Decision of Judge Brennan Voids
About the only place A specialist is a doc- where you have to ar- tor whose patients are rive early to get a expected to confine back seat is in church. their ailments to —Dan Bennett. office hours. —T. J. Mclnerney. The Glengarry THE FINEST WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN EASTERN ONTARIO ALEXANDRIA, ONT., FRIDAY, JANUARY 19th, 1951 !.50 A YEAR $ YOL. LIX—No. 3 LOCH OPTION VOTE KENTON ROLED INVALID Decision Of Judge Brennan Voids Winchester Reeve Endeavoring To Form See Renewed Need Important Transfers Of Clergy Elected Warden Merchants’ Association For Red Cross A meeting of Alexandria Announced By Bishop Brodeur October 11th Victory By “Drys" businessmen, including retail The annual meeting of the Glen- Harold E. Durant, reeve of Win- merchants, druggists, barbers, garry County Branch, The Cana- chester Township, was unanimously garage and service station oper- dian Red Cross Society, was held in Rector Of St. Finnan’s, Rev. R. J. MacDonald" elected warden of the United Coun- Setting Aside Of Vote Expected To ators, electricians, etc., is to be the lecture room, the Armouries, ties'of Stormont, Dundas and Glen- To Be Pastor Of St. Columban’s, Cornwall — Result In Second Referendum garry for 1951 at the opening of held in the Hub hall, next Fri- Alexandria, on January 9th,. 1951, at day evening, January 26th, at 2.00 p.m. The president. Rev. Dr. Father Cameron To Direct Retreat House the January session of Counties On Men’s Beverage Rooms Soon 7.45 p.m. Tanner, Lancaster, presided. The Council at the counties building, Purpose of the meeting is to business included brief reports from Cornwall, Monday afternoon.
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