Music Composed and Arranged by Guy Gross


Why Do We Sing Dot and the Kangaroo Around New York

Music Lyrics Bob Young John Palmer

Limelight Hi Dot Does Anybody Care Idols of the Silver Screen

Music Lyrics Guy Gross John Palmer

Music Engineers Simon Leadley Martin Benge

Music Composed and Conducted by Guy Gross

SONGS Performed By Robyn Moore Keith Scott Barbara Frawley Ross Higgins Music in the film:

As might be expected of a film originally titled Dot in Concert, music runs through the film, performed by a minstrel, by Dot and Gumley, and even Laurel and Hardy in a routine taken from one of their films. Leo the lion gets his own song, Dot suffers under a music teacher with a metronome, and so on. See this site's galleries for examples of the music in the film.

Head lyrics:

The film begins with Dot and Gumley busking in Sydney's CBD. Dot is at first holding up Gumley beside her as they begin singing. Lyrics as heard in the film:

Gumley: "Why do you sing?" Dot: "Because I'm happy… as happy as a kitten in the spring." Gumley: "I see." Dot: "When I sing a song, it makes me happy … And when I'm happy, I sing …" (Dot puts Gumley down) Gumley: "Why are ya happy?" Dot: "Well, because I'm singing…and singing makes me happy as can be …" Gumley: "Really?!" (shots of pedestrians, CU of Daily Mirror banner about koala eye disease) Dot: "A song is like a bonnet full of happiness … in-dis-putably Now you try it, are you ready?" Gumley: "Yes." Dot: "Why do you sing?" Gumley: "Because I'm happy …" Dot (giggles): "Lovely, go on …" Gumley: "As happy as a kitten in the spring … And when I sing a song, it makes me happy" And when I'm happy … I sing!" Dot: "Great… why are ya happy?" (Together): "Because I'm singing … And singing makes me happy as can be … A song is like a bonnet full of happiness …in-dis-putably …" (Dot, and later Gumley, appears in multiple images over a music score sheet)

Dot: "Now, imagine a world without music … Gumley: "Oh no!" Dot: "Imagine a world without song …" Gumley: "Terrible." Dot: "A world without music is too sick To struggle along for long … And oh what a dreary old world it would be ..." Oh gee, dearie me …"

(A real passerby tosses a coin at the animated buskers, and Gumley catches it in his cup. More real passersby do the same)

(Together): "And oh what a dreary old world it would be … (one coin hits Gumley on the head, then he smiles up at Dot) Oh gee, dearie me …" Dot: "A song is like a sunbeam to a flower …" (Dot produces a flower, sniffs it and tosses it away) Gumley: "A song is like a blossom to a bee …" (a bee buzzes past Gumley) Dot, giggling: "A song is like a cooling summer shower …" (an animated rainbow appears over Dot's head) Gumley: "A song is like a green and shady tree." Dot: "Lovely … um, a song is like an autumn-coloured garden …" (autumn leaves drift down around Dot) Gumley (scoring another coin in his cup): "A song is like a breath of morning air …" Dot, sighing as she blows a leaf off her face, and Robyn Moore's credit comes up over her: "A song is like a candle light, a lantern in the darkest night … A song is like a blessing and a prayer …" (a halo briefly surrounds Dot as if she's become St Dot, then the main title comes up over a building's steps) (Together): "Why do we sing? … because we're happy …" Happy as a kitten in the spring. When we sing a song it makes us happy … Gumley: "And when we're happy …" (Together) "We sing!" (Together): "Why are we happy? … because we're singing, And singing makes us happy as can be. A song is like a bonnet full of happiness …in-dis-putably" A song is like a bonnet full of happiness … In … dis … pu …ta … bly … Happy! Indisputably …" (Credits and song ends, with Dot and Gumley holding out arms like a couple of troupers. Traffic noises and pedestrians return)

Closing dialogue and Lyrics:

A song sung by a minstrel, first heard about ten minutes into the film, returns at the end of the film.

First the movie must wind up its story with the return of the koala.

After Dot has danced with Shirley Temple in The Little Princess, Dot emerges from behind the stage curtain and speaks to the audience, which is chanting "Dot, Dot …we want Dot".

Dot: "Thankyou …(curtsy) … thankyou … (more chanting) … I will sing you a song, a song I used to perform with my best friend … Gumley … a koala … (she begins to sob and cry) … Gumley is now struggling … for his life … in hospital. I will sing it for you, and for Gumley …" (tears end).

Cut to Gumley walking down the aisle towards the stage.

Gumley: "Not without me!! (taking off his glasses and tossing them away) See?! I'm okay!" Dot (on stage, smiling): "Oh Gumley …"

Gumley, clambering up the steps to the stage: "Now, let's sing together." Dot (welcoming him, picking him up): "Good idea." The pair then begin a song heard earlier in the film.

Gumley: "Why do you sing?"

Dot: "Mmph, because I'm happy. As happy as a kitten in the spring." Gumley: "I see." Dot: "When I sing a song it makes me happy And when I'm happy, I sing!" Gumley: "Why are ya happy?" Dot: " Well, because I'm signing and singing makes me happy as can be …"

(Cutaway to audience applauding)

"…a song is like a bonnet full of happiness… in-dis-put-ably Now you try it, are you ready?" Gumley: "Yeah …" Dot: "Why do you sing?" Gumley: " Because I'm happy ... Dot: " (giggles) …Lovely, go on …" Gumley: "As happy as a kitten in the spring, and when I sing a song it makes me happy, and when I'm happy, I sing!" Dot: "Great …(on audience applauding) … why are you happy?"

Dot and Gumley together as they dance on stage:

"Because I'm singing, and singing makes me happy as can be A song is like a bonnet full of happiness in-dis-put-ably … Now why are we happy …?"

(As the audience applauds, the animated figures of Laurel and Hardy appear on the stage dancing)

Dot and Gumley: "… because we're singing …(Leo the lion joins them on the stage and joins in the singing as he dances about) … and singing makes us happy as can be …"

Kong the monkey also arrives.

Dot and Gumley: "… a song is like a bonnet full of happiness …

(Kong the monkey dashes on to stage, the zoo elephant and the zoo doctor are already on stage, and provide the capper together: "in-dis-put-ably") …

Ensemble: "A song is like a bonnet full of happiness … "

(The ensemble now has one of the zoo guards and the Irish accented studio publicist who took snaps of Dot in it)


Another shot of the crowd applauding as Groucho Marx walks across the stage, a 'roo behind him, with others now in the ensemble including the likes of the singing teacher, the costume maker, the studio receptionist, etc.

Ensemble: "Happy, indisputably …"

Groucho disappears off stage right, puffing his cigar and leaving a trail of smoke.

Groucho appears in front of a trio of previously seen figures - one in rabbit costume, another in bear costume.

Groucho: "Whoops, I think I'm in the wrong production."

Groucho dashes out of shot.

The director of Dot's film stands up in front of the audience and yells "Cut!!"

A gloved hand with scissors appears to cut the image in half. The hand and scissors then retreat down out of frame and end credits start to appear.

Throughout the end credits, a minstrel with hat appears, though the minstrel's face is never seen. As the minstrel dances, he sings a song in an exaggerated minstrel voice. Lyrics as heard in the film, with one line unfortunately not decipherable by this site:

Minstrel: "I love the limelight I love the limelight Love it when the curtain rises I love the big night I love the big night Opening night is all surprises Monday you're a highland lassie Tuesday you're a clown Wednesday you are Cleopatra (Indecipherable: sounds like "leaner by the pound" or phonetically "nina para pound") Thursday morning you're a doctor Later, you're a girl next door Different costumes, different make-up Oh darling, what a bore Friday there's a new director Wants to change the set When suddenly you're Joan of Arc Or Marie Antoinette Saturday you could become a harem girl, and then On Sunday, if you're lucky You can be yourself again I love the limelight I love the limelight Love it when the curtain rises I love the big night I love the big night Opening night is all surprises Monday you're a highland lassie Tuesday you're a clown Wednesday you are Cleopatra (Indecipherable: sounds like "leaner by the pound" or phonetically "nina para pound") Thursday morning you're a duchess Later, you're a girl next door Different costumes, different make-up Oh darling, what a bore Friday there's a new director Wants to change the set When suddenly you're Joan of Arc Or Marie Antoinette Saturday you could become a harem girl, and then On Sunday, if you're lucky You can be yourself again I love the limelight I love the limelight Love it when the curtain rises I love the big night I love the big night Opening night is all surprises Monday you're a highland lassie Tuesday you're a clown Wednesday you are Cleopatra (Indecipherable: sounds like "leaner by the pound" or phonetically "nina para pound") Thursday morning you're a doctor Later, you're a girl next door Different costumes, different make-up Oh darling, what a bore Friday there's a new director Wants to change the set When suddenly you're Joan of Arc Or Marie Antoinette Saturday you could become a harem girl, and then On Sunday, if you're lucky You can be yourself again I love the limelight I love the limelight Love it when the curtain rises I love the big night I love the big night Opening night is all surprises It doesn't matter who you are You can be a movie star Don't be shy, come and try And if you're any good Oh mammy, you can get to Holllyyyywooood …

(The song ends after the copyright notice, first over the minstrel, then over black, with applause heard at the very end).

Co-song composer Bob Young:

Bob Young had worked as an Australian show band arranger and conductor, as well as a composer before doing the score for the feature film Journey Out Of Darkness.

He did a trilogy of films for Goldsworthy CUP, starting with It Takes All Kinds, followed by Color Me Dead, and then the last in the package, That Lady from Peking, which was released in 1971.

After doing the convict drama Adam's Woman for Warner Bros, he would continue on with other feature films, including Warwick Freeman's Demonstrator. As well as Inn of the Damned, he would do Plugg, Little Boy Lost and Lady Stay Dead with director Terry Bourke.

Young also became an arranger and composer for and his "Dot" animation features, starting with Dot and the Kangaroo, and including Gross's Sarah and The Camel Boy, and continuing until Gross's son Guy took over composing duties for the company.

He became the first president of the Australian Guild of Screen Composers (AGSC) for the period 1987-1991, hosting the first Screen Music Awards ceremony in 1992. Young led a varied musical life, working with Bobby Limb and appearing on stations such as 2UW, and is mentioned in a memoir about Don Banks, at Trove here:

…my war years were spent mainly around Melbourne and I started to do much more regular playing. Some of the people I worked with were Russ Jones on vibes, Bobby Limb on saxophone, and Bob ‘Beetles’ Young, who played piano. They had just come over from Adelaide to play with Bob Gibson’s band down at St Kilda.

(Below: Bob "Beetles" Young in his Bob Gibson band days) Composer Guy Gross:

Guy Gross scored a head credit for his work on this film.

Guy Gross worked on Stephan Elliott’s The Adventures of Priscilla Queen of the Desert, and subsequently did the score for Elliott’s Welcome to Woop Woop.

Guy Gross began as a composer doing scores for his father’s animated feature films, including Epic, Dot and the Whale, Dot Goes to Hollywood, Dot and the Smugglers, The Magic Riddle and Blinky Bill, before moving on to scoring the first 26 episodes of the TV series The Adventures of Blinky Bill.

In the VHS ‘Blinky Bill making of’ Gross was shown at work on the score, which like the music for his first collaboration with director Stephan Elliott - Frauds - was an orchestrated piece, using some of the players from the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra.

In the case of Frauds, the players were dressed up as the “Victorian Philharmonic Orchestra”.

Frauds was Gross’s first feature outside the family farm, so to speak, and he thereafter became a very active composer, on both Gross company projects and for others, with Welcome to Woop Woop his third association with Elliott.

(Below: Gross in the Blinky Bill VHS ‘making of’)

At time of writing, composer Guy Gross had his own website here. At time of writing, it contained this CV and these credits, and could also be found on the WM here:

Guy Gross is one of Australia's leading film and television composers and recipient of the APRA/AGSC International Achievement Award. In 2012 he was elected president of the Australian Guild of Screen Composers.

From his British Academy Award (BAFTA) nominated score to the international hit "The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert to the US SCI-FI series "Farscape", his film scores cover a huge variety of styles.

Testament to this diversity, Guy has received numerous peer awards including Best Music for a Documentary, Children's Series, Short film, Animation, Promotional Video, Advertisement, TV Theme and twice for Best Music for a TV Series.

Over his 30 year career, Guy has composed music for hundreds of hours of television, including dramatic mini series, children's animation, documentaries, commercials and also a number of Australian feature films. His film music has underscored the acting performances of Toni Collette, Cate Blanchett, Hugo Weaving, Garry McDonald, Molly Ringwald, Kylie Minogue, Phil Collins, Guy Pearce and Olivia Newton John and his scores have been performed in concert by the Sydney, Melbourne and Queensland Symphony Orchestras.

Guy began film scoring while still studying composition at the Conservatorium High School in Sydney, Australia. Son of film producers Yoram and Sandra Gross, he began scoring many of the family companies' feature and television projects. Following in his father's footsteps, Guy directed and scored the animated TV series "Old Tom and wrote, scored, produced, and directed the animated television special "Blinky Bill's White Christmas".

At the age of 26, Guy scored his first feature film, "Frauds" directed by Stephan Elliott and went on to score four features with Stephan including the 1994 international hit "The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert" and more recently, "A Few Best Men". In '95, Guy composed his award winning score to the ABC TV series "Bordertown" for Knapman Wyld Television for whom he has also scored all three seasons of the internationally award winning TV Series "East West 101".

In 1999 Guy received the (shared) award for Best Music at the Tropicana Film Festival (Tropfest) for his score to that year's winning short film "Uno Amore". That year Guy also composed the score to the horror feature film "Cut" for Mushroom Pictures and soon after that began scoring the hit Sci-Fi series "Farscape" produced by The Jim Henson Company.

"Farscape" has been a monumental project for Guy keeping him busy for over three years culminating in a big budget, 2 part television mini series "Farscape - Peacekeeper Wars" which enabled him to enlist the services of the Sydney Symphony Orchestra and conduct the 140 strong orchestra and choir to create one of his largest film scores to-date. Farscape has spun off five Soundtrack Albums.

In recent years Guy has scored the tele-movies: "Dangerous Remedy", "A Model Daughter - The Killing of Caroline Byrne", "Joanne Lees: Murder in the Outback", "Scorched", documentaries: "The Howard Years", "The Prime Minister is Missing" and "Who Killed Dr Bogle and Mrs Chandler?".

Guy owns a recording studio complex in Camperdown, Sydney which houses a number of studios and composing suites.


2005 Blinky Bill’s White Christmas Telemovie Composer of Original Score and Theme (performed by Christine Anu) Production Company: Yoram Gross–EM.TV

2003 Tabaluga and Leo: A Christmas Adventure Production Company: Yoram Gross–EM.TV

1993 Blinky Bill Production Company: Yoram Gross Film Studios

1990 The Magic Riddle Production Company: Yoram Gross Film Studios

1986 Dot and the Whale Production Company: Yoram Gross Film Studios

1986 Dot Goes to Hollywood Production Company: Yoram Gross Film Studios

1984 Dot and Keeto Production Company: Yoram Gross Film Studios

1984 Dot and the Smugglers Production Company: Yoram Gross Film Studios

1980 Sarah Production Company: Yoram Gross Film Studios


2008 Dex Hamilton: Alien Entomologist 26 x 1/2 hour episodes Production Company: March Entertainment + SLR Productions 2005 Flipper & Lopaka Series 3 26 x 1/2 hour episodes Production Company: Yoram Gross – EM.TV. 2004 Blinky Bill’s Around the World Adventures 26 x 1/2 hour episodes Production Company: Yoram Gross – EM.TV. 2003 Art Alive 79 x 4 minute episodes Production Company: Yoram Gross – EM.TV. 2001 Old Tom 52 x 1/4 hour episodes Production Company: Yoram Gross – EM.TV. / Millimages 1999 Flipper and Lopaka 26 x 1/2 hour episodes Production Company: Yoram Gross Film Studios 1998 Dumb Bunnies 26 x 1/2 hour episodes Production Company: Nelvana / Yoram Gross Film Studios

1998 Skippy 26 x 1/2 hour episodes Production Company: Yoram Gross Film Studios 1995 Samuel & Nina 13 x 15 min episodes Production Company: Children's Television Workshop / Yoram Gross Film Studios 1993 The Adventures of Blinky Bill 52 x 1/2 hour episodes Production Company: Yoram Gross Film Studios 1987 Candy Claus 1 hour TV Special Production Company: Yoram Gross Film Studios


2011 A Few Best Men Production Company: Arclight Film Producer: Antonia Barnard, Share Stallings Director: Stephan Elliott 2010 A Heart Beat Away Production Company: Pictures in Paradise Producer: Chris Fitchett, Chris Brown Director: Gale Edwards 2007 Hey Hey It's Esther Blueburger Production Company: Tama Films & EB Productions Producer: Miriam Stein Director: Cathy Randall 1999 Cut Production Company: Mushroom Pictures Dist: Beyond International Producer: Martin Fabini 1998 Forever Fever (aka That's the way I lIke it) Production Company: Tiger Tiger Productions Dist: Miramax Producer/Director: Glen Goei 1997 Welcome to Woop Woop Production Company: Scala Productions Dist: Village Roadshow Producers: Finola Dwyer (UK) Antonia Barnard (Aust) 1994 The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert Production Company: Latent Image Director: Stephan Elliott Starring: Terence Stamp, Hugo Weaving, Guy Pearce (Official selection in Directors fortnight Cannes '94 - Winner Priz du Public) 1992 Frauds Production Company: Latent Image Director: Stephan Elliott Starring: Phil Collins, Hugo Weaving, Josephine Byrnes (Official selection in Main Competition Cannes '93)


2014 Village Vets Theme for Foxtel Series Production Company: Screentime Producer: Simon Steel Executive Producer: Bob Campbell 2013 Shark Girl 1 hr TV Documentary Production Company: Kaufman Productions Producer ∓ Director: Gisela Kaufmann Associate Producer: Carsten Orlt 2013 Taking on the Chocolate Frog 3 x 1 hr series- Foxtel Production Company: Screentime Producer: Simon Steel Executive Producer: Bob Campbell 2013 Once upon a time in Redfern 1 hr TV Documentary - Foxtel Production Company: Samson Productions Producer: Sue Millican Director: Darlene Johnson 2013 Outback Coroner 8 x 1 hr series Production Company: Evershine / Screentime Producer: Helen Barrow Director: Hugh Piper 2012 Raising the Curtain 3 x 1 hr series Production Company: Essential Media Series Producer: Aline Jacques Executive Producer: Julia Peters 2012 Larrikin Lad Production Company: Rebelstudio Producer/Director: Rebel Penfold Russell & Pat Fiske Executive Producer: Rebel Penfold-Russell & Adam Bayliss 2012 First Fagin 1 hour TV Documentary Production Company: Fury Production Producer: Veronica Fury Directors: Helen Gaynor and Alan Rosenthal 2011 Dancing Down Under 10 Part TV Doco Series - ABC Production Company: Fury Production Director: Susan Lambert 2011 Dancing with Dictators Production Company: Evershine Writer, Director, Producer: Hugh Piper, Helen Barrow 2010 I Spry Production Company: Blackwattle Films Writer, Director, Producer: Peter Butt 2009 Family Fortunes (6-part Series) Production Company: Australian Documentaries Producers: Laurie Critchley 2008 The Howard Years 4x1 hour series Production Company: ABC Producer: Deborah Masters 2008 Lost in Flanders Production Company: Film Australia in association with Intomedia Director: Geoff Burton Producer: Stuart Scowcroft 2008 Infamous Victory - Ben Chifley's Battle for Coal Production Company: Film Australia Director: Geoff Burton EP: Penny Robins Producer: Perry Stapleton 2008 The Prime Minister is Missing Production Company: Film Australia Writer, Director, Producer: Peter Butt Co-Producer: Sally Regan 2008 Ian Fairweather Fury Productions Pty Ltd Writer/Director: Aviva Ziegler Producer: Veronica Fury Associate Producer: Debra Beattie 2008 Family Fortunes (4-part Series) Production Company: ABC Directors/Producers: Geraldine McKenna, Tracey Spring, Simon Target, Laurie Critchley Series Producer: Laurie Critchley Executive Producer: David Jowsey 2007 Fat Chance Production Company: Fat Productions Pty Ltd Writer, Director, Producer: Yuka Sekiguchi Producer: Nicki Roller 2006 Who Killed Dr Bogle and Mrs Chandler? Production Company: Film Australia Writer, Director, Producer: Peter Butt 2004 The Airships Production Company: Ch 4 UK / ABC Writer, Director, Producer: Peter Butt 2003 Silent Storm Production Company: Film Australia / SBS Writer, Director, Producer: Peter Butt 1999 Uncle Chatzkel Production Company: Film Australia/ Robe Productions Writer, Director, Producer: Rod Freedman Producers: Emile Sherman, Brian Sherman, Franco Di Chiera 1988 The Last Great Cattle Drive A Film Australia National Interest Program Producers: Tristram Miall, Don Murray; Director: Paul Hawker


2013 Sam Fox - Extreme Adventures 26 x 1/2 hr Series Producers: SLR / ZDF Producers: Suzanne Ryan, Michael Bourchier 2012 Dangerous Remedy Telemovie Production Company: Eclipse Films Producer: Ned Lander Director: Ken Cameron 2011 East West 101 Season 3 7x1 hour Mini Series Production Company: Knapman Wyld Television Producers: Steve Knapman, Kris Wyld 2009 A Model Daughter - The Killing of Caroline Byrne Telemovie Production Company: Screentime Producer: Des Monaghan, Karl Zwicky Director: Tony Tilse 2009 East West 101 Season 2 7x1 hour Mini Series Production Company: Knapman Wyld Television Producers: Steve Knapman, Kris Wyld 2008 Scorched Telemovie Production Company: Essential Viewing Productions Producers: Kylie Du Fresne Director: Tony Tilse 2007 East West 101 6x1 hour Mini Series Production Company: Knapman Wyld Television Producers: Steve Knapman, Kris Wyld 2007 Make or Break 1 hour Telemovie Production Company: Fox World Australia Writer & Director: Mike Bullen Producers: David Taylor and David Maher 2006 Joanne Lees: Murder in the Outback Telemovie Production Company: Granada Productions, Matt Carroll Films Pty Ltd Producer: Matt Carroll 2004 Farscape: The Peacekeeper Wars 4hr TV SCI FI Mini Series Production Company: Jim Henson Productions Producer: Andrew Prowse, Martin Baker 2002 Farscape, Series 4 22 x 1hr TV Science Fiction Series Production Company: Jim Henson Productions Producer: Sue Miliken, Andrew Prowse 2001 Farscape, Series 3 22 x 1hr TV Science Fiction Series Composer of Original Score Production Company: Jim Henson Productions Producer: Anthony Winley 2001 Seconds to Spare Telemovie; aka Operation Wolverine Production Company: Channel 9 Film and TV/ Carlton America / Tele Munchen Producer: Matt Carroll 2000 Farscape, Series 2 22 x 1hr TV Science Fiction Series Composer of Original Score (Episodes 6 to 22) Production Company: Jim Henson Productions Producer: Sue Miliken 1996 Fallen Angels 20 x 1hr TV Drama Series Production Company: ABC Producer: Geoffry Nottage 1996 McLeod's Daughters Telemovie Production Company: Millennium Pictures / Channel 9 Director: Michael Offer Producers: Posie Graeme-Evans, Andrew Blaxland 1995 Bordertown 10 x 1hr Drama Mini Series Production Company: ABC Director: Ken Cameron Producers: Steve Knapman & Jo Rooney 1990 Reach Out to the Children TV Special Production Company: Pilgrim International (World Vision)


2014 Flat Daddy Producer: Annie Kinnane Executive Producer: Al Clark Director: Matt Holcomb 2013 Tango Underpants Producers: Feisty Dame Productions Executive Producers: Tanya Chambers & Stephen Van Mil Directors: Miranda Edmonds & Khrob Edmonds 2013 The Landing Producers: Perception Pictures Producer: Jade van der Lei Director: Josh Tanner 2013 Sand (part of The Turning) Producers: Robert Connely Producer: John Harvey Director: Stephen Page 2006 Final Call Tropfest Film Festival 2006 (screened out of competition) Producer: Philip Wade, Director: Gary Eck 1999 Uno Amore Winner 1999 Tropfest Film Festival Winner 1999 Sydney Comedy Festival Short Film and Animation Competition Original Score (7 min Operetta) Producers:Anton Perry, Jasmin Forbes-Watson 1992 The Resting Place Production Company: Latent Image Starring: Peter Mochrie, Gia Carides Director: Rebel Penfold Russell 1992 When Ships Draw Near Production Company: Bring a Plate Productions Director: Paul Middleditch 1990 7 Colours 30 min Dance Film Production Company: Film Australia Producer: Paul Humfress Director: John Michael Rogowski Dancers: Stephen Page & Victoria Taylor


2010 The Naked Scientist Themes for BBC Radio Programe Producer and Presenter: Dr Christopher Smith 1996 Front Up TV current affairs series Production Company: SBS 1995 TNC - The News Channel ABC Cable News Channel (Unreleased) Production Company: Australian Information Media (AIM) Producer: Kim Williams 1995 True Stories TV Documentary Series Production Company: ABC 1995 The Big Picture TV Documentary Production Company: ABC 1991 Hotline TV Talk Back Series Production Company: SBS 1991 The Bookshow TV Arts Series Arranger/Producer of Theme Production Company: SBS 1990 Face the Press TV Current Affairs Series Production Company: SBS


2013 Sydney Moderns - Snapshots Original music for Video Installation Producers: NSW Art Gallery Producer: Aviva Zeigler 2006 The Priscilla Suite Symphonic Suite for the Queensland Symphonic Orchestra with 100 strong choir, soprano solo and didgeridoo. Performed live in the Queensland Performing Arts Center in May 2006. 1998 Crown Casino Laser, fountain, lighting installation Composer of 20 min. Orchestral Score "Spring", performed by M.S.O. One of 4 seasons played 24 hours a day in the main Atrium Production Company: Crown Casino Limited Producer: Chong Lim 1987 First State '88 Showscan Exhibition Film Arranged/Produced: Additional music Producers: Heileograph John Weiley 1985 Cakes and Custard Choral Symphony Composed and Conducted - Commissioned by NSW Education Dept. Performed at Sydney Town Hall. For 200 voice children’s Choir & Orchestra

(Below: Guy Gross, and at work)