Hillsboro Airport Digital Survey 2020 Appendix


Digital Survey Responses Question 1: What is your opinion of Hillsboro Airport? – 311 responses

Opinion (5) Responses (311) Percentage (99.9 %) Very Positive 126 40.5 % Somewhat Positive 76 24.4 % Neutral 62 19.9 % Somewhat Negative 36 11.6 % Very Negative 11 3.5 %

Question 2: Why do you feel that way about the airport? – 311 responses

Very Positive – 126 responses

• A great commuter airport location. The revenues generated from the airport filtering out to local business. The noise abatement is managed very good. • A hub of economic activity. • All my experiences have been positives • Atc accommodating, love nike hanger • Because I love aviation and what it brings to a community. • BECAUSE NOT EVERYONE HAS ONE • Brings commuters to area. • Brings in business. Need to have small commercial service flights ie • Commerce. As the airport expands there will be more employment opportunities. • Community asset • Convention • Ease of access • Easy • Easy access • economic benefit / future opportunities • economic engine, good neighbor • Efficient tower/ground clearances. Well maintained runways and taxiways. • Ever since I was a little girl we we're in the flight path there we were laying in the backyard just watching the airplanes come and go was the most relaxing thing. I have lived here 50 years in Hillsboro • Excellent administration. Small airport punching above its weight class. • Excellent facility and it provided incredible economic impact for the region. • Excellent location, very well situated to our Silicon Forest. While I know operates their private flights for employees, I honestly believe the next step for HIO is to attract Jet Suite X to

2 BFI () or Horizon to Seattle 4 x daily. Jet Suite X only needs an FBO. While Horizon would require some expense to create a sterile terminal. • Exec's need to fly too • Flown in and out many times. Parking is an issue but everything else works • Full service, professionally managed air transportation hub. • Good economic opportunity • Good facilities • Good. • Great airport, runways, night ops are clean and clear, great controllers. I'm a Pilot and Remote Pilot. I would like to see LAANC airspace allocation improvements and would like to participate in • Great community partner • Great for business and development in Hillsboro • Great for the economy of Hillsboro. Not noisey or obnoxious. Surprisingly unobtrusive • Great services, both Port, ATC, and FBOSs. • Has provided lots of great engagement for the community. • Haven’t had any negative experiences there. • HIO is a vital asset to the community, both in terms of jobs and commerce • HIO serves the growing needs for commercial air cargo, leading employers and private residents on the Westside of the Portland metropolitan region, without having to endure the 40-mile trek to PDX. • Hope it turns into an international airport • I am a private pilot who did my primary training there. I appreciate having such a well kept airport in the area and support general aviation training and operations there. I have not flown in there for a while but look forward to getting back into flying again soon and having the airport available for practice takeoffs and landings. • I enjoy the airshow and watching the planes. • I feel that the airport is useful for the town but I don't feel it's over used. I feel the air traffic is light. • I have no reason to think badly of it ; it brings business to our area. • I like airplanes. I’ve been to the airport as a passenger, to watch air shows, to watch GA planes, and to pick up friends who are pilots that have flown in. • I like living near the airport • I like seeing the smaller planes use it so often. • I like the open community meetings • I live in Orenco (nearby) and feel that it is clean, and unobtrusive as an airport can be. • I love aerospace. The Port is a good community partner too. • I love living next door to the airport. It is clean, mostly quiet and the events held there bring attention to our town and the community together. • I love the air show! • I support general aviation as a matter of principal. HIO is a well kept airport that provides necessary community services. My wife is an Intel employee and appreciates not having to drive to PDX when she flies to San Jose.

3 • I think it's an asset to our community • I use it regularly as part of my work with Intel. • I used to fly through HIO routinely and always had good experiences. • I work here along with hundreds of others. • I’m a resident of the community that has served on the committee for the development of the Master Plan in the past. I believe that the Hillsboro airport is a vital part of our community and I feel the Port has listen to our wants and needs and is a great partner with our community. • i’m an active plot who uses the field. good courteous , professional service there. I also live nearby at Sunset airport. • I'm a pilot and love flying • I'm glad it is there • Important economic engine for the area. • Important location • Important transportation hub and entertainment too • INTEL Air • It handles a lot of air traffic, and seems to function very well. However I'm not a pilot. • It brings a lot to the west side of the metro area. • It brings business to Hillsboro, a vibrant city I'm proud to call home. • It can serve the local population better by becoming a regional domestic airport • It contributes to the local economy • It has been a place for people from our community and from around the world to get their start in aviation for many decades now. • It has benefited the local community in many ways from Airshows to the flights that bring people to the city. The aviation school has also given our local economy a boost. • It has potential to become regional airport, for regular commericial flights from neighbouring places like Seattle. • It helps a new generation of pilots and provides a boost to the economy. • It is a big draw for our local industry, provides for aviation education • It is an asset to the local and aviation communities • It is an important economic asset to Hillsboro. • It is close by and no problem with no noise or interference with living near it • It is needed for regional air port for shuttle (air) for flights to Seattle and Southern Cal. • It is the perfect location for training and GA activity. • It provides a great mid size alternative to crossing the city to get to PDX. I know not everyone feels this way but I love getting to see all the smaller planes flying. • It provides a valuable service to the Metro area, while working to be responsive to local concerns. • It provides jobs, activities, educational opportunities, and so much more, as well as transportation. It is an integral part of the community. • It serves the aviation-related needs for the metro west region. • It serves the needs of the area, and has room to grow. • It supports local pilots • It very important to our communities future

4 • It’s a good gateway for the city of hillsboro • It’s a really busy airport about the same as pdx • It’s a valuable asset to the community, creating jobs, and bringing employees in and out. • It’s quiet and doesn’t seem to negatively impact local roads at all. • It's a great hub to PDX. When Cascadia hits, it may be the only way ARC, FEMA, and other agencies get resources in • It's a well-run and versatile field, and I have fond memories of it from the airshow and other activities. • It's convenient and it brings the airshow • Its provides jobs to the area and puts money in the economy. • It's very well located in our community and it will serve the west Metro as the area grows. • Just the right size • KHIO is an excellent training and reliever airport, and the Port works hard to be an active and positive community member. • Knowing it provides income for the city and county, and job's else where • Live nearby and care about the neighborhood • love aviation, feel positive about the management • Love it • Love seeing all of the planes fly in & out • Many recent improvements • more business considerations and private airplane travel 7 training • My parents would take me to air shows as a child..just a positive activity. • New • Nicely maintained. I like the Airshow. • Not a lot of traffic & well located. • Positive • Positive contribution for local community. • Professionally managed. Full service airport. Tower controlled. Good FBOs. • Provides a useful, and arguably a necessary facility for the economic well being of the metro area west of the West Hills, and does so responsibly. • See below • Seems to be a very active and productive airport • Services are great and accessible. • Support for General Aviation • Supportive of the it's commerce • The airport does what I would expect it to. Classes/ training, aircraft coming in and out. Not close enough to day to day operations to assume they are not doing well. • The airport has not bothered me in the past the airshow is amazing! • The Airport is an important economic asset...for the City of Hillsboro and region. FBO operating at the airport provide high wage jobs to their employees. The Airshow is of benefit to the City and as put Hillsboro "on the map", attracting visitors from outside the city and contributing to economic vitality.

5 • The annual airshow is good for the community, the business jets from Nike, Intel, and other large businesses are good for local economy. • There is so much potential for future use in air travel to alleviate congestion to PDX. • They provide transport for companies that provide jobs here • They seem to be aware of and care about the surrounding community • Tons of opportunity for expansion • Valuable asset for the community and personally for me • Very functional and I don't even use it. • We Need the Airport, It brings in $$, industry, Transportation, good for our economy.

Somewhat Positive – 76 responses

• A little more public access and ongoing info would be good. • Airport layout is good but it feels like more more could be done with the airport. Its GA somewhat friendly but it feels more like it's for corporate. • As a near-by resident we've noticed since the "improved" runways the planes are larger and take off very early in the morning waking us up. On Sundays even. NOT COOL. • As long as they don't bring big jets in, I am fine with it. • CLOSE TO MY HOME WITH GREAT POTENTIAL FOR FUTURE COMMERCIAL AIR SERVICE • Convenient location • Could use updating at “terminal” and street front • Don't use it but feel it is a valuable part of our community. • Enjoyed many flights from there. Not too busy. • Glad it's here, hope it expands to offer passenger service someday. • Good local access, well serviced. • Good runways, tower staffed appropriately, everything in decent shape, good location , good usage, just ticked about the broken PAPI for 31R and need to open more space to build hangers • Great memories of my dad working there and the air show! • Haven’t heard anything bad about it • HIO was convenient when I worked at Intel and I have many friends who work or fly from there. • Hosting the air show. • Hosts the air show • Husband can fly for work trips. • I can see the benefits of having the opportunity for larger aircraft to come and go safely. • I don’t interact directly with the airport often, but don’t have any complaints. • I enjoy having the airport nearby, but I have no real need for the facilities as there are not commercial flights. • I like airports, and it is nearby. • I live close to the airport, and while the noise is not too bad, there are times an early morning jet flys right over my house waking me up • I live in the neighborhood (Jones Farm) and we used to be bothered by the helicopter flights - glad that has stopped...don't start it again. • I live near it and it does not disrupt my life. But I'm not able to use it to make my life better.

6 • I think it needs updating • I think it’s a good airport for its size but would like to see more regional flights come available • I used to go there to watch the planes. Have taken kids to see airshows. • I would like to see flights here. Why do only rich people get to fly out of Hillsboro. • It doesn't offer air travel for the normal people that live on the Westside. It takes FOREVER to get to PDX from here during most of the day. It would be nice to have a few small charter companies available to hire for trips without having to go to PDX. • It is a good neighbor • It is a good, well functioning airport, but can get a little busy with all the students sometimes. • It is convenient for the corporate planes • It is fine just as long as it does not expand any larger. The city and surrounding neighborhoods do not need more air traffic. • It is getting very large for a regional airport this close to a major international • It provides a necessary transportation hub for the local industrial companies • It provides good general aviation services and has potential for commercial air service. • It seems safe and we'll run. • It serves a necessary purpose given the high tech / big business nature of our local area, e.g. Intel, Nike, etc. However, since I live close to it just off 15th Ave I am concerned about lead and other fuel related pollution. And... There is the noise factor that is getting worse. At a minimum, the flight training needs to be relocated out of the residential area. Helicopters are THE WORST. • It serves an important regional need. • It would get a very positive but some planes fly way to low over my home in Beaverton, I'm maybe 7-8 miles from the airport. It never used to happen • It’d be nice if we had a puddle jumper from Hillsboro to PDX! • It’s owned by Port of Portland which I feel has way too much power. • It’s serving the community as intended but not the general public • It's a need but noisy • It's an economic driver in our community. • I've always enjoyed watching the planes … altho lately the jets have been much noisier than usual - and I really think we should keep the air show here!!! • I've never used it but I'm glad it's there • Letting to many people live and work near airport, dangerous in case of accidents and fumes from planes. • Like having it here, really enjoy the Air Shows. • Live nearby • Losing the air show to McMinnville was a huge loss for the Hillsboro community. • Minuses of the noise and a massive obstacle to get from one side to another more than counter- balanced by the value of the Intel Shuttle and the "fun" of seeing the various aircraft, particularly during the Air Show. • My only issue is with leaded fuel. • Nice flight school. • Nice to have a smaller airport for small planes, also heps to relieve traffic at PDX • No answer

7 • No issues other than the fact the city of Hillsboro needs to improve the traffic flow getting to the airport from the south. One lane roads just don’t cut it. It makes people think the city of Hillsboro is clueless on how to plan their roads. • No real negative feelings towards the airport • No real reason to feel strongly either way but slight positive due to airshow and the work convenience. • Poor treatment by Port of Portland when I was a tenant and when I was representing a flight school which was a tenant. • Seems to work without issue • Served a good function, keeps some green space available • Since we moved here in 1977 we've seen the little airport in Beaverton close so it's probably good for the area that we have the Hillsboro airport. Plus my husband and I enjoy seeing the planes fly over. As long as it's limited to small and medium planes, I would like to see it develop into so large a facility that larger planes were flying over. • Supports business in Washington Co. • The commerce it brings in and the air show. • The new air traffic patterns has made it very loud, can’t wait for the construction to be done • There are cool airplanes and show • They are good neighbors. • They are willing to work with the community. • Tower is well located. Runway 2/20 needs to be updated as it looks like a taxiway. Buildings are getting older. Needs a restaurant and bar on campus like KTIW as it would bring more community involvement. • Valuable community contribution to Portland and environs. • what I read and hear from pilots • Work - intel shuttle is awesome • Worked at Intel, it was very helpful. Brings healthy amount of business to the area without being overwhelmingly obnoxious. • Worked at it for 30 years!!

Neutral – 62 responses

• Annual air show makes to much noise • Because • Because you guys let encroachment limit it. There should be service at HIO, but that will never happen. • Can not fly commercial out of the airport. • Concerned about expansion, noise and air pollution • Currently it does not provide any services useful to me. • Don’t know much about the future plans. • Don’t use it • Don’t use it, though I would if there were commercial flights • Don’t use yet overhead jet noise is wearisome

8 • Dont know much about it, cant fly thru there • Don't really have an opinion • Don't use • Generally, air traffic isn’t too bad. • Hate the close flying helicopters especially during summer time. • I am 70 years old, lived in Beaverton my whole life and have only been to airport twice. Both times for the air show. However, the PDX airport, I have been there, with no exaggeration, thousands of times. • I can’t use it. I fly commercial. • I do not interact with it, i.e., I do not live near it or use it, though I do work near it. • I don’t know anything about what services it provides for Hillsboro • I don’t know much about it • I don’t know much about it. • I don’t live super close, 3 mi. Away so it doesn’t seem to affect day to day life. I dislike the contaminants coming from the Planes during flight but I chose to move here knowing an airport was close by • I don't watch/read/listen to Hillsboro news, so I don't hear much about the airport. I don't use the airport. • I have very little dealings with the airport, therefore I am somewhat neutral. • I live next to it and enjoy the planes and helicopter training I see but I personally don’t use it • I never use it. • I wish we had some regional commercial air service from Hillsboro. I don’t use it now. • I work near the airport and I enjoy watching and hearing aircraft fly overhead. I enjoy the Air Show (this has always and should continue to be a staple in Hillsboro). I have no negative thoughts on the airport. • I’ve flow out privately and in the dark it was hard to find the hanger but other than that was fine. • I'm curious about it's opportunities • I'm sure it's a convenience for local corporations but doesn't affect me. • It could do so more for us all - such as provide international passenger flights and enhanced heavy cargo flights. I'd love to hit HIO for a flight than driving to PDX! • It doesn’t have commercial flights. • It doesn’t really affect me • It doesn't affect me. • It doesn't bother me much, but I know it bothers many in the community. I live in downtown Hillsboro, not exactly nearby but fairly close. • It doesn't serve me but doesn't bother me. • It exists for the wealthy in this area. • It is a great resource for the community but leaded fuel is a big issues. • It is getting to loud • It is nice to fly out of for business, but noisy. • It is not an airport I can use, so I really don't care either way. Great for Intel and others that use it though.

9 • It serves little impact on my life. I wish it could be more of use to the public. • It serves the community. • It's beneficial to industry and business, but not people. Plus it's noisy and polluting. • It's for small planes and corporate jets. Average person doesnt use it. • Just love watching the air shows • Needs commercial services. • Never read about it. • Never used it, just driven past it. • No commercial air service • No longer out in the country. • No opinion either way. • Noise of jets is too loud going over our neighborhood • Not much info about airport given to the public. • Provides a service for local businesses without having too much of a negative impact on the area. • Rarely use it, have attended the Airshow there • Reasons • Receive very few news about the topic • Should have passenger flights to nearby cities like Wenatchee, Yakima, Bend, etc. Relieve some of the pressure off PDX. • The airport was here when I moved here in 1988. I did enjoy a restaurant on site and would encourage development of community openness to the facility in that sort of commerce. • Would like to see more commercial flight options

Somewhat Negative – 36 responses

• Because it’s not of use to the normal population. It would be nice if there were actual flights. • Disrespectful flight patterns of the Air Academy. Flights are often too low, during weekend dinner times when we entertain, and on holidays. Also, the use of leaded fuel is a big concern and one that needs remediated ASAP. • Focus on growth with disregard for neighborhood impacts. • Hate the airshow, fear the danger it poses to the neighborhoods especially when aircraft fly low or strangely • I am concerned about the use of aviation fuel that contains lead and contaminates the surrounding area • I don't know if it is because of the Hillsboro Airport, but that is definitely the closest place for any plane to land near my house, and I am sick and tired of planes flying super low over my house (in Bethany) in the middle of the night. They wake us up frequently. I don't know who to call with a complaint, and it is very frustrating. Planes shouldn't be flying after 9 or 10 p.m. • I don't think we can continue to afford rich people's private planes from an environmental perspective. • I don't use it and am not sure there is any need for it

10 • I live nearby and don’t like the noise • I lived on the flight path. Too noisy and leaded gas concerns. • In the last year the amount of planes coming through is far too many. The noise level is extremely high especially when the sky starts to get clearer. I actually do not live that close to the airport, however the noise level prevents my family from being able to sit outside our home. We can't have conversations because it is too loud due to the air traffic. • It exists because very wealthy people need a place to park their planes. • It is loud! • It's a private airport that only benefits those with alot of extra cash. It would be nice if it had commercial service maybe for regional flights. • It's not available to residents • Lead fuel (AV Gas) used in smaller planes, lead pollution around the airport is a threat to public health and children. • Live on the flight path, over the years the number of planes have increased. As have the size and the noise of the planes. • Noise and catering to wealthy corporations • Noise and pollution benefiting the few at great cost to the many. Quality of life deferred in favor of Knight family toys. • Noise from airplanes sometimes making circles from airport over my Orenco neighborhood, over and over and over again. This can go on for many hours at a time. Most are at a fairly low altitude. I understand and accept the need for flights to go in and out of the airport but the repeated relentless flights looping around and around (I assume from a flight school) decrease the quality of life here. I think the flight school benefits only a very few local people and a lot of people who come here from other countries for training. Not a good tradeoff. • Noise over neighborhoods • Noise pollution has become an issue lately. • Noise. Recently, too many jet flights have been taking of towards the south without weather issues. It seems ton be either pilot choice or new training for the flights schools that don’t care about Hillsboro livability. • Noisy....pollution, more traffic.....to near neighborhoods.....just waiting for helicopter or plane crash.....would be a disaster if a plane/helicopter would crash into one of chemical storage areas! • Planes are noisy at times I think they should not be flying over houses....particularly early in the morning. • Planes fly to low over houses and the planes continue to get larger and louder • The airport has become busier and is making more of an impact on the surrounding community. • The Port commmissiobers ate insulated from the public and are representative of corporate interests, not community livability. Commissioners should become an elective office that gives communities representation. When the runway was under construction during the past year, those smaller aircraft using alternate approaches did not adhere to prescribed elevations and flew low and load over residential areas. The last air show in HILLSBORO supported helicopter tours over residential areas, including Sunday. This is mahem and should not be allowed.

11 • The Port of Portland has consistently avoided and downplayed its role in helping its local communities in the event of a catastrophic earthquake. I began my involvement on this topic by sending emails to the Port on this topic. None of them were returned. I saw there was a meeting in Hillsboro and reached out to the Washington County Commission Chair, Andy Van Duyck. He asked the question for me during their early presentations. The Port officials were surprised and deflected. He followed up. Supposedly it would be addressed. In follow up surveys, participants were asked about whether they were interested in a new building or rehab to the old building, and whether the siting should be changed. We were given various values and parameters to consider—cost, amenable to new businesses, traffic needs etc. But nowhere where we given earthquake resiliency as a value anywhere on the survey. And in fact, I can’t see to page two year, but I can’t find that value on this current survey either. Throughout the process, I have asked, and the Port has refused to give even a rough cost estimate for a runway that would survive a major earthquake. Despite attending the meetings with Washington County, the open houses, reading the updates, taking the surveys, I could never get a simple dollar amount. And all they would say is that they couldn’t afford it. To me, that is a sign of lack of creative thinking. The Port could go to the county with a proposal and see if they would seek a bond. Or go to the major corporate users to see if they were interested. Port officials said that their contractors will just show up and fix it afterward. When I explained there might not be fuel (see the tank farm!) or roads for the contractors to reach them, they said those challenges were beyond their scope to fix. The one big thing Port officials did was to consult with the military to confirm that military has planes that would be able to land on a broken airfield. They also have generator backup power. So that was a start. But I am far from satisfied. If you study the Fukushima 2011 Quake, the Japanese were able to land commercial planes within two weeks of the earthquake. This was incredibly important to their relief efforts. Given that the rivers will be largely impassable, and Hillsboro will be closer to thousands of people at the coast and West Side, this is an important piece of our survival. I think the problem lies in the fact that I do not have technical expertise, so I have no standing in their eyes. Many people are thinking micro and stocking bottled water and food, and all of that is important. But those of us who do think macro should not be isolated and checked off as done. I understand that the Port has to respond to the FAA and TSA first and foremost, a point made clear to me many times during my efforts. But at the end of the day, their board is appointed by the governor, not by the TSA. I am sending a copy to her team, as well as a couple of state senators. If I don't hear back from any of them, I will send it to the press. • The Port of Portland has never proposed anything to the community to vote on, they just continue to force large aircraft and overflow traffic from PDX down a small community’s throats. This airport and the community surrounding was never designed to be commercially used. This was a known fact with all Hillsboro residents and had been discussed multiple times publicly within the community before Port of Portland took over the operation. When the Max train began running through Hillsboro, they made accommodations for the extra noise to local residents affected by the additional noise(ie new windows, retaining walls etc). Port of Portland has done nothing except make more pollution and more noise with a complete disregard for the community. They cater to large corporations such as Nike and Intel allowing them to have large private hangers on the property for a hefty price tag they stick back into their pockets. None of this money goes back into the local community to provide assistance with taxes, schools, roads

12 etc. It’s terrible to see Portland agenda forced on outside lying communities without any say from the people that live within it. • The size of the planes coming in have gotten to big. 20 years ago they were smaller. Now it’s big jet liners • They’ve allowed large aircraft to come and go, which is very loud and disruptive compared to the previous aircraft. They’ve chopped down many trees along Brookwood parkway so these larger aircraft have better visibility, causing less privacy for all of the homes around that area. Our animals go crazy every evening now with the larger aircraft, where as before the planes didn’t bother them at all. • Too much loud air traffic over residential areas and the use of leaded fuel. • We are getting more and bigger planes/jets going over our house. • When I built a shop I was limited to the height I could build because of an overlay that was placed in my neighborhood. It was later determine that the overlay was a taking without compensation and removed. • Without commercial flights it only seems to serve Nike and Intel private flights. There is no benefit to the rest of the county.

Very Negative – 11 responses

• 1) Flight training causing lead pollution with leaded fuel, I thought it was going to be removed in 2018? 2) Near constant overhead noise from flight training touch & goes, though it is better since the number of operations has been reduced from the construction going on and from base leg mostly being over Cornell. 3) Supporting the training of pilots from authoritarian / suppressive regimes. 4) Plans to restart Air Show which ruins a usually very nice weekend in the late summer and which will continue to flaunt normal safety regulations - it's only a matter of time until we have a mass casualty accident in this high density community. • because its part of the rape and destruction of Washington county...... • Hillsboro hardly has enough space for the humans living around there. We do not have space or need to be expanding a Hillsboro airport when the Portland airport is less then 40 minutes away. • increasing use; increasingly larger planes; flights over residential area; air pollution; noise are all negatives • It does not serve the general flying public • Noise traffic devalued homes pollution • Private flight school aircraft constantly circling over public air space of neighborhoods • So much airplane noise over my house, traffic, inadequate security which leaves to public safety concerns. Lots of airplane fuel dropped on the environment near airport and flight paths. • The grounds surrounding the airport could be improved. They need landscaping and sidewalks. It borders neighborhoods and brings down the neighborhood value because it’s an eyesore. • They told the community that the runways needed to be extended for "safety" reasons and that the wouldn't be landing larger planes and as the years have passed the planes landing at the airport have gotten to be full size planes that make a tremendous amount of noise • Way too many planes flying over the community. Exposure to aviation gas off put- Noise. Outside the promise of the airports original purpose.

13 Question 3: Which of the following statements apply to you: I use Hillsboro Airport as a pilot; I use Hillsboro Airport as a passenger; I use Hillsboro Airport as a flight school student; I work at Hillsboro Airport; I am a neighbor who lives or works near Hillsboro Airport; I don’t live or work nearby but I am interested in what happens there; I plan to use Hillsboro Airport in the future; I don’t plan to use Hillsboro Airport in the future – 311 responses

What's your relationship to Hillsboro Airport?

Home/work neighbor 222

Plan to use in future 62

Not a neighbor (home/work) 53

Use as pilot 41

Use as passenger 34

Don't plan to use 23

Flight school student 12

Work at Airport 11

0 50 100 150 200 250

Relationships Single Relationship Multiple Relationships Totals Home/work neighbor • •••••••••• ••••••• • 222 Plan to use in future • •••••••••••••••••• 62 Not a neighbor (home/work) • • • •• •• • 53 Use as pilot • •••••••••••• •• 41 Use as passenger ••• ••••••• • 34 Don't plan to use •• • 23 Flight school student ••••••• • 12 Work at Airport • • •••• 11 Total Responses (311) 151 35 10 7 7 5 4 15 12 8886433322222111111111111 *Respondents were given the ability to check multiple relationships

Question 4: Please note your interest in the following at Hillsboro Airport (HIO): I’d like to learn more about airport history; I’d like to learn more about future development at HIO; I’d like to learn more about environmental aviation issues; I’d like to learn more about how HIO contributes to the local economy; I’m interested in becoming a pilot; I have concerns about noise issues; I’m interested in special events (like air show or air fair); I’m interested in youth engagement opportunities; I’m interested in the Aviation Careers for Everyone (O-ACE) program for high school students. – 311 responses

14 Interest in the following at Hillsboro Airport (HIO): 350

300 27 250 70 200 83 96 150 80 273 69 65 84

Total Responses Total 100 178 164 138 50 118 43 97 96 77 29 0

Yes Maybe

Interests (311 responses) Yes % Maybe % No % Airport history 118 37.9% 80 25.7% 113 36.3% Future development 273 87.8% 27 8.7% 11 3.5% Environmental aviation issues 138 44.4% 96 30.9% 77 24.8% HIO + economy 164 52.7% 83 26.7% 64 20.6% Becoming a pilot 29 9.3% 43 13.8% 239 76.8% Noise concerns 96 30.9% 65 20.9% 150 48.2% Special events 178 57.2% 70 22.5% 63 20.3% Youth engagement 97 31.2% 69 22.2% 145 46.6% O-ACE 77 24.8% 84 27.0% 150 48.2%

Question 5: Are there other areas of interest you have related to Hillsboro Airport? If so, please tell us. – 111 responses

• A more customer friendly commuter environment. • Always interested in the possibility of a smaller airline (Horizon, Spirit) beginning here. • Any expansion plans proposed for the airport. • Are there any adult jobs available? • Are trees slated to be cut down on the east side of the airport? We cannot afford to lose more trees! • Are you planning to make this a regional airport like Long Beach, Ca. and bring big jets in?

15 • As stated above, a restaurant on site would be nice, as well as airport related retail. • Birds and geese and small animals being destroyed or displaced. • Bring in a airline that at least flies in the PNW • Commercial Air Service • Commercial Aviation & potential expansion of HIO to allow FBO operators like Jet Suite X or commercial flights on Horizon. • Commercial flight operations • Commercial flights • Commercial Flights? • Commuter flights out of hillsboro, as someone who lives by the airport I don't have to go to the Portland airport to travel • Develop a park to cohabitate HIO with the Community. Was to happen after last Master Plan • Diverse and ethnic background opportunities advancement in aviation. • Does the airport plan to have commercial service in the future? • Drone problems. • Earthquake resiliency. • Economical development is a positive but when the current flight school does constant toiuch and goes and buzes our homes, the bad outweighs the good. • Every expansion plan these assholes dream up. Commercial vacancy on surrounding airport property • Expand runway to accommodate larger aircraft for flights to say Las Vegas, Phoenix, other destinations. • Expanded passenger commercial airline use. • Expansion • Flight plan • Future commercial flights • Future expansion of general aviation hangars and FBO support businesses • Future of commercial flights in and out. • Future use by Alaska Horizon • Gee, given recent news, could I be sprayed with jet fuel while I'm out exercising? How about my home? I'm clearly in an occasional flight path. Also, how is HIO contributing to climate change and pollution? • Growth plans • Hangar development • Hanger space • Hot air balloon festivals • How to vote on community related issues with the airport. Financial statements made public about the amount collected from Nike and Intel. • how you support PDX • I dont care for airshow but appreciate that they give back to community. • I had wanted to visit the museum... • I have concerns about noise but the Yes button for that question above doesn't work! • I like having events like the airshow.

16 • I tolerate the air show by leaving town for the duration. I understand it is a tourist attraction but I do not like it. • I wish we could fly out of HIO commercially one day, even regionally • I work nearby so that is my interest. • I would like to see domestic commercial flights available. • I'd like to see more commercial flights out of the airport. I occasionally have to head to PDX and it takes two and a half hours to get there. It'd be nice if some more regional flights could be out of Hillsboro. • If you’re going to keep it open, will you be making it a regional airport? • Improvement of sidewalks and trails around the airport. • Interested in airplanes and helicopters! • Interested in development. • is there still interest in opening up large commercial jet services (e.g. UPS) • it should serve larger population by connecting to airports at SFO,Seattle and a few other regional airports. • It would be highly desirable to fly out of HIO on a Southwest or Alaska Air code-share. • Its use as a potential secondary airport for regional airline traffic. • Job growth • Keeping the single engine size aircraft at the field and making it cost effective. • LAANC Facility Map planning • Lead pollution and safety • Love that airshow! • More cargo and shipping would be nice. • Moving any flight schools to another airport or at least directing any flights over sparsely populated areas. • My fear is that it will get bigger and more intrusive. • NA • New routes • No (9) • no comment • Noise and pollution are always a concern with an airport. • Noise at night is an issue, especially in summer with open windows. • Noise!!! Unfortunately, the airport is located in a highly populated area. • None. • Not at this time • NOT expanding to accommodate larger planes (commercial flights) • Not sure but is Civil Air Patrol offered here and if it is not why. There is critical shortage of air line pilots and what better way to fill that need than to start with the younger people. • Open it to commercial aircraft like Southwest. • Opportunity for short-hop connection to PDX / passengers and freight • Planning information • Please don't crash any helicopters into the nearby fabs. They're expensive and have lots of nasty chemicals that don't need to become airborne.

17 • Port of Portland plans to expand airport as auxillary to PDX • Possibility of commercial airlines at IHO • Possibility of commercial flights • Possibility of future commercial service. • Potential employment • Potential regional airline operations on the future • provision of Mogas to reduce lead emissions. • Regional airline base? • Retail on the Hillsboro Airport site • Secondary airport for regional plane • Starting commercial airline services. • The HIO to PDX Air Cargo Service is an important boost for Hillsboro companies and the people who work at these companies. • The master planning effort is of most interest. • Tours • Traffic flow • We've outgrown the annual Oregon Airshow. Time to end it and move the venue. We do not need two airshows each year with a minor one at Hillsboro. The City of Hillsboro should work with the Port to take a close look at this issue. • When will a gas become available to decrease lead toxicity from airport? • Why not redevelop for better use of the land • Wish it offered some commercial flights to Seattle • With the rapid advancement in unmanned vehicles, what is the plan to integrate this technology into HIO? • Would like airline connections • Would like to visit the idea of bringing commercial flights back • Would like to volunteer to help around airport & offices. • Would love to see commercial flights such as Horizon use the airport again • Would they please expand and offer more commercial flights so we don’t have to drive to Portland. • Yes, I would like to see a return of a restaurant on the site to promote community involvement in the airport. Currently I have no reason to go near it.

Question 6: How can we best invite you and your communities to engage with the airport on your areas of interest? – 308 responses

• Ads in Facebook, or at local library. • Advertising, local tv and social media • Airport information activities for community such as air fair • Although social media seems to be the means to reach people, not everyone is so enabled. I was just lucky to come across this survey. • Anyone who interacts with the airport on any level should have the opportunity to sign up for your newsletter.

18 • Ballot measures for Washington county • Be honest about your plans- advertise in mass media and do not hold one meeting and claim you reached out • Be open to mitigating the airport's impact on Hillsboro. • Be transparent on future developments and noise issues; be concerned about the thousands of citizens living near the airport. • blog • Build a commercial terminal like Paine Field • Build a restaurant and bar on campus along with a picnic table with speaker that is hooked to Tower frequency. Example would be KTIW • Change the flight path of the large aircraft so it isn’t flying in and out of the south end of the airport. • City info pages • City of Hillsboro newsletter • Communication about use and future plans • Community advertising • Community announcements • Community meetings • Community outreach • Community tabling • continue e-mailings • Continue in the support of the Air Show, youth activities and the OACE program. How do we better communicate these activities and programs to the general public? • continue with these notices • Continue with these surveys and the open houses (Air Fair). • Detailed info on your website. Emailed newsletters. Open houses/air fair type activities. • Direct mail works, as does Facebook (that's how I found out about this survey) • Earthquake resiliency • Easy access to public interface with airport. • Email (29) • email - [email redacted] • Email , YouTube type videos, • Email has worked fine. • email newsletters and communications. • Email outreach • [Email redacted] • email, facebook, mail • Email, Facebook, meet up • Email, media • Email, signage, website with events • Email, social media platforms and city newsletter • Email, survey, open house • Email, website, mailings etc.

19 • Email. Snail mail, but not bundled in with all the generic City shit or advertisements. • Email/Facebook/Meetings • Emails • Emails and letters • e-mails like this one • E-mails to properties within certain distance from the airport, publishing in news paper & open hoses. • Emails via Ops supervisor. • Engage with the people who are against the airport. • Events • events and surveys • Events that involve youth • Facebook (6) • Facebook advertising • Facebook events • Facebook lol • Facebook or email • Facebook polls • Facebook, email, text • Facebook, the Oregonian, Washington County Times, nextdoor.com • Family friendly events • Fb page or website that is maintained with what is going on and coming up next. Responding to community questions so we see what is being asked / answered. The port website is at times horrible and not user friendly for looking specifically at Hillsboro. • Fliers to mailboxes for upcoming information sessions or access to digital materials. • Flyers in the mail. • Flyers/signs in the local area • for working folks, either evenings (still hard to attend) or weekends for meetings - surveys are good if you allow space for comments, as you did here • Fun events like the Air Fair • Getting youth into aviation is big for me. I think that some highschool events would be a great idea! • Go look at airports like Arlington, Chino etc. • Have a community/pilot meet up? Air shows, bbqs with speakers from port and from the near by community and pilots. (Discussion) • Have events at the airport. Make the airport more interesting to normal people who don't work for industry or fly small planes. • Have events that can be attended in person or remotely (such as via FB Live) • Have family days, send out information, meetings, a workshop at the library, etc. • Have forums where concerns are valued and not dismissed as obstacles. • have more choices for passenger planes • Have more community meetings on airport issues at different areas around Hillsboro so more people will have the opportunity to attend.

20 • Highschool educational opportunities- Aviation club or similat • Hillsboro newspaper that comes out occasionally? • HIO is doing a lot at the moment, but it would be great to reach out to local high schools about being a pilot. This would help those who aren’t sure what to do after high school, or are aiming for a pointless degree. • HOA newsletter • Hold community interest meetings there • Hold open house meetings that address questions about the items listed above • Holding events at the local market • Host community events • Host events. • How about some cooperative work with the schools • I am a Board Member for the Tower Ts Hangar Assn. I think it would be great to invite owners to meetings, plans or activities. • I am an active CFI, taught at the Airport for years and am as engaged as I can be. • I am that community. • I don’t know (3) • I don’t want to answer • I don't have the answer to that. • I generally have no idea what goes on there, so any sort of recent news, calendar of special events, etc., would be great. • I hear many people complain about aircraft noise. As pilots, we try our best to avoid public disturbance by following specific procedures when arriving and departing HIO. However, there are some circumstances where we have no choice but to deviate these procedures to remain safe. I just wish the public would have more understanding to what Pilots do, rather then assuming that we just are there to make noise. • I not interested • I receive periodic emails - continue sending those. • If it brcomes commercial to serve more population we can find ways to participate • I'm not sure .. • I'm not sure. Get community input on expansion plans. • Information on website • Internet, events • Invitations to open houses • Invite families in the surrounding area to join in on meet and greet with some pilots and other staff. • Invite me to events at KHIO. • Invite schools, • Invite us to discussions • Is there a website? If so how to find it. • It should remain private. • I've been to meetings for the last few years on the Master Plan and don't feel as if these issues were addressed. Voices were heard but we never heard of any action.

21 • Just keep being you • Just limit the ever-increasing noise, regularly and from the airshow. • Keep having family events • Keep industry airlines going! • Keep me on the e-mail list • Keep talking and inform people what's is going on • keep talking to us • Keep the public aware of what’s up Regional air service and CIval Air Patrol for the younger folk • Keep the public informed • Keep the public informed about plans and issues. • Keep us informed more on connecting other cities so that this airport will have use for general public instead of a selected few • Let me know • Let us know what you are doing to reduce noise from flight schools. • Like the Airfare and air Show (bring it back next year!) • listen to the people that have lived here for over 50 years • Literature and social media • Local advertising and online • Local media • Local news • Local news sources. • Mail, FB. I probably wouldn’t attend a meeting • Mailers and social media • Mailings • Mailings to neighbor s • Maintain stasis • Make it a secondary airport for regional flight • Make public a timeline for decreasing lead emissions from airport use. Make public how you enforce elevation standards for airport users. Stop any future helicopter rides associated with air show. • Marketing on local media and online • Maybe a newsletter announcing a Fair or Festival. • Maybe host more pilot events and workshops for pilots that aren't based at HIO. • Media • Meetings (2) • More events (2) • More info on events. Last time I only saw one yellow banner. • More public outreach to aviation. Maybe a public viewing area • N/A (9) • Never have the airshow there again. • News letters and town hall meetings • Newsletters • Nextdoor.com

22 • no comment • No idea. • None • Not really sure. I often don’t even heard about events u til the are done. So maybe some informative signage at the airport - like a reader board at the corners of Cornell and Brookwood and Cornell and 25th • Not sure (5) • Offer scenic flights around the state. • On line (2) • online • online forums, FB groups • Online newsletter • Online survey’s, town hall style meeting’s, neighborhood association meetings • Online/e-mail • Open “house” • Open airport meetings!! • Open house (2) • Open house discussions • Open house meeting with pizza • Open house or news letter • Open house to discuss concerns • Open house, digital communication (web, mail) • Open house, renovate or rebuild terminal • Open houses (4) • Other than having people signup via email, ad’s in local media, if people are interested in the airport they will reach out. Good events at the airport will spark interest. • Outreach at community events. Local internship/training/employment opportunities • paper letter; local ballot initiative • Port tries to work with community, but fails to listen and/or makes up its own mind. • Possible tours of the tower and airport facilities for youth groups to get them engaged. • Possiblly info sent to homes about airport and services • Possibly use Nextdoor, which has a built-in geographic audience. • Post events on Facebook and other social media. • post on Facebook • Present at various community meetings, such as, CPO's, Aloha Business Association, Washington County Public Affairs Forum, a stand at the Farmer's Markets, etc. • Provide a service that I can use...and tell me about it when you do. • provide information at community events, like Celebrate Hillsboro • Public announcements • Public announcements , social media • Public meetings (3) • public notices, internet advertising, targeted mailing • Publicity

23 • Publicize • Publicizing events in a greater capacity • Put out on Facebook & put up signs. Paper advertisements or on buses works well. • Radio/tv ads • Reach out to the neighborhoods and let us know why there is more jet activity to the south and whether its something we need to expect for the future. • Regular issues newsletters • Require ballot measures for public approval of future moves by Port of Portland • See above (2) • Send me emails and invitations about airport issues, meetings and events. • Signs • Skeptical that the Port actually cares what neighbors think. If we own one of the jets or hangers, we matter, if we don't we don't matter. You will do what the rich folk want. • Social media (9) • Social media and direct mail. • Social media and news outlets. • Social Media Announcements • Social media events • Social media or mailing • Social Media posts or email newsletter updates • Social media presence • Social media works for me. • Social media, news outlets • Stop selling leaded fuel over my house. • Surveys are easy • Surveys like this are helpful. • Surveys like this are helpful. Mailers to nearby businesses/residents may also be helpful. • Surveys like this inviting comment. Public engagement meetings tend to attract critics and opponents of PoP, HIO, business or growth. As a result, education and information meetings devolve into shouting matches and polarized opinions and views. • Surveys like this, FB group • Surveys like this. • Surveys such as this. • The air fair is a great opportunity for people to engage with aviation, but it's frequently held on very cold and rainy days. I've thought it could make sense to hold it in the spring and involve the EAA young eagles program into the event, providing the chance for children to go on a small airplane ride with volunteer pilots. I'm a professional pilot now, but my first flight was with a volunteer pilot through that program in 2001, it can make quite an impact. • This is a good question. I attended the last meeting you held at Hillsboro until the usual negative group took over on there agenda. • This is a good start! Online is always easiest. • This is perfectly fine; more would be invasive! • Through Hillsboro local social media sites and maybe an email newsletter

24 • Town Hall meetings • Town hall meetings, open houses, news stories and announcements • Town Hall type meetings at the Library or Senior center. • Transparency • TV or radio commercials • Unsure • Use of social media • USPS • Via direct mailers. • via e mail [email redacted] • Via media • Via newspaper articles • Via the internet • Web site • Well publicized town halls • with things like this email. • You are already doing well with the various open house opportunities, but there could be more when the weather is better. • You need to stop expanding. Expansion should take place at PDX. • Your annual Air Fair works well. Maybe it would be good to include some optional information or discussion sessions as part of that.

Question 7: As the city of Hillsboro grows, what are your views about how the airport should evolve, change or develop? – 308 responses

• A cheap shuttle service to pdx would revolutionize my travel plans. Or more generic connecting flights to airports like Seattle. • Absolutely no commercial flights. Move the training program out of the residential area - for helicopters if nothing else. • Add commercial flights • Add commercial flights to NW destinations. • Add commuter Alaska / Horizon service • Add some commuter flights up down west coast • Airline connections or flights • Airport for commercial use should be built as a commercial airport, not transformed by forcing people to sell property. • Airport impact should be considered in Hillsboro growth to minimize future conflicts. • Airport seems pretty good to me as it is. Maybe a designated safe area for people to go sit down and watch the planes land and take off. A few “airplane facts” on a sign for people interested. • Allow for passenger flights • Allow small major airline planes • Another airport in the Portland area would be great, as there are so many people who live on the west side now

25 • As autonomous vehicles mature, a "shuttle" between HIO and PDX with 1/3rd-1/10th the time of MAX Red Line would be great! • As Hillsboro has grown, it’s grown around the airport. With the airport expanding and the city growing, I think a critical mass will happen soon where residents will push back against future growth and activity of the airport. Safety is a concern as is livability due to jet noise. • As I stated earlier, I like the size it is. Would not want to see it get bigger • As Metro Portland grows, I’d like to see Hillsboro become like Paine Field in Everett. Regional passenger service, as an alternative to congested Seattle. • As the city grows so should the Port increasingly recognize and respect the livability concerns of HILLSBORO residents. • As the community grows, of course HAO needs to meet the demands. I think that it needs to continue serving the needs of the community, but at the same time not grow so much that it loses the small town feel. • at the very least, keep its footprint • Be able to take off and land in fog • Be an active part of the community. • Be good neighbors - limit noise, protect water quality and natural areas as much as possible. • Be more accessible to the general public. • Be more conscientious about the environment and how you effect local residents • Be more integrated with the city and help us understand how the airport works. • Be vigilant helping city and government stay aware of the airport's needs and contribution, to minimize conflicts with developers and neighbors. • Become a satellite airport for KPDX, with regional carriers operating to and from. • become larger for more opportunities • Being able to take care of surrounding rrcinneighborhoods and having safety the ultimate goal • Bring in commercial service. • Bring passenger service to the airport • Build a commercial terminal like Paine Field • City planning should accommodate future growth potential of the airport. The trend of closing regional airports (especially in California) is disturbing and is causing a greater concentration (and exasperation) to the C and B class airports. • Close it, or limit how big the flight schools can be to address noise. Or make it a regional airport. • Commercial air service and increase the size of the pilot school. I think business are doing fine with general aviation, it’s basically their airport at the moment. • Commercial airlines please • Commercial flights • Commercial flights are a must. Pdx is too far. I would be willing to pay more for a flight out of Hillsboro. • Commercial local flights...seattle, Everett, vancouver • Commercial Passenger Service • Commercial service to Salem, eugene, Pendleton. • Commercial Service to Seattle SFO • Commercial service would be great

26 • Commercial service? • consider opening a new facility far away from Hillsboro to support PDX. • Continue development of airport resources • Continue to be a small airport not allowing major airlines but instead to support GA and smaller jets. • Continue to expand • Continue to meet the needs of the community • Continue with public meetings and planning as to which changes best serve our community and businesses. • Continued improvement of airport facilities to better integrate the general public (restaurant, viewing location for general public and so forth) • Develop to support the growth within reason • Development of commercial flights to Seattle and San Francisco • Do not develop regular airline service • Don’t grow it!! • Don't have any. • Eliminate flight training over residential neighborhoods. Stop having the Air Show over residential neighborhoods. Stop lead pollution. • Emphasis on non harassment (altitudes & repetitive patterns) • Enlarging it to accommodate small commercial flights would be wonderful. [I lived and worked near LGB (Long Beach, CA) and it was my favorite regional airport.] • Environmental impact, noise and needs of the community • Even if Hillsboro grows in size, the airport and traffic should not grow because it will impact more noise pollution in the neighborhoods. • Evolve • Evolve into more of a ‘hub’ for kid field trips and such.... small museum and tours? Get the kids interested in aviation at an early age! • Evolve naturally. • Expand commuter airlines • Expand now before there is no more room to grow • Expand out on the east side by Hillsboro Aviation for more of the same type of business and corporate and general aviation hangars. The Red Baron Restaurant has been missed. The existing buildings are aged and need a new face lift. Across the street the county has a new convention building being built. With all the big business all around the airport it would be nice to keep up with the appearances. • Expand the airports ability for longer travel options so people can fly out of hillsboro instead of PDX. • Expand to meet the growing needs. • Fewer jets. Propellers OK. • Fewer late night and early morning jet flights over Cooper Mountain • Find way to enable general aviation to coexist with increasing commercial and corporate use. • Flights for the public! • Focus on being an airport ga friendly!!!!

27 • Focus on the annual open house event to showcase daily airport uses. Skip the entertainment airshow. • freeze everything and direct everything and your big bucks to the cesspool at PDX • Get bigger allowing everyone to travel from it • Grow with the city • Growth is inevitable but measures should be made to protect adjacent neighborhoods from low elevation air traffic. This is an everyday issue with small aircraft flying over Jones Farm. • Have flights available so we don't have to drive all the way to PDX. Especially on short trips to Seattle, Eugene, Salem, Bend, Etc • Help make KHIO more affordable for General Aviation and FBOs. • Hillsboro airport property and safety zones should be protected • Hillsboro area surrounding airport is turning more residential, airport should not expand and/or move to another area • Hillsboro is definitely growing but we don’t need a PDX size airport. It needs to remain small. • Hillsboro used to be a small rural town.....the airport was small and not busy and wasn’t surrounded by neighborhoods .....it was very bad planning to let neighborhoods and businesses be so close by. We already had one plane crash at the air show a few years back and miraculously no one was killed. Intel and Nike Have corporate jets and I am sure that will increase.....and to who’s benefit? • HIO needs to become more of a destination to serve a city of 100,000 residents. This should include restaurants, shops and aviation-themed displays, exhibitions and activities. • HIO should evolve into a adjunct airport for PDX, meaning commercial passenger flights for commuter airlines (i.e. Horizon, United Express, etc.). I would much rather fly from HIO to SEA than going all the way out to PDX. • HIO should evolve to have western regional passenger air service. HI to SJC, LAX, Seattle, Redmond, Bosie etc This would allow POP to serve a greater population in the region. HIO should be officially designated our "secondary emergency airport" if natural disasters were to take down PDX. • How about a small commercial airline? Maybe something to Seattle? • How about commercial flights ,saving us the necessity of driving to Portland. • How can it serve the general community • I already miss the air show due to improvements but understand they were needed. Hopefully it comes back annually • I am concerned about noise from the airport and flight paths changing. • I am supportive of controlled growth, and feel that it offers employment opportunities unlike those otherwise available. • I am worries about noise. • I appreciate the Hillsboro Airport, I grew up here and have always loved it. However, there should be a cap on how much aircrafts can go in and out all day. • I believe regional airlines such as Horizon Air should be allowed to operate li ited flights out of the airport. That would help with traffic on 26 and 84. • I believe the air show should continue here. It supports the local economy. I would like to see the Blue Angels come back as well.

28 • I believe the airport has more to offer for the amount of people moving into the area. PDX is getting harder to drive to • I don’t know • I don't want larger/noisier planes to use HIO since I live off of Brookwood and the noise would probably lower my property values • I feel that it would be nice to have the ability to catch a plane in and out of Hillsboro for the general public domestic flights. • I feel the current general aviation use is appropriate. Though the convenience of commercial service would be nice I doubt that it is economically viable for the foreseeable future. If a future extension of the main runway were a consideration, I think tunneling evergreen rd beneath it would be the ideal means to do so. • I hope the airport can survive the pressures of surrounding development. I have seen too many airports close over the years. • I think a runway lengthening is paramount. At some point in the future, larger aircraft will have a need to fly here. I do not know when, but it will happen. It is best to create the runway boundaries now, before the land around is fully developed & it will cost much more for land acquisition down the road. • I think expanding is good • I think if the airport grows, it should grow to help the average person/taxpayer and provide more resources for them vs. just focused on growth for local businesses. • I think it needs to be very conscientious of noise considering the very established surrounding neighborhoods. • I think it should expand by annexing local land to provide a major hub as an alternative to PDX. • I think it should stay a class D airport with maybe some growth but probably should stay a GA airport with pdx so close by. • I think organizing the flight schools over to the north side and improving the south side as a primarily charter and business aviation access area would make sense. • I think the airport should become a regional hub offering short hopper flights to Seattle, Bend, Boise, Spokane, Southern Oregon and Northern California • I wish it would shrink. While I get that many airshow pilots are well trained and safety conscious, I fear that other general aviation pilots aren't and they put residents at risk. I also question the safety of the flight school - how do we know they aren't training the next 9/11 terrorists? • I would hate to see it become a big airport, we already have PDX, I can't see, at this point, that this airport having big jets land is important. PDX does not have a HUGE amount of flights that leave it. I am happier for this to remain a small airplane airport. • I would like to see airline service to this area • I would love to see a few commercial airlines offer flights out of HIO. Intel does it • I would worry about bigger aircraft coming in. We have a lot of noise and activity already. We get used to it but the larger planes would be hard to ignore. Also how does it work balancing the current load plus bigger planes? Let them go to pdx. What is value to Hillsboro in expanding our airport? • I'd like to see a continued trend towards welcoming and engaging our local community. • I'd like to see it offer at least small amounts of passenger service.

29 • I'd love to see HIO grow and thrive with the community • If there is no commercial passenger flights then close it • I'm guessing that there will be some flights that some people will be able to take more in and out of Hillsboro left for the rest of us folks who lived here we have to go to the Portland airport to fly out like if we want to go on a trip • I'm tired of Hillsboro trying to grow! They want to take people's property and turn it into a commercial industrial jungle. This area cannot support it. Too much industry all ready. • It is in the middle of the city. How is an already noisy airport going to make the lives of city residents better as Hillsboro grows? • It is insufficient for commercial transportation, and Portland area passenger volume in no way warrants that use. Nothing about south Hillsboro sprawl changes that • It is likely to get busier. • It must change with growth, but carefully due to dense neighboring populations. • It needs a commercial terminal. Look at Paine field in Everett, Wa for a good example. • It needs to become a public use (flights) option to Pdx in order to improve the growth of the area. • It needs to continue to serve the community. • It needs to expand • It should be an alternative to PDX for commercial service.... • it should be closed • It should be understood by the city how important the airport is, and that it was a part of the city before the new developments were. • It should become more commercial since the west side is growing so rapidly, pdx is to far away to want to go to to catch a flight. West side should become it's own region and seperate itself from portland. • It should connect to other airports and reduce our dependance on PDX...More business opportunities will grow for the region • It should continue on its path, getting bigger and better. • It should continue to grow and start offering commercial passenger service possibly. • It should expand • It should grow along with the community • It should grow no further- Period • It should grow with it as the needs of the west side community grow. • It should grow with it to borvide the service needed for a growing city. • It should keep up with the needs of the community • It should move outside the city limits as this town is growing. • It should not grow as the eoad infrastructure cannot handle the traffic during peak hours as is. • It should resemble the Bend/Redmond airport. • It should stay about the same. Nkt interested in being a relief airport for PDX • It should stay small. The PDX is plenty close. We don't need more air pollution in our neighborhood. • It should stay the same or even less. Seriously, who can afford private aviation? If the field can't pay for itself, we certainly don't need it.

30 • It would be highly desirable to fly out of HIO on a Southwest or Alaska Air code-share. • It would be nice if commercial passengers could have it as an option--similar to the Bellingham airport. • It would be nice to be more connected to the Portland airport-such as regional flights in and out of Hillsboro’s such as Alaska flights • It’d be nice to have some commercial flights depart from there as an alternative to PDX. • It’s already as big as it needs to be • It’s good as is, don’t ruin it with regulations • It's an ideal location to bring scheduled air service to. Everyone on the westside wouldn't have to drive through the horrendous portland traffic for their air travel needs. • It's best to be a business aviation reliever airport more than it is now. • Just that -- evolve, change and develop responsibly and with minimal or no environmental impacts. • Keep as is. No commercial flights • Keep doing what you do • Keep growing to support operations • Keep it small, keep it local • Keep it small. No scheduled service. • keep noise down • Keep noise pollution down • Keep the airport active and available for all general aviation operations. Do not allow surrounding commercial or government development to threaten operations at HIO like the tragedy happening now at Santa Monica in California and what happened at Meigs Field in Chicago. Santa Monica has no idea what sort of transportation and emergency relief possibilities they are throwing away, deep inside a dense metropolitan area. HIO can serve as a very important Portland west side area transportation and emergency relief resource. • Keep the noise down • Keep the public informed • Keep the zoning around the airport as farm land at lest what's left.. • Leave as is!! • Less flights • limit development around it • Limit night flying, use lead-free gasoline • Local commercial air service • Long term, as the Portland Metro area grows, we are going to outgrow PDX. HIO is probably going to be the next satellite commercial facility. • Lower Evergreen below the runway and extend the runway. (Should have been done years ago!) • Mainstream airlines. Great opportunity for regional flights • Make airport more accessible to locals needing service to larger airports in NW and West coast. • Make it bigger for general aviation • Make sure it is developed as a lifeline asset, including post earthquake operations. • Make sure no more new homes are built around the area and the adjacent prioperties are zoned for industrial or commercial

31 • Match pace of growth with community • May not be appropriate to have the airport ramping up as population increases. Was fine when it was farmland around it • Maybe be an airport for shorter trips? • Might add • Modernization is good, but generally growth and traffic increase should be limited. • More acc • More acess to local folks possibly short trips • More commercial flights • More offerings • More real estate development around the airport. Possibly introduce regional commercial flights. • More safety boundaries • More space for hangars, GPS approaches for RWY2 and 20 • Most importantly, the airfield should, as such, continue into perpetuity. • Move Evergreen Road again. This time make the runway at least 7200ft. • Move out of city limits. • Move the air show permanently to McMinnville. There is more room and the aviation museum can prosper from the move... • Move the air show to some other airport that has less populated area around it • Move the flight school to another airport • N/A (3) • Need to enlarge airport & have more parking • Needs a restaurant again that can see the runway...more attractive plants/flowers/trees... • Needs commercial flights. • Needs new terminal, commercial air service • Needs to stay the way it is. Nothing wrong with small. • Nice to have flight options out of Hillsboro • No commercial flights • No more building close to or on airport property • No more planes. No more expansion! • No opinion • Noise abatement, although the airport was there before Hillsboro decided to pop up • None (2) • None come to mind • Not informed enough to comment • Not sure (2) • Not sure. We just moved into flight path and don't mind the planes landing and taking off, but other noises are occasionally too loud (engine revving) and I'm not sure we'd want MORE plane noise. • Of course it will grow...but how? Maybe turn evergreen into a tunnel?? • Offer commercial flights • Offer commercial flights (AA, Delta, United, Southwest, etc.)

32 • Offer scheduled passenger flights to West Coast destinations (Seattle, Bay Area, L.A.) • Open communication with the community. • Passenger flights • Passenger service to NW cities. • Possible host regional commercial airline. • Prefer that it does not become much busier. The noise level is acceptable as is but much more could be problematic • Probably at most should just stay status quo. Would be best to phase out jet traffic • Question whether we need this in the middle of town. • Really don't have any specific views .. Just interested in the upkeep of the area, the noise level of the jets, etc. • Remove leaded fuel • Restrict adjacent and nearby development to minimize conflicts over noise and traffic. • Restrict use. • Safety for the surrounding areas should be a priority and keeping flight plans away from neighborhoods. It should not be used for commercial flights. • See above answer. • Serve near by airports i.e. Seattle, Eugene, Sun River, Boise, etc. • Serve the general public aka taxpayers by providing commercial flights • SHORT HAUL COMMERCIAL SERVICE: RDM, BFI, PDX, PDT, YKM • should address the pollution issues especially leaded fuel • Should become more customer focused. • Should consider moving further out • Should continue to develop • Should expand runways • Should offer more routes • Silence is golden. • Small airline passenger service • small commercial domestic airport • Somewhat • Start doing commercial flights to places like Seattle and Spokane or Pullman, Wa. Flights that are less than 2 hrs. • Stay pretty much the same • Stay the same • Stop selling leaded fuel over my house. Provide a service to the neighbors, not just a handful of corporate clients. • Stop using fuel with lead in it • Tell the naysayers, they bought a house by/near an airport, what did they expect? • That commercial airlines start landing in Hillsboro • The airport cannot be an annex to PDX. It should always remain a small local airport with modest regional traffic. • The airport has developed too much in my opinion. It is extremely unneeded in a poor community such as Hillsboro.

33 • The airport is a critical part of our county's infrastructure. Those who live nearby have some tradeoffs in terms of quality of life with noise issues. Being a facility the public can rely on in an emergency is a way for the Port to give back. • The airport needs to grow along with the community. • The airport needs to grow to accommodate commerce but keep the noise level at reasonable levels. • The airport needs to grow to meet the needs of the local economy • The airport needs to keep in mind the local community as it expands and nets additional business. • The airport needs to stay in its current boundaries or plans for a new location in a less populated area should be discussed. • The airport should be developed for commercial service. Current drive time to PDX can be up to hour and half with the traffic. If there was one flight a day to Seattle to connect I would be on it! • The airport should consider switching to no-lead fuel, restrict the operation of certain types of especially loud aircraft, and limit the frequency of late night/early morning flights. • The airport should continue to publicize its role in the local economy and community as it has been doing for years. • The airport should evolve in order to meet Hillsboro’s and the residents’ needs. • The airport should grow as well • The airport should look at other sites to evolve, change or develop. • The airport should not get any bigger • The airport should remain accessible for all members of the community, not just the corporate or flight school clients. Increasing the number of shops or restaurants on the property would be good. • The airport should take on short commuter flights to local towns. • The airport should work with the community for future development. However, since the airport has been there for many decades, new residents should be aware of the airport operations. • The airport shouldn’t continue to grow. Larger planes should be using the Portland airport • The airport shouldn’t expand to include commercial flights. Get rid of flight schools. • The airshow should limit jets flying low over neighborhoods.....noise and danger of crashes. • The city should revisit zoning in the airport area. Housing development near flight-paths or practice areas should be forbidden or restricted. Prospective owners should acknowledge in writing that the airport may impact their property use. • The Port should bring more restaurants to the surrounding area. • The public should have access to flights. It’s awful people living in west Portland Washington county spend more time getting to PDX for local flights to Seattle and the Bay Area than they do in the air!! • There should be an increased focus on sustainability, health, and noise limits to preserve quality of life for the neighbors surrounding the area. • There should be commuter flights to PDX. • This airport should evolve into a large hub • This airport should have commercial regional jet service

34 • tight connection with local community including communication. • To keep noise & pollution down • Too many houses too close • Turn into a small airport w scheduled flights • Unknown (2) • Unsure • Upgrade • Upgrade facilities, build new terminal building, create a high quality, compatible retail commercial component and streetscape. • We do not want commercial flights, this is a small airport surrounded by schools and neighborhoids • We need a faster way to get passengers deplaning in Portland home to Hillsboro, since their planes can't land here. • We need airlines so we don’t have to drive to PDX • Well, as the city grows, so should the airport. • What are the plans in regards to adding electric charging stations for EVs and future development of Electric Powered Planes? • With a bigger city security might be a concern, and it's capacity for more planes flying in our based there might be too small. • With community approval • Within reason, the airport should grow with the city. • worried about the impact and danger to the population, push larger planes to PDX • Would be neat to have HIO develop into a second airport for the Portland area (like Payne Field) with easier access to short connecting flights to SFO and SEA. • would be nice to have regional commercial flights. • Your question assumes change rather than maintain. Maintain.

Question 8: Have you heard of the Hillsboro Airport Air Fair (a.k.a. Hillsboro Airport Open House)?

Have you heard of the Hillsboro Airport Air Fair? 311 Responses

159 51.1%

Yes No

152 48.9%

35 Question 9: Did you attend the Air Fair this year?

Did you attend the Air Fair this year? 159 Responses

37 23.3%

Yes No

122 76.7%

Question 10: How did you hear about the Air Fair?

How did you hear about the Air Fair? 37 respondents

Attended in previous years 21 Banner on airport fence 14 Local events calendar (online) 11 Friend / Word of mouth 8 Port website 5 School flyer 4 Social media 4 Google 2 Email 1 Participate as exhibitor 1 PCC 1 Radio control club 1 0 5 10 15 20 25 Number of Responses

Question 11: How would you rate the following: (1 = highly dissatisfied, 5 = highly satisfied) Activities, aircraft on display, booths/information provided, food, friendliness of staff, registration process, tours, overall experience – 37 responses

36 RESPONSES (37) Rating 1 2 3 4 5 x Highly Highly Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied n/a Score Satisfied Dissatisfied Overall Experience 13 12 9 1 2 2.11 35.1% 32.4% 24.3% 2.7% 5.4% Tours 11 10 6 1 4 (5) 2.28 34.4% 31.3% 18.8% 3.1% 12.5% Registration Process 17 8 7 0 3 (2) 1.97 48.6% 22.9% 20.0% 0.0% 8.3% Friendliness of Staff 27 4 2 0 3 (1) 1.56 75.0% 11.1% 5.6% 0.0% 8.3% Food 5 3 13 6 3 (7) 2.97 16.7% 10.0% 43.3% 20.0% 10.0% Booths/Info Provided 4 16 12 3 2 2.54 10.8% 43.2% 32.4% 8.1% 5.4% Aircraft on Display 5 12 13 5 2 2.65 13.5% 32.4% 35.1% 13.5% 5.4% Activities 9 14 9 4 1 2.30 24.3% 37.8% 24.3% 10.8% 2.7%

Question 12: What did you like best about this year’s Air Fair? (optional) – 22 responses

• Aircraft on display • Airport tour • Bus tour • corporate/charter aviation handers • Customs • Display aircraft • Equipment (planes and machines) on display. • Focus on the real value of the airport to the community, as opposed to the Oregon Air Show which is just an entertainment event with little relation to the airport's daily importance to the community. • Food was good. • Hanger tour and historical slide show • Kid friendly- kids get to get in/on different machines. • Military demos • My daughter loves checking out the aircrafts • opportunity to be inside the airport • Overall well done, with great activities for children • Talking with a general aviation pilot in front of his airplane on display. • The enthusiasm

37 • The outreach programs are great. • The staff and displays • They took us on a tour of Nike jets, had police and police dogs there, also same with fire dept., some local businesses had tables there. • Tour and some booths (but weather not the best) • Tours

Question 13: How could we improve the event? (optional) – 24 responses

• Beaverton Bakery was great treats years ago • Bigger and better airplanes. Maybe contact nike to see if they will tow one of their gulf streams over. • Engage corporate users such as Intel and Nike to display aircraft and explain how important the aircraft are to the core business. These airplanes are not just toys for the VIPs, but integral parts of the business. • Food vendors • have a pay as you go coffee booth separate from the food booth : ) , the free coffee either runs out or is cold. have more handouts or poster sessions about learning how to fly opportunities for adults • Have more aircraft on display • Have more airplanes to see, and someone to explain the different types of aircraft. I don't remember any place to buy food? Food at a fair price would be good. Lots of things for kids and adults to do! I am very interested to hear the story of Hillsboro Airport. I was a for Pan American and my Dad flew for TWA, so anything having to do with the history of flight and the airport would be interesting. • I answered this in a previous question – “The air fair is a great opportunity for people to engage with aviation, but it's frequently held on very cold and rainy days. I've thought it could make sense to hold it in the spring and involve the EAA young eagles program into the event, providing the chance for children to go on a small airplane ride with volunteer pilots. I'm a professional pilot now, but my first flight was with a volunteer pilot through that program in 2001, it can make quite an impact.” • I like it! • Include airplane rides/youth events • Keep the tours going - we missed it due to crowd size and time. • Larger military jet like a C-5 • More activities • More aircraft • More aircraft displays • More airplanes, more booths, more activities, more food choices. • More airplanes/helicopters on display... let kids get in. • More buses for the tour, more aircraft on display, more information about flight training. • More tour busses. It was cold out on the tarmac, and waiting was difficult, especially for those with children.

38 • More: Equipment (planes and machines) on display. • Music ! • Perhaps encourage local pilots to display their aircraft • Static displays, good food court, beer garden, (maybe) listen to tower • Upgrade food options

Question 14: Is there anything else you would like to share about Hillsboro Airport? (optional) – 107 responses

• A great resource that deserves more money and attention. Troutdale is too close to PDX to be an alternative airport in case of natural disaster. As the state population grows primarily in the PDX Metro area, HIO can be of service. • A viewing park accessible by all would help to ease the heavy handed security issues surrounding the Airport grounds. • Again make the airport more useful to larger section of the population by connecting to other airports • Again, I think the ecosystem here in Hillsboro could not stand to have more cars, and larger airplanes going into Hillsboro airport. We still have good farm land, forests, and recreation areas. Intel and Nike and other big corporations don't need to have more aircraft coming in and turning Hillsboro Airport into an airport for corporate executives. • Concern about noise from aircrafts • Concerned about any expansion of the airport. • Do more advertising about events at the airport. • Do not do anymore expansion. We don't want freight, UPS, FedEx, Amazon etc coming into this airport. There are too many seen trucks on the roads now, bringing in freight companies will only make the problem worse. We have enough jet traffic now, don't add the larger planes into HIO! • Emissions report should be required for public information. • FAA tower staff are awesome • Find ways to buffer noise (take-off landing hours, plantings along the perimeter, etc.) • From a public perspective, no. As a tenant there are things I could elaborate on. • Glad you’re here! • Go HIO! • Hope it doesn’t expand any further! • How will you compensate homeowners for loss of value ? • I attended HARE meetings and members sImply rubber stamped Port of Portland ideas. Not open to public input. • I cannot emphasize enough that, as a part of modernization, UAS should not be 2nd class citizens to the airspace. For example, there are large portions of the City of Hillsboro that have 0ft on the Facility map where it could safely and usefully be something like 100ft. As part of being a "good neighbor" the airport should go out of its way to justify (and ideally minimize/avoid) every 0ft square determination. It has improved since the first version, but

39 there's still lots of room for improvement. I love KHIO, I love flying in and out of it, and I want to continue to support it any way I can. • I don’t have a problem with the airport. • I feel that expansion (like longer or more runways) should be done as soon as possible so that the city can evolve around the airport. it will be much more difficult to expand in 20 years if the area is already built up with neighborhoods and industry. • I guess not. • I guess we're stuck with the darn thing - just wish that wasn't the case. • I have lived in the Hillsboro area most of my life (I am in my 40's), I used to love when my Grandparents would drive out to the "country" airport and we would sit and watch the planes come and go. We are fortunate to have this in our own backyard. The Airshow NEEDS to stay and should be a priority. • I hope it becomes useable to more than just the super wealthy and student pilots. • I think it's an important part of our community and so is the Air Show. • I will repeat, stop selling leaded fuel to be burnt over my house and provide a service to the neighbors, not just a handful of corporate clients. • I wished the Hillsboro airport fair was 2x a year or at least 2 weekends in a row. Always want to attend but other commitments and worry about how busy it is. I just see the sign in the fence, don’t recall much other advert than that. I would hope the airshow is back in Hillsboro for 2020 and beyond. If more work is being planned at Hillsboro then it needs to not impact our getting the airshow here. • I worry about leaded fuel overhead. • I’d like to see those who use it giving back to our community in some way. • I’ve flown out of HIO twice, once on a Gulfstresm & once on a piper cub. Both experiences were amazing for a west sider. I think commercial service is logical. • I'd like to see better follow-up on issues raised by citizens during public meetings. I also think the policy of not responding to citizen comments by the advisory panel stifles understanding. • If the Airshow hasn't been entirely destroyed, make it a REAL airshow, including fly-in, and offer rides. Take some control from the airshow committee...Back when Judy was in charge, they learned how to suck the cash out with the result being $25 tickets, $8 burgers and a fraction of the AVIATION displays and activities of years prior. • Important general aviation reliever to Portland International. • It is a community safety hazard now that Hillsboro has grown so much. It should be relocated out to a less populated area like it once was. • It is fine as is!! • It is really noisy. Jets as well as small planes and helecopters fly low over downtown all of the time. It is likely that they are within FFA guidelines, but it is a detractor to living in our cute downtown area. • It needs to be updated. The 1950 ish look is rather dated. • It seems really inaccessible and elite. It's a publicly maintained airport, but it only serves a small number of people. Working to address that perception could go a long way. • It should have use for larger public so that more small business can grow in and arround airport • It should remain a limited service airport.

40 • It sounds like a hobby airport for rich people at our expense, and I think it sould be converted to low-income housing, or sites for LFTR plants. • It was here before me....so why do neighbors complain? • It would be best during Washington County Fair if the helicopters did not fly low over the area. • It would be highly desirable to fly out of HIO on a Southwest or Alaska Air code-share. • Keep being awesome! The Nike jets on display are awesome! • Keep it small and the planes too. • Keep it small please . • Loud planes • Love the Oregon international air show • Make the Airshow (a charitable organization) more welcome. • More notice of air fair • NA • NIMBYists seem to not understand that their house is cheap BECAUSE IT'S NEXT TO AN AIRPORT!! • No (21) • No more noise in the middle of the night. Take it somewhere else. It's bad enough during the day. • Noise from jets in evenings and mornings not nice especially in summer when our windows are open • Nope! • Nope, but ask me if you have a question. • Not at this time (2) • Not at this time my major complaint is about the air show. • Not now • not really • Oh - yeah. What is going on with the airport as far as it's roll in a regional disaster? • Planes headed to Hillsboro from the south fly over my house • Please remind the people maintaining your land along Veterans to not park in the bike lane. It is illegal and inconsiderate of bike traffic. • Please remove leaded fuel • Re-look into Port and Hillsboro Parks developing a park where folks could learn about planes, see planes land/take-off, hear about how/why planes fly, feel like the city and Port are interested in sharing what HIO is all about. • Respect your neighbors. When I play golf at Meriwether, the drone of twin engine trainers is even evident that far out. You have to realize what an impact NOISE has on the environment. • Small airplanes (trainers) are louder than large jets • Stay the same size. • Thanks for sending out this email and reaching out to the community. • The air show is a revenue generator for the area. In the late 90's - early 2000's, the air show and the county fair sometimes overlapped. The best of both events for families was a frequent comment. The 4th of July fireworks display was excellent in past years. Bring it back!

41 • The airport can be a great partner and economic boost to Hillsboro and Oregon, but the situation currently feels like it's increasingly becoming unbalanced. As the new runways open up, we are especially concerned about air quality and noise. • The airshow is awesome, miss the fireworks in the 4th of July. • The picture of the airport seems to be old. I had trouble deciphering various locations. • The Port is always going to be more focused on PDX, which is international, and the shipyards. I understand that. But this is important. • The Port of Portland is a terrible landlord. • There are far too many people and dangerous industrys here to expand the aiport further • This is the type of regional airport that is currently looking to serve. The population west of the Willamette river is increasing tremendously, is generally more affluent, and tend to travel more for business and pleasure utilizing and overcrowding PDX. Opening HIO would also *reduce traffic* through the city of Portland, take some pressure off PDX and provide service and convenience to those of us who live on the west side of Portland. Yes I work for UAL, and have communicated this opportunity to upper management, who have responded favorably. [Personal info redacted]. lets do this :-) • This year question did you mean 2019 or 2020? • Under the flight path of 31R the Wooded area by Brookwood would it be possible to make a park inside this area. People are getting more condensed all the time and this may help to getaway. • We are a close neighbor and it's great to have a front-row seat for the airshows! • We have been neighbors to the airport since 1986 would like to have a better understanding of airport and included to any family friendly events . • Would like to go the air fair. Didn’t know it existed • Would like to see more of the airport related businesses and educational opportunities be hilighted. • Yes; It needs to stick to the plans it sets and not aspire toward unattainable goals

Question 15: What is the ZIP code of your home address? – 311 responses

• 90045 (1) • 97115 (1) • 97214 (1) • 96124 (1) • 97116 (14) • 97217 (1) • 97003 (13) • 97119 (1) • 97219 (1) • 97005 (2) • 97123 (49) • 97220 (2) • 97006 (16) • 97124 (144) • 97223 (6) • 97007 (11) • 97128 (1) • 97224 (1) • 97008 (1) • 97133 (3) • 97225 (4) • 97078 (8) • 97134 (1) • 97229 (12) • 97080 (1) • 97140 (1) • 97231 (2) • 97106 (2) • 97206 (1) • 98124 (1) • 97109 (1) • 97211 (1) • 98645 (1) • 97113 (3) • 97212 (2)

42 Question 16: How far do you live from Hillsboro Airport? – 310 responses

• .25 mile (1) • 15 minutes (1) • .25 miles (1) • 1500 feet at the North end of the • .5 miles (3) runway (1) • ~1 mile (1) • 17 miles (1) • ~15 mi (1) • 18 miles (1) • ˜8.5 MILES (1) • 1mile (2) • “Hop, skip, and a jump.” (1) • 2 miles (14) • <2 miles (1) • 2 miles approximately. For air traffic • 0.2 miles (1) purposes, it's rigjt overhead. (1) • 0.5 mile (1) • 2 miles away (1) • 0.5 miles (2) • 2 miles or so (1) • 1 mile (25) • 2 minutes (1) • 1 to 1 1/2 miles SSW (1) • 2 NM (1) • 1.2 miles (2) • 2.5 miles (2) • 1.4 miles (2) • 2.5 miles and am in the flight path. (1) • 1.5 mile (1) • 20 (1) • 1.5 miles (7) • 20 miles (3) • 1.7 miles (1) • 20min drive (1) • 1/2 a mile (1) • 2-3 mikes (1) • 1/2 mile (4) • 2-3 miles (1) • 1/4 mile (3) • 2-3 miles ? (1) • 1+ miles (1) • 23 miles/30 minute drive (1) • 10 (1) • 24 miles (1) • 10 milea (1) • 25 miles (2) • 10 miles (15) • 2mi (2) • 10 miles? (1) • 2miles (2) • 1000 feet (1) • 3 (1) • 10-15 miles (1) • 3 miles (22) • 10-15 mins (1) • 3 or 4 miles (2) • 10ish miles (1) • 3.5 (1) • 10miles (2) • 3.5 miles (2) • 10or 15 miles (1) • 30 minute drive (1) • 11 miles (3) • 3-4 miles (1) • 1-1/2 miles (1) • 3-5 miles (1) • 1-2 miles away (1) • 3mi (1) • 12 miles. (1) • 3or4 miles (1) • 12mi (1) • 4 mi (1) • 13 miles (4) • 4 mile drive (1) • 13th & Evergreen -- real close. (1) • 4 miles (12) • 15 miles (5) • 4.1 miles (1) • 15 min (1) • 4.5 miles (2)

43 • 4.5mi (1) • About three miles (1) • 43 miles (1) • About two miles (1) • 5 miles (12) • across the strees (1) • 5 miles as crow flies (1) • Across the street (1) • 5 miles or less (2) • Approximately 15-20 miles (1) • 5 minutes (2) • As the crow flies about 5 miles (1) • 5-miles (1) • Between one and two miles. (1) • 6 miles (4) • Close (1) • 6 miles as the crow files or 15 minutes. • Half a mile West (1) (1) • Hawthorne Glen, and near cut down • 6 minutes (1) trees. The trees made sense to take • 7 miles (5) down, but I was shocked at how many. • 7 or 8 miles (1) More and more came down. • 75 miles (1) Communication of that effort and why • 7-8 miles (1) would have been helpful to our • 7mi (1) neighborhood. (1) • 8 miles (5) • I can see it from my house (1) • 8 miles? (1) • I live in the first residential street south • 8-10 blocks +/- (1) of Cornell (1) • 976 air (statue) miles (1) • I watch the air show from our deck, we • A bit over a mile. (1) are 5 miles as the crow flies. We watch • a couple of miles (1) the Nike Air Force come in & out while eating dinner outside. (1) • A couple of miles? Jackson School • neighborhood (1) In flight path of airshow and incoming planes [address redacted] (1) • A few miles (3) • In Jones Farm neighborhood (1) • A few miles, but we are in the flight • path. (1) Jackson School Road nearby housing development (1) • A hop, skip, and jump away (1) • Jones Farm (1) • A mile (1) • Jones farm - 4 or 5 blocks away. (1) • A mile or so. (1) • Just over 1 mile (1) • About 1/2 mile. (1) • Just south of it. 0.25 mi (1) • About 10 miles (1) • Less than 1 mile. (1) • about 15 miles east (1) • Less than 2 miles (2) • About 2 blocks (1) • Less than a mile (2) • About 2 miles south (1) • Less than five miles, i believe. (1) • About 20 blocks (1) • Less than one mile (3) • About 20 miles (via best route; probably • about 17 straight line) (1) Less than three miles. (1) • • about 2-3 miles (1) Less than two miles (2) • • about 4 miles (1) Less then 1 mile. (1) • • About 5 miles. (1) Maybe 2 miles (1) • • About a mile (2) Maybe one mile? Also the gender pronoun thing below is dumb. (1) • about that far (1)

44 • Mile (1) • Two miles south east as the crow flies • Mile or 2 (1) (1) • not far enough (1) • Two miles. (1) • on Brookwood south of base line about • Under five miles (1) 1.5 miles (1) • very close, Hawthorn Glenn (1) • Three miles (1) • within 3 miles (1)

Question 17: What is your age? – 311 responses

What is your age? 311 responses 83 26.7% 17 5.5% 14 18-29 4.5% 30-44 45-60 Over 60 Prefer not to answer 95 30.5% 102 32.8%

Question 18: What are your preferred gender pronouns? – 311 responses

What are your preferred gender pronouns? 311 Responses

154 49.5%

He / Him / His She / Her / Hers Prefer not to answer 101 32.5% They / Them / Theirs

7 2.3% 49 15.8%

45 Question 19: What ethnic groups do you consider yourself a part of or feel closest to? – 311 responses

• African / African-American / Black (2) • African / African-American / Black, American Indian / Alaska Native (1) • African / African-American / Black, White/Caucasian (2) • American (1) • American Indian / Alaska Native (1) • American Indian / Alaska Native, White/Caucasian (1) • Asian / Asian-American (9) • [Redacted] (1) • Depends on who has the loudest voice in this matter (1) • European-American (2) • FEEL closest too??? Is this survey supposed to be statistically valid? (1) • Hispanic or Latinx (4) • Hispanic or Latinx, White/Caucasian (6) • Human (1) • Human Race (1) • Irrelevant Question (1) • my parents never told me. (1) • Pacific Islander (1) • Portuguese (1) • Prefer not to answer (44) • Prefer not to answer, bi cultural [redacted] (1) • White/Caucasian (224) • White/Caucasian, And why is this question necessary for this survey? Does anyone really care what ethnic group vs another group thinks about or uses the airport? (1) • White/Caucasian, Australian (1) • White/Caucasian, Eastern European (1) • White/Caucasian, Prefer not to answer (1)

Question 20: Which languages are spoken at your home? English, Spanish, Hindi, Chinese, Russian, prefer not to answer, other – 311 responses

• English (251) • English, Chinese (1) • English, Dog (1) • English, English mostly (1) • English, German (1) • English, German, Swedish (1) • English, Hindi (2) • English, Japanese (1) • English, Klingon (1) • English, Prefer not to answer (1)

46 • English, Profanity (1) • English, Russian (2) • English, Serbian (1) • English, Spanish (12) • English, Spanish, Chinese, French German and Japanese (1) • English, Spanish, German (2) • [Redacted] • English, Spanish, Sign language (1) • English, Tamil (2) • English, Vietnamese (1) • French (1) • Prefer not to answer (23) • Spanish (1) • Spanish, Tamil (1)

Question 21: Would you like to be added to our Hillsboro Airport news list? If so, what is your email address?

155 respondents provided an email address.

Digital Survey 2020 Distribution A digital survey was developed in both English and Spanish. The survey was distributed through the following channels:

HACA Digital Survey Distribution Email / Hillsboro Airport News and General Aviation News Lists: Jan. 15 Port of Portland Website / HillsboroAirport.com Website Jan. 15 – Feb. 7 Facebook advertisement / Port of Portland account: Jan. 15-19 Banner promotion at NE Cornell and Brookwood: Jan. 16 – Feb. 7 Display in Hillsboro Airport Terminal Building: Jan. 16 – Feb. 7 Display in Hillsboro Brookwood Library: Jan. 16 – Feb. 7 City of Hillsboro / Happening in Hillsboro E-Newsletter: Jan. 22 Facebook Promotion / Centro Cultural de Washington County: Jan. 27 Facebook advertisement / Port of Portland account: Jan. 27-31 Email / Hillsboro Airport News and General Aviation News Lists: Feb. 3 Facebook advertisement / Port of Portland account: Feb. 5-6

47 Port of Portland Website / HillsboroAirport.com:

Port of Portland E-Newsletter:

48 Banner Promotion:

Displays in Hillsboro Airport Terminal + Hillsboro Brookwood Library:

Hillsboro Airport Terminal Brookwood Library

49 Facebook Advertisement:


51 External Partners – City of Hillsboro E-Newsletter:

External Partners – Centro Cultural de Washington County Facebook Post:

52 Digital Survey 2020 (English Version) http://bit.ly/HIO2020survey






58 Digital Survey 2020 (Spanish Version) http://bit.ly/HIO2020encuesta