successfully attacked in 2012 [BKK+09], the largest ECDLP over a Koblitz- Curve was recently solved in 2014 [WW14]. When this project started, the largest ECDLP over non-Koblitz binary curves was the ECC2-109 challenge of 2004. In February 2015, Wenger et al. published a successful attack on the sect113-r1 Certicom curve in [WW15], which is a slightly smaller curve than our target in this chapter. The main goal of this project was to implement and execute an attack on the largest non- Koblitz binary curve within the scope of reconfigurable hardware using the state-of-the-art tech- niques available today. Previously, in 2006, Bulens et al. presented a special-purpose hard- ware design with results for the curve ECC2-79 and estimations for ECC2-163 [BdDQ06]. In [dDBQ07], de Dormale et al. provided more details on the power consumption, performance, and runtime. They estimated that — using a COPACOBANA cluster with 120 Spartan-3 1000 FPGAs — their design can solve an ECDLP over GF(2113) in six months. The second goal was to include a hardware implementation of the negation map technique in the random walk. This was previously done in software only, as it requires additional arithmetic operations and a more complex control flow. Due to the controversial views on the usefulness in a hardware implementation, our goal was the implementation and verification of said technique. The remaining chapter is structured as follows: Section 5.2 briefly introduces the background on elliptic curves. The target curve, design decisions, and implementation details are discussed in Section 5.3.5, followed by the results in Section 5.4. The chapter ends with the conclusion in Section 5.5.

5.2 Background

In this section, we discuss the background required for the implementation of our attack. It is based on [HMV04, ACD+06], to which we refer for more detailed information. Please note that the target curve is defined over a binary field and we restrict most of the background to the applicable arithmetic only. We start with the definition of the Discrete Logarithm Problem (DLP) and an overview of the required binary field arithmetic, followed by a brief introduction to elliptic curves, the ECDLP and Pollard’s rho algorithm.


64 5.2 Background

5.2.1 Discrete Logarithm Problem

∗ The Discrete Logarithm Problem (DLP) is defined as follows: Given a finite cyclic group Zp ∗ ∗ of order p − 1, a primitive element α ∈ Zp, and another element β ∈ Zp, find 1 ≤ x ≤ p − 1 such as αx ≡ β (mod p). The DLP is used in different cryptographic algorithms, such as the Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange or the ElGamal Encryption Scheme. The security is linked to the group order and thus the prime p, which must be large in order to obtain a secure system. For ElGamal, the currently recommended bit-length of the prime p is 2048 bits (note that p − 1 must have a large prime factor as well). ∗ The Generalized Discrete Logarithm Problem (GDLP) removes the restriction to Zp and is defined as follows: Given a finite cyclic group (G, ◦) with G = α, α2, ··· , α|G| , α generator, ( αx, if ◦ multiplicative and β ∈ G, find x ∈ G with β = α ◦ α ◦ α · · · ◦ α = . xα, if ◦ additive

5.2.2 Binary Field Arithmetic We recall the finite field arithmetic applicable for the target curve, which is defined over a binary field F2m . The elements of this field are binary polynomials of degree at most m − 1, i. e.,

m−1 X i a(z) = aiz i=0 with each ai ∈ F2. We store the field elements by grouping the m coefficients as an m-bit vector and keep in mind that the elements are not integers but polynomials. We require different field operations to work with the target curve, i. e., modular addition, multiplication, squaring and inversion in F2m with respect to a given irreducible binary polyno- mial f(z) of degree m.


As the field elements represent binary polynomials with coefficients from F2, the addition in F2m is a component-wise applied XOR operation. As we store the elements as m-bit vectors, we compute c = a ⊕ b with a, b ∈ F2m . In the context of an FPGA implementation, the overhead and area consumption of this operation is negligible.

Multiplication Since the FPGA does not provide native binary field multiplication, the implementation of the field multiplication is more complex compared to the addition. We can choose from different polynomial multiplication algorithms, e. g., bit-serial, digit-serial, left-to-right or right-to-left comb, or Karatsuba multiplication. In this project, we implemented a digit-serial multiplier and the recursive Karatsuba multiplication [KO63] and compared the resource utilization and the effects on the overall design.

65 Chapter 5 Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm Problem (ECDLP) on a Binary Elliptic Curve

Algorithm 5 Digit-Serial Multiplier in F2m Input: Digitsize k, irreducible polynomial f(z) m−1 i P m A(z) = i=0 aiz ∈ F2 [z] l−1 ki P ˜ m ˜ B(z) = i=0 biz ∈ F2 [z] represented using k-bit digits bi Output: C(z) = A(z) · B(z)

1: C(z) ← 0, A˜(z) ← A(z) 2: for i ← 0 to l − 1 do 3: C(z) ← C(z) + ˜bi · A˜(z) 4: A˜(z) ← zk · A˜(z) mod f(z) 5: end for

Digit-Serial Multiplication: Algorithm 5 shows the digit-serial multiplication. In every step of the main loop, it processes k bits in parallel. Please note that the parameter k is used to modify the time/area consumption in the implementation.

Algorithm 6 Recursive Karatsuba Multiplication in F2m Input: Recursion parameter k ≤ m, assume k even for simplicity. Irreducible polynomial f(z) k−1 i P m A(z) = i=0 aiz ∈ F2 [z] k−1 i P m B(z) = i=0 biz ∈ F2 [z] Output: C(z) = A(z) · B(z)

1: if k = 1 then 2: return C(z) = A(z) · B(z) = a0b0 3: end if

4: Preparation ˜  k  5: k ← 2 k˜ 6: A(z) = z A1 + A0 k˜ 7: B(z) = z B1 + B0

Recursive Multiplication 8: A˜ = A1 + A0 9: B˜ = B1 + B0 10: r0 = KARATSUBA(k,˜ A0,B0) 11: r1 = KARATSUBA(k,˜ A,˜ B˜) 12: r2 = KARATSUBA(k,˜ A1,B1) 2k˜ k˜ 13: return C(z) = z r2 + z (r1 + r0 + r2) + r0 mod f(z)

Karatsuba Multiplication: The Karatsuba multiplication, shown in Algorithm 6, is a divide and conquer algorithm. It splits the input into two equally-sized halves (using a zero-padding for odd degree) and recursively computes the intermediate multiplications using these smaller parts. As with the digit-serial multiplication, we are not fixed in terms of the time/area consumption of the Karatsuba implementation: Instead of completely unrolling the multiplication (end of

66 5.2 Background recursion condition k = 1), we can stop at earlier stages and compute the remaining multiplica- tions using a different algorithm. Please note that Karatsuba requires a certain bit-range to be efficient and that k = 1 is used for simplicity of the exposition only.

Squaring Squaring of a binary polynomial in standard representation is a very fast and efficient operation m−1 compared to the multiplication. Given a polynomial a(z) ∈ F2m , a(z) = am−1z + ··· + 2 2 a2z + a1z + a0, the resulting polynomial of degree 2m of the square operation is a(z) = 2m−2 4 2 am−1z + ··· + a2z + a1z + a0.

Algorithm 7 Squaring with Subsequent Reduction in F2m Input: Irreducible polynomial f(z) m−1 i P m A(z) = i=0 aiz ∈ F2 [z] Output: B(z) = A(z)2 mod f(z)

P2m−1 i 1: B(z) = i=0 biz ∈ F22m [z] . Use temporary 2m-bit element 2: for i ← 0 to m − 1 do . Insert a ’0’ between consecutive bits 3: b2i ← ai 4: b2i+1 ← 0 5: end for 6: return B(z) mod f(z) . Modular reduction of the result

Algorithm 7 describes the square operation with a subsequent reduction step. As every bit in the m-bit element represents a coefficient, this operation is very efficient in hardware by assigning the source bits to the appropriate index positions of the target register.

Inversion The modular inversion is the most time consuming operation of the required finite field arith- metic. Instead of using a generic algorithm like the extended Euclidean algorithm, we use an optimal addition chain for the specific field of interest: This chain computes an inverse element using 8 multiplications, 128 squarings and two temporary registers. The addition chain is listed in Table A.1 in the appendix.

Reduction [HMV04] lists multiple algorithms to perform the reduction of finite field elements for different underlying register architectures, starting with reduction of one bit at a time. Recall that reduction requires an irreducible polynomial and — depending on the binary field used — there exists either a pentanomial or a trinomial. In the scope of this project, we use the trinomial f(z) = z113 + z9 + 1.

5.2.3 Elliptic Curves

An elliptic curve E over a general field F is defined by 2 3 2 E(F) := {(x, y) | y + a1xy + a3y = x + a2x + a4x + a6} (5.1)

67 Chapter 5 Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm Problem (ECDLP) on a Binary Elliptic Curve for some coefficients ai ∈ F, i = 1 ... 6 with discriminant ∆ 6= 0, where 2 3 2 ∆ := −d2d8 − 8d4 − 27d6 + 9d2d4d6 2 d2 = a1 + 4a2 d4 = 2a4 + a1a3 2 d6 = a3 + 4a6 2 2 2 d8 = a1 + 4a2a6 − a1a3a4 + a2a3 − a4 As known from the algebra, the discriminant of an algebraic equation relates to the number and form of solutions. The assumption ∆ 6= 0 is an important requirement for elliptic curves that implies non-singularity.

Order of the Elliptic Curve: We call |E(Fq)| the order of an elliptic curve E over the finite field Fq. A simple but naive way for finding the number of elements is testing and counting all x ∈ Fq, for which some y ∈ Fq exists such that Equation 5.1 is satisfied. Hasse’s theorem approximates the order of an elliptic curve E over Fq as √ √ q + 1 − 2 q ≤ |E(Fq)| ≤ q + 1 + 2 q.

For large order q of the finite field, this theorem yields the asymptotic estimate |E(Fq)| ≈ q as the order of elliptic curves. Finding the exact number of points is important for elliptic curve cryptosystems depending on the ECDLP.

Elliptic Curves Arithmetic: We will now introduce a group addition of points on elliptic curves, motivated by the geometric construction of the addition + in E(Fq) in three steps, followed by the algebraic definition. Please note that we handle the cases P 6= Q (Figure 5.1a) and P = Q (Figure 5.1b) separately.

(a) P 6= Q (b) P = Q

Figure 5.1: Geometric construction of the point addition and point doubling on an elliptic curve.

( through P and Q if P 6= Q (1) (Define line G): G = , tangent line through P if P = Q

68 5.2 Background

(2) (Define point S of intersection): S ∈ G ∩ E(Fp),S 6∈ {P,Q}, (3) (Define point R of reflection): R of S by reflection on the x axis.

Note that if there is no point of intersection between the line and the curve, S := R := O is the point of infinity. The arithmetic formulas for the group law depend on the choice of coordinates and the field on which the curve is defined. Our target curve is an ordinary curve defined over F2113 and we only consider elliptic curves E(F2m ) for the remainder of the project. We consider the curve in short Weierstraß form defined by

2 3 2 E(F2m ): {(x, y) | y + xy = x + ax + b}.

Given P = (x1, y1) ∈ E(F2m ),Q = (x2, y2) ∈ E(F2m ), the result R = P +Q = (x3, y3) ∈ E(F2m ) of the point addition (P 6= ±Q) and the point doubling P = Q 6= −Q (P 6= −P ) is defined as

2 x3 = λ + λ + x1 + x2 + a

y3 = λ(x1 + x3) + x3 + y1, where  y +y 1 2 if point doubling  x1+x2 λ = . x2+y  1 1 if point addition x1

If we take the complexity of the underlying field operations into account and re-consider the point operations on the elliptic curve, we notice that the point addition and point doubling both require one inversion and two multiplications, which dominate the computational effort, as they are significantly more expensive in terms of time and area consumption than the addition or squaring.

Negative Point: Please note that the corresponding negative point of P = (x1, y1) ∈ E(F2m ) with P + (−P ) = O has the coordinates (−P ) = (x1, x1 + y1). For binary curves, this is a very efficient computation, requiring negligible hardware resources.

Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm Problem: The Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm Problem (ECDLP) applies the GDLP to elliptic curves. As the points on the curve (including the point of infinity) have cyclic subgroups, the ECDLP is defined as follows: Given an elliptic curve E, a point P , and another element Q ∈ hP i, find the integer k such that P +P +P +···+P = kP = Q. The complexity is linked to the order of P , which is typically close to q. Thus, the key-length is significantly smaller compared to other public key systems like ElGamal or RSA for the same security level: Typically, the RSA key-size of 2 048 bits is compared with the elliptic curve key-size of 224 bits.

Pollard’s Rho: In this project, we implement Pollard’s rho algorithm, invented by John Pollard in 1978 [Pol78], relying on the birthday paradox. To solve the ECDLP and recover k from kP = Q with a given base point P ∈ E of order ` and Q ∈ hP i, we iteratively construct linear

69 Chapter 5 Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm Problem (ECDLP) on a Binary Elliptic Curve combinations until we find two distinct linear combinations aP + bQ and a0P + b0Q of the same point, i. e., aP + bQ = a0P + b0Q and solve

aP + bQ = a0P + b0Q aP + bkP = a0P + b0kP (a − a0)P = (b − b0)kP k = (a − a0)/(b − b0) (mod `) for arbitrary coefficients a, a0, b, b0, which are integers. Instead of randomly choosing the coef- ficients, Pollard’s rho algorithm uses a pseudo-random iteration function to compute the next point from the previous point. While this random walk is a deterministic computation, it be- haves randomly with respect to the underlying structure. Once a collision is found, the walk periodically reaches the collision, leading to the ρ figure: The first non-colliding iterations form a line, followed by a cycle. An example for such a random walk is the point addition of the current point with a randomly selected point taken from a precomputed set of points. As we need a deterministic but randomly behaving iteration function, we can derive the index of the precomputed point from the current point.

5.3 Attack Implementation

Our attack uses the parallel version of Pollard’s rho algorithm [vOW99] by van Oorschot and Wiener to compute the discrete logarithm of Q to the base P . This algorithm works in a client-server approach.

Each client, which is an FPGA worker in our case, receives as input a point R0. This is a known linear combination in P and Q, i. e., R0 = a0P + b0Q. From this input point, it starts a pseudo-random walk, where each step depends only on the coordinates of the current point Ri and preserves knowledge about the linear combination in P and Q. The walk ends when it reaches a so-called distinguished point Rd, where the property of being distinguished is a property of the coordinates of the point. This distinguished point is then reported to a server together with information that allows the server to obtain ad and bd. The server searches through incoming points until it finds a collision, i. e., two walks that ended up in the same distinguished point. With very high probability, two such walks produce different linear combinations in P and Q, so we have Rd = ad1 P + bd1 Q and Rd = ad2 P + bd2 Q. At this point, we can compute the discrete logarithm. In the following, we describe the target curve and the construction of our iteration function. We start with a simple version, which does not make use of the negation map, and then modify this walk to perform iterations modulo negation. We discuss the expected runtime of the attack and give details of the hardware/software implementation.

70 5.3 Attack Implementation

5.3.1 Target Curve

∼ 113 9 The SECG curve sect113r2 is defined over F2113 = F2[z]/(z + z + 1) by an equation of the 2 3 2 form E : y + xy = x + ax + b and the basepoint P = (xP , yP ), where

a = 0x0689918DBEC7E5A0DD6DFC0AA55C7, b = 0x95E9A9EC9B297BD4BF36E059184F,

xP = 0x1A57A6A7B26CA5EF52FCDB8164797, and

yP = 0xB3ADC94ED1FE674C06E695BABA1D. using hexadecimal representation for elements of F2113 , i. e., taking the coefficients in the binary representation of the integer as coefficients of the powers of z, with the least significant bit corre- sponding to the power of z0. The order of P is ` = 5 192 296 858 534 827 702 972 497 909 952 403, which is prime. The order of the curve |E(F2113 )| equals 2`. It is possible to transform the elliptic curve to an isomorphic one by a map of the form x0 = c2x + u, y0 = c3y + dx + v. This does not change the general shape of the curve (the highest terms are still y2, x3, and xy) but allows mapping to more efficient representations. The security among isomorphic curves is identical, the DLP can be transformed using the same equations. Curve arithmetic depends on the value of a and for fields of odd extension degree, it is always possible to choose a ∈ {0, 1}. It is unclear why this optimization was not applied in SECG but we will use it in the cryptanalysis. In the case of sect113r2, we can transform the curve to have a = 1. The map uses a field 2 2 3 2 element t satisfying t + t + a + 1 = 0 so that (xP , yP + txP ) is on y + xy = x + x + b for every (xP , yP ) on E because

2 2 2 2 2 (yP + txP ) + xP (yP + txP ) = yP + xP yP + (t xP + txP ) 3 2 2 2 3 2 = xP + axP + b + (t + t)xP = xP + xP + b.

0 This means that the base point gets transformed to (xP , yP ) with

0 yP = 0x1F31AF1A5DABE43F02EE96630D57D. √ All curves of the form y2 +xy = x3 +x2 +b have a co-factor of 2, with (0, b) being a point of order 2. Varying b varies the group order but the term x2 means that there is no point of order 4. Essentially, all integer orders within the Hasse interval [2113 +1−2·2113/2, 2113 +1+2·2113/2] that are congruent to 2 modulo 4 are attainable by changing b within F2113 . Cryptographic applications work in the subgroup of order `. Because ` is odd, 2 is invertible modulo `, so there exists an s with 2s ≡ 1 mod ` and a point R in this subgroup is the double of sR. Seroussi showed in [Ser98] that points (x, y) which are doubles of other points satisfy that ∼ 113 9 Tr(x) = Tr(a). For F2113 = F2[z]/(z + z + 1) one can easily prove using Newton’s identities that Tr(zi) = 0 for 1 ≤ i ≤ 112 and, of course, Tr(1) = 1. Note that the trace is additive, P112 i P112 i so here Tr(x) = Tr( i=0 xiz ) = i=0 xiTr(z ) = x0. This implies that for our curve having a = 1, each point in the subgroup of order ` has Tr(x) = 1 = x0, i. e., the least significant bit in the representation of x is 1.

71 Chapter 5 Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm Problem (ECDLP) on a Binary Elliptic Curve

5.3.2 Non-Negating Walk Our iteration function follows the standard approach of an additive walk, e. g., as described in [Tes01], with some improvements following [BLS11]. We precompute a table (T0,...,Tn−1) of random multiples of the base point P ; our implementation uses n = 1 024. Note that descriptions often request these steps to be combinations of P and Q but Q is a multiple of P itself, so taking random multiples of P has the same effect and makes the step function independent of the target discrete logarithm. This means the design including the precomputed points can be synthesized for the FPGA and then be used to break multiple discrete logarithms. Inputs to the iteration function are random multiples of the target point Q. Our iteration function f is defined as

Ri+1 = f(Ri) = Ri + TI(Ri),

10 9 1 where I(Ri) takes the coefficients of z , z , . . . , z of the x-coordinate of Ri, interpreted as an integer. We ignored the coefficient of z0 because it is 1 for all points (see Section 5.3.1) and chose the next 10 most significant bits in order to avoid overlaps with the distinguished point property. After each iteration, we check whether we have reached a distinguished point. We call a point distinguished when the 30 most significant bits of the x-coordinate are zero. If the point is a distinguished point, it is marked as valid output. Otherwise, the iteration proceeds. In the literature, there are two different approaches of how to continue after a distinguished point has been found. The traditional approach is to report the point and the linear combination leading to it and then to simply continue with the random walk. This approach has been used, for example, in [Har98], [BKK+09], [BKM09], and most recently in a paper this year by Wenger and Wolfger [WW14]. The disadvantage of this approach is that the iteration function needs to update the coefficients of the linear combination of P and Q. In our case, this would mean that the FPGAs not only have to perform arithmetic in F2113 but also big-integer arithmetic modulo the 113-bit group order `. A more efficient approach was suggested in [BBB+09] and [BLS11]: Once a distinguished point has been found, the walk stops and reports the distinguished point. The processor then starts with a fresh input point. This means that all walks have about the same length, in this case about 230 steps. The walks do not compute the counters for the multiples of P and Q and instead only remember the initial multiple of Q. The server stores this initial multiple (in the form of a seed) and the resulting distinguished point. After a collision between distinguished points has been found, we can simply recompute the two colliding walks and this time compute the multiples of P . We wrote a non-optimized software implementation based on the NTL library for this task, which took time on the scale of an hour to recompute the length-230 walks and solve the DLP once a collision occurred.

5.3.3 Walks modulo negation We improve the simple non-negating walk described above by computing iterations modulo the efficiently computable negation map. This√ improvement halves the search space of Pollard’s rho and thus gives a theoretic speedup of 2. The use of the negation map has been an issue of debate, see [BKL10] for arguments against and [BLS11] for an implementation that achieves essentially the predicted speedup.

72 5.3 Attack Implementation

Changing the walk to work modulo the negation map requires two changes. First, we have to map {P, −P } to a well-defined representative. We denote this representative |P | and decided to pick the point with the lexicographically smaller y coordinate. After each step of the iteration function, we compare the y-coordinate of the reached point Ri to the y-coordinate of −Ri and then proceed our iteration with the point with the lexicographically smaller y-coordinate. This requires one field addition and one comparison. Second, we need a mechanism to escape so-called fruitless cycles. These mini-cycles stem from the combination of additive walks and walks defined modulo negation. The most basic and most frequent case of a fruitless cycle is a 2-cycle. Such a cycle occurs whenever I(Ri) = I(Ri+1) and

Ri+1 = |(Ri + TI(Ri))| = −(Ri + TI(Ri)). In this case, Ri+2 is again Ri and the walk is caught in a cycle consisting of Ri and Ri+1. The probability of this to occur is 1/(2n), where n is the number of precomputed points. There also exist larger fruitless cycles of lengths 4, 6, 8, etc., but the frequency of those is much lower. We follow the approach by Bernstein, Lange, and Schwabe in [BLS11] to handle fruitless cycles but adjust it to our low-area implementation environment. Specifically, instead of frequently checking for cycles of length 2 and less frequently for cycles of length 12, we only use the check for 12-cycles at about the same frequency as detecting 2-cycles to ensure that not too much time is wasted on these. Large counters most conveniently handle powers of 2, so with n = 1 024, we perform 32 iterations, store the point, perform 12 more iterations, compare to the stored point, double to escape a cycle (see below), conditionally use the result of the doubling depending on the comparison, and repeat. This means that 44 additions and 1 doubling handle 44 iterations, and the occasional 2-cycle (occurring about once every 2 048 iterations) wastes at most 44 iterations. For comparison, the analysis in [BLS11] says that it is optimal to check for √ 2-cycles after 2 n = 64 iterations, but there is a wide range of iteration counts, for which the efficiency is within a small fraction of a percent of this optimum. In the detection and escape of fruitless cycles, we define min{P1,P2} as the point with the lexicographically smaller x-coordinate. The advantage of using the x-coordinate instead of the y- coordinate is that min can be computed before the y-coordinate is known; we can thus compute min and the y-coordinate in parallel. Furthermore, using the lexicographical ordering means that if the cycle contains a distinguished point it will be found as the min. At the entry of a cycle check, we store the x-coordinate of the entry point Pi in xentry; this will be used for comparison to detect whether Pi+12 is the same as the entry point (and we are in a cycle). To escape the cycle we use the minimum over all points encountered in the cycle. To this end we define Pmin = Pi at the entry of the check and then update Pmin = min{Pmin,Pi+j} when reaching Pi+j, 1 ≤ j ≤ 11. After 12 steps, we compare xentry and x(Pi+12). If they are equal, we are in a fruitless cycle and need to escape it. We define Pi+13 = Pi+12 if no cycle was encountered and Pi+13 = 2Pmin otherwise. To streamline the computation, we compute 2Pmin in any case and mask the result of Pi+13. We use the same criteria for a distinguished point (30 zeros) and the same table of precomputed steps as described in the previous section.

5.3.4 Expected runtime

For the sect113r2 curve the expected number of group operations to break the DLP is roughly 256. Each walk takes about 230 steps to reach a distinguished point and so we expect about 226

73 Chapter 5 Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm Problem (ECDLP) on a Binary Elliptic Curve distinguished points before we find a collision. This amount of data poses no problem for the host PC and for the I/O part of the hardware. For larger Discrete Logarithm (DL) computations a less frequent property needs to be chosen. A benefit of relatively short walks is that they are easily recomputed on a PC, which we use for finding the DL after a collision of distinguished points occurs. This also helped in verifying that the FPGA code computed the same walks as a software implementation.

5.3.5 Hardware Implementation In this section, we present our hardware implementation. In contrast to [WW14], we use inde- pendent Pollard rho cores with multiple cores per FPGA. This ensures that it is possible to use the implementation even on smaller FPGAs, where a fully unrolled implementation exceeds the area-restrictions, and have a better scalability of the implementation. We chose the Xilinx Spartan-6 LX150 as our target device, as we have access to two different RIVYERA-S6 clusters using this FPGA: An 8-FPGA machine for rapid prototyping and a 64-FPGA machine. Both use a PCIexpress interface to transfer data to and from the chips.

BRAM BRAM addrP NM cmp cmp cmp cmp

BRAM Pre-Add Post-Add P Multiplier


Figure 5.2: Layout of one independent Pollard Rho core: It contains two pipelines as well as the necessary BRAM cores for the intermediate results and the precomputed points.

Figure 5.2 shows the design of one core. It consists of three main components: A series of memory cores (grey) to store all intermediate values for the point operations, the fruitless cycle checks, and the precomputed steps. The other two components are two parallel pipelines. The upper part (dark grey) is a pipelined comparator for two 113-bit values, which computes both a ≤ b and a == b. The second pipeline realizes the main computation (light grey). It includes a pre- and post adder, two pipelined multi-square modules and the modular multiplication module. With this layout and by making use of the dual-port property of the BRAM cores, we implemented a pipelined, self-contained ECDLP core. It computes point additions, point doublings, and checks for fruitless cycles and distinguished points. Even though post-synthesis results are not very meaningful in terms of maximum clock fre- quency, timing analysis, or even the implementation possibility2, it gives a first estimation of the area usage on the FPGA. To reflect this, we only include the percentage of the area used for synthesis figures.

2Please note that an FPGA contains different types of slices with different features. Achieving synthesis results of less than 100% slices is not sufficient to ensure that the design is implementable.

74 5.3 Attack Implementation

Table 5.1: Pipeline stages and area of multiplier after synthesis on a Spartan-6 LX150 FPGA.

(a) Digit-serial multiplier (b) Karatsuba multiplier Digitsize Stages Slice FF Slice LUTs Depth Stages Slice FF Slice LUTs 1 113 13% 14% 1 58 10% 11% 2 57 7% 10% 2 31 8% 9% 3 38 4% 9% 3 18 6% 7% 4 29 3% 8% 4 12 5% 6% 5 23 2% 8% 5 9 5% 6% 6 19 2% 8% 6 8 5% 6% 7 17 2% 7% 8 15 1% 7% 9 13 1% 7%

We implemented two different multiplication schemes to evaluate the impact of the Karatsuba multiplication on the total design. Tables 5.1a and 5.1b contain the area estimations and — more importantly — the pipeline delay for a simple digit-serial schoolbook multiplier and a Karatsuba multiplier in combination with the schoolbook multiplication at the lowest level, respectively3. Both contain the modular reduction step and are adjustable in terms of area and pipeline stages by changing the digitsize (digit-serial multiplier) and the recursion depth (Karatsuba multiplier). The digit-serial multiplier leads to a highly unbalanced LUT-FF ratio, whereas the Karatsuba multiplier results in a much more balanced implementation. In addition, the automatically derived number of pipeline stages to keep the routing relaxed during the place-and-route stage has a huge impact on the total area of the core: The necessary pipeline registers are up to 113-bit wide, so their number should be as low as possible without restricting the routing. In the final design, we use the Karatsuba multiplication with 6 levels. The full pipeline has a length of 20 stages, combining the memory delay, multiplication, and multiple-squaring pipeline. Thus, all operations are computed for 20 points in a row. In total, the point addition needs 11 clock cycles to complete, while the point doubling after the fruitless cycle check needs 14 clock cycles. This includes the checks for the distinguished point property and the negation map control logic.

Table 5.2: Area usage depending on the number of parallel cores. These results are post-synthesis estimations.

Cores Slices Slice FF Slice LUTs 1 24% 10% 14% 2 39% 18% 24% 3 57% 25% 34% 4 69% 32% 44% 5 81% 40% 54% 6 91% 47% 64%

3Please note that the use the schoolbook multiplication in combination with Karatsuba is not optimal and can be improved, i. e., by using optimized multipliers on the lowest level, cf. High-speed cryptography in characteristic 2: Minimum number of bit operations for multiplication (

75 Chapter 5 Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm Problem (ECDLP) on a Binary Elliptic Curve

Table 5.3: Tradeoffs for different lookup-table sizes (PA means point addition, FC means fruitless-cycle check), selected value is bold face.

log2n Memory PAs between FC cycles/PA FC slowdown overall speedup 2 1 kB 2 12.00 9.09% 32.33% 3 2 kB 3 11.93 8.48% 32.94% 4 4 kB 4 11.88 7.95% 33.47% 5 8 kB 6 11.78 7.07% 34.35% 6 15 kB 8 11.70 6.36% 35.06% 7 29 kB 12 11.58 5.30% 36.12% 8 57 kB 16 11.50 4.55% 36.88% 9 113 kB 24 11.39 3.54% 37.89% 10 226 kB 32 11.32 2.89% 38.53% 11 452 kB 48 11.23 2.12% 39.30% 12 904 kB 64 11.18 1.67% 39.75% 13 1 808 kB 96 11.13 1.18% 40.24% 14 3 616 kB 128 11.10 0.91% 40.51% 15 7 232 kB 192 11.07 0.62% 40.80% 16 14 464 kB 256 11.05 0.47% 40.95% 17 28 928 kB 384 11.04 0.32% 41.10% 18 57 856 kB 512 11.03 0.24% 41.18% 19 115 712 kB 768 11.02 0.16% 41.26% 20 231 424 kB 1 024 11.01 0.12% 41.30%

Table 5.2 shows the area usage after synthesis. It suggests that 5 to 6 cores seem reasonable for the Spartan-6 LX150 FPGA. Using this estimation, we implemented multi-core designs using the full toolchain. We obtained a valid design with a clock frequency of 100 MHz for the full design using 5 and 6 parallel cores. However, when testing the design on different clusters, we achieved non-deterministic results due to a bug in the host interface. We gradually decreased the number of parallel cores and verified the computed distinguished points and noticed that — depending on the machine — 3 or 4 parallel cores compute the correct test set of 10 000 distinguished points and continued the rest of the tests with a 2-core version to verify the results and estimations. Another design parameter is the size of the lookup table containing the precomputed multiples of P . A larger lookup table has the advantage that fruitless cycles become less frequent and the iteration function performs more iterations before checking for fruitless cycles. The disadvantage is the memory requirement. Storing the tables in several small BRAM cores, which are physically fixed on the FPGA, has an impact on the routing due to the limited choices in physical resources. Table 5.3 displays how different choices of log2 n (the number of lookup-index bits and thus the memory address bus width) influences memory consumption, the number of point additions between fruitless cycle checks, the slowdown from fruitless cycle checks, and the overall speedup compared to a walk which does not use the negation map at all. For small choices of n, the slowdown due to the cycle check significantly reduces the negation speedup. As expected, larger values of n lead to higher overall speedup but even for very large table sizes, the speedup does not exceed 41%. We chose n = 1 024 as the number of precomputed points because the required storage easily fits the available BRAM resources and the speedup gained from doubling the memory is not worth the additional resources.

76 5.4 Results

5.4 Results

The obvious way to verify the performance and functionality of our implementation is to repeat the following procedure many times: Generate a random point Q on the curve sect113r2, use the implementation to find k such that Q = kP , take notes on how much time the computation took, and check that in fact Q = kP . The reason for repeating this procedure many times is that the performance is a random variable. Checking the performance of a single DL computation would obviously be inadequate as a verification tool. For example, if the claimed average DL time is T while the observed time of a single DL computation is 2.3T , then it could be that this particular computation was moderately unlucky, or it could be that the claim was highly inaccurate. There are two reasons that more efficient verification procedures are important. First, even though a single DL computation is feasible, performing many DL computations would be quite expensive. Second, and more importantly, verification is not merely something to carry out in retrospect: It provides essential feedback during the exploration of the design space. Below, we describe the verification steps that we took for our final implementation, but there were also many rounds of similar verification steps for earlier versions of the implementation. Running hundreds or thousands of walks (a tiny fraction of a complete sect113r2 DL com- putation; recall that we expect orders of magnitude more distinguished points for our selected parameters) produces reasonably robust statistics regarding the number of iterations required to find a distinguished point and regarding the time used for each iteration. However, it does not provide any evidence regarding the number of distinguished points required to compute a DL. A recurring theme of several recent papers is that standard heuristics overestimate the randomness of DL walks and thus underestimate the number of distinguished points required; see, e. g., the correction factors in [BBB+09, Appendix B] and the further correction factors in [BL12, Section 4]. To efficiently verify performance including walk randomness and successful DL computation, we adapt the following observation from Bernstein, Lange, and Schwabe [BLS11, Section 6]. The fastest available Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm (ECDL) algorithms use the fastest available formulas for adding affine points. Those are independent of some of the curve coefficients: Specifically, [BLS11] used formulas that are independent of b in y2 = x3 − 3x + b, and we use formulas that are independent of b in y2 + xy = x3 + ax2 + b. Thus, the same algorithms work without change for points (and precomputed tables) on other curves obtained by varying b. Searching many curves finds curves with different sizes of prime-order subgroups, allowing tests of exactly the same ECDL algorithms at different scales. For example, applying an isomorphism to sect113r2 to obtain a = 1 as described ear- lier, and then changing b to 10010111, produces a curve with a subgroup of prime order 1 862 589 870 449 786 557 ≈ 260.7. This group is large enough to carry out reasonably large experiments without distractions such as frequent self-colliding walks and, at the same time, is small enough for experiments to complete quickly. We performed 512 DL computations on this curve, in each case using 20 bits to define dis- tinguished points. These computations used a total of 609 930 walks, producing 609 928 dis- tinguished points and 2 walks that did not find distinguished points (presumably because they entered fruitless cycles of length 8, but we did not check). The average number of walks per DL was slightly over 1 191. For comparison, the predicted average is pπ`/4/220 ≈ 1 153 for

77 Chapter 5 Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm Problem (ECDLP) on a Binary Elliptic Curve

` = 1 862 589 870 449 786 557, and the predicted standard deviation is on the same scale as the predicted average. The gap between 1 191 and 1 153 is unsurprising for 512 experiments. Each computation successfully produced a verified discrete logarithm. We defined the first DL computation to use seed 0, 1, 2,... until finding a collision between seed s and a previous seed. The second DL computation uses seeds s + 1, s + 2,... until finding a collision within those seeds; etc. We post-processed seeds with AES before multiplying them by Q, so (if AES is strong) choosing consecutive seeds is indistinguishable from choosing independent uniform random 128-bit scalars. The advantage of choosing consecutive seeds is that, without knowing in advance which seeds would be used in each computation, we simply provided a large enough batch of seeds 0, 1, 2,... to our FPGAs. Retroactively attaching each seed to the correct computation was a simple matter of sorting the resulting distinguished points in order of seeds and then scanning for collisions. Here, the sorting step is important: If we had scanned for collisions using the order of points output by the FPGAs, then we would have incorrectly biased the initial computations towards short walks. We also carried out various experiments with

70.86  a group of size 2 149 433 571 795 004 101 539 ≈ 2 with b = 110,

81.1  a group of size 2 608 103 394 926 752 635 062 767 ≈ 2 with b = 100111, and

90.3  a group of size 1 534 122 330 555 159 121 115 288 777 ≈ 2 with b = 10000111.

The percentage of walks that did not find distinguished points remained tiny across the 60- to-90-bit range. We spot-checked walks against a separate software implementation, verified correctness of 16 DL computations for the 70-bit group, and verified correctness of 1 DL com- putation for the 80-bit group. We used 8 FPGAs for these small-scale experiments, running 2 cores on each FPGA. These 16 cores each ran 44 iterations per 498 cycles at 100MHz, for a total of slightly over 141 mil- lion iterations per second, but also had considerable input/output overhead when distinguished points were defined by a small number of bits. For 15-bit distinguished points we observed 310 points per second, an order of magnitude slower than 16 · 44 · 108/(498 · 215) ≈ 4314 points per second. For 20-bit distinguished points we observed 75 points per second, about 1.8× slower than 16·44·108/(498·220) ≈ 135 points per second. For 25-bit distinguished points we observed 3.8 points per second, about 1.1× slower than 16 · 44 · 108/(498 · 225) ≈ 4.2 points per second. Note that not all of this gap is from input/output overhead: Some iterations are spent in fruitless cycles before those cycles are detected.

5.5 Conclusion

In this project, we designed an implementation of the parallel Pollard rho method, solving the elliptic curve discrete logarithm on the curve sect113-r2. We use the RIVYERA Spartan- 6 cluster and thus fit the implementation of multiple worker cores on the low-power Spartan FPGAs. While these Field Programmable Gate Array are from the low-power segment and cannot compete with the large and powerful Virtex-6 or Virtex-7 devices, we show that even those

78 5.5 Conclusion

FPGAs can compute a significant number of point operations. As the design is scalable and self-optimizing (within reasonable parameters), we can adjust it to optimally use the area and power of the Virtex-Field Programmable Gate Array. We tested the design with different multiplication algorithms and noticed that Karatsuba multiplication achieves a better LUT-FF balance than the digit-serial multiplication. Our im- plementation of the negation map using 1 024 precomputed points leads to an overall speedup of 38.52% compared to a normal design without significant overhead. We noticed a bottleneck in the communication for small DLs but can mitigate its effects by choosing an appropriate distinguished point criterion. For the design, which targets the 113-bit DL of the sect113-r2 curve, we chose 30-bit distinguished points to minimize the I/O overhead. When we finished the testing phase of the design, we noticed stability problems with different RIVYERA clusters. In October 2014, Ruben Niederhagen joined the project and solved several of the previously known issues, i. e., he fixed the host interface bug, redesigned parts of the core and implemented the optimized multiplication at the lowest level of the Karatsuba multiplication. With these improvements, the number of cores available per FPGA increased the number of cores from 4 stable cores to 7, exceeding the previous estimation of 6 parallel cores. In February 2015, Wenger et al. published their independent research on the sect113r1 curve in [WW15]. They use the Kintex-7 FPGAs and designed their ECC Breaker implementation as a fully unrolled, fully pipelined iteration function. Please note that they successfully computed the discrete logarithm of that curve.

79 80 Chapter 6 Information Set Decoding (ISD) against McEliece

In the scope of Post-Quantum Cryptography, we designed a hardware-accelerated implementation of an ISD attack against code-based cryptosystems like McEliece or Niederreiter. We show that hardware approaches require significantly different implementation and optimization than the approaches by Lee and Brickel [LB88], Leon [Leo88], Stern [Ste88], or Bernstein et al. [BLP11a], May et al. [MMT11] and Becker et al. [BJMM12]. This project was a joint work with Stefan Heyse and Christof Paar. We finished it in 2014 and published the results in [HZP14]. The content of this chapter is based on the paper and structured as follows:

Contents of this Chapter 6.1 Introduction ...... 81 6.2 Background ...... 82 6.3 Attack Implementation ...... 84 6.4 Results ...... 90 6.5 Conclusion ...... 93

Contribution: This project consisted of two parts. The first part was an analysis of the existing algorithms and the improvements published during the last years with the goal of mapping the CPU-based algorithms to hardware. The second part contained the modification of the algorithm and the implementation as a hardware/software co- design. I contributed to the first part and was working on the hardware design and the optimization targeting the RIVYERA-S6 FPGA cluster.

6.1 Introduction

Most of the currently deployed asymmetric cryptosystems work on the basis of either the discrete logarithm or the integer factorization problem as the underlying mathematical problem. Shor’s Algorithm [Sho97] in combination with upcoming advances in quantum computing poses a severe threat to these primitives. The McEliece cryptosystem — introduced by McEliece in 1978 [McE78] — is one of the alternative cryptosystems unaffected by the known weaknesses against quantum computers. Like

81 Chapter 6 Information Set Decoding (ISD) against McEliece most other systems, its key size needs to be doubled to withstand Grover’s algorithm [HV08, OS08]. The same holds for Niederreiter’s variant [Nie86], proposed in 1986. The best known attacks on these promising code-based cryptosystems are decoding-attacks based on Information Set Decoding (ISD) [Pra62, LB88, Leo88, Ste88, BLP11a, MMT11, BJMM12]. So far, all proposed ISD-variants and the single public implementation we are aware of [BLP08] optimize the attack-parameters for CPU-based software implementations. As code-based sys- tems mature over time, it is important to know if and how these attacks scale when using not only CPUs but incorporating also dedicated hardware accelerators. This allows a more realistic estimation of the true attacking costs and attack efficiency than the analysis of an algorithm’s asymptotic behavior. The base field of most proposed code-based systems is F2, which makes it suitable for hardware implementations. The authors of [BLP11b] published a wide range of challenges [BLP13] — including binary codes, which we target in this work with a hardware attack. The remaining chapter is structured as follows: In Section 6.2, we briefly cover the neces- sary background regarding code-based cryptosystems and introduce the basic ISD-variants. We present different optimization strategies and hardware restrictions as well as our implementation in Section 6.3 and end with a discussion of the results and conclusions in Sections 6.4 and 6.5.

6.2 Background

In this section, we briefly discuss the background required for the remainder of this work. We start with a very short introduction into code-based cryptography including McEliece, Niederreiter and Information Set Decoding. For more detailed information, we refer to [OS08, Pet11, Hey13].

6.2.1 Code-Based Cryptography

n Definition 1 Let Fq denote a finite field of q elements and Fq a vector space of n tuples over n Fq. An [n,k]-linear code C is a k-dimensional vector subspace of Fq . The elements of C are called codewords.

n Definition 2 The Hamming distance (HD) d(x, y) between two vectors x, y ∈ Fq is defined to be the number of positions at which corresponding symbols xi, yi, ∀1 ≤ i ≤ n are different. The n Hamming weight (HW) wt(x) of a vector x ∈ Fq is defined as Hamming distance d(x, 0) between x and the zero-vector.

k×n Definition 3 A matrix G ∈ Fq is called generator matrix for an [n,k]-code C if its rows form k a basis for C such that C = {x · G | x ∈ Fq }. In general there are many generator matrices for a code. An information set of C is a set of coordinates corresponding to any k linearly independent columns of G while the remaining n − k columns of G form the redundancy set of C.

If G is of the form [Ik|Q], where Ik is the k × k identity matrix, then the first k columns of G form an information set for C. Such a generator matrix G is said to be in standard (systematic) form.

82 6.2 Background

(n−k)×n Definition 4 For any [n,k]-code C there exists a matrix H ∈ Fq with (n − k) independent n T rows such that C = {y ∈ Fq | H · y = 0}. Such a matrix H is called parity-check matrix for C. In general, there are several possible parity-check matrices for C.

6.2.2 The McEliece Public-Key Cryptosystem

The secret key of the McEliece cryptosystem consists of a linear code C over Fq of length n and dimension k capable of correcting w errors. A generator matrix G, an n × n permutation P , and an invertible k × k matrix S are randomly generated and form the secret key. The public key consists of the k × n matrix Gˆ = SGP and the error weight w. A message m of length k is encrypted as y = mGˆ + e, where e has Hamming weight w. The decryption works by computing yP −1 = mSG + eP −1 and using a decoding algorithm for C to find mS and finally m.

6.2.3 The Niederreiter Public-Key Cryptosystem

The secret key of the Niederreiter cryptosystem consists of a linear code C over Fq of length n and dimension k capable of correcting w errors. A parity check matrix H, an n × n permutation P , and an invertible (n − k) × (n − k) matrix S are randomly generated and form the secret key. The public key is the (n − k) × n matrix Hˆ = SHP and the error weight w. To encrypt, the message m of length n and Hamming weight w is encrypted as y = Hmˆ T. To decrypt, compute S−1y = HP mT and use a decoding algorithm for C to find P mT and finally m.

6.2.4 Information Set Decoding (ISD) Information set decoding was introduced by Prange in [Pra62]. Attacks based on this approach are the best known algorithms, which do not rely on any specific structure in the code. This is the case for code-based cryptography, i. e., an attacker deals with a random-looking code without a known structure. In its simplest form, an attacker tries to find a subset of generator matrix columns that is error-free and where the submatrix composed by this subset is invertible. The message can then be recovered by multiplying the code-word by the inverse of this submatrix. Several improvements of the attack were published, including [LB88] (Lee and Brickel), [Leo88] (Leon), [Ste88] (Stern), and recently [BLP11a] (Bernstein et al.), [MMT11] (May et al.) and [BJMM12] (Becker et al.). To the best of our knowledge, the latest and only publicly available implementation is [BLP08]. The authors presented an improved attack based on Stern’s variant that breaks the originally proposed parameters (a binary (1 024, 524) Goppa code with 50 errors added) of the McEliece system. The attack ran for the equivalent of 1 400 days on a single 2.4 GHz Core2 Quad CPU or 7 days on a cluster of 200 CPUs. We now give a short introduction into the classical ISD-variants based on [OS08]. Given a word y = c+e with c ∈ C, the basic idea is to find a word e with Hamming weight of e ≤ w. The ISD-algorithms differ in the assumption on the distribution of 1s in e. If a given matrix G does not successfully find a solution, the matrix is randomized, swapping columns and converting the result back into reduced row-echelon form by Gauss-Jordan elimination. As each of these column swaps also transforms the positions of the error vector e, there is a chance that it now matches the assumed distribution. The trade-off is between the success probability of one iteration of Algorithm 8 (or, in other words, the number of required randomizations) and the cost of a single

83 Chapter 6 Information Set Decoding (ISD) against McEliece

Algorithm 8 Information set decoding for parameter p Input: k × n matrix G, Integer w Output: a non-zero codeword c of weight ≤ w 1: repeat 2: pick a n × n permutation P . 0 3: compute G = UGP = (Ik|R) (w.l.o.g we assume the first k positions from an information set, else re-randomize). 4: compute all the sums s of ≤ p rows of G0 5: until Hamming weight of s ≤ w − p 6: return s

Table 6.1: Weight profile of the codewords searched for by the different algorithms. Numbers in boxes are Hamming weight of the tuples. Derived from [OS08]. ←−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−→n Prange w k n − k ←−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−→ ←−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−→ Lee-Brickel p w − p

l n − k − l ←−−−−−−−→ ←−−−−−−−−−−−−−−→ Leon p 0 w − p

Stern p/2 p/2 0 w − p

iteration of this algorithm. Table 6.1 gives an overview on the differences in the weight profile for four selected ISD variants. Stern’s algorithm is special as it allows a collision search in the two p/2 sized windows by a birthday attack technique. The recent improvements from [MMT11] and [BJMM12] extend this technique but are out of scope of this work because they introduce large tables highly unsuitable for hardware im- plementations. Please note that Table 1 on page 4 in [MMT11] shows the time and memory complexities of the different ISD-variants.

6.3 Attack Implementation

In this section, we discuss the attack implementation, starting with the modifications neces- sary for the hardware-based attack. We review the main differences to a pure software attack, the limitations posed by the hardware and the implemented techniques to circumvent these restrictions.

84 6.3 Attack Implementation

6.3.1 Modifications and Design Considerations The previous publications focused on software implementations of the algorithm and different asymptotic improvements, e. g., time-memory trade-offs. In this context, the reasoning for de- sign and parameter choices is based on CPU architectures. Since this is the first hardware implementation of an attack, we need to figure out the best starting point in terms of the ISD variant and tweak the parameters for the underlying hardware platforms. It is important to keep in mind that we are mostly restricted by the memory consumption of the matrices and that this is a hard limitation on FPGAs. Thus, we cannot precompute collision tables of several gigabytes to speed up the attack. We evaluated the choices of parameters of the attacks for hardware suitability. As starting point, we chose Stern’s ISD variant without the requirement of splitting the p-sized windows into two equal-sized halves. The main problem we identified in this process for a hardware implementation were the l-bit collision-search proposed in [Ste88] and the different choices for splitting p into p1 and p2 to gain the most from this search. To take advantage of the birthday-like attack strategy, while reducing the memory consumption at the same time to a hardware friendly level, we developed a hashtable-like memory structure called collision memory (CMEM). Please note that this construction fixes p1 = 1 and thus p2 = p − 1.

n − k − l k1 k2

1 0 ··· 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 n − k − l ID. HK1 HK2 0 0 .. 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 H = 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 l ZERO CMEM 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1

w − p p1 p2 Figure 6.1: Splitting of the public key into memory segments. The values under the arrows below the matrix denote the assumed Hamming weight distribution of the error e.

Before we explain the different hardware modules required for an ISD-attack, we need to define the parts of the matrix we use in each step. Figure 6.1 shows the full matrix including the identity part and the notation we use: The last k2 columns of the matrix of n − k bits each form the submatrix HK2, where the enumerator computes all sums of p2 = p − 1 columns. In the middle, k1 columns form HK1 of n−k −l bits each. CMEM contains all information about the integer representation of the remaining lower l bits of these k1 columns.


The most expensive step in the attacks is the computation of the k2 sums of p columns each. p2 2 In case of a software implementation, the n−k bits per column usually do not match the register size of CPUs. Thus, multiple operations per addition are required to update all of the involved registers. To reduce the overhead, only the sum of the lower l bits is computed, which fits the register size of the CPU. In case of a collision with the p1-sums from the first part of the

85 Chapter 6 Information Set Decoding (ISD) against McEliece columns, the remaining bits are used to compute the sum and check for the final HW. Please note that at this stage, early-abort techniques usually reduce the number of times the full check is computed [BLP08] Please note that in a hardware implementation, we can perform the full (n − k)-bit addition of two columns in one clock cycle in hardware regardless of the parameter sizes — as long as we are able to store the full matrix on the FPGA. This allows us to perform the full iteration on the FPGA without further post-computations, e. g., to sum up remaining bits. There is another advantage: Instead of computing the sums from scratch for each intermediate step, we can modify the previous sum (of p2 columns) by utilizing a gray-code approach: We add one new column and remove one old column in one step. That way, we keep the number of p2 columns in the sum constant and minimize the effort - given that this enumeration process is fast enough.

Collision search

As outlined before, the collision search is tricky in hardware. The approach of using a large precomputed table is not possible within the restricted device. We use a CMEM construction, l consisting of 2 × (dlog2(k1)e + 1) bits, which prepares the relevant information for fast access in hardware: For a given l-bit integer, we can find out (a) if at least one of the k1 columns contains this bit sequence in the last l positions, (b) how many matches exist, and (c) the position of these columns in the memory — all within one clock cycle. In order to remove additional wait cycles and minimize the memory consumption, we generate the part denoted as CMEM in Figure 6.1 in two steps during the matrix generation. First, we sort the k1 columns according to the integer representation of the last l bits. Please note that the cost for the column swaps are negligible, as the matrix is stored in column representation. Afterwards, we generate the 2l elements of the new structure: For index i, the Most Significant Bit (MSB) of CMEM[i] is set only if the integer was present in the k1 columns. In this case, the remaining l bits contain the position of its first occurrence. Otherwise, these l bits are not interpreted.

Example: In the following example, we use l = 3, k1 = 6. Each line represents a step in the generation process: (1) contains the integer representation of the last l = 3 bits of the k1 = 6 columns, while (2) consists of the sorted column list and (3) of the (larger) memory content of CMEM.

1 [ 0, 1, 0, 4, 3, 6 ] 2 [ 0, 0, 1, 3, 4, 6 ] 3 [ 1|0, 1|2, 0|3, 1|3, 1|4, 0|5, 1|5, 0|6 ]

When checking for a collision with i, we simply check the MSB of CMEM[i]. As we are able to use two ports simultaneously, we can directly derive the number of collisions from the subtraction of CMEM[i + 1] − CMEM[i] and only need one multiplexer for the special case i = k1 − 1. The base address is provided by the last l bits of CMEM[i].

86 6.3 Attack Implementation

Determining Hamming Weight

For all collisions found by the collision search, a column from HK1 is added to the current sum, which has been computed from the columns of HK2. Afterwards, the Hamming weight of the result is compared to w − p. The Hamming weight check in hardware needs to be a fully pipelined adder-tree, automatically generated for the target FPGA: The size of the internal look-up tables is used as a parameter during this process. More recent FPGAs with 6-input LUTs can benefit from this.

6.3.2 Hardware/Software Implementation In this section, we will present our hardware-implementation of the modified attack and start with an algorithmic description of the attack before we describe the software and hardware parts in more detail. The hardware design was carefully build to work on different types of FPGAs — in this case the Xilinx Spartan-3, Spartan-6, and Virtex-6 Familiy — and to integrate well into the RIVYERA FPGA cluster. Algorithm 9 describes the combination of the FPGA and the host-CPU for pre- and post-processing: The iteration on the FPGAs is computed in parallel to the generation step on the CPU, which may utilize multiple parallel cores for matrix randomization.

Algorithm 9 Modified HW/SW algorithm Input: Challenge Parameters: n, k, w, public key matrix, ciphertext Attack Parameters: FPGA bitstream, #FPGAs, #cores, p, l, k1 Output: Valid solution to the challenge.

1: Program all available FPGAs with the provided bitstream 2: repeat 3: for all hardware cores do 4: Randomize matrix 5: Generate collision memory 6: Store HK1,HK2,CMEM in datastream 7: Store permutation 8: end for 9: Evaluate FPGA success flag of previous iteration 10: if success then 11: Read columns of successful FPGA 12: else 13: Burst-Transfer datastream to FPGAs 14: FPGAs: compute iteration on all datasets in parallel 15: end if 16: until success flag is set 17: Recover solution of challenge.

Software Part As mentioned in Section 6.3.1, the complete randomization step is done in software. After the challenge file and actual attack parameter are read, it generates as many data sets as hardware

87 Chapter 6 Information Set Decoding (ISD) against McEliece cores are allocated. The CPU computation uses the OpenMP library to parallelize the tasks: Each thread uses the original public key matrix and processes it as described in Algorithm 10.

Algorithm 10 Randomization Step Input: Public key matrix, r=#columns to swap Output: Randomized matrix in reduced row echelon form 1: while less than r columns swapped do 2: Choose a column i from the identity part at random 3: Choose a random column j from the redundant part, but ensure that the bit at position (i, j) is one. 4: Swap columns i and j 5: Eliminate by optimized Gauss-Jordan 6: end while 7: Construct the collision memory(CMEM) 8: Store HK1,HK2 and CMEM in memory.

As the FPGA expects the data in columns, the matrix is also organized in columns in memory. Thus, pointer swaps reflect the column swaps. The Gauss-Jordan elimination is optimized taking advantage of the following facts: Only one column in the identity part has changed and the pivot bit in this column is ’1’ by definition. Therefore, only this column is important during elimination and only the k+l rightmost bits of each row must be added to other rows, as the leftmost n−k−l bits (except the pivot column) remain unchanged. The performed column swaps during randomization and CMEM construction are stored in a separate memory. This is necessary in order to recover the actual matrix, on which the successful FPGA core was working, because the randomized matrices are not stored. Once an FPGA sends back the p1 = 1 column from CMEM and the p2 columns from the enumerator, the low weight word is recomputed locally after applying all previous permutations to the original matrix, followed by a Gauss-Jordan elimination. In a final step, the remaining w − p bits (set to 1 in the plaintext) are recovered.

Hardware Part It is not possible to generate an optimized design inherently suitable for all matrices. Thus, the ISD attack requires a flexible hardware design, in which we trade potential manually-achieved optimizations for a more generic design. This allows us to generate custom configurations for every parameter set with a close to optimal configuration in terms of area utilization and the number of parallel cores. These parameters are included into the source code as a configuration package and define constants used throughout the design. Thus, we can adjust the parameters very easily and automatically create valid bitstreams for the challenges. The basic layout is the same for all FPGA types. We use a fast interface to read incoming data, distribute it to multiple ISD-cores and initialize the local memory cores. After this initialization, all ISD-cores compute the iteration steps in parallel. The iteration step consists of three major parts: The gray-code enumeration, the collision search and the Hamming weight computation. Algorithm 11 describes the iteration process of each core on the FPGA. First, the different memories are initialized from the transferred data. Afterwards, the columns from the enumeration step provide the intermediate sum, which is used in the collision-check step. If a collision is found on the lower l bits, the corresponding column from HK1 is added to the sum and the Hamming weight is computed.

88 6.3 Attack Implementation

Algorithm 11 Iteration Step in Hardware

Input: Memory content for HK1,HK2,CMEM, Parameters n, k, l, w, p2, k1, k2 Output: On success: 1 column index from HK1, p2 column indices from HK2 1: Initialize HK1: (k1 × (n − k − l))-bit memory (BRAM) 2: Initialize HK2: (k2 × (n − k)-bit memory (BRAM) l 3: Initialize CMEM: (2 × (dlog2 k1e + 1))-bit memory BRAM or LUT) 4: while (not enumeration_done) and (not successful) do 5: Enumerate columns in HK2 and update sum 6: for all collisions of sum (last l-bit) in CMEM do 7: Update sum (upper part) with column from HK1 8: if HW(sum) = w − p2 − 1 then 9: Set success flag and column indices 10: Set done flag and terminate 11: end if 12: end for 13: end while

Enumeration Step: For the enumeration process, we implemented a generic, optimized, constant-weight gray-code enumerator as described in Section 6.3.1. It starts with the initial state of [0, 1, . . . , p2 − 1] and keeps track of the columns used to build the current column-sum. Aside from the internal state necessary to recover the solutions, it provides the memory core with two addresses to modify the sum. With this setup, we can compute a new valid sum of p2 columns in exactly one clock cycle. The timing is independent of the parameters, even though the area consumption is determined by the p2 registers of log2 k2 bits. The enumerator is auto- matically adjusted to these parameters and always provides the optimal implementation for the given FPGA and challenge.

Collision Search: After the enumerator provides a sum of p2 columns from HK2, we check the lower l bits for collisions with CMEM for valid candidates. Due to the memory restrictions on FPGAs, we keep the parameter l smaller than in software-oriented attacks. If storage in distributed memory (in contrast to a BRAM memory core) requires only small area, we auto- matically evaluate if an additional core may be placed when using LUTs instead of BRAMs and configure the design accordingly. The additional logic surrounding the memory triggers the Hamming weight check in case a match was found and provides the column addresses to access HK1.

Hamming Weight Computation: The final part of the implementation is the computation of the Hamming weight. To speed up the process at a minimal delay, we split the resulting (n−k−l)- bit word into an adder-tree of depth log2(n − k − l) − 1 and compute the Hamming weight of the different parts in parallel. These intermediate results are merged afterwards with a delay equal to the depth of the tree. The circuit is automatically generated from the parameters and uses multiple registers as pipeline steps, i. e., we can start a new Hamming weight computation in each clock cycle.

Pipeline and Routing: To maximize the effect of the hardware attack, the design is built as a fully pipelined implementation: All modules work independently and store the intermediate values in registers.

89 Chapter 6 Information Set Decoding (ISD) against McEliece

HW enum check HK2 sum HK1

Memory Memory CMEM

Figure 6.2: Overview of the different modules inside one iteration core.

Figure 6.2 illustrates this pipeline structure. Every memory block provides an implicit pipeline stage and the HW check is automatically pipelined. The figure also shows that the single most important resource for the attack is the on-chip memory. Due to the large amount of free area in terms of fabric logic (i. e., not memory hardcores), the routing of the design is not as difficult as an area-intensive design. In theory, we could also use parts of the free logic resources as memory in addition to the dedicated memory cores. This complicates the automated generation process and does not guarantee a successful build for all parameters. Thus, we did not utilize these resources and used them to relax the routing process.

6.4 Results

In this section, we present the results of our analysis. The hardware results are based on Xilinx ISE Foundation 14 for synthesis and place and route. We compiled the software part using GCC 4.1.21 and the OpenMP library for multi-threading and ran the tests on the host CPU of the RIVYERA cluster.

6.4.1 Runtime Analysis

Based on the partition of the public key matrix (see Figure 6.1 with p1 = 1) and the distribution of errors necessary for a successful attack, the number of expected iterations is

& n ' #it = w . k1 × k2 × n−k−l p1 p2 w−p

As the hardware layout is very straight-forward and is fully pipelined, we can determine the number of cycles per iteration as

#c = cenum + cpipe + cpopcount + ccollision


1Please note that the version is due to the Long Term Support (LTS) system and mentioned only for com- pleteness. While better compiler optimizations may increase software speed, the speed-up for the overall hardware attack is negligible.

90 6.4 Results

  k2 cenum = p2 cpipe = 4

cpopcount = log2 (n − k − l) − 1 c 1 c = enum × collision 2l #mcols

Each operation for one iteration is computed in exactly one clock cycle. Due to the pipelined design, every clock cycle generates an iteration result after an initial, constant pipeline delay. We almost achieve an equal running time for all iterations with one exception: The only part, which may vary from iteration to iteration, is the collision search. If we find more than one candidate using CMEM, we need to process them before continuing with the next enumeration step. Thus, we need to add the expected number of multiple column candidates to the total number of clock cycles. We can estimate this expected number of collisions inside CMEM — which is the number of multiple column candidates to test — as 1 #mcols = k × (1 − (1 − )k1−1). 1 2l

6.4.2 Optimal Parameters We will now motivate the choice of optimal parameters for selected challenges taken from [BLP13] and provide the expected number of iterations on different FPGA families: The Xilinx Spartan- 3, Spartan-6 and Virtex-6. The first two are integrated into the RIVYERA framework, which features 128 Spartan-3 5000 (RIVYERA-S3) and 64 Spartan-6 LX150 (RIVYERA-S6) FPGAs, respectively. During the tests with the RIVYERA framework, we noticed that the transfer time of the randomized data exceeds the generation time. To measure the impact of the transfer speed on the overall performance, we added a sin- gle Virtex-6 LX240T evaluation board offering PCIe interface including Direct Memory Ac- cess (DMA) transfer. The PCIe engine based on [WA10, Aye09, Xil10a, Xil10b] is, depending on the data block size, capable of transferring at 0.014Mbps, 181Mbps, 792Mbps, 1412Mbps, 2791Mbps for block sizes of 128 byte, 100 Kbyte, 500 Kbyte, 1 Mbyte, 4 Mbyte, respectively.2 We use a Sage script to generate the optimal parameters for all challenges and provide the script online3 and in the appendix as Listing A.1. Table 6.2 contains the results for the selected challenges. Given the bottleneck of the data transfer time, the script optimizes the parameters l, p and k1 in such a way that the iteration step requires approximately as much time as transferring the data to all cores. The number of cores per FPGA depends on the challenge and the available memory and takes the area and memory consumption of the data transfer interface into account. As the challenges from [BLP13] are sorted according to their public key size, we selected four challenges as examples. These are the binary field challenges with public key sizes of 5Kbyte,

2As only a single device was available and a completely different interface must be used, the actual attack was not performed using this device. 3For the script and the output, cf.

91 Chapter 6 Information Set Decoding (ISD) against McEliece

Table 6.2: Optimal Parameter Set for selected Challenges.

C1 C2 C3 C4 clock frequency (MHz) 75 data transfer rate (Mbps) 240 cores/FPGA 12 5 2 1 p 5 4 4 4 l 7 7 9 11 k1 113 127 511 1424

Rivyera-S3 k2 164 438 630 691 1 #cycles / iterations (log2) 24.79 23.73 25.31 25.71 #expected iterations (log2) 10.58 29.53 55.76 94.32

clock frequency (MHz) 125 data transfer rate (Mbps) 640 cores/FPGA 32 15 7 2 p 5 4 4 4 l 7 7 9 11 k1 126 127 502 1525

Rivyera-S6 k2 151 438 639 590 1 #cycles / iterations (log2) 24.31 23.73 25.37 25.02 #expected iterations (log2) 10.9 29.53 55.72 94.90

clock frequency (MHz) 250 data transfer rate (Mbps) up to 2 791

2 cores/FPGA 43 21 14 6 p 3 3 3 3 l 6 8 10 11 k1 63 204 642 1578 Virtex-6 k2 213 362 500 537 1 #cycles / iterations (log2) 7.72 6.55 8.58 9.50 #expected iterations (log2) 13.82 33.40 59.95 94.96 1 Please note that the number of cycles is the total cycle count to perform #cores × #FPGAs iterations, as they start after receiving data and finish all iterations within the transfer time frame of the other FPGAs. 2 As the data transfer rate is significantly higher for the Virtex-6 device, the Sage script does not optimize correctly as it neglects the — in this case — relevant pre-processing time in software and assumes zero delay.

20KByte, 62Kbyte and 168Kbyte. The last two correspond roughly to 80 and 128 bit symmetric security, respectively [BLP08]. The related parameters of the challenges C1 to C4 are given in Table A.2 in the appendix.

6.4.3 Discussion In addition to the hardware/software design, we also implemented the complete algorithm in software to generate testvectors and to compare the runtime of the FPGA version against the CPU implementation on a CPU cluster for small challenges. As the algorithm operates on full columns, the software version behaves significantly slower than the FPGA implementation and optimized software implementations: Usually, only small parts of the columns (fitting into native register sizes) are added up during the collision search. Afterwards — for the candidates found in the previous step — the sum is updated on additional register-sized parts and the Hamming

92 6.5 Conclusion weight is checked, making use of early-abort techniques to increase the speed. This makes a comparison of the algorithm difficult, as neither the parameters nor the assumptions on the distribution target asymptotic behavior. The FPGA implementation is very fast on small challenges. Please note that one hardware iteration includes the iteration step for all cores on all FPGAs in parallel, as the parameters take the full transfer time into account. Nevertheless, for larger challenges, the implementation performs less well: The memory requirements for the matrices reduce the number of parallel cores drastically and thus remove the advantage of the dedicated hardware. This makes a software attack with a large amount of memory the better choice, as it also has the advantage of larger collision tables. To circumvent these problems, we can also implement trade-offs in hardware as described for software implementations. To increase the number of parallel cores, we can store smaller parts of the columns, which better fit the BRAM cores and utilize the early-abort techniques. The drawback is that this approach further increases the I/O communication, as a post-processing step per iteration is necessary to check all candidates off-chip. As the communication was the bottleneck in our implementation, we did not implement this approach. A different approach and a way to minimize the I/O communication might be to generate the randomization on-chip. While the column swaps are easy to implement in one clock cycle, we need more algorithms on the device: We need both a pseudo-random number generator to identify the columns to swap and also a dedicated Gauss-Jordan elimination and also add control logic to the design so that we are able to reuse them by sequentially updating the cores. In addition, this approach will require the storage of the full matrix on the FPGA. While these are restrictions posed by the hardware/software approach and the underlying FPGA structure, a different evaluation should cover another hardware platform for ISD attacks: Recent GPUs combine a large number of parallel cores at high clock frequency and large memory. Even though the memory structure imposes restrictions, an optimized GPU implementation may prove superior to both CPUs and FPGAs. This is especially true when attacking non-binary codes, which are not optimal for FPGAs.

6.5 Conclusion

We presented the first hardware implementation of ISD-attacks on binary McEliece challenges. Our results show that it is possible to create optimized hardware, mapping the ideas from pre- viously available software approaches into the hardware domain. We circumvented the memory restrictions of the small FPGA, where the excessive time-memory trade-off previously prohibited implementations, and verified the results in simulation and with an unoptimized version running on the FPGA cluster. While software attacks benefit from the huge amount of available memory, CPUs are not inherently suited for the underlying operations, e. g., as the columns exceed the register sizes and the precomputed lookup tables exceed the CPU cache. Nevertheless, a lot of effort was already spent into improvements of these software attacks, which currently remain superior for large challenges. We showed that the strength of a fully pipelined hardware implementation — the computation of all operations including memory access per iteration in exactly one clock cycle — does not lead to the expected massive parallelism, e. g., as hardware clusters have done in case of DES, and

93 Chapter 6 Information Set Decoding (ISD) against McEliece does not weaken the security of code-based cryptography dramatically: The benefit is restricted not only by the data bus latency but — far more importantly — by the memory requirements of the attacks. These results should be considered as a proof-of-concept and the basis for upcoming hard- ware/software attacks, trying different implementation approaches and evaluating other algo- rithmic choices. We discussed the benefits and drawbacks of potential techniques for on-chip implementation of the ISD-attacks and stressed the need of an optimized GPU implementation for a better security analysis.

94 Chapter 7 Conclusion and Future Work

In the course of this thesis, we dedicated our research efforts to the hardware acceleration of cryptanalytic implementations using special-purpose hardware clusters for high-performance computing. We covered different fields of cryptography in four major projects as summarized below:

CubeAttacks on Grain-128 In Chapter 3, we presented a new and improved variant of an attack on the stream cipher Grain- 128. It was the first attack, which is considerably faster than exhaustive search and — unlike previous attacks — makes no assumptions on the secret key. To achieve these improvements, the cube dimension was increased and the verification of the attack required a more powerful imple- mentation than the previous software running on CPU clusters. We successfully implemented the optimized simulation algorithm on the RIVYERA-S3 FPGA cluster and experimentally verified the attack. These results of the CubeAttack show that an efficient utilization of an FPGA cluster is a very powerful tool for cryptanalysis, which benefits from reconfigurable, self-optimizing designs. In this case, the software program generates target-specific VHDL source-code and uses the Xilinx toolchain for automated bitstream generation in parallel to the iteration computation on the hardware-cluster. This is especially useful for algorithms, where a generic approach is too complex, as dedicated bitstreams may significantly simplify and balance the design. In case of the CubeAttack simulation algorithm, the FPGA design was not possible without such simplifications and the complexity of the algorithm required the performance of a special- purpose implementation.

Password Search against Key-Derivation Functions In Chapter 4, we implemented an efficient, hardware-accelerated password search against two of the current standards in password-based key derivation, PBKDF2 and bcrypt. We implemented a cluster attack against the TrueCrypt FDE, compared it to a GPU cluster implementation, and approximated the possible searchable key-space using these attacks. In the second project, we designed a low-power attack against bcrypt, outperforming the currently available implementa- tions on the same hardware. In addition, we derived the costs of password attacks including the upfront cost and the power consumption from our results. The password search project showed that the sequential design of PBKDF2 in combination with HMAC constructions performs better on GPUs, while the FPGA implementation of bcrypt outperforms CPUs and GPUs. Interestingly, the overall costs for an attack (when using fast and power-efficient hardware implementations) are not as high as expected for reasonable parameters.

95 Chapter 7 Conclusion and Future Work

This is a limitation inherited from password-based key derivation functions: Even assuming a task-specific KDF stronger than PBKDF2 or bcrypt (which is the aim of the currently running Password Hashing Competition), we still achieve a significant coverage of the password search space due to limited selection criteria of typical human-chosen passwords. It is important to understand that KDF parameters used in practice need frequent re- evaluation to withstand state-of-the-art implementations, as they balance user-friendliness (time to check a valid password request) and security (time to delay an attacker’s guess). Further- more, it is necessary to combine strong passwords with additional credentials, e. g., cryptographic hardware-tokens, to counter the typically limited password selection criteria. These steps are important to withstand the advances in technology and intelligent password guessing attacks.

Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm Problem on the sect113r2 Binary Curve In Chapter 5, we implemented an attack on the SECG standard curve sect113r2 using a parallel Pollard’s rho design on the low-power Spartan-6 FPGAs. The design implements the underlying arithmetic, is scalable, works on different FPGA families, and is incorporated into the RIVYERA-S6 cluster. Our design was the first FPGA implementation including the negation map technique. By using 1 024 precomputed points, this provides a speedup of 38.52% compared to a normal design without significant overhead. For binary elliptic curves and the underlying arithmetic, FPGA are a perfect choice. Recently, Wenger et al. published independent research results on similar curves using larger FPGAs. Both results suggest that the technological advancements in reconfigurable hardware have a high impact on the success rate of attacks on cryptographic primitives. In the scope of this project, future work should cover using small clusters utilizing the latest high-performance FPGA instead of large clusters using low-power FPGAs. Even with a slightly higher power-consumption, the high-performance FPGAs may help solving the ECC2K-130 challenge.

Information Set Decoding against McEliece In Chapter 6, we designed the first hardware implementation of an ISD attack against code-based cryptosystems like McEliece or Niederreiter. While the recent research focused on asymptotic improvements in the context of software designs, we presented a proof-of-concept implementation using low cost Spartan-3 and Spartan-6 FPGAs and provided estimations for high-performance Virtex-6 devices. As the utilization of constrained hardware requires different choices of param- eters and optimization techniques than a software approach (as the large precomputed tables of software-based time-memory tradeoffs exceed the device constraints), we discuss the drawbacks and advantages of our solution. In light of this project, the implementation must be considered as the basis for ongoing research. We identified the memory consumption of the large matrix as the main problem mitigating the effects of our FPGA implementation: We used the internal BRAM, which is at most 4 824 Kb on the largest Spartan-6 device. The RIVYERA-S3 cluster offers 32 MB of DRAM per FPGA, the RIVYERA-S6 up to 2 GB. Given the performance estimations1 of up to 3.2 GB/s, this memory is suitable for matrix storage.


96 Overall Comments The results of the projects show that special-purpose hardware is a very important platform to accelerate cryptanalytic tasks and plays a key role for practical attacks and security evaluations of new cryptographic primitives. Recent examples are the NIST SHA-3 and the PHC candidate evaluation processes, in which the reduction of the effects from massive parallelization for attacks play a critical role in the security evaluation. Nevertheless, FPGAs are not always the hardware platform of choice and the speedup (com- pared to CPU implementations) heavily depends on the target algorithm and the memory re- quirements. As both GPUs and FPGAs offer architectures for high-speed implementation with different restrictions, these two platforms are currently the main target for cryptanalytic imple- mentations. When it comes to the long-term application of attacks, adversaries benefit from using low- power special-purpose hardware2: In the password guessing project, we analyzed the costs of attacking bcrypt-derived passwords using CPUs, GPUs, and FPGAs given a fixed number of passwords to test within a predefined time. The results reflect that the power consumption is the main cost factor. Thus, not the total number of computations per second but the computations per second per Watt is the critical metric, which is often in favor of low-power circuits compared to the high-performance GPUs. However, please note that the development of optimized FPGA designs is in most cases not as straightforward as programming CPU or GPU implementations. With the recent developments in hardware/software co-design, e. g., the combination of ARM processors and FPGAs and the Intel Acquisition of Altera3, this may change in the future.

2Considering an adversary without unlimited, free power supply. 3cf.

97 98 Part III



Appendix A Additional Content

This chapter contains additional information, which are not mandatory in order to understand the implementations and discussions throughout the thesis. Nevertheless, they may pose an interesting addition to some readers.

A.1 Algorithms

Algorithm 12 [Section 3.4.1] The original Dynamic Cube Attack Simulation Algorithm Input: 128-bit key K. Expressions e1, ..., e13 and the corresponding indexes of the dynamic variable i1, ..., i13. Big cube C = (c1, ..., c50) containing the indexes of the 50 cube variables. Output: The score of K. 1: S ← (0, ..., 0) . the 51 cube boolean sums, where S[51] is the sum of the big cube 2: IV ← (0, ..., 0) . as the initial 96-bit IV 3: for j ← 1 to 13 do 4: ej ← eval(ej ,K) . Plug the value of the secret key into the expression 5: end for 6: for all cube indexes CV from 0 to 250 do 7: for j ← 1 to 50 do 8: IV [cj ] ← CV [j] . Update IV with the value of the cube variable 9: end for 10: for j ← 1 to 13 do 11: IV [ij ] ← eval(ej ,IV ) . Update IV with the evaluation of the dynamic variable 12: end for 13: b ← Grain-128(IV,K) . Calculate the first output bit of Grain-128 14: for j ← 1 to 50 do 15: if CV [j] = 0 then 16: S[j] ← S[j] + b (mod 2) . Update cube sum 17: end if 18: end for 19: S[51] ← S[51] + b (mod 2) 20: end for 21: HW ← 0 22: for j ← 1 to 51 do 23: if S[j] = 0 then 24: HW ← HW + 1. 25: end if 26: end for 27: return HW/51

101 Appendix A Additional Content

A.2 Tables and Figures

Table A.1: [Section 5.2.2] Addition Chain to compute the multiplicative inverse by means of Fermat’s Little Theorem. Table based on [Eng14]. Exponentiation Computation Squarings Multiplications 0 x2 a ← a 0 0 1 x2 b ← a2 1 0 2 x2 a ← b2 2 0 3 1 x2 − x2 b ← a · b 2 1 4 2 x2 − x2 a ← b2 3 1 5 3 x2 − x2 a ← a2 4 1 5 1 x2 − x2 b ← a · b 4 2 6 2 x2 − x2 a ← b2 5 2 7 3 x2 − x2 a ← a2 6 2 8 4 x2 − x2 a ← a2 7 2 9 5 x2 − x2 a ← a2 8 2 9 1 x2 − x2 b ← a · b 8 3 10 2 x2 − x2 a ← b2 9 3 11 3 x2 − x2 a ← a2 10 3 ...... 17 9 x2 − x2 a ← a2 16 3 17 1 x2 − x2 b ← a · b 16 4 18 2 x2 − x2 a ← b2 17 4 19 3 x2 − x2 a ← a2 18 4 ...... 33 17 x2 − x2 a ← a2 32 4 33 1 x2 − x2 c ← a · b 32 5 34 2 x2 − x2 a ← c2 33 5 35 3 x2 − x2 a ← a2 34 5 ...... 65 33 x2 − x2 a ← a2 64 5 65 1 x2 − x2 a ← a · c 64 6 66 2 x2 − x2 a ← a2 65 6 ...... 97 33 x2 − x2 a ← a2 96 6 97 1 x2 − x2 a ← a · c 96 7 98 2 x2 − x2 a ← a2 97 7 ...... 113 17 x2 − x2 a ← a2 112 7 113 1 x2 − x2 a ← a · b 112 8

102 A.3 Listings

Table A.2: [Section 6.4] Parameters of C1 to C4

C1 C2 C3 C4 n 414 848 1572 2752 k 270 558 1132 2104 w 16 29 40 54

A.3 Listings

Listing A.1: Section 6.4 Sage script to generate optimal parameters for all Wild McEliece chal- lenges with respect to our FPGA implementation. 1 def log2(x): 2 return log(x)/log(2.) 3 4 # parameter sets generated from challenges 5 # layout is[[ filename,n,k,w],..] 6 params = [[’5-9-414-0-16.txt’, 414, 270, 16], [’6-9-442-0-20.txt’, 442, 262, 20] , [’7-9-482-0-21.txt’, 482, 293, 21], [’9-9-498-0-23.txt’, 498, 291, 23], [’10-10-620-0-19.txt’, 620, 430, 19], [’11-10-618-0-23.txt’, 618, 388, 23], [’12-10-638-0-24.txt’, 638, 398, 24], [’13-10-710-0-21.txt’, 710, 500, 21], [’14-10-726-0-22.txt’, 726, 506, 22], [’15-10-722-0-26.txt’, 722, 462, 26], [’16-10-786-0-24.txt’, 786, 546, 24], [’17-10-794-0-26.txt’, 794, 534, 26], [’18-10-812-0-27.txt’, 812, 542, 27], [’19-10-830-0-28.txt’, 830, 550, 28], [’20-10-848-0-29.txt’, 848, 558, 29], [’21-10-862-0-31.txt’, 862, 552, 31], [’22-10-884-0-31.txt’, 884, 574, 31], [’23-10-942-0-27.txt’, 942, 672, 27], [’24-10-998-0-27.txt’, 998, 728, 27], [’25-10-940-0-34.txt’, 940, 600, 34], [’26-10-962-0-34.txt’, 962, 622, 34], [’27-10-996-0-32.txt’, 996, 676, 32], [’28-10-1002-0-35.txt’, 1002, 652, 35], [’32-10-996-0-37.txt’, 996, 626, 37] , [’34-11-1208-0-28.txt’, 1208, 900, 28], [’36-11-1222-0-29.txt’, 1222, 903 , 29] , [’38-11-1250-0-31.txt’, 1250, 909, 31], [’40-11-1252-0-33.txt’, 1252, 889, 33], [’42-11-1348-0-31.txt’, 1348, 1007, 31], [’44-11-1304-0-36. txt’, 1304, 908, 36], [’46-11-1332-0-36.txt’, 1332, 936, 36], [’ 48-11-1404-0-35.txt’, 1404, 1019, 35], [’50-11-1406-0-37.txt’, 1406, 999, 37] , [’52-11-1412-0-39.txt’, 1412, 983, 39], [’54-11-1532-0-35.txt’, 1532, 1147 , 35] , [’56-11-1510-0-38.txt’, 1510, 1092, 38], [’58-11-1502-0-41.txt’, 1502, 1051, 41], [’60-11-1530-0-41.txt’, 1530, 1079, 41], [’62-11-1572-0-40. txt’, 1572, 1132, 40], [’64-11-1668-0-38.txt’, 1668, 1250, 38], [’ 68-11-1662-0-42.txt’, 1662, 1200, 42], [’72-11-1682-0-45.txt’, 1682, 1187, 45] , [’76-11-1716-0-47.txt’, 1716, 1199, 47], [’80-11-1850-0-42.txt’, 1850, 1388 , 42] , [’84-11-1950-0-42.txt’, 1950, 1488, 42], [’88-11-1972-0-44.txt’, 1972, 1488, 44], [’92-11-1918-0-49.txt’, 1918, 1379, 49], [’96-11-1950-0-51. txt’, 1950, 1389, 51], [’100-11-1994-0-52.txt’, 1994, 1422, 52], [’ 104-11-1990-0-55.txt’, 1990, 1385, 55], [’108-11-2010-0-59.txt’, 2010, 1361, 59] , [’112-11-2014-0-63.txt’, 2014, 1321, 63], [’128-11-2008-0-65.txt’, 2008, 1293, 65], [’136-12-2386-0-53.txt’, 2386, 1750, 53], [’ 144-12-2558-0-50.txt’, 2558, 1958, 50], [’152-12-2644-0-51.txt’, 2644, 2032, 51] , [’160-12-2564-0-58.txt’, 2564, 1868, 58], [’168-12-2752-0-54.txt’, 2752, 2104, 54], [’176-12-2744-0-59.txt’, 2744, 2036, 59], [’ 184-12-2728-0-64.txt’, 2728, 1960, 64], [’192-12-2920-0-59.txt’, 2920, 2212, 59] , [’bigtest.txt’, 2920, 2212, 59], [’medium2test.txt’, 482, 293, 21], [’ medium3test.txt’, 482, 293, 21], [’mediumtest.txt’, 200, 140, 6], [’ smalltest.txt’, 50, 26, 3], [’test.txt’, 414, 270, 16]]

103 Appendix A Additional Content

7 8 ##### global settings for the attack##### 9 10 ##FPGA constants## 11 # 12 #_fpga_name=["XC3S5000-4","XC6SLX150-3","XC6VLX240T-3","XC6VSX475T-2" ] 13 _fpga_name = ["XC3S5000-4","XC6SLX150-3","XC6VLX240T-3"] 14 _fpgas =[128,64,1,1] 15 _clk_freq = [ 75, 125, 250, 200 ] 16 _lut_size = [ 4, 6, 6, 6 ] 17 _api_bram = [ 8, 14, 130, 130 ] 18 _api_mbps =[ float(30*8), float(80*8), float(2791), float(2791) ] 19 _bram_max = [ 104, 536, 832, 2128 ] 20 _bram_free = [i - j fori,j in zip(_bram_max, _api_bram)] 21 _bram_sp_align = [ [[16384, 1], [8192, 2], [4096, 4], [2048, 8], [2048, 9], [1024, 16], [1024, 18], [512, 32], [512, 36], [256, 72]], [[8192, 1], [4096, 2], [2048, 4], [1024, 9], [1024, 8], [512, 16], [512, 18], [256, 32], [256, 36]], [[16384, 1], [8192, 2], [4096, 4], [2048, 9], [1024, 18], [512, 36]], [[16384, 1], [8192, 2], [4096, 4], [2048, 9], [1024, 18], [512, 36]] ] 22 _bram_dp_align = [ [[16384, 1], [8192, 2], [4096, 4], [2048, 8], [2048, 9], [1024, 16], [1024, 18], [512, 32], [512, 36]], [[8192, 1], [4096, 2], [2048, 4], [1024, 9], [1024, 8], [512, 16], [512, 18]], [[16384, 1], [8192, 2], [4096, 4], [2048, 9], [1024, 18]], [[16384, 1], [8192, 2], [4096, 4], [2048, 9], [1024, 18]] ] 23 24 #RIVYERA constants 25 time_alloc = 1.43# time in seconds for allocation of the machine 26 time_program = 0.16# time in seconds for programming of all FPGAs 27 time_startup = time_alloc + time_program# setup time at the beginning 28 29 ###### functions###### 30 31 # compute number of brams from memory and output width 32 def map2bram(entries, output_width, need_dualport): 33 #[ brams, alignment] 34 best=3 * [infinity] 35 36 # choose correct alignment options 37 if need_dualport: 38 align = bram_dp_align 39 dp_str ="true" 40 else: 41 align = bram_sp_align 42 dp_str ="false" 43 44 # print"entries= {0:d}, output_width= {1:d}, dual-port= {2:s}".format( entries, output_width, dp_str) 45 46 # find best possible mapping 47 for mapping in align: 48 49 bram_count = ceil(entries/mapping[0]) * ceil(output_width/mapping[1])

104 A.3 Listings

50 # print"trying: {0:d}x{1:d} => {2:d}".format(mapping[0], mapping[1], bram_count) 51 52 if best[0] > bram_count: 53 best[0] = bram_count 54 best[2] = mapping 55 56 # get number of luts for the memory(distributed ram usage only) 57 data_size = max(ceil(log2(entries))-lut_size, 0) 58 best[1] = 2**(data_size) * output_width 59 60 # return best mapping 61 return best 62 63 # generate dumer parameters with memory transfer and initial setup time 64 def fpga_dumer_memtransfer(n,k,w): 65 local_best=[infinity] + 19*[-1] 66 # print"[runtime, p1, p2,l, k1, k2, cores, mem/c, bram/c, lut/c, trans/c, bram/f, lut/f, trans/r, time/f, time/t, time/r, it/t, cyc/it, runs]" 67 forp in range(2, max_p): 68 p1 = 1 69 p2 = p-p1 70 71 # test possible values forl(indicating collision memory data width) 72 #l must be at least2(!) 73 #l must not exceed 16(memory alignment) 74 forl in range(2, 18): 75 76 # pre-computen-k-l choosew-p and log2(n-k-l) 77 #printn,k,l,w,p,n-k-l,w-p 78 binomial_nkl_wp = binomial(n-k-l,w-p) 79 log2_nkl = log2(n-k-l) 80 81 # k1 must not exceed 2^l(estimated number of collisions) 82 # k1 must not exceedk+l-p2(otherwise, k2< p2 which is not possible) 83 # k1 should not exceed (3!)^(1/3)* (2^(l))^(2/3) 84 k1max =min(2^l, k+l-p2) 85 86 # we search for the best combination of k1| k2 87 for k1 in range(3, k1max): 88 89 # compute k2 90 k2=k+l-k1 91 92 #print"k1 =", k1,"k2 =", k2,"l =",l 93 94 #### memory consumption#### 95 # width_xxx: memory layout:[x,y] ->x timesy-bit 96 # memory_xxx: memory in bits needed to store data perfectly 97 # bram_xxx: estimated number ofBRAM cores needed to store data 98 # lut_xxx: estimated number of LUTs needed to store data 99 # mapping_xxx: best result of map2bram 100 # transfer_xxx: 64-bit words needed to transfer data from host 101 102 ##CMEM##

105 Appendix A Additional Content

103 width_cmem = [ 2**l, l+1 ] 104 memory_cmem = width_cmem[0] * width_cmem[1] 105 transfer_cmem = 2**(l-2)#l< 16 --> always transfer4 elements per 64 bit word 106 mapping_cmem = map2bram(width_cmem[0], width_cmem[1], false) 107 bram_cmem = mapping_cmem[0] 108 lut_cmem = mapping_cmem[1] 109 110 # debug output 111 # print"CMEM memory: {0:d}x{1:d}, {2:d} bits -> {3:d} BRAMs or {4:d} LUTs, needs {5:d} 64-bit words".format(width_cmem[0], width_cmem[1], memory_cmem, bram_cmem, lut_cmem, transfer_cmem) 112 113 ## HK1## 114 width_hk1 = [ k1, n-k-l ] 115 memory_hk1 = width_hk1[0] * width_hk1[1] 116 transfer_hk1 = ceil(width_hk1[1] / 64) * width_hk1[0] 117 mapping_hk1 = map2bram(width_hk1[0], width_hk1[1], true) 118 bram_hk1 = mapping_hk1[0] 119 lut_hk1 = mapping_hk1[1] 120 # print"HK1 memory: {0:d}x{1:d}, {2:d} bits -> {3:d} BRAMs or {4:d} LUTs, needs {5:d} 64-bit words".format(width_hk1[0], width_hk1[1], memory_hk1, bram_hk1, lut_hk1, transfer_hk1) 121 122 ## HK2## 123 width_hk2 = [ k2, n-k ] 124 memory_hk2 = width_hk2[0] * width_hk2[1] 125 transfer_hk2 = ceil(width_hk2[1] / 64) * width_hk2[0] 126 mapping_hk2 = map2bram(width_hk2[0], width_hk2[1], true) 127 bram_hk2 = mapping_hk2[0] 128 lut_hk2 = mapping_hk2[1] 129 # print"HK2 memory: {0:d}x{1:d}, {2:d} bits -> {3:d} BRAMs or {4:d} LUTs, needs {5:d} 64-bit words".format(width_hk2[0], width_hk2[1], memory_hk2, bram_hk2, lut_hk2, transfer_hk2) 130 131 # total memory 132 memory_core = memory_cmem + memory_hk1 + memory_hk2 133 transfer_core = transfer_cmem + transfer_hk1 + transfer_hk2 134 135 # choose to build the cores either with distributed or bram resources forCMEM 136 bram_core_lut = bram_hk1 + bram_hk2 137 bram_core_full= bram_core_lut + bram_cmem 138 cores_no_cmem = floor(bram_free / bram_core_lut) 139 cores_full = floor(bram_free / bram_core_full) 140 141 # default: useBRAM 142 cores = cores_full 143 lut_core = 0 144 bram_core = bram_core_full 145 146 # doesLUT usage make sense? 147 if cores_no_cmem > cores_full: 148 # if so, prevent very highLUT usage 149 # and overwrite defaults

106 A.3 Listings

150 if cores_no_cmem * lut_cmem < 16000: 151 cores = cores_no_cmem 152 lut_core = lut_cmem 153 bram_core = bram_core_lut 154 155 #FPGA usage 156 bram_fpga = bram_core * cores + api_bram 157 lut_fpga = lut_core * cores 158 159 # only continue if we can fit at least one core on theFPGA... 160 if cores > 0: 161 162 ### total memory### 163 cores_total = cores * fpgas 164 memory_total = memory_core * cores_total 165 transfer_total= transfer_core * cores_total 166 #print"cores:", cores_total,"memory =", memory_total,"transfer =", transfer_total 167 168 #### iterations and expected cycles#### 169 # cycles to finish computation on all FPGAs in parallel 170 cycles_enumerator = binomial(k2, p2) 171 cycles_pipeline = 4 172 cycles_popcount = log2_nkl-1 173 # note: if we need an additional clock cycle when testing more than one collision 174 # we 175 collisions_in_cmem = k1 * (1 - (1 - 1/(2**l))**(k1-1)) 176 cycles_cmem = round((cycles_enumerator / (2**l)) * (1 / collisions_in_cmem)) 177 cycles_per_iteration = ceil(cycles_enumerator + cycles_pipeline + cycles_popcount + cycles_cmem) 178 # total number of iterations to finda solution 179 total_iterations=ceil( const_bin_nw / ( binomial(k1,p1) * binomial( k2,p2) * binomial_nkl_wp ) ) 180 181 # expected total runs off full machine 182 total_expected_runs = ceil( total_iterations / cores_total ) 183 184 ### runtime### 185 # iteration time and transfer time 186 time_fpga = float(cycles_per_iteration / cps) 187 time_transfer = float(transfer_total * 64 / api_mbps_div) 188 189 # as FPGAs run in parallel to the transfer(ring bus), optimize them against each other 190 time_run = max(time_fpga, time_transfer) 191 192 # total runtime 193 runtime = time_startup + (total_expected_runs * time_run) 194 195 # check if the result is better than the previous best result 196 if runtime < local_best[0]: 197 local_best=[runtime, p1, p2, l, k1, k2, cores, memory_core, bram_core, lut_core, transfer_core, bram_fpga, lut_fpga,

107 Appendix A Additional Content

transfer_total, time_fpga, time_transfer, time_run, total_iterations, cycles_per_iteration, total_expected_runs] 198 199 # return best result 200 return local_best 201 202 203 # compute results for all parameter sets 204 205 # we can loop later on... 206 for fpga_type in range(len(_fpga_name)): 207 208 # set correct values for the selectedFPGA 209 fpga_name = _fpga_name[fpga_type].rjust(10) 210 fpgas = _fpgas[fpga_type] 211 clk_freq = _clk_freq[fpga_type] 212 cps =clk_freq*(10**6) 213 api_bram = _api_bram[fpga_type] 214 api_mbps = _api_mbps[fpga_type] 215 api_mbps_div = api_mbps * (2**20) 216 lut_size = _lut_size[fpga_type] 217 bram_max = _bram_max[fpga_type] 218 bram_free = _bram_free[fpga_type] 219 bram_sp_align = _bram_sp_align[fpga_type] 220 bram_dp_align = _bram_dp_align[fpga_type] 221 222 print"Begin of generation for for device", fpga_name 223 224 fori in range(len(params)): 225 par = params[i] 226 print"------" 227 print"Parameter", i+1,"/", len(params),"taken from", par[0] 228 n = par [1] 229 k = par [2] 230 w = par [3] 231 max_p = min(6, w)# restrict maximum value ofp 232 const_bin_nw = binomial(n,w)# precomputen choosew 233 234 best=fpga_dumer_memtransfer(n,k,w) 235 # print best 236 237 if best[0] == infinity: 238 print"\nNo valid configuration found.. probably needs too much memory for theBRAM approach!" 239 else: 240 # format values 241 runtime = best[0] 242 p1 = best [1] 243 p2 = best [2] 244 l = best [3] 245 k1 = best [4] 246 k2 = best [5] 247 cores =best[6] 248 mem_core = best[7] 249 bram_core = best[8]

108 A.3 Listings

250 lut_core = best[9] 251 transfer_core = best[10] 252 bram_fpga = best[11] 253 lut_fpga = best[12] 254 transfer_total = best[13] 255 time_fpga = best[14] 256 time_transfer = best[15] 257 time_run = best[16] 258 total_it = best[17] 259 cycles_per_it = best[18] 260 total_exp_runs = best[19] 261 262 # split runtime ind/h/m/s 263 tmp = ceil(runtime) 264 runtime_s = tmp % 60 265 tmp = (tmp-runtime_s)/60 266 runtime_m = tmp % 60 267 tmp = (tmp-runtime_m)/60 268 runtime_h = tmp % 24 269 tmp = (tmp-runtime_h)/24 270 runtime_d = tmp % 365 271 tmp = (tmp-runtime_d)/365 272 runtime_y = round(tmp) 273 274 print"\nOptimal parameters foraCOLLISIONATTACK(memory transfer) are: " 275 print"{0:s} Parameters: {1:2d} cores perFPGA, {2:3d} FPGAs, {3:.3f}s setup time, {4:.2f} Mbps transfer, {5:d} MHz clk freq".format( fpga_name, cores, fpgas, float(time_startup), float(api_mbps), clk_freq ) 276 print" Challenge Parameters:n= {0:d},k= {1:d},w= {2:d}".format(n,k ,w) 277 print" Attack Parameters:p= {0:d}, p1= {1:d}, p2= {2:d},l= {3:d }, k1= {4:d}, k2= {5:d}".format(p1+p2, p1, p2, l, k1, k2) 278 print" Core Details: bram= {0:d}, lut= {1:d} ({2:d} bits stored data), {3:d} 64-bit words transferred".format(bram_core, lut_core, mem_core, transfer_core) 279 print"FPGA Details: bram= {0:d}, lut= {1:d}, {2:d} 64-bit words transferred".format(bram_fpga, lut_fpga, transfer_total) 280 print" Time/ Run: {0:.3f}s(transfer), {1:.3f}s( computation), {2:.3f}s(total)".format(float(time_transfer), float( time_fpga), float(time_run)) 281 print" Expected Duration: 2^({0:03.2f}) iterations expected, 2^({1:03.2f}) cycles per {2:d} iterations".format(float(log2(total_it) ), float(log2(cycles_per_it)), cores*fpgas) 282 print" Attack Duration: 2^({0:03.2f}) expected runs in {1:d}y, {2: d}d, {3:d}h, {4:d}m, {5:d}s".format(float(log2(total_exp_runs)), runtime_y, runtime_d, runtime_h, runtime_m, runtime_s) 283 # 284 #print"EOF"

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122 List of Abbreviations

AES Advanced Encryption Standard AES-NI AES New Instructions ANF algebraic normal form API Application Programming Interface AXI Advaned eXtensible Interace Bus ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange ASIC Application Specific Integrated Circuit BRAM Block RAM CLB Configurable Logic Block CCMP Counter Mode with Cipher Block Chaining Message Authentication Code Protocol Cell Cell Broadband Engine COPACOBANA Cost-Optimized Parallel Code Breaker and Analyzer CPU central processing unit CUDA Compute Unified Device Architecture DES Data Encryption Standard DL Discrete Logarithm DLP Discrete Logarithm Problem DMA Direct Memory Access DRAM Dynamic Random Access Memory DSP Digital Signal Processing ECC Elliptic Curve Cryptography ECDL Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm ECDLP Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm Problem FDE full disk encryption FF Flip Flop FIFO First In First Out (memory)

123 Abbreviations

FPGA Field Programmable Gate Array FSM Finite-State Machine GCC GNU Compiler Collection GDLP Generalized Discrete Logarithm Problem GPGPU General-Purpose Computing on Graphics Processing Units GPU Graphics Processing Unit HD Hamming distance HMAC Hash-based Message Authentication Code HPC high-performance computation HW Hamming weight I/O Input/Output ISD Information Set Decoding IV Initialization Vector JSC Jülich Supercomputing Centre JtR John the Ripper KDF Key Derivation Function LFSR Linear Feedback Shift Register LTS Long Term Support LUT Look-Up Table MAC Message Authentication Code MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm 5 MSB Most Significant Bit NSA National Security Agency NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology NFSR Nonlinear Feedback Shift Register OpenCL Open Computing Language PBKDF Password-Based Key Derivation Function PBKDF2 Password-Based Key Derivation Function 2 PCI Peripheral Component Interconnect PCIe PCI Express PHC Password Hashing Competition

124 Abbreviations

PKCS Public-Key Cryptography Standard ppd passwords per day ppm passwords per month pps passwords per second PRF pseudo-random function PS3 PlayStation 3 RAM Random Access Memory RFID radio-frequency identification RFC Request for Comments RIPEMD RACE Integrity Primitives Evaluation Message Digest RSA Rivest, Shamir and Adleman SECG Standards for Efficient Cryptography Group SHA Secure Hash Algorithm SIMD Single Instruction, Multiple Data SM Streaming Multiprocessor SSH Secure Shell TLS Transport Layer Security VHDL VHSIC Hardware Description Language VHSIC Very High Speed Integrated Circuit WPA2 Wi-Fi Protected Access 2 XOR Exclusive OR XEX XOR-encrypt-XOR XTS XEX-based tweaked-codebook mode with ciphertext stealing

125 126 List of Figures

1.1 An overview on cryptology and the subfields cryptography and cryptanalysis. Note that the classification does not cover all aspects of the fields and the algo- rithms and types mentioned are given as examples...... 4

2.1 Exemplary picture of an FPGA layout of a Xilinx XC6SLX16 FPGA. Most of the device’s area provides CLBs (blue). The I/O pins are located outside, surrounding the programmable area. The FPGA contains 8 independent clock domain regions. This small device contains two types of hard cores, physically distributed in columns: BRAM (pink) and DSP cores (cyan)...... 15 2.2 Architecture of the RIVYERA-S3 cluster system...... 16

3.1 Overview on the Grain-128 initialization function as needed for Cube Attacks. This function consists mainly of a linear and a non-linear feedback shift register, both of width 128 bits. The figure is derived from [CKP08]...... 23 3.2 Cube Attack — Program-flow for cube dimension d...... 30 3.3 Necessary Multiplexers for each IV bit (without optimizations) of a worker with worker cube size d−w and m different polynomials. This is an (m+d−w+1)-to-1 bit multiplexer, i. e., with the current parameter set a (64−w)-to-1 bit multiplexer. 32 3.4 FPGA Implementation of the online phase for cube dimension d...... 33 3.5 Cube Attack Implementation utilizing the workflow from Figure 3.2 on the inte- grated CPU of the RIVYERA FPGA cluster...... 35

4.1 An abstract view of the PBKDF2 scheme employed in TrueCrypt. Each box denotes one iteration of the hash compression function. Two rows together map to one execution of an HMAC...... 47 4.2 Top-Level view of the FPGA design featuring dedicated PBKDF2 cores and — optionally — on-chip verification using all block cipher combinations...... 50 4.3 Fraction of passwords guessed correctly (y-axis) vs. the total number of guesses (x-axis)...... 54 4.4 Schematic Top-Level view of FPGA implementation. The design uses multiple clock-domains: A slower interface clock and a faster bcrypt clock. Each quad-core accesses the salt- and hash registers and consists of a dedicated password memory, four bcrypt cores and a password generator...... 56 4.5 An overview of the highly sequential datapath inferred by the Feistel-structure of one Blowfish round in comparison to the implementation realized on the FPGA. 57 4.6 Schematic view of the password generation. The counter and registers in the upper half store the actual state of the generator. The mapping to ASCII characters is done by multiplexer. It uses a cyclic output for bcrypt and generates two passwords in parallel...... 58

127 List of Figures

4.7 Comparison of different implementations for cost parameter 5. Left bars (red) show the hashes-per-seconds rate, right bars (green) the hashes-per-watt-seconds rate. Results with ∗ were measured with (ocl)Hashcat. The axial scale is loga- rithmic...... 59 4.8 Total costs in millions USD for attacking n passwords of length 8 from a set of 62 characters using logarithmic scale. Each attack finishes within one month. Both the acquisition costs for the required amount of devices and the total power costs where considered...... 60 4.9 Total costs in thousands USD for attacking n passwords of length 8 from a set of 62 characters using a cost parameter of 12 (which is commonly recommended) using logarithmic scale. Each attack finishes within one day, with a dictionary attack where 65% are covered (4 · 109 Tests)...... 61

5.1 Geometric construction of the point addition and point doubling on an elliptic curve...... 68 5.2 Layout of one independent Pollard Rho core: It contains two pipelines as well as the necessary BRAM cores for the intermediate results and the precomputed points...... 74

6.1 Splitting of the public key into memory segments. The values under the arrows below the matrix denote the assumed Hamming weight distribution of the error e. 85 6.2 Overview of the different modules inside one iteration core...... 90

128 List of Tables

3.1 Parameter set for the attack on the full Grain-128, given output bit 257...... 26 3.2 Synthesis results of Grain-128 implementation on the Spartan-3 5000 FPGA with different numbers of parallel steps per clock cycle...... 34 3.3 Strategy Overview for the automated build process. The strategies are sorted from top to bottom. In the worst case, all 16 combinations may be executed. . . 36 3.4 Results of the generation process for cubes of dimension 46, 47 and 50. The duration is the time required for the RIVYERA cluster to complete the online phase. The Percentage row gives the percentage of configurations built with the given clock frequency out of the total number of configurations built with cubes of the same dimension...... 37

4.1 Implementation Results of PBKDF2 on 4 Tesla C2070 GPUs ...... 52 4.2 Implementation results and performance numbers of PBKDF2 on the RIVYERA cluster (Place & Route) without on-chip verification. Please note that the num- bers reflect the worst-case and uses the lowest clock frequency valid for all designs instead of target-optimized designs...... 53 4.3 Resource utilization of design and submodules...... 57 4.4 Comparison of multiple implementations and platforms considering full system power consumption...... 59

5.1 Pipeline stages and area of multiplier after synthesis on a Spartan-6 LX150 FPGA. 75 5.2 Area usage depending on the number of parallel cores. These results are post- synthesis estimations...... 75 5.3 Tradeoffs for different lookup-table sizes (PA means point addition, FC means fruitless-cycle check), selected value is bold face...... 76

6.1 Weight profile of the codewords searched for by the different algorithms. Numbers in boxes are Hamming weight of the tuples. Derived from [OS08]...... 84 6.2 Optimal Parameter Set for selected Challenges...... 92

A.1 [Section 5.2.2] Addition Chain to compute the multiplicative inverse by means of Fermat’s Little Theorem. Table based on [Eng14]...... 102 A.2 [Section 6.4] Parameters of C1 to C4 ...... 103

129 130 List of Algorithms

1 Dynamic Cube Attack Simulation (Algorithm 12), Optimized for Implementation 30 2 Pseudo-code of PBKDF2 as specified in [IET00, 5.2] ...... 44 3 EksBlowfishSetup ...... 45 4 bcrypt ...... 45 5 Digit-Serial Multiplier in F2m ...... 66 6 Recursive Karatsuba Multiplication in F2m ...... 66 7 Squaring with Subsequent Reduction in F2m ...... 67 8 Information set decoding for parameter p ...... 84 9 Modified HW/SW algorithm ...... 87 10 Randomization Step ...... 88 11 Iteration Step in Hardware ...... 89 12 [Section 3.4.1] The original Dynamic Cube Attack Simulation Algorithm . . . . . 101

131 132 About the Author

Personal Data

Name Ralf Christian Zimmermann Address Chair for Embedded Security ID 2/627 Universitätsstr. 150 44801 Bochum, Germany E-Mail [email protected] Date of Birth January 23rd, 1983 Place of Birth Cologne, Germany

Short CV

2010–2015 PhD studies, Chair for Embedded Security, Ruhr-University Bochum 2003–2009 Student in Computer Science, Technische Universität Braunschweig Diploma Thesis: Optimized Implementation of the Elliptic Curve Factorization Method on a Highly Parallelized Hardware Cluster Final Grade: 1.16 2002 Abitur, Gaußschule, Gymnasium am Löwenwall, Braunschweig

133 134 Publications

Peer-Reviewed Conferences and Workshops

2014 Wiemer, Zimmermann: High-Speed Implementation of bcrypt Password Search using Special-Purpose Hardware ReConFig 2014 - International Conference on ReConFigurable Computing and FPGAs 2014 Heyse, Zimmermann, Paar: Attacking Code-Based Cryptosystems with Information Set Decoding Using Special-Purpose Hardware PQCrypto 2014 - 6th International Workshop on Post-Quantum Cryptography

2013 Dürmuth, Güneysu, Kasper, Paar, Yalcin, Zimmermann: Evaluation of Standardized Password-Based Key Derivation against Parallel Processing Platforms ESORICS - 18th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security

2012 Dinur, Güneysu, Paar, Shamir, Zimmermann: Experimentally Verifying a Complex Al- gebraic Attack on the Grain-128 Cipher Using Dedicated Reconfigurable Hardware SHARCS’12 - 5th Workshop on Special-Purpose Hardware for Attacking Cryptographic Systems 2011 Dinur, Güneysu, Paar, Shamir, Zimmermann: An Experimentally Verified Attack on Full Grain-128 Using Dedicated Reconfigurable Hardware ASIACRYPT - 17th Annual International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptology and Information Security 2010 Zimmermann, Güneysu, Paar: High-Performance Integer Factoring with Reconfigurable Devices FPL2010 - 20th International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications

Other Publications

2014 Wiemer, Zimmermann: Speed and Area-Optimized Password Search of bcrypt on FP- GAs CryptArchi - 12th International Workshop on Cryptographic Architectures Embedded in Reconfigurable Devices 2011 Zimmermann, Güneysu, Paar: High-Performance Integer Factorization with Reconfig- urable Devices CryptArchi - 9th International Workshop on Cryptographic Architectures Embedded in Re- configurable Devices

135 Publications

Book Chapters

2013 Güneysu, Kasper, Novotný, Paar, Zimmermann: High-Performance Cryptanalysis on RIVYERA and COPACOBANA Computing Systems in “High-Performance Computing Using FPGAs”, Springer Verlag ISBN: 978-1-4614-1790-3

Invited Talks

2014 ecc2-113 — FPGAs vs Binärkurven Elliptic Curve Cryptography Brainpool — Bonn, Germany

2012 Problem-Adapted, High-Performance Computation Platforms for Cryptanalysis — When Generic Is Not Good Enough ECRYPT II Summer School on Tools — Mykonos, Greece

2011 Cryptanalysis on Special Hardware — Optimized Implementation of the Elliptic Curve Method Elliptic Curve Cryptography Brainpool — Bonn, Germany

2010 Optimized Implementation of the Elliptic Curve Factoriztation Method on a Highly Par- allelized Hardware Cluster CAST Förderpreis IT-Sicherheit — Darmstadt, Germany

136 Conferences and Workshops

Research Visits

Apr 2014 Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands Digital Security Group Nov 2012 INRIA Rocquencour, France Équipe-projet SECRET Jul 2012 Academia Sinica, Taiwan Institute of Information Science

Participation in Selected Conferences & Workshops

2014 PQCrypto’14 (Waterloo, CA) 2014 CryptArchi’14 (Annecy, France) 2014 Security in Times of Surveillance (Eindhoven, Netherlands) 2014 ECC Brainpool’14 (Bonn, Germany) 2013 CCS’13 (Berlin, Germany) 2013 CHES’13 (Santa Barbara, USA) 2013 Crypto’13 (Santa Barbara, USA) 2013 CryptArchi’13 (Frejus, France) 2012 CHES’12 (Leuven, Belgium) 2012 ECRYPT II Summer School on Tools (Mykonos, Greece) 2012 NIST Third SHA-3 Candidate Conference (Washington, D.C., USA) 2012 FSE’12 (Washington, D.C., USA) 2012 SHARCS’12 (Washington, D.C., USA) 2011 AsiaCrypt’11 (Seoul, South Korea) 2011 CryptArchi’11 (Bochum, Germany) 2011 ECC Brainpool’11 (Bonn, Germany) 2010 CAST Workshop (IT-Sicherheit) (Darmstadt, Germany) 2010 FPL’10 (Milano, Italy) 2010 CHES’10 (Santa Barbara, USA) 2010 Crypto’10 (Santa Barbara, USA) 2010 ECC Brainpool’10 (Bonn, Germany)