2001 University of President: Terence H. White, Dr. Harvey Weingarten Chancellor: John R. (Jack) Perraton Honorary Degrees: Dr. James T. Black Dr. Reg Crow Shoe Sir Brian Follett The Hon. Ron Ghitter Dr. Paul Giannelia Dr. Ann McCaig Dr. George Milne Dr. Katie Ohe Dr. F. Sherwood Rowland Dr. Carol A. Shields Dr. Barrie Strafford Dr. Ian Tyson

Order of the UofC: Owen Saunders David J. Bercuson Peter J. Krueger Dorothy M. Robertson Daniel R. Motyka Margaret T. Walker Evelyn M. McTavish Gerry L. Dyer

Enrolment: 22273 full time, 7725 part time (spring), 4196 part time (summer), 4672 (fall) Degrees awarded: 5330 Faculties: Faculty of Nursing develops the Nurse Practitioner program. New Buildings: Information and Communications Technology Building opens. Employees: Academic staff: 2019 FTE Support staff: 2694 FTE Events: Sports: Women’s wrestling team wins CIAU championship for third year in a row Research: Archaeologist Brian Kooyman, geologist and paleontologist Len Hills and their research team discover 13 000 year old tracks of wooly mammoths, camels, horses, bison and caribou in St. Mary’s reservoir. Markin-Flanagan Writer-in-Residence: Eden Robinson Markin-Flanagan Distinguished Visiting Writers: Nicole Brossard and Timothy Findley Alumni: Distinguished Alumni award recipient William M. Eubank BPE'74, BEd'80 RCMP Detachment Commander, "G" Division and International Peacekeeper Tartan: U of C is accredited with its own tartan by the Scottish Tartans Society and Register of All Publicly Known Tartans. It incorporates the U of C’s official colours of red, black and gold. Canadian Events: Governor General - Adrienne Clarkson Prime Minister - Jean Chrétien Premier of Alberta - Calgary’s mayor: Al Duerr, Prime Minister Jean Chrétien becomes the first foreign leader to visit the newly elected President of the United States George W. Bush in Washington, D.C. Chris Hadfield becomes the first Canadian to perform a spacewalk Canada becomes the first country in the world to legalize medical marijuana Catriona LeMay Doan wins gold in the 500m and 1000m speed skating races in Heerenveen, Netherlands. Grey Cup: Calgary Stampeders win 27-19 over the Winnipeg Blue Bombers

World Events: The Russian space station Mir re-enters the atmosphere near Nadi, Fiji, and falls into the Pacific Ocean. Almost 3,000 are killed in the September 11, 2001 Terrorist Attack on the World Trade Center in New York City, The Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia, and rural Shanksville, Pennsylvania. The United States invades Afghanistan, with some participation from the United Kingdom. Microsoft releases Windows XP. Apple Computer releases the iPod. The People's Republic of China is admitted to the World Trade Organization after 15 years of negotiations. Enron files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection five days after Dynegy canceled a US$8.4 billion buyout bid. At the time this was the largest bankruptcy in the history of the United States. World's first self-contained artificial heart implanted in Robert Tools. Stanley Cup: Colorado Avalanche win 4 games to 3 over the New Jersey Devils