V O L , LXXI. No. 18. - $1.50 Per Year. HIGHTSTOWN, MLRCFR COUNTY, NEW , THURSDAY, OCT. 2.U lOU). Price 4 Cents. Whole No. 3,659

peddie Deifeats Lawrence- I.I.OYl) W. (xROVKR III \K V COOK ll.VKRIS-Kl.f Major Colby ,\dd;,vo-i'd III (In. \o lrrs of .Mori'or l''i'iinds r.f llmil'y Cook, Dotno- Till' niarriapn of MO,s l.illiaii Hi - Will Speak, Here ■I'OilIlly-, a. ^liUi'innnl ajipi’rlaiiiiiri,' to nriUii', fiindidalr for Kri'i'iioldir of airier I'.l.i. daiiejiirr of Mr. ami Mr^, ville 15-0 Id.i riuididii’cy tii'on is''imd by | .\1 nniir i'imn\,v, ala I'litliiiaiiislii'ow'r W'iiliani \'. Kly. ;iitd Kinoreon I'la-lon Saturday Night 4^ ld,(.i)Vd , , (trow]', of Ib'ini'idon, K’o~!llio faiufaidi' oonmirnis lainiini^ from Harris of .Mlmlinin. was solnni.niziid pll-ldirim a^l■)iI■lUll for ■uiToyirIr, Tln jnll imia 'if lln l■llllnl:>■, M r. pa,l,-e Xaril Wi'ilmsdai i'\rmiii! al (i:dO |i. in., Or, Majar l-'uTi'l.l Culhy Will Doliu r st'a'l I'Un.nf, .folliiWM (■'linn ir wol] kiioun and has sinmo.'m- ttprn am, .V. Stallion I ;,,i Siiliii'iliiy \Viis ail tol'linialiiiy. TJii-1 I’rihnih'tr’Jictni i'ss iirM.i.ss'MldM ' 'aHidii'i iug lhal I Idrty yi af’s' ill I'cililir's hiKWiJ-y dcfrat ’''if fully l•ondll'■l^d hi : wallpiipor liiisi-1 lain-ii \>,as heanlifidl.i) doi'orali.ddontirali.-d w.jlliw.jili I inj> itu> iij. iij. ffHfihIsUmll Hghl.s iin S.uU'i'dni pirioni'd in' Inis'iiii.ss riiforprisi's !■ 111'.-'-' al H'-o rs(ii|[]| Di'oad^ slroi. 1, j pol h i| yhini,, and eln--, .anthomnni'. : iSipl.yl. „v. V lymri'iii'cvilli'. Tlihk*«a,._ lli,‘ t i iv)4f ' ■ Ijijost' \, -11 uorili ■■.lon'clhiii); 'lo.tlm laX[!:im la Tronfpn, I'oi \iar,i. Ho is a niiiii;ilir rokir -.oln a ,- In iin- Mini, an (j,.-, 1 iiii. iirTl'iii ■ ^loniin‘iift,U>;,i;Oidf[fm^ rim and iluit-di.nsirii'" a-tjadnilii; -allipiy. all who is '|■i■|•m liy, por-.oii.-' and I V, 111 In •n i rii.oio m lliiri till' Old Oidd uiid'Hlur'ini'l/'ffiid poiiijt-it hliini. Aifdisini -nas /( 1 U!l f’|M- :.ik U' \'ija} .1’-S' !;f I'nr :U i>inniiinilii-^)i;-''ii1,it,id n]ion a pial - '-in ar •Ift.O'.Wi'T.- '.!..r r. ; 5ii,r,-.-l'iill;. drft'iUrd llii- lii it and oiindi'4‘'',¥iTh't.:iry, and ' \t‘iiliii'm /Mi ff- tu.d/In'r. til'n orni ,.,Ull I ho-c tiikiM-, , Tlo I I 1)1;,,1; ii! Ilii'ii' animal IhlTl-plA 'wi ni'li'd (roi.L:i'nror. I i’"i 1 Hr,'ll 1 Hill iiDi 'nnrensi'hnhle in < it, t-.ibhi gi.o-l lie ,,i i- lidii' ji'iirni ,M'il to LiinTiiico', jlli |■t^il^;f’ra|il'l aiipoinlod .Innms ■'Siorri ■. !.Im' .■■uppori r,- \'ov I if • niilfM * '' n-' n, wiil) 11 '-III III iri:-l;L 'MmI soil 'Irona and supporlrd tJin toani I VV,,.-fi, ■ liiii-y and Harry U’. .Field In tlm'iill'ic'e liiL-i.o-ricy.ile jif'-lllo ly'd ri)iyehoo.i.,tM;kh^^^^^ i'cni-.i.', nl'Liii'.. :i | rui |i o Till' (lay was riylil fi I aidshys'-ddi isoiy eoin mil 11 e, m an iiiy - loeiion. -vM m - ■ -TtWj-ir't'ltvnir -Ml,e .lihifl^MII lb,, vii v, - hio-,-. )■■ .p.'tin,. It I Kil; !■ fdiilhall, l lioi'e .heinp' jii-'t I ho propor | - HdWard ( DtUii-sOii nm. inad'o 'm- ■0 L I n i I ■ I"'' li n-:ik li lilii - (it I he ee Ih-y Tl,. 0- a-nioiiiit of snap in Iho air to iiiako llm i ilii'Mriiil ooimiiittoi ,-iiiiiii’. II j'lMrima moro i[kui .- tfH(-'.‘H,io sla'o ! of noo'ir. .Vj o;i|:' 1 1- jilayors do llioir ho.st. ^ ( oil , Staiib y iK'iii'i'-liip ill Aicreci?S‘t.y::lnkk2:& .\>e. (w yfc'i';i’9f’Ay;kH i nnl Whoii the loams urrivod on Hn Si lilt.s iind ( k'uj'Rf II)o n iik . . fbd'''a oi!i-1 Aik I!Io\vn, .wa- -'msiiod. in v I i fin-ei i\ I lo- i ’i odir id o'.i. i im nibei- iif (ini' lu ht?o(n-ooi p- oivp.. tivrr whilo jold it hlarlial iho olihorins dual of 'rh.uclHiirmau aniininii'i'd i ha.i \ ht-ro W iltiani !.. \\ ilioir ill pro- id- . y. pa.'ie-r.-;., ii.evei- H ' ■ileeliil'.cd and \\iiiio inllo hal. Siio.oarrtod llio iioii-coiuhalauts. Tlii))'idioors (lash- is to he a- union iGmst'voIi. moi tin]; ' ' I sprakin;: vili.lai.o phioc in [nmi -A, 11 n \- 1 1 o e t i M ■ 111 ij ;■ jf ..-lyai-iEl .-iljtu.lki 111 llie l)(''st- arm- hou(|u< of pink ro-'o;. ■ (.(] iioross llio Ih'kl durhig tho onliro ludd in Uic Baplisi- (’litindi [ Moroir ami S-011I1 .Mam., great liudyof Ilinn AVouflriiiT of Tron'on. am! Miss Ci- wro hoiiig oallod. IMrldio mikias.sod Tliu solifitors anil tho Ftn^olK to Ijo believe that 1- am - 'lik'fi'ryhTiiiti luff opya .Krri<'kson of l)ayh)n woro pink Uivivimoi illo ill Iho ohooriiig yvoi'i caiiva.ss(‘d aro as follows: M.ajor, ( 'oliiy i- a foi'rra Mo - [m in Ihe iimsi ei'iiiiomie-’aiid HuSMi-Kitsv;,',;(-ifs(yliy|ik'-(i|iid5'i('li>nls'iuiibtaM^ ||,nd white lulh‘ evor pi 11 k 'f^aruiioU or and a \or\ laroo umiii m-o 1 ■ flioiiffli Linvroiioovillo had a I'argor William M. !.'('krino. j\I ofoi r-slrool.- iiko imsiino]" I ho dulit’s' A ) f V . -Srft-Hii. wilji pink ;i'iid wliili' luilo Ui-iqu.u t .him In la on ra|iresoiilaliim of roolors. d’lioinas Mul.auKliiin, Avr. lo wliioh i asjiiro. h..,,,...-'. '. wv; 'Piny ourriod pink (dirysani hoinnhis. (P,^ ni^ht. and Outfall sln-id.. The two l('aiii,s wore ovnnl.v imrtidiod olof'lod sii?Tt){ya1 o. pA-'Ssrt'p'' 1(^{Ati|iTi(ain-A#uV(nir“ .Ui^s Kalliorino (iro\(>r. dan^'litor of . ill ago and lioi.ght but, Peddio -itii'd, an I'A. B. li nnl, ’KrankUn, Broad, ('ole eoiiiif.y. ii -(Inill alw'ays be niy'’ain'i I't'ii/l, ari^;(;h:J^ -oit^ udi >^j||da-V.,.. .Mr. and .Miw, llar\o; (trover. .tioU .1 SKK'l I..VN1) BON ^ (.ONTK.ST avi-rago of -I |mVliids |in \voighl. ' ' ' and .Muxwoll. ohjeel lo ailmini.sler Hit- affairs I'if;' ...... M htj/a'i'is''d' arthd.os U'S (liiwor M'irl. oarryin^.a diaskol of ilio lirsl Ihroo -mimilo.s of play, 111 W. ((. U[](\v, Mum'stin Avi'inio, Hie (.nice on a fouiida(ion of ooiirlosy Makors," i pink ruso-s am! snapdraymns. Nhi'j of 12 ni^hosi (am Krariis, willi Iho wondirfid supporl (•h'jitcr,' LiluTty, l)f\ and S.uinmilt. amj a s(piar(' doni for all. i shall do- ludjyh's;'.M’y'AVikid'h as Moihors.” : .vvnrA',';wl:vi1<''' nel. Woslloy Harris. 1 tesiants of loir-liiu'.siiiou suc.'ooodi'd in fri aid­ (•hySLariloy'Slulls. W^rikand Soultn yixU'. niy TynLii'e liino- ttUfl-tH B‘n|;h)n''p.'o ndiolos;.-k ' ‘WpniHi, -Waj^o Kaum llio Jii'idv-^i’fioin. horr ,1 he : . |. \ ioDi-I'jxi '■iif ■ ' i i d D < 1 ing lliroiigh till- riglil sido of l,a\v- \\all»r MfOui', i-'irsl ami Si-ooml Hio stnT()^’iijo,-ship and jrlimiui.-di i n- Ta and Brudur-: r.-i.". arlioh-.s. ,ThoS( a ujiil'o oallas. lii< siiii \\a--i j tHi/ahi Hi Il'.-Bt ri-ni-ei illo's lino and oarrioil Hio liali Avr>. tii'oi\' ovory ou(>ido li(‘ so that I will hhifdv- VuB. oi. -Mr . l.ion Harris I'lay I O lti’\ loVo ■IHiards for a lonohdown. y\n,ar Hn ii. K. lyhy. Bark ami Oi-onl Aocs. ho rd-. [ piToiii-c to \u‘ alwa; - ndmU fri. m ■". V. iiKi; ,\LD IId- . 1 of .'HI'"m;' ■ w'H. 1^ mill I'll ii'i'i I' l-irki d olT I ho Iasi I a w- jolianlr. I’ld of 111 . .•ftiK.iiiiio ('omliiion t)f I lo’ . 11 .-M n 111 dll' limn w I'm liad any i-haiii-i ' 0. l''Milon,.^U, It', |■urman. k. P Oplf, ,.i!(j 1,1 COlldllO, iiie- f>(!; IM.DI! S' C H O k \K S O C ir /lT 1)1 dm-ning M iiaril. Slnaid i-arrii-I I AIli M Kly, S(o(d\loii .-'[iaa U. ' ■ a i‘‘ i Hiai will a i n 11 t'l till in t'erm i io.; I'lil -.'la III-- imjl IKI yard: for Hn- loiiohdou ii. I JtLiuo> IN orris, iSonih .Main aad M - in\ iu d Ill rill' hisl pinarli r .Mar.-luill kii-ked Ktra Boidi \;'mL ■' .Ma,' f not lia\’o t h’ d; n! a 1 1 'li -enul rroiii till dP yard lino. I !l. \i. i'ii'ld, Si!',!th Main ami Kira 1:Pi ori o[| \(o. .'IP iii-r Mmol:, I, ■ I 'ion null'll i-annot h-- .s'iiid of Ihi Bmdovard. "11 ( I olnr'-. r I'l lidii- li-aii! or Iho Sernlis w Im- idled K. T. 11 uli'hinr on, Monnmiii li ( .\dverti.m B l.otiors I'hi’ni*'. -wun Iniilrtioo of i tile tiu'sily's plai-es ilnriiig lln--Iasi h-tivil anfl C’or'ii avomio. I m-oro' It) o I' hi.,' -:il in 'I In brill- I lo' ! 1 I lo ' 11!’' loti rf.- a Hi' n iiola i in- ■ 'o riri; iVw iiiiniiles of the game, Asbnry Smallwi»od-, William .drom, i travoiim.* I «:o- hlile ■ il-' r l.nlM I'd at I III' lor; I pi.r, ■ uniri' ; M rs. K|-(m! mil.' Ill Toin|ikiiis held Iho oonlor of Hn- i- lli-reb-,- gi \ I li I In I (ill pel'""!!-. ,u o I . Bhiwos and' Slian^do )Allo\. , : , 1^ will, :i. Ini I11 ni.ib'li, Afli I' nil I '. Sinror. .M.-ld'varel Y to n r. l-iilH-ll >'il- lui'Pnl e-liing :inn. giiiiiiuic nii In ! e. 1 -' n « 1 111 line imaillsl one of the Law ri'liee'i ille d’lm >;olif'itor will call at yonr I Inn i - e :i ;i In liilll' I lll'i'iigh He liiii-ks. .Ii iiiisiiii and Locke iiLo eiin- homos [or vohmiary i'ot;!ril'ii,lion'= lor. A, Briond. .hdiii ( I umiak* r. 1 ai • Kiii- Ii: ml -I :i L ~ :i ml ( 'ii n:i 'In Vi i'. ,i m la-, :im.l ti'iliiiled their pari, in aoeomplishing lids \M'ok. rick Mot Hamden. l.s ’-2 " I .\l 1'-. 11:in'i- will IV id( al H |- ;lp:ir! ml-. this end. Miller, ill ihe Hiiok of iho ~ I iiu-m, .■|7!I Hast 8l..ib- -ip- i liglil. Iiandlod his opiioiioiils salis- CLN.Sl ,S I M Ml RA I'OR ILipiiM Giiuich facloril,) ihriiugimul Hio gond. S'td'- fli-r was always roiidy on an i-iid nil), i I Tiii': CLOCK n.ACK Til. m:-,id -in y.lamt,-. A. T. ClrihlM ii, super-i.Mir a fonvanl pass, or to slop tlm Law- STRAND:THEATRE - ini n win lit In |(i III I', Hiij'.. I (hr Ille eriisus fur llu: funi'th (li.-triel, ri'ii^i'villo liiirka from guitiing gronini Till'll Hn nlm-1, i-imk Hull -ill In- t'liumii wiHi- iHi .'( I'liimi b_- llm plln.lnr. --ill euiiihiet- all ( xaniiiialion ■ for Pony Votes at Every Show in Ids ii-rrilory. .Sangi r. a imw man llm i-i'i m-.\l .Siiiiii’d.'i - night wimii llm Tim IL, 1 I , P.I I . im ' al 7 p. Ill, ( iiunieraliii's Salunluy .Xo\( iiibt r I. in till- gniiio, stood np well. IL oiil dc..-itghl .-.‘-iiig liiw will (-null 1.(1 Hin and al 7:'n'i( :,'ni Hh 1 I' ■'! . ml'iiili and The test for the I lighl.sln-vii appli- ilmvii many sure gains agroiiml left end nf il- .-n\ I II mi.lll 11.--' 1 .'.isb lien. lia pi i.-l Iliii'i-!|. -, - i; ' :., a niiimi -nr eiiiils will 1)0 liehl ill 'iroiitnii al T:b0 ciid. EXTRAORDINARY 'I'hn law I'l'iu i.ln-- for I In- ml iirii In vii9' ! h: prnbabp- -\;!! . a ninlm’t'i.'il p. 111. in the Assonihly (.'llanihor al Kiariis was a miirvol at speed. He Hln ni'lgiiKi! limn III n'Hm'k Siinday I for ’1 Immlnl'i- i Inn-'t -. . i; '. inn. i',i-i li- tho .Slate Ilon,-o. .Mr. Giilileii and found Ihn holes that tho lim-im-u lllnl'llillg. (Iclnbt-r 'Jli, bill il will bn mill.- 'will 111- nil .Miiinm, '! Ill hllMin his assi.Nlant, Mrs. O. 1), Uliphaiil.will FRIDAy SATURDAY iin,\( .baliil'da- iii'glil -viicii nni--l I'nlk-- is iii-ilcd. nil upon tor him and plungod Ihrongh and coiiduel Hu- c.xaiiiinathills. .AH ap- tor many long gains, .Murphy played -vili dn llm i'(l^cr-ing. il.i i|iniiib(-r. if 1 Im a biiM- M-r\ m. • i bni'in iiir plioalioiis for Hie ap|ioinliiioii.|s -vill October 24th and 25th lull'll and hit Iho lino like a IniHoriiig .-'OLI go In bi'd a! il (I'nlni K iiiaki il 1 hn "imw linin'’ -afli r nin. In- ami he I'etiilired lo lake the lesl whieli ram. . .Sliiard oiil-iiniilod his -op- EVEMN(;.S ONLY by I he clnnk. . if ill inidiiiglil, inakn il walnin S lia-.' Im. n ,i i bi ■k nm Ilnur will he. (jf prai'lieal ehal'iielel'. I’l'i'fi'i'- poneiil. .Marshall hit the lim- hard, 1-1 In- llm chink, and in llin ninriiiiig .''III iii'da,- nighi nr llm lir-l I lung enee will he given 10 diselilirged sol­ George Lonne Tucker’s M'aslcri'iece rnu-! afli r several atu-inpls. siiooood- ,vnii will ha-c gained a. fnfl linui's' Sunday imn-'ning. diers, sailors and iiu-ii'ines. All hough ed in putling ovi-r a liohl goal from sinnp. many appliealions iiayi' already heeii lln- d'J yard lino. I nil-:-::- -mm-' ii Hinmil i - n ani inn in Bupiisl .Siiue Com cut ion filed, Mr. (Irililiiii urges lhal hotli iiieii THE MIRACLE MAN la knll h,- 1 III- nil ins cnlli nl i- <'ly. llm All of tho sernh im-ii did well and The New .li'i-M - liiipli-.l .Male ( mi- and women eighleen years and 9')--er ■V slot',-' (/f lirsll hawrennw'illo was uiialilo lo dri\'o ml luiil Mini, Hull will live fiire-ci''in - mil' till,-light sa- iiig' law' niay bn a lliing ' I'lil imi - ill iimi-l in I Im I’l ddii- undertake lids -jn'k as a large m'lm- lieai'l. lln-iii hack. They niado sovoral gains nf lln- pasl afl. r lliis ynar. I.argi- .kb'iiiiirial liupti.'l Idiuivh. Newark. ber of emimerators will he uecdei,!. I'iiseinaliiig sceiies of Hie niiihT-w'iirhl: slarllilig, luviil hle.--:s on llio Hod and Uhiek. niiii's llii'uiighnnl Hn- i-asl arc ilnni',v- ()el(1 lii-r 27 1(1 2)1. I)r. --.StaiiIim ■ i.-- There is a good compeiisal ion. Send conllicl: li)-v I hat is evil, love I lint is good: lure of Ihe sea, of lim To ('apt. Hekor w-'o must take olT ing Hm ai'linii nf killing llm law and Male I’n -iiieiil of tin .\! iiiislers' ('.'m- your applications for Hie position of gamhlcr s luck, of llic fields and llmvers in siiinniei'; llie hiltii'- oiir hats. His iilaying was inoom- nanh is nxnrliiig ail cIToi'l In make llm rel'i-nci' of Hm f''(in-enlimi and will enuincrator for the lit20 Hiiiteti ness, sweeliiess, dregs ami -vine of Hie -vorld, all lilemled inlo thjs liarahlo. Ho, was eonstanlly elioering ruin a piTniiumnl, niu- llirnughnnl 1 prm-iile on .Momlay. Tin ia-imn- .Slates Census today lo -laim-s (Irih- Jiig, ins])iriiig maslei'iiieec of screen eiilerlainiilenl. H-'ery scene and urging his men on to victory. nniinirv. w 111) iin- ilelegiili's rrmn llm h.eai, bin, Room 400, Host Olliee Hiiildiiig, a smile, a llirill or a elnicli at yonr ihroal. ,si.\' itmntlis in Hie Coach MaoArthuT has tho eoti- church arc ,\lhei't ('liamhei'liii. W. .1. Trenton. making. Would you live a life in an lioiir'.' Then come lo "The gra til hit ions of the .school. The team ■SUED FOR .SIO.OUO 11 iileliiiisun, ].. M, l-oger--, Frayik Aliracle Man.” lie has developed out of raw material (li'o-er, and Charles .Mason. 'I'lieir has made a reputation that oom- Admission- Children, 20c: Adults, 40c. 2.5 Pony Votes. .Siiil fnr .$11).00(1 has Imnn iii.-'li- allcniales an- .Mesdatims ,\. .t. W'il- CUTS DOWN TREES, oiiiuils the respeet of the prep school liiU-d in Ihe Mnna-r ('irciiil nf llm -son, l{. II. Ri\eiiliurg, W. ,\. ,Siaii- DAMAGES ALLOWED world. MONDAY, OCT. 27th- Supri'inc Courl by Jaincs I’nnria, .5 toii. J, I. 11 uteliinsoii, P. II. Ilei'l/.iig. The game was played thus: Jnhiisnii I’liu-c, Trniiloii, through his Judge iMunlgomery in ihe City Dis- Metro presents Heddie. kicked off. Mar.shall kicked guai'diau, .lamc.s I’liuria, against Wil­ Bogdrt-W alkcr Iricl- Court has awarded .$7.o damages ^•f yards lo Slick' who was downed HAI.E HAMn.TON in “ AFTER IILS OWN HEART’ liam H. Widuiaiiii, as lu'iiprictiir nf llm Daniel K. liogarl and .Mr.-. Cora to- Eli ilart'indoll of .Ti'e,ulon,,.in a hy Sanger after running it back Yarilyiljc. llpji'l, as a .ri'Slilt of 'an Hulcliiiiaou. Wnlki r. . luilli' of .lowii, suit against.Joseph Taylor, who has “ELMO- THE MlhllTY” ' h yards. A fair kick from (Irei'ii lo automobile accidcnl, ■which occiirn'd, -e re married by Dr. W, A. Slaiiloii heeii a toiiant of a farm owned by 10 and 20 cents. hbirhall followed. Peddie downed on 500 Pony Votes. according ley Hm plaiiH-ilT, mi'Smith lit I If!' liiifiilist pa-rsoiia,ge hiM Sirliir- Mariimle'fM^^Wiiulsor. ■ the .’io yard line, Keartik took the ball Broad Klrcnt, near (Ircnn-vooil avemm, day e-ening. The- will li-m al 211 11 was the itont.eiith,iii of Hie plain- TUESDAY, OCT. 28th~- ' ( yards Ihfougli the line. Marshall Trniilmi,..Sei)li>mlK>r, 3. Aj'adcmy street.' .Mr. Hoga'rl m a lifl' that Taylor had injured tho iiiaile first down. Alurpliy made 2 Tim plaintilT idh-gi's ’f'J)iW'’tm’’-vas and also janilor of ihe First former’s interests in the farm by Select Presents yards. Ki.'arns made a 40 .yard run run down and thro-vn lo Ihe ground Baptist Clinreli. enUing down T20 valuable trees. It MARION DAVIES in “ THE BURDEN OF PROOF’ through ..right tackle for our first by an aiiloinoliilc, driven cilhnr by was broiiglit out by the evidence touchdown. TMiis all occurred in less , X('w York Morning Tchgrapli says: The kind of story Widmann, or his agent, and that Im that Taylor was entitled to cut -mod rile Uepnhlieaii eoiinly eoiiimil lee than 3 minute.s actual playing lime, will be enjoyinl liy every type of audience, Produe-tioii is an e.Xr suffered pcrniiuicnt iiilcrnal and cx- has" arranged a series of ..... for for fire purposes, but that he had also thilller failed to kick the goal. Green (rllent one. IcruaUnjurii's, It is allcdgc that Ibn till,' varimis sections of (he emiiif- he- IHirmiUod other person,s to cut wood hiekud for Lawrenoeville, Kearns rn li­ New' \ ork Evening Mail say.s: Not even the beauty of Marion defendant failed to give ii warning tw'ceii now and eleelioii day, Xo- in comiK-iisation for work doiie lor .signal. ning it hack 15 yards. Peddie fumbled Davies eclip.ses the talent .she livings to'Hie poriruyii) of the heroine, him. Judge Montgomery gave a veinlier 4lh, winding up -viih a iiio'n- &nd lost the ball. Stuard nailed UNIVERSAL CURRENT EVENTS AND COMEDY sler mass meeting in Creseiit Hull, verdict in favor of Martindell. TEN DOLLAR REWARD Watts aftcjr a 5 yard gain. Lawreivce- Trenton, at wliieli .Senator Harding 10 and 20 cents. |oo Pony Votes.' oficred for information leading to ville^ fumbles and Kearns recovered of Ohio -vill deliv(.'r tlm priimipal t-he ball and ran 20 yards. Marshall Methodist Episcopal Church tlic arrest of' the person or persons address. WEDNESDAY, OCT. 29th— -vho shot, killed and stole four geese took the ball through the line for 4 One hundred men will sing “The froifi my place uii Saturday night, Oc­ J’ards more. Murphy added 2, fol­ Ninty and Nino" Sunday evening at Paramount Presents You need not be w ithout your tober LSth. Phone 117-f-2, Frank S. lowed by '3 1-2 by Marshall. Law- car but a few days at R. B. Early’s 7:30 o’clock. MARGUERITE CL^RK in “COME OUT OF THE KITCHEN” Eldridge,, ljs»'2 renoeville’s • ball on downs. Jackson paint shop. a,|y At 7 p. m. Young People’s meeting it you were to have the opportunity of seeing one of the world’,! Wade 5 yards around right end and will be led by William H. Howell loreniost motion picture .stars in one of the greatest stories ever •Vas-brOQgtjit down by Stlffler:' 'Paw-- MEMORIAL SERVICE AT "llie...nian)lti'g''"ScrvicB" 'Pastor xyritt™ •forthe-stage; wouidipf yoti'j'flwirat'thif "eUaHeo? ■ W’otr; t r renoeville again fumbled ait. 'eddie Hillman will have for his subject: FORSALE i.s coming your way and soon, too. The star'! Marguerite Clark! The Roosevelt Memorial service recovered the ball on thei yard ■‘Finding Men for God.” The story? "Come Out of the Kitchen!” This is the play in which *will be hold in the Baptist Church on 1 Overland touring car line. Ludlow substituted m* Mur- 'Phe special services will he con­ Ruth ( hatterton was carried to fame almost overnight and which Sunday evening, Dr. W. A. Stan­ 2 Chevroh-t 49(Et()ui'ing cars Phy- Stuard punted to Jaci ,. • who tinued next week. Rev. Walter F. ha.s delighted millions in .story form and upon the stage. ton, Dr. Thomas Tyack, Dr. 0, H. 1 Ford touring car bought the ball back 10 k s be­ Atkinson of Freehold will apeak 10 and 26 cents, tog Pony Votes. J’ranklin, Dr. W. L. Wilbur and A. 1 Dodge touring car fore Stiffler taoked him 'A pkins each night. The meeting tonight V. Dawes will speak. Roo.seve.lt Buick 4 touring car stopped Green from coming kg-ough will he in charge of the Epworth Lea­ 3-4 ton Vim .delivery truck ■ center and no gain r«,sjlt-ed. COMING— Friday Oct. 31st, Saturday, Nov. 1st— "His Maje.sty Memorial services will be held in gue; tomorrow night the Sunday The American.” . Stiffle#, downed Watts after a four the churches of this country on (Sun­ All in gojad condition. school will have charge. day. yard gain. Marshall dropped Green after a 2 1-2 yard gain. A forward Protect that automobile with Let me give your egr that new Frank L. Daniels Pass was tried on the fourth down a coat of paint and varnish. See appearance at a reasonable price. Continutd on page 8 R. B. Early. »dv Ward St., Hightatown R. B. Early. adv

s.'i _ A. The Girls’ Store Connecting Links Since the first meeting of Jesus with Dunhams are holding their 37th An PeterI eLci andcuiu John,jvuiit on the banks of theVJ.V. nivcrsdryniversary Celebration...... and sale,...... , and the somioiiHf Jordan, where they were with John the company tellsH.IIO usUv5 thatWUCIV as long as they Baptist, tw'o years have passed. It have, been in business ■ they • never ’have Offers Exceptional Values \s now April of the year 29 A. D. Jesu had anything to compare with the re- Asks Your SuppprI at has preached Tiis,„K5)^el;:.;p{ .cepeitfahce,rW'-'.w'*' sponsc made by the public, who come and ppp'ivng, (.Q store from far and near, to pay In Coats for Girls of of His kihgdonj of rigliteOiisne ^.injsilcces- respects. the General Election sive ^ ^ 4 .Visits i^Q^. Qfjjy exhibits and pleasing All Ages to jeri,)Raie.m:-anp:Jerpsaleni ami Jiidca, gathered surroundings, well worth while, but the about:'gales' that Dunhams are holding are \V(‘ arc unusually wet),, .preparetli.-t^/^pply whb training for ijeipg patronized most generously. futUre;..,leUdi!ir^^^^iofti'rliitfttiA'i'fH .Virtf'b.'f’.hp• forces oiof LlisElis jg particularly noticeable inm the salescilh of Nov. 4 ,1 9 1 9 the proper’coats for girl^' kingdom. There a't.e-TP,any other devote^^ womens' apparel, womens' coats, suits, Early preparation enahEs diseipl^miP,'^ and His (Presses, blouses and other apparel. Yes, , Pledges thirty years’ experience in succelefial bueine^B, and - willing to ( popul^ri;tym.atf ^ far the silks, we are told, record extra- dependable materials at :price§Ebrf^^ mto .the countries,r'rtnnfripfi rbiihcl. rrtiiiin • a about. n o iit. ordinary sales ...^^.ilff.results^ cuoFisuch aeas Kachas ocfaKlichestablish 1 relinquish all other ties, his.'flbdi.'yided time L the dutigs of the-office, ' present worth. Not pnly. are tbe’-yalues The'climax of popular enthusiasm was ed a hew, flattering, High record. And the reached in Galilee nyhen,, after the feeding departments of rugs, furniture and drap­ [ (Ordered and paid for by L. W. Grover.) ecllent, but styles are ehosen with .special con­ of the five' thousand on the northern eries. These department? also carne in ..shdte of the lakb, they would have taken for liberal attention, by home furnishers a, sideration for the wearer. Qfespbeia^ %/%/%(%. are our garments designed to m,febb the'treeds pf H-ir. by forte and made'Him king. Jesus from far and near. m " did not aim to establish His kingdom m All this month, the Dunham folk are the,girl who is hard to lit. There are full belted, that wjyi bv conflict 'with the Roman going to continue sales and exhibitions, armies. 'H e was to be.the dominion of a and they are inviting you and you, and half belted and full flare inotlel.s. All are cut on new wo/ld of rigUteoHsness and justice, everybody else,'to. call. This company generous' lines and lra\r‘ big collars., and lie looked for some, marvelous divine does not'do things in a half way measure. inler^'ention to bring, it to pass. Mean­ They are noted for their broad minded­ Little Tots’ Coats, sizes 2 to 6 years, in while His kingdom .was.'.'begun and was ness, their large and varied stocks, and ■growing as a seed'grows,'or was leavening the system governing the store. Many Styles. the life of His tinie; as thei leaven in the But a year ago, in war time, the firm meal I'le wit.tKlrew. Hi.fn.self from the tells us, when trade was supposed to be lAtshiuned of broadcloth, pluniette, c'heviotj: excited thtP.ngKana spent, the night alone at its top notch, Dunhams say their corduroy, heather mixtures, silyertip burelfasj in tile mduntain ■■■in 'fpra^er..: 'I here was business difb.not anywhere near reach the no doubt much disappointment ami some limit of their business of today. etc., in plain and fur irirnmed models. White' reaction'of 'feelirig,.againat., Jesus, m the We like to sterp' in at the Dunham and numy autumn colors. i’rii',es rajige ln,)m minds of 'those w.hO turned homeward store, when we are in Trenton, we like to that ni'gflt.-and W<.'.''ntay' well believe that witness the \-erv Wide awake Business co.n- $12.95 to $25.00. the twelve diseiple.s .of, the inner , nrcle ditions that are administered by the & ■ .shared that disappointmeirt, Why w'oiild thoroughly skilled capatile force of work­ Girls’ Coats, 6 to 14 Years, in Many Charm- I heir Master not. let., Himself be made ers. '\\'e "get information,' business wise, King and use His wonderful .powefs.to se­ when we visit this store, that helps us to ) ing New, Styles. cure for 'them victory over the' Rpinans? do better, so far as we can, shopping con- They could not \'Ot undrrstaml,'.l®J j'csfis (iirions through the rolunins of this paper. sideration lor th(‘ wearer. (.)! especial interest would tctich them a lesson of, ftfrth.-and The S. P. Dunham & Co. arc holding glow, sih’crglow, polo cloth, etc., in plain and ennfidenre which might sustain ll)em, thcir37th anniversary, lint the foundation fur trimmed st)’les. I’riee's range from $16.75 (Wen in darkesi hours. of the business wtis laitl S7 years ago. The Mount of Prayer Sinec whieli time llier has been only two to $35.00. . • adminisi rat inns, one bv the late Hender'- The mountain was the oratory wheie soii Snidder, and the remtiining time.to. Junior Misses’ Coats, In styles gspecially our Lord often resorted. It was there that date, h\' the present linn. During this designed for the ind)et\veeii girl, wiio freciiiently lie found help tgad ll'al the Fathers per­ tinio, the Iniiness of the store lias never fect plan was tinfolded, of whirh he so -had a set bark, never had anything else has so much diflicully in proriiring coats in frc(|itently spoke, . but the full support of the.ap|ireeiative Sonteone has wisely sttid .yver suitable sh’les. There are many models, in iniblie. have proved there are other things we .All of this, the Diiidiam folk feel very polo clolh, n()\'ell>' mixtures, silv('rtii), velour, can tio, bill until we have prayed there is proud of, and are showing it.in the sales nothing else so important to ilo. and eelebralion they are eoiKhieting now. etc. Maiiy colors from which to select.— Tossed AVith Waves $20.00 to $47.50. The disriples htul rowed most ol the night but made little progress in their Small Da ly Task. JUNIOR MILLINERY OF FASHION efforts to reach the other side of (lalilee, ^ X'lUhing ■■tirely is so poienl iiR.'a low Ireeaiise the wind was eontrar\' and they that niity not he ilisolieyrd. It has, the Millinery lor girls Irom 4 to 14 years is an' were tossed with waves. force of till' watei'-di'op llial hnllows All lives meet contrary winds. ' But oiir the sloiii'. A siiiali r'fiiil.v task, if It imporlanl factor in our sirecializalion. Do you vessels can be made to sail against head he really dally, will heat tl\e labors realize what that means? It means that we winds. The forces that seem agtunst us Ordertd and paid for b’y .John f .-Gill ran he so used as to drive us towards our of 11 spasmodic Ilereiiles.—Anthony liave studied the likes and dislikes of girls for haven. Diffiniltles fit ns for higher ,ser- Trollope. niany years, and that fact, coupled with^ our vire. When we face them bravely we (kweloj) self-reliance and courage. authentic knowledge ol the advancing lashions, The duties of life call most ol us into has enabled us to olfer large assortments of be­ d.'in.gerous plact.s at times, ami they ate ihe'limes of our largest opportuimy ol coming styles in millinery of the sort that girls growth into nobility and heroism. U was likr‘ to wear. 1 he ele\'erest and most attractive worth while for the disciples to have the terror of the if onK' out oj^the exper­ tailored models aa> Iteing shown in this store. ience they could learn more litlly the powet Broad ;uid medium brim models are to be found of Christ. in both roll and turn down shapes, 1 hey are Mark lells us (ftHS) that the struggle ol the d is c ip le s "to"‘get arro,s.s the seas was the type of htits th;U will instantly appeal to not unobserved b\' Jesus. He sa\y thein all girls. In the assiirlmenl tire line velours,, Viiling.” From Iht; heights where he hat gone to refresh his own soul, be lookcil pliisiii’s, beavers, lells, etc. down upon jiis lalioring ftllows. Let us be sure that no honest ellort to ilo his will, however opposetl, is unnoticctl by our Alaster, “He that keepeth Israel shall not 131-133-135 E. State St„ sliimher nor slee[i.'’ The toiling rowers TRENTON, N. J. roiild not see him but bis c\'e was on them. Walking on I be Water The Lord made use of some law of the higher world that iiverraino. the pull of .gTayitation. He who had miraculously healed those who were siilTering from disease and needed heaith, who bad only the day before fcil the multitude who needed "food, how mirariiloiisly came to the disciples who were in great peril. The difliculties which dismay humanity are no obstacles to him, and we need often to say, as the HriWon sailor, "0 I.ortl, D. W. MEASUROLL the sea is so great, and my boat so small.” Otir Lord sonietinies has to force us to, go into a storm as Ije did the tlisuiples on | 112 MAIN STREET this oceasion, but he never leaves us t.oo' iniig to t-]ie-mereV'of.|.he-wi.ndiiiUKl tvavest and when we arc almost at our wits' end he comes to us making the very wat'cs the medium of his approach. Be of Good Cheer Grade Groceries .Qj|t i!t..tiic.stprn] there cantt the voice of Jesus, ”Bc of Gooiff.beer; it is ft be not afrajd.” , , When the disciples heard these words DELIVERY SERVICE of Jesus' joy and confidence took the place of fear, for they knew' they now had a Protector greater than the storm. We Vouch for Them Tlte.se words of Jesus were franied and Phone 274 placed I'ly Florence Nightingale over the mantle'in her Iiorn’e in l.ondon. Well may Of all the tires that are made, facilities,—they employ we trust him "Till all storms are stilled and all our boats are safe on shore." —why do you suppose we exclusive methods. F. B. Meyers says: "We are sa safe in a ship at' sell as in tour house on shore, if prefer to sell United States They can go to greattf Gorl be' there: and he is there; and his angels ran always find us, if we arc on Tires? lengths in testing, improvu^ the patlfw-dV of obedient .service." and perfecting the things tn» The Sinking Disciple Because they are made by So long as Peter trusted Christ the make good tires. power of Christ sustained him.^ Soon he the biggest rubber company began to I'd'ok at the waves instead of Be Up-to-date looking to Jesus and then he began to in the world. And they know We find it good business to sink. Alas for the man who takes his eyes sell United StatesTires. ■irfr''-Jes«s--ai«J. ..loijka.,.at.,..hi5.,cnYj,rpm^^^^ ■ bow tQ build good tires. Why do you continue doTng the washing Peter Itarned the lesson of his own in the old-fashioned way when a turn of weakness and cried, "Lord save me. And—foil will ^find His prayer was short, e.xplicit and intense. the switch will start an electric washing A sense of n e e d is a mighty teacher of They have choice of nia- business to buy them, machine doing this work for you while you lirevity. There was. no delay about the help, “Immediately Jesus" stretched for terials,—they have immense are here-a tire for every n are engaged in other du ties ? his hand and caught him.” The hand of Jesus is swift when the occasion demands With an electric iron you can '"do the work in one-half the time, and much better. United StatesTires A Little Girl’s Problem. The fiitlier of a linh' ‘-'iri I know ia DO NOT BE A DRUDGE a Methodist, and lier m other'an Bpls- copallfin, and the poor child nev^r are Good Tires The Electric Light & Power Co. knows, in saying her prayer.tf, JVhether to end them with “A-men” or “Ah- men.’’—E. W. Howe’s Monthly. Hightstown Garage, ' LEON ELY, Prop., Hightstown, N. ■\l 'l i P^DW Ts the Tim e To' itttiHiiiiOR Get Ready for Heat 'OR ORPHAN TOTS Why YOU Should Vote For Stariitii Jait In Eistin nrti lulls gl Minilil nil ~ NEWTON A. K. rope iKill tPsrIsil IMIatt Pill of Sloos III TIM ' Rtilif Is SeRt ii Dim I Million Eipsel B U G B E E LIOI TO IMEHICI FOR HELPBREID. ,|EED . II nUID FOR GOVERNOR

Dft KrM^ N»t«M RlMI, Oftli- Jarahy** Nan.iaelarian Oanw dr«M Are Feread !• Turn HE STANDS FOR palgn ta Fravlda Aid Far itervi Niw JarMjr't FarO In OrOva Ing JiMrlah Chlldran Amang ta Olallava tuffarlnB, Upholding, supporting and defending the lurapa’a War guftarare. Constitution. < Ntwtrk, N. J.—Only prompt action A flat trolley fare and an independent ap- Kiwark, N J_0<>« million destitute I on the part of the people of the United ' praisement of Street-railway properties, Statei can sara hundrtdi of thouaandi Jewiih chlldran of Poland must be | of Jews in Eastern Europa from frtei- clothed on the 'rahon” plan if they are j Hmiding the inter-.stau; tunnel without'ta\- ing to death during tha coming winter, (0 be laved from Treeamg during the | ing tlie people. , according to Dr. Nathan Kraaa, rabbi coming winter. of the Central Synagogue, Lexington Juit ai tons ofi: condensed milk and Majority rule aS a, tundanientvil', prjnaply avenue and Fifty-fifth street. New York, other foodstuffs have been doled out to ■ governnient^pgl^^iiA;^;" and a member of the American Jawith hungry little boys and girli an a basis Relief Committee, which is now con- | of dlitribution as rigidly apportioned Better salaries fgr schpol teArhers.^* ' '■-a ducting a iariea of State campaigns to I by iheer neceiiity-at 'chow was dealt W iping out lawV thal'-'lvaras6 Uustnbjss Jj.n‘d ' raise 101,000,000 for relief work. Dr. I to the fighting soldiers in held and drive it from the Sttat'e... '' Krais rtturned racently from three I trenches, juit so the small folk ot Fo- montha In Kaitern Europe, where he land receive their winter garmenti, ('ontinuance of hnsineSs ,admjnistrAlioh’ tlti^t was sent aa a aptcial delegate• of - the . I Here i,is ,hethe ‘clothes ration: yards has saved 'numev dijring'War cwntlttioris Joint Distribution Committee of Amen Heavy cotton flannel yards can Fundi for Jewish Sufferers from Light cotton goods Development and ehrojynj^emejU /of -^Agri­ ,. 1 spool the war. Thraad ...... culture. ___1 peir Starvitfon, terrible hardihipi and per- Shoes — ...... I passing Conservation of humafil lifej'tij| lecutions that bring tha middle ages to That's Worth more than mind art the portion of the Jews in thought, iin't It. Mr. American Father, Protection of civil righ;tsyjC'^; ai you. discuss with the wife tlic selec­ many of the places viiited, he declarci. Two platoon system for fir'dnj’e'ij/.iaijd OffllVe- Barefoot, wrapped in ragi and weak tion of small sons new fall suit or N P 3terlini3[ Furnace from yaari of hunger, they art looking daughter's coat with baby .furs to mcn. '■ . J g ' vt:- forward with terror to the coming of match? Particularly when you know Reclammation of waste lands. %»■: the winter. Only shipments of clothes from paet experience whether it be ad­ Have Now Bought and shoes and many aidditional loup mitted or hot that due consideration kitchens and milk stations can keep will be given the smaM wearer s opinion riE STANDS AGAINST George Davison Foster Brothers them alive during the coming winteri in Itylei materials, etc., legardlese of he reporti. colt; Rudolph Heidinger Geo. J. Burch Live en Cup ef toup a Day. i DIetnbutlon ot Clothee. \ Zone fare system. “When the people heard I was from Y,et 'in Poland the “ration" plan of Alonzo Pullen P. W. Clayton tha United Stetes'they crowded around I distribution is only the solution loi^one Elective utility sboard,. A. V. Oakerson Joseph Gorrell me, trying to kiss my coat, and begging of the saddest problems conTronUng the Any additional State tax. ' William Updike me to aak my country to keep them from Joint Distribution Committee, w ic i starvation.” Dr. Krasi said: “I saw handles all the funds rsised in America Permitting foreign born remaining in the hundreds of orphans on the stteets, by the American Jewish Relief Com- f.mited States uiilcs,s the\' become mitle.c and other Jewish fund-raising wasted children who are either too American citizens. weak to cry, or who have cried aa organiiations in the United States. J. ELY DEY grown up people do, turning away their Dr. Boris D. Bogen, one of the rep­ An administration of the affairs of the State faces to hide their tears. 1 saw thou­ resentatives abrdkd of the Distribution of New Jersey liy Mayor Frank Hague STOCKTON ST. HIGHTSTOWNr N. J sands of starving mothers who were Committee, explained in detail the need desolate, not on their own account alone, of inaugurating this system in a. report of Jersey City, who has saddled a but because they had*no food to give on the subject made public by the Amer $3,000,000 pay roll on the people of their children. 1 saw people living on ica.n Jewish Re!i:f Committee head­ that city. ' ' one cup of soiip a day, who saved some quarters. of that to give cripplei who could nol “In order to get results," said Dr, Persecution .of Business and Industrv. go after their own. Bogen, “it is nece.ssary to pul the di.i “There are thousands and thousands tribution of children's clothing on a ration basis, and make jt as simple ,a< REPPLER’S WEEKLY CHATS of starving Jews In Rumania without Paid for by the Republican State Committee. shoes, almost without clothes. In possible. This is certainly a very small Vienna alone there are between 30,000 allowance,” he continuodi in referring and 00,000 refugee Jews, living on the to the 'ration,' and when it is ready to plate of soup and the piece of bread thal be put into practice it will have to be THE JOHN DEERE LOW-DOWN MANURE SPREADER they get every day from the Jewish re­ increased." Is only hip-liigh-easy to load, You can see where you place each lief stations An ImpCvcrIahed Community. forkful of manure. It is comparatively easy to lift a fork of manure three “Our committee sent 500 hungry chil­ How he e.xpects to clothe thousand.s feet high—you naturally put on an even Ipad, and this insures more dren from Vienna to Holland where of the small children in the Jewish even spreading. certain Jewish families had promised schools of Warsaw via the rationing The John Deere Spreader can be u.sed on days that,are too windy for to receive them in their homes for three plan was explained by Dr, Bogen. The DR. WALTIR MADDEN good .spreading with a high-up spreader, or with any spreader that throws or four months. The Austrian Govern­ official reqnimiients that goes with a the manure into the air. ment furnished the train for them to new suit may arouse undisguised con­ CANDIDATE FOR THE LOAD IS CARRIED ON ALL FOUR WHEELS go. When their parents saw them tempt in the American small boy; never­ This is one reason why the John Deere Spreader is so light draft. It has leave, although they did not know just theless, American fathers and mother' no clutches, no chains, no trouble. when they would see their children cannot help being impressed by its far- Before you buy any manure .spreader, look over the John Deere Low- again, or whether they themselves might reaching benefits to health and sanita­ SURROGATE Down Spreader. It is the very best of all spreaders. be sent from Vienna before they came tion, especially in an impoverished com THE JOHN DEERE CORN BINDERS back, they tried to cheer, they were so munity. glad the youngsters were leaving star­ “Before’^I leave Warsaw,” said Dr; Have the very best bundle carriers ever made, always deliver the bundles vation behind. Bogen, “1 hope to equip 5000 children clear of where the torses walk. Many Forced to Turn Beggara. Blankets and Robes, in great variety at moderate prices. in the Talmud Torah schools of the Circular saw frames and Ciruclar Saws. “In Bender, in Vienna, in Bucharest, city with nice suits., to which they will Corn Shellers for hand alid power. and in all other places 1 visited there be entitled after taking a bath.” Belting of all kinds below city prices. were thousands of beggars, men, women Sans soap, bathing facilities, and nec­ Cattle Stanchions, wood and steel. and children, on the Streets. Many of essary changes of outer clothing or Metal Hog Scalders. 200 Gallon Capacity. them had been middle-class tradesmen underwear, thousands of innocent stnal! VanBrunt apd Oliver Lime Sowers. before the war, but had lost everything Pittsburgh Perfect wire Fencing, all sizes. far victims in stricken Poland have been namental Fencing and Gates. Pretty and Cheap. they had and could get no work. I without the benefits of; a bath for Smot>tby-*r^l»-Str^i}d and Barbed Wire always in stock. talked with one woman whose husband months at a time. Farmers Hardwmtr at right prices. had been killed by robbers and whose ' “So I am glad,” concludes the inves Gasoline E ngl% and Feed Mills. IT PAYS TO GRIND FRED. son had lost his important government tigator, “of the tejegram i received li’ Sisal and Hemp Stalk Twine. Standard Binder Twine. position through the change in politics. the effect that the steamer 'Thala i' Owego Farm Wagons and Low-Down Farm Trucks. Her family was on the verge o-f starva­ already on the way to us wilh 'Jqii: Jersey Team Harness. Single Harness. tion. I bought her a stand in the mar­ Fairbanks Platform Scales. boxes, a total of seventy-five tons oi Everything for the Farmer and Farm at rRight Prices. ket place where she could sell vegetables, soap. This Is just the stuff we need" Come and see us—We ate always at home. though it is hard to m.ake money by The American Jewiih Relief Com­ selling food there, where few have pen­ mittee is now conducting a series of nies with which to buy, and where there stat«-by-state . campaigns to provide is almost nothing''to sell." $36,000,000 to continue the ..wo.rk this Thomas Peppier, Son & Company Just across the river ' from Bfchder winter. All these,, campaigns are non- Dr. Krass heard the shots of the Bol­ sectarian, and the Jewry of America i.s sheviks, while the people crowded in HIGHTSTOWN NEW JERSEY galling upon Americans of every race cellars. and creed for its humanitarium work “I saw a woman, with three of her of saving the sUivivuri of the face children hiding from the shells on one- abroad. side of a cellar," said Dr. Krass. “On New Jersey’s quota of the fund to be the other side were her husband and raised in the nation is $1,000,000, The another child. They had been there campaign in this State is from October many hours, and she went upstairs to 20 to October 28, Felix Fuld, of New­ see if she could get the children some ark, is state chairman, and the State Was born in Atlantic County, food. While she was gone the cellar Executive Committee is composed of New Jersey, 1873. Has resided in caved in, killing her husband and one Abe J. Dlmond, Louis Bamberger, child. She was 2.5 years old, but looked Nathan Bilder, Louis Plaut, ■ Harry Mercer County for more than 43 at least 56, because of hunger and hard­ A most effective remedy for the relief of asthma Friend and Louis Straus, pf Newark; years. Has practiced medicine in and hay fever. The hralink fumes from burn­ ships and grief. Alexander Kaufman, of Elizabeth; ing her^s relieves,. ,^A.bh|pkiilig sensation by Fifteen FimlllM In a Shack. Sigmund Eisner, of Red Bank; Simon Mercer County 22 years. Was clearing the air passages''ana soothing the irri­ "In Kisenheff I saw a blind womiir' Gerson, of Trenton; Harry L. Schwarz, twice elected Mayor of the City tated membranes. In use for more than 40 lying on a bare board in bags and filth and Max Heller, of Dover; Abraham years. Two sizes—25c and |1.00. in a terrible shs^ck. Her old mother had Jalin, of New Brunswick; Aaron 'A of Trenton. Was elected Sheriff Bead for froo tonplo. been laiten to the hospital, and neigh­ If jftnr tkaltr eanntt mpph orirr dir«i fnm Uelnlker, of Jersey City; William New of the County of Mercer. bors, almost as desperately situated as corn, of Plainfield, Henry Salz, of Key Nartkrop ft Ljnan Ct. Inc., Bgifnlo, N.T. herself, brought her food. I saw fif­ port; William Hauser, of Bloomfield; teen families living in one huge shack, Harry Weinberger, ,of Passaic, and On this record I appeal for a large platform with a roof over it. Charles Rosenberg,-6f Hackensack. ..M.esL 9,F, tbk, p!at.lctrm was extremely your support which is the dirty, but one corner M it was very PALiariNE ORPHANS BENEFIT best proof I can give of clean. I found that ^ people who Jewish war orphans in Palestine re­ lived in that one clean spot had' been ceived $75,000 for food, clothing and what will be my efforts to SALE BILLS wealthy before the war. general relief during September alone, faithfully serve the people “In my mind the only thing that can from contributors to the American save the livu of hundr^s of thousands Jewish Relief Committei and othar Jew­ of Mercer County if elect­ PRINTED AT THE of Jews in Eastern Europe during Ak iih organizations, according to a report ed to the office of Surro­ coming winter is Urge shipments of of the Joint Distribution Committee food, clothing and- tiedding” which liandiM the Jewish, relief funds. gate. \ The campaign being conducted in Thie sum was in addition to the $T0,000 New Jersty from October ,*0 to I# U cohtriUted, monthly for general relief Ordered and paid for by Walter Madden. to taUit $1,600,40# for tlte Jeiraji W in Pilestine during July, Auguit and sufferert abroad. September. Fish Enl' Other '^tsti. ■ liiilEE i'. y . I f if i m C ilE T T E I'-bIt.n U cnfjji':li (q.f-S-lT tlikR.S in n *• f-- r- i<". ' mil r'KS 11., .holl, ill- ' ” r i’hursd't Oi l.. ■■ . 1919 ' 1 4 t-gbr tilR !’lb‘f ■' Oil I'jOi'tS III « - .-■li fc'\. STORE HOtUl.S-8:,^0 EMtRY DAY, Satvii’diiys In o !iu io (s 'T.H'kf ! 1*1S of lilt .'fb iib o m r . DE.NNiS n-'w': .'.K riri ■iir- Ibi' by ■• t R- LiHnjl fiiui hitui. T5f*7rM . r .’I-4^/. ;TmnTl<; n; IcHiV-■■ -t"-. ■ Tl'Af-* ai.«vn.'X ;..R ' 'st ‘ ifii. I ’Dll 1'.. . "'I'vS. i.'m.V, ki> seuonl II.’ hii’ A-tilliio ■' v' '■ : ijti i:!; -.U . h H . 1 -' 1 iliiii ■ i-ip ;.| H;;. ' t il'. 4 t<>4 ■:D, ' -15 .- III. 1 ir .. ' U 1 : 'u:.,..f iwe. . fibhri 1 l! .1! U! i‘ ■d .MOiithfr, A V ;i/ , 1 ...... -50 _ ■■'M...... • 40 V T'.r. ;' 1^1 il 0 ix •. .,1,. y -’V ” , 1 ■ ii- I I-!,’! iv 1, i'lTl■M IrtFuii-.li'■ III,- ' ,'■ :■ ' .ir licri! run-MtlriMn-'llii; puniitisc,, fur il'-priccs (’Oimt, iHipukir ^kiii.y .tiiid eh.,pi,, ' V r-y -' • ■ R!r .li- \ ' ^ r' ivMi-ir lliis 1- n - i : : ' ■' ^ -Y A Y ■ u:f iV^ vmi-will I'HiA' ilitit sciirj liiTi’. " ■ ' ■ . I'’r'-DYt'"': '-.y J-’VA'ljj' I’'"!ri. 1-!-; Ml' OiiK' in .( witliin life. la'Kt.-' I'cw (D'-s rurriers Ibivr-iumt! rhowipo us -)usl ’ 1 .'u.r' - ' f’- i’-;'. r r,,i • r,ik'YEv; ■ if ’i . •.. • 11 • . 1 ■;’ '■■.qb.c.v.Tt.'J' "l '" • ■-■:i- 'Ill's ' ■■Iirli fill- Wi- h.i'r hriv ;il' \;iT\ 'Hil'lc. if any in nnmy in stR iW imKarUrmi i|p. 4 ,I(V. D-luil iirirr- m.irked fui u.iu'--. „ ..,..■- -i-m’. <(.'K OHi.,: ('.ue-'Iiin-l ti'uvTckili’ir ’A'-id I’.'li lliiU'Mtu-f>t 11.' \

i-fM !te etiibdied l^d;.^yA^^A!le^e tin- die M’urk lor t iK k t y f iW I'!,' 1 i.i,L !’• we eiwMiLi’d the ke I hiylb’i' prin'g;|(f|v n'.iRu d. ■- ■ .. i \ h .r(| I'H'id ’.'I .ide lU’tiok' ,r!tri-kki. ilH'' K' j .Avit|rf0is fo r stiiiiUo 1,-il .'anT E !’l !fp iir-i 1i AALFfryttiTlilAyk)?;?^A.\T'/,'cl' I'k I,It.I, L ' t ■ ’ J *1 . "-T'' a.,ti'ilfi!!wd-i ?vi . . .''f' ' ippiniiia.-’SiU' .tflipialfi liifiAtkHE ,f?2d.50:do 2 75 . -t V im '■nsh..-.P I ' Ni'il'iiittil ''i.Ta'nooii ' S'carls, -i.'l good |.3i-u:\\'H: ri'firfki flAis'-fiibJiid yilij-tyw'.. i ' pi(ST'k:.-;iiyiiniri'Y:li''URiK'iw .' ,'iiitk;Ab'd' :-d-;!i-R';,'T';'H: ni’a”l_\'' m .'rk ii.l!l '.)s . i'l,l ' I'liiii;;- -)inn"U( ■M'lXt' -Hb' dwytutii ■.•k,(.A'i''.hru-.--'l! Kiil;,; i-'i'd heaflsi hi. '.-Sfi.-ti)iylihinM.s-; S.O'.i7»Y ■ i: ■>vG-i.A, A iid ill! :■ i.’-lIi'ltniiAwiff5. f )|Hi,sru-m'srarls,. lull rhl-s. he;i\ \ ■iiiii Vvrv.O p U'idi ■, ■. {f i 11 - , iityliky- J al'^. b. o U ^ S I: i 1-1 lininu’s, lull siz-i,- t.iii.-- -and

, h 3 2 - 7 l ' - rlleship o-|,-;i\ AVtiTT Si';m’'-, .--iili, Il/|n lliiefi tviifr.t'sUlv'- t'.r stain'-'- ol..-a. pi-o'-i .1 ' ,|ualiiA'. y'd7.;d:.EiiidiSA] ,5D.-G;m el r('SSI'(1'-.ski 11S, I'X (I a st>,e, fir. raid head, irinuned whli r ! 1 , 1 uni welfi .(’ 'if:.,' li'i-Tv'd .Ati.lli sil.ks 0 1 . '.Wenriny-st-uin, S82.7.A. ^ .'irr'. y 11 ill;- iM-kd rs Avitji rEill'dn ov.erH r In le rd ld ile , ol tirj'Rlu.Li .iii.lU'ei! iUs NYii'nia! ynsy Siherian wmi: .-e.a'i- leri.d:., !n,S4T.(KK, , yize, safii) lifK'ti. Inh .'ize tai t u -c.irD, lib.--' ih'' -idle'. iTioderali !,e.:ds,,’S2‘).7,'9. iliui ill-' N tliar. M l fn.iiii N liiili:i. iiRi V' . .-Ui i I tt'Slilien , ivhirlt Mfi' U-vimI iurbi'Iy f‘’i’ hV ' ■■■'' llic Our Anniversary Sale of Women’s li,;:- up. I 'Ann Make Money, Nevertheless. t RAW M l ,S ! \ BK , I>l M . ’iM ) rm lin-l -d 1 im liiinmnii'ii- Apparel Well tlie iiiiulu-rs'fnako money—how li. I-I',. ■ml II pii-'liii uiirk Ilf ciiciiiu 111,' siii'viviirs iif do they do UV Mr. White ailniiued -1,1 I 1.1 III II I I'd.0-1- Mu-111 ■rm-.. ;|iii-ii:ii|. ■ tlmt they did, quoling ligures .souiired .r,ii-i'i':i' i.j ’.i.’ll.:..-- Ilf lyiiiius or 1'his has'been a wonderful month for o.s in women's apparel, ue I I) V. 11. N.' .1. ,M\ pi'ii ini im-' ■SI,I,ill.il fi'Vi'l' \‘- iM-h I'llVIll’I'll llil' have never known anything like it before, "we aimed to mahe a new by .lUihtors of the food .Admiuistra- ,-lll ill l,.'-iiiii-l 1! III- ■Id-i; tlnij, to tlie (.'fftM't that [luckors' profits i-.ai-' ili'-ia s la ird ’-'ii liiJ-ii-.R of l'l;is!..ril hi^h record, but the results have been far beyond that expected. on food’< .’Oiinoditle.'i ol all kind last l-iiii-oiic.la-u wiipi'i- ;lio foili-i'll in I'll .1 O i'U 'O .SlOR.VCl, Xo jirenmim is rhiirecd >'ou here lor ullra hi.siiioii, keep lluse inipori;nii year wiTo i 11 io ceiil.'' ou eaclt dol* liiiid and adj-iirei!l rminll'IoR, iicninl- liu- taken in. 'J'he.''e would iiiclude II u.ii-i- iT.ii'iii III! !i- I- ine III llm new ; iiihii'oR oil b.y piiinls in mind, in eoimiderine the piiu'hase (.il apptirel. such Ihii W as .sau.saac, shortening, .. Hi.-hi.111'! I■'lll■ln- <'o'. .Mr. F iilil. ,\ll lio ili-i'mlful loll that ciirined mi .us, de., in addilion to fresh may be e-.m-iei fi- mi iiiimiig (Ilf III- $28.7fh Suits- dresses ;i1 $16.7,5. Tin n there are meats, in i- and laieoii. (Ju all the 110! .ki, I'OR .s .\ m : Ced, deslilllle p ■iiiilo. ('iimiol lio fm-o- eoat ;ind blouse model dresses, Imi, prodiict.s a Itjs. company, .Mr. Wliite -im I\ hiiii'i liicalt-il III I lold, iieroi'dinp In lii.R late iiiriirma- These of Wollex, a malerial that has I'ioii from, alii'oad., made with silk lij^eolette- \'es1s, ;il oxtifiaijcd, cniniirisiug liotli loods and i.ll) 111.-I,111! ;i\ i- ! illi- fol- ,--|lli’ -much to recommend il, lirstlx', its tin inedible eoiuinodii.es, the protits dur­ nil I^■^•itll■. '-.’*1 .’’d ii-kli'ii Lithuania a Heavy Loser. $19.75. ing the Sfiaic luM'ioii were 1 S/10 cents I.illmaiihi |iiij-|imil,ii-iy siilToroil from eiilireh' new' weiive; seeondKx the\' re on each dollar' sale. - llm Hrmu'go, ami sumo Hloa "f llm in :i choice line ol most likeable mix- Coats at $22.50. KIMM.I.N'O WOOD FOR SAl.K fi-igliU'llI 'I'oiiililli.n-' ihii'irig llm I’l'l- All of which would load many to- (' \M I’ m.X. Oail>’ from ') .A. M. m tdres. They’re made of silvertones, ker­ say tliat the ]iucking business is not iloiiiic is oonvoioil by Sholmii Asoh, in I', .\l..\Vood odd IciiKlli.s, for i.lovc cuii- a n-|iorf of ilie juisil disl|■^h^tl()^ i-nim d'hese are the suits ihtil xou willl lie seys, velours and broadcloths. well understood. It isn’t. Xet as one sinuption; ntii>' he houghl iit Salvage. millim, whioli adini.nisiri'.i llm funds of tile leading iiidustrie.s of tlie.9C0un- N'ards op|iosilc I’cnnsylvania Jtiiilriiad (speeitilU' filetised with lor iiieei' ser- Some ol the eotits are trimineil 'Iml iiro raisod by tim .N’mV .lersoy try, Its worklng.s and, above all, its Sliilion, ('amp Oiv. i’ricc: .S1..SU lur A'ieeable siveet wetir, lni\fliny, aulo- with fur, d'he linin.qs are ol laiiry profits, should lie familiar matters to single horse load, S2.00 for doiililc hm-sc i-mmidtloo.. lo.id. Special prices on c.irloiid lots. l.S-4 In many ciili.s, Im says, one may mobiliiiK and business weaia 1 here brocades. I.oose fits, belted I'uiek^, us. It Is quite useless to orate agaln.st ofion Inair woopbig in ilm slrei'ts, and are -ten shtides. hlaiiiK lailoi'ed, most the higlt cost of living without digging empire slyles and plaited kinds, u-, WANTlil) dm, fi'i.alilmmd wliispei-iiigs of |mo|iii' of tliem. 'I'alloml Hy men who know ;ind there are some semi'-liltiny, eare- Into some of these fundamentals. l.oan on first mortgate $8,,'500 at per on llm rorimi'S. a.s lyiililis swi'iu By-Products at Market Value*, cent on central business propeity in ’lirougli llm Imnms.nf the .Jews. how. fully tailored kinds. Sonii- litive shawl llighlslown. Rents for over ,S200(), Ad- (Jne of tlie most I'.nlightening bits of dresRi-A. B-: (.,. (rlizclte office. l.Stf . ".A iiopiiliilion wliii'li lia.s imi laid a collars, others collars that birUoii elnsc Mr. White’s testimony was his ei- full nmal for five yoiii'S, and wliich Fur Trimmed Suits, S,Tf.75. to ihe chin. Colors, navy, idum, dark plauKlIon o f'th e way ■ In which cost TRli,S.SPASSING NOTICES lias waiiilei'ed timmdossly from- iil.ace price of beet Is arrived at. If a steer ’Eresspassing Forbidden notices printed III plan', living in dirty freight cars The materials are of plain colors, g'reen, lirown, taupe and bhu'k. Is liougbt at $ltlo.UO and hides are on sign cloth on sale at (.azette office, 'ami i-ailmad slalions, wllliou! under­ mixU'.ires and bhick, in lino (imdilx bringing $-10.00 in tlie open market, 20.1 Mercer sfreet. wear or change of rlolhlng throngli- Coats at $.55.00. then $10.o0 Is cm liled to the cost of ouf that period, nalanill.v develnp.s iclolhs. FO R ,SAl.K spoiled lyiilins." Im stales, "Tlie dis­ Mtule of A'clour de laines, sih’erloiu's hlade of .satin finished zihelines, the steer. If iildes tire selling at $23.00 Second-hand Oleiiwooil I’lirnaee in that amount i.s credited. The visceral ease raged evei-ywlmre, but clilefly ;ind kindred wetiv'cs. -Some with .suede velours, Xormandy clolli ai'h fine eomlil-ion, a1 a reasoiuible priee. fat, offal and evei-ythlng else that aniiaig (be .iewlsli populiiUon. Thou­ , velours. Kly Dey, Sloeklnn SI., Ilighhs- I'rench .seal collars and bands -of same comes from the steer are likewise sands of efdldreii have been thus be- There ;ire a dozen (.u' more sU les of credited at tlielr prevailing market town. refl of llieir piireiils. on jianels of coats. Jackets ;iie lined valtie,s. What remains is taken as the "Ill Kovno, a oRy that today lias with soft, lino quality silk. these cotits, and they’re in -colors and STORE ROOM •JO.OOO .iewisli inlialillanls, and i.s, from cost price of the meat. The beef car- black. Trimmed with french setil, For rent, on Mercer street. L. D. Tillyer, a siiiillary point of view, better pro- You, want to wear that which is de­ cas.s is ilien sliipiied to one of the lo­ 209 Mercer street, _____ rei-led tliuri oilier cities,. more Ilian Liuiuijcidedly differentVI..,.,..,.. from the ordinary,.....--- ■■ - some of them, or dyed skunk or cal distributing' branch houses, and CARPENTERING L’U tier rent (if Ilii; enlirp population ■wiit'lie hi'chly ph-as(’(l with these suits Aipossum, others with shawl collars till- manager there Is given the cost bad sfiotieil lyfibns, imeordlng to the price wiih Instructions to sell the beef and house moving. F'arm buildings moved ‘ and cuffs of same. Remarkably tiood on short notice. £, M. Reed, llightstown, stalisiles .suppHed by llie chief phy,si- at $39.75. at a prolit if he can. But in any event, N. J. eiaii of tlie .iewisli Hosiillal. In the coats, you will say at $35.00. whether the local market be lively or lios|)ltal reo|iened by the .lews upon Serge Dresses, $15.00 to $24.50. They xverc intended to sell lor $45.00 dull, he must .sell for wliut he can get, BOARDERS WANTED llmir return to Kovno, there Were 500 Note carefully the quality of serj>es to- $50.00. ' for the commodity is a perlsluilile one All conveniences, American House, Mrs, casBs alone. Tim iiislitiitUm, liow-ever, and mu.st be Siold. Ed. Pullen, i l l Morrison Avenue, ___ has iiecoimriodalinii for less tlian half in these $15.00 to $24.00 dres.scs. Manufacturer’s Profit on By-Product*. HIGHEST PRICES tlii.s nunilmr, and mo.st of tlie sick Then carefully examine the every de­ 36-in. Velveteens, $4 50 ■ However, there Is another hitch to paid (or apples—$1.00 per hundred- lay on straw pallels spread on the tail of w'ork, after you’ye done .so, you A goo(i full color line and black. ttie- pnoking bu.slneas, quite as little weight. Popkin Bros., successors to Jas. U, lluor. They,?ve.a, finish like a silk \elu’t, Courtney, Applegartb,-N, J. U'sed Paper ■ Underclothing, . will scarce fail to euijsidcr that you understood apparently,, that goes to and how .they .wear,, these veKilsq show how a loss on fresh meats may NOTARY PUBLIC "Rlnce tlie liospilal was short a have no cause ti) take a Rlcp’fuTthcr be accompanied by a profit on the to­ (Feorge P. Dennis, Notary Public, Gazette siifliclent siipiily of underwear, It- 'wa.s to find tlrkt which you most like- in. a and, hew splendidly adajitcd to- Ihicb necessary to use imper undereloth- tal amount of business done. Take, office, Phone 39-A, 203 Mercer street. serge dress. kinds street dresses, wraps and jarkel.s. for example, the banjo strings afere- Reaidence 248 Stockton street, phone ing or lialt-torri sheets, quilts and 54-inch velour suitings, a qualit} that mentloned, which are made from.thfl 39-M. tableclotlis guffierpii from anywhere. And make sure you see the new Intestines of sheep. The department DEAD ANIMALS The prlneiplil requlreinents of the b1ou.se model dresses that are beaded,. - b- in.kures you of very best that makes banjo strings (and like­ $1 each paid for dead horses, cows and hospital, Uierefore, are underwear at $22.50. And the silk embroidered best looks, too, black and colors, .w- wise surgical ligatures, tennis string mules and promptly removed. $5 each for the sick (wliieh cannbt be pro­ ©tc.,) “buys" the intestines from the paid for live horses, cows and mules de­ cured for money in IJtliuanla), drugs, sheep-kllllng department, paying «*" livered . at 6ur place. Phone, Hightstown bandages, cotton and otlier medicines. actly the same price that these bring. 34-f-8 H M. Barrett & Son, Apple- This liospital was formerly supported Imported & American Fine Wool Dress Goods when sold to the outside market. On | garth, by public funds, but tlie general eco- this basis the string department manu­ iiQuiic ruin has- made it necessary to FARM WANTED supply aid from the Jewish Relief Like the silks, orders were placed far in advance and it vvas for­ factures Its strings and sells them, Buyers waiting for all size J,arms. bringing a profit Into the business. funds, tunate for us, and you too, that we did so, you’ve read the story, n ™ . irmging a piuut. — "Ib the province the epidemic was In like manner the fertllUer depart­ Write or phone and I wiU call. C. 0 . you, by not only m erchants and manufacturers, but by imparud much worse. In Slobodki, hear Kovno, ment buys blood and tankage; the soap Brown, Cranbury .Station, N. J. H-4 almost half of the 2,000 Jewish In- judges of the wool markets of the day. . department buys faU ; the glue depart­ 'liabltants have had tlie disease. There ment buys hoofs, horns, bones and FARMS FOR SALE And tell you, don’t they, that the end is not yet, for higher prices. 85 aerea, all tillable, in high state’ is not a single bouse wlilch typhus has Here are wool dress goods that are not only less in price than can rtnews; and so on through the list of not yUlted, and where It ha* not cultivation; for potatoes, nice lo­ “by-products.” The fertiliser, the claimed Its ylctlms. In the short tlufo replaced for, but here is a most generous showing of all that is best liked y soap and the glue, Just as the music cation. Good house and buildings. I was there I heard weeping in the folk who know most about wool dress goods. strings, bring H» • manufacturer’s Address, Bargain, G azette office. 14-4 street*, and groups of peopU gather­ ed before the houses, talking In whls- for dressier gowns, black and colors, aU cases tbess by-products, FARMS FOR SALE 54-inch broadcloths, high-class quali- pera to each other. I aaked the rea­ $2.50. whether they be sold to outslds msnr 40 to 150 acre potato farms. Good son for this In oot house and waa In­ . ties, a good wide rqnge of colors, ofacturers or to one of the manufac­ lodations, good houses and buildings. formed that the mother of seven chil­ and black, $4.50. turing departments in the business (st 54-inch imported gabardines, a Easy terms. WiU *how them any dren had died of spotted typhus. A 42-inch yarn dyed sponged and ths ssme prerslllng msrket priee), tre that’s much liked, especially for J" day by appointment. Phone Cran­ rabbi told me that thera was aot a credited to the cost of the mest tingle bouse that spatted typhus had shrunk Freifch serges, black and making of tailored dresses and sui i bury, N. J., 384. C. Q. Brown, tloa of ths snlmsls. Jnst ss In not ravaged.” colors, $2.00. .. black and colors, $4.50. net of the hides menUonoO Cranbury Station, N. J- 42-inch extra heavy all wool storm 0, ths •MttUsstloo of FISHING-GUNNING. - Rumor of Jawiah LograQ. serges, for tailored suits, sponged 54-inch tricotlnes, an improved ' gsntsm of whldi we hirs heard mne^ S d tta m ttboi by iriUch « j ? Daladed by • rumor of a JowWh and shrunk, black and colors, $1.75. and woven from the finest qua u dnetsd. show ths “ " 2 * ^ Oerk, at Hightttewn (ksett* omc*- liSgioa fonatng under Brittab ooai- 45-inch extra quality soft wool serges, rnerino wool; black and colors, 9 • tag pfoit on t #rsat ssristy of wm* ■aad la Conataatlaoplu,- h a a d r ^ of SttSm fwM MU W riAHO f . ex-uoldlera from all ovor •w opit iOfh', pganMustdeals to glMw » >rS. ,I\M 'C . k'.V'MAN -Scoek of p.-* add i.ai t i-Utd- liac'll i.dllxiUlil-ely .jlu.tl.(,liia.,'iL: 'rh: fun, ■ .' r Mi I 'li-.'l.'. y," a, I ■..SUITS AND OYERCOATS' ■ V, ii '-".-if I'lnl Kobs'll-k illi V,,.' h,.!ii ii.in’ h--'' ,r.ii.. ji-.r'lrtli e uir^-i- - - New Goods Mr, ami Mfa. <'lilTord Fort and Air. and X'l'- A.h ; ,UU. la. -a,. M'l'.. -ir...... ■ ... V..I. iii.iile -M j- on, llmiry, of Jaiia-dm rg.a.mi .Mr.a. of \a\. \'al'k -i 111 Ilia Ill laiiMv. n. ’■■Ik a. " I ar k.i.'' ;'i'..l' -Jia >■• ( ’on Hinmoiia oF Aidniry Hark wan I heir l'ii|-.m uiar ;..|. 1 ■ ,ii..!a .••. I". ''I'lrli. •tiitiirday ii’, Wlor: oi Mr. kui .Mr--. AfaFy.f.jffioix'ik y k .AlJifon M |■■■I,;, i.'iIIIK . i' .'n i' :ii. i_.f r / f ' f ’ -A • ] ‘1.H i d'.. I|iil'!.ji.,'. ':'!-Ja i!l, . Mn I mi 'k- Il'S4»' l s '«< ( \ Kivu Jbn'b 111! alraft AirA';:(MAMf;.|«liivy'iM)fl'>.h, iam<)»,.!f0;!i*f)ywiT:'.)r' i.i i .-n Mandn.p- • t'li,- ! f o r tli«- f’al! / - .. A ' lu-r rac.ijif illiK'.'.,-. niFdii.'i 'f'l.Tin'i'ar -iH h,v. not- ''-illy i)i'cn U-i'i- iii:i'M ■', ■ V'' ;ld'i.i,V;ll.'y.eM.l!li(..ii'.|T',-. Ilia-lar- ktJ'ai 1. :".k ha' ! _ ivuidi-'. iliuliX -Otit; .m tda\pn«- oF Xiiwan’k Mr-, 1). F '|iia'ea,..:.'.'''i’l|i.'',yAl iysufli.. AT;'ih.’~ FriilSy ii.is cinMinh-liMi'M-H. jiml. i ;,Ti:r,(i k km m Ilia p-iia,i i.f liar |iari‘n|,a,. .Jl,ri ’uiir}: Sin.iirohiv,'ii,hHi''’d 1-A‘il'li,' at. 'ilia ;uiiM .. iliai „ ...‘S., ir' Mrs, Kl.v 11 lUaliiiin'ii j.‘V“t - tt’aa-lk. :nit S'lr£i,d ThrtilF-: ■ rAia,, mnmV,V Wf m m r Oii'ii sir firi- !i . ’• Thirty ''liir ■ '.i ■■ (’In: i'll' Williiuii Ibllon has nlAi'nii'iT'l'roin * Ir , ral'i III '. isil willlMlib ilapllavr, ,Vf-- y.dl’G'k'U'* Oulfll 'i’,'it; a.i." . l1 .\).|>l'aula, Ilf . A:j,'l;i>nlia City.' . ■in jioMo/-rf i'N'r FfiETtij ,'Ui^ “r'lsly •iioiirS', YOi S'C.cniicdy "f S]ii«K b0.l'foG I Mr iiiiil Ml',-. li^d'i.ilrt ha mill er qT}'0.('!i; R. py i!Va,jj|^S>ar!ur(Ml 'Mav t-dx ,-i:Ran.“,.l I1\ED’!(‘WUJ0HHEL11 ]iii k,r. and Mr Di.y, !>i«/ rf/ahcf I ■-”'i tiinii'll!^ -Q'''•|.i'i;i«ij tiU' A. 'iid 'iO ' Toqior Opq-fl Hoof!? JlorQf Air. i ltd Mr V\ l|,fi)®j' '.('VitilmMCYVii AhV'.i' n’ (O' i * ini -i 'rlo^ ’ ■ ,lllO juli'.bf tlr 'V WTOkSglf’VO-r' M.' « :,i a! .\tlan ';a 11 j|l;I.i t’J' 'li'.O- M'lidi/'.‘Jti'n'lit'rl aojicSYSi^i.'Vi'e}"^ (Iu.-!T )iYry:a,;Mtail'd pf n.sjiiftimn.y, t(Vir,n‘'-rive, .amuboy'', fns,r ; uKO'ksniO,;;li(.'Ot!,'r ' . j I9-. sjj'i '0 i ! ' '! Mn . llolniis I’l lli'M' .(if \'’Kt>?tli.'!_ ,u'j] i- 'apdii’i' a. ' V.if!*-■ .jii irap: , Air, all-: ■ .'.'.r's'..'.! 'M'all'Ai'

'Mr:, ( lalirr'a I'liai Ill - PI riie‘.V'rfud-: \\v ildin;-' ey.iicGi.l!' nf.'Mls- ' I'lcdf , '. ■n ;\EoO'a;ih; aoi. Mr, aiiTyii>. M\l'yidi''^yyi'oi;7' 111 I'l'al,,.. V, iih num of ,rr.;niuir\, aiD l U'i 'yc i.ljiim Malbiwad. .so.!i...o( .\hi,. :n)d MiL I’l.iuls of 'will lalM'pl'ica :il Uk," hoYiii- '.Ir. ■Mirf ’.Ir ,. S'llla 1 1 ' ti.C’ lat-ii,. oi I iifiil'r ^,111 '.VVt-d'K.Mtin rvHitn.y.' I su/H4TE'Br'f :Nr. , . Hi Siinih' V . 1 'r: is'n :ih r. ai! 11 O'* fi'M ' oil yoorLjnVi'' ■'I'sitt!: .|3tT'-firL''i - 'Acrfl'i-’'•’(h ( 'ri TBHir,-- . i !''■( t. .! H ilM i‘ 1 Eihtl FaI'nTyriO''^' i l f t r - 'ti j ■ ^ lim V.,v “ h.T'T..1 'I’ll :r- II.,. ('lljUo' ( oi' i];r jiiK.rriiiMiiis III itf'N Hit l.-Yirk lin- pilai the O'lm tj-arUri lit ua- n-coii,)!(t. tji'y [Van.], Mr-. :-.|ir.'i!i >r. 1i; ra .-!H lit y 11 111' p;'.r.'oi: h'!,,' i',ro •. v\iii iM-'Miiipiyivoif. V'l I'liiii (hi.' h! 'I IVIll )h \\\h ;.itd save ' F.r'on :iy. i! I,. ?\i. 1'. ( iuuiil'i'rlin l::r ■ |iurrfia llu' Mri. I\. Mount ■!'ro[iri'i \ on '.lie, .Mr. liiiii .Ml . Kay ll'il! 1 Uavi'-on Ward latm-i. Mr, ( 'h;imix'rlin pro- .•|ii.|il SLimliiy it Xi'w Hr in-'.vii'k. '1 L'ni’U'i W 1' t\ 1 It) 0 pHyov to lia'.c the lioiisn Win-'! for ■Blauveit’s ■('•lociricisy and oilier inipro\-emenls rii.tif HIM Lloytl I'lillrn anil ( I'Ul’U'c 1 'iqiiiT .vyill Ih‘ made lo ilie house. .-|Mllt ' Tirsilay in 'rrnlllini at i> inliug tl qrtlirl. .Suldiers ami ..Sailors Haiuiuei ISABE'L KENNEDY AND MR aPiNK. j v S ' M. .M. Hi rriiir III' ( 'r; 11 bury In nrdei:' lhal Ihe Soldiers' and .'U-fl the ‘I’liiy jmetory’ workoil night and FARMS FOR SALE \ 1 HI 'I 111 \ :i '-W I'M ! I (• I 'I - Gl't \ nil M I' niU‘ 11 ID ' day w ith hours that would maUe any nett st-aiiou S|H-||I 'I'lic.-d ly ttilli licr Sailurt' liaiiqui'l may lie I lie liig stie- respeotiiig union tea/ iia hair. Several Good Potato Uiiffkslviti, Siifiir. Siliv Mild (btiiKlil ■r, Mrs. Allicrt Di-liovmigli. eess the people are plaiiiiiiig il is very Soldier shows, niovios, sketche.s, mono­ A full lim- of iinporlaiil lhal every soldier ami logues. all kinos of ewtertuinnients. wore Farms of various sizes sent out on Ou- road froiri (he “ Play F a c ­ (M)lloii 111 Ml pVil ^i^s. E. W. ( 'ill lie h IS licon ' pnml- ■•allot' shall he on Ihe iiivilatioii and tory.” Musicians, costumers, critics, staga iiiL" a wi'ck a i'iilri son wiHi licr ticket list. I'h .J. Hogers, -the ehair- managers, ballet teachers, had a Hand In nmkin.g the show ready for tour, with the -far, Mr-. .Insaiih I’alarsnii. nian of Ihe eoiuinillee in eharge nf result that the productions were regular GEORGE E. HUNT « I llial pari of the aiTangcnieiUs lielimes Broadway affairs, completely satisfying Chas. J. Keeler & Bro. Cyril- Momil, the liltia .-on of he has a eompiete list, lull he is \ery the demand of the (heater loving Ameri­ Real Estate and Insurance anxious lhal not a single man shall can boys that composiMj their audiences. NhW .IKRSEY •lohli Mnmil of Barffaii Mill.-, fall n(T Howard L , Acton, V, M. C. A. .eiiter- Stockton and Center Streets mcniT.sTowN, a poreh and hroke Ills arm reeaiiUy. be overlooked. To make lhal maltei' taimnent director for tlie S, O. S,. was sure he iiio.-t iirgenlly requests that responsible for the idea, which was car­ ried into effect by him jind Lieutemint Hightstown, N. .J. I iiiini'Mn r 'iTrirmni iitririi-----iii • a?trfmiiimsBeM saE -Mrs. William Holers'iiiid Mrs. B. every man inleresled shall eall at Colonel ii. iJ. Camille, army entertain­ Frank Almiiil spanl 'I hiirsday in his olTiee and have Ids name cheeked. ment omcer. Subsidliuy' play factories He will lie al his oHIee every evening were later oiiened at I’aris, Bordeaux and Trenton. t St. Nazalre, all of which cleared through this wefdi for this )iiii'|iose. (lo in the head office at Tours. .\Ik- Kisie Bell of Treiilon visilad ami register, lioys. Mis.s Hmnia Dennis nf Aeadainy STILL FIGURING. Y. VV. G .lA . The Miracle ITan street on Sunday. “Why worry?" Mr, ami Mrs. Charles II. Davison The mas.- meeting for Hie pui’iiose “I ’m figuring on my income are spending two weeks at their of developing interest in establisli- tax,” said the man willi the gloomy .sllaek al Alaiiasquaii Heaeli. ing Y. W. C. A. work in Ifiglit-- face. town, which was sclieduled for to­ “Thoiigiit you figured that out M j. and Mrs. ,M.i !’■ Cliamberlin night ill the Strand Theatre, will lie inontlip ago,1 ?” , and family siieflt llie week-emi al held Monday night at .S o'eloek in “I ,did. That was the easy part, the Baptist (Tuireli. MTiere will lie Spring La.ke.. Now I ’m ligiiring oh how to get the s(ereo))tiean views ami a good speak­ money to jiay it.’'’ •\. 'r. Skilliiiaii of .lersey City er, together with eoinniimity sijig- spending a few days here. ing. if you are interested, come and sliow it. if you are nut iiiteresti'd, .SOCIAI, AND DANCE U. i’. Eby, one of Hie mail carriers, come and Find mil. why you should tie. uuiii'i' auspii-r- of is enjoying his viicatioii. Hightstown Chapter FINAL REGISTRY DAY ORDER OF EASTERN ST.VR Courtney ami Seheidler Brotiiers havB jnireliased llie haypre.ss al.t-nw- in Tuesday, Oct. 28th, is the final renee Station of .I.- 11. .Mien and Sou, HIGHTSTOWN OPERA HOL^E registry day before election clay, Ine. November 4. FRIDAY EVENING • Voters who were not registered . OCT/ 31st,'8 o’clock. •James M. Vandeiibergli lias pur­ at the primaries must register .Ulmissioii, dOc. War la.x, chased a Dodge sedan. Tuesday if they would vote. The STILLWELL’S MUSIC polls will be oepn from 3 to 9 p.m. F'. L. Daniels has sold a Buick Cgkc, I’limpkin Pie,, lee Creiim ami Voters who havg changed their louring car to licdforil Juli. places of residence sihde the' last l(CilifimMh‘. fegistiiy day should register Tues­ The Charle.s Harris properly oil day ill their new districts. Mercer street was sold this week by Enoch Bldridge for Samuel B. Mount FREE to .James Copeland. Roosevfilt'.s, Life in Motion Pie- OYSTERS tufes al Strand tonight. The public is .1. Ely Dey re,ceived on Tuesday cordially invited to attend. No ad­ a carload of N-P Sterling pipeless Maurice River Cove mission. heaters and Sterling ranges. Oysters at JOSEPH J.OOWLINO aAolXETjyLCOMPSON William Pelter of Larabertville was a Sunday visitor in town. Truthful Reports LAIRD & NORRIS T d E MIRACLE M A N ^ Edward M. Wycoff, son of Mr. Hightstown Reads Them With Fruit & Produce and Mrs. George M. Wyooll of Uncommon Interest A romance of rogues who followed a “fake" to faith. North Main street, is expected home A Hightstown citizen tells his ex­ North Main St., Hii(htstown this week. He has been located at perience in the following statement. All that is fine, all that is sorrowful, all that allures in the Staten Island during the past month. No better evidence than this can be act of living, crowded into bne thrilling picture of unalloyed had. The truthful reports of friends delight. and neighbors is the best proof in the Miss M abel Reed will return to I the Johns Hopkins Hospital, Balti­ world. Read and be convinced. A vivid, vital drama of human hearts, sinning, struggling, more, Md., next week. Previous to en­ I. I. Stults, 150 Outcalt St., says: loving, achieving. Driving ahead with action that grips and tering the servioe as nurse Miss Reed “I caught a cold and it settled on $1M Reward, $1M my kidneys. I suffered from pains of this ptpor win to holds. Softened with humor so true that it laughs with all . was a. Bufse. in.,thi8.hnspital' to loam that thoro le at loaot in the small of my back and my kid­ adsd dlMiio that Htonea has mankind, so deep that it starts the tears. More amazing than neys acted irregularly. Doan’s Kid­ ^ lo to eiu» In ^ lu stacts aad Mrs. Mark W. Swetland enter­ to mtwrh. Cat^h hohw issatlr even the great st'ajg^ triumph. tained on Saturday evening in honor ney PiUs soon gave me relief and hr ooBstltuUonal U ^ lto M every sympton of the trouble left, - . _£ so^tWtoBal trsotasat RalTs of Miss M ab el. Reed. CatarA Msdletos Is tsksn tatarnaUr aa4 Do you know what love is? Come to “The Miracle Man." have had no occasion to take an y aeto, tkni ^ ^ JWtod on tto. M o m tor- Dr. Vera Schectman-Abrams medioine for my kidneys since, which foraiwly of Newark, Nf J., has open­ proves that the eure is permanent." Friday and Saturday, October 24th~25th ed iiet oBoe a t 321 Stockton itreet, Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't Hiihtitown, for the general (motiee simply ask for a kidney remedy—get eft EVENINGS ONLY 7 AND 9 O’CLOCK - mountains where the Wulst of the miles Hllarlo reined In and {he others subdued bis excitement and cleared theJl lcBlI El Oemonlo? I have heard Island ;la narrowest. Ndt until Wey- crowded close. Ahead, dimly discern­ 121 E. State St„ Tientom N. J. ■that he ll'Indeed a demon. Not. Very ler’g time ■werejTtbe two methods of ible agaAst the night sky, there ap­ bis brain. He surprised himself by di­ well I YoU) say you wish to visit hfs- : paclficattoia the trofhaiiand the concjfn^ peared to be a thinning of the woods. recting Jacket In a cool, authorltatlv*; HOTEL WINDSOR BLDG tanzas, and I am instructed to help tratlon cslinp'. developed th their fullest After listening for a moment or two, voice, to shoot low. When he had emp-. you. Bow can I. do so?” extent - Althoufth his trochas hludeiiMl Hilflrio dismounted and slipped away; tied the magazine he led two of the Weller Brothers - O’BelUy hesitated an Instant/' “For the free, movement of Cuban troops the three riders sat their saddles with horses forward. Then, grasping his one thing, 1 need mon^y. I—I bavhn't ; ^ hlSit prison eamps decimated the fill's strained. own machete, he Joined In clearing a a single, peseta.” peaeefoJ’ .population of several prov- Hlluno returned with word that all pathway. "Yoq are welcome the few dol­ Cigar Store j' (nces, the Spanish euuse gained llltle. was well, and each man dismounted to It seemed an Interminable time ere lars I possess,’' i! rt . Both tM;nt!he.s and prison camps be- muffle the feet of bis horse with rags they had extricated themselves from ' Juhimla expressed hi#' gratltude.;for ;sS^r.|.pM e| S ito 'lw grayeya-rds..- . and strips of gunnysack provided fqr the trap, but finally they succeeded HIGHTSTOWN. N. J. this ready assistance. '“ One thing ' At the ^line .Tolmnle O'Reilly set out the purpose. Then, one by one, they and gained the welcome shelter of the moTe,”:seia he. : “Will you give my t, for Mffitart«fl^nthe wajieva w ur'w lthoiit moved foi'ward to the edge of the woods, pausing Inside Its shelter to Get That New boy, Jacket; a neW'ii pair oftrousers buttle, without victory', without defeat clearing. The troi-ha lay before them. cut the muffles from their horses' feet. and send him back to the Orient at the I ' —had settlVd,lnto,^a grim contest of en­ O'Reilly felt a pair of , reins thrust By this time the of the tro­ first opportunity?” durance. In'the’east, where the Insur- Into his hand and found Hllarlo eiam- cha were pouring volley after volley Victrola for a iTu Be Coaliiiueil rectos were practically supreme, there liilng a .large pair of tinner's shears. at random Into the night. “SMOKESHOP" waa food of a sort, but beyond the Ju- “ Do you wish me to go with you?" Now that the skli-mlsh was over, he Inquired of the guide. Jacket began to boast of his part in It. earo-Moron trochu^—the old one of Mus'cal Taste. Main Street t: jHightstoini Campos’ bulldlng-^theu;COiunto-,...|.Was The latter.shook his head. “Antonio “Ha I Perhaps they’ll know bmer Composer—“I’ve KOt' a new song sick. Imraedlutely weirt of It, ra; that will go; he will keep watch while I than to show themselves tjie next time NOW clear a path. • If anything goes wrong, that’s bnmid to make a hit.*' Concert ^district which the Cubans called Las I come this way,” sa!^ he. "Ton saw Manager—"Any sense In ItT" "Non* None loo early to aAlect it and will I tn-ri'. j Don't ride away, until we me. didn’t you? Well, I made^ a few at all.” “ Any fun In It?" “Not a bit.* Villas, the land lay dying, While the Spanish widows tonight.” ' make arrangements to get it- Come entire provinces of Mistanzns, Habana hnve Him— " “Any music In It?" “Not a note." “Never fear. I wj^n’t desert you," When no one disputed his assertion “Quite right! You’ve got a sncces#!" in and talk it over with us and let and Plnar del Rio were practically Jacket proceeded further In praise of ns show yon how easy it is to own There Is dead. These three were skeletons, the Aiiierieun reu-ssuaed him. himself, only to break off with a word­ one. picked bare of flesh by W eyler's.beak, The two white-clad tlgiices slipped Nothing Better away, heeiinie Indistinct, and then ills- less cry of dismay, New October Re(‘brcls are in—and The Jucaro-Moron trocha had been THAN THE BEST ujipeiired. The night was hot, the inos- “What’s the matter?” Johnnie In­ k greatly strengthened since CampOs’ there is a list of old raeords waiting qiiltoes luiinined dismally and settled quired. therefore when we say that the day. It followed the line of the trans- for you— Records th at will not be In clouds u|)on the waiting pair, mad­ “Look! Behold me!” walled the best tea the market affords is Insular railway. Dotted at every quar­ listed in future catalogues. See the dening them with their poison. A half- hero. “I have left the half of my beau­ put up in ter of a mile along the grade were lit­ lisl--lhere may be old favorites hour passed, then the two ghostly fig­ tiful trousers on that barbed wire!” HEROY’S RED PACKAGE TEA tle forts connected by telephone and which you would have in your ures materialized once more. Antonio swung a leg over his saddle, SOLD AT 60c. telegraph llnegt Between these fortl- After you eat—ahrays take "Dios!” grmnbled Hllarlo. “There saying: “Come along, amigos; we have slock, l.ast chance to get them is It must be the best—no matter nas were stations of logs or rail­ are niiiny .strlng.s to this Spanish gui­ fifty leagues ahead of us. The war NOW. what price you have been paying road ties. Eyes were keen, rifles were tar. What a row when they discover will be over while we stand here gos­ See ns al)0 ut the OLD or the NEW. you will find Heroy’s Red Package ready, challenges were sharp, and coun­ PATONIC Tea strictly fine, satisfactory and that I have played a Cuban danzon siping.” ( B j f c ffW TflBB ACBMrtOMAdS tersigns were quickly given on the Ju­ O’RoJlly’s adventures on his swift equal to. any you ever drank. upon It.” The old man seemed less Write for a sample of Golden caro-Moron trocha. ride through Las Villas have nq part In Instan^ relieves Heartbntn, Bleat­ In O’Rellly^a.party there were three surly than before. ed Cawy Feeling. Stops food souring, Tipped Ceylon Orange Pekoe. “Is the way clear?” O’Reilly in­ this story. It Is only necessary to repeating, and all stomach miseries. men besides himself—the ever-falthful say that they were numerous and va­ Jacket, a wrinkled old Camagueyan quired. A i» dif«slioa and Km p « stomach H eroy’s "As far as the railroad, yes. We ried, that O’Reilly experienced excite­ iw setand stronff. Inersasss Vitality and Psp. who knew the bridle trails of his prov­ EATONIC is tbs beet rem s^. Tees of thon- 20-22 E. State St. lieiird voices there, and came back. ment a-plenty, and that upon more than Im porters of Teas & Coffees ince as a fox knows the tracks to Its Mndp wonderfully benefited. Only cootaa cent We will have to cut our way forward one occasion he was forced to think o rtw o a day to uaoit.. Poeitively guarauUied lair, and a silent guajlro from farther to pleafle 01’ we will refund nionev. Oetabtc 155 N. BROAD ST., after w-e cross the track. Now, then, and to act quickly In order to avoid a TRENTON, N. J. west, detailed to accompany the expe­ box today. Y 5U will TRENTON, N. J. follow me without a sound." clash with some roving guerrilla band. dition because of his wide acquaintance D. H. Cunningham & Son, Hightstown Leading his horse by the bit ring, Food became a problem Immediate­ with the devastated districts. Both Hllarlo moved out into the clearing, ly after the travelers had cro.ssed the followed once more by his three com­ trocha. Such apprehensive families as panions. In spite of all precautions still lurkedjin the,woods were liberal the animals made a tremendous racket, enough—Antonio, by the way, knew all or so It seemed, and, despite Hllarlo’s of them—but they had little to give, twisting and turnings, It was Impos­ and, In consequence, O’Reilly’s party sible to avoid an occasional loop of learned the taste of wild fruits, ber­ barbed wire, therefore flesh and cloth­ ries and palmetto hearts. Once they ing suffered grievously. But at length managed to kill a small pig, the sole the party brought up under the railroad survivor of some obscure country trag­ embankment nnd paused. As carefully edy, but the rest of the time their as might be the four men ascended the meat, when there was any, consisted ■slope, crossed the rails and descended of Iguanas—those big, repulsive liz­ Into the ditch on the other side. An­ ards—and Jutla.s, the Cuban field rats. other moment and they encountered a Fortunately there was no shortage taut strand of barbed wire. The metal­ of food for the horses, and so, desjlte lic snip of Hllarlo’s shears sounded the necessity of numerous detours, the like a pl.stol shot to O’Reilly. Into the Iiiirly made good time. They crossed maze of strands they penetrated, yard into Mntnnzns, pushed on over rolling by yard, clipping and carefully laying hills, through sweeping savannas, past empty clearings and deserted villages, to their journey’s end. A fortunate encounter with a rebel partida from General Betancourt’s army enabled tlieui to reach headquarters without loss of time, and one afternoon, worn, Imggnrd and hungry, they dismounted In front of that gallant officer’s hut. General Betancourt read the letter which O’Reilly handed him, then looked up with a smile. “So! You are one of Gomez’ Ameri­ cans, eh? W.ell, I would never have known It, to look at you; the sun anef the wind have made you Into a' very- good Cuban. And your clothes— One might almost mistake you for a Cuban cabinet officer," OlRellly Joined lu the laughter evoked by this remark. He was qnlte Party Hard Riding Brought the as tattered as the poorest of Betan the Trocha. court’s common soldiers; his shoes guides, having crossed the trocha more were broken and disreputable; his cot­ ' than once, affected to scorn Its ter­ ton trousers, snagged by barbed wire rors, and their easy confidence reas­ and brambles, and soiled by days In sured O'Reilly In spite of Esteban s the saddle and nights In the graps. parting admonition. were In desperate need of attention. The American had not dreamed of His beard had grown, too, and his skin, taking Jacket along, but when he came where It was exposed, was burnt to to announce hi., departure the boy had a mahogany brown. Certainly there ^atly refused to be left behind. was nothing about hla appearance to bespeak bis nationality. Fifty miles of hard riding brought The general continued: “I am direct­ the party to the trocha; they neared It ed In this letter to help you In some on the second morning after leaving enterprise. Command me, sir.” Gnbltas, and sought a secluded camp­ As briefly as possible Johnnie made ing spot. Later In the day Hllarlo, the known the object of his Journey. The jold Camagueyan, slipped away to re- officer nodded his comprehension, but connolter. He returned at twlllgbt, as he did so a puzzled exprgsslpn but volunteered no report Of what he had discovered. After an Insistent crossed bis face. "Yes, I reported that Miss Varona cross-examination O'Reilly wrung from had gone Into tha d t ^ I took some him the reluctant admission that ev­ Into the Mate of Strands They Pene- pains to iSnd out. Do you have reason erything seemed favorable for a cross­ trated. ing some Ume that night, and that he to doubt—” had selected a promising point. Be­ back the wire aa they went Progress “Not the least sir-" “Then—tfl»y tave yotl come uU this yond that the i)ld man would say noth­ was alow; they had to feel their way; d e a l e r s w h o fSLLL AND RECUiVlMEND PERFECTION OIL HEATERS ing. the sharp barbs brought blood and w ay r Sapper, a simple meal, was quickly mnttersd profanity at every at«p< “I came to find but, and to fetch her HIGHTSTOWN CRANBURY dUpaasd of. T h e n followea ajlong. None of the four ever knew what to bar bfdth#.” •>Bnt_you don’t understand. 8he- is H. R. Difbrow dispiriting wait, for a gibbous ptoon gave the alarm. Their first Intimation P, W- Maataroll PsrilM * Priorr Bvowk ft Glb»oa rode high In the sky and the guide# of • dlKovery came with a startling actually InUdo the llnee, In Matan- refused to stir so loniJ It ren^oed “QWaa Tlvet" hurled at thorn from iaiirlt9iier.“ \j“ *i!itkctly. I intend to go into Itttan- there. It was a still n j ^ t ; In t)»e - somewhere at their backs. ■

A b u s i n e s s m a n f o r a B U iSIn e s s o f f i c e ' ,' -r- I p l e d g e s t o t h e p e o p l e Dutch Neck t BY Mrs. W. VV. White of .\shville, N. rteinbath Mr. and Mrs, Harry t'olenian and chil­ dren, (Atherine and William were .Sat­ LLOYD urday guests of Mr, and .Mrs. Hever.ly l.v- ^sbury Park erett and spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Henry rolenian of Whin*' Horse, Mr. and Mrs. WalterConover enter­ tained. oyer the week end Mrs. William X W. Kelly and grandson. John Kes.sler of Trenton. Mrs. Annie Dennison wtis a I’rineeton Steinbach jGompany’s visiior'Tuesdity. . . Mr. and Mrs. Sinilhtird KvereU S|h'iU I GROVER Monday in Freehold. Mr. and Mrs. I'reil Roliiiis of J-aw- reneeville- were Ihiirsday and Id'iday Republican Candidate guests of Mr. and Mrs. George, Robins. Fall Opening Sales Miss Sara Hutchinson of Middletown, ( onn.. and Miss Madeline Hill of I'.din- : ^ f o r biirg .spent Siindav with Mr. and -Mrs. Walter Bunting. Mrrand Mrs. ( harli's Deyand son, l.aw Close Saturday, October 25th fence, and Mrs. Lewis Bowers and son, George, and Russell Post were recent Trenton visitors. , AT6 ,P. M. Mrs. John S. Moiiiil is r’isiting her daughter, Mrs. Claude Wliiteimib ol ■ ’ ' -V " ' . 'v'’ ' . Newarlt). ' ,,.y The standarizeti merchandise of the world at moder­ Election Day Mrs. 'W alter' Conoxer and „children, Dorothy, and George, visiled Mrs. Harry Colem'i|n Tuesday. ately low prices. This is the significance of our Fall Mr.ra'nd Mrs. Southard Kvereit spent' Sunday witli Mr. and Mrs. (ji'orge .( on- Opening\Sales. ' Nov. 4 ,1 9 1 9 over.-T,.'- ■' ...... 'j Wilfl'am DennLson and son of rranbijry were Monday visitors at the-home of So appreciative has the public been of these splendid Mrs. Atinie Dennison. Thirty yciirs experience in successful business enterprises. Mi&'Sara A, Walton and mother spent Monday in Trenton. values that even an augumanted salesforce has at times a Keeping of oil records up-to-date and an admiiiislratioii that MG', and Mrs, Fred Davison entertain­ ed. Tuesday evening in honor of Mrs. been inadequate to serve our patrons with the prompt­ ^ will pay a profit to the county. , ,* Davison’s sister, Miss Lauretta Davison of Jaraesburg. The evening wa,s spent in . ^ a I'ersonal service : in if the office with PbSlTlVKI.Y NO OUTSIDE playing numerous games, after which re­ ness they are accustonied to. freshments were enjoyed. Those present ’1 ' " % were: Lauretta Davison,, Mr. and Mrs. New arrangements have over come this and we can is undivided time and attention to the affairs of the tax­ Jacob.,Palton, Mr. and Mrs. William Davi .son, R®ba Cook, Agnes Chamberlin, Edith payers. Grava,tt, Mary Gravatt, .'Xnmi ('.roeiidyke, assure immediate attention to every patron. Edith Davison, Gdadys Davi.son, Viola i{'c o u r t e o u s TREATMENT AND A .SQUARE DEAL FOR ALL ^ Walton, Mr. and Mrs. FrOrl Davison, Kus: - All special sales continue until closing hour, Satur­ sell Post,, Frank Groendyke, Walter Da­ vison, Ofville and Jay Walton, Henry day, 6. P.M. vj ^ (Ordered and paid'for by L. W. Grover.) \ Chaniberlin. A meeting of the Woman’s Missionary V%-f NEVER BEFORE SOUGHT IN ELECTIVE PUBLIC OFFICE-ts^-^ Society fhis held at the home of Mrs. Annie Dennison on Wednesdity. At the Roll Call each lady responded with an iF ot t h e .item of interest on Alaska or India. Mrs, For W omen- Children- C. H. Havens of Lawrenceville and .Mrs, ''lean go; Edward .Dunham of Trenton each gave Sired and aflernoon dresses ol doth and silk . .$14.95 Billie Burk's of flesh-color batiste, trimmed with hem- interesting talks on missions. Mrs, Or­ - Suits of velour, chevlcjt, siiverloiie and serge..$27.50 slitching shirring and ribbon...... $2.0# ville Wright and daughter, .Norma, sang (ioalet's of .Arcadian i.and), v.diiefl at $4.S, sped ..$29 75 l.'aml.)ric night gowns, edged at neck and sleeves, with a duet entitled, “Ye are the Seeds.” embroidery, size,!!) only...... $1.2S Those present were: Mrs. Leroy (jrover, Flush ('oals with convertible collar...... $29.75 Mrs, J. VanDyke Perrinc, Mrs. Ironig Infants night gowns of nainsook...... 75c. l.ika Seal C'uats, .^(> inches long...... $198,00 Infants flannel slips (Gertrude .style)...... ,$1.19 does my Everett and'daughter, Mrs. Henry Sned- (doves of I'reiicli Lninl), 2 da.sp, in white,grey,tan, eker, M J . Orvjlle Wright, Norma Wright, Shoes--a ten per cent discount will be effective on ^ Mrs. FT id C ^ , Mrs. David Post, Mrs. black and brown, value per jjair, S2..S0...... $1.95 shoes for infant's, children and growing girls. washing^ D. B. Thompson, Mrs. George Mount, Krendi kid„g!oves, 2 'clasp in while, tan,browi'i,grey Infant's white ashmere hose) silk heel an'd to e....4 5 c Miss Ri'becca Bergen, Mrs. David Ber­ Rolleif. skales, ball hearing wheels, adjustable to any and black, value $2.50 siR'cial...... $2.95 size, regular .$2.25, special, pair...... $1.85 She who has a Blue gen, Mrs, Lewis Bowers, Anna Bowers, Mrs. Edward Donal, Mrs. George Robins, H-l)iil.ioip length Hiarritz kid gloves,in white,brmvn and ,. JF).y!,s. suits of grey and green mixed cassimere, single- Bird is never “tied Mrs. Hiram Cook, Mrs. Walter Grover, beaver, per pair. . . •...... '...... j . . . . $2 45 breasted moilel belted, patch pockets, shaped back, knickers full lined, sizes 7 to 17...... $10.5# down” on washday. Mrs. MG E. Sraallbones, Mrs. Annie Den­ C'haipoiselte gloves, 2 clasp, while only, a pair. . .75 nison, Mrs. C. II. Havens; and Mrs. ■Suits of blue serge-and mixed twecrls, Norfolks model, Kayswe dianioiseUe gloves, 2 dasp in wliili*,grey,fawn eoat and ktiickcr full lined with mohair, $15.00 and, .$18.90 Her washing is “on EdwafiF, Dunham. Mrs.&olden is visiting her daughter, and black, a pair...... '...... 89c Overcoats—of blue and brown Kersey cloth with fur the line by nine”— collars, double-breasted with belted back...... 118 7S Mrs. W lte r Mount. Ilexa'gon Veiling, values bSc (o 25c a yard, s|H'dall2 l-2c Blouses of percale in neal stripes, collar attached or fin- she is not only frr.e Russi;| Post spent Wecine.sday with Net motor veils, 18x45. . , .69c--45'in. ,s(|iiare_^.. 89c Ills aimflMrs. Lillian Bergen of (.'ranbury. i ished with neck l)and, sizes 7 to 15, special, each.. to go but she is u.n- A suftrise party was tendered trank 'r'etifc7rfT

$100,000 Addition Vote ^or To Steinbach Store

Fifth Floor Will He Added to “ Lai'gesi Kesort Store In the Henry IF'p.rid.’! (llimlinutcd .Tower l-iO Feel ilijlh Will F talure thei Slriict lire.

J w o o k l i l i i f 11 iviilur.v dl' liilhiilesi. ill Mon- tiljiulli eourily will be a|ipni|)i'iil'li'i,v e, lebrated by ihe Sleinbyicli euiiiimii.v IfetTiocratic iii-.xl spnip' 1 ^^QandidiateH-or -iddiiion- a lillli - n ■ -nl.ai-li l-.iii i- ;-i ; sl'Ti' i-ii I 111,' p- , ml I lanes -a v FBEEHOl'IlEfl liv.d . ..\.-,l,iirv- Itl-l'.IO Cll.'t ill will 41(1,•UnU). ( ip.-i-alail, Successful Busi­ .at one.- and acoonlii.K ...... -- ui. .- n i| ,iin llif^ ii|‘Uj‘iM Kf-l*"ul‘l ; ness Man' for 33 iu-Mi-ipl‘-t, d ea.!'lj\: In t.ht->'.si.pi ii-il;. .’1 In that keeps its pledges, that upholds ii- pi li'iig i.s si-l- ii-r k . i t ' '; Years. I I inn-, fur llio jiupwiX' fthiHl - 1,0-., ,,’f. • ' f.liii!i- 11 -cmicreU* imwi4a.i(1s mi;; I nil iit.il I DurlDft (glTH Ordered and paid for by Henry j'*!’ .(ill oUH'Tu/tV “h"'' ''’V Took. ' ' your laws, loyal, economical, effic- * ( tlt)4 I h^.j Ij r-'-SK (I -simpJt kitiifp lir tiV ic ?nl\ Li\ ] Vi ''a---“jlfelv;-.u'.hi.i-l-it'iv.s,--'f.iV- i-l ho .t«altf'"--<,-!l t I,W: ¥ of Ihl.s biciodic.cs 1‘cvoiulloli. ni,vv u riJillid’Uiral el'fu-i’, '''in iH e'jrd ' fill; tliclr plaAmtf TIG K E T. “AH of' the ahident.s threw away ' % Form ' Patriotic Society—Close Iheir .straw -Jiuls -purely .fapanese \ ' ' I products—at ' the beginning of their liiiik '''IllXitebtli^X'd 'h,| A'*" 'I- . Shops and Banks to Gam rnovonienl, and the utjincn .students 'I’he enkW-llfl-Iit-lluo'ii fo be ■or'i’-te'l' set abniil making while duck hats, sanii- archilectlira,), di'csigh,.n- Patriotic Demands. which were eiillcd palnollc hats and ual In duUhffivlwu silum(,f Jo-iiujiuky Immeliriilplv became very popular. Ihe'I'l'im idcliiig ot Ihe pu-si nl Idth GOyVERNMENT ALLOWS POtNTS^^ Then tliev begun devoting themselves sliirv- with inansaiil lool, iNliiuhng lo the making of paias.o!s and of lal rrimi llio K ihoi','' slivi-t side. eipibijniHd', cum powclei'. Some of them paraded, IiFVimd the main luilranoe.,-; Tlifl Miss Harriet Smith, Y. W. C. A. Student hut none wn.s aiTi'sled, llie main ('ookmun luenm.i cntl'iuice^- " ( ’hiniL Ls Ihe Iasi nmidry In the NEWTON A. K. BUGBEE Secretary In China, Relates Amaz­ world lo fear clas.s feeling arid antipa­ pi-diin'eiii- aliip the strueliirci ab<.)\'0 ing Story of How 20,000 Stu­ thy, whirl! seems lo he gripping the is 111 he eliniinateil and the arcliod dents Organized ThemselYes, I'est of the world,’’ Miss SuiUh says. window (‘xleiuUng ahiiul- liie main "In China Ihm-e is a wonderfiil social C'ookiiiaii avenue riitraiii-e n-moved. solidarity. People gel logelher, not-SQ- By BERNICE GRISWOLD. The preseiil liea\,\ nruaiiieiilal eor- FOR GOVERNOR ranch by localilles, Im't by trades a-nii liiei' ruuning around the entire lourih Miss Harriot RmlUi, for leu .venrs u pi'ofessions. hlvei'.v line hc'longs lo a lloor is to lie lai.eii down and a ne" Btudent secretary of ttie Youhk Wom­ guHd. and these guilds are wonderfully eornieii of ihe sami' neat design en's Christian Association in Sliaiiglial, organized, as the Chinese have a placed around Ihe new ,linh slory China, relates the amazing story of genius for orgitnlzalinii. m-giun/.miim. Despite... sh'-' h ...... , hoi» 20,WW Chinese students organized poor Hues of eommnniealiim, lack of rool'. earrying out tlie niodilied lUl- themselves to oust the inllitarlsts from ruHi'oad.s and [eleplione.s. tli(*se guilds iaii reiiaisennce s1,'’le of archil iiri aovernment offices la Peking and how hold closely logelher. Vet Iheir organ- To olduiii a salisl’iU-lory areliileel- they succeeded In becoming the' lend­ izulion has milhing in do with ca.ste, ural design I'or lln,'- ne'V slor,'" tlie For Surrogate For Senator ers of China. “'IVIIh a leadership as highly organ­ eoinpan.\' ollieiais made a.' sueriliee of Fearing that China was not to he ized as Ihat of Hie students a' great some S'dO.OIK) tiirmigh Ihe reniodel- aiiuiunt ran be done. ' Leading men of protected from the aggression of oilier iiig of Ihe ih'Csenl fifth slur\'. ’’1 hosi' nations by the Peace Treaty, as .she China Inlei'iirel Hie slmleiil movement who lia\'(‘ iii.s])e(de(l tile (-oinpaii.''S had expected to be, some 20,000 ,slu- ns very .signifleniil—the forming of a LLOYD W.GBOVER dePts, all of them bet-weeu the ages of new nalioniil luii’l.v,- Jl is the duty of plans, liowever, agree lhal the heaiily ^ JOHN E. GILL twelve and twenty-one years and in- all (Tirlstlan organizations In China to of style .secured tliriuigh the elninge is cladlDf 8,000 girls, organized theni- give these sludent.s, who are now the ea.s-il.y worth the added ex])emlilnre. selTM Into the Ohirieoe studenW f«- le«d«?r-4* ol* t.b«* evorjt P08- 'rJif* utory in (O Efficient and Business- trlotlc Society Immediately after the slbVe bit of aid and Inspiration, as they Iv to sorvico. Horo wilV bo locat(‘d Able Legislator and publication of the Drat draft of the need more than human help to bring tlie ri'fsorvo stoo-brooTns, wartTOoms, Vi China out of her difficulties successful­ Peace - Treaty to ftght for Chinese shipping and othor deparlnn'iils at Like. ly.ly xneThe Y. x \V, w v..C. A.a . la doing uumg what wnat Itil • • •■ i i it rights. enn to help the women student's. AH present scattered thoughout the bulili- Educator. Their flrst move was to strike from iif^ Licoaust' of inadqaunU' STiiu'cn ichool or, rather, from lectures, as of these students have given up their they remained In their re.spectlve vacations and are working hard d’lH'ri' will bo a’OKt rooms for liotli schools aud spent so many hours dally throughout the summer.” im'U ami woimm oniidoycM's ami In private study. They then organlzeil Miss Smith has .seen China change, lumdirooms i'or both, with-a nmdorn For Freeholder Into bands for getting out propaganda within ten years, from one of the old­ oioolric kiloluMi as ono of tbo fojilm’(‘s. For Assembly literature and for public speaking In est and most rigid monarchies ofot thetne „,u,i,|,.d. the country and small towns ami in the TTorld Into a republic. She saw the , .inn first republican flags go up and feels -Wiollier passenger ■ e .. tea shops In poorer districts of the cities In order that they might reach that China has accomplished a great to he installed, Anollier .sIr-iking feature ot Ihe iii,i- ARTHUR BRAY the vast numbers of people who could deal, fighting all the time as she has agaln.st the great odds of Japanese and proveiiieiils';lo I'lT'flltRle will hi not read. WILLIAM H. BLACKWELL Immediately upon orgiuilzlng, the European aggves.slon in addition to the .sfieeiul sla-ircase leading Hi llie ruiif, students published their demands, four old monarchtstic party. Given time, wliei-e a large s]mce is to he laid out Successful County Or­ In number: (1) that the tnlllhirlsls, China will become one of the great re­ as ail oiieii-air recreation room for till' who as a. party were pro-.Iiipiincse and publics of the world, she says. eoinpany's employei'S, Departim-iils Successful Granger. practically controlled the (Joveniment MissMISS I'lniTnSmith livesllVfH In111 Richmond,rviLiiixiuiJu, Va, r u., , , i ganizer. a n d Is hom e on a year's furlough. She HininglioiH l ie store are i at Peking, be put out of office; (2) that arranged ami several new dejiart- Shantung be returned lo China; (!i) expects to return to China In the meiils added that the twenty-one demamls made by spring. Japan In 1915 be cancelled; (4) llml W'lNDSOR there be freedom of spee(-h iiiiil of Ihe (EOlltE W. GUTHRIE press. They also uis'sital ihat the Rev. Williaip B. Magsam is spending the JOHN McCu llo u g h Chinese constitution he linlsheil. week at Hinghamton, K. Y., attending An immense amount of litcralin'e the .\h-illonal Convention of the P. 0. of was put out, much of It in Ho* new A. . . , , Mis.s I-dizahcth Robbins is visiting lier Economical F reeholder. Printer, Civic Student phonetic script which is hi-iii.g hiiinrh- niece, Mrs. William Yonkricken, at Brook­ ed In China, so Ihat ihe mioiliii-aled lyn. classes might learn -what was hupiicn- Mrs. Lillie Conover of Mctuchen. has Ing. Student,s lectureil ever.vwhen' on been spicnding several days with her sister, the demands, .stirring lhppoo|iip In |iii- Mrs. A. Howell Potter. trlollsm. When niaii.v (if Ihem were Mrs. Taylor Brown of Trciilon'reccntly arrested while parading in Ihe sireei.s vi.sit'cd friends in town. GEORGE M. WYGOFF WIIUIM«. MOORE of Peltlhg t-fiey forfiipd an Assnciallo Rev. VVhH-iain 1).' Magsam entertained his mother, sister and broHier " from- of Imprisoned Sindetil.s within t| Salcm, on Sunday, prison and refu.sed to be released, pick Miss Anna Meeker has been spenchng Lawyer, Soldier, etliig the stockade themselves when a few, (lays with her sister, Mrj!. William Countryman, Able Oovernment guards were taken away, F.iig'lish al Chcstei field. until Ihe Gnvmiim'nt ' submitted -a Mr. tind' -Mrs. Benja.min T. F-mmous proper apology for having imprisoned were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. ^ County Servant Athlete. them In the heglnniug. , William Robliins at Robbinsvillc. When It became evident that eco­ Mr. and Mrs. Fred S. Meeker spent the week end with Miss Belle Kentgen nomic pres.sure was all Ihat would he at Allenhurst. effective both the bankers’ aad mer- Mrs. Alice Malsbury has been spending ' chans’ guilds were called upon to back a few’ days with Mr, and Mrs. Barclay the students. “In less than two Malsbury at Imlaystown. hours," Miss Smith .said, "the shutters MISS HARRIET SMITH Mrs. Ada Baus and sons, Harry and were up at every shop in that great Of Chineae Y. W. C. A. Hilyard have -moved in with tltc for­ city of Shanghai, where telephones are mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roliert Vote the Straight Repub­ Southard at Trenton for the winter. few and communication difficult. MOROS TAKE UP HOMESTEADS. Every shop, w hether large or small, Mr. Conover - and. daughters^ of Me- tuchen spent the week end with Mrs, wag closed. The laboring people, feel­ Not only the non-Christian people Conover at-the home of Mr. and Mrs. ing as patriotic as the bankers, mer­ of Davao who have their residences A. H, Potter. chants and students, also Joined the Miss Lillian Booth of Trenton spent general strike. For a week everything near the new townships but also Sunday wittf her cousin. Miss Dorothy was closed—shops, money exchanges, those living in ihe mountain fast­ Robbins. lican Ticket. fish markets, shipping, everything. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Grover and chil­ nesses of the wild regions of that The students struggled to keep public dren of Hightstpwn were recent guests utilities ruunlni,. The telephone.s.ery- locality are learning rapidly the im­ of Mr. and Mrs. W. James Tindall. . Ice was stopped for a short time, but portance. of obtaining land from the DUTCH NEGK the students soon had It running again. government by homestead, is the in- Thev held meetings day and night, try­ •i , ------At the meeting of Washington Camp formation received from the fores- No 180, ^P. O.-S. ot A„ held on October — ing to keep the railroad employees at try bureau employees from Iforo- 16th, Recording Secretary Clark W, Hut- their posts and explaining that it was chirason presented to the captain of the patriotism for them and for water land. I'Kis condition is partly ex­ "tug of war” team the beautiful silk flag, works and electric light employees to plainedpauiiAUU ascvey udue uv tolAj the AdU.Vfact that DlJcHi the lilJtJ won wwii ify by theluc ivaii*team fromaav... White Horse continue to work. At the end of that TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 4lll. 1919 week the students had woi) the flrst , ' h , N - I- ” T ..... ° "L ceived it through the mail. The flag is a point and the militarists were out of ize that the invading ------hosts of--- Chris------beauty, uvoul,-, beingt ' made ' of ' the best ' quality tian4-10r\ Filipinos,TPl lx TV'nn as well asn AI.,*the —pioneer 1 ClHr T-f lo ft- ft "'‘h placed power," ^ •* ,.o -o ^ exhibition 'tr, in fhA the mTim room. The he next next When suffrage In any form finally Japanese and^ American v«*Ax q,x.i/vAu.Aosettlers will TTiAj jHitiatioii initiation Will will beDC held on uccooerOct&her jwen,30th, cones to China Miss Smith feels that soon get possession of the good land, at which time the camp’s degree team Paid for by the Mercer County Republican Committee. It will be granted to both men and wo­ in Davao and that they, the Moros, men because of the way women are ,. ' ...... ;. . T, ’ Mrs, Melvin TindallTil and children were helping to build things up now. Wom­ wul soon have no place for them- Sunday afternflon visitors at the home of ...I. m;----- Gordon Tindall. en ftudeota took an active uart In all selves.—Manila Times. dq' y o u l iv e w it h y o u Rif a m il y ? The Youth’s Companion is published MICKIE SAYS for those families who purpose to live to­ gether, work together, play.tc^ther aSd Notice of Election BULWARK AGAINST read together. The editors believe that a dW ME VMOUI.D Notice of Time and Place b( Holding united family means a united nation. COME o u t HERE ‘N JO& NER the General Election and of Officers to It is surprising how many stories—over NVEMORN • t^O^AE^F Nfc-'»OUt be elected, and meeting of Boards of 250—are printed in the 52; weekly issues. .Election..and- .Registraiians m- the , tQwn= Every member of the family will enjoy UfOMEtwlN' > t y g t MCED , ship of East Windsor, County of Mercer, B ut OEE MIVAVE.'.- t BoWt reading Charles B. Ffawes' serial, The State of New Jersey. Some Facts About Cold Storage Son of a "Gentleman Born," in 10 chkp- HAEOkN VtNOVM HOW f OO tera, .beglanJng in an early issue, and the 8 BOUT M KtH General Election and the Charges of Manipula­ other serial stories by Elsie Singmaster GUE#» / Notice is hereby given that the general and others. election will be held in and for the Town­ tion and Exorbitant Prices. New subscribers for 1920 w'ill receive: ship of Ea.st Windsor, county of Mercer, The Youth's Companion—52 i,s,sues in State of New jersey, upon— y 1920, Th€ Si0ry o f a Twroi C€iptaim 2. All remaining weekly 1919 issues. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 4th, 1919 Once figaln the subject of cold stor-, ^omotioo in the Navy cooei quickly to 3. The Companion Home Calendar for from the libtir of 6:00 a. m. to the hour Bge tins come Into the limelight of pub­ thoK who _qanU^ ^ ^ b a r rntia^- In U 1920, pf .seven o’clock^p. m. The place for lic attention; an i this lime In conneo March 1899 A. P< enllated in the Navy a* an Apprentice Seaman, 3rd claM. All the above for $2.50. holding siiid elecfrdii in the sdifi tbS’ilShip libn with the natMn-wlde search after In April 1907 be #aa rated Chief Turret 4. McCall's Magazine for 1920, $1.00— has been selected as follows, viz: Town­ the cause for the high cost of living. Cadtain. Hia pay today U $185.78 per the monthly fa.sliion authority. Both ship Building,. Etra. Month. publications for only $2.95. Said election will bo held for the purpose . There can be no argument in behalf THE YOUTH’S COMPANION, of electing a Governor of the state of of hoarding and holding back food Sup­ Commonwealth Avc. & St. Paul St. New Jersey, a memticr of the State Senate plies for speculative profits. But this Boston, Ma.ss. for the county of Mercer, three members of is a matter quite apart from the true New' Subscriptions received at this office the general assembly of the State of New and legltirnute purpose of cold stor­ Amans life - amon^ men I Jersey, Surrogate of the county of Mercer, three members of the board of cho.sen age; and, unfortunately, hecau.se of Reel them off—*'Rio*’,Gibrah:ari freeholders of the county of Mercer, one the much agitation and damaging pub­ afloat that will make you a wel* SCOUTINQ HELPS'th(;j^COUBJ. Ceylon, Yokohama—all the great riicmber of the Town.ship committee, licity that have centered about the come man in any company. - - - ...... J-. port! of the world—are they only Township Clerk, Township .Assessor, Town subject from time to time, the real Work?—sure, and a man’s work In .sending a omnribuf Bilward ship for unexpired term, two .service performing function of cold places on the map to you—or are it is, among men. n BiiUnr, editor irl K6lfaIo Kvenlng surveyors of the highway, and Constable storage has been largely obscured. ' they ports where you've gone sail* News, for t'he miiIntermtK'e of boy for unexpired term. Play ?—well, rather, with a bunch. Laying In", Wlnter._Stoekt. ing in from the high seas with ishliut '^nlted SlAtesaAttocnBy Board of Registry of men who know how to play* ,.01ty-wisc .peopie,’ and even country* every eye along the shore turned Sfephdn T.Xaitkttjmpd'said; Purther take notice, that the Boards These comrades of yours carry wise people; have long since forgotten, admiringly on your big ship—< “I wish t'o state (hat ,I am strong for pf Registry am! Election in and for the in their ears the sounds of great aiiildsi i the'i.;'Co|v6tilences of' modern tlip boy scouts. If pveT.vbody In the Township of Ea,st Windsor will meet in ^ o u r ship I Every ocean has a world cities, of booming guns, of life, (hat there Vas. a time In the his­ ,ptty of Buffa'lo'. could be phylslcany the polling place aforesaid, on United States ship sailing' for tory of our country when j'laylng In a swashing seas — sounds you will strong, nientally awake and morally TUESDAY, (XiTOBER 28, 1919 some port worth seeing. winter's stock" devolved upon each share with them and that will straight', I.iWotiUl have the'opportunity from (he hour of 3 o’clock p. Ji. to the household Individually. Today, one Jf you’ve any call in you for a never die away. of dismissing the federal grand Jury, hour-of 9 o’clock p.'yi.’kci\]Yi! Jyy does not even need to remember that fuU life—join, and color all your And when you come home, you'll to go home and meditate In my garden revising and correcting the registry lists and ..i.'ec.fiving additional registrations. .eggs are. not an all-year-around prod­ yean ahead with memories ' of face life ashore with level eyes— for a few weeks." ; ■ uct; that butter Is produced In scant things worth seeing—with knowl* ' 'k A. G. CONOVER, for Unde Sam trains m se/f- -4',- nmo.ujlL In the winter, and cheese ilke- edge worth having—with an inex­ relia n ce as well as self-respect. b Oy s c o u t d o in g s . Ctefk of |■'.,Lsl \\ mdsor Tmvnsliip. wi.se. Not a few Would b,b cninpleti^ly'' haustible ftmd of sea tales and The Navy builds straight m a n - '■I'l'prisi'd to know that even meat pro- A hoy scout In Pliilnljekl, Conn.,' adventures picked up ashore and no mollycoddles. •iiictioii has it.s .seasons.'of ijciircit.y. did hlif'.dally, “good liitn” by going The bii.vor for the houselKild in thp.se ■ Bnhft for two years. Excellent opportunities for advancemeot. each morningdiiid,evening to milk the ■ lay.s simply goes to the store, any4ay Pour weeks holidays with pay each year. Shore leave to see in­ cow.s for a neighbor who was ill. land sights at ports visited. Men always learning. Good food ill the year, expecting. fo find thfee Tn Providence,, ,11. I., Boy ' Scout Notice ol Election and hrat uniform outfit free. Pay begins the day you enlist. Oct iiiid siiiillar commodities on the 'mar­ full information from your nearest recruiting station. If you do Troop Xo: 21 earfied over $40 and Notice of 'rimi' .imf I’laco of Holding; ryot know where the nearest recruiting station it, ask your then bought yarn for the Kod Cross Keep posted (lie (icncriii Klcdion'aiu! of nffirers to ket. Postmaster. He kbows. to he knitted for the soldiers'“liiiil - . ■ ‘ i'-' !k‘ elected, and Mooting of Hoards of Are Storages Overstocked? •sal Ions. Kloctinn and Registrations in tlio liorougli However, w?' arc loid that -storage of 1 iiglitslowii, in ilio Cuiiiuy of Mo$cor,, In iiiiiirecliiliim of .services rendered Stato of Now JorsoN'. stork,s of oemiiti commodities are at to the clly of .\cw London, Conn., by Reboring the prcsonl iibove Ihe riqiinul a.s pom- ^ove off I 'Join the scouts, in a .street cli'iiniiig ciirnyialgn, General Klection jiai'Pd with this time lust' year. It has Jlayor E. Frank Jloi'giin presented 57 Ford cylinders . robored accurately Notice is hereby gi\-oii tlial .1 ^onond* hcen ciimpiiteil lliat the. coiBblnert es- scouts with medal.s beating the seal by our new r e b o r i n ’muebinery; new olcetion wiil hv hchl in and for tho borough e'ess of a nuiiiiier of important foods of the city. pistons and rings included; prompt ()] llightstown, county o\ Morcor, St'au* In colli and dry sliiriige amount to 19 of Now Jersey, upon The Cnviiigtnii. Ky„ hoard of edti- service, price. .$14.00. I p'T ci'iil. While oil the face of It this c.iliuii ha.s iHissed a ncsnlutiim that TIKSDAV, NOM'MBKR 4th, HH9 looks like iiiiriue fmnrding of reserves, (lie Iloy Scmiis of .Vnicricii is to be fronr tho hour of six (.I’clook a. 111. t(J th(“ .101 It iini.si he ri'inoiiihered that com- U. S .N avy given [ircceil'iie'e over all nil'ier or- hour ot seven oVIook p. ni.- The j.daoos of I'.'Hsons with last your are altogether Adams & Culver holding said eleolifui if Sidd lic/rgiiRh luxe ganiziilion woii; willi hoys wliirh may i Mciuhi!;,:, Dotmimls for a great lie developed In (■om,icction with I he boon slorlod .i-, fnllm\s, ''' ' 403-405 and 407 Munroe Avc., ■;i:hr- rif comimidhio.s have increas'd Iiiil.ilic Kclionls of Unit clly. i'iiMi DiGirici til ill,. !,!fp{(gir [bdh, "^(' •deton stiTvt, ' s ...... Uur exports fur June The hoy .scoiiis of Quincy, Miis.s., Asbury Park, N. J. Second District -Rforough b.u i 1 il i n g, were double what they were a year hare a lieiidiiiiaridr.s conliiinliig 4„"4.5 Ikink street. iiL'o. and 40 tier com of these exports .s()iiiire feet of Iniililing space and G8,- Said election will In' hold for tho pin'p<*se IV, :-o (' o ;-iiilTs.' OOO .'•■quare feet of land to keep in Phone 2,586 of electing a tiovernor of tho state ol .Moreover, oiir I'eserves last year condition. The seoiiis swee]), scrub and Now Jersey, a member of the State Sen­ wore imideipiiile. Those ' ,Wf'ho recall oil tlic llo(ir.s, wash wliidoiv.s, diisl, ate for the coitiuy o f. .Mercer, three some of the Sextraonlinary pricp.s of keep the grounds in good condition, members of I lie gon'eral .is.sembly of the jHightstown Garage strito of New Jersey, SuiTogato. of tfie f'omiih foods host winter imd .spring run errands, do clerical work and all Auctioneer county of Mercer, tlireo nionibers of the know prei'isoiy what it memos to liiive kinds of'iiiore.s. hoard of.chosen trcoholders of the county loo .small holdings in .storage. That JOS. J. ELY of Mercer, two Councilmen of the Borough we are hotter prepared for hekt winter of Iliglilslown. than we wore for last .should not be Frank Weller 162 N. Main St., Boards of- Rej^istry used as the lia.sis of a whole.siilp eon , I'iii'ther Like, notiio, that (ho Bo.trds deinniitlmi of our methods of providing Manufacturer of HIGHTSTOWN ot Ri’gislry ami Kioetion in and for lh(‘ for our future wants. Borough of MighiHiou n will moot in their and Dealer in respective polling plaees aUires.iid oir How Prices Arc Determined. P A R SC jLj R ’ 3 Cigars, Tobacco TUImSDAY, (KrrOHKR 28, 1919 Cold storage' has been criticised se- HAi:t EALCAM Irum (ho hour of .-I o’clock p. m. (o tlio THE UNIVERSAL CAR RGUKivt’Kl'aminilT SiniisnturEfkJIiiii.' voroly as an iiisiruiuemiilily thiil lends f.'tsiio/es Color and hoiiry.)! 9 o'clock p. ,m. lor ihe piirpo.se of iisitf easily to the liiking of iitifiiir Smoker’s Articiej 3eciuf>- to Cray and Faded Hair nwisiiig and nirroeiing die regtsirx- lists o,c. niifl $ 1.00 a t ilrutr;;-; ta, profits. Without a qiie.stioii its nhilily iliarox ui. Y !;s. N.V I roooiviiig addit ion.d rogt.str.ilions. 124 IVtAIN STREET 10 oxinrf has lieeii grossly oxiiggeral- 2 3 CdvO. T. 1)[;NN!S, TERRITORY FOR FORD C.\RS i ’5(ilDE5JCOUi,'ii> III od. Slnnige wurohoiises arc soatlored r-Jt'., ;'foj>fi ftiJ jjtifn, ( lerk of the Hightstown, N. J. ■ t, jiinu-’f, wn’. Ill' hiyv. : ! or ru. Jirujc- iliroiighniit all iionimos of tho Uniiod ■ :a. JiiaBOh Ciu-f.uL’ai Wor trlii , i. Borough ol I i!ght>(own The Bonnisih of Ilightstown and the townsliip .ilatos and their coiiieiit.s- are owned of Ea.‘^t Windsor in hfcrccr county; and that i'.v ihiiUMiiids of ooiii|ieting drills and jtart of Washin.yton township in Mercer individiial.s, .Aliniit half the storage space ill Ihe eotiiilry consishs of piihlic county north and east of the Assunpink warehouse's Hint rent space to who­ Creek: the X’iilage of (Vanbury anti the ttiwn- ever wnm.s it, cithiT for sinall lot.s or ship of Cranbiiry, in Middlesex' county, X. J. big ones. Tiihiilalod ligiires of’ the, ariioimts in .storage are galheTed and The following prices are F. 0. B.iDelroit di.SKcminiitcil liy Ihe government Chassis,...... $475.00 mnntlily; and tile amounts in holding from nintiih to monih dgured against Runabout...... 500.00 ■whal simiild norimilly lie in storage ToiTring...... 525.00 dui'iiig liiiise months (nr I lie estimated Truck...... 590.00 denuirul) form the ha.sis for prices. Sedan with starter...... 875.00 . Some Figures on Profits. Coupelet with starter...... 750.00 But the best information as to profits In ijie's^nld storage business A large stock of genuine h'ord parts carried. fonsisl.s of at'tii'kl figiire.s, and such are pulilished rcgphirly by the federal iicpiiniiieiit of Agriculture. These i-liow, fur instance, ihiit In Ihe season Leon Ely, Prop., of Hll,5-l!)16 butter stored in June iind v.y HIGFltSTO^%, N .X • _ - •Inly at an averiigu.',jff2ti:64 cents a |ithm- (lro|)drop kickki.-k amiand failed for SI Hard. SeofI for .Sanger, Tiiro|)i) : lowship Cl'.ib Together Under i}'o. SI ii.-ird, inU tvs [•!( li*n\anl i l''twrcmvyill( \ fur Seolt, ('iddi fo r‘.Marshall, W'ood- Y. W. C. A. Leadership.' Friday is Delivery Day in This Vicinity J-f'-'-V. , ])d- Huh luts, iniiiiP fnt; inir-. Mav-iid liiin'hdow!). StifUcr l.nst Quurter ' ;‘f ' A . ; I»t ■■ iV) ' 1< ‘if ii (■ tf't i; il. I /:'' < '<' ■ i 1! < ■ for •’Ivi-e. 4HiJ^I^iicp ill soc.i(;‘ty hi Ma.|vl br'iUL'Iil i|n ’ hall on '‘ria\\K'fii'r'vnTi'’S ....TiiiVvn nei,\:j|kji,,’^s1[^!|/|a}i}|t}b'. f d t ('.hifiny Stylishly Serviceable ird>. Kearns eaineil 1 al li le, taini! li r-uliht i I uled foi' llrei II. ''Vii.h ijm., dcslrn of a pro* ■:y*Vl'/'''y4dh'“ lust si'iK, ,si u.'ird Kearns, \s lio «as ifiiiinih Marshall for .\, . ■ . l^rpt^'kiive.ymiui: I’hhicse, doctor to ydvc it- '■)tO;dekdh''i}v., W at! ■' ! . I i r,),ie II j mad,' 7' ,viiI s |■ aK.iimd 'Thi ir right end', hi8';,'i}: I ,r, end Smiili ■Uk'n^, some hcaiihlni loriu of ill 111- tide oils' k iarshall "inaih a, iii er ■f'll | tOlV(;iiU:s;,.V' , I''•V'i.'h: (’ n'rreh- fm* it ■ .::ood elean / social .. <;h;iniiiligly niodisli, 'cDiTiliined ''with eh i; id i ii.-d t. lint 1 he ii'd 'ear'd line. .Siiek ' y I m /STO: w ,Sei tiiid i dle kicl.t d, !i(i I h. l>alL- i\w nf iieliim! onr life amt'll,T ('hlta-'’'sc j.conL' are very ■run' tu)l(-)idh'ps aii;d|^KQU t-ndmv tliesL ’ . j limiicil. rm H .re.’''i::ly bm-Mniiij a L'.ua I iiii , 1 ■< ddi; ha’l! (Ml iu'C 'JO VtU'tf (.’I'-fisiian often mcam oncwelf iM’£B.i:tv, 'Coats." of I" U-i. diuMi Smith 'a yai'd, Mm-'dnill i If .'o S^L'Toty.ii jm i off from one's frieuds tend .rdufives, mml*' mill ■ Jit yel'.'V-ihr'tiiali'riehr'Itici.U . at ill. h <--L.jtini ‘h.K'iiiTi akso- from feast dtix.s apd- fesllval.s. *1 hCLiMy, I® ' tipthl-' dnd , n i di v i d u ali t\;. ' M'll A ho)-! itth rai i'ra'm la.di'ie, fn ,Mr. Wai :\s for johh meerinys id' men ami wom­ .'Miii' li riehi'd ,7 v.ardv.''hndiovv'iitiiiK >•: M r-drliHu ])iii*al^Li ItutrfaUly reatumii? ’Vi: 'in-tiif-' , ■- a.d-:!c hihh-^siody i 'V. To disD'ihuh d en—Avell. siudj a ilihit: was ijever heard . ‘ mil. •1 yard. haw )v'itcc\ i,i|'e p- na.ii/.i d ,' h, of in doeenr soeiCty. a.iJ«V l.fiidlo 1o ! lie..;\(cl!o\' - ami next week’s h Tola (’loili aiui ,8dvcrtor)t’s,|Hke.se' coals'm y Mnr^htt:!' link fifim ihe fe_i' idS nh. 'i^ic h;i-t'! wa-^ :i-dvain‘cd 'riu' young doctoi-'s phtn of hnvlnq;. son tHsij^hcd h; he tts.'i^ttm t letidcr. a fbilf where men' and tludr wives •111 karri lim ihil lu'.l'<1. i ,a w la nci s illc ''on'itm tiy hy Ajar-luill and Ludlow tedufCiiiailCauhldnl^ lliey 'Cbnipel Tin- I'.V.enimJ w: then spent in social miglu enme together to enjoy a good r«if •[I). tinK, Tin 11 Sinidi made ;i liull. firuji kicked r.o ui rds .1 o l.iid- time witli eaeli other was diseouniged ■ althou|h';;|||M)k un^^dbriu-d, save fdra Imv. (\< til'll'; nimic '2') >tinls llimui;h ri*;hi Mid riiii uhich netted Jh ytinh and sniffed at. However, a fewpeople ' l'!\cr\ mcinlier of thi' senior tffou[* riu’hl faclJc. laidlov. livt 2 yard^ tmd and hrouuhl Ihe htili into laiwi'etici:'- agreed to he pioneers in.the eaase-nf mniiber of clcveilMpHcLd 1 ait tons and mlcrcst. Kcnriis I :• ani. On Ihc next jiltiy he ville's territory. Alar»thull ti.dyunced .simuid lie lu'cscnt tiMke next meeting, soeial intemnirse, and Y. \V. 0. A. sec- as an anu'nd.t'nenV’To the coiisiiulion liisi 'J. iimn-. Marshall tried a n ih ln r, 1 lie liall J \ards. hut .Peddii retario.s agreed to help make' Ihe eJah Ill" collar an- > ha': ln'm pfoj.ipo.;,il.,;iiMl will ho \-olod (Ifm)' kick I'mni ilic h’) k'.ard line Inil Iand Lucki- reciivei'iMl t hi- ht a siicT'ess. orr at this mfeliipj. At first the meelimzs of the elnli ■ i'uH-t-ii u-)^;uu...... fij'*'’’!! kicked Hi ytirLK | J yards of the Knial. .Marsiitdl -;md were laughed nl hy outsiders and .tlm lu Ludlf.iw \^h(i ran Inud-: ytinl^ | Lud.hrw wad’e'h(-1(!' 1i) h‘F^ "than two $29.«fc„4«5,00 wiiole affair eonsiiiered a jiTce. ' ITo'v- \an ls 'Thru MtirshtLll look the ilroups I a.ypl J;'will hike 1,oni}4’hl jiild tackled hy hti inhcrloii. I ever, the nieliiUers ki^)!_.qii nieeiii'y. hail over Iml I’midic was pi nali/i (1 to (lie 1 )ohsp.|,ri;TaTi:h oil K tru'K oad' l-’iink Itindcil Kiarnsi al'lcr a. (i yard j. llrst at o.Tfe'.houw' and then at aiin.hrr. and.- limv'f a '.h’TnLi’dlre. Bible . study Maivlmll nitidc 2 iriore ami hcetuise our haidOicld wtis' in motion.' Soon the, rtieii got over the feidimi u n i' 1 lit mifli a>;n!i r an i Mar- I Siu'i 1 ]] ])imlu(l to jti.e-’sior: ol'-IL {Innson. Trenton. 'I'lie rnemhersltip grew. The chih’s to define. Selecled and admitted to our sliow- tlu i-all 111) uiir h‘i ytital line. Th> n shall Iha'ir HU Smil.h ( i:mIu m Fnitraiici wti< iftiini'd from rooni 10(1 fame lieLratt to spread.' At first (hr d:s- iny lieraiise of "ood tailorinti and hieh t|uality y:ini ail'! \v:i- fh A LU il li‘, Lam H rtuii i 1 h'’ liiiul whi;,)■ ! lilh ha !’■ < ii fovind. artisde aeln'evi'meiil in line,, fal'iric-and (■nilH'lli--h- 1 so iluii more of ihe woinon n.iiild un- 1; 1-1 - n IUi'1,1 il II jl jih -,f ! h. !■ m-'l .■'i.tiiL’- r IV I'!- \1 r. tiini'on s|h. i senfi'iTu Jiegan to apply fer -admi'^shin. luiUon-lo-tlie-diroal eiillar of whieli Idir" piv- ! .1. I|it-r)|| , k.i'i. -\ La po,- hi i Onartt'r, havr-hi I 11 c.-.:peridnci d in ih clot iliULI,' '^Plu' memhi'i's heiuin indulii'ng in nni'-li ' 'iTiiit , 'Ihaii [li. il ( . (; illfspic si-nt th" trimniiii" cfi'erls. husiimss. as-onTy the mo'i ; .xpeiiSi e. frieJidiy■ elmPiiig and m-cimi'matly for­ . J ’ h ,W .A © '-■iitb If I'.i,. Smi’il.'’ K. loomI' \\i n taken. They got !l;i-ir di'Ciiiy to phiy jid i.u; \\ til I - tions. which eel ';i‘p-,r:iiely three y g I'l.'ur.' Fl-'f 'h'AI, 1 i i'i 1 II wa" il nri I 1 Mar-iiall l„i.,l h .hick.-soii I , 1 lu- h()l‘fi!)efi f)f [• K't'hold has |>tisscrf Tuesday evriiim.-s in tlie iiionih anrl on (Waineii's-and AHsm-c' .Apjian l, Sri'oml l■'io^l•) rin h i ^ luui. hr- pl.-r,.. pi n:!l,- K'-al’Ii.' K.iLl J. Mick , ail ordiiiance li.xiiii; the sttltiries o! <»lhc the hmrih Tuc.sihyv'met toaelher for’a ,i(dnr session, witli a siieeinl-progfani. iV.ni .*)• .lariis r -r holUiiii’. am ,1 Ill'll Si iiaffi K.li. Cri'Ml, r- ipl. [ horou^h oi'lieiaU as follows: rolfertor, .iSLOtlO; mysiii-cr,. 8150; Mcrk,. S.MO; Students jo'^t rcnirned from .-\meri* S! it.-i r 1 ’ M'f-lmH lu (■■iii';u-. l-'iiiiii 1' Miiiirt ' ■ Wlllrr IliiVelforil I'piinsel, S5(); '.Ism-'vh', SI.sO; ou-rseei' of (-an and Ueniian ndleges. an 'oh! Ihid- kirk. p'lnit- 1 aii-i SaiiL ,-r Iiini-i.i i| lie lb I'l fV' -.Mrl-il, 't ah . i.lic |)our, 8i.^0; chief ol police, vS!,2nO; dhist M'hoh'r wiin i'.; ]iartieiilarl.v inter­ i*( tbii •■'.s hall uii lla-ir van liim. ■ Il-’ad .illr-Jm.'lll (tUriiii, Swart h-f ol her memhers'of ]iolice forci' tn S1,(H)0. ested in llie d' vissjon on Buddhism The Newer Fabrics and i ’iiristhudly. merelmnts, railroad and goveriUHent oflieiahs eom])ese the . .W'ldles, Si'issors and Sewiii" Maeliiiics an men’s side of the room. T’lie women are still a hit shy alxniT tfilking in nuieh to the fore in lionies dii-se dac s, as \vonu-n front of so mari.v pi-oide. hut laaiiy of eondiuie In- iiUen-sl dieniselccs in clexelopiiiy llieni- -show signs of .great executive lashionalile wraps a.ii(l.d'''‘’''(’::^ I''"'" ahility ami power of leadersliip. 'fliey are all well poised, clear iliinkiiig indi- (|iiisiU‘ new silks and eiejiant woolens. viduals wlio will have a great infln- enee on f'hin:}’'’ future. Tliey-disciiss New Idill Woolens Mass fleeting among tliemselves group meelings in tiuur vai'lou.s cliiirches, the lack of Serye, Silx'crtoiie, ( 'lalH-rdine, Kx'ora, drOad- ainusmnenIs for Chinese womiui. social elodi, Velour, La Jerz, Ileallin' ji-rsi-y, |)uui service work. Hubscriidioii lists for tlie oriduinage. cake mak-ing. type.s of (le Laine, tTishiiiere, Fleeeedow ii, \'elour Si rn'. shaves.- liahy diets. Ihe fittest engage- Scoleli T'\vee(ls--oduTs too .iiuniei'ous to iiii'ii- SATURDAY NIGHT ni’eiir and otlier t'-nies sueh ns one tioii. Prices, S3.30 to $10.50 a yard. would liear discussed hy a groiiji of women irailiered ingeiher any place in New Fall Silks America, Tlie social part of Lie evenin.g is giv­ C're[)(- de C’liine, ('repe Meteor, (diilToii de October 25th en over to Loiines. which nt first Vhiue, Xaiicetle, Silk Poplins, Duelu-ss Satin, astound the sohe'r Chinese gentlemen, imt wliieli tliey lake up with great zest Faille, Amazon ('repe, Georgette Crepes, Siiii- after the first evening. , And their lime Satin, Wasly Satin, C.’hiffon Taffeta, Radi­ wives enjoy it just as greatly. 8:15 O’CLOCK Real American picnics are IhcMnte.st ant Satin, [\issy Willow Taffeta, Satin (,'har- thing which the club has tried, and meiise. Dew Kist, Shirting Silk.s, \hctory Crepe, they are a great.success. A ChrisWiias Changeable Taffeta^—others too numerous lo play is being planiUMl now. Near DAVISON BUILDING mention. Prices, $2.00 to $6.00 a yard. ENGLISH IS COMMON TONGUE. Millinery and Costume Velvets

Corner Main and South Main Sts. Chinese Girls Learn It to Talk to One new Millinery Velvets, 18 inche.s wide; 20 Another." new Fall Shades, $2.t)0 to $4.00 a yard. . Chiiipsp wniripn stmlpnls In the, Tung Kn ('iillpge, I’pking, China, are obliged Chiffon Velvets—Beautiful quality, 39 to HIGHTSTOWN -to li'tii-n KiiKllsh in order tn talk witli 42 inches, $7.50 to $10.50 a yard. one anotlipi- hpcniinpt of. the different 36-inch Costume Velvets—New Fall shades; dinlpots used'by Hie sthfleht l1od.Y. Girls from the extrerne western —$4.50 a yard. provinces of Chinn, wlio attend the (Silks and Woolens, Main Floor) school, imi.sl remain In Peking during al! of tlie elglit years required for their -high school and college tralii. Ing, heoan.se to return each siimther would require six weeks for the trip one way and would cost more than a Kaufman’S, S. Broad and Lafayette Sts., Trenton trip to America and return, Girls from each of the we.stern province.s speak a different language will deliver principal address on and they cannot imderstand one an­ other any more than they can the girls from noi'tliern, southern, eastern or Wear “BLOCK’S” political issues of the hour. central provinces. Hence, they have adopted English as a common tongue. FALL QUALITY CLOTHES NEW SCHOOL FOR CHINA. We have mociehs that will please you; fabrics that will give long service and quality llial has made our .store a popular ami Y. W. C. A, Secures New Site for Girls' satisfactory place to buy. Republican Candidates for Physical Training School. M en’s M en’s A new home has been found for the Phj-sIcapTraining School which the SUITS OVEROGATS Young Women’s Chrt.stlan Association $20 to $55 $20 to $75 lial wnencil for na-Hve girls in Shang­ hai, China. Newest styles for young men and UVo.se of more The school, wfcHe In the country, Is conservative ideas. not far distant! from flie National Headqunrters of the Y. W, C. A. In’ BOY’S YHNTER S U IT S ...... $6.95 to $22 00 Shanghai nor far from the local Y. W. BOY'S OVERCOATS...... $5.00 to $20 00 0. A. The grounds cover eighteen ‘BOY’S SWB.ATERS...... $1.59 to $6 00 “mow,” which means approximately Men’s separate trousers. Sheepskin Vests, sir acres, and are divided by a private road. A foreign resUien'Ce already on Sheepskin Lined Coats, Sweaters, etc. the grounds will be used by the Ameri­ Moderate Prices. can teachers, while native buildings on the other aide will furnish living Ijuar- ters and classrooms for the 85 stn-^ milEL BLOCK GL0IHIII6 COMPAIY GOME ILL COMniL dents. The grounds boast s garden, tennis 107 109 S. BROAD STREET, courts and an athletic flelU. tV uU actaa |i k t BUg Trenton, N.