The Promise is For You! The steps a believer must take in order to go from standing on the first step to walk- The believers that Paul found were living all that they knew. They loved ing with can be found in this one God, they were disciples of Jesus, and verse. yet they had only taken one step on “Repent, and be baptized every one of you their journey. Paul was able to find in the name of Jesus Christ for the remis- out where they were on that journey sion of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of by asking them a couple of simple the Holy Ghost.” :38 questions. 1) Have you received the Holy Ghost since you believed? and Step 1 – Repent, to change your thinking. 2) How were you baptized? Mark 1:15, Luke 24:47, Acts 2:38

Acts 2:39 tells us that the promise of Acts 19 Step 2 – Be baptized in the name of Jesus the Holy Ghost is for everyone that Christ for the remission of your sins. Mat- Jesus calls. thew 28:19, Mark 16:16, Luke 24:47

How do you know which step you are Step 3 – Receive the gift of the Holy on? Mark 16:15-18 tells us that Ghost. Luke 24:49, :8, Acts 2:38- there are signs that will follow those 39 that believe. One of these signs is Have You? “they will speak with new tongues!” Step 4 – Continue in the Apostles doctrine and fellowship. Acts 2:42, Hebrews 10:23- When believers received the gift of 25 the Holy Ghost in the , this sign was there to let people know that the If you would like more information on go- believer had taken another step. ing from taking a step to walking with A Bible Study Acts 2:4, 2:37-42, 8:14-17, 10:44- Jesus, please contact us today! 48, 19:1-6

So, believer, how about you? For Believers Have you received the Holy Ghost since you believed? How were you baptized?

To find out how the Bible says we need to answer these questions, Rev M. W. Wood © please see the information on the back of this Bible Study.

5 Are You a Believer? Acts 19 – Have You? How Were You Baptized? If you are a believer, that’s great! In Acts Chapter 19 we find an account of Paul knew that if they hadn’t received Believing is the first step in coming to what happened when the Apostle Paul the Holy Ghost yet, there must be God. found a group of believers who had not steps that they had yet to take in or- moved past that first step. der to go from believing to walking Hebrew 11:6 says, “But without faith with Jesus. it is impossible to please him: for he Were they good people? Yes! Were they liv- that cometh to God must believe that ing all that they knew? Yes! In fact, Acts The men answered Paul that they had he is, and that he is a rewarder of 19:1 says these men were disciples. They been baptized unto John’s , them that diligently seek him.” were believers. unto . Acts 19:4

So if you are a believer, congratula- When Paul found these believers, he had Repentance is how a person goes tions on taking the first step toward one question for them, “Have you received from not believing to believing. Jesus pleasing God. Jesus said, the Holy Ghost since you believed?” said in Mark 1:15, “Repent, and be- “Whosoever believes in him should lieve the gospel.” Paul knew that a person must first believe if not perish.” John 3:16 they were going to be followers of Christ. When we repent we stop thinking like Jesus also said, “He that believeth He also knew that believing was just the the world and we turn and begin and is baptized shall be saved but he first step. After believing there are other thinking like God. It is in this state of that believeth not shall be damned.” steps that must be taken in order for some- thinking, or repenting, that we be- Mark 16:16 one to go from taking a single step to that lieve. This is what person beginning to walk with Jesus. was preaching. “Repent, for the King- The purpose of this Bible study is to dom of Heaven is at hand.” find out if you are still on step one, or These believers answered Paul, “We have Matt 3:2. if you have taken the necessary steps not even heard that there is a Holy Ghost.” to begin walking with God. Paul told these believers that yes, So, these disciples, who were believers, had John baptized unto repentance, but If we look into the word of God with taken the first step in walking with Jesus, he also taught that people should be- an open heart we will find the steps but Paul found out that they had yet to lieve on Christ Jesus, who was coming necessary to go from taking that first begin walking with Him. after him. step to walking with the Savior. When Paul found out that these believers When the believers heard this, the had not received the Holy Ghost yet, he had Bible says they were then re-baptized another question for them. in the name of the Lord Jesus. The question that Paul asked the believers he found is a question we should ask our- Once the believers were baptized in selves also if we want to make sure we Jesus name, the Holy Ghost came on have moved past that first step. them and they spoke with tongues and prophesied.

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