"T * Memphi


No Segregation At ^eaner

DESEGREGATED MEMPHIS SCHOOLS - Here are Holt, Springdale; Dwania Kyles, Bruce, and Shops 12 of the 13 firstgraders who were transferred Michael Willis, Bruce, Third row, left to right: to four formerly > all-white public schools in Leandrew Wiggins, Rozelle; Jacqueline Moore, Memphis. Front row, left to right: Alvin Free­ Springdale; Sharon and Shiela Malone'(twins), New Airport Hinted man, Gordon,- Harry Victor Williams, Bruce, and Gordon, and Alvin Freeman, Gordon. Missing 1 Wanted Clarence Williams, Rozelle. Second row, left to from the picture is Pamela Mayes, Gordon. right: Joyce Ann Bell, Rozelle; Deborah Ann There are more than 500 “boot­ Jesse H. Turner Is leg" and "stump" barbers practic­ ing the art of clipping hair and shaving whiskers in Memphis, it Granted Hearing was disclosed here this week. • N.A.A.C.P. HELD OUT A “bootleg" or “stump" barber is MRS. LOUISE W. TARTLET oue.who does not have a license, GOT HER SHARE - Mrs. UuLse does nai work in a shop approved Walker Tarpley, second wife of the By Supreme Court by the state, cuts hair in his home late Dr. J. E. Walker, has been or moves from house to house granted a widow’s share of Dr. Wai- The general feeling here this week and charges a cheaper fee for his ker's estate. Under a court-apprdn FOR 25 PUPILS IN work. is that the new terminal building ed agreement, which terminated • now under construction at the Mem­ This was brought out during hear­ long drawn-out battle, she receive. phis Municipal Airport will be com­ ings on the merits of the city's Universal Life stock valued at $140,* pletely integrated. new or da nee regulating the bitber 000, $30,000 in time deixisits and This feeling was expressed by trade. certificates, $6,000 cash and a $33,» EIGHT CITY SCHOOLS prominent local leaders after it Over half of the city's barbers 000 house and it« furnishings at was learned that the United States oppose lite ordinance although they The Memphis Board of Education's decision to desegregate ■ - Mt • » . ; S. Parkway, E. The house reverts four white elementary schools and admit 13 Negro first-graders Supreme Court had granted a hear­ to the estate upon her death. A d'­ ing to Jesse H. Turner who is wag­ (Continued on Page Four) Tuesday, Oct. 3, was revealed to NAACP executive officers and year-old son by her first marriage ing war against racial segregation is to receive five per cent of ten attorneys Saturday morning, Sept. 30. ------, in the rest rooms and restaurant of part of the estate. the terminal now being used at The NAACP had anticipated a the airport. Lady Robbed On favorable decision from the board Arguments on the case will be but expected more than was being scheduled later this term and a offered. Officers and attorneys for written opinion will follow. Way To Church the NAACP protested to board A ruling on the rase was de­ members at that time and express­ GRANTED HEARING - Jesse layed last year by a three-judge Mrs. Ethel Mae Love of 984 Mis­ ed dissatisfaction over the limited federal panel so that It could be H. Turner lias been granted a hear­ sissippi Blvd., n maid fit leMoyne ««airi» numbers of schools and pupils in­ ing by the U. S. Supreme Court pursued first in state courts. College mid member of the Ushers' volved. I as a result of Mr. Turner's suit In business life, Mr. Turner is a Board at Mississippi Blvd Chris­ The NAACP continued its protest certified public accountant and vice against racial segregation in the tian Church, was enroute In night from Saturday morning up until president of Trl-State Bank of dining room and rest rooms the following Monday afternoon, ln- at services Sunday when I lie dirty- Memphis' Municipal Airport. sistjpg that 25 to 30 Negro first- (Continued on Page Four) looking slangei walked up to her graders be admitted to at least and said: “Hand me lluit purse." In u Basil lie \ ariked llie purse eight or nine schools. from her arm and fled U-iwn the When all protests failed, officers Mixed Audiences aide of her house (o Ford Place. of the NAACP branch called a With Mrs. liove til (lie lime whs meeting Monday, g>ct 2, at 7:30 A ‘Must’ For Plays p. m., of the 13 children's parenti Mrs. Cora West, ulso a member of Two Memphis men .employes of Audiences for any touring Broad­ tlie ChrLstlan Church. and gave them .instructions as to Standard Dredging Company at I Supreme Gouri way shows playing In Memphis The purse contained a pair of 'transportation and arrival time. New Orleans, were killed in a high­ TJilrty-pinfeyeai-old Otis M. after June 1, 1962 must be de­ white gloves and "my little boy's Ground work laid by the Board of way crash in Hickman County, Ky.i i Smith found it necessary to drop segregated. This is the new policy lunch money, $1.75.” The little boy Education for orderly desegregation last Friday,« i out of school and work a year after set by Actor Equity, the union CROWNING 'MISS BERTRAND' - Mist Elaine Elizabeth Alexander, Is Larry Love, 13, an eighth grader of the four schools also was ex­ They were Roosevelt Slater of I completing the 10th grade at Ma­ which represents actors. a senior, of 1173 Wlison, Is crowned homecoming queen at Father at the Lutheran Cooperative school. plained to the parents. 1245 Kansas and Curly Harrig of nassas. Later, he went to . In other words, touring Broad­ Police were called and were on Four officials of the NAACP — Bertrand High School by the football captain, Paul Hawkins, dur­ 1448 Oaklawn. Washington and completed the 11th way shows will not play Memphis if the scene in minutes, but the thief President Jesse II Turner, Execu­ ing halftime of the Bertrand-Douglass game lost week. Bertrand They were among six men riding and 12th grades. local promoters insist on segregated had disappared. Mrs. Love's hus­ MISS ALPHA BRAWNER tive Secretary Maxine Smith, Atty. This week, that same Olis M. in a car driven by Bobby Dawson houses. In the past year, the big won. Looking on is Miss Alexander'} escort, Michael White (cen­ band. LeRoy, found her empty Russell Sugarmon and Mrs. A. W. Smith was appointed by Governor of 720 Regent, Memphis. Auditorium downtown has been ter). Miss Alexander is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert purse and gloves Monday morning Willis Jr., accompanied the parents John B. Swainson to fill a vacancy leaving seating arrangements to Investigating officers said the Alexander, Sr. on Foixi Place. und children to and from the on the Mojilgan Supreme Court. men were enroute from Hickman Miss Brawner Io promoters. They could segregate At church Sunday night, Mrs. schools the first day and are con- i Last November, he made headlines or desegregate. West and Mrs. Bernadine Holmes (Continued on Page Four) again when he was elected Michi­ Several audiences have been de­ Demonstrations At Jackson State chipped in and gave Mi's. Love $1.50 (Continued on Page Four) gan's state auditor general. I segregated and successfully. I for her "little boy’s lunch money." Rest Here 3 Weeks Atty. Smith also attended Carnes Show Will Centenary Featuring Memphis’ concert and opera star, | (Continued on Page Four) Mrs. Brown Doing Fair Student Boycott Reception For Moores Provide Toys, Food Miss Alpha Brawner, of 899 Wood­ Layman's Day Sunday At Collins Chapel lawn, has cancelled her engage­ Layman’s Day will be observed On 50th Anniversary Onzie Horne is putting together Mrs. L. E. Brown, benefactor and ments in Europe and will not re­ this Sunday morning, Oct. 15, at B. T. Little, Jr. A reception Sunday, 4 to G, at the a Jazz show for the Junior Cham­ church and club worker, was re­ turn to foreign soil until next Sep­ Centenary Methodist Church, Mis­ Top Hat and Tails Club. 1608 S. ber of Commerce which will be ported "doing fair" Tuesday at tember. sissippi and Alston, with Dr. Hollis Dies In New York Parkway,i mnnaj, E„ willmu honoriiunui Mr.ivii, andrtilu I staged the night uiof ouciuuuj',Saturday, nu,.Nov. Collins Chapel Hospital. She was Slap At President Mrs. Eugene C. Moore of 698 Pro-1 4, in Bruce Hall on the LeMoyne She will remain here with her F. Price, president of LeMoyne Col­ Booker T. Little Jr. died Oct. 5 admitted to the hospital a week sister. Dr. Clara Brawner, until she lege, the 11 o’clock hour speaker. at Mt, Sinai Hospital in New York vine Ave. on their 50th wedding campus. It starts at 8 ago after neighbors found her in a anniversary. The reception is being I Proceeds from the show will pro­ begins a concert tour of the United Otha L. Brandon, lay leader at City. He was the brother of Miss Proceeds from the show will pro­ dazed condition on the floor of her JACKSON, Miss. - Over 400 students began a boycott of giving by Mr. and Mrs. Moore's | vide food and toys for needy chil- States in about three weeks. The Centenary, is arranging the Lay- Vera P. Little, concert and opera Walker Avenue home. classes Friday at Jackson State College here protesting an order tour is to begin on the West Coast man’s Day program. singer of Oermany and Italy. children. (Continued on Page Four) and Will keep Miss Brawner busy The deceased was the son of Mr. by President Jacob Reddix which dissolved the student govern­ for two and one-half months. and Mrs. Booker T. Little Sr., of Atty. A. W. Willis, Jr. ment association. The same group of students refused to attend Miss Brawner made her operatic Mrs. Coger Holding Memphis. He Is mourned by his vesper services Sunday night. debut in New York's Carnegie Hall Down Unique Position * widow. Mrs. Barbara .0. Little, and Undergoing Medical Tests last February. She left America last Atty. A. W. Willis Jr., prominent Mrs. Carolyn T. eager, of Dunn three children, Booker T. III. Lar­ A student spokesman said the President Reddix said the order month to represent the United ry Cornelius and Larue Cornelia. in politics and civil rights cases, was necessary because actions of Road, has been employed in a sec­ I orderoruer was given tow cutvm down«uw*. or- . — ------„ States in international music festi­ He was also the brother of Mrs. is ill. He has been undergoing tests I ganized resistance to racial segrega- the student government association IfliLLKllretarial puoiuvnposition byMJ theV»*V Federal , val} and was accompanied by her Reserve Bank here, it was learned, Helen Doris Little Rainey and the to determine the nature of his ill­ tion. I (Continued on Page Four) mother, Mrs. Rena D. (Jewel I this week. This is another ‘first | late Miss Vivian Carol Little. ness. (Continued on Page Four) ' in Memphis. WARRIORS MAY UPSET MIGHTY TIGERS NEXT WEEK & »I I t. - j Inside Memphis I Washington Gunning For « $'•_ ' Bool&r T. Washington will be - HAS THE OFTEN-MINDED PARKWAY PLAYBOY changed his gunning for Manassas next week. They'll meet Friday night, Oct. 20, rqailing address again . . . from Zone 14 to Zone 6? in Washington's dimly lighted sta­ * * * * dium. THAT BIG BIRD IS HOVERING over the home of Atty, ond Manassas, current champion of the Prep League, is boasting a 4-0 Mrs. A. W. Willis, Jr. record Including a victory over title ■ i * * ♦ * fr•1XA? :

attention. Members of the football team wear red togs with e: for this week. While Washington was tangling with Hamilton Wed­ white seats. You wouldn't miss seeing them if they were a mile nesday night at Washington, Doug­ away. The two coaches were dolled up in red sport coats last lass was matching wits with the in- 1 week, ond the majorettes, bless their hearts, were done up in vadlng Merry High at Melrose. There is only one game tonight red leotards and white sweaters. Eyes (male) were popping all ..> 1 (Thursday), Manassas vs. Lester at over the place. (Continued on Page Four) * • * * * ONE WILL BE 'MISS MEMPHIS' — The Aicorn-M. a I. charily INSURANCEMAN GEORGE LEE says he was just "drumming ball game at Melrose Stadium, Saturday night, Oct. 21, will up business" for Life when he invited 35 ministers to a Martha Jean Steinberg single out a young lady a s"Miss Memphis" during halftime. The luncheon but some observers said they smelled politics when they Featured In Sepia game is co-sponsored by the M. & I Club of Memphis and the learned that City Commissioner Farris, County Commissioner ■ Martha Jean Steinberg, top wom­ Frontiers Service Club, Shown here are three of the "Miss Mmif an disc jockey at WDIA, is fea­ Harsh and Bert Bates were there, too. » phis" contestants, left to right: Miss Louise Little, 919-D McDowell tured in an article in Sepia Maga­ , BTW senior; Miss Omega Hill, Arlington, Tenn.,Senior at Barrett's zine for November. Tire article is A FIRST-GRADER who was enrolled last week in a formerly "DOWN YOU GO" - Father Bertrand's quarter- Bertrand-Douglass grid battle last week. I accompanied with a photograph Chapel, and Miss Audrey Mitchell, 887 Mississippi, senior at BTW« all-white elementary school reported to her mommy: "They ran back, Ari Williams (17), is tackled by Douglass' rand won 13-6. CoMljig in to help Lee d showing Mrs. 8telnberg with a huge Among others in the contest is Miss Martha V. Jones, 1114 speedy halfback, James 'Pop' Lee, during the Williams is Douglass' fteorge Murphy (72), their fingers over my hair and rubbed their hands on my face," cake. Wellington, freshman ot LeMcyne. »—.. / Ghanas Troubles Mounting With

it Expulsion Of Legislator's Wife

* MEMPHIS WORLD • Saturday, October 14, 1961 International “Stew MEKiife’ te -

Continues To Boil ■'¥>’- A J WASHINGTON (NNPA)-The Républic of Ghana, recently v - J token to the wpodshed for "emulating Communist" techniques'in wiping out dissent at home, finds itself in another international "stew," following its expulsion last week of Mrs. Enid Margaret (Peggy) Appiah, the white English wife of a Ghanaian legislator.

Her husband, Joseph Appiah, is reportedly one of thio« arrested earlier last week in a roundup of North America President Kwame Nkrumah's polit­ ical opponents. The youngest daughter of the late Sir Stafford Front Guarded Cripps, British cabinet minister, she was married to Mr. Appiah in May, 1953. On Saturday British Labor Lea­ Against Attack der Hugh Oaitskeli said he was 'deeply concerned" over the plans to deport Mrs. Appiah and hoped Members of the doss numbering more than NEW YORK—Tne entire north­ miAT rRWiwtnuPRESIDENT'S AfcwbriiwiiRECEPTION —- Mesdames Doro------n u ern front of North America along that "President Nkrumah (would) thy Morris and Margie Ponder, Fort Valley State 300, they are: Joan Pullum, Dawson G-o^Hom- —/ -•------. - take steps .... to maintain in _ .. ? e i er Lifli-Hill, Atlanta,Ail__ . Ckwkrn/d Ga.; Ghybreal GriffiAfh Griffieth, IJAHlAI- Daniel- a 6,000 mile long line is now elec­ College staff members, serve refreshments to tronically guarded against sneak Ghana civil liberties and the newcomers at the President's.reception for fresh­ ville, Ga.; Bobby Thornton, and Bonnie Lee, At­ attack by hostile aircraft. rule of law.” The radar stations of the re­ men and new students Sunday, September 24. lanta, Ga. Adding to the events of last cently completed l^Oo mile Rast­ week, Suncas Sandy's, Britain’s ern Extension of the Distant Early Minister for Commonwealth Rela­ Warning (DEW) Line now join scores of other stations an active i tions, was forced to fly to Ghana CORE Finds Bias 2 Commendatory Resolutions beams out over the froden Arctic - British feelings areas from the AleuUao Island» in the Bering Sea to Iceland in the pending visit to Ghana of Queen In Rochester, N. Y. Approved By Lutheran Board North Atlantic. Elizabeth II. about 350 gathered. In ugly mood The DEW East system operates President Nkrumah, who in re­ VALPARAISO, Ind. - (Special) — Two commendatory resolutions, they hurled abusive words and in the same manner as the main cent months has made extensive threats of violence, even bombing. DEW Line in detecting and’ report­ travels to Communist countries, is Suburban Homes one for the Lutherans of Northern Eager to protect the fire victims, SCIENCE SPEAKERS GRANT from the Wyeth Chicago. Check for $300 is presented by C. N. ing airborne objects and air- reportedly unhappy about the U. S. Illinois and the other directed to ROÇHBïlKR N/t.J- fôfPA)- the Red: Cross authorities determin­ Fund for Postgraduate Medical Education, goes Tucker, left, Chicago representative of Wyeth breath-ing vehicles. Radar reports delay in providing funds for the Lutherans-in the Southern District ed to move them to other quarters. will be transmitted immediately construction of his Volta River Of 18 Roèhester suburban homes of the Lutheran Church — Missouri to the National Medical Association's secretary, Laboratories, Philadelphia pharmaceutical man­ The Lutheran Human Relations As­ to a data center where evaluation dam -smelter project. Sources in tested by Negro and white teams, Synod, were adopted by the board Dr. Anna I. Standard, right, of Milwaukee, ufacturer, as Wyeth executive Justin McCarthy sociation of America commends the and identification of the threat the Administration say President "clear -cut evidence,of.discrimin­ of directors of the Lutheran Human Wiic.7 during annual meeting of the American looks on. Northern Illinois District of the Lu­ will be performed. Kennedy is awaiting word from his ation” was found in the practices Relations Association of America in Academy of Pediatrics, at the Palmer House in roving African expert, G. Mennen of more than a third of the realty a quarterly meeting at Cincinnati theran Church — Missouri Synod for its stand in the matter and rec­ 1 Reports of hostile or unknown Williams, before untying the purse agents who handled the homes, the Saturday, Sept. 30. tracks will then be transmitted; strings, Congress of Racial Equality re­ Both were cited for their stands ommends for study and emulation directly to the North American ported last Friday. in race situations in their respective by all the Districts and congrega­ tions of our Synod its position as Air Defense headquarters (NOR In half of the homes tested areas recently. The meeting, held at Immanuel reflected in the following resolution: AD) at Colorado Springs for gra­ by the CORE families — all bona phic display, and evaluation ’ by Lutheran church in Cincinnati, was Marshall leads fide applicants — no discrimina­ “The Convention of the Northern followed on Sunday with a human the NORIAD commander. tion was observed, a CORE spokes­ Illinois Distict of the Lutheran relations institute at Concordia man said. The procedure was car­ Church — Missouri Synod makes Lutheran school where all board Recess Nominees ried out by first having a white pause in its deliberation to offer One of Kentucky's most outstanding colored farmers, who family check an “open for inspec­ members participated. its constructive support to all in­ Over 100 persons attended the produces everything from Bluegrass seed to beef cattle, once Anti-Bias Pledge tion” home and ask for informa­ dividuals and groups in the city Nau Mau leader Institute which had as its theme, went around in a cirde-from owner to sharecropper to cash tion on prices, taxes, terms, and who are working towards improved "Christian Peace For Racial Ten­ Of Pres. Kennedy neighborhood. A short time later, human relations. To that end let NAIROBI, Kenya — "Most of my renter, and back to owner again. sion." a Negro family would request the It be resolved: colleagues definitely do not want The resolutions adopted by the The farmer is Howard Harris of WASHINGTON - (NNPA) - same information. 1. That we commend our sister Kenyatta’s leadership,” RonaldNga- to cover the whole county peddling. LHRAA board follow: Versaillles, Ky„ who now owns a NEW YORK (NNPA) - New The name of Thurgood Marshall, church,, Holy Cross Lutheran la, 'president of tire Kenya African Soon Mr. Harris became a cash The open housing test, directed A STATEMENT ABOUT THE 250 -acre modem farm - complete YMt's Mayor Wagner and Atty. former NAACP legal counsel, led Church and its pastor, the ReV. Al­ Democratic Union, said here last renter instead of a sharecropper. LUTHERANS OF with ranch home, white board Gen. Louis J. Lefkowltz pledged the list of four Circuit Court by Dr. William Needier, co-chair­ bert H. Constien, for opening their foriday. And within three years, be had NORTHERN ILLINOIS fence, large barns, and grazing Thursday to refrain from any ap­ nominees given recess appoint­ man of CORE’S housing committee, church to victims of the hotel fire; saved enough to start buying back and Mrs. Richard Relnitz, came up It was on June 26th that the Nr Ngala's stand, and the posl- cattle — stretching along a high­ peals’torace or religious bigotry ments Friday by President Ken­ 2. That we in true humility before his original seven acres. So he with these examples: Houses quot­ members of Holy Cro.ss Lutheran way near Lexington. In the mayoral campaign. nedy. God repent of our own frequent lon taken earlier by Misinde had made a full, circle and was Church in Chicago threw the doors Mr. Marshall's nomination to the ed to colored buyers were from failures to love the neighbor as God Mujiro, vice president of KADU, baqk where he started, Field Agent In sealing the upd|erstandtag, Mr. Harris feels confident of re­ Second Circuit court of Appeals «1,000. to «10,000 higher than those of their church open to 92 Negro would have us love him and for the when he told 10,000 Nandi tribes­ the two. signed a “Fair Section Finch point» out. quoted to white buyers; one house refugees from a blazing hotel When men that he rejected' Kenyatta's maining an owner this time be­ Campaign Practices.Hedge* drawn was,one of thos ethat did hot re­ sake of Jesus Christ ask forgiveness cause he has established his farm was offered at $28.500 to whites it was learned that this church in leadership, indicate an ever widen­ But things were different this tip by the New York Chapter of ceive Senate confirmation before 3. That Insist on our right to of­ adjournment of Congress. He will and at $38,000 to Negroes with a a "white” community was showing ing rift in the political and tribal on a sound foundation by improv­ time. Mr. Harris began attending (he American Jewish Committee. fer Christian love to all men In ing his farming methods and add­ boost in taxes. ____ hospitality to Negroes ,a crowd of divisions in Kenya.------— agricultural-extension meetings arid | They- also emphasize^ that they be able to serve with full salary every circumstance of life. , ing a variety of crop and livestock going to his county agent's office had instructed their as^stants not until his nomination clears the The organization said these cases 4. That we declare to mayor Rich­ It was hoped that Mr Kenyatta— enterprises. for advice. As a result, he had his to resort to such àppeus. Senate after Congress reconvenes will be referred to the State Com­ ard J. Daley our willingness as in­ the recently released Mau Mau lead­ soil tested and began applying fer­ Jan. 10. mission Against Discrimination for dividuals and as churches to pledge His is a success story that was er — would prove the unifying force tilizer according to recommenda­ The pledge teed, «part: “As The other Negro Federal Judges action. Allas Rocket support to his commission on hu­ 33 years in the making, says his in Kenya .but his rejection by tions. Also he began planting im­ candidates for elective office and now sitting are: William H. Has- man relations and other civic district extension field agent, John KADU, the smaller party which proved varieties of tobacco and as party leaders in the City of Ue, Third Judicial Court, Philadel­ NEW STAMP I8SUE ■ > agencies devoted to making Chicago H. Finch. Returning to Kentucky helped to form the government In corn and he started raising live­ New York, we condemn and re­ phia; James B. Parsons, U. S. Dis­ ABIDJAN, Coast-(ANP) Attains Speed a place where people of til race«, in 1915 after four years in con- April, makes the formation of a stock to supplement his tobacco in­ fuse support of those who Inject trict Court for Northern District — A new series of six postage nationalities and creeds can live in siruciions in California, Mr. Harris unitary state increasingly difficult. come. bigotry regarding race, religion or of Illinois, Chicago, and Wade H. stamps, depicting the flora of the human dignity, safety, and in the bought seven acres in his home The KADU claims Kenyatta’s nationality into any election cam­ McCree, U. S. District Court for Ivory Coast, were placed on sale on enjoyment of equal opportunities.” leadership is."emerging into dicta­ community and settled down to As his increased yields and paign." Eastern Michigan, Detroit. September 30. The new issue is in Of 17,000 MPH RESOLUTION CONCERNING THE raising tobacco and peddling meat torship." livestock brought him larger rt- the denomination of 10,20,25,30,70 CAPE CANAVERAL (UPI) r-The SOUTHERN DISTRICT in partnership with his father who turns he added ______more land„ to____ his and 85 francs. Air Force fired a dummy nuclear WHEREAS the Southern District in turn had been a meat peddler farm. Today, Mr. and Mrs. Harris ¡with his father. warhead a third of the way around of the Lutheran Church — Missouri and their foster son, William Per­ of Jesus, he will grow in his un­ the world Thursday at a speed of Synod in its August convention in­ kins, own a 250 - acre modern "We replaced the old -gauze - derstanding of God. It is one thing about 17000 m.p.h. then set a rec­ vited into its membership congre­ farm. Although they no longer Sunday School Lesson covered tubs with a large white for us to read and listen to teach­ ord by recovering a small data gations and ministers serving Negro peddle meat, they raise plenty of screened box as a meat container, ings about what God is like. It is capsule from the flight. communities within its géographie it for the grocery stores. Some and drove about our country on quit* another tp, understand the The nose cone whs carried on boundaries, and years they sell as many as 80 GROWTH IN KNOWLEDGE Enrolled In School Saturdays peddling," says Mr. Har­ Master of men. Teachings that teachings of one who is himself like its 9,000-mile journey by an ad- WHEREAS tills step is consonant head of feeder pigs, 75 lambs, and OF GOD ris. shock us with their demands become what God Is like. So, when one is vancedt-modei 82-foot Atlas rock with the unifying work of Christ 30 to 40 calves. And they TAMPA, Fla. - (NNPA) - PRICES FELL also understandable as we see God re­ bemused by contradiction in religi­ et driven by the most powerful en­ and the unifying nature of the sell wool and Bluegrass seed International Sunday School Eight-year-old Benjamin Lowry By the end of World War I, he in vealed in Jesus. Arid basically we see ous ideas of how one lives the life gines ever flown in the free church, as expressed in Ephesians addition to tobacco. Lesson foe October 15, 1941. that love of God demands com­ was enrolled without fanfare at had added 83 acres to his seven, MEMORY SELECTION: “You of divine love in the human scene, world. 4. 1 if. plete devotion and loyalty to God Qr how one fulfills the law of God, It carried the dummy warhead THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED Bayside Srtiooi for the Handicapped and thought success was right More and more, Mr. Harris shall love the Lord your God to with our entire being. on an unusually “flat” trajectory that we express gratitude to God Thursday, marking the first public around the comer, he recalls. But turning over the well with all your heart, and with one turns for final authority to school Integration in this section of equipped the person he feels is best able to that subjected the nose cone to for this action and commend the« within a year or two .tobacco prices farm with its three tractors and all your soul, and with all your Who among us would presume to Florida. give the authentic answer of God. tortuous temperatures. fellow Christians in the South (or fell and meat was hard to peddle. other machinery to Mr. Perkln3, mind.” feel he has completely grasped the Benjamin, the son of the Rev. For the Christian, this is Jesus of The cone, a slender Mark IV making this decision, and especially He went into debt, lost his farm, his foster son and partner. All -(Matthew 22:37). concept of God as revealed in Jesus? A. Leon Lowry, president of the Nazareth whom we call the Christ model capable of carrying a five- those in leadership where guidance and began sharecropping. receipts are divided 50-50. LESSON TEXT: Matthew 5: 17-2«, Who would maintain that there is Florida Branch of the NAACP, suf­ of God. The Christian believes that megaton nuclear warhead, appar­ helped formulate and interpret this The Harrises’ attractive white 38-48: John 1«: 12-15. no further growth possible in his fers from a nerve defect that af­ in Jesus, who is the way, the truth, ently passed its most important program in order that ”'ch decision i However, his meat peddling bus­ ranch home stands back nearly knowledge of God and his under­ fects his hearing und speech. ¡iness picked up the next and the life, we can find the basis test by surviving .he near-abso­ might be made, and funner oe it year two city blocks from the highway. In our search for wait in which to standing of what God is like? Very The Hillsborough County School',’given ______an old used... truck in for that kind of growing experience lute zero chill of space and the resolved that prayers be offered to ex- On the mailbox down by the gate become mature Christians, the few of us if we are absolutely Board ordered the transter of the change for the motor of God which every man needs for sun-like heat of a return to earth. God that He give our congregation» from a is a neat sign: "Clearview Farm." question to be taken under advise­ honest with ourselves! For though child from the. all-Negro Carverj his full maturity. The shot hit its target in the and members His full blessing »0 wrecked car he had bought for... It sums up the pride the Harrises ment today is: How can we know we have God fully revealed In Elementary School to Bayside. Bay-1 Indian Ocean southeast of tha that the love of Christ for all men next to nothing. Now he was able take in their farm, says Mr. Finch. the true nature of God? Christ, he is not fully revealed to side has an enrollment of 93 stu-1 And there are so many, many African continent. It was the fourth be demonstrated among them more For many of us the idea of God us until we are fully his in devo­ dents. things which point our way in our 9,000-mile flight in missile history, is vague and blurry. We may think tion and loyalty. For most of us, and more. search for a mature understanding all by Atlases, but it fell a .few of him äs' some celestial being who therefore, must come a recognition of God. Today, we have become in­ sits above us in the heavens some­ that we have a long way to go to short miles of the 9,054-mile range ACHR Announces Annual creasingly aware of the marvels of flown by another advanced model where, watching us, judging us, catch up with what God has al­ the universe ...... and who can fired last July 6. TOOTHACHE planhing this or that for us. The ready revealed through Christ. study God's heavens without mar­ Don't »utter needl*t»ly. Get Christian believes that Jesus is the Yet we seek the life that is god­ By retrieving the data capsule lief from throbolhi pile of veling at the greatness of God? ejected by the nose cone, however, with list «tint OU-JEL P*in ConferenceAnd Workshop way that leads to God, and to fol­ like, for to know what God is like Broadening and deepening human •oes in tocondi. CuMinteed low him in Christian faith and life is to seek to be godlike in our lives. the Air Force set another record WASHINGTON, D. C. - The of­ experiences comprise a second aid on the responsibility of the indi­ It was tahe longest recovery of a is to move in the direction of grow­ The Christian believes that Christ to understanding. In the Scriptures fice of the American Council of vidual for effeetvie government. capsule flown on a ballistic missile Human Rights is a bee -hive of ing up to God. In Bhort, the work came to the human scene that man we have a record of God's revela­ Following the keynote address by mission. activity as plans are being final­ of Christ is the act of God, and might see and know what God is tion of hiinself throughout the cen­ Mrs. Welcome, a panel of exper- tells us what God Is like. We may like. And one of the distinctive and ized for the Annual Leadership - «»a vnpvt- turies. We Are indeed fortunate I ienced campaigners from*._..t smallstoall Conference and Workshop to be not know much about His ways in unique qualities of the Christian towns, metropolitan areas, college creation; the universe is too vast. gospel la that it to of a Christ who held Saturday, October 28 at Pres­ (The« oemmenta are hued towns, industrial cities will tell idential Arms. tell We can only dimly trace His ways reveals God as a loving Father, and on outline« of the International delegates '’HOW IT HAS BEEN in history; bistor; ‘n to complicated. who lived his life here on earth as The theme of the conference — Sunday School Lemon», copy­ DONE." Delegates to the confer­ But we can know a good deal of DEVELOPING S T R E N G TH a loving and obedient son. In that righted by the International ence will then have the opportunity His ways in Christ, and that is what revelation we have a picture of the THROUGH EFFECTIVE VOTING- Council of Religious Education, to join small discussion groups matters to us most Of all. life that is godlike, and in the life will be introduced to the delegates and used by permission). with the assistance of expert help As a child grows in his under­ of Jesus in the human scene, we by Mrs. Verda Welcome of Balti­ HdVj to develop concrete plans for in­ standing of ideas that have been have a pattern of what that god­ more, Maryland, twice elected Textured fabrics lend variety to dividual situations. long understood by his parents, so like life is and should be for all member of the Maryland House of fall patterns. A special featuer of the Confer­ mankipd grows in bis understand­ God's children. Delegates and spotuw of the Pub­ LIGHTER, BRIGHTfR SKIN ence Day will be "Brunch and ing of God as he grasps ideas that This is to say that as one grows in lic Accommodations bill for the H« wjlj love you «ven more Fashions" to be held in the beauti- are quickly clea rto this eye of the his understanding of the teachings State of Maryland. fuj Grand Ballroom of President­ / Gives because of a lovely »mplexioht Dr Marjorie Parker, President ial Arms. Vogue Patterns, IM., will So, start using Black and White of ACHR said, “the opportunity for D1-.____ rx »• i bring to Washington a practical, NßTURAL-LIKE Bleaching Cream as directed developing potent strength through elegant and most versatile ward­ effective voting has never been as HAIR COLOR and we yoiir dull, dark ekin robe especially designed for the universal as it is today, therefore take on a new lighter, brighter, modem woman. it is the solemn obligation and •ofter, smoother look. The pubuc is cordially invited Um 17 Mute privilege of every citizen to be­ to join members of ACHR for this Ito bleaching action works come an active participating mem­ "Do -it - yourself” workshop on inside your skin. Modem ad- ber of the community in affairs DEVELOPING STRENGTH ence knows no faster way of of city, state and national govern- THROUGH EFFECTIVE VOTING lightening skin. Buy it today I i merits. , . and the "Brunch - Fashloss” fe»- WWW.tW,.dry 1M*>t >"< ■Mid This year, the workshop will focus)CUS j! ture. Further information miy be Gsf Black «lack V and W/i/t* i obtained at thetoe officenffleo ofnf theth« Amer­ Bleaching ican Council on Human Righto. _ Cream Painful M roMrikt im ahi aN drug “CHRIST-LIKE ACTION ■pttsk oounten ■ CINCINNATI, Ohio - (NNPA) - 43t,S5i. A call for “Chrlst-llke action" to promote racial justice was Issued STILANO 1 last Sunday by Auxiliary Bishop BLACK «»WHITE i Pau) F Lelbold at a mass for Fran- S&áoife IltfCHIIS HI pm i ciscan TerttoHes, in 8t Peter in I Chains cathedral. raw urna Dami1 MEMPHIS WORLD Saturday, October 14, 1961 T Inquisitive Corner


Here Ljun again with some of the latest so sit back and mellow weekend? yourself by reading the latest Lynn Howell, why is it so if you haps. can't be boss you don't want to be at all? Come off you? throne of ByJEWEL GENTRY DID YOU KNOW— Bohnle Little picks up Duane high horse. Milan after football practice in TOP GIRLS— AN0T,IEB 'General Chairman for-several con- I and vegetables will constitute the a 42 chev? Btrbara Parker (Mel), Barbara Parker (Mel), Fay Wil­ D C -™sNM?SisGT0N SeCUtiVe y“rS and aPin thlS I main course. In the evening of scon will be (lie talk of the town? liams, Gloria Tucker, Jackie Foo­ year was Mrs. Jesse Turner. As- i tlie 15th a baby contest will climax Helen Parker has more than one ter. Myrtle Robinson, Vernon Portion is Not Political •- sisting Mrs. Turner were Mrs. J. I the day with babies winning first, caller? Myrtle Robinson is leading Hooker, Erma Williams. . ------MISS ..ROBERT—„„ CHURCH, Washington, Mrs. Ruth Anderson, | second and third prizes out of a a certain young man around daughter of the famed R ,R. (Bob) ,Mrs. W. Mayo, Mrs. Walter Hum- j group of 15 babies competing for Douglass on a chain? Franklin THINGS TO LOOK Church who was a political "must” jPhries, Mrs. E. Thompson, Mrs. ] awards and prizes. McGhee and Joyce Duckett have FORWARD TO— I Margaret Atikns. Mrs. Rosie John­ The game between Washington for years here and her stately aunt On October 22nd. a Birthday finely made (lie split after seven son, Mr. E. Siggers, Mrs. Walter and Manassas Report cards! MISS ANNETTE CHURCH arrived ! Calendar Harvest Tea will be giv- years of happiness and misery? When James, Lynn Howell in Memphis (their native home) ¡Flowers, Mrs. E. Wade, Mrs. E. j en at the new South Parkway (at Georgia James will get burned if and Brenda Yette get burned. for one of their yearly visits last Limar, Mrs. O. L. Brandon, Mrs. Mississippi Church) from 4:30 to she doesn't keep her mouth shut? When someone with the know­ Mek. The Churches, who are well E. Melanger, Mrs Furmer Baker, 7:30. Guest Choir of the evening Ruby "tank" Hardy, says that she how starts writing Washington's remembered and well liked here, Mrs. G. Shavers, Mrs. J. B. Sam­ will be the Millington group. has a "nose job" on Otis Mack­ c '.umn. When Otis Macklin oatchee toe the houseguests of their close uels, Mrs. Eloise Casern, Mrs. A. lin? Ail Williams has been calling Ruby Hardv with Bobby JOMK friends, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Horne, Mrs. J. Riley and Mr. October 27th, 13 the date set for Helen Prudent nightly? Thomas Hayes, Jr., with whom they~al- Sam-Qualls,, who was M. C. at the ¡St. Andrew’s first Women’s Day When Lois Bolden and Laura F'fod and Ruby Washington are Wiley realize that jealousy , wilt ways stop. I! ceremonies as well as one who did Banquet. Several organizations and Wateh still seeing each other? vi-t them nowhere.. When Joe Sight years ago Miss Church his share of work along with the clubs have already paid for their Bolden yo»ir pig, Stanley. Lois Duckett realizes that the public Went to the Nation's Capital where parents of the queen and the al- representatives. Please get the name thinks that she is cute? Flora has eyes on him. When JOyce the was appointed Consultant for ternates. ot your representative or contact Flemming and Fred Griffin are on Wai’ n and Flranklin McGhee.get Minority Group* by President Eis­ IIAMELS GIVE FABULOUS Mrs. Marie Harris, co-chairman of good terms again? enhower, a position she held un­ CHINESE COCKTAIL PARTY Woman’s Way. Make your reser-1 together. When James Leggins and Carla Thomas meet each Oth­ til a new administration took ov­ FRIDAY EVENING vation on or before October 19th. TO GET AMBUSHED— er. When Gwendolyn Johnson er. Her first duties were with the Members ot the Damsels Club The Women’s Day speaker will be Gloria Thompson, Lilia Abron, FOREIGN STUDENT REPRESENTATIVES AT HOW­ Israel, Florence Pu of Burma, Samuel Adebonojo goes on a diet. When Secretary of Labor before taking welcomed a large number of announced later according to Miss Laura Wiley, Ruby Hardy, Lynn Edwart ARD UNIVERSITY - Citizens of six of the sixty of Sierra Leone, Amako Ahagholu of Nigeria, Harris will stop being attack­ her present position as “CONSUL­ guests to the pretty Speed Street Yvonne Exum, chairman of the (HfowtM, Dorothy Burns, Breriia ed by second rated reporter». TANT FOR THE DEPARTMENT residence of Mr. and Mrs. Bernie program committee. Mrs. Perkins foreign countries represented in the Howard and Hazel H. Chen-Young of Jamaica, W.l. The Yette, Phyllis Ross, Erma Wil­ When Laura Wiley and the Rev. OF HEALTH, EDUCATION AND Shaw Friday evening when Dam­ is inviting the women of Memphis University student body this year are shown enrollment at Howard this year is expected to Hams and Francos Dancy. James Smith go before the altar. WELFARE. sels gave a fabulous Chinese Gar­ out to enjoy an evening in their her? with Ernest J. Wilson (right), foreign stu­ include 900 foreign students. Howard has led TO MY READERS— Miss Church's new position den Cocktail Party. Members com­ new and much talked about edi­ is dent advisor, during last week's reception for ♦he nation's school's for the past three years in If I were to try to reed, much PERSONAL DATA— !_ not of a political nature at ail bined all of their talents on an fice. new foreign students at.Howard. They are (left less answer all the attacks made La's Bolden and Laura WUt)) i: but one for which she had extravaganza which offered their the percentage of foreign students. to on me this section of news might will overlook you all this qualify. Biscause of previous ex­ guests a cocktail party, dinner, MRS. WILHELMIEN LOCKARD to right) Lolita Kaul of Indian, Tajar Zehava of »3 well be closed. I mean ta fight 1 know that was a mistake. perience in Social Service Admin­ dance and a fashion parade be­ HONORS THE FORMER MISS fire with fire. If the end brings I dont let it happen again. istration .... because of much ex­ cause members ¡and many of their DOROTHY WALLER me out all right what Is perience as a Supervisor with Illi­ guests wore) Chinese attire., es­ This is the time of year when 18-Month-Old Victim PREDICTION— ngainst me won’t amount to nois Children's Home and Aid in pecially did we notice Mrs. Helen Memphians can best enjoy them­ Gary Woods will win ovwMf thing. Chicago .. ..and because of Miss Barnum, president of the club who selves and when a visitor can Of Scalding Wqter his opponents in the T and T club. . Church's educational background wore an exquisite pair of black best see all of their old friends. Baity Contest Creating If you are not with him consKfor • Debra Lewis, 18 months, of 743-H TO MY DEAR FRIEND— at both Oberlin and North West­ satin Chinese pajamas ... Mrs. That is Just what Mr. and Mrs. iMiss Dorothy Burns you should yourself top soil. f. Wells, was admitted to Frank T. ern Universities (along with a Virginia Dukes and Mrs. Shaw who Waiter Pitts (she the former Miss be proud to be mentioned as a Father Time has crept up ■) color­ itors were Miss Ruth Waller. Dor­ will be given Savings Bond?. Mrs. Mattie Taylor is sponsor of eration because of Miss Church. ful one. Chop Suey. Lunin;) -leole, othy's sister . Mrs. Roland becajne a Negro by darkening his skin in order Io experience the racial discrimination that Miss Chuich states that her rice and fo'k m.i ..oj.Ut: nled - Powell, Mrs. Oladys Webb, Mrs. the program. only a Negro could know. He began in New Orleans and covered Alabama, Mississippi and th; I... „ terlliis e’t;’ c'a’-ts biggest thrill when her Director Mary Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Other events on the calendar of activities leading up to Georgia, looking for what he said white people take for granted: eating facilities, rest rooms, . .i r.,.in.: i.. . i '.e b leh uin- her former position called her 1 Fields, Sr., Mrs. Winifred Franklin. Women's Day are: Women's Activity Night on Oct. 19; Birthday on her last day. There she found .bien , b.it uu e u a lurg: r.ur- '1r. Louis Johnson Miss Utoka a drink of water. Calendar Harvest Tea, Oct. 22; Queen Contestants Projects, Oct. 84 friends and associates were cal - ui . lire n.u.i ,u a p. ilia nil- Qvarles Miss Mattie Taylor, Mrs. His ordeals range from having difficulty in cashing a travelers check to threats of personal ed together to honor her .. giving tend Ji ...k : ..n. r£j< hir a- Walls (who is home again 23, 24 and 25; Scholarship Contest, Oct. 26; and Semi-Formal violence and death. Portions of this book were printed in Sepia Magazine. This revealing, u.v. s JU- ap-li - i... . aJu- her a huge sterling chafing dish, ’■'tcr 2 years in Alaska); Mattle Banquet, Oct. 27. Rev. Elmer M. Martin is the pastor of St. An­ true experience should be read by every American. will.', ¡.lied large .i'-.cr j.u.i m. "• ■■•'t-; Mrs. Sallie Stevens, Mrs. drew. MISS ELAINE ELIZABETH i- ¡rvmg at the side her w,.s Mr. ALEXANDER IS CROWNED Kr'hrrlne Perry Thomas and Jew­ William Jones. INTRODUCTORY OFFER - $3.00 QUEEN OF ST. AUGUSTINE IN el Gentry. PRICE - $3.50 Other members who sent Jirourh the 70-mile trip to Bonham, ALL OF 7 JE POMP AND CERE­ In C Hand the former Memphian the crowd were Mrs. Alma Cana­ MONY OF A CORONATION is supervisor of Recreation at northeast of Dallas, da, Mrs. Freddie Mae Floyd and Rayburn 'Enjoys' Send check or Money Order to: A terrific band trained by Sister the C'kland Recreation Depart­ Mrs. Charlotte Meeks. Navy Secretary John Connally Mary Evangelice and directed by in'•'I.. Miss Waller went to Call- 1 lornla a number of years ago .. of Fort Worth and congressman Mr. Onzle 0. Horne struck up with Among the many guests attend­ She is loved by a large circle of INE NEGRO CENTER OF MTS a lively rendition (fit for a Queen) ing were: Mr. and Mrs. George Joe Kilgore of MoAllen, Tex., vis­ as several hundred guests rushed Tunsall, Mr. and Mrs. James Moore, friends here .... especially by Lo- ited Rayburn Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Greene, Mr. Moynltes with whom she was in Melrose Stadium to see the closely associated and,still feels. dignified ceremonies when Miss and Mrs. J. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. "Mr. Rayburn has spent another 947 Herkimer Street Elaine Elizabeth Alexander was Davis Hayes, Mrs. Ernestine Gray, close to. Wants To Go Home comfortable night,” a bulletin "on crowned Queen of Father Bertrand Mr. and Mrs. Will Wailon. Mrs. DALLAS. Texiw-(UPI)—Cancer- his condition Tuesday said. Catholic High Thursday.evening of La Vera Watkins, Mrs Bernice DR. AND MRS. I. A. WATSON, Seals, Mr. and Mrs,- Ad Winfrey, JR. had a few friends in Satur­ strieken House Speaker Sam Ray­ . last week. burn wants to go back home to high and Mr. Calvin’Harwood. . day evening to meet Dr. Watson's The Queen (who wore a ’mother, the charming MRS. NOR­ Bonham. Tex., and spend his re­ crown and carried - a large bou­ Mrs. Fannie Riley, Mrs. Grace MAN TAYLOR who came back to maining days in the white, two- quet of flowers) was surrounded by Joyner, Mrs. Countess Peyton, Mrs. Memphis with the popular couple storied colonial home he built m her court and two runner -ups Beatrice Crenshaw, Mr. James who drove up .last Week end. Go­ a freshman congressman 48 years (Alternate) and their escorts who Dukes. Mrs. Susie Hightower, Mrs. ing up with the Watsons was Dr. ago. 5 were Miss . Theresa Thompson, Olivia Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. John daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Theron Northcross. The new rooms A spokesman for Baylor Univer­ Ed Cook. Mr. Steve Smith, Mr. and Thompon of 1135 Mississippi Blvd recently added to the Watson sity Medical Center, where the Mrs. Dan Suggs, Mrs. Hattie West- home will add an elegant atmos­ .... and she was escorted by Wil­ 79-year-old Rayburn is being ley, Mr. Ernest Canada. Mr. Louis phere to any party or get -togeth­ treated, said Tuesday that whether liam Broadnax .. Partee, Mr. Robert Payne, Miss er .. and there were truly deli­ he gets back depends upon whether Second Alternate was Miss Betty Charlsye Heard Mrs. Mildred cacies rarely available except it1 Jean Jones, daughter of Mr. and a new, experimental drug he is Hodges. Mrs. M. McClain, Miss the finest restaurants. Guest were taking slows the progress of his Mrs. William H. Jones of 1071 Staf­ Shirley Askew, Mr. Spencer Pur­ mostly a few of Mrs. Taylor’s old cancer. ford, St. . .. and she was escort­ year, Mr. Joe Morris and "Your friends of many years ago. ed by Grady Terrell .... The pret­ Columnist." MRS. ROBERTA LINDSAY, a It will take 10 days to two weeks ty young queen, who is a parish­ stately, charming and interesting to complete .treatments with the ioner at St. Augustine Catholic MRS. ETHEL PERKINS IS NAM­ It. Worth matron, is still around drug, "5 fluoro-uracil.’’ If he Church, was crowned in all or the I ED CHAIRMAN OF WOMAN’S .. as the house guest of MR. can’t tolerate all the treatment pomp and ceremony of any coron­ DAY AT ST. ANDREW or If the drug fails, his*last days ation by Paul Hawkins, Captain of AND MRS. J. A. BEAUCHAMP Series Of Affairs To Be Given In Friday evening Mrs. Beauchamp will have to be spent in the hos­ the Bertrand Thunderbolts ...... New Edifice and Mrs. Lindsay and ‘-Your Col­ pital. He probably couldn't stand and she was escorted by Michael Elaborate plans are taking shape umnist" spent time with Mrs. Fred Hit. White of Baton Rouge who is at­ for St. Andrew's Woman's Day Rivers (who also hails from Tex­ tending Father Bertrand this ner's last, rites were several of the to be celebrated October 29, 1961. as. Brawner's relatives Mr. Thomas year. :— — Mrs. Ethel J. Perkins, instructor "Home Coming at Bertrand this Darden. Mr. George Campbell and at Manassas High School and de­ MRS. EVA CARTMAN MARTIN. year and every year was sponsored Mr. Waddell Simmons all of San­ Kathlyn and HenryTave relax after a round vout member at St. Andrews, broke Superintendent of Collins Chapel dusky Ohio .... Mrs. Jeanette by "Christian Mother's Sodalitey. of golf ^Carnation ia our 'cream'-for coffee, all records as Chairman last year. Hospital, is back after one of her Phelps of Buffalo; Mrs. Juanita cereala and whipping. We all like it better Again this year Mrs. Perkins, gen­ Week -end trips to Chicago where Miller of Chicago; Mrs. Nellie than ercam-and it costa only aa much, eral chairman', plans for St. An­ she visited her nephew and niece Brawner Kesler, Asst. Principal of Mrs Tave explains. She is past president OC drew members and outside friends. Mr. and Mrs. "Bob" Murphy. a Chicago High School and her Cosmopolitan Golf Club, and of TaU Gtt> A dinner to be given in the spac­ daughter -in - law, Mrs, Agnes ma Delta sorority, Mu chapter. ious dining room of the church on RELATIVES AND FRIENDS in Woodson, R. N. who both came October 15th. Barbecue, chicken town to attend Mrs. Jewel Braw- from Chicago. Coming from Nash­ ville were several close friends, Dr recipe: Hubert Crouch, Dean of the Grad­ uate School at Tennessee State University; Rev. Wilson Welch, Macaroni and professor at Fisk Univ, and Dr. CARNATION 3-MINUTE Vera McBrybe who is now on the faculty at Meharry and Dr. Clara CHEESE SAUCE Brawner’s classmate (Make» 4 to S seri'ingij friend. 1 % cups (large can) undiluted CARNATION EVAPORATED MIUC Automobile, Furniture i/2 teaspoon salt Signatures 2 teaspoons dry mustard YOU CAN 2 cups (about 8 ounces) gratott There Isa reason why people Holding her brand new granddaughter. Kathlyn Tave instructs daughter-in law Barbara in process American cheese Kite to do business with us. formula preparation, while son Clayton looks on. Eight odt of 10 mothers who feed their babies PAY MORE a Carnation formula say: “My doctor recommended it.” Showing young mothers how to pre 4 cups cooked macaroni Yeu, toe, will like our cour­ pare the fornlula at home is one of Mrs.Tave’s activities as a Carnation Market Consultant. teous treatment and desire 1/4 cup chopped pimiento btit 1/4 cup chopped green pepper to help vou. — Kathlyn Tave, career woman, nwtheraiidgraiidmother___ | 1. Simmer Carnation with sett antfnWta Open Thursday and Friday YOU CANT I tard in saucepan over low heat to just Nights Until 8:00 P.M. ."Best cook in the world” reveals her , below boiling (about 2jnlnutes).‘ Add Saturday 9:00 to 1:00 I cheese and stir constantly until melted ROY BETTER Carnation cooking secrets | "fV minute longer). Her mother or her sister? jr7 ; II 2. Pour sauce over It is Henry Tave who insists his wife is '“Macaroni and cheese, fqr example. 't on I macaroni, pimiento BOTH ENJOY YOUTHFUL, NATURAL-LOOKING HAIR COLOR don't need a cream sauce. You just make I the world’s best cook. 1 and green pepper a 3-minute cheese sauce that’s as easy II mixed together in ^FINANCE COMPANY^ Whether you want the excitement of a different "At least I'm one of the busiest,” Kathlyn as melting the cheese in Carnation!" | buttered 2-quart hair shade, or want to give new life to dull or Tave admits. She is a Market Consul­ (Recipeat right) I| casserole. Bake in gray hair... insist on the long-lasting haircolor tant for the Carnation Company in the I moderate oven •We like to say yee to your The cieatny consistency of Carnation is I in the famous red package—Godefroy’s (350° F.) 25-30 loan request" Los Angeles area.______. the secret of many a superior casserole, I Examined and Supervised by the Larieuse. It’s easy to apply, and complete in minutes. ‘‘I couldn’t ask for a more satisfying meat loaf, and potato pie. Even.when | State Dept of Innranoe and ene package—there’s nothing else to buy. Banking career. Carnation is everybody’s favor- you mix Carnation with an equal |__ ISLOVflY itc-for baby formulas, for drinking, amount of water, it s as rid) as state J LOCATIONS if COLOSS for cooking. And how I love to tell my standards for whole milk-for smoother ''¡rem Conltnltd Cwt" cooking results at far less cost! 111 1 Mata M. Carnation cooking secrets! 2 POWDERS 5» - a POWDERS 25« US Madia»» «-Ml •»«•frvy Mt® Company • 3Sio Oliv« BtO St Louis, Ma V i

Saturday, October 14, IMI Wage-Hour Law Questions, Answers Q. What is an exemption? MY WEEKLY A. An "exemption” is a provision of the law which makes a specific Buckman Laboratories, Inc., Mar­ Company; R. A. Trippeer, president, kt > '» exception from the general provi­ (First In Series Of Eight Articles) On Thursday, July 20, of this tin J. Condon, III, president of the Euclid-Memphis Sales Company; SERMON Published by MEMPHIS WORLD PUBLISHING CO. sions of the law. There are some year, the Special Committee on Lo­ American Snuff Company; W. Hen­ Russell 8. Wilkinson, president, Every SATURDAY at 546 BEALE - Ph. JA. 6-4*3« exemptions from both the minimum cal Government Organization of ry DUatush, sedretary-treasurer of Wilkinson and Snowden, Inc., and Member of 8COTT NEWSPAPER SYNDICATE and overtime provisions; others are the Memphis Plywood Corporation; serving as secretary to the com­ overtime pay exemptions only and the Memphis Chamber of Com­ W. A. Scott, II, Founder; C. A. Scott, Genera) Manager David V. Johnson, vice president, mittee and James E. Harpster, may be complete or partial. Some merce proposed in open meeting REV. BLAIR T. HUNT. Robinson-Johnson, Inc.: Edmund manager of Governmental Affairs, Second-class postage paid al Memphis, Tenn. exemptions apply to certain indus­ to officials of the City and Coun­ PASTOR, Orgill, vice president, Memphis Memphis Chamber of Commerce. tries, others to employees in spe­ ty government the appointment of Light, Gas and Water Division and (Continued Next Week) I. A. BEAUCHAMP Managing Editor cific occupations. There are also a Charter Commission for the pur­ MISSISSIPPI BLVD. CHRISTIAN CHURCH former Mayor of Memphis; Albert a few exemptions from the child­ pose of drafting a Charter for SUBSCRIPTION BATES; C. Rickey, attorney; J. Thurston labor provision. consolidated government in Mem­ Tear MM - « Months $215 S Months $115 (In Advance) Rouch, president, Southern Central Q. What is a retail or service es­ phis and Shelby County. In nuk- NAACP Held Miss. Boulevard Christian Church awoke, warm and refreshed. He Th* MEMPHIS WORLD is an Independent newspaper — non-tectarian tablishment? inp this proposal, Russel 8. Wilkin­ (Continued from Page One) THE LORD’S SUPPER raised his head. All about him was son, committee chairman, stated: •nd non-partisan, printing news nnbiasedly and supporting those things TEXT: “This do in remembrance silent except the wild wind. "This committee, as businessmen Unuing to accompany them. Jt believe* to be of interest to its readers and opposing those thing* A. A "retail or service establish­ of me."— I Cor. 11:24. Where were his men? The prince Rev. Collins, Wife The NAACP began laying its igatast the interest of its readers. ment” is one 75 percent of whose Interested in our city and county, «,»01 •• saw their forms covered with snow. annual dollar volume of sales of is of the definite opinion that our groundwork for the big day on Aug. Last Sunday was “World-wide He called, no answer, only silence, goods or services

Gifts To Council Women s I’

- .... . L JflMÚ ■ .< :• 0Î 1

Foundation Ruled Tax Free Yy wI WASHINGTON, D.C.-The Board ol Truilees of the Educa- 1 tional Foundation of the National Council of Negro Women, Inc., met in Washington, D.C., on October 5, to hear their general >1 counsel, Mrs. Marjorie McKenzie Lawson, announce the fact that NAACP Drive To :1‘ the Foundation has received a favorable ruling from the Bureau of Internal Revenue on its tax exemption application. ■e Implement Ban This Information, which means u t-j. «> that gift» made to tlle Foundation o>:r be deducted by contributors fran their income tax returns, was Convention Call ÜÚ received wUh enthusiasm by the Trastees for it meant the relal- NEW YORK - NAACP branch- es have been called upon to press ration of a dream held by the lor full implementation of the #■í' To Cincinnati Said late Mary MoLeod Bethune, Foun­ Interstate Commerce commission’s der and first President of the new ruling banning racial regre- National Council of Negro Wom­ gation on interstate buses and in »< , en. Il terminals. Real By Sponsors Attorney Lawson has guided A the organization through the fil­ In a memorandum dispatched CINCINNATI - The Call Meet­ ing of its application since the this week to all local units of the ing of Baptist Leaders across the Foundation was first established Association, NAACP Executive Sec- nation. November 14, 15, at Zion In 1959 by the National Council of retary Roy Wilkins called for ed- Baptist Church, 630 Glenwood Ave., Neei-o Women. uodlipnal programs to inform ail Cincinnati, Ohio is definitely a Tlve Foundation is a separate travelers about the ICC regulations, tA meeting to organize a new Con­ organisation whose general pur- inspection: of buses and terminals WELCOME AFTER RUNNING RED GAUNTlEf-An official wel­ vention the sponsors claim. Lad­ VITAL INSTRUMENT-Dr. Harold D. West, right, former. Governor Darden of Virginia, presently poses ere: to conduct programs ’to see if the orders have been comes East German refugees to Friedland, West Germany, ders from many states have res­ president of Meharry Medical College, explains for women designed to train them publicy posted as required, insis­ after a mass escape from Boesekendorf in the Communist-held chairman on Higher Education Goals; Dr. Wal­ ponded in the affirmative and the for leader.’hip and provide oppor- tencei by passengers on the right zone. The former chairman of the village collective led 55 of to members of the Southern Regional Education ter S. Davis, president of Tennessee State Uni­ way is being cleared for a com­ tunities for adult education; pro­ to use facilities on a non -segre­ the townspeople, including 20 children, across the border Board how the simple beaker has proven to be plete organization of a new Na- versity, and Dr. Andrew Holt, president of the vide relief for the under privil- ;gated basis, and reports to the ' under the cover of night. Elderly persons rode in a wagon tional Baptist Convention. such a vital instrument in medical research when University of Tennessee, Knoxville. eged; lessen neighborhood tensions national,: regional or state offices padded with mattresses to guard against Communist bullets. RSEB visited Meharry recently. From left are The Chairman, Rev, L. V. Booth and discrimination; defend human of the NAACP of any infractions announces 'that every Baptist who and civil rights secured by law; iof the ICC's ruling. is desirous of joining a new Con­ combat Juvenile delinquency; as­ vention is welcome. This Includes sist in tlie development of hous­ Mr. Wilkins' memorandum in­ Dr. Foster Elected United Baptists from all presently organ­ ing for minority families as pro- 'cluded not only bus transportation Typed As Amos ’n’Andy, ized Conventions and the many vlded by law, but rail and air travel as well. thousands of Baptists who do not TO ERECT MONUMENT "The ruling," he said, "will be on­ belong to any existing Convention. One of the main purposes of ly as effective as we make it. No one will be excluded who re­ the Foundation, however, Is ’ to Please-urge Negroes not to submit Ex-Stars Stay Jobless presents a Regular Missionary erect a monument to Mrs. Bethune to Jim Crow travel in any form iqattse' NEW YORK-Dr. Luther H. Foster, president of Tuskegee In­ Baptist Church and will commit, on public tend hi the Nation’s whatsoever and notify us of any CHICAGO - (ANP) - An ironic In “The Tragedy of Amos 'n* himself to the building of a new and all infractions which come to twist not unlike the situation come­ Andy," an article appearing in the- stitute, has been elected president of the United Negro College Capital as authorized by the 86th Baptist Convention. Congress of the United States. your attention." dy in which they became TV stars October EBONY. Clrildress 53. says Fund, it was announced here Friday. Tlie gross misunderstanding which This monument will be built in has handicapped Negro actors lie has to earn a living by taking needs to be clenred up says the Lincoln Park, where Mie dramatic "Amos." Alvin- Childress. mid "An­ temporary emp'oynient and Will­ Vice president since 1958, Dr. of Chicago. Chairman, is that the keynote figure of President Lincoln and dy," Spencer WUUams. iams. 63. lives off his social secugh-t Foster succeeds Dr. Benjamin E. Albert W. Dent, president of Dil­ Speaker, Dr. William Holmes Bor­ a Negro slave, known as the Jamaica Slates ly and Army pension checks,.- Mays, president of Morehouse Col­ lard University, New Orleans, has ders of Wheal street Baptist Emancipation Group, was erected Declaring they have been unable i JiONY says ill.' income of the. late lege, Atlanta, as head of the na­ been elected College Fund vice pre­ "Kingfi'li." played by the late Tim' Church, Atlanta, Georgia, has not by the Western Sanitary Com­ to ■ get employment as m1.tors be­ tional organization. sident and Adam D. Beittel presi- been selected to head the organ­ mission of St. Louis. ¡Dedicated on cause of being "lyiH'd" in tile Moore, w.i.s practically nil at the Fourth president of the Alabama ednt of Tougaloo Southern Chris­ 'bl Independence ization. He is certainly worthy and Ajvril 14. 1876, the 11th Anniver­ Amos ’n’ Andy role. Childress, 63, lime of lii.s rlt.dh. I«' Institute founded by Booker T. tian College, secretary. Jesse H. if lie is considered, his name will sary of the assassination of Pres­ LONDON - (ANP) -British an- and Williams. 68, said while th? Filming Hie popular show wps Washington in 1881, Dr. Foster has Lawernce, assistant controller of show made its white originators halted after mounting Negro aj/fj, be placed in nomination along with ident Uncoln, this memorial was nounced last week it is offering in­ guided Tuskegee increasingly into the Chase Manhattan Bank, con­ rich, neither has received it dime NAACP protest chargd charged the 10 or 12 others and will be voted built with funds contributed solely dependence in 1962 to Jamaica, the cooperation with America's overseas tinues as treasurer. from ihe series in lite seven years . how c: e.ati;:l a false impression of■ upon by secret balloting. by emancipated citizens. The Be­ big Caribbean Island which is a re­ projects___ The College Fund is a federation There is considérable discussion thune Monnmeiit,when placed in cent referendum seceded from ihe since the last film was shot in 1954. -the Negro. A Tuskegee crew is now conduct­ of 32 indeepndent accredited col­ being carried on by prominent lea­ this same park. w|H be a symbol ing a Rural Elementary Teacher - leges and universities, all located in West Indies federation. ders led by Dr. J. C. Austin of of 100 years of progress. Training Institute in Zorzor, Liber­ the South. In 1944, it pioneered NEW PREXY FOR UNCF - Jamaica will be granted nation­ Chicago to draft Dr. M. L. King. Tlie trfistees met also to con­ ia, in cooperation with the U. S. cooperative fund raising for higher Election of Luther H. Foster as hood outside tile federation mid also Jr., of Atlanta, Ga. It is not the sider a model of the proposed International Cooperation Admin­ educations. Some 4 different groups president of the United Negro Col­ will be offered a place in the Brit­ JUBILEE DAY HELD wishes of the Chairman that any monument as created by the noted istration and the Liberian Govern­ of colleges are now following the lege Fund is announced, Dr. Foster ish Commoonwealth, as will the Baptist should feel excluded or fsulptor, Robert Berks of New ment. Liberia's Pres. William V. example. is president of Tuskegee Institute federation It quit by the September left out. The only requisite for any York City. TUbman awarded Dr. Foster the From 1944 through 1960, the (Tuskegee, Ala.) one of the Col­ 19 vote. Baptist is to desire a new ' Con­ Tlie Foundation's success in ob­ AT FISK UNIVERSITY Star of Africa in 1958. He also College Fund has raised nearly $42 lege Fund’s 32 member colleges Terms of the British offer were vention and come and Join others taining a favorable ruling by tlie holds an honorary Doctor of Laws million for its member institutions. asd universities. All member schools disclosed In a statement issued by in the building of the same, it Bureau of Internal Revenue is NASHVILLE, Tenn. - One of liie hig.wsi occasions of any Degree from the University of Li­ A capital - funds campaign, con­ are privately supported, accredited the colonial office alter four days was, stated. aiHither indication of the interest school year at Fisk University—"Jubilee Doy" his been observed’"'"' beria. ducted from 1951 -56, realized institutions located in the South. of -talks with Prime Minister Nor­ and concern of the Kennedy Ad­ Dr. Foster completed undergrad­ $17.500,000 for new buildings and The College Fund conducts an man Manley of Jamaica. here in ceremonies of solemn dignity, while 4,000 alumni In ministration In efforts made by uate study at two southern schools, modernization. The balance of the anual nation - wide campaign for , ¡Manley, who actually favored the this country and abroad noted in Iradilional celebrations. , Nogroes to -participate as full Hampton Institute and Virginia funds raised has been allocated support to help defray their year- idea of the federation, now has to pa'rtnejs In government programs, State College. He earned his mas­ annual nation - wide campaign for ly operating costs. settle for an independent Jamaica, Tlie annual noonday pray’i', "Wc ing piwi • • of the program tu...... opportunities end advantages. ter's degree at Harvard University bolster the yearly operating bud­ which would become the 13th mem­ arc especially grateful for nine ms­ repiTsin' his contribution to. Ute and his Ph. D. at the University gets of the calendar year. The members of tlie Board of ber of the Commonwealth. The fed­ es of humanity, the original Jub­ Fisk $6 million Centennial Fund,...... Metropolitan Club Trustees of the Educational Foun­ eration, provided it comes through, ilee Singers," prepared this year A fepi’i't on national alumni ef­ dation are; would become the 14th member. by Dr. Maynard P. Turner, U fort. for the fund was heard,at the ' Loses Another Member ADDIS ABABA - (ANP) - The Jamaica, located below southeast president of American Baptist mornlmt program from Dr. A. Ma­ Ethiopian government has granted Mrs. Daisy E. Lampkill, Chair­ Cuba, has been under British rule Theological Seminary, was the ceo Walker, Memphis, alumni di- Patricia Harris WASHINGTON - (NNPA) - The the Ralph M. Parson’s engineering man, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; for 306 years. means through which Fisk people vision chairman. Fisk“ ' is trirytpg, _ to exclusive Metropolitan Club, which and 'construction eorfipaiiy of Los ,'Mra. Raymond v Clapper. < Viqe everywhere joined in observing the raise the $S million for develop- refused to welcome Negro guests, Olialnnan, Washington, b. C,; Dr. Angeles (Calif.) the right to mine, 90th Jubilee’Day. ’ niepl purposes ay 1966 when it lost another round in its racist Gertrude E. Rivers, Secretary, Howard Associate Dean process and sell potash from the Savannah Stale stand last week when Charles L. Washington, D. C.; Mrs, Marion The day is marked by Fisk Danakil Depression, according to Bartlett, close personal friend of ji. Jackson, Treasurer, Washing­ graduates and former students tn Young, a former dean of Uffl WASHINGTON, D. C. Educa- women She already has been named an agreement announced here' re­ President Kennedy and Washington ton, ID, C.; Attorney Marjorie Mc­ Selects Sfafl Atlanta School of Social 'Worf, lion at Howard University will soon chairman of a committee to avalu- cently. memory of the original Fisk Jubi­ correspondent of the Chattanooga Kenzie Lawson, General Counsel, lee Singers, singers of Negro spir­ holds demes Him Kentucky State s become a 24-hour-a-day proposition ate the residence hall programs in The concession is expected to (Tenn.) Times, resigned in protest. Washington, D. C.; ¡Dr, Dorothy For Tiger’s Roar ituals who toured tills country and College and the University of Min­ if the plans of the University's new­ order to determine their role in the bring a return of between 35 and 45 Mr. Barlett's letter, .hard on the 'B. Ferebce, Wallington, ID. C.; SAVANNAH »- Savannah State Europe before the turn of the .cen-1 nesota, He lias done graduate etu- est student personnel administra­ educational process. million dollars during the nevt few College Tiger’« Roar staff for the Dean Harris, who joined the heels of the acceptance by the club Dr. Je.ui B, Grambs, College Park, tury to raise money in support of ■ dy at the Massachusetts institute of tor materializes. years. 1961-62 school year is operating un­ Howard community of administra­ of Presidential adviser McGeorge Maryland; Miss Dorothy I. Height, their young school. Jubilee Hall, Technology, The signing of contract is the der the guidance of William D. A proposal to bring outslde-the- tors on September 5, will also ex­ Bundy as a member, scored the so­ New York City; Dr. Inabel Burns the first permanent building on I t...... culmination of potash exploration Haglns. editor-in-chief, senior, so­ aminz program participants at clSsSroom activity more closey in amine all policies governing stu­ cial organization's policy barring the Lindsay, Washington, D. C.; Miss the Fisk campus, is named for the the morning program were . Dr,‘ "• performed by the company since cial science major, Savannah; and line With formal classroom curricula dent conduct and standards. acceptance of colored guests. Anna Lord Strauss, New York City. singers...... 1958, an operation which made use Norman Elmore, co-edltor, junior, IFtephen J. Wright, Fisk president; was announced this ryeek by Pa­ of several thousand technicians and „ .. . . . , , 'the Rev. William Alexander..Gen- tricia Roberts Harris, the', new asso­ “It is the task of the University ANNUAL RICE CONFAB cnglish major, Savannah. Other top other personnel, at a cost of more TUBMAN BY BOAT TO U. 8. to educate," Dean Harris said. "Ev­ PORT-OF-SPAIN, Trinidad - members are .associate, editors. offered a benefit concert by the I ciate dean of students at Howard. than five million dollars Eth. and John W. Work, music faculty ery experience the student has (ANP)—Tlie annual two-day Rice James Devoe, senior, business ad­ internationally acclaimed tenor, | Under the agreement, the Par­ MONROVIA - (ANP) - Presi­ ¡member and former Jubilee Sing-' Mrs. Harris is in her second which is a part of University life Conference between the West In­ ministration major, Savannah, and Roland Hayes, a Fisk alumnus and ' sons company will mine, process and dent William V. 6. Tubman, ac­ ers director. month as associate dean at the Uni­ should be evaluated in terms of I dies and British Guiana will open Verdell Lambert, senior, engllsh ma­ sell potash, an important element companied, by 12 of his 22-man par­ former Jubilee Singer, and the versity, but already she lias some whether it helps prepare the stu­ ' in Port-of-Spain on October 2. jor, Savannah: managing editor, in fertilizer. The project will em- ty, left Liberia by boat on his offi­ address of the day at morning ser-1 ideas that will change the character Chief purpose of the conference is Veronica Owens, sophomore, engllsh dent for liis life and career. poy u pto 2,500 people, and a pro­ cial visit to the US. and Ethiopia. vices by Dr. Whitney Young, Na­ of extra-curricula activity on the to decide upon the price which major, Savannah. "I am interested in the develop­ duction rate of some 300,00 tons a The remaining members of his en­ News Editor. Mamie E. Green, tional Urban League executive di-1 compus. British Guiana should sell rice to rector. Hayes, appearing at a well-1 [ ment of attitudes and procedures year is envisioned. tourage travelled by plane. senior, engllsh major, Savannah; the West Indies during 1962. received evening concert, is allow-1, One such idea is that every ex­ which provide for respect and basic campus editors Dorothy Carter, Scud UK >>•« ««I lU'ilt perience which a student has while dignity In all human beings," she Junior, engllsh major, Madison and In HUI IlliiU 'ti Kn'Itfli Ckirt 3 'enrolled at the University should be continued, adding: versity programs. i Carolyn Vinson, senior, social sci­ one which contributes positively to "I do not propose to make any A 1945 summa cum imide gradu­ See Self Made Trap In ence major. Savannah; feature edi­ HAITI’S NEW ECONOMIC BOSS M.A.C. MFG CO., Dtp«. I ate of Ihe College of Liberal Arts Ills education. With this in mind, rules and regulations affecting the tor, Samuel Trucll, senior social sci­ 4011 a.«., tkll«»« M. III. students without first consulting at Howard University, Dean Har­ PORT - AU - PRINCE. Haiti ■ - the new dean plans to re-txamlnc ence major, Savannah; sports edi­ lANP)—The Republic of Haiti’s thoroughly and to evaluate the ex­ with the students." ris holds the degree of Juris Doctor tor, Redell Walton, senior, health new ccnmnlcboss is President Fran­ TOP I’AV FOR MAIDS in rldb,, ..I tra-ouflcular program at Howard, rrom Georg* Washington Univers­ Nuclear Weapons Advance and physical education major, Chi­ Dean Harris' responsibilities in­ ity. where site was a ranking law I cois Duvalier. The chief of state friendly New York Home«. N4tf‘ particularly as it involves women cago; greck editor, Bobby Burgess, clude assisting in I lie development HAMPTON, Va. - “We have have been mude by the Negro citi­ was given full control of the na­ students, whose welfare is her ma­ student-in I960. Shi also worked ns senior, chemistry major, Metter; colored roinmunlUe«. Private room of plans for a University Campus research assistant and associate ed­ been worshipping Lie gods of sci­ zens tion's economy by tlie National As­ and bathroom, TV, lieautiful uni­ jor responsibilitv. fashion editor, Rosemary McBride, union, ana assisting the Dean of itor of the George Washington Unl- ence and matqiial advancement sembly just, before It went, into re­ forms, all free. Bus tickets pins W-„. However, nc warned, "this is no senior, elementary education major, The dean plans lo-look-into _alL Students ill a continuing program versitv Law Review in 1959-60.,Fol­ until now we see ourselves almost cess recently. prnses advanced. Jobs guaranteed. time for complacency. A realistic Savannali and Charlie Phillips, phases of extra-curricla activity for of the Student Personnel Division lowing graduation she was appoint­ trapped by the monstrous weapons Write Mallory Agency, 578 Merrick view In relative terms will show jqpior, social science major, Savan­ women and examine some areas of as a whole. ed to the legal staff in the Appeals we have devised," the newly elected bers of minority groups to enter Rd., Lynbrook, N.Y, that la employment, in housing, nah. the men students. First on her list The new aministrator wants to and Research Section or the Crim7 executive director of the National Government service," FieM explain­ in education and in health great Art and layout editor, Benjamin arc the residence halls for men and encourage greater intellectualism inal Division of the U. S. Depart­ Urban Laguc said Tuesday at ed. "One of our tasks, “he said, gaps still remain. The Negro at Colbert, Junior, social science ma­ among students in extra-curricula ment of Justice. Hampton Institute. 'Is to convince collcso graduates best still holds only a bridgehead jor, Savannah; society editors, An­ BEAUTICIANS activity. She would like to see more Tlie new dean will also serve as and other qualified candidates MAIDS - TOP SALARIES In Ills first major speech since on the periphery of American nette Kennedy, senior, social science reading for recreation and more a lecturer-in the School of Law at assuming office, Whitney M. Young, from minority (colored) groups, LEARN TO WEAVE HUMAN IN NEW YORK AREA democracy," be said. major, Savannah and Emma Sue ears attuned to symphony and Howard. HAIR TO HAIR ON THE HEAD Pick the job you want In N.Y. Jr„ guest speaker at the nineteen!! McCrory, senior, cnglish major, that they will be given equal op­ opera. "Students should be aware Prior to coming to Howard, she portunity lor advancement once Amazing New I’at Process High salaries paid weekly. Fare ad­ annual fall convocation opening Commenting oil the awe and fear Columbus, Georgia. oi the total world around them and held such positions as executive di­ COURSE - 40 HRS. - 5 DAYS vanced. Free room and board. the 94th year of the college, told of the space age in which wc live, they enter Government service," not Just their own fields," she rector of the Delta Sigma Theta so­ NU-IIAIR OF CALIFORNIA Write name, address, telephone of the students and faculty that “wc Mr. Youii? said that there is more Field said litat Similar confer­ stressed. The dean also hopes to rority (1953-59), assistant director arc learned in the art of war but ences will be held in coming reference. Tops Agency, 341 W. at slake than Just “ad justing min­ 4502 E. Broadway bring more outstanding women to of the American Council on Hu­ are ignorant in the art of peace. months in Dallas, Philadelphia, 44th St, N.Y. Dept No. 40, ority citizens to urban cities, or L A. 37, Calif. the campus as participants in Uni- man Rights (1949-53), and program We probe and grasp the mystery New Orleans, Miami, New York and improving the social and economic Los Apgeles: Call ADams 4-9584 director of the Young Women's of atomic fission but we reject conditions of Negro citizens. “At I Boston. Christian Association at Chicago the golden rule and the Sermon slake is America and a truly Am­ (1946-19591. on the Mount.'' She is a member of tlie Order of erican way of life, and this Is be­ Pointing out some oMhe con­ ing made quite clear," he said. the Coif, (he national honor society WASHINGTON - (NNPA) - Relieve thè for law students, aud a former sequences of a society which fo­ lpe fifth in a scries of regional The former dean of the Atlanta member of the Board of Directors cuses on industrial efficiency while meetings of Federal Government Itchinn Misery of School of Social Work, Mr. Young of the Washingtoil, D.C. branch of rtaglecting the human rasowces officials, designed to .develop and outlined .some ok the steps by 'Upsftl Skin’ Atteeke the NAACP, and the national Board so crucial to production, the speak­ improve employment' opportunity of Directors of the YWCA. She is er cited some of the gains that which the Urban League will as­ programs, will be held in St. Louis also a former chairman of the sist in playing a major and sig­ Get, 19, it was announced, Washington, D. C. Urban League nificant role during this critical John G. Field, executive director Housing Committee. period. ortho President's Committee . on s Born in Mattoon,. Ill.. Dean Har­ With its 61 years of experience, Equal Employment Opportunity, ris is mart-led io Atty. William completely interracial in leadership said top Government officials will Beasley Harris, a practicing attorn­ “With Faith and following, the Urban League attend the sessions which are ey in Washington. They have no «¡It "pursue in more imaginative conducted jointly by his committee All Things Are Possible!'* ways our basic programs in the children. Are you facini diicult problem»? Pore and the Civil Service Commission. health? Money or Job Trouble) U"b«»l- areas of housing, employment, vo­ “One of the big problems faced new? Drink? lor» or F«milr Trouble»? ACHIES Would you like more Hippine», Suree»» «nd . cational guidance and counseling, In most areas has been the lack "Good Fortune" hl Life? If you hire m* of and health and welfare,” he stated. of appeal to well qualified mem- HEL r Seae ProMem», or other» like them. de»r I"? “. MEIr Business Opportunity ¡end, then here h wonderful NRWS «4 • "The success of the program will retn.rk.ble NEW WAY of PRAYER th» ii depend on you as students who helpin« thouwndi tn «lotioui new tappinem You don't have to live with ihe ¡buck, only 75c. Satisfaction gu«N iS'c ■ West African Badness Opportnnlt- «ndjoyl And jtm.y.brtot« «bole new wettid have the vision and determination Sometimes awful torment of agonizing iich- anteed or moniy refunded. ’ .<■.< les in Fanning, Export-Import and e( happinen-ud for W JM—ntr, wr to prepare yourselves for the op­ oulddy, tool . ing. Get fast, blessed relief from General Business — Partners want- portunities that lie ahead," he LOVELIIR COMPLBXION ' FREE To All Who Need Hold the ugly, itching misery of pirn- already opcratlnf» said in conclusion. BABY NEEDS A . plus headio-loeprotectie»^^, Jot dip 8 rv y *rp jVI?—Tflfl-----—Pics,-rashes,plesr rashes, eczema,eczema, aa nd nd “tctter.^Astettern^‘s with the Jeep-acting foamy tnedi-I' u>d ready to operate in West Afnca. your bum (ma* Lar* A Al 1 v Ju« 1 VFVr the intemationally-famous medica- • Eghlens dark spots , Applicants In each category must do).' We tbi^ MESSAGE MAIDS-WORK IN FRIENDLY cation of “Skin Success" Koap, ft ', For over 60 years, mothers have re- ■» -«— have practical experience tn it, METROPOLITAN N. Y. • perfed powder lied on gentle "BABY EASE.” Pleaa- necessary equipment, Mme cash SÄfiXl HIGHEST SALARIES paid week­ eases and tranquihzes itching, many (fit often aggravate ugly bion ; and ready to eettle there. Win make Km" ant tasting, easy to give liquid, vege­ ¡z ly. Trainees or experienced. Fare forms of upset skin can heal ishes and peRpiration odor» . .. • Guiduce «nd Help in table-pure “BABY EASE" brings all necessary arrangements. Please advanced. Free room and board. taster. Pahntra “Skin Success” makes you sure you’re nice to ba I Yen will bleu «hi« ¿»r. Deu comfort'without binding. “BABY nail detailed applications to: John m «odd like t ¡OiatmenL Only 35c. Urge econ- near. P*Im*rt“fttn Sneered 4 d "Good Fotnaf Í Write name, address, telephone KASE” does not contain opiates or Kisseadoo, 17 Pnlaskl 8L, BrssUyn ime «nd tddre«» NOW' ,«. of reference. ShVal’s Agency, 57 strong laxatives. Ask your druggist lOtny size containing four times as Only 25c. " ■ . «, New ïork. UL 8-8141 UH STUDY FHtOWSW Lawton St., New Rochelle, N.Y. fer the «pedal babies laxative« N0R9TQH|QMfc Dept No. 80. JAanuladuriri ol Pow*ì BwpiinoCThkJ^^.d» $w “BABY EASE.” « r • Saturday, October 14, 1961 • I South Memphis Distinct ■ Missionary Inst. Meets

The South Memphis District Missionary Institute met at St. Andrew AME Church. The lesson was taught by Mrs. Woodfin of Ward Chapel; Bethel, Mt. Zion, Providence, Ward Chapel, New Allen and i : Andrew churches were represented. The parliamentary instructors are Mrs. I. Bearden of St The Definition Of “A Lady Andrew and Mrs. E. L. Fisher of Mt, Zion. — The next meeting will be held the fourth Monday in Octo­

Several weeks ago a little girl, then she is a lady. ber, pt Bethel AME Church, 626 Wicks Avenue. Refreshments age 10, arked the question “What A lady is always kind and con­ will be served, is a .lady?” Readers were Invited to siderate of others. She is seen and Mrs. M. R. Todd is president of the group, Mrs. S. F. Todd, answer the question and the re­ not heard. When she does speak it Fluoridation Cuts nnrl m«. |_, Archibald, reporter. sponse *as gratifying. is in a soft pleasant tone. A lady The majority of the letters were never raises ber voice. Being bois­ Iran teenagers whose ideas reveal­ terous is not her natine. ed thoughtfulness, good judgment A lady is poised. She walks with Decay Of Teeth and awareness. With other teen­ grace. Her actions ar mover self­ Student At J. C. Smith agers thinking this way, we need ish. She is always conscious of Reports from the Nashville Den­ hays ho fears for coming genera­ her personal appearance and never tal Society on Tennessee commun- tions. voes to the extreme in her dress. .tles using fluroide in their water Univ. Dies From Injuries BecaUse of the space limitations, Her wardrobe is that of a conserva­ supply reveled substantial réduc­ Members i cation Association.' The affair was held in the I'tan include only excerpts from a tive, intelligent person. tion in tooth decay among children' COKES FOR LeMOYNE FRE5HMRN - of the freshman class at LeMoyne College were | recreation room of Bruce Hall. Mrs. Charle P. CHARLOTTE, N. C. - A sopho­ at 12:30. The body was shipped to S*. of the letters received. Here Yours truly: B. Y. of those communities; more st"dent at Johnson C. Smith Pittsburgh for final rites at the Ida Clemens, reporting on these treated tp a get-acquainted Coke party by mem- RolqnJ, extreme Iteft, is advisor to the group, ey .are: University succumbed on October Warden Funeral Home. 1101 Home­ Dear Mary Martel: ;®veys in thé Commercial Appeal A lady is one who must possess bers pf the student chapter of the Nqtlofial Edu- WilII» Terry is president. 5 to injuries received in football wood Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. October J, 1961, quoted Dr. A. H. many qualities. She is charming, practice two weeks earlier. Coaoh Eddie C. McGirt' describ­ I think first I should inform you Trithart, director of thé division of dignified, level headed and grace­ ed Foster as “a fine person, very ful. Bhe has a pleasing personali­ that I am a teenager, so In my déniai health of the State Health William Foster, a five foot, ten cooperative, enthusiastic, and had opinion of a lady there might be inch, 180 pound guard, from In­ ty and is able to get along with Department, as saying that 6 year Mrs. Culpepper, the potential of a good football people. some bits of idealism. I feel a lady olds in 1958. in both Nashville and dianola, Pennsylvania, suffered an player." Signed: A. L. is a female who carries herself in Chattanooga? both "using fuoride in Mrs. Miller On injury from a freak accident when he made a tackle and fell on an­ I believe a lady to be one who is such a manner as to tell the world the water since 1953, had 70 per Memphis "We are greatly shocked, said respected by men and women alike. she Is not ashamed of Her sex. She cent fewer cavities in their perma­ other player’s heel on September McGirt, "at the news of his Avery Program 20. His condition was not consid­ She is poised, courteous, has a good is one who can spread ( In her lit­ nent teeth than the children of the Mis. Hattie Culpepper and Mrs. death and deeply grieved over his ered serious, but he was commit­ carriage and is particular about her tle nook in the world and wherever same age group had in 1952. ■I. C. Miller shared honors at the passing, We have never experienc­ ted to the hospital for observation. dress’and grooming. Her personali­ she goes) a feeling of sincere Ari'nual Woman’s Day activities of ed a tragedy like this before in Seven-year-olds had 61 per cent He remained in the hospital two ty and manners Xre above reproach. warmth. She can, through her gen­ AVery Chapel A. M, E. Church, the history of athletics at Johnson lets decay and 8-year-olda 58 per­ weeks under treatment and died Sincerely: Mary L. tle manner, demand respect for al­ October 8. Mrs. Culpepper, of the C. Smith University." cent less. In the 9year-oMs there unexpectedly on Thursday, October most any and everyone wherever New Progressive Baptist Church, was th were 42 percent fewer cavities and Dear' Mary: she goes. The people do not have guest speaker at the 11 a. m. ser­ Foster had been an outstanding in 10-year-oMs, 35 percent. Funeral services were held at You requested that your readers to know her personally, there is just vice .and Mrs. J. C. Miller at 3 ath'ete in high school in Oakmont, send their opinion of a lady. I something about her that shows the University for a sorrowing Pennsylvania, near Pittsburgh, Dr. Tritheart was also quoted as p. m. think a lady is any female who through — but whatever she does Smith family on Friday afternoon where he was captain of ills foot­ saying that fluoridated water was knbws how to carry herself so that her high morals point her out as Mrs. E. T. Johnson of Centenary ball, basketball, and track teams most effective when Its use started she gains nothing but respect a member of the female sex label­ M. B. Church was mistress ot céré­ before receiving an athletic schol­ from birth. Parents Wherever she goes. If she acts like ed: Lady. monies. The Women’s Chorus fur­ arship to attend Johnson C. Smith A comparison between the tooth a lady, no matter what age she is, A Teenager: E. W. nished the music. Immediately fol- defects of the children in Trenton, University. lowing the morning service a de­ Survivors are his parents. Mr, Tenn, (without fuoridatlon) and licious turkey dinner was served by and Mrs. Abe Foster, Jr., and three tftose in Milan, Tenn., where fluori­ the ladies of the church. brothers, James. Earl, and Abe Fos­ dation has been in use since 1951, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Bond, 1344 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Delk, 238 M&E Convention ter, HI, all of Indianola, Pa. rêvçaled that the children of Tren­ PORTER JR. HIGH NEWS Hyde Park a daughter. ’Walker Ave., son, Gerald Keith. Mrs. Nellie Counts arranged the ton had four times as many too.h Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Bass, 769 Dr. 'and Mrs. Charles F. Pinkston, program for the day and Mrs. Hat­ defects as those of Milan. By BURNETTE BANKS and JANICE EDWARDS Provine, daughter, Patricla ’Ann. 1538 Majorle,’ a son. tie Harrison served as general chair­ Increase Pension For Since 1951 some 51 cities and Mr. and Mrs. James A. Houston Mr. and Mrs. John W. Byrd, 1891 man for the event. Meets Hext Week towns in Tennessee have adopt'd Top Honor Veterans 255 Renfro, son Joey Artez. Grandi Opera, son, Robin Lynn. Rev. J. C. Miller is pastor. Ill there, guys and dolls. It’s an­ Carolyn Blackburn, Wilma Hud­ fluoridation. Memphis and Knrx- The 89th session of the State Pension paid to veterans who hold Mr. and Mrs. Milton K. Brown 1Setember 22, 1961 other week of news about the son. vllle are still without this service Baptist Missionary and Education­ the Congressional Medal of Honor Mr. and Mrs. James B. Gilliam, swinging things around Porter Jr. Most Intelligent — Cecil Lincoln, al Convention will convene with has been increased from $10 to $100 28 W. Fay, twin daughters, Darrell 960-b( McDowell, daughter, Barba­ 12th Anniversary For High. These are your reporters Dorothy McGhee, Katrina Worth­ the Castalia Baptist Church, Rev. per month by a new law enacted Wayne and Cheryl Elain. ra Ann. Burnette Banks and Janice Ed­ am. C. Mims pastor, October 17-20. by the 87th Congress. Missions Program Mr. and Mrs. James E. Rrank- Mr. and Mrs. Granville Harris, wards bringing you the latest hap­ Most Athletic - Fredrick Brooks. Rev., Mrs. Blake The theme for this year is: "New The new law lowers the age re­ lln 3243 Marigold, son, James 888, E. Person, son, Lawrence Harold The Twelfth Anniversary of Rev. penings from the greatest Junior Phil Dukes. Frontiers for Baptists for These quirement for eligibility from 65 At Congregational Edward, Jr. and Mrs. L. A. Blake will be cele­ High in Memphis. Most Talented — Stennis Tru­ Mr. and Samuel Jackson, 1009 N. Times.” years to 50 years, and eliminates the The Missionary Education Co. a- Mr. and Mrs. Dewitt Dyson, 721 1Manassas, daughter, Terri Yvette. brated by the members of the new man, James Toles. Pre - Convention activities in­ requirement of having an honorable This week the spotlight is focus­ mittee of Second Congregational N. Decatur, daughter? Mr. and Mrs. Willie J. Jamerson, Salem Church, 682 Tillman, Sun­ clude an Open House at Owen discharge. ed on Miss Lora Thomas, a mem­ Most Musical — Samuel Carter, Church, Mrs. Sadie Mickle, cha.r- 1404 Rayner, daughter, Cynthia Mr. and Mrs. William H. Bailey, ; day, Oct. 15. College, Monday, Oct. 16, from ber of 9-6 Class. She is the daugh Alteena Foster. man, will present a Shared Mai 692 Wortham, daughter Audy Nell. 1Lynne. 12 noon to 5 P. M. sponsored by ter- of Mrs. Lomax Thomas. Around TOP COUPLES and Missions program in the Parish Mr. and Mrs. Morris Tennon, Rep. D. Malone, paster of the Mr, and Mrs. Tommy L. Foster, the Baptist Educational Fund Com­ Porter she is in various clubs and 1. Dorothy McGhee and Mr. Hall, Friday, Oct. 13 at 5:30 p. m. 2084 Goff, son, Michael Antonia. Ebenezer Baptist Church will be 2424 Deadrick, son Tommy Lee. 1 mission. A public program will is one of the-most popular girls on Wonderful. The program will include movies September 23, 1961 guest speaker at 11 a. m. At 3 p. m. September 22 ! be held in the College Auditorium the campus, especially among the 2. Claudia Griffin and Nelson church missions and speakers from Rep. B. T. Dumas, paster of the Mr. and Mrs. Louis Woodall 411 Mr. and Mrs. Perkins Jones, 3076 with Lieut. George W. Lee as New Daisy fellows. So hats off to Miss Lora Castle. the membership who have been in­ Rochester, son, Russell Robert. New Philadelphia Church, will Elder, daughter LaVase Denise. speaker at 2:00 P. M. Dinner will Thomas. 3. Beverly Jones and David timately engaged in the missions Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie McGhee, speak. His congregation will be with Mr. and Mrs. Sam preen, 521 Ly­ ze served at 3:00 P. M. in the Starts SUNBAY TEACHER OF THE WEEK Gross. program. 2363 Manchester, daughter, Rita him on this occasion. ceum, daughter Thelma Louise. College Cafeteria with food donat­ This week we are very honored TOP TEN GIRLS OCTOBER 15 Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Joyner 694 Patricia. ed by some of the West Tennessee to present to you one of the 33 new 1 Helen Washington, 2. Dorothy Roberson, daughter Deirdre LaJuan Mr. and Mrs. Ozzie E. Smith, 117 churches and prepared with the teachers of Potter’s faculty: This Pratchett, 3. Marilyn Webb, 4. 4 Big Days! 4 Mr. and Mrs. Henry Patterson, W. Gage, daughter, Terri Lynne. Woman’s Day At voluntary assistance of women pertbn is a ninth - grade mathe­ Marie Flynn; 3024 Ford, son Gregory Lavern. September 24, 1961 irom local churohes. Guided tours 5. Lucy Yates, 6. Katrina Wor­ trskbio (M's Uttii matics teacher. He has a Btrong Mr. and Mrs. Robert Elliott 622 Mr. and Mrs. Samuel E. Johnson, Mt. Gilliam, Oct. 22 p ‘he college facilities will be tham, 7. Joyce Cochrane, 8. Wil­ interest for our -well - being as College Stephnes, son, Tony Maurice. P. 0. Box 192, Turell, Ark., daugh­ Women Working Under the Guid­ held. Acre) Caldwell's most well as tor his work. We're speak- les M. Shipp, 9. Janice Edwards arid and Seminary is sponsoring a bene­ Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rogers, 357 ter, Vanessa Althea. ance of Christ" is the -theme for i va college______Board __of Trustees______ihg.Of none other than Mr. B. T. 10. Beverly Jones. fit program for' the school Sunday, Luoy daughter Sheila Renee. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Taylor, the Annual Woman’s Day celebra-Lun m^t ’at 9~30 A. M., on Moni­ vin* fe < • • Jettas. Congratulations Mr. Jones TOP TEN BOYS i Oct. 15, at the First Baptist Church, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie L. Baine, 327 Vaai St., son, Kieron Everett. tion at Mt. Gilliam Baptist Church, day, Oct. 16. from the faculty and student body 805 Speed, son, Michael Earl. September 25, 1961 1029 Raymond St., Sunday October 1. Frederick Brooks, 2. James Chelsea, 5Oo N. 4th 8t„ beginning .. musical program sponsored by of Porter Jr. High. Mr. and Mrs. Stahley Shorter, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mitchell, 646 Thornton, 3. O'Leary Ankton, 4. at 3 p. m. 22. the cnoirs ot local participating LATE8T GOSSIP 730 Gillis daughter Kathy aJnette. Ayers, son, Christopher Darryl. Alfred Shipp, 5. David Gross; 6. Music will be furnished by the churches will be the feature of Have you heard that C. Griffin AT E. H. CRUMP HOSPITAL Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Shinault, The morning speaker will be Mrs. Theodore Toler, 7- Aaron McFar­ Rust College a cappella choir and tne Pre - Convention Program to hds hookM Nelson C. and Emery 1965 Hunter, son, Darrell Girod. Mary L. Johnson and the speaker at land, 8. .Anthony Johnson, 9. Jes­ the First Church choir. Rev. E. W. September 10,1961 be held at the Castalia Baptist i6 ' Cunningham of Jackson; Grant devfgul at B. T. W.? Cheryl W. Mr. and Mrs. John Willie Walls, na Work Out Fine." Mr. and Mrs. John W. Jenkins, Harris of Chattanooga; J. N. Ruc­ and G. Jones are looking good. 6. Helen and Thomas — "Don’t 2154 Eldridge, daughter, Vickie 669, S. Parkway E„ daughter Alfreda Memphian Ranks ker and C. H. Fitzgerald of Nash­ BdWbe Hudson has stated that M. Fight It, Feel It," Mr. and Mrs. Varner L. Woods, ■Hie Rev, George Lomax of_ 320 Yvonne. > ville; 8. A. Baker and R. L. James Biggers (Hamilton) is the only one 7. Jackie and F. Yates - "Every September 13, 1961 1391 Greenwood, daughter, Toni High MHowardU. Modder Street was buried on Presi­ of Knoxville. in her heart. Marie Flynn has her Breath I Take." Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Bette, 828 Lynne. ” James B. Westbrook of 1109 David dent Island last Friday following The Rev. Kelly M. Smith of eyes on James Evans. Dorothy Mc­ 8. Dorothy and A. J. — "Soothe Helskell, No. 2, twins, Darryl Ber­ September 27, 1961 funeral senices held from Rock of Street in Memphis is a first lieu­ Na-ium®, dean of cne Tennessee Ghee and a certain boy at Porter Me Baby." nard and Daphne Benita. Mr, and' Mrs, Jimmie Hewlett, 228 tenant in Howard University’s 601- Ages Baptist Church, 191 Kirk. The leadership and Education Congress, are making time. Last but not least 9. Mattie and Donald J. — “I Rev. and Mrs. W. L. Shipp, 2427 Turley, No. 1, son, Kenneth Jerome. man Reserve Officers Training Revs. W. T. Grafton and J. E. Clark will conauct seminars during the Lucy Yates and Ronnie Hooks Need Someone To Love Me." Bridgeforth. son, Gregory Lavelle. September 28, 1961 officiated. Southern Funeral Home Corps detachment in Washington, convention. (Hamilton) are making eyes at 10. Ernestine W. and Mr. Lucky September 14, 1961 Mr. and Mrs. John Wilhite, 1214 was in charge of arrangements. D. C. each other. - "I Need You So." Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Bonner, 1772 Firestone, daughter. Danna LeJune. Chosen on the basis of academic The deceased was the husband WWS WHO AT PORTER 11. Janice and Eddie — “Danger Hunt, No. 7, son, Eric Hiran, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Wyiile Will­ standing and military bearing, Mrs. Joan R. Williams of Mrs. Ullie Lomax and father of Most Studious — Elaine McGow- Zone.” Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Gilbert, 1106 iams, 288 Baltic St., daughter, Pa­ young Westbrook is one of 37 ad­ Mesdames Blue and Texanna Mat- In Musical Recital 12. Alecia and Carl - "I Got To 8. Orleans, son. Armand Bruce. tricia Dianne. vanced course ROTC cadet seniors aneAlteena Foster. thews. Stewardess Board Niunber 3 of Most Likely to Succeed — James Get Away From It All." Mr. and Mrs. Dack Gray, Jr., 1397 September 30, 1961 selected as cadet commissioned of­ Collins Chapel CME Church will Hey Kid’s, want to know some­ 8, Orleans, son. Mr. and Mrs. Adoiph Bolton. 482 ficers for the 1961-62 school year. Thorton, Margaret Coleman, Jan­ present Mrs. Joan R. Williams in a thing? Pilgrim Fellowship Mr. and Mrs. Carl Rettherford, Tillman. No. 6, daughter, Dawn ies Norihfngton. musical recital Bunday, Oct. 15, at Most Likeable — Dorothy Malone, The Senior and the Junior High 1210 Tunica. No. B, Carl'Odell. Meechelle. 7:30 p. m. at the church. The pub­ Schools of Memphis have snack Will Meet Sunday V September 15, 1961 Mr: and Mrs. Isson Jackson, 1901 Memphis' Airman Gwin lic is invited. : . - PLUS - bars and a choice of what you The Pilgrim Fellow:hip, Miss Joan Mr and.Mte. Johnny Boyd, 1611 Carver, No. 8, daughter, Iris Helene. Completes Basic Training want to get for lunch. Students, Hargraves, president, will meet in Eldridgé. ton, Johnny Lewis. A reception immediately follow­ LACKLAND AFB, Tex. - Airman ing the recital Will be held in the. ask your parents to come to P. T. the Parish Hall of the Second Con­ Mr. and Mrs. Freddy Ford, 1320 ‘lost Dangerous MEMORIAL STUDIO Charles E. Gwin, son of Mr. A. meetings and help Porter High gregational Church Sunday, Octo­ Brown, daughter, Jaoqueline Elaine. first unit of the building. LeMoyne Names and Mrs. J. E. Young. 723 Roanoke, Beautiful, Lasting to be oounted with other Junior ber 15, at 4:3(1 p. m. Mrs. Elizabeth Russell is presi­ Man Alive” September 16, 1961. Memphis, Tenn., recently complet­ High Schools In the city of Mem­ Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Harris, dent of the board; Mrs. Mary Dim- Memorials Chapel Speakers ed basic military training at Lack­ with phis. 1622 Locust, son, Benjamin, Jr. can secretary, and Mrs. Catherine Speakers for weekly chapel services land AFB, Tex. He is being assign­ Ron Randal Debra Paget VOTING: Mr. and Mrs. George T. Gwin, Branch Simmons is program chair­ Reservists Won’t at LeMoyne College through Nov. ed to Plattsburg AFB, N. Y., for Kids popularity is one thing, 1344 Wabash, son, Richard, Harri­ man. 8 have been announced by Dr. John on-the-job training as an adminis­ best dress another, and business is Lose Insurance son. Charles Mickle .personnel counse­ one alto. So when you vote for Mr. and Mrs. Ervin F. Johnson, trative specialist. Premium • payments and Interest lor at the college. Airman Gwin, who was graduated Student council officials, don’t vote 1020 Patton St., son, Dedrick Flet­ on commercial life insurance polic­ from Booker T. Washington High for clothes, popularity or , beauty. Floyd Weakley, a junior, honor ies of reservists and national cher. School, Memphis, attended LeMoyne Vote for the person who can get Mr. and Mrs. Thomas LaFlora, student and president of the col­ guards men who are ordered to ac­ lege’s student council, spoke Wed­ College, Memphis. things done. tive duty may be guaranteed by 1542 Alcy Rd., son, Thomas Andrea. nesday of this week. CANDIDATES FOR 8TUDENT the Veterans Administration under Mr. and Mrs. Haywood Nichol», 1268 Cummings, daughter, Lisa Dr. Ralph G. Johnson, profisaor COUNCIL provision« of the Soldiers and universities that are members of 1. Cecil Lincoln and Lucy Yates. of English, will speak Oct. T8;, YOU ALWAYS ITNCF, and in Dayton, Ohio he as­ Bailors Civil Relief Act, thé Va an­ Yvette. * 2. Fredrick Brooks and James Mr. arid, Mrs. James D. Walker, Raginald A. Morris, .associate pro­ sisted Joseph Taylor, a former Mem Designers, guilders and Erectors nounced. Thornton. 1234 Smith, son. Darryl Keith fessor of art, Oct. 25: Dr. John A. phian, in launching the UNCF cam­ 'jf Mophments. Outelanding for Jhls protection, VA said, covers Bfiehler, professor of chemistry. 3. Clara Morrison and Rubysteln paign in that city. .Many years for courteous service the policyholder's period of active September1 19, 1961 , Lawsori.' .; ' Mr. and Mrs. Louise, Bowman, Not. 1, and Dr. Harbans Singh, ¿hd reasonable prices. service and two years afterward. It professor of education. Nov. 8. 4. Jane Edwards and Charles applies only to life policies that do 209'90 Benford son. Louis Andre. « 8W Unien Avenue Houston. Mr. shd' Mrs. Charles D. Glover,. Cjjapel services begin at 10:30 not Impose special premium rates on Wednesday mornings and are Phone JA 6-54M 5. Wilma Warner and Betty for military duties or clauses limit­ 1685 Azalia, daughter, Tobytha held in Second Congregational i A Gray. ing benefits because of service. The Cherl. Church (United Church of Christ) total artiount that VA can guarantee Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mays, 1415- F go. Willington;-daughter, Dente- at Walker and McDowell across the must not-exceed $10.000 in each street from the -campus. case. tris Ahn. ' ' ENTER MY SUBSCRIPTION TO i • ; ------Mr. and Mrs. Plommie L- Pewltt, 160 W, Duvarit, son, Kevin Cateil. I Mercury shows new car in line President Price Visits ON YOUR FOOD Ifof 1962. September 2», 1961 Mr. Mid Mrs. Jesse 8herfield. 12M Atlanta And Dayton ' Tunica, Apt. A. daughter, Veronica LeMoyne College President Hollis I 6. Thomas Hassir and ? Bonita, .* ■ , * F. Price is bath on . campus after MEMPHIS WORLD Your reporter Burnette Banka ¡Mieliaàrig. In United, Négri Gol- i Septembrr M, 1961 NEEDS and Janet Edwards saying see youi Mr._____ and Mrs. UòydftéÂWL. . _____ré Fund business Ih W0 cities. For Ono Year (52 Issues) next Week . in. the same old spot. W. Diivaftt Ave., daughter, Cynthia . Atlante, G», ftè. attended a (Keep a cool head). Benee. imeeting of presidents of collège and I enclose $4.00 remittance AGENTSWANTED Name HOGUE & KNOTT CALL FROM ANYWHERE AND I'LL BE THEREI Men, Women, High School Boyp and Girl» - Earn $2S-$50 WH. 6-6934 ’¿Street Adcrew weekly nori time. SHI NEGRO* XMAS CARDS. Only $1 per NO. 3 NO. B box. 46c profit oer box. Somple box SOc. . HILLS SALES « SERVICE 1678 UMAR 973 S. THIRD .State 412 Cecil St. Durham, N.C. Memphl», Tenn. AT WILLETT AT WALKER

i • Saturday, October 14, IMI ♦ r SCHEDULE Southern Blanks October 14 (SIAC) Alabama State vs. Morehouse, Atlanta, Ga. 8. (J. State vs. Clark, Atlanta, Dillard, 43-To-6 ----, ——------Ga. Morris Brpwn vs. Florida A&M. Tallahassee, Fla. By BENNIE THOMAS Tuskegee Institute vs. Knoxville BATON ROUGE, La. — Everything Southern University's grid How wonderful it fee s to be back in L.A., qs the block b'pys Colle«, Knoxville, Tenn. Jaguars touched turned to gold here Saturday night, as the de­ scribe Georgias capital city. This columnist has been in lust Fisk vs. Dillard,' New Orleans, La. fending National Champions smashed Dillard University 43-6 in *ut every state east of the Mississippi since departing these the first meeting between the two South Louisiana schools. ednets September 29 for our hometown, Birmingham, Ala., and Fort Valley State vs. Allen U„ Columbia, 6. C. Tbg Jagusrs led 15-0 at the end the middle for one yard, then • ambling, La., Texas points, and the World Series. Tired but Benedict vs. Bethune Cookman of the first quarter, and by half­ moore's toe came into the plaf. ppy over our gallivanting one-nighters, it is a pleasant ex- Jacksonville, Fla. time, had stretched the lead to 31-6 From the 17, the talented kicker nence to sit down to our typewriter again for a reuhion with (CIAA) at the halftime Intermission. split the uprights to give the Delaware State vs. J. C. Smith, u. Foar of Southern' touchdowns Jaguars a quick 9-0 lead. ■ Charlotte, N. O. came via the air route, with four • » » » S Shaw vs. Elisabeth City, Elisa­ I we could put on paper a trav- but the weather wasn’t too bad for different ttogen on the throwing Dillard punched into Beuthm’e beth City, N. 0, It would cover Alabama, baseball. The World Series open­ end, and two were ground out on the territory lor the firet tinte fate Hampton Inst. vs. Fayetteville Arkansas, Louisiana, ed without a hitch. ground.' in the fini quarter, but tBe slay m, Missouri (Illinois and Ohio, State, Fayetteville, N. C. • • 6 * wm shortUvsd as the Devils Weed •—0l— Maryland State vs. NCA&T, 'ivanla via air enroute to For recital purposes hen are the them’s Clyde Ray Moore forced to punt again. Fran th* Greensboro, N. C. York City), New York, New scores: ed two field goals of 25 and .17 own 25, the Jsgun penetrated Ú Virginia State vs. N. C. College, y, Delaware, Maryland, ..the AT NEW YORK CITY yardsa respectively, and ¿notched one D||l«rd'« 43 before » kjmble paid Durham, N, O. trict of Columbia, Virginia North ..Yankees 2, Reda 0 joint after touchdown to send his WM Intercepted by RobertThlk oa' , South Carolina, Kentuc- Winston Salem vs. Virginia Un­ two game scoring totals on his the Dillard 25. Reds 6, Yankees 2 ion. Richmond^ Va. and Tennessee. AT CINCINNATI toe alone to 15-polnts. (SWAC) —fl— Yankees 3, Reds 2 Irvin Overton scored Dillards' Texas College vs. Texas South­ e amazing fact about our Yankees 7, Reds 0 lone touchdown, an exciting 80- ern, Houston, Texas. vels is that we covered the! dis- Yankees 13, Reds 5 yard gallop from scrimmage the Arkansas AM&N vs. Southern, HOWARD DOUBLK BEFORE DOUBLE-PLAY-Yan- in the fifth inning of the third World Series from Dillard uarterbaek in nine days to make (us____ a Cincinnati, O„ provided us with first time the Blue Devils touched Baton Rouge, La. kee catcher Elston Howard slides into second game at Croiley Field was Skowron, who lined Coleman on the visitors H y«rd Ui co Polo with the wings of giant, a viewpoint of significant social the ball In the second quarter. Jackson State vs. Alcorn A& M, base, covered by Ed Kasko of the Reds, and out to Kasko. The shortstop then tagged out • • • ♦ pered . steel steeds that travel change, it was in the early forties, Without running a single play Jackson, Miss. - from scrimmage following the kick­ Alvin Haymond sec th«, stage j the speed of light. when I visited this Buckeye town, umpire Ed Runge calls him safe. Next man up Howard for an unassisted double play. Miss. Vocational va. Grambling, the talley when he bkipped t will surprise you also that we but the change has been to the off, the Jaguars used a total of Grambling, La. right tackle for 16-yards to t nt only four days of our tour credit of former Alderman Ted throe plays .... A 12-yard pass (SEAC) Devils 16 yard line, the jtelnt trobi hotels — (New Yorker in New Berry and responsible Negro lead­ from Holman to John Crockett, and Albany State vs. a 16-yarder from Holman to Charles which tackle for 16-ygrds to the City and Netherland Hilton ers. Restaurant, theatre and hotel point from which Kimble, hit tit- ta, Ga. Williams following an incomplete Cincinnati.) segregation is a thing of the past. get Donnie. Davis Davis for li yards Claflin vs. Miles, Birmingham, ALABAMA A&M BULLDOGS fling to end Donnie Davis ... to —fl— - 0 - r Ala. forge ahead 6-0 within the first and a touchdown. Moors'« miss ot­ o accomplish this, there were An enlightened municipal ad­ I Edward Waters vs. Kittrell,, Kit­ tos second straight conversion W; it -second timing of visits in ministration has tackled one of the three minutes of the game. Clyde trell, N. C. tempt form placementleft. tiw- most difficult housing and urban Moore's toe came Into the play and Texas, night coach Savannah State vs. Morris, Bum- count at 15-0, As the first quartfc . hts which followed parties ten- renewal jobs in the nation. Slums ment was blocked by Dillard's Fred­ ter, N. C. ended. red us by a galaxy of friends, are being tom down, new projects LEAD SIAC GRID STANDINGS die Jones. ’ (MWAA) erywbere and arrivals with an built, and, the expressway system Refusing to pass up « Kortdg < Tennessee State not scheduled SEAC Dillard's first series with the ball e to the sun. . (which has a remarkable similarity Bulldogs Join Florida A. And M. As Lone netted them only three-yards be­ portunity, MOore launchM Sou Xenia, 0. Oct, 14-Savannah State vs Morris —jfli— to the one that has been Jn dol­ Kentucky State vs. Central State, fore they were forced to punt from era's second quarter 16-polnt o With a budget that was almost drums in Atlanta for the past de­ Sumter, 8. C. put when he added hil i * Lincoln (Mo.) not scheduled. Unbeaten Elevens In Conference Race det. 14—Albany State vs Paine his own 16-yard line. Jaguar half­ - existent, we guested always cade) is nearing completion. back John Crockett took the punt goal from 25-yards out t Augusta, 0«. til the wee, wee hours of morn- on the Blue Devils 40, and returned score 18-8. g before boarding the economy Community planning for better Oct. 14—Miles vs Claflin Before the half end By MARION E. JACKSON it to the 10-yard line. ht coach flights to other points Job opportunities for all cltbens is Orangeburg, 6. C. Narcisse came off the Alabama A. & M., runner up in the 1960 SIAC football race, you’ve never traveled this way, on the drawing boards, brought Wiley Wildcats From the 10-yard line, Holman on his first eri plan to do so if you are short about by cutbacks and layoffs is in the first place ranking as a result of three weeks of compe­ went into the line for no gain, and from his change. The only difference is which have ignited a recession. tition In the 1961 football championship sweepstakes, with a Eagles Defeat Jaguar fullback Orover Perkins hit who went the limited service and lack of —•O'1"- 3-0-0- record, according to statistics supplied by B. T. Harvey, Pitts took . Hie speed is the same and Unemployment is serious in Cin­ Defeat Bishop commissioner of the conference. Dillard's 15, after beating ten time the accomodations per- cinnati. While there is no racial fenders, and lugtfed the,l( lt one to read, browse, relax and overtones, it appears to me that The Bulldogs, coscbed by Lewis 8. C. State 0 3 0 Steelers, 21-16 • * • on the tailend of a play p with a minimum of distrac- Negroes, are caught tn the worst Tigers, 24-12 Crews, an Alabama A&M alum­ Season standing In non-confer- It was a rugged taH game, covered 55 yards, # of its coils. enee play: C. I. A. A., Lost 4; E. By RUSS GREEN marked by seven fumbles and nus, alto leads in all games played At th- a«u, youthem ttU 1® to •• MARSHALL, Texas - (SNS) - I saw only a sprinkling of Ne­ through Oct. 7. Winning over C. C„ Won 1; WVCC, Won. 1; United Press International four interceptions, three of them 31-6 over the visiting Blhe Dflv ‘ 'i«v The only disadvantage is The Wilev Wildcats came from PHILADELPHJA^ . ,.1 yarn pass to Htitry Clement, Bu- the Devils,42, Natcl| SIAC ’ . ■ 'kk>h sneaked frtrii the Une.1. and the sports tribe, mov- raving over the smuh hit "The ended with Brownlee again driving une (lookman-ate bunched for 3rd Brown finally was hauled down a-short, heave Oct. 13—Alabama State vs More­ on to Dallas, Texas for the Caretaker," but the World Series over this time from,th« two to put place in the SlAC standings with on the Steeler 18 and aw inter­ - .< , ■ Elisha Harris-r< house (nite) between the Dallas Texans crowd stood by such favorites as Bishop in front 12-8. A long punt Identical 2-1-0 records; ference call on defender J*n Bur­ The Eaglet scored when Bobby Atlanta£ Georgia to tpe Dlliatd’s d Denver Broncos, following the "Do-Re-Mi," “All The Way Home," by. IArry Courville landed,on the Clark has played Tuskegee in­ nett gaVe the National League Joe Green tried to run on 4 fourth ,*»»>1.Jaliuy, moo^.A stitute to -a' 12-12, tie, but after Oct. 14—(Fori Valley vs Allen chomps a' first down on the three. down, .eighth sitaa]|Mir?i t ■ • Tiger elash. Then' it was “The Sound Of Music" and 'My Bishop three at the beginning of hihVjwept rimúright «naehtf to. thi^D Columbia, 6.. C. Two plays, gained only toe yard Houston for a Blue Monday of Fair Lady.’ ...... the fourth quarter and when .the Winning its. Opener against Fort Eagles took over' on the qteeiers npie pard -Une. ------with r puty¡ Oct. 14—Benedict vs Bethune- and then Sonny Jurgensen fired &Ä rtf 2 2» • -*w.i frolic and pow wow with -fl-. Tigèrs attempted to punt the kick Valley State 16-6. Sü-aE Í»s .< a. M. ¡&.TSFWS Í Sri Cookman who spend with a gen- was blocked and went out of the t • t his second touchdown pass to There is much to be reported Jacksonville, Florida Pete Retzlaff in the clear with iy that matches the sixe of end zone to make the count 12- Alabama State is 14-1 for the ,jor pointe after, when hewu(«t------Oot. 14—S' C. State vs Clark .six minutes left. < < .’? Lone Star State. about seeing 800 or more sports­ <• '81 race And will go out to better ‘Sami Atlanta, Georgia • • • writers eating and wining in the this tanking Oct, 14 against More- add BUHÍ5M...1? ..yirdjMfls. tQ «enteroeiiter to to«veleave 'thethe i Oct, 14-(Morris Brown v» Fla. A. Dial gave' Pittsburgh a 18-14 lead or my money, Texan« do things Starlight Roof of the Waldorf As­ Minute« later Counllle • boomed liouse in Atlanta. p The Steelers, mfnns the services toria and in the Pavilion Caprice & M •f. the injured Bobby Jayne who Wore Brown set up the winning and different, anyway. When another long punt and Bishop was .Fisk university has a 1-1-0 re­ With less thau at the Netherland Hilton. tackled at the on«. And on their I wasn’t in uniform, i drtoP«6 tbelr .sCort. . ' ’’ want to see football, a dis- cord to grab following a 30-0 de­ Tallahassee, Florida maintog In the . rfM,. fauthe Meeting Dr. Mark Jackson and first play Wiley added two more fourth in a row when they |6U®BWR9 3 7 0 6M6 ce of 300 miles is merely a feat at the hands of the flrst- Oct. 14—Tuskegee vs Knoxville auarter-back Alfred Simpton « Dr. F. Earl MCLendoh enroute to points by dropping the quarterback the ball on downs on thi Eagles EAGLES . 0 7 7 7-41 e. A baseball game in New ptece. Alabama' A&M Bulldogs. Knoxville', Term. flneered ibe Jaguar«, te IJ» W in the end zone to make It 12-10. rk City will draw them for a the World Series at Yankee Stad­ . ■> SIAC STANDINGS Oct. 14—Fisk vs Dillard touchdown •( the finti qu»rter, ium. Dr! McLendon followed the With four minutée lèft in the mb* day. TEAM w. L Rew Orleans, La. Ing first Lawton Bfandtofot ; is a party, the Lone Star throng to Cincinnati, yhere, he lee Wiley ended.p 24 yard drive on Alabama. A & M < 3 o Ctt. 14—Philander Smith vs Ala­ tine for tour yards, then bitlla was joined by Mrs. Bennie McLen­ a pass from Umar Bardwell - to ks will get one underway that Bethune Cookman I 2 0 bama A&M back Genld Smith *n a pi||r don. Hiram Wilson and Carey Tripp U continue until they cart the Alien 1 Normal, Ala. went to the Devils IVwd booted the extra point. TO ¡Alt 0 est away pallbearer - style. , —fl­ Alabama, state 1 0 CIAA then ellmaxedellmaxtd the drive .1«,i¿ the CAOS to front H-ll A ment­ Clemente Wins NL Batting New York City - bound found in the stands, we met Judge Clark 1 0 Oct. 14—j. C. smith vs Delaware halfback Wilton Sparks la iMs wt al elapse on the part of the Tiger rain, fog and cold dogging our and Mrs. Russell Carter (Mrs. Car­ Florida A k M ■1 0 sone ter lhySrds. Anetiltt, tahsi<:'. backs on the next kickoff enabled State the way. Gotham, a play­ ter is the former Esther Scott of Morris Bro^n 1 I ’Charlotte, N. C. kick from jÁaeement by MO««, left J the Cats to recover the balj on the Flik . a. . . ■■ as fascinating as Las Veg­ the Scott Newspapet Syndicate 1 det. 14-EUzabeth City State vs Crown With .351 Average Ihe score at 43-6. .. . five from where two plays later 1 end Miami Beach, was like a family and Atlanta Dally World Benedict ' 1 1 Hampton institute i’w • »»»’, Bardwell snéaked over center and '■’ilF?5 ow> moutning dress when we clan). Tuskegee 1 2 Fayetteville, N. C. Roberta Clemente .of iht 'Pitts­ though hotly contested, wjag pyej- ,Dillard, on the first, play fiW) Tripp's point after toudiodwn made burgh Pirates, a batter who admitt­ shadowed by Roger Maris1 campaign Our constant companions were Morehouse 0( 1 V Oct, 14-|Howard va Morgan State scrimmage following the Jaguar* the final count124-12. tp break Babe Ruth's single record fell not only In buckets but Editor ■ Publisher Gerald E. Fer­ Knoxville (0 1 Washington, D. C. edly "gives away the jllate" to op­ final kick-off had a pass Intercept^ of 60 in a single season. Marls hit the tons and turned streets into ter of tile Cincinnati Herald and Fort Valley 0( 1 Oct. I'M». C. A. & T. vs Mary­ posing pitchers, surrendered a full by Southern’s Lotos Hightower Colg harassed the wind- our longtime friend Dudley Patil- Lane oi 2 land State' gam« Sunday ahd itilt Wound up tos 61st Sunday in the . Yankees 1-0 the horn souhdad ending thè gajné. victory over the Boston Red Sox, the win over DiDard left Soi clfaenry inside bleak flats.. lo, wealthy real estete own« of Car Production Dips S, C. State lo B Greensboro, N. C, with the National League champion­ but it came to 162 games, eight d buildings. Chicago, Hl. ALL GAMES Oct. 14—N. C. College vs Virginia ship. . ■ ' era's three-game record at ■■6'» gang's over Ruth’s-154 games total ■ 0 1 DETROIT (UM) , -The . “,blg TEAM W. L. T. State . The scrappy rlghtfleWet dethron- Which includes wins aver Gram three" automakers reported their in 1927. nly the dating braved the ele­ In Birmingham, Ala., our broth­ Alabama A&M 3 0 0 Durham, N, C. NL batting title by finishing with College, then the Blue Berlin car production last month was 63.- MAYS, OTHERS MAY RD ft night, and an opening to Teiik nt«, just the night before the ers Emory and Bernard Jackton Florida A&M 2 0 o Oct. 14—St. Augustine vs St. Pau! an aveTjtge of .351, as the major nati Redlegs opened the and Dr. Nixon, helped shape our 00(1 uhlts lows- than September, Allen 2 1 0 Raleigh, B- t In manager Chicago Cubs may hit over 81 home and N neft Saturday afternoot or mote.tbap 2SDQ0 fewer cgrs than et, the morning of the opening We'll tell more in columns to Bethune Cookman 2 1 0 Richmond, Va. Danny Murtaugh’s lineup as the runs next season, as the expansion 2 p, tn. the traditional homtedn come, but it sure Is wonderful to the company built In the same e of the World Series, the Clark 1 0 1 8W Pirates defeated the psnnwt-wiim» of the NL to 10 teams figure to game. be back home. There is no place month a year ago when produc- n and cold susbided. Brisk but Alabama State 1 1 1 Oct. 14—Miss. Vocational vs Gram­ Ing Cincinnati Reds, 3-1, before weaken the league In much the > ■ , same manner as il did the AL. wind« ruffled the town, like L. A. and home!! lion totaled 94,423. Fisk 1 2 0 bling, La. 26,760 fans at Pittsburg Sunday. St. Paul’s Lane 1 3 0 Oct. 14—Arkansas AM. & N. vs But Clemente ¡was so far out in Marls tot homer« off at least 10 Morehouse 0 2 0 Southern H. C. front in the NL batting derby that pitchers .Mqffqtt, Palmquist, Archer, Funk, Kutyna, Stallard, among Tuskegee • 0 2 0 Baton Rouge, La. his presence In the Pirates lineup Knoxville 0 2 0 Oct. 16-Wiley vs Prairie View was not necessary, others) who would have been pitch­ ing in the minor leagues had It not 1 Port Valley 0 3 0 (Cotton Bowl) 10 TAN STARS IN MAJORS' Virginia State . teen for the expansion of the AL “TOP TEN” Shaw to 10 teams. Clemente’s .351, the second (to the Tigers Norman Cash’s 361) high Virginis Union Savannah State Tigers Nip est in the majors, was eight points Maabeth City higher than that or Vada Pinson of FOOTBALL Cincinnati, running up In the NL Winston Salem . oh the first play after the inter­ Fort Valley Wildcats, 14-7 batting race. Following Pinson Bluefield State . Tenesseeans Lose Second Straight ception, caught a 27 yard pass (343), were Hank Aaron of Mil­ SEAC from Pennington that moved the waukee. fifth place (.¿27); Frank Edward Waters COLUMBUS, Ga. - Displaying their superb passing attack, RESULTS ball down to the 3 -yarfl stripe. Robinson of Cincinnati, sixth (.323); Albany State . After Leading 8-0 For Three Quarters Savannah State Tigers handed winless Fort Valley State iti lecond ■Tennessee State now 1-2-1 . for Orlando Cepeda of San Francisco, SIAC the______season chalked ..all 11first loss, 14-7, Saturday night at the Memorial Stadium in the fourth seventh. <311); Willie Mays, Giants, Clark ... Livingstone By EARL S. CLANTON III downs and 189 yards In the first annual Columbus Clastic. eighth (308), and surprising George Tuskegee Paine NASHVILLE - An explosive 25-point.fourth quarter doomed three period. The Louisiana lads Altman of the Chicago Cubs, tenth churned up 370 yards on the The Wildcats led until the last sneaked from the lj -yard strips Bethune Cookman Claflin ... messe« State University's Big Blue eleven to their season'« (303). ground and 116 in the ¿lr, Gramb­ three minutes of game when the to the sacred grounds. Fort Valley Mortis Brown ... Morris .... ond straight loss. Grambling Tigers roared for four TD's in the In the American League. Elston ling, who picked up theih second Pratt - Saunders combination spoiled the PAT. Howard of the pennant-winning mwaa t frame after trailing 0-8 throughout three quarters to win 25-8. season’s victory (2-1-0) did most proved too much for the . .peteh ■—q— „ , New York Yankees,- with only 446 Hampton Kentucky State of her yardage matching in the boys. Arthur Pratt made two tom­ The only serious scoring threat tlmes-at-bat, wound up with an Morehouse ...... 0 West Va. State with three first downs in 7 carries nother standing room -crowd final frame. es to the glue fingers of Hetty in the first half came when Fred average of .348,. second only to that totaled 63 yards. 5,195 — saw Tennessee State Sanders who placed the ball on the Myers, tie Tigers’ speedy half-baek Cash, the AL' champion. J. C. Smith ...... 33 Central State ! a first period lead on freshman —0— two - yard lino of the WUdactsin matched two pasaes for 24 yards. Finishing sixth and eighth in the S. G. State ...... "...... 0 N. E. Missouri .. Fred Collins, guard, Intercepted »rterback Charlie Powell’s .12- the closing minutes. Pratt caught The Wildcats battled back to stop AL were Brooks Robinson of the SWAC a Frank Wynn pass on Tenneswe’s One Minute Sports Quiz I roll-out. Stan Randle bulled another pass for the score. Frank the 4iT- yard drive on their own Chicago White Sox, whose fine sea­ Alabama A&M...... 20 Orambling 24 and five plays later Robinson 1.1 Whet was the score of the w*y for the extra two -points Mayers ran the two pointer. 15 - yard line. ,., son play won the praise of his Fisk ...... 0 Tenn. State made another 2 yard touchdown Penn 9tAte-Navy football game? I put the Mg blues ahead 80 -0- manager, Al Lopez; and Earl Battey scurry that put Grambling out Who. is Dick MbAultffe? i 2:11 remaining in the first 2. Tommy Davis, a former Spenoér of the Minnesota Twins, with aver­ Florida A & M ...... 49 Southern ., front with 9:08 left on the dock. 3. Who is Tom McNeeley? The Valley crew broke in the star, led the Tigers' defensive at­ ages of 310 and .302, respectively. Lincoln (Mo.) ...... 6 Dillard ..... Grambllng drove 66 yards for scoring column in the opening 4. When does Floyd Patterson tack with seven tackles and pick­ - 0 - minutes of the third period moving TAN BATTERS DOMINATE he paa interception broke our_ their third pay dirt drive and Pen­ ____fight again?______ed up 65 yards rushing. Savannah State...... 14 Jackson State' ... the ball on the ground to Savan­ NLLEAGUE------— ( in the last frame,” Coach nington sneaked over from the 5. Who won the Texas - Califor­ Fort Valley ...... 7 Arkansas State . nah ¡State 39 - yard line, where ence Simmons analyzed one. Quarterback Pennington aid-' nia football game? Thomas Glover, another Bpencèr Unlike in the AL. however, tan Ihtfully. "Orambling had stop- ed his own cause with the game’s William Hogan ran over three de­ Star, saw quite a bit of action fot batters dominated the senior cir­ Benedict ...... 26 Wiley College .. our tunning game by stacking longest, rtn - 45 yards - by ex­ fenders to paydirt. Clifford Brown the Tigers. He thrilled the crown cuit. Besides Clemente's victory, Knoxville ...... 6 Bishop College ... THE ANSWERS Orlando Cepeda tf the Oiants hit k the line. We tried to pass ecuting a neat bootleg. split the Uprights for the PAT, with a terrific speed on offense. ' . , i ‘ ' - . 1. Penn State 20; Navy 10. .-v <<■ -0- 46 home runs, to tap the league in CIAA s Texas Southern osen tham up." 2Detroit Tiger rookie shortstop. Two and one half minutes lat­ O' I ' ‘ Ihg a little more speed a nd er, 8avaniiah‘s }*ratt dampened The NthUght.of tlie classic came that department, followed by Mays Delaware State ...... 20 Prairie Vléw Olymplc - famed Stone John­ • 3.-Nett opponent of taavyweigi and Robinson of the Reds with ; Grambling sophomore Quar- the holiday - like spllrts M SDOO at the intermission wfien.tbe (hkr- Howard ...... OTHERS son set up Orambling, final TD by champton Flted Patterson. fans by executing a seniptlonal chlng “90” from Savaonkh took 40 and 37 each.- Cepeda, Robinson ek Ronald Pennington en- intercepting another 'Wynn - di­ 4. November tótii, U- yard pass play to jheddie the field. The musicians played the and Mays also finished 1-2-3 in the N. C. Obliege .. rected aerial on Tennessee ’« 30. 5. Texas, DM. ■ - ••■V'.'r Mayer« who carried the baB to the latest tunes and brought the cfowd RBI department, with totals of St. AugUBtme . Five plays later, penjilngton hit . 'v .a‘»; end for the 2 yard to its feet with precUion march­ 142, )24and 123. Clifford McNeal in the nm youths are turning to «th- 11. - yard Jine of Fort Valley. march. J. D. (No . fields. ! Quarterback Moses HeHerring The homerun race in the NL, Fayetteville State Ki «B three yards away. Speedy Johnson, è fields, ings^. ffl' the (&ive alive •' *, * nf’ ¿^44.. c —■------■MF* ’ _ ■ * ■>

• 4 «H . ft

• Saturday, October 14, 1961 Southern University Planning For Its DOUGLASS Largest Homecoming BAlON ROUGE, La. - •“The Cat and the Century" will be the UyJGANN HOOPER and Starts At 2 Parks theme for etents at Southern Uni­ 4 versity, which is planning one of its MORYLAN BROWNLEE ( ’ The I^esition' ‘Department of largest celebrations for Homecom­ Hi, everybody. This is Jo Ann Klondike at Lincoln. Porter will ing this year, according to the gen­ the Memphis Park Commission meet Foote Homes, Oct. 25, at Lin- eral chairman, Bernard Anderson, Hooper and Olorla Deener once launched its 'Pec-Wee and Fresh­ coin. , ' who said the events will begin on again bringing you exciting and in­ man League football program thia There are two divisions in »• Thursday, October .12 and uaa-up teresting news from our swinging Freshman League, the Northside BY SAM BROWN to the game on Saturday, October school better known as ihe Doug­ week.______Playing in the Pee-Wee League and Southside. Playing under the 14 at 2 p. m., against Arkansas-AM lass Red Devils. are: Douglass, Klondike, Magnolia, banners of the Northside Division and N College. CURRENT EVENTS Porter and Foote Homes. Games are Douglass, Klondike, Manassas The 1X1 world aeries is now his- The series and the past baseball Thursday at 8 p. m., the annual Well, this is it what you all have been waiting for. The big day has are played at Gooch and Lincoln and Melrose. W having been Won by the Yan­ season will furnish plenty of fuel coronation ceremony at which Miss On the Southside are Hamilton, come so sit back relax and read: Parks and start at 4 p. m. kee* I games to 1 over the Cin- for the Hot Stove League during Barbara Vidrine, senior student of Porter, Magnolia, Fowler and Lau­ All the Yankee sup­ "Miss Douglass", Freddie Rooks; einutf Beds. the coming months. Those who went Washington, Louisiana, will be Douglass went against Klondike derdale. All Southside games are patten and rooters are now yell­ along with the Reds will receive crowned Miss Southern. The royal “Mr.' Douglass", Edmond White; Monday of this week at Gooch and played at Lincoln and all Northside ing “I told yon so. ets.” Yet to “Miss Senior”, Gloria Armstrong; plenty of ribbing from the Yankee court wJU Include Miss Evelyn Magnolia tackled Porter Wednesday games are scheduled for Gooch. "Miss Junior”, Lois Williams, and »any the taming point of the ser- supporters as well as what would Wheatley, Houston Texas, senior at­ at Lincoln. There were two games in eaclTdi- te* WM the ninth inning of the have happened, if manager ..Fred tendant; Miss Patricia Saunders, “Mias Sophomore,” Gloria Price. So, Only one Pee-Wee game is slated vision this week. Melrose met Ma­ third game, when Roger Maris Hutchinson had done such and Mansiia|d, Lounsiana, junior at­ hats off to our royal family. for next week, Porter taking on nassas this past Tuesday and Klon­ «Might one of Bob Purkey's throws such a thing, or if Preston had tendant; Miss Carrie, Mack, URose, CITY WIDE SURVEY dike took on Douglass Wednesday •nd belted it for • home run and stopped at first base instead of Louisiana, sophomore attendant; 1. Betty Cunnigans (Mei.), 2. in the Northside Division. On the • 3-2 Yankee lead, which proved trying to stretch a single into a and Miss Betty Jean Cook, New Or­ Eunice Lcgan (Lester), 3. Marva Southside, Hamilton met Porter to bo the final score. double, etc., and so on. leans, Louisiana, freshman attend­ Crawford (Man.), 4. Robbie Ford PREP LEAGUE Monday and Magnolia went against Maris had set a new home run ant. A Coronation Ball will begin (Wash.), 5. Jo Ann Mitchell (Mpl.), reoord for baseball. 61 In a 162- We admit, we went along with immediately following the ceremon- 6. Oelest McKinney (Man ), 7. Daisy ____ REVIEW Fowler Tuesday. .■ game expanded schedule, although, the Reds.^and already we have Parrish (Doug.) 8. Flora Fleming les the chairman said. The Manassas Tigers continued Games next week (Northside), Babe Ruth's record of 50 homers been reminded how consistent we (Doug,) 9. Virginia Nelson (Carver), to roll along towards a second lea­ Douglass vs. Melrose, Monday, Oct. have been in being wrong. Last On Friday, beginning at 8 p. m. in 154 games still stands, accordlng- 10. Doris Harris (Wash.). gue championship- in a row as they year we picked the Yankees arid 16, 4 p. m. at Gooch, and Klondike to the ruling by Commissioner the total student body at Southern 1. Charles Logan (Lester), 2. Joe made it four straight without de­ the Pirates walked off with the will join in another Torch Parade, vs. Manassas, Tuesday, Oct. 17,4 p. Ford Frick, so it would be expect- iwier (F oug.). 3. James Walker feat when they turned back winless which was so successful last year. m. at Gooch. Southside games: ,ed that the new home run champ­ championship, this time we go T«6*Jones (Mhp.), 4. Hamilton 48-6 last week, ahd hand­ along with the Reds and the Yan­ The parade will start in the men's Porter vs. Lauderdale, Monday, Oct ion was overdue as he had been Joshua Ware (Doug.), 6. James ed Hamilton its fourth straight de­ kees take it, and as our good dormitory area and cross the ravine PLANNING COLLEGE GRID GAME FOR MEMPHIS - A football 16, 4 p. m., Linooln. stopped cold by the Cincinnati pit­ 'Pop' Lee (Doug.)) 7. Abraham feat. chers. >’ friend and reader, Marx Gordon, to the women's area, and pass tne- game between Alcorn ana M. & I. colleges, both of Mississippi, Campbell (Mel.), 8. Charles Wright operator of a liquor store on Beale old Gymnasium to pick up off- will be played here al Melrose Stadium, Saturday, Oct. 2), at 8 (Lester), 9. Billy Haynes (Doug.) Other games last week resulted in Missing Girl, 15, Is It seenie dthat a cruel fate had one campus students, then to the Uni­ St. asks, "How wrong can p.m. under sponsorship of the Frontier Club and the M. & I. Club and JO. Larry Miljer (Lester). a 13-6 defeat of Douglass by Father been hovering around the Reds really be?” versity tSadlum for the annual pep LATEST DORE AND DATA Bertrand, and a 33-6 victory for Back At Her Home and Purkey as he had pithced bril- rally, with the University Band on of Memphis. A queen will be crowned and outstandirtg football Some school reporters don’t know Melrose over Carver. Followers of Vivian Leonard, 15, of 295 Fast llantly against the vaunted power hand for muscle. Following will be players of yesteryears will be presented at halftime,. Promoting what to write or say and- when the'league have been wondering Georgia, and a sophomore at Booker of the old pros only to have his a gigantic fireWartas display. the game for the two clubs are these, front, left ¡to/whl: I. H/ they run out they s^Haylng any­ about the play of the Douglass Red T. Washington High School, was lead tied by a homer from the Texas Southern Boyce, Mrs. Lois Emery and Dr. E. Frank White. Back row, left to thing, namely the Manassas report­ Devils,.a team that was the unanim­ back home Saturday after she was - bat of John Blanchard, outfielder­ Anderson said that because the ers. ous choice of the experts to win reported missing Tuesday, police catcher'and pinch hitter deluxe, in University is celebrating the Land- right: Herman Caldwell, Johnny Arnold and Henry White. Marian Bfewer, are your-clairrib on’- the championship, Lester and Wash­ said.' No reason was given for her Grant Centennial this year, the the seventh inning. Then, the Joshua Ware permanent? ington were idle. theme and decorations will reflect, disappearance. blow from the bat of Maris, who lops Associated Patricia Pastell, are your chances Lester will see action this week in someway, this idea. only got two hits durign the ser­ with Robert Shaw still what's as the Lions go against the Manas-, He said that on Saturday, the ies, knocked the Reds into a state swinging? sas Tigers in tile first gas# for Owen Loan Team At Alumni will .take over the campus of grogginess from which they Modena Smith and Ruby Miller the week. Lester has a 2-0 record didn't recover. Negro Press Poll when they come to the J. S. Clark Nashville Meeting tester News Beat have consented to signing as can­ to date, a victory over Hamilton Owen College Business Manager Memorial for registration. Between True, the three - run homer of .. By COLLIE J. NICHOLSON, .. didates for the Miss America and a forfeit over Bertrand. It is .Frank Robinson in the fifth and 9 a. m. and game time, the alumni Leotls Peterman and Pean of Stu­ By BONNIE McCLOUGH Pageant. recalled, that last season Lester did flhal game gave the Cincinnati NASHVILLE, Tenn.-(ANP) - will have taken a campus tour; at­ dents Fred Lofton attended a meet­ Andrew WlUlanis have ¡pu found not score In six games, After several seasons of sluggish, tended a barbeque feast; held a ing for institutional loan officer of supporters a lift, as they were trail­ your new love? Or is your heart The resurance of the Melrose ing 6-0 at the time still, it was low-level flying, Texas Southern Jaguar Huddle; held class reunions colleges and. universities participat­ University (2-0) tops the weekly Hi, I am Bonnie McClough. I Lonely Hearts Club? (N. B. J, E. still set on G. D. (Senior)? Golden Wildcats with a 3-1 record ¡more or less the bright flash in a for the Classes of 1927, '28, '29, 37, ing in the National Defense Stu­ will be bringing you the latest i" Did you know that Willie Nun­ to date. After dropping their first .dying cause. Hie havoc had been Associated Negro Press football •38, '47, '48 and '49; and judged the |L. and T. J.)? dent Loan Program at Tennessee happenings around the Big L. | nally has a senior admirer? Have game to the Tigers, the Golden poll in a three-team scramble, A. and I. State University, Nash­ ■wreaked, and the-Yankees were campus decorations. What is T. D. going to say about you heard why Arlene Hayes and Wildcats have knocked over Hamil­ : not to be denied. open to wide conjecture. ville. At 12:30 p. m., pre-yame activities GENERAL NEWS i T. B. and A. R. about C. R? a junior (at Ham.) can't set horses ton, Bertrand and Carver. ■ This was * great year for an The Irrepressible Texans edged will take place in the Stadium. A I Ann, what is this I am hearing because a little matter at Memphis Rudolph Myers, the fleet half­ 1 assault on the records *et by the Lester High School spearheaded out formidable Florida A&M 2-0 one-hour colorful parade Is schedul­ about you and W. C.? State. Ervin Little wouldn't try to back of the Manassas Tigers scored DRIVE IN famed Babe Ruth which have stood its homecoming activities with a and Jackson State 3-0 for the No. ed at this time. It will include the TOP JR. GIRLS be so cool. Chester Nunnally are seven points to keep the league -M> ab