Volume XXI, No. 3 31 March 2020

ISSN 1555-774X. Copyright © 2020, PolishRoots®, Inc. Editor: William F. “Fred” Hoffman, e-mail: [email protected]< >

CONTENTS Welcome! Remembrance of a Gentleman Letters to the Editor Świętej Pamięci Just Recognition The Latest from PolishOrigins Geneteka Index Updates An Overview of Recent Periodicals Upcoming Events More Useful Web Addresses You May Reprint Articles...

*************************************** *** WELCOME! *** to the latest issue of Gen Dobry!, the e-zine of PolishRoots®. If you missed previous issues, you can find them here:


Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXI, No. 3 March 2020 — 1 *** REMEMBRANCE OF A GENTLEMAN *** by Paul S. Valasek

Polish cooking and recipes are always of interest, and with the latest of culinary shows, Flavor of , they are again in the forefront of television viewing. This latest cooking, cuisine, and travel show airs in Chicago at 11:00 a.m. on Saturdays. Check out their website for listings in many other PBS markets:

After viewing this past Saturday’s show, my thoughts went back to a gentleman whose very essence was cooking and keeping alive the culinary expertise of not only Polish food, but that of historic nobility food as well as peasant dishes: Grzegorz Russak. Sadly, I found out he had passed in 2018.

I met Grzegorz Russak for the first time in 1998 as he was director of Dom Polonii, Polonia House, in Pułtusk. He was hard to miss – he stood over 6 foot 4 inches, and weighed in as a current NFL lineman. Those who have met me have often said the same, but when I met Dr. Russak, I noticed I had to look up slightly to see him eye to eye. As for the weight, let us say that when he and I got onto the elevator, all others had to wait their turn.

But this was a refined and gentle giant of a man, whose life was food and cuisine.That of the Polish szlachta or nobility was first and foremost, and he bragged how he had at least 400 recipes just for soups alone. He spoke of how he could tell what part of Poland a family originated from just by seeing their Christmas table setting. And he re-introduced me to sękacz, the cake you cook on a rotating spit over a barbecue pit.

I subsequently met with him four more times at Dom Polonii, and each time was an interesting moment with a man who was larger than life in spirit. I understood that his Doctorate was from veterinary skills, and I could think of no one else who could handle large animals better, such as cows, hogs, and horses. Yet he was many times soft spoken and gentle, always kissing the hand of ladies at first meetings. He did offer a variety of style and approaches to the role he played as director of Dom Polonii. And one of his favorites rolls was acting as King Jan Sobieski, complete in full costume and entourage. Here was a man over 6’4” in full regal dress, trimmed in furs and brocade, walking through an assembled party of guests at Dom Polonii, entertaining and sharing the historical venues of Poland.

But hunting and cooking was his forte. Once, when a small group of us were in conversation with him, the topic of hunting came up, and he offered to show us some of his antique firearms and crossbows. Of course we took him up on this offer, and soon we were in his private apartments at Dom Polonii. With pride and appreciation, he demonstrated and handed over his various antique hunting weapons, one after the other. I am not a hunter by nature, but when he found out my wife, Andrea, had hunted before and was a great lover of fishing, he immediately took her under his guidance, now not only showing her in more detail a gun or antique crossbow,

Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXI, No. 3 March 2020 — 2 Dr. Grzegorz Russak, expert on Polish cooking, author of culinary television programs. For more info, see (the title means “Polish cooking is not just pork and pierogies”) and but allowing her to handle the weapons and “try them on for size.” Not often does one get to handle a 17th century crossbow, but she did!

His goal was to make a guest’s stay at Dom Polonii as comfortable and rewarding as possible. The hotel also handed out a list of “entertainment events” you could order during your stay. A guest could order a barbecue dinner feast in a riverside cottage, for either two or fifty attendees. And when it was two, they meant it: they posted a guard outside of the “private” dinner, and anyone who tried to enter was told, “Sorry, this dinner is private.”

One could order an array of entertainments from musical groups playing Polish folk music, to classical ensembles. When I asked, “Gypsy music??” the answer was, “With or without dancers?” He often said there was nothing impossible for the guest in his house.

He also offered a full day of hunting and eating, starting with a boar hunt on nearby hunting grounds. You would start the day hunting a boar, and after success, you would be shown how to field dress the animal and bring it back to the kitchens at Dom Polonii to be prepared for cooking. At that time, he would show you how to prepare the animal for a full banquet which you helped to prepare and later to consume in the castle/palace-like setting of Polonia House. I did not partake of that event, but just the thought of what was available was inspiring and beyond comprehension.

Since the Dom Polonii was on the Narew River, fishing excursions were also available. They said that you would be taken out in a small boat, with a guide and full equipment, and you would catch fish, guaranteed! I asked what if they weren’t biting, a scenario I often would experience. He looked at me, his eyes twinkled, and he said again in a strong voice, “You WILL catch fish!” and walked away. I turned to his staff member who was with us and saw him smiling. I asked the Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXI, No. 3 March 2020 — 3 question again, “What if the fish are not biting? Are you going to have a swimmer attach a fish to your line out of sight?” The staff member’s eyes twinkled, a grin came over his face, and he again stated, “You WILL catch fish!”

I searched YouTube for any mention of Dr. Russak, and I was pleasantly pleased to see several shows on his cooking instructions. He did not speak English well enough to do these shows in English. But if you are cooking, the visuals will be more than enough.

I watched one recently where he is cooking Traditional Historic Menus of Poland – in this case, kiełbasa. He had three variations on the show, a White Sausage, a Hunter’s Sausage, and a Venison Sausage. How to select the meat, prepare it, stuff the casings, boil or cook in water, or prepare for the smokehouse.

I would encourage anyone who watches YouTube to check out his work. You can tell he knows his material as in a two-hour show, he is non-stop directing, preparing, and explaining what is going on, without any moment of hesitation or notes. I suggest you start with this one:

“Tradycyjna produkcja kiełbasy dr Russak” (Dr. Russak, Traditional Sausage Production):

This was the opening of the menu for the White Sausage: Get yourself 25 pounds of raw meat, three varieties, and start preparing. The Hunter’s Sausage took 25 pounds of six meats, including, venison, adult and young, boar, pork stew and knuckles, bocek (bacon with ample fat), and surprisingly, a smaller number of spices. How can any recipe fall short by starting out with six metal bowls totaling 25 pounds of meat?

A man I admired and respected and will miss – a privilege to have known!

Editor – Paul and Andrea offered a few links where you can read more. They are in Polish, but Google Translate will give you a basic understanding of the contents. This page has a brief article on his death and life:

This site has numerous books (the shop is closed now due to COVID-19, so save the link for future reference):

This article includes quotes from Dr. Russak’s sister:

Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXI, No. 3 March 2020 — 4 ************************************** *** LETTERS TO THE EDITOR ***

From: Debbie Greenlee

Subject: Polish headstones

Seeing the article written by Jean-Francois Kusina pushed me to mention that a Pole living in France has photographed Polish headstones in French graves. Patryk Chlond found me online and for several years has been sending me those photographs. I found volunteers to index the headstones and after I proofread them, placed the indexes on my website, . Click on the painting. On the next page, click on RECORDS. Scroll down to “Polish Cemetery Headstones in France.” There are eleven cemeteries listed.

Editor – Thanks for the info, Debbie! Your site has pages and pages of good stuff, and I never tire of looking through it, but I had missed this page. Kudos to Pan Chlond!


From: Dr. Thaddeus Gromada

Subject: New Book

Editor – We mentioned this new publication in the February issue, but I feel repeating the information is justified.Tatrzański Orzeł/The Tatra Eagle was a fine publication, and I want our readers to know this index is available. If you any ancestors who were górale, you need to know about this resource!

Tatrzański Orzeł/The Tatra Eagle ISSN 0039-9914, is a bilingual quarterly published without interruption from 1947 to 2019 by a brother and sister team, Thaddeus V. Gromada and Jane Gromada Kedroń. It focused on the folk culture of Polish highlanders (górale) and the góral diaspora in America. The journal received the prestigious “Oskar Kolberg Award” from the Polish Ministry of Culture in June 2018 for its contributions to Polish folk culture in America and Poland and was designated part of the rich folk heritage of the Polish Highlanders.

After seventy-two years, the editors decided to discontinue its publication at end of 2019, but will pursue its mission by publishing brochures, books, etc. from time to time through the Tatra Eagle Press. The editors prepared a 150-page Indeks/Index in anticipation of the digitalization of the journal by the Podhalan Digital library at the Podhalańska Państwowa Szkoła Zawodowa in Nowy Targ. It will be accessible in digital form, according to Dr. Anna Mlekodaj, Director, by April 2020 at to researchers around the globe. Presently it is available in several major libraries in the United States and Poland.

The Indeks/Index is an invaluable tool for academic and non-academic researchers that will reveal a treasure house of information about the rich Polish Highlander Folk Culture and its Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXI, No. 3 March 2020 — 5 impact on Polish national culture as well as information about the Góral diaspora in America.

Book is available from TATRA EAGLE PRESS, 31 Madison Ave. Hasbrouck Heights, NJ 07604 @$14.95 plus $2.00 shipping and handling. Please make check or money order payable to TATRA EAGLE PRESS.



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*************************************** *** ŚWIĘTEJ PAMIĘCI ***

Sadly, there have been several deaths of importance to the Polish and Polish-American communities in recent months. For instance, I only just found out that Jan Steven Zaleski, a fine researcher and one of the prime movers behind PGS-Michigan, died on January 10 of this year! Jan was unique, a civilian detention officer with the Detroit Police Department, an Accredited Genealogist with a specialty in Polish Research, longtime editor of the Polish Eaglet, and owner of a wicked sense of humor. If you knew Jan, you won’t forget him; and if you didn’t, here’s where you can learn more about him:

We also recently learned of the death of the great Polish composer, Krzysztof Penderecki. Bronwyn Klimach posted this note to Polish Genius:

If you saw 2001: A Space Odyssey, or the recent revival of Twin Peaks, you’ve heard excerpts from Penderecki’s Threnody to the Victims of Hiroshima. His music was used in other movies, such as The Shining and Martin Scorsese’s Shutter Island. And of course, his operas and symphonies, and his Polish Requiem, have been performed to great acclaim all over the world.

May both these men – and others I do not know about – be remembered and honored for all they contributed to Polish life and culture.

*************************************** Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXI, No. 3 March 2020 — 6 *** JUST RECOGNITION ***

Fortunately, life goes on, and it is especially encouraging to see recognition go to someone who deserves it. On March 7 of this year, Beth Whitson posted a note to Facebook’s Polish Genealogy Group that gladdened my heart. It told us that Polish genealogists have recognized as Genealog Roku 2019 (2019 Genealogist of the Year), a man familiar to many of you, Waldemar Chorążewicz. He is a tireless Polish researcher who is especially active indexing records for Geneteka, and he publishes the lists of Geneteka updates that we copy and publish in each issue of Gen Dobry! Here is a photo of Waldemar, at right, receiving the award. (I’m sorry to say I forgot to note down the name of the gentleman on the left, and if you can enlighten me, please do so, as I’m sure he also deserves our attention.)

Waldemar posted a note to Facebook’s GenealogyPL group, thanking all those who congratulated him. I love what he wrote: “Wszystkim pięknie dziękuję za gratulacje i życzenia. Na to wyróżnienie pracowało wiele osób, które współpracowały ze mną przez te wszystkie lata. Dzięki nim i ich pracy udało nam się sfinalizować wiele pomysłów i zamierzeń. Pomogły mi w tym moje kurpiowskie geny. Jak Kurp coś sobie postanowi to nie popuści, aż to zrealizuje.”

Translation: I would like to thank everyone very much for their congratulations and wishes. The many people who have worked with me all these years have worked for this honor. Thanks to them and their work, we managed to finalize many ideas and plans. My Kurpie genes helped me do this. When a Kurpie decides to do something, he won’t let it go until he accomplishes it.

Niech żyją Kurpie, a zwłaszcza ten Kurp! (Long live the Kurpie, and especially this one.)

*************************************** *** THE LATEST FROM POLISHORIGINS *** by Zenon Znamirowski

Editor – If you don’t receive the blog posts from PolishOrigins.com, you’re missing something! Here is the latest one, for those who haven’t seen it. Zenon, the founder of PolishOrigins, has already come up with ways PolishOrigins can help researchers, even with tours postponed.

Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXI, No. 3 March 2020 — 7 As PolishOrigins we have specialized in Genealogy Tours for more than a dozen years. We performed hundreds of such tours during this time. Each such trip meant genealogy research before and on that tour. Almost each time we were researching more than one lineage and we were looking for living cousins. We were learning stories that waited to be discovered for ages. We were reconnecting families separated for dozens of years. We were finding skeletons in the closet, too.

We are going to continue our mission by doing Genealogy Tours. But we want to have an even greater impact on more of you.

Through all these years we were asked for doing genealogy research by many of you. We were performing the research projects at the beginning (many years ago). Soon, we became overwhelmed by the number of requests and even though our team has been growing, we couldn’t take all the projects. We had to focus on researching the ancestry of people who were traveling with us on Genealogy Tours.

However, we still were getting requests for researching ancestry from people who for different reasons couldn’t come to Europe. Without promising anything we were telling them that we can try to find time for them in winter (when we make few tours), we were sending them to our Forum, or in most cases, we were just responding that we can’t afford to perform a professional search because of the limited time we had.

But behind the scenes, when only time allowed, we kept thinking about how to help all who are not planning to take the Genealogy Tour anytime soon. We made a plan which needed “only” execution. This winter we started to realize the plan step by step.

The coronavirus situation influenced our plan. Or more precisely, speeded it up. We don’t know how the disease will develop. Like everyone, we hope it will be stopped soon when warm spring will come. But now it seems that our genealogists may have more time in the next few weeks which they could use well for what they do best: ancestors’ and relatives’ search.

The basic structure of providing genealogy services is in place. It is ready to perform the first projects. We will be learning and perfecting it. But we are sure we have the most important element in place - THE TEAM of the best genealogists who, together with the experienced in providing dozens of Genealogy Tours project managers, will deliver the highest quality value. Thus we officially introduce PolishOrigins Genealogy Services today.

We already contacted those of you who asked us about help in research and we had told you, “Maybe in winter.”

If any of you reading this needs help in your family search, if you exhausted other sources, or maybe just want to take the first step, fill out the Genealogy Services request form:

Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXI, No. 3 March 2020 — 8 and we will tell you if there is a way we can help.

Best Regards from Poland! Zenon Znamirowski CEO and Founder PolishOrigins

*************************************** *** GENETEKA INDEX UPDATES *** by Waldemar Chorążewicz

Editor – Once more, let me pass along some of the new Geneteka indexes shared by Waldemar on Facebook’s Polish Genealogy group this month. You can find assistance with the two-letter province abbreviations online, for instance, at . Note that UK is Ukraine and BR is Belarus. Also worth remembering is the tip Henry Szot shared with us in the April 2018 issue of Gen Dobry!

Here is an easy way to find out if an index has been updated. On the top right of results pages, there is a list of options (opcje). The last item is Wyszukaj tylko indeksy z ostatnich (search only indexes in the last), with a choice of 1, 3, 7, 14, 31, and 60 days. This permits receiving results only in the chosen time period. Example of use: 1) select the search page icon, 2) select świętokrzyskie, 3) select parish Sokolina and the wyszukaj option with 31 days, 4) if any, only results entered for the last 31 days will be shown. A surname might be added to further limit results.

Births – U[rodzenia] • Marriages– M[ałżeństwa] • Deaths – Zgony.

Aleksandrów Łódzki (LD) -- UMZ 1912-14, indexed by Krystyna Zadwórna Andrzejewo (MZ) -- M 1851-65, indexed by Justyna Jaźwińska Baligród (PK) -- U 1872-80, 1891-1900, indexed by Bartłomiej Babiarz Bar (UK) -- UMZ 1881-1887, indexed by Patrykowa_Iwona Bartąg (WM) -- U 1879, indexed by Justyna Szulc Bęczkowice (LD) -- U 1915-18, indexed by Gadecki.Bogusław Berdyczów UMZ 1830-31, 38-40 (UK) -- UMZ 1830-31, 38-40, indexed by Joanna Maślanek Biała pow. wieluński (LD) -- U 1916-17, M 1923-26, 1932, Z 1918-19, indexed by Tomasz

Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXI, No. 3 March 2020 — 9 Skolimowski Białaszewo (PL) -- Z 1831-38, indexed by Magdalena Wróbel Biecz (miasto Biecz) (MP) -- U 1864-1902, indexed by MMaziarski Biecz (MP) -- U 1864-1902 (rozszerzenie) M 1826-1870, indexed by MMaziarski Bielawy (LD) -- U 1915, indexed by Antoni Burzyński Bielsk (MZ) -- M 1722-1809, 1813-14; 1833 (updated); Z 1724-1809 (summary), indexed by Krzysztof Kośnik Bielsk (MZ) -- M 1917-18, indexed by Piotr Romanowski Bieżuń (MZ) -- UZ 1858-59, indexed by Anna Banasiak Birże (LT) -- U 1716-1738, indexed by Rafał Albiński Błażowa (m. Białka) (PK) -- U 1838-61, indexed by Anna Kocój-Twardowska Błonie (MZ) -- U 1918-19, indexed by Jerzy Mrozowski Bóbrka (gr.-kat.) (UK) -- U 1835-38, indexed by Dorota Godfrey-Smith Bobrowo (KP) -- M 1871-95, Z 1808-25, indexed by Jarosław Cendrowski Bogate (MZ) -- U 1917-18, indexed by Mariusz Mocek Bogdanów (LD) -- U 1905, indexed by Bożenna Rasmussen Bogurzyn (MZ) -- M 1878-84, indexed by Jan Wojtkiewicz Boleszyn (WM) -- UZ 1874, Z 1876-77, indexed by Anna Parysek, 1877 deaths checked by Donata Stremplewska Bolimów (LD) -- UMZ 1910-11, indexed by Krzysztof Szczepaniak Boniewo (KP) -- U 1868-71, indexed by Filip Skurzewski Borek Stary (m. Borek Nowy) (PK) -- U 1796-1832, indexed by Anna Krawiec Borzymy (WM) -- U 1827-1830, indexed by Incognito Bożewo (MZ) -- UZ 1917-18, indexed by Krzysztof Kośnik Bratoszewice (LD) -- MZ 1917-18, indexed by Mariusz Dąbrowski Brodnica (KP) -- M 1693-1736, indexed by Jarosław Cendrowski Brodnica (KP) -- M 1864-73, indexed by Mariola Postępska, checked by Waldemar Chorążewicz Brodnica (KP) -- U 1701-12, indexed by Jarosław Cendrowski Brodowe Łąki (MZ) -- U 1916, indexed by Cezary Kujawa Brok (MZ) -- U 1703-1807; M 1756-1807; Z 1754-1807 (indexed and updated), indexed by Rafał Krasieńko Broniewo (KP) -- U 1808-20, 1829, 1831; M 1872-73, indexed by Krystyna Domańska-Bzdak Brwilno (MZ) -- U 1891-1909, M 1901-09 (updated), Z 1901-09, indexed by Krzysztof Kośnik Brzeziny (LD) -- Z 1827-31, indexed by Hanna Ostoja-Świerczyńska Brzeziny (pow.kielecki) (SK) -- U 1819,50-52,89-90,92-93,1901-10, 1911-1919, indexed by Ewa Jaskólska (WM) -- M 1808-1850, indexed by Iwona Grabska Budyłów (UK) -- U 1838-43, indexed by Tyler Versluis Burzyn (PL) -- U 1901-12a, indexed by Piotr Laskowski Buszcze (UK) -- M 1688-96,1699-1722 U 1624-25,27-48,52,97,1699-1722, indexed by Jerzy Nowosielski Bydlin (MP) -- UMZ 1871-1916, indexed by Elgra

Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXI, No. 3 March 2020 — 10 Bytom -Beuthen (ewang.) (SL) -- U 1867-71; Z 1854-74, indexed by GTG_Silius_Radicum Centawa (OP) -- U 1720-1810, indexed by Karina Frak Cerekiew (MZ) -- Z 1879-80, 1890-99, indexed by Mikołaj Wilk Chechło -Chechlau (SL) -- U 1766-1818, M 1828-80, indexed by GTG_Silius_Radicum Chełmica (KP) -- UZ 1884-99, indexed by Jan Berens Choceń (KP) -- M 1903, indexed by Jan Berens Chojnata (LD) -- UM 1850, 52-67, Z 1861-67, indexed by Tomasz Przygodziński Chojnata (LD) -- UMZ 1892-94, indexed by Andrzej Kalski Chomranice (MP) -- Z 1784-1847, indexed by Renata Majewska Chorzów- Królewska Huta II USC (SL) -- M 1901-05, indexed by GTG_Silius_Radicum Ciachcin (MZ) -- M 1917-18, indexed by Piotr Romanowski Cmolas (m. Hadykówka) (PK) -- U 1842-46, 1848, 1851, 1853, 1855-56, 1859-60, indexed by Heather L Pedersen Cmolas (m. Mechowiec) (PK) -- U 1809-14, 1818-19, 1821, 1823-27, 1829-36, 1838-40, 1842- 46, 1851, 1853, 1855-56, 1859-60; M 1809, 1811, 1813-1814, 1816, 1818-1819, 1821, 1823- 27, 1829-39, 1842-46, 1848, 1851, 1855-56, 1859-60, indexed by Marcin Kubiś Czarnożyły (LD) -- UMZ 1904-05, indexed by Danuta Mieżyńska Czausy (BR) -- Z 1840, indexed by Oskar Brożek Czereja (BR) -- M 1830-1831, indexed by Oskar Brożek Czermin (m. Szafranów) (PK) -- U 1787-1922, indexed by Krzysztof Naróg Czeryków (BR) -- Z 1840, indexed by Oskar Brożek Czułczyce Wszystkich Świętych (LB) -- Z 1920-39, indexed by Kazimierz Ducin Dąbrówka (gr.-kat.) (PK) -- M 1784-1840, indexed by Krzysiek_ Dąbrówka Nowa (KP) -- M 1799-1801,17-43, indexed by Kamil Krasiński Dalików (LD) -- UMZ 1916, indexed by Joanna Grzybowska Daugieliszki Nowe (LT) -- M 1827-1835, indexed by Marcin Szostak Dębica (m. Nagawczyna) (PK) -- UM 1784-1791, indexed by Jarosław Czarkowski Dębno (SK) -- UZ 1860-85, indexed by Andrzej Gawlik Długosiodło (MZ) -- U 1808-11, Z 1916-17, indexed by Kinga Pruszyńska Dobra (LD) -- UMZ 1917, indexed by Agata Ciechanowska Dolina (miasto) (UK) -- U 1859-76, indexed by Włodzimierz Macewicz Domaniewice (LD) -- UZ 1918, Z 1887-90, indexed by Kamil Małecki Domostawa (mm. Zdziary, Katy) (PK) -- M 1914, 1917-39, indexed by Krzysiek_ Drążdżewo (MZ) -- U 1911-18 (rozszerzenie i indeksacja), indexed by Robert Pawłowski Duczymin (MZ) -- UMZ 1912-13, indexed by Izabela Czaplicka Dukla św. Maria Magdalena (m. Lwla) (PK) -- U 1843-1900, indexed by MMaziarski Dukla św. Maria Magdalena (PK) -- U 1857-1908, indexed by MMaziarski Działoszyn (LD) -- UMZ 1905-06, indexed by Daniel Leszczyk Działyń (KP) -- M 1782-1809, indexed by Jarosław Cendrowski Dziepółć (ewang.) (LD) -- U 1919, MZ 1939, indexed by Gadecki.Bogusław Ekimań (BR) -- M 1830-1831, indexed by Oskar Brożek Fałków (SK) -- Z 1923-44, indexed by Joanna Bugajska Florczaki (WM) -- UMZ 1820-1832, indexed by Donata Stremplewska

Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXI, No. 3 March 2020 — 11 Giżyce (MZ) -- U 1906-12, M 1905-28, Z 1915-20, indexed by Tomasz Bogiel, checked by Maria Bagińska-Wierzbowska Glinianka (MZ) -- Z 1810-13, indexed by Marta Walczak Gliwice św.Bartlomieja (SL) -- U 1750-80 ; M 1854-75, indexed by Marek Zając Głogów Małopolski (m. Głogów Małopolski) (PK) -- M 1787-1848, indexed by Krzysztof Gruszka Głowno (LD) -- UMZ 1876-1905, indexed by Jacek Kundzik Gniewkowo (KP) -- MZ 1885-1903, indexed by Adrian Kaszubski Gołaczewy (MP) -- U 1890-99, M 1890-1910, indexed by Karol Szotek Gołańcz (WP) -- Z 1711-1788, indexed by Adam Lewandowicz Golub (KP) -- M 1807-25, indexed by Jarosław Cendrowski Golub (KP) -- U 1820, indexed by Waldemar Chorążewicz Góra Puławska (LB) -- U 1826-48, 1854-64, UMZ 1810-22 (with gaps), indexed by Bartłomiej Zieliński Goraj (LB) -- Z 1826-29, indexed by Krzysiek_ Górno (m. Kamień) (PK) -- U 1889-1909, indexed by Sidor Górno (m. Łowisko) (PK) -- M 1890-1905, indexed by Krzysiek_ Górno (m. Markowizna) (PK) -- M 1862-1931, indexed by Richard Pakula Góry Pińczowskie (SK) -- U 1902; M 1881-86; Z 1843-53, indexed by Kasprzyk_Anna Górzno (KP) -- M 1848-73, indexed by Danuta Askew wer. Waldemar Chorążewicz Gostynin (MZ) -- U 1892, 1893, indexed by Agnieszka Kuczkowska Gródek (Stary Grudek) (MZ) -- Z 1865-70, indexed by Andrzej Baran Grodzisk Mazowiecki (MZ) -- UMZ (different years on the basis of allegaty), Z 1821-25, indexed by Tomasz Frynia Gronowo (KP) -- Z 1890-1900,03-05,09, indexed by Katarzyna Pawłowska Hadynów (MZ) -- M 1866-67; Z 1857-61, indexed by Tomasz Skolimowski Huta Krzeszowska (PK) -- M 1776-1825; Z 1766-1825, indexed by Krzysiek_ Hyżne (m. Hyżne) (PK) -- U 1872-84, indexed by Gocha_D Hyżne (PK) -- M 1786-1903 (updating an dindexing of more recent years), indexed by Gocha_D Igołomia (MP) -- UM 1907, UMZ 1908-1913, indexed by Jerzy Koprowski Iłów (MZ) -- U 1823-24, 1846-48, 1850-66, 1868-79; M 1827-36, 1845-60, 1862, 1865-82, Z 1827-36, 1839-52, 1853-77, 1879-87, indexed by Tomasz Bogiel Irządze (SL) -- U 1858-63, M 1860-63, Z 1855-63, indexed by Rafał Molencki Iwandar (BR) -- Z 1840, indexed by Oskar Brożek Izdebki (gr.-kat.) (PK) -- U 1784-1844, indexed by Grzegorz Zuzak Jabłonowo Pomorskie (KP) -- M 1828-54, indexed by Jarosław Cendrowski (OP) -- U 1797-1812, indexed by Karina Frak Jerzmanowice (MP) -- M 1885-1889, indexed by Karol Szotek Jerzmanowice (MP) -- U 1868-79, 1883-89, M 1850-79, 1884, Z 1868-79, 1884-89, indexed by Jerzy Żurada Jerzmanowice (MP) -- U 1880-82, MZ 1880-83, indexed by Karol Szotek Kaczewo (KP) -- U 1827; Z 1810-11, 1819-24, indexed by Krystyna Domańska-Bzdak Kamienica (MP) -- U 1799-1805, 1814, indexed by Renata Majewska

Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXI, No. 3 March 2020 — 12 Kamieńsk (LD) -- M 1903, indexed by aelwira Kamionacz (LD) -- UMZ 1913-16, indexed by Urszula Świerczyńska Karniewo (MZ) -- M 1637-40, 1642, 1644, 1648, 1651-54, 1658-61, 1663-64, 1667, 1670-71, 1673, 1719, 1722-23, 1736, 1738-41, 1743, 1745, 1747-50, 1752, 1754, 1759, 1763, 1767- 69, 1771-1807 (summary), indexed by Krzysztof Kośnik Karniewo (MZ) -- U 1862-70, M 1827-39, indexed by Katarzyna Osypiewska-Thomas Karniewo (MZ) -- U 1916, indexed by Cezary Kujawa Kazanice (WM) -- U 1782-1819, 1820-32; M 1791-1820; Z 1792-1826, indexed by Katarzyna Matyjas Kazimierz Mała (SK) -- U 1811-36, indexed by Wojciech Liśkiewicz Kielce - Katedra (SK) -- SkZ 1906-13, indexed by Ewa Jaskólska Kije (SK) -- U 1867-70, indexed by Jacek Stradowski Kleszczele (Uniate par. ) (PL) -- Z 1814-1823, indexed by Walenty Adamiec Kleszczów (ewang.) (LD) -- M 1937-39, indexed by Gadecki.Bogusław Klikuszowa (m. Obidowa) (MP) -- U 1795-1818, M 1794-1891, Z 1792-1889 (range of years), indexed by Incognito Kłobuck (SL) -- M 1878-87, indexed by Iza Biś Kłobuck (SL) -- Z 1720-79, indexed by Stanisław Jegier Kłomnice (SL) -- U 1831-32, indexed by Elżbieta Stachwiuk Koło (WP) -- U 1800-10, 1821-25, 37, 40, 71-86; M 1815, 25, 37, 40, Z 1837,40, indexed by Danuta Danecka Konopki Wielkie (WM) -- U 1900-1904;Z 1894-1900, indexed by Adam Rajkiewicz Konopnica (LD) -- UMZ 1848-60, 62,64, 1865-73,1917-19, indexed by Tomasz Skolimowski Korytnica (pow. węgrowski) (MZ) -- Z 1926-30, indexed by Robert Górski Korzkiew (MP) -- M 1850-1860, indexed by Renata Majewska Kościukiewicze (BR) -- Z 1840, indexed by Oskar Brożek Koźle (LD) -- M 1878-80, indexed by Paweł Olczyk Kożuchów (LS) -- Z 1846-52, indexed by Tomasz Skolimowski Kożuchów-Freistadt (LS) -- Z 1853-60, indexed by Tomasz Skolimowski Kraszewo (MZ) -- UMZ 1826-30, indexed by Robert Smach Krościenko nad Dunajcem (m. Sromowice, Hałuszowa) (MP) -- MZ 1788-1808, indexed by Jason Krotoszyn (WP) -- U 1812-19, indexed by Radek Kliber Krynki (PL) -- U 1838-39, indexed by Margaret Stasikowski, weryf. Alicja Rybałko Krysk (MZ) -- UZ 1826-67, indexed by Radosław Frączak Krzeszów (PK) -- M 1911, indexed by Krzysiek_ Krzeszowice (MP) -- UMZ 1790-91, indexed by Renata Majewska Krzyczew (BR) -- Z 1840, indexed by Oskar Brożek Krzyworzeka (LD) -- UMZ 1808-12, 15-40, indexed by Grażyna Stasiak Kulesze Kościelne (PL) -- M 1810b-1815a, indexed by Ewa Prejs Kurzeszyn (LD) -- Z 1882-1900 (range of years), indexed by Agnieszka Szymborska Lack (BR) -- U 1819-1830, indexed by Danuta Wasilewska-Lenart Łączki Kucharskie (m. Glinik) (PK) -- U 1880-90, indexed by Szymon Król

Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXI, No. 3 March 2020 — 13 Łąka (m. Łukawiec) (PK) -- U 1851-57, 1890-92, indexed by Dorota Godfrey-Smith Łask (LD) -- UMZ 1854, indexed by Agata Kasprowicz-Jandrić Łęczna (gr.-kat.) (LB) -- indexed by Aneta Koźlarek Łęczna (gr.-kat.) (LB) -- UMZ 1857, 1859, 1860; UZ 1810-25, 1827-43, 1845-55; M 1811, 1813-17, 1819-21, 1823, 1825, 1827-30, 1832-34, 1837-40, 1842, 1847-48, 1850, 1854- 1855, indexed by Aneta Koźlarek Łęg (MZ) -- M 1918, indexed by Piotr Romanowski Lembarg (KP) -- M 1678-1774, 1853-82, indexed by Jarosław Cendrowski Leoncin (MZ) -- U 1912; M 1921-22, 1929, 1931, 1936; Z 1929, 1936, indexed by Wojciech Wosiński Leszczyny (SK) -- U 1912-19,MZ 1912-30, indexed by Ewa Jaskólska Leżajsk (m. Leżajsk) (PK) -- U 1843-95, indexed by MMaziarski Libiszów (LD) -- U 1776-83, Z 1766-88, indexed by Sławomir Gubiec Lipinki (WM) -- M 1716-1801, indexed by Jarosław Cendrowski Lipinki (WM) -- Z 1839-1849, indexed by Michalina Szychowska Lisewo (KP) -- U 1818-21, indexed by Paweł Witkowicz Łódź NMP (LD) -- U 1911, indexed by Janusz Kucharczyk Łódź NMP (LD) -- Z 1925, 1926, indexed by Jarosław Stawowski Łódź św. Anna (LD) -- Z 1925-26, indexed by Urszula Gałkiewicz Łódź św. Józef (LD) -- MZ 1918, indexed by Janusz Kucharczyk Łódź św. Wojciech (LD) -- M 1911, indexed by Barbara Walczak-Sroczyńska Łódź św. Wojciech (LD) -- UZ 1902-03, indexed by Ilona Gieras Łódź-Radogosz NSJ (LD) -- UMZ 1915, indexed by Izabela Ziobro Łomna (MZ) -- U 1918-19; M 1918-27, indexed by Incognito Łomża (PL) -- M 1843, indexed by Magdalena Wróbel Łopacin (MZ) -- M 1831-48, 1850, indexed by Waldemar Chorążewicz Łozowica (BR) -- Z 1840, indexed by Oskar Brożek Lubawa (WM) -- M 1808-1811, indexed by KM Rutkowska Lubawa (WM) -- marriage banns 1808-1812, indexed by Waldemar Chorążewicz Łubienko (m. Łubno) (PK) -- Z 1849-1901, 1903-26, 1928-47, 1949, indexed by MMaziarski Lubla (PK) -- U 1804-1920, Z 1898-1946, indexed by MMaziarski Luborzyca (MP) -- UMZ 1791, indexed by Renata Majewska Lubsza- Lubschau (SL) -- U 1800-24, indexed by GTG_Silius_Radicum Łukoml (BR) -- M 1830-1831, indexed by Oskar Brożek Lutomiersk (LD) -- UMZ 1919, indexed by Grzegorz Żychowski Magnuszew (MZ) -- U 1860-68, indexed by Tadeusz Oleksy Maków Mazowiecki (MZ) -- U 1916-18, indexed by Grzegorz Skoczek Malice Kościelne (SK) -- UMZ 1810-22, indexed by Stanisław Chrzanowski Małkinia Górna (MZ) -- UMZ 1915-18, indexed by Justyna Jaźwińska Męcina (MP) -- U 1801-10, indexed by Renata Majewska Miastkowo (PL) -- U 1802, 1893, indexed by Livia Ditto Michałów (SK) -- U 1904 ,M 1904-11, Z 1905, indexed by Anna Kasprzak Miechów (MP) -- M 1893-97, indexed by Urszula Pogoń Miechów (MP) -- U 1896-97, indexed by Anna Urban, checked by Urszula Pogoń Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXI, No. 3 March 2020 — 14 Miedzierza (SK) -- U 1842-57, indexed by Gośka Mielec (mm. Wojsław i Smoczka) (PK) -- U 1858-80, indexed by Marek Podolski Mierzyce (LD) -- UMZ 1916-18, indexed by Grażyna Stasiak Mikołajewice (LD) -- UMZ 1919, indexed by Grzegorz Żychowski Mikołajów nad Dniestrem (UK) -- U 1828-1922 (supplementation of the years), 1828- 29,33,64,78,87,1919-22, indexed by Magdalena Kasprzycka Minoga (MP) -- U 1906-10, 1912 rozszerzenie, indexed by Grzegorz Madej Mława (MZ) -- U 1915; MZ 1915-20, 1923-24, 1926, 1928, 1930, 1932, 1934-35 (indexed and supplemented), indexed by Izabela Czaplicka Mniszew (MZ) -- U 1743-74, 1775-91, M 1696-1794, indexed by Labcio402 Modrze (WP) -- UMZ 1822, 37, 38, 1850-54, 56, 60,63, indexed by ciekawoscpoznawcza Mogielnica (MZ) -- UMZ 1915-16, indexed by Krzysztof Jach Monasterzyska (UK) -- UMZ 1845, indexed by Urszula Jarek-Mikulska Mrągowo (WM) -- M 1776-1883, indexed by Waldemar Chorążewicz Mścisław (BR) -- Z 1840, indexed by Oskar Brożek Mszano (KP) -- Z 1773-1814, indexed by Jarosław Cendrowski Mykanów (SL) -- U 1726-79,95-1804,06-11,13-16,36-1917; M 1783-1812; Z 1783-94,1812- 1918, indexed by Barbara Bożek-Patern Naramice (LD) -- UMZ 1808-09,56-57,59,61,65, indexed by Incognito Nawiady (WM) -- U 1827-1831, indexed by Waldemar Chorążewicz Newel (rzymskokat.) (PO) -- M 1830-31, indexed by Oskar Brożek Niegowa (SL) -- U 1900, indexed by Mariadobrosława Niemysłów (LD) -- M 1734-1806, indexed by Maciej Majewski Nieżywięć (KP) -- U 1841-52, indexed by Kamil Krasiński Nowa Słupia (SK) -- Z 1883-1910, indexed by Bożena Krajewska Nowe Miasto (MZ) -- M 1811-18, indexed by Waldemar Chorążewicz Nowe Miasto nad Pilicą (MZ) -- UMZ 1898-1903, indexed by Krzysztof Jach Nowe Miasto nad Pilicą (MZ) -- Z 1795-1813, indexed by Janina Janiszewska Nowe Miasto nad Pilicą (MZ) -- Z 1833-48, indexed by Urszula Świerczyńska Nowosokolniki (rzymskokat.) (PO) -- M 1830-31, indexed by Oskar Brożek Nowy Korczyn (SK) -- UMZ 1883-87, indexed by Henryk Adamczyk Nowy Wiśnicz (m. Nowy Wiśnicz) (MP) -- M 1863-67, indexed by Łukasz Kabziński Nur (MZ) -- U 1821-25, indexed by Grażyna Przybysz Obryte (MZ) -- U 1844-50, M 1840, indexed by Roland White Obryte (MZ) -- Z 1849-60, indexed by Rafał Albiński Odrzykoń (PK) -- Z 1784-1946, indexed by MMaziarski Oleksów (MZ) -- M 1915-36; Z 1915-1947, indexed by Bartłomiej Zieliński Olkusz (MP) -- UZ 1835-37, M 1851-57 (expanded), indexed by pbasik Olsztynek (WM) -- Z 1907-1917, indexed by Donata Stremplewska Orłów (LD) -- U 1903, 1919; Z 1826-67, 74, 76, 1917-39, indexed by Antoni Burzyński Osjaków (LD) -- U 1857, Z 1915, indexed by Tomasz Skolimowski Osjaków (LD) -- Z 1827, indexed by Łukasz Fajfrowski Ostróda (WM) -- M 1915-1919 (military weddings), indexed by Donata Stremplewska

Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXI, No. 3 March 2020 — 15 Ostrów Lubelski (Orthodox) (LB) -- U 1881, 1884, 1888, 1893, 1903, 1908-10; M 1888, 1893, 1908-10; Z 1888, 1893, 1908-10, indexed by Aneta Koźlarek Ostrowite (WM) -- M 1801-1820 M 1830-1850, indexed by Kamil Krasiński Ożarów (LD) -- U 1814, M 1830-31; M 1832-33; Z 1817, 1915, indexed by Tomasz Skolimowski Ożarów (SK) -- U 1890-1915, indexed by Ryszard Olesiński Pabianice NMP (LD) -- Z 1918, indexed by Agata Kasprowicz-Jandrić Pabianice św. Mateusz (LD) -- UM 1919, indexed by Agata Kasprowicz-Jandrić Piekary Śląskie - Kamień (SL) -- U 1897-1901, Z 1800-04, indexed by Leszek Chrobok Pińczów (SK) -- M 1877-79, indexed by Olga Rosowiecka Pińczów (SK) -- M 1881-83 , Z 1868-72, indexed by Ola Rosowiecka ,Grażyna Radzik Płoniawy (MZ) -- U 1916-18, indexed by Robert Pawłowski Płonka Kościelna (PL) -- U 1890-92, indexed by Emilian Sańko-Sawczenko Płonka Kościelna (PL) -- U 1893-1911a, indexed by Marian Lazarecki Płonne (KP) -- M 1753-83, indexed by Jarosław Cendrowski Płowęż (KP) -- M 1813-46, indexed by Kamil Krasiński Podwysokie (UK) -- U 1719-23, 1726, 1728-32, 1736-37, 1742-43, 1746-61, 1763-85; M 1728- 30, 1732, 1736-37, 1746-58, 1760-63, 1765-74, 1776-78, 1780-75; Z 1728-30, 1732, 1736- 37, 1746-54, 1756, 1760-72, 1774-85, 1788, indexed by Jerzy Nowosielski Policzna (MZ) -- UMZ 1631-1779 (z lukami), indexed by Joanna Maślanek Połock (BR) -- M 1831, indexed by Oskar Brożek Potok Wielki (LB) -- M 1886, indexed by Krzysiek_ Potok Złoty (UK) -- UZ 1820, 1827, 1837, 1855, 1872-97, 1899-1907; M 1820, 1827, 1837, 1855, 1872-86, 1888-1907, indexed by Ewa Marciniak Pożdżenice (ewang.) (LD) -- M 1930-39, indexed by Gadecki.Bogusław Proszowice (MP) -- M 1938, indexed by Mateusz Serwatowski Przasnysz (MZ) -- U 1918, indexed by Mariusz Mocek Przedbórz (LD) -- UMZ 1848-50, indexed by Krystyna Stanisławska Przysiersk (KP) -- M 1767-83, indexed by Jarosław Cendrowski Pustelnik (MZ) -- U 1817-18, indexed by Tomasz Borucki Puszcza Solska (LB) -- U 1709-17, 1719-1862, 1883, 1886-88; M 1721-44, 1746-97, 1811- 1904; 1721-86, 1811-90, 1915 (indeksacja i uzupełnienie), indexed by Andrzej Łęcki Pysznica (mm. Zdziary, Katy) (PK) -- M 1872-1913, indexed by Krzysiek_ Racięcice (WP) -- U 1915-1916 skorowidze, indexed by Monika Kucal Radomin (KP) -- M 1769-1809, indexed by Jarosław Cendrowski Radoml (BR) -- Z 1840, indexed by Oskar Brożek Radzanów (MZ) -- M 1880-82, indexed by Jan Wojtkiewicz Radzanów (pow. mławski) (MZ) -- U 1901; MZ 1901-02, indexed by Jan Wojtkiewicz Radziejów (KP) -- U 1858, indexed by Krystyna Domańska-Bzdak Radziki Duże (KP) -- U 1799-1808, indexed by Jarosław Cendrowski Raśna (BR) -- Z 1840, indexed by Oskar Brożek Rogotwórsk (MZ) -- M 1918, indexed by Piotr Romanowski Rogowo (KP) -- U 1778-88, 91-94, 1895-96, 99-1903, 1906-10; Z 1878-80, 82-86, 88-89, 91-94, UZ 1907-08, indexed by Mary Ann Graham Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXI, No. 3 March 2020 — 16 Rościszewo (MZ) -- M 1917, Z 1916-17, indexed by Tomasz Bogiel, checked by Maria Bagińska-Wierzbowska Różanka (BR) -- UMZ 1821-1829 (with gaps), UZ 1830-1835, M 1830-1833, indexed by Ryszard Bencko Rozdół (UK) -- U 1853-70; M 1838-79, 81-86, 89, 91-95, 97-1912; Z 1838-52 (many years missing), indexed by Magdalena Kasprzycka Rożental (WM) -- M 1875-1890, indexed by Waldemar Chorążewicz Rozniszew (MZ) -- UMZ 1823, indexed by Teresa Mikołajewska Rudniki (OP) -- UMZ 1868-70, indexed by Urszula Świerczyńska Rukszenice (BR) -- M 1831, indexed by Oskar Brożek Rumian (WM) -- U 1663-1672, indexed by Waldemar Chorążewicz Ruszkowo-Rauschken (WM) -- UM 1874-1879, indexed by Donata Stremplewska Ruże (KP) -- U M 1880-81,83 -90 Z 1880-87,89-90, indexed by Renata Ściślewska-Skrobisz Rybnik (ewang.) (SL) -- M 1791-1874, indexed by GTG_Silius_Radicum Rymanów (PK) -- Z 1890-94, indexed by Jan Mamaj Sady (WM) -- Z 1883-1887, indexed by Anna Parysek Samostrzel (KP) -- M 1910-14, indexed by Marcin Strzelec Sarnów (ewang.-augs.) (PK) -- M 1838-51, 1858, indexed by Bartłomiej Babiarz Sąspów (MP) -- UMZ 1871-80, 1882-89, indexed by Jerzy Żurada Sieciechowice (MP) -- SkUZ 1865-1867, indexed by Renata Majewska Siecień (MZ) -- UMZ 1917-18, indexed by Krzysztof Kośnik Sielec nad Jasiołdą (BR) -- U 1840-1846, UMZ 1847, indexed by aelwira Siemkowice (LD) -- UMZ 1856-60, indexed by Robert1202 Sienno (BR) -- M 1830-1831, indexed by Oskar Brożek Skalbmierz (SK) -- U 1824-28, 31, 36, 48 (expanded); M 1824, 28, 46, 48 (expanded), indexed by Jacek Obałek (WM) -- M 1749-1848, indexed by Kamil Krasiński Skarżysko Koścelne (SK) -- Z 1801-05, indexed by Krzysztof Maszkowski Skidel (gr.-kat.) (BR) -- U 1816-1820, indexed by Wilnianka Skierniewice (LD) -- U 1884, Z 1882-83, indexed by mariamikołaj Skierniewice (LD) -- U 1916, indexed by Tomasz Przygodziński Skotniki pow. piotrkowski (LD) -- UMZ 1814-35, M 1917-34, indexed by Bożena Prymus Sławsk Wielki (KP) -- UM 1833-25,Z 1833-34, indexed by Katarzyna Siemiankowska Słomniki (MP) -- M 1891-1907, indexed by Grzegorz Świerczyński Słomniki (MP) -- Z 1752-96, 1825, indexed by Jerzy Koprowski Słupia (MZ) -- M 1918, indexed by Piotr Romanowski Smoleńsk (rzymskokat.) (PO) -- Z 1849, indexed by Oskar Brożek Sobowo (MZ) -- UMZ 1917-18, indexed by Krzysztof Kośnik Sosnowiec - Zagórze św. Joachima (SL) -- U 1816-20, indexed by Renata Majewska Sosnowiec -Niwka św. Jana Chrzciciela (SL) -- U 1808-15, indexed by Renata Majewska Sosnowiec WNMP (SL) -- U 1899, indexed by Sławomir Binczak Spie (m. Wilcza Wola) (PK) -- Z 1890-1907, indexed by Jarosław Rendzio Stara Bielica (BR) -- M 1830-1831, indexed by Oskar Brożek

Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXI, No. 3 March 2020 — 17 Stara Rawa (aneksy) (LD) -- A 1844-54, 1866-77, indexed by Bogusław Nagórski Stare Budkowice-Alt Budkowitz USC (OP) -- M 1885,88-93,1903-04,07,09-10, indexed by Projekt_OPI Staroźreby (MZ) -- M 1917-18, indexed by Piotr Romanowski Stary Lubotyń (MZ) -- M 1808-12, 1815-25, indexed by danielkolota Stary Sącz (MP) -- M 1777-1887, indexed by MMaziarski Stary Żmigród (PK) -- U 1836-38, 1878-89; M 1836-38; Z 1836-38, 1849-1904, indexed by Jerzy Nowosielski Stobierna (pow. rzeszowski) (m. Wólka Pod Lasem) (PK) -- M 1856-70, indexed by Dorota Godfrey-Smith Strzegowa (MP) -- U 1890-92, 1894-1904, indexed by jbstruzik, weryfikacja Krzysztof Imiołek Sucha Poduchowna (MZ) -- U 1742-1825, indexed by Joanna Maślanek Suchożebry (MZ) -- Z 1891-99, indexed by Anna Poprawa Sulmierzyce pow. Krotoszyn (WP) -- U 1760-1779, indexed by Henryk Machnik Surwiliszki (LT) -- Z 1781-1822, indexed by Grażyna Wójcik Suwałki (PL) -- UMZ 1869, indexed by Marek Rozmysłowski Święcany (PK) -- M 1809-36 (register of marriage banns), indexed by MMaziarski Świedziebnia (KP) -- Z 1839, indexed by Waldemar Chorążewicz Święte Miejsce (MZ) -- U 1917-18, indexed by Robert Pawłowski Świętochłowice św.Augustyna (SL) -- M 1873-74, indexed by GTG_Silius_Radicum Szczepankowo (PL) -- U 1789-91, indexed by Bożena Śmigulska Szczepankowo (PL) -- Z 1834, indexed by Livia Ditto Szczucin (m. Brzezówka) (MP) -- U 1786-1839, M 1787-1809, 1811-14, 1816, 1818-69, indexed by MMaziarski Szumiaczi (rzymskokat.) (PO) -- Z 1840, indexed by Oskar Brożek Szyszki (MZ) -- UZ 1819-23, indexed by Mariola Postępska Tarłów (SK) -- MZ 1916-29, Z 1930-47, indexed by Roman Burczyk Tarnów - Katedra (m. Tarnowiec i Zawada) (MP) -- U 1891-1902, indexed by Cynthia Kurlas Toruń - Katedra św. Jana Chrzciciela (KP) -- M 1737-1848, indexed by Kamil Krasiński Toszek (SL) -- U 1790-93, indexed by Paweł Jakoniuk Trzęsówka (m. Jagodnik) (PK) -- M 1821-25, 1827-39, 1841-45, 1847-48, 1851-52, 1854-61, 1863-68, indexed by Bartłomiej Babiarz Trzęsówka (m. Ostrowy Baranowskie) (PK) -- U 1802-43, indexed by Heather L Pedersen Tustań (UK) -- UMZ 1860, indexed by Zofia Kusztal Tworóg (SL) -- U 1735-1831, indexed by Karina Frak Tylmanowa (MP) -- M 1756-1763, indexed by Jason Uhrusk (LB) -- U 1910-11, Z 1907-09, indexed by Janusz Iwanowski Ujazd (LD) -- U 1840-42, Z 1826-36, indexed by Kacper Szczepanowski Unieck (MZ) -- M 1826-28, 1830-45, indexed by Jan Wojtkiewicz Unieck (MZ) -- U 1877-90; Z 1876-90, indexed by Krystyna Malik Uniejów (MP) -- U 1825, indexed by Renata Majewska Uniejów (MP) -- U 1826-41, indexed by Aleksandra Perz-Pieron Uników (LD) -- UMZ 1919, indexed by Incognito

Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXI, No. 3 March 2020 — 18 Wańkowa (m. Ropienka) (PK) -- U 1784-90, 1800-10, 1836, 1899, 1901, 1912; M 1870-73, 1875-78, 1887-91, 1900-04, 1941; Z 1811-19, 1839, 1903, 1905, 1925, 1942, indexed by Aleksandra Rybińska Warszawa (Evang.-Augsb.) (WA) -- UMZ 1873, indexed by Katarzyna Marchlińska and Maciej Markowski Warszawa św. Aleksander (WA) -- M 1912 (indexed and expanded), indexed by Krzysztof Zochniak Warszawa św. Andrzej (WA) -- M 1902-08, indexed by A.Ch. Warszawa św. Andrzej (WA) -- U 1827, indexed by Zbigniew Rostkowski Warszawa św. Krzyż (WA) -- M 1888, indexed by Jerzy Mrozowski Warszawa św. Trójca (WA) -- U 1902, indexed by Adam Rozenau Warszawa-Ochota św. Jakub (WA) -- Z 1939-2018, indexed by Danuta Wasilewska-Lenart Warszawa-Wawrzyszew św. Maria Magdalena (WA) -- U 1872; M 1869-74, 1876, 1878-86, 1892-99; UMZ 1811-26 (records of Wawrzyszew ), 1839, indexed by Paweł Zawadzki Warszawa-Wawrzyszew św. Maria Magdalena (WA) -- M 1923-31, Z 1931-38, indexed by Monika Blumberg Warszawa-Wawrzyszew św. Maria Magdalena (WA) -- M 1846; Z 1845, 1847-48, 1852, 1854-67, indexed by Anna Olbryś Warszawa-Wawrzyszew św. Maria Magdalena (WA) -- Z 1939-45, indexed by Danuta Wasilewska-Lenart Warzyce (PK) -- M 1889-1939; Z 1868-1947, indexed by MMaziarski Wawrzyszew k. Warszawy św. Maria Magdalena (WA) -- M 1899-1905, indexed by Paweł Zawadzki Wawrzyszew k. Warszawy św. Maria Magdalena (WA) -- M 1846; Z 1837-38, 1840-45, indexed by Anna Olbryś Wędziagoła (LT) -- U 1771-1788, indexed by Jacek Perkowski Węgra (MZ) -- U 1840-49, indexed by Anna Sztymelska Węgrzynowo (MZ) -- U 1916-18, indexed by Robert Pawłowski Wiadziec (BR) -- M 1830, indexed by Oskar Brożek Wieledniki (UK) -- UMZ 1830-31, 1838-40, 1845, 1847, 1851, 1854, 1859, 1863-74, indexed by Małgorzata Wstawska-Wróbel Wieliż (rzymskokat.) (PO) -- M 1830-31, indexed by Oskar Brożek Wielka Łąka (KP) -- U 1850-70, indexed by Zbigniew Linows Wiewiec (LD) -- U 1835-40, M 1833-40, Z 1833-40, indexed by magnowa Wilno Wszystkich Swiętych (LT) -- U 1827-1831, 1847-49, 1904, indexed by Bożena Tylingo Wirów (MZ) -- U 1812, 1814; M 1811-12, 1814; Z 1810-12, 1814, indexed by Artur Godlewski Wirów (MZ) -- UMZ 1815; 1817-18, indexed by Artur Godlewski Wiskitki (MZ) -- M 1895, indexed by Tomasz Frynia, checked by Tomasz Bogiel Wiskitki (MZ) -- M 1912, 1929, indexed by Tomasz Frynia Wistka Szlachecka (KP) -- U 1828-33, indexed by Marzena Sosnowska i Michał Golubiński Włodowice (SL) -- U 1812-13,16-22, M 1878-79, 81-87, 89-99, Z 1853-61, indexed by Mariadobrosława Wojniłów (UK) -- UMZ 1851-65,indexed by Grzegorz Żychowski

Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXI, No. 3 March 2020 — 19 Wolbrom (MP) -- M 1889, 92, 1900, 02-03, 05-06,17, indexed by Krzysztof Imiołek Wolbrom (MP) -- SkU 1900-01, indexed by Scowron Worodźków (BR) -- Z 1840, indexed by Oskar Brożek Wydminy (WM) -- Z 1878-1879, indexed by Donata Stremplewska Wyśmierzyce (MZ) -- U 1870-81, indexed by Aleksandra Piętak Wysocice (MP) -- UMZ 1816-1820, indexed by Łukasz Rzeszotek Wysokie Koło - Regów (MZ) -- U 1797-1809, indexed by Joanna Maślanek Zabrze św. Andrzeja Apostoła (SL) -- U 1888-93, indexed by Barbara Wiechuła Zagroba (MZ) -- M 1916-18, indexed by Piotr Romanowski Zawada (mm. Zawada, Nagawczyna, Stasiówka i Stobierna) (PK) -- U 1791-1878, indexed by Jarosław Czarkowski Żbików (MZ) -- Z 1932-34, indexed by Małgorzata Szadkowska. Żębocin (MP) -- UMZ 1790-91, indexed by Renata Majewska Żelazna (LD) -- U 1917; M 1879,82-84,86, 1891-17, indexed by Tomsaz Przygodziński Zelów (ewang.) (LD) -- U 1851-62, indexed by Henryk Koluszkowski Zemborzyn Kościelny (SK) -- UMZ 1865-77, indexed by Roman Burczyk Żernica - Deutsch Zernitz (SL) -- Z 1858-99, indexed by Stemo61 Zgierz (LD) -- UMZ 1909-11, indexed by Włodzimierz Dąbrowski Zgłowiączka (KP) -- UMZ 1861-62 (rozszerzenie), indexed by Zbigniew Piasecki Złoczew (LD) -- UMZ 1919, indexed by Incognito Zuzela (MZ) -- Z 1901-09, indexed by Justyna Jaźwińska (WM) -- U 1874-1880, indexed by Danuta Askew, weryf. Waldemar Chorążewicz Zwola Poduchowna (MZ) -- M 1858-91, indexed by Rafał Krasieńko Żychlin (LD) -- U 1916-19, Z 1916-21, indexed by Antoni Burzyński

*************************************** **** AN OVERVIEW OF RECENT PERIODICALS ***

Editor—This is an ongoing feature, meant to inform you of articles published recently in newsletters and journals that may interest you.

The Galitzianer, The Quarterly Research Journal of Gesher Galicia, March 2020, Vol. 76, No. 1, Gesher Galicia, 1516 S. Point View, Los Angeles, CA 90035 • Research Corner: Przemyśl Identification Project, Tony Kahane • The Jewish Press in Kraków, Geoffrey M. Weisgard • Leaving Galicia: Poverty, Pogroms, and Draft Evasion, Sharon Taylor • From Jezierna to America, Charlie Katz • The Search for My Roots, Daniel L. Fuchs • My Grandfather’s Rendezvous with History, Steve Becker • My Life Was a Gift, Andrew C. A. Jampoler

Polish Eaglet, Spring 2020, Polish Genealogical Society of Michigan, c/o Burton Historical

Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXI, No. 3 March 2020 — 20 Collection, Detroit Public Library, 5201 Woodward Avenue, Detroit, Michigan 48202-4007, . • Why Didn’t I Ask?, Roger Laske • Searching for a Grandmother, Finding a Family, Sandra Horton • How Walenty Lewicki Became William B. Smith, Joseph Martin • And the Brick Wall Came A-Tumblin’ Down, Therese Leszcz • A Shirt Tale, Kenneth A. Merique • 20 Years of the Poznań Project – A Retrospective, Łukasz Bielecki • The First People In Michigan Named Glaza And The History Of This Surname From The Area of Śliwice, Tuchola County, Poland, Darek (Darius) Rząska • A Tribute to Jan Steven Zaleski, Kenneth A. Merique • Edward Pinkowski and His Contribution to Polish Genealogy in Michigan, Jennifer Carrier

*************************************** *** UPCOMING EVENTS ***

Note: see also for a large selection of upcoming events in the world of genealogy.

Some upcoming events have been canceled; some are being held online instead of in person; and some are still planned but may be affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Please check with the organizers of each event for updates. This is a list of events I have heard about in the last month.


The Nashi Predky 2020 Spring Conference is now ONLINE due to COVID-19. It’s the same lineup of great speakers, and now you will be able to participate even if you are not in New Jersey!

Due to the rapid increase in the number of COVID-19 cases in the region and the recent ban on gatherings of more than 50 people anywhere in the state of New Jersey, the in-person Nashi Predky conference has been cancelled.

However, we are presenting the same talks by the same speakers on the same day, but as an online conference! This includes presentations by national and international experts on topics that include

• Finding Ukrainian, Polish, Belarusian and Russian Records on FamilySearch • The Genealogical Value of Royal, Government and Private Estate Inventories of Galicia • Fraternal Organizations, 1890-1918

Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXI, No. 3 March 2020 — 21 It will also include the presentation of the documentary film “Our UkrainianAmerican Legacy” and a Q&A with the director.

Please note that the schedule and speaker order are not the same as what we had been planning for the in-person conference.

See the full schedule details and information on the presentations:

If you had already registered for the in-person conference, you will receive a full refund. You will NOT be automatically registered for the online conference. You must re-register in order to hear/view the talks online!

UHEC members receive a 10% discount! Log in or create a member username and password to claim your discount.

From ______


If you want to start making plans, the 2020 Conference of the National Genealogical Society will be held next May in Salt Lake City. You can download the program and other information here:



Sunday, 9 August – Friday, 14 August 2020 40TH IAJGS INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON JEWISH GENEALOGY San Diego, California

[From an announcement posted to JewishGen by Nolan Altman on 24 November 2019]

We hope you will participate in the 40th IAJGS International Conference on Jewish Genealogy, to be held from Sunday, August 9 through Friday, August 14, 2020, in beautiful San Diego, California. Hosted by the International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies (IAJGS),

Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXI, No. 3 March 2020 — 22 the Conference objectives are to inform, instruct, and inspire attendees to explore and preserve their Jewish family history.

From Coronavirus Update (17 March 2020): The Conference organizers, like most everyone, are continuously monitoring the information about the novel coronavirus. With the conference still five months away, planning is continuing with the expectation that the Conference will take place as scheduled. ______

September 18 – 19, 2020


The Fall Conference has been canceled. You can read more here:


Friday, 25 September – Sunday, 27 September 2020


Waldemar Chorążewicz posted a note to Facebook’s Polish Genealogy group to inform members that the date for this conference has been set. The Facebook page of Opolscy Genealodzy (Genealogists of ) confirmed that it will be held “on the castle grounds” and will be organized by the Opole Genealogical Association, the State Archive in Opole, the E. Smołka Regional Public Library in Opole, and the host, the Museum of Silesian Piasts in Brzeg. The event is held under the Honorary Patronage of the Brzeg County Starosta, Jacek Monkiewicz. Presumably more information will be posted as it becomes available on the website of the Genealogists of Opole at .

************************************ *** MORE USEFUL WEB ADDRESSES ***

I suppose those of us who don’t live in caves know that lots of facilities are closed for now in attempts to contain the spread of COVID-19. People planning to visit the Family History Library in Salt Lake City any time soon need to know it is closed until further notice. This page on the FamilySearch site has a notice on the closure, and I expect that’s where we’ll see notice when the FHL reopens. ______

On the Polish Genius mailing list, Debbie Greenlee wrote about the harrowing experiences of Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXI, No. 3 March 2020 — 23 David and Joan Piekarczyk, who emigrated to Poland some years ago and became citizens. You can read about recent events at this URL. ______

A recent post from Eastman’s Online Genealogy Newsletter [EOGN] included this link to an article by Kristen V. Brown about cutbacks by Ancestry and 23andMe. Among those quoted are Anne Wojcicki, CEO and co-founder of 23andMe. ______

Another EOGN post discusses at some length FanView for Family Trees, a new program that can generate fan charts from most genealogy programs. Eastman found it impressive. ______

I believe the title of this blog entry speaks for itself. I’m also pretty sure Dick Eastman will publish further updates to help you keep in touch with the status of genealogy events. ______

Eastman also cited this link to an article by Libby Copeland about a woman who got a hysterectomy because of a cancer risk indicated by her family history, only to find out she had been adopted. She was in her early fifties, so the story is not quite as tragic as it could have been, I guess. Still, if she’d known she was adopted, she’d have realized she wasn’t as much at risk as she thought, and perhaps did not need surgery at all. It was a very painful experience for her, and it suggests the advisability of research and genetic testing before considering surgery. ______

In the last issue of Gen Dobry!, we mentioned the MyHeritage website’s app for colorizing photos (visit if you want to know more about it). The March 1, 2020 issue of Nu? What’s New? provided a very interesting insight on this. The editor, Gary Mokotoff, wanted to know if there were any drawbacks to this colorization, and asked Ava Cohn, who calls herself Sherlock Cohn, the Photo Genealogist (the above URL is for her website). She said there are some drawbacks, because the colorizing process can remove or add tones that affect attempts to date a photograph. She advised that before colorizing an old photo, it should be properly dated, well researched and restored to correct fading, remove scratches, stains, and artifacts that could show up as unwanted colors in a computer-generated colorization. She also emphasized that the original photograph should be retained so that it’s available if future analysis would be helpful. I confess, this makes sense, and it never would have occurred to me! ______

Researchers who have been members of JewishGen Special Interest Groups Discussion Lists Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXI, No. 3 March 2020 — 24 need to know most of the old lists are being discontinued, as reported in the 22 March 2020 issue of Nu? What’s New? The new JewishGen Discussion Group is operational, and you can visit this URL to learn more. ______

PGSA President Chet Szerlag sent out a note about the opening of the Packingtown Museum, built to “preserve, interpret, and present the industrial history and cultural heritage of Chicago’s Union Stock Yard and surrounding neighborhoods.” The curator is prominent author and professor Dominic Pacyga. Unfortunately, the pandemic ruined plans for the grand opening on March 27, but this website will tell you when a new date is set. ______

On 4 March 2020, Alan Kania posted a note to Polish Genius mailing list with information on the FEEFHS Conference on Eastern European Research in Salt Lake City, 3–7 August 2020. As of now, the organizers are still planning to hold the conference on those days; but check the FEEFHS home page for updates. ______

Also on Polish Genius, Maria (M. Schlisel) mentioned this site, where she found quite a few photos of her grandparents’ villages. In response to a question as to whether one could use these photos on Ancestry.com, member Jan Gan (who speaks Polish) looked over the site and stated that the copyright for photos belongs to the individuals who posted them, and you can contact them directly to ask for permission to use a photo. “In general you have the right to use a photo from any site in Poland for personal use as a ‘quote.’ In that case you can post it on Ancestry giving the link to the site and the name of the poster, which you can write in description, not just direct link to the photo. The number of photos does not matter. It may be [a] different story if you would like to use them in the book.” ______

In another note to Polish Genius, Roman Kałużniacki said, “What a great time to visit Poland. Here it is, 6:00 p.m. in Warsaw, and hardly any traffic on the streets. Check out the panoramic view at [the above URL].” ______

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Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXI, No. 3 March 2020 — 26