[.] SALTLEY. 128 [POST OFFICE I Birch Mrs. Perry hill Detheridg-e J oho, shopkeeper Male Arthur, shoe maker Chambers Mr. John, Hill top Detheridge Samuel, farmer Peace Joseph, farmer, Reddall farm Hanbury Sampson, esq. Warle)' Tor Dimmack Joseph,farmer & iron dealer, Peace William, Talbot, Beech lane Keatch Rev. Frederick, M.A. Lcurate], Tinkers farm Pearman J ameli, farmer Lea Miss Dingley Samuel, shopkeeper Ragg George, nurseryman Morgoan Mr. William Dixon J oseph, Old Beech Tree Round George,Rarrel. Causewaygreen OJdtield Rev. Christopher Holroyd, B.A. DowoingGeorge,Holly Bush, Beech la Sankey John, Cock ~ Magpie, Beech la Rectory Downing WiHiam, blacksmith, Beech la Slaney Ann (Mr~.), Pheasant,Beech la COMMERCIAL. Dutton William, tailor, Beech lane SmithAnn(Mrs.) shpkpr. Causeway grn Utwooa Samuel,Saving Hand, Cause- Field Thomas, shopkeeper Smith J oseph, farmer way green Foley John, farmer Stickley John, farmer Barker Mark, farmer, Bristnall hall Grayer J ames, shopkeeper Swain J oseph, shopkeeper Brinton Thomas, farmer Green Thomas, farmer, Bog's farm Thompson Edward, carpenter, Beech la Clews John, farmer Hadley Timothy, saddler & harness ma Tomlinson Charles, farmer Clift George, farmer Rackett Joseph, farmer, Hagg farm Underhill William, farmer, Ridgacre Ulift J osph.hay dealer, Causewa~' green Harper Edward, farmer, The Rolt Wakeman David, farmer Beech lane Cooper James, Old Red Lion Barris George, farmer Ward Sarah (Mrs.) shopkeeper Cooper Mrs. Mary, farmer Hodgetts John, farmer Whale Thomas, George Curtis J ames, Vine, Cakemore Hodgetts Thomas, farmer White Thomas, farmer Davenport Joseph, farmer Jakeman John, farmer Whitehouse John, farmer, World's end Davies George, maltster Jones James, blacksmith, Cakemore Wood John, shopkpr. & farmer, Beechla Dearn WilIiam, Plough Macdonald Horace Foley, carpenter Wood Thomas, g-ardener Deeley David, farmer, Ridgacre l\:Iacdonald Mary (Mrs.), draper Yates William, beer retailer, Beech la

SALTLEY, with . SALTLEY is a hamlet of parish, in Hemlingford hun­ I t is intended shortly to commence new model and prac­ dred, Aston union, Birminl1:ham division and countycourt dis­ tising schools on a site presented by the Right Hon. C. B. trict, county of Warwick, 2 miles north-east from Birming­ Adderley, M.P.; at present the practising school attached, ham. The church ofSt. Saviour, erected in 1849-50, ata cost consisting- of' 150 boys, is held in school-rooms in the vJIIlIge, of £6,000, is intended to be finished with a lofty tower: it is rented from H. Wright, Esq., and erected by him. Here a larg-e stone cruciform building, of the Perpendicularstyle, are the extensive railway carriage works of tlle Metropolitan and will accommodate 1,000 persons. 'fhe register dates from Railway Carriage and Waggon Company (limited) (late 1850. The living- is worth £150 annually, with residence, in Messrs. J. Wrigbt and Sons); Brown, lVIarshalls & Co. have the gift ofthe Right Hon.Charles BowyerAdderley, M.P., and also extensive works here, where a very large number of held by the Rev. Frederic Williawfl, B.A. of Corpus Christi hands are employed; these works are considered the most College, Cambridge. Here is the Worcester, Lichfield and complete of any of' their kind in the kingdom for all kinds Hereford Diocesan Training College, for the education of of railway rolling stock; the London and North Western mllsters for elementary schools, erected at a cost of£17,133, Railway Company haveextensive works here for manufactur­ from the designs of Mr. B. Ferrey, on seven acres of land, of ing their railway plant; also the works of the Birmingham which three were given by the Right Hon. C. B. Adderley, and Staffordshire Gas and Coke Company; a paper mill, M.P.: the form of the building is quadrangular: the style is chemical works, brick and tile works, &c. Saltley is an Gothic, of the massive and severe character found in ancient place, and belonged formerly to Edwin, Earl of the domestic architecture of the reign of Edward I. : Mercia, but afterwllrds to William Fitzansculf, Baron of the material is hard red sandstone, with Bath stone Dudley, by whom it was granted to the RokebJs, who facings: it comprises dormitories and class-rooms for builta castle here, long since in ruins. At Benllett's Hill about 100 scholars and other students; a dining hall, is the house of the late WilIiam H utton, the hi~torian of 60 feet long by 23 feet broad, and 19 feet high; a lec­ Birmingham; it was attacked and injured during' the riots ture hall, of nearly similar dimensions; a residence for the of 1791. The Park, of II acres of land, was presented by principal; rooms for the vice-principal, two lecturers, the Right Hon. Charles Bowyer Addel'ley, M.P., as a place accountant, and house steward, and accommodation for of pUhlic resort during the Ilummer. Tile prill('ipal land­ servants: it is under the inspection of the Committee of owners are the Right Hon. Charle!!l Bowyer Adderlt,~·, M.P., Council on Education. The period of training is two years : the trustees of the lllte WiIliam Ward, Esq., and WiIliam about 40 scholarships are open for competition to all ap~ Hutton, Esq., of Hall. The population in 1861 proved candidates at an annual examination held in Decem­ wa!'l, with Washwood Heath, 2,842. ber, entitling the holders to free education and maintenance WASHWOOD HEATH is a small hamlet, 3 miles north­ for the period of training, further privill'ges being attached east from Birmingham. to rhose scholarships wJJich bave been founded by private BENNETT'S HILL is a small bamlet, 2! miles north-east patl'ons. Private students pay £23 per annum, and may enter from Birmingham. for a single year. All applicants for admission mu",t be 18 Parish Clerk, Charles Rooke. yf'ars of a~e, must pass a satisfactory medical examination of healtll, produce teetimonials of good character, and shew POST & MONEY ORDER OFFICE & Post Office Savings aptituue for teaching. There are also open to competition Bank, & Government Insurance & Annuity office, 8altley. the Ratcliff Prizes, of the value of £20 per nnnum, founded -WiJIiam Cole!l, receiver. Letters through Birmingham by Charles Ratclitf, Esq.: the Governors' Prizes, of the POST OFFICE, Wa"hwood beath.-Mrs. Ann Windridge, value of £558., founded by the Committee, and others: the receiver. Letters are received through the Birmingham committee of goverllors consists of certain ex-officio and office; two deliveries daily; box closes at 8 p.m elected members, both lay amI rlerical: the 1.0rd Bishop of Adderley Museuni ~ Library, Addel'ley park, Henry Worcester is visitor; the Right Hon. Lord Lyttelton, Lord Parker, librarian Lieutenant of the county of Worcester, president; the Rev. Saltley College, Rev. William Gover,M.A.,F.G.S. principal; Canon Smythe, M.A., honorary secretary; and the Rev. Rev. J. B. Draper, vice-principal i Rev. Thos. James William Gover, M.A., principal~ to whom all applications Howorth, B.A. lecturer; Rev. Canon Smythe, M.A. hon. for admission should be made. Until the chapel is erected, sec.; Mr. F. Bassett, assistant sec. & accountant; Mr. a room in the college has been licensed by the bishop for 8. Locker, teacher ofmusic ; Mr. C. J. Hemming, teacher divine service, in which is placed a large organ for the in- of drawing; Mr. John Long, master of method struction of the students, the g-ift of the Right Hon. Lord Prpparatory School, John Long, master Lei~h. The Government regulations require that at least Railway Station (London &, North 25 per cent. of' theex penditure shall be borne by local efforts; Western), John Whitaker, clerk subscriptions and donations are received at Lloyd's Bank, Saltley Railway Station (Midland railway), Thomas Birmingham, and by Mr. F. BaS8ctt, Training College. Rudkin, clerk Dyson Mr. John Burns, Heathfield rd Marshall George. esq. Arden lodge Saltley. Gover Rev. Wm. M.A., F.G.S. College RoLinson Mrs. Hope cottage PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Hammond Mr.}'redk.Chas.Hnvelock rd Rog-ers Mr. Henry Mackenzie,Clyde cot Ba~sf tt Mr. Frederick, Saltley college Hart Mr. WilIiam Henry,Heathfieldrd Rorke Mr. Samuel, Heathfield road C Irtwright Mr. Thomas, Havelock rd Heath Rev. Charles, M.A. Havelock ter Simons Henry, esq. Shawe hill CIH~ ton Mr. WiIliam, Yiewsley cottage Hinks Mr. Robert, Heathfield road Spence Mr. John, Havelock road Cox Mr. John, Hutton place Howorth Rev. l.'homas James, B.A. Taylor Mr. Frederick Sutch, Park ho Cragg Mr. Samuel Alien, Havelock rd Saltley college Tllylor Mr. WIlliam, Havelock road Draper Rev~ 1. B. Saltley college Lund Mr. Edward, Albert cottage Vaughen Mr. John; Park villa