i < Fourth Concert Tour , ' 1— ¦¦¦ Os U. S. Army Band l! LEADS PHILADELPHIA ORCHESTRA THE United States Army Band—- * 1 -1 -I "Pershing's Own"—embarks on Its3 I - M I fourth public concert tour on October ‘{¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦l U tour S being 6. This is confined to Dela- ware. Pennsylvania. New Jersev, New C~l York and New England. are Included iMI/'SICALi strange rumors drift- l free beer and “gesundhelts" float- town that ing around. concerts at Mecca Temple, New York j6B STUDIOS OF WASHINGTON ing about* j City; Brooklyn Academy of Music, 'lgHB9 Constitution Hall may | ** * * Princeton University. Bucknell Uni- WITHnot house various sym- San Francisco Co.’s versity, Amherst College, Exeter Acad- with experience wishes posi- j 'y'HE tion as church soloist, or in auartette. emy. Williams College, » phonic societies during the com- season promises to be an espe- Williamstown. Address Boa 499-R. Star office. |A77 PIANO PLAYING Doree Germaine Holman Mass.; State Teachers' College at Pots- *¦““ foiltlwlj Aar fcrieg ing Winter, it seems, to the cially brilliant this year. _ Piano lessons. Special rate of SS for the Tkacht due. one dam. N. Y.: Stroudsburg. Indiana, first 8 lessons for beginners. Sylvia TEACHZE OF PIANO demands of stage hands for a Word from the State of eternal Pa., I Poretshy, Columbia 7979 appointment. • ¦ and at Paterson, N. J. other con- < for IN 20 LESSONS a on js&, Eh »» Wla. ftvt.. Betheads. Ml Brad. IM fabulous crew to move piano sunshine indicates that the num- certs are scheduled for Hartford. Wor- SINGERS! SAXOPHONE. BANJO. GUITAR rvnd off stage, and various an- ber of individual triumphs are ; cester, Lowell. Woonsocket. Portland, Clarinet. Trumpet. Ckulsle. Ete. nouncements from day to day con- running up into the double fig- i Bangor. Watertown. Buffalo. Roches- An Opportunity OiUMtn Tr»lnlnc—Send for Booklet | ter, Barre, Vt... and Claremont, Prime donna will train a few sinters, Christensen School of Popular Music WALTER T. HOLT likely to appear it to N. H. vocally dramaticly, opera **• cerning artists ures. Most pleasing is hear and In roles this 111 llth N - w - One of the interesting features of season In Washington. District I*7* School of Mandolin, Guitar and here, the “creeps, Clare Clairbert. Pupils musical season that whose in- this tour will be the band's to prepared for church, concert, and Banjo, Hawaiian visit ’ BpßaKsjgkf - Jflp * ... m Guitar on apace,” with something that -1 troduction to Washington this Conn., l radio. Guilford. the home town of Capt. Weekly experience. and Ukulalo begins to look like excitement. Winter has been promised, is be- W J. Stannard, leader of the band. Only serious, ambitious girls, with good Eetableebed IfU>4 Foremost among this week’s ing hailed as one of the brightest Since the town docs not have Hr natural voices accepted. ! Kntemble prartlre with the Nordlra Claba an audi- if m J Voice trial by appointment. LOVETTE STUDIO and ener- torium of sufficient capacity * I 1801 Columbia Rd. N.W., Col. 0946 visitors was the new of operatic stars and one that to accom- Phoni-_Mctroo»m»n ttill. modate the band, the Board :9k, f Eva Whitford Lovette getic manager-director of the should set this musical vale sjjre. of Trade mk Voice and Kadio Vincent, has arranged the placing of a large J Technique— German Opera Co., J. J. Miss Clairbert’s local debut is Coaching this tent on the village green for the con- ETTA SCHMID WELLS who came to tell about sturdy thus becoming one of the really certs. Director of Lovette Choral ELENA de SAYN for the Win- season, Club organization's plans , j important events of the Another interesting engagement will Teacher of Piano Author of "Firet Artiete especially to already be at, Studio 2008 St. Lettont, ter correllated and is causing much filled Longwood. the estate of RESIDENCE STVDIO. Que and Their Making." Washington. that this speculation and anticipation. One Pierre S. du Pont, in Wilmington. fiUBHI * M 34*2 Ashley Terrace. Cleveland Park. D. C. NORTH 7015 It seems 1 Hlift f Phone Cleveland 52M2. Underlying Principle* a January 5 Plans are already under way for the "The of city is to be honored on almost hopes that the “standing BRANCH STI’DIO. Beautiful and Accurate initial operatic room only” dusted 1831 tour, when the Army Band is t.o The New Kensington Apt.. Tone an by the company's sign will be 2*ol Itth St. Clifton). • Techoic.” vehicle of the year, but that, con- and ready for service when this visit the West Coast and give the peo-