riLZ SPARTAN DAILY 41 Vol. 9l, No. 5 Published for San lose State University since 1934 1 ridav. January it, 1992 IRA programs hang in limbo

By Marcia Ltpler Both A.S. and IRA budgets must be Daily staff writer approved by the university president, although recommendations are usually KSJS radio station needs an emergency accepted. generator to stay on the air in the event of a On the heels of the IRA fee election, the disaster with loss of power. It needs major A.S. board in November 1991 decided to maintanence and new equipment. But Pol withdraw A.S. funding from IRA programs. "mate" Vanrhee, general manager of the sta- "AS. saw this as an opportunity to place tion, worries that his budget will come up the responsibility of funding back in the IRA short. budget," said Nicole Launder, A.S. president In all, 19 histnictionally Related Activities and chair of the IRA committee. 'There are programs hang in limbo until the end of the 230 student organizations we have not been semester. In November, the Associated able to fund. Many of them are snuggling to Students Board of Directors pulled out its survive" A.S. will put back into their budget share of the funding for the 19 programs, the funds which used to be allocated to IRA leaving the groups upset, but with a reassur- programs, Launder said. ance that IRA a committee outside of Although the A.S. decision was made in direct AS. control would make up the dif- an open meeting, students on some IRA pro- ference. grams are angry about the process. But Arlene Okerlund, academic vice pres- "When we voted for the IRA fee increase, ident and a member of the IRA committee, we had no indication that AS. funding would said there are no guarantees to anyone. stop. We feel betrayed," said Paul Olivo, a "Funding is different every year and graduate music student and president of the depends upon money available and competi- Student Music Council. He hopes the deci- tion for funds." sion has motivated music students to run for Although the A.S. president chairs the office and cast their ballots in future elec- Parachute IRA committee, the two groups are separate tions. and their fees are allocated to different pro- Other IRA programs are worried that the grams. IRA committee will allocate funds at a slow- A.S. is the SJSU governmental student er rate than A.S. has. In fact, purchases made body with a 16-member student board of with IRA funds over $1000 are processed therapy in directors. Each semester, A.S. receives $18 through SJSU's purchasing department and per student from the general fees collected by must by law be sent out for three bids. the university. According to Bruce Cherrin, purchasing Funds are allocated to some 26 A.S. ser- manager, the time just to get bids back can vices and service segments such as the A.S. take 30 days or longer. motion Business Office, AS. Leisure Services, A.S. Although Launder was involved in the Print Shop, A.S. Program Board and Spartan A.S. decision, she understands students do Memorial, as well as ten student organiza- not feel they have control over IRA funds. tions. A.S. fees are also allocated through Olivo is one of those students. ABOVE: Stan Breuer practices his surfing tech- special allocation requisitions throughout the "With A.S. funding, we could go before nique on the lawn near Clark Library during year. the board and plead our case. With IRA, the Liz Cara's occupational therapy class. The Instructionally Related Activities chairman of the departments presents the Committee is an advisory Collliflitlee to the budget." university president. It is not an AS. commit- As a result of the increased IRA student RIGHT: Brewer revels in his new-found popu- tee, although four students do sit on its board fees, the Department of Intercollegiate larity as he is wrapped in a parachute during a of directors, along with two faculty members Athletics will receive a substantial increase sensory exercise. and two administrators. In May of 1991, stu- in funding. According to Launder, the fee dents voted to raise the IRA fees to 120 per increase was not initiated by A.S. like some student, collected from the general university students thought, but rather by the IRA com- lees, and with this money, IRA funds aca- mittee as a way to keep athletics a Division 1 Scott Sady Daily staff photographer demic programs which offer university credit to students. See IRA, Page 3 Reactions vary on settlement Access for disabled reached by all parties involved in the they are successful. item was the subject of the grievance. Brennan memo complaint, according to the statement. Others do not share this (1,1 IIIIISM. The form satirically addressed gender- students to improve issues. Janet Redding, director of universi- "The issue needs to be (addressed) related By Atotrat Savarnejad ty advancement, is pleased with the across the board," according to Lisa The grievance was originally filed still an issue Deily staff writer university's intent to implement "a Alvin, co-coordinator for the Women's by Strahan, Walker, assistant Sports 'There is a lot By Adele Gallucci training program" for the division and Resource Center. She does not consid- Information I)irector Karen It is one thing to have a law but Daily staff wnter a Gender Equity Advisory Committee er the university's efforts genuine, but Rosenzweig and women's basketball another thing to implement it. misunderstood SJSU's statement released yester- as per the statement. She hopes the rather the "result of extensive media coach "lina Krah. Since a portion of the Americans about this law day on the gender discrimination DIA will be considered a model for attention." "It wasn't a sensitive memo," with Disabilities Act went into effect grievance filed against Athletic other departments to follow. Noting a If Brennan were discussing ethnici- according to Jane Boyd, professor of last Sunday, SJSU Disabled Student that some people Director Tom Brennan late last year, constant need for "change or improve- ty or racial equity, his approach would women's studies. "What was its pur- Services and the Human Relations are frightened has met with mixed reviews. ment," she expects the programs to be have been different, Alvin said. pose?" Board have scheduled three national The statement, issued "in response implemented sometime this semester. The division has been under scruti- Brennan's intent was to distribute video conferences showing students about.' to media inquiries in the wake of sev- While softball coach Kathy ny ever since four women members the form as a tool to encourage discus- how to comply with the act. Strahan, one of the original com- of SJSU's athletic department filed a sion of gender-related issues, he said eral articles," according to a press 6, will plainants, feels "encouraged" by the complaint against Brennan late last in an interview Wednesday. "It was The first program, on Feb. Marty Schutter release, states the university's intent to feature a panel of experts and will pro- Director, SJSU Disabled Student Services improve the "environment" of the untversfty's ettorts to improve gender year. His distribution of a standard not a memo. It was not a prank." A corrununicalions, women s gymnastics form during a Nov. 20 staff meeting formal apology has since been given vide an overview of the legislative Division of Intercollegiate Athletics. content of the act. An "informal settlement" has been coach Jackie Walker simply hopes where gender equity was an agenda to the complainants. Later. in 1954, she slipped and tett In addition, attendees will under- at work, fracturing her neck. stand the intent of the law, why it was Mauck does not generally require a drafted, how it will be implemented wheelchair but has problems with sim- community, and how it will impact the ple tasks able-bodied individuals take B.A.s now offered Job recruitment up at businesses and architectural practices. for granted. According to the ADk people with These include writing in longhand disabilities must be accommodated on and opening heavy doors on campus. public services, including bus and rail in Chinese, Japanese To solve the latter problem, she SJSU despite recession systems. sneaks in behind someone or asks By Faye Wells lor's office. By Vihha Barisal At present, CalTrain commuter rail "We're seeing an emergence. someone to own a door for her. Daily staff writer "We surveyed from 1987 to 1990 Daily staff writer service is not accessible to anyone in a Maybe, hopefully, it's an indicator Mauck said that the university has Over 40 and prepared it for 1991," Siegler said. wheelchair, according to Marty students came to professor that perhaps we're coming out of generally done a good job of providing Enrollment in Japanese courses Schutter, director of DSS. K.C. Leung's beginning Chinese In the middle of the recession, the recession slowly," she said. for disabled people but there are things course when SJSIJ classes climbed steadily from slightly over said he knew of no places started this there have been sightings of jobs, Larger employers like Schulter that need to be worked on. semester. 200 students in 1987 to over 400 in on campus that are inaccessible to any according to SJSU's Career Lockheed Missiles and Space Co. 1990, the survey found. Enrollment in student. "I don't think there is enough park- Professor Clam took all 35 of Planning and Placement Center. have been slowing down recruit- disabled Chinese increased from 125 students ing for disabled students," Mauck the students who entered his 7:30 am. This semester a surprisingly ment to cope with the recession. This does not me= every building in 1987 to about 150 in 1989, and said. beginning Japanese class. He had 52 high number of recruiters have reg- "San Jose State is one of our on campus is equally accessible to jumped more sharply to 220 in 1990. Most handicapped ramps, such as students in elementary Japanese last istered to recruit from SISL1's pool big feeder schools," said Dee everyone. "We had support from the commu- the one behind the business class- semester. of graduating seniors, said June Irnazeki, college-relations supervi- But in places that are inaccessible, nity given the location of San Jose in rooms, are located in the back of the S1111 students have studied Lim. coordinator of the On - sor for Lockheed. Lockheed is the other accommodations have been of Silicon Valley and the building, forcing those in wheelchairs Chinese and Japanese on campus for the center Campus Interview program. largest employer in the valley, she made. years, but could only whieve credit for presence of a large Asian population." to enter through the back. Where about 100 companies said, hut even they are cutting "The new law does not require a minor or for individual studies. Siegler said. The ramps comply with the law but normally recruit in the spring. Lim back. every single place to be accessible. Now, bachelor of arts According to the report, public can be a little embarrassing. degrees are said that this year 134 companies "In the past years, the late 80s, However, the ability to enjoy or par- available in both. schools need bilingual personnel to signed up to participate in the grad- we've hired more than 180 new take in an activity needs to be there." "It makes you feel like you are a "For the first time we are able to help students from immigrant families uate recruitment program which graduates a year. In 1990 and '91, second-class citizen." she said. lan- Schutter said. offer a full bachelor's degree in these who don't speak English as a first runs from Feb. 25 to Mardi 31. it was fewer," she said. In 1992, it Mohammad Qayoumi. associate languages," said Carmen Siegler, guage. Schutter said the new law may not While the size of the turnout might be fewer still. mean having to make that many executive vice president of Facilities, assistant professor of Spanish and cur- The report also quoted studies and Hewlett-Packard ('o. has also was surprising, Lim said the type changes. Mvelopment and Operations, said a riculum committee chairwoman for journals stating Americans' inability of companies now recruiting was reduced its hiring gradually over request is being prepared for consul- the foreign languages department. to speak foreign languages, especially predictable. the years. "Thar is a lot misunderstood about tants to look at the modifications nec- some people are fright- "We were authorized to start the Japanese, has hampered our nation's 'These tend lobe more medium "Our hiring, of course, has been this law that essary on this and other CSI1 campus- major in 1991. So we're in the second ability to compete in the world. and small employers," she said. reduced since our heyday in the ened about," Schutter said. es. semester of implementation," Lin, an SJSU teacher of Japanese But Vicki Mauck. public relations Siegler "We had heard that a year ago as a early 80s and the 70s.," said Ed I.ouis Duarte, president of 1)SA said. for 25 years and now coordinator of officer for the 1)isabled Students forecast." Tang, technical recruiting coordi- and a radio-television major, said he the Japanese major program, agrees Association, did bring up some points Provision for the new major came These smaller companies do not nator for H -P thought it would be easier for disabled The new majors allow the universi- which may be causes for concern. from demand by students and mem- hire in hulk, as did the large com- "Over the last four or five years, people to find jobs now that the legis- ty to provide not only beginning class- bers of the community. Enrollment panies in the early 1980s, but the we have reduced our hiring a lit- Mauck has an invisible disability as lature had officially accepted this act. has "skyrocketed" in the two lan- es in the language, but a full comple- sheer number of the companies tle," he said. "But overall, compa- a result of two accidents during the "I would like to see more disabled guages, according to Siegler, who pre- ment of literature and culture classes, recruiting is encouraging, said last decade. people in radio and television," Duarte pared a report that was approved by according to both professors. Irene Peck, schedule coordinator See RECRUIT Page 3 First she had spinal surgery after said. SJSU's School of humanities and the for the center. being rear-ended by a drunk driver. California State University chancel- See MAJORS, Page 3 2 Friday, January 31, 1992 San lose State University SPARTAN DAILY FORUM OPINIONS EDITORIAL Bush makes desperate grab for re-election images of the Gulf War. But was the war Invokes 'success a true success? The military performed brilliantly and destroyed its enemy with ease, but was it really worth it? story' of war in Almost a year after the military victory Saddam Hussein remains in Persian Gulf power and continues to build his military stronghold over the people of Iraq. Bush looks The Iraqis, for whom Bush said he has George no qualms, seem to have taken the brunt desperate. The of the damage caused in the war. Their INI nation's economy is buildings were demolished, their food in shambles, the and water supplies decimated, and their lives changed forever. people are mad and his Worst of all, the Iraqis are still under prospects for re-election are the wrath of Hussein. The historians have yet to figure it in real trouble. out. Even Defense Department officials, Now he's turning to talking about the who are attempting to put together the one success of his term, the Persian Gulf official history of the war, are confused. War. And, depending on who you talk to, Their account of the war's results and that may have not been such a success importance was overdue as of Jan. 15. after all. "The Washington Post" reported. In his State of the Union Speech More than three years into his Tuesday, Bush attempted to instill the presidency, Bush says he's now turning positive memories of the successful his attention to domestic issues. In a last military venture of the Persian Gulf war, ditch attempt to try to gain some trying to regain the popularity he once momentum going into his re-election had. campaign, Bush is laying out some plans Ed Fowler Spartan I huly Bush, who has watched his public to revive the economy. popularity steadily decline since the end These plans are strictly Bush's ot the war, is trying to bolster himself for attempt to find a quick fix to our nation's his re-election run. Instead of getting to problems. Those problems lie deep, in work on our country's problems, he is the very foundation of the policies set LETTERS TO THE EDITOR attempting to entrench himself in the forth in the last 12 years. nation's military success achieved in the Arkansas Gov. Bill Clinton, a front Persian Gulf. running Democratic presidential trading practices by Japan. As a member of ty to be aware of and sensitive to the multi- Its time he got to work on our own candidate said of Bush's address, "(It's) Cartoon stereotypes country's Congress, I have fought for and helped to cultural diversity in Santa Clara Valley and problems, instead of rekindling Band-Aids where major is needed." Editor, his fond memories of the war. George Bush says he's going to do win fairer semiconductor markets in Japan of the ethics of the United States as a leader While the nation's status as a world with the economy what he did to Iraq Raul Dominguez' editorial cartoon in the and an end to "dumping" by Japan here in in the world. I know that this still holds true, power stands in jeopardy, Bush is content We can only hope he doesn't get the Dec. 5 Spartan Daily ranks among the worst the United States. But to link our legitimate both for the university and the Spartan to surround himself with the positive chance. examples of stereotyping Japan and the trade disagreements with the attack by the Daily. But on this one occasion, the Spartan Japanese people. I would have hoped that Empire of Japan on Pearl Harbor two days Daily and Mr. Rodriguez' cartoon fell way the Spartan Daily would have realized that before the 50th anniversary of that attack, as short of those high marks. editorial cartoons can be entertaining and Mr. Rodriguez and the Spartan Daily did make a political statement without resorting with this cartoon, can have only one pur- Norman Y. Mineta to hate mongering. pose: to inflame hatred. Member of Congress 13th District, California WRITER'S There is no question that the United San Jose State University has been an States has serious complaints about unfair invaluable leader in educating our communi- FORUM Brian Harr Boys of summer return WRITER'S Bore Sunday is behind us requires patience, which is a virtue. FORUM Faye Wells Superand we are one step closer to Baseball calls for a self-controlled, the baseball season, thank patient fan and not an irate, lunatic. heaven. Question: Why is there Football fans are high-strung: if their a Bud Bowl for football and not team loses a game, they are frantic. If a a Bud Series for baseball, a Bud Cup for baseball fan's team loses, they are Desert dilemma puts spin on vacation golf or tennis, or a Bud Derby for horse naturally disappointed, but not racing? The Super Bowl is only one disgruntled. Uhummunli. Uu-uhn. Beauty Slowly I breathed a balloon-sized "We'll have to dig out to get the carpet game, the World Series is seven games: The football season is much less apart, the spacious canyon breath of what little clean air remains in down," he added, a conclusion I had that in itself warrants special attention forgiving than the baseball season wash was the wrong place for California and silently but sincerely silently come to. From Budweiser. Bud, you have some because it is a considerably shorter. The our camper tires to spin, dig thanked whatever gods may be for the "And getting one under the embedded explaining to do. football season is 16 weeks long, with a in and hold up our tour of fine, if chill air. We had camped and tire might be difficult." With the exception of the Bud Bowl, game a week. The baseball season, on t)itie 01 the nation's most amazing desert explored for two days in the dry canyons Pause. one of the only good points of the Super the other hand, has 162 games. That fact terrain. south of Anza Borrego and I decided we "If the tire continues to spin, sand will Bowl is the advertising that comes out of alone shows that baseball deserves and Pwhoof! should not squander our third tour of the cover the rug and we might have real it. Apple, Pepsi, Nike, etc., all competing gets more attention from the fans. I let out a sharp breath as I lurched deserts by jimmying rug strips under the trouble moving," I suggested. "And the for the newest, the biggest, the best The fans are more forgiving in against the pickup's seat belts. camper tires. camper might begin to tilt back." advertisement and to some, that is baseball: if you miss a tag, more often O000ups. Whatever driver error brought us to the Hesitation. exciting. The rest of the Super Bowl than not you are forgiven. If you fumble My ever careful travelling mate sand pit we were in, I figured rugging out "We'll have to dig anyway," he said folderol, I can do without. a football, you're an idiot. breathed in, looked serious and the fact would be a bigger mistake. We'd surely taking the shovel from the outside Football, the grunting, the moaning Look at the seasons during which the that he uttered no swear words indicated lose the short December day and 1 had compartment, his interest in the carpet and groaning yuck! How 1 long for sports are played. Baseball begins in the that we had come, from his point of view, things to see. fading. the sweet sound of the crack of the bat, spring, when things naturally begin to an engineering dilemma, not just sandy Knowing my travel mate's inclination He noted the tire had spun down to the smell of the ballpark and of ballpark again, and continues through the summer crossroads. to precision, I figured our rug rescue damp, solid sand, and began to dig in franks ahhhh. providing beautiful, warm weather for To dig out or to rug out, that was the would take at least an hour maybe front of it. He shoveled loose white sand With spring training just a month the fans and players alike, with the question. We grappled with this problem more. in front of the left rear tire also so it away, baseball fans across the country exception of Candlestick. on last month's Christmas trip to Southern "This is just the kind of sand we need would roll on firm ground. are itching for the season to get Most of the football season runs California. to try those strips," he said. "Maybe we won't need the carpets this underway. The boys of summer simply through the winter months, providing a "I'd like to know how the carpet "But removing the strips will take time," he said. "We'll sure save time if give the sports fan a wholesome pastime. gloomy, dreary atmosphere from the works," he said, exiting the driver's scat perhaps a half-hour," I said. the tires grip and we can move out of I think someone would have informed outset. It makes me think of a rainy and eyeing with engineer's glee the wash "You're exaggerating," he said, but here. Then we can get to Coyote Canyon the American public if the old saying funeral. and the rug pieces experts recommend for time was on my side. I mentioned the few for the sights," echoing my unspoken were really Chevrolet, apple pie and In football you have holding, clipping, negotiating deep sand while on rough hours of daylight we had this time of year sentiments. football, but it's not. intentional grounding, roughing the roads in what little remains of the wide and he became more hesitant about the He relented, put away the shovel. We If it's the violence you're after, watch kicker, unsportsmanlike conduct I open spaces. rugs. I gently broke the calm quiet of the hopped in, he pulled away and we and our boxing. Home plate collisions and could go on, but spare me. Admittedly, "I moved off the tracks," he said, desert and the disastrous silence between camper were free. He gained speed, held bench-clearing brawls are enough the officials in football have a tougher shaking his head. "That was my mistake. I my friend and me. to the track of previous trucks and we violence for this fan. job because they have more to watch for. think we'll have to try those strips," he "How will we get the rug under the made it out of the wash to the graveled Granted, with football you have In baseball it's pure and simple, either added reflectively rubbing his chin and tire?" I asked. surface. constant action, but if constant actions you're out or you're safe, no if's and's or referring to the carpet we had purchased "I don't know." he said. "Once that Moral: When in doubt, dig out. were a virtue, someone would have but's. in Escondido, now tightly bound between drive wheel spins, the other tires won't informed the public of that too. Baseball the cab and camper. budge," he said, as if I did Faye Wells is a Daily staff writer. Brian Harr is a Daily staff writer. not know.

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GAMMA ZETA ALPHA CAREER PLANNING AND GAMMA ZETA ALPHA CSU TRUSTEE: Open Forum. FRATERNITY: Rush-information PLACEMENT: On-campus FRATERNITY: Rush-information 11:05-11:50 am. and 12:05-12:50 Tow table, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., in front of S.U., Interview Orientation, 12:30 p.m., S.U. table, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., in front of S.U., MESPR1 p.m., A.S. Council Chambers, call 924- ASLS SPARTAEROBICS: Sign up call 287-5773. Almaden Rm., call 924-6033. call 287-5773. ASIAN -AMERICAN 6200. for SpartAerubics, 8:30-4:30 p.m., A.S. CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP: Business office, call 924-5960. MUSLIM STUDENT ASSOC.: CAREER PLANNING AND MATH AND CS CLUB: Meeting, "Coming out of your comfort zone". 7 HUMAN RESOURCE CLUB: Prayer and meeting, 12:30 p.m., S.U. PLACEMENT: Career Resource 3-3:30 p.m., MI1 324, cal1924-5133. Meeting, 5-6 p.m., S.U. Almaden Rm.. ALPHA PHI OMEGA: Spring rush p.m., Costanoan Rm., call 295-5360. Costanoan Rm., call 241-0850. Center Tour, 1:30 p.m., BC 13, call PHI CHI THETA: Meeting, 5 p.m., call 867-0841. information table, 9 p.m . -5 pin, in 924-6033. CAREER PLANNING AND front of S.U., call 971-8111 S.U. Pacheco Rm., call 363-1689. PLACEMENT: Career Resource ORDER OF OMEGA: Meeting, 10 CAREER PLANNING AND RE-ENTRY ADVISORY Center Tour, 1 p.m., BC 13, call 924- p.m., S.U. Pacheco Rm., call 998-2570 CAREER PLANNING AND PLACEMENT: OCl/Lnterview PLACEMENT: Career Resource NavoR,3 PROGRAM: Re-entry support group, 6033. RE-ENTRY ADVISORY Preparation, 3:30 p.m., S.U. Almaden 10:30-noon, ADM kin. 201, call 924. PROGRAM: Re-entry support group. Center Tour, 1:30 p.m., BC 13, call ASLS SPARTAEROBICS: Sign up Rm call 924-6033. CAREER PLANNING AND 924-6033. for SpartAerobics, 8:30-4:30 p.m., A.S. 5939. PLACEMENT: On-campus noon-1:30 p.m., ADM Rm. 201, call Business office, call 924-5960. CAREER PLANNING AND SAFER: Weekly meeting, 6:30 p.m., Interview Orientation, 3:30 p.m., S.0 924-5939. CAREER PLANNING AND PLACEMENT: Co-op Orientation. PLACEMENT: On-campus ASLS SPARTAEROBICS: Two S.U. Pacheco Rm., call 924-5468. Almaden Ran., call 924-6033. RE-ENTRY ADVISORY 11 am., S.U. Costanoan Ran., call 924- PROGRAM: Re-entry support group. Interview Orientation, 12:30 p.m., S.U. free intro aerobic classes, 5:30-6:30 6033. AFRO-CARIBBEAN DANCE: CAREER PLANNING AND Almaden Rm., call 924-6033. p.m. and 7-8p.m., Event Center 5:00-6:30 p.m.,S.U. Guadalupe Rm., PLACEMENT: Resume I, 12:30 5:30-6:30 p.m., Cafeteria near Sweet aerobics rm., call 924-5960. call 924-6500. p.m., S.U. Almaden Rm., call 924- Shoppe, call 924-5939. 6033.

IRA: Funds RECRUIT: Smaller companies recruiting From Front Page tions was much less." From Front Page the midst of a recession, said Lim, Brennan feels the university and ny-wide, we'll probably do the same because unlike the larger corporations, 'We're trying to convey to students to program. students benefit from maintaining a amount of hiring." they did not over expand a few years "Some A.S. board members pro- high profile Division 1 program. Some smaller companies, con- ago. The moderately growing compa- plan ahead, go to workshops, talk to posed an athletic fee instead of an IRA "People see the name of the school versely, are still growing without any nies hire slowly, and only hire the fee," said Launder. "But such a mea- every time our team travels. Athletics cut backs. Banner Blue Software, a minimum that they can afford. counselors ' sure would require a two thirds major- gives alumni a reason to stay connect- Fremont company of 30 employees, "The salaries are also stabilizing," ity and would not have passed. The ed to the school," he said. will participate in SJSU's recruitment said Peck. "I think they're leveling off, Irene Peck general IRA fee only required a sim- Just as important, Brennan feels program this spring for the first time. but not deaeasing." Schedule Coordinator, Career Planning and Placement Center ple m4ority." that sports is part of a total cultural "The software industry probably "There are going to be fewer posi- Next year the DIA will receive an program and can enhance the quality hasn't been hit as hard as the hardware tions," said Lim, but what she wanted to plan ahead, go to workshops, talk to Through the career center, prepara- extra $403,000 over what they of life on campus. He is pleased that industry," said Bonnie Anderson, to emphasize was that "there are still counselors," said Peck. tion for the interview process includes received last year with the agreement attendance at football games has finance manager for Banner Blue opportunities." The interviewers who come to a 50-minute orientation that explains they provide students with a limited increased by 400 percent since free Software. "People are still buying soft- "It is a buyer's market," said Peck. campus are generally professional the paper work required for the on- number of free tickets to regular home tickets were distributed. ware, though they may not be updat- "If you lack some of the experience, recruiters for their companies:* said campus interview process. football and basketball games, as well IRA programs will have to wait ing their hardware as much." and someone else has it, the employ- Peck. These interviews are usually the Once past the orientation, graduat- as free admission to every other regu- until May, when Okerlund said the "And we thought that some of the ers definitely have the upper hand (in preliminary interviews that lead to ing seniors are eligible to sign up for lar season event in all intercollegiate IRA committee will make its final larger companies may not be recruit- the decision making)." calls for follow-up ones. They must be interviews with prospective employ- athletics. decisions, to know where their bud- ing as much ... so we have a chance," "The job market is very competi- taken seriously, she said. ers. Athletic Director Tom Brennan gets stand. In the meantime, Launder she said. tive," said Peck. An interview, she said, is really a Good preparation is especially feels the increase is well deserved and will be meeting next week with the This spring, Banner Blue Software 'lb get your foot ahead in the com- self-marketing pitch. It takes planning essential, said Lim, because of the necessary just to keep the status quo. IRA committee to consider changes in will be hiring from three to five new petition, Peck recommended going and preparation "You have to know competition these days. "The employ- "It's not unusual for universities to the IRA application. "She encourages graduates. through the career center's interview what sort of information to volunteer. ers are being much more discriminat- receive significant support from stu- students with input about changes that Smaller companies like Banner preparation workshops. You can't take a passive stance in that ing. As a result, the candidate has to dents," Brennan said. "Our level of would facilitate the process to call her Blue Software may be able to grow in "We're trying to convey to students situation" be a lot more prepared" support compared with other institu- at 924-6240. MAJORS Clark Library evacuated From Front Page Mandarin Chinese than any other lan- Need a Mac at Midnight? "When 1 teach Japanese I am guage, according to the 1991 World teaching not only a matter of language Almanac and Book of Facts. Japanese due to low water pressure but shall 1 say matters of thought and speakers number 125 million. The 24 Hour customs," Lin said. "You have to real- Almanac's figures include both native By Monaca Jung Manager Florence Cappelloni, the ize that (the Japanese) have their own and non-native speakers. Mac Rentals Daily staff writer plumbers working in the library base- value system, their own approach to In addition to the Republic of Last minute term papers? 1Cristy Lucero, a social psychology ment were supposed to notify electri- life. China and the People's Republic of the alarm in case water Need to work late? graduate student, lost 30 minutes of cians to silence "When you team Japanese you are China, Singapore and Hong Kong pressure lowered, while workers fixed Come in anytime - her day off. She'd vowed to devote to learning to think the Japanese way. also use Chinese. count on us. that time to researching a project due the plumbing. This does not mean you have to agree Although fewer people world-wide next Monday. "Apparently they didn't," with it," he said. speak Japanese, Lin predicts that peo- She was among the estimated 200 C.appelloni said. An example is American's tenden- ple will need to know it in the 21st people who were forced to put down When the alarm sounded, students cy to prioritize, or emphasize what century. $2 OFF MAC RENTAL their work and research Thursday and faculty were told by library staff occurs first. "We have a number of students Valid from 12 to 6 a.m. $2 off self-service Macintosh building. afternoon when Clark Library's water to evacuate the "For the Japanese, what comes first who have taken Japanese courses computer time with this coupon. Does not include laser pressure dropped below safety stan- People waited outside for approxi- is not necessarily the most important. from me for many years," he said. prints. One coupon per customer. Not valid with any other danis, setting off the emergency alarm, mately a half-hour for the library tore- What comes next or last is always One is Matsuko Honda, a 70-year old offer and only at this location. library officials said. open. more important," Lin said. woman with an Masters of Science in has studied the Jo Whitlach, the interim library When everybody was allowed back Japanese grammar differs from Social Sciences, who for 10 years with Lin. director, said it has happened before. in. Lucero said her only hope was that English, but it is Japanese pronuncia- language pressure is low," the computer she was working on "She wants to broaden and deepen Icir,L2... "When the water tion that Americans find difficult, Whitlach said, "there is no protection before the evacuation didn't wipe out according to Lin. "Practice makes per- her knowledge of Japanese literature the copy center in case of a fire." all her research. fect, of course," he said. and culture," Lin said. have The evacuation occurred at 1:30 "I came from South San Jose and The Chinese program focuses on President George Bush would E. San Carlos St. (across from McDonald's) 295-4336 to 93 p.m. after the fire alarm went off. took light rail to get here," said Mandarin, the language's standard been more successful on his trip According to library Business Lucero. "This is a little aggravating." dialect, but offers Cantonese Chinese Japan had he known Japanese, as well, said Leung. The writing is the because he would have better under- to same for both dialects and poses less stood Japanese thinking, according Fox pre-screens Jackson video of a problem than often believed, he Lin. "In order for America to cope with said. Ile started teaching the charac- Event Centel. ANGELES (AP) - Before The reclusive singer's "Black or ters the second week of class. the Japanese and meet the challenge . club LOS Sunday's premiere of Michael White" video, directed by filmmaker "We had a student from Puerto coming from Japan, they will have to learn Japanese," Lin said. soTbP Jackson's newest video, Fox John Landis, had four minutes shaved Rico whose accent was so good that Broadcasting Co. is pre-screening the from the original 11 -minute version Chinese TV in San Francisco asked membership six-minute film to avoid airing any after viewers complained. him to do ads and he now teaches 'When you learn violent or crotch-grabbing scenes. Jackson has given Fox the right to Chinese to young children," Leung Jackson's last video was edited edit any portions it deems objection- said. Japanese you are after its November debut to remove able on the latest video. Fox affiliates "Chinese is a lot simpler than other learning to think frames of the singer bashing car win- have the discretion to refuse to air it, European languages because the verbs fciorc.f * dows and fondling himself. Jackson Ms. Wagner said. are not inflected (changed to indicate the Japanese way.' Early bird special later apologized for the segments. So far, no cuts have been made by number and person)," he said. "The a. stch.4 music films are from the network. tones are difficult," he added. "You Both Chaote Lin Faculty 6 staff I Take advantage of our "Dangerous," Jackson's first album in Fox, which simultaneously pre- have to get them right." Professor four years. Sunday's video accompa- miered "Black or White" with cable's More people, 864 million, speak special price on memberships at The nies the song "Remember The Tune" MTV and VH-1 networks, hastily and was directed by "Boyz N The reviewed the film when it arrived one Sport Club. Use our facilities Monday John Singleton. day before its scheduled debut. Both !load" filmmaker through Friday from 6am to 10am, and Fox spokeswoman Betsy Wagner cable music channels now use the said "Remember The 'rune" had been edited version. on Saturdays and Sundays from 10am sent to affiliate stations and was in the Network executives said afterward to process of being screened by network they had made an error in judgment 5pm, and your membership cost is executives. because they were rushed. Jackson's GM AT just $75 per year! (Reg. $150) That's The new video, starring supermod- newest video arrived at Fox on . el Iman, with special appearances by Monday, nearly a week before its pre- - half price! And as if that's not enough, Murphy and E'arvin "Magic" miere. Eddie we'll give you a free fitness test Johnson, has an Egyptian theme. Ms. "Remember The Time" will he M CAT Wagner said she had heard no reports shown at 8:30 p.m. Sunday, Eastern when you sign upl of offensive scenes. and Pacific times.

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4 friday, January .11, 1992 San Jose State University SPARTAN DAILY FEATURES One year after, Persian Gulf War forgotten By Dorothy 10avins ''It was a forgotten war because the was not surprised to hear that the mis- DWI y staff writes the patriotism and appreciated it while in the deserts of Saudi Arabia serving 'At the time we were swept up in public didn't know that much about it siles were missing, or there were more Just a year ago, Patriot missiles in the 101st Core Support Group. in the first place," said Robert Glitter, Iraqi casualties than at first reported. streaked across televisions as they Rudat said her group wanted to get the Patriotism and promotion of the war ... chairman of the sociology department. Nothing about the fumbling surprised caught incoming Scuds with dazzling job done and get out quickly. of being duped ....' Gliner finds the American people me." accuracy. "In the beginning, there was hesita- I now have a feeling remain fairly ignorant of foreign One surprise was the extreme patri- Reporters spoke while wearing gas tion, unknowns and apprehension," affairs, and relies on the media or the otism which Bush and the military masks, and smart bombs wiggled Rudat said. Judith Gardner, word of lawmakers for their history promoted. down narrow chimneys. She felt good knowing about the senior, English maior lessons. There was an intolerance for any- The world held a collective breath support back home. "As far as America is concerned, one against the Persian War. when the Scuds hit Israeli suburbs, and Larger numbers of volunteers are the war is forgotten:' said Alice Cox, a Even the media succumbed. the danger of escalation brought back trying to get into the military. member of the San Jose Peace Center. "It's really characteristic of the memories of Vietnam. Incoming ROTC freshmen at SJSU The group is trying to remind people media's coverage., especially of war, The Persian Gulf War lasted only increased approximately 50 percent Still, war has dropped from the Operation Desert Storm confusing. that the Iraqis still suffer the effects of that they don't like to stick their necks six weeks and produced examples this year, from the normal 15 percent headlines as problems at home pushed Was it oil? Was it Saddam Hussein? this war. out and be accused of being unpatriot- some say in disturbing amounts of to 23 percent. President Bush's popularity from a Was it to kick the Vietnam Syndrome? The Peace Center has initiated a ic," said Daniel Hallin, author of "The patriotic fervor not seen since World The Marine Recruiting Station in high of 90 percent during the war to The reasons for the war were fuzzy, petition campaign asking the House Uncensored War" War II. San Jose also reports an increase in around 46 percent last week. and many people preferred to just Ethics Committee to hold hearings to "I was called a traitor," said Glitter, Yet, when subject of the one year volunteers, although the military over- Economic problems, crime, education, wave the flag. investigate claims made by Kuwait, who conducted several open forums anniversary arises at SJSU, people all is going trying to, in its words, the Thomas hearings and date rape "At the time, we were swept up in concerning allegations that Iraqi sol- on campus last January to provide dif- scratch their heads and say, "Oh yeah, "build-down" forces by cutting them. forced a stronger emphasis on domes- patriotism and the promotion of the diers threw babies from incubators, ferent perspectives on the Gulf War as I've sort of forget about that." The build-down might account for tic issues. war," said Judith Gardner, a senior and the role of Hill & Knowlton, the a part of the Faculty for Social But there are those who remember the increase in San Jose because the "Unless it's before us, it's old majoring in English. "I now have a public relations firm that represented Responsibility. it all too vividly. monthly recruiting quotas have news," said Olivier Klink, a graduate feeling of being duped, although my Kuwait Gliner leaned back and shook his Capt. Susan Rudat, assistant pro- dropped but the Marines said they student in business. feelings for the people involved in the "The world is gray," said Seena head, the war "brought out the worst fessor of military science at SJSU, felt didn't have the figures available. Many people found the reasons for war have remained the same." Hawley, senior in social science. "I aspects in the American makeup." Vendors Famous dancer see San gives SJSU students Carlos as free lessons in grace problem By Mike O'Reilly for the dance students to be exposed Daily staff miter to the styles of performers like Lula Washington. It presents the opportu- By Mike O'Reilly Lula Washington, founder of the nity for students to understand the Daily staff writer Los Angeles Contemporary Dance philosophy of significant artist, who Theater, brings her dance company sean to be larger-than-life. "She's a It's a "dog-eat-dog" world for the to SJSU. Washington's visit coin- real shot in the arm," said Mathews food vendors on San Carlos Street. cides with the start of African of Washington's energetic instruc- With four different hot dog ven- Awareness Month on campus this tion. dors on one block's length at SJSU, February. Washington, who teaches dance students have their pick of where to Washington brings her blend of in Los Angeles, said that the reces- get a quick bite to eat, but their modern jazz and traditional African sion has made things increasingly options may soon be limited. dance this Saturday difficult to do some The vendors must now face the night to SJSU. The of the programs she possibility that they may be restricted grand finale dance ran in the past. from selling their hot dog and sodas performance will Washington tells along the street that previously divid- feature pieces from about how she has ed the university "Games," as well as had to stop teaching With the closure of San Carlos other work of classes five days a Street comes the transference of city Washington's men- week, and she can property to university property, which tor, Donald no longer offer free may leave four vendors out in the McKayle. classes, because cold. Washington and the there aren't enough 12 dancers of her funds to support company will also those subsidized , Closure hurts business performs pieces programs. When inspired by the work money is scarce, the Abraham B., who has run Expo of Duke Ellington, arts are the first to Hot Dog since 1986, feels that being Bob Marley and Lula Washington go said Washington. forced to a new location would hurt Muddy Waters. The recession is his business. "It's hard for us. This is Black artists are frequently also effecting Washington's Los our lives," Abraham said, who themes for Washington. African Angeles Contemporary Dance declined to give his last name, but be dance was the initial love of Theater. is not sure what he can do if the uni- Washington, who has been dancing "It's suffering:' Washington said versity won't let him stay. for over 25 years, but she has since about the recessions that affect her Art Tolman of Picnics Plus said infused some jazz to form a unique non-profit dance group. "but we've that he would like to work with SJSU dance style. always struggled along, so we're during this trial closure of San Carlos One SJSU African/Caribbean used to it." Street, but he will fight from being dance class was treated to a special But Washington has also had restricted from the area. Tolman said instruction in her unique style of some great success in recent years. he has been going to all the public dance Thursday at Washington She choreographed "'The Little hearings and meetings, and he has Square Hall. The high spirited, Mermaid" for Disney and has Velma Norm: Daily ciatt been trying to persuade the other ven- dancer/choreographer/instructor worked with Hollywood stars like dors to become more involved with gave the master's class, which con- Barbara Striesand, Cher and Al Hsiang-Hsiu-Lin a senior forign exchange stu- has taken more than 10 years of ballet and the pmcess. sisted of some of SJSU's best class- Green. Taiwan takes advantage of a dance modem dance. Washington will perform at the "An hour or two to go to a meeting es, as well as, anyone else that want- There will also be a teaser per- dent from is worth it to save your vocation," ed to join in. formance this afternoon by Lula class taught by Los Angeles Contemporary grand finale dance on Saturday at 8 p.m. in the TbIrnart said. Fred Mathews, modern dance Washington on the third floor of the Dance Theater founder, Lula Washington, Lin SJSU Theater. Across the street from Tolman is instructor, feels that it's important Student Union in the art gallery. Alex Yimg.huen who runs Deals On Holster Wheels. Yimghuen doesn't seem too worried about losing his location on San Carlos Street. Yimghtien has been vending there for nearly two years and has worked on Melanie Griffith shines in thriller 'Shining Through' San Fernando Street for a year before that. "I feel bad," said Yunghuen of the possibility leaving the area. He hopes By Jim Silva he will be able to get permission from Daily staff writer MOVIE the university to stay. "Shining Through," the new film starring Michael Douglas and Melanie Vender access curtailed Griffith, is an excellent romantic trt*Igt thriller based on Susan Isaacs' best Access is what Philip Lee of the selling novel of a woman who enters City of San Jose Department of Nazi Germany as a spy during World Streets and Traffic said is the problem War II. P.- with allowing the venders to continue Directed by David Seltzer, it is to operate along the street. The ven- marvelous blend of romance, humor, REVIEW dors usually use small trucks to set up and suspense. and close down their carts, but with The story, adapted for the screen by Neeson, John Gielgud and Joley the installation of the steel barriers Seltzer, is intelligent, witty and filled Richardson. blocking the street, venders must find with enough surprises to keep you Neeson, who starred in the fantasy- new ways to get into the street. guessing throughout the film. thriller "Darkman," plays the Nazi Most of them have gone to the The film follows the plight of officer who Voss works under. University Police Department to get a Linda Voss, a half-Irish, half-Jewish Gielgud is "Sunflower" an American permit to bring their trucks in through secretary from Queens, played by secret agent who is Voss's main spy thclIPD parking lot Tolman said that Griffith. contact in Germany. Richardson takes he has to go a little out of his way Voss is a fiery gutsy, young woman on the character of Margrete, a young now, but feels the $81 permit is worth of meager background who volunteers Cierrnan who befriends Voss. All three it. UPI), as well as the city task force to enter 'litter's Germany to gain Nazi are excellent. in charge of the temporary closure, military secrets. Most of the shooting of the film have been very helpful Tolman added. She is a heroine that's not often was on location in Germany. Seltzer Tolman feels that vendors may be seen in movies today. Voss is an brought in Jan Van Bont as his director restricted to benefit Spartan Shops incredibly strong, courageous woman of photography. Van Bont's resume Inc., which runs the university's cafe- who takes on the job that no man includes films such as The Hunt For terra and the vending cart in front of could handle. Red October and "Die Hard." the (lark Library. Griffith, who plays the indomitable The images of this movie are vivid. That's not the case according to Voss. is superb. She is able to show Publicity Photo Nazi Germany is dark, wet, and mys- Michele Gendreau, operations manag- her character's beautifully soft and terious, bringing out the haunting in the thriller "Shining Through" er for Spartan Shops. She feels that it innocent side while still being able to Melanie Griffith is superb and Michael Douglas is adequate mood of Hitler's Berlin. Its a great set- is too soon to be concerned about the portray her inner strength. The charac- ting for a spy thriller. vendors when it hasn't been decided ter of Voss is developed well, leaving one might expect and his character is ows him with her excellent perfor- movie. The romance between Voss Seltzer has put together a real win- whether the street will be closed yet. you with the sense that you know and much less developed than Griffith's. mance. and Leland is a bit rushed, but it ner. He has brought in an exceptional Gendreau said that she will wait and care about her. Douglas portrays Leland as a hard and The team of Douglas and Griffith works. group of professionals and produced watch the progress of the closure Douglas is adequate as Ed Leland, cold military man who falls for Voss's works well. The exchanges between Seltzer has put together a very an excellent romantic thriller. "Shining along with the rest of the university an American spy who is Voss's boss. intelligence, wit and fervor. the two are funny and romantic. They good group of actors to support Through" is intense, unpredictable and community. Ile plays less of a role in the story than He is good, but Griffith overshad- are some of the best moments of the Douglas and Griffith including Liam will leave you planted in your scat. SPARTAN DAILY San lose State University III Friday, January 31, 1992

SJSU WEATHER: TODAY - Increasing cloudiness with a high of 60. WORLD EVENTS T MORROW - 60 percent chance of rain with a high of 57.

'Me note said Guindon told his superiors All Sinjari, secretary-general of the ventures and foreign-owned enterprises have in the Oblates of Mary Immaculate the book Kurdistan Democratic Federation, said reli- been established in China, and more opportu- "is meant to be faithful to the richness of the gious parties in Shiite Muslim south Iraq nity awaits in Shanghai, which is being devel- Catholic tradition," except on the question of agree only on the goal of Islamic rule for all oped further. contraception. of the country, while the other opposition Reform in China, be said, "does not mean The Vatican note quoted Guindon as say- groups "are united only by their desire to a change of the socialist system, but its self- ing in his book that he wanted to help create overthrow Saddam's regime." improvement and development" "an alternative to the unsatisfactory fecundity- Opposition leaders have agreed to gather Noboru Takeshita, former prime minister fertility view" of sex. Instead, he was quoted in Damascus next month to try to develop a of Japan, warned against pushing China and as saying, sexuality should be described in united strategy for toppling President other Communist countries too hard toward terms of sensuality and tenderness, represent- Saddam, who has ruled for nearly two democracy. ing a person's physical and spiritual dimen- decades. "Laudable though democracy is, we must sions. Baghdad-based diplomats reported this not ignore the stark reality that some coun- There was no answer Thursday at week that Shiite guerrillas in the south recent- tries are so preoccupied with their rush to Guindon's university office. ly stepped up attacks on Saddam's troops. democracy that their political systems col- They said Saddam sent several army divisions lapse," Takeshita said. to the region this month for what looked to be Other scheduled speakers at the privately a big campaign against the rebels. organized annual meeting include South 43 Mexicans The diplomats, speaking on condition of African President F.W. de Klerk, Nelson anonymity while traveling outside Iraq, said Mandela of the African National Congress protest with Saddam formed a special military force from and Mangosuthu Buthelezi, president of the Sunni Muslim-dominated central Iraq to pro- Inkatha Freedom Party. pigs and win tect him from possible rebellion by other gov- ernment forces. MEXICO CITY (AP) - The Mexican Sinjari said in an interview that victory Workers Federation scratched plans to herd over Saddam will come only with support NEWS QUIZ 0 Russian e Vatican 4,000 pigs through downtown Mexico City from the Iraqi military, but that all opposition after the government agreed not to shut down groups must heal their differences and astronauts renounces an arm of the bureaucracy that handles meat become active througout Iraq. Rye correct - news stud. Three distribution. He said, "The fate of Iraq can only be to four -reads USA Today. One make do theologian's The federation had said meat workers determined by the Iraqis themselves. to two - Where have you been? would march 4,000 pigs to the Zocalo, without honey views on sex Mexico City's main plaza, then to a govern- 0 Why was the fourth floor of ment slaughterhouse to protest plans to close @ China asks the Clark Library rearranged? MOSCOW (AP) - Russia's spiraling VATICAN CITY (AP) - The Vatican on the agency. food crisis has now gone out of this world: Thursday said it had ordered the Rev. Andre The prospect of thousands of porkers 0 What award did Access the two cosmonauts aboard the space station Guindon, a Canadian theologian and author, snarling Mexico's City molasses-thick traffic world for magazine receive? Mir have been told they have to do without to renounce the positions he has taken on sex- persuaded officials to revise their plans. honey because of shortages back borne. ual morality or face possible punishment. News reports said Thursday that they will economic aid 41 What have the members of the "It is difficult to get high-quality honey," It said that in his 1986 book "The Sexual now begin to work out a program to "trans- New Kids on the Block been lamented Valeri Polyakov, deputy head of the Creators," Guindon gave homosexuality the form and modernize" the agency. DAVOS, Switzerland (AP) - Chinese accused of? Medical and Biological Institute, which same moral standing as heterosexuality, said The daily newspaper La lornada said the Premier Li Peng appealed Thursday for arranges space menus. "We used to get honey premarital sex could be sanctioned and criti- program might involve turning the agency Western help in freeing China's economy, but 0 What does Daluner plea in his from former Soviet republics, but now they cized the Vatican ban on artificial birth con- over to the workers' federation. rejected any change in the Communist politi- murder trial? stopped deliveries." trol. The Holy See also said he undervalued cal system. Although a recent supply ship lacked the the aspect of procreation in sex, erroneously Li, on his first visit to the West since the 0 Did the A.S. send a "no honey they requested, cosmonauts Alexander interpreted church teaching and portrayed o Kurds try to 1989 crackdown on the democracy move- confidence" resolution to Volkov and Sergei Krikalyov did get fresh church weddings as irrelevant. ment, told the opening session of the privately Munitz? onions, horseradish and lemons - also in The note, from the Vatican's Congregation organized World Economic Forum that China short supply in the former Soviet Union these for the Doctrine of the Faith, said the nuncio overthrow would accelerate its opening of markets and days. in Canada delivered the message on enterprises to foreigners. Polyakov said shopping for the cosmo- Wednesday to Guindon, a professor of moral Saddam "China's modernization cannot do without nauts is becoming increasingly difficult theology at St. Paul University in Ottawa. economic and technological cooperation and DN (s 'Amami jo dorm /al ifdpno (s SurtpuLs because of shortages and "prices that have If Guindon failed to bring his positions in DAMASCUS, Syria (AP) - Iraqi opposi- exchanges with other countries," he said. "It dri (e ats3gnia3 *3000y nom )nsmotps stu. skyrocketed," according to the Tass news line with church teaching, he faced passible tion groups are still too divided to act effec- is a basic state policy of China to open wider (z mod aanpai 01(1 :SIM/ASSN agency, which now calls itself the Information punishment, "which could include withdrawal tively in helping overthrow Saddam Hussein, to the outside world on the basis of self- Telegraph Agency of Russia-Tass. of his right to teach as a Catholic theologian," a leader of a Kurdish rebel group in northern reliance." according to a Vatican news release. Iraq said Thursday. Already, he said, more than 17,000 joint Edited by John Vie Ira From Associated Press Wire S,rs ices

FAX: 924-3282 CLASSIFIEDS PHONE: 924-3277

The SPARTAN DAILY SUZUSKI 1984 FA 60. 87.00- 0.00 PER HOUR ROOM FOR RENT in 3 bdrm. house. ROYALE APTS 455. 9TH ST. 5/31/92. Hair Today Gone STUDENT PAPERS RESUMES. ATTENTION STUDENTS/FACULTY makes no celm for products or Good condition Runs excellent Fulltime or Parttime WAD, yard. fully furnished, garage. Now renting! 2 bdrm/1bath near Tomorrow, 621E. Campbell Ave Call Mrs. Morton 266-94473. Ever- Let THE RIGHT TYPE sot.* servico..dvertlead below nor Is 8325 or best offer. WEEKLY PAY CHECKS parking. $300./rno 1/3 Waif's. SJSU. Modern appliances. Free 817, Campbell. (408) 379-3500. tise on AM. MLA, Tura:Nan formats your wordprocessing woes' there any guarantee Implied. TM Excellent benefits Contact Matt Of Brent 2638550 cable IV. Call 971-0869. Office hrs. Gwen, Trtsh or Mance, Will edit for correct grammar, Reasonable rates cesefled columns of the Spartan HONDA LUTE 160 Credit union M-Th. 5 pm. to 8 pm. Sat. 9 am. to Registered Elect:0100sta. punctuation, & sentence structure. Evenings and weekends Daly consist of paid advertkeIng Commuting easy Vacation pay LARGE CLEAN QUIET 2 110./2111A. 2 pm. Rent starts at $750. prepare tables, arid graphs, Willow Glen area. and offerings Sr. not approved or 81500. or best offer Free uniforms or non uniformed. $690. Gated garage, top floor print out in attractive laser type Ask about specials' verified by the newspaper Call Kirk 9712938. Referral bonus w/mew. Walk to school, 642 S. 7th TRAVEL (Will also edit your DOS disk.) Call 14081 266.1460 Apply: Mon Fri Ham 5 pm St. Call 985-8098. SERVICES International Students Welcome! Vanguard Security Services AMTRAK EXPANDS TRAIN SER- Willow Glen area. Hrs. 7a-8 30p. IMPROVE YOUR OPA. PROF. W/P ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR SALE 3212 Scott Blvd Santa Clara VILLAGE APARTMENTS 576 S. Fifth FREE COLOR ANALYSIS. VICE TO SAN JOSE! 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Small groups or indivoktals. From Sacramento. Amtrak buses punctuation, sentence stricture). 14081747-0335 Enroll now! For brochure see Send 85,95 to: R. McDaniel PO Box time cashier end kitchen positions. Call Tracy 947-1537. continua directly to Auburn / Colfax tables, graphs, laser printing A.S. Office or 53358 San )Oee, CA 95153. Fun, fast-paced atmosphere. Must QUIET, PRIVATE FURNISHED ROOM / Truckee, Grass Valley, end (Resume service also available). WHEN THE BEST Cell 8006563225, be energetic, enthusiastic, depend in pm. house, 6 blocks from cam- WRIFNO, RESEARCH SERVICES. Marysville / Oroville / Chico / Red International Students welcome! IS AU. YOU NEED. able and neat in appearance, Apply pus Good neighborhood, tab!. paid. All subects. Paper, thesis Bluff / Redding. One Amtrak ticket Willow Glen area. PAPERS - $1.90/pg. and up VALENTINE BALLOON BOUQUET GREEK in person at PASTA MIA: No kitchen. 8300 /men. 293-8952. development assistance. covers both train and bus. 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Free spell 408/254-4565. leading to witness of the fact that into Silicon Valley market. $310 /mo. inc. uhl. Call 377-3353. 50% dlecount on all PERMANENT trainsee at Stockton. check/Storage. Lowcost editing Bfimpies, 80 E San Carlos St. had HELP WANTED Interested parties call Joe Anthony COSMETICS by TRISH. Enhance Call 1000 -USA-RAIL and graphics. Resumes arid CALL USDA TODAY streetside seating on or around Oct. at Silicon Valley Scenes ROOMMATE W TO SNARE your natural beauty!! EYE LINER- for information. other services available for experienced. professorial word- 9. 1989 Please call 707-544.1149 FAST fl-INDRAISING PROGRAM (408) 247-8779 3 Sr /20a. brand new TH In Camp. EYEBROWS-LIPS-CHEEKS-SMALL Masterson's Word Processing processing Theses, term papers, or 416924-7909. Fraternities, sororities, student bell 15 min drive to SJSU Washer SCARS BLENDED. Expires 531.92. STUDY ABROAD IN AUSTRAUA Call Paul or Virginia group propacts, etc All formats clubs. 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6 1 ritlay, January .11, 1992 II San lose State University SPARTAN DAILY SPORTS

ROBERT DRUECKHAMMER SJSU basketball travels rocky path A LOOK AHEAD: I MILY COLUMNIST Feb. 1-UC-Irvine By Pete Borvllo ers and three other students. Despite Kings dropped from the program. Daily copy editor 16 points from Spartan running back Aug. 26, 1991- Guard/forward Johnny Johnson, they lose 80-62 at Nov. 24, 1989- Team loses first Ivory Joe Hunter returns to team after Feb. 8- Padfic making a What ails the SJSU basketball Fullerton State. game under new coach Stan Morrison, suffering an injury earlier in the sea- Snow team? History, recent history. Feb. 2, 1989- Walkouts David 64-61 to Southern Alabama. son. weak substihite for Since 1989, the men's program has Hollaway and Angelo Reda negotiate Dec. 4, 1989- Guard Troy Batiste Oct. 7, 1991- Guard I.ossie Feb. 13- UNLV been plagued with troubles from boy- a return to the team, but the school and center Robert Dunlap are suspend- Mitchel undergoes arthroscopic sur- the real thing cotts to suspensions to injuries. All declares them out for the season for ed two games for violating team rules. gury on his knee redshirted. these past problems have resulted in violating NCAA rules. Dec. 5,1989- SJSU loses its 21st Oct. 15, 1991- Forward Darren Feb. 15- New Mexico As California enters its seventh the Spartans of today. A team that has Feb. 3, 1989- The eight other game in a row, 65-47 to Drake. Greene suffers a stress fracture in his year of (yes, it's been that long) one victory in 15 tries. hold outs offer to return to the team Mar. 9, 1990- The team closes leg. State drought, ski resort operators are When most teams get off to such and are also denied for similar reasons. the season with a 71-56 loss to Fresno Nov. 15- Starting center Mike beginning to really worry about an ominous start, the blame is placed Mar. 9, 1989- SJSU loses final State in the Big West Tournament. Brotherton, a member of the Big their future. on the head coach. But that hardly game of the season against Fresno This gives them 8-20 record for the West's All Freshmen team last season, Feb. 20- Fresno State Ski areas throughout the state seems the case in this situation, where State 64-60. It is their 11th straight season. goes down with a knee injury against have invested millions of dollars in second-year coach Stan Morrison defeat and they finish 5-23 for the sea- Sept. 14, 1990- Center Daryl the Latvian National team. He is new snow -making equipment, inherited many of these problems son. Scott discovered a blood clot in his leg declared out for the season. Feb. 22- Utah State hoping somehow that this while the others appear to be beyond Mar. 24, 1989- SJSU Athletic and was redshirted. Dec. 12, 1991- Darren Greene technology will help keep resorts his control. Director Randy Hoffman fires Berry. Dec. 4, 1990- Cal destroys SJSU redshirted because of another stress open throughout the winter season What kind of problems? Claims it is not related to the walkout. 93-53 in their worst loss since a 89-39 fracture in leg. Feb. 27- UC-Irvine as the drought continues. Jan. 17, 1989- Ten of the team's April 25, 1989- Angelo Foccia, thrashing by Stanford on Dec. 10, Jan. 27, 1992- Team drops to 1- But unfortunately, as many ski 14 players walk out on 10th year Damon Greer, Sean Davis and David 1988. 14 after a 64-51 loss at Fresno State. area.s have found out, running snow- coach Bill Berry. They accuse him of Halloway, players from the boycott Mar. 2, 1991- SJSU loses 85-51 Through it all, the SJSil basketball Feb. 29- Cal State making equipment does not help out mental cruelty and verbal abuse and who decided they want to return for at UCSB to complete the season with program has survived. They have not Fullerton ski area's very much. demand he be fired. The boycotting the next season, are told they will not a 7-20 record. It is the programs third gained many victories, but they persist. Snow-making equipment just athletes, which include leading scorer be permitted to do SO. straight season with at least 20 losses. Morrison would not have it any other can't produce enough snow in one Steve Haney, hire San Francisco attor- Aug. 14,1989- Former SJSU star May 10, 1991- Four SJSU play- way. Home games played at night to cover all of the area's ski ney Melvin Bell to represent them. Ricky Berry, the son of the former ers are charged with fraudulent use of "I wouldn't give up on these guys runs with much more than one or Jan. 19, 1989- Berry is forced to coach, commits suicide. A first round a credit card. Philip "Sub" Crump, in a million years," he said. the Event Center two inches of "fresh" powder. field a new team. It consists of the four NBA draft pick, he had just completed Chad Higginbothan, Michael St. When long periods of dry remaining players, four football play- his rookie season with the Sacramento Julien and Charles Terrell are soon weather occur, the temperature outside may drop down to 10 degrees in the Lake Tahoe area (luring the night, giving ski areas the opportunity to make some snow But as soon as the sun hits the Magic's jersey to be retired slopes, the temperatures often soar INGLEWOOD, Calif. (AP) Los shouldn't play, and 35 percent saying up to the 50 degree mark. PUMPING IRON AT SJSU Angeles Lakers general manager Jerry yes, he should play. turn, quickly melts any 'Ibis, in West said Thursday the team still Johnson said he is encouraged by snow made during the past night, plans to retire Magic Johnson's jersey his health, his stamina in daily work- forcing skiers to ski on any natural Feb. 16 despite the fact that Johnson outs and his body's response to the snow left from the most recent has alluded to a possible comeback. drugs he is using to treat the virus. storm. "Earvin has not talked to me about "The key is staying healthy, and 'Ihe only time snow making is playing again for us, so we are pro- that's what I'm doing," be said. helpful is when the temperature ceeding with plans for his jersey "I've been playing against people stays below 32 degrees, 24 hours a retirement on Feb. 16," West said in a for a month banging, hitting, driv- day. statement issued by the Lakers. ing, shooting, the whole thing. Since that doesn't happen very "There is only one thing we are The way I'm going, the way I feel, often, a skiers best bet is to forget concerned about and that is his health. the way I've been playing and practic- that snow making exists (except in "Whether Earvin plays again or not the very early portion for the ski ing, I feel great." is his decision and, as always, we are season), and to ski areas that have Johnson's remarks didn't surprise behind him 100 percent whatever he the best base coverage and largest Lakers owner Jerry Buss. decides. amounts of terrain open. "I don't think this is anything that We are in favor of whatever is in new," Buss said. his best interests." "I think Magic has always had in SKI AREAS STAY Plans call for Johnson's jersey to be the back of his mind that he has felt retired at halftime of a nationally tele- terrific. He's been working out and OPEN DESPITE vised game against the Boston Celtics. looks tremendous. Johnson, 32, wore No. 32 for the "He had to be informed that he was DROUGHT Lakers for 12 seasons and led them to ill, because he certainly didn't feel ill. five NBA championships. So I just think he did the prudent Even though a large winter storm On Nov. 7, Johnson announced his thing and said, 'Well, if the doctors tell hasn't graced the Sierra retirement because he had contracted me not to play for a while, I'll do it for with its presence for the last three the virus that causes AIDS, but during awhile and see:' weeks, ski areas are doing better an impromptu news conference before "But that time period is passing than in previous years. the Lakers' game against Golden State and he's feeling better than ever. So While no snow is expected in the Wednesday night, he again left the this doesn't come as a big surprise to upcoming week, several resorts are MOICIO I. Sanchez Daily staff photographer way open for a possible return. saying that they will be in full Aided by his friend Roger Champaneni, presses 135 pounds at the Event Center gym. "I'm all right to play right now, if! Johnson's regimen over the past want to play," he said. "The only thing operation for at least the next five graduate student Russ Harrington bench The Event Center is open seven days a week. two months has included four miles of days, but possibly much longer. that would keep me from playing is running per day and scrimmage games As of Thursday, Sugar Bowl ski myself. in local health clubs. resort led the list for resorts with the If I want to come back, I could He regularly shoots baskets two most snow with a 60-inch base. 45 come back. I haven't ruled out coming hours before Lakers home games, and ' runs are open, and the area has San Francisco 49ers to hire offensive coordinator back." during the past week has begun run- 1,000 acres of open terrain. SAN FRANCISCO (AP) 1)an Saturday to replace Mike Holmgren, views UtlieSS the job offer is a promo- 'Ile NBA's three -time Most ning simulated fast breaks to build up Other ski areas with admirable Shanahan, recently fired by the who left to become head coach of the tion. Valuable Player and all-time assist his stamina for the All-Star gme. bases are Alpine Meadows with a Denver Broncos, was expected to be Green Bay Packers. The two other reported candidates, leader is scheduled to pky in the NBA Johnson's doctors advised him to 52" base Bear Valley with a 45" named offensive coordinator for the Carmen Policy, president of the University of Pittsburgh coach Paul All-Star game Feb. 9 at Orlando. Fla, retire when tests loran insurance poli- base, heavenly Valley with a 50" San Francisco 49ers. 49ers, said he expected Seifert to make Hackett and forma Green Bay coach and in the Olympic Games at cy revealed the virus. But now he is base, llomewood with a 35" base The San Jose Mercury News cited an announcement regarding the new Lindy Infante, were out of the running, Barcelona in July. thinking about returning to the NBA and Iron Mountain with a 39" base. sources as saying Shanahan could be offensive coordinator by Friday. the Mercury News reported. KABC Radio conducted a poll dur- if not this season, then next. Additional resorts with good named to the new post today or The 49ers also considered Shanahan was reportedly offered ing their afternoon Sports Talk show, "It's not up to my doctors, because skiing conditions are Kirkwood Friday. Shanahan was fired as offen- Washington quarterbacks coach Ron the offensive coordinator job with the the question being should Magic play everything is great," Johnson insisted. with a 36" base , Nonhstar with a sive coordinator of the Broncos by Dowhower for the job, but the Pittsburgh Steelers on Friday, but the in the AU-Star game. "It's all on me. My doctors can 50" base and Squaw Valley with a coach Dan Reeves last week. Redskins reportedly would not allow team withdrew the offer when About 800 calls were received, advise me, but they're not in my 44" base. Shanahan, 39, was interviewed by him to be interviewed. NFL rules Shanahan said he wanted to talk to the with 64 percent saying no, he body." Areas with the worst snow 49er's coach George Seifert on allow a team to deny assistants inter- 49ers. coverage at this time include Granlibakken (12" base), Soda Springs (16" base), and Tahoe Ihinner (24" base). finally Ski resorts operating all of their Ken Korach gets his big break with the chair lifts (but not necessarily all By Brian Harr choose someone who was a poten- KCBS game of the week, which airs on Sunday. their runs) are Boreal (342 out of Daily staff Valk( tially full-time major league every Sunday night. Korach's con- Before Korach was hired at 380 acres, or 90 percent, open), announcer. tract consists of the broadcasts for SJSU, he called play by play for Dodge Ridge (550 out of 550 acres, The voice of the Spartans, Ken Korach has been doing play by four spring training games and 20 Sonoma State University football and or l(t) percent, open), Donner Ski Korach, has achieved what every play for SJSU football since 1985, regular season games. basketball. He is also the television Ranch (360 out of 360 acres, or 100 play by play announcer hopes to. He and basketball since the 1985-86 sea- Ile admits that his work ethic has announcer for the Cable Car Classic, percent, open), Iron Mountain (950 landed a job at the professional level. son, his broadcasts air on KLIV helped him take this step. "lie has the an annual basketball tournament held of 1,200 acres, or 80 percent, open). in this case the Chicago White Sox. radio. passion to do the best that he can do, at Santa Clara University each year. Kirkwood (2,000 of 2,000 acres, or "After five years in triple-A ball, it's "People who listen to SJSU with each individual broadcast," Fan With Korach's new job he is join- 100 percent. open), Soda Springs nice to be recognized," he said, "and broadcasts appreciate the work he's said. ing elite company. Pat Hughes a for- (190 of 300 acres, or 63 percent, that's the most important thing to done," said Lawrence Fan, SJSU For the last live summers, Korach mer KSJS announcer has since open), Sugar Bowl (1.000 of 1.000 me:' sports information director. Despite has been broadcasting for the moved up to the big leagues to work acres, or 1(X) percent, open) and Korach was selected for the job his new position with the White Sox, Vegas Stars, the San I)iego Padres for the Milwaukee Brewers. Tahoe 1)onner (120 of 120 acres, or from a field of 110 candidates. "Of Korach will continue to broadcast for triple-A team. He will continue to do Since Korach has done SJSU 1(X) percent, open). all the tapes we received, he was by the Spartans. this, in addition to the White Sox football, he has broadcasted with Other resorts with large far the most talented." said Mike Korach will call the play by play broadcasts. He will now broadcast Dave Ellis who has been with SJSU percentages of terrain open are Bucek, director of marketing and on WMAQ in Chicago for the White for the Stars Monday through Friday, since 1982. While Korach does the Alpine Meadows (1,200 of 2,000 broadcasting for the White Sox. Sox Sunday games. Ile will replace then Saturday mornings he will be on play by play Ellis handles the analy- acres open), and Sierra Ski Ranch Bucek also said that they wanted to John Rooney who will be doing the a flight to broadcast the White Sox sis or color. Ken Korach (1,725 of 2,000 acres open). New Squaw Valley and Heavenly VVMAQ announcer Valley also have large amounts of terrain open, but are only operating small portions of their total mountains at this time. Sqauw FREE STUDENT Bach Marathon Valley has 1,500 out of 4,000 acres CHECKING (37 percent) open , and Heavenly for the Valley has 2,585 out of 12,850 acres Free sports bottle Lauren Jakey Memorial Scholarship Fund (20%) open. when you open 41)X an account. Listen to Bach all day. Robert Drueekhammer's skiing PH column appears every Friday Visit Great Western CHI 'ITIETA Saturday, February 1, 1992 on campus Jan. 28-30 The Prnfessional Haainets Fraternity in the SJSU Concert Hall. in front of Student Distinguished faculty and guest Union or come by Now Accepting soloists our office. Applications For New Pledges! Read the Day concerts $10.00 Discount for students; Become familiar with the Professional World through. Any single day concert $5.00 All day plus evening Workshops Speaker Meetings Evening concert $20.00 concert $15.00 Spartan Networking Internships Discount for all three $35.00 Evening concert $5.00 Business Luncheons leadership Training 111 N. Market St. First meeting Feb.3rd,5pm, Pacheco Room. Call 9244672 Daily for reservations 554-7327 For More Inf. Jo ; 11111111