Visual Arts Education Guidelines, K-12. INSTITUTION Georgia State Dept
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DOCUMENT RESUME ED 237 435 SC. 015 191 TITLE Visual Arts Education Guidelines, K-12. INSTITUTION Georgia State Dept. of Education,Atlanta. Div. of Curriculum Development.; Georgia State Dept.of Education, Atlanta. Office of instructional Services. PUB DATE NOTE 317p.; Photographs may not reproduceclearly. PUB TYPE Guides Classroom Use - Guides (For Teachers) (052) EDRS PRICE MFO1 /PC13 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS *Aesthetic Values; Art Activities; *ArtAppreciation; *Art Education; Art Expression; ArtHistory; *Critical Thinking; Curriculum Development; Curriculum Guides; Elementary SecondaryEducation; Value Judgment ABSTRACT Guidelines are offered for implementing an art education program fostering artknowledge, .art appreciation, and personal creativity. Six chapters covergoals, content, curriculUm planning,. resources, evaluation andadministration,. Chapter 1 identifies 5 objectives of art education--perceptualawareness, values, development, creative development,knowledge, and development of personal judgment. Charts tageach objective to specificskills, concepts, and grade levels. Chapter2 focuses on _S content areasfor teaching art. Subject, theme, products,media, function, and design are coded in charts tospecific objectives and activities. InChapter '3, exemplary units are providedfor early childhood, middle grades,. and secondar levels. The.early childhood unit onanimals offers -lessons such as looking at pets,3-dimensional animals, and children as art criti_s. "Feelings=in Art," the middle grade unit,includes lessons on s etching faces, humanform, and portraits and landscapes. The secondary level unit treatsexpressions of social concerns- through art. Chapter 4 provideslists of resources. Strategies for evaluating lessons'and student work arediscussed in chapter 5. The final chapter details implementation concerns,including personnel, scheduling, financing, and facilities.Appendices outline steps for developing.a visual arts curriculum, careerresources,. and relevant organizations. (LP) ******* ******* *** ** * ********* Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the bestthat can be made from the original document. ******* *********** U. EXPARTMENT Or EOUCAMN "ppossor4TO REPRODUCE THIS GRANTED By NATIONAL INSTITUTE Of EDUCATION MATERIAL HAS BEEN EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC! Thin doogrom hi been roprooto4 is i ! the pittiOn or opiation oriooming it, Min Or thongos how been rnsdo to Om tootodiglo ooliIv, RESOURCEE M TNE EDUCATIONAL ?gin al view or opinions ttaltd in thisdacu. INFORMATION CENTER(ERIC)." frioni do not nocosionly topiesont (skill Nit omoion or poky: ViuM Arls IdUcation Guidelines, 1(12. Georgia Department ofEducation Division of Curriculum Services Office of Instructional Services Georgia Department of Education Atlanta, Georgia 30334 Charles McDaniel State Superintendent of Schools, 2 1982 Contents ia Spectators at The High Museum of M, Atlanta .; . .. Foneard . .,:,,,,,,,,,,,... .. er I.E.!, Introduction I ,,E0 If 8 Acknowledgments EllaEt!!!I-If.... ! . , 9 Chapter I - The Goals of Art Education , .. ......... II . i . EiSif Itaaaitif,E. 9 General Alms of Education .... Five Goals of Art Education ,70f................ aiiii111}1IiiiiEiliiI5Iiiiifl."111isii12 A, Perceptual Awareness Eili/,:iiEE 15 B. Valuling of Art . .. 17 C. Production of Works of Art , .. , ,21 D. Knowledge of Ilstory of Mand Its Relationship to Other Disciplines _. 25 . .. E. Aesthetic JudrInt 0 . , .29 Chapter 11- Content for Teaching Art . .. , ..........Es... 31'. Sub-jects .... II . IIIIif :E}li, .....Ea,44i17,i lee,31 Staler List of Subjects in Art11,1Ifxtetaf Ea. 32 r , ,. ................ , Activities Focusing on Subjects , .. , 37 . ........1,iiIEFF Themes . EiiE I IIIVI!fiEEE4ai 37 Starter °I AmesAr EliII . Ea . 38 Activities Focusing ort Themes .... , ... itaii49 ... .. .. .. ductsEiIaiI1!IS!, A,4 a,,,...,,,,IEEEff.:11£1Iitl,aiiitif a. IFFEEEIEii'if 49 Starter Lisi, of m Products 50 NW' Activities Focusing on Art Products , . 1? tat,ili?..7IFIft,leFEIly,,:iii. IE....a:11f 55 Media 55 s .iImaa Eiaalif.111FIilif ........'W Starter List of Media Used in , .,. , 58 Activities Fodusingon Media .. , ... aliE: if Iiiitt,aiiiilif al,63 FUnC ..... _ ,,., . , . 53 Starter List Of Functiort in Art ., . , .......... 64 . .. .. Activities Focusing on Function , . I 69 DesignJ.. .. ..,.,:..,,,,.. ...... 69 starter List of Elesign in Art , ...... ,, ....... ....... A I, mfn n 70 .. .. ............................... mclividuo rocuzillg !design li q't Middle grades student, crayon etching Style , f7.7# 7, #I# , 77 77 starter List of Art styles , ,,, ,,,,,,, ,,!! ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, iii*:!iff!!!!! 78 Activities Focusing on Style . , ,83 Ctiapter.111 a 'Developing a Plan for Teaching Art , , . ... 84 . Content Analpis . .... .... .. , . 85 &empty Units ... ... .. .. .. ...... , .1. , ,, 86 Early Childhood Unit (K.4) ... .. , _86 Overview of the Unit (Theme, Animals), ....... ....... , . .^ ^ ^ w7 Lesson 1, Looking al Pets fOr ideas . ^ ^ 88 Lesson 2. How Mists and Critics SeeAnimals ...... '''' . ..' , , 89 Lesson R Exploring Media to Find IdeasAbout Pets . .. 89 Lesson 4. Children As Art Critics . .. .. ... , 90 Lesson 5, Animals in Three.dimensionalForms ,., . 91 Middle Grades Unit (51) , . , ... ..... _ ....... s. Al91 Overview of the .Uni1 (Theme, ExpressingFeelings in Arl) ... 4_ ... 92 Lesson 1, Seeing and SketchingFaces , 44 4.. 44111414_ii 93 Lesson 2: The Style of Expressionism , 14444{4441}4.194 Lesson 3. Portraits and Landscapes. .. .. .. 96 Lesson 4.. The Human Form . ..... , .. , .97 Lesson 5. EnvironMeNal Cesign , . , .98 LeSS011 6 Nonrepresentational An . , . , , , .99 Secondary An Unit (.12), . ... ....... , .. ... Overview of the Unit (Theme, M asSocial Commentary) .. .. , 100 . , .... Lesson 1Looking a: Social Concerns for Ideas .4,,, ;..-__.,.,' i' ; arftiell . 101 Lesson 2, Mists Express SocialConcerns . ':f. -.;t'i '",:, , , ,, 102 . 39o'' Lesson 3 Advertising Design ,, Offr I, : ~ 5 . , 103' : . , ., ..... ............ k0 Points ot Enq into Planning , 105 .. , . , , . Chapter IV Resources . 105 Visual Arts reachprs and MediaSpecialists: Partners in Planning Instruction ... 0 . .106 ,instructional Resources to Supportthe Visual Arts Progrant,:' . .., ..== , , . , , .. ..107 Cotegories of Resources , ... , .....107 , , , ...... Print Materials .. ....... 111 Visual Materials: Still Images .. ... , .113 Visual Materials: Moving Images.. ......... 30 Contemporary Black 1011601On The High Museum of Art, Atlanta .. , 114 The Georgia Textbooli List , , ,, .. ... ... 115 Community Resources , .. !!!!iiiitt!!!.. !!!!...iii!!!!!! .. 115. Museum Resources ...... ..... ............................. ,, 117 Chapter V Evaluation. 117 Teacher's Program Outline and Lessons , . 117 Student Viewpoint ,,.... I : . 118 Helping Students Evaluate Their Work . 1 ...... I 1 .... Written Assessment .. .. 119 '1 1. I i 1 . I 120 General Principles in. Test Construction 1 ........ I 120 Types of Tests.. ..... ........ 111.1. Grading ......... .1..................... 121 ,121 Reporting on the Program to School and Community , ... .. , 123 Chapter VI Administering the Visual Arts Program , .. , staffing . I 1 1 / 1 1123 ,. , . 123 Elemental,/ Classroom Teacher ,,, ............ .....123 Visual Arts Teachers/Specialists , .. 125 System Visual Arts Personnel.. , , : 128 . ........................, . ....... Scheduling , , , . ,127 Financing , . , .. .. of Planning the Facilities ., .. .. .... ... ... 128 All.purpose Att Studio (lloorplen) ! . iffi!!! . i"ii ....!! . ifiiii132 RefekncesfI!!!!!1 .... !' ... illIII/1iii132. , , 135 APPenthCeS ! !! " 1 1 1 , . 1111I . 135 Steps for Developing a Visual ArtsCurriculum , , . Career Resources List for Visual Artist .. .. .. ,.. ...... , .. .. ,136 Organizations fur the Essentials of Education ..... , .. .... ,159 Foreword a .Visual Ms Education Guidelines,i?42,., has been published by the Georgia Deparimeht ofEducation for commillee , teachers of the visual arts, Developed by members from different levels ofvisual arts teaching it contains broad program goals, and iupervision, a specific learning expectations 'andactivities which will 4 benefit both teadhertand students ofvisual arts, A fundamental goal of theGeorgia. Department of I Ediation is the proeparation of graduates who can 1 communicate sensitively and creatively with other pea. 0 ple. Through art experiences,such asart criticism and history, film making, ceramics and painting,students are learning tobecome more :aware of their own and r other people's feelings, ideas andbeliefs about life as well as about art. This publication,which identifies goals, content, strategies and resourcesfor arts educa. ton, can lead to the attainmentof That goal. It is my hope that administrators,supervisors, counsel. ors, parents,community leaders, students and teach= ers will find theseguidelines helpful in organizing a comprehensive program that will broadenknowledge and understanding of the visual arts andtheir important role in our society. Charles McDaniel State Superintendent of Schools Middle grades students art display, Cobb Coun,ty Schools 1 0 Introduction Recent changes in the field of visual as education stress the need for IN program to broaden its base in the school, The study of the visual ads, once limited predominantly 10 studio activities, now emphasizes development of appreciation, valuing and knowledge of art objects, Art education should provide students with the competence to make and justify judgments of aesthetic merit and quality in