IRA Programs Hang in Limbo
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riLZ SPARTAN DAILY 41 Vol. 9l, No. 5 Published for San lose State University since 1934 1 ridav. January it, 1992 IRA programs hang in limbo By Marcia Ltpler Both A.S. and IRA budgets must be Daily staff writer approved by the university president, although recommendations are usually KSJS radio station needs an emergency accepted. generator to stay on the air in the event of a On the heels of the IRA fee election, the disaster with loss of power. It needs major A.S. board in November 1991 decided to maintanence and new equipment. But Pol withdraw A.S. funding from IRA programs. "mate" Vanrhee, general manager of the sta- "AS. saw this as an opportunity to place tion, worries that his budget will come up the responsibility of funding back in the IRA short. budget," said Nicole Launder, A.S. president In all, 19 histnictionally Related Activities and chair of the IRA committee. 'There are programs hang in limbo until the end of the 230 student organizations we have not been semester. In November, the Associated able to fund. Many of them are snuggling to Students Board of Directors pulled out its survive" A.S. will put back into their budget share of the funding for the 19 programs, the funds which used to be allocated to IRA leaving the groups upset, but with a reassur- programs, Launder said. ance that IRA a committee outside of Although the A.S. decision was made in direct AS. control would make up the dif- an open meeting, students on some IRA pro- ference. grams are angry about the process. But Arlene Okerlund, academic vice pres- "When we voted for the IRA fee increase, ident and a member of the IRA committee, we had no indication that AS. funding would said there are no guarantees to anyone. stop. We feel betrayed," said Paul Olivo, a "Funding is different every year and graduate music student and president of the depends upon money available and competi- Student Music Council. He hopes the deci- tion for funds." sion has motivated music students to run for Although the A.S. president chairs the office and cast their ballots in future elec- Parachute IRA committee, the two groups are separate tions. and their fees are allocated to different pro- Other IRA programs are worried that the grams. IRA committee will allocate funds at a slow- A.S. is the SJSU governmental student er rate than A.S. has. In fact, purchases made body with a 16-member student board of with IRA funds over $1000 are processed therapy in directors. Each semester, A.S. receives $18 through SJSU's purchasing department and per student from the general fees collected by must by law be sent out for three bids. the university. According to Bruce Cherrin, purchasing Funds are allocated to some 26 A.S. ser- manager, the time just to get bids back can vices and service segments such as the A.S. take 30 days or longer. motion Business Office, AS. Leisure Services, A.S. Although Launder was involved in the Print Shop, A.S. Program Board and Spartan A.S. decision, she understands students do Memorial, as well as ten student organiza- not feel they have control over IRA funds. tions. A.S. fees are also allocated through Olivo is one of those students. ABOVE: Stan Breuer practices his surfing tech- special allocation requisitions throughout the "With A.S. funding, we could go before nique on the lawn near Clark Library during year. the board and plead our case. With IRA, the Liz Cara's occupational therapy class. The Instructionally Related Activities chairman of the departments presents the Committee is an advisory Collliflitlee to the budget." university president. It is not an AS. commit- As a result of the increased IRA student RIGHT: Brewer revels in his new-found popu- tee, although four students do sit on its board fees, the Department of Intercollegiate larity as he is wrapped in a parachute during a of directors, along with two faculty members Athletics will receive a substantial increase sensory exercise. and two administrators. In May of 1991, stu- in funding. According to Launder, the fee dents voted to raise the IRA fees to 120 per increase was not initiated by A.S. like some student, collected from the general university students thought, but rather by the IRA com- lees, and with this money, IRA funds aca- mittee as a way to keep athletics a Division 1 Scott Sady Daily staff photographer demic programs which offer university credit to students. See IRA, Page 3 Reactions vary on settlement Access for disabled reached by all parties involved in the they are successful. item was the subject of the grievance. complaint, according to the statement. Others do not share this (1,1 IIIIISM. The form satirically addressed gender- students to improve Brennan memo issues. Janet Redding, director of universi- "The issue needs to be (addressed) related By Atotrat Savarnejad ty advancement, is pleased with the across the board," according to Lisa The grievance was originally filed still an issue Deily staff writer university's intent to implement "a Alvin, co-coordinator for the Women's by Strahan, Walker, assistant Sports 'There is a lot By Adele Gallucci training program" for the division and Resource Center. She does not consid- Information I)irector Karen It is one thing to have a law but Daily staff wnter a Gender Equity Advisory Committee er the university's efforts genuine, but Rosenzweig and women's basketball another thing to implement it. misunderstood SJSU's statement released yester- as per the statement. She hopes the rather the "result of extensive media coach "lina Krah. Since a portion of the Americans about this law day on the gender discrimination DIA will be considered a model for attention." "It wasn't a sensitive memo," with Disabilities Act went into effect grievance filed against Athletic other departments to follow. Noting a If Brennan were discussing ethnici- according to Jane Boyd, professor of last Sunday, SJSU Disabled Student that some people Director Tom Brennan late last year, constant need for "change or improve- ty or racial equity, his approach would women's studies. "What was its pur- Services and the Human Relations are frightened has met with mixed reviews. ment," she expects the programs to be have been different, Alvin said. pose?" Board have scheduled three national The statement, issued "in response implemented sometime this semester. The division has been under scruti- Brennan's intent was to distribute video conferences showing students about.' to media inquiries in the wake of sev- While softball coach Kathy ny ever since four women members the form as a tool to encourage discus- how to comply with the act. Strahan, one of the original com- of SJSU's athletic department filed a sion of gender-related issues, he said eral articles," according to a press 6, will plainants, feels "encouraged" by the complaint against Brennan late last in an interview Wednesday. "It was The first program, on Feb. Marty Schutter release, states the university's intent to feature a panel of experts and will pro- Director, SJSU Disabled Student Services improve the "environment" of the untversfty's ettorts to improve gender year. His distribution of a standard not a memo. It was not a prank." A corrununicalions, women s gymnastics form during a Nov. 20 staff meeting formal apology has since been given vide an overview of the legislative Division of Intercollegiate Athletics. content of the act. An "informal settlement" has been coach Jackie Walker simply hopes where gender equity was an agenda to the complainants. Later. in 1954, she slipped and tett In addition, attendees will under- at work, fracturing her neck. stand the intent of the law, why it was Mauck does not generally require a drafted, how it will be implemented wheelchair but has problems with sim- community, and how it will impact the ple tasks able-bodied individuals take B.A.s now offered Job recruitment up at businesses and architectural practices. for granted. According to the ADk people with These include writing in longhand disabilities must be accommodated on and opening heavy doors on campus. public services, including bus and rail in Chinese, Japanese To solve the latter problem, she SJSU despite recession systems. sneaks in behind someone or asks By Faye Wells lor's office. By Vihha Barisal At present, CalTrain commuter rail "We're seeing an emergence. someone to own a door for her. Daily staff writer "We surveyed from 1987 to 1990 Daily staff writer service is not accessible to anyone in a Maybe, hopefully, it's an indicator Mauck said that the university has Over 40 and prepared it for 1991," Siegler said. wheelchair, according to Marty students came to professor that perhaps we're coming out of generally done a good job of providing Enrollment in Japanese courses Schutter, director of DSS. K.C. Leung's beginning Chinese In the middle of the recession, the recession slowly," she said. for disabled people but there are things course when SJSIJ classes climbed steadily from slightly over said he knew of no places started this there have been sightings of jobs, Larger employers like Schulter that need to be worked on. semester. 200 students in 1987 to over 400 in on campus that are inaccessible to any according to SJSU's Career Lockheed Missiles and Space Co. 1990, the survey found. Enrollment in student. "I don't think there is enough park- Professor Clam took all 35 of Planning and Placement Center.