shogun 2 pack file manager download Total War: Shogun 2 - Morning Sun v.3.0 - Game mod - Download. The file Morning Sun v.3.0 is a modification for Total War: Shogun 2 , a(n) strategy game. Download for free. file type Game mod. file size 690.3 MB. last update Wednesday, May 19, 2021. Report problems with download to [email protected] Morning Sun is a mod for Total War: Shogun 2 , created by uanime5. Description: Morning Sun is a mod for Total War: SHOGUN 2 developed by uanime5 that adds Korea and parts of China to the main campaign, with brand new factions, models and units. Campaign map extended to includre Korea and China Campaign starting in 1582 12 turn per year. New playable factions : Shimazu Clan Hojo Clan Oda Clan Date Clan Tokugawa Clan Shibata Clan Ashina Clan Chosokabe Clan Kanbe Clan Mori Clan Oda Clan Otomo Clan Sogo Clan Uesug Clan Jurchens: Aisin Gioro Hada. Kingdom of Joseon. Chefdom of Bozhou. Ming Empire. Yuan Khanat Uighurstan. Kingdom of Nangchen. Instructions: Copy the mod�s .pack files to do ��/Total War SHOGUN2/data/� and activate in mod manager. Total War: Shogun 2 - Scramble of the Far East (Total FotS) v.1.1 beta with hotfix2 - Game mod - Download. The file Scramble of the Far East (Total FotS) v.1.1 beta with hotfix2 is a modification for Total War: Shogun 2 , a(n) strategy game. Download for free. file type Game mod. file size 3270.5 MB. last update Friday, March 5, 2021. Report problems with download to [email protected] Scramble of the Far East (also known as Total FotS ) is a mod for� Total War: Shogun 2 , crearted by�Total FotS series - devs. Be sure to also check out the project�s Discord. If you enjoy this mod please consider supporting it�s authors through Patreon. Description: The height of imperialism has started. The Total FotS series will bring you many prologue campaigns during the early to late Victorian Age. he beta prologue "Scramble of the Far East" (or known as Total FotS V2)has been made for testing purposes for the main prologues. But will be updated due to test some features that will be a main part of the main prologues. This means that "Scramble of the Far East" mod while playable, will have some bugs and glitches. Will try to make them as minimal as possible. The first prologue will be about the Carlist Wars (and later on, the French Invasion of Algeria). The first release will be about the (1833 - 1840) with 6 playable factions (Liberal-, Carlist-Spain, Liberal-Portugal, -Portugal, France and the United Kingdom) with later updates the game will represent all 3 Carlist wars until the year 1876 (the end of the ). This means 5 tier army reforms during the campaign that represents each timeframe (tier 1=1830's, tier 2= 1840's, tier 3=1850's, tier 4=1860's and tier 5=1870's). Every individual tier will be added gradually with updates. After, in the same campaign, some parts of North-Africa will be added (Morocco, Algeria and western part of Tunisia) to represent the French Invasion of Algeria. So you get 2 campaigns in one! Which TW game you need to play the mod. To be able to play the mod in in it's full glory you need the following game: - Shogun 2 Total War and ALL the faction pack DLC's. - Fall of the Samurai standalone expansion and ALL the faction pack DLC's. This has to do with compatible reasons to play all factions in sp and mp battles . Instructions: Extract to �Data� folder and activate all the mod�s .pack files in games� mod manager. IT IS RECOMMENDED TO START A NEW CAMPAIGN, BUT IT IS SAVE COMPATIBLE WITH BETA 11 CAMPAIGNS. IT IS RECOMMENDED TO DELETE YOUR SHOGUN 2 FOLDER IN THE APPDATA (found in C:\Users\yourusername\AppData\Roaming\The Creative Assembly\Shogun2). THIS RESETS YOUR GAME! Also, if you had earlier versions of the mod delete them. Do not copy those new files over the earlier version!. TOTAL WAR WIKI. A Pack File is the way CA packages their configuration data. These are what's getting updated in patches (apart from the software themselves) and what's being edited when modding. Pack files reside in the data/ folder of your game installation and establish a virtual file system that is being loaded by the game. They can be opened and browsed by the PackFileManager (see "Other Tools" section below). There are several types of pack files (in order of being loaded by the game): Only one boot.pack exists at a time; it contains data needed during the very first initialization (like the loading screen image). Shader. The "Shader" files contain graphics rendering code, in uncompiled form because that is dependent on the user's graphics card. Compilation is done upon first startup (and the reason the first start of the game takes so long). After the first start, the compiled data is loaded from a cache directory. Release. "Release" packs contain CA's game data upon first release. Patch. "Patch" packs carry additional data upon game updates. Entries embedded in the packs themselves ensure that patch files are loaded in the correct order. "Mod" files are the type intended to be used by modders. For the game to load them, there needs to be an entry "mod .pack;" in the user script file in the user setting directory (location depending on game and Windows version). The load order within mod packs is determined by the order they are entered in the script file. (Note that for Shogun 2, the user script file is created automatically by the Mod Manager) Movie. "Movie" files are supposed to contain visual and sound data, like graphics and music. Those are always loaded after all other packs; because no entry is needed in the script file, many modders create packs of this type to make it easier to install them. However, no load order can be established between them, so using them for mods might be a problem for compatability between mods. Also, the Mod Manager ignores packs of type Movie, so you won't be able to activate/deactivate them, or put them on Steam Workshop. They will get loaded though. Assembly Kit. Workarounds for Known Issues. Campaign processing starts Game/Mod Manager. This is normal behavior; to create the campaign startpos.esf file, the Assembly Kit needs to access game code [1]; the game will stop after processing is finished. If you have mods installed, the Mod Manager will come up; you'll have to start the game manually from there. startpos.esf does not get added to mod pack. The rules.bob files in the campaigns subdirectories are wrong. You can just delete them altogether [2]. Edited groupformation doesn't get added to mod pack. When editing the groupformation.xml files, it will get added into a pack of its own in raw_data/EmpireDesignData/GroupFormations.pack, which will also not be recognized as a mod by Mod Manager. What you need to do is change the type of the pack to "Mod" in PFM (see section "Other Tools" below) and "Save as" another pack file. If you want it in the mod.pack you created, you need to extract groupformations.bin from the GroupFormation.pack and add it to your pack with PFM. Created pack file is 22 MB. When BOB creates a pack file, it often adds files that were not edited; namely in the directories "BattleTerrain" and "UnitVariants". These can be deleted safely from the mod pack with PFM afterwards; MMS also has a feature to remove these automatically. Other Tools (all Warscape games) The Assembly Kit is great, but you might want to look into some of the modding tools that existed before it which offer some additional features. Подпишитесь, чтобы загрузить The Black Ship Rises. This is a cheat mod - You have been warned. This mod allows The Black Ship to be recruited from the singleplayer campaign and from custom battles without having to go through all the shenanigans of capturing it before your enemies/allies do. The stats of the unit have not been changed. This unit is recruited from ANY naval base. To change this, open the mod with PFM, go to buildings_units_allowed_tables and delete the entries you don't want. This unit does not need a specific religion. This unit has an upkeep of about 1000. There is a cap of only 1 ship. This unit is recruitable by all vanilla Shogun 2 factions, not the Fall of the Samurai or Rise of the Samurai factions This means that in a singleplayer campaign EVERY faction may have one of these ships sailing around causing havoc. With unanime5's Expanded Japan (97 new regions, 101 new factions) mod this would mean there could be 163 Black Ships sailing around. To limit the Ship to just one faction, read the instructions below. Glitches/Bugs. The recruitment cost for this unit varies for some reason, it is 1000 in one save file but 7000 in another. If you want to limit this ship to just your faction: Download the Pack File Manager (PFM) from 618353-PFM-3-2-DB-schema-improvements Open the mod with PFM (caligula_the_black_ship_rises) Right click underneath the text in the white rectangle, click Add -> From Pack -> data.pack Expand the following: data.pack -> db Right click on units_to_exclusive_permissions_tables (do not expand). Click OK. Open the units_to_exclusive_permissions_tables table. Delete all of the entries except one (217 of them). Change the key to Galleon_The_Black_Ship Change the faction to whatever faction you want to grant the Black Ship to. Make sure "allowed" is ticked. Delete the units_to_groupings_military_permissions_table Click File -> Save and enjoy. This mod should be compatible with every single other mod unless they edit The Black Ship unit as well. Changelog: 11/11/14 All Shogun 2 factions can recruit this unit in singleplayer and custom battles (excluding Rise/Fall of the Samurai factions). This unit is also recruitable from a NANBAN QUARTER. 17/11/14 The Black Ship is recruitable by vanilla Shogun 2 factions, Rise of the Samurai factions and Fall of the Samurai factions in CUSTOM BATTLES. Shogun 2 pack file manager download. Welcome! This guide will aim to teach you the very basics of how modding works, primarily through the use of the Assembly Kit and the Pack File Manager. Before we begin, I'd like to reassure you that modding truly is easy. The skills it requires are an ability to problem solve, determination and being able to commit time to a project. Not all of modding is easy sailing however, you may come up against roadblocks that consume hours of your time, until you inevitably tweak a single value and it all starts working perfectly. I'd suggest networking, and not feeling afraid to add fellow modders and ask questions if you're stuck. We're pretty much all fairly friendly and will help as best we can if we can. If you have a network of people to turn to, the struggles you run into are less and everything goes more smoothly. Creative Assembly's "Total War" series has quite a huge degree of moddability. At the moment you can add unit stats, animations, UI, text files, campaign starting positions, add new units, add entirely new features and gamemodes, and much much more. Hopefully the ability to import custom models into the game, battle map creation and additional areas of modding will become available in the future as Creative Assembly releases the tools to do so. Now to the actual guide. 14,403 уникальных посетителей 376 добавили в избранное. Before you can hop into the realm of modding and start creating your brave new world of Warhammer tweaks and balances, you will require a few tools. First and foremost amongst them, the Total War: Warhammer Pack File Manager. This will be your main tool with which to create and fix your mods. The second tool every modder needs before adventuring into the wild is the Assembly Kit. To download this you need a Steam account. Go to Library – Tools and download “Total War: Warhammer – Assembly Kit BETA”. Finally, you’ll also need a computer art editing thing such as, gimp or Photoshop depending on which tool you prefer and how artistic you want to be. The Pack File Manager, hereafter known as “PFM” is the tool you’ll be using most often. Here you can edit most tables in the game, and even those which are Assembly Kit only will require PFM for a little bit of polishing. When you first install it, you’ll be asked to direct it to your installations of any Total War games you own. Firstly, open it up. Click the “Game” button at the top, and ensure its set to TWH (Total War Warhammer). After this, click File – Open CA Pack. Here you can see all the mods and vanilla files you have installed. Open data.pack. This includes most of the base game files, from unit stats to animation sequences to UI. The “db” subtable is where most of the information is stored, this is the database. Open “db” and then feel free to look through a couple of tables. After you’ve done that, got to land_units_tables. Total War Warhammer has data__ch_ files and data__core files, standing for Chaos Warriors DLC and vanilla files. (I assume people who don’t own the DLC will only have data__core files). land_units_table is filled with stuff concerning units such as their stats, UI group, animations, description and more. You will notice you can’t edit these files, because they’re a Read Only file. We’re now going to make a mod that edits the stats of Karl Franz, Elector Count of Reikland and Prince of Altdorf. Click the button File – New at the top. This will create a blank mod for you. Now right click anywhere in the white area on the left of the screen, and click Add – From Pack. It should automatically navigate to where you have Warhammer installed, but if not do that (eg C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Total War WARHAMMER\data). Select the data.pack, expand it and expand the db table. Scroll down to land_units_tables and right click on it. A message will say “db/land_units_tables/data__core added” on the little window. Click OK. Scroll down to “wh_main_emp_cha_karl_franz_0”. This is the base Karl Franz. Numbers 1 to 4 are Karl Franz upon his trusty mounts such as Deathclaw. Scroll across until you come to morale, and it to 200. Lets change Karl Franz’s ingame name as well. Again you have to right click anywhere in the white area on the left of the screen, and click Add – From Pack. Select local_en.pack (I don’t know what the file name will be for people with foreign language versions of Warhammer, sorry). Expand the text table, db table and then double left click on land_units__core.loc Select this table in PFM, and click the Tag row at the top. This will order them alphabetically. Now search for “land_units_onscreen_name_wh_main_emp_cha_karl_franz_0” and change the localized string to whatever you wish, such as “Memes Xtreme”. We will quickly do a bit of mod polishing here. Click the Postprocess button – Rename – Rename All and add a prefix to your mod, such as “your_name_”. Mine is “caligula_tutorial_”. Y’know what? Lets change Karl Franz’s unit card as well. If Karl Franz were a normal unit, and not a lord then you would go to data.pack – ui – units – icons. As he is a Legendary Lord however, do the ol’ Add – From Pack thing, and go to data.pack – ui – portraits – units – emp_ch_karl_0.png Now the way I edit UI or variantmeshdefinitons (we’ll get to them in a bit), is to extract them to a folder on my desktop. So now, create a random folder somewhere, right click on the ui file in your mod, and click Extract – Extract Selected, and put it in the folder you made. Now you can easily edit it there. Once you’ve edited the unit card to your pleasing, go to the ui folder. (Eg I extracted my file to a file called “Tutorial”, and so I’m going to C:\Users\James\Desktop\Tutorial\ui Go back to your mod, and make sure you click on the root folder, eg tutorial_mod.pack. Then right click Add – Directory and copy and paste that directory in. Your edited Karl Franz icon will now be in the mod. All mod makers should aim for maximum compatibility with their mods. This ensures that you’re giving the mod the best chance to work with other people’s mods as well. For our mod, to do this we’ll delete all files that we’re not actually using. For example, go to land_units_table and delete all rows except wh_main_emp_cha_karl_franz_0. To do this, click on the number of the row, hold down shift and click on end row you want to delete and it’ll highlight all of the ones inbetween. Just delete em. Do the same with text – db – land_units__core.loc. Only keep land_units_concealed_name_wh_main_emp_cha_karl_franz_0 and land_units_onscreen_name_wh_main_emp_cha_karl_franz_0. Before you leave, make sure every table except UI stuff has a prefix, such as “your_name_”. This ensures that your mod overrides vanilla to the extent of the work you did, and means mods can work together well. If you're making a large mod that creates a lot of units or edits a lot of factions, I like to split the tables up by factions as shown below. It also helps if you're making a mod with another person, as your tables can easily be put together. Save your mod, and test it out. Now we’re going to use the Assembly Kit, which can edit a wider variety of tables than PFM. First up, launch it and on the top toolbar click Tools – DAVE. Clicking View – Table Launcher will open up a window which most of the tables in the game. If you edit one table, you may notice that you’ve ended up editing multiple as they’re all tied together pretty much. We’re going to add new units to Meme Xtreme, our beloved Legendary Lord. In the window, type “start_pos_starting_general”. Click on “start_pos_starting_general_options”. Here you’ll see a list of the Legendary Lords. Take note that Karl Franz is ID 10. Now close that window, and go to “start_pos_starting_general_option_additional_units”. Click on the second column “general”, to sort by it. In the top right hand corner, click the button “Add Record”. This will create a custom unique ID (at the moment of writing, only the Assembly Kit can create IDs that work). For the general column add the value “10”, and for the unit column add wh_main_emp_veh_steam_tank. Lets also change the name of the Steam Tank. To do this, type “land_units” in the search window. Now click Apply and Close in the top right hand corner. After this, click Export – Export Changes to Binary. Once the window at the bottom says “Export successful” feel free to close Tweak. If we were editing a non-startpos file, the exported table would appear in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Total War WARHAMMER\assembly_kit\working_data. You would then copy the directory, right click in PFM and click Add – Directory and paste the directory in there, eg C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Total War WARHAMMER\assembly_kit\working_data\db. To upload your mod to the Steam Workshop, you must create a 256x256 png file for your mod, that has the same name as the mod itself. Both of these files must be located in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Total War WARHAMMER\data You then launch Total War: Warhammer via Steam, open the Mod Manager and click "Upload" on your mod. You must agree to the Steam Workshop EULA, and then select a tag for your mod that facilitates other players finding your mod, eg Battle. Once it is uploaded to the Steam Workshop you can add images, videos, change the name and description of the mod and fancy up its presentation.